#or buying premade templates
ninoxwof · 1 month
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MAJOR UPDATE FOR MY SH0P!! I've added psd bases for all seven of the pyrrhian tribes based on refined versions of my tribe headcanons available for purchase. And if you buy the pack you get about 30% off the price compared to if you purchase them all one by one! You can get them here They all come with premade customizable features such as horns, eye shapes, coloring layers and markings. As well as tribe specific features for each such as frills, barbels, feathers, tails, fins, sails, and fur! Each of the item listings provide a couple colored examples to give you a feel what to expect. There's also free png template versions of these available as well but they don't include the color layers or extra features. If these do well and capture some people's interest, I might make the pantalan tribes as well.
Image Description in the alt text.
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plumbtales · 1 month
hello, sorry if this question is strange, but are your lot makeovers from clean/non-lived in versions of the lot? i'd really like them in my game, especially some of the lots where pre-mades live, but i'm worried about corruption. thanks for your time!
Hi! I use @jawusa's clean and empty templates for my makeovers.
This means that the lots have been lived in by the premades but all sim references have been removed.
I've also added some objects to my latest makeovers that can only be transferred to a lot by putting them in a sim's inventory and having them buy the lot and drop the objects off before selling the lot.
I always use the LotCleaner to remove any bugs (like the SDHB) and the LotCompressor to delete sim references. I check in SimPe that all references are gone and I make sure to never package any mods with my downloads.
These precautions are enough for me to feel like the lots are safe to play.
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on-stardust-wings · 3 months
So I've been unhappy about the lack of physical media these days (and, unrelated to Good Omens, mightily pissed off at streaming services), which made me decide if I want to have my favourite shows on my shelf, I will do it myself if I have to. And since Amazon still doesn't look like it plans to sell me a nice DVD or Bluray set for season two, I went and did it my bloody self. I own a DVD writer and a printer and nobody can stop me.
Had lots of fun playing around designing sleeves, labels and on-screen menus. Behold my beautiful creations!
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I used some of the very cool official posters for the covers. I loved the one that became my front cover; there's so much to see on it. (Also has this super handy scroll bit at the bottom where one only had to remove some Amazon logos to have space for labeling!)
Splurged on a couple of sheets of glossy photo paper to print the sleeves on. You wouldn't believe how much of a difference good paper makes for printout quality. The photos don't do them justice. The black is really black, the colours have great depth. I sat here giggling gleefully when these came out of the printer.
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Here's the spines, sitting next to my season one Bluray (which I was happy to buy, hey Amazon please sell me stuff, you love selling things, I will buy things if you sell me things!) and my other self-made fave-show-on-shelf-putting-project.
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If I do something, I do it properly. Disc labels with pictures on them!
Designing them was a blast; printing them was a fucking nightmare. I had a few pages of premade disc labels (sticker paper with perforated circles of the right sizes, so no cutting, yay). Already printing the sleeves took a good amount of test prints and template tweaking; I don't know why printing exactly to scale is still so difficult in 2024. I think Crowley was involved in designing printers. The things are definitely haunted. Printing a rectangle to scale? Difficult, but okay. Printing two circles to scale, in the exact correct position? Oh god I cursed so much. But look at them, aren't they beautiful? Definitely worth all the sweat and tears.
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Menu screens! (Had a video of the first disc menu, mostly to show that it plays the Good Omens theme, but Tumblr hated it. Please imagine that all discs have this menu and that you can hear the theme playing while on the menu, thanks.)
DVDs fit 120 minutes of video, and I was super chuffed that I could get two episodes squeezed on one disc. So I have three discs with episodes, and an additional one with bonus stuff. Deleted scenes and VFX breakdowns with Muriel and Making Ofs. You know, the kind of things that are fun and cool about a box set for a show you like. Which I now have on my shelf. You gotta do everything yourself these days.
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cosmindart · 1 year
Apollo's intro and FREE RESSOURCES
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Hello Im Apollo Ampersand Cosmo. Im a Trans French Cabo-Verdean artist born in 1993 (turning 30 this year baby!)
I mostly make OC content centered around the @askisaak story or my side characters like Lazarus B Anderson, Lemres Moore or my UTAU WavSEED. Im also well verse in Live2D stuff and love worldbuilding.
I offer a large variety of free to use resources that you can find below
Rules regarding my resources!
Credits preferred
You can use these for monetary uses (adopts, YCHs, etc) under the condition that you buy me a kofi (3$) 
You can use these for commission/raffle/gift work as long as you tell your customers free resources were used
Do not use to promote harmful content
Do not use for AI/NFT bullshit, this should be a given!
N-ence Clothing
A fictional line of techwear themed clothes you can use for your OC or sona. Come with a set of bases.
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Open Species (some of these have premade bases for MYOs)
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Multiple clown themed species. (Includes NPCs and feral fauna as part of the world building)
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Fliying Snake-like reptiles
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Robot Bees/insectoids
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Little creechurs (site page is a wip so i linked the TH subgallery)
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Flower Unicorn Fauns. Come with 2 subtypes of Hanacornius
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Bioluminescent aliens (Includes feral fauna, food/fruits and other alien designs as part of the world building)
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Unfinished concept, Pretty barebones, Based on selkies
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Based on Hermit crabs (includes a bit of world building like dances and naming conventions)
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Furry Bases
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Humanoid Bases
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Scene Backgrounds
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Pattern Backgrounds
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Icon Borders
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Other/Misc (tattoos, page deco, phone wallpapers...)
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and more like
Worlduilding Concepts and AUs
F2U Live2D avatars
Among Us emotes
Among Us overlay/code hidders
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biomecharnotaurus · 1 year
Do you have any tips for people who want to get into cosplay? It both sounds and looks really interesting but I’m too nervous to try/start.
First off:
Don't worry about the acting part, it's less stressful than it really seems, and I'm saying this as somebody who suffers from anxiety since his teen ages and had an history of pretty frequent anxiety attacks. I started cosplaying in the year 2014, made my proper first "heavy duty" cosplay in 2016.
But do keep in mind, cosplaying comes with its ups and downs and I won't sugar-coat things, so I'll start with them.
RP in real life is very fun.
You'll probably be stopped by a lot of people if your cosplay is easily recognizable, so be ready. Pictures. A lot of pictures. Which seems a bit awkward but it's often pretty wholesome.
Interacting with other cosplayers (without bothering busy people) is fun.
Going with a buddy definitely makes the experience a lot better. D&D party irl with weaponized autism
Meet new people! Sometimes.
Do fun activities! You can even swordfight your friends and other random cosplayers in small arenas sometimes. FIGHT THE GENSHIN COSPLAYER WITH A FOAM AXE ANON
You can win a Tekken tournament with a full rotting rabbit animatronic costume on!
There is at least one Dance Dance Revolution machine. I don't need to say more.
Cosplaying is often expensive. You can cosplay on a budget but it comes with lots of in-place reparations.
Bring water and food with you. Drink. A lot. Especially if you have a full armor or a monster fullsuit. You could literally die from exhaustion and/or from overheating.
People are gonna probably take pictures of you without asking. Yell at them with rage because that's illegal
Awkward interactions do happen. Yours truly had to scold a child and her mother at the age of 16 because I was resting my cosplay head next to me (Springtrap cosplay) and the child was trying to pop the eyes of MY cosplay head while I was talking to my friends.
Bring a reparation kit. A little sewing kit, some strong glue, hot glue gun, a piece of cloth you don't have a problem using to keep things in place with, make-up wipes and the make-up you are using as well, if you have any on. That and an emergency kit with bandages and band-aids. Shit can happen.
You are gonna sweat. A lot. Take breaks.
If you have something like a helmet on you are gonna have blind spots. You are probably not gonna hear nor see people calling you sometimes lol
Conventions are expensive. But that's not a cosplay-only thing, keep that in mind tho.
People often forget you are a person outside of the character you are cosplaying as. Which could be both a pro and a con honestly.
Now, I'm not nor a woman nor feminine presenting, but if you are one of the two...gamers are fucking weird sometimes, so be prepared in case.
The actual making the cosplay part:
Do your research on the kind of cosplay you want to do. A partial armor? A full armor? Clothing/make-up? A full monster/animal suit? YouTube is full of good tutorials. Techniques are universal for any typology of cosplay, so don't worry.
If you need cosplay parts you don't know how to make, just look up for "pepakura template *insert thing*". Download a program called "Pepakura viewer" on your PC and look up for Pepakura tutorials if you need any help, there are plenty. You'll probably find templates for the specific part, maybe for free, but mostly for like 10-20 bucks on Etsy. You can also just straight up buy props. Keep in mind 3D printed props can be very fragile tho.
You don't need to make every single part, buy premade things if needed. Hell, you can even just buy a premade cosplay from a seller, doesn't matter.
Improvising is important to find solutions to cosplay making problems. Any technique is a valid technique if it works for you...but please, for the love of everything that is good, DON'T. USE. CARDBOARD. It's gonna absorb your sweat, get moldy and the fumes from the mold CAN KILL YOU. Not joking.
Important: buy a mask with interchangeable filters and safety glasses when you use paints. Also, wear gloves. Your health comes first.
If you are making an helmet...buy at least 2 small fans and install them inside vents below or next to the visor inside the helmet. Believe me when I say this. They do sell ones with premade circuits on Etsy, if you are not particularly good with wiring and stuff.
AliExpress is unironically good for supplies, if you don't want to spend too much.
Sewing and using strong glues makes things last for ages, hot glue does not and it sucks, as much as people use it. Use safety equipment while using glues, of course.
Again, YouTube is your friend in this case. Search for anything you'll need help for.
...you should probably look up at reviews if you plan on buying anything from sites like XCoser.
That's it!
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calirph · 2 months
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commissions of blog makeovers, icon templates, graphics, psds all for the roleplay community and more, all done by cali, previously at calisources.
what i'm offering at the moment:
COMMISSION ONE (3 or 2 panel promo promo, pinpost, 3 header, 3 dash icon, divider 20 DOLLARS)
COMMISSION TWO (3 panel promo, pinpost, 3 header, 3 dash icon, icon template and psd, decoration, divider, 25 DOLLARS)
as well psd packs of various psds found on payhip store.
PSD PACKS OFFERS! I want to do something as I know a few people use more than one of my psds and maybe it gets a lot to buy more than one psd. Hopefully this will help regarding that.
3 PSD PACK - choose three psds you want. I’ll make a zip file with all those three psds and send it to you. the price would be 10$ (instead of 15 dollars).
5 PSD PACK - choose five psds you want. i’ll make the zip file with those psds and send it to you. the price would be 15$ (instead of 25 dollars ).
10 PSD PACK - choose ten psds you want. I’ll make a zip file and send it to you, the price would end up at 30$ (instead of 50 dollars).
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I just noticed that you use the same exact pose for every artwork. (and clothing if your counting the maid ones) Do you plan on being a little more original in the future (like starting artworks from scratch or using a bigger varity of poses and not making art off a premade template)
Ye dont worry the one you see with the same exact pose are called "YCH" Your character here! OwO They are a cheaper kind of commission where i draw a pose/dress with no character inside and if someone like the dress they can buy one and i draw the character they want there! The "premade template" you talk about is designed and draw by me and also the YCHs have limited slots :3 As always ill keep on posting my drawings dont worry they will be new ^3^
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esa0314 · 11 months
does anyone having a sewing template of the sophists robes for 20 cm plushies? 🥺 my lil guys are nekkid i want to clothe them and buying the robes premade is expensive.. i saw a nendoroid template online but the plushies have different proportions so it likely wouldnt fit if i used that one
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Journal 72: Let’s Charm a SHIMEJI?
Journal 72: Let’s Charm a SHIMEJI?
What is shiemji and should we be doing this professor Olive?
A shimeji is a desktop buddy. A small interactive chibi you can buy or download for free, usually based on popular characters that moves and interacts with your computer (and one day phone) screen. But currently as of writing theirs no such thing as licensed shimeji, that will change in the future not rn tho. In order to enchant shimeji first you must find an artist. Then a base shimeji. The shimeji base kind of matters, for my work I always use Sans, but usually because it is the only one to sort of work on my computer. Use the base as a sort of “template” to the shimeji you are creating. The frame and file names, the size and everything of the sort.
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Example by artist v0idless, on deviantart. Of Sans the Skeleton from undertale. -fair use-
Then once you get the art, (you can also charm it with programed intent while sketching) you rename the files to match the shimeji it’s based on, and then bam shimeji! As you name each file, focus on something about the character you are charming. Thoughts, feelings, actions, motivations, how it will think and feel, and then program those thoughts as you name it “slide 1” “slide 2” “climb” and whatever else. 
This has to be an original shimeji, you can’t do this with one that already exists at least not without consequences we’ll get to that-. Then as soon as the shimejis are named, go into the base code and set up what you’d prefer. Then test play it. Now you have a thoughtful shimeji. A shimeji that is alive. This method works best with ocs or characters based off you and your friends, or even egregores or characters based off of or made to be spirits you created to serve you. Then you just….talk to it. Look at the little thing moving around your screen -
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(protected by fair use Shimeji is sans by artist v0idless on Deviantart, and is also the only one to work on my computer thus my base for others.
https://www.deviantart.com/v0idless/art/Sans-Shimeji-721252214  And talk to it! It’s like talking to any other spirit no matter the form it takes. Then you have a enchanted little spirit running around your screen. This can then be used for communications (such as when someone or something you want ain’t available), or spirit or spell work.
[It is inherently technopaganry if you know that- with a pop culture image of an angel is an angel mask]
You could even make your familiar into a shiemji. Now if you do this with other peoples characters, or a premade shimeji that does not belong to you, or you are needlessly cruel to shimeji (lets say you make one based off your enemy who is enslaved via this option) there are systems in place that both I and other occultists have installed in order to verify and protect the shimeji. I will not tell you what they are so that you may not undo them. This is an important system for something known as “The Game” I’m working with, thus I am protective of my little desktop buddies.
My friends and I use this system, to talk to our makeup, Masks we wear as pop culture deities (its a long story im not touching here) and we download and commune with each other this way. Oh and if theirs a public shimeji of you? You remember and know everything that that little sprite does. It’s kind of…how you say COOL? There will one day be an olive brimstone shiemji btw. I promise!
So yeah just noting that for the diary. Go buck wild.
Shimeji: a tiny animated sprite via an app called java, that interacts and engages with your desktop screen, moving things around, sitting and climbing across it, usually based on a popular character.
Olive Brimstone
2:56 PM
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kevineleven0011 · 2 days
AI Fusion Buddy Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
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Introduction AI Fusion Buddy Review: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
Welcome to my AI Fusion Buddy Review, I’m Riddhish, an affiliate marketer in this industry for the last 5 years.
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Is AI Fusion Buddy suitable for beginners?
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Affiliate Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this content. I will receive a little commission if you purchase any product using one of the links in this post. But there are no additional costs for you.
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brittanybroke · 2 months
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Otto went to Opal Boutique to buy a new outfit for the changing seasons.
Before he left a witch appeared!
I reallllly hate that my clean templates didn't work this time and the premade townies are in the game but I didn't want to restart everything again :(
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niladri123 · 2 months
EbookStudio Review - Create Stunning Ebooks & Flipbooks In any Language With Beautiful Covers, Mockups & Designs!
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What is EbookStudio?
Welcome to my EbookStudio Review. EBookStudio is your all-in-one content & designing platform that helps you create captivating EBooks & FlipBooks so that you can CRUSH it online to get a constant supply of views, clicks, leads, & sales.
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selfmadebd · 5 months
AI NexaSites Review - Worlds First AI App for Website Creation
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AI NexaSites - Welcome to my detailed review of AI NexaSites a comprehensive analysis focusing on its features, upgrades, demo, pricing, and bonuses. Dive into how AI NexaSites can transform your website creation experience, accompanied by my personal perspective.
AI NexaSites is a revolutionary 1-Click powerful and user-friendly website builder that crafts stunning websites across any imaginable niche within a mere 60 seconds.
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✅Instant Creation: Generate websites in any niche with a single click.
✅Custom Domains Integration: AI NexaSites supports the integration of custom domains, allowing you to connect as many domains as needed.
✅Live Editing: Modify your websites in real-time using the advanced drag-and-drop technology.
✅Publish and Export: Download the entire project, publish it to a remote server via FTP, or attach custom domains/subdomains to showcase your projects.
✅DFY Templates: The HTML Site Builder comes with pre-built templates, and you can easily upload any HTML or Bootstrap template from the admin area.
✅Editable Landing Page: Customize the default landing page easily with the built-in appearance editor, providing a live preview without requiring coding knowledge.
✅SEO Editor: Modify SEO tags for all pages directly from the appearance editor in the admin area.
✅Multiple Homepages: Choose from various homepage options, including a landing page, login page, or your own custom HTML page.
💁Overview - AI NexaSites Review 
💹Creator: ZeeRay
💹Product: AI NexaSites 
💹Launch Date: TUESDAY 2nd JANUARY -2024
💹Launch Time: 10:00 EST
💹Front-End Price: $17
💹Product Type: Software (Online)
💹Support: Effective Response
💹Recommended: Highly Recommended
💹Discount : Coupon Code- AINS3OFF
💹Bonus: Yes  Huge Bonuses
💹Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
💹Skill Level Needed: All Levels
💹Official Website: Click here
💵💵💵>>Get instant access to AI Nexasites now>>✅✅✅
How AI nexaSites Work?
Unleash Your Website Empire And Get Ready For Massive Traffic And Commissions. You Are Just a Few Clicks Away:
👉Step 1: 
Buy & Login:
Grab the software, Login, access the dashboard and start right away.
👉Step 2: 
Choose from our built-in 100+ premade website templates, use our drag-and-drop builder and create your fully functional site from scratch within minutes.
👉Step 3: 
Publish & Profit:
Once you create these gorgeous websites, watch traffic and commissions rolling in, Sell to clients on freelance platforms and pocket huge commissions.
Features- AI NexaSites Review
💸Instantly build your dream websites using AI for any business.
💸Launch Unlimited Jaw-Dropping, Traffic-Pulling business websites, membership sites, funnels, landing pages and more like magic.
💸Access High-Converting 100+ Page Templates in Trending Niches.
💸Drive Instant buyer Traffic to your AI websites from search engines.
💸100% Blazing Fast & Reliable Web Hosting For Your A Lifetime To Your Websites
💸SEO-Optimized - Dominate Google's First Page
💸Commercial License included: Launch Your Profitable Website Agency Now.
💸Save time and money and stop paying 1000s of dollars monthly to expensive website creators like Wix.com, Convertri, and others.
💸Beginner friendly - Zero Skill Required.
💸ZERO Upfront Cost or Any Extra Expenses
💸Pay Just once Not Monthly - No Hidden Fees, No Surprises.
💸Risk-Free- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
💵💵💵>>Get instant access to AI Nexasites now>>✅✅✅
Key benefits - AI NexaSites Review
1. Selection of different templates:
AI NexaSites gives users access to an extensive library of professionally designed templates. With over 100 ready-made options for different industries, users can quickly create a website that fits their needs perfectly.
2. Advanced Drag-and-Drop Editor:
The AI-powered NexaSites platform features an intuitive drag-and-drop editor supported by artificial intelligence technology. It enhances the website creation experience, ensuring user-friendliness even for those with limited technical skills.
3. Free Unlimited Hosting:
A notable feature is the provision of free and unlimited hosting. This eliminates additional costs and monthly storage fees for domains, as AI NexaSites includes all necessary hosting components.
4. Multilingual Support:
AI NexaSites allows users to create websites in multiple languages, facilitating seamless communication with a diverse global audience. This feature is particularly useful for businesses looking to expand internationally.
5. Advanced Website Analytics:
Integrated Google Analytics provides users with advanced insights into website performance and user behavior, providing valuable data for optimization.
6. Flexible API integration and automatic response:
Seamless integration with API and auto-response capabilities ensures a connected and responsive website.
7. Brand Building Tools:
AI NexaSites empowers users to establish a strong brand identity through customizable elements such as colors, fonts and text themes.
8. Fast loading speed:
Designed for optimal performance, AI ensures fast loading of websites built on the NexaSites platform, contributing to a positive user experience.
9. Safety Components:
With free lifetime SSL encryption, AI NexaSites prioritizes the security of sites hosted on dedicated servers.
10. Business License:
The platform offers a business license, which enables it to offer high-quality website creation services with profit potential.
11. Comprehensive Training Videos:
AI NexaSites provides users with detailed step-by-step training videos, providing comprehensive guidance on using the platform effectively.
12. 24/7 Dedicated Support:
For clients who need assistance, AI NexaSites offers round-the-clock customer service, ensuring quick resolution of issues.
<<<<Get Full Info Click here>>>
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designmachine · 10 months
6 Fun and Easy Cricut Projects for Beginners in 2023
Whether it is unique gifts or custom clothing for parties, there is almost everything possible with Cricut. Even if you want to use your Cricut for business, then you can also do this with these Cricut machines. The Cricut machine can cut fabric, felt, balsa wood, chipboard, cardboard, cardstock, vinyl, matboard, and so much more. It allows you to emboss, score, and even use pen & and markers to write or draw beautiful designs. Now, designing your gift box for Christmas and a T-shirt for yourself is just a click away!
In the post, we will cover the easiest and simplest 6 Cricut projects you can try in 2023.
1.  Paper Cards
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Do you want to appreciate someone's hard work, generosity, or help? Then try to show your feelings with Thanks a Latte Card, and this will be the best Cricut project to create this year. However, it can help make your card mat for anyone you want to send it to. The machine provides all the packages of cards with inserts and envelopes, making it easy for you to pick a design and be good to go!
We believe that making this "Thanks a Latte" sign can also be perfect for any coffee lover. For this, you just need to tuck a gift card and make it a thoughtful end-of-year gift for your teachers or as a sign of appreciation to anyone you want to appreciate.
2.  Coffee Mug
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Adding design to your coffee mug is one of the simplest Cricut projects. We personally love to use coffee mugs with interesting texts and photos. Also, we consider this one of the best gifts to give someone we love. But, writing text or photos on these mugs is quite costly and time-consuming. However, you can infuse these interesting texts and pictures on your coffee mug with Cricut machines like Cricut Explore to the latest Cricut Maker 3, including Cricut Joy which can cut all the designs to apply to your mugs. With these machines, you have the freedom to make your own design as you wish.
3.  Leather Bookmarks
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If you are an avid reader, then you know the importance of keeping bookmarks in your book. And making such Cricut projects is also easy for all beginners. To create these leather bookmarks, you will need an Engraving Tool to engrave the text into the piece of tooling before cutting it out with the knife blade. In addition to the engraving tool, it only works with the Maker cutting machine as it uses the Adaptive Tool System and can apply the necessary pressure to engrave the materials.
4.  Designing Pillow Cover
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Now, adding design to your pillow is made easy for you. You can work with heat transfer vinyl and make DIY pillows cover as Cricut projects. However, the premade Cricut iron-on designs make it simple to create pillows, T-shirts, and more! You should also install the Cricut Design Space to create your designs and send them to your Cricut machine to get the design for your own pillow cover.
5.  Templates for Water Bottles
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Want to make your own personalized bottles? The customized water bottle can be the favorite Cricut project for anyone. It's quite simple and easy to make projects on Cricut Maker that will give you a unique piece of personalized drinking ware. Moreover, the Cricut Premium Permanent vinyl is the perfect fit for your water bottles as it can withstand all kinds of different conditions. Also, it will last for up to three years or more. This vinyl is suitable because there is no issue with the dishwasher, making it longer to stick with your bottle.  
6.  Engraved Keychains
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Keychains are also used widely as a gift. This Cricut Maker machine can help you to create keychains. To engrave your Keychains, you need to buy an engraving tool. Once you own this tool, you will have endless opportunities to create various Cricut projects with fine inscriptions. This engraving tool is capable of engraving soft metals, acrylic, leather, paper, plastic, and more. Also, the Cricut Maker and Cricut Maker 3 are only compatible with engraving. So what are you waiting for? Start making your keychains with beautiful designs that you can imagine!
This blog covers all the ideas for making Cricut projects with cutting machines. Projects include card making, coffee mugs, leather bookmarks, designing pillow covers, templates for water bottles, and engraved keychains. Also, these projects are easy to make and do not require any prior experience. Now, fill the joy in your crafting journey with these 6 easy Cricut projects!
Question 1: Do we need Cricut Access to design?
No, Cricut Access is just a subscription-based service that offers collections of fonts and images and ready-to-make projects. However, you don't need to spend a penny to get these projects. Moreover, Cricut Access subscribers with a paid subscription receive a coupon code for $10 off materials and accessories, which also includes free shipping. In addition to a paid subscription, the code works for up to 3 months, so make sure you use the code to stock up on your favorite materials & accessories.
Question 2: Where can I get the new SVG files?
The best free SVG files allow you to create some amazing Cricut projects. There are many sites available that offer free SVG files to download. However, while designing for Cricut, you can upload your own SVG files. Furthermore, SVG files are generally two-dimensional images that are layered and resized without losing any quality.
Question 3: What types of projects are available in Design Space?
Design space consists of ready-to-make projects which are created by various professional artists. These ready-made projects include everything from home decor to fashion to paper crafting, including a wide range of free projects. Also, you will get new projects added to this app on a regular basis. To find these Ready-to-Make projects, you can go to the Design Space Projects page. Further, if you need to select a project category, then use the categories menu or search bar. There you will find all your ready-made Cricut projects.
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tomreview · 11 months
Graphic Guru 10,000 Vector Icons
Are you sick of designing your projects from scratch for countless hours? Look no further than our collection of pre-made templates, which are made to speed up and simplify your workflow. Among the main advantages of using our templates are:
Numerous Options: Templates for a wide range of design projects, including social media graphics, presentations, resumes, business cards, and more, can be found in our collection. With such a wide choice, you're certain to track down a format that suits your necessities.
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Consistency: By using pre-made templates, you can make sure that all of your designs have the same look and feel, which is important for keeping your professionalism and brand identity intact.
Inspiration: Our formats are intended to rouse you and flash your imagination. They give you ideas for layout, color schemes, and other design elements and serve as a starting point for your designs.
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Support: Our customer support team is always available to assist you if you have any questions about our templates or encounter any issues. We are committed to giving you excellent service and making sure that you enjoy using our templates.
In general, anyone who wants to speed up the design process and produce high-quality designs can benefit greatly from our premade templates. They're a financially savvy and efficient arrangement that permits you to zero in on what makes the biggest difference - making extraordinary substance.
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This collection has textured brushes and stamp brushes for every style and project.
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With 3000 General media Components To Look over, You Won't ever Run Out Of Innovative Thoughts For Your Activities. New and exciting content is constantly added to our library.
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darkstalker1247 · 1 year
I think I'm going to make a Springbonnie cosplay
The hardest part of this is going to be convincing my family I'm not criminally insane lmao
Okay so for the limbs I'm going to use padding, slippers for the feet and big gloves for the hands. For the torso I'll line it with wire. I'll buy a premade mask template and paper mache it to fit the shape. I'll use tinted glass eyes and ribbon for the bowtie.
What do you guys think? Any tips? This'll be my first cosplay like ever
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