#or does he manage to get his shit together and hit the yiga
doomed-era · 8 months
how did gaffen + zelda feel about the lockup vs the castle town prison? also . im slightly afraid to ask this but how does gaffen feel about his hometown/raurus settlement post or pre cal?
get ready for an insane amount of shit I just made up with no canon basis just because I like my hyrule kingdom clearly morally ambiguous if not outright just bad in true oot/ww/tp fashion because as stated I think I should be allowed to hit fujibayashi with hammers
ok so first of all. for reference. the scale of shit in gboh is bigger than it is in the actual game. to account for how much time it takes in game-time to get around the map Etc and also because I think it should be bigger. this goes double for castle town it is larger and the lockup is larger. castle's probably the same size though
so fun fact gaffen has actually been present at a few executions :) the lockup is not commonly used pre-calamity, at least not as much as the time it was built. mostly it's a place where the royal guard hangs out when they're off-duty/occasionally will trap monsters. recently though they have been keeping a few prisoners down there. yeah remember how i was talking about the neo-yiga. uh. basically theres two yiga clans in my au. anyone they suspect of working with them ends up down there. some of them have been found innocent posthumously but its fine lol. better safe than sorry !
anyway he basically does this.
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castle town prison he hasn't really been to its never been something he's ever been assigned to as its more for. Not Royal Guards. but again it hasn't stayed very full recently due to the high demand for cheap labor excavating. things. stuff. yeah its not all sheikah they have prisoners do it occasionally. another one of king rhoam's excellent and pragmatic decisions ! //stares at the camera. gaffen being the freak that he is thinks this is incredible and amazing and great
uhh well. zelda knows about all this but honestly? to her it's all fine. mostly. she demanded a posthumous pardon for multiple people, but she's completely fine with unpaid prison labor. thats great i mean who wants to rot in a cell when you can die in a rockslide
as for rauru settlement? gaffen isn't even aware it was his old home at the moment. zelda probably ends up telling him as it's one of the few pieces of personal information she managed to wring out of him before he died. doesn't know his birthday though. post calamity gaffen is birthdayless and just celebrates his resurrection date. but honestly i think he's just in shock when he hears it. hylia held information about his past over his head for years and would get pissed if he asked for more so zelda giving it so willingly would definitely make him trust her. but i think they go there together and she tries to tell him what she knows. he sort of mourns over it silently. sits in the abandoned houses drops a rock down the well for fun wonders if he used to do that. they might end up meeting his great great grand-nephew there 👍
uhh pre calamity he used to think of it fondly but then just kind of. doesn't have an opinion of it anymore. can't really be bothered to have one. he can't really relate to his old friends after a certain point
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russeliarat · 1 year
The ACTUAL TotK AU  I Have
I’ve passed all of my mock exams, so instead of me finishing coursework, have my TotK ‘AU’(?) thing. Basic pitch stuff. It’s long so I hope you like reading. (Btw I’ve been working on this for 4 months, any edits or additions are presented like this. It slowly starts to read a little more cinematically the further you read because more cohesive ideas started forming later on. I originally started writing in December 2022)
So just like in the trailers, Link and Zelda come across Ganondorf’s dirty corpse, which awakens from seemingly god knows what. Ganondorf breaks free of the hand-seal, breaks the ground under Zelda, and murks Link’s arm and the Master Sword. The recoil from his impromptu amputation sends Link also careening into Zelda’s death pit. Ganondorf’s being all menacing and shit, but the hand comes round and becomes Link’s new arm to stop him dying of blood loss/shock/to cauterize the wound.
Basically, the hand sent Link and Zelda back like 10,000 years or so, where Hyrule’s normal except for the giant floating sky islands everyone’s oddly cool about. In the first few days that Link and Zelda aren’t able to participate, Ganondorf has already gotten to work influencing Hyrule, bringing monsters back in a far more plentiful variety, manipulating his way into the castle and making tensions run high in all regions, and throwing Hyrule into general disarray. With knowledge of the Yiga Clan, Ganondorf manages to convince their leader of him being able to bring the downfall of the Hyrulean Royal Family and their Sheikah servants, and get them to follow his plan, which includes hunting down and killing any man who bares a sword on his back and is capable of a good fight. He also tells them to keep what’s left of the now scrapped Divine Beasts close to their territory and until careful watch, knowing that their reuse could lead to his defeat.
Link first wakes up in this temple which is essentially the Zonai temple for Hylia, who is the Zonai Goddess of Wisdom (yeah everything everyone knows ab Hyrule gets all sorts of fucked up and will send theorists into a mental breakdown). Her high priestess Hylia named ‘the Aama’ greets Link since he was apparently passed out in the forest for no reason, and they hit it off well and become friendly. She does note the glowy arm Link has is real powerful Zonai magic and even their resident amputee high priest hasn’t got that ability yet so Link has to be some kind of special, like blessed by the gods special but the gods are being weird and cryptic as usual. While the Aama deliberates about their next moves with Hylia, she sends Link to Iulii Village (the Zonai settlement)  to mingle with townsfolk, promising to give him some proper clothes so he doesn’t die from head exhaustion since they live in the rainforest. He meets the Vamai and Zoclu, the God of Courage (Ekoza) and Power’s (Kikias) high priests while they’re running a celebration for something. Basically it’s for exposition about the Zonai and stuff.
Eventually, Link comes back to the temple and talks to the Aama, who tells him to visit Hylia inside the temple, who lives behind a curtain deep within her chambers. They basically reveal that Zelda was found with Link, but she was all kinds of fucked up and can’t remember anything but healed somewhat quickly thanks to residual Zonai magic that kinda just attached to her when they fell together. Hylia tells them about whatever’s going on with Ganondorf and that by getting seven stones from across Hyrule from each race, she can repair the Master Sword, jog Zelda’s memory, and hopefully murk Ganondorf (because again, Zonai magic is powerful asf). Before they leave, the Aama gives Link his toga and tells him that the Zonai gods possess the final stone and that they won’t go easy in their trials.
Off they go to collect the six other stones from each remaining race, which can be done in any order, but Zelda gets her memories back in chunks and so her personality slightly changes every time she views one (but there’s other memories scattered around Hyrule that don’t affect her as much as the main ones). She would also play like the Wolf Link amiibo as a support fighter, but she literally sprints after Link and copies his moves and stuff which would be cool. Kickass Zelda.
The different stone quests go as such;
They head into Castle Town and tell an old woman and her grandson about how they need to see the Hylian monarchs to obtain a ‘certain item’. The woman tells them that there is no chance they’ll even be considered in Zonai clothing and is taken into her tailoring shop, where a regal outfit is tailored and fitted for both Link and Zelda before the end of the day, when she walks off to arrange plans to get the two into the castle. When asked why the woman wishes to help them, her grandson (who is her male assistant) tells them how she once worked in the castle as the royal seamstress, but due to her Sheikah heritage, was punished harshly for a simple mistake and was forced to leave the castle and become a freelancer. The woman comes back after a short pause and tells them that she’s arranged for an old friend of hers named Impa - Princess Afian’s bodyguard and personal caretaker - to escort them around the castle and gain access to the royals. They request the help of the Hylian monarchs who brush them off, but the duo soon learn have a daughter (who isn’t a Zelda, but is alleged to be conceived between the King and a Great(?) Fairy so ooo worldbuilding) thanks to Impa, who becomes important because Afian asks Link and Zelda to help her find stuff to rebuild her ‘latest invention’ when they get some alone time, of which Impa supports them doing. The princess is a lot like Zelda, seeing as they both have tinkering and science running through their heads 24/7. They agree and it turns out, the fixed build was actually the origins of the Master Cycle Zero since it was supposedly an abandoned prototype for a fifth Divine Beast that the Sheikah were forced to abandon. Afian gives the two the spiritual stone she apparently found the treasury, which is weird because it’s very clear the Hylians and Zonai are on two very different sides of history. Impa scolds the princess, but allows them to keep the stone on the one condition that not a single word is uttered about the Master Cycle and Impa forces the princess to get rid of the project now that it’s finished in order to not upset her parents. The princess chooses to give this to Link and Zelda.
Link and Zelda can also come across the ancient Zora, this specific species being called the Riverbed Zora, who live in Zora’s Domain and are kind of a mix-up between OOT and BotW Zora, compared to the two other Zora called the Lake Zora and Ocean Zora. For context to this quest, Lake and Riverbed Zora are the most important. Essentially, they come upon a magician who is in the process of being accused of performing ‘dark magic’ (Zonai magic) and is awaiting a kind of trial to see whether this is true or not. There have been rumours going around that this girl will be banished if found guilty and likely to live with other Zora due to the Riverbed Zora’s alliance and political agreements with the Hylian monarchy, who despise the Zonai due to a long-standing generational dispute about the differences in their religions. This magician girl asks Link and Zelda to help prove her innocence and direct them to talk with the Lake Zora to recreate the kind of magic she had been alleged to be practising. The Lake Zora are affiliated with the Zonai and share customs, but also share a semi-allyship with the Ocean Zora, who act as a neutral party in Lurelin Village, and the two are additionally tasked to gather materials only in Lurelin for the Lake Zora to help them with the craft. So they go do that and can get various results based on what’s made/performed, but ultimately she is declared not guilty with the right choices and she gives the duo one of the seven Zonai stones in private, revealing that she really does practise Zonai magic but asks them to keep it a secret.
At some point, they’ll also come across a Gerudo woman who is attempting to leave Gerudo Town and causing a ruckus, only to be denied due to how dangerous it is to be alone with how aggressive the Yiga Clan are within the desert. As it turns out, this woman is attempting to get her daughter back, who had been kidnapped by a Yiga clansman after disguising themself as a woman joining a festival. In the aftermath of the incident, normally no guard would let anyone in or out of the town, but it turns out that the Zonai had sent a message letting the current chief know that the two would be arriving to earn one of the spiritual stones. The only man in Gerudo Town, the Gerudo King, Usimo, has his attention brought to this ruckus and defuses the situation, bringing Link and Zelda to his throne room to discuss, telling them that getting anyone back from the Yiga is essentially a death wish and to leave it for him to solve politically since there may be many other children and adults taken hostage. Zelda refuses and proposes the most insane idea of infiltrating the Yiga and taking the child back from under their noses. The king relents after a long back-and-forth where Zelda attempts to prove their worth, though modifies it to make it safer and that only Link can go to lessen any potential - and inevitable - suspicions, but that should she get a signal, would blow the hideout up when Link were ready to leave as a kind of safe escape plan. The plan goes through, with preparations made such as a tailor making a custom suit etc, and Link gains a friends from within the ranks despite being considered an outsider who guides him through Yiga life. Eventually, Link is able to go up against other Yiga in a gauntlet of sorts and fights the Yiga leader, and though he loses, is accepted to actually learn Yiga magic from an ancient tome that passed down the more complex spells due to the achievement of a trainee working his way up to almost beating them. A little while later, Link gives the signal for Zelda, who ignites the place from inside the walls using metal, lightning, and the thunder helm. The two escape with both the child and the tome full of spells as an added bonus. As a thanks, Usimo gives the duo the spiritual stone for proving their worth and considers them Gerudo heroes. This stone was given as an act of allyship between the Gerudo and the Zonai.
The next quest to be discovered is of a group of Gorons who created a home deep within the hottest regions of the desert who escaped Death Mountain, surviving on spicy elixirs and rocks from the cliffside. They can either be found in this home or within Gerudo Town scouting for help once the Gerudo’s quest is fulfilled. At this moment when the quest hasn’t been completed, Death Mountain isn’t being an active volcano like usual. In fact, there’s a noticeable drop in temperature when approaching and a singular Goron standing guard will turn any travellers away because everything has frozen over. A Goron that has taken over a leadership role (though is very distinctly not the chief of the Gorons), Gigi, tells Link that something from within Death Mountain must have fed on all of the surface magma since none of it has been able to actually reach the volcano to keep it active and warm, thus thrusting a large portion of the Goron population into an impromptu hibernation period. Those who managed to escape found themselves housed within the desert to keep warm. Link and Zelda convince this leader to give them some kind of physical proof to be able to pass into Death Mountain, and the two discover that the spiritual stone was taken from the Gorons by this monster and disappeared into the complex cave systems to feed on the lava. These cave systems were actually closed off by the escaped Gorons who came back with elixirs to seal away the monster to prevent any more harm until it could be fixed, and so Link and Zelda have to go through this kind of dungeon-crawling, crudely-built bomb puzzle maze to get to the inner belly of Death Mountain, where they find the beast feeding on the lava, and kill it. Turns out that in the wrong hands for too long, powerful Zonai magic can turn regular people into distorted monsters and that’s what happened with this monster. They were a regular person visiting Death Mountain with very strong kleptomaniac tendencies, stole the spiritual stone, and was morphed into the beast. They all escape out of the mountain and find that with the fresh magma, the Gorons have begun to return to normal. If the chief, Tatemba, sees that Zelda already possesses other stones, he gives away theirs with some questions asked, though gets a second opinion from Gigi otherwise.
Atop a large sky island housing an erected rock with a wooden settlement, Link and Zelda find the Rito to request for their spiritual stone. However, the Rito’s chief were absent at that moment on undisclosed business and so the two were directed to talk to the second-in-command, who is a bit of a cocky ass. His name is Skirth. They attempt to negotiate a way to gain the spiritual stone, but with a combination of pride in himself and the Rito and of no knowledge that the Zonai leaders wanted the two to earn the stone, Skirth fervently refused. Fortunately for them, a little group of Rito children had grown to root for the Hylians and became disappointed. Skirth has quite the soft spot for children, especially his daughter, and relented, except he kind of didn’t because he gave the two an assumedly impossible task given Link and Zelda’s lack of wings: entertain and follow the Rito children around the sky islands, accomplishing what’s basically a bunch of side quests for them until sundown. He has no idea they have their own paragliders. So the two go ahead and do that and it’s specifically shown that his daughter called Bo, a girl wanting to become a Rito warrior which is forbidden for girls and women, took quite the attachment to Link and Zelda. This eventually manifests when no one notices Bo goes missing and they all eventually go to Skirth to get the stone they earned (and cheer the two on), when the chief comes back in a hurry. It’s revealed that a large monster had been blocking off a certain snowy section of Hyrule with a giant snowstorm too deadly to venture into and the chief was away with a bunch of warriors to figure out how to kill it, only for them all to be adjourned and come back to find the plans, weapons, and arrows gone, and a certain little girl missing. Link and Zelda immediately go to kill the monster and find Bo barely holding it together with damaged wings and 0 bow-shooting experience in the middle of nowhere in a snowstorm. They manage to kill the monster and ask Bo what the hell happened, to which she answers that she got upset that she couldn’t become a Rito warrior but was so inspired by the two that she gained the confidence to fight off the monster. Zelda manages to tell her that it was far too dangerous but compromises that she can train to be a ‘land warrior’ instead of a Rito warrior and defend Rito Village from the land instead of the skies. Bo is happy with this and asks the two to train her, to which her father (who came along to fetch his daughter) responded to not push their luck and that she’s too injured to train for anything at all. He then goes on to give Link and Zelda the stone, saying they more than earned his respect for saving his child... and also to keep his initial promise.
High above in the sky islands, the Deku Tree resides with his forest children, the Koroks, within the Korok Forest. This is one of the few quests that are asked to partake in directly from the Zonai and must have completed like 3 other quests to do because of memory shit for Zelda’s character development. Asked by a few Zonai women who worry over their children playing rough with the little forest spirits in the future as their children won’t believe of their existence and refuse to be taught about them, they ask Link and Zelda to take some kind of picture after inspecting Link’s Sheikah Slate. They agree but mischief ensues because they’re the Koroks. They end up having to find and chase around Koroks of different types to take pictures of until they find a small, lone Korok with a very unique wisteria leaf seemed to have gone missing. The two soon find the Korok in a large, hollowed out tree within almost a kind of mystical grove back on the surface. It turned out that the Korok had found this tree while exploring and saw a little gravestone engraved with an ancient fae language that this Korok has been researching for a very long time. All he managed to figure out was the grave was dedicated to a Hylian boy who left his forest home eons ago. Not only that, but within the tree, behind the little living space the Korok had set up on a whim, he had a large rock cover a hole in the wall the tree had half-grown from. Upon entering, the Korok explains that they must leave or the two will ruin his research, though calms down and openly shares it once discovering that Link and Zelda where sent by the other Koroks to find him, furthered by the realisation of the incredibly strong magic stones hanging at Zelda’s hip and Link’s similarly powerful arm. He tells them about the rock and how it hides a mural he cannot understand due to a lack of cultural knowledge of Hylians - hence his research on the grave - and asks the two if they can help him with any context if he escorts them to the mural. They agree. Behind the tight squeeze, the rock hides is a large, open cave, blocked off on all sides. The walls are lined with small torches that had become unlit in the ages since the cave was last visited. On the other end of the cave was a metal mural with carvings of the previous princesses of Hyrule and their time’s respective heroes. Zelda remembers this from an old book she read a long time ago and can already feel a memory tickling at the corners of her vision, though none fully emerge (I haven’t edited this in a while so I forgot to mention that the stones can become vessels for one’s memories and emotions which is why Zelda holds these stones so dear to her heart - though they don’t give her any memories, she gains them exactly the same way Link did). The Korok offers for them to come back any time they like and that he’d love to share any more research with them. That’s when a previous Korok who had asked Link to find the other one came into the tree upon hearing his voice and scolds the missing Korok for his long parting, though sobs through his shouting. This is when we learn of the Koroks’ names; Brondu, the missing Korok, and Esri, his brother. Esri requests for his brother return, if only for a gathering that had been talked about all through the quest, and they ask that Link and Zelda join for thanks of finding and indirectly leading Esri to Brondu. Gathering back with the rest of the Koroks, they play music and dance til the sun sets. Esri gets the idea for Link to take a picture of everyone performing together. Brondu bashfully presents a stone to Zelda as form of a thank you gift, having no idea it was an offering made by the Zonai and merely thinking of it as a shiny, smooth rock. After the Koroks let the two travellers go, they travel back to the Zonai to show them all the pictures of the Koroks for mothers to warn their children of roughhousing and angering the forest spirits. It turns out that a child had found a nearby Korok and the children flock to play with him. A mother scoffs but thanks the two for their efforts.
As these little quests progress, tensions rise higher and higher behind the scenes as it turns out that Ganondorf’s influence has been able to get into the heads of the Hylian King and Queen. Ganondorf manages to make Princess Afian tell him of Link and Zelda and where they are, and not knowing any better, tells him of their acceptance into the Zonai tribe. He gets the monarchs to order the destruction of the Zonai after the quests, though Afian and Impa make their attempts to warn them of the incoming attacks. At this point, Link and Zelda have already been summoned to the Zonai temple, so that the Aama and Hylia could direct them on their next move. There’s a scuffle between some Zonai warriors and Impa and Afian, with the Zonai thinking they’ve come to attack them, but Afian runs to Link and Zelda, showing their affiliation and the Zoclu (who is nearby) and the Aama order them to halt their attacks. Afian blabs that they’re gonna die if they don’t hurry, and it concerns the two priests enough to usher them to Kikias’ temple where they may discuss this with the god. Once the Aama has rushed to get the Vamai, (through some kind of item I haven’t decided on) they are able to communicate the events with all three gods, who reside within the next temple Link and Zelda would progress to. Impa and Afian fully explain the details of the impending civil war and Zelda has a reaction to Afian’s description of the man who asked her about them, inciting a memory about Ganondorf. With Zelda’s recollection, they were able to come to the conclusion that they would defend against the Hylian alliances and work on their next moves while Link and Zelda attempt the fend off Ganondorf. 
They send the two off to the Sun’s Doors, a large sacred temple where the immortal and mortal can supposedly collide, yet has forbidden mortals from entering as it could change their humanity forever and usually only gods enter. The Sun’s Doors is also where Hylia, Ekoza, and Kikias resided as they were told of the rising tensions from Hylian alliances and the Zonai alliances from their high priests and worshippers increasing as the story progressed. The Sun’s Doors is this giant temple in the sky, higher than any other sky island which seemingly stretches into the clouds. The three gods congratulate Link and Zelda for getting this far and request for them to go through a kind of ultimate trial to gain the last spiritual stone, that would recharge the power to it’s maximum once all are gathered. They theorise that with all seven stones, the two would be able to rid Ganondorf’s influence of Hyrule and hopefully resolve the impending war before it’s too late. Zelda asks why they don’t just reveal themselves to be rid of the conflict caused by the different religions and Ekoza asks what she would think would happen if they were to destroy one of the connecting ties of Hylian life across the country and if it would even be right to do as such. They eventually go on to progress through trials within the temple, all a combination of the different skills the two were tasked with utilising throughout their journey to force their way to where the last stone is held. However, none knew of the fact that Ganondorf had attached a small piece of his Malice magic to Princess Afian before she ran to the Zonai, hoping to influence her too, yet he seemed to strike gold when she fled to the Zonai and attached a small piece of his magic to Zelda, managing to escape to the Sun’s Door with them. It was Ganondorf’s final chance to achieve that last push for ultimate power over Hyrule and it’s surrounding countries.
Ganondorf’s Malice was able to take form from within the Sun’s Door upon gaining an easy access to the seventh stone, jumping from Zelda’s back and becoming a disgustingly sublime beast, representing how his hatred was reunited with his soul and his overwhelming desire to finally be done with this cursed cycle of reincarnation. The beast takes the title of The Rot, a more literal name for its meaning. The Rot takes claim of the seventh stone and Link and Zelda has to furiously fight for ownership of the stone, but it’s all for nought as Ganondorf’s magic has one again become far too powerful for the hero and princess, and the holy gods must come to their rescue to banish the beast from their realm. Despite this, none could gain back the seventh stone, and just as quickly as their arrived, the two must leave to capture the stone back before Ganondorf is able to use it for his own desires. Coming back to Iulii Village and seeing the Zonai ready for war was a sight to behold. The Zoclu offers the two a place to fight beside the warriors, assuming the seventh stone had been retrieved, but when hearing of The Rot, hastily abandons his position to take them to Hylia’s Temple, where the Aama hastily writes letters to their allies requesting assistance. They all knew what was happening, and they knew it was likely going to be a losing fight, but this little village and the temples and homes and lives within are all the Zonai have, and they have to fight to protect it. They even go as far as requesting the help of the neutral Ocean Zora. The scrolls are hastily shoved into Link and Zelda’s hands and the Vamai begs them to play messenger because as much as they’d like to send carrier birds, the Hylian allies would shoot them down. Not even the Rito would be left unscathed without checks by Hylians, a war was about to commence. The Vamai just begs the two to humour them and stop chasing after that soon almighty evil to send their only chance of survival. When they accept, they do it under the guise of the night they returned to, hidden by shadows. The three high priests see them off, thanking them for their help, but telling Link and Zelda to not get absorbed into the war and to focus on Ganondorf once their messages have been relayed. The Vamai chases after the two, who ride on horseback, and beg them to return back safe. The priest knows their race will be left irreversibly damaged, if not completely destroyed, and wants at least someone to come back and remember their names and their faces. They regretfully admit that they have to be cowardly and hide their people but is told the strongest form of courage is to admit when you’re not as brave as you once thought. Zelda tells the Vamai to hide the Zonai innocents among their allies and to only disguise as Hylians when push comes to shove. The Vamai cries their possibly final farewell.
The letters are delivered. The Gerudo are very far away yet they relay a promise of effort to do whatever they can to assist a race of people and the two their indebted to. Link and Zelda ask the Great Deku Tree if the little forest spirits could do anything to help the struggling Zonai, and though their physical prowess is far too weak, their magic is strong and will attempt to aid in guiding the falling people. The Rito feel the need to refuse, seeing as they themselves are a very small, newly established race and the chief must see fit to protect his own people. The Ocean Zora say similar, that they cannot offer their combat, but offers their caves for hiding. The Lake Zora stand proudly for the people they share their culture with. And although they had the most powerful Sheikah in the Hylian army on their side, the Hylian monarchy would have her and the little princess executed if they found out about their involvement with the Zonai. 
On the way, strange behaviour began to exhibit in Zelda; she would slowly get more angry at the lack of help from the supposed Zonai allies even if the reason seemed sound enough to Link, she would clutch at her string of spiritual stones as if it pained her to let them go, she’d go for long stretches of silence between her sentences as if she were spacing out. It came to a head when suddenly, Zelda slumped off her horse onto the ground, where the equine ran far as if sensing danger. Even Link’s horse starts to kick and nicker. When he went to check on Zelda, there seemed to be a distant, confused look to her eyes, as if glazed over. Zelda threw Link away from her, more powerful than before, clutching the string of stones close, letting out a pained scream as she looked to change form. She now seemed bird-like, sporting feathers instead of hair, covering her whole torso and arms, and the bones in her feet crunching as they morphed to talons. And as quickly as it happened, Zelda ran. Link seemed to chasse her all over Hyrule, attracting the attention of soldier beginning their first marches to battle. And every time, he’d manage to stop her from climbing walls or running away with scary agility, he’d be forced in his hand to slice away at the things that made her monstrous, hoping it was like Ganon and the Divine Beasts, that Zelda would be fine if all that remained was the parts that were her humanity. But it didn’t. All that sliced off was a sticky ooze of green-blue blood and the tearing of skin and feathers. She ran to the Korok Forest, the natural protector of the Zonai and Hyrule as she became weak and unable to fight back. The Great Deku Tree urged his children to hide from the fight that ensued and something in Zelda just clicked, triggering a memory. Leaving a weak spot open and fully in battle mode, Link thrust the Master Sword into Zelda’s abdomen and she crumpled against him, holding onto his shoulders weakly. It hurt her, yes, but at least she gained back her senses for a few moments and she was free of whatever those stones and those temples and that magic made her. Even though he attempted to lay her to the floor and apply pressure to the wound after realising his mistake, Zelda knew better, instead handing him over the string of six stones, asking him to make it alright for her and them, and asking why it was always them that took such a fall. What did they do to deserve something so cruel? Link mourned heavily, but had to push it down to make it alright once seeing the Koroks and hearing their promise to take care of his friend.
He left for Ganondorf, hidden within a castle rife with conflict. He dressed as if a Castle Town member, and acted the part, saying his thanks to the old woman of the tailor’s shop and asking her to keep his clothes safe. She refuses as they’re a part of him now, made specially by her and her grandson. She asks why he’s in such a hurry, they need to hide within the shop, but he brushes her and her grandson’s worries off, saying he’ll be fine, and rushing back out to the castle. With a bit of stealth and brute force, Link manages to make his way into the castle. Walking in makes him nauseous from the stench of Malice burned into his mind, but a single thread of powerful magic leads Link to where he needs to be. Within the great hall of the castle, Ganondorf puppeteers the King and Queen from their thrones, throwing wave after wave of guard at Link, themselves going to fight the hero when their numbers are exhausted. But Ganondorf gets bored when Link merely knocks them out and shows off his shiny green new toy. Ganondorf, in a display of power, raises the castle from the ground and suspends it high into the sky, far higher than any island bar the Sun’s Doors. He toys with Link about this is the culmination of thousands of reincarnations, of thousands of struggles with Hyruleans - with the gods - to do right by his people. He asks Link why he doesn’t let Ganondorf have his victory and let Hyrule’s suffering end, there’s even one of Hyrule’s worst civil wars unfolding right outside the castle walls. He concludes it must be a sense of duty, or perhaps morals, or maybe even cowardice towards his own inevitable death?
They clash, fighting for the stone that could remake or rebreak Hyrule. When Ganondorf gets a little too hurt for his liking, he resummons The Rot and forces Link to fight it again. But Link is fuelled by the deaths of his loved ones and the idea that he’ll near see the people he first woke up to meet all the way back in his original time. Link finds power from mourning, Ganondorf takes power from suffering, but they both take power from loss. That’s perhaps why Link is able to wrestle the stone from Ganondorf, they are equal in their pain and so equal in their power. It’s just destiny that Link happens to win. With Ganondorf on his knees, bleeding from his wounds and magic exhausted from the most strenuous battle of the cycle, Link reunites the seventh stone with the ones on Zelda’s string. He punches Ganondorf in his rage, once for the first Calamity he now fought and all the people who have and will die, twice for the second Calamity that was struck upon Hyrule and the people of his original time who suffered for 10 years, and a third time for the unnecessary death of Zelda, his new family, and the Link he used to be. Ganondorf smiles. Link tackles him off the cliff they fought upon, whispering his only words his reincarnations have ever spoke in front of Ganondorf - a promise that, no matter what, Link will keep him in his own personal hell forever. Ganondorf laughs manically as they fall, even though the odd green glow the surrounds Link’s new hand, powered by the seven stones, clawing at Ganondorf of its own accord as they both seemingly fall and fall and fall.
An unknown amount of time later, Ganondorf’s corpse lays motionless within a cave that seemed to have naturally formed itself around him. He’s sealed away by a glowing green hand that swirls around the cave structure, the tail ends of its magic etching sorrowful cravings of Zonai into the walls and tunnels. A quiet stepping can be heard and a faint torch glow illuminates the cave walls. Two familiar faces appear curious and approach, but something menacing tickles at the back at someone’s mind.
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angsty-leader · 1 month
| ....... Why did I make another blog....
No not this one I mean I just made another one and now I just don't know why I'm even doing anything anymore dkjhfd..... What the fuck...
Anyways this has been in my drafts on my main so I might as well just post it here and add on more AUs and shit whenever I think of anything or just... Idk.... Shut up?
Idea (1): Sooga wears a mask Kohga specially gifted him that was accidentally embued with an evil deity and ends up becoming the second coming of the Demon king, but not like Ganondorf and not as devastating as him.... Kohga is also now his timid little assistant who just wants his "Soogy" back............... Oop- Oh and also Sooga now leads the Yiga clan and wants to kill Zelda for the throne (because he already killed her dad)
Idea (2): Modern era. Kohga lives alone doing usual routines, is actually a little more productive as he tends to his plants (despite allergies), does shopping, works at a supermarket (and actually works overtime despite lazy moments), does chores and keeps his little home clean and tidy, and also has a neighbour who he chats with often, but also might be a peeping tom which Kohga is unknowing of... Anyways, he goes on a matching app; Him and Sooga eventually match before they hit it off via app and sending messages back and forth, eventually they date. Get drunk on the first date and they fuck while drunk, Kohga gets knocked up and freaks out before telling Sooga a couple months into his pregnancy. They both panic, but Sooga is somewhat excited.... So they just embrace this sudden change and now live together... Anyways
Idea (3): Single mum Kohga, either other half (if Sooga) dies of sudden circumstances or they (not Sooga) just leave him to be a single mama; Again another modern AU, so he's pregnant and trying to find a job while also getting nasty looks from certain strangers (also a few assumptions here and there).. Ofc things somewhat turn for the better, he gives birth and along with a semi close friend, getting financially support to care for his baby and other shit.. And yeah..
Idea (4): Love potion I guess (running out of ideas), Kohga flirts and tries getting with Sooga, even trying to make him comfortable so he can get knocked up (cuz they actually love each other but Sooga is too nervous to disappoint and also cuz he doesn't want to ruin Kohga's life), so Kohga, with the help of Great Fairy Tera, look for little knickknacks, ingredients and other cruddy stuff and decide to play witches (not literally but like the whole potion making thing is stereotypical a witchy thing to do); Also cuz he found a potion brewing book in the castle library that Zelda just let him borrow cuz why not, so both he and Tera managed to make some kind of concoction that they later refer to as the "love potion", entice Sooga to drink it (instead calling it a sort of "power up drink" so he can "protect Kohga better", he drinks it then by morning becomes the most obnoxiously flirtacious person known to Hyrule, well over confident, somehow more handsome than he's ever been; but then uh oh... He's almost -beeped- Kohga like six times now cuz now the little pudgy fool doesn't realize that ofc there would be a catch, also Sooga is more stronger, he holds him down too many times... There's like a huge love language barrier between them now and they don't understand each other anymore. Kohga eventually gives in one day and takes it up the glory hole, but then that triggers something within that makes him come begging for more... So Sooga gets him pregnant, Kohga somehow unable to control the constant burst of wanting to be B R E D, he willingly becomes the Yiga clan's BREEDER, all cuz of whatever rubbed off from Sooga's flirtatious "curse" onto Kohga, they are now blessed/cursed with making babies....
Idea (5): A voice from another timeline calls for their help, so Terrako, seemingly under some trance opens up a portal to... Aaaaa post Calamity Hyrule....? Who did Terrako bring with it? Sooga and Kohga, why? Because if it's not the Divine Beasts and the blights, it's the Yiga clan causing problems.. So what better thing to do than to hopefully persuade the Yiga leader of this era to just... Not do stuff. Outcomes vary, Kohga isn't capable of getting through to himself of yhis time, so he helps the Link of this era to take down his "faker".. But if Sooga wasn't willingly trying to get to the bottom of other problems and issues (cuz no matter what he trusts Link with protecting Kohga cuz of the AoC era) then sharing a sentimental moment with a clearly broken Kohga of the wild era will hopefully bring some reassurance there... But now Sooga has two Kohga's to share some love to and they manage to return the Thunderhelm to Riju, and persuade that Blademaster from stealing the Sheikah heirloom from Kakariko..
Part 2. Even better when they return again for the Upheavel, although not to the extreme as in game, the Yiga clan are making their rounds but just more of like "just please stop" sort of way.. Kohga of that era seemingly about to get all mad 'n shit for Link taking autobuild before (after Purah and Josha inform AoC Sooga and Kohga about the going ons and missing Zelda) the hubs of AoC come into picture, thus upon seeing Sooga, TotK Kohga squeals happily and seemingly completely distracted seeing his husband from another timeline again. AoC Kohga is getting jealous, but they manage to "shoo away" the counterpart before helping Link, Lookout landing and the Sages fix what the Demon king started while looking into the Zonai and all that. Though AoC Kohga being worried for his time weirdly enough, the potential return of the Demon king of his era, when they return the both very much inform Rhoam and the Champions of this bigger threat, while contently talking to Zelda about the little remnants of the Zonai they already discovered while what they found in the other Hyrule.. Ofc Terrako being the proof, everything they witnessed with the Upheavel and such, relaying these moments and memories into the Sheikah slate... Kohga ofc stopping Terrako right before the light dragon and Zelda's destiny... Even though it wasn't "his" Zelda that became the light dragon, it still hurt him knowing what will become of his best friend when that day finally arrives...
Idea (6) Sage of Spirit. Mineru hands her position to Kohga after some times before and during the upheavel of dealing with, suffering and having nightmares about spiritual and out of body experiences.. Getting in touch with a benevolent essence while fighting off a looming "gloom" that corrupts the back of his mind.. He is Sheikah after all, the Sheikah still have a part to play despite a different upbringing.. So no matter era, TotK or AoC, as soon as Mineru gifts him her secret stone, a new world opened up for Kohga.. Trying so hard to suppress these spiritual experiences because of fear of his mortal being, he eventually embraces it knowing he is doing it for his best friend, Zelda.. Which especially his determination to find her becomes stronger after Mineru tells Link what happens; The Yiga clan create their own construct for their determined little master, as he gives his blessing to fight alongside Link in the upcoming battle with the Demon king.. Ofc slightly different for AoC as Kohga, somewhat either completely or nearly giving into grief, becoming the immortal dragon to spend the rest of his life with his best friend.. If not though, joins the fight with Link and the other sages
Idea (7): Ghosty companions, after returning the Thunderhelm to Riju and defeating the blight of Vah Naboris, Link continues his way to Zora's domain in hopes of not only fulfilling his task of defeating Calamity Ganon, but also remember what he has lost... Wwwwhat's that rustli- Oh ... Anyways, upon "killing" Master Kohga, and while going on a full on tangent and empty threatens, he is here to "haunt Link for the rest of time".. Which was the excuse, at first it was to trouble Link, but after time time... The two actually get along, almost sharing slight tension and sentiment back and forth while they go on about hopes and dreams... So here, Link and Kohga join forces (even if reluctantly at first), and in all of Kohga's ghosty glory, they travel the lands of Hyrule, defeating the blights in the four provinces while taking on challenges of the shrines, problems around Hyrule and even taking on Maz Koshia's trial, all while their companionship strengthens til the very last moment, where they defeat Calamity Ganon.. Kohga's purpose has been fulfilled, so he then moves onto the afterlife... Or so we thought, because he lingers around even time after the defeat of Ganon, Zelda and Link going around Hyrule and solving potential issues while rebuilding it..
Part 2.. The Upheavel, suddenly there was silence, Link entering the depths, following the lights that eventually lead to the Abandoned Central mines, helps so called "researchers" before uh oh... They're the Yiga clan in disgui- Wait there's Kohga, in his not very ghosty glory! Somehow after what happened beneath Hyrule castle, they all lost contact with each other, Link reunites with his ghosty companion.. But, Kohga isn't a ghost, he's in the flesh!... To put it briefly, Kohga managed to unlock an ability he never knew he had... Which makes him a great candidate to take Mineru's place as the Sage of spirit.... Also cuz of Kohga devoting his time to aiding Link instead back in BotW, there are Yiga who have now been rebranded as they did NOT agree with their former leader's position.. So they are now the threat, the Rebellion clan.... But, who's their new leader....?
Idea (8): Kohga, probably as punishment, got sent to the era of the Zonai along with Zelda, now he's having to survive the Demon king's revival... For what little time of peace they had left, Zelda and Kohga ended up eventually getting along despite what happened before Calamity Ganon's defeat... Especially what Kohga is seeing with his own eyes....
Never meet your "heroes"...~
Idea (9): Kohga befriends entities that those without a pure heart cannot see (AoC mainly), he's come close to the Lord of the Mountain and it's Blupees, and hung out in Korok forest and played around with Hestu and the Koroks! He's a nature boy now... But his heart isn't that entirely pure so... How? Did they WANT him to see?... Guess we'll never know...
Idea (10): Hylia's posession. When you dream of the very entity that almost all of Hyrule prays to every night despite straying far from the "origins" of the Sheikah, Royal family along with the connections to Hylia; Kohga, upon waking up in hot flashes, soon enough begins finding out both physical and mental changes to his very being.. Like Hylia has posessed this weird and very unrelated individual.. Years of the Yiga even along with Zelda and Link trying to find ways to prevent his inevitable demise, eventually the original host no longer seems to exist... Only the remnants that made Kohga "Kohga", the rest.. Is just Hylia now in the flesh
Idea (11): Post TotK a year or two after the defeat of the Demon King, Link receives a mysterious letter from a secret admirerer mentioning to meet at the Observation deck, once there however turns out to be yet another trap by the restless Yiga clan after their last palava. Kohga of course full of revenge unlike before, previously finding a strange artefact dating back to the era of the Zonai, plans to use this old relic as a "finale" to Link's life; However upon wearing the necklace, Kohga almost suddenly begins feeling unlike himself; Unnaturally cold, scared, alone, sick... Longing for someone who seems lost to him, Link being the thing who seems to somewhat fill a suddenly overwhelming hole in his love sick heart... The necklace crafted by the tears and forbidden love for the Ancient hero by a lonesome Zonai jeweler, she was looked down upon for having mere feelings for this ancient hero; So now in hopes of meeting him and living happily on another life, the influence rubs off on Kohga as now he and Link must light up the flane of this forbidden love. Link himself doing all he can to keep his former enemy alive so his heart does not shatter.
Idea (12): Yiga husbands x Howl's Moving castle... Or castle in the Sky- Sooga, unconscious and weak, upon being founded by a couple of Kohga's lackeys years ago, gets taken in by the Yiga clan and lives amongst as one of them. Eventually his amnesia fades as his memory returns to him; He's a king of a Kingdom in the clouds, A Kingdom so close to the gods, his home in danger of a threat unrelated to Hyrule's curse, has to return with a "queen" as to not let the darkness take over this holy kingdom.... The Queen in question??.... Got any ideas...?
Idea (13): King's slut. Despite turning over s new leaf and aiding the defeat of Calamity Ganon the Yiga still have to make ammends for the trouble and damage they have caused previous to the resolve with the Princess; So upon a personal and private arrangements, Kohga becomes Rhoam's "personal little lady", now he has to not only juggle his life as leader to the surviving Yiga clan, but now has to take and tolerate whatever naughty demands the King might have for him... It's a lot sweet than you think..
Idea (14): BotW/TotK era, being humiliated by Link so many times, Kohga's constant anger and envy for the boy begins to feel like a sudden obsession for the cunning hero.. Almost as he's... Falling in love, with the hero?... It's more likely than you think!.... Believe it or not, but it actually turns out for the sweetest; Link is the gentleman that Kohga never knew he wanted in a man, especially a young, courageous idiot like that Link guy.. Though seems Link himself has always wanted to do something like this ever since he met the guy back in the Gerudo Highlands, the boy is pumped!
Idea (14): Arranged marriage. Child neglect. Unhealthy marriage, unhealthy relationships. At the young age of their 20's Kohga was forced to marry a noble Sheikah women who was born into a life as a Yiga when they were both babies, despite having feelings and admitting those feelings to Sooga, planning on living the days happily together and so on, Kohga's dreams are crushed as he ends up having to live the heterosexual life he did not want. Whether it be some punishment from his bigoted late father at the time or if it's to keep the laws of the Yiga alive; Kohga now reluctantly cares for a child he never wanted and, ironically enough, pretends to not be married to this "woman" he was forced to wed... He cries to himself, cries for what he could've had, what could've happened, what he would've had now- Instead the unhappy couple fight, ignore each other hours on end, while letting their already troubling child to hold onto that stress of being unwanted, unloved.. The wife is a homophobic bitch and they need to be careful cuz the kid will grow up to become THE biggest criminal known to Hyrule if they don't at least work it out for HIM (yes the baby will always boy nyes)
Idea (15): Secret admirer, a creepy stalker; Kohga upon a year or so after aiding the heroes with the defeat of Calamity Ganon, he starts receiving romantic yet rather intimate letters, gifts, flowers and chocolates somehow making it into his dorm every night... At first it seems rather sweet to him as he would always assume Sooga was the one wooing him, so Kohga would always express his thanks with physical affection... However those are not in fact from Sooga at all, turns out potentially a certain "sketchy cleaner" who mains and manages the cleanliness and maintenance of the castle may have been stalking him this entire time. Everyone within our heroic ranks do a lil detective work like the "Scooby-Doo" gang before Kohga at one point abruptly goes missing... Yeah turns out he's been kidnapped by his stalker and may potentially suffer from both ptsd... And stockholm syndrome...
Idea (16): Imagine giving birth to a male Gerudo baby that is rumoured to be a thing that doesn't really happen anymore and neither of you are Gerudo... Yeah, obviously this is Sooga and Kohga's story- They just accidentally gave birth to the next incarnation of Ganondorf... But he's a "cute wittle baby" (Kohga's words) So they'll just do all they can to give the little inevitable dooms day as much fun and love before that time of suffering arrives... Problem is the baby seems to be needing breast feeding quite a lot, like it's constantly hungry... Not for food... But for power....
Idea (17): Body dysphoria. Kohga seems to always feel self conscious about his body, the amount of time those who bring his breakfast within the top ranks... Always looking lost at him in the mirror, seemingly longing for something he can never have... That's silly, "Master Kohga would NEVER find imperfections on and within himself!!"... But I think he really has this time... I don't think he can keep up with the "character" he plays anymore, reality is finally kicking in... "He's not the man he wants to be, but he's the woman he doesn't want to remember"
.. Eventually he seemingly accepts that he won't be able to PHYSICALLY be a man, but he knows he's the "BEST GUY" the Yiga clan love and adore him as; No matter the genitalia..... Til the biology kicks in and he's having his "manly time of the month" or when he's "so handsome he should get pregnant'.. To which, of course his mate respects and happily accepts (Sooga, ofc it's Sooga making him pregnant)
Idea (18): Amnesia. After the events of TotK Link and Zelda find an unconscious Kohga somehow within the location near Tarrey town, after having falling god knows how many feet from the sky after his last fight with Link back in the Abandoned Hebra Mine... And somehow surviving?... Who knows! - So they eventually take him into Link's new Dream home where they clean him up, tuck him into bed so he eventually wakes up.. However upon while they're out attending to activities within Akkala, he wakes up, seemingly lost and nowhere to go.. He slowly, wearily and sore all over leaves the home where he abruptly wonders arounds the outer path of Link's house for a quite a long time before the two return and notice him wondering aimlessly! After panicking and dragging the lost Kohga back into the house, Link and Zelda find out that he doesn't remember anything, the Yiga clan, Gerudo Highlands, the Zonai, Abandoned Mines... His hatred for Link! Nothing! The only thing he seems to say, which worries both Link AND Zelda to no end, is "I want to go home". Home? Why the Yiga clan Hideout that is located within the Gerudo Highlands, that's home right? Only for him to repeat himself over and over again, the two blondes have a literal scared child in the body of a fully grown man in their hands now, what do they fucking do now
Idea (19): Terminal sickness, Kohga has a terminal illness and is at the last moments at least with the ones he loves. Afraid, accepting, denial, he's feeling all sorts, he's not sure how to feel as he is feeling everything at once.. But one thing he does say which surprises everyone, including Sooga; "At least a littlelins aren't dealing with this", referring to literally Link, Zelda, Mipha, Revali, even Riju he's referring to. "At least it's an old idiot dying and ain't any of our baby buddies~"
Two outcomes: A miracle happens and he's makes it out for another few years than originally thought. Or eventually succumbs and passes away somewhat content snd accepting
Idea (20): Yandere simulator but Kohga. He's very yandere, very jealous, absolutely no one touches his "Soogy". He almost killed Impa, Urbosa, all candidates he "suspects" of "stealing him away". The obsession ends up him almost killing Sooga HIMSELF! Tortures him cuz he "suspects of cheating", "doing things with them behind his back" and so on..
Although Sooga is afraid seeing the side of the one who he looked up to and loved all his life, despite bleeding and wailing from all the cuts, bruises and gashes all over him that he is forced to hide out of shame; Eventually he does get through to the frenzied, overly obsessed and jealous Kohga, thus making the man one snap out and fall into a pit of constant guilt and despair upon realizing what he had been doing to the one he loves, and the trust bond he severed with his friends...
Dw they do eventually forgive, will hold Kohga accountable for the trauma, abuse, pain and anguish he committed in his delirious time, but as what really close and good friends do; They help him overcome his immoral jealousy.. Especially Urbosa, she's literally Kohga's voice of reason.
Idea (21): Kohga, being a shitty cook, finally learns to bake sweet treats to impress Sooga despite full well knowing his right hand man hasn't got much of a sweet tooth.. But taking lessons by both Zelda and Mipha and being able to become roughly up to their level (despite Zelda mostly preferring cooking savoury dishes, but that's a lesson for another time) sweets, pastries and so on...
Sooga was super happy and proud of Kohga they had THE FUCK and ate said sweet treats after. Best night of Kohga's life cuz now he can be the cute lil sexy baker for his man and get it up the G L O R Y H O L E every time. Dreams really do come true for this pudgy beauty
Idea (22): Urbosa upon accidentally getting drunk and are having THE FUCK for the first time, makes Kohga wake up to a new world of woman; In other words, Urbosa made him happy for his lady things. His C H E S T I C L E S, his P U T H P U T H everything about himself he absolutely was disgusted by before.
Urbosa seemingly very happy for Kohga's realization despite still wishing himself to be a man, she does all she can to help him feel comfortable... Y'know, like the genderfluid he is..
Idea (23): Totk. Retires being leader of the Yiga clan after Link foils his plan one too many times, Kohga now works for Yunobo at Yunobo Co. At this point he would rather mine ores and look at Zonai shit that way instead of having rockets blasted up his backside for what seems like the hundreth time since trying to kill Link back in the Gerudo Highlands..
Ofc Link is angry that he's here but surprisingly enough Yunobo thinks he's a delight to have around. Even using the Zonai mechanics and things scattered all over Hyrule, Kohga has actually made it a lot easier mining ores for the business. Even using his ultimate construct as a tool rather than a weapon of failures.. Eventually Link comes to accept how happy Kohga makes Yunobo, at business really has been booming since taking advantage and utilising Zonai tech into construction work and mining..
Retirement is actually kinda fun!
Idea (24): Being fooled around by the puppet who thinks is his best friend, Kohga after some time exploring the depths alone, still trying to get over the death of his closest and loyal right hand that he knew, he wearily explores the darkest depths in hopes of finding Link's princess. After some time Kohga comes across the puppet the Demon King has created who has been causing mayhem around Hyrule since the Upheavel, the Zelda puppet tricks him into following her to the Hyrule castle chasms only to almost pushed down to his death..
However surviving the fall after a few years of surviving alone by choice and picking up on techniques that had benefitted him during his secluded travels, he eventually comes face to face with sentient gloom that almost kills him... Only for it, with what little life he had remained, gets taken to the Demin King himself for unknown purposes.
Link, upon finding out from Hoz after their conversation, the last they saw of the Yiga clan leader was with Zelda by the Hyrule castle chasm..
Sounds weird I know, why did I dream that just now??... Concept's cool, but I don't get it-
Idea (25): After failing with the defeat of Link back in the Abandoned Hebra mine and being shot up skyward, Kohga upon falling back down to the depths from his failed contraption; He plummets into the murky waters of the darkest depths, unconscious, a "mysterious" figure known as the "Bargainer of Poes" approaches him in a "dream" about... Well... A bargain, "Fetch me poes and I'll spare your troubled spirit" ... Abruptly waking from supposed dream, Kohga ends up on the "shore" of the underground waters
This concept actually reaches so far for the AU cuz I'm always thinking about ideas and references that can be put into it- And Link isn't the protag to this "game" either! Anyways cuz I love Kohga to hell and back and have so many ideas for this idea and since nobody wants to hear any ideas I DO have and somewhat already shared:
He comes across a Skullkid in this "after life realm" (kinda like spirit realm but also not rly) who plays him songs that we are familiar with; Lost Woods theme ( AKA Saria's song), Song of Storms, Zelda's Lullaby, Sun song and all sorts, even Sonata of Awakening (which whenever Skullkid plays it, or dare I say it, Kohga plays it on a flute Skullkid gave to him, trigger him to return to the "world of the living" after teaching him)
The Bargainer of Poes, p much at the start of said AU concept, when they give him the ability to obtain and use spirits of certain monsters and creatures from Hyrule's history for the task of collecting poes; So he can and will in fact obtain the ability of Dark Nuts/Iron Knuckles (which I guess if we go by Oot'slogic, are p much hypnotised Gerudo warriors), Gibdos/redeads (but not of the insect variety), Stalfoses and even Armos
Awesome gadgets and items from previous Zelda titles make a comeback in the form of spiritual like items that can be used in the world of the living; Double clawshots, Megaton Hammer, "Fairy bow" (However will be referred to as the " Spirit bow "), Elemental tunics/armous, "Pegasus boots" (Or Phantom boots that also create temporary floating platforms with every step you take which is awesome for like speedy long walkways), and way too much more that I'm getting my head over for...
Cool new weapons like the Blade of the Bargainer (which if you collect all the poes for the Bargainer before he decides to try killing the shit out of you after your "purpose" is finished), An enhanced Zonaite shield Kohga makes from his own hands and expertise
I'm making him more competent than he actually IS in BotW/TotK/AoC....
Anyways yeah so much shit and TEMPLES!! LIKE CREEPY FCKING TEMPLES WITH RE-DEAD, WALL MASTERS AND FLOOR MASTERS, DEAD HANDS (which are vaguely different to OoT but wanna make them freaky and actually heart attack worthy like the Gloom spawns)
..... Idk all that shit
And nobody will fucking talk to me or ask me about it cuz nobody gives a shit about my ideas just cuz it's not Link and doesn't fit to everybody's generic standards within the fandom!!
DARK LINK!! DARK LINK IS IN THAT REALM (Realm of the Troubled I guess it should be called?? Kinda like the Depths but more ghosty and ruthless) AND DECIDES TO SPICE THINGS UP AND ENDS UP BECOMING KOHGA'S DOPPLEGANGERS (Cuz imo "Dark Link" isn't actually just Dark Link but an entity of the spiritual world that can in fact copy almost everything and everyone... Anyways)
Idea (26): Sooga was actually working with Astor this entire time and betrays the Yiga clan and willingly aids Astor in making Kohga a sacrifice to Calamity Ganon; Kohga feeling like the whole world against him tries his best to escape in hopes to beg for Zelda's help. There are two outcomes;
1: He makes it and just like the original game him and a few surviving Yiga just barely make it out and plea for Zelda's help
2: Sooga and Astor along with the blights catch up to Kohga and whoever's left of his clan before being entirely snuffed out. Leaving no survivors and thus making the existence of the Yiga clan no more.. Urbosa, although loathing the clan because of their constant harassing to the Gerudo and Zelda, no matter what feels inclined to wonder how Kohga himself is doing in the midst of all this.. Only to never find out that he no longer lingers with them in the world of living
Idea (27): After the events of TotK and cracking cuz of the constant attack by the Yiga clan again and again even after Kohga's defeat in the Abandoned Hebra mine; Link takes it upon his own hands to forever torment Kohga by repeatedly attacking and even killing him with either his own devices made from Zonai technology to even torturing him.
Kohga seeing this side of the hero not only terrifies him but now tries to escape and go into hiding from this game the hero has made called "payback".. Fairies can only do so much, and Kohga now feels his body is slowly shutting down from being brought back by Fairies again and again... Especially knowing fairies can only heal so much and do not revive people back to before they were gravely injured...
Idea (28): W.I.P Dream idea time ... again..
Link, seemingly upon entering an alternate dimension and coming across a "Kohga" of this other world... Kkhga is a lone archaeologist who enjoys exploring and discovering new and unknown structures and temples
Idea (29): Some other time in Hyrule, y'know like every other game where it's like another generation- Anyways...
Sooga and Kohga from this era; Sooga, grandson to Lady Impa (name passed down sort of thing since his grandfather has passed), older brother to Pays. Takes over Zelda's nanny
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parksrway · 3 years
"Link teaching Sheik how to use a bow"
Turning fluff into angst pt 1/however many of these I get to
(sheik knows how to use a bow but we'll just say this is taking place in a universe where he doesn't and his aim is shit)
"Just like that!"
The bow trembles in Sheik's hands as he draws back another arrow. He tries his best to regulate his breathing and steady his hands, despite the circumstances.
Link is standing before him, encouraging him to do his best, that it's okay and he doesn't have to be perfect.
Sheik feels like he's going to throw up. His breaths are starting to end with high pitched squeaks as his hands continue to shake, making it impossible to aim. He has to be perfect, especially right now.
"Come on, little Sheikah. I'd like to see how good your aim really is." The Blademaster keeping Link in a chokehold taunts him as he continues to fail at calming himself down. The Yiga brings his head down to be on the same level as Link's, pressing the sides of their faces together.
"You're doing just fine, Sheik."
The arrow sticking out of Link's shoulder from Sheik's previous attempt says otherwise.
He can't do this.
He tastes bile at the back of his throat.
He'll never forgive himself if he fucks up any more than he already has. He's never going to forgive himself for this regardless of what happens.
He feels like his lungs are being restricted by ever-tightening barbed wire. His heart feels like it's being squeezed in someone's fist and he swears he's being strangled from how tight his throat is. The arrow rattles against the bow as his hands continue to shake. Tears blur his vision, making Link and the Yiga melt into blue and red blobs, and he blinks furiously to try and clear them.
He can't do this.
"It's okay Sheik, I'll forgive you."
Sheik doesn't believe him.
Taking one final deep breath, he holds it as he strains every muscle in his body to try and keep his hands still.
He releases the arrow.
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newtsnaturethings · 3 years
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I rewatched Atlantis the Lost Empire (one of my favorite movies as a kid) the other night and now here’s the Breath of the Wild Atlantis AU no one asked for.
Here we go:
- A long time ago the Calamity happened and shit hit the fan. It ultimately gets sealed but the Sheikah settlement of Atlantis gets submerged and lost to time (side note this movie kills A LOT of people and is not subtle about it). 
- Flash forward to our protagonist Link, who works at a museum in Castle Town. He’s obsessed with legends and myths of the Goddesses and heroes. Also his parents are dead because of course they are. 
- He works as the museum’s cook during the day and security guard at night.
- One day he gets called to the Zora domain to meet with King Dorephan, a friend of his parents, who tells him he’s funding an expedition with the remaining Sheikah to find the lost Sheikah settlement of Atlantis that supposedly went missing after the Calamity many years ago. 
- He reveals his parents found the Sheikah Slate, the map to find the lost settlement. Link can barely understand how to use it but yeah instead of the Shepard’s Journal we got the Sheikah Slate.
- The expedition crew is composed of the champions: 
- Mipha is the team medic. Sidon’s there for moral support. 
- Daruk is the bomb expert but he doesn't always remember that not everyone has a bomb shield at the ready
- Revali works communications. He’s also super uncomfortable with the submarine travel because birb but he (of course) puts on a confident front. (He get’s better in the underwater cave bit cause there’s room to fly) 
- Urbosa is the captain. No question there. 
- Robbie is the mechanic and Purah is the team scientist. Impa makes sure they don't accidentally kill everyone with their experiments.
- Link goes as the cook and as extra back up. And because Dorephan knows how much he loves adventure. 
- Also the Yiga have infiltrated the expedition because they want to unseal the Calamity and eliminate the one who can seal it. No one knows this. 
- Near the entrance the submarine gets attacked by rogue Divine Beast Vah Ruta. They manage to get into the cave and no one dies (seriously the Atlantis movie has an INSANE death count)
- THE EXPEDITION CONTINUES. Shenanigans ensue. More rogue Divine Beast attacks. 
- Link somehow gets separated from the group and meets the lost princess Sheikah Zelda (can y’all tell I’m a sucker for warrior Zelda)
- Zelda leads everyone to the lost Sheikah settlement.
- Zelda wants to research all the busted tech but her dad is not into it and discourages the research (she doesn’t care and does it anyways). 
- Link shows Zelda the Slate and they go around and try to piece together how to get the tech to work again (with mixed results) 
- Zelda also shows Link all the cool places and wildlife she loves to study and Link tells her all about the surface. They grow closer and then they realize the feelings hit and they just awkwardly flirt while everyone rolls their eyes in the background. 
- The Swimming Scene: Link tries (and fails) to be confident and is like “I was raised with the Zora I can definitely swim” and Zelda’s just like “uh okay :) let’s go” 
- Yiga reveal. 
- They take Link and Zelda to the Sacred Spring underneath the city. Zelda gets taken by the Goddess. They attempt to take her to where the Calamity is sealed so Zelda (and the Goddess) can be destroyed forever. 
- Link’s like f*ck that shit and rallies the crew to rescue her (also the Champions aren’t out to get rich like in the movie as soon as they wise up to the Yiga they are on board for the rescue). 
- The Yiga are defeated but then the Calamity awakens anyway. 
- Zelda fuckin obliterates it with her powers. 
- Zelda returns to everyone. Cue heartfelt reunion with Link.
- Zelda becomes Queen and works with Link to continue to help her people and recover the lost technology. 
Enjoy the brain rot. 
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(Stealing this idea from a drawing my friend made but-) Imagine Kohga forcing Sooga to have some sort of vibrator inside him while he does some training or sparring. And the vibrator is remote controlled too so Kohga can adjust how powerful the vibrations are-
I demand the fucking drawing for this. At LEAST in the reblogs.
“Sooga, you’re the best fighter in the clan, right?”
“Aside from you, Master Kohga. But yes, I pride myself in my swordsmanship, if nothing else.”
Kohga chuckled as he flipped through his dirty magazines. Sooga was with him in his room, just seeming to meditate. Kohga loved how they could be totally quiet together, but he was ready for his boy to make some noise. He put down his magazine, and crawled into Sooga’s lap, grinning as their masks bonked together.
“So...what If I have a challenge for you? Prove to everyone just how big and strong you are?”
Sooga ALWAYS loved a challenge. His attention was on him immediately.
“A challenge? From you? Color me surprised. Any chance to prove myself to you is something I cannot refuse.”
Such a good boy, his Sooga. Agreeing to a challenge he didn’t even know about yet. This was going to be juicy.
“Alright boys, put on a real show for me here!”
Kohga got comfy in his favorite chair, right in the den of the yiga clan hideout. Aka, where many did their training, either for improvement, or to impress Master Kohga. Sooga against one of the more stronger Blade masters. Who also just so happened to be one of the more flirty ones. So much so, He bowed in front of Kohga, and upon receiving his hand, kissed the back of it. He could tell Sooga was seething in silent jealousy.
“I will not disappoint you, Master Kohga.”
“You better not. I want my Sooga to be put through the wringer. Don’t you hold back for a second. Get it?”
Kohga lightly poked his mask, where his lips would’ve been, and the blade master swooned in place. Not that it mattered. He dismissed him, and gestured for Sooga to come to him. He obeyed, and Kohga chuckled.
“Go get ‘em, tiger. Challenge starts now.”
Kohga pulled out the sheikah slate (don’t ask how he got advanced technology to do something so pervy), and set the vibration to the lowest setting. Sooga stiffened in plate, before forcing himself to walk away. It was hot, knowing he was putting Sooga in his element, while getting him off. He crafted him the perfect little vibrator, and he could tell Sooga would rather be in their room, laying back and enjoying it, but he DID like a challenge. They both armed themselves, and Kohga got comfy in his seat.
The second he gave the go ahead, they darted towards each other. Sooga acted as swiftly as ever could, practically dancing around the blade master. The fact that the guy wasn’t sent to the floor in seconds was what separated him from other blade masters. Though, he was quickly pinned against a wall by Sooga, and just before Sooga could disarm him and win, Sooga bumped it up from level one, to level three. Sooga’s legs buckled, and the blade master managed to not only push him off, but jabbed him right in the gut with his elbow, helping him out of the corner he was just in. He cracked his neck, mainly to put on a show for Kohga.
“What’s wrong, Sooga? Thought you wanted to look good in front of Master Kohga?”
Kohga spared him the anguish, bumping it back down to two, and that seemed to be just enough for Sooga to regain a bit of composure, leaping towards the blade master with his all too classic binding attack. Kohga LOVED that one, and the fact that he executed it so well, despite the fact that he had a toy nestled deep in his ass, was nothing short of hot for Kohga. Sooga hit his attack right at the mark, sending the guy to his knees. Kohga thought he was going to have to bump it up to save the guy, only to be pleasantly surprised when the guy moved just in time to protect himself. Kohga loved a good fight, and god did it make him hot. Sooga held himself firmly, though he could tell his footsteps were just a LITTLE less than stable. 
“I will not be made a fool of in front of my m-master-!”
Sooga nearly fell to his knees, purely because Kohga felt like pumping him all the way to four. Out of five, this was quite the jump from a measly two. It was enough to make Sooga’s knees buckle, even for just a moment. The Blade Master even cocked his head a bit, looking him up and down.
“Do you...need a time-”
Sooga, mainly in humiliation, dashed for him, knocking him back a peck and sending them both tumbling to the floor. Sooga was a heavy guy, so his weight easily sent them both down. Not that Kohga disliked the view of Sooga on top of another big, muscular guy. Their swords clinked and clanged against one another in a rather impressive display of swordsmanship, and Kohga couldn’t stop fucking with him. When it looked like he was losing, he’d dim it to two. When he was winning, he’d bump it all the way to four. Poor Sooga was dying, he could see it on his big, handsome face. Kohga took a sip of his drink, before calling out to them both.
“Come on you guys, I fuck winners over here!!”
And if THAT didn’t make that blade master fucking MOVE. He was at Sooga like a rabid cat, mercissely attacking him and constantly backing him into a corner. Kohga’s ass was just worth fighting for, literally. Sooga finally came out victorious, having rushed the guy with all of big, massive body weight. He reached for his blade, only for Kohga to put the tips of his blades right at his throat. He was panting something fierce, and Kohga swore he was about to cum all over himself. The Blade master didn’t seem to notice, and sighed in defeat.
“Oh thank fuck.”
Sooga collapsed on the floor, hunched over on the floor and whining into his hands. Probably because he bumped it all the way to the max. Shit was a lot for Kohga, he could only imagine what it was doing to poor, poor Sooga. The blade master lifted himself up a bit to look at Sooga, before looking to Kohga.
“What’s up with him?”
“He likes winning.”
“Fucking shit!!~”
And just like that, he came on himself, with that damn vibrator fucking him the whole way through it.
“He...REALLY likes winning.”
Kohga won too, getting to see his big boy trying to hide the cum dripping onto the floor.
He was so cute.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 3
It was a couple hours before the bar started to empty out, and despite what he had said earlier, Kit reluctantly agreed to serve Link two more bottles. It was close to midnight when the last of his customer’s had gone, leaving Kit and Link the only two left in the building. Kit stretched his arms over his head, opting to close up early by simply locking the door and flipping the sign in the window. He then poured himself a couple of shots and took them one after the other before helping himself to two more.
Link raised a brow at him. “Really?”
“I’ve got some catching up to do,” Kit said between shots.
Link grinned. “You’ve been drinking all night.”
Kit shrugged. It was true that he had been helping himself to the occasional beer or shot between serving patrons. He and Link even toasted to some nonsense he couldn’t remember earlier in the evening. He finished another two shots, then worked at clearing the glasses along with Link’s empties. He wiped the bar down quickly with very little effort, then joined Link on the other side of the counter, taking up the empty barstool next to him. He pulled out a tin that Link was all too familiar with, along with a lighter, and he offered one of the joints to Link.
Link rolled it between his fingers in between inhalations, watching it burn. They smoked quietly for a moment before Kit finally spoke.
“When are you gonna sack up and talk to Mipha? Get back together with her already.”
Link said nothing. He brought the joint to his mouth and inhaled. A single light lit the bar leaving them otherwise sitting in the dark. It felt better to be there in the dark than at home where the darkness only made him feel claustrophobic.
“Or are you still on board the Zelda train?” Kit continued.
“There’s no Zelda train,” Link said simply.
Kit grinned. “That’s not what I’ve seen on tv.”
“Do you really believe everything you see on tv?”
Kit nodded. “When the reporters say ZeLink is a thing, I do.”
Link raised a brow and inspected his joint. “ZeLink?”
“Your celebrity couple name,” Kit said. He inhaled deeply, then added, “Obviously.”
Link snorted. “That’s not a thing.”
“Don’t lie,” Kit said. “You’re totally banging.”
Link took another hit and stood. Without another word, he left the bar, leaving Kit to scramble to catch up to him. He waited outside in the cool night until Kit caught up, stumbling and swaying for a moment.
“Fuckin’ shit,” he muttered under his breath as he caught his balance. He brought the joint to his lips, inhaled, then sighed dramatically. “The night is ours,” he said with a grin. “What kinda trouble should we get into?”
“Zelda yelled at me last time,” Link said.
Kit laughed. “Hey, you’re not a thing, what does she care?”
“She can’t be associated with my antics,” Link said with a smirk. “Makes her look bad.”
“Well, not for nothing,” Kit started, pausing for another hit. “Your presence can make anyone look bad.”
“That’s what I aim for.”
“I still think you should make up with Mipha,” he said. “She was the one thing you got right.”
“She doesn’t need to be dragged down into my shit,” Link muttered. He took another hit, speaking again as he blew out smoke. “She’s better off.”
“I disagree,” Kit said frankly. “The way I see it, you’re just a stupid ass who pushes everyone away.”
“No, I’m just a stupid ass that everyone leaves.”
“Are you gonna cry about it?”
Link snorted. “No. I drink.”
“Poor Link has no friends,” Kit mocked.
“Look who’s talking.”
Kit nodded. “No shit, huh?” He paused for a hit. “Guess that makes us a pretty good team.”
“I prefer to run solo.”
“You do a lot of things solo,” Kit said with a grin. His face turned serious as he spoke again. “It’s been like, five years. I don’t think either of you are better off.”
“Well,” Link started, “I’m not about to start taking relationship advice from you.”
“You should,” Kit said. “Because whether you believe it or not, you would have been better off.” He paused for a long inhale. “You’re not the hero anymore. You don’t have to do what you think is best for everyone else.”
Link took one last hit, inhaling deeply. He blew the smoke out with a sigh. “You’re a wise man.”
“I know you’re being an ass, but it’s about time you recognize and heed my wisdom.” Kit stretched his arms over him, working out the kinks as his body cracked and he groaned. He muttered about getting old as they made their way through the city.
“I haven’t heard any Aryll stories lately,” Kit said thoughtfully. “Anything new and exciting?”
“She’s gonna get expelled if she doesn’t get her shit together,” Link muttered.
Kit frowned. “What did she do this time?”
Link shrugged. “Punched some kid.”
Link sighed. “Conspiracy theories.”
Kit grinned. “Oh, I love hearing those,” he said. “I’m still convinced that Yiga Clan is up to something.”
Link shook his head. “Zelda was pretty adamant about that.”
“Well, maybe she should get her head out of her ass.”
He shrugged. “It’s been ten years. Don’t you think if they were an issue, they would have been, you know, more relevant by now?”
“They’re waiting for something,” Kit said. “Plotting.”
“Right,” Link said. “Nothing I can do about it, anyway. I don’t exactly stand a chance against an army of rogue Sheikah.”
“Too bad,” Kit said. “You could use a good comeback.”
Link smiled. “Yeah. You’re right.”
“So, since we’re on the topic of crashing on your couch,” Kit started.
“We weren’t.”
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Pretty sure my landlord is going to kick me out. He hates me.” He shrugged. “I know Aryll hates me, too. But I don’t owe her money, at least.”
“She hates me, too.”
Kit frowned. “I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Well, she’s pissed at me. Hasn’t said a word to me.”
“I’m sure you put in the effort,” Kit said, and Link shrugged.
It wasn’t long before they got to the house. It was completely dark, and Link wondered if Aryll was asleep, or if she had taken advantage of his absence and snuck out for the night. He decided he should at least own up to his responsibility as her guardian and check in on her. He knocked softly on her bedroom door, and when no answer came, he poked his head inside. If she had attempted to fake her own sleeping body with pillows, the blonde hair poking out was a nicely added detail, but Link felt confident that it was indeed her, sleeping soundly, and he wasn’t about to wake her.
What he didn’t realize, however, was that Aryll was awake. Though she comforted herself in her nest of blankets, she hadn’t found a moment of sleep. She called her brother’s name softly, but he apparently had not heard her as the door closed again.
“Is she out terrorizing the city?” Kit asked when Link returned.
He dropped onto the couch beside Kit and took the beer Kit handed him. “Don’t think so,” he said.
“You don’t think so,” Kit said, then shrugged. “You have such a natural, fatherly instinct.”
Link snorted. “I learned from the best.”
Kit frowned. “Are you suggesting your father was terrible at the parenting thing?”
“A bit unorthodox.”
Kit shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“You didn’t know him,” Link pointed out.
“Maybe not,” he said. “But I can’t imagine he was that bad.”
Link shrugged. “Guess not.” He paused. “He did let me play with a ten thousand year old sword.”
Kit grinned. “Every sixteen year old’s dream.” He flipped through the channels on the tv, settling on some late night talk show. They continued to chat casually with one another. When the late night commercials came on, they teased one another about dialing the 900-lines. At some point during the night, they both finally passed out where they sat, not stirring until morning when Aryll slammed two pans together above them. They jumped violently, then groaned loudly as Aryll let the pans drop noisily onto the counter.
“I'm going to school, idiot,” she called over her shoulder.
Kit waved a hand over the couch. “Bye, Sweetie.”
“Get the fuck out, Kit,” she shouted before slamming the door behind her.
With another groan, Kit rolled over, falling off the couch and onto the floor. He lay with his face down on the floor for a moment, then let out a heavy sigh.
“What time is it?” he muttered.
Link's hand felt for his phone on the end table. He clicked it on and squinted his eyes. “Seven.”
Kit sighed again. “Three more hours before I gotta get to the bar.” He slowly pushed himself to his feet, wavered for a moment, then moved across the living room. “I gotta take a leak.”
Link let his arm rest across his forehead. His head was pounding, but it was hardly his worst hangover. After a few moments more of laying on the couch, he got to his feet and moved toward the bathroom. He leaned against the door and banged on it.
“Get out, Kit,” he grunted.
The door jerked open and Link nearly fell through. “Can't a guy take a piss?”
Link pushed Kit out of the way. “I need a shower.”
Kit scrunched his nose and smirked. “Yeah, you smell like ass.” The door closed behind him and he lifted his arm, smelling his pit. He shrugged. “You going to work?” he asked through the door.
“Unfortunately.” The shower turned on.
“Cool. I'm sleeping on your couch for two more hours. Don't wake me.”
“See you tonight?”
Within fifteen minutes, Link was showered, dressed, and headed out the door, taking a moment to throw a pillow at Kit who was stretched out on the couch. In another fifteen minutes, he was grunting a good morning to Sera before hiding behind the desk where he hoped he could sleep most of the day away.
“What's up with you?”
Aryll looked up from her untouched lunch, only noticing then that Anju had sat in front of her. The cafeteria was buzzing loudly with afternoon chatter, though Aryll had managed to tune it out completely. She had floated by through half the day already, not paying attention to a single thing in her classes, her mind elsewhere. “Hm?”
Anju frowned at her best friend as she sat across from her. “I'm worried about you,” she said. “You've been super emo for the last couple of weeks.”
Aryll rolled her eyes. “I'm not emo.”
“You look like you're going to kill yourself.”
Aryll frowned down at her lunch.
“Why won't you talk to me?” Anju’s voice softened.
Aryll sighed. “There's nothing to talk about.”
“I know there is,” Anju pressed. “Is it still Link?” Aryll didn't answer, but that was answer enough for her. “Don't you think you should talk to him?”
“Clearly you don't know my brother at all,” Aryll muttered. “He doesn't talk about shit.”
“What about Aryll's hot brother?” Cremia slid into the seat beside Aryll, grinning. “When are you going to give me his number?”
“Gross,” Aryll muttered.
“Hot,” Cremia said. “Hot damn. I could look at him all day long.” She put her chin in her hand and batted her eyelashes playfully.
“Oh my goddess,” Aryll said, burying her face in her hands. “Shut the fuck up.”
“I bet redheads are definitely his type, so I’ve got an edge there.” She sighed dreamily. “I'd let him do anything to me.”
“Cremia!” Anju narrowed her eyes at her.
“Oh, come on,” Cremia said. “I am so not the only one. He’s got stupid ass fangirls all over the world.”
“Like you?” Anju said, pointing at her with her plastic fork.
“Can we talk about something else?” Aryll muttered.
“Fine,” Cremia said with a sigh. “We should make plans this weekend.”
“Agreed,” Anju said. “Aryll needs to get out of the house.”
“And her brother needs to get into me,” she whispered.
“Oh my Goddess,” Cremia whined loudly. “Let me have my fantasy!” She closed her eyes and smiled. “Mm, mm, mm.”
“For the love of Hylia,” Anju said, shaking her head. “Keep it in your fucking pants.”
“Fine,” Cremia said, coming back to reality. “So, sleep over at my place? We can totally get crunk!”
“Crunk?” Anju said with a frown. “Really?”
“Live a little, Ary,” Cremia said. “You could use a night to loosen up.”
Anju shrugged. “She’s not wrong.”
“One of these days,” Cremia started, “she’s gonna come in with black hair and black lipstick and stupid black skinny jeans and then I’ll have to kill you. For your own good.”
“So, this will happen if I don’t go out and get crunk with you?” Aryll said dryly.
Cremia nodded. “Most def. And I’m your best friend. I won’t let that happen to you.” She straightened and grinned. “So, it’s settled. Maybe we’ll sneak into some clubs. Meet some hot guys. Get laid.” She put her head in her hand and spoke into her lunch. “And then I’ll go over your house and seduce Link.”
Anju punched her shoulder. “What is with you?”
“I appreciate hot men! Why is that a crime?”
“You’re an animal.”
“What about Revali?” Aryll asked. “Can’t it be anyone else besides my fucking brother?”
“Hm. Yeah. He’s hot, too.” She sighed. “Alright, fine. For the sake of our friendship, I’ll put Link on the back burner.”
“I am so uncomfortable,” Aryll muttered.
“I’m almost afraid to go into her bedroom,” Anju said. “I bet she writes terrible smut starring herself.”
“I don’t need to hear this.”
Cremia slapped Anju’s shoulder excitedly. “Dude! You should see some of the fics out there!”
“Fics?” Aryll questioned hesitantly.
Cremia nodded. “Oh, yeah. I’m tame compared to what those fangirls want to do to your brother.”
“What if I got my tongue pierced?” Aryll asked in a desperate attempt to change the subject.
“Don’t be a cliche,” Cremia said. “We all know you’re going through your angsty teenage phase. No need to fucking announce it to the world.”
“I don’t know why I’m friends with you,” Aryll said.
“Funny how that happened?” Cremia said. “It’s almost like I planted myself in your life to get closer to your brother.”
“Sounds about right,” Anju said. “Actually. I thought he was with Zelda or something.”
“No,” Aryll said fiercely. “Why?”
“Well, they were all over the news for a while,” she said with a shrug. “Hanging out, being secretive.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Cremia. “I don’t think you can compete with the Queen of Hyrule.”
Cremia made a face of disgust and disapproval. She scoffed. “Please,” she started. “She ain’t got nothing on me.”
“They’re not dating,” Aryll insisted.
“But they’re probably fucking,” Cremia said.
Aryll frowned down at her lunch. “Link’s gonna get back with Mipha,” she said softly.
Cremia rolled her eyes. “Right.”
Anju bit her lip. “Why are you like this?”
“That’s how this friendship works,” Cremia said. “You can baby her and let her be emo all she wants. But I’m a realist. I’m gonna talk some damn sense into her and pull her up on her feet and push her forward whether she likes it or not.”
“Lucky you,” Anju said to Aryll sarcastically. “You get the best of both worlds.”
Aryll smiled. “Alright,” she said. “Let’s get crunk. But under one condition.”
“Anything,” Cremia said excitedly.
“Stop drooling over my brother!”
Cremia frowned, then turned serious. She put her hand over her heart. “This is how much I love you, Ary. For you, I will never say a thing about your smoking hot brother ever again.” She grinned and winked at her. “Starting now.”
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