#or duet for the noctis/luna
regaeliabyeeeee · 1 year
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1. ) when noctis was brought to tenebrae as a child in the wake of his injury, i feel like there wasn’t a lot luna could do to reach him at first. he’d just gone through something terrible, witnessed his first instance of the weight he would carry and seen the people that raised him cut down. being brought to foreign lands newly physically incapacitated was a rough transition for him, and while luna meant well noctis very much so would have liked to go home.  now obviously over the course of his time there they were able to connect, but not without trial and error, and its because of the effort made on luna's part that they were able to form a lasting bond. it’s also important to mention that tenebrae being invaded because of his presence there is something that weighs so heavily on him going forward. where luna is concerned, noctis carries  a tremendous amount of guilt with him .
2. ) during his time there,  more often than not you’d find the both of them sharing a piano bench as luna taught him keys that he would mirror until sooner or later they’d play themselves into an old tenebraen duet piece.  it’s one of his most cherished memories of her,   and though while not even a tenth as talented, he’s still able to hold a tune well enough .
3. ) noctis is incredibly wary of even letting anyone look at their shared notebook. to him, its the last corporeal link he has to her, and he's a bit protective of it. luna truly was his first friend beyond duty or his father. sure, circumstance started it that way, but few other than luna truly know him soul - deep . despite all that however, noctis is very out of tune with his own emotions and wouldn't ever know how to put any of that into words. sorry babygirl .
4. ) much by the insistence of prompto, and ever since the polaroid he'd sent of the two of them at the arcade, he ended up ( embarrassingly ) sending her a personal polaroid of himself. it's of him on a rare excursion to the lakes on the outskirts of insomnia, proudly holding up a fish he'd worked on reeling in all afternoon. it's as much candid as it is intimate, and he only had the guts to send umbra off if he promised to return with one of her. thank u prompto .
@lunabrae sent a 👫 for four headcanons about our muses .
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corcnaiism · 3 months
character headcanon generator: link here ( basing it off modern verse bc brain rot )
noctis / prompto is constantly singing for no reason.
  true. both boys are singers after all. they sing in the shower, while they drive, while they cook, etc. they duet with one another when one of them starts something up and the other joins in. in their household, there doesn’t go a day without one of them singing whether it be goofy or not, long or short. music runs in their veins.
noctis / prompto likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them.
  false. both boys love playing board games, but they always have someone to play with, whether it be with each other, gladio or ignis, or all four of them. noctis occasionally will have luna and his father around and have a family game night. hell, he’ll even invite the nannies to join on the fun. 
noctis / prompto set a public school on fire and got away with it.
  false. however, noctis would be the one to do so if he had been given the chance bc he’s a little shit like that. prompto would never.
noctis / prompto knocks people over by hugging them.
  true and false. for noctis, he normally gives decent hugs that aren’t over the top, however he does have moments when he’s feeling silly and nearly tackles one of his boyfriends to the ground. for prompto, he loves physical touch once he can fully trust a person, so he definitely would be jumping on people into a hug or tackling them bc he just loves to hug and be close with someone he cares so much about, ask any one of his boyfriends tbh.
noctis / prompto forgets to eat sometimes.
  true. both boys struggle with eating habits. noctis simply forgets to eat bc he’s either too busy playing games, working on music, or flat out sleeping. prompto forgets to eat for similar reasons, but there are times he purposely doesn’t eat due to his eating disorder he struggled with since childhood. 
noctis / prompto doesn’t know how to say they’re sorry.
  true and false. for noctis, he has a hard time taking an “L” and admitting he was in the wrong which leads to a lot of arguments bc of it. he was raised to be given nearly everything, so it ended with him turning into a brat, but he knows how to act like a decent human being when he wants to. he genuinely feels remorse, but isn’t good with words, so instead he opts to giving people gifts and doing things for them to make up for his shitty behavior. as for prompto, this is false. he is more in tune with his emotions, and having to apologize a lot during the entirety of his life ( poor guy ), he is better with an apology. 
it would not take much for noctis / prompto to turn evil.
  true and false. for noctis, his family and friends are the ones keeping him grounded and, for sure, if they were taken from the equation, he would’ve most likely been a criminal but not bc he has evil in his heart. mainly out of pain. for prompto, this is false bc that boy has no evil lingering in his soul and bottles a lot of forgiveness which can be both a good and bad thing, but nothing something that would turn him evil.
noctis / prompto has an incredible spice tolerance.
  true and false. for noctis, he loves spicy things and could eat them every day. sure, some of them hurt him but, at the end of the day, he absolutely loves it and would eat it again ( he def ignores what sometimes comes out from him afterwards ). for prompto, he cannot stand spicy foods at all. try as he may, it hurts him too much that he ends up tearing up and turning bright red from the pain his esophagus and stomach go through. noctis teases him about it.
noctis / prompto can’t sit in a chair properly.
  true and somewhat false. for noctis, there is no way you can get him to sit in a chair properly when he is just being casual. he’ll sit properly during something professional like a meeting or an interview or something, but otherwise he is a chaotic sitter. for prompto, he also likes sitting improperly, but he is more capable of adjusting himself to where his body won’t end up hurting later down the line like noctis.
noctis / prompto believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover.
  true and false. for noctis, he loves horror shit, and if he can somehow summon a spirit to talk to him during a seance he forces his boyfriends into, then he’d die happy. this man literally has equipment for spirit communication stashed in his closet.  for prompto, he absolutely hates horror stuff and clings onto either gladio or ignis during one of noctis’ seance to protect him from bad spirits and stuff. he’ll want to opt out, but he also doesn’t want to be left alone, so it’s a lose-lose for him.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
listening to ffxv music again more recently n i realize again how much it has influenced me
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angelkitty54 · 5 years
I just watch that clip “Into The Unknown” from Frozen 2 and am having so many ideas... (Also this is a really great song, and it’s probably gonna get stuck in my head...)
Soooo... an(other) AU wherein Luna is sorta like Elsa, born with magic powers that nobody understands and has come to fear them. Lets say that she eventually got her powers under control and has come to be accepted by her people as their Oracle and Healer. She and her brother have already had their little adventure, and are ready to settle into happily ever after...
Except, lately Luna has been hearing this voice. Well not a voice exactly, but she can feel something calling out to her, urging her to follow it to it’s source. And as her powers grow stronger, this strange siren call grows louder and harder to ignore...
Meanwhile, far across the sea in the now defunct Kingdom of Lucis...
Lucis was a kingdom of magic, but long ago something happened that ended with the capital Insomnia becoming cut off from the world, hidden behind a strange wall of mist. And with the capital and with it the Crystal (wihch is said to be the source of all magic on Eos) gone magic seemed to disappear from the world...
In Insomnia itself, magic still exists, but over the generations their power has begun waning. Until Noctis is born. Noctis has power beyond anything seen since the great Kings and Queens of yore. It’s too bad hardly anyone remembers how to wield such power. Regis is very concerned for his son, that kind of power could consume Noctis entirely. Not to mention there’s no telling what kind of fate the gods must have in store for him...
Soon enough, Noctis also starts hearing a strange voice calling out to him. He’s been warned against listening to strange voices no on else can hear... but he can’t help himself. It call to him, pleading him to follow. Where or why? He doesn’t know, all he knows is that whatever this is, it lies beyond the Wall.
One day the call is so strong that neither can ignore it, and in trying to reach out to it, Luna inadvertently sets off a chain reaction and awakens the Glacian from her slumber, while Noct finds himself standing before the Crystal having also set off a chain reaction and nearly brings the Citadel crashing down in on itself.
Luna, not knowing what to do to after unleashing Shiva unto the unsuspecting  world, but desperate to set things right, sets off on a new journey. Guided by the mysterious Gentiana (heh) she makes for Lucis, hoping that there she will find the answers shes been seeking her whole life.
Noct knows there’s something out there beyond the Wall and he needs to go. He needs to find out what ever this thing that’s calling truly is. He needs to finds out more about this power he possesses. His father forbids it, no one can venture beyond the wall anyway, it’s impossible.
Noct sneaks out anyway, accompanied by his friends, who are definitely not letting him go off to do something potentially stupid and/or dangerous on his own! Seeing is believing, and when the Mist (which have blocked them off for generations) parts for Noctis, well Ignis, Gladio and Prompto can’t help but accept that maybe he might be on to something here...
As Luna and Noctis’s paths lead them closer to one another, the call gets stronger and stronger. Except, now it’s begining to sound like an actual voice. Now it’s also accompanied by vivid dreams, sometimes even visions while they’re awake. And as it grows stronger and clearer, they make an incredible discovery.
It’s not just some strange siren call of magic... There’s a person behind it!
Noct: “A girl?” Luna: “A boy?”
Neither understand it. But they’re desperate to meet. To find out why they’ve been calling out to each other. Why this is happening. “Who are you?” and “Are you real?” are some of the biggest questions on their minds...
This kinda like a script for an animatic tha I have in my head right now and would really like to make, maybe, one day... I really wish I new how to properly edit music or at least get my hands on “Into The Unknown” but sung as a duet between a girl and boy... (Probably would be easier to visual if you listen to the song while reading this, but it’s hard to explain this kind of thing with words...)
Anyway... So picture Noct and Luna being woken up by a mysterious voice. Throughout the scene it appears as though they’re talking to one another, sometimes looking directly at the other, but at any given moment, only one of them ever appears on screen. It seamlessly shifts from one to the other, for instance: having Luna sing her part then as she turn it shifts to Noctis, hundreds of miles away, singing his part as if in answer, and then as he passes through a doorway (or something) we’re back to Luna...
Ah ah oh oh oh Ah ah oh oh oh oh oh oh Luna: I can hear you but I won't. Some look for trouble while others don't Noctis: There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day. And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh oh oh
Ah ah oh oh
Luna: Oh oh
Ah ah oh oh Noctis: You're not a voice You're just a ringing in my ear Luna: And if I heard you, which I don't I'm spoken for I fear Noctis: Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls Luna: I've had my adventure, I don't need something new I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you Noctis: Into the unknown Luna: Into the unknown Both: Into the unknown!
Ah ah oh oh Ah ah oh oh oh oh Noctis: What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake Luna: Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake?
(Picture Noctis looking out a window, placing his hand on the glass...) Noctis: Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? (The reflection changes into Luna, and our perspective is flipped, now outside a window looking in) Luna: Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? Luna: Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow Noctis: Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go… Noctis: Into the unknown? Luna: Into the unknown Both: Into the unknown!
Ah ah oh oh Ah ah oh oh (Magic swirls around them, and every time is moves in front of the camera we switch back and forth between the pair.) Noctis: Oh, oh oh, Are you out there? Luna: Do you know me? Noctis: Can you feel me? Luna: Can you show me?
(As magic continues swirling, they’re looking directly at the empty space where the other would be, moving together, and begin reaching out for the other) Luna: Ah ah oh oh Noctis: Ah ah oh oh Luna: Ah ah oh oh Noctis: Ah ah oh oh Both: Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh (They take off running, both appear to be chasing after something unseen, implied to be each other, as trees/pillars pass in front of the camera we switch from Noct to Luna) Noctis: Where are you going? Luna: Don't leave me alone! Both: How do I follow you... Into the unknown? (These last few lines begin with Luna standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out over Tenenbrae, the full moon above her and her magic shining all around her. Then ends with Noct in the same position but in the throne room in Insomnia, with the crystal shining above him instead of the moon.)
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risingoflights · 7 years
Why yes I’m salty
Give me Luna, still shell-shocked, sitting at the piano in her room with the lock bolted from the outside, her injured brother curled with his head between his knees at the foot of her bench. She’s playing a mechanical tune with one hand while the other pets his hair, the same as she’s been doing for hours since the world crashed down around their ears and the forests of Tenebrae turned to fire. They used to play duets for their mother and her guests - Luna on the keys, Ravus on the violin. They’ll never do so again. Give me Luna too stunned and too sad to cry, and Ravus too tired from having done nothing but... until an imperial guard comes in to separate them. Luna breaks a lamp over his head before she’s taken away.
Give me Luna before the seat of the Emperor, curious because she remembers him differently. In the blur of a childhood memory they were in Altissia together and he gave her a windup dragon he crafted himself, then let her hold his hand while Sylva walked with the secretary. It’s cold around him now as if he brought the frosts of Gralea along, and she asks him if he still makes toys even as she trembles. Aside, the Chancellor snickers, and the Emperor can’t seem to meet her eyes.
Give me Luna being the only one able to see a man underneath Glauca’s amour - a stern girl with too much wisdom forced upon her by circumstance gazing up into the eyeless glow of the monster who killed her mother and telling him whatever happened to you was wrong. I hope you have the strength to make it right. Wherever she goes, she makes the military uncomfortable, and in time she works this to her advantage. There are often guns pointed at her; she pushes them aside and does what she wants. No one has ever fired on her and she’ll keep taking her chances.
And Noctis- sure Luna loves him, as much as anyone can love a sweet coddled thing raised as fodder for the maws of fate. He writes her notes from a different world, sends her pictures that remind her what peace looks like, what she still wishes for the entire world, and she appreciates that more than she can say. A stub of an arcade ticket, a glossy school picture- Luna loves the child she met, who promised her he will do his best to save the world despite having no idea what that means. She looks forward to properly meeting the man he’s grown into.
Give me Luna whose destiny is her own. The Oracle must support the Chosen King, yes- but the Chosen King is likewise powerless without the Oracle - let it be known. Give me Luna worn in her duties, who sometimes screams into the field of perfect Sylblossoms at the resentment she’s not allowed to feel. Luna sweet-talking a member of the Niflheim infantry into teaching her how to fly an airship. Luna laughing at a joke whispered to her during a solemn Imperial meeting. Luna never hesitating to speak her mind. Luna being gentle, proud and strong, despite life being so cruel, despite always being expected to do so much for so little.
In the end, Luna was the only one who ever disarmed Ardyn, whereas everyone else played into his hands. Give me the unseen pieces of Luna growing up into this - an amazing woman, the youngest, most powerful Oracle Eos has ever known.
Give me a Luna who is the heroine of her own story.
A Luna who lives after Noctis dies, to tell his.
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strongheartmaid · 7 years
Phantom of the Insomnia Opera Cast of Characters
Going behind a read more - just in case you aren’t eager for spoilers. That and this is more to keep a who‘s who going on since characters are popping in and out of the muse box at an alarming rate. Will add to this as characters appear.
Gladio Amicitia - the titular Phantom. Son of Clarus Amicitia, one time composer that had his works exclusively premiered at the Opera Insomnia. Ends up married to Ignis. Composes his own operas that get exclusive premieres at the Opera Insomnia - most are written with his husband’s voice in mind. Has a bass voice to die for. (May or may not have written a love duet in one of his operas and taken the unfortunate bass’s place so he could sing it to his husband..)
Ignis Scientia - Tenor (possibly will go baritone in the distant future, towards the end of his career). Primarily preforms at the Opera Insomnia but will make guest appearances at the Teatro di Tenebrae if they ask. Loves to spoil his adopted nieces and nephews (of course, this leads to him loudly hinting how much he wants his own..)
Noctis Lucis Caelum - Manager of the Opera Insomnia upon his father’s passing in the distant future. Concert pianist. Views himself as Gladio’s little brother (which the elder encourages). Married the love of his life [as yet unnamed] and has a small family with her. (five children, of which is a set of twins - all currently unnamed). 
Prompto Argentum - Master of the Ballet Corps upon Cor’s retirement. Former ballet rat. Noct’s best friend - and fellow secret keeper for the Phantom (who, he will confess, scared the piss out of him when he was younger). Married to the love of his life [as of yet unnamed], has two children (a son, unnamed as of right now, and daughter, Oriana) Owner of Umbra’s sister, Pryna
Ravus Nox Fleuret - Childhood friend of Noctis and Gladio (who he maintains a friendly/romantic rivalry with up until Ravus settles down). Teaches Latin at the nearby school, teaches fencing at the opera house so the swordfights look real and “none of this foolish sword waving that makes one think you’re waving a magic wand“. Proud father of three, two sons (Alerio, unnamed second son) and a daughter (Clio). Taught his dog, Umbra, his commands in Latin.
Ardyn Izunia - the less said about this asshole the better. Retires under mysterious circumstances. (Gladio claims he has *nothing* to do with it - the others are less than convinced) May have something to do with some unfortunate business many years prior - but there’s no true proof (yet, of course).
Regis Lucis Caelum - Manager of the Opera Insomnia when the story takes place. Finds his best friend and his best friend’s wife killed and his best friend’s son horribly injured - whisks the son back to the opera house and takes care of him, inadvertently creating the Opera Ghost. Spoils his son and his friends.
Cor Leonis - Current master of the Ballet Corps. Prompto’s adoptive father. Has known Regis and Clarus since they were children. Tends to be a bit overprotective of Gladio, Noctis and Prompto (especially his sunshine son, Prompto). Really, really hates Ardyn and the feeling is mutual.
Lunafreya “Luna” Ulric (nee Nox Fleuret) - Soprano. Younger sister of Ravus. Preforms at the Teatro di Tenebrae, but will do appearances at the Opera Insomnia if requested. Caused a minor scandal when she married a stagehand (a certain Nyx Ulric) instead of the “arranged” marriage between herself and Noctis (who she viewed as a younger brother). No children - yet.
Nyx Ulric - all around backstage manager, all around pain in Gladio’s ass. Moved to Lucis from Galahd at age 15, weaseled his way into a position as a stagehand (where at 29 managed to win the heart of a visiting soprano and married her - much to her older brother’s dismay)
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moonlight-at-dawn · 7 years
An essay comparing Valse di Fantastica and Starlit Waltz, and how one portrays the public side of Noctis and Luna’s relationship, while the other portrays their private relationship.
Written by @aero5ane Read by @mistress-light
The Final Fantasy franchise and Kingdom Hearts one alike are both known for their in depth lore and intricately structured use of literary devices, as well as their remarkable and iconic features. One of said features is the music; the music is often used in order to convey the tone; however, the music is also a form of storytelling in its own right, used to show many hidden things, and more specifically in terms of this paper, underlying emotion. The titles of such pieces are often shown to have meaning and build upon the story, such as Final Fantasy XV’s main theme, “Somnus,” which means sleep, and correlates to the symbolism used in the game (“Night”, “Moon,” “Insomnia,” etc). In two particular compositions featured in the OST and Piano Collections album, “Valse di Fantastica” and “Starlit Waltz,” the use of names and structure of musical composition are both necessary in developing the message that is to be conveyed. Both pieces are a representation of the relationship between the hero and heroine; however, each piece displays a different representation.
In the beginning of Final Fantasy XV, it starts as a road trip for Prince Noctis to travel to Altissa, where he is to marry Lady Lunafreya. An arranged marriage, also mentioned as a “symbol of the peace” and “marriage of convenience” in the group’s occasional banter, which served strictly as a term in the treaty to stop the war and to have a physical display to the public of political harmony.
Used to convey this more public side of Luna and Noctis’s relationship is the “Starlit Waltz,” also known as “In Celestial Circles” in the Piano Collections Album. Focusing on the title used in the Piano Collections, celestial is relative to the “visual heavens”, and the visual heaven in this case, could refer to the daytime, considering most depictions of heaven are shown through the use of clouds and light. Daytime, symbolically, is used to perceive physical, spotlight, on-the-surface concepts (take the saying “in broad daylight” into consideration). The famous proverb, “the sun sees your body, while the moon sees your soul,” can be taken into account here to help exemplify the meaning of daylight’s focus on the surface of things. The title, in that sense, already defines that public side of the characters’ relationship.
Furthermore, the composition of the music plays an importance in developing the tone as well. Most noticeable about this piece is the strong introduction, using a clearly marcato(separated) style played at a recognizable forte. Setting the tone as being very spaced and defined, coinciding with the defined and straightforward intention that would have been expected of an arranged marriage. Looking into more depth, the piece also features a very static bass line, playing on the downbeat of each measure in the same manner of high and then low, and even during the clarinet solo, other instruments continue with the same simple marked and separated quarter note on the downbeat of each measure. The ensemble does not pass the moving line between sections, and is often in unison when the single moving line does play, except for the clarinet soli during the second half of the piece. Focusing more on the Piano Collections arrangement, the piece keeps the defined and marcato style, more accented than in the OST arrangement, and highlights the defined moving line, being the only line that is meant to be focused on. Because the Piano Collections arrangement does not have to play in a loop like the OST version, the ending is more defined. The ending does a quick glissandro into the final note, abruptly cutting off the song, causing the ending to sound as if it were intended to be rushed to an end. Both arrangements convey the separate and static feeling that is associated with diplomacy. The piece also forces the listener to focus on a single line, instead of having many dynamic moving lines interacting, coinciding with how media, for example, attempts to convey one focus point on a matter, and also displaying the political means of their relationship.
Noctis and Luna’s relationship did not begin with the arranged marriage, and they knew each other long before, creating more personal ties between the two of them. This is where “Valse di Fantastica,” called “Waltzing amid Moonbeams” in the Piano Collections, is brought up. Starting with the unofficial title of the piece, it contrasts with the previous piece explained (“In Celestial Circles”) by using the symbolism of the night, instead of the daytime. The night has heavy meaning and relevance towards the two characters, Noctis meaning night and Luna meaning moon, and makes the piece show a more personal connection towards the characters instead of their political background. Referring back to the proverb stated previously, daytime(sun) focuses on the outside; however, the night(moon) shows the inside, or more specifically, the emotion and soul. Because they are waltzing amid the moonbeams, the emotion and personal feelings between the characters are more exemplified.
The composition of the piece conveys the emotion by adding many swells and changes in style as well creating a more dynamic ensemble that interacts with the moving lines and the melody. The beginning of the OST arrangement starts off at a mezzo forte; whereas, the beginning of the Piano Collections arrangement starts off at a mezzo piano; however, both arrangements start off much quieter volume than “Starlit Waltz/In Celestial Circles”. The bass line of this piece also differs from the one previously mentioned in that even though the rhythm of the bassline is one downbeat per measure, this piece varies the set of keys/notes being played with each measure, creating a more expressive feeling, while allowing other sections of the ensemble to highlight the second and third beats of the measure in order to blend in with the bassline. The timpani also has it’s own “melody”, instead of highlighting the bassline, allowing the percussion to add more versatility and interaction between the sounds. In this piece, there are far more small measures where individual sections are being brought out, such as the one measure of violins playing before the solo. Even during the solo, instead of following the rhythm of the bassline, the woodwinds create a small accompanying line in the background, layering in more sounds to be heard. Also amplified in this piece are the use of dynamics. The piece features many swells in the phrasing, and uses the crescendos, decrescendos, and different articulations to highlight the varying emotions that can be associated with these dynamics (for example, the use of a crescendo into a louder dynamic and more appassionato or con brio style could represent a feeling of passion or devotion; whereas, a decrescendo that switches over to a dolce, amoroso, or cantabile style could represent a feeling of calmness, peace, or tranquility). The use of varying dynamics also allows for the different harmonies and lines to be heard, showing the focus of interaction in the piece. In the OST arrangement, the oboe solo is soon turned into a duet, and is then followed by a mezzo piano volume, crescendo-ing into a mezzo forte and allowing a flute’s trill played in forte to be heard among the ensemble, which compliments the prominent bass line, once again, layering in many different moving sounds. The layering of sounds also allows the listener to focus on many things at once, such as how the different sounds both contrast and compliment each other. This is especially evident in the Piano Collections version, where there are often many things going on at the same time. Lastly, the ending of the piece does not abruptly end like “In Celestial Circles,” instead it uses much repetition, repeating rhythms, and generally creating a powerful, lasting closure that builds into the last note, before letting the last note ring.
With the composition of the music defined, it is easier to see the way this piece shows the more personal side of the characters. The static and fixed “Starlit Waltz” is used to convey their political status and their relationship in the public eye, “Valse di Fantastica,” shows the emotion and feelings represented between the characters by creating a more complex and intricate combination, displaying the layers that are present beneath the surface in their relationship. The symbolism in the names of each song displays the message that was intended to be apparent between the two, as well. Both pieces create a contrast between the public and personal side of Luna and Noctis, while also delving into the already apparent and thought out symbolism used in this game.
Starlit Waltz (OST) <https://youtu.be/FryeD9yJ2jw>
Starlit Waltz: In Celestial Circles (Piano Collections) <https://youtu.be/x5SPgpGgSt0>
Valse di Fantastica (OST) <https://youtu.be/6rcerGuWDvk>
Valse di Fantastica: Waltzing amid Moonbeams (Piano Collections) <https://youtu.be/srq7Aqb44TI>
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