#or flip your shirt inside out before entering i don't care
darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Not dog-related, but I wanted to slide into your ask box to thank you so much for your work during/related to voting and elections - its so important and needed, always (but I feel especially now). AND in the middle of a pandemic too, among everything else! I & so many others appreciate what you and so many other poll workers & election officials do to ensure voting access. Wish there was any other way I could support than a virtual hug <3 (also when did Slash become a whole adult!!)
Aww this is such a sweet message! The pandemic certainly threw things through a loop for us, but overall I feel the fact it has increased the number of elections where we mail absentee ballots to all active registered voters is a huge win for accessibility at the polls (VT is already a state where you can request an absentee for literally any reason, but voter turnout massively increases when ballots are mailed to everybody).
The biggest hurdle election workers and clerks face right now is a certain demographic of people being increasingly toxic and antagonistic to our faces, to the point of being threatening. Like I should not have to think about how i can probably lock myself in my vault if things go in a dangerous direction, yet I do. Also when people of any demographic get upset that double checking or recounts are taking a long time and blame election workers for this or imply there's something nefarious happening because it's taking time. It's really important that things are done correctly and surprise surprise that takes time!
I know it probably sounds like the bare minimum, but the best thing you can do for election workers is be polite, read the directions on your ballot (both mail in and in person) carefully, do not wear political clothing or pins to the polls, do not take a picture of your ballot, get your "I VOTED" sticker (and maybe a 'future voter' one for any kiddos in your life), and do not needlessly stick around the polling place chatting with people (not that we don't want to chat, we're just busy and we're required to be politically neutral at the polls.)
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 months
37. A is usually reserved when it comes to intimacy and emotions. When in public, B does something that breaks A. A pulls B close and whispers to them, "I need you now."
A is Nico Robin and B is Reader. (male.)
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I need you now - Nico Robin x Male!reader
Robin wasn't exactly too keen about showing intimacy in public especially around the rest of your crew, your relationship was between you and her not them but it had been two weeks out at sea with absolutely no privacy and she had needs that weren't being met.
“We should be reaching the next island by tonight,” Nami says looking over her map.
“Finally, we've been stuck on this ship for way too long,” Zoro huffs.
“And we are almost out of food!” Luffy shouts.
“Don't worry Luffy we've got enough food to get us through a few more days,” Sanji says.
You lean in and whisper to your girlfriend, “I hope this island has somewhere we can be alone, you look divine in this outfit and I'm dying to get my hands on you.”
Robin gulps, trying to shake the inappropriate thoughts of you she's been having for days.
You notice how she tenses so you put your hand on her waist, “you okay babe?”
She's hit her breaking point, taking your hand and guiding you towards the cabin door.
“Where are you guys going?” Usopp questions.
“Library, don't bother us,” Robin mutters.
You reach the ship's library and she pushes you to lay down onto the couch, using her powers to make a hand appear at the door and locking it.
“I need you now,” she says, climbing on you and kissing you desperately.
Her hands go to open your shirt, running them over your stomach while your hands instinctively go to her ass as she grinds against your thigh, looking for any contact she could get.
“Two weeks is way too long without you touching me,” she mumbles into the kiss.
“Then let me touch you,” you smirk, moving a hand around to cup her through her shorts.
She moans loudly, not caring if anyone up on the deck could hear her because she was finally feeling some sort of release.
“Please don't tease,” she groans.
You're happy to oblige to her begging so you unbutton her shorts and allowing your hand to slip inside, Robin moaning again when you touch her directly.
“God I love that sound,” you say, kissing down her neck.
She's getting wetter by the second, hips stuttering when you rub her clit.
Her chest is right in your line of sight so with your free hand you undo the buttons of her shirt to bare her breasts on full display for you.
“Y/N,” she cries when you take one of her nipples between your lips.
Her hips are bucking into your hand so you plunge a finger into her when you switch to her other nipple.
She feels your bulge pressing into her thigh which makes her groan as a second finger enters her.
Your tongue swirls around her nipple before tugging on it with your teeth, your fingers working her the best they can with the restriction of her shorts.
She's getting closer to the edge, about to feel a sweet release but then suddenly your hand disappears.
“Y/N,” she grunts in frustration but you just laugh, flipping her over so she's sitting upright on the couch as you quickly rid her of her shorts.
“I'm gonna make you cum so hard every ship in this ocean can hear you screaming my name,” you grin, getting yourself in a sturdy position with your feet planted on the floor.
Robin runs her hands over her breasts, playing with her hard nipples as you get your pants down around your knees, your erect cock springing against your stomach.
“My love, please fuck me,” she pleads, her legs spread open and her pussy dripping wet.
You raise her hips slightly so you can line up with her entrance and ease yourself inside.
“You feel so good,” she moans as you start to find a steady rhythm of your thrusting hips causing her eyes to roll back.
You watch intently as she continues to play with her breasts, the look of pleasure on her face something that would burn into your mind forever.
“I swear you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen Robin,” you tell her.
“Faster Y/N, I'm so close,” she cries so you thrust your hips faster, hitting just the right spot.
“Cum for me Robin,” you say, taking hold of her waist and fucking her senseless.
She does indeed scream your name when she hits her climax about a minute later, her whole body trembling as she rides it out.
Robin loved when you finished on her chest so once her orgasm is over you hastily pull out of her, stroking yourself until you're cumming all over her breasts.
She smiles, listening to the soft gasps you make as you coat her chest in cum.
You take a moment to collect yourselves, Robin's chest rising and falling as she tries to catch her breath.
“You really couldn't wait till we reached the island could you?” You tease.
“We need to get a bigger ship so we can have our own bedroom,” she laughs.
“What if we converted the library into our bedroom? Replace the couch with a bed? This is where you spend most of your time anyways,” you chuckle.
“Why didn't we think of that earlier,” she says, smiling when you lean down to kiss her.
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Nightlife 7
Warnings: touching, coercion, manipulation. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
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Lee's building is nice enough. You've never been to this part of the city. You don't go far from campus really.
You walk ahead of him as he herd you inside. Up the elevator and down a hallway to the very end. He squeezes by to unlock the door and slides back the latch with a harsh schlock.
He pushes the door open and points you in ahead of him. You enter and peek around hopefully. You can't wait to meet the kitten.
His belly touches your back as he enters behind you. You quickly move out of the way and bend to untie your shoes and leave them on the mat. He takes his time hanging his leather jacket as you cling to your bag aimlessly.
"Let me get this, darlin'," he takes your knapsack, "tables over here."
He leads you across the front room. There's an upholstered couch with a blanket draped over the back and leather recliner. You trail him past the large television and into the small space that makes up the dining area. He places your bag on the square table and faces you.
"Go on and sit. You want a cushion. Chair's are a hit hard."
"No, sir, that's okay," you can't help but peek around but reel in your eagerness.
You slip past him, brushing close and you sit in one of the wooden chairs. You pull your bag towards you and undo the zipper. You focus on the task, wanting to ask about the kitten but too afraid to overstep. Your father said it was always polite to wait for the host to offer, you never demand.
Lee disappears and you slide out your books and laptop. You open the lid and flip the cover of your notebook. You can hear rustling and some shuffling. You keep your attention on the wallpaper. 
"Ah, now, I know you didn't forget," Lee reemerges, a plastic cat carrier in his hand, audible scratching at the interior.
You can't help but smile as he puts the carrier on the table and you snap shut your laptop. He groans as he sits and pushes his shoulders back, rubbing his thighs. He slowly, as if taunting you, reaches over to unhook the door.
You see the bright yellow eyes before he swings open the crisscrossed door. The small brown kitten leaps out and crashes into the stack of your textbooks. You giggle and catch it before it scrambles over the edge.
"Aw, he's so cute," you preen as you pet it's soft fur and wriggles against your chest.
"Isn't he?" Lee says, "little thing kept me up. Mewing. I think he needs a friend but he’s too afraid of me."
"Oh?" Your eyebrows rise, "well, I can be his friend. Awwww," your distracted by the cat as he stretches to smell your chin.
"Two of ya," Lee throws his hand up, "too damn cute."
You laugh and cradle the cat in your arm as he tries to crawl up your chest. You stroke his back and nestle your chin against his head. 
"How about Hickory?" You ask.
"For his name. Think it suits him."
"Ah, yea, I'd say so too," Lee muses as he watches with a slanted smirk, "so you don't mind stayin' with him tonight? I can't keep him locked up that long and I'm worried he might have an accident."
"Of course, I'll take care of him," you make a face at Hickory as he touches your nose with his.
"Got everything in the car. Had to do some shoppin' before I found ya. Food, milk, litter… I guess I'll go grab it, huh."
"I can't believe you found a kitten," you chime without really hearing him, "if only I was so lucky." You hug the kitten, "but we can't have pets in the dorms."
"That's too bad," Lee taps his fingers on the table as he stands, "but you're always welcome here, darlin'. You know?"
You’re a bit nervous at first. You realise only too late you’ll have to sleep in your jeans but Lee offers you a shirt for the night. Wait until he leaves to change into it.
An eerie feeling takes over you once you’re alone. Even with Hickory around, you feel out of place. Like you shouldn’t be there. Maybe you shouldn’t but there’s nothing terribly wrong with it. He ordered dinner and he only really got ready for work as you sat and read and played with the kitten. Well, he did want a kiss before he left.
You take the blanket off the back of the couch along with the fluffy pillow he brought you. He offered you to sleep in his bed but that just doesn’t feel right. Does any of it?
It takes you some time to doze off. Hickory sleeps by your head as you toss and turn well past the early hours of the morning. You can’t help but empathise with Lee and his night shifts. The last time you check your phone, it’s after two. 
Your dreams are a smear of colours and sensations. Nothing tangible. You’re so wrought with exhaustion, your mind can’t summon more than obscurity.
You wake only at the odd sensation along your neck. You moan and try to brush it away. You think it’s Hickory at first until the thick hand catches your own. You gasp and roll onto your back to look up at Lee.
“Sorry, darlin’, just making sure you’re alright,” he bends to kiss your cheek, “that couch ain’t too comfy. Why don’t you come in the bedroom?”
“Hmm?” Your eyes round, “what time is it?”
“Five,” he keeps his voice low, “still early.”
His eyes wander from your face and you follow his gaze down your body. Your leg is hooked around the blanket, your thigh exposed and cold. You shake your head and rub your eyes with a yawn.
“I’m okay right here,” you assure him. “With Hickory.”
You look around for the kitten. Lee clucks as he watches you.
“Scamp’s back in the carrier for now. He shredded up some toilet paper,” Lee says, “don’t be stubborn, sweet thing, you come lay down and get some proper sleep. Think I’ll rest better havin’ ya close.”
“Really, I’m–”
There’s not time to react as he bends and scoops you up. The blanket falls away from you as he backs away from the couch and you latch onto his shoulder. You squeak and kick your legs in surprise.
“Now, darlin’, I worked a long night. I don’t wanna be fussin’ with ya,” he turns and carries you across the room, “shouldn’t be sleeping on that stiff couch. No good for ya.”
You cling to him, afraid he’ll drop you though his strength is unshakeable. He hardly puts any effort into carrying you. He enters the bedroom and you hide your face against his shoulder. It’s so weird. He sets you down on the bed and pets your forehead as you lay back against the pillows.
“Whatsa matter with ya?” He puffs, “bed’s not too bad. Only got it last year.”
You plant your elbows and push your head up, “I’m sorry, I just never been in… anyone’s bed before.”
“Hmm?” A stitch weaves between his brows as he unbuttons his dark shirt.
“Lee, I never even slept over with a boy,” you say, only realising how pathetic you sound as the words float between you. “I mean–” you gulp as you catch his eyes stray again, trailing down your naked legs.
“I'm no boy,” he scoffs.
He shrugs his shirt off, revealing his torso shamelessly. You avert your eyes but the sight of him stains your vision. His stomach bulges out beneath his chest, poking over his belt. You pull your legs up and push down the blanket, hiding under it so you don’t have to see him.
You can hear him moving around and you shiver as his footsteps near the bed. He climbs onto the other side and tugs the blankets over him. You wince as the mattress bounces under him and he presses himself to your back, snaking his arm around you. He wiggles his hips and you feel a prodding along your butt. You squeak as he chuckles against your hair.
“See what you do to me, sweet thing?” he purrs, “you’re lucky I’m all tuckered out.”
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lemon-boy-stan · 1 year
smutmas day four - yuta - aquaphillia
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Yuta didn't tell you anything about Olsen baths, except that no clothes were allowed, it was private, and it was a relaxing place. He'd noticed you'd been stressed out most of the week and he'd realised maybe because the two of you hadn't had sex in a while. So he rented make sure would be out the place, just to there no interruptions.
He just didn't tell you that.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Nakamoto. You may remove your clothes inside the bath house. Thank you for your generous -" but Yuta shook his head, placing his hand on your back. "The bath house is on your way to the left," gestured the receptionist, and Yuta smiled.
"Donated a little money," he murmured into your ear, as he guided you over towards the baths. This was just what you needed; a relaxing day with your boyfriend to heal the hard week at work.
"Oh," you murmured softly, "I thought lots of people would be here." but it was completely empty. "Yes," agreed Yuta quietly, placing a kiss on your neck. You frowned, "you didn't... organize it like this, did you?" and he smiled mysteriously, "maybe." your tummy flipped, "Yuta-san!" but all he did was smile, pulling off his shirt, long brown hair shaking like a lion's mane in the sun.
"Come here," he mumbled, "Let me help you get that off." and your body moved obediently.
You put your head in the crook of his neck as he lifted off your shirt gently, undoing the strap on your strap bra. You looked down to pull his pants and boxers off and he smiled as he took your shorts and panties off.
"Shall we take a photo and send it to the guys?" he smirked, wading into the water with you in his arms. "Chiling in the private baths with my girlfriend on our holiday'." and you shrieked softly, "Yuta-san, no!" and he chuckled, kissing your neck softly as you shifted on his lap.
"The water's so nice," you mumbled, as his hands began to run up and down your body, pressing magnificently in that way he did whenever he gave his massages, running down your hips. "Mm, yeah," he whispered back, placing more kisses down your neck. "Yuta-san," you mumbled, "what are you doing?"
He smirked, "no one's here. You've been stressed, and I understand that. Who does work on a holiday, sweetheart? Let me take care of you." and your lips pursed, "It's important work." and he rolled his eyes, "yeah, I know. Big CEO of a fashion company. But let's stop talking about the Summer Collection and just... relax."
His hands were at your thighs now, rubbing at your skin with the water. You moaned softly before frowning. "Don't tell me you rented the place out." and now Yuta pursed his lips, "so maybe I did." and you let out a sound, "Yuta-san! That's too much. What if we want to buy a house?" and he shrugged, "we still have enough even if you want to buy a mansion." and you scoffed, "still. Don't be so careless, but... thank you." and you closed your eyes, leaning against his chest.
"You're welcome," he kissed your neck again, sucking a bit harder this time. "Now let me take care of you." and you nodded, completely forgetting were. such where you It had been a hard week.
Yuta was right, you were on vacation in Osaka. You deserved a break. He lifted you gently before placing you back down and groaning loudly, biting into your neck.
He'd entered you so suddenly and you were sure you'd never get used to it. He didn't make you do any work, and moved you up and down himself in the water, continously kissing down your neck. He stopped for a while, thrusting into you, moving his hand and taking it to rub your clit, making you let out a soft moan.
He smirked, thrusting harder but slower, holding your legs steady as they shook. He groaned again, louder this time. "Yuta-san," you moaned softly, as he hooked another finger into your cunt.
"Please let me cum," you whined, and he nodded. Yuta normally had rules about cumming, but you were stressed. You moaned softly, "thank you." always say please and thank you. Cumming into the water.
Yuta groaned, "fuck." thrusting harder, making your eyes roll into the back of your head as he gripped your thighs. "Fuck," again, and he moved your hips up and down, his own snapping loudly. "Fuck," one last time as he released his load inside you, biting your neck once more, probably hard enough to leave a mark.
"I love you," he mumbled. "Don't stress so much. If you do, tell me." and you smiled, "okay. I will, Yuta-san. I love you too." and he kissed you softly "let's enjoy our company and the water now." and you giggled, "I'd been meaning to do that from the start."
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hellfirecvnt · 2 years
Eddie x fem!reader
[I take requests]
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Summary: You're new at Hawkins and Eddie has already made his claim, you just don't know it yet.
Warnings: Smut (Minors DNI) (18+), smoking weed, rough sex, dirty talk, oral (m and f), aftercare, choking, degrading!kink
•(idk if I did this right, this is my first try at this.)•
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You wake up early for your first day at Hawkins High. You're the new kid for the first time in your life and you feel nervous about it. You finish getting ready and head to school. The day goes by like normal, not too many people care that you're new. However, you do notice one guy who seems to be watching you every time you pass him.
Eddie taps his foot anxiously. Lunch period has started and he hasn't taken his eye off the cafeteria door since he got there. He's waiting for a new face he saw today.
"Who are you looking for, dude?" Mike squints at the door, wondering which of the flooding students could Eddie be waiting for.
"There's a new girl. I saw her. And when I see her again, she's mine." He replies confidently. Suddenly, you step through the door. Soft, flowing hair bouncing with each step. Your worn, faded Tshirt read "Metallica" and it looked like you might've made it at home. Eddie's eyes light up as you enter his field of vision.
"Oh, you mean Y/N?" Dustin points to you knowingly. And Eddie raises an eyebrow.
"Y/N? How do you know her name? Tell me what you know, Henderson." He sternly demands. Dustin explains that you complimented his Hellfire Club shirt earlier that day and introduced yourself.
"Oh, and you might see her as a customer sometime soon." Dustin adds casually. The gears turn in Eddie's head as he plots how he's going to make you his. He notices you scan the room for somewhere to sit before giving up and leaving the lunch room entirely.
Without hesitation, he follows. Careful not to look like that's what he's doing, he casually strolls along until he "finds" you outside, looking for somewhere to smoke a cigarette.
"You'll get caught out here," he says. You jump in surprise and turn to see him standing a few feet away, hands in his jean pockets. "Follow me," he gestures for you to follow with his index finger and for some reason, you don't hesitate to do as he says.
He takes you across a field, into the woods, and to a seemingly random picnic table in a small clearing.
"Don't worry, nobody ever comes out here." He says, reassuringly.
"Are you sure?" You scan the empty woods.
"It's perfectly safe, I promise." He smiles as he sheds his vest and leather jacket before sitting at the picnic table.
"My name's Y/N." You say as you join him at the table.
"Eddie." He smirks as he pulls a tin box from nowhere. "Do you...?" He holds up a joint from the box.
"Oh my God, yes." You exhale a sigh of relief to have already found the school plug. He lights and passes the joint to you. The two of you smoke the whole thing until you're laughing loudly in the middle of the woods. Suddenly, Eddie gets quiet.
"Do you... Want to skip the rest of this bullshit and come to my place?" He asks, biting his lip in anticipation. You scan the woods one more time and weigh your options before responding.
"Sure," you shrug. You try to play it cool, but your stomach is already doing flips at the idea of being close to him, even in his van. At your old school, they didn't have students like Eddie. And you weren't about to pass him up.
You arrive at his house in a matter of minutes. He pulls up to an older looking trailer. He opens the door for you, unable to contain his boyish excitement.
"This is my castle," he announces as he gestures for you to enter. Inside, trucker hats cover the walls of the living room and a few random empty beer cans litter the counters. "Sorry, maid took the week off." He jokes.
"You live here alone?" You ask, looking around.
"With my uncle, but don't worry. He works nights at the plant." He tosses the empty cans into the trash and begins to roll another joint. He lights it and passes it to you before heading to the living room and throwing on a record.
"Oh shit, I love this song." You smile as you let your hips roll with the rhythm. Eddie watches each careful movement of your body longingly. Before he realizes it, his pants are growing tighter. You pass the joint back to him, noticing his slightly blushing cheeks. Without hesitation, you begin to tease him, running one hand down your curves as you sway.
Eddie quickly picks up on your intentions and his demeanor changes. His sly, blushed face switches to a stern, deep stare as he watches you move. You're not sure what comes over you once you see him looking at you like that, but you suddenly feel too vulnerable to dance. He watches your movements slow and his mouth cracks into a smirk.
"Keep going." He says in a deep, quiet voice. You stand there for a moment more, unsure of if he was serious or not. The hot blood rises in your face the longer you look into his dark eyes. "I said, keep going." He leans back and rests his lower back against the wall, palming his erection through his jeans.
You stay still, nervous and excited, unable to even think about dancing. A low growl escapes his lips as he suddenly starts toward you. He places a needy hand around your throat and carefully squeezes the sides of your neck.
"You don't listen very well, Y/N." His breathy whispers wash over your ear, sending goosebumps all over your body. You feel your body begin to tingle as his careful hands restrict blood flow. "Is this okay?" He whispers sweetly before continuing.
"Yes," you whisper sharply as you desperately await what may come next.
"Good." He grimaces. With one hand skillfully poised on your neck, his other travels down your body, igniting flames everywhere he touches. He starts at your clothed breast and slowly works his way down your abdomen, stopping at your belt.
Eddie begins to undo your belt, looking expectantly into your eyes the entire time. He bites his lip as he moves to your pants button and zipper, exposing your black, lace g-string.
"Wow, it's almost like you planned on getting fucked after school, princess," he says teasingly. He inserts one wandering finger into the hem of your thong and leans in close to your ear again. His breathy words enveloping you in waves of pleasure. "I'll be the only one fucking these holes when I'm done with you."
With that, he shoves his hand into your panties and begins rubbing circles on your aching clit with his middle finger. You can feel his cold rings resting against you as he toys with your pussy. Your vision starts to blur as pleasure overwhelms you, your head spinning as his grip around your neck tightens. A wide grin spreads across your face, causing Eddie to grin too.
"Y/N," he suddenly stops and lets go of you completely. Blood rushes to your head and your pussy throbs at the absence of his skillful hand. "Follow me," he says, walking to his bedroom. You do as you're told, silently begging him to put his hands back on you.
He roughly positions you on the bed with your back against the mattress as he swings your nearly limp legs over his shoulder. He urgently removes your ripped up pants, careful to leave your barely-there g-string. He stops for a moment to marvel at you as you wait, splaying open for him to do whatever he wants.
"You've been so willing, I might even say eager to cum this evening." He teases as he runs a gentle finger up the tiny triangle of fabric of your thong. Your body shudders at his light touch and you buck your hips in hope for more friction. "What a needy girl." He whispers into your thighs as he lowers to his knees on the floor. He pulls your thong to the side and urgently plants his tongue into your wet pussy.
A gutteral moan escapes him and vibrates against you as he tastes you for the first time, unable to stop himself now that he's started. Multiple loud, involuntary moans escape your lips as his skillful tongue makes many intentional movements. He suddenly adds a finger, grazing the skin of your inner thigh with his cold rings. Then he adds another, still happily eating you out, sending you over the edge in a matter of minutes.
"Whoa, you're not done already. It's my turn, now." He motions for you to stand, and you do as you're told. The second you stand before him, he roughly removes your shirt and bra. Once your bare chest is exposed, he places his large, strong hands on your shoulders and forces you to your knees.
You instinctively reach for his belt and quickly remove his pants, carefully removing his boxers. His erection is springing toward you, making you swallow a lump in your throat as you're caught off by its large size.
Eddie takes your hair in his hand and guides his throbbing cock to your mouth. You seductively open your mouth, letting your tongue hang out as you look up at him before taking the head of his cock in your mouth. He holds eye contact as long as he can before he lets out a deep sigh and throws his head back, closing his eyes.
"Oh, fuck. You are a whore, aren't you?" He grunts with each bob of your head. "I bet this isn't even the first cock you've taken since moving here, huh?" His grip on your hair tightens. His dirty talking makes you quicken your pace and he has to stop you before you make him cum before he gets a chance to fuck you.
He slams his cock into the back of your throat one more time before aggressively pulling your mouth off of him. Still holding your hair, he shoves you over to the bed, cramping your face into the mattress so that your ass is displayed for him.
"Oh, god Y/N, you're fucked now." He laughs sadistically as he lines his cock up with your desperate hole. He teases your entrance for a few seconds before abruptly sliding inside you, nearly to the hilt. You cry out in pain and pleasure as your body adjusts around his throbbing erection.
"E-Eddie.." you manage to speak, face still squished into the mattress.
"What is it, princess." He says in a teasing tone.
"Don't... Hold back." You giggle, unsure of how that sentence will affect Eddie. You turn awkwardly in an attempt to see what his reaction is. His face is stern again, looking at you like he wants to devour you.
Without warning, he begins pounding into you relentlessly. From the way he's going at you, you'd think he hated your guts. His moans are raspy and almost feral as he slams your ass against him repeatedly, his hands hooked at the bend of your waist.
He quickens his pace again, somehow before abruptly stopping, leaving your pussy empty and begging for release. You whine and moan for his touch, but he just holds you in place with one hand on your back. He admires his handiwork as you squirm and writhe beneath him.
He flips you onto your back and looms over you, positioning himself between your thighs. He holds himself above you, staring blankly into your breathless face. Your dark make up runs down your face and your hair is already a mess. A smile creeps on Eddie's face as he slides into you yet again.
He throws your arms around his neck and lifts you onto him, bucking his hips in and out of you as he holds you up. Gravity forces all of him inside you, and you can't help but scream.
"Oh my God, Eddie!" You claw at his back desperately.
"There it is, I thought you'd forgotten my name already." He teases as he bucks into you a few more times, harder after each one. Still inside you, he drops you back into the bed and begins fucking you while your tits bounce up and down, sending him into a frenzy.
He grabs your perky breasts and carefully takes your nipple into his mouth, dancing around it with his tongue. Loud moans burst out of you nonstop, causing Eddie to laugh in low triumphant growls.
He notices your breath becoming unsteady and quickly moves a hand to your throbbing clit. He moves his fingers in slow, intentional patterns while slamming into you, hard. Just a few more seconds and you're losing it, finishing on Eddie's cock. He continues to fuck you, sending waves of convulsions through your body.
Just as you're about to tap out completely, his thrusts lose their rhythm and his breathing becomes labored. A few final hard thrusts send him over the edge as well, filling your wrecked pussy. He remains inside you for a few moments, breathless.
"Fuck, Y/N. Fuck." Eddie tries to form a sentence, but can't. He slowly slips out of you, causing you to moan one last time at the overwhelming sensation. He grips your hair firmly, but not enough to cause pain. He pulls your head up to him as he speaks, "I'm serious about what I said earlier. These are my holes now. You're mine." He releases your hair and you fall back on to the bed again. Eddie stands in the doorway, admiring your fucked out appearance.
Eddie disappears to grab you some water and a towel to clean you up. He helps you hobble to the rest room to situate yourself before waiting for you in the living room with, you guessed it, another joint. Once you finally walk your shaking legs to the living room, you join him on the couch, laying your head in his lap.
"Y/N?" Eddie gets your attention. You look up at him, waiting for him to continue. "Round two in a couple minutes?" He asks, genuinely. Your eyes go wide, but he begins to laugh. "I'm just kidding. Drink your water."
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marco-newgate · 1 month
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Marco X CisFem Reader
The color drained from your face as you stared at the picture on your phone. It was posted that morning. The way the brunette cuddled up to him made your blood boil. Even if she was nothing, he fucking lied.
How many other dates were cancelled because he was out doing...whatever the fuck this is? How often was he not actually working? The phone tumbled to the table from your trembling had as you shot to your feet.
You needed to get to the bathroom.
"What the hell just happened?" Thatch turned watching you sprint out of the room.
"No idea." Marco muttered flipping your phone over, his half lidded eyes widening as he looked over the photo, "I'll kick his ass."
"Who? What?" Thatch crossed the room to look over his brother's shoulder, "Who's the broad? Wait...weren't they supposed to have a date last night?" He asked scanning the caption one more time.
Marco took a screenshot and opened your text fulling intending to send it to himself and take care of your Sanji problem.
"Don't." Thatch snatched the phone away, "I know you're protective but F/N has to decide what to do about this."
"If I kill him she won't have to worry about it." Marco growled.
"You aren't killing anyone. But you should probably go check on her." The brunette pushed him out of the kitchen.
Marco started down the hall that lead to the den passing the clusters of family photos, a lot of which you were in. Light spread against the linoleum in front of the bathroom door.
"Uh you OK in there yoi?" He asked pressing his ear to the wood.
You turned the knob leaving it slightly ajar. He took it as permission to enter quietly closing it behind him. You'd thought you were going to be sick instead you just stood there trying to remember how to breathe. Marco watched you huff for a moment before deciding to pull you into his chest. He hadn't given you an actual hug in a very long time. You assumed because he wasn't a touchy guy. Since the crush incident it was side hugs and light punches for you. But someone had to comfort you in Ace's absence.
"I wasn't trying to pry but I saw your phone." He murmured resting his chin on your head as you burrowed into his shirt.
"You guys warned me." You said weakly.
"I'm not here to gloat yoi." He began to sway, "You're an adult. He gave you every reason to trust him."
"I just feel really stupid." Your eyes began to burn.
"You? Stupid? Are you kidding? You're the smartest person in this house right now." He scoffed, "Look, I know you...love him, but Sanji doesn't define you. And he is definitely the stupid one here. You're just too precious and he doesn't know how to handle you."
"You have to say that." You whimpered.
"Says who? I also know what a shit you are. Don't forget that." A dry laugh squeaked passed your lips.
"Thanks Marco."
"So what do you wanna do about this yoi?" He placed his hands on your shoulders gently pushing you back to face him.
You stared up at his forever sleepy face, "I'm not sure. We were supposed to sign the lease for our apartment next week. And my lease is up on the 28th."
"You have a room here. Don't worry about that. I mean what are you going to do about him? Because I have a few ideas."
"No killing anyone... Yet."
"F/N!" Ace shouted from the kitchen.
Marco stepped back opening the door for you.
"Stop screaming idiot!" The blond called tugging you out of the room.
You were halfway down the hall when Ace scooped you up.
"I'll kick his ass." The ravenette muttered squeezing you tight.
"You guys have to let me get to him first."
"What the fuck is this?" You shoved your phone in the blond's face making him back into his apartment door.
His eyes widened in surprise, "Wha – what are you...."
"You lying sack of shit." You sneered.
It had been two days and you had only managed to get angrier.
"I-inside." He stammered fiddling with the door knob.
Ace and Marco sat in the car ready to intervene if things got too heated. 
"Let me explain."
"I'd love to hear why you felt you could sneak around behind my back without me finding out." You jabbed a finger in his chest, "Be honest. Did I not give you enough? You think I'm an idiot?"
"N-no...of course not. I just..." His voice trailed off.
"What?" Your stomach dropped.
Maybe you didn't want to know the rest of what he had to say. You suddenly didn't want to have any of your questions answered. You weren't prepared for how much it would hurt. 
Fight was fading away and flight was kicking in.
"I just ... don't think I can be with just one person." He lowered his gaze. 
That was it?
Before you knew it your fist was colliding with his jaw sending him to the floor. 
"Two years!" You reeled back for another blow.
He didn't flinch or shy away. He just took it.
You stood and stepped back wiping your face on your sleeve smearing your makeup.
"Just drop my stuff off at pops'." You breathed between sobs.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Fuck you."
You slid across the back seat slamming the door and slumping over.
"What happened to your hand yoi?" Marco asked climbing over the front seat.
You weren't capable of responding. Your chest was constricting, squeezing all of the air out of your lungs.
Marco sat down laying your head on his thigh calmly rubbing your shoulders and back while you sputtered.
"You punched him yeah?" Ace chirped proudly glancing in the rearview as he shifted the car into gear.
You nodded.
Marco slouched out of his black flannel shirt and wrapped it around your bleeding knuckles, "Let's get you home yoi."
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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Chapter 17 - The Incident Pt. 4: The Rising Climax |Pesci x Reader Lemon|
Warning: strong language, sex. MA.
You stood outside of Pesci's apartment as he unlocked it, looking at the apartment he pointed to across the hall. "They say that apartments haunted. I doubt it," he mutteted, pushing his door open and stepping it. "You can leave your shoes on or take them off. Just make yourself at home, I know it's small."
You stepped inside of his apartment, taking your shoes off at the front door, wanting to be polite. You looked around the apartment. It was small, but it wasn't as small as the studio apartment you lived in before moving into the base. You preferred living in a smaller place, not feeling the need for fancy or large things. You simply looked at a house as just a place to sleep at and hide out at.
The living room was cute, having a red couch, a glass coffee table, as well as a TV stand and a TV in front of it. You noticed paperwork scattered all over his coffee table, the round table filled. The kitchen was directly behind the living room, a small hallway with three doors next to the kitchen. You turned your head slightly to the right, seeing a wooden kitchen table with four chairs.
"I'm sorry it's so messy," he replied. "I've never.. I only ever have Prosciutto or Melone over here mainly."
"It's not messy," you told him, standing by the door. You didn't want to just enter his home, especially considering the two of you haven't even kissed yet. You felt safe around him. You just didn't want to disrespect his home. "You have a nice apartment, I don't see anything wrong with it."
He walked over to the couch, looking back at you. "It's okay, Y/N, come sit if you'd like." A small smile appeared on his lips, him turning away to walk down his hallway. "I'll be back!"
You walked into his living room, taking a seat on the edge of the couch. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out, flipped it open, and saw 30 missed called and 10 unanswered texts. You saw a recent one from Formaggio, causing your heart to tighten. You clicked on the message, reading it carefully.
Listen. Everything that happened between us. It doesn't matter. We can start fresh and start over. I am not mad at you, I won't do anything to you and neither will Illuso. You don't need to worry, and him and I had a long talk. We want just you. We shouldn't be cheating on you, unless we want you to cheat too. We fucking don't.
Thanks for being a good girl. I'm honestly so proud of you. You know that? You and I are good. We're even. Same with Illuso. It's all good baby. We know you ain't mean nothing bad, just talk to us privately if you're ever mad at us. Okay? We can handle things privately baby, we don't need to tell the others stuff.
Delete this message. Just this one. It's okay if you don't text back. I get it. Take all the time you need. And, if it's any help, I only lost my temper cause you tried to kill yourself. I ain't like that, I ain't violent with you. Don't hurt yourself. We do fucking care about you. Men who punish their women only do it because they care.
Goodnight Y/N.
"What is he talking about?" Pesci questioned, his voice causing you to jump slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I'm just really worried about you."
You deleted the single message and snapped your phone shut, "it's okay. He's just talking about what happened at the base. Him and I haven't talked since that happened." You hoped that he would believe your lie. You didn't want to tell anyone what happened. It wasn't their business, and it was embarrassing that you let Formaggio hurt you with no attempt to stop him. Why would you want these men to look at you as weaker than they already think you are?
"If they threatened you, I can help you. Melone and Ghiaccio can help you," he told you, sitting next to you. He handed you a shirt and plaid pajama pants. "You don't have to wear these. Want to look in my closet?"
You stood up, taking your shirt off in front of him, acting without really thinking. "I'll wear it," you replied, his face going red as you grabbed the shirt out of his hand, his eyes on your bra, staring at your slightly spilled out breasts.
"You're beautiful," he blurted out, quickly turning away. "I'm sorry, I don't want to ever disrespect you! I just.. I'm really sorry I looked."
You went to put the t-shirt on but stopped when you noticed a visible erection in his pants, tossing it and the pajama pants next to Pesci. "Do you want me to take care of that? I can." You've never done anything sexual with him before, feeling that now may be the time.
"I'm a virgin," he whispered, sounding as if it was embarrassing for him to admit. "I wouldn't be able to please you. Not the way you deserve. You're too pretty, I wouldn't want you to not like me because I'm a bad boyfriend."
"If you wanted, I could ride you," you told him, his head instantly raising to look at you. Despite his face being red, he seemed interested. "I don't know why you're sitting here talking negatively about yourself. You're a really strong guy. I'm attracted to you, Pesci." You weren't lying. You did feel a physical attractiveness when you looked at him. He was a really cute guy, and he was sweet. You also felt bad. You shouldn't be neglecting him while giving attention to scum like Formaggio or Illuso. You needed to give your time to the men who were actually decent men.
"You don't need to lie, I'll keep protecting you. I promise I will." He watched as you walked in front of him, his erection standing up fully. "I didn't mean it, I can't help it. I just.. you're so pretty. I feel embarrassed for getting hard."
You felt bad slightly, maybe he didn't want this. Maybe he was saving himself and you were doing something wrong. "I'm sorry Pesci, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn't of done this, I don't know what I was thinking." You leaned down, grabbing the shirt.
"I want you so fucking bad," he suddenly said, the sudden dominance in his tone taking you slighly aback. "I've been wanting to try and move forward in our relationship. I want to hold your hand. I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. You're so nice to me, and you take good care of me when I get hurt. You're beautiful, and I've wanted you for the past three months. I'm just so scared to talk to you. I'm so scared you'll reject me and see me as weak, but please don't think I don't want you. I'm just a pussy. I really want to do so many things things you, I just don't know how. I've never had a girlfriend before."
You dropped the shirt, sitting next to Pesci on the couch as you leaned forward, your lips pressing against his as you let your arm wrap around his waist. As soon as your lips pressed against his, he kissed you back, his kiss being gentle and soft, his hands wrapping around your bare waist.
"Are you sure you want me? I might not please you," he whispered as you pulled away slightly. "I don't want you to be unsatisfied. You deserve to be pleased by real men."
"You are a real man," you told him, "Now do something that you want to do to me. I give you full consent to do whatever you want. I won't judge you or anything, I'm not a bitch." You felt like he was the only one of your boyfriends you could say this to aside from Ghiaccio, the other five would probably take 'full consent' to the next level.
He unfastened your bra, letting it fall, your breasts falling out. "Wow," be whispered, reaching a hand out but stopping, putting his hand down. "I'm sorry."
"Want to touch them? Or suck on them?" You questioned, trying to help him out. Part of you felt bad for neglecting him, thinking that he had no feelings for you. "I mean, think of yourself here. What does Pesci want?"
"Is your head okay? What about your fingers?" He questioned, his cock practically twitching in his pants. "Are you.." he couldn't take his eyes off of your breasts "so beautiful.. I mean.. are you okay?"
You leaned back slightly, putting your shoulders back, tucking your cast behind your back. "I'm tough, Pesci. I'm fine. I see your cock twitching."
He leaned forward slowly, taking your right nipple in his mouth. He sucked on the erect bud sloppily, his other hand reaching up, massaging your left breast. You heard a low moan escape his mouth, his arousal causing you to slowly get turned on, a small wetness forming. He bit gently, causing a low gasp to escape your lips, him immediately pulling away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
It suddenly sunk in that Pesci might be a submissive man. It seems like he really wants to explore you, but he seems to need a push. You needed to give him that push because you were only making him feel bad. You needed to relax him and make him feel good. He was a virgin, and he may be submissive. That's all fine with you. You just needed to make some moves. You could be dominant. Couldn't you?
You stood up, walking over to where he head was turned, kicking your shoes off as you pulled down the leggings and underwear you were wearing, completely stripping yourself naked. "You made me wet when you did that," you told him softly, walking to stand in front of him. "You can touch my pussy for as long as you want, feel how wet you made me."
You weren't the type to do this. You weren't bold in the bedroom, and you didn't strip unless you were told. You were submissive in every way. You hoped that he wasn't able to tell. Maybe if you just kept going, you would fall into the role naturally. Standing in front of him, fully nude, and talking dirty like this, it did turn you on. Fuck, why did these things turn you on so much?
"I actually made you.. feel something?" Pesci questioned, his hand reaching forward, two fingers on your clit, sliding down. You spread your legs slighly for him, his two fingers sliding into you. You were careful not to gasp, instead biting down on your lip. "Do I just.. move my fingers back and forth? Do you want me to do that?"
"Of course I want that," you replied, leaning forward as you began kissing him, guiding yourself on his lap, your legs being held open by his kness, leaving your pussy open for him to explore as his fingers began to push in and out of you, your tongue slipping into his mouth, hips moving into his fingers. "Wanna make love to me?" You whispered into his lips. "Tell me what you want, baby, tell me what you desire."
"I want to make love to you so bad," he whimpered, his fingers moving faster, causing you to tighten around him. "You're so wet and tight.. so pretty. I love how beautiful you are with or without clothes on."
Now that you've been spending more time with him, you realized that he really was a nice guy. A great guy, a guy that you needed to give a shot to. It was nice having someone be kind and gentle to you after the terribly painful day you had. It felt comforting in a way, and it made you actually feel like you mattered. It was a feeling that you wished would expand past sex but you feared that it might not. At least you could enjoy the moment.
Your right hand reached down, unbuttoning his pants. You unzipped his pants, trying to keep a straight face as he fingers you but your were strugging, the constant swiftness, the excitement of his movements, you couldn't help but let out a moan, pulling down his pants and underwear, his cock springing to life. "Nice," you commented, his cock standing at 7 inches. "You have a nice cock."
He blushed, his fingers slipping out of you slowly. "I.. have a condom in my wallet." He leaned down slightly, pulling out a condom. "I.. have practiced putting it on. I know how to put it on."
You took the condom out of his hand, tearing it open with your teeth, a smirk appearing on your lips as you slipped the condom over his cock. "Are you sure you're ready for this? If you don't wanna give me your virginity I'll just suck your cock. I'm okay with that."
"No, Y/N.. you are perfect. I'm more than ready," he said, his voice a whisper. "I really.. I want you."
"Then you can have me," you told him. You lifted yourself slightly, his hands wrapping around your waist as you eased your way down onto his cock, biting down on your lip as his cock filled you up. You placed your hands on his shoulders, moving your hips up and down, slighly bouncing, your breasts moving with you as you rode his cock. "Is it okay?"
"It feels amazing," he replied, face a bright red as you picked up the pace, bouncing up and down with a little more rhythm. He looked into your eyes, leaning forward as he pressed his lips into yours, kissing you gently, his right hand sliding to rest on your ass, gently rubbing as his hips began to thrust back a little bit. "Can I call you my girlfriend?"
You nodded your head, tightening around him, feeling a warmth all throughout your body. Also, you felt a warmth in your heart, it was the same feeling you got when having with Melone. "You could of always called me that," you told him, feeling yourself close to cumming. You were a little shocked, not thinking that you would feel like this with him, assuming you were just going to fake it like you did when having sex with Illuso. But you were actually feeling something, something warm and fuzzy.
"Can I cum?" He asked you, and you nodded. "I.. love you," he whispered as you felt his hand squeeze your ass, a low moan escaping his lips, causing you to orgasm, wetting the condom with your clear fluids, finishing the same time as he did. "I'm sorry I-"
"I love you too," you blurted out, your eyes widening slightly. You did not expect that to come out of your mouth at all, but you guessed what was happening between you and Pesci could be described as you two falling in love. You quickly got off of him, standing up. "Well, now that that's that. Let's go take our first awkward shower together."
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issie-https · 10 months
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of kidnapping, mentions of injury and Sid mocking your moans.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1116
𝐀/𝐧: HALLO! Im currently sick so uploads might be more frequent for the next couple of days. MAY OR MAY NOT!!
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I woke up in Chris's arms, his mask was slightly off centre and I could see his lips.
"Stop staring," he groaned as he sat up.
"Wasn't staring, I have fixated eye syndrome," I said.
"Mhm, sure," he grumbled.
He got out of the bed and walked over to the door, "come on."
I furrowed my brows but followed him despite my grogginess. He took my wrist in his hand and pulled me towards the kitchen before pointing at a seat, "sit."
I did as I was told, guaranteed, I felt somewhat safe around Chris but I still didn't know what any of them were capable of if I didn't obey them. He opened one of the top cabinets and pulled out a first aid kit.
"Couldn't you have done this in your room?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Mick told me he wanted to show you something today so it's better if I do it in here," he shrugged.
"Any heads up on what it is?"
"All he said was he wanted to show you something."
I just nodded and held out my hands to him. He removed the bandages and took a look at them, the swelling had gone down and the bruises had gone a different colour whereas the scabs and cuts were very visible but completely fine.
"You won't need them re bandaged but go careful," he said as he put the box back in the cupboard.
"What happens if I don't?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Attitude," Mick warned as he entered the room, "you need to go get dressed."
I turned to look at him, he was just wearing his mask and a pair of black sweatpants. Me on the other hand, I was still wearing Chris' boxers and shirt. I got up from my seat and shuffled my way through the halls until I reached an open door, I peered inside and saw Sid sat on a roof swing while flicking through a comic.
"Has that one got words, Ivy League?" I smirked.
"Fucking Christ, you scared me," he placed his hand on his chest, "only a few but you said it counts."
I rolled my eyes then studied his room from the door, "you just gonna gawk at me or invite me in?"
"Wanna come in?" He offered.
"Yes, thank you," I replied and sat on his bed, "do you know where Mick is showing me today?"
"Nope. Did you have fun last night?" He smirked.
"What do you mean?" I avoided eye contact.
"Please, Chris. Fuck me, Chris," he mocked me with a laugh.
"Shut up!" I gritted my teeth at him.
"Fuck, ahh~ Chris," he continued his mocking.
I got up from his bed and started to walk towards the door, "wait, Y/n don't go. I was just joking."
"I'm sorry," he said quietly.
I stopped in my tracks and walked back into his room. I one again looked around, my eyes landing on a sketchbook on his desk, "can I see?"
He nodded and went back to reading his comic. I flipped through the pages, some had drawings of flowers, some had drawings of bugs while others had drawings of... body parts.
"I'm a boob guy," he whispered in my ear.
"Stop doing that!" I gasped and swatted his chest.
"You like them?" He asked pointing to the sketch of boobs.
"They're very real looking, I'll give you that," I nodded slowly.
He rested his head on my shoulder, watching as I flipped through the pages. His arms held my waist tight, I could tell he just wanted some comfort — and I didn't blame him because I did too. However, our wholesome moment was cut short by Mick calling my name.
"Mick needs me but I'll be back," I waved to Sid.
I ran down the hall before running directly into Mick - who was now wearing a plain black shirt- "where were you? And why haven't you changed?" His blue eyes bore into my soul, staring into me as if he wanted to know more about me.
"I couldn't find my room," I replied shyly. I'm not gonna lie, Mick scared me - he was at least six foot five with black hair and blue eyes. Every time he looked at me, his eyes held one emotion — what emotion it was was hard to determine without seeing the rest of his face. It could be anything from hatred to admiration or annoyance to lust.
"It's just down here," he replied, grabbing my arm and leading me to a door with so many fucking locks on the outside.
"What should I wear?" I looked up at him.
"There should be a knitted sweater in there, so wear that with anything," he said before closing the door behind me.
I went over to the closet in the corner of the room and opened it to find a few of my clothes from my house and some clothes I hadn't seen before and amongst all of them was one knitted sweater. I grabbed that along with a pair of mid-rise jeans and my favourite Converse shoes.
"Im dressed!" I yelled to Mick on the other side of the door.
He let me out and held my wrist tight, pulling me towards two big wooden doors.
"I thought I'd take you out to the garden today, Clown gave me the green light to," he said, this time, a smile was evident in his eyes and slightly on his lips from what I could see.
I also smiled, for the first time in what felt like ages, I was finally allowed to go outside.
From the second I stepped foot outside, I didn't want to leave. I could hear the birds, I could see the sky and the minimal clouds, I could smell the fresh rain that must've fallen the previous night and most importantly of all, I could feel again. I could feel like a human and not just an object that had been stolen, I could feel... feelings again — happiness, anger, contentment and fear. "Look here," Mick said as he dragged me - again - towards a flower bed.
"Are these your flowers?" I asked while inspecting all the different kinds.
"Yep, all of us got to add a couple pieces to the house that we thought you'd like and I chose these and something else you'll see later," he replied.
"Mick, they're lovely!" I beamed as I hugged him tightly.
I could tell he was unsure about the hug but he nonetheless hugged me back, rubbing soothing circles on my back with his thumb.
Once again, our sweet moment was cut short by someone yelling our names.
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kinglyisms-archived · 7 months
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♚ — @prerodinu ;; Hiroki & Rarlith.
Rarlith knows he shouldn't be in here. He knows that the moment Artem finds out he did this, this is not going to be good. Though he can't find it in himself to care. His fingers moving over books and things as he waits for the other to appear. He could lounge in a seat like he normally does, but that might be in poor taste actually. Instead, he simply looks about the room touching and picking up things. Looking at the papers strewn about. He's not reading anything he's just curious about the other. The moment the door opens, he doesn't turn, instead he picks up the book that was there flipping through its pages like he hasn't had a care in the world. He really doesn't. "Hello, King Hiroki." Rarlith smiles, now turning himself around and leaning against the edge of the Kings desk. He was wearing pants thankfully, Artem made him change before coming here, but his shirt, that was a different story, buttons undone all the way to the one or two lowly buttons on the bottom that held the shirt together from being completely undressed. He really didn't like these shirts on this world. He prefered his robes. "Price Consort, Rarlith Nax Xukvi Luri II. Though my friends call me Rarlith and my family calls me Nax so whatever you prefer is fine with me. Though my loves do scream out all my names." He tosses a wink at the other before setting the book down. "I wanted to meet another King of this place, My home world we don't call our men King mostly because Queens do tend to do better so I don't find many Kings in my travels, and the ones who I do meet aren't as-" He purses his lips leaning his head to the side. "Gorgeous as you are. They are actually really old." He stands up offering his hand to the other. Though he would much rather enjoy a kiss or something else this would have to do.
   “Oh. Really? How very nice for you.” His voice is very calm, irrationally calm and quiet. Hiroki blinks as he watches the–stranger move around his office, poking at things and messing them over. He moves his hands together, tugs the gloves on off and slips them into his pockets. “Goodbye.” 
   With a single wave of his hands he had exploded the desk in the middle of the office, blasting it to absolute pieces and sending various parts of them through the windows and walls. The doors to the office are thrown open aggressively, the soldiers rushing inside and filling the room entirely. Elijah reached for Hiroki first, grasping at him and yanking the King aggressively behind him. Once he had secured the crown's safety, he lifted his gaze up to look around the room for the reason for the explosion. 
   And the weird thing that had introduced itself was still standing. Hiroki tried to force himself out from behind Elijah, his hands ready to fly to go for another try this time intending to aim for the actual target rather than just an indirect explosion. Elijah keeps a firm grip on him though, holding the angry King in place with a careful hold. “Your Majesty, hang on, please.” He tried and Hiroki had absolutely no interest in this. 
   He finally breaks free from the Werewolf’s hold and launches for the weirdo–only to be picked right up and thrown over Elijah’s shoulder like he weighed nothing. 
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   “He’s pack.” 
   The fight instantly leaves him.
   An awkward silence fills the room, the soldiers looking around nervously. Then, at a nod from Elijah they start to filter out of the room one by one. Elijah gently sets Hiroki back down on his feet and the King begins tugging his clothes back into place, pulling the gloves back out from his pocket. He doesn’t turn to face the weirdo in his office. “Breaking and entering is still a crime. Pack to who because I’ve never seen him in Abarith before.” 
   “He smells like Artem’s Pack. He did say more members would be showing up as they got to work on the new Pack Houses.” 
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   This does not make him happy. But, considering the new alliance, he has to be gentle. A strongly worded letter would be sent to Artem though to express his upset. Spinning around he tucked his hands behind his back. “King Hiroki Nakamura, the Twenty-Third King of Abarith. What is a Prince Consort?”
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wwenhlimagines · 10 months
#51 from the new smut prompt list with darius martin x female reader?? it's the reader's first time and darius makes sure it's extra special 🥺🤗
I've Got You, Babe - Darius Martin Smut
Prompt 51: “I’ve never done this before”
Warning: smut 18+ only
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Darius and I were out at the club when I got a boost of confidence. One of my favorite songs came on, so I took the chance to turn my back to him and start grinding against him. "Well, hello there sexy lady. Are you trying to tell me something?"
I smirked to myself before putting my hands on my knees and starting to twerk on him. His hands grab my hips and pull me closer as he bites his lip. I look over my shoulder to see his gaze turning darker as his tongue swipes across his bottom lip. It's like he's under my spell, and I'm loving every second of it.
When the song ends, I stand up and turn around to face him, putting my hands on his chest. His hands rest around my waist as he pulls me closer. Our lips met in a heated kiss, and we both knew our night out was over from there. Darius paid our bar tab as I said goodbye to our friends before finding him by the exit, ready to go back to the hotel.
The car ride was quiet, and the closer we got to the hotel, the more sober I was feeling. I started to get nervous, hoping I didn't get his hopes up too much. Darius and I had been dating for a couple of months now, and although we have made out and gotten a little heated, we never spent the night together. I had told Darius that I hadn't been with anyone else, and he made sure that I knew he would wait until I felt ready.
Just as my brain was going through worst-case scenarios, Darius reached over and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers and kissing the back of it. I looked over at him and saw a softness in his eyes as we waited at a red light. "Babe, I don't expect anything from you. If you want to have sex, we can certainly do that and I will do everything in my power to make you feel at ease. If you don't want to have sex, we can just snuggle and watch a movie. Please don't feel pressured to do something you aren't ready for yet."
I sighed and nodded my head as the light turned green, and we drove around the corner to the hotel. Once Darius parked the car, he made sure I waited for him to open my door for "safety reasons," and then we went inside and up to his room. He held my hand and gave me a kiss on the forehead as we got into the elevator alone.
"I'm ready Darius, but I'm just nervous I won't be good."
Darius shakes his head before giving me a quick peck on the lips before leaning his forehead against mine. "Well, your hips sure said otherwise in the club. Made me weak in the knees, grinding against me."
I blushed as he winked at me and pulled away as the door opened, and he led me to his room. He opened the door and allowed me to enter first. I walked inside and took in my surroundings before feeling his arms wrap around my waist from behind and his lips tracing my neck from my collarbone up to my ear. I leaned back into his touch, and he hummed in response as he left kisses along my jawline. I turned my head to look at him, and our lips met in a sweet, loving kiss.
He pulled away, and we looked at each other for a second before he flipped my hips around, and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. Our kisses became more needy as he grabbed my thighs and picked me up before walking us over to the bed and dropping me onto it.
He stood up to quickly take off his shoes before he took care of mine as well. We smiled at each other as he crawled onto the bed and hovered over me. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for another longing kiss as he got comfortable and my legs lazily wrapped around his.
Our lips danced together as our hands roamed over each other's bodies. I slid my fingers under his shirt to trace his abs as he groaned lightly and sat up momentarily to slide his shirt over his head and throw it across the room. I bit my lip as I admired his physique, and Darius took a second to look down at me with love in his beautiful eyes. I was about to take my own shirt off when his hands grabbed mine.
"Please tell me if you want to stop. I can wait."
I smiled before interlocking our fingers and pulling them up and above my head, causing Darius to come face to face with me. "I promise I'm ready for you. You should see for yourself."
I see him visibly shiver as I push my hips into his again. He makes quick work of my shirt and bra before leaving kisses from my ear down to my chest. His body slides down as his lips lightly suck on my nipples drawing light moans from me. He looks up at my face and winks as he leaves more kisses, leading to my shorts. I run my fingers through his hair as he takes my shorts off and smirks, looking up at me.
"No panties? You really are ready."
I give his hair a slight tug to see his eyes slightly rolling back in his head before he looks back at me. "Go ahead, baby. Taste me. I'm all yours."
He groaned before lowering his head and leaving kisses around my wetness, slowly teasing me. My hand guides his head to where I need him, and he slowly licks up and down my lips before sucking gently. My other hand is playing with my tits as I start to bite my lip and throw my head back in pleasure. Darius slips a finger in me, easily causing a groan to come from both of us as we make eye contact.
"I think you are nice and warmed up now. Are you ready for the main event?"
I chuckle lightly as I nod my head and sit up on my elbows to see him undress. He makes quick work of his pants and underwear before grabbing a condom from his suitcase and starts a playlist on his phone to set the mood.
"Tonight is all about you, baby girl. I want to make sure your first time feels good. Let me know if you need to me stop or adjust. Sound good?"
My eyes watered slightly at the sentiment, and I took a second to sigh and smile up at my man before reaching out for him.
"Thank you for being so careful with me, babe. I'm so glad you are going to be my first and I hope I don't disappoint you."
He slowly laid down on top of me, and we took a second to enjoy the feeling of our naked bodies meeting for the first time.
"I promise you will not disappoint me. You are giving me all of your trust, and I don't take that responsibility lightly. I know this isn't the best timing, but I need you to know that I love you and I will do anything to make you happy. I've got you, babe"
A couple of tears fell from my eyes as I took in his words and grabbed the back of his neck to smash our lips together in a sloppy, passionate kiss.
"I love you too, Darius. Now, please make love to me."
He smiled and kissed me again before kneeling between my legs and letting his tip slide up and down my lips before inching the tip in slowly. He leaned forward to keep an eye on my facial expressions as my legs lazily wrapped around his. My hands laid on his chest as I felt his heartbeat quicken.
He sunk into me slowly as my face contorted slightly, adjusting to the new sensation. I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding as he stopped. He kissed me as he let his hips shallowly thrust into me. The discomfort turned into pleasure and my hands found the back of his neck as I started moaning into the kiss. The kiss got steamier as I bit his lip and the look in his eyes darkened.
His thrusts slowly got deeper as our tongues danced and my legs wrapped around his waist. My breathing quickened as I started to feel heat in my core. My head flew back as his tip hit my gspot, and a guttural moan left my lips. Darius slipped his fingers between our bodies to rub my clit in circles as his thrusts targeted my gspot. My hands gripped at his back as my back started to arch.
"Let it go, baby."
I bit my lip to try to silence the moans coming from me as I felt my orgasm roll through me. Darius made sure to watch my body language and keep thrusting until my body relaxed again. My head was spinning, and I took a couple of seconds to enjoy the feeling before opening my eyes to see my loving boyfriend looking down at me.
"You are the most beautiful woman in the world. Especially when you look like this."
I playfully slap his chest as I look down and see him slowly pull out of me. He removes the condom and I try to sit up to taste him, but he pushes me back down. "Tonight is about you. Give me a minute, and I'll come clean you up."
I pout as he walks away to go to the bathroom. "That's not fair. I want to taste you, babe."
He pops his head back out momentarily. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm just saving that for our second round."
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Tags: @hooks-martin @thesupreme316 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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lunamochii · 3 years
Genshin Men [ Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya, Childe ] taking you into a manga cafe - nsfw -
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WARNINGS  : Modern AU, nsfw, pure smut, Oral receiving (F) [ Zhongli ], tit-fucking [ Kaeya ], Drunk sex [ Diluc ], thigh fucking [ Childe ], f!reader, minors dni
I tried my best and I hope you guys will love this! Enjoy reading! You guys can request too~
You guys have plan this last week that both of you will check out the new manga cafe that just launch around this month and you are excited going there with them, since it has it's own private room enough for two plus it's unlimited drinks, you guys can read many books as you want. Who would've think that things will end up somewhat different on what you expected. Well, you guys better keep your voices down if you still want to come by again.
You guys can request too~ Happy reading!
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"What did you say ?"
You gulp down hearing his baritone voice and you tried to shrug it off by letting out a chuckle and looking away, you totally forgot your man gets jealous easily
"C-Calm down Li! I was just joking about wanting to- hmpf!"
You quickly covered your mouth when slip his fingers underneath the skirt you are wearing, hands grabbing on his polo, his breath hitting your skin on your neck
"Joking ? How can you joke wanting to get railed by another man ? Am I not enough ?"
"They don't exist- Zhongli~"
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning his name when he start to move his fingers against your panty, the way he move his fingers is so slow that you just want to beg for more
Zhongli began to kiss your neck up to your chin then proceed to shower your face with kisses, then he brush his lips against yours
"Just kiss me already.."
You whispered and that made Zhongli chuckle and put his arm behind your back pulling your body close to him, your legs wrap around his waist and he planted a soft kiss on your lips
You quickly wrap around your arms behind his head and pulled his head closer and deepened the kiss, Zhongli groan between the kiss, your tongues battled for dominance but in the end he won
He began on caressing your thighs giving it a light squeeze every time you suck his tongue and you would moan whenever he will slap it softly, Zhongli broke away from the kiss and flip your position
Now you're laying flat on your stomach as he lift your skirt up and pulled your panty down, revealing your wet cunt and all you can do is watch him lick his lips and played with your entrance by his fingers
"Hm! Z-Zhongli~ Stop teasing me~"
"Teasing ? I'm just starting, love."
Zhongli grip your butt and made you lift it up, now your wet cunt is facing him and Zhongli rest his cheeks against your butt cheeks before giving it a slap and trailing his tongue on your cunt
You almost moan loudly but Zhongli stop you by slapping your thighs and you just buried your face on the pillow, this is why you should not provoke him, also it would be bad letting your voice out the people on the other room might hear you
Zhongli insert two fingers and you just want to scream this pleasure building up on your stomach, you move your ass wanting him to go faster but your boyfriend is such a tease, instead of thrusting his fingers faster he instead didn't move it and just lick your cunt
"Yes dear ?"
The way he answered you is like his mocking you, oh how badly you want to tug on his air, you look at him pouting and Zhongli knew exactly what you want
Luckily this room is big enough so he pulled his face away from your cunt and focus on fucking you with his fingers, and in a second he got you moaning and chanting his name
"Shut it Y/N! Others will hear you!"
"It's your f-fault! Hmmff!"
"Can't even control your voice."
Zhongli pulled you up and now both of you are standing on the ground with his fingers slipping again inside your cunt, his other hand groping your breast, you put one of your hand on his hand as he went more faster
His other hand is on your face lightly gripping your neck, he felt you squeezing his fingers tight so he smirk and bit down on your shoulder as he fasten his pace, you squirm slapping his hand trying to get him pull out
But Zhongli remain stern and he got you squirting out, soaking his fingers wet and some of your juices is dripping on the floor, when he let go of you, your body plop down on the bed, with your juices oozing out
"What a sight, how about we go home so I can fuck you, hm ? I would love to hear your voice."
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"It looks fun so why not try it, right ?"
Kaeya smirk and you glared at him back but that only made your man chuckle, his hand softly caressing your hair as you gag on his cock, wrapping your tongue around his cock, you continue on rubbing his cock in between your breast
It all started when he decided to read a smut book, he saw a panel where it shows the girl giving the boy a tit fuck and this man right here wanted to try it, though you can't deny that you love it too
"Oh fuck... that's it baby~ Hmm~"
"Geez Kaeya! Don't moan so loud."
"Oya ? Sorry sorry~"
Kaeya smiled and grab a handful of your hair so it won't get on your way, to get you back on track he purposely slip his feet under your skirt rubbing it against your soaking panty
You let out a soft moan and began to suck him whole, his other hand grab on the sheet as he throw his head back, not wanting to let his voice out but the way you suck him is too good that he can't hold his self back
"Squeeze your breast together for me baby."
You did as what he told you and it took you by surprise when he started to move his hips and you can feel how his cock twitch in between your breast, you roll out your tongue just so you can lick the tip of his cock
"Fuck! Hmm!! Holy shit!"
Kaeya curse non-stop and it was like a music on to your ears and with a few more thrust he came and you open your mouth as to catch his cum but some of it still got on your face and breast, Kaeya let out a satisfied sigh as he lay his upper half body on the bed
"Are you satisfied daddy ?"
Kaeya peek on you and motion you to lay on top of his chest and you did, he twirl some strand of your hair on his fingers as he gave you a quick kiss
"You tire me out baby~ I will go grab more book and maybe I can find more interesting positions."
He wink at you and kisses you passionately before fixing his self and told you to wait for him naked, on the bed, while he fetch more book.
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"I'm back! Gosh I found so many good mangas that are impossible to buy!"
You announced once you entered the room while holding the mangas you got, but what welcome you is the scent of the alcohol on the air, your nose immediately scrunch up
Your eyes landed on your boyfriend sitting at the swivel chair, the coat he wore is now hanging at the back of the chair and his polo is now unbuttoned
"I feel hot.."
You quickly put down the book on the table on the side and went o him but he grab you by the wrist and pulled you making you sit on his lap
His hug on you is so tight as if his afraid once he let go you will run away from him, he inhaled your scent and buried his face on the crook of your neck
You roam your eyes and found a one glass that is now empty and it looks like he drank all of it, you shook your head and pulled away from him, his face is really red and his looking at you with a weird expression
"I love you and you know that right ? This manga cafe... this room... will be the witness on how I show you that I love you so much.."
"Hahaha you're saying weird things again Diluc.."
You chuckled but he just lowered his head down to your breast and he look up at you, then he buried his face in between your chest
"Let's fuck."
"Eh ? Right here ?"
Diluc just nodded and began to rub his cheeks against yours, this is what happened when he gets drunk, it's either he will pass out or he will seek for you
"Then, I will be on your care."
You said to him and Diluc gave you a sweet smile before kissing your lips full of love and passion, his hands didn't waste time and immediately slip inside your shirt, getting rid of your bra his hands groping your breast while the both of you kiss
Saliva dripping on the side of your lips as you grind on his crotch that is starting to grow, Diluc let out a soft moan when you got rid of his polo, he broke the kiss so he can take your shirt off and hold you by your waist pulling you towards him
Your breast getting press by his chest as he suck and lick on your neck, then he whispered to you that you should get up a bit so he can unbuckle his belt and get rid of his pants
"Are you sure you don't need help ?"
"Mhm.. no.."
Diluc sounds just like a baby, gone his deep voice now it's replace by his soft voice. Once his done he held out his hand and you gulp seeing his hard cock, standing proud
"Loving what you see ?"
You nodded and that made Diluc smiled and when you place your hand on top of his, he brought it close to his lips and kiss the back of your hand
"It's all yours"
His sweet even when his sober but him being drunk is a next level, you can't help but get all butterflies on your stomach, you slowly lowered yourself to him and Diluc didn't stop whispering sweet words and praise to you
"Good girl, love you darling.."
You grip tight on his shoulders and Diluc cuss under his breath feeling how soft your walls are, he didn't move for a second since he want to shower your face with kisses, your mind become clouded when he lick your earlobe and started to move
His thrust are sloppy and his hands are groping your butt cheeks, his breath are uneven and every time you guys kiss, you can taste the alcohol and maybe that also got you drunk
You never left his lips not wanting to cry out loud, you just muffled your moans in between the kiss and Diluc thrust his hips faster, giving your ass a playful slap every time he shove his cock deep
That will also earn him a sweet moan for you, he can tell that his not that drunk but being this close to you, inhaling your scent is what making him drunk, he sunk his teeth on your shoulder and buried his cock deep as he painted your insides white
You shivered on his embrace and Diluc sigh as if he finally let out everything he had, though he didn't pull out and just keep you close to him, then he look at the book you got yourself
"Say darling, how about you read those while riding me ?"
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"Two college students fucking in a manga cafe~ How daring~"
Childe lick his lips while thrusting his cock in between your thighs, holding it and all you can do is moan, you never expected you guys would be doing this inside a manga cafe, the books that you guys read are now scattered on the bed
"Look at the tip poking out every time I thrust~ Ahh you look so good like this love~"
Childe can't stop praising you loving how you look right now, his cum all over your body and you can't even count how many times he have cum now and how many times you have cum without him fucking your cunt
He let out a groan when you rub your thighs together and that just made him thrust more faster, your moans getting out of hand so you grab the pillow that is place right above your head and press your face in there
"Oh fuck! Coming!"
Childe release his load once again on your stomach and you felt how hot it is, he reach for the pillow and toss it away as he make you hold your legs, press against your chest and he slowly insert his cock once again in between your thighs
"When will you fuck my insides Childe ?!"
"Patience love~ I will fuck you silly once we get to our condo."
Childe smirk lick his fingers and insert it inside your cunt making you bit your lips and at the same time he began to thrust his cock in between your thighs, his fingers fucking your cunt, he can sense how needy your cunt is for it to suck his fingers in
You tried to grab the pillow but Childe told you to push your fingers on your own mouth while your other arm is holding your legs together, lost in the moment you guys didn't even notice the blinking light, a sign that the time is up
"H-Hurry Childe! Hmm make me cum!"
"Together, let's do it together."
Childe groan and pulled his fingers out and fuck your thighs faster, you let out muffled moans and your eyes saw the blinking light and you know anytime somebody will come knocking at the door
He release his cum on to your face and you squinted your eyes as he rub his own cock and keeps on coming on your body, just as you thought somebody knock and both of you look at each other
"Dear guest, would you like to extend your time ?"
Childe smirk seeing how you began to suck his cock and he caress your cheeks with full of adoration, it's your turn now to feel pleasure from sucking him
"Dear guest ?"
"Ah yes, we would like to rent this room for one more hour. Since.."
Childe bit on his lower lip holding his self back to moan when he felt you wrapping your tongue around his cock
"Since we're not done reading the books~"
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Robby Keene X Reader *SMUT*
Warnings: Smut!
You got me Hypnotized
You pace back and forth around your room nervously, you were finally going to meet your boyfriend Robby's dad; Johnny. Nervous didn't began to express how you felt, this was a huge thing for Robby and so it was to you too. You knew Robby and his dads past and you really wanted to make a good impression on Johnny.
Robby was laying on your bed, resting his back against the headboard while he tried to calm your nerves down. "Babe, he's going to love you. There's nothing to worry about" he said lovingly.
You stoped pacing around for a moment, his positive thoughts and words starting to get to you. Soon you began pacing again, now speaking your thoughts "but what if he doesn't like me? What do I wear? What do I say?" You started overthinking, this was such a big part of Robby's life and you didn't want to screw it up.
"Baby, calm down" Robby says getting up and walking over to you in comfort.
He lifts your chin up with his ring covered fingers bringing you to look into his striking eyes, "he's going to love you... and if he doesn't I'll personally karate chop him" He laughs, his smile lighting up your mood as his apparent dimples show through.
You sigh defeated as a laugh slips past your plump lips, this causing Robby to glance down at your lips while wrapping his arm around your waist.
"I guess you're right" You hum, moving to lay your head on his chest; hearing his soft heart beat while you do so.
"I'm always right" He jokes, causing you to laugh against his shirt covered chest.
He places his hand against your head, gently rubbing his fingers through your soft locks, causing you to sigh in comfort as your eyes start to get heavy.
"And don't worry about what to wear, i'll help you pick something out okay?" He agrees as you softly nod still resting your head against his chest, he begins to sway you both back and forth humming a gentle song.
"As far as I know we'll just be going out to diner, so everything will be fine" Robby comforts as you lift your head from his chest looking up at him, a sly smirk forms across his lips almost as if he had something planned for today.
"What's that smirk for?" You ask suspiciously, causing Robby to look at you.
"No reason" He replies as a mischievous look flows through his eyes.
You hum suspiciously but nonetheless you back down, thinking nothing of it as you get out of Robby's grasp. "So are you going to help me pick out an outfit for tonight or what?" You playfully tease as Robby continues to smirk.
"Alright, what are your first top options?" He questions crossing his arms as you rush over to your closet opening the double doors.
"We have this pair of pants with this top, this dress, or this jacket" You say picking out your top two favorite options.
Robby looks at them for a second before something catches his eyes in your closet, he smirks before walking over to it and placing it on your bed "this is the one" He smiles, obviously hiding something.
He walks into the bathroom to allow your privacy with changing while you look down at the outfit he had picked for you. It was a black pencil skirt and a white tank top with a sheer covering as the cover up.
You tilt your head, impressed with his picking as you began to get changed, you speak up letting Robby know he could come out.
He opens the door and leans on the frame, "well you look beautiful" He compliments causing your cheeks to heat up the shade of scarlet.
You shyly smile as Robby walks over, already dressed in his outfit when he got here. "Come on beautiful, let's go" He takes your hand, letting you slip on your shoes before grabbing your keys and leading you both out to your car.
A few moments you arrive at your designated destination, it was a beautiful Italian restaurant a little outside of reseda. Robby walks over to your door and leads you over to the front entrance telling the young lady that you had a reservation with Lawrence.
They escorted you to your table and placed a couple menus in designated seats, a few seconds later Johnny walked in with a kind smile and nervous fidgets as he was placed at your table.
You offered him a kind smile as the waitress placed your drinks on the table "so I'm assuming you're the famous Y/n?" Johnny kindly asks as you lend him a eye catching smile.
"Yes, i am. It's so nice to finally meet you Mr. Lawrence" You kindly say as Robby sends you a reassuring smile.
"The pleasure is all mine Y/n, and please call me Johnny. I'm not that old" He jokes with a chuckle causing you and Robby to let out a little laugh yourselves.
About half an hour rolled around of just endless amount of talking, eating, and just having fun. Soon you feel a warm hand against your thigh, the cold metal of Robby's rings causing you to gasp. Catching Johnny's attention "are you okay Y/n?" He questions obviously worried for his future daughter in law.
You quickly get ahold of yourself "O-oh yeah! I just have a slight cold is all, I'm okay" You smile reassuringly as you glance at Robby, that same mischievous smirk on his lips.
Johnny nods his head understandingly as he goes back to eating and starting up a conversation with Robby. Soon Robby's hand got to the edge of your underwear, causing you to suck in a breath as you took a bite of your food to cover the slip up.
You turned to look at Robby to see him calmly caring on a conversation with his dad while he was fixing to finger fuck you under the table.
You started to get oddly aroused by the fact that you could get caught in this position, causing you to become very soaked the more you thought about.
Soon you feel Robby's two fingers slip inside of you, not even giving you time to think as you lounged back in the chair, he was being very discrete with manipulating the sounds causing your eyes to slightly roll back at his skilled fingers.
As observant as Johnny can be sometimes he didn't suspect anything not once, the situation was making you very touch aroused and almost on the edge of cumming with the burning knot in the pit of your stomach.
  Soon you felt the tip of his ring hit your insides as his finger brushed against your g-spot causing your body to jerk slightly against his hand though you kept your noises at bay.
  Luckily Robby felt the jerk from his hands as he kept Johnny's attention on him, "so Y/n, are you interested in any martial arts per say... karate?" He asks slyly as his attention turns to you.
You quickly compose yourself "yes actually, I have. Sometimes Robby will teach me certain things and it makes me want to start learning" You smile, slowly grinding your hips against Robby's fingers also getting Johnny's attention to turn back to Robby's.
"Oh? Is that so Robby?" Johnny asks impressed as Robby's fingers increase in speed, hitting your g-spot right on a couple times causing you to slip up a moan quickly turning it into a groan of pain as you fake bitting your tongue.
Johnny thought nothing of it as he continue to spark up conversations between you two, soon your high was bulging through so you tap Robby's thigh as a sign letting him know which only makes him go harder, also adding a third finger causing you to cum on his fingers with a slight whimper under your breath, only Robby could hear causing him to let out a satisfied smirk.
Johnny soon turns too grab a waiters attention for the bill and while he does that Robby slips his hand from underneath your skirt and starts sucking on them with a moan at the taste pretending it was from the food when Johnny turned back around. Your jaw almost dropped to the floor when he did that, also sending a sly smirk your way.
Johnny quickly pays the bill for you and leads you outside to where your cars sit, "It was lovely meeting you Y/n, I'm glad my son has finally found the one" He smiles kindly giving you a loving father hug as he does to Robby.
"Thank you Johnny, it was amazing meeting you as well!" You smile kindly as he gets in his firebird.
You and Robby rush back to your car, you slip inside the passengers side putting your hands over your face "I cannot believe you just did that Robby" You start laughing as you try to calm your racing heart down.
  Robby lets out a chuckle as he begins to drive back to yours, arriving in only five minutes. You both soon enter in your house, your parents being gone with the LaRussos due to work.
  You and Robby walk upstairs, you flip on your bed as Robby does the same, pressing his lips against yours in a lustful kiss until his phone starts ringing. Pulling away from the kiss with a groan Robby looks at the caller ID to see it was Johnny.
  "Hey dad" Robby mumbled slightly as they start their conversation.
  Soon a mischievous thought pops into your head as a revenge plan to get Robby back from fingering you whilst at the same dinner table as Johnny.
  Robby had walked over to your desk to sit in your office chair, spinning around while he and Johnny continue on talking, smirking slightly you get off of your bed and walk over to Robby, once he spins to where he can see you, you put your hands on the arm rest and stop the chair.
  Robby looks at you confused as you slowly get onto your knees, his eyes widening when he realizes what you're going to do, though not apposed to the idea.
You start unbuttoning his jeans before unzipping them and sliding them off his legs. By the time you had slipped off his pants he was already hard from the position you were in, though you gently cupped his bulge before slipping his boxers off letting his cock slip out lightly hitting his v-line.
  He lets out a slight his from the cold air as his hip push upwards, you smirk as you slowly start jerking his length in your hands, getting him warmed up.
  You lean down and lightly swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, running it upwards along his slit causing his hips to buckle and him letting out a strained stutter in the middle of his sentence.
  Speeding up your pace you bob half of your head down his length, tightening your lips around his pulsating cock while teasingly stroking the other half of his cock.
  Robby's head almost falls back as he grips his phone harder trying to keep a steady conversation with his dad. You began swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock again, but lazily this time with slipping more of his cock in your mouth.
  Robby has enough of you not taking him all the way so he moves your hair out of your face, wrapping it around his hand and pushes you all the way down on his cock, you lightly moan at his dominance sending vibrations through his length causing him to grit his teeth and let his head fall back.
  He continues to push your head down balls deep down his cock, Johnny must've asked him if he was alright because he responded with a strained answer.
  "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine dad" He roughly bites his bottom lip, pushing your head down more causing you to tighten your lips around his thick cock.
  Soon Robby ends the call, throwing his phone on your bed as he tries to catch his breath. "Look at you, such a filthy slut... sucking me off.. while I talk to my dad. You really like my cock don't you?" He runs his tongue over his teeth, with a mischievous smile.
  You can't help but whimper as you continue to take more of his length, Robby raises his eyebrow at this "oh you like that don't you?" He smirks pushing your head further down.
  Just as he was about to climax you pull away from his cock, causing his hips to stutter and his hands to dig into the armrest of the chair.
  He groans looking up at you with a slight lusty glare as you did not let him finish. You smirk almost evilly as Robby roughly grabs your chin pulling you closer to him.
  "You know y/n, I'm gonna make you pay for that" He replies to your smirk, causing you to gulp slightly from being so turned on.
  "Then make me..." You purr out.
  Robby's stands up grabbing you by your thighs letting your legs wrap around his waist, his once again hardened cock resting in between your thighs the only thing separating you two is the thin piece of fabric.
  Roughly placing you on the bed he presses his lips against your as his right hand goes under your skirt, moving your underwear to the side causing you to let out a low moan when he slips a finger into your dripping core.
  He doesn't give you time to process as he adds two more fingers causing you to breath the kiss panting for air as Robby leans his head on yours, watching you with his fiery eyes.
  He pulls his fingers out and begins rubbing his middle finger around your clit, "Robby..." You whimper aloud, spreading your legs wider for him.
  "No cumming, pretty girl" He smirks as he feels you clench around his fingers, getting close to your high.
  Your once lidded eyes widen as you feel the burning pit in your stomach, "but- Robby I- can't hold it" You whimper desperately, grinding your hips so you could try and orgasm faster.
  Just when you think you got through to him as he speeded up his actions, he removes his fingers literally one second before you could cum, causing your whole body to jerk and your legs to try and close.
  "Robby please.." You let out another desperate cry as he begins pulling off your shirt, along with your skirt before discarding of them.
  Eagerness took over you as you quickly unclasp your bra and pull down your soaked underwear, "someone's eager" Robby smirks as you began pulling his shirt off.
"Shut up and fuck me" Ending your demand with a desperate whimper.
"Be patient pretty girl, we have time" Robby runs his finger down the valley of your breasts, the coldness of his metal rings causing you to get goosebumps.
Leaning down he takes your nipple in his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue as he roughly squeezes the other, his hardened cock resting in the middle of your soaked pussy.
Finally giving in to what you both want he slowly slides the tip of his cock in your entrance, looking up to meet your eyes "is this okay?" He whimpers out, whilst you nod eagerly.
Finally bottoming out he slips his whole length into your pussy, leaning upwards he grabs ahold of your legs and spreads them wider as he begins to fuck you into missionary.
He watches as you start moaning, your boobs bounce up and down with each individual thrust, you hold your legs up while he holds onto your knees for support so he won’t thrust sloppily.
"What a sight to see pretty girl" Robby smirks as his head falls back once you tighten your walls around his cock.
You let out pathetic whimpers as your eyes roll into the back of your head, arching your back you start groping yourself while Robby watches as his cock slips further inside of you only to hit your g-spot after every thrust.
Him hitting your g-spot causes you to whine, harshly gripping onto your boobs Robby smirks "found it" He groans as he feels your pussy slowly bringing him closer to the edge.
"Faster p-please" You weakly moan out as you harshly wrap your legs around his waist causing him to hit a much deeper place inside you.
Your hands grip the bed sheets as your back arches, pushing your breasts into range as Robby grips onto one for support.
"Robby Im close!" You whimper out squeezing the bedsheets firmer.
This action causes Robby to snap his head up and grab ahold of your chin, leaning down to stare you in your eyes. He manages to deepen his thrusts by the different angle "look at me when you cum" He demands, feeling himself come closer to the edge as well.
You practically melt at his actions as you continue to look up at him lovingly as his cock starts hitting your g-spot straight on causing that burn in the pit of your stomach to only increase more, now feeling like fire as he kept speeding up and slowing down every now and then.
You keep your eyes from rolling back to keep a steady stare down with Robby as that knot breaks in your stomach causing you to clench around Robby, cumming all over his cock; some leaking down your thighs and onto Robby’s v-line. Just then you realized that you just squirted.
You were so dazed into your orgasm that you didn’t care as he tried his best to ride out your orgasm, fixing to pull out "wait no cum in me Robby… please" You nod, letting him know you were still on the pill.
Robby whimpers at this as his hips stutter, finally releasing into you. His hot cum shooting inside you, some filling you up to much as it spilled out of your pussy.
You both take a few breaths as Robby slowly pulls out, cum dripping down your thighs. Just then you look at Robby. His whole stomach and cock was drenched with your cum from where you squirted so hard.
Your cheeks flush from embarrassment, "oh god Robby I’m sorry" You say guiltily.
Robby chuckles "babe, I just made you squirt for the first time. That was so hot" He smirks as he leans down to press a fluttering kiss to your lips.
You smile as he picks you up bridal style caring you both to your bathroom, filling up the tub with water. He places you into the warm water letting you sit on his lap as he rested his chin on your head.
"I love you"
That was the first time he said I love you.
This was requested by @peachymelon69
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baekhansol · 3 years
Please, Master | h.hj
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : hwang hyunjin x f!reader
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : smut / pwp
𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : mature
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 1655 words
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 : kitten play pwp
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 :Warnings: pet (kitten) play, anal (tail) plug, dry humping, voyeurism, use of toys, unprotected sex, breeding kink, master kink, creampie, orgasm denial, slight nipple play
© im-sakura 2021. All Rights Reserved.
You feel like a needy kitten in heat. You are a whimpering mess as you decide what to do, playing with your fluffy white clip-on ears. You tug on the sleeves of your borrowed sweater, quickly texting Hyunjin to make sure he would come home soon. When he replies that he was on his way, you lick your lips.
You adjust your tail before you put his pillow between your legs, needily grinding on it. As you grind on it, the sensation from your new tail butt plug makes you mewl louder.
You don't hear Hyunjin come home, but you do hear him open the bedroom door. Your face turns red and you quickly stop, trying to adjust yourself with a little needy whimper.
"Kitten," he says softly, and you don't meet his eyes, so you miss the hunger in them.
"S-s-sorry master," you whimper, sitting up and dropping your head.
"Does my kitten need some play time? Is my kitten needy?" Hyunjin asks, his voice smoother than silk.
You whimper, biting your lip shyly. You hadn't made any rules about whether you could touch yourself or not with Hyunjin yet. In fact, you only recently told him you liked kitten play. After seeing you and taking care of you in subspace, he wasn't too surprised and gladly said he would try it out.
"Kitten, I asked you a question," he says, lifting your chin to make you look up at him before he tugs on your pretty pink collar.
"I want to play, master," you admit earnestly, feeling your core throb.
"Will you show me what you were just doing? You're a good kitten, so I'm sure you can," Hyunjin asks, cooing softly as you lay back down and put the pillow between your legs.
You begin to grind into it, your head turned to see his reaction. He licks his lips as he watches, and you whimper softly. Hyunjin says nothing, but flips your skirt up to better expose what you were doing.
You hear him groan softly as he takes in your fluffy white tail, but more so at how your panties had a cute hole for the tail and a tiny bow above it.
"My kitten is so needy, hmm," he muses, listening to your soft noises as if they were music.
Hyunjin leans over and opens the drawer with your toys, and you pause to watch him with an open mouth, wondering if he was grabbing a condom yet.
Instead, he takes out the bunny vibrator and lubricant. A soft whine escapes you, and he tsks lightly. "None of that now, kitten," he says, shaking his head.
"I want your cock," you mewl shyly, batting your eyelashes up at him.
"Prove it to me and be a good girl before I breed you, kitten," Hyunjin says simply as he stalks closer.
"Now," he begins, pulling the pillow out between your legs. "Are you going to take off your panties or am I going to rip them off?"
"I'll take them off, master!" You assure him, quickly tossing them onto the floor and exposing your throbbing core.
"So wet already," he coos, teasing your entrance with the tip of the rabbit vibrator. Hyunjin turns it on the low setting, teasing your folds and getting the toy more lubricated.
"P-p-please master," you beg, trying your best not to buck your hips up.
"You need to be patient for master, kitten. You had play time by yourself, now it's my play time," Hyunjin explains, pushing the head of the toy in your hole, causing any response you could give him to turn incoherent.
Your soft mewls grow louder as he turns it on higher, letting the toy fuck you on its own. Hyunjin guides it to the perfect spot, and you’re soon cumming embarrassingly fast.
“M-m-master!” you mewl, tearing up as he turns up the vibrations on the toy.
“You can take more, keep going,” Hyunjin hushes you, gently rubbing your side as he turns you onto your hands and knees.
The overstimulation from your previous orgasm has you cumming again all too quickly for your liking as a soft “please please please?” escapes you.
Your face scrunches up from the overstimulation again, and you feel yourself tearing up. Hyunjin then turns off the toy, but leaves it inside of you.
“Roll over onto your back again,” he commands sternly, but gently helps you regardless.
When you lift your hips up and turn, he tugs down your skirt and tosses it onto the floor with your panties.
“Shirt off,” he demands, and you quickly obey.
Your cheeks heat up now that you were completely bare in front of him while he was still fully clothed. Your cunt aches from the toy, and you’re relieved when Hyunjin reaches down and carefully pulls it out of you.
You moan lowly at the sensation, and one of his eyebrows twitches at your response. You both watch in awe as your juices stick to the toy, and as he pulls it away a string of your arousal drops onto the bed near your tail.
“My needy little kitten,” Hyunjin practically purrs.
“Just for you, Jinnie,” you murmur bashfully.
He looks at you in surprise, and you quickly realize your mistake. You didn’t call him master. Hyunjin shakes his head with a smile before you can apologize, setting the toy aside and stripping slowly.
“How much do you want me?” he asks, staring at you after taking off his shirt.
“So much master. I need you so badly,” you begin, your eyes wide and pleading.
“Hmmm…” Hyunjin hums, not convinced as he continues to slowly take off his pants.
“Please? I want your cock in me so bad. I’m a pretty kitty in heat, remember? I need you so badly that it’s all I can think about,” you babble, the innocent look on your face a stark contrast to your dirty words.
“I need it so badly,” you nearly start to cry, feeling your hole clenching around nothing.
Hyunjin nods thoughtfully, taking off his boxers and releasing his erection.
“Alright kitty, you’ve been good so I will give you my cock, okay?”
You eagerly nod as he meets your lips for a kiss, quickly pulling them away to kiss down your jaw and neck, sucking and nipping harshly to create marks.
You whimper at his teasing actions, as he knew you were ready for his delicious length. Before you can beg more, he pinches both of your nipples, a knowing smirk on his face as you let out a loud moan. Hyunjin is quick to take one in his mouth, sucking on the sensitive bud before grazing it with his teeth. His ministrations are too short, as he soon switches to the other. Hyunjin fully knows that he could make you cum just from playing with your breasts, but now is not the time.
Once he is satisfied with the marks he created, he flips you over and pulls your ass up in the air. Hyunjin tugs on your tail, causing you to moan and arch your back more.
“Please master?” you beg as he slides his cock between your soaking folds.
“Please what?” he asks, feigning ignorance of what you needed.
“Need master to breed me,” you beg, trying to give him a pleading look from over your shoulder.
Hyunjin lets out a satisfied hum before pushing the head of his cock inside of you, letting out a soft moan at the sensation.
You let out a pleased whimper, trying to move your hips closer to his.
He notices right away and pulls completely out of you, smacking your ass. “Who is in charge here?” Hyunjin asks.
Your voice gets caught in your throat, but he waits for you to speak.
“You, master,” you manage to say.
“Then stay still,” Hyunjin commands.
A soft whine escapes you, but you stay still as the head of his cock prods your entrance again. He slowly enters you, and you knew it was to test your patience.
“Please master,” you murmur, clawing at the sheets.
Hyunjin hums and slides the rest of the way in, the head of his cock resting against your cervix. A loud moan escapes you as he grinds his hips into you, letting your body adjust to him being balls deep.
“Stay still kitten,” he murmurs, his hands gripping your waist as he slowly begins to thrust into you.
His cock rubs against your g spot with each thrust, causing you to close your eyes and let out gasps and moans into the sheets. Hyunjin is quick to speed up, his grip on your waist tightening. You try to muffle your sounds into the bed, but Hyunjin notices immediately.
He stops his thrusts, snaking a hand from your waist to your stomach and up your torso, wrapping around to hold onto your shoulder as he pulls you up, your back flush against his chest.
“Let me hear your cries, kitten,” he grunts hotly in your ear, biting your earlobe before beginning to thrust.
You whimper out and hold onto his arms as one wraps around your waist, his thrusts more precise and harsh than before.
You begin to moan and cry his name incoherently, feeling overwhelmed in the best way. Hyunjin sucks marks on your neck, and you feel his length twitching inside of you. After another loud whimper escapes you, Hyunjin moans your name and cums inside of you.
He thrusts a few more times as his length begins to soften, then pulls out and lays you down on your back, spreading your legs open to see his cum leaking out of you.
The look on his face softens slightly, and he reaches up and wipes your tears with his thumb.
“I didn’t get to cum,” you murmur, pouting.
“Only good kittens get to cum on their master’s cocks,” he informs you, raising an eyebrow.
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ilici · 3 years
drunk on you.
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Summary: C!Schlatt was known as the drunk who didn't care about anything besides himself. That all changed when Y/N showed up, he's never been so infatuated with something like he was with Y/N.
Warnings: Size kink, choking, subspace, gagging, unprotected.
Word Count: 2117
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Schlatt was in his office, when he heard Tubbo and Fundy's muffled voices growing closer to his office. He was in no mood for business, he was slightly buzzed from drinking more vodka. If he drank anymore, he'd be absolutely hammered, but he held himself back as he had a meeting for Manburg later that day. Hearing the knock he dreaded the most, he grunted wanting to ignore them, but once again a knock was heard this time more eager sounding. "President, we need to talk to you. It's urgent." Funny's voice ripped out into the silence, and Schlatt just glared at the shut door. Not answering, the door was swiftly opened by Tubbo, and Fundy looked at him as if he were crazy.
Tubbo walked in, his horns showing prominently after his haircut, "Hello Schlatt." Tubbo said, nonchalantly as if he's done that more times than once. Funny gave Schlatt an apologetic look, before following Tubbo inside, his orange fur popping as Schlatt's office was dark and dull. He wanted it to match his "heart" as if he even had one. So he forced Niki and Fundy to paint it, "What do you guys want?" Schlatt said, already annoyed at their presence, "We have someone new who joined Manberg, we tried to tell you yesterday but you kept yourself locked in here." Fundy explained, on edge afraid if he said one thing, the bottle of vodka that was on Schlatt's desk would be thrown at him.
Schlatt slowly looked over at the fox, as his eyes were glued on Tubbo, annoyed that he entered without permission for the eleventh time. "So? What's it to me?" He asked, and Fundy sighed, "Sir you're the president, it's mandatory for you to know if someone joins or leaves." He announced, and Schlatt just stared at him, face holding no emotions. Fundy gulped, fairly loudly, which made Tubbo glance over at him, grabbing his wrist so he would relax. "Well, who are they?" Schlatt asked, wanting this conversation to end already, "Apparently they are Sapnap's adopted sister. Dream and them went into the snow biome across here, and found her there. They took her in for a couple days, then she left and wandered into Manberg and asked if she could stay." Tubbo said, noticing how on edge Fundy was. Schlatt looked at him, "They didn't kill her on the spot?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"No, probably because she was already on the brink of death from starvation. She has amor, netherite to be exact, I've also heard from George that she is good at combat." Tubbo added on, catching Schlatt's attention. "Why didn't they just leave her there to rot?" He asked once more, and Tubbo sighed, growing annoyed at the fact that Schlatt keeps asking why they didn't let her die. "Sapnap apparently felt guilty, and wanted to take her in. I'm guessing it took a lot of persuasion, because Sapnap now has a cut down his face from which I am assuming is from Dream." He explained, "Where did you get this Information?" The president asked, and a new voice spoke up from behind Tubbo. "Me." A much softer voice said, which caught Schlatt off guard.
Schlatt wondered how he had not noticed her before, but what threw him off even more was the fact that he could not see the girl. She was behind Tubbo, and Tubbo was already very short, so how old was this girl and how short was she? "Show yourself." He said, intrigued, and a small girl, decked out in netherite stepped out from behind Tubbo. It amazed him how small she was, she had to have been an inch smaller than 5'0. "What's your name?" He asked, and Y/N looked him in the eyes, her eyes held little to no emotions, "Y/N." She said, her voice strong and confident, "How old are you?" He asked, and Y/N just looked down, as if this conversation bored her. "I'm legal, if that's what you were wondering perv." She said, noticing that Schlatt was indeed checking her out.
Schlatt chuckled at her, "Fiesty aren't we?" He said, and Y/N glared at him, her E/C piercing through his skull. "Only with old men like you." She replied, and Schlatt let out a huff of air through his nostrils, almost as if it were meant to be a laugh. "She's welcome to join Manberg." He said, and Tubbo looked down at the girl, "Come on let's go Y/N." He said grabbing her wrist, his other hand still occupied with holding Fundy's. Dragging the two out, quite literally, the other two were stumbling on their feet trying to keep up with the teenager. "Slow down." Fundy pleaded, and Tubbo finally came to a halt when they were out of the building, "Y/N you will need to take your armor off, it's sorta a rule not to wear it in Manberg." He said, and Y/N audibly sighed as she took off her amor. Once her helmet was off her H/C hair finally showed itself, her H/L blowing in the gust of wind.
"You look pretty." Fundy said, now being able to see her without the amor, "Thanks I guess?" Y/N said, not really used to compliments. Her outfit consisted of F/C shirt and jeans. Her combat boots complimented the outfit, "Well we already gave you the tour yesterday, so if you need anything, you know where to find us." Tubbo said, as the two walked to their designated areas. Y/N looked around to try and find something to do, but was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming up behind her. "Hello Schlatt." Y/N said, turning her head to the side where he now stood. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked, and Y/N just looked away, "You reek of alcohol, I basically smelt you." She said, and Schlatt scoffed and looked at her side profile. Schlatt being way taller than her, made him think of very inappropriate things he could do with her. "I don't appreciate that." Y/N spoke up, and Schlatt gave her a weird look, "I can hear your thoughts. They are very loud and fairly annoying." She told him, and Schlatt just looked away.
"How can you read minds?" He asked, and Y/N looked away, "I don't want to talk about my past." She mumbled, and Schlatt just nodded looking back at her, "So tell me what I am thinking of right now. Prove me wrong, because I don't believe you." He said, and Y/N looked over at him blankly, "What happens if I don't?" She said, wanting to bother him. Schlatt smirked, "You already know." He whispered, and Y/N rolled her eyes. "You're disgusting." She said walking away from him. Schlatt chuckled watching her walk away, before he walked away to go to the meeting he was having with Quackity and George. The entire meeting, his mind was thinking about Y/N in many ways.
It's now been four months since Y/N joined Manberg, and Schlatt has been on her ass at any moment he could. Y/N couldn't deny the feelings she was growing for the overly horny man. She could hear everyone's thoughts, but Schlatt's always overpowered theirs, which annoyed her because he kept her awake during the night with his lewd thoughts. "Fuck you Schlatt." She groaned tossing and turning in her bed, trying to sleep. Currently, Schlatt was having another daydream of him ruthlessly fucking the shit out of Y/N. She mainly couldn't sleep because of how loud his thoughts were, but she also felt this itching sensation that she tried to get rid of by touching herself but she simply couldn't cum. She never could, which was causing her sexual frustration to sky rocket. Letting a frustrated scream out, she threw her pillow at the wall before she got up.
She was now wearing her night shorts, and one of Fundy's shirts that she borrowed, from three months ago. Slinging her door open, she didn't care about the cold air biting at her bare legs and feet as she stomped her way towards Schlatt's house. "You fucking horny fuck." She grumbled on her way there, and Jack, who was awake watched her angrily make her way to Schlatt's house. He silently laughed to himself, as he knew why she was going there. He's caught her doing this many other times, which they bonded over and now the two were super close. "Don't kill him." Jack slightly shouted, and Y/N just flipped him off as she continued her way towards the rather ugly birch wood house. Ripping the door open, not even caring to knock at this point she basically bolted to his room. "Schlatt you motherfucker." She said, slinging the door open, and Schlatt looked over at her.
"What seems to be the problem princess?" He asked, and Y/N glared at him, as his eyes were glued to her thighs. "I will rip those horns right out of your goddamn head." She threatened, and Schlatt laughed getting up, his white t-shirt and black sweat pants, now visible. Walking over to her, he stood in front of her, dangerously close, "Do it." He whispered, and Y/N shoved his chest roughly, which he just stumbled back a bit before going back to his spot. "It's two in the morning princess, and yet here you are. In my room." He whispered, this time his voice huskier which sent a chill down Y/N's spine. "This is your room, what are you going to do about it?" She dared, and Schlatt chuckled darkly, "You already know." He said, as Y/N got deja vu from their first interaction like this.
Y/N bit her bottom lip, as Schlatt roughly grabbed her thighs hoisting her up and throwing her on his bed. Y/N let a giggle rip through her throat, as Schlatt was now hovering over her, his shirt already discarded. "Eager are we?" She teased, and Schlatt growled, "I could drink so much alcohol and be absolutely wasted, but somehow you make me so much more drunk." He said, and Y/N grinned, "Do it." She whispered, as Schlatt thought of just fucking her then and there. Schlatt groaned, and ripped her clothes, literally. "That was Fundy's shirt.." She groaned out, and Schlatt chuckled, "That's why I did that princess." He said, before flipping her over, "Ass up now." He said, giving it a harsh slap as he quickly took off the remaining clothes he had on.
"Mouth open, now." He said, and Y/N opened her mouth as he quickly shoved his fingers down her throat keeping them there as she gagged onto them. Chuckling, he teased her entrance with his tip, before he roughly thrusted into her, making her gurgle from a moan, choking a bit from his fingers. Using his other hand, he pushed her down into the mattress as he thrusted into her with no remorse. Once he saw tears streaming down her face, he pulled his fingers out of her mouth, letting her cough to catch her breath. "God you're so beautiful." He whispered to her, as he sped up his thrusts, not caring if she was now overly sensitive since she had cum on him seconds before pulling his fingers out. Y/N only let out a couple sounds, which were supposed to be words. She was too far gone to form sentences, "Awh, is my cock that good that you can't speak? Did my cock do this to you princess?" He teased, and Y/N barely heard him, making him realize how far gone she was. Wrapping his hand around her throat, he choked her smirking.
This only made him feel even more egotistical, as he did this to her. After a couple rough sloppy thrusts, he let his cum feel her up to the brim. Pulling out, he fell down beside her, catching his breath while Y/N was attempting to come back. Getting up, he walked over to his bathroom dampening a rag before coming back and cleaning her thighs, and wiping the sweat off of her body. Throwing the rag back into the bathroom, he laid beside her, pulling her body to his gently not to hurt her. Jack smirked, as he realized what happened when he saw a stumbling Y/N walking out of the house, wearing a pair of Schlatt's sweats and one of his shirts that reached her knee's basically. "Well I'll be damned, he killed your guts." Jack said, and Y/N picked up a rock chucking it at him, "Fuck you."
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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minors dni!
description: Armin Arlert loves sweet, innocent things, especially when he can ruin them with his very own sickening sweetness.
pairings: Armin Arlert x gn! reader
word count: 2.4k
contains: smut duh, modern au, private college richboy armin, mild obsession with reader, oral (male receiving), use of the word ‘whore’, like one slap, unprotected sex (nothing spills inside dw), lowkey manipulation (what else y’all expected from armin?)
!!reader is afab(assigned female at birth), gender neutral and of legal age (around their 2nd year of college)!!
Whatever Armin Arlert wanted, Armin Arlert got. Cars, VIP seats, answers to exams, anything you can imagine. Being one of the most well-respected alumni of Paradis Institute's only son definitely had its advantages.
Girls and boys begged for a chance to be noticed by Armin Arlert, who wore his Prefect pin proudly and monitored the halls with his head high, but to no avail. Armin had long forgotten about sex, he found it appalling and unnecessary, unless it was with you.
You, who walked with your head high just like him. You, who would talk with classmates and wonder why they sprinted away as soon as the Prefect turned a corner. You, who could swear you heard a few camera clicks every time you used the communal showers. You, who despite being beautiful and charming, could not get a significant other for the life of you. Yes, your classmate, Armin had made sure the only person available to you would be himself; the handsome, smart and rich Prefect.
"Can I help you, Arlert?" Were the only words you spoke to him when he entered the science lab you were trying to work in.
"Am I bothering you, ___ ? I can leave." You took one look at his big, ocean blue eyes and sighed, taking your glasses off.
"No, sorry."
"Rough day? I'm sure it's nothing a massage can't solve." He offered, walking around the table you were working on and immediately placing his hands on your stiff shoulders. You shrugged them off quickly and faced the other way.
"Are you sure you don't want a massage from the person paying for your scholarship?" He whispered in a low voice, which would be very attractive if you weren't intimidated by him. You gulped and nodded, allowing him to happily massage your shoulders and upper back.
"I heard you're having a hard time with the new lecture."
"I-I do." You tried withholding a pleased sigh. The massage was definitely working.
"Be at my dorm around seven. I'll help you with it, ___." Armin left with a polite smile and bow of his head, leaving you to wonder how he looked so sweet yet acted so bitter.
At seven sharp, you stood outside of Armin Arlert's dormitory, patting your hair down, fixing your shirt underneath your uniform pants and looking around nervously. With a deep breath, you finally knocked on the wooden door, which was opened almost immediately.
"Come in, ___!" Armin's face lit up the moment he saw you and he stepped away for you to enter his room. A kitchenette, a double bed, a desk and a bookcase filled all the space, just like every other dorm on campus. And as you set your books on the desk, you could have sworn you caught a glimpse of tiles, running water and a nude person as the lock screen on his laptop, which he was quick to close before you took another look.
"Would you like a coffee, ___?"
"Yes, please."
It was getting past ten and your head could barely stand up on its own. You leaned back on the chair and stretched your arms out, yawning into one of them. Armin noticed and closed your book, his hand lingering on it.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" ,he exclaimed and opened a drawer, "I have some flash cards for you!"
"Oh, it's not necessa–"
"I insist." He said firmly and looked through some neatly filed papers. Once again, your eye caught a few pictures of someone's back profile and you could swear they had the same lower back tattoo as you. You, however, dismissed it once again. Boys tend to have pictures of pornstars, right?
Flipping through the flash cards, a picture fell out and Armin rushed to pick it up before you could. This time, however, it was loud and clear that the person in those photos was you taking a shower. At the time, you didn't know that all those pictures were set up on purpose. For you to see and become vulnerable in front of Armin Arlert.
"Armin, what's that?" Your voice came out in a hoarse whisper instead of the clear and stern tone you were planning on.
"Just something I'm planning on posting on the college's site tonight." He grinned.
"Wh-what? Why would you–"
"I don't know, ___. You tell me." He leaned closer to you, holding his weight on the arms of your chair. His blond hair fell over his eyes, making it the perfect shade of dark blue under the shadows.
"I have to go." You said sheepishly and started picking your books up, but an arm around your waist stopped you.
"Why do you keep on resisting me, ___?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I want you. And you want me too, right?"
     You were confused. Heartbroken. You always thought of Armin as nothing else than your classmate. So, what was this sudden urge to lock your lips with his?
     Looking up, you were met with a dark look in his eyes and a grin that seemed almost evil. You knew deep down he had dark intentions, but at the same time, you needed to know what those intentions were.
“I’ve never seen you wearing a skirt or a dress...you always act so modest, but the way you touch yourself so desperately in the shower...” his hand ghosted over your clothed thigh and stopped at your hip, “you just want to get fucked like a whore, right?”
“Why don’t you put a little show for me? Undress yourself.” He sat on his chair and opened his legs, shamelessly showing off the tent in his uniform pants.
With a blush decorating your cheeks and a trembling bottom lip at the embarrassment suddenly hitting you, you slowly unbuttoned your white dress shirt and let it drop on the floor. Kicking the Oxford shoes your school required off, your hands made way to the side zipper on your pants. This time, your eyes locked with Armin’s as your pants dropped on the floor next to your shirt.
“Those too, doll.” He ordered, referring to your underwear. His demanding tone went straight between your legs, which you rubbed together in an attempt for some friction. You quickly unclasped your bra and removed your underwear, but before you could do anything else, Armin extended his arm and pulled you closer to him. With his arms around your waist, his forehead came in contact with your lower stomach, taking in the sight before his eyes with a deep breath.
“On your knees.”
You did as he said and watched his hands, decorated with a few gold rings and a bracelet, unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. Pushing his boxers down slightly, his member spurted out and hit his lower abdominals. Chuckling at your wide eyes, he led your hand to his cock.
“Consider this a thanks for your scholarship.” He leaned back on the chair, one hand behind his head and the other gripping your hair. You nodded and brought your mouth closer, licking on the tip that dripped with precum. As one of your hands massaged his balls and your mouth started taking more of his length in, a few groans escaped Armin’s lips and the grip on your hair tightened. But he had had enough. Both of his hands found your hair and pushed your head down, earning a gag at the sudden contact of his tip with your throat. You swore you could hear the smirk in his groans as your tongue worked around his length while he pushed your head up and down rapidly.
“Just like that...good...take it all.” You would be lying if you said his words didn’t make you rub your thighs together, desperate for something, anything to fulfill your need.
Before you could lead one of your hands between your legs, warm ropes of cum hit the back of your throat. Armin thrusted in your mouth a couple more times, milking his orgasm and overstimulating himself enough that a few more drops of the hot liquid joined your saliva. Removing himself with a squelch, he grazed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“Good. Swallow like the whore you are.” You did as he said, your eyesight blurry and your head dizzy from the facefucking you just went through. Without wasting another minute, Armin got up, pulling you with him and leaving a rough, needy kiss on your swollen lips. With a knee spreading your legs and rubbing right at your core, he kissed down your neck and collarbones, allowing you to let out the most quiet moans.
“Look at you. At this rate, you’re gonna get off using my leg.” You could only respond with a hum as he tackled you on his bed, not wasting any time in taking his clothes off before getting on top of you. His hands roamed your curves and yours stayed around his neck, fidgeting with the gold chain around it. A sudden moan escaped your lips when two of Armin’s fingers scissored your slit open and entered with ease. His eyes fixated on your face; the way your lips trembled and your eyes rolled back with every pump of his slender fingers, oh how he wished he could spend every second of the day looking at you like this; so sweet, so vulnerable, almost too innocent, yet so perfect for him to ruin.
“Please, Armin...’m gonna-”
“Aww, too bad.” He removed his fingers and laughed at your disappointed face, which soon turned into a surprised one when he grabbed both your legs and placed them over his shoulders. You both let out a gasp when his pink tip entered your hole. Armin was not like anyone you’ve been with. He didn’t care about letting you adjust to his girth, thinking it was much more pleasurable to see you struggling not to make a sound.
“Yeah, say my name, love.” He thrusted harder into your walls, hands gripping your hips to ground you in your spot. Another thrust from Armin and another moan from you, each time the thrusts getting quicker and your soft voice louder, not even beginning to think that there were people on the other side of the thin walls.
“Why so quiet, love? Do you not...like...the way I’m fucking you?” He said between quick thrusts, not giving you the time to make out a single word. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the knot tied low in your stomach was ready to come untied.
“Answer me.” He ordered, the grip on your hips now almost painful. You opened your eyes to see him leaning down, your legs now almost next to your head on the pillow. Armin hovered over you, now fucking your hole with more ease. You noticed he let out soft, needy whines every time your walls clenched around his cock, to which you grinned slightly. Bad choice.
“Do you think it’s funny? The way you let me fuck you so easily?” A hand now met your hair, pulling your head back into the pillow a bit.
“That’s right. Say my name, whore.” He closed his eyes, taking in the sound of his name coming from your mouth. Your walls clenched around him as the knot finally came undone, and you were sure your juices were spilling on the sheets.
“Please...too sensitive...I can’t-” Your words came out in stutters, your legs closing involuntarily only for Armin to push them open again every time.
“Say my name.” He moaned out, thrusting inside your cunt now almost inhumanly fast.
“Armin!” Your second orgasm was on the way and your legs were starting to shake from the overstimulation. Armin didn’t fail to notice it and he wouldn’t lie if he said he wasn’t close as well, but he had learned to control himself. He couldn’t let it be over so soon. Not when he finally had you where he wanted you all along.
In the heat of the moment, it took you a few seconds to notice a stinging on your cheek, but when you did, you looked up at the blond, who was smirking down at you, hand still on your red cheek.
“Who’s fucking you? Huh?”
“You! You’re fucking me, Armin!”
“Louder.” He grunted, finally giving some attention to your nipples by slapping them teasingly.
“Armin! Armin! Fuck, I’m gonna–”
“Cum on my cock...fuck, ___.” Armin couldn’t take it anymore when your walls clenched around him once again as you orgasmed for the second time that night. Between moans and gasps and whispers of his name, you felt a wave of air hit your core and you realized Armin had pulled out.
He was now rubbing his swollen cock over your stomach, the other hand desperately massaging your breast. To help him, you led his hand to your other breast and took his cock in your own, thumb grazing over his red tip to make the beads of cum coat the rest of his length. Armin tilted his head back, not shy to moan loudly at the way your hand rubbed his length so...perfectly.
“Fuck, just like that. Just like that, love.” His legs shook slightly as his warm cum drew on your stomach and breasts, shooting almost up to your neck due to the overstimulation he went through. Exhausted and out of breath, Armin fell on the pillow next to you and planted a rough kiss on your lips.
“Let me take a picture of you. Don’t move.” Shocked, you couldn’t even blurt out a word at what he suggested, but something deep inside you made you nod in agreement. Maybe that tiny crush you had on Armin for one month on your first year finally decided to come out and play.
“Look at the camera, love. Now, smile. ” He ordered, getting on top of you with an old-fashioned polaroid in hand. He took one of your breasts in his big, soft hand and snapped a picture that he’d later pin over his bed, a reminder for himself and everyone that Armin Arlert always got what he wanted.
Lmao I hope y’all liked this otherwise it’d be embarrassing. Anyway, requests are always open, leave some for me to do while I procrastinate! <3
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hyuck050320 · 3 years
ok someone requested this but i accidentally deleted the ask so i hope this could reach out to anon, please let me know if you requested this 😭
basically they requested switch!hyuck and switch!reader with a biting kink, so i hope the anon could see this post. thank you so much for requesting, and once again i'm sorry 😭
requests are still open!
have a bite
pairing : switch!haechan x switch!reader
warnings : smut, semi public sex, biting/marking, dirty talk
the half year show is finally here. the dreamies are preparing for their performance. you, on the other hand, are feeling very hot and bothered.
being haechan's girlfriend for two years, you've always supported them through every music show promotion. but this year, it hits different.
not only that your boyfriend is totally in shape right now, they had to perform a song while wearing a prince costume. a vampire prince to be exact.
seeing your boyfriend in a red velvet top and white pants with some gold details plus a pair of black knee high boots is something you won't see everyday. not to mention his side-parted hair exposing his forehead. he looks like absolute royalty.
haechan definitely saw you undressing him with your eyes 'cause he went off on the performance. those hip thrusts, lip bites, and sly smirks he threw on stage is to get you more needy than ever.
turns out you're not the only one with dirty thoughts, because you noticed a tent formed on haechan's pants when he came into the waiting room. he sat right beside you while the other members came around.
"did you have a great time back here?" haechan whispers in you ear.
a small moan that you've been holding slips past your lips only for him to hear. "yes, fuck. hyuck you look so good right now, and on stage too." you can't believe how needy you sounded.
"listen. the members are going to eat and hang around outside while waiting for the encore stage and i'm gonna fuck you right here, right on this couch, understand?" he grips your thigh firmly.
"but someone could walk in on us-"
"do i look like i care?" his voice stern in your ear.
you can't respond, by now you are probably soaking.
"yo, lovebirds, we're gonna go outside, you guys coming or not?" jeno's question made you look up. you shake your head slightly while haechan responded, "we're good, probably gonna catch up with you guys later."
jeno nods, "alright then, i guess we'll see you guys." and with that the other boys left you both alone in the waiting room.
the tension is unbearable. haechan gets up and lock the door. you can only gulp. but an idea comes to your mind.
right before haechan could pin you down on the couch, you pushed him first, making him sit right away. you immediately fall into your knees, right between his legs.
"what do you think you're doing, baby? fuck." his words are cut out with his moans when you palm him through his white pants. his fully hard now.
"oh hyuckie, i've been waiting for this since i've seen you put on this outfit." you open the zipper of his pants before you push it down slightly alongside his boxers, his length springing out making your mouth water.
you lick him from the base until his tip.
"don't fucking tease." he tries to get his domination back but he's clearly struggling with how your tounge lick his slit.
"i said don't fucking te- oh shit, fuckk..." a long moan escaped his throat, his head thrown back when you put him inside your mouth, going halfway.
"baby, you're playing such a dangerous game right now." he warns but you couldn't care less. you got him wrapped around your fingers, or so you thought...
right when you start licking his tip again, he pulls your hair into a ponytail, tugging on it slightly to make you face him. his eyes are fully dark now.
"don't. fucking. tease. or do i need to remind you who's in charge?"
you shook your head no and he flips you both around. he licks his lower lip while taking off his velvet outer which only left him in his white shirt.
he pumps his length in his hand, while leaning closer to your face. he finally crashes his lips onto yours. that's when you felt a slight pain in your lips.
he pulls away, tugging on your lower lips. he raises an eyebrow, "can't talk anymore, huh? cat got your tounge?"
there you see it, two fangs hanging on his teeth. that's why it hurts, but why do you feel aroused?
"hy-hyuck, your fangs."
he chuckles, "we're vampires today, remember?"
you didn't even notice when your pants got discarded, now he's entering you with full force. no matter how many times you take him, you'll never get used to his size.
a loud moan came out of your mouth and he shuts you up with a kiss, "shhh...babygirl, i like it so much when you're loud, but we don't want the whole building to know what we're doing, do we?"
you bite your lip to contain your moans while haechan is going in such an inhuman pace. he places kisses in your neck, and to your surprise, he bites you. hard. right on your sensitive spot. and that's your last straw, you came with a loud whine of his name, your vision is blurry.
"shit, you're clenching on me so hard, i am close, fuck...i need to come in your mouth, baby, don't want to get my clothes dirty." haechan pulls out before you went back to your knees and suck him like never before.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, you're so good to me, baby. oh fuck!" his orgasm hits him and you make sure to swallow every drip.
his breathing are still uneven but he brushes your hair softly. "that was amazing, thank you, baby."
you got up and give him a kiss, a soft one this time. "thank you to you too, sexy." he then give you a smile.
you can't believe how fast haechan could turn from a sexy man to a shy and soft boy.
after putting back your clothes, you helped haechan to look more presentable like before. you gave him another kiss, "i love you."
"i love you too, bub. shall we meet the other guys now?" he asks while adjusting his boots.
you nod, "let's go." you two walk hand in hand outside, towards the other guys.
you see renjun with his hands covering his face. the others are oddly silent.
"damn. renjun's not lying." mark says, breaking the silence.
you and haechan are both confused. "what are you guys talking about?"
"renjun went back to grab his airpods but he says that you guys are doing nasty shit in there, we didn't believe him at first but..." jeno pauses.
"but what?" panic starts to show in your face.
this time, jaemin points out, "your neck."
you immediately search for somewhere near to look at your reflection and see a hickey with a bite mark in your neck. your heart fell. busted.
"lee haechan just took the vampire role way too far, huh?" jaemin adds making the other guys beside renjun laugh, including chenle and jisung.
"you guys are just jealous you aren't getting some." haechan says trying to stay calm while you sigh.
the others will never let this one go. for sure.
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