#tw adult themes
Hard Habit to Break
Pairing: EddieMunsonxOriginalCharacter
Summary: When a chance at the career he always wanted came knocking at the same time that she received the worst news of her life, they were forced apart. Long distance, time on the road, and stories in the tabloids destroyed anything they had left, leading him down a dark road, playing the role of the bad boy rockstar his manager wanted from him. Now tragedy will bring him back to the town he swore to never step foot in again and face to face with her for the first time in years. Will he be able to stick to the plan or will she be the one habit he can't break?
Trigger Warnings: Cancer battle, death of a parent, grief, addiction
18+ Only
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Eyes the color of whiskey, of the forest after the leaves had fallen, of safety and comfort, of love, of everything that had ever meant anything to her, meant everything to her, beseeched her, begged her to say what he wanted to hear. But she couldn’t. Her brain screamed at her, her heart raged at her, her blood was rushing, pounding through her ears, an insistent sound, her entire body revolting against the words that were coming out of her mouth but she had no choice. What else was she supposed to do? It was an impossible choice, one she’d never imagined she would have to make.
“Eddie…I can’t,” Tori whispered, each word fracturing a piece of her as she knew it would. The fracturing would continue, shards of her breaking off bit by bit, until there was nothing left of her but a pile of brittle sawdust on the floor. 
“Come on Funshine, don’t do this to me,” he pleaded, those ridiculously long lashes sparkling in the sun, beads of tears barely hanging onto the ends, each one just tearing her heart a bit more. If they fell, she was done for. She couldn’t bear to watch him cry. “I can’t do this without you, baby. I just can’t. I don’t know how to do this without you.”
She took his hands in hers, as warm as the rays of sunshine beating down on them. Hands that knew every curve of her body, hands that molded perfectly to her face, hands that held her together, hands that soothed her soul with just a touch. They were her hands. She knew every callous on those fingers, every ridge, every single line that shot through each palm. She’d traced them more times than she could count. She had these hands memorized, the chunky rings that left imprints on her skin just like this man had left imprints on her heart. 
Her fingers toyed with those rings, the massive skull, the boar’s head, the cross. She brought his hands to her lips, pressing them over the small black stone of the ring she’d bought him for his birthday her junior year of high school. Tori swallowed, the action painful, her throat refusing to swallow down the sharp, jagged agony of what she knew she had to do whether she wanted to or not. 
“I’m sorry. I have to stay,” she cried, staring at his hands, his short fingernails that he always bit down short. Her boy, full of nervous energy that kept him constantly in motion even when sitting still. They were jagged now, copper tracing along the ridges where he’d bitten too short and her heart broke just a bit more, knowing she was the reason for it. “You know that I have to stay right now. I can’t leave her.”
“Then I’ll stay too,” Eddie choked out, on the verge of panic, as if that were a real possibility. As if there were any reality where she would allow him to make that sacrifice for her, to give up everything he’d ever wanted. “I’ll tell them no. I’ll stay with you. I should be here with you anyway. I can’t leave you alone right now. You’re going to need me if…” He stopped, pausing to think about his words, a rarity for him which only indicated even more how much he truly loved her, not wanting to wound her worse than she already was. “When this is all over, when she’s better, then we’ll go together.”
Tori shook her head, finally bringing her eyes to his, sapphire meeting sepia, suffering mirrored in both shades. God, she loved him so much and she loved him even more for offering, for wanting to be by her side, for thinking it was even something he should consider but it wasn’t. She would never let him put his life on hold, possibly ruining his chances at achieving his dream, a dream he’d held for so long, for her. 
“No, baby. No…I can’t let you do that. You and the boys have worked too damn hard for this. You deserve this,” she told him, willing him to listen, to accept this because the tighter he held on, the harder it was for her to let him go and she had to. “You can’t turn this down. This is too big of an opportunity, Eddie. I can’t…no, I won’t let you do that.”
“You don’t get to decide for me,” he argued, tears that had been clinging to his lashes now slipping down his cheeks, silent streams of sadness and heartbreak. No. She couldn’t bear it. How was she supposed to be strong when he was falling apart? “It’s my life, Tori.”
“But it’s not just your life,” she reminded him. “What about Gareth and Jeff and Matt? You’re going to make this decision for them too? They want the band. That includes you. Without you, the deal is off. You can’t do that to them, Eddie. You’re not the only one this affects.”
A growl of frustration burst from within him as he broke away, turning his body so his back was to her. Eddie stomped a few steps away from her. His head dropped into his hands as he began pacing back and forth, back and forth, as if he could find some grand solution to this problem if he just kept moving. That was her boy, always moving, never stopping, never letting anything catch up to him. But she knew there was no solution to this, none that meant they stayed together. They had come to an impasse, the only option was the one neither of them wanted to face but had to.
“Eddie, this is everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“No, it’s not. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re the cake, Tori. This shit is just the icing on top. Us, you and me, that’s what matters. I can live without fame and money and some stupid record deal. I can’t live without you.”
“You can and you will,” she stated simply, closing her eyes against the pain, a thousand papercuts that would bleed her out slowly. But Eddie would move on. He would bury himself in his music career and he would meet someone else one day and she would become nothing but a distant memory. The girl from the small town he’d left behind. The very thought made her stomach twist painfully but this was all she’d ever wanted for him. For him to be happy, to finally show the world just how amazing he was, for him to get everything he deserved.
“I can’t do this, Funshine,” he admitted softly, words muffled against his hands. “How do you expect me to walk away from you?”
“You’re not walking away from me, Eddie,” she assured, closing the distance between them. Tori slid her hands around his waist, her cheek pressing against the back of his leather jacket, inhaling that scent was just his, that scent she would recognize anywhere, that scent that would haunt her for days until she couldn’t catch it anymore. “You’re not leaving me. We’re just stuck in an impossible situation and it sucks.”
“It does suck!” he roared, causing her to jump. With a deep sigh, he spun in her arms, pulling her into his chest, his chin resting on her head, cocooning her in the safety of his body. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. I’m not angry at you. I know you’re doing what you have to do. It’s just so unfair. I fucking hate this. I hate this so much.”
“I know…me too…” she agreed, burying her face against his jacket, opening her senses in an attempt to absorb him. She wanted everything about him to be imprinted on her, downloaded like a file into her body where she could never forget, never lose everything that was just quintessentially Eddie. 
He was going off to live his rockstar dream and it was everything she’d ever wanted for him. Tori had no doubt he would succeed. The talent this man had…there were no words for it. He was made to be on a stage, his presence larger than life. He exuded frontman energy in spades. And the other guys, their talent was wasted here in a small town like Hawkins that couldn’t appreciate them. They deserved stadium tours and standing ovations and hundreds of groups screaming their names. But she knew what that meant for her and her body recoiled at the very thought. 
Eddie was heartbroken right now but give it some time and he would move on. He would have girls throwing themselves at him every single night. Just look at him. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. He wouldn’t stay single for long. He would have more options than he knew what to do with. He would be okay. He would heal. He would forget all about the girl he left behind in Hawkins when he was surrounded by gorgeous supermodels and actresses while she…she would never forget, forever clinging to the reminders of what was. 
“I love you,” Tori whispered, clinging to him, wishing she could crawl inside of him and stay there, follow him wherever this future took him. “I love you and that’s why I am letting you go, baby.”
“I don’t want you to let me go,” Eddie insisted, fingers pressing into the skin of her back as if he could mark her, brand her, claim her. He didn’t have to do any of that. She was already his, forever. It didn’t matter how much distance was between them or how much time passed, she was his completely and always would be. “Look, we don’t have to break up. We can do the long distance thing until…I mean, why not? I can call you and I can visit when I can and you can maybe come visit me and when you’re ready, then you can come be with me.”
Tori had thought about that. Jesus, this was all she had thought about for the last three months since Eddie had burst in their front door, grinning, bouncing with his good news only to find her on the floor, sobbing. He got the greatest news of his life on the same day she had received the worst news of hers. It was ironic really and not in a haha, that’s so funny kind of way but in a life sucks and just wants to destroy you kind of way. Just when she needed him most, his dreams were coming true and his dream was snatching him away. 
“Eddie…” she groaned softly because every time she convinced herself that she was strong enough to let him go, he would say or do something that would make her weak again, make her want to forget everything she’d said. Long distance didn’t work. It would only hurt them both more in the end. “We’ve talked about this. We agreed that…”
“No! We didn’t agree on anything. You keep saying it will never work. You have all kinds of reasons why it won’t work but you’re ignoring the one reason it will.” His hands came to her face and she turned into his touch, rubbing her cheek over his palm, her body searching for him the way it always had. “We love each other. Tori, I don’t care if thousands of other people haven’t made long distance work. I don’t care if Robin and Vickie couldn’t make it work. That doesn’t mean we can’t. We can do anything, Funshine. Come on. You know we can. Does seven years really mean nothing to you?”
Tori reeled back as if he’d slapped her, stepping away from him, eyes wide, gutted by his accusation. A new emotion began to take over the sadness, anger rippling along her skin. How could he even think that? How dare he have the nerve to even say something like that to her. Hadn’t she made it abundantly clear how much he meant to her? How much she loved him? How could he possibly doubt it?
“How dare you!” she snapped. “You know how hard this is for me, Eddie. I fucking hate this! You think I want to be without you? Especially right now? I don’t. When I think about the future, you’re the only thing I see. You’re the only thing I want but I can’t have you. Our paths are going in different directions right now and there’s nothing we do about it. I can’t go and you can’t stay. Please don’t make this harder. Losing you on top of everything else is killing me, Eddie. I am trying to be strong here but I just…I feel like I am falling apart, like I am just going to crumble into nothing and I…I just…” 
Sobs tore from her body, her shoulders heaving as she gasped for air, hyperventilating. Everything was falling apart. Her entire world was breaking, shattering. She was losing every single thing that meant anything to her and she was trying so hard to be strong, to hold it together for everyone around her but she was crumbling under the weight of it. 
Then Eddie was there, his arms coming around her, keeping those broken pieces together, her own personal superglue, whispering in her hair, “Baby, I am so sorry. I know. I’m sorry.” His hand ran over her hair, cupping the back of her head, pulling her into the solace that was his embrace. “Shit. I’m so sorry. You’re dealing with so much right now. I don’t want to make it worse. I just…I can’t just get on that plane knowing I will never talk to you again. Can’t we at least try to make this work?”
“Eddie…you’re going to forget about me,” she whimpered, wiping her face against his shirt. “You’re going to be so busy. You’re going to have so much to do once you get there. You’re not going to have time to call me. And what happens when you meet someone else? I don’t want you to feel tied down to me. You don’t need that right now and what I have going on, it’s just too much.”
“Wrap rope around my hands and attach me to you because there is no one else. I want to be tied down. Tori, there’s never been anyone else. There will never be anyone else. You’re it for me, Funshine. I love you so much.”
“I just…”
“Please, baby, please,” he pleaded, his lips pressing against her face, kisses of desperation and hope, kisses she was helpless against. “Please just try for me. Let’s just try, okay? It’s not going to hurt to try, right? We can make this work. I know we can.”
She was so tired, too exhausted to fight him anymore. Even though her brain was telling her this would never work, even though she’d gone over it a million times, weighing the pros and cons and the cons always came out on top, Tori just couldn’t battle anymore. Her body sagged against him in surrender. 
“Okay…okay…we’ll try,” she whispered. 
“I love you, Funshine. I love you so much,” Eddie mumbled against her skin, clinging to her. “We are going to make it, baby. This is going to work. I know it is.”
She wasn’t sure whether he was trying to convince her or himself but in the end, it hadn’t mattered.
Here is the prologue for my new Eddie fic. It will be original character. I have a hard time writing reader and I have been editing my chapters for Tumblr but it takes so much time. I understand if some of you would rather not read it because of that. I will start posting this book on May 29th so let me know if you want added to the taglist and of course I always love to hear what you think. Thanks so much for your continued support.
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after-witch · 10 months
Mahito would coo "aw, don't worry-- just the tip" then massively stretch out the tip once it's inside you
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little-pup-pip · 6 months
hi!! I hope you're feeling better now. I really love your moodboards so I wanted to give you some ideas myself!
gender neutral moodboard for Fizzaroli from Helluva Boss with no paci? it's not a kid-friendly show so idk if you can post about it on your profile
I'll send you another idea in a different ask!
Here you go!!
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ravenzeppeli · 1 month
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Stained Red Prequel - Before The Pain |Yandere DIO x Reader Fluff|
Warning: strong language, threats. MA.
      Your red high heels clicked against the hardwood floor gently as you carried two empty wine glasses in one hand, the other hand gripping a wine bottle. You wore a tiny little black dress, the dress hugging all of your curves perfectly.
       You entered Dio's room without knocking - it was now the room that the two of you shared together. "Master?" You called out, closing the door behind you. You sat the wine down next to his bed. It was dark in the room. Only a faint light glowed next to the bed from the single white candle. "Are you in here?"
      You let a gasp escape your lips as you felt cool hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into the familiar large form of your lover.
      "You've kept me waiting for a long time, and that greatly displeases me," his velvet voice called out as he dropped his lips to your ear. "That's very naughty of you, and I also saw that secret conversation you had with dear old Hol Horse. Asking about who the Joestars are." He squeezed your hips tighter.
       You let a low gasp escape your lips, shocked that he found out. Dio never informed you of much. He liked to keep you as clueless as possible in case you had some moral compass. He didn't want to lead you away from his arms. Despite the power he had, he still wanted to keep your feelings towards him true.
      "I keep having to be upset with you, and I don't want to keep getting upset with you. I've been too lenient with you; I suppose that this is all my fault." He let his arms drop from your waist, but he kept his body pressed up against you. You could feel his dark yellow irises on you as his hot breath tickled your ear lightly. "What do you want me to tell you?"
      "Who... who are the Joestars? Where did you get that scar on your neck?" You asked him, trembling softly as you waited for a reply. You hoped not to upset him, for him to keep calm.
      Dio spun you around, gently pushing you to sit on the edge of his bed. "How can I trust you not to leave me? What if the truth casts your love away from me?" He asked, standing in front of you as he placed his palm on top of your head, carefully rubbing your head. "I'll never let you leave me."
      "I know that you are an evil guy, but I don't mind. I love you, and my feelings are true. Until the end, I am by your side," you told him. Though deep down you were a little uncertain but you pushed that feeling aside, casting it away.
      "I wouldn't call it evil, just misunderstood." He removed his hand, sitting next to you as he wrapped his strong arm around you. "I am about to tell you a very long story, buckle up."
        "Do you still love me?" Questioned Dio as he stared straight ahead, not making eye contact with you. He had told you everything from start to finish without leaving a single detail out.
      You were honestly both shocked and terrified, but you shook that feeling away. You loved him, and he loved you - he would protect you from all harm, and you should be thankful. Right? "Yes, I still love you. Thank you for telling me everything."
       "Now that all of this is over, I do believe that you are due for a punishment. You went behind my back, and worst of all, you spoke to Hol Horse. I'm upset," he spoke softly as he stood up. "But I don't know how I should punish you.. do you have any ideas?"
"I don't want to be punished, I was simply just curious and too afraid to personally ask you." You hardly asked Dio anything personal, always being much too terrified to ever ask him anything.
       He shrugged his massive bare shoulders, walking over to you as he wrapped his fingers around your neck, pressing his smooth lips against yours. As he pulled away, he smirked down at you. "I never thought that I- Dio would have such a soft spot for a mere human, but here you are, proving me wrong for the first time in my 122 years of existence."
You let a gentle blush appear on your cheeks as you looked into his cat-like gold eyes. His smirk shifted into a soft smile as he pulled away from you, reaching in his black pants pocket as he kept eye contact with you. He pulled out a shiny diamond ring, holding it up to you. "Y/N.. be my fiancé. When I defeat the Joestars, we will then marry, and on our wedding night, I will turn you into a vampire."
      "Okay," you whispered, tears filling your eyes as he slipped the ring delicately on your finger. This was.. it was so beautiful. The fact that he planned to turn you into a vampire the first night that you lay husband and wife slipped your mind as you stared at the ring with soft eyes, clearly touched that he proposed to you.
       This was a rare moment when you got to see the more softer side of Dio Brando, the side that he so desperately tried to hide as if he was ashamed of loving someone other than himself. "You are my fiancé now.. you don't have to call me master anymore. You can just call me any nickname you can think of."
      "Kitten," you quickly spoke, a smile appearing on your lips as you giggled lightly. You haven't laughed in so long.. you don't remember the last time that you actually laughed at something.
       Dio rolled his golden eyes, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Do I look like a kitten to you? If anything, you are the kitten," he spoke softly, wrapping his massive arms around you, pulling you into his freezing bare chest. "Just.. I'll ask you again in 24 hours. How about we drink some wine and celebrate our engagement a little? I can run us a hot bath." He combed his sharp nails gently through your soft hair, chin resting on that top of your head.
       "That sounds good," you softly replied back, burying your head in his cool chest as you wrapped your arms around him. "My love."
      "I like that.. you may call me that in private," he whispered in your ear, lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Let's get in that bath.. I can wash your hair for you."
     You blushed fiercely as a giggle yet again escaped your lips. "That sounds perfect." You loved him like this.. loved him when he wasn't so sadistic towards you. Was he changing into a different person right before you very eyes? You truly didn't know, but over time, you hoped to know the truth.. for now, you were just simply just going to enjoy this precious night, pushing every worry that you had to the side.
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 months
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—all rights reserved to @monstrouslyobsessed​, featuring the bull beastfolk character, papa bull and his anonymous darling. the super mini comic is under the cut due to the...well, a fun little peek and the implication of papa bull's intention. maybe someday i'll make a proper comic, but today is not this day. i also drew a fun little piece for those who loves duke more sometimes tomorrow :) anyway, enjoy!
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side note: for those who may have visual challenges, i also included image descriptions for you with the dialogues included. let me know if there's anything else i can do to better include everyone!
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cinamun · 1 year
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New beginnings
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
Age play IS NOT agere/age regression.
So let's get this straight. If you sexualize age-regression, unfollow. It is not a kink, never has been and never will be. It's mentally reverting to a younger age, in which a regressor couldn't possibly consent.
AGEPLAY is a kink, in which two or more CONSENTING ADULTS engage in role-playing for their own pleasure. While I personally dislike age play, AB/DL, or any kinks related to that—Adults are allowed to live their sexual/romantic lives however they want.
And yes. Same applies to Pet play (kink) verses Pet-regression. (Coping mechanism/Stress relief.)
Agere resources here!
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dracoslittlepet · 2 years
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🎉 Party For Two 🎉
You've always heard that Slytherins throw the best parties, but you've never actually attended one... Until tonight. When you and a certain arrogant blonde lock eyes across the room, will sparks fly? Or will it be merely a passing thing...?
• fluff; language; adult themes (drinking, implied smoking, light NSFW)
🎉 For full party experience, I recommend wearing headphones when reading this! Trust me! 😉 🎉
☆Taglist: @wallwriterstuff @raindancer2004 @alecvolturiswifeforever @like-rain-or-confetti @nixwolfe @simpforferret @dracoslittlesunflower @dracoslilangel @dr4cosimp @draconisxcaput @bellatrixscurls @dracomalfoysslave
Your heart beats nervously in your chest as you walk down the corridor, the air getting a bit more chilled the further down you walk. You've never been to this part of the castle before, but you've always found yourself a bit curious. After all, it's not every day that the Slytherins invite a Ravenclaw to their house. You've always heard that they throw great parties, but you've never actually attended one.
Well, at least not until tonight, that is. How exactly did you find yourself in this situation? It had happened rather quickly, after Potions class. One of the Slytherin girls you had become quite friendly with, Pansy Parkinson, had discreetly slipped you a bit of parchment containing an invitation to one of their parties, on the way out of class.
Her coy smile and flirty little wink had been more than enough to convince you that no, you in fact were not going nuts, she actually had just invited you to a Slytherin party. So now you find yourself standing outside the rather ordinary looking stone wall, behind which was concealed the Slytherin Common Room.
Taking a deep breath, you throw a glance over your shoulder to make sure you weren't followed, before muttering the password in a quiet half-whisper. "Pureblood..."
In response, the stone wall comes to life, the bricks seeming to shift and warp into a solid black door, which you tug open, slipping inside. Almost immediately, the sound of heavy, thumping bass music greets your ears, intermixed with the loud chatter of students who have full intentions of staying up long past their curfew.
A hesitant little smile flits across your face as you take a few steps further into the room, your eyes searching for a familiar face. A relieved sigh slips from your lips as Pansy comes bounding up to you, a wide grin on her pretty face. "You made it! Nice of you to show your face, little Ravenclaw!" she shouts over the music, reaching out to grab your hand, tugging you further into the room.
Your eyes widen as you take it all in, your heart pounding in your chest, the beats almost similar to that of the music filling the room. Now you finally understand it, why everyone says the Slytherins throw the best parties. The whole room is bathed in a green light, faint shadows flickering on the walls.
You could swear you see fog or mist of some kind clouding the room, though whether from Muggle fog machines or someone's simple spell, you're not entirely sure. Most of the tables have been moved aside, though the few that remain in the center of the room are littered with bottles of alcohol that you're pretty sure have been illegally smuggled into the school.
In the distance, positioned against one of the far walls, Blaise sits behind what looks like a Muggle's DJ booth, but again, you can't be sure. He happens to lock eyes with you as Pansy leads you further into the room, and he gives you a welcoming nod, accompanied by a light smile. You nod back, too stunned to say anything.
You're still trying to take in all of your surroundings. Overall, the whole effect is... Eerily well done. It definitely gives off the whole party, "let's get drunk and dance til 2am" vibes. Pansy leads you over to one of the tables that have been turned into a makeshift bar, gesturing at the bottles there. "Name your poison, Y/N!" she calls over the music.
You tug your hand free from hers, shaking your head at her. You have no intention of getting drunk tonight, let alone tipsy. Then again, it is the weekend... No, no. Absolutely not. Pansy gives you a look of disbelief, a slight pout forming on her lips. "Oh, come on, little Ravenclaw! Let go and have some fun tonight!" she calls out, reaching for a bottle of what looks like Firewhisky.
Before you can protest, she's already pouring you a glass, handing you the cup. Ha... Solo cup. In bright green. You can't help thinking it's a nice touch, albeit if a little pointless. As you turn to try and protest again, your words die out in your throat. Pansy's already gone, headed back towards where Blaise is at. Well, this is just great.... If only there were a few more familiar, comforting faces here...
As you scan the crowd, you spot a familiar blonde leaning against one of the tables, his cold gaze fixed on the center of the room as he watches everyone else. A cup similar to yours is held in his ring-clad fingers, and a look of boredom sits upon the boy's face. Your heart flutters in your chest as you continue to watch him. Draco... Draco Malfoy...
Almost like your thoughts have caught his attention, he turns his head a little to the left, his gaze meeting yours in an instant. He appears to do a double-take, before one perfect dark brow raises as he continues to stare back at you from across the room. With a nervous half-smile, you quickly avert your gaze, suddenly wishing you could be anywhere but here, right now.
You'd seen Draco Malfoy around the school plenty of times, and while you definitely thought he was pretty cute, you knew that there was absolutely no chance that anything would ever happen between you and the Slytherin boy. It just wasn't done; you were a Ravenclaw, and a Half-Blood, at that. And he... Well, he was a Pureblood, untouchable by practically everyone at the school.
Not even Potter and his little Gryffindor friends could get in good with the blonde boy. Though you had a feeling they wouldn't want to, anyway. In your short few months here as a sixth-year, you had managed to deduce a few things about Draco: he was terribly arrogant, snarky and sarcastic at the best of times, (though carefree and laid-back with his friends), and above all... Hopelessly and undeniably attractive beyond measure.
And it's then you realize with a start that you are, in fact, very much attracted to the Slytherin boy. "What, no! This can't happen?!" you say to yourself, a little confused and slightly outraged. You cannot be falling for Draco Malfoy, of all people. It just couldn't happen... No, not a chance. "Talking to ourselves, are we? That's not a good sign." a familiar voice says, his tone laced with a bit of that signature snarkiness.
Immediately, your gaze flashes up to meet the mercurial eyes of the very boy you were just thinking about. A slight smirk turns up one corner of his mouth, as he raises that green cup up to those perfect rosebud lips, taking a sip of whatever's in the cup. With another smirk, he tilts his head to the side a little, regarding you with a look of equal parts curiosity and amusement.
"So she really did it, then. Our dear Pansy actually invited a Ravenclaw. I'll be honest, I didn't think you'd show up, Y/L/N." he says, an arrogant grin on his face. Oh, this smug little shit...!
You roll your eyes at him, gazing down at your cup. The untouched Firewhisky still sits there, practically begging you to drown your pettiness in it. Maybe it wouldn't hurt, just a little bit... Might give you some liquid courage, to tell Draco what you really think of him. As you go to take a sip, Draco's next words nearly make you choke on your drink.
"Though I have to admit, it is nice to see a new face, other than some of these losers, here. Half of them only showed up because they heard there would be alcohol, not because of who's actually hosting the party." he says. You swallow hard, the alcohol burning on the way down. "And who would that be?" you ask, though you have a feeling you already know the answer to that one.
Draco raises a brow at you, shaking his head in amusement. "And here all you Ravenclaws are supposed to be smart." he says sarcastically. Your heart sinks, and with a brief glare at him, you turn away from Draco, wanting to find Pansy, Blaise, anyone but that blonde git.
Before you can even take one step, a hand grabs ahold of yours, tugging you backwards. "Wait, I'm sorry. That was rude, I know. I just..." the words die out in his throat, as Draco stares down at you. With a sigh, you tug your hand from his, giving him a warning look. He raises one hand in a sign of peace, the green lighting glinting off the ring on his finger.
"Look, it's just... I find you intimidating." Draco suddenly confesses, but his voice is barely audible as a new song starts, the music drowning out his words a little. "What?" you call out, leaning forward a bit. He rolls his eyes at you, taking a step towards you and leaning down so you can hear him better. "I said, I find you intimidating." he repeats, the words much clearer now.
Your eyes widen as you look up at him, seeing yourself reflected in those blue-grey eyes of his. You don't look the least bit intimidating, at least not in your own opinion. Seeing the look on your face, Draco sighs again, running a hand through his ice-blonde locks. "You heard me. You're one of the smartest ones in our classes, other than Granger and myself, obviously. It's unnerving." he calls out.
"You and all the other little Ravenclaws, you lot are irritatingly smart. But you, you're different. You're... You're cute, too. It's infuriating, really." Draco continues. Your mouth nearly drops open in shock; did Draco Malfoy seriously just call you cute?? How are you even supposed to answer that one?? You take another sip from your cup, though the alcohol doesn't burn quite as much on the way down this time.
With a sigh, you raise one eyebrow at Draco. "What, and you're not equally as infuriating?" you call out over the loud music. The blonde boy laughs, a very unexpected reaction to your question. "Darling, I already know I'm infuriating!" he shouts back. Leaning closer, he gives you a wink, before continuing with "But at least now I know you think about me."
This slick git, he thinks he's so damn funny. You open your mouth to tell him what exactly you think of him, but before the words can come out, one of the other Slytherin students lazily approaches you and Draco, a sly grin on his face. As he gets closer, you recognize the boy: Theodore Nott. He was one of the few who occasionally hung around with Draco's crew, a rather skinny boy who was much more laid-back than the people he hung out with.
With another grin, this time directed towards you, he reaches into the back pocket of his trousers, producing a rather worn-looking pack of cigarettes. He offers the carton to you, giving you a wink, but before you can say anything, Draco reaches out, swiftly yanking the pack from Theo's hands. "Don't you dare, she doesn't need those!" he hisses, his blue-grey eyes flashing with a sudden spark of anger.
Theo shrugs, before reaching for the pack of cigarettes, but Draco holds it out of his reach, shaking his head at the boy. "I mean it, Nott. You keep these away from my girl!" he calls out over the music, before returning the cigarettes to the boy. As Theo wanders off in the opposite direction, Draco's words suddenly sink in, making your eyes widen. "My girl". Either this boy has accidentally slipped up, or he actually meant what he said...
"Your girl, huh?" you call out, taking another sip of Firewhisky. Draco rolls his eyes at you, before taking a drink from his own cup. "Shut it, Ravenclaw." he scoffs. You shrug, though you're unable to keep from smirking to yourself. It doesn't go unnoticed by Draco, however. The blonde Slytherin raises a brow at you as he stands there, leaning against one of the tables.
"Are all you Ravenclaws this cheeky? I mean, is there like, a guidebook you all read together? 'How To Be A Smartass, For Dummies'?" Draco asks. Your smirk grows wider as you take another drink, before giving him a light shrug. "I could ask you the same thing. Are all you Slytherins this snarky, or is it just you? Bet you have a user's manual, too." you retort.
To your surprise, Draco looks away towards the center of the room, not answering you for a moment, though you could swear you see him fighting back a smile. When he finally does answer you, there's a hint of playfulness in his tone. "Wow, we're vicious today, aren't we, little Ravenclaw?" he asks. "So uptight, no wonder you lot have no time for fun. You're too busy reading that guidebook, aren't you?" he continues, teasing you a little.
Your cheeks flame pink in a mix of slight embarrassment and outrage. "Shut up, I can let go and have fun whenever I want to!" you shout over the music. Draco laughs, shaking his head at you. "Prove it!" he calls back. You look him straight in the eyes as you down the rest of your drink like a shot, before discarding the empty cup on the table with all the others.
"There, satisfied?" you ask. Draco's jaw tenses, as he sets his cup aside. "No. Come here." he answers, reaching out and grabbing you by the hand, leading you into the center of the room. Dozens of other students, some from Slytherin house and a few others from your own house, are dancing through what you can only assume is a drug and alcohol-fueled haze.
Somewhere in the crowd, you can see Pansy dancing with one of the female Slytherin students, a flirty little smirk on her face. Her eyes meet yours for a moment, and she glances between you and Draco, before giving you a subtle wink and a nod, almost like you've gained her approval. Your cheeks flush a faint pink, and Draco's light laugh recaptures your attention. "She's something else, isn't she, little Ravenclaw?" he asks loudly over the music.
You nod, a bit too embarassed to say anything. That is, until Draco reaches for your other hand, pulling you closer to him. "Wait, what are-?" you start to ask, but he silences you with a shake of his head. "Hush. You think too much, honestly. Just let go, have fun for once. Is that really so difficult?" he asks, raising a brow at you.
Any protests die out in your throat as you stare up into those ocean eyes. Draco gives you a pointed look, before giving your hands a light, seemingly reassuring squeeze. "Y/N. It's alright, really. Trust me, you need this. You'll thank me later." he says. Your heart flutters a little in your chest; this is the first time you think you've ever heard him actually call you by your first name.
It's... Different, nice, comforting. Definitely unexpected, to say the least. With a sigh, you try your hardest to just do as Draco says: relax, let loose, have fun. And by some unspoken miracle, it actually works. Within seconds, you and Draco are dancing just like everyone else, and you find yourself actually starting to have a good time.
As much as you don't want to admit it to yourself, Draco was right. You did need this. One night to just relax, let go of all your worries, and have some fun, curfew and rules be damned. As you dance, your eyes meet Pansy's again, and she grins, mouthing "Way to go, Y/N!" at you.
Draco's scoff sounds from behind you, though you can tell his heart's not really in it, he's not really trying to come across as mean, not this time. "Honestly. Remind me to say something to her later tonight. Or tomorrow." he calls over the loud music. You laugh, turning around to face him, staring up at him.
"Oh, let her have her fun! She's probably just glad that she was even able to get me to come out here, in the first place!" you call back, grinning. Draco rolls his eyes at you, but the faint beginnings of a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. One of his hands grabs ahold of yours again, his fingers intertwining with yours, the metal of his ring cool against your skin.
You nod down at the jewelry, your gaze curious. "I meant to ask, is that something all you Slytherins wear? Or is it just you?" you ask. Draco glances down at the ring for a second, before smirking. "Only a select few of us have one. Tough luck, Y/N, if only you'd been put in Slytherin!" he teases you. You stick your tongue out at him, and he laughs, unable to keep the grin off his face now.
"And they say we're mean!" he calls out, teasing you some more. You blush, and he laughs again. "I'm only kidding. Though I still stand by what I said before, you're a vicious little thing, aren't you?" Draco says, winking down at you. You shrug, trying not to smile. This is the side of Draco that you've only ever seen when he's with his friends, the more carefree, easygoing version of Draco.
It's oddly comforting (if a tad bit unbelievable) that he's showing this side of himself with you. Any other time, you're sure the two of you would have been at each other's throats. Maybe all it took was one good party to set aside a few differences...
"Sickle for your thoughts, darling?" Draco's voice pulls you from your inner musings, and you look up at him with a startled, nervous half-smile. "It's just... I think it's kind of funny. You're never like this unless you're with your friends." you admit. "Like what?" Draco asks, his brows furrowing a little in confusion. You shrug, gazing up at him. "Like... I don't know, soft. Kind. Easy to talk to." you confess.
Draco almost looks taken aback for a moment, as he stares down at you. Then, a hint of a smile flits across his face. "You and everyone else really don't think much of me, do you?" he says, amused. Your cheeks flame pink in embarrassment, and Draco laughs, running his free hand through his hair.
"No, it's okay. I get it. Parkinson and Zabini have kind of told me before, that I come across as... Well, as kind of a bully. Trust me, I don't want to be. But if anyone ever found out..." his voice trails off at the end. "What, that the attractive Slytherin boy has a secret heart of gold?" you tease him. He raises both brows at you, smirking now. "You think I'm attractive?" he asks. You roll your eyes at him, trying not to laugh.
"You're missing the point-" you start, but he shakes his head at you, grinning. "No, I got your point. And I'm flattered, really. Seems you and only a few others actually think that highly of me." he answers. Your smile fades into a frown, and you suddenly find yourself feeling a little sorry for the boy. Seeing the look on your face, Draco reaches down, tucking a loose lock of hair behind your ear.
"Hey, none of that now, darling. Where's that pretty smile from earlier, that sharp wit of yours?" he says. You shake your head at him, a sigh slipping from between your lips. "No, it's just... Now I feel kind of bad for you. Everybody talks mad shit about you, but if they only got to know you, the real you..." your voice fades, the words getting drowned out by the loud music and the chatter of other students.
Draco gently strokes the side of your face with his thumb, a wry little smile on his face. "Don't feel sorry for me, Y/N. I don't want your pity. I just want to see you smile again, I don't want your night ruined. Tch, enough of this. Come on, tonight's not a night to get all sappy with our feelings." he says, giving your hand a firm squeeze.
With that, the two of you go back to dancing just like everyone else, any further conversations slowly being discarded and forgotten as you both try to let loose and have fun. You glance around you, noticing more of the students leaving the area, disappearing off to Merlin-knows-where, most likely to do things they'll come to regret in the morning.
From across the room, you meet Blaise's gaze, and he winks at you, giving you a sly little smile. What is he up to...? Before you can react, you feel someone tugging your hand free from Draco's, pulling you further into the crowd, away from the blonde boy. You turn around to throw a sharp remark at whoever it is, but the words die out in your throat as you see Pansy standing there, her hand in yours and a conspiratorial grin on her face.
As the next song starts, Pansy winks at you, the look on her face similar to that of the one on Blaise's face only a few moments ago. And as the lyrics begin, you suddenly realize just what it is that the two of them are up to. "You and Draco seem to be hitting it off really well!" the Slytherin girl shouts over the music. You blush, nodding. She laughs, before leaning in close, her voice at your ear.
"I think he likes you, too. But I also think I know how we can really drive him over the edge, make him want you even more." she murmurs, her words just barely audible. "Dance with me." she adds, leaning back to grin at you. Seeing the incredulous look on your face, she laughs. "Oh, come on! It'll be great, trust me. He won't be able to stay away from you after this!" she calls out, winking at you again.
You throw a glance over your shoulder at Draco; true to Pansy's words, he's watching the two of you like a hawk, a look of mixed curiosity and wariness in his eyes. Even from here, you can see his jaw tense a little. Trying rather unsuccessfully to hide your smile, you turn to face Pansy again, nodding. "Alright, but just this once!" you call out.
She grins, reaching forward to pat you on the back. "That's our girl!" she shouts, leading you a little further out into the crowd of students. "Just follow my lead!" her voice sounds at your ear again, and you nod. As the beat drops, you do exactly as Pansy has told you, following her lead damn near perfectly.
You cast another quick glance over at Draco, and you're unable to keep the smile off your face as you dance with Pansy, the two of you making it look equal parts seductive and dirty as hell. Even from here, you can see that familiar spark ignite in Draco's eyes, his jaw tensing again as he watches the two of you go at it.
One of his hands clenches into a fist, while the other reaches up to yank his black tie loose from around his neck a little. A laugh rises up from your throat, and you look over your shoulder at Pansy, grinning at her. She smirks back at you, before leaning down and doing the unexpected. Her lips meet yours in the slowest, most seductive of kisses, while her gaze is focused behind you, on Draco.
To your surprise, the whole experience isn't entirely unpleasant, and you soon find yourself kissing her back, knowing full well that Draco is most definitely watching the two of you. You can practically feel the Slytherin boy's gaze burning a hole through your very soul.
As Pansy pulls away to let you breathe, that familiar smirk comes back, making her look very much like the cat that ate the canary. You turn around to face Draco, and you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing out loud. The poor boy looks beyond pissed, though whether at you or Pansy, you haven't the faintest idea. Draco looks positively green with envy. It's rather ironic, really.
You suddenly hear Pansy's voice at your ear again, and her words just make the grin on your face get bigger. "Well, now. I think we've officially wound him up enough, don't you? He looks so damn jealous, I almost feel sorry for him!"
You nod, a laugh slipping from between your lips as you continue to stare across the room at Draco. His jaw tenses again, before he beckons you over with one finger, that spark igniting in his ocean eyes once more. Pansy laughs behind you, before giving you a light push forward. "Go on, my work here is done!" she shouts, laughing.
You shoot her a grateful smile over your shoulder as you leave, and she nods, before turning and wandering off in the opposite direction. As you approach Draco, you can see just how affected he really is by the little show you and Pansy had just put on for him. A tense sort of silence settles between the two of you, before he finally speaks.
"So. I suppose you think you're funny, do you?" he begins. His voice is dangerously calm, despite the look on his face. You swallow hard, your heart skipping a few beats in your chest, as you stare up at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Pansy and I were just-" you start, but Draco cuts you off with a shake of his head, an exasperated sigh slipping from between his lips.
"No, I get it, I know damn well what you and Parkinson were up to. Teasing me like that... Yeah, you lot are terribly funny, aren't you? Think you're so damn clever." he retorts. Then, to your surprise, he leans down so you can hear him better, his smooth voice at your ear. "Trust me, angel. You don't need to play her little games to win my approval, not when you already have it."
With that, he takes a step back, smirking down at you. Any tension from before slowly eases up as he stands there watching you. And then his words sink in: his approval. You've... You've somehow miraculously earned the Slytherin boy's approval...? A faint blush colors your cheeks as you take a step towards Draco, tentatively reaching out to place your hand in his.
And he lets you, something that seems wildly, completely out of character for the cold, cruel, untouchable boy with the heart of ice. A heart of ice that has gradually started to thaw out, but only for you. Draco reaches out to stroke the side of your face with his thumb again, like before.
"What in Merlin's name are you thinking about, angel?" he asks, his voice soft and barely able to be heard above the music. Taking a deep breath, you look him in the eyes, wanting to speak only the truth. "You." you confess, blushing again. Draco's eyes widen a fraction, before his smirk is replaced by a gentle smile, the same carefree one from earlier.
"Come on, you silly girl. Dance with me, Y/N." he says. And how could you possibly deny him, when he asks you so beautifully, so nicely? Nodding, you let him take the lead, the two of you dancing in time with the heavy bass of the music filling the Common Room.
You glance down at that ring on his finger again, and Draco laughs. "Maybe if you're extra nice to me, I'll let you borrow it, alright?" he says. Your eyes dart up to meet his, and he winks at you, a playful grin on his face. You smile back at him, a sort of comforting, peaceful kind of warmth settling deep within your chest. It was kind of funny, when you thought about it.
If anyone had told you a week ago that you would be dancing with Draco Malfoy, and flirting with him...! You would have told that person they were crazy, and to go wake up from the dream world they were living in. But now... Now it didn't really seem so impossible; maybe Draco wasn't truly as bad as people made him out to be... He couldn't be, not when he was this way with you, so nice and gentle and even a tad playful.
"Y/N, angel. Honestly, you think too much." Draco's voice sounds at your ear, pulling you back into the present. You blush, and bite your bottom lip to hold back a tiny smile. With his free hand, Draco reaches up to gently tug it free, his thumb lingering there just a little too long, brushing softly across your lip, before he places his hand lightly against the side of your face.
You lean into his touch, and that's when you see it, out of the corner of your eye: the faint dark edge of what looks like a Muggle tattoo, peeking out from the bottom of the left sleeve of his white button-down shirt. With a curious frown, you reach up with your free hand to push the sleeve of his shirt back, and Draco's hand suddenly tenses around yours. "Angel, please...." he murmurs, the music nearly drowning out his quiet plea.
Your eyes lift to meet his, and you're taken aback by how much pain you suddenly see within those blue-grey depths. Draco swallows hard, his jaw tensing just the tiniest bit as his gaze flickers to look back and forth once between his arm and your face. There's almost a silent plea hidden within the expression on his beautiful face, like he's begging you not to look, not to see what's hidden underneath the sleeve of his shirt.
"It's okay, Dray..." you whisper, before pushing the sleeve of his shirt up a little more, revealing the dark ink beneath. Your eyes widen a little as you stare down at it, at the instantly recognizable Dark Mark inked into Draco's pale, smooth skin. Pulling your other hand from his, you trace over the Mark with your fingertips, your breath hitching in your throat.
So it was true, then... What you'd once overheard Potter and his little Gryffindor friends speculating about. Draco really had become a Death Eater. But, surely he hadn't made the choice willingly...? Swallowing hard, you stare up at the boy, your heart pounding in your chest. And with one hand, you reach up to touch the side of his face, like he did yours.
"This doesn't change anything. You'll still always be the same arrogant, hopelessly attractive Slytherin that I've slowly found myself falling for tonight..." you tell him softly. You're not sure if he's heard you, but then one corner of his mouth lifts in a bit of a rueful little half-smile.
"I like the way you see me, little Ravenclaw." he murmurs, his gaze softening a bit. With that, he places his hand over yours, moving it down from his face to rest at your side, his fingers intertwining with yours. His other hand moves around to rest at your lower back, gently pulling you closer to him as a new song starts, something a little slower and sweeter.
The gesture is again, so completely out of character for him, but for once, you don't really care. You've grown quite fond of this side of Draco, within the short amount of time you've spent with him. Leaning forward, you rest your head on his shoulder, and you could swear you hear him murmur, "That's it, my darling girl..."
He pulls you a little closer to him, his thumb tracing soothing little patterns on your lower back, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, as the two of you dance in time with the music. All around you, a few of the other students have done the same thing, pairing up with one another and setting aside their differences for one evening, dancing like tomorrow will never come.
For all you know, it might well not. But that was perfectly fine. Because for one solitary evening, you had managed to actually enjoy yourself, to actually be able to let go and have some fun for once. And perhaps best of all, you had gotten to see a side of Draco that very few other people would ever get to see... The more vulnerable side of him, the playful, kind-hearted side of him.
With a sigh, you relax further into Draco's embrace, and to your surprise, he presses a soft kiss to the back of your neck. You lift your head to stare up at him, a curious look on your face. "What was that for?" you ask. Draco shrugs, staring down at you, his mercurial eyes darkening a little.
"It's just... Well, because despite me not wanting to, I suppose I've found myself falling for you too, little Ravenclaw..." he murmurs, giving you a wry smile. You stare up at him in shock, before a tiny smile of your own slowly spreads across your face. "And here I thought you said tonight wasn't a night to get all sappy with our feelings?" you tease him in a whisper.
His smile disappears in an instant, his cheeks flushing a faint pink. "Yes, well, I take it back, okay? Don't make me get all hot and bothered like this, angel. It doesn't suit me." he mutters. You laugh, leaning up on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "Oh, on the contrary. I think it suits you rather well." you whisper in his ear, before pulling back to grin up at him.
His mouth twitches in a little smirk, before he suddenly leans down, kissing you gently on the mouth. The way Draco kisses you isn't like how Pansy kissed you earlier, not by any means. This is sweeter, more loving, more heartfelt. He tastes of green apples, peppermint, and Firewhisky, an almost heady combination when mixed with the scent of his cologne, which holds the faint notes of sage and cedarwood, and something a bit darker underneath.
You kiss him back, reaching up with one hand to lightly tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging softly. A hushed groan falls from his lips, and he kisses you harder, more urgently, almost like he's afraid he'll lose you at any moment. Likewise, you have the same feeling, like this is all just one big dream and at any minute, you'll wake up in your bed in the Ravenclaw girls' dormitories.
But no, it's not a dream, not at all. Draco's hand on your lower back tightens its grip a little, and he tugs your bottom lip between his teeth, biting softly. You let a quiet, breathless moan fall from your lips, and your fingers tug at his hair again. "Y/N, angel...!" Draco gasps out, before kissing you one last time. You release your grip on him, and with that, he pulls away to let the two of you catch your breath.
One look at him, and you know he's just as affected by the kiss as you are. From somewhere in the room, you can hear a few impressed whistles, but you ignore them, instead keeping your gaze fixed on the impossibly beautiful blonde boy in front of you. His cheeks are that faint pink color again, as he leans down to place one more soft kiss on your lips, before pulling back to gaze down at you.
"We just... That just-" he struggles to get the words out, and you cut him off with a nod. "I know..." you breathe. He lets out a breathless laugh, before tugging on your hand and leading you over to one of the couches in front of the fireplace. He sits down, tugging you down with him to sit on his lap, with you facing him.
"Tell me something, little Ravenclaw. Where does this leave us?" Draco asks. That word, "us", makes your heart react strangely, the beats becoming a little sporadic for a moment. With a nervous smile, you shrug. "Wherever you want it to." you answer in a whisper, staring down at him. He raises both brows at you, those ocean eyes darkening to an almost stormy grey color.
"You promise?" he whispers back, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment, before letting it go. You nod, knowing full well that you truly mean it. If he in any way feels the same way about you that you now do about him, then you have a feeling things will work out perfectly. Indeed, Draco's face lights up in a soft smile, as he leans up to kiss you on the mouth again.
"And here I always thought all you Ravenclaws had a smart mouth on you. Guess I was wrong." he teases you softly. You smirk against his lips, trying not to laugh. "Oh, just you wait. We still do, you just haven't seen it, yet." you tease him back. He grins, kissing you one last time before leaning back against the couch. "There it is." he says with a wink.
You playfully swat at him, before lying down against his chest, resting your head on his shoulder. Involuntarily, you let out a yawn, and Draco gently pats you on the back. "You wanna get out of here, angel? Go get some sleep? It's late, it's nearly one in the morning." he murmurs in your ear.
This is news to you; you didn't even realize just how much time had passed since you had first set foot into this party. You nod, and start to climb off Draco's lap, but he shakes his head at you, gently pushing you back down so you're lying atop him again. He then stands up, carrying you in his arms.
"Alright, let's get out of here, darling. You can spend the night in my dorm, it's far too late to try and sneak back into yours." he whispers in your ear. You nod again, suddenly too tired to say anything more. As Draco carries you towards the stairs, you notice Pansy standing over by Blaise again. She looks up then, her gaze meeting yours, and a light smile flits across her face.
She gives you a parting wave, and Blaise nods at you, a smile on his face too, as he also waves at you. You weakly lift one of your hands in a failed attempt at a wave, as Draco carries you up the stairs, towards his dorm. Halfway up the stairs, you let out another yawn.
Draco laughs softly as he walks down the short hallway, stopping in front of a thick wooden door. With one hand, he reaches out to open the door, before stepping into the room and closing it behind him. Almost instantly, the sound of the still-ongoing party downstairs is cut off, leaving you and Draco in a comfortable silence.
He sets you down gently on his bed, a fairly large four-poster adorned with satin sheets in the most lovely shade of dark green, and slowly strides over to the wardrobe by the window, opening one of the doors and taking something out of it. A moment later, he returns to stand in front of you, holding out one of his T-shirts.
"Here. You can borrow this, I promise it'll be more comfortable than what you've got on right now. My private bathroom is just through there." he says, gesturing towards a darkened doorway to the right of the room. You nod sleepily, taking the shirt and slowly making your way into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
As you get undressed and tug Draco's shirt on over your head, a sleepy little smile turns up one corner of your mouth. You glance at your reflection in the bathroom mirror, noting how Draco's shirt is just a tad too big for you, and your smile grows a little wider. Retrieving your dress from the floor, you turn out the bathroom light, exiting the room.
Draco is standing there by the wardrobe again, now wearing nothing but a pair of dark green boxers. He's facing away from you, but he turns around when he hears your footsteps. Your breath nearly hitches in your throat as you stand there, staring at him in awe. He's rather pretty to look at, all toned abs and muscles that look like they might've been sculpted by the gods.
He smirks when he catches you staring at him, and a faint blush colors his cheeks. "Don't look at me like that, angel." he murmurs, embarassed. You blush, before holding up your dress. "Sorry, you're just... You're something else. Um... Where should I...?" you start, trailing off at the end.
Draco nods towards the floor by the wardrobe, as he tugs a shirt on over his head. "You can just leave it there. We'll figure something out tomorrow morning. For now... Let's get our pretty girl to bed, yeah?" he says softly, taking a step towards you. You nod, another yawn slipping unbidden from your mouth.
With the gentlest of touches, Draco picks you up, carrying you over to the bed and setting you down. After climbing in beside you, he leans over to put out the bedside light, leaving the two of you in complete darkness. You can feel him hesitantly scoot closer to you, wrapping an arm around you and holding you close to him. "Is this alright?" he whispers.
Too tired to say anything, you simply place your hand over his, letting his fingers entangle themselves with yours. In response, Draco presses a soft kiss to the back of your head, before letting out a contented sigh. "Goodnight, little Ravenclaw. Sleep well, angel..." he murmurs. As you lie there in his embrace, your eyes gradually begin to close, until you're falling asleep, your thoughts filled with images of a smiling, carefree Draco...
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"Morning, angel... Time to wake up." a smooth, familiar voice says in your ear. Slowly, your eyes open, and you yawn, stretching out with a soft groan. Someone laughs from beside you, and when you look over your shoulder to your right, you see Draco sitting there in bed, gazing down at you with a light smile on his face.
Your heart flutters in your chest as you roll over in bed to face him, smiling tentatively back at him. So it wasn't a dream, then. You really had spent the night with Draco Malfoy... In his bed. In his arms. Vague memories of the night before come flooding back, and you find yourself suddenly biting back a smile. You truly had let go and had fun last night... And confessed your real feelings about Draco to the Slytherin boy himself.
And he had confessed that he felt the same way. And then... And then you two had kissed. A faint blush colors your cheeks, and Draco laughs again. "What's on our mind this morning, darling?" he asks. With an embarassed little smile, you shrug. "You." you confess. Draco's face lights up in a smile, as he leans down to kiss you softly on the mouth.
"Yeah? Tell me all about it, little Ravenclaw." he teases you. You sit up, running one hand through your hair. "Oh, I'd love to, but don't we have classes today? It's Monday, right?" you answer. Draco's grin turns into a smirk, as he scoots closer to you, pulling you into his arms. "Nope. Today's only Sunday, angel." he says.
Oh... Then that means... Oh. With a relieved sigh, you rest your head on Draco's shoulder, beginning to tell him all about how you couldn't stop thinking of him. And as you do so, you can't help feeling extremely grateful for the day that lies ahead. Thank Merlin it was only Sunday...
A/N: I know this one was a bit of a long read, but like... I REALLY wanted you guys to get that feel of being at a Slytherin party, to really be able to feel like you were experiencing everything firsthand. 😳 I'm hoping you lot enjoyed this one as much as I did, and that you want more fics like this one, in the future. Thanksss, guysss! 🐍💚
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msjr0119 · 1 year
This life
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The majority of characters belong to Pixelberry from The Royal Romance/Heir. This is an A/U - with only parts being linked to canon.
Series warnings ⚠️: Adult language, sexual, adultery, loss of a baby.
Based on the Netflix series- Sex/life. A few parts of dialogue are from the tv series.
Please do not read unless you are over 18 🔞
Tags: Because I’ve been gone MIA in like forever I don’t know who’s here anymore 🙈… so only tagging people who have asked previously.
@ao719 @kingliam2019 @txemrn
Previously: Introduction
School psychologists aren't supposed to write books or diaries about sex. Doing so would be considered 'unethical' and 'a fireable offense'. Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.
“It’s good to see you, Brooks.”
“It’s Cooper-“ Due to the shock, this was the only thing that Riley could mutter. Finally making eye contact, he gave her the refined look of innocence. “My surname is now, Cooper.”
They say that New York City is one of the worlds best places to take a run. Running was never my forte- I impersonated Phoebe in that one episode of Friends. The emotional pain that I felt in this moment, I’m not sure how many miles my body could suffer before shutting down…
“Riley! Wait!”
Olivia Nevrakis was never one to leave the house without looking presentable. Her attire generally consisted of stiletto’s which matched anything that contained sequins. She always used to say that she wore these type of shoes for self defence. In the frantic attempt to catch up with Riley, this one time she accepted that sneakers would have to do.
“Where’s, Riley?” Liam questioned as he scrutinised the unusual appearance from their friend.
“I’m glad I’ve found you- I don’t know. I assumed that she came back here, to you both?”
“What do you mean, Olivia?” There was no need for an explanation- the figure that ambled towards them confirmed the reason behind Riley’s disappearance.
“What the fuck is he doing here?”
“It’s a free country, Linz…. Liam, looking good bro!”
“Listen to what I’m about to say, Drake.. I am not your ‘bro’…” Exaggerating the word ‘bro’, Drake took a big gulp as Liam squared up towards him. “If anything happens to Riley- I will kill you this time!”
“You haven’t got it in you, Li-“ The tension between the two old friends, could have exploded due to the overload of built up anger that had been formed over the years. Olivia ‘sacrificed’ herself, separating them both- as they continued providing death stares. Neither wanted to throw the first fist or insult any further- in that moment there was the realisation that they both wanted the same thing. For Riley to be found- safe. Drake stepped back, and to everybody’s surprise expressed a slight bit of remorse.
“I fucked up, Li. I know that. I regret it each and every day. At least she has Preston to look after her, he’s a lucky guy.”
“Preston is an intelligent and caring….” This slight description stabbed Drake in the heart- if given an opportunity Lindsey would continue to dig the ‘knife’ as revenge for the pain that he had caused her sister. “Preston… he’s… The most an amazing three year old.”
“Excuse me?”
“Preston is my nephew- Riley’s son.” Awareness had finally hit, Drake- he had his wires crossed. Wishing that he hadn’t mentioned Preston, the confirmation of his identity now pulled on his heartstrings. Concealing his true feelings, he nodded to the trio- before leaving without another word.
“Lindsey, Liam- myself and Drake… it’s not what you are both assuming. I would never do that to, Ri. I can explain. It was just bad timing.” Olivia pleaded her innocence- she now knew that the jetlag would have to be put on hold whilst she explained the unexpected return of Drake Walker.
January 3rd
Let’s try this again. Drama. Life is always full of it in my case. The life of Riley Brooks. It probably would make more entertainment than the Kardashian’s.
Alcohol acts in crazy ways. It affects people differently. It can make you feel invisible- or at least it did for me tonight. I still can’t remember how I had the energy or knowledge on how to get home safely. Walking up the drive, I noticed my snobby and nosey neighbours- Hannah and Neville peering out the window. My brain was informing me to provide them with the middle finger gesture. Instead I gave a friendly neighbour wave along with the biggest fake smile that I could provide. The curtain soon shut as the pair probably scurried away like the rats that they are. What dickheads. If I know Hannah well, I can predict that she will visit tomorrow with a basket full of freshly baked muffins waiting for the tea to be spilled. The women here believe that they are the real life ‘Desperate Housewives’. Riverside may appear to be a seemingly perfect neighbourhood but like Wisteria Lane - here it more than likely also hides; many secrets, crimes, forbidden romances and domestic struggles.
Betrayal. It can occur in different ways. But you never expect it to happen with people whom you loved. The same two people who you trusted with all your heart once upon a time.
My husband is as gorgeous inside as out. I’ve never once caught him looking at another woman. To be honest, I’ve never caught him in a lie- or had proof to prove any potential deceit. So what’s the problem?
“Honey, where are you?”
“I’m upstairs, Nate.”
“Ri, things have been super crazy at work. You have no idea.”
“Yeah. We’re talking post-merger madness. Everyone is just angling for a position. They are all trying to show off for the new boss, you know.” Katrina- fantastic, little miss perfect Katrina. You can say her name, Nate. “She’s great, she wants to do all the things that I want to do- but on a much larger scale.”
“Wow.” Attempting to show a slight bit of interest, Riley didn’t realise how sarcastic that she may have sounded.
“Yeah, people are swarming- but she sees me. She loves me.” Nate noticed that Riley was in a daze, as she didn’t respond to him immediately. Laying next to her, he planted an attentive kiss on her forehead. “What’s up?”
“Nothing. I just miss you.”
“Excuse me. It’s her.” Acting dumb, Riley knew exactly who was on the other line. It’s a bit late for a work business call. “It’s her, my boss…. I won’t be long, Ri…’Katrina, hey! How are you?’” Laughing during his conversation, Riley couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed like that towards her.
The problem for Katrina, Nate Cooper is married to me. Before I met him, I had been contorted into a high percentage of the positions in the Kama sutra. Shouldn’t we all? There was rich guys, poor guys, tattooed guys, the one night stand guys. Any kind of man. Do I sound like a whore?
“We’ll sit down tomorrow just you and I, to discuss it Kat. See you then, bye.” Kat? Pet names now. The old boss was known as Mr Wilson- not by first name terms.
“Told ya, Ri. She loves me.”
“Who doesn’t?” Riley replied again in a sarcastic type of way.
I bet people often wonder why I married some man who was so straight-laced as to say. Honestly, it’s because of all the past encounters- especially, Walker. My nerves were so shot by the time that I had met Nate. As I’ve said previously I was vulnerable. My heart was riding on fumes- the stability that he offered was a soothing balm. At the time, I wanted us to live for a hundred years and die at the exact same moment to avoid any pain. I hoped that our souls would find each other on the other side- if that truly exists. We could fall in love all over again….I just also want to fuck Nate’s brains out, mainly as a distraction from the impromptu night that I have just had. Is that too much to ask?
January 4th
Last night or rather this morning was a complete disaster… When you have the urge to fuck your partner- you need to do it there and then, right? Why is it so hard to both be in the mood at the same time once you are married with kids? The way things are at the moment, I feel I’m like a reborn virgin.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to ask. Ioana mentioned that Liam and Lindsey came over. You should have gone out.”
That supportive look that he provided, was the complete opposite of what he would have really expressed. If he knew the truth, the calmness of his voice would be a different matter. Is he a controlling husband? Maybe. Protective- yes. What he doesn’t understand, is that I need to let my hair down once in a blue moon.
“I wasn’t up to it.”
To prevent my lie from being exposed I turned my phone into ‘Do not disturb’ mode.
“Besides, you’re back now….”
I reach down, making the first move. Faking orgasms- does anyone else do this?
“It’s so good.”
“Sorry, Ri- I can’t…. I’m too tired.”
Drake would never do that. He would see to all my needs. Why am I comparing them?
“Pass me the vibrator.”
It’s been nearly two years since Nate went down on me for example. I grew an entire human being in my body in half of that time.
“For fuck sake!”
I feel like screaming, due to the frustration of not only Nate ‘dying’ on me but now B.O.B does it too.
“Fuck it.”
After a slight yawn followed by a stretch, Nate snuggled into Riley-completely oblivious to his wife’s dissatisfaction. “Night baby.”
It wasn’t always like this. As much as children are a blessing- is this the reason that explains the loss of Nate’s libido or is it truly down to his work load? The passion we had has now declined, faded into something that is now virtually non existent. This must be the definition of growing up; getting married and living the family routine with a waning passion. Now I’m starving. Internally screaming at him from inside my mind trying to make us feel - something. Love is a drug, that’s what they say- right? Adrenaline. I can get that feeling again, every time I close my eyes - going back to any one of those nights in the past- I feel it. It’s not some allusive high that I’m chasing- it is - or was, real. That was the other Riley Brooks- the true, me. A wild-child. How can a girl fuck up with every relationship? I don’t know how I manage to do it? Maybe I should have worked on my brief relationship with Liam- my now brother in law. But, that’s a different story which included a poor teenage waitress in a dive bar and Lady Liberty.
January 5th
For this entry, I cannot allow for it to be discovered by Nate.
Deceit- the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating. For me, today is just not informing my husband about the full truth. It’s in my past and something that I don’t like to ponder about. I’m still living through this nightmare behind closed doors. If he was ever to ask the reasoning behind this date- I have Lindsey as ‘my excuse’. We have previously had a discussion - to get our stories straight if Nate was ever to discover the true events about this day. The fifth of January always creeps up, then it’s gone in an instant- until it reappears each year.
Slowly walking up the path, there was the sense of tranquility. Silent neighbours. The slight wind enabled the tree branches to sway in sync.
“Hey, Linz”
“About fucking time, Riley! I’ve been worried sick about you! Are you okay? I’ve tried ringing you-“
“I’ve had no missed-“ Riley soon remembered that she hadn’t deactivated the ‘Do Not Disurb’ mode on her phone.
“I’m fine- I just… every year, we always meet here at the same time. Where are you? Why have you put flowers down without me?”
“That’s what I’m trying to explain, I’m stuck in traffic. I’ve rang you a few times mainly about the delay but also to discuss about you leaving the other night without telling us.”
“Linz, if you didn’t put these flowers here- who did?”
“Linz, I’ll ring you back.” Sensing company, Riley focused on the shadow hovering over her.
“There’s a bunch of New York’s finest flowers from, Olivia. She wasn’t sure if you wanted to see her or not as you haven’t returned any of her calls. So I offered to bring them…. It’s been too long since I’ve been here, myself.”
The callused hand gently removed the crinkly yet rusty coloured leaves that floated effortlessly in-front of them.
“The teddy is a gift from me. I hope that you don’t mind?”
Reaching out to the bear, Riley pulled it close to her chest- holding it tightly, it felt to her as if the world had just crashed. Again. The defence mechanisms that she would usually excel in, were now paper thin. Before she could have reacted, his hands gently drew her closer towards him as he knelt down to her level.
“Please…. Don’t touch me. I’m fine.”
The heat from this touch rapidly creeps into my consciousness - needing to pull away, I couldn’t. It’s like a magnet, drawing us closer- unable to separate this unexpected bond. Pulling his head back, he ran his hand through my hair before gently wiping away the tears that were now everlasting.
“You clearly aren’t fine, which is understandable. If you want me to go, I will.”
As I sink further into his torso attempting to hide my emotions, I inhale his aftershave- which has now sent me into a coma. My heart and brain have different scenarios imaged in my mind. What am I doing?
“You have a right to be here as much anyone- Drake.”
- - -
Our sleeping angel
Sweet little flower
Of heavenly birth
You were too precious
To bloom on earth
Love you always, Mommy and Daddy xxx
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guest-walter · 25 days
Man, I would be reading the most disgusting crap on AO3 every night 🥶👍😎
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ravenzeppeli · 2 months
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Chapter 1- Different |La Squadra x Reader|
Warning: strong language, sexual conversations, threats. MA.
Living a life of violence and crime was a thing that you've grown accustomed to living in Naples, Italy, for so long. You yourself committed crimes, using your stand to cover up and evidence, but now you found yourself an active member of the underground criminal underground. Activity: You were a part of a hit man team, being given a few offers you couldn't refuse.
Refusing.. you found yourself refusing, but Risotto kept his composure. All the men seemed to as you were convinced to not only join this team that consisted of six members and one leader, but you seemingly got roped into being a girlfriend to all seven of them. Then you got moved out of your apartment, your stuff being packed as Risotto permanently moved you into the base. You weren't afraid. You never felt fear towards them. You felt annoyed to be dating seven men, and you were annoyed to be forced to work as a team now. These men.. if you didn't hold your own, they would walk all over you. That was clear.
"So Y/N," Formaggio muttered as he leaned forward, a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he looked at you, green eyes red and gloosy due to his after work celebration. "How the fuck you know Leaky Eye Luca girl? You need to tell us stuff about yourself, we wanna know you." He smirked, taking a puff of his cigarette, blowing the smoke towards you.
You sat across from him, your eyes on him as you slightly wrinkled up your nose, not being a fan of the thick smoke cloud that wrapped around your face. "I used to sell drugs for him," you told him, causing Formaggio to tilt his head to the side slightly, seeming intrigued suddenly.
"You ever fuck him?" Illuso questioned, a smirk appearing on his face as he looked you up and down.
"No," you replied, more annoyance than calmness in your tone as you spoke to Illuso. After being here only a few days, you already hated Illuso, being annoyed at Risotto for making you date Illuso too. Most of these men really annoyed you so far. You weren't really clicking with anyone aside from Melone, the crazy clingy men always being what you usually went for anyway.
"You can only fuck us now anyways, don't let me catch you cheating. I would hate to have to knock your teeth down your throat," Illuso told you, his threat causing you to roll his eyes. "Girl, watch the attitude. I mean what the fuck I say."
"You were literally at the strip club last night, and I know what happens at those low lighting strip clubs," you told Illuso, causing him to glare, cutting his red eyes at you. "You idiot."
Melone suddenly piped in, his hand clamping down on your thigh. "You aren't going to hit her Illuso, and Y/N isn't going to run around and cheat. Just trust her, and don't put ideas into her head." He always seemed to step up and defend you. That's why you already had sex with him.
You've already had sex with Risotto, Melone, and Formaggio. With Illuso and Prosciutto you’ve just given them head. Ghiaccio and Pesci.. nothing, which was fine. You didn't really find yourself having any meaningful relationship with these men anyway. This was.. business, you saw this as simply business. Of course you would be loyal, you've only fucked two men in the past before getting involved in all of this, being awkward with men and preferring sex toys or the occasional rare escort. You were kind socially awkward, even when selling drugs or committing disgusting crimes you kept quiet tried to be as quick as possible.
"The strip club is what men do in our profession, alright? It's where we conduct business. You just fucking stay here and mind your business like a good little housewife should," Illuso snapped at you, his smirk appearing back on his lips. "You're a woman.. stay in a woman's place alright?"
"I'm not a fucking housewife," you snapped at him. "You know, I've killed people before. I could be taken ser-"
"Women shouldn't be in the mafia, out with all the men doing dirty work. It isn't good for business," Prosciutto chimed in as he walked into the base living room, shutting you down as he always seemed to. "Your stand is very strong, useful, but your work is behind the scenes, and it'll stay that way." He sat down next to you. "Risotto told you that you wouldn't be killing anymore. You killed due to lack of self-control. Also, your refusal to even show your stand.. come on Y/N. Be happy with your place."
You turned to face him, cutting your eyes at him. You didn't kill because you didn't have any self-control.. well, sometimes you killed due to your line of work. These men outside of the mafia that buy drugs have tried stuff on you, so you kill them. If you read the paper and you see a rapist got out, then you kill them. You see a violent homeless man? Kill him. A man cuts you in line? Follow him home and kill him. The funny thing is you've only ever killed men. No woman ever tried to hurt you or short change you. Still, you made sure never to fuck with the mafia, Risotto finding you was a mere stupid mistake on your part. You should of tried to run, but he didn't try and hurt you so you just let him take you.
You were a fighter, but not with these men, really.. you kind of picked your battles, and Risotto mentioned to you that Prosciutto was second in command, so you didn't want to argue with him unless necessary. He was.. too dominant, too bossy for his own good. Formaggio told you Prosciutto had three ex-wives, and they all filed to leave him.. you could see why. Prosciutto was hot, but he was extremely conservative, thought the men call it "old school," whatever that means.
You wanted to say something smart to Prosciutto, but you couldn't think of anything. You also felt intimidated by him. Prosciutto intimidated you more than Risotto did. Maybe it was because you found him highly physically attractive. "Whatever."
Prosciutto seemed to be annoyed with your reply, but he ignored it, instead deciding to continue, "Well, you are our.. girlfriend now? I guess it could be called that, and that means you need to stay home and listen to us. Be good and be submissive."
"First key to submission is to take your clothes off and strip for us," Illuso told you. You heard the flick of Prosciuttos lighter as he lit up a cigarette.
"Slow your fucking roles," you snapped at them, causing Prosciutto to smack your thigh. You felt a dull sting but you had no reaction, the smack causing only a slight tingle to your pussy. "Don't be like that."
Prosciutto sat back, puffing away at his cigarette. "This is just how things have always been, and it's how things should be. You'll be fine, we're going to take care of you."
You did not want to be taken care of - you missed your old studio apartment and how lonely you always were. But, you had to look at some pros. You got better weed now. You could be happy about that, and you really liked Melone a lot. Also, you had a feeling Risotto would let you kill pretty soon, and that made you feel another tingle.
You shrugged, causing Illuso to let out a laugh. "Fuck you're so quiet, you need to learn how to speak to up more. Why don't you tell us about all those crimes you committed? You are ours now after all, we wanna know you," Illuso told you, causing you to glare at him. "Still nothing? You can't just keep only telling Melone shit. How are we supposed to trust you? You could be wearing a wire right now." It was clear Illuso wasn't being serious, wanting to mess with you.
"She's not wearing a fucking wire, Risotto knows everywhere she goes. Stop talking out of your fucking ass," Prosciutto told Illuso. "No cop is gonna fucking be suspicious of her, they'll just think she's a clueless girlfriend."
You turned your head towards Ghiaccio, his eyes on his computer as he busily typed away, not paying the group any attention. Risotto was in his office, and you had no clue where Pesci was, but you assumed that he was in the dining room as he always was.
"Who's staying here with her tonight? I'm going home tonight, I gotta go to the dentist tomorrow," Melone spoke, causing you to instantly look at him, seeming upset. "Well, I can take you with me. Want to come with me? I would love to take you. Just come home with me."
You were close to saying yes when Prosciutto suddenly spoke up, "You've been with her every waking second for the past five days. Take a break, I'll stay with her tonight." Your frown deepened. "Oh, stop with that pouting. You need to be a girlfriend to all of us, not just Melone."
"I call dibs tomorrow night," Formaggio replied, putting his cigarette butt in the crystal ashtray that rested in the middle of the dark wooden coffee table. "She likes me. See how she ain't frown more?"
You shrugged at Formaggio, causing him to give you a grin. "I don't really care who stays with me if it isn't Melone." You then turned towards Prosciutto. "I want to be an assassin. Behind the scenes is boring."
"Didn't I say no or are you fuckin' deaf?" Prosciutto snapped. "Goddamnit woman, when the man says no it means no."
"Is the man right here in the room with us?" You questioned, causing Prosciutto to immediately smack you upside the head. "You literally just concussed me." You felt a dull ache, but you were just being dramatic. He didn't concuss you.
"Stop being dramatic. That hardly hurt. Learn to watch your mouth, you keep pissing me off," Prosciutto snapped at you as he stood up. "Now stop questioning me, I'll be back in a few hours."
As Prosciutto began to walk away, you spoke, "Where do you think you're going? I don't remember you asking for my permission." Maybe if you showed him how annoying it was when he controlled you, he would stop.
He froze, turning back around as he looked down at you, his feet slowly starting to step back towards you. As his hand balled into a fist, Melone stood up, blocking Prosciutto from getting to you. "Just go Prosciutto, she's kidding."
"I am a grown man, I am in charge of you. You aren't in charge of me. You are beneath me in every way," Prosciutto snapped at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're a woman. You're our woman, meaning you just shut up and listen always. That's your job. Understand that girl?"
You shrugged your shoulders at him, causing him to glare at you one last time before turning away, walking out the front door and slamming it shut.
"Goddamnit Y/N," Formaggio snapped at you, pointing a finger at you. "You've gotta stop pissing him off. If you wanna fuck with someone fuck with Illuso or Ghiaccio."
"Don't tell her to fucking bother me," Ghiaccio suddenly snapped, his dark eyes glaring at Formaggio. "She's not bothering me at all, I want to keep it that way!" He turned his attention back to his computer, completely ignoring your existence. In Ghiaccios eyes it was as if you weren't even a person, just a prop that he seems to not be interested in. Fuck it, fine by you. He seemed like a total jack ass.
"Bother me, and I'll stick my dick in your mouth," Illuso told you, causing you to immediately stand up. "Come on, I'm joking around!" As he reached forward to grab you, you shook your head, walking past him, shaking your head once more as you felt his hand smack your ass, a loud pop sound filling the air.
"Stupid," you called out as you walked into your bedroom, softly closing the door. You let a low sigh escape your lips as you walked over to your desk, sitting down at the leather rolling chair that was slightly pushed out. You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned back in the chair - this new life was definitely an adjustment for you. Aside from Melone and Formaggio, these men were not very likable. Maybe you were judging too hard. Or maybe you were right. Or maybe you were just insane.
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cowplantwhim · 1 year
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pennylind · 10 months
status / closed @jeanieprabhakar
location / condom sense
Penny sat in her truck as she waited for Jeanie to arrive, anxiously twiddling with her fingers. She felt ridiculous for being so nervous. Two years shy from being thirty and the topic of sex still made her blush. Penny wasn't completely inexperienced. She had boyfriends in the past that she was intimate with. It was after she took on more responsibilities at the farm that her dating life took a nosedive. Years had passed since Penny last had a boyfriend.. or sex. An embarrassing secret that she had been keeping to herself, up until now. Penny had confided in Jeanie and then asked her friend for a particular favor. Helping Penny pick out her first vibrator. Just thinking about made her want to crawl under a rock and hide.
She approached Jeanie after seeing her pull into the parking lot, greeting the other with a small wave and nervous smile. "Hey, hi, thanks for coming. Um, have you been before?"
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vale-x · 1 year
closed starter to @hayleycrimsen location: museum of sex, ralph whittington collection - manhattan
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     INDUSTRY EVENTS, EVEN in the raciest of industries, still tended to hold an air of elegance about them. Ask the King of Porn himself and he’d go on a tangent about how deeply sex workers should be respected, and how they were nothing but elegant. That’s why he attended these specific events out of genuine interest rather than obligation—a crowd of those who embraced the humanity in the sexual experience, and viewed it without its taboo and indoctrinated shame and instead for the universal experience it was: just as natural as breathing or eating—these were his people. Those who did not politely ignore the existence of sex workers, and instead researched them, looked at the sociology behind centuries of sexual lives, and could have a tempered conversation with no ulterior motive about it all.
     Tonight, MoSex was closed off to the public to host a dual networking and teaching event. Of course the man with his name in the headlines of all major industry news sources would have to make an appearance; it was a given. But, unlike most industries, he was actually enjoying himself. Champagne in hand, suit tailored to perfection, a dear friend at his side. It made for a night of authenticity. Rare, for a man who so often hid behind the mask of pseudonym and facade. He’d stopped to take a look at one of Ralph Whittington’s infamous donated collections, to study and contemplate it as an artist might with painting, and spoke to Hayley as he did. She’d always been one of very, very few he could have a philosophical conversation about this all with. One of many reasons he enjoyed her company so much; why he dragged her out to these events as his plus-one. “It’s incredible the influence that illicit entertainment has on a generation of people. Even before the internet existed,” his lips pulled over a defined canine in mild amusement. “They were still finding a way...” he trailed off for a moment, taking a look at the adjacent collection. “This is why it’s so important to not demonize sex and teach people that it’s something to never talk about and to be ashamed of. You talk about it, people learn how to have healthy, safe, sane sex, and then they seek out illicit content that shows the same, and then we cultivate a generation that respects each other in bed and isn’t afraid to communicate about it when someone doesn’t.” He cast a glance her way, and then raised his glass just slightly in salute, before taking a sip. “To the next generation.” A pause; a content sigh. “You look nice tonight, Primadonna. Tell me your thoughts.... What’s your take on this one?”
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artboxartist · 2 years
Bad pick up lines:
Damn girl! Are you rat poison? Because you're making me very thirsty
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pippypatcrazystuff · 1 year
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The Dark Side of Pippy
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