#or have '[shipname] mentioned' or 'background [shipname]
findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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kamiimiya · 3 months
TEEHEE 1, 3, 5, and 7 with kokonoi hajime >:D
ask game here
♡ If you have one, what's your ship name?
kokomiya !! just a silly basic little shipname cuz those are the ones i'm used to in most fandoms and i'm simply not creative enough to think of something unique and funny.
i honestly like the tag misconceptions more than i do the ship name, because i Thought about that for a little while even though its kinda basic so it doesn't even really seem like i did much thinking. but for a long time we didn't like each other, he thought i was wayyy too nice and just going to be used by everyone around me ( deadass projecting but go off koko dearest ) and i couldn't understand why he has such a grudge against me. we understand each other a little bit too well in some regards, despite each of us being on the opposite ends of The Horrors. sometimes he mentions that i would understand inupi more than i understand him, and he just doesn't understand why i'd choose someone like him when it's so obvious that he had the capability to hurt others. he's so blinded by his lack of self worth and inability to truly understand other people's depths that there's just a lot of miscommunication between the two of us for a really long time.
♡ What song would you duet for some chaotic late night karaoke?
umbrella by rihanna. is it because of that one scene with inupi where koko was hiding behind the umbrella and trying his best to act confident even when he was losing it a little bit ? yeah. maybe. who cares. it's also a BITCHING song and you can't look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't know it by heart. and to be very clear, i'm not saying he's gonna be jay z and i'm rihanna. we alternate lines like how god intended. i will step out of the spotlight this one time and let him have the last little bit with the last few lines because i feel like he needs them a little bit. maybe it would do his psyche some good who knows.
in the tune of rihanna, also s&m is a very good choice. my minds eye can see him swaying his hips and doing a little dance and dammit he's feeling himself. gonna do that silly debby ryan thing where he pushes his hair behind his ears trying to be hot but its kokonoi hajime so it just works idk how to explain it. first verse is his and he'll sing it alone, i'll just sing the background vocals. we alternate the lines of the chorus & sing the post chorus ' come on, come on, come on ' part together at the same time. second verse is mine. if you see him blushing at the mention of whips and chains no for the love of god you do not.
♡ If you were dogs, what breeds would you be?
so he's definitely going to be something like a doodle or a golden doodle. something that looks pretty but actually may not be the best pets. i lived in a house with golden doodles and let me tell you they were wild and rowdy if not trained right and also practically impossible to kennel train at any point in time, and maybe it was just the dogs that the person had but they had the worst separation anxiety i've ever seen in dogs, and that's pretty much just koko. if you look at them from a distance you think that they're pretty and fancy looking and then you spend more than a minute in the same room with them and you realize that they're actually a handful, and i love koko for that.
for myself, i don't really have an in depth answer. i like pomeranians and also i too have a bark wayyy bigger than my entire bodyweight. they're like 3 apples tall and mostly fur, and have one of those super annoying barks that just simply don't shut up ever, and i'd like to think that's me going on and on and on about stuff that no one objectively really cares about. they're also extroverted but can get aggressive with dogs much bigger than their own size. and yeah that honestly just checks out with me i will body check a dog 4x my size because i don't like the way that it didn't look at me.
♡ Describe how your f/o smells, be absurdly specific.
oh boy he's expensive but also depressed. you can tell he's having one of those days where he just can't be half assed with anything because the cologne he wears will be sprayed so much that you can't smell anything else. he chooses savage from dior because it's one of those colognes that covers up everything else with just a little bit sprayed, but he'll still overspray it to the point it almost chokes you with the scent of it. if he's not wearing any cologne ( rare, but not impossible. i just have to catch him at the right time ) he probably smells like a mix between his lotion he wears and his body wash / exfoliant. he shops at bath and body works for lotions because he likes the deals and also has a thing for their candles.
if he's out doing ' business ' i think honestly he sweats wayyy more than he likes to let on especially since most uniforms are a jacket of some kind and they're actively fighting most of the time, so he has to use a pretty strong deodorant to hide it. definitely carries deodorant with him and he's so shameless about it. he definitely hops into the shower the moment he's home though.
sometimes, though, he smells like blood and a housefire, with the smell of smoke so thoroughly coated in his hair and blood underneath his fingernails, and i can't mention it because it's really not the important part going on right now. sometimes i just gotta pull him into the shower and wash his hair for him really well and fix dinner for him without mentioning it. tears or worried words from either one of us may break the fragile thread hanging on and it's just not worth it. i know he's okay, he knows that he's safe. it's,,, important that the nights we're together stay as normal for him as possible, especially on nights like those.
and anyways so i - ( gets shot )
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insecateur · 2 years
here's a first little trivia post about slawcs. this one will cover origins, inspiration, and background from the pre-rewrite era. (consequently it will be entirely about og slawcs and won't speak of the spin-offs either)
this is mostly for myself and probably like 3 people but i think it'll be therapeutic to write and i like reading about other people's writing and ideas so maybe you do, too! if so, enjoy!
a young man sits at his computer. it just so happens that today, the 30th of october, 2013, is the day he set out to write some angst apparently:
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i am so very sad that i don't have any archives of the conversations i was absolutely having back then on skype (ough) about writing this. i did find some old info on my old pokémon blog, so here's what i can recall to the best of my abilities:
i wanted to write angst, apparently because the angst i wanted wasn't being written by others. which is hilarious considering i'm told that as it stands A LOT of prfr fics involve either party dying, but you do have to consider that this was very early on. also it seems people kill lysandre usually? truly the special flavor here is that lysandre doesn't die.
back then, i hadn't published any fic in 3-4 years, hadn't written in 2 years, and had never published anything written in english ever. i had one incomplete english fic wip that only one person other than me had ever seen and that was it. og slawcs was my first foray in publishing in english (fic-wise and, really, story-wise, unless you count my webcomic i suppose.) i had an ao3 account since early 2013; i have No clue why, but it worked out, i guess!
og slawcs was originally a one-shot. i was unsure about this for a while but i found the original post from my old blog that confirms it:
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(please forgive my cringiness i was almost a decade younger, extremely socially anxious, and also it was my first time publishing in english)
i have been told that the first chapter reads like it can stand on its own, well there's why!
the original title was Perfect World. i have always disliked it. the long and short of it is that i got to the new work ao3 page, realized i needed a title, and improvised. i have NO idea why "improvising" meant "using a title inspired by a shipname i already didn't like at the time" but it did. i actually never used the actual title to refer to the fic back then; i always called it "sad fic" or "the sad fic." a silly little codename was better than the actual name i gave my fic apparently. nobody calls it that anymore, me included, and the only trace i have left of it is that my slawcs playlist is still called "sad fic" to this day...
the fic was relatively popular in prfr circles at the time. i was actually surprised looking through my old tag for it to find so many people sending me asks about it... this was so long ago and ended so sourly for me (the pokémon blog, not the fic specifically) that i sometimes tend to think i exaggerate how much feedback i got back then but i didn't apparently. (noah even found someone on twitter like one or two weeks ago who mentioned the fic indirectly so it's also memorable i guess ?_?) which does make me feel kinda bad for disappearing for so long also orz
i almost forgot to discuss this since this isn't an aspect that really exists in the fic anymore, but very early on the fic was supposed to have two endings. (slawcs spoilers follow if you care) the actual ending i ended up writing, where lysandre accepts dialga's offer and goes back in time to sabotage his own plans, and a "status quo" ending where lysandre stays and tries to make the world he's destroyed better as best as he can pull off.
the reason why i ended up scraping the alternate ending is actually pretty straightforward: the entire point behind having two endings was that i was embarrassed by the time travel/multiverse idea. this seems so stupid to me now but back then i genuinely was like "oh no i can't have my POKÉMON FANFICTION end with the power of love and time travel fixing everything it's too cringe (cringe wasn't as much of a thing back then but it was the spirit of it) so i need to come up with a Serious, Realistic ending to compensate"
then the multiverse was made canon and THEN years later rainbow rocket happened and i was like "who cares actually. if canon can do this why can't i."
i might elaborate on the other ending in another part, we'll see.
i have touched on this very briefly in the fic's notes (i think at the end of eclipse?) but i think it would be fun to talk about this some more, so i will!
the premise of the fic (not really a spoiler because it happens mid-chapter 1, but still,) that lysandre is "hallucinating" a dead augustine sycamore, was inspired by an old nbc heroes fic i read when i was a teen. the fic (Imaginary Friend by Fantastic Pants on FFnet) was about, you guessed it, a character hallucinating another dead character.
well, actually, it was a bit more complicated than that. for context, character A (noah bennet aka HRG, for those in the know™) thought he'd killed character B (claude rains) who was a mutant capable of becoming invisible. in the fic, fake B was very much self-aware about being imaginary, and also very much supposed to be a representation of guilt, anxiety and depression. the "twist" of the fic, of course, is that B turns out to have been alive the whole time, and fake B disappears for good when A learns this.
i haven't reread the fic in years, but it is one of the two heroes fic that have stayed with me since then even though i stopped caring about heroes midway through season 2. as you can see, the core of it is similar, though the end result and the context is very different.
in slawcs, i kept the line between haunting, hallucination, and manifestation ambiguous, because i thought it worked better that way, but for me the most important aspect was the expression of negative feelings. i'm very humbled when people tell me it resonated with them: i wrote it based on my own experience with anxiety so I've Been Through The Symptoms and i'm always glad to know it works and feels meaningful!
tl;dr if i hadn't read this angsty heroes fanfiction i might not even have gotten back into writing ever
falling out
as i said in the first section, the fic was very well-received. it was one of the first fic for the ship on ao3 (i want to say it was among the first ten? it was definitely there before the tag was even canonized) so that probably helped, to be fair. people were eager for more! the second chapter was well-received as well, posted the next month. in mid-december, i posted another fic that i've since deleted because i just didn't like it that much (it was the ball dancing one, for those who might remember.) the last post in my old tag for og slawcs was from january 2014, assuring someone i was still working on the fic.
i was! but i was also Going Through It, both in my personal life but also when it came to the fandom. i don't blame anyone for it, really; i had gotten too emotionally involved imo, and also i was starting to grow tired of tumblr and the vibes there in general. so i ended up detaching myself from everything more and more, progressively. i stopped looking at my main dashboard and stopped looking at anything related to the fandom on tumblr. i moved largely to twitter but kept posting fanart for a while. then i just left.
in 2015, i began working on a new fic unrelated to og slawcs. this fic is still on my ao3; it's the one where lysandre gets guillotined. it was partially inspired by an old fanart of mine and my then all-consuming passion for french musicals. when i decided i was going to post it, i first thought i'd also make sure i could update og slawcs as well, because i felt so bad about abandoning it even though i was still very much in the fandom. and so, in december 2015, i both posted a brand new one-shot and the 3rd chapter of og slawcs.
and then i never updated it again for 6 years.
but i did work on it! at the time i posted the original third chapter, i had actually already written the original fourth. i think i might even have had half of the fifth back then. i was sure the fifth would be the last one; then it got too long, so i cut it in half, thinking the sixth would be the last one for sure. then i kind of... gave up.
i don't remember the timeline very well because it was a few years ago and also late 2016 to mid 2017 kind of all blurs together in my mind because it was when i was first getting knee surgery and i was basically at one of the lowest points in my life, but i did keep working on the fic (on top of writing other fic) back then. i fully stopped when i reached the point where i'd have to do the game rewrite, so midway through chapter 6 (sun.) i'm not entirely sure why (apart from bad mental health obviously) i think i was just... worried i couldn't pull it off. i'd watch reference material and then be like, no this sucks actually, this is bad, i can't do this well, and it’s been so long, and nobody will care anymore, and...
then in late 2017 i entered my Yakuza Phase and took a break from pokémon xy. it was still there at the back of my mind (where it always will be at this point i think) but i was taking a vacation from it, i guess.
...until february 2021 happened, of course.
SEE YOU NEXT TIME (yes i'm ending my post on a cliffhanger)
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theonsource · 4 years
AO3 Filtering Tips, Part 2
How to find Theon fics where your favorite ship is the focus. 
To filter out all other ships than your OTP, type otp:true in the search within results bar in the Sort and Filter box.
This applies to Platonic ships as well- usually tagged as Theon Greyjoy & Character Name and Poly Ships.
It’s not really a thing now, but writers could begin to tag their ships as ShipName-Centric. (Example Theonsa-Centric, Throbb-Centric, Thramsay-Centric etc.)
More details under the cut:
First, go to the search bar on the left hand side of your screen. Click on
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It will then bring you the Tag Search. Type Your Ship Name in the search box, choose the Relationship option, click Canonical, and hit Search Tags (I used Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark because it’s one of my faves. Canonical (I BELIEVE) is not whether it happened in canon but whether or not the characters are canon. If you uncheck the selection you will also see things like (Implied Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark or Past Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark.)
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Find your relationship and click on it. It will bring you to a page that looks like this. Click on the Works option on the right hand side: 
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It will then bring you to a list of fics in recently updated order: 
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However, this list will include EVERY fic that is tagged Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark even if that ship is not the focus- maybe it is just a background ship or just mentioned. So in order to narrow your search, you need to find the Sort and Filter box on the right hand side: 
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If you are on a phone it will probably look like this screenshot below, in that case, just click on Filters:
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Scroll down to the bottom of the Sort and Filter box to find the Search within results bar:
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Type otp:true into that bar:
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Press Sort and Filter: 
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It will then take you to a list of fics in recently updated order where your ship is listed but no other ships are:
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This also works with polyamory ships. However, if your polyamory ship is also tagged with the two person ship, it will filter those fics out of the search results. So, for example, if you are searching under Theon Greyjoy/Jon Snow/Satin Flowers and you use the otp:true filter, it will show you the fics that have that ship listed, but it will filter out the fics that are tagged with the polyamory ship, but have also tagged the two person ships within the poly ship such as Theon Greyjoy/Jon Snow or Theon Greyjoy/Satin Flowers or Jon Snow/Satin Flowers. However, because there aren’t usually as many polyamory ships being tagged as background ships, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Hopefully you won’t have to use the otp:true filter, since searching under the polyamory ship itself should usually be enough of a filter- at least when it comes to Theon polyamory ships. 
Where this might get into some trouble is with the platonic relationship tag. If you are searching for your romantic ship, the otp:true tag will also filter out any platonic ships that were tagged. So it might filter out any fics where your OTP is tagged but other popular Theon platonic ships are also tagged, such as Theon Greyjoy & Yara Greyjoy or Theon Greyjoy & Bran Stark. It also will filter out the platonic version of the ship you are searching under. So, for example, if you are searching under Theon Greyjoy/Robb Stark, the otp:true filter will filter out any fic that is also tagged with Theon Greyjoy & Robb Stark. 
So in this case, I would recommend that people tag their ship in the additional tags section as ShipName-Centric. So for example, if I am writing Theonsa, I would put Theonsa-Centric. 
The good thing is, the otp:true filter will absolutely work with platonic relationship tags. So if you are looking for Theon Greyjoy & Sansa Stark or Theon Greyjoy & Jon Snow for example, it will filter out everything but that relationship if you use this filter. 
I hope this helped! Please send me questions if you are confused or need help! There will be more info on Theon Fic Appreciation Week coming soon! 
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fanhackers · 5 years
Shipnames (or Fandom Pairing Name Blends)
One of my linguistics professors became interested in Fandom Pairing Name Blends after I told him about it, so I had to write about them for his seminar. I based that paper on a writing by Cara DiGirolamo.
They identify grammatical “principles at work in shaping the compounded word”, such as Stress Match or Lexical Neighborhood Evaluation. Now, Stress Match is a question of prosody, which is not exactly my area of research, but principles like Lexical Neighborhood Evaluation have a background the social, so that was my starting point.
Archive of our own, of course, hosts works in Hungarian and I only looked at those works. , I have already mentioned Merengő, the site that hosts Hungarian works exclusively. The reason I picked archive of our own only instead of doing comparative analysis was actually just the amount of work: this was, but a seminar paper.
I collected the shipnames in Hungarian works (tags, descriptions, notes etc.) that are based on English names or English words (like Ironman or frostgiants). With these works, none of the linguistics reasons DiGirolamo pointed out could have worked, especially not Lexical Neighborhood Evaluation. I also had words like Irongiant for Tony Stark and Loki Laufeyson, which could have been Vasóriás in Hungarian, but the creators rather used the same word, Cara DiGirolamo noticed in English speaking fandom.
All of this seems to suggest so far that Hungarian fandom adapts the English (or international) shipnames and not their word blending methods.
DiGirolamo, Cara M. 2012. “The Fandom Pairing Name Blends and the Phonology-Orthography Interface” In The Journal of Onomastics 4. https://doi.org/10.1179/0027773812Z.00000000034
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tdp-fandom · 4 years
Result Discussion: Favorite Ships (part 1)
The main result table · Ship list
CW: This discussion contains mentions of three ships which some people might not be comfortable with (sibling incest and adult/teen relationships). Only their shipnames are mentioned - the nature of these relationships is not discussed in any way.
Before I begin, I would like to address an issue I’ve noticed - I have not been consistent with ship names! You’ll see Jamaya in one chart and Janaya in another, Aruthari in one, Arunari in another. The decision to change Kadia to Kaudia has been recent (due to Kaudia being the ship name actually used by the shippers).
To prevent any major confusion, I updated the ship list to include alternative spellings of shipnames. If you’d like me to include an alternative ship name, please let me know! ^u^
Total Ships refer to the ships people voted for when asked to choose all the ships they ship (click here for the list). I will also use T to refer to these ships.
Favorite Ships refer to the ships people voted for when asked to choose only one ship which they consider their favorite. I will also use F to refer to these ships.
I will use the word rank to refer to the position a ship takes in terms of number of votes (rank #1 is the one with the most votes, while rank #14 is the one with the least votes for Favorite Ships. For Total Ships it’s rank #40).
As in previous discussions, I will refer to Rayllum, Janaya and Ruthari as the Trio.
Favorite Ships vs Total Ships
The first thing I would like to discuss is how favorite ships differ from total ships in terms of popularity. Cross-referencing both can allow us to understand which ships are actively shipped by people and which are just liked “in the background”.
If you read my discussion on total ships, you probably remember that I pointed out the flaw in the first question of the poll (i.e. “What ships do you ship?” is too vague a question). Hopefully comparing the two categories will counter some of that vagueness.
To compare both lists, removed any ships that don’t appear on the Total Ship list and the ones that were not chosen as a favorite ship by anyone. Here’s the list of ships that were removed from this comparison.
One problem, though - there is no way to directly compare the results, since Total Ships have 40 ranks and Favorite Ships have 14.
Trying out different methods
Take the top 10 Favorite ships as an example:
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From the table it is clear that Rayllum, Janaya and Ruthari retained the same positions in terms of popularity. Viravos appears to have jumped higher - from #8 to #4. In fact, the only ship in the top 10 that dropped in rank is Corpeli - from #6 to #9. But it’s not a dramatic drop, right?
Aaaaaand this is where it gets problematic. #6 out of 40 is a much higher position than #9 out of 14. The best way to think about is to find the most obvious points of correspondence:
F1 corresponds to T1
F7 corresponds to T20
F14 corresponds to T40
Here, F refers to the rank in Favorite Ships and T - in Total Ships.
Now things become a bit more clear. T6 is closer to the first category and F9 - to the middle. So if I were to simplify the comparison, I’d say
the Trio remain at the beginning of the list;
Viravos, Gremaya and Corpeli jumped from the beginning to the middle;
Virrow, Sorgren and Raydia remain in the middle;
Sordia jumps from the end to the middle.
This method is even more evident at the end of the list:
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These are the last nine ships on the list. At first, the green ones seem like a vast improvement in position and the salmon one - a slight worsening. But if we apply our new categories:
F1 - T1 [beginning]
F7 - T20 [middle]
F14 - T40 [end]
we see that:
Aarrow, Aaruthari, Claravos, Clyx, Grenavos and Rugren remained at the end;
Ezris, Grazi and Kasren fell from the middle to the end;
Sabos had the most dramatic fall - from the beginning to the end!
But then this method is still too broad. Aarrow and Aaruthari both get into the same group - “remain at the end”, even though Aarrow was closer to the middle of the list than Aaruthari. I figured these three categories could be broken down even further:
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I divided 40 by 14 and got 2.857, which I rounded up to 3. Hence, three T ranks for 1 F rank. This is obviously not the only way you can arrange this table, as you could alternatively “lock” the first place (1 - 1) and do the others in triplets ( 2 - 2, 3, 4; 3 - 5, 6, 7; etc), which shifts the values quite a bit.
But let’s use this one for now.
I rewrote the Total Ship ranks so that they match the Favorite Ship ones according to the table (e.g. if a ship is ranked #10 in Total Ships, the corresponding rank is going to be #4):
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This comparison is very intuitive and more accurate than the three simple categories I used before. We can compare the results for the last 9 ships again:
OLD: Aarrow, Aaruthari, Claravos, Clyx, Grenavos and Rugren remained at the end; NEW: Aarrow and Grenavos fell by three positions, Claravos - by two, Aaruthari, Clyx and Rugren - by one. (We can immediately see that Aarrow and Grenavos were the most popular of this group);
OLD: Ezris, Grazi and Kasren fell from the middle to the end; NEW: Ezris and Grazi fell from #10 to #14, while Kasren fell from #8 to #14 (Kasren clearly suffered a bigger fall);
OLD: Sabos had the most dramatic fall - from the beginning to the end! NEW: Sabos fell from #3 to #14 (I don’t know if this makes the fall feel more dramatic or not).
This method is still not very accurate:
it conflates several different positions into one (Viravos and Gremaya are now both #3, whereas originally they were ranked #8 and #9 respectively);
there are at least two ways to group the ranks into triplets, neither of which is particularly accurate and both yield significantly different results.
Notice how with this method most ships seem to have fallen in rank, some remained and only one rose! Also, even though Janaya and Ruthari did not change position, this method makes it seem like they fell in rank.
I don’t exactly know why that is, but it’s probably due to the fact that the “value” of a rank feels different depending on the total number of participants. Think of it like this - it sucks to be the third our of three, but it sucks a bit less if it’s out of 40, doesn’t it?
In the next part, I will discuss the method I decided to use in the end.
Part 2
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zsocca55 · 6 years
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It was inevitable that I draw these two together. What’s the shipname? Carmenaux? CarChase? I like CarChase, it sounds funny. And I’m pretty sure Carmen loves it when people are chasing her but never get to catch her. Also sorry for crappy art, I can’t draw humans properly and I haven’t been practicing in a while. And I still can’t draw normal backgrounds. Nah. Anyway, go watch Carmen Sandiego on Netflix! The episodes on Youtube were deleted yesterday. :/ Luckily I have watched the entire season three times in a row so I remember almost everything. Oh, had I ever mentioned that I’m a geography-history teacher?
Better quality: https://www.deviantart.com/angelcat55/art/Catch-me-if-you-can-783568035
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andorerso · 5 years
Jyn and Bodhi are investigating the disappearance of a drama teacher when they accidentally stumble upon a school play based on their lives. And the writer of the play has some very specific ideas about the nature of her relationship with Cassian.
so yeah, here’s the Supernatural AU I was talking about. It’s based on the 200th episode but I think it should be okay for people who don’t watch it? It’s pretty silly tbh, I have no excuses.
@cats-and-metersticks if you’re still interested!
you can find it on ao3 as well
Jyn was going to strangle Yoda if she ever saw him again.
This was all his fault, as far as she was concerned, him and his damn books. If it weren’t for the stupid old man writing about their lives and the monsters they dealt with – as if he had any right to – and publishing it as a series of fantasy novels, of all things, there wouldn’t be fans. There wouldn’t be fanfiction. And there would be no goddamn school plays.
Jyn thought she’d made her peace with the “Supernatural” books already, had forgotten about it, best as she could. There was nothing to be done; Yoda had disappeared, and the books were over. That was a small comfort, at least.
But when she and Bodhi investigated the disappearance of a drama teacher in Flint, Michigan, it turned out the play she had been working on with her students just happened to be the musical version of “Supernatural.” The characters were all there: Lyra in her bloody nightgown, the man in white, Chirrut with his staff, Baze with his flamethrower. Bodhi with his ponytail, Cassian in his blue parka. And of course, Jyn herself with her kyber necklace and a low bun. Jyn wanted to ram her head into the wall as soon as she saw it.
The girl didn’t even look like her.
Bodhi had the gall to grin like this delighted him and Jyn gave him a glare so murderous, even his smile froze a little. But there was nothing to be done, she just had to push her anger down and play along. They were here on a job, she was a professional; of course she could ignore the ridiculousness of the situation. She could ignore the rehearsal going on as they talked to the student in charge of the play, the actors practicing some scene in the background where Jyn and Bodhi talked next to the Impala.
But her eyes strayed back to the stage unconsciously, and she remembered how she felt when she first read about herself in a book, the things she’s done, thoughts and actions and entire conversations, word for word. Things no one should be able to know and not with such precise detail. She was a private person and having all that information about her readily available to anyone – even if people believed it to be a work of fiction – just didn’t feel right.
These people thought they knew her because they read about her in a damn book. Well, they were wrong.
And then there was the fanfiction. Jyn could have gone her entire life without learning what that was. All those stories people wrote about their lives and suffering for their own enjoyment, getting off on their pain or something. Not to mention the ones which paired her up with Bodhi, even though he was her brother. Adoptive, sure, but that made no difference to her when they had grown up together.
It was weird. And the incest shit was positively gross.
This felt a little like that, like fanfiction. The cast, the characters, the props, it was too much.
And the singing. There was singing too, and not the good kind. Not the classic rock she usually enjoyed. Jyn almost fell over standing still when they started singing. (“There is no singing in ‘Supernatural!”)
On top of it all, when the monsters came out of the bag, so to speak, and Jyn reluctantly admitted that all of it was real and they were, in fact, the Jyn and Bodhi from the books, the girl, Marie, the superfan, had laughed and called them too old to be Jyn and Bodhi. Jyn was a little bit offended but she didn’t argue.
Fan fucking fiction.
That was not the worst part, though. Anyone else might have said the evil goddess trying to kill them was the worst part, but Jyn was used to that. Even killing ancient gods didn’t faze her anymore.
No, the worst part was when she caught the two students who played Jyn and Cassian locked in a passionate embrace in the corner and looked at Marie in confusion.
“What are they doing?”
Marie eyed Jyn like she was stupid. “I believe that’s called kissing.”
“But is that in the play?” Jyn demanded, voice getting higher. Bodhi shifted nervously on his feet.
“Oh no, Siobhan and Kristen are together in real life. But the nature of Rebelangel is something we do explore in Act Two.”
Silence. She could feel that next to her, Bodhi scarcely breathed. Jyn was confused and horrified all at once, because somewhere in the back of her mind, she understood what Marie was getting at. Still, she didn’t believe it.
“I’m sorry, the what?”
“Rebelangel? It’s the shipname of Jyn and –”
“No, I get that,” Jyn cut in forcefully before Marie could say what she was about to say. “I mean, what nature?”
Marie gave her a blank look. “Well, it’s lowkey but the romantic tension is obviously there. And you know what they say, you can’t spell subtext without sex.”
She shrugged and flitted away with her little notepad in hand.
Jyn felt like her mind had exploded. She shouldn’t be surprised. If these people could pair her up with her own brother, Cassian wasn’t even a huge reach. But the idea of being romantically involved with Cassian –
Yeah, no. Nope, no, no. No way that was happening.
It was insane to even think about it. Sure, they had grown close over the years, she might even go as far as to call him her best friend, really, but that didn’t mean there was anything between them. They were totally incompatible. They’d drive each other mad. They already did so as friends – and that was all they were, friends. Why, just because he was a guy and she was a girl, that automatically meant they had to be together? Couldn’t men and women be just friends? It was such an outdated, sexist worldview, it made her mad.
Women and men can be friends. They were the living proof. Jyn and Cassian, just friends, best buddies, and totally nothing more.
Cassian, she was pretty sure, was entirely uninterested in dating, anyway. Not that it mattered to her one way or another.
Jyn closed her mouth, realizing it had been hanging open. When she looked at Bodhi, he was both amused and concerned. It looked like he was trying not to laugh.
“Let it go,” he tried to tell her but they both knew she wasn’t going to. Jyn marched over to where Marie was instructing the students on stage.
“Jyn and Cassian do not have romantic tension,” she said, hands on her hips.
Marie turned to her, sighing, and raised an eyebrow. “How we been reading the same books?”
“He’s her best friend!”
“Because friends have never hooked up or fell in love with each other. Ever.”
Jyn turned to Bodhi helplessly. “Tell her!”
Bodhi stepped forward, putting an arm around her shoulder to pull her back.
“I don’t think this is our biggest issue right now,” he reminded her gently. “Forgive her, she’s a big fan.”
Jyn sneered but didn’t argue.
Fine. She supposed she could ignore this too. She was good at that. Just add it to the long list of things to avoid thinking about.
“I don’t get it,” Bodhi said as they headed towards the car after a job well done. She didn’t have to ask to know what he was talking about. His amused, slightly teasing tone said it all.
“Me neither.”
She felt calmer after defeating the goddess and had to admit the play was actually kinda nice. Marie obviously put her soul and heart into it, and though Jyn didn’t agree with all of her interpretations, that was alright. Marie had her version and Jyn had her own. As long as it remained just a story for people, she couldn’t tell them what to think about it.
“I mean shouldn’t it be Jyssian or something?” Bodhi went on. Jyn felt a vein twitch on her forehead.
“Really? That’s your issue with this?”
Bodhi let out a hearty laugh as they stopped next to the Impala.
“Okay, what about me? Hunterangel? Angelhunter?”
“No, you’re right, that one doesn’t sound quite right. Bassian?”
“And why are you a rebel?” Bodhi pondered, actually tapping a finger against his cheek in thought. “Is it because of your rebellious nature? Maybe I should look for an adjective that describes me really well.”
“Bodhi, I’m begging you to stop.”
Jyn threw her hands in the air and Bodhi laughed happily at her misery. “Okay! Enough. Get in the car.”
As they pulled away from the school, he sing-songed, “I can’t wait to tell Cassian about this!”
Jyn groaned.
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nocteverbascio · 8 years
purpose and place - kara/m’gann (rated t)
Pairing: Kara Danvers/M’gann M’orzz Summary: Kara and M'gann bond over their shared time flying ft cute banter, connecting over the past, and kissing while flying A/N: all i have to say is ship this because it’s too good not to - all this wasted potential; also pls help me decide on a shipname (see tags)
ao3 link
M'gann never knew it could feel so liberating to fly. It’s been so long since she’s been able to shift out of her human form to a skin she feels most comfortable in and just be free.
What makes it even better is that she isn’t alone.
Even as the wind whips across her face and jet streams across her body, M'gann can feel the warm, welcoming presence of Kara in her midst.
Despite turning off the comms from the DEO, M'gann can still hear the mindless chatter of Kara’s thoughts. She’d been thinking so long of the uncertainty of her time on Earth and the fear of being taken back to Mars to stand before her race again that hearing Kara’s inner turmoil reminds of her what it’s like to be living.
I can feel you up in here, Kara thinks as she slows to fly beside M'gann.
M'gann’s eyes widen in surprise. Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.
It’s okay. I’m so used to flying alone that I let my mind just wander. Kara smiles as the wind pushes her beautiful waves behind her. Even in the evening sky, Kara’s eyes are still sky blue.
Do you fly often?
Kara nods. Yup, every night. Some night I fly for hours just to clear my head. When you’re this far from the city, the constant chatter becomes almost like whispers.
It must be very taxing for you to hear the whole city constantly.
Kara turns onto her back like she’s swimming through the air to respond to M'gann. She looks so beautiful relaxed. Jeremiah helped me work through the chatter and the sight with my glasses and sound dampening earrings. It took a lot of time, but now it’s just a constant humming in my head and it feels kind of empty without it in the background.
M'gann understands.
I feel like it must be harder for you because you hear everyone’s thoughts. People can stop talking but they can’t stop themselves from thinking. Kara goes on.
M'gann shakes her head, briefly thinking back to Mars. On Mars, our minds are open to everyone. Every thought can be heard across all of our race so that we can better understand each other as one.
Kara purses her lips, briefly thinking before she snaps her fingers. J’onn mentioned the mind meld! It must be really cool to be on the same page constantly.
M'gann doesn’t respond. It wasn’t particularly cool but she could understand how Kara would see it as such.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Kara blurts out loud instead of thinking it. “That was really insensitive to me.”
M'gann can only laugh at how alarmed Kara looks. “It’s okay, Kara. I suppose it can be cool,” M'gann agrees, knowing that she’s left her world behind but before the war, there is beauty of peace she can remember.
Kara purses her lips, feeling like her apology wasn’t enough. M'gann can hear the gears turning. “Come on, I want to show you something,” she declares as she turns back over and flies forward with an arm outstretched in front of her.
M'gann smiles to herself as she follows after Kara towards the mountains. They do some turns and loops before they reach a particularly high point. Kara settles on a landing that looks like it’s been carved out with no other roads leading up to it. Kara must go there often enough because M'gann can see vague scorch marks at the edges of the carved outlook.
When M'gann lands after Kara, shifting into her human skin. She stands beside the taller woman to see National City in the distance. Even as the day turns into night, the city looks just as alive.
“Sometimes, I feel like if I wasn’t Supergirl, I wouldn’t know who I would be,” Kara begins softly as she looks out towards the city, eyes twinkling. “I was sent to this planet with the sole purpose to take care of Kal El and when I discovered that he’d already grown up, I just felt like there wasn’t a point to me being here. I didn’t know where I fit in anymore and the fact that I can’t go back home to Krypton---”
M'gann slips her hand into Kara’s to bring some comfort to her.
Kara looks at her, wiping away the errant tear that she hadn’t realize as falling. “Sorry,” she apologizes, shaking her head. “I didn’t bring you here to listen my sob story.”
“It’s okay, Kara. I understand how it feels to be forced to leave home without any hope of returning,” M'gann offers with a squeeze of her hand.
Kara nods in agreement, squeezing M'gann’s hand in return, because it truly feels like M'gann understands her. She looks back towards the city once more. “This is my home now,” she confesses. “My mother told me I’d have extraordinary powers on this Earth and there’d be extraordinary things I could do with them. I found my purpose again when I became Supergirl. I could help the people of National City just like Superman in Metropolis.”
M'gann looks back towards the city. Some of the buildings start to dim and some have just a few lights on. When she looks back at Kara, she can see her blue eyes twinkling with pride and hope. She feels her chest tighten. “You come here to remind yourself of your purpose, don’t you?”
Kara quirks her head at M'gann. “Are you up in my head again?”
“I can be quite observant. Perks of being a bartender.”
Kara smiles playfully at her. “I do,” she answers. “Seeing all of National City like this, with all of the lights, turning off and on, reminds me that there are people out there who need protecting. That I have these abilities to help people. If I can be the one to do some good, then why won’t I?”
M'gann hums. “If not now, then when?”
“And if not me, then who?” Kara finishes, smiling brighter than ever.
M'gann stares back out to National City once more. She takes a deep breath of the fresh air outside of the city and another look at the vision before her. She’s seen National City at a distance plenty of times, but now it feels wholly different. Maybe it’s the growing connection she’s finally beginning to feel because of Kara.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” M'gann says softly bumping her shoulder with Kara’s. “It really is beautiful.”
Kara smiles brightly once more, eyes crinkling with pure happiness. Their stare lingers just a bit long for M'gann to catch Kara’s fleeting thought that has her blushing. “Race you back to base?” she offers abruptly. She lets go of M'gann’s hand before stepping towards the edge of the outlook. “Loser has to buy a round of drinks?”
M'gann laughs as Kara drops off the edge and speeds off. “Cheater!” she yells as she chases after Kara, changing back into her Green Martian skin.
It’s not cheating if I’m faster! Kara thinks loudly for M'gann to hear.
M'gann jets faster towards Kara, not wanting her to get away so quickly. It only takes a few moments before M'gann catches up, but it feels exhausting especially when Kara is faster than a speeding bullet. She flies just below Kara and like Kara had been doing earlier, M'gann turns on her back and stares up at Kara.
Are you showing off? Kara asks breaking the determined look on her face.
You were doing it earlier. M'gann responds as she floats up closer to Kara’s body. You didn’t let me thank you.
But you already did?
M'gann shakes her head. Kara, I can read your thoughts. Especially when you’re particularly emotional.
Kara blushes. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
M'gann closes the distances between them and lifts her head just enough to kiss Kara. Kara squeaks aloud before kissing back unconsciously. The rush of the wind sends shivers down both of their spines even though they don’t particularly feel cold. For a moment they stop flying and float upright together. M'gann’s hands coming around Kara’s shoulders as Kara holds onto her waist comfortably.
Wow. Kara thinks before breaking the kiss to exhale, “Wow.” Her cheeks are bright pink as their warm breaths meet each other in the cool sky.
M'gann smiles as she presses her forehead against Kara’s. “Loser buys drinks,” she reminds before pecking Kara on the nose.
Kara blinks before she realizes that M'gann is jetting off. “Cheater!” she yells as she chases after M'gann.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 5 years
Negative ten
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uYbuxH
by ToxicPineapple
So, the plan, as far as going to Rantaro’s dorm, is pretty much to just stick his head in and ask the dude if he’s okay. Provided he’s like, awake, and answering the door, and all. If not, then Kaito figures he’ll have to track down Kokichi and ask if he can pick the lock. Which, if Kaito offers him enough grape soda or whatever, he will probably agree to do. It seems like a pretty solid plan, and Kaito is feeling reasonably confident about it when he steps in front of Rantaro’s door.
Just as he raises his hand to ring the bell, however, the door swings open.
“Oh, Momota, good morning,” Rantaro smiles, but Kaito raises his eyebrows. Yeesh.
Kaito's not like, worried, or anything, when Rantaro doesn't show up to breakfast, but hey, he notices. That's what bros do, y'know?
Words: 3838, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Momota Kaito, Amami Rantaro, Other Characters Mentioned, background characters, Akamatsu Kaede, Harukawa Maki, Toujo Kirumi
Relationships: Amami Rantaro/Momota Kaito, Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Sickfic, Light Angst, just a smidge, (Because my hands have a mind of their own), Developing Relationship, Pre-Relationship, the Bro Code, Violating The Bro Code, Internalised Homophobia, Kaito's Internalised Homophobia Is A Serious Problem, But In This Fic It's Played Up For Laughs, Denial of Feelings, Backround Maki/Kirumi, What's their shipname?, bah, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Academy AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2uYbuxH
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