#or he'd dress up as Freddie Mercury
inkybinkyboink ยท 3 months
"all the marauders died", "they all got murdered", "but peter betrayed everyone", "they're straight anyways"
i've no doubt in my mind that this has already been written somewhere just in a different font but im high off of river water and algae right now so call me freddy mercury the lead singer of hit 70's band Queen because Don't Stop Me Now.
james is the one that organized it and man like lobbied for this okay
he waited MONTHS for everyone to have a day off at the same time and he took it and RAN
and lucky for him, it's the perfect day. it's a sunny, hot day in the middle of august, the clouds are simply beautiful, but it's still nice and sunny like i mean perfect
don't ask how, i don't know, but i think it would be really funny if james drove a minivan. mom drives a minivan and he picks everyone up
peter has to be shotgun because he gets mad carsick
james also tries so fucking hard to bring snacks for everyone but he forgets that sirius is allergic to nuts and half of the food he brings has nuts in it
just hear me out okay i think it would be really funny if big bad sirius black was allergic to peanuts
sirius would also be the one to dress the most unconventional for the beach and then whine about being uncomfortable the entire time.
remus and peter are certified Staying on the Beachโ„ข boys. peter because he's scared of the sea and remus because he's still got cuts that are healing and he'd really rather not literally put salt on an open wound
sirius also burns like paper and is too stubborn to put on sunscreen
remus likes finding stones to skip, though
"i'll stay here and guard the snacks" -peter pettigrew
if there's a dock or something james is jumping off of it without hesitation
he gets into a diving competition with sirius to see who can make the biggest splash which ends when they jump into each other while diving into the water
finding seashells ๐Ÿค remus lupin
peter would fall asleep in the sun and they would all absolutely bury him up to his neck in sand
they pester remus for bringing a fucking book to the beach
i mean this so sincerely and honestly with the most love and adoration in mind but the way james potter turns into a fucking 5 year old boy at the beach is insane
"guys watch me do a flip", "look, i can do a hand-stand in the water", "dude that wave was totally a shark fin", "do you think if i drank an entire redbull i could swim across the atlantic?", "i can totally see the coast of canada from here
james and sirius definitely have yet another competition to see who can hold their breath for longer.
on at least one occasion remus has to drag sirius out of the water because he might as well be fucking drowning and remus is the only one who has first aid training
the drive home is silent because everyone's asleep except for james who now realized it would have been way easier to just use magic transport and is now suffering the consequences of his own actions
prize for most sunburnt goes to sirius
prize for best sandcastle goes to peter
prize for most seaworthy goes to james
prize for best seashell collector goes to remus
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kinkykinard ยท 25 days
Okay in honor of the potential 8x06 date, BuckTommy? Would they do costumes on Halloween? If so, separate or couples? What would they be?
Ooooh, fun!!
Well, I think that while Buck LOVES Halloween, Tommy's never really given it much thought. It's not that he hates it, he's just never really had the impetus to dive into Halloween before. Sure, he's been to the occasional party, but there was never any real incentive to dress up and so he never did.
But with Buck at his side? He doesn't really have a choice. Buck walks in after a long few days apart one time with a long list of couples costume ideas scrawled on the back of an inventory checklist he'd pulled out of the logbook at the station that morning. He reads the list off to Tommy over pizza that night to get his opinions.
Batman and Robin? Boring.
Woody and Buzz? No.
Mario and Luigi? Hell no.
In the end, it's Tommy who comes up with the idea. It's early afternoon the next day and Bohemian Rhapsody is playing on the old radio at the back of his garage while he and Buck spar during a long-overdue Muay Thai lesson. It seems so obvious, then, but also really fitting. So when time for Maddie and Chim's Halloween party rolls around, it's really kind of perfect that they show up as Freddie Mercury and Ziggy Stardust.
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oceanmoonlight2 ยท 1 year
"As long as I live, I'll never forget my first meeting with Freddie Mercury. Storming into his dressing room where I was waiting after a two-hour show, he picked up a clothes iron and hurled it at a full-length mirror, smashing it to pieces. Well, I thought, he's obviously not superstitious! The outburst had been sparked by a faulty microphone on stage. Although the audience were unaware anything was wrong, Freddie blew his top. When he'd calmed down, I asked if it was worth getting so wound up over a problem the public knew nothing about. 'Some people can take second best, but I can't. If you've got the taste for being number one, then number two isn't good enough,' he said, slapping me on the knee as he exploded with laughter." โ€” x
Freddie and his fiery temper ๐Ÿ˜
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thespamman24 ยท 6 months
Rock Musicians Rated Based on Wether They Would Like Anime or Not.
This is a completely normal thing to think about. I'm a completely normal person.
Jimmy Hendrix- Would have loved Cowboy Bebop and Gundam. If he had been a child in the 2000s then he would have dressed as Sasuke for Halloween.
John Lennon- Would have been a big attack on titan fan and frequently gotten into online arguments. Lightly ashamed of being into anime. Has a crush on the evil woman from Chainsawman.
Paul Mccartney- Would not be an anime fan. Apathetic towards anime.
George Harrison- Has seen the 1997 Berserk Series and Ghost in the Shell. Not into anime, but willing to see it.
Ringo Starr- Would not be an anime fan, but he wouldn't mind seeing a Ghibli film.
Eric Clapton- Would regularly make fun of anyone into anime.
Gerald Way- Confirmed fan of anime.
Thom Yorke- Has possible watched a few anime. Would probably love Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Rivers Cuomo- Has most likely watched an anime. Would probably be into very weird and niche romance anime stuff.
David Bowie- David Bowie would either, A. have watched a few well known anime like Death Note and Full metal Alchemist but not be really all that into anime or B. be the biggest anime fan ever, but like, in a bisexual way.
Kurt Cobain- Enjoys slice of life anime, but not in a weird way.
Dave Grohl- Has mostly likely watched something anime, but I doubt he sees it as different from other cartoons.
Courtney Love- Extremely toxic RWBY fan. Regularly gets into arguments over ships.
David Byrne- I am confident that David Bryne has watched some anime at some point. I don't know what, but he definetly has. Would probably love Akira.
Freddy Mercury- I had to think about this long and hard and I think Freddy would be into shonen like Dragon ball Z.
Brian May- Would not be into anime.
Billy Joe Armstrong- Has most definetly seen an anime before. If he was born two decades later then he would have been the biggest Jojo fan ever.
Alex Turner- Hah! No.
Bono- Into "intellectual" anime like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Has seen multiple Satoshi Kon films.
Bruce Springsteen- No.
Robert Fripp- Robert Fripp was born in the wrong generation. Had he been a millenial, then Robert would be obsessed. He would attend anime conventions, wear cosplay, and regularly get into arguments online.
Pete Townshend- Casual anime watcher who's seen one or two and is kind of ashamed about it because of the internet.
Roger Waters- Constantly getting into arguments about Gundam online. Is a moderator of some anime subreddit.
David Gilmore- No.
Lou Reed- Used to regularly make fun of anime because of...you know...but somehow ended up becoming really into it, like really into it.
Ian Anderson- Watches the weirdest fucking anime. Just the strangest shit you have ever seen.
Jon Anderson- Steve seems like a big fan of all things cyberpunk. He'd love Akira and Ghost in the Shell, and would definetly enjoy the Blame! manga.
Steve Howe- Has not seen any well known anime, but has seen some lesser known stuff that's "weird in a good way".
Patti Smith- Kawoshin shipper.
Bill Bruford- No.
Joan Jett- Nah.
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munsontm ยท 1 year
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'my most significant influence is just real life.' A candid discussion with Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson. Gerri Miller.
Metal Edge, 8th March 1991.
On the fifth of February, 1991, Corroded Coffin, a four-piece heavy metal band from Hawkin's Indiana, a rural town rife with tragedy and mystery, made Grammy and music history by being not only the first of the genre to win album of the year but said album also happened to be their debut. The album in question, entitled Stranger Things, is being hailed all over the country as a truly original and thought-provoking journey with a multitude of themes contained in a fantastical and, frequently, dark world narrative. I caught up with the band's frontman, Eddie Munson, in hopes of learning more about the mysterious and polarising figure who shot for the stars on his first try and made it all the way to the moon.
It was a rare rainy morning in downtown LA when I met Eddie at The Beverly Hills Hotel. He told me he'd have preferred to meet at Starbucks or something, but management insisted on somewhere 'fancy' in his words. There's not a shred of his theatrical stage wear or make-up to be seen except for chipped black polish on his nails. He's dressed down in stonewash jeans, a black vest, and a red plaid shirt complete with Nike sneakers that he tells me aren't his. Eddie offered me a cigarette once we got comfortable in the hotel bar, and I felt struck by the disarming power of his smile. I couldn't say no to him, and apparently, neither can America.
How's it going, Eddie?
Eddie: Yeah, you know. Pretty good. This hotel is weird, though, right?
You don't like it?
Eddie: Ehh...it's just kinda snobby for my tastes. It's not very me, I guess. And it's not what I'd like Corroded Coffin to be associated with. None of us come from money, and neither do our fans. We're a band for the 99%, and we're determined to stay true to that. I think I'd straight up quit music if someone told me that Bush liked our tunes.
You're not a fan of the president, then?
Eddie: Dude, what do you think? I grew up with Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan, each more useless than the last, and determined to keep up the status quo of anti-queer, pro-guns, and the nuclear family. That's all they do, like glorified caretakers, I guess. People bitch about change, but they still keep voting for the same two dumb fucks every single time. Where's the progression? It ain't there, man.
Anti-queer, anti-guns and the nuclear family are pretty polarising subjects. How do you feel when people in the industry label you as a polarising figure?
Eddie: I fucking love it. I knew years ago that if we ever made it big, people were gonna hate us. I've always been loud and weird and annoying, never knowing when to shut my mouth. But I'm at peace with it, proud even. Yeah, I'm queer. Freddie (Mercury) doesn't hide it. Why should I? Yeah, I'm pro-feminism, anti-government, anti-society, an atheist, anti-guns, pro-abortion, and pro-drugs. Whatever has been said about me in pro and anti-contexts is probably all true. I'm the antichrist to the normie Americans, and that makes me giggle at night. Let them be mad about it and live in fear of the other for once.
People back in my very conservative hometown hated me, too, because I was different and poor. It's no different from that, and I'm not scared about it anymore, like when I was that kid in Hawkins. The difference now is that there are people out there who like my big mouth. There are freaks all over the country who are just like me. It's pretty fucking cool.
Those are some pretty brave statements to make.
Eddie: Nah. Lots of them are already there on the album. I've never been shy about any of 'em, even when meatheads at our gigs decide to throw bottles at us and act like little bitches. Go watch Axel Rose if you want some fresh bigotry with your metal. Although, is it even really a metal concert if someone doesn't throw something at you? The answer is no. The point is that the stage and the studio are my space to say what I want and then reach other people with the same thinking. I'm not going to stop doing that ever.
What's your private life currently like?
Eddie: Private. Next.
You're very secretive about that part of your life, aren't you?
Eddie: Yeah. Cus, like I said, bigots exist. I might like to suck both dick and eat pussy, and be okay with admitting that to the world. But I'm not stupid enough to give away my private life details where any creep can read them. Can we move on now? [This next part was originally redacted by Eddie, but then he changed his mind.] Still, my partner could be the shit outta any phobe. They fought a bear once and won...more than once.
Sure, Eddie. What first got you into music?
Eddie: I think the first time music really crawled inside my brain was when I heard All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix on the radio one summer. Mmm, I can't remember if I was four or five, but it was around then. It wasn't even about the lyrics. I didn't learn what they were until later. It was the guitar work that blew my tiny baby mind to somewhere else, maybe another plane of existence, albeit temporarily, so unfortunate. But I couldn't get that raw sound out of my mind, and I became instantly addicted, looking for similar sounds everywhere. I'd heard guitars playing before, but never like that. Never that level of genius. It kinda made me wanna cry with the emotions it brought out of me because I grew up in an environment where emotions weren't allowed if you were a boy. Jimi gave me my first outlet, and I'll be eternally grateful for that. Rest in peace, dude.
Is that what music is for you, an expression of yourself?
Eddie: Well, yeah. Music is part of who I am. Even when it's not a personal expression of myself, it's still an expression of my beliefs and ideals. Music is art; music is political and radical. But I also can't deny there's plenty of very personal shit in my lyrics. The day I write a fluff song is the day I'll have officially lost my marbles.
Who inspired you to make music?
Eddie: Haha, I'm pretty sure this is the most well-known fact about me, which is my boner for Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. In 1972, Children Of The Grave was released, and I was lucky enough to see it performed live on TV. If Christ were real, that moment would have been my coming of Christ. I was like eight then, so the lyrics mattered more. But Ozzy himself was like a fantastic madman, and no one was doing it like him. He just didn't and still doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of him. I admire that so much, and I strived to be like that, too, for as long as I can remember. Not giving a shit was my shield in high school. People were afraid of that, that I didn't follow the rules or pretend to be good as gold. Yeah, it invited trouble, too, being loud and annoying. But it felt great at the same time.
How would you describe the music that you typically create? What are your influences?
Eddie: Uhh, if you wanna talk genres, then I guess I'd describe it as horror or fantasy metal. I wouldn't want to be described as your average metal band. That'd be the freaking worst. Many of my influences come from Dungeons & Dragons, Heavy Metal (the science-fiction and fantasy magazine/comic), and Lord of The Rings. But then you got literary influence from Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Mary Shelley, and H.P. Lovecraft.
But I guess my most significant influence is just real life. Take real life and smash it together with all the aforementioned shit. Things get crazy pretty quickly. I've been able to channel a lot of the bad things that happened in my life through those things, and apparently, I'm not the only one that likes it. Although, my dad probably hates that I'm getting rich from what a cunt he is. But I love it.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Eddie: Ozzy Osbourne, of course. But there's also DIO too. Slayer would be sweet tooโ€”ugh, and Judas Priest. Basically, there are too many potentials to pick from, and I'm indecisive, so I don't think I should be allowed to pick in any realistic context. Gare and Jeff can deal.
What is one message you would give to your fans.
Eddie: First of all, I love them very much. Each and every single one of them made Corroded Coffin possible. Artists are nothing without their fans. Right from the three drunks back in Hawkin's to the dude who flashed his pink nipple tassels at me during every indie gig, he's awesome. We wouldn't be here without them. I hope they continue supporting our madness and being just as mad themselves. The world always needs more freaks in it.
What is the most useless talent you have?
Eddie: I can tuck my dick and balls back and do Gonzo impersonations with em'. Just draw some eyes on my guys, and wiggle it all about. It's a great party trick. But I'm not allowed to show it to anyone because that's embarrassing, according to my partner. And I can quote Lord of The Rings by page number, depending on the edition. Though people in my circle consider that to be pretty cool, just saying.
Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
Eddie: Man, all I do is sing around the house. It drives the neighbours fucking nuts. Fortunately, my partner is fully endeared by it. But I usually sing what comes to mind or whatever trash is on the radio. There's a WHAM song stuck in my head right now, and I hate it. Fully hate it. I want to make it stop.
What would you be doing right now, if it wasnโ€™t for your music career?
Eddie: Honestly, I don't even wanna think about it. Music is all I ever wanted to do. Considering something else was never an option for me.
What's a typical day like for you?
Eddie: I have to be dragged out of bed wherever I'm sleeping. Whether it's at home, the studio, or in a hotel. I'm not a morning person, and it's a lucky day if I manage to hit the toilet rim without a cup of coffee in me. After that, I'm usually writing for most of the day, right now, until my partner makes me eat and take a chill pill. There are also lots of scheduled interviews and shoots going on, what with the Grammy win and all. I'm not used to such hectic schedules, so it's been completely nuts as of late. I only get around four hours of sleep, and that sucks. But it's just part of the job.
What is your favourite song to perform?
Eddie: Fuck. I hate this question because I can never answer it the straightforward way. There isn't one song to beat all, but it's usually a tie between Red and Sword and Shield. They're my magnum opus, at least for now. Because as a musician, I always strive to outdo my last song.
Why those two songs, what do they mean to you?
Eddie: Red is just a sick tune, ya know? I took inspiration from a person in my life, a kid who used to live in the same trailer park as me. She's probably one of the bravest people I've ever met, and my batshit brain couldn't let go of the idea of making a song about her bravery. If it wasn't for them, myself and many others wouldn't have made it out of the Hawkin's earthquake alive. That's why Red is so bassy and riffy, and Gareth even broke a fair couple of sticks while we were recordingโ€”the musical energy needed to match her intensity and what she went through to help people. Women's heroics ain't recognised enough in any media, so it was a no-brainer to me to include her story as part of Stranger Thing's overall journey.
As for Sword and Shield, that's way more personal. The context behind that changed my life. It's about two people casting aside preconceptions of one another and fighting their inner demons together cus I found out around the time of writing it that you can't do that alone; fight your inner demons and get past your past. And yeah, there's a splash of homoerotica; sue me. It's one of the...no. It's the only balladesque song on the album cus it's the only balladesque song I've ever written. Most of the music for Sword and Shield was me and a guitar; everyone else is a more subtle background, I guess. It needed to be like that. I needed it to be a private experience for me and my sword.
Your sword?
Eddie: Yup. Next question.
What is the most trouble youโ€™ve ever gotten into
Eddie: Aw, c'mon. Do ya'll really gotta bring it up in every interview? Every goddamn tabloid in the country went off about it. Murder accusations and Satanic worship, which were all overwhelmingly disproven. The state even apologised to me. I'm done talking about that part of my life.
Apologies, Eddie. You're right. What is the best advice youโ€™ve been given?
Eddie: Smooth recovery, buddy. Alright. I've had plenty of decent advice from people like Ozzy, Doro, Dio, and Dave Mustaine. Lots of D's, for some reason. But, I think my Uncle Wayne probably gave me the best life advice, which was always to be myself. Never pretend to be someone you're not, even when it's hard. He told me that when I was thirteen, and I've always stuck by it. What you see is what you get. I don't have a stage persona like a lot of people do. It's all just me. I don't think I'd be able to handle this kinda life if I had to pretend to be someone else, ya know? Being true to myself and my vision is what has gotten me here, that and my boys, my fellow losers and freaks.
If you could change anything about the metal industry, what would it be?
Eddie: Well, shit. That's a loaded question, and it's gonna get one of those so-called controversial replies that I always apparently have. There are not enough women in this industry, at least not in the American mainstream, aside from Doro, and she takes a lot of shit. Bands like Girlschool, Black Knight, Messiah Force, and Rock Goddess, they're all absolutely badasses, who are just as good, if not better, than many of their male contemporaries. Man Metal, let's call it that for a moment, has way too many tunes about sexualising cars and having sex with women and boohooing about our drug problems. It's all repetitive, gets boring, is boring.
I think heavy metal should be more of an open genre. Manufactured pop music always has centre stage in the music industry, sadly. But rock 'n roll is about rebellion and doing what society doesn't deem normal. Why is the heavy-metal movement just entrenched in working-class dudes? Bearing in mind I am one of those dudes. We've got more in common with the many marginalised groups in this country, mainly that the government hates us, instead of the upper classes who use pop culture, music included, to promote the fake American Dream. If we could all come together under the power of rock 'n roll. I think beautiful things could happen. We could have a revolution.
What do you think are the chances of such a grand scale thing happening?
Eddie: Uhh, pretty much zero.
Whatโ€™s next for you?
I'll be writing Corroded Coffin's next album while on a national tour that I think is being announced next week. I can't remember. Maybe I wasn't supposed to talk about that. Oh, well. Surprise! I've also been asked to pose for Playgirl, which is fucking wild. I didn't see that coming in a million years.
What? Like full frontal?
Eddie: God, I fucking hope so. The pearl clutching will be spectacular.
Corroded Coffins album, Stranger Things, is out now via Mercury Records.
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natromanxoff ยท 2 years
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Smash Hits (November 18 - December 1, 1987): 106/?
Credits to Michael Kane.
Freddie Mercury: Man Of A Thousand Faces!
Freddie Mercury is in the charts once more this time alongside the mighty Monster Rat Caballe. (I think you'll find that's Montserrat, actually โ€” Ed.) Bitz takes this opportunity to glance over the many chameleon-like changes of image which Freddie has toyed with over his long years in pop, and pauses to think "Golly, what an odd dress sense Sir Frederick has got."
โ€ข In the early '70s: Freddie's classic rock couture.
โ€ข Even that early in his career, Freddieโ€™s dry cleaning bills were massive.
โ€ข The โ€œLaughing Cavalierโ€ look. Except he isnโ€™t laughing very much.
โ€ข The Harlequin suit. What a jester.
โ€ข Oh dear. Freddieโ€™s still got his leotard the wrong way round.
โ€ข Freddieโ€™s choice of casual shirts has always been a source of concern to friends.
โ€ข The โ€˜80s saw Freddie dressed in a dazzling new wardrobe.
โ€ข Oh dear. Freddieโ€™s still got his leotard the wrong way round.
โ€ข Will he never learn?
โ€ข โ€œI want to break free,โ€ crooned Freddie. Surprisingly enough, he was wearing a dress at the time.
โ€ข Freddie insists that leather shorts are the thing to wear when astride oneโ€™s robot.
โ€ข Freddie regrets to this day being sick all over his best velvet robe.
โ€ข Freddie โ€œdressedโ€ for tennis. Bleeeeeee!
โ€ข Oh dear!
โ€ข Freddieโ€™s perv leather look, which Neil Tennant would later make his own.
โ€ข And his pink suit with black shirt โ€œlookโ€ spawned hundreds of copyists too.
โ€ข What a toff.
โ€ข โ€œIf only I hadnโ€™t been sick on my robe, I woundโ€™t have to wear this yellow tracksuit!!!โ€
โ€ข A perfectly acceptable suit! What is Freddie playing at?
{Barcelona lyrics}
Has recorded an album of duets with opera singer Montserrat Caballe in the same warbly style as "Barcelona" and even an album produced by Tim (Chess-and-lots-of-other horrible musicals) Rice. Both the album and another single will be out early next year.
Produced the recent Bad News' single "Bohemian Rhapsody" โ€” originally a hit for Queen eons ago. He's now settled down to make some more hit records in London with EastEnders' gin-sodden bar-maid Angie, i.e. Anita Dobson and the fruits of their labours together is a new slushy Christmas song "I Dream Of Christmas" due out lamentably soon.
Has put together an entirely new group full of entirely un-famous musicians gathered from an anonymous advert in the British music papers. Once he'd picked the other four members of "The Cross" as they are known, he whisked them off to Ibiza to record their LP "Shove It" which sounds apparently entirely unlike Queen and even has some rapping on it. (!!)
All anyone seems to know about him is that he's "doing a film score" though what it is or who for, is a complete mystery. All anyone would say is that "he's had a quiet year."
All four members of Queen apparently will get back together in the studio sometime next year when all their various solo projects are over and done with. And just in case you're wondering they are still all very, very, very good friends...
[Queen 1988 calendar advert]
Mostly live photos of various "members" of Queen spanking their planks, swirling their microphones etc. with one rather brilliant moment where moustachioed Lord Frederick is doing press ups in the rain on stage for some reason and looks entirely demented. Nice black backgrounds. (?)
On to the reckless spending habits of Freddie Mercury. Some amongst you may remember him spending several thousand quid on some goldfish the other day. They were actually v. rare Japanese Koi carp which sell for about ยฃ4,000 each. Reckless you may think, and you'd probably be right. Especially as he woke up one recent morning to find that his goldfish pond had cracked and all the water had seeped away killing the poor little dears. Still, what's a few thousand quid for a couple of dead fishes, eh?
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robotvampire ยท 3 years
Halloween ask: What would everyone go as for Halloween and would they be up for doing a couples costume as well?
Sameer usually chooses from one of Freddie Mercury's many outfits. Depending on where he's going, he might go for one of the 70's leotard looks, or something more subdued from the 80's.
As far as a couples costume, he'd definitely be up for it! He'd let the MC choose whatever. If it was up to him, he'd probably pick some movie duo like Marty McFly and Doc Brown from "Back to the Future" (he's gonna be Marty, though, sorry).
Blair is NOT a big Halloween person, but if they get dragged into going to a party, they're gonna take the opportunity to dress up as a pirate.
If the MC wanted to go as a couple, they'd do it, but they'd probably still want to be a pirate (the MC could be a merperson?). If the MC really wanted them to pick something else, it would probably be agents from "Men in Black" (the suits and sunglasses). Mainly cause they wouldn't have to buy anything for it.
Nora would want to do something actually scary and would definitely modify their human form to make it more realistic. Zombie? She's gonna actually look like she's decaying. Human idea of what a demon looks like? Gonna have actual horns growing out of her head.
If MC wants to go with her as a couple, they BETTER be willing to match this level of dedication (either with magic or makeup), even if the MC insists on doing something less scary.
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morticianikolaevna ยท 5 years
Stitches part 5 (END)
John is away on tour, but his love and two other little loves suprise him during sound check. And the dress she had on made his heart race.
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It's been almost 10 years since you and John met for the first time, and now his band was huge and touring the world for a while now!
A few years after the date where you met the boys for the first time, John proposed. You were married in the fall on the outskirts of London. You had a very romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean afterwards.
It was so romantic, that you ended up pregnant when you returned home. And nine months later, your son Jack Richard Deacon was born, and John was ecstatic over kids. You ended up pregnant yet again and gave birth to your daughter Layne Eleanor Deacon.
John was off on tour but you were planning to surprise him during a sound check. You rubbed your swollen belly and smiled. You and John were expecting twins this time, you knew he'd be happy about that! Twin girls as well, so you held off on names. As you made the two hour drive to where sound check was your children in the back were sleeping.
Brian was in on the suprise and made sure everything was going well for it. He got the boys riled up a little as they played scrabble, but be saw John looking out the window with a sad looking face.
"Hey Deaky, are you okay?" Brian asked and Roger and Freddie looked up to him. John snapped back and looked at Brian giggling.
"Sorry, I was just thinking of my family. Y/N, Layne, and Jack. I miss them so much sometimes, you know?" He asked wiping a stray tear away, pulling his wallet out.
He showed all the boys the family photo you and him and your kids gotten together and Freddie let out a small 'awe.'
"I swear, Jack is John 2.0! Little Layne is her mother all over again as well!!!" Roger exclaimed. Just before anything else could be said, there was a sound of screaming followed by another little voice of excited screaming.
John recognized those screams and jumped up, almost flipping the table as the door swung open. In flew two children with curly Deacon hair at the speed of light, jumping into their fathers arms.
"Daddy!!!!" Layne yelled and snuggled his neck. Jack did the same and John sniffled.
"Hi little Deacon's. Where is mommy?" He asked and they turned, pointing at the door where you stood. John's heart raced as he saw what you had on.
The dress that matched his shirt, and he was wearing that shirt.
He ran over to you and gave you a kiss he'd been waiting for. He was stopped from meeting your body with his though, and looked down. He gasped at the little bump that was forming, and looked up at you with teary eyes. Jack climbed up on to Roger's lap and almost fell asleep and Layne did the same with Brian.
"John.....We're having twins. Twin girls!" You shouted and he let the tears fall as the boys clap. You pulled him close and took his hand, letting him feel his daughters kick. Freddie smiled and put his ash out.
"Name one Mercury, and the other Taylor May. Its perfect!" He said and you lauhged.
"And we matched again. A match made in heaven.
Months later you welcomed Taylor May Deacon and Mercury Dawn Deacon after. And you and John were happy being surrounded by his babies.
And thats the end of Stitches!!! I reallly loved writing this, it was fun!
@punkgeekchic @tardisgrump @plethora-of-things @borhapqueen92 @extremelypansexual @scarecrowmax @mistaandmercury @zackgba @whowaits4everanyway @annas-unicorun @deakysgirl
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squeezemylemon ยท 6 years
I made up these questions a while back for one of those tagging things, and @laylasessions tagged me to answer them myself, as well.
Thank you, love, it was so much fun to answer them! ๐Ÿ˜Šโค
1) Is Eric Clapton God?
2) Dress up in Tudor costume with Robert Plant or play '50s housewives with Janis Joplin?
Dress up in Tudor costume with Robert Plant! I love Tudor dresses, and he'd look dashing as Henry VIII. ;-)
3) Stay up all night drinking coffรฉe/tea and talking with Frank Zappa, or go to a peace conference with Bono?
Stay up all night talking with Zappa, he seemed like such a fascinating man.
4) If you could spend 24 hours with any classic rock musician, who would you spend it with andย what would you do?
Oh, this is a tough one (she said having made the question up herself...). There are several with whom I'd like to spend 24 hours.
Hmmm... well, as the mood stands today, I think I'd like to spend it with Robert Plant. I'd like to talk, cook good food, curl up on the sofa together, and above all make glorious, hot, passionate love over and over and over. (Hey! It's my fantasy day, and I can spend it however I fancy. ;-))
5) If you could travel anywhere in the world with a classic rock musician, where would you go and with who?
You know, when I made up the question, my answer was going to be either Brian May or Robert Plant, but I'm going to go with Ray Manzarek (if he was still alive). I'd love to travel to places The Doors played and hear him tell stories about the concerts.
6) Which Beatle girl would you be best friends with?
Probably Pattie Boyd, I think we'd have quite a few things in common. (No, not just our taste in men.)
7) Which classic rock musician would you want to sing/play you to sleep?
Hmmm... I've managed to narrow it down to Brian May or Eric Clapton, but I think I'll go with Clapton.
Yeah, Eric Clapton.
8) Go bicycling with Freddie Mercury or car racing with Bonzo?
Bicycling with Freddie.
9) Which rock star would you just like to slow dance with in the middle of the night to an old song, and not say a word, just dance? (I stole this question...)
When I first posted this my answer was unequivocally Brian May, but now I'm also leaning towards Robert Plant.
I'll go with my gut, though, and say Brian May. It would be heaven to dance with him and look deep into those beautiful hazel eyes.
...but then again... being held in Robert Plant's strong embrace and slow dance the night away... oooh!
10) Curl up on the sofa and watch a film with Brian May and Roger Taylor, or go dancing with David Bowie and Mick Jagger?
Oh, dear! Why do I do these things to myself??? OK, while it would be good fun to go dancing with Jagger and Bowie, it would be heaven to curl up with Bri and Rog.
11) Spend a day photographing with Pattie Boyd, or creating art with Yoko Ono?
I would think it very interesting to spend a day with Yoko Ono. However, my heart lies closer to photography, and I'd love to get to know Pattie Boyd, so I'd spend the day photographing with her.
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natromanxoff ยท 2 years
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Jackie - February 14, 1976
Via @/skip_skip_sheep on Twitter.
It was one of those icy cold, windy days when you really want to stay by the fire, and you only venture out wrapped up in layers of warm, woolly clothes.
Freddie Mercury emerged from his hotel room dressed in skimpy white satin trousers, an open-necked red velvet top and white summer clogs. If it hadn't been for a fox fur jacket which was casually slung around Freddie's shoulders, you'd have thought it was summer.
"Hello dear," he greeted me. He says "dear" a lot. It's all part of Freddie's theatrical personality.
In fact, Freddie knew about being a star long before he rose to fame with Queen. In those days, he sold second-hand clothes in London's South Kensington Market, and even then, he always stood out in the crowd! While everyone else wore ordinary denim or cotton, Freddie went about in silk, satin and velvet!
And clothes are still all important to him. In the early Queen days, all the band's stage clothes with their elaborate frills and flounces of white or black were made by Zandra Rhodes. Today, Freddie has his clothes made by a lady named Wendy, who was responsible for the Mercurial wings that were attached to the white satin jump suit he wore during the group's last British tour.
"I adore clothes," he smiled. "Always have, always will."
So it seems you'll never catch Freddie wearing denims.
"Why look ordinary, dear?" he said.
In fact, Freddie has so many clothes that his biggest problem is finding space for them all!
"I've a wardrobe," he said, "even in the entrance hall, because there just isn't enough room for them all in the bedroom!"
So at the moment Freddie is trying to find a new place to live. Queen's success has happened so quickly that so far he's had very little time to go house-hunting.
On the day we met, he told me he'd found one house, just ten miles from the centre of London.
"I'm very interested in it," he said, "but it all takes so much time, and that's something I don't seem to have much of these days."
However, he does always find time for the people who matter โ€” and that doesn't just mean his business colleagues. At Coventry, on the British tour, his sister and her husband went to the show, and Freddie could be seen engrossed in a long family conversation. And later, when a very eager, but none too tactful Queen fan wanted to talk to him, he took great pains to answer each and every question as well as he could.
ANOTHER person who matters as far as Queen are concerned is their new manager, John Reid, who of course also manages Elton John.
"I told him he needed another piano player," laughed Freddie. โ€œBut seriously, we really wanted John to manage us, and he's done a lot of good, not only to our morale, but also to our status in the music world."
But of course Queen's current popularity isn't all because of Johnthe group have had a bit to do with it too! All four members are perfectionists, and it shows in their music.
Freddie in particular is very critical of his own work โ€” a characteristic which he says is typical of his star sign, Libra. Even after playing a seemingly faultless concert he always manages to find something wrong with his own performance.
But in the recording studios, the group keep working at their songs until they've achieved perfection, as you'll know if you've heard their new album, "A Night At The Opera". Apparently, it cost ยฃ30,000 or ยฃ40.000 to produce, and was made in seven different studios!
"We wanted to use different studios for the simple reason we could get different sounds in each one," Freddie explained.
And while many bands don't even realise that different studios can give different sounds, the perfectionist in Freddie is obviously well aware of this.
APART the from Britain and America, the country where Queen are most popular is Japan. Over there, they call Freddie, "Fleddie Melculy" and the band have won just about every musician's poll ever held!
Freddie's flat is littered with Japanese dolls, and beautiful, real silk kimonos, and one of his most prized possessions is a hand painted Japanese lantern, which was a present from his bodyguard in Japan.
"I know it will sound big headed, dear," he said, "but we really are huge in Japan. And on our birthdays, they're so sweet. They send presents over for us. The way of life is so relaxing and so civilised, you just can't help but be enchanted by it all!"
Queen have also been to America several times and Freddie enjoys those visits. But he has none too happy memories of one date on their last tour.
"There was this girl," he said, "who somehow managed to find her way into our dressing room and was picking up all sorts of things and putting them into her handbag. Then she went to leave, but I managed to stop her before she got into the lift. And you wouldn't believe what she had in her handbag โ€” my jewels!"
But despite that incident, Freddie doesn't bear a grudge against America!
"Oh no, because they really do things on a splendidly large scale over there," he explained. "Concerts are arranged so well. Dressing rooms are so much bigger and better."
Recently, the band have engaged the services of a guy called Steven who acts as general consultant on health, and is also masseur for the band. Like most groups who spend their lives rushing from one place to the next, appearing on stage one night after another for months at a time, Freddie and the others have to take great care of their health.
They find that a massage not only eases the tension, but also soothes any aches and pains they might have developed. And Steven also keeps a supply of cider vinegar and honey to soothe Freddie's throat.
"So far, my voice has held out very well," he said, "but I have to take great care."
In fact, Queen had to cancel a couple of gigs in America last year when Freddie had trouble with his voice.
"I was very worried about it at the time," he admitted. "It seemed like I might have to have an operation but fortunately I've been okay since. But now realise the importance of looking after my throat, and not straining my voice."
And during the group's British tour, Steven was also responsible for removing thorns from the roses which Freddie threw out to the audience during the act!
โ€œWell," Steven said, "we can't have Freddie hurting himself, can we?"
Well, of course not!
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natromanxoff ยท 4 years
Queen live at Hammersmith Odeon in London, UK - December 3, 1975
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This fifth and final night at the Hammersmith was added due to overwhelming ticket demand. This NME clipping indicates that the fifth night hadn't been added a few days before the run.
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British journalist David Wigg first met Freddie on this tour, and they would remain lifelong friends. Considering Mercury's treatment by the press in the coming few years, the fact that he trusted Wigg to the point of conducting revealing interviews, speaking candidly about his personal life, is a testament to their friendship and trust. Wigg recalls:
"As long as I live, I'll never forget my first meeting with Freddie Mercury. Storming into his dressing room where I was waiting after a two-hour show, he picked up a clothes iron and hurled it at a full-length mirror, smashing it to pieces. Well, I thought, he's obviously not superstitious! The outburst had been sparked by a faulty microphone on stage. Although the audience were unaware anything was wrong, Freddie blew his top. When he'd calmed down, I asked if it was worth getting so wound up over a problem the public knew nothing about. 'Some people can take second best, but I can't. If you've got the taste for being number one, then number two isn't good enough,' he said, slapping me on the knee as he exploded with laughter."
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