#or i'll add a lot of random ones to queue. by a lot i mean a Lot
noxtivagus · 2 years
this question for one of my assignments is so funny ( under tags bcs.. idk it's just a screenshot but i get shy w sharing stuff like this from irl ><; )
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#🌙.rambles#thinking if i ramble abt wtvr in that tumblr spam account i'm trying to fix#what if i make a priv twt#n then that ffxiv account i made back in september has been untouched 😭#i'll make one for ffxiv here too >.> not a sideblog though a whole other account#n make a writing sideblog here.. i miss writing 🥺 maybe it'll inspire me who knows or i cld just share random notes#i'm rambling wait#^^ this question was for smth in philo idk Why okay but it's very funny to me#they know the stuff w twitter 💀#i'm so sleepy but every time i think of going to sleep my mind just reminds me of all the things i haven't done yet#that letter or those replies to friends or school or games or wtvr !!#I'M RAMBLING IT'S 7 AM I HAVE TO WAKE UP IN 3 HOURS?#shld fix my tumblr soon too.. i ramble so much to myself i don't really reach out to idk friends to say random stuff ngl#i shld sleep i need it so i can at least do more maybe tmrrw#randomly thinking of music i have so much thoughts right now i should REALLY sleep but damn#the way i listen to music is so weird.. sometimes i genuinely just listen to a song n listen to it for hours#i listen to so much songs just on repeat like. singularly. that#all my top songs for months or all time r seriously just filled w songs that i listen to repeat the most#sometimes i'll actually listen to a playlist but idk i constantly make new ones tied to my mood#or i'll add a lot of random ones to queue. by a lot i mean a Lot#i swear i told myself i'll go to sleep in a bit bcs i rlly need it but as soon as i moved a lil i just#remembered.. stuff i have to do. oh my god this is .
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velaenaa · 23 days
strawberry chocolate parfait \ nanami kento x reader (ch.1)
word count: 1.1k tags: slight slow burn, pining, romance, fluff, added as i go! setting: you are a worker at a bakery that nanami kento frequents ♡ authors note: hello ^_^ i hope you are doing wonderful! this is my first time writing for nanami. pls enjoy! chapter: 1/? <next>
Chapter 1 - Vanilla Cake
‘Does this guy need help….?’
‘He’s staring real hard at the bread…. Omg- is it ugly? Aw hell- I made that this morning…’ 
Your thoughts were cut off by the towering figure of a man, with two loaves of baguette in one hand and one container of cake, that happened to be your favorites, in the other. You smile up at him, “Will this be everything?” He gives a stiff nod, locking his eyes with yours, then you giggled; “Then.. I guess I'll bag-uette up for you..” 
No? No reaction..Damn, tough crowd.. 
He thanks you and you bid him farewell and to come back soon. You could’ve sworn he almost smiled… maybe that was a look of irritation..?
After he leaves eyesight, You make haste by sitting down behind the counter, face flushed with embarrassment and agony. It made you cringe. Why would you say that? Your coworker giggled at you, making sure to add salt to the wound, “You tried.. That’s all it matters.” she gives you a head pat and continues,  “He’s a regular here. He’s probably gonna come back in another couple of hours on his way home or something.”
“Then how come I’ve not seen him before?”
“Dunno.. He’s been away for a couple months now.” 
“What’s his name?”
“You should ask when he comes back.”
“Isn’t that weird?”
“Oh but asking some other random person, who doesn’t know him at all, by the way, isn’t weird?”
She has a point.
You looked down at your phone and idly texted your friend Nobara about your day and fashion related topics. 
You met when Nobara came down to the bakery to get some pastries for her boyfriend. You hit it off right away due to shared interests, albeit you being 7 years older. Nobara enjoyed having an older sister with an affinity for style, love for shopping, and interest in all the cool girl stuff that Maki wouldn’t normally talk to her about. 
Right now you two are discussing weekend plans. Nobara and her boyfriend Yuji, along with Megumi, and their teacher Gojo were going to a karaoke room cause it had been a while since Gojo had gone out with his students. He was stuck on oversea assignments for the past couple of weeks and he dearly misses them, or so he says. As always, you had been invited and of course you said yes! 
You are very fond of the kids and Gojo. The 3 of them reminded you of your siblings back home, and well- Gojo is Gojo. Plus, if you had declined, Gojo would pester you non-stop. 
After a mini rush, you sit  down, tired, ready to bite down into your sandwich, when on queue, the door swings open, revealing the tall blonde man, taking his glasses off as his eyes pierce you again. You wave at him and he just nods. You get a bag ready as the man collects another slice of the same cake he had bought earlier. He also got another dessert, this time, a small vanilla custard tart w/ fruits on top, made by yours truly. He comes up to the counter, and you stiffen up  in shyness, “Is this everything for you?”
The man looked tired, but he let out a soft, yet stern ‘yes.’
As you rang up his order you looked back up to him, your lips curling into a small grin, “How was work?” This caught them both off guard, “Oh- I didn’t- I didn’t mean to assume-” I mean.. Unless this guy enjoys walking around in a whole business suit for funsies.
He actually lets out a chuckle, “It’s okay. It was a busy day.” 
You both stayed silent for a second before he asked in return, “How was your day, miss?” This made you feel warm and your smile only got bigger, “It was wonderful! I got to serve a lot of customers. They bought their kids in. It was so fun.”
‘And cause you came into the shop twice.’
“Ah sorry.. I’m trailing. I didn’t mean to ramble- you must be dying to get home.”
‘No, I could get used to listening to you.’  is what he wanted to say;
Instead he lets out a relieved sigh, “It’s alright. I’m glad you had a good day today.” This caused your cheeks to tint red. Dying from embarrassment because you just knew that your coworkers were listening in, she redirects the topic, and points at the cake, “Do you like those?” He nods again, “They’re the best I’ve ever had. Compliment the baker for me.” Oh your heart, you could hear it beating so hard from your chest. 
You do a mental fist pump before clapping your hands with glee, “Oh I’m so glad you liked them!” You go around the counter and grab another slice just for him. You stared up at him in absolute awe, because behind the counter was elevated by at least a foot. 
This man was tall, as hell. 
He just looks down at you eyeing your move. You push the cake towards him even harder, “This one is on the house!” He tilts his head in question. You double down and nod your head, affirming the choice. He grabs hold of the cake with one hand, “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
‘Ask for her name Nanami’ He repeats to himself in his head
“What is your name?” She beats him to the punch. 
‘Have you lost your touch?’-- “Nanami”
“I really like your name. It’s beautiful! My name is Y/N.”
‘Y/N, huh.. What a nice name..’
You give him his bag as he recollects his thoughts, “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve got to get going. Work” You shoot him one last smile before waving him off, “Thank you for coming! It was nice to meet you! Don’t work too hard!”
An hour goes by and it's time for the bakery to close for the night. You turn the lights off as the ladies load up the delivery car with food that wasn’t sold for the day so they could give it to the local kitchens and homeless shelters. You bid your coworkers farewell before hopping into your car and collecting yourself, before driving home.
After you get home you jump into bed, eager to text Nobara. 
[Txt]  Y/N - “I met such a cute guy today!”
A second later there’s an audio msg from her of Gojo;
[Voice Recording] “Wahh?! Y/N I wasn’t there today!”  in a whiny bit.
You laugh as Nobara actually sends a text;
[Txt] Nobara - “Tell me all about it when you come to karaoke… matter of fact, he should come!”
But you just met.. How are you going to pull that off… and will he even want to go is the better question… what if he thinks you’re weird … oh lord… so many overthinking possibilities.. Ok but what if he actually says yes?
[Txt] Y/N- “Are you sure?”
[Txt] Nobara  - “Yeah! Gojo-sensei is paying anyway.”
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manonamora-if · 4 months
June Check-In
My time as a benevolent tropical dictator has ended... time for some resource management retirement.
Bouncing for the summer. ✌️ I may or may not be online during that time. I'm not going in too much details, because it is IRL stuff that doesn't involve just me. I should still have some free time, but not as much as now. You may (probably will) catch random drops on itch.
Onto the usual index:
Recap of last month’s progress
Plan for the next month
The mega to-do-list tm that hasn't really changed.
Still long post under the break. If you want a mini version, head on over to itch.io as usual!
May Progress
Pulling out THE LIST from last month and checking the progress:
Play more games ✅
It's always a check because... there's always a jam we're doing with the @neointeractives, so there's always something to play. Anyways... this month fed be real good. Between the SpringThing (still not done reviewing), the Text Adventure Literacy Jam (have to queue my reviews - I placed third!!), the Dialogue Jam (you can read my thoughts here), the Locus Jam (lookie here), and the REALLY BAD IF jam (it's going to take me a while still)... there was a lot! But also a lot of fun!it also, unfortunately, gave me way too many new ideas...
Oh. It's also been one full year since I started writing reviews! And I've reached the 2nd spot on the IFDB ranking! Over 500 reviews to get there...
Code Chapter 6/Endings❌
MelS is still working on those, chipping away at the pages bit by bit, trying make that last chapter the best final chapter possible. But there are a lot of pages to go through... he's doing his best!
Fixing an older games. ❌
I mean, I bug-fixed my TALP entry, but I don't think that count (and there's some more stuff I could edit too). I've been too busy/all over the place to sit down and go back at it.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP✅❌
Well, yes and no. I've been revisiting Exquisite Cadaver in the hope of finishing it for real (but I got distracted...), and re-reading it... I've CRINGED SO HARD AT THE WRITING. Like :/ it's so not great.
So before we can make substantial progress in the missing rounds, I will:
re-write the already coded rounds (and fix the insane amount of typos
re-code them (duh)
edit the Interface (the template is a bit all over the place)
fix some other code
other stuff I'm forgetting for sure.
The prologue is completely done, and I've started on the rounds. I think I'll update the game when the re-writes are done. Then do an Interface/code uphaul. Then add more rounds (or switch 1 and 2).
I'm trying to keep this for this summer. That would be good. I think I could even finish it (knock on wood and what not).
What else happened this month????
Well, the organisation of the Locus Jam and the REALLY BAD IF, and setting up Neo-Twiny once again (@neo-twiny-jam). That's... a lot more work than just pressing some buttons 😅
On the writing side, I've written a novel as a Post-Mortem for Jeangille. You can find it here.
More writing... Well, I've mentioned being distracted a few times already this month? That's because... I've gone a bit overboard with tiny stuff. Here's what you may have missed:
the 500 rooms game (RBIF - Inform)
Tomato Tomato (RBVN/bitsy jam - binksi - will be made better)
Cloak of Darkness (porting to multiple IF programs -> source code included to see how an engine works)
So hum... yeah. Not super great on the plan. The more I push it, the less I manage... But also I made fun stuff so...
Maybe on really cool thing coming out of this month is... GETTING THIRD PLACE FOR Lysidice and the Minotaur! With a strong average of 4!!! Which is SO MUCH BETTER THAN LAST YEAR!!!
The PLANtm for June
I won't have Tropico or most of my Steam Library to distract me in the next month. I actually will have a lot of IRL stuff to deal with. Aside from dealing with the Neo-Twiny Jam and Anti-Romance Jam organisation, you will probably not hear much from me.
Still, during down time, I would try to:
Play more games: I need to finish my RBIF thread, and start the Neo-Twiny one (if it's like last year, better start early!). And finish the reviews to the previous comps too.
Code Chapter 6/Endings: Still on MelS. Though I still could do some stuff... I've been putting it off since he's not made as much progress as we'd hoped.
Fixing an older games. Well, I'm re-writing Exquisite Cadaver, if I manage that and the Interface, that goal will be filled. Or the Tomato Tomato one.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP. And if I could manage to write one more game round for EC, we'll be golden!
Let's have a boring month! For realsies.
I'm also planning on just... logging off from the internet for long periods of time (the IRL stuff).
The 2024 To-Do List:
And now we're back at the start... SIGH
The hopefully maybe easy to handle To-Do:
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match (waiting for Adventuron to get the French language)
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (giving up on the translation)
fixing the interface of LPM and the popups + check animal interactions
figure out the One-Button JavaScrip/jQuery issue...
edit the loading screens of the completed tiny games to include the program/format logo at least.
The 'Need a Bunch of Content to update but it's planned!' To-Do:
Update my website (bunch new title - also I don't think the logo clicky thing work...) + redo my itch page (un-stricking cause I need to update it)
Finish TTATEH (MelS dependent)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (half-way mark by this summer - manif)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (main path at least)
Update CRWL (it's been almost two years... I'm ashamed)
The Unlikely But it Would be Dope To-Do
Finish The Dinner as it was planned (and translate)
Finish In the Blink of an Eye as it was planned (and retranslate)
Finish The Rye in the Dark City
Fixing TTTT (at least fixing, maybe try adding some storylets)
And finally The 'It's impossible, but one can wish' TO-DO:
Remaster SPS IH (if I managed to start this after completing the rest... I'm going to eat a whole sheet cake).
Start the IFComp project (2025? Might end up being a ST?)
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mythvoiced · 7 months
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NAME?: Len, Lena, Lenlen, anything with that you can think of~
PRONOUNS?: any~ saw Winter on dash go 'agender hoes rise up' so this is me rising up--
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: primarily discord, IMs and I have just... we never hit it off, and with the way the notification thing keeps glitching-- i'll keep the chat open in that circle to not forget to reply, but i'll never know when something new comes in bc the notification disappears if you have the bubble thing there, which means if i do reply it takes me so long to realize i've been replied back-- BUT i mean ofc hit me up on IMs if you don't have my discy i will try to be THERE
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Celebrity Verse Hyun oH HECK'S yeah, though i have to admit i don't have a lot of... muse muse per se, i could write just about anyone i guess, but no one's burning with activity/to be written
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: gosh, my first mumu i opened back in january 2016, before that though i'd been rping already on other blogs... 2015-16? online at the very least, i remember i was rping on paper back in middle school before even knowing what it was lmao
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I HAVE to second Ferre, the group plots we got going on right now are basically single-handedly keeping me FIRED UP to write~ but if i may be lovey dovey, my best experience is just overall right now, or most of 2023, the moots i'm surrounded by, the way i'm gradually letting go more and more of insecurities and anxieties, i'm calming down and just... being blessed by superb writing & ideas~
RP PET PEEVES?: gosh, i don't know~? i do believe if i stumbled upon them, there'd be a few out there in the great big blue, but lately i've been having such a good dash and environment, i kind of forgOT FDKLGHLF i'll add it if i can think of anything at some point
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: same as Ferre~ i'm in it for the character development, for the vibes, for the growth, for poking and prodding at psyches and morals and hearts, or just to figure out how people interact, i love just... the very concept of interaction itself~ i do angst >:3333 i do fluff :33 but i mostly do?? i have no idea how to describe it lmao but i don't do smut, i don't know how to and feel weird about it ♥
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'M A CRIMINAL, I JUST KEEP STEALING FERRE'S ANSWERS BC SAME?? LKDSGJFLHG lately I've realized I do enjoy plotting more >:3 i used to be a pretty wing it kinda guy mostly because plotting translated to serious commitment in my head? and the mere thought of that was scawwy and exhausting, it felt like i was suddenly Planning and Strategizing in a work environment oh god, BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT PLOTTING IS TURNS OUT FDKLLLLLLLGH i had it all wrong~ it doesn't have to feel like business emails, it SHOULDN'T, it can be random ideas thrown back and forth and i absolutely adore that, i've been enjoying a fair amount of plotting lately >:3 and have ONLY BEEN WINNING~ that being said, memes are perfect for lil spin-off/filler episodes of ongoing dynamics, but especially good for ice-breakers (if we never interacted before, hmu~)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: longer, i simply don't shut up~ i can do shorter, but they tend to lengthen naturally with time; i try to match my partner above all else, but there's always something i just... can't keep out of the damn text~ there are certain muses, though, that demand less text, characters like Diana are very curt and cut-off and it reflects in her threads and all that-- SO, before i completely derail, i go for long replies usually, but i can flex my flexing bones and do short too~
TIME TO WRITE?: GOSH, f*ck if i know at this point. it used to be in the evening, now it's just... whenever i have time & energy~ i don't work consistent regular hours, so there's no clearly defined work hours and leisure hours, so sometimes evenings, somethings mornings, sometimes weekdays, sometimes weekends, usually not afternoons, i do try to keep a queue going though so hehehe~ don't worry~
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: maybe...? i don't know anymore-- KLDSJGLKGF realistically speaking, probably? at least some of them, mostly because the saying goes you put a bit of yourself in every character you create, i would also say because i have Too Many Muses so statistically i'm probably in there somewhere~
tagged by: their royal MIGHTINESS @stillresolved tagging: @theimpalpable @crue1 @usuhan @fablewrote @riiese @repetiita @voxvulgi @heirofhermes @sw4nsongs & YOU
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thedarkmistress16 · 2 years
If you do reblog from other people, do you recommend it? Is there a system? how would you organize what posts are your own art?
Kinda depends on how you want your blog to be/look. Some reblog posts without any add. commentary attached, use a simple tag, or write essays or actively engage in discussions. So it depends on the blog itself, really, and what the intent is: is it just for reblogs? do you plan on writing your own posts? Is this a q&a blog? art only? submissions? are you being a troll, a fictional character/rp or yourself? Completely random or organized? So if you want a specific and consistent theme/aesthetic/niche, you can always start up a side blog if you wanna keep your main as is (if you already have one). In regards to recommending reblogs, which I do, I would recommend it on the basis that it's the main feature of tumblr apart from asks and submissions and the archive. And I would especially encourage it so if people follow you, they'll see your reblogs on their homepage (from my understanding). It also helps boost posts or blogs you want to support in the algorithm for others to see and helps you connect with others. What I don't really recommend when it comes to reblogs is constantly reblogging your own posts- it's not my preference (I personally think it clutters blogs and makes scrolling through them more tedious when the same thing keeps coming up with a slight variation each time- that really only works for unintended humor for me) and I think tumblr blaze is that function of promoting your own posts now? I made up my own tagging system as of late that I'm in the process of overhauling now since I'm actually a lot more active now. I'll schedule that post the day after this ask is released so you can see what I mean! Anyway, there's only a system if you make one for your blog. there are a lot of common tags like "#mine," "#my art," "#not mine," etc. that you can utilize. I went the route of trying to find tags that are exclusive to my blog and/or are not as popular, which many users do "#insert something about the queue here" or "#(insert blog's name here) art." But basically, I sort my art from my writing and from my non-art/non-shitpost posts. I have the occasional generic ones like "#callout post to me" as well, but I tend to be specific in my categories and tags and that's why I have "my posts," "art," and "writing" post tags rather than an all-encompassing "mine" tag for every post.
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