#or ichigo can until he can do it himself again
deivorous · 1 year
thinking about grimm and religion this morning and honestly making myself a little sad.
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rene-darling · 10 months
Your little darling insisting he can be on top of you! It's true! He doesn't need your help getting himself off! He can do it by himself, so you lay down letting him sit his naked self on top of you, giving him a fake sense of control, he's on top of you right, that means he has control!...oh how wrong he was. Your hands rested on his hips moving them back and forward with an unrelenting pace, rutting him against you, he's too tired after coming all over you again and again! He falls on top of you but you don't relent. You continue to move his hips forward and backward again and again until he's moaning, sobbing, screaming as well cursing into your ear whining about how his dick hurts from cuming too much yet he still bucks his hips as you rut him against you.
Scaramouche, xiao, itto, kazuha, Lucas (wmmap), ranpo, blade, ichigo, Gepard, Armin, yuno, Asta, nacht
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
today i'm just wrangling all my weird loose ends and crackpot theories. Stuff that doesn't actually have enough evidence to support it, or that I just personally headcanon or that just doesnt go anywhere or come back again often enough to really derive any meaning or implications from. stuff i can't really justify making individual posts on, so im making a post about how unpostable they are collectively
warning: long, also warning: nonsense
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So we know Bleach operates on a loose variation of the Buddhist samsara/rinne, the wheel of reincarnation, in which souls cycle through many lives in different forms, experiences hardships in life and the pain of loss and death continuously until/unless they can achieve enlightenment, as the first Buddha did, and in doing so escape the cycle of death and rebirth, ascending to a higher state of being in which life and death no longer apply. In traditional art of Buddhist cosmology this is represented by the Buddha being present off to one corner, literally physically outside the elaborate illustration of the wheel and its many facets(itself encompassed by the demon mara). This Buddha role is the figure the Spirit King occupies in the hierarchy of the Bleach cosmology, but there are a few little orbital details that are clearly related to that role, but as I stated in the preface to all this, never really go anywhere....
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So there's this thing in Hinduism and by some association Buddhism (although it plays more into Hinduism's actual faith in the mythology of their gods, where as a lot of Buddhism may still invoke the divine but ultimately is about undermining and escaping the authority of said cosmological structure) called the Hiranygagarbha[हिरण्यगर्भः] "The Golden Womb"/"Golden Egg," or "Universal Womb"/"Primeval Womb," and is associated with various gods described as Svayambhu[स्वयम्भू] "Self Born," many of which are some variation on a/the creation god --effectively it's just the explanation that while everything comes from something, the original something had to have come from nothing, or else there's just an infinite number of questions that theologians would be forced to come up with infinite answers for.
But it posits that while something may have come from nothing, that something still had to follow certain understood notions of cause and effect, like incubation and birth. Ergo the creator god didn't just blink into existence fully formed, he was "born" from the nothing and as the first and initially only thing to exist he birthed himself. In these myths he is frequently described as initially existing either "beyond" or without senses --obviously the without senses bit mirror's YHWACH's origin, but to exist not without a capacity to see, hear, feel, etc... but in a place or state in which those senses cannot perceive also echo's Aizen's rambling about power levels as he rapidly ascends toward godhood before being beaten surpassed by Ichigo.
But beyond creation myths the Golden Egg is evoked in some elements of meditation in which each person, in their innate capacity for enlightenment and this divinity, has within them their own egg, and to retreat into that egg and explore the potential to self actualized as a mental act of birthing an ideal self, has overt parallels with Bleach's use of an inner world in which the zanpakutou spirit, a reflection of the self and of a potential for power, dwells.
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Incidentally the egg also facilitates the creation of the world itself, one half of the discarded shell from the god's birth becoming the realm of the material and the other half becoming the realm of the celestial, and as per some rants I've been on before, between it and some questions about how zanpakutou really work, it reminds me very distinctly of a few other anime/manga where a god spirit's aura or range of influence, for which a lesser spirit's would normally sustain a single person, encompasses a domain in which the totality of other people's existences reside.
In addition the egg itself, a concept called Purusha that is at times a god and at times a concept, is in some myth the creator god in question in relation to the Golden Egg, born from said egg, and then thru their dismemberment by other gods, the world is molded. So obviously some pretty overt, if superficial similarities with the Spirit Kings lack of limbs and, yeah sure if we want to acknowledge it, the LN's feeble additions to lore.
But as a concept it represents self-awareness in the idea that there is a kind of Platonic ideal of the perfect awareness of everything that is in its definitive and empirical state that has become unknowable by the division of that primordial self-awareness, but which exists in fragments in all living things.
The quartering of the body is also the basis of the 4 castes in traditional Indian society; although that dismemberment is not specific to two legs and two arms like the Spirit King's.
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But speaking of the spirit king's body parts, there's a neat thing going on with the design of his eyes that got weirdly ditched... In his original appearance the 4 solid black pupils were shown in top-bottom, and left-right orientation, but once he showed up again later, Kubo switched to a 4 corners sort of thing instead. At the time there was no Allmighty reveal and thus no established power of all-seeing yet, but in the eventual context of The Almighty and it manifesting in YWHACH's increased pupil count from 1 to 2 to 3, it becomes apparent that should he reach full potential he would have the same eyes as the Spirit King.
But then what capacity for all-seeing powers has the Spirit King really shown? Well, not a lot in practice, although YHWACH addresses the Spirit King as one who had at one point seen the future. But notably the original design, which had been scrapped and pushed entirely out of mind by the time any of these new contextual details were actually being written in, actually does seem to imply some faculty of all-sight in the Spirit King: The Gotei 13. Their insignia frame, which we typically see with a captain's associated squad number, is shown during an explanation of the Shihouin's Onmitsukidou, is its own symbol even without any numbers. And the insignia appears to be a stylized depiction of the Spirit King's all-seeing eye. Is the insignia itself some kind of magic sigil or artifact, or simply symbolic of a role the Gotei plays? Who can say.
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Let's circle back to the Golden Egg though, because the anime changed its color to blue, almost matching the color and style of the generic Quincy spirit bows/arrows. But I personally always instinctively assumed it was a kind of golden hue; something the digital colorist clearly thought as well, which was gratifying. But I also assumed the coloration was something that matched a number of other things, and with very distinct meaning: Orihime's shields, Hacchi's barriers, and the Menos Grande's Negación beams. Before the Spirit King's crystal was even an issue to deal with, there was already a very conspicuous link,
Orihime and Hacchi have the same powers of Event Rejection
Hacchi's Rejection barriers stem from his Visored powers
Hacchi's barriers thus appear to be a more refined Negación
Orihime's powers are said to tread on the authority of God
With those implications in place, it seemed evident that part of the reason for the Spirit King's inertness and imprisonment in the stasis crystal was that thru some divine power, be it his own or someone else's, the crystal exists to reject events happen around/to him to preserve him in a particular state. And since we know it didn't seem to protect him from bodily harm, there would implicitly be a more important and perhaps abstract thing in mind being actively undone.
This in turn would have provided an adequate excuse for Orihime being unable to reject the crystal being broken, and the Spirit King's injuries within it, because as we learned from Hacchi; she has to understand what she's rejecting, and those powers are most potent when aimed at the abstract (an event) and not an object (an injury). For her to reject a rejection would mean understanding the nested abstract events taking place, which frankly no one was ever brought up to speed on, whether we're talking my theories here or the actual canon of the manga. This I would have found much more acceptable than Kubo falling back on "Important character too strong, implicit functions of established powers don't work on him." Which is a bad habit Kubo has just in general; he never actually thinks out the implications of how world building on the plot he's writing, he just muscles thru it by making up new excuses, rather than going back into what he's already established to find interesting ways for preexisting abilities or factoids to interact. He very consistently fails to "yes, and..." himself.
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Anyway...There's also a little followup on my persistent rambling about the nature of hollows and of the elusive Vastolorde. Until the revival one-shot just a few years ago, it was easy to forget about Hell in Bleach considering it never really came into play. But there was one interesting point made that hollows who have sinned in life go the hell, while the others are purified. Most hollows implicitly are just spirits of the dead overcome by powerful emotions, but their monstrous qualities aren't considered a sin, they're an animal-like instinct. And this is addressed only barely by Zommari's indignant rant against the moral authority of the Shinigami; that the natural way if things is to let hollows exist, but the shinigami invented the morality and ethics of "protecting" humans from hollows, and "purifying" hollows with zanpakutou. And we know from the example of someone like Nel that the Arrancar process returns a kind of human intelligence and morality to a Hollow, even across the process of individual spirits becoming hollows, amassing into colony minded Gillians, and then reemerging unique personalities as Adjuchas.
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I still maintain the real/sensible trajectory of the Nel plot should have been that she was a Vastolorde, that Nnoitra was sent to hunt Vastolorde, but threatened by her and infuriated by her power tempered with human morality, was beat and spared but took a cheap shot to break her mask, effectively forcing her into being a mock-arrancar, like Isshin and Urahara discussed, and so Nnoitra reported back negative results on the hunt to guard his own position in the Espada. But in the face of being unable to find enough surviving Vastolorde, Aizen's plan would be to take existing mock-arrancar and have Orihime reject the event of their mask removal, so that he can remove it via the Hougyoku. In this way I think Nel could have had her generic hot-girl-ification in a more sensible and satisfying way than magic cloud of smoke de-baby-fication. I think it also would have made for a cool reveal for Orihime's uniquely abstract event rejection --as opposed to time reversal-- to mean that although the process of her transformation would be undone, her experiences post break would not, thus she'd still remember Ichigo and be able to turn on Aizen and join the goodguys accordingly.
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Anyway, even without all that, Nel and her goofballs, and to a lesser extent Starrk and even Ulquiorra, and sort of Harribel, all prove that the Arrancar are capable of a pretty normal moral spectrum and aren't in fact just evil or monsters all the way down. In fact, it was always kind of present since Sora's chapter way back in the beginning. In fact, Sora was the first Hollow to be drawn with the now iconic double mouth, the prior two were just monsters. Sora however showed his human mouth behind the mask, and that was a feature that would carry forward from there. In fact, at the end of chapter 25 there is also the original arrancar hook, where we see Aisslinger perform surgery on GrandFisher. But while the main event is the removal of the mask, there's also the bodily surgery taking place that suggests that what would later be identified as the mock-arrancar process involves digging the humanoid back out from under not only the mask but the hollow's inhuman, bestial body as well.
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This is in turn echoed when we see Wonderweiss born as an arrancar in a much cleaner process, but one not dissimilar to Grandfisher's; his wrapped hollow form, while generally humanoid --and thus implicitly a Vastolorde-- also clearly includes some large protrusions that are stripped away along with the majority of his mask. And as Uryuu relates from Urahara's briefings, the more human form also means more human intelligence. Along with the apparent moral fiber of the matter it really seems like when a hollow gets more human, it gets more human in almost all respects. (ignore that harribel bit in the image there, we'll come back to it...)
So what happens when they get the most human?
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I've also gone over my whole thing before that the Nelgal Ruins seemed like the natural evolution of the architecture of the menos grande, lending yet another level of humanity to the hollows: society. More over, my crackpot headcanon that in the human development of the Vastolorde they discovered religion, and comprised the first cult of YHWCH. Of note in this random line of thought is that fact that Lille Barro is considered to be the first Sternritter given a schrift. It's not clear if that means that the sternritter we know are considered contemporaries (even ignoring the confusing timeline of Juugram and Bazz-B's whole flashback) and among them Lille is the first among them, or if there have been prior generations of sternritter and Lille is as survivor of some batch of sternritter long predating the current recruiting push.
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But there is the question of if Lille is an arrancar or not. He somewhat conspicuously speaks Spanish, although the Sternritter do have a loosely international shtick going on in their roster. But he also has a lot of design notes in common with Starrk, although it's super unclear if that's applicable to in world logic, or just a pattern in Kubo's art. The biggest hiccup in this would perhaps be that he has no signs of a mask fragment, but then the same went for Luders Friegen. Notably Asguiro Ebern still had a mask and Luders made a point to speak down to him. While we never got any clarification on that, I think it seemed like the superiority complex came from being less arrancar-like. And I wonder if there wasn't a process by which the Wandenreich were removing mask fragments in their entirety, resulting in a kind of forced and imperfect humanization process, but from which highly humanoid and thus Quincy-fiable arrancar could be produced.
And while the shot of Harribel was obviously just fanservicey battle damage, I like to think that the plan was to convert her, and that she was in the process of having her bone armor components stripped off, not unlike the process Grandfisher and Wonderweiss underwent: it resembles Wonderweiss' in posture, but Grandfisher's in bloody tortuous overtone.
Primitive Arrancar, without the ability to gain shinigami-like powers via the hougyoku, stripped of their masks might theoretically regain human intelligence, but would lose their masks and sense of self with no way of storing it in a sword let alone being able to retrieve it. What better subjects to manipulate with the promise of a discovery of self and of identity; drink of YWHACH's blood and receive the sense of self you lack. Something to fill that hole in your heart.
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Then there's the thing I mentioned earlier about how there's some interesting implications about what it means to throw a bunch of spirits together into one superdense thing. And it turns out a lot of them seem to be pretty similar...
You throw shinigami souls together to make white, who is himself like an asauchi.
You throw i guess also shinigami(?) "something similar" together to get asauchi according to Oh-etsu
You throw powerful human spirits together and get the King's Key.
You throw hollows together and get a menosgrande
and if we care to dip a toe into the LN (which normally I would hesitate to do) we have at least one other zanpakutou, besides White, explicitly crafted from a menosgrande
and when the miracle baby reclaims quincy spirit power you get YWHACH
My supposition then is that the reason Vastolorde were so rare, and explicitly in hiding from Aizen, was that in the first place hunting menos is how the asauchi are created. The very first time we see a Gillian, Rukia even comments that it's the Royal Guard's job to take care of them, not regular shinigami. As the power scale of the series naturally escalates that begins to feel silly, but what if that's not because only the Royal Guard can defeat them, but because the Royal Guard and Oh-etsu in particular are uniquely suited to hunt/harvest them so they can be turned into new asauchi.
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And in a way, if the Spirit King is indeed locked in a meditative state in his golden egg, if indeed the god sleeps in the egg, and the egg is the center of the world, and the world is the egg. If the world itself is the Spirit King's inner world, his bankai manifesting the internal as reality, then what is YHWACH if not the Spirit King's sword spirit? In the same way YHWACH is already a part of zangetsu within Ichigo. A reflection of the self, however dark, convinced that godhood is not in the Spirit King's best interest and determined to tear him from that throne? Is that not exactly what the fused Zangetsu tried to do in stopping Ichigo from learning the final getsuga and fighting Aizen? What is YHWACH's war on soul society but the struggle between two mirrored entities over who gets to stand at the top and who has to crawl around in the shadows?
What is the difference between a king and his horse?
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greyskyflowers · 5 months
I continue to look for an AU fic where Ichigo dies and no one can find him anywhere in soul society for years. To the point that they start to think maybe he just went into the reincarnation cycle already.
Eventually the Rukongai has some type of issue and a few of the shinigami are sent out to follow up on it. While responding to it they happen upon a small, nervous child.
One of the younger and newer shinigami tries to get some information out of her or what she may have seen, they wouldn't have hurt her, but they move too quick and she jerks back. They don't even have time to apologize before a boy is standing in front of her and scowling.
He's so small. All protective fury and barely contained fear tucked into too thin limbs and dusty, bruised skin. His hair is bright, even under all the dirt.
His little chin wobbles but he still holds it up to look them in the eyes, and there are tears welling up but he blinks them away. His legs don't shake the whole time though.
There's no memory or recognition in his eyes when he looks at those who knew him.
Because everyone would spoil the hell out of him, I need the Visored and Kisuke spoiling the hell out of him.
This time he can grow up slower and with more love and support than he knows what to do with.
This time when he learns to raise a blade it won't be because he has too. Maybe this time he decides to use his hands for healing or focus on strategy.
And any blood shed will be under their watchful eyes, in training or the small accidents children always get into, instead of life or death battles.
Ichigo is always going to be a protector at his core and he'll always be the first one in and the last one out.
They can make sure he's not alone though, that the burden isn't solely on him and that he's not just a power piece in everyone's plans.
This time the protector gets to be protected.
And maybe some day they'll tell him that the hero in the stories they tell him are actually him.
Ichigo asking to hold hands with Kensei and okay, how is Kensei suppose to say no to those big eyes? He can't. Ichigo holding up his hand and wiggling his fingers until Kensei takes it. Shūhei letting Ichigo cling to his leg and sit with him while doing paperwork, and Mashiro carriing him on her back and zooming around.
The 11th division making off with him and everyone's low key concerned at first because it's the 11th but they shouldn't have worried. They all spar with Ichigo and it's easy to see how happy he is when they carefully knock him over and then help him up before going over how to better his stance or block a hit. They howl and yell in support when he gets a hit in and he proudly shows off the hard earned scrapes and bruises.
Renji carrying him around on his shoulder and grinning at small fingers that tangle in his hair and pull a little too hard when excited. Rukia spending hours drawing with him and they stick their art up everywhere they can get away with it. They put up multiple in Byakuya's office and he doesn't acknowledge anyone who dares asks about taking them down.
Yoruichi napping with Ichigo and purring when he uses her a pillow or even letting him wrap his arms around her like a stuffed animal. She's known to smack out a paw at anyone who tries waking him up or moving him.
Kisuke and Ichigo staring at each other for 10 minutes when they first meet again, before Ichigo seems to find whatever he was looking for and gives a shy smile. Kisuke is absolutely gone, surprisedrelievedhappysohappy and protectprotectprotect burning in his chest.
Shunsui and Ichigo sitting together and enjoying nice afternoons. Both have little ceramic cups, Ichigo's has little berries painted on it that he had proudly done himself. No one mentions it was because of Lisa's wrath when she saw Shunsui giving Ichigo a sake cup of water. Now it's clearly marked and usually contains a bright, clearly not sake, colored juice.
Hiyori teasing him like a big sister and smacking him with her sandal when he does something reckless. They play pranks on Kisuke and Shinji frequently.
Kūkaku and Ganju occasionally stealing Ichigo and smothering him with the affection they were never able to give him before. They tell him about their clan without mentioning or hinting at the relation. Ichigo listening in excitement and saying he wished he had a family like that, not knowing why that makes them both look so happy but also so sad.
Shinji being one of Ichigo's favorites because he speaks to Ichigo like an adult. He tells him the truth when he asks questions and always helps him get back on his feet when he's been knocked off them. He lets Ichigo play with his hair and he always scares away any monsters that might be hiding behind shady corners and under dark steps. Sometimes he watches Ichigo with a weird look on his face, something between the way Kūkaku looks at him and Kisuke looks at him. Almost guilty... sorrowful. Grief is so heavy. When Ichigo asks about it, Shinji doesn't give an answer. It's one of the only times he feels like Shinji is hiding something from him.
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brittscafe · 10 months
Hiii can you do headcanons for Mayuri falling in love with a childhood friend
ahhh yesss! I think Mayuri is such a complex and interesting character which is why I love writing about him :)
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You both were friends at a young age as you lived outside the walls of soul society.
Once Mayuri and you became very close, he disappeared one day leaving you.
It comes to Mayuri as a shock when you come into the soul society as one of Ichigo's friends trying to rescue Rukia from her execution decades later.
Of course, he's got a watchful eye on you as you run throughout the maze of the soul society.
He sits in his lab and watches you day by day.
Unknown to you, he's been coming to your aide as you go through obstacles and unfriendly soul reapers.
You end up in the 12th division barracks and you're surrounded by the members of the Research and Development Institute.
Mayuri easily senses your presence and rushes his way to the front.
Once Mayuri steps inside the room and you lock eyes, your heart drops.
You instantly recognize the boy behind all the face paint and makeup caked onto his face.
The members of the 12th squad seem to disappear as they realize that you're not a threat.
Mayuri and you stand perfectly still, hearts ramming as you gaze into each other's eyes.
"I like the new look. Mad scientist?" you speak up, gulping and swallowing your anxiety.
"Yeah. That's what I was going for," Mayuri replies shyly.
"I remember. That's what you wanted to be...a scientist. I guess you got your dream, huh?" you comment, stepping forward.
Although, you were curious. What happened to him? What happened to the electric blue hair and golden hues of his eyes?
What happened to the innocent little boy you used to know?
You immediately throw your arms around him and squeeze him tightly.
"W-what are you doing?" Mayuri stutters out, unsure what to do with his hands.
His emotions come flooding in, emotions that he hasn't felt since he last saw you.
"I never thought I would see you again," you comment, a smile tugging on your face.
Mayuri's mouth gapes open and he nods his head.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles out, lowering his head with shame.
You furrow your eyebrows as you're confused with his words until he reaches out.
You gasp loudly as his fingernail strikes you in the chest and your body rattles.
You glance down at the long fingernail extending into your chest and your eyelids start to become heavy.
Mayuri didn't know what to do, but he knew that you couldn't be here.
Once you wake up, you find yourself in a jail cell with Mayuri standing outside and watching you.
This time, he looks like himself. No makeup or face paint on him.
He spends hour apologizing to you about how much he's changed as a person and you couldn't even recognize him anymore.
Tears are gleaming in your eyes and you shake your head.
"I still recognize the same boy I knew all those years ago," you speak softly and his eyes widen.
Mayuri goes against his morals and decides to let you out and even helps you save Rukia.
After Aizen betrays the soul society, Yamamoto decides to let you stay and help the soul reapers.
As you and Mayuri grow closer and closer as you work together in his lab, you consume Mayuri's days.
Soft touches are shared and laughter lingers in the air.
It becomes very obvious to everyone in the soul society that Mayuri is head over heels in love with you.
Mayuri isn't very good at expressing his feelings so he decides to use his actions.
You're both working a late night in the lab and Mayuri pulls your chair over to his, pressing his lips against yours.
A soft 'I love you' was said between you two as you pull way from the kiss.
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
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  “Strength Training”
¶Pairing: Ichigo x Reader x White Ichigo:
¶Synopsis: Ichigo is known to be a little brass, but still very controlled. But sometimes, he just wants to let loose, he wants to see how far he can really go. Ichigo doesn’t know is own strength, but he’s very excited to experiment on you.
¶Tags: Overstimulation, Rough Sex, Biting, Marking, Overall Possessiveness, Mating Press, Hollow..sex?
Kinktober Masterlist
You know that Ichigo hasnt been around anyone weaker than you in a very very long time. And he doesnt mean to say that like its bad thing. Everyone around him is practically immortal.  Honestly, every time he talks about how "weak" you are, his get a tad darker. But its gone in a blink and you are confused if you even saw it. You even think you saw a tinge of yellow briefly. But you tried not to really think about it. 
But that was just poor foresight on your part. 
Because its so easy to forget how strong ichigo is. How he just..picks you up and softly manhandles you if you just happen to be in his way. Makes your thighs squeeze together so tightly when he picks you up by the waist and helps you grab that thing from the top shelf. He does it so often that he'll do it instinctively. Even around others. And will always have the audacity to blush and tell Renji to shut up when he teases him about it. 
One time you mentioned about your insecurity of maybe being heavy and the way Ichigo looks at you- as if you had insulted him, and says,
"I throw enemies 10 times the size of you with one hand, I doubt a few pounds will do anything to my physique" And you hope he doesnt catch the shiver trapping down your spine. 
What also makes it even worse is when his hollow comes around and snickers at you for it. Aiding in the torture that is ichigos strength. The hollow loves the thought of considering himself a Prince to you. Willing to carry you to the kitchen bridal style just so you can get a drink of water. You adore them both, and you dont mind getting carried, so you dont mind indulging them.
So when its movie night and midway you are lifted up into Ichigos lap, you think nothing of it. 
Until he starts kissing your neck and grinding up into you slowly. Making sure to grab your hips, with steady strong hands, strong enough to make sure you dont move. 
"You okay?" he whispers, its muttered fast, as if he's singularly being the only reason he's holding back. 
But you wouldnt mind if he did more. 
And so you that. And his grip becomes tighter 
Hands tugging and pulling a little too hard and youre a little struck surprised when squeezes your tits disrespectfully. He's usually so gentle, concentrating on you- always wanting you to come first. 
His hands are hot as he grabs on to rapidly moving downward until he pulls you closer, your back hitting his chest as he spreads your legs wider, hard enough to leave bruises. 
"Want more princess?" The gravel snickering makes you freeze. Huff out an astonished breath as a white hand close fully around your still clothed cunt. And the other gripping at your neck.  Cupping and squeezing as he waits for your surprise to abate. 
"I've seen how you look at me Princess, like you wanna see how someone like me can make you scream. And I can, beauty- you wont ever have to question it again." He squeezes your cheek and hes too eager and gripping too hard, but you moan regardless. The pain is divine. 
You have to try to sit up and clear your head while he's kissing down the back of your neck because 
"I-ichigo, what about-"
"You dont need to worry about King, he's right here- waiting. He's just decided that its about time to share his prize" The yellowed eyes and twisted mouth were definitely put upon in a pout. As if theyve been arguing about this for a while. 
"Think King just likes to tease me, making sure to call me every time you two fuck- to watch him slide his cock in you and not be able to touch you." You gasp as he wrestles you and flips you underneathe him. Its so easy for him to use his brute strength. Crowding your space and forcing you to wince and put your hands on the arm of the couch, with a gruff "keep them there" that oddly sounded like Ichigos voice, as he slides a slender finger inside of you. 
"Fuck youre already so wet, you wanted to fuck me? Couldnt wait until you got your hands on me huh, is it hot knowing that your boyfriend and I are one in the same- that we want the same thing?" He leans in further towards your lips, brushing them back and forth, grinning when he bites your lips so hard they bleed a little. 
"To ruin you. Throw you around and make you feel it."
"All wet and desperate just because im manhandling you."
"Ha. I doubt it, you both dont have the guts to even fuck me the way I want"
And maybe you should have kept your mouth closed, because you see a flash of both the Hollows and Ichigos eyes go gold and still. 
He grabs your jaw hard, forcing your mouth open to slide his hollow tongue into your throat, making you gag. The kiss is famished. Hot, and wet- messy. Saliva dripping down the side of your chin as you try run away. His laugh becoming maniacal, and he chases you and ruts his cock against you. Barely paying mind to the small ounce of clothing that your wearing, you can feel every part of his dick through his pants. Him only pausing to bite at your bloodied lips before shoving his tongue back down, iron filling your mouth. 
And you're starting to get whiny, you want him inside now. 
"So fucking cute, begging like that- cant believe he kept this from me."
The Hollow grumbles this as he sucks big dark bruises into your neck that sting. And from the looks of it, itll look like you've been mauled tomorrow when you see everyone. Ichigo looks pleased as punch at that thought. 
"You want it?" You can tell that its your orange haired lover at this point, but he is...different. Grabbing his cock and smacking it against your slit- hard. 
But you dont run, if anything you want more. Anticipation overriding any emotion as he slides your sleep shorts to the side. Humming and pinching your clit meanly making you squeal and try to close your legs. He holds your legs open so easily, no matter how much you struggle. And you hope you dont moan loud enough for him to hear how much that turned you on. 
He pins your hands harder above the couch, pushing them further down into the cushions, your readiness liable to kill you. 
Ichigo pauses for a moment, considering- before he completely rips open the crotch part of the sleeping shorts- leaving a gaping hole of fabric falling off. Him humming about how much better it is. About how much he wants to abuse your cute insides. Make it theirs so no one else will ever have to touch you again. 
He folds you in half, feet close to your ears, and he slides into you before you can even blink. Hole convulsing around you as he buries his dick deep. He's gritting his teeth as he shoves his cock into you, so hard its making you yelp. He's completely flushed, eyelashes fluttering and eyes flickering from Ichigo and hollow in blinks as he processes the pleasure. Groaning when he hits your spot perfectly over and over. 
Fucking Ichigo always feels like a warm river, nice and flowing and steady- sometimes changing- but comfortable, nonetheless. But it seemed today, he had an agenda, fucking into you without prep. It makes you choke on your own breath as pleasure and pain crash down on you tenfold. The maniacal laughter is the only thing that makes you remember that the hollow is still there. Making sure you feel wave after wave of pleasure. Not taking long to come crashing down. Screaming at how brutal and intense he's got you. 
"Such a good fucking hole. Fuck, youre gonna make me come already." He doesn’t mention that he plans to keep going until you’re fucked braindead, especially when you realize he hasn’t gone soft at all. Coming inside you and continuing to thrust, loving the way you cry out of oversensitivity and try to push him away. Ichigo grabs both your thighs and forces you closer, making sure you're encasing him fully in warm heat and it makes you scream at being filled so full and so fast again. 
"You can take it until i come right?"
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Hello hello! I just found your blog through your Ichigo post and it was absolutely 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 straight deliciousness
May I request some SFW and NSFW boyfriend and girlfriend headcanons with Ichigo?
Ofc you may <3
No joke I love ichigo sm he doesn't get nearly as much love as he should
If you want a male version, drop me a pm and I'll be happy to oblige :) or if you wanna remain anonymous, drop an ask and let me know exactly which post you're talking about :)
Warning: Some NSFW content, mentions of blood...
Masterlist <3
Ichigo Boyfriend Scenarios, Fem!Reader (SFW and NSFW)
-Part 1
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He meets your pets
The first time he had actually met one of your cats was before he even met you.
He had been walking down an alleyway to get home, unknowingly passing by your own house as he carried his schoolbag over his shoulder. In the silence of the isolated alley, he suddenly heard a 'mraow' coming from a nearby torbie cat, which was staring up at him from in front of the gate to your house, as if it was expecting something.
He was a little creeped out and to be honest, he was expecting it to start talking at him much like Yoroichi would. He looked around shiftily, a little unnerved as the harmless little creature stared dead into his soul.
The carrot-top was seconds away from just turning around and walking away until the cat mewled at him again, strolling closer to plop down on his feet and start purring and rolling around, making the boy sweatdrop.
"What do you want from me? I don't have food-..."
He just couldn't keep himself from crouching down the give the soft fur a few pets, watching with a ghost of a smile on his face as the cat headbutted his hand and blinked slowly at him.
So when the two of you had first gotten together and you had invited him over to hang out one day, he was surprised to see that you lived so close by. You had mentioned living only a few minutes away, but he didn't think you'd live on the same street. He had never seen you walking to school or anything, but as it turns out, that was because you liked using the main roads and going through the other entrance because that street is more lit up and less creepy.
Then it made sense. He was about to comment but he stopped short when he had seen the infamous cat sitting on your couch, looking awefully pleased with itself. Over time he had come to think that this cat was a stray, and had stopped to pet her almost every day - he had fed her treats, even given her a nickname.
"Hey, I know you-..."
You were surprised to see your boyfriend walk up to your absolute creature of a cat and start petting her, since she's usually a little hostile to strangers, and can be a bit of a bitch at times. She's well known by neighbours as this dubious little little gremlin, and has earned a bit of a reputation for being a menace - a threat, if you will.
And yet, she just sits there, purring and headbutting your man like an angel as if she hadn't literally gifted you your neighbours live gerbil as a present this morning. You had spent almost two hours strying to catch the damn thing and were halfway contemplating setting fire to the house and moving away while she watched. You absolutely adore her though, and she had been sitting on your lap all day until you had to leave to pick Ichigo up.
He just stroked her while she let him, and you simply stood there in shock, joining him hesitantly as you stare at your cat, Toaster, like she's grown a second head.
"So... she hasn't... bitten you? Maybe stolen your credit card info? gifted you a beetle?"
Okay. Now Ichigo stares at you like you've grown a second head. Jeez, you were only joking... sort of. She is a bit of a biter.
"I even named her and everything, I thought she was a stray. I named her Beef."
"That's... an interesting name, not like I can really talk though, since I named her Toaster..."
The two of you spoke like this, talking about your cat and you share horror stories like this morning with him, making him almost choke on his laugh while you both sit snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie with Toaster-Beef stretched across both of your laps.
He walks in on you changing
You had just gotten out of the shower, wrapped in a small towel as rivulets of now cold water trickle down your skin. Your pyjamas lay on your bed as you drop the towel that hid your body, reaching for the oversized shirt which you definitely stole from ichigo.
You just barely manage to pull it over tits before you hear the click of the door opening, and in comes your boyfriend - your boyfriend, that has a key to your house, which you hadn't even thought about since you'd given it to him. In his hands he holds your chemistry textbook, and you hadn't even realised that you'd left it at his house on accident. You can't really focus on that right now, though, as he pauses and stares straight at your ass and your hips, entranced by the sight in front of him.
You let out an indignified squeal as your brain finally starts rebooting, pulling down your shirt to hide yourself while that dumbass just looks at you and smiles, admiring how pretty you are.
"Get out, dumbass!-"
The two of you are close enough to be comfortable seeing eachother naked by now, but this was so sudden and you hadn't the chance to mentally steel yourself beforehand, so you end up blushing like a wobbly mess and swatting at him to get him to leave, a little miffed at the interruption.
His cheeks are dusted pink as you pout at him, and all he can think of is how cute you are, and how much he fucking adores you.
"You're so cute..."
You flush. With that dumb, stupid look on his stupid face, how could you kick him out? You practically melt and release a defeated sigh, pretending to still be annoyed, but he's just so adorable you wanna see what other cute faces this man can make, and you wonder just how red that blush can get.
It's dark outside, so the curtains are drawn and the lights are low, since you replaced your normal bulb with fairy lights that you had impulsively put everywhere, and around the room hang little Polaroid photos of you and Ichigo and some of your family, a few depicting days out with your friends. The air is warm and you shut your door as you stand in front of your man, blinking up at him and smirking when his eyebrows furrow. Good... He's starting to get bashful. What a cutie.
The lighting in the room reflects on his skin as well as your own, and he looks like a piece of art, backed against the wall and blushing like this. It surely doesn't help that you're not wearing any underwear.
Your body slowly leans against him, your legs slotted together and your thigh resting snug against his clothed dick. Ichigo looks feverous with excitement, and you rest your cheek against his, leaning on your tip toes so you're able to reach.
"Like what you see?..."
It's literally not possible to not tease him, and he shudders a little as you grind your leg against him just barely, his hands quickly grabbing onto your waist and lower back to pull you closer, leaning down to kiss you on the lips like he's starved of touch. He only pulls away when you moan quietly into his mouth, smirking at you and pressing a light nip to your neck before talking back.
"What do you think?"
It's not long before he grinds his thigh up against the heat of your pussy, immitating the way that you've been teasing him and he pushes you harder against his thigh by your hips, eliciting a pleased purr from you.
You get a new piercing
It's hot in Karakura town, so when Orihime suggests a pool party, everyone immediately agrees with enthusiasm.
Everyone's chattering excitedly on the way to the public, outdoors pool, but you're a little bummed that you can't go in. That didn't stop you from bringing your new swimsuit though, since you're planning on taking the opportunity to tan. Orihime already knows that you can't get tempted to swim or else you risk your still-healing belly piercing getting infected. It's only been about four months.
Ichigo, on the other hand, does not know this information. He walks along beside you, having a conversation with Chad that you weren't really listening to. Suddenly, you realise that you haven't actually told him about your latest body mod, and you hum quietly, thinking to yourself that he's in for a surprise once you change out of your clothes and strip down to your swimsuit.
You had bought a cute bikini just for this occasion, and you're absolutely obsessed with it, as well as Orihime and Rukia, and of course, Chizuru. The top half of the bikini has little heart shaped links that connect the bra to the straps, and the piece is a cute light green to match the bottom, which has the same little heart link at the hips.
Once you all arrive at the pool, everyone splits into boys and girls to change, and you part with Ichigo with a quick peck to his cheek.
Okay, maybe you had just done that to make him look cool in front of his friends. Maybe to embarrass him just a little too...
Mizuiro and Keigo give him a pat on the back as he blushes and grumbles, and you laugh with Rukia because she saw right through your evil scheme.
In the girls changing room you get literally bombarded with complements and hugs, everyone studying the shiny, dangling jewellery and your piercing, that's in its final stages of healing. Already you're feeling bashful and your self esteem is higher than before, so when you walk out to meet the guys you're met with Keigo's heart eyes, specifically.
Immediately he is smacked straight in the nose as Ichigo stares at you, not even bothering to look at him or shake out his fist as his eyes lock onto your belly and stay there. He looks amazed and confused all at the same time, taking in the change and wondering how long it's been there. How long has it been since he's last seen you naked? Damn...
You can almost tell what he's thinking and you snicker a little, your abdomen fluttering while you smile up at him, hoping that this is a positive reaction.
You don't have to hope for very long. Immediately he's ushering you away to a qieter part of the pool to inspect it while everyone else is distracted, almost leaning in to touch it before you swat his hands away.
"No touching, babe... It still hurts."
"Oh- sorry... How long has it been there? Why didn't you tell me? Did you think I wouldn't like it...?"
He's giving you puppy eyes at this point, and you coo at him and grab his face, holding it in your hands and smushing his cheeks together as you go on a little rant in your head about how cute and baby and squishy and adorable he is, communicating all of these thoughts into a little kiss.
His reaction is priceless. His nose scrunches up and he wriggles out of your reach, embarrassed at the PDA and slinking into the pool a couple of feet away. He's still facing you, but he's got his arms crossed on the side of the pool, resting his chin on his forearm.
Just to get a little closer to him, you scooch forward and kick a leg over him so that his face is close to your belly and the little dangling playboy bunny that catches the light, your legs spread at either side of his elbows.
"Nah. I mean... I was a little anxious I guess, but I mainly just wanted to surprise you with it."
He still couldn't take his eyes off of the cute little playboy bunny, completely entranced by it.
He sees you crying
Everything that could've gone wrong today, did exactly that. You had gotten into an argument with an upperclassman about your uniform and lack of work ethic at the very beginning of the day, you'd got your failed math test back, Ichigo was out all day doing Soul Reaper work, it had started raining on your way back from school and on top of it all, you might be coming down with a cold.
The first thing you do when you get home is storm to your bedroom, soaking wet with rain water and absolutely freezing cold, and change into your pyjamas to hide under the covers until next week.
Slow tears irritate your cheeks and leave your eyes red as you sob into your pillow, not hearing Ichigo walking up the steps to your room after greeting your mother, who knew to leave you alone and not overwhelm you after a bad day.
He had gotten to the top of the stairs when he heard your hiccupped breathing, his eyebrows furrowing when he starts to worry about you. Were you crying? What happened? Do you want to be alone? He wants to comfort you so badly, but he doesn't know what's upset you, and how he should go about comforting you, even. What if he just makes you more upset?
Eventually, he decides that he's far too worried to back away like a bad partner, and he tentatively knocks on your door, saying your name so that you know it's him. The hallway he's standing in is dark and the only light is coming from the kitchen downstairs where your mom is and the dim, blue glow peeking from beneath your door. After he gets no answer from you, he opens the door slowly, shutting it behind him and letting out a strained breath, greeted with the sight of you huddled in your blankets and the sound of you crying softly into your pillow.
"Hey, It's okay, come on... You're okay, what happened? Do you want to talk?"
After getting a shake of your head in response he tilts his head and pets your hair, knowing that it relaxes you when he does that. The bed creaks under the pressure of your boyfriend joining you under your duvet, and his large hand cradles the back of your head, guiding you to cry into his chest.
And that you do. You sniffle and weep into his shirt, probably ruining it with all sorts of cursed, snotty fluids.
When you've finally cried all of your tears you find yourself feeling much better with Ichigo's comfort. He didn't make you talk when you just wanted to cry, and he gave you the quiet support you needed once he got the hint. Life is so much better with him, and all of your problems seem to disappear as soon as he's in your sight.
You bleed on his bed
You had woken up in the middle of the night with the worst cramps you've had in a while, and in your disoriented and tired state it takes a few more seconds of processing before you realise what this must mean.
Not now, and most definately not here-...
Well, it's now, and it's here.
You quickly shimmy out of your boyfriend's arms, trying to assess the damage you've made to Ichigo's sheets, and damn. He's gonna need to buy new sheets. There are tears already forming in your eyes already as you stop freeze, listening to the soft, relaxed breaths of the occupant of the bed, his bed.
It's not even close to being light outside yet, and the birds are silent outside, the only light in the room being from Ichigo's analogue clock. It's two in the morning.
The stain on the bed is the size of a dinner plate and your shorts are in bad condition, your inner thighs stained with the blood that still drips. The feeling has nausea bubbling in your stomach in chest as you rush to the bathroom quietly, panicking about how Ichigo will react. Shit. Okay. Just get in the shower and refresh yourself first.
You spend a good fifteen minutes in the shower, trying to avoid the outside world for a little while as stress pours through your veins, long strands of hair sticking to your body under the spray of hot water, easing your cramps just a little.
You feel so bad for ruining his matress, and you're gonna have to wake him up to change the sheets and face what you've done. This is literally so embarrassing that you want to curl up into a ball and stop existing.
As you finally get out of the shower you dry and dress yourself, using a pad and slipping a dirty pair of Ichigo's sweats, but when you walk out of the door, Ichigo's sitting on new sheets, reading a book with a pair of reading glasses that he knows you think are adorable.
He's facing you now, looking up from his book and smiling up at you softly, and it doesn't take long for you to crawl into his arms and whine, cradling your belly as you apologise and hide your face in his lap.
He only strokes his fingers through your hair and covers you with a blanket, telling you that it's okay, and that it's not your fault.
"It's just natural. Besides, am I, of all people, gonna be phazed by a little blood...?"
When he puts it that way you realise how paranoid you were being before, considering that his clothes get stained with a new injury every other day.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Better than before, at least... 'm still sorry."
He just laughs quietly and hands you a painkiller and some water, shifting his legs so that you sit up and pressing a peck to your neck as you ready yourself to go back to sleep, the two of you cuddling as the bedside lamp is turned off.
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troius · 4 months
Now that you’re near the end of Bleach, how has it been blogging through it this whole time ? Are there characters/arcs or scenes you weren’t too fond of in the beginning but now you kind of see in a different light ?
Also how likely do you think it is that Kubo would ever continue Bleach after the anime adaptation is finished ?
It has been great blogging through it this whole time. I started this project because I came across this tumblr community and it rekindled my decade-old love for the series, and I thought "hey, I never actually finished it", and then decided to do the read-through...and it's been probably the second most rewarding three-year project I've ever done, just coming short of law school.
More detailed stuff under the cut!
I like to think I've learned to appreciate everything a little more this time around, but here are some big ones:
Renji Abarai. It's not like I hated the guy before, but on this read I really came to appreciate how carefully and masterfully done his arc is. Renji would have been a really easy character to screw up, considering he starts as an antagonist, and is besotted with our female lead despite having had a tortured breakup with her in the past. And then they get together! Those things aren't a recipe for success (as you can tell given his uneven popularity in the fandom).
But I love the guy. It's not totally surprising, I think anybody who has been super In Love can relate to him, and certainly we all want somebody in our lives who has his level of passion and consideration towards the object of his affections. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, and he fucks things up, and then rather than just sit around in his failure, he gets up and tries a different way. And sometimes he fucks that up too! But he never stops trying, and he never stops caring, until by the end he is the one giving the advice, because he put himself through all of that, and he's better for the experience. He's just great.
The Fullbringer Arc. It totally collapses at the end when the Soul Reapers get shoehorned in for no reason but everything leading up to that is sick. It's just a completely different style of story, focused entirely on the alienation of the youth, a tale of what's going in in Ichigo's head. I was really, really impressed with it, again up until the end where everything was screwed up.
Zaraki vs. Nnoitra. I remember hating this in the anime (and not really understanding it the first time I read it a decade ago), but it was actually pretty good! A good development of the themes of the Arrancar Arc, and a testament to how Kubo can make you feel even for an absolutely horrible person like Nnoitra.
How likely do I think it would be for Kubo to continue Bleach? Heck if I know! But the story's kind of over, from what I understand: Ichigo grew up. That's usually the end of things in shonen manga! I'd honestly be more interested in seeing him do more Burn the Witch, something that I understand he has not yet finished.
Or he could just do a Hitsugaya-centric spinoff. That might work, because that guy 1) is not grown up and 2) still has a character arc to be resolved.
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abellaheart-blog · 1 year
Pick up lines?! 👀 I definitely got some in mind!
Here’s a NSFW one for Ichigo!
“I’m gonna treat you like my homework. I’m gonna slam you on the table and do you all night long.”
Yes gimme pick up lines queen 👀📝💖💖💖 I’ll work my magic. Oh damn, Ichigo? That’s one cutie right there 👌🏼 you got good taste. Loved the pick up line 😆
Ichigo Kurosaki x Fem Black Reader ❤️ Scenario
Warning: NSFW Themes 🔞!
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Ichigo was minding his own business as he made his way through the house. He made his way to the kitchen. He wore a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt. Casual attire but to you he looked like the most attractive human being. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking at his backside. His jeans show off his long legs and butt. His thighs also look amazing you can’t wait to sit on them. He took a shower so his long wet hair was damp. As he is preparing himself food you removed your shirt and sneak up on him from behind. Your light colored bra a clear contrast to your lovely dark skin. Left in only pajamas and a bra you press yourself up against his back. His eyes widened as you wrap your arms around him.
“What..” Was all he could say as he becomes confused.
You sneak to his side tasting some of the batter from the bowl he’s mixing then winking. When he realizes you’re not wearing a shirt he gets bashful.
“Where’s your shirt?!”
You ignore the question clinging to his arm making sure it’s snug between your breast. His eyes widen and his jaw drops.
“What are you doing?!”
You lean your head against his arm looking up at him innocently. You give him a beautiful smile with your perfectly glossed lips. He licks his lips wanting a kiss. Your chest looks so beautiful to him too. You smile also has such a huge affect on him. Your dark skin looks so kissable and alluring. One of your hands sneak into his shirt and pants but he begins to stutter more then back away from you. Having him where you want him you press him against the counter noting how his boner is pressing against you. It’s so sizable you know you’re in for a good night in the kitchen. You giggle upon his cute bashful expression.
“You- you cant.”
You cut him off by ripping his shirt off of him. He is completely speechless because this was not what he predicted you’d do. He remembers you have homework when his eyes wander for a distraction. He needs a breather. His heart rate is so high and he can barely think with you seducing him.
“You have homework don’t you? You should focus on your school work!”
You place your hand behind his head pulling it slightly towards you. He thinks you’re about to kiss him but your next words surprise him.
“I’m gonna treat you like my homework. I’m gonna slam you on the table and do you all night long.”
His mouth drops before you decide to kick it up a notch. Before Ichigo knows it he’s on the table with you. Your dark thighs pressing against him while you ride him. You admire his muscles as you observe his lustful gaze. His sweet praises to you are so cute. He stutters as you bounce agains his length. His hands going to your dark hips to praise them and ask you to not stop.
Sex with Ichigo is usually like this since he initiates so sweetly and he’s so gentle with you. If he does decide to be a bit more rough it requires you to beg and reassure him since he doesn’t want to hurt you. So you take it upon yourself to be rough with him. Though sometimes you feel bad his pale skin is covered in marks or bruises. Your thankful he can take it. You plan to ride him until you’re no longer able to. A promise Ichigo would be left panting about for hours.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Having a mini-phase where I'm really into Bleach again, anyway:
Aizen kidnaps the Kurosaki twins when Masaki dies and has them raised in Las Noches, alternately pitting them against each other and then against minor arrancar. He wants to see how much of their Shinigami/Quincy backgrounds he can force to the foreground via constant stressors and being surrounded by Hollow energy. If he's very lucky, one of them will accidentally become a Vizard of their own volition, which he would love.
Can't let them die by way of aggressive morons, though, so they're usually in the company of an espada with self-control and maturity, like Starrk, Nel, Harribel, or Ulquiorra.
After all, what mad scientist would pass up the chance for Twin Studies?
They're still alive, and Aizen finds it funny to taunt them with just what they're missing out on. They hate Aizen, but they're also a little resentful of the fact that (at last according to Aizen himself), there are lots of people who could theoretically come and save them, like Urahara and Yoruichi and their dad, but aren't. Aizen himself oscillates between 'your loved ones are too weak to find you, because I'm a genius and can hide your reiatsu even if they do look into Hueco Mundo, muahahaha' and 'look, they don't even care enough about you to come looking.' You know, just to fuck them up in the head a bit.
There are several options:
Orihime finds them when it's her turn to be kidnapped, and then Ichigo has a (loving and resentful) surprise waiting for him when he arrives.
Orihime doesn't get kidnapped, but Aizen draws Ichigo out anyway by sending a taunting six-years-late ransom video with Yuzu and Karin in it.
Yuzu and Karin slip out when Nel gets chucked off the tower, and spend the next few years until Ichigo shows up just hanging out in the desert, because none of them know how to open a Garganta, not even Pesche and Dondochakka. (They do, actually, but Aizen's still keeping tabs on his pet projects, and is blocking that ability from the Fraccion because, well, he can't just let the girls go home before he's revealed himself to Soul Society.)
The Invasion of Soul Society causes so much hullabaloo that they (barely) manage to escape through Aizen's Negacion exit. (They aren't sure if they succeeded on their own, or if Aizen let them go to cause more chaos.)
They befriend Lilynette and at one point mention that they miss their brother, Ichigo, whom they loved the way Lilynette loves Starrk; they haven't really been told the truth of Starrk and Lilynette being two halves of the same soul, but it's enough that Lilynette bullies Starrk into kidnapping her and her human-ish friends to the Land of the Living and/or Soul Society, which Aizen actually didn't predict.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
A Gift For You. I’m still a bit shy, so I ask forgiveness in sending this as one huge ask.
Please note this is an UraIchi fic and NSFW.
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“You could break me”, Ichigo murmurs, eyes hazy with lust and devotion for all his words are affection and blunt honesty. There’s a hunger that’s lingering behind his eyes, one that’s been teased out of him again and again and again.
He doesn’t ask for it to stop nor could he care less how it makes him look. Or, to be more precise, Ichigo couldn’t care less how it leaves him anything beyond desperate and needy.
Ichigo doesn’t care that he’s practically splayed out like a slut that’s been tossed around the night. How he’s leaning into every touch like a starved dog, ready and willing to do anything for its master. How he’s given himself over completely in these moments, submissive in every move and inviting with every breath.
Kisuke takes the words for what they are. A statement, a fact. An offer. A promise.
Ichigo has put himself fully in his hands, given Kisuke power over him and control. Things so many people have tried to take from the younger man, but also things he entrusts completely to him and him alone.
It would be humbling if Kisuke didn’t hunger all the same like Ichigo, no matter that he had been the one teasing him. No matter than he had already been using him for years and didn’t deserve to be the one holding the metaphorical leash.
“I could”, he answers, pushing away the lingering guilt he held for their shared past. Ichigo would have rolled his eyes if he wasn’t so far gone. A good thing he is. Kisuke submerges himself further in the connection they hold, the power he controls, the gift that it is and the treasure that he’ll take care of in so many, many ways.
“And I will.”
A moan answers him, having locks of orange firmly gripped between his fingers as he takes a kiss, then another. As he delves deeper into it, tugging the strand just a bit harder until he’s certain he’s stolen nearly all the breath Ichigo holds.
Breathless panting echoes the otherwise empty room, devoid of other people at least. Ichigo is his treasure and his alone. Of course, like all treasure he needs a special pedestal to put him on. A slightly manic gleam enters the inventor’s eyes as he takes in the sinful picture that his lover is before him.
He knows just the right. pedestal. His treasure will look absolutely divine writhing upon it, secured. There’s no other worthy enough and Kisuke would know.
He built this particular “pedestal” after all. He even already put Ichigo’s name on it, had it adjusted properly for his height and size and everything it needed. Absently, a hand slips into his pocket and fingers a remote. He could break the younger man before hi mE. He can break him. He will.
The corners of his mouth upturn into something a little darker. He’s going to enjoy every moment of it, too, and he’s certain Ichigo will, too.
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Oh darling feel free to give me gifts like this anytime. That was fantastic!
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uzdef-ump · 5 months
They were getting ready for bed, Urahara was preparing candles, because one day they realized that it was very pleasant to fall asleep in the soft light of the fire. Kisuke thinks that Ichigo's eyes sparkle brighter when the fire brings its light into them. They look like amber shimmering in the sun and the night darkness around them made the shine of the eyes even more attractive. Kisuke curled up in their bed, hiding his cold feet under a heavy winter blanket, clinging to his husband in search of warmth.
"You know, I've been thinking about—"Ichigo said, wrapping his arm around Kisuke's shoulders, but without pulling him closer, as he usually did, he just found a place for his hand on Urahara's shoulder. Warmth like honey in tea began to seep under Kisuke's skin and he was practically purring.
"What is it, Ichi?" The blond man whispered, settling into bed like the big sleepy cat he was.
"I was thinking... Maybe we'll have another child?" Hybrid said hesitantly, as if they were discussing this for the first time. "I know that the last time the birth was difficult and we experienced some difficulties in the first year of Kamiko's life, but—" He hesitated again, bit his lip, looked away. Kisuke was silent, waiting to hear what his husband wanted to say. It was true that their youngest child was a big challenge for them when she was tiny, but Kisuke would do it again if he had a chance to. Nothing in the world could have made him happier. Hearing now that Ichigo wanted another child made his heart feel warm.
"I would love another little devil clinging to my legs, nothing in this world makes me feel alive more than the laughter of our children, you know that" Kisuke let his hand travel over Ichigo's arm until his palm found the redhead's and their fingers intertwined. The scientist brought Ichigo's hand closer and kissed the fingers where the wedding ring was. Ichigo looked at him, uncertain happiness blossomed in his eyes, it reminded Urahara of how they only got to know each other when Ichigo was younger and more insecure in himself. The young man who won his heart grew into a wonderful man and a wonderful father to their children. Kisuke had never thought in his life that he would be so lucky.
"How do you want it to be?" The blond man asked. All the previous pregnancies were Urahara's concern, and he would do it again, even if he was suffering from nausea and pain in his legs again, just so that Ichigo would look at him as if he saw God in front of him, all their happy little kisses and massages, as Ichigo carried him in his arms when Kisuke was tired. Kisuke is sure that Ichigo would have paved the way he is walking if he had hinted that he did not like the previous one. Yes, Ichigo loved him even without all that. But this pride, which was visible in the red-haired man's eyes when he looked at Kisuke's stomach, his joy when the baby inside Kisuke kicked into his palm. It was priceless.
"I mean, I'm carrying a baby or maybe you want to—" Kisuke squeezed his hand, letting Ichigo figure out the idea himself.
"I love it when you carry our children. You're so beautiful like this." Ichigo smiled a bit, squeezing Kisuke's hand in return.
"I know. But maybe you wanna try it yourself? I'm not saying I don't want to." Urahara had to say when Ichigo scolded a bit out of confusion. "What I'm trying to say is I wanna you to experience this too. You know, having our child inside you, right under your heart. It's worth all the inconvenience. I would like to see you."
"I'll think about it. The idea sounds great, but I still want to see you. I miss your mood swings a little. You can be so cute at times like this."
"And at other times, I act like the end of the world has come. Love makes you blind."
"Like you are the one to talk"
I wanted to do a little sketch about how funny they are discussing who will carry the next baby, but my hand slipped. I'm not sorry. @lilacwriter07 I promised to tag you
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Half asleep Bleach AU where Yuzu and Karin are older than Ichigo.
 Masaki and Isshin have the twins first and Urahara and Isshin are just like ‘...which one has the hollow powers?? Fuck which one can fight Aizen??’ and the whole plan is thrown off cause they have no idea which of the twins has the powers if they even do.
 Masaki finds out about the plan when Isshin starts asking if she has any hollow bait and Hypothetically if he exposed their babies to that to check if they have any hollow powers would they be ok??? She is not amused. Turns out she can still use Quincy powers when angry enough.
 They have Ichigo not much later (Not as big of an age gap) and the twins are crazy protective over their baby brother. And after Masaki dies even more so.
 They also find out about Shinigami, Quincy and hollows...and try to figure out what powers they have, mostly training by themselves because no one’s actually sure what powers they have and using wrong training technique may murder them.
 Just Rukia showing up meeting high school age Ichigo and then his two college age sisters who are radiating crazy amounts of power and clearly know all about hollows and Shinigami and she’s very sure she saw one use kido...and may have seen them summon a bow she’s really not sure.
 They never told Ichigo anything cause they know their baby brother 1100% would get involved and with his hero complex and wanting to save everyone would get himself killed since he has the survival instincts of a flightless canary walking into a roomful of very hungry cats.
The two try help out and make sure he doesn’t kill himself...only they get distracted for 1 day and next thing they know Rukia’s been kidnapped and their little brother and his friends are STORMING THE SOUL SOCIETY! Urahara only realises how bad he fucked up until after he sent them off and suddenly realised actions have consequences aka Karin ‘has kicked a hollows head off and used it as a football’ and Yuzu ‘smiles while threating you in a way that will make Unohana proud’ Kurosaki.
 The two show up and almost get the chance to drop kick Aizen, he does leave with a black eye broken glasses and a hole in his chest. Yuzu and Karin don’t pay attention to his exit screaming at their baby brother who is so confused ‘You guys have spirt powers to’... he’s so oblivious he never noticed.
 The Hueco Mundo arc has Ichigo in the middle of breaking in having the sudden feeling of impending doom. As Karin and Yuzu realise ‘HE’S INVADED ANTOHER PLANE OF EXISTANCE AGAIN!!!’
Bonus: Grimmichi Grimmjow getting the shovel talk from the two must threatening older siblings ever.
Grimmjow tries to fight Ichigo only to be dragged in to the Kurosaki kitchen by the scruff of his neck forced to sit down and given a plate of food by Yuzu who doesn’t stop smiling politely the entire time.
The twins also seeing their second fight and just standing back and watching.
Karin:…we seriously should have talked to him more about flirting this is just embarrassing.
Yuzu: lets just leave them to it let them get it our of their system go kill the others and then we’ll give him the birds and the bees and the hollows talk
Karin:He’s going to be so embarrassed  probably want the fight to the death
Yuzu: Well maybe next time he’ll think before he tries to fight an entire plane of existence
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yandereeternity · 2 years
Hello! Can you do some HCs of Ichigo(bleach) walking in on reader changing and vis versa.
AHAHA I've been re-watching Bleach lately because of the Thousand Year Blood War arc (which is awesome btw) so thank you anon!!
Ichigo walking in on his darling changing
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❤️ - Obviously this isn't pre-meditated, Ichigo isn't dirty minded at all really until he's in a full on relationship with someone. With you? A few dirty thoughts slip through now and again but nothing obscene.
❤️ - So when he walks into your room, swinging the door open and already grumbling about something Uryu said to him that pissed him off he's alarmed by your shocked gasp.
❤️ - The man screams. He screams so loud and his face goes bright red while he's barking apologies at you, covering his eyes and immediately shutting the door on himself again.
❤️ - He wasn't quick enough though, because now he has that image permanently implanted in his head!
You walk in on Ichigo changing
❤️ - So obviously you don’t realise Ichigo was changing until it was way too late. You probably walk in to tell him to hurry up so you’re not late to school or meeting friends or something along those lines.
❤️ - And in a similar fashion to how he reacts when he walks in on you when you were changing. His face is stark red and eyes wide with his mouth hanging open but no words coming out, not even a scream this time. 
❤️ - You squeak and apologise, quickly slamming the door and shouting through it for him to meet you outside. 
❤️ - The only noise he makes in response is a small, raspy squeak as he processes what just happened. 
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hello dear I hope you are fine , can you please write Ichigo x reader , Reader and Ichigo are best friends and Reader is an alternative Soul Reaper like him and she is extremely powerful like Ichigo She loves Ichigo but knows that he has a crush on Orihime, during a fight yhwach They and Aizen were able to defeat him, but before he died yhwach kill reader and she dies. I hope you write the reaction of others as well, especially Rukia upon hearing the death of her best friend
I apologize for my long request, and I also like your page very much. I always encourage you
Thank you for requesting!
I am doing ok, with another tendinitis issue ( that's why requests are slow , sorry :c) how about you?
I truly appreciate your support! Thank you so much <3 and don't worry about long requests!
I hope this is of your liking! Please let me know what you think!
TW: Death mention, injury, blood mention.
Tsuki's Note: I did not read the manga so this might be a bit bs-tery! Sorry!
Tsuki's Note 2: I hope i remembered everyone?
This was the final battle against the Quincy's. The battle against their king. You were a very powerful Shinigami despite being only a substitute shinigami. You have been to so many battle with your friends and crush, Ichigo.
You two always battled side by side. You were a great duo and each and every fight made you fall harder for him. But you knew this was an unrequired loved - he loved Orihime - the man himself has admitted that to you.
You cannot lie this broke your heart, but you also knew - like many others- Orihime also liked him, so he had a big chance and you rooted for them.
At this time, once again, you were sid by side with ichigo and.. well, Aizen. Despite everything you needed his help to defeat Yhwach. The fight was tough, there were several moments you thought you would lose.
That thought became true, for you at least. At some point, the three of you were sent blasting away by Yhwach. While you blinked away the fogginess of your eyes, you heard and saw Yhwach silhouete aiming an arrow at the body next to you.
You could feel the reiatsu of the man next you belong to Ichigo, he wouldn't be able to dodge it or to defend it. So you moved. You moved by instinct.
You shielded Ichigo being hit yourself, you could see his despair in his eyes and hear his sorrow by how he yelled your name. You took a deep breath and smiled:
"You fool! What are you sitting there for? Move! Go catch him! I will be fine!"
The man didn't even try to argue with you, you were right he had to move. But as he passed by you, Ichigo whispered:
"If you die i will kill you, got it?"
You laughed. But you did not answer him, you knew were not gonna make it - your liver was injured, it was matter of minutes until you died.
You could not let Ichigo know, so you did your best to attack long range for as long you could. Until your vision turned black, the world became quiet, every presence faded. All you could see was the immense white ahead.
When the battle was over and Aizen was arrested, again, a sense of relief reached everyone. Ichigo went looking for you, the place where he could last feel your presence. Upon arriving there he called for you, once... twice... thrice.... nothing.
He started yelling desperately. At this point Chad, Rukia, Renji, Yoruichi and Ishida came to help looking for you. The one who found you was Rukia. She called the boys and Orihime. asking her to heal you.
Orihime tried once, but failed. She tried again and yet, nothing. On her third attempt she was stopped by Yoruichi. It was no use, you were long gone.
Ichigo fell to his knees next to you. His expression was blank, Orihime and Rukia started crying and were comforted by Yoruichi and a devastated Renji.
Chad placed a trembling hand to Ichigo's shoulder and Ishida fell silent, regret and sorrow flashing on his face.
Yoruichi carried your body back to Soul Society so you could have burial.
All of your friends were upset by your loss, some were numb than others - this war took many lives. But Ichigo took it harder. You were his best friend, his partner in crime, the one to fight with him through and through and now a piece of him was gone.
It took him several days to recover from your loss. Sometimes, when they were all hanging out he would call out your name if you were not coming along, only to turn and see nobody, no answer.
Every anniversary of your death, he would bring your favourite snack to your grave and update you on his life events. He did this every year until the end.
Rukia still remembered how brave and courageous you were. She kept all the kind others you have said to her, close to her heart.
Whenever she visited you, she would bring a ribbon. Each time a different color.
Renji also held close all the fights you fought together. How strong you were.
He visited your grave with Rukia and would whisper some old memories of you then.
Orihime also took a long time to recover from the loss. But she noticed she had to toughen up a bit for Ichigo. She still packed extra food for you every now and then.
She visited your grave alone, because Ichigo liked to go alone, she respected that. She would leave a sweet for you and update you on her life. Ask you Advices just like she did when you were alive.
Chad was also greatly affected. He Kept mostly to himself, but he was oddly quiet.
Whenever he visited your grave he took the time to clean it thoroughly. He leaved it squeaky clean.
Ishida felt a lot of guilt. He felt like it was partially his fault, even if everyone told him he could not have possibly foreseen this. It took him a long time to come to terms with your death, but he eventually accepted it was not his fault.
Whenever he visited you, He would briefly talk to you and update about everyone and just a bit about himself. At first he apologized to you over and over, but with time that was replaced by reassurance - he would let you know if everyone was really happy or not.
You passed away holding the secret of the unriqueried loved.
You never told anyone and you tried your best to hide it.
You were gone hoping your friends would live a happy, long life.
Thank you for reading!
I hope this was of your liking!
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berrychanx · 1 year
Deep Blue Awakening & Blue Knight Shock
Let’s talk about this, and I’ll be using the song Komm Suber Tod (Come Sweet Death) from The End Of Evangelion to make my point.
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Very simple, Aoyama created this alter ego to protect Ichigo, because he felt hopeless of not being able to help her when she was always there to protect him.
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“I know, I know i’ve let you down, I’ve been a fool to myself....I thought that I could live for no one else”
By getting Ichigo severely hurt to the point of blood spilling, being K.O on the floor is whole purpose was gone. HE FAILED
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“ So, with sadness in my heart- Feel the best thing I could do Is end it all and leave forever “
Kish was *chef kiss* what a perfect mastermind, he knows Blue Knight is doubting his skills so he makes things worst for him, helping him assert his doubts. If he was stronger Ichigo wouldn’t have gotten hurt., she’s also capable of fighting for herself so why does he even exist?
And yes that was the point of the aliens mind breaking him.
For him to unwilling hurt ichigo so they could manipulate him into doubting himself and awaken deep blue.
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“I know we can't forget the past
You can't forget love and pride
Because of that, it's killing me inside “
Let’s analyze this shots of Aoyama, he’s a single kid in a dark room, probably his own vision of the orphanage because he can’t related to anyone else and lives in his own world. Not even the light coming from the outside is that bright,
His parents and friends face are covered in black, depicting how distant he is with other humans,we can’t relate to any of them.
Slowly has he grows up he starts hating his peers more and more due to his own personal reasons, that is - Destroying the environment.
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Can't live without the trust from those you love“
Until everything changed, he met Ichigo, who was different, she didn’t use him for her personal goals, she would easily express her emotions something Aoyama would have trouble doing and also cared for the environment and wanted to do something to help protect it..
Let’s put ourselves in his shoes, if we knew one of our loved ones was in a war situation we too would like to help somehow if possible, we too would hope they would be safe and didn’t put their lifes in danger.
Ryou doesn't has this struggles cause he's in the operating room with Kei-kun helping in any way they can, he’s also the leader of the project so he knows the dangers that would come from it.
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“ I wish that I could turn back time
'Cause now the guilt is all mine “
This thoughts consumed him to the point where he as put her in more danger than he thought it would
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The aliens were self aware of his sense of justice and that he would protect Ichigo at any cost and that in return Ichigo would also try to save him.
And that’s exactly what happened, she got in the way of the attack that was directed to him and took the shot.
This was all perfectly orchestrated by the aliens, they knew how fragile Blue Knight state of mind is/was.
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“ What's done is done, it feels so bad
What once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
My world is ending “
He felt a connection with her, something he never did before with anyone, without noticing she helped him develop as a person. And because of that he vowed in his heart to protect this person who gave him a meaning in life.
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“I just keep letting me down
Letting me down, letting me down “
“ I've lost everything, everything
Everything that matters to me matters in this world “
He’s too deep in shock and trauma to the point he’s not hearing anything, he only hears the words that he wants or associates with bad feelings which is FIGHTING, Ichigo wants to fight together and to him in that state of mind means Ichigo will get hurt NO MATTER WHAT.
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Despite Ichigo shouting out everything will be ok and she’s capable of protecting herself. The fear of loosing her is to big to the point of consuming all his thoughts. and the aliens knew this.
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“ It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down
Tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing
I just keep letting me down
Letting me down, letting me down “
The moment he doubts himself and his goal he freezes and the shell breaks
This vessel is no longer necessary, it as completed its purpose and the real person in control can overcome this body.
The vessel in its mind failed its mission, but to the original host it was successful.
“ Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down“
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