#or if she's still got the goddess' blessing. shes just not using it for good
wonderlandwalker · 2 months
First Impressions | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: Eddie learns that Dustin has a recently reunited sister, and from the moment he meets you he's a goner.
Content Warnings / Tags: Pure fluff, henderson!reader, tiny mention of a fight but nothing descriptive, not edited, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Eddie brain rot cause I couldn't keep it in. Don't know if this is my best work but I'm planning to write more chapters on this so it's just a start, hope you like it
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“You need a ride home after this?” It was more of a formality than an actual question, he always drove Dustin home after a session.
“Oh that’s okay, my sister is picking me up.” Dustin didn’t even look up from packing his things away, but Eddie’s head shot up.
“Your- you have a sister, since when?” As far as he knew Dustin was an only child, but now he was wrecking his brain trying to think if he had ever mentioned you before.
“I know you’re bad at math Eddie, but I just told you she’s driving so try and put the pieces together.” Dustin was looking up at him now, challenging him.
“Alright smartass, it’s time for you to shut up.” He told him as he ruffled through his hair, leaving behind an agitated Dustin trying frantically to fix it. 
The others had already gone home, but Dustin stayed behind late to help Eddie finish up, a habit that became more and more common as the two grew closer. When they finished packing up Eddie locked the door behind them, and while walking to the parking lot decided he wasn’t quite done interrogating Dustin.
“If you have an older sister, how come I've never seen her around before?”
“I mean she’s been around during holidays before, she lived with dad though but they had a big fight so she’s moved here.” It seemed like a sore topic, so Eddie dropped it for now.
As they got to the entrance of the school and felt the cool air on their skin Eddie indeed noticed another car in the usually empty lot, and you were sitting on the hood of it, a book in your hands as you patiently waited. The last rays of sunshine graced your figure as if the heavens themselves were blessing you, and Eddie had never been so sure he’d seena goddess in his life. It was just like the tales he knew so well, the ones he still devoted his life to, it was as if they were becoming true. You looked up when you heard them approach, smiling at the sight of them and giving Dustin a quick side hug as they reached you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot of good things.” You held your hand out for Eddie to take, but all he could do was look at it, staring ahead as if hitting pause in a game, he stood still. He wanted to react, to not make the most horrible first impression possible, but the longer he looked at you the worse it got, getting lost in sight of your smile. “Alright, not a fan of handshakes, notes.” You chuckled as you withdrew your hand, and Eddie cursed himself for not having taken the opportunity to feel how soft your skin must’ve been. You looked at him again, your eyes piercing straight through his soul and he wondered if maybe he had found himself in one of his fantasy worlds, he must have. But the next second he shook himself out of it, because you were real, you were real and in front of him and expecting him to say something.
“I’m Eddie.” he said, nodding his head as if to confirm his own statement.
“So I’ve been told.” Another giggle slipped past your lips, and Eddie wasnt sure if it was from nerves or entertainment, but he was dying to hear more of it, even if he had to make a fool of himself to do so.
Dustins head kept going back and forth as if watching a tennis match of idiocracy. He had never seen Eddie so flustered, so used to the man flaunting with every opportunity that presented itself that this seemed quite out of character. In full disclosure, it was kind of freaking him out to see Eddie so beside himself, and it was freaking him out even further that he couldn’t figure out why. It was probably blatantly obvious to anyone else, but maybe it was for the best that Dustin couldn’t place where the tension originated from, either way, his patience had run out
“Can we go home now, I still have to call Mike to discuss our net strategies” You tore your eyes from Eddie, deciding that maybe it was for the best to head home.
“Yeah alright, maybe I’ll see you around Eddie.” You gave him one last smile as you got in the car with Dustin and drove off, but it took him another minute to pick his shambled ego up from the concrete ground as he berated himself for not being able to utter one coherent sentence. As he got in his van and drove home as well he decided he’d have to grill Dustin for more information on you the next time he’d see him. As he got to the trailer he grumbled a hello to Wayne before disappearing to his room, ignoring the backhanded comment he got about his grumpy disposition. 
He wondered if he’d ever be able to convince you he was cool, whether he’d be able to get you to agree to see him again, but after what just transpired he figured the odds were slim. Not that he’d give up so easily, he didn’t have much of a reputation to lose and if he’d be able to get you to laugh again that would be more than enough. But he didn’t get to wonder for long as Wayne knocked on his door, he was ready to tell the man to leave him alone, but the next sentence was one that confused him immensely
“Someone on the phone for you.” Wayne held the phone out to him, expecting him to get up from the bed and take it, but Eddie didn’t move an inch.
“For me, you sure?” He was still not quite sure what to do. “Unless another Eddie is living here I’m pretty sure.” He moved his hand again to accentuate the phone that was still on hold, but once again Eddie just sat there.
“If you want I can tell her to call back-” That’s when he sprung into action, snatching the phoen out of Wayne’s hand 
“No! No, I got it. Thank you.” The old man simply chuckled as he left again, closing the door behind him to give his nephew some privacy.
Eddie cleared his throat once before picking up the line put on hold. 
“Hello?” he asked, still not quite sure what to do.
“Hi, Eddie it’s me, just wanted to see if you were doing alright.” your sweet voice blessed his ears once more. He doesn’t know what he did to get the universe on his side like this, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
“Yeah I’m good, listen-” Eddie figured this time he shouldn’t waste his chance, and he probably had some making up to do. “- I’m sorry if I freaked you out earlier, just never seen anyone that pretty before.” You were giggling again, and it brought the biggest grin onto his face. “You didn’t weird me out at all, it was kinda cute. I had to bribe Dustin to let me use the phone so I don’t have much time but I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out this weekend?” Maybe he should’ve waited a beart before answering, but he was too eager to care.
“Go out, as in a date?” It got him blushing, the red creeping up on his cheeks as he wondered if that’s really what you were asking
“I mean, kinda, if you want to.” He could almost see you blushing on the other side of the line as well, and he decided it was now or never.
“I’d love to.” 
“That’s great, I’m still kind of new around here, do you know any good places?” Your smile was present as you spoke, and he was already looking forward to seeing it again, now knowing he wouldn’t have to wait long.
“How about I come and pick you up, we can go to the mall.” His confidence was growing with the minute now, absolutely elated by the turn of events.
“Im looking forward to it” He wondered what you’d wear, knowing whatever it was it would look beautiful on you, and he knew he’d spend the entire date amazed at your presence. 
“Me too” he said before the both of you hung up the phone, he had already started planning the most amazing evening out, and maybe, he thought, maybe this year really would take a turn for the better.
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ do u think u could write a percy x daughter of psyche reader headcannons, maybe one where shes super emotional bc psyches the goddess of the soul and stuff 🤍🤍 ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a daughter of psyche
pairing percy jackson x psyche!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . delicate (taylor swift)
“Y/N, can you help with something?” Piper said as she barged in your cabin
Being Psyche’s only child, you got pretty lonely watching everyone else interact with their siblings. Luckily, the Aphrodite cabin decided to ‘adopt’ you, seeing as you had your emotional intuition in common
That’s how you became good friends with Piper, and how you ended up in this position: being dragged out of the comfort of your cabin and all the way to the beach
Proudly presenting you to the boy you recognised to be Percy, son of Poseidon, Piper said, “Y/N's a daughter of Psyche, she can help!”
You looked at Piper, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I can help with what?” 
Percy answered for her, “this hippocampus is in pain and won’t tell me anything. I inspected it for cuts or anything like that, but she looks fine!” You didn’t need to hear him to tell he was exhausted. His aura had spots of dark red signifying his tiredness
You gave Percy a smile, channelling all of calmness in yourself as you said, “it’ll be okay, I’ll take a look.” You were glad to see it work - the red spots lessening. Using your voice to influence people’s emotions was something you were still working with Piper on 
As soon as you got near the hippocampus, you knew what was up. Once you got it to relax, you told them, “she’s not hurt, she’s pregnant.”
After that day, you started hanging out with Percy more. Well, if you called ‘doing occasional checkups on Sweetie the hippocampus’ hanging out. 
The two of you, along with Will Solace from Apollo, guided the hippocampus through her pregnancy. You read her emotions and Will administered the necessary medical support
Percy was just there because he’s a child of Poseidon and the hippocampi really wanted their lord to be there, as they believed it’d bless the child
When Sweetie finally gave birth, you couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. You really enjoyed spending time with Percy, and now you didn’t have an excuse to
Could you just ask him to hang out? Sure, he’d probably agree. But you wouldn’t do that. Stuff like this is really delicate to you, and needs to be treated with utmost care
Luckily, he did the asking for you
“Y/N!” Percy yelled. It had been a day since Sweetie gave birth, what could Percy possibly need from you?
You turned, “is Sweetie okay?” Ever since that day at the beach, you’d grown really attached to the hippocampus, and would hate to hear that something had gone wong
Much to your relief, Percy said, “Sweetie’s fine, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have even known she was pregnant. Do you wanna get ice cream with me later today? My treat.”
Your smile widened and warmth flooded your heart, “sure, Percy, I’d love that.”
The ice cream broke the ice between you and Percy, and soon enough you were laughing as if you’d been friends your whole lives. For someone who isn’t a child of Psyche or Aphrodite, Percy was pretty good with people
Your issue is that he’s too good. When he’d shoot you one of his handsome grins, or gently pull you into his chest as you’re about to bump into someone, or check you for scrapes after a game of capture the flag, you couldn’t help but fall in love 
However, he was so oblivious. Every time you read his aura, you were disappointed at the lack of pink in it. How could he still see you as a friend? 
Confused, you decided to consult the Aphrodite cabin
Another night, another sleepover at the Aphrodite cabin. From the perfume samples to the face masks, you loved it all
Clapping her hands, Piper sat on the floor next to you, completing the circle. Instantly, all of her siblings stopped talking, “we have something to discuss. Y/N, if you will.”
“So, I like Percy–” you heard squeals from all directions. Piper shushed them, “continue.”
“I like Percy, but I don’t think he likes me back. He does things for me - things that I associate with romance - but every time I read his aura, there’s nothing,” you sighed
The circle was silent as the Aphrodite kids thought of solutions to your issue. After a minute, a girl piped up, “have you done anything to show that you like him?” 
“Oh yeah, I gave him one of my chocolates yesterday.” Instantly, you felt judged, “I don’t do that for anyone,” you added
The girl next to you turned and placed her hands on your shoulders, “that’s the issue, Y/N. Sure, to you that's the epitome of romance, but it's a little too subtle for most people, babe. You’ve got to really show him you like him! If you do, then he’ll start thinking of you romantically, y’know?”
By the morning, you made your decision. You’d show Percy that you liked him
Meanwhile, Percy scarfed down yet another potion, grimacing at the taste
You see, Percy liked you too. But he was smart. He knew you’d be able to tell immediately if he liked you, since his aura would give his feelings away. So, what’d he do? He begged asked the Hecate cabin for a potion that’ll hide his aura
Considering you hadn’t said anything about it so far, he thought it worked
He felt bad lying to you, but he couldn’t have you knowing, not yet. Percy wanted to plan the perfect confession, and he couldn’t do that with your powers at play
With his aura concealed, Percy left his cabin. He was going to head to breakfast when he found you sitting at the steps of Cabin 3
"What’re you doing here?” Percy said, startling you. You were too nervous to knock on his door, so you opted to wait for him to leave his cabin instead
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Percy, there’s this movie I really wanted to see, and I was wondering if you wanted to see it… together?” You took his hand and looked down at your feet, too scared to check his aura
“Sure! Do you wanna come to mine or should I go to yours?” Percy replied, blushing. If this didn’t scream the fact that you liked him, he didn’t know what did
You looked up. His aura was the same - yellow, meaning friendship. You felt yourself tear up and ran, hoping he didn’t get suspicious
He did, of course. Percy chased after you until you got tired and he could finally catch up, “what’s wrong, Y/N?”
You snapped. You were getting sick of all of this, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Percy! I’ve been trying to figure you out for weeks! You always do romantic things for me but your aura’s still yellow, and it hurts, Percy, so I’d really appreciate it if you stopped leading me on!”
Percy felt like such an idiot. He explained that he did like you and the yellow aura was just because of the potion he got from the Hecate kids
Since you still had some doubts, he dragged you to the Hecate cabin and asked them to give him a potion that’d reverse the effects of the first one
As soon as he downed that one, his aura turned bright pink
True love
You started dating soon after. That night, you watched the romance movie you’d picked out and Percy held you as you cried about how cute the couple is
You can’t hide your emotions from Percy. Just because he can’t read auras, doesn’t mean he can’t tell when his favourite girl’s feeling down!
Whenever someone even thinks to tease you for being sensitive and emotional, Percy immediately gives them a lecture, telling them he’s sorry they don't have half your emotional complexity
He’s always asking you to read his aura, since he's very curious. It barely changes when he’s around you, almost always mostly pink 
You still tell him though and he gets this super proud look on his face and it’s really cute 
You’re really glad you have Percy because now you have someone to rant to about all the media you consume and how it makes you feel. Sometimes he spaces out because your voice is so soothing, but he makes up for it
You two are PDA central. Percy also has lots of feelings, so you always have to be touching in some way
You told him your mom's sacred animal is the butterfly once and now whenever he sees one he instantly thinks of you
“Oh my Gods Y/N is watching over me!” “Percy that’s a moth” 
Every day Percy thanks Piper and her mother for letting you guys cross paths, because your path and his are forever intertwined now
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cranberryjuice-posts · 5 months
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Abby Anderson head-cannons/ relationship HC’s
An: this is like my modern Hc! Only the cannon in game apocalypse version
Tw: nsfw towards the end
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Humble about her title in the WLF
Goes to the gym twice a day, once in the morning once at night plus gas break days once or twice a week
High Proteine girly
Knows Damn well that the gay girls at the WLF thirst over her
Will keep Alice after hours sometimes just because
It’s literally cannon her and manny have competitions for who do what in the apartment
Is a perfectionist
If your in a relationship she’ll take you to the gym and make you try to lift her weights
Actually really likes to cook
If she wasn’t a solider she would of became a medic like her father
Has a shitty green thumb, can not keep a plant alive if her life depended on it
Speaks Spanish to a small degree bc of manny
Once her and manny had hooked up with the same girl — NOT TOGETHER I meant like Abby hooked up with someone THAT FUCKING SCIENTIST first then manny ended up hooking up with the same woman later on down the line.
Makes the worst jokes ever but ppl laugh bc their to scared to offend her
Street smart not book smart
When fall comes around mannys dad still celebrates dia de los Muertos, being that manny and Abby are close manny invited Abby one year to celebrate with them and they made an ofrenda for Abby’s father
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Relationship wise she’s actually really caring
You and Abby met most likely in the WLF, whether it’s from you helping her on an assignment, nursing her to health in the infirmary or her helping you with the animals you two just met at the WLF while helping one another
You of-course had heard of Abby multiple times but you.. this was Abby’s first time meeting or hearing abt you and shit she knew she was heads over heels in the first moment you met
Abby spent months deciding over if you were actually into her or not — one night after you two got drunk together Abby confessed and one thing let to another you two decided to plan a date
Abby freaked out like actually leg shaking anxious breath worried if she would fuck up.
She did, the day of the date she had bailed on you due to being put on an imporant assigment by Isaac
After wards she found you had a small argument with you before finally kissing you
That’s how you two ended up together
(I’m writing a fic abt this btw wait for that coming soon 😈🙏🙏🙏🙏)
She’s the type to find you souvenirs while she’s out patrolling
Will make deals with the gardeners to get you a bouquet of flowers
Every Saturday she kicks manny out and sets up the apartment so you two can have a date, doesn’t matter if your fighting and not on speaking terms you two always have the date Abby makes sure, once you Didn’t show up and Abby actually picked you up- threw you over her shoulder and carried you to the apartment
Most ppl when they write smut for Abby is alays like she’s fucking the ever living daylights out of you and calling you names but personally I don’t think Abby would do that (not that’s there’s anything wrong with those fanfics I eat that shit up everytime)
I think Abby is more of a soft lover. She takes her time and whispers sweet nothings, she’ll tell you how perfect you are and how you were blessed by the goddess of love herself
She can get a little rough though, she’s the type to while nuckles deep into you she’ll praise you for how well your doing
She’s a switch, she loves to make you feel good but also wants to be told how much you love her and her body esp her muscles
Abby’s not submissive though it’s just not her style
Went into an abandoned mall once and found a Spencer’s that’s where she managed to find a strap on
She doesn’t really like to use it since in her opinion it takes away from the experience, she doesn’t really like the fact that you want to get off on something that isn’t her
Would never let you use the strap on her tho lmao
Once Owen had drunkly said something to insult you and Abby decked him right then and there mel and manny made her apologize the next day
Insanely protective of you like I said previously she would deck Owen for just insulting you (I also don’t like Owen bc he sucks for cheating on my babe Mel)
If you two argue which is rare Abby’s stubborn but after a while she’ll force you to talk to her. She’s also gonna make you come to an agreement with her and actually communicate how you feel
GODDAMN ABBYS ASS IS FAT sorry I’m watching the remastered version of tlou2 while writing this 😭
Abby’s heavy on communication like she refuses to let one of you go to bed angry
She swears that your the most beautiful person she’s ever met
Abby will go on rants about her dad and tell you silly stories
Your the most important person to Abby and she makes that very clear— if you do patrols she refuses to let you do dangerous patrols only east already cleared areas or only if your with her so she can protect you
Deep down Abby’s scared to loose you like she lost her dad
Every night before she lets you go back to your apartment to sleep or if your sleeping over Abby will give you soft kisses and tell you how much she loves you before letting you go
That’s its 😝
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
A Train to Busan II (NSFW) FT: Jeewon
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Part I
Authors note: sorry for the weird shift in the middle of how they speak in the middle. I was working on a different piece and the dialogue kinda bleed through.
I checked into my hotel on the edge of Busan after the train ride, because I wanted to see the countryside before spending the evening and night sightseeing. Interestingly enough Jeewon was also staying in the same hotel. So after we both checked in we both regrouped in my room. Jeewon was bubbly and as perky as could be. I noticed she was also exceptionally flirty.
A lingering touch here. A rub of the thigh there. I could feel her body inch closer to mine until she took off her shirt and bra leaving her massive bust bare.
“I know Chaehyun got a taste of your body and now I want mine.” She said with a voice made husky by lust.
“I saw you try to be a good man and not sneak looks at our bodies. Not think about how’d you ravish them but you’re not a good man Dino. I can feel it.” She said as she lowered herself to my crotch.
“You sure are cocky. How can you be sure” I challenge
Jeewon’s eyes go wide but then shrink to normal as she begins to massage her chest“I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it in your muscles. You hold back. That thing inside you that you spend every day killing I see it and it wants out. I intend to let it out.” Her words set me on edge. Surely she couldn’t mean what I thought she meant. I wondered if she knew what that part of me was capable of. I worried about her safety but it’s also not often such a voluptuous woman offered her body so willingly to me.
“Run wild fuck my huge breasts. then lose yourself as you claim my pussy, and please drink my milk.” Jeewon says as her breasts begin to leak all over her chest. Jeewon’s words make me question something and so I ask
“You say claim your pussy but your breast leak as though you’re with child. How can that be?” I inquire perplexed
“My body was blessed by a fertility goddess. In that blessing, I would always be fertile.” Between her melodic voice and mesmerizing body, my inhibitions were gone.
I lift her and begin to kiss her Jeewon smiles.
“You taste exciting,” she says eyes lit ablaze with longing and fascination before going in again. I feel her arms snake around my body hoping to bring me closer. As I reciprocate her kinetic pleas for intimacy I paw at her breasts. She moans and breaks the kiss again. She stares at my tattoos and asks “Where did you get these?"
“They were needed for my job,” I reply still guarded. Jeewon pouts and for a moment the bubbly girl is back not the vixen
She tenses and says, “So what do you do for work? Or do you still not trust us?” she asks. I remain cagey about my answer.
“Trust lives by more than just seduction and comfort,” I reply.
“Yet you trust Chae enough to let her claim you?” She teases
“I am not property to be claimed by anyone" I reply
“ Did I strike a nerve? I meant no offense, but please be serious both Hayoung and I see the eyes you have for her.”
“Then why am I here with you?” I ask
Jeewon smiles, “touche”
“Also what's with the old-time speech? I feel like I'm in a Bible class or some old play. Just waiting for you to bust out a thou or a thee.” I question.
Jeewon laughs and her bubbly smile returns, “The platinum tongue is so ingrained you don't even realize its magic has spread.”
“How do you know about that?” I inquired of Jeewon
“Because to me you're not speaking English but Korean. Not modern by any means but to me you sound like a knight of old.”
“Oh well, that checks out,” I say and Jeewon laughs.
“So why Chaehyun?” Jeewon asks
“Well I'm not thinking about her right now for obvious reasons but she chose me first” I answer Jeewon laughs as we go in and out of another kiss. She then pushes me down to the hotel bed and begins her ministrations in earnest.
I discarded my clothes as we feverishly make out, and she wrapped her tits around my cock. Her chest was soaked with her milk letting me almost glide between her mounds. Jeewon smiles as I groan. My eyes roll into the back of my head as she continues to push me closer to release. I watch and writhe as the young woman rubs her sizable breasts along my shaft. Each pull and push lowers my sanity just a little bit.
"Fuck Jeewon." I gasp. Jeewon smiles at me
"Enjoying it?" she questions. I nod at her question and she continues. She watches me with that infectious smile and I reach down and cup her face. Her smile only grows brighter. It brought me a weird sense of comfort, or maybe that was the dopamine from her excellent tit job. regardless I nodded to her question. As she continues I feel myself getting closer and closer. something she takes note of.
"Are you gonna cum?" Jeewon asked, "Do it. Cum all over my tits. Spray them with your seed." she says. her last words were enough to send me over the edge my rod began to expel my seed all over her chest and face.
"You cam a lot," Jeewon says with an amused smile as she takes a finger and wipes the cum off of her chest and puts it onto her face.
"taste a little like vanilla," she says happily. before getting up and approaching the shower. she wiggles her cute butt and asks me to join her.
Before I can answer her My phone has a call it's from Chaehyun. Jeewon walks over and laughs at the name on it.
"Marshmello?" She asks me.
"She's so soft. wait why am I defending myself to you?" I reply. Jeewon laughs and gestures for me to answer it.
"Hey, when you guys are done checking in remember to meet us at the art museum." She said.
"Okay, Mello. Jeewon will be there." I answer
"Good. I will be expecting you," she replied in a sing-song tone. Jeewon watches from her side and gives me a teasing smile. I shoo her away as I finish the call.
"You two are adorable," Jeewon says laughing.
"Oh be quiet."
"No, I am serious. Your smile was this big" Jeewon says exaggerating the size to be her full wingspan (The length between the tip of her longest finger to the other with her arms stretched out horizontally. for those who don't know.) "And she very rarely goes full girly voice." she adds. I smile but then shake it off.
"Y'all are trouble," I reply
"As are you Mister Mysterious Warrior," Jeewon replies.
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lilisettean · 4 months
Unspoken Rivalry | Zayne/Reader + Implied!Caleb/Reader
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About: Ever since that incident, you rarely mentioned Caleb to anyone. So when you suddenly brought him up while in the fitting room with Zayne, his curiosity was piqued, albeit unwillingly.
Pairings: Zayne/Reader, Implied!Caleb/Reader
Notes: Sorry for repost and not smut haha. Decided to put all my L&DS writings here on this sideblog instead of my main blog because I didn't want to muddle things up. Anyway got this idea when Zayne was surprised at MC knowing how to tie a tie and I was like, HMMM maybe because she had practice with Caleb??? But nope the game went the other way.
AO3: Read here!
Warning: Implied love triangle.
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“I’m shocked. I didn’t expect you to be good at tying a tie.”
You inspected the black tie you had selected for Zayne for a moment, nodding in approval at your own tastes. 
“Why, of course.” You said with a smile, glancing at him before directing him to face the full length mirror before you two. “I had a lot of practice.”
“Caleb.” Zayne raised his eyebrows at the sudden mention of that name; your mutual childhood friend who had sadly passed away months prior. You rarely mentioned him nowadays, so to hear his name slip past your lips without anything prompting was a surprise.
“I… I used to do his tie for him before we went to school.” You whispered, fond memories of you tying his school tie while you complained about him not doing it himself surfaced. It felt like it was just yesterday when you complained about his odd request of making you do this every school day morning, but now�� 
“I’m sure he’s capable of doing it himself.” Zayne remarked, careful with his choice of words. He eyed you through the mirror, pointedly ignoring the sting of jealousy that made itself known when he saw you smiled wistfully.
You shook your head and looked ahead, eyes unseeing and absorbed in those innocent, carefree days where everything was still normal. “He said it’s for good luck.” You explained, missing the light bemused snort beside you. “He would whine about not having the goddess of luck’s blessing if I didn’t.” 
‘That could’ve been you in his place.’ A traitorous part of him mumbled, and Zayne promptly shoved that thought back to the corners of his mind. But it ceased to be silenced. ‘That should’ve been you. But you chose to distance yourself.’ 
‘It was for her sake.’ 
‘But was it worth it? Missing precious time with her? Being replaced by someone else?’ That voice hissed, reminding him of the reluctant distance he had placed between him and you. He told himself that it was necessary for him to focus on his studies if he wanted to take care of you in the future, and that indulging in your presence then would only hinder his carefully laid plans. ‘You were the perfect match for her and yet you–’ 
Opting not to let his darker, less desirable thoughts taunt him, Zayne focused on you instead, placing a hand behind the small of your back and brought you before the mirror. 
“Do you think we still match?” He asked, his hushed question barely over the calming instrumentals that the shop you were in chose to play. If it weren’t for him being right next to you, you would’ve missed his question entirely.
You scrutinized his outfit through the mirror, and smiled. “I think we do.” 
“Good.” Zayne let out a breath he unconsciously held back. He stared at his reflection once more, wondering. Would he have had the same treatment if he had stayed?
If Caleb was still the same boy he had met all those years ago, he would’ve hated you extending the same care towards Zayne himself. He remembered being at the receiving end of Caleb’s piercing gaze multiple times when they were still together, especially when you had looked to Zayne instead of him for certain matters.
‘The past matters naught. What’s important is now and the future.’ He thought as he turned his focus towards you, silencing the doubts of you favoring Caleb over him.
“Will you tie my tie for me on that day then?” He asked, the corners of his lip threatening to twitch upward when you stared at him, perplexed.
“Do you need the goddess of luck’s blessing as well?” You joked in response, only to sigh when you realized he was serious. “Don’t tease me, Zayne. Why would you need me to do it anyway?”
“For luck.”
“Why would you need luck of all things? It’s just a banquet!”
“You never know.” Zayne parroted the words you said this morning. You sighed, wondering if he lied about only studying and joined a debate club when he was still in school.
“Fine! I don’t understand why you and Caleb want me to tie it when you two could do it better than me.” A small smile appeared on his face as you grumbled, preparing to change out of the outfit he had picked out for you.
‘You will understand eventually.’ He thought as a staff member approached him with his card and receipt in hand, thanking him for his patronage. 
‘For what man wouldn’t want their goddess' attention?’
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vlansy · 4 months
Run Away Baby Before I Put My Spell On You
Pairings: WandaNat! x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Natasha and Wanda is set on a mission to find out who the "new" super hero in town is.
Warning(s): Violence, Voyeurism, murder, use of gun, swearing- (MINORS DNI 18+ )
Reader's POV
Growing up I have always wondered what I was made for, my mother said she prayed to have me and the deities gave me to her. She said I was special and she was the most blessed woman to have me. I was blessed by every God, giving me gifts and power.
But I still wonder what my purpose is.
I mean don't get me wrong having been given powers to move things with my mind, and control anyone if I wished to is an honor I will forever be thankful for, but sometimes I feel like I’m cursed to have them. I still have morals though, I ask for permission first before I enter someone's mind but even without asking I could still do it. Levitating and creating illusions is also one of the many powers given to me by the Gods. The Goddess of beauty and love herself even bestowed me with the power to charm and captivate anyone I wish to kneel for me.
When I was given to my mother they all expected me to be the one to stop the war and create peace among everyone.
I was sent to the mortal realm at a young age by my mother, she wanted me to live there with her immortal friend whom she said she’d known for a long time. I don't know what her reason is and why she wanted me to leave her but I know better than to question the queen.
I visit sometimes though, I mean what's a castle without its princess?
And what's a mother without her daughter….
My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.
“Y/n, are you awake?” A soft masculine voice said.
I was lying on my bed my feet dangling on the edge. I raise my hand opening the door without getting up.
I hear my Uncle Malcolm's footsteps coming closer my eyes remain closed.
“Is it just me or does the “woman in white” look familiar?” He said emphasizing the “woman in white”.
I opened my eyes and turned my head to him. I looked at him and raised my brow. “I see you’ve seen the news.”
“Y/n, I know you have a mind of your own and you’re a bright girl, but honey please be careful out there.” He said as he sat on the edge of my bed.
I’ve lived with my “uncle” Malcolm here on earth since my mother decided it would be a good idea for me to leave. He’d known my mother when he was in high school and my mother was a curious princess who wanted to see the whole universe.
His only family is me now and his fiancé Luthor.
They’re both very much in love and I would love nothing more than to officially welcome Luthor to our family. They both treat me as if I were their real daughter and I love them both like their my real Dad’s
It’s ironic really, before I got sent to earth I’ve only ever had women around me, since where I came from women are the ones to rule and provide for their offspring. No men exist where I came from they’re practically extinct.
I look at my uncle. “I promise I won’t get hurt, Dad,” I assure him. “And would you really think I’d let anyone catch me?”
“I know you wouldn’t let that happen but I know you too well to know that if the Avengers were the ones after you, you would let them.” He said knowingly.
“I- okay I probably will, but come on Dad if the Avengers were to want me I’d be honored to be caught by them.” I laughed at him.
It's an understatement to say that I'm a huge fan of the heroes that protect the world. But I would never admit that to anyone but my Dad’s.
They know how much I admire them, especially the two wonderful redheads I have a tiny bit of a crush on.
So when I thought of the idea that the Avengers might be on to me I had mixed feelings about it. I don't know whether to be excited that they know of me but also a bit scared because they know of me.
“And besides, whatever happens, happens. I'm a powerful being but I can't control what will happen, Dad.” I finally sat down on my bed.
He just sighed at me, knowing how stubborn I am he probably thought not to argue with me further.
“Where's Papa, by the way?” I changed the topic.
“He's still in his office, you know your Papa he's very hard working.” He said proudly. I just nodded.
My Papa is a well-known lawyer and my Dad is a popular Fashion designer. When I was younger I started to model the clothes he designed which gained me popularity all throughout high school and college.
I graduated college at 18 due to my high credentials and skipping a few grades. I honestly don't know what to do since I don't go to school anymore, I'm 19 now and turning 20 in a few months but all I want to do is keep my position in the modeling industry.
People say I'm too smart to just throw it all away but I don't really care what they think, plus My dad’s supports me with everything I do and whatever I choose to be.
I live by myself most of the time, I bought myself a house, but I miss my Dad’s too much so come over at weekends.
“I'll leave you to rest now sweetheart, goodnight,” he said as he kissed my head.
“Goodnight, Dad.” I smiled at him as I watched him walk out the door.
A few minutes passed and I was tucking myself to bed when my phone rang.
“Yes, Shaye?” I said when I answered the call.
“Y/n! Girl let's go out tonight!” She screamed right in my ear making me move the phone away.
I look at the time, “Babe it's literally midnight?”
“Yeah so? Come on honey the other girls are coming too,” she reasoned.
I thought for a second, what could go wrong? Right?
“Fine, give me like 30 minutes.” I finally agreed.
“Yay! Okay hurry up and I'll call you when I'm there, Byee!” She said cheerfully.
“Bye.” I said and quickly went to my walk-in closet and chose an outfit.
Once I found a white crisscross halter top and some denim jeans I went to my mirror and got changed. Then I went out of my closet and to my vanity. I started putting on a little bit of makeup and took the claw clip that was on my hair to let down my soft curly hair.
I got my purse and made sure my important belongings were in there and went to my Dad’s room.
I knocked on their door and waited for it to open.
“Yes, sweetheart?” my Dad said as he opened the door.
“I'm going out with Shaye and my friends.”
“Okay, be careful alright,” He reminded me.
“Yes, Dad bye,” I said and smiled back at him.
I was going down the stairs when Shaye called. “We’re here.” she is said.
“Yeah, I'll be right down,” I said and ended the call.
When I got out the door I was greeted by my friends squealing. I opened the shotgun seat and Shaye started driving.
“Oh my God Y/n we’re gonna have so much fun tonight!” My friend Leven said in excitement.
The car ride was pretty much us singing to loud music and taking photos.
When we arrived at the bar the guard didn't even need to check our IDs or make us stay in line because we go to parties here almost every weekend.
Some of our close friends were already waiting for us in the VIP section of the bar with drinks ready.
“Y/n babe, You made it!” A familiar feminine voice catches my attention.
“I probably wouldn’t have come if I knew you were here.” I joked at her.
Vienna was my ex when we were in college but we were more best friends than girlfriends so we ended up on good terms. But even when we broke up we would still playfully flirt with each other, but we both have zero romantic feelings for one another.
“Oh don’t act like you don't miss me, honey,” she winked at me.
I playfully rolled my eyes at her.
We partied all night and drank so much alcohol that my friends could barely walk anymore.
“Oh my God, do you guys remember when we all got in trouble because we couldn't stop laughing at Mr. Wilkins when we caught him picking his nose.” Leven reminded us.
“HAHAHA, or when he tried to flirt with Shaye in front of the class but Shaye said she also likes girls?.” I said and they all laughed, especially Shaye who almost choked on her drink.
As we caught up with each other's lives and reminisced about the times we had together I excused myself to go to the bathroom.
As I walked to the exit of the bar I could already feel the danger come my way.
I excused myself to my friends earlier because I saw a woman being followed and harassed by two men. I watched her for a while and when she was going to the exit I knew I had to follow.
As I looked around the exit I saw the two men following the girl out so I quickly but carefully followed them.
One of them ran up behind her and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream the other guy went to a nearby van and opened its back seat.
I walked towards them and spoke. “Watcha doing there big boys?”
They turned towards me. “You wanna join in doll?” The guy holding the girl said and smirked. I smirked back at him and walked closer to them, my heels clicking as I walked. The other man from the van now went closer to us.
“You know, two big guys like you shouldn't be out here at night,” I said as I got close to them the girl still trying to get out of the other man's grip.
He looked at his buddy and they both grinned. “Yeah, and why is that?” He asked a menacing smile plastered across his face.
“Because you might come across women like me,” I said as my eyes glowed golden.
Their smile slowly went away while mine grew wider.
I raise my hand in front of them making them both paralyzed.
I use my other hand to move the girl with my powers, freeing her from the guy's grasp. The girl stumbled in front of me so I held her close.
“Are you okay?” I asked with a look of concern.
“Y-yes, thank you,” she said as tears ran down her eyes.
“Go, and please don't tell anyone I was here,” I pleaded. “I'll take care of these boys for you,” I said as I turned back to the men giving them a sharp glare.
I heard the girl run but my attention was caught by the two men in front of me grunting and trying to move.
“It really isn't fun being helpless huh?” I asked with a fake pout.
“Oh! How about we play a game? Would you like that?” I asked then laughed. “Oh I forgot you can't speak, let me fix that for you,” I said and waved my hand in the air giving them the ability to talk.
“You little bitch!” one of them screamed at me.
I gasp. “You guys aren't very nice.”
“Let us go you fucker!” the other guy commanded.
“How about this, I'll give you five seconds to run and then I'll run after you, and if I catch you… I'll kill you.” I said as my smile dropped.
“1…2…3 GO!” I scream as I free them. They ran as fast as they could not wasting and second.
I just waited there and looked at my watch and when it was time to run after them I used my powers to make me fly making my current clothes disappear and turn to my white armor and covering myself with a white cloak.
As I was in the air I could already see the both of them run to a nearby alley. I fly with speed and when my feet touch the ground I start to play with them.
I surrounded them with clones of myself circling them so they had nowhere to go. “You have nowhere to run boys.”
One of them took a gun out of his pocket and the other one a knife. They started attacking the clones of me but every attack just went through my clones while they laughed at the men's pathetic tries.
When I finally got tired of watching them struggle I made one of them float in the air making him drop his weapon the other guy tried to attack me but I paralyzed him into place.
I entered the mind of the guy I held in the air and bent him to my will.
“θα τον σκοτώσεις και τον εαυτό σου (kill him and yourself)” I whispered in his mind and as I did his eyes glowed golden and his face expressionless.
I both let them go and watched as the man I whispered to attacked the other guy.
“Stop! What are you doing man!” the man grunted as they fought each other.
I was gonna watch them kill each other when I felt something in my chest and I felt my power in my veins. My veins are visibly glowing golden.
“What's happening to me?” I question myself as I look at my arms.
I quickly flew out of the alley not caring if anyone sees me.
But as I was in the air something shot the side of my stomach from a distance making me lose control and fall onto a rooftop of a building.
My stomach was bleeding and I tried to cover it up with my hand. When I gained composure and tried to stand up I saw a red entity fly towards me and as I turned my head the other way I saw a black-suited figure jump from building to building going after me.
“Shit!” I cussed out figuring out who they are.
It's the Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow.
I try to fly out of there but suddenly scarlet threads wrap themselves around me making it hard to move.
I breathed in and out catching my breath as I was about to use all my strength to break free from the witch’s spell.
At this point, my whole body was glowing and I could feel the witch’s spell slowly breaking and when I broke free a powerful force blew them both away making the widow hit her head on the cement and the witch fell on the ground.
“Wanda!” I heard the widow scream.
I wanted to help them and apologize but it was too much of a risk so I gathered all the strength left in me and flew as fast as I could out of there.
(Please tell me how I did in this chapter and if there are any errors.) Thank you all so much for the support!!😘
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taggedmemes · 5 months
leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind.
cut the crap.
we just want to go home.
enough of this charade.
i'll not play pretend anymore.
you'll soon learn what it means to ally yourself with the likes of this garbage.
i'm free now, and i'm never going back.
fuck them.
felt good letting off a little steam.
if i burn any hotter, i might explode.
don't get too close until i've found a way to calm down.
it's a bit early to be getting into tragic backstories.
let's save the scar-show for later after we've worked up an appetite for tragedy.
in the grand scheme of things, i'm inconsequential [to her].
she favored me like a child favors a captive pet.
it had the makings of a good stage show, but i did not want to be one of the players.
torture, bloodsport? or perhaps just a good old-fashioned walloping?
you owe me nothing.
i could extort you, if that's what you want.
you're teasing me now.
ignorance is alive and well it seems.
don't make me get the wooden spoon.
you'd best have one hells of an apology for me.
if you think your precious little god holds any power here, you're in for a surprise.
do you treat all your guests so poorly?
i don't like busybodies.
you are as thick as they come.
are you telling me you made love to a goddess?
i shared a bed with a goddess and yet i wasn't satisfied.
shall i share the story behind it or would you rather head straight to its sordid finale?
how are you still alive?
we've come this far together and we'll continue on together.
even i am tired of the sound of my own voice.
i'll rip your spine out of your asshole.
i'll use your blood to spice my stew.
i'll keep you alive until i've sucked the marrow from your bones.
killing me is a waste of time.
you bastard, you ruined everything.
this is an interesting way of thanking me.
a slap is all you deserve.
a hag was never going to help you.
they don't help anyone but themselves.
that double-crossing, filthy, lying hag.
focus on the positive.
forgive the aroma.
perhaps that is why i have survived so long where more fearsome peers have not.
your loyalty is admirable but misplaced.
his kind have charm beyond our mortal means to resist.
who'd keep a secret like that from his friends?
you can't trust anyone these days.
even in the middle of nowhere, he can reach me.
why do you insist on exhuming the past?
people think the biggest threat to a vampire is a cleric with a stake.
they're scheming, paranoid, power-hungry beasts.
i am what i must be, says what i must be.
how does it feel to be a devil?
i can't tell if you're being silly or serious.
you have to admire the man's ambition.
i promise i will not betray your trust.
you kept me by your side despite the menace i am.
i learned quick how to stay alive.
to feel invincible again.
this isn't where i thought i'd end up.
maybe when this is all done, you can show me where you came from.
i'm not normally one to begrudge someone their secrets, but..
i'm already blessed to have you at my side.
don't you cut a fine figure.
i am not some lower city coinlad offering you a tumble.
there is nothing so depressing as learning one's true value.
i could use someone with your skills.
they're ravenous predators with fangs like daggers.
it's hardly an irrational fear to harbor.
you've been decent to me, so far.
everyone's got their own fears.
maybe that's what i like about you.
all of this was for nothing.
if you're here to help, get to the fight quickly.
gods, i thought you were one of those beasts.
i'm not chasing after it, if that's what you're thinking.
the little beast's charming once you get accustomed to the smell of rotting flesh.
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bagerfluff · 5 months
Affection In 10 Different Ways
Annabeth Chase x Non-Binary Half-Blood Reader
AN: If you have any request for who's next please tell me
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1. Smiling at each other from across the room
You were sitting at your cabins table during dinner. You had a very hard day so you were really happy that you could finally eat. You were eating the last of the food on your plate when you felt someone watching you. You looked around to see who was looking at you when you caught the gaze of your girlfriend. You smiled at Annabeth before going back to your food. Not seeing the small smile she had on her face.
2. Kiss to the side of the head
You were training with Annabeth since neither of you had anything else to do. You both were practicing with swords despite the fact that Annabeth doesn't really use them. But you did. So you were teaching Annabeth how to use them. The longer you went the better she was getting. She even got so good that she was able to disarm you.
It took a while but she did it. "You did it!" You yelled. You picked up you sword and walked over to Annabeth. "I think that's enough for today" you said before placing a kiss to the side of Annabeth's head. Annabeth blushed before walking with you to put the swords back.
3. Fixing each others clothes
You let out a yawn as you walked out of your cabin. You had stayed out a few hours late cleaning the dishes after dinner. You hated cleaning duty. Since it took you so long, you had gotten to bed two hours later. But you still had to wake up early since you had to teach some new campers Greek. So you were dead tired when you woke up.
You stretched and started to walk when you heard someone call your name. "Oh. Hi Annie," you yawned in the middle of your sentence. "Hey, Y/n. You okay?" Annabeth asked. You nodded, "Just tired." Annabeth walked over to you and fixed your shirt. You hadn't even noticed. You were that tired. "Thank you," you said, placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving.
4. Embracing them from behind
You and Annabeth were on a date to a museum. But all Annabeth did was look at the architecture. You found it a bit weird but cute. That was your Annabeth. While she was busy looking at the walls you walked up behind her and hugged her. "So what's that?" You asked and pointed to something. Annabeth smiled and started talking about the architecture of the museum. You just smiled as you hugged her tighter and listened to her speak.
5. Ruffling their hair
You were sitting by the fire tell some younger campers a story from one of your adventurers. You were telling them how once when you were out on a quest, you fell off a ten foot cliff and survived with no scars. The campers didn't believe you. Saying that was impossible. But you swore that it happened. You were there. "It did happen. I fact Annabeth was there. Annabeth!"
You said. Yelling at Annabeth to come over to you. "Yes Y/n" Annabeth asked once she came over and stood next to you. You told her what you and the campers were talking about. "Yes Y/n you did fall off a cliff with no scars. But the cliff was only five feet, " Annabeth said with a smile before ruffling your hair and leaving. Leaving you with blush on your face and laughing campers.
6. Take a photo of them
You brought your camera to your face and looked through it. You were planning to take a picture of Annabeth. She was sitting in front of you reading a book. Her hair was in a messy pony tail, and she was still in her pajamas. But to you, she looked like a goddess.
Like she had ben blessed by Aphrodite. So you wanted to take a picture so you could keep this moment forever. But right as you took the picture, Annabeth turned to look at you. You smiled as you brought the camera down from your face and looked at it. It was perfect.
7. Putting a blanket on them
You walked into Athena Cabin looking for Annabeth. You two were planning to hang out since neither of you had anything to do. But you hadn't seen her since dinner so you were a bit worried. But the minute you walked into Athena cabin, you realized what she had been doing. Annabeth was sitting at one of the desks in Athena Cabin. She was resting on the desk.
The closer you got, the sadder you got. The desk was covered in paper and pencils. The pencils had no erasers, and the papers were coved in drawings. You figured that she was working on something for Olympus. Annabeth always overworked herself. You sighed and picked up a blanket that was on her bed. You then put that blanket over her and placed a kiss on her head. "Goodnight Wise Girl"
8. Laying your head in their lap
You were sitting next to Annabeth while you both read books. This was a common thing to happen. After a long day of doing things around camp, it was common to find you and Annabeth sitting next to each other doing your own thing. But in each others presence.
But after reading for a couple of hours, you were starting to get tired. You rubbed your eyes before putting a bookmark in your book and closing it. You placed your book on the table and let out a yawn. You then positioned yourself so your head was in Annabeth's lap. You then closed your eyes and started to fall asleep. With Annabeth's hand running through your hair.
9. Laying your head on their shoulder
You were sitting next to Annabeth watching the camp fire toast your marshmallow. You could hear the Apollo kids playing instruments while singing. You could also hear other campers joining in on the singing sometimes. You however, where focused on your marshmallow. Watching it slowly cooked while the campers sung in the background.
Since everyone was so happy the fire was big and bright. Blazing a nice yellowy orange. All the stuff, the heat from the fire, the sounds of happy campers, the smell from the marshmallows. It made you tired. So you leaned over and placed your head on Annabeth's shoulder. Annabeth smiled and placed a kiss to your head. Making sure to remove your marshmallow from the fire when you fell asleep.
10. Hugging them
You were hunched over breathing heavy. You had just killed a monster and you were beat. Blood was running down from a gash on your arm. Sweat was dripping from everywhere. Your body ached. It seemed like everything that could hurt, was hurting. But you weren't concerned about that.
You were concerned about Annabeth. You looked to your left, the last place you saw her. You saw Annabeth running towards you. You only a few seconds to prepare before Annabeth hugged you. "Oh Y/n. I'm so glad your safe" Annabeth said into your shoulder. You smiled and hugged her back with your good arm.
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I(trans girl with boobs and a dick) would love to present myself to you and all other worshipers to be stripped and bound on an alter to have my holes and body be freely used by anyone, I'd also like to be placed in a heat that makes me more and more desperate to be used as time passes, maybe being kept like that for long periods like throughout an entire day.
“Step forth.”
Your heart skips a beat. You were nervous, not because of what was about to happen, but because you didn’t want to screw up. It was your inauguration. You were to be accepted as a sacred slut. You walk up to the altar, the eyes of the congregation all on you.
You reach the altar and look into Goddess Elira’s eyes. She stares back, a devilish glint playing on her face as she takes your hands. “Worshipers one and all!” she calls out to the filled chapel. “We are here to welcome a fellow worshipper into her true role.”
You are yanked down, landing on that altar. Elira flips you over and around, laying you chest up with your head on one side of the altar and your legs hanging off the other side. “She is our newest slut, so make sure to break her in properly.” She looks down at you and gives a smile. She leans down and places her lips on yours. Her tongue pushes through the kiss and enters your mouth, sliding around and covering the area with her spit.
With every drop of saliva that spreads across your mouth, you feel your body get warmer. You knew that this would happen, that Elira’s spit would act as an aphrodisiac, but you didn’t think it would work so fast. You definitely didn’t think it would feel this good. She breaks away from your lips, a string of spit extending between your mouths. It thins and breaks, but you can still feel her heat.
With a slight movement of your arm, you realize you’ve been strapped down. Your important parts could move, like your hands and head, but your body was bound in rope and held tight on the altar. Even your breasts are tied up, pressed together with taught rope so that you can easily be titfucked. This was turning you on even more, speeding up the aphrodisiac’s effect and making your cock get rock hard in record time.
Elira turns to the congregation. “Now, show her unending pleasure. She is yours to use however you wish.” The congregation begins to stand, getting close and forming a loosely ordered line. They were all ready to fuck you. Elira smiles. “And don’t worry about knocking her out of heat. I gave her a special dose, so she won’t be able to cool down until her Goddess takes her fill.”
With those words, your Goddess turns and leaves. The bells began to chime. Eight times. It was still early in the day. You wondered how long it would be until you were blessed with divine seed in your womb. Just the thought was got you harder and made your hole wet. It was going to be a long day, but considering the hard cocks and wet it was going to be a good one.
The first of one to dominate you was a long haired girl. She straddled your cock and gave you a smirk. There was no speaking and no pregame of any sort, she just started using you. Her pussy slid down on you and started to ride. All you saw was her smirk before your head was grabbed and pulled back. Another girl stuffs her cock into your mouth and you moan with pleasure.
Your cock was under constant stimulation from a warm, tight pussy while your throat was pounded, and your body was ravaged with heat. You were already so close to cumming that you couldn’t help but thrust your hips. A cock appears in one of your hands, and a pussy in the other. You automatically went to work stroking each of your charges. You were a machine for sex. A toy. And good toys do their job.
You came hard in the woman on your cock, spilling into her while she laughs. You can hear a muffled “Aww, good girl,” through the sounds of of your throat getting bullied. The wet slaps and gurgles fill your ears almost as much as the taste fills your mouth.
You feel something pressing into your asshole. Not a cock, a tongue. Despite just cumming, the new sensation, and certainly the heat, kept the blood in your cock. The woman clamped down on your cock, cumming on you with a satisfied groan. Her tightened cunt wrings your dick to the edge, but she gets off of you before you finish.
However, before long, another worshiper is on top of you, slamming themself down on your cock. You cum again, filling the new hole with your seed. The cock in your hand starts to twitch at the same time as the one in your throat. You speed up your strokes, and get them to cum at the same time. As your tits get covered in warm cum, your throat gets coated in semen. You swallow it all down, and give the cock a kiss before it gets taken away.
Both are soon replaced by another set of parts, a pussy in your mouth and another cock in your hand. Another person gets onto your chest and starts fucking your tits, using the cum as lube. The tongue in your ass finally finds your prostate, pressing into it. The pussy in your hand starts to grind on you, clit twitching quick before filling your hand with warm juice.
It was only a moment before another cunt was using your hand to get off. It was never ending. So many people wanting to fuck. Needing to fuck. And, out of all people, they chose you to use as their toy. You couldn’t be more happy. You cum, they cum, they cum, you cum. It was endless pleasure, just like you wanted.
But the heat was not subsiding. You needed more. An hour passed, and you still needed more. Noon came and went, and you still needed more. The number of worshippers using you at once steadily declined, but you still needed more. Your eyes were twitching. You had cum more times than you can count. You had been filled and covered more than you thought possible. But you needed more.
You needed her. You needed your Goddess’s cum. You needed to be her slut, show her how good of a girl you were. Stay in heat as long as she desires and beg for her every moment of every day. You needed to worship her. It would take you to the absolute height of pleasure just to be touched by her. You need to please her. It was your duty.
And as the day turns into night and your heat rages on, you cry out in need to be fucked by your Goddess. How do you beg?
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sexyandcringe · 28 days
Part 1 ◇ Part 2
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Warnings: none except mentions of readers past traumas, mention of sexual objectification.
Content: osamu x reader, Angst (to fluff in the next chapters), hurt no comfort.
A/n: it's my first long-fic, please be nice :)
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You're not used to being loved.
Your parents were always strict, hardly ever showing their affection, you didn't even have any close friends until you started working, where you found your best friend who showed you the blessings of a platonic love; but time passes and things happen, you had to move out of the town, leave your one true friend behind.
You are not used to love but especially romantic love, because all men did was see you as the object of their sexual desires, or maybe a good time-pass until a better one came along. Never as a person with feelings, never as a woman who loved them more than they loved her.
Sometimes you were too much, sometimes you weren't enough.
Too affectionate, too clingy, too dramatic, too loud. Not pretty enough, not smart enough, not horny enough. You tried and tried to be more, to be less, to be loved, but despite your efforts, love remained elusive, even with women.
So, after years of hoping and yearning, you resigned yourself to a loveless existence.
It is not to say that you never felt happy; even if you didn’t have love, you had fun and drama, you had friends to drink with (accompanied by the ting of pain the day after), you had a lot of books to read (leaving a bitter taste in your mouth whenever you finished one), you had dates and clothes and all the good and beautiful things in life and you've learned to appreciate these fragments of happiness.
But sometimes you get lonely.
You are used to it at this point, the crushing weight in your chest at 11 PM is your daily ritual before you finally give in to sleep.
So when you see Osamu Miya’s warm smile as he greets you in his restaurant, you battle to stop your stupid crazed heart, which is currently trying to jump out of your mouth.
You are just a client, his smile doesn’t mean anything, he is only doing his job, and you have seen him give the same smile to the old ladies who only order a coffee and linger to chatter for more than two hours, too. He’s a professional, after all. You are a regular and all he wants is your money, the bastard.
(you completely ignore the fact that he remembers details about you that no one bothers to remember; like the colour of your jewellery, the names of the dogs in your shelter or how your eyeliner is a little glittered today.)
Still, you are glad you got to know him. If anything, at least he is a good friend to you, always listening to what you have to say and filling your stomach with delicious food.
“ ‘Evening, Y/N. The usual?” He asks. You nod as you sit on the corner of the counter, the same seat you sat on the first day you came in.
(Osamu puts a “Reserved” sign on it every day until your arrival, not letting anyone else sit on it because it’s yours. But you don’t need to know that.)
You chatter with Tsumoto, the part-timer student who works in his shop, about his new crush, giving him advice you wouldn’t listen to nor follow from somebody else, and just as you are about to tell him that he should just write love letters to his crush, the doorbell rings; a pretty girl with dark long hair and the body of a goddess walks in, looking around for something, or better, for someone.
“‘Samuuu!” she calls him just as he comes out of the kitchen, and his face lights up, his arms envelop her figure and her lips meet his cheeks in an affectionate gesture.
… what?
“Emi! How are you, doll?” his voice holds tenderness as he guides the girl to one of the seats available, “Have a seat, I'll fix something up for you.”
She is a beautiful girl indeed, her hair flutters in the air like sea waves and her deep green eyes would make any man weak in his knees. She graces him with a smile, her flawless teeth gleaming.“A coffee is enough ‘Samu, I’m going to meet a friend soon.”
“Roger that!” he nods, signaling to Tsumoto for the order, before returning his attention to her.
He looks happy, you don’t think he has ever looked at you with this much fondness, and you’ve never witnessed any girl embrace him, let alone kiss his cheek. Hell, you didn’t even know if he had any female friends who were not his friends’s girlfriends.
(You feel your vision blur and something clenches in your chest. You swallow it down.)
You have no idea what they are talking about, you are not listening, all you can think about is how much you feel so so stupid. You didn’t hope for anything, you tried not to hope for anything at all, but feelings are hard to get rid of, especially if you see the one causing these feelings every week.
You look at them talking like best friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time and the feeling of inadequacy gnaws at you. You wonder if you ever even stood a chance to begin with. You yearned to be someone close to Osamu, someone who could give him hugs and kisses easily, someone who knew everything about him; you yearned to be part of his inner circle, but now you feel utterly stupid and delusional. Of course, he would never see you in that light, his affection is reserved only for a pretty girl like her. Of course he wouldn’t even think about getting physical with you. What were you even thinking?
Of course, you can’t be part of his world.
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Reblogs are really appreciated! - Part 2
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tumbleweed-run · 8 months
Kinktober Day 25 Pregnancy
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It didn’t matter how many times he saw her lately, Gale’s breath caught each time. When he thought of Tav the image his mind conjured up was still the woman he met, so it was a small thrill every time she appeared in the room. She was still absolutely stunning, but the fact that she was now carrying his child did something to him viscerally. 
The pregnancy was far enough along that there was no denying it. Even while fully dressed, anyone with eyes could tell Tav was carrying their child. Gale had spent much of the early months laying in bed with her caressing the growing mound that was her belly. Now he enjoyed allowing his hand to stray to her stomach, occasionally blessed with the little sensation of tiny feet against his hand. 
“Getting any work done?” Tav teased from where she’d paused by the door, undoubtedly watching him watch her. 
Gale glanced down at the mess of parchment in front of him, “not important.” 
She laughed and walked over to him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “What were you thinking about?”
“How lovely you look carrying our daughter,” Gale answered almost immediately. 
He heard the huff from above him, an amused and exasperated noise all rolled into one. “You’re so sure about that.”
“I have it on good authority that Morena Dekarios has correctly guessed the genders of the last 5 pregnant women she’s encountered,” Gale explained for probably the hundredth time, “and Mother took one look at you and declared that our child would be a girl.”
“Is that authority Morena herself?” Tav teased had disappeared further behind him.
Gale turned and found she had settled onto the seat on the terrace. The setting sun caused her skin to glow and Gale was momentarily frozen in awe. She looked every part the goddess right now, glowing both on the inside and the out. Luckily he knew that beneath her ethereal visage laid a very human heart. Tav’s humanity was some of his favorite parts of her, making her better than any god. 
“What did I do to earn the right to love you,” he asked surprising himself, the words leaving his lips before they’d even entered his brain. 
Tav smiled and rolled her eyes fondly. “You’ve been yourself and that’s all I’ve ever wanted,” she said insistantly.
Admittedly they had this conversation at somewhat regular intervals. Gale would likely never accept that he was worthy of loving someone like Tav. But everytime that black urge to prove himself in increasingly grandiose ways she was there to reel him back in. Reminding Gale that she loved him exactly as he was. 
He rose from his seat and went to her. Instead of taking up the rest of the space on the seat, Gale knelt before her. Placing a hand onto the swell of Tav’s stomach he leaned forward and pressed a kiss. He was rewarded with a thump against his hand. Gale chuckled and delivered another kiss.
“I can already tell this one will be a handful,” Tav said fondly placing a hand over Gale’s as another kick fluttered against her skin.
“Alright little girl,” Gale said with mock sterness, “give your mother a rest.”
Another eye roll above him but when he looked up Tav smiled and he was once more struck by her beauty and his luck. 
“Let me worship you,” Gale asked softly. 
Tav blushed at his request, eyes darting around, “not out here.”
“No one will see,” Gale tried to reason with her, more than happy to cast them some cover. 
She shook her head still. 
“Alright,” Gale conceded, “then lets go inside.”
“Uhg,” Tav whined, “I just got out here.”
Gale laughed in response and took Tav’s hands before rising to his feet, “I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.”
Tav allowed him to pull her to her feet at that promise. “You better.”
Gale lead her back inside and then further into the house towards their room. He’d considered using the couch in the study but knew their bed would be much more comfortable for her. His desire to touch her was easily outweighed by his desire to make Tav comfortable. 
Once they got into the room Gale made quick work of her clothing. Unable to resist Gale leaned down and pressed yet another kiss to her bare stomach. Tav laughed and playfully pushed at his shoulder. 
“I’m beginning to worry you might like be pregnant a little too much,” she accused even as she climbed onto their bed and settled against the mound of pillows that was beginning to take over their bed. 
“I enjoy your body in all of it’s states,” he told her as he followed. 
Gale pressed apart her legs slightly so he could kneel between them. He leaned up and captured Tav’s lips with his. She sighed into the kiss, raising up so she could deepen it. Gale was happy to let her lead for a while, resting his hands on either side of her face. The second Tav’s lips parted his tongue chased it’s way inside. He licked at the soft earthy flavor of the teas she’s begun enjoying lately until he found the flavor that was uniquely hers. They went on like this for several minutes until she was making soft noises into his mouth. 
Gale broke away from Tav’s lips in order to trail kisses down her neck and across her collar bone. She relaxed back, seemingly happy to allow him his time to worship her. He trailed down into the valley between her breasts and she arched her back towards him. Taking the hint Gale kissed upwards until he could draw one of her nipples into his mouth. Tav gasped, hand raising up to thread into his hair. He swirled the nipple with his tongue, his hand raising up to gently caress its twin. 
Tav moaned, legs spreading slightly in response. Gale gently pressed on of his knees forward against her core. She moaned again and ground down against his leg almost immediately. He released her nipple from his mouth and turned his attention to the other side. In the last few weeks she’d been nearly insatiable in bed, a perk of this stage of pregnancy she’d assured him. A perk Gale was all to happy to take advantage of. 
When he’d spend enough time worshipping her nipples, Tav was writhing near constantly and he could feel her arousal seeping into the fabric of his pants, Gale allowed his kisses to trail lower. He spent a few moment kissing along her stomach before sliding his hands beneath her hip. Sliding back down the bed Gale gently pulled her after him until she was laying. 
“Do you need a pillow?” Gale asked even as his lips trailed ever lower. 
“Gale,” was Tav’s only response, a plea. 
He sat up then and looked at her. “Do you need a pillow for under your hips?” He repeated.
Tav huffed, rolled her eyes, and grabbed a pillow out from the pile that was now above her head. “Yes, here,” she handed it to him.
Gale quickly helped work the pillow under her hips before returning his lips to the exact spot they’d left. Tav settled further into the bed with a contented sigh.
She was so delightfully wet when Gale finally made his way between her legs. Tav whimpered at his first lick between her folds, legs spreading even more. He was only happy to oblige to her silent request. He took his time licking every inch of her, swirling his tongue just inside her entrance. She moaned, hand finding its way back into his hair.
Gale gripped the pillow and pulled it forward so her hips tilted up a little more. “Good?” he asked. 
“Yes,” she answered breathlessly, tugging softly on his hair trying to guide his mouth back down onto her. 
Gale was laying flat on the bed now, hands resting under Tav’s thighs keeping them spread. As he lowered his mouth to her clit she cursed and rocked towards his lips. Gale’s hips rutted against the bed in response, his aching cock demanding attention. That was as much as he was willing to indulge it, his sole focus on sucking and licking at Tav’s clit. 
She was unreserved in the sounds spilling from her lips. Moans and whimpers spilling out around the melding of his name and various curses. It was music to Gale’s ears and he moaned against her cunt. Tav gasped and pulled him closer enjoying the vibrations. Gale continued to moan as he licked, showing her just how much he loved his current position. Tav writhed and cried out above him as she came against his mouth. 
Gale happily lapped at her under the waves of her orgasm stilled. Only then did he push up to sit back on his knees. Looking down at her he realized he was mistaken, she was truly ethereal now. Skin flushed, eyes dark with arousal as he hair fanned out a halo above her head. He wanted this memory burned into his brain forever, he would gladly forget every incantation to be allowed that. 
“Gale,” Tav whispered, raising her hand to him after allowing him to look a her for several moments. 
“I’m here,” he promised taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. 
“Yes but I want you up here,” she said and tugged at his hand until he leaned back over her to press a kiss against her lips.
“And here,” Tav continued, dragging a leg behind his thighs until he leaned forward, rocking his clothed cock against her core. 
Who was he to deny her? Gale stripped as quickly as possible, eyes only leaving Tav when they absolutely had to. 
“Like this?” He asked leaning over her when he was done, allowing his cock to brush against her folds. 
“No,” Tav shook her head and pushed at his shoulders. 
Gale sat back confused. Tav sat herself up and shuffled her body to the side of where she’d been. “I want to be on top,” she insisted. 
“Are you sure?” Gale checked even as he shuffled his body into the space she’d just vacated. 
Tav nodded and as soon as he stopped moving she threw her leg over his waist. She settled back until his cock was nestled between her legs, not inside just yet. Tav slowly rocked her hips against him whimpering each time his cockhead bumped against her clit. His hips followed her movements after a little, chasing after every one of her movements. Gale was happy to be like this for a while, lazily thrusting between her folds. 
Tav was the one who grew impatient. Planting one foot into the bed she rose up and grasped his cock by the base. Gale knew her well enough to place his hands on her hips and when she began to sink down onto him he forced her to move slowly. She tried to glare at him but her eyes were heavily lidded in pleasure with each little bit he allowed her to sink down. Slowly they went until she was settled flush against him. Gale bit his lip in restraint as he wanted to allow Tav a moment to adjust
“I’m not fragile,” She insisted rolling her hips with him deep inside of her. 
“Yes, but you are precious,” Gale reasoned, voice rough. 
Tav didn’t try and argue only continued to roll her hips. Gale granted her a few more moments before releasing her hips and gently rocking up into her. Tav quickly rose up and then allowed herself to slide back down his cock. Each time she did this she swiveled her hips slightly. Gale thrust up into her as she quickened her pace, one hand resting on his chest for support. 
She slowed eventually, movement becoming less smooth, she groaned in frustration. Tav’s muscles undoubtedly were growing tired. Gale planted his own feet into the bed and held onto her hips. He fucked up into her, taking over the motions entirely now. He could no longer tell who was making what noises.
Gale came first, hips thrusting up harder than he meant. He then pinned their hips together, a habit that would likely never die, as he filled her. Gale held her there until his orgasm faded. He quickly moved his hand, pressing two fingers between his skin and her’s until he found Tav’s clit. 
He worked it, quickly using some of his cum that had begun leaking from her as lubrication as he rubbed. She squirmed cried out, fingers flexing on his chest until her nails broke the skin. He kept up with his fingers until only a little while later Tav came again, cunt spasming against his softening cock. She collapsed against him as she came. 
Gale gently rolled them onto their sides so her stomach was no longer trapped between them. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured against her skin. Tav leaned her head further against his lips and sighed happily. 
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kuro4thegays · 4 months
- Happy birthday to my dearest scribe
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[Word count: 1.9k] [Alhaitham x gn!reader] [Content: birthday fic, tooth rotting fluff, reader is kind of a caretaker for Nahida, they bake a cake together, Alhaitham has the best morning of his life]
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“You think we should add more sugar?”
You licked the icing off of your fingertips, savoring the sweetness before making up your mind. “No, this is Alhaitham we're talking about. The more earthy kind of sweet will do.” The ding of the oven interrupted your track of thought, making you stand up momentarily and leave the icing in Nahida’s hands. “I’ll take care of that.”
You returned with the base layer of the cake, putting it down and taking the baking gloves off as you watched over Nahida while she was mixing the fluffy white icing. Fortunately for her, you catched how her hands faltered, motions getting less smooth by the second as she continued the repetitive task. And what kind caretaker would you be if you didn’t jump in to help your dear archon. “You’ve done enough, I think that the icing is ready.”
“Finally…” She nodded thankfully, handing over the bowl into your much larger hands. If it wasn’t for the way she giggled you might have felt a little guilty, but the sound of her cheerful laughter puts you at enough ease to continue working with a steady hand.
“It’s a little embarrassing, but I really have no idea how to approach the decorating part of the process.” You admitted while your hands worked on filling the piping bag, eyes nervously checking your archon’s expression. “Alhaitham is a pretty straightforward person. We should probably go for something simple.” You really did try your best to sound calm and collected, yet the nervous way you held the piping bag gave away everything to Nahida. 
“I think that you’re the only one who could make the best choice here.” Her words really did catch you off guard. She was so innocent and tiny you could actually forget that you were talking to the goddess of wisdom. Still, you consider yourself blessed by her words.
“Thank you.” Your grip on the piping bag turned firmer, moving it up the sides of the cake before making an experimental squeeze. Expectedly, the icing surged out of its confinement, climbing up the cake's side with you as its guide. 
“You wanna write something?” You turn to Nahida only to find her scooping up the leftover cream from the mixing utensils with her fingertips. She, of course, freezed as soon as you looked at her, caught right on the crime scene with the tip of her index finger covered in the sugary sweetness and her face confused as ever.
“You know, sharing is caring.” And who were you to judge? Her face seemed to instantly relax when met with your understanding, so much so that it took her a moment to realize that you had stolen the cream covered mixing utensils right out of her hand. Just like she did earlier, you scooped up the leftover icing with your fingertips before proceeding to lick them clean.
“Mhm, as good as I expected it to be.” You smiled to yourself, you two truly did your work with the icing. “Have you unloaded the groceries like I told you to? The stake should be in the fridge.” Nahida nodded, moving both the bowl and the utensils into the sink. Meanwhile, you proceeded to move the piping bag from the side of the cake up to the edge of the circular surface, decorating it using the finest tip.
“I don’t think that I’m going to write anything.” You finally decide. “There is just so much I could say that this little space on cake won’t do it any justice.”
Nahida gave you her sweetest smile, yet you seemed to be so focused on the task at hand, the gift to your most cherished one, to completely forget about the rest of the world. With the last squeeze you emptied the piping bag, turning around only to find that all the dirty utensils were neatly sorted in the dishwasher. You had no doubt who did it. 
“I didn’t even realize how much time had passed.” You sighed, looking down at your goddess. “We still got an hour before ‘Haitham is home. Enough time to clean everything up.” And with that, you stored the cake in the fridge, turning to take care of the rest of the mess.
“Good morning.” You straddled your husband's waist, leaning down to mumble those words in the hushest, sweetest tone you could muster. After all, you didn't want Alhaitham to have an unpleasant waking up experience on his birthday of all days. 
The birds chirped outside your window like a complimentary melody to your voice, the warm sunlight breaking  through the thin curtains and lighting up the room in morning’s yellows and oranges, calling its residence to wake up and join the light breeze under the sunlight. A tiny bird found itself seated on your window stool, perhaps intruding on the personal moment, yet you seemed too busy to notice how it observed your actions.
Your hand found Alhaitham’s bicep, massaging the relaxed, now soft muscle with gentlest feather touches, your lips hovering over his ear to only let a quiet call of his name to escape. “‘Haitham.” You brush your lips against his earlobe, the proximity making the scholar’s body instantly warm up.
And the little kiss you left on his ear certainly didn't help his act. That little kiss that soon merged into an assault on his face, starting with his sensitive ears before moving to kiss the length of his jawline. And you didn't miss the microscopic smile that formed on the corners of his lips, so subtle in its appearance to untrained eyes yet quite obvious to your keen ones.
“Alhaitham,” You mumbled, kissing the corners of his lips. “I know you're awake.” Yet he did not bulge, well, other that almost invisible smirk that seemed to get wider. 
“Tch, Alhaitham…” You were starting to get annoyed, groaning his name, still quiet but now more frustrated with the lack of a response. Despite his stoic appearance Alhaitham was quite a tease and you were his biggest victim.
Still, you were going to force a reaction out of him.
You leaned down, lips meeting his with an unspoken urgency. Little did you know that you had fallen right into his trap. Just two seconds in and you realized that you couldn't pull back. His hand trapped you from the back of your head into the kiss, all while his tongue tried to breach into your mouth, completely throwing out any act of unconsciousness. And you reciprocated, warmly inviting him in as you tried to stabilize yourself.
He pulled away quite abruptly, leaving you gasping and wondering where you had failed to end up a fool in this situation. But as soon as you caught your breath you dared to look back at him only to find those sharp, yet affectionate eagle eyes staring back at you, deeper than you expected them to. “Good morning.” You repeat yourself, your voice appearing much softer than it did moments before.
“A good one indeed.” He took the chance to kiss you again, this time on the cheek, watching it turn warmer in both temperature and color.
“You aren't even going to say it back.” You criticized, resting your head onto his chest, feeling its slow rises and falls.
“Good morning to you too.” Despite his teasing demeanor he was quick to give into your demands, running his fingers through your hair like an unspoken apology.
You wanted to melt into his hands, yet there was still something that you had to do, the reason why you even woke him up like this. “Close your eyes.” You sat up again, setting your weight onto his hips before covering his eyes with your left hand. “Oh?” Alhaitham did nothing to fight back as his world fell dark, he just relaxed into the sheets and let you handle the surprise. 
“Open your mouth.” And he did just as you asked. You grabbed the plate you had left on the bedside table, the one Alhaitham was luckily too distracted to spot, before scooping some cake onto the fork and moving it up to his lips.
He bit onto the cake piece, rolling it over his tongue and savoring the taste. Firstly, he was sure that this wasn't from the Lambad’s tavern, he went there so many times he could guess without taking a single look. But it also tasted awfully familiar, definitely something he had tried before. His heart felt warm, but not the usual kind of warm, no, more akin to that childlike warmness, the kind you would feel when visiting your old house or taking a bite out of your grandmother's warm soup or…
That was it. 
He felt like a child again, swallowing down the nostalgia together with the cake piece, letting it digest and become a part of him yet again. “Where did you get the recipe from?” He asked, getting a chance to open his eyes again when you moved your hands to feed him another piece.
“Ah, long story.” You chuckled. “I was sorting out your books a few months ago when a piece of paper slipped out of one of them. It looked really old, but after taking the time to decipher the handwriting it looked like a cake recipe. Figured that it must have been your grandmother's and thought that it would make for a nice surprise.” You looked back down at him, searching for a reaction in those teal eyes, needing to know how he felt about the matter. “Is it good?”
Alhaitham greedily took another bite of the cake. “Amazing…” He answered before even swallowing, sitting back up to be at the same level with his spouse. Oh, it all made sense now. He can so clearly remember everything now, helping his grandmother bake a cake for his birthday and eating it later the same day with one of her books by his side. He felt like he was floating through the memories, all so lucid yet so real at the same time.
And when he opened his eyes again he was met with an equally beautiful, equally real, sight of the love of his life. Without a second thought he buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent with that selfish affection he always did.
“You really enjoy it, hmm?” You asked, feeling yourself getting pulled right back into the mattress, cuddling up to your husband. He just mumbled something incoherently, all the logic and rationality everyone knew him for gone and replaced with that childlike joy.
“H-Hey…” You crashed with him back onto the bed, fighting not to spill the contents of the plate all over the sheets.
“I love you.” He murmured into your ear, words so full of love you felt like you could melt into him. The way he held you close, strong muscular arms wrapped around your entire being pulling you into him. Oh, and you only pushed yourself further into him, returning all his love with equal enthusiasm. 
“I love you too.” You moved his hair back to plant the softest kiss on his forehead, feeling how he nuzzled right back into you. Yet somehow all that love didn't feel suffocating at all. No, it felt like being enveloped in the warmest blankets, protected from the outside’s coldness while enjoying its softness.
“Should I pack some of the cake and bring it with us to Lambad’s?” You asked, but only got a quiet “mhm…” as an answer. It was a painful reminder to the acting Grand Sage that he has plans for later today. Oh, how he would most rather just stay at home the entire day and forget about socializing.
“Are we even going to Lambad’s?” You retorted, your voice thick with sarcasm. Even if intended rhetorically, Alhaitham responded with seriousness you'd rather ignore. “I’ll think about it.”
You went to Lambad's tavern later that night.
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[Writer’s note: I kinda feel like I've made it too short. Like I should have went into more detail at some parts and stuff. Can't really blame myself though since even if I started on Monday I hadn't had much time to write because of life stuff. Literally finishing this at the night of his birthday lol. Overall not that bad, but I'll try harder next year. Bye bye.]
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pairing: teacher!reader x larissa weems
word count: 809
notes and warnings: ok so I loveee this request but I edited the plot just a bit,, I’ve made it so that reader and her students are pranking Larissa w pretending they started a fr cult lol
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You had never really intended for any of it to go this far.
It had started as a joke between a few of your students, that you were so infatuated with Larissa Weems that you would be starting a cult for her. Larissa had found out, and after ensuring that you were just embarrassed enough, she had let it go. You were sure she had already forgotten about it.
The semester was soon to be ending. After the incident with Marilyn Thornhill and the Hyde, everyone was a bit shaken up, and classes would only be continuing for another week or so. You had determined that your students were in desperate need of some fun — everyone was still so jumpy, and your classes were unusually quiet.
Every year, at the end of the semester, the principal of Nevermore was required to observe each class to check the teachers’ performances. Students were also meant to submit review forms for each professor, which had been submitted the week before.
Today was your day of inspection. Larissa would be sitting in on your last class of the day, for which you had prepared little homework for the students to do.
Instead, you had gone into Jericho and bought 25 black capes and 25 black masks. They were now in one of the drawers of your desk, waiting to be revealed as all of the students of your last class of the day filed into the classroom.
Once everyone was seated, you looked at the clock — you had only a few minutes before Larissa would arrive.
“Good afternoon,” you said, and within moments the classroom grew silent. “Today I’ve prepared for you all an extra special assignment.”
Murmurs erupted through the class, whispers about quizzes and essays. You held back a laugh, for your plans were so much different than what they had suspected.
“Some of you have been spreading jokes about a Goddess Weems cult. While I know it may be disappointing that such a thing does not and likely will not exist at Nevermore, Principal Weems will be joining us for this class period, and I think we’re all due for a bit of fun,” you explained, beginning to take the capes and masks out of your desk. “Today we’re going to be pranking our favorite principal.”
Larissa knocked lightly on the door to your classroom, giving everyone a moment to settle before she crept in.
She furrowed her eyebrows — the lights to the classroom were off, and the students stood facing her as shadowy figures, dressed in cheap Halloween masks and Dracula-esque capes.
Larissa flipped on the lights, and upon seeing you at your desk in a Jack O’Lantern mask and cape, she could hardly stifle a laugh. “Am I being initiated into a cult or something?”
A few of the students broke into quiet laughter, for which they got scolded by some of their classmates. After a moment everyone said in unison, “All hail Goddess Weems. We pledge our loyalty to the wearer of Crimson Lipstick Number 10 from Walmart. May her followers be blessed.”
Larissa glanced around in disbelief, crossing her arms. “Well, I suppose it’s about time you all realized how wonderful a principal I am.”
At this you broke, in hysterics as you took off your pumpkin mask. “We haven’t even gotten to the choreographed dance yet! Was it at least a bit creepy when all the lights were off and we were just standing there?”
“Oh, this was meant to scare me?” Larissa teased, coming to stand across from you at your desk.
“I thought it was very terrifying!” Said Eugene as he took off his zombie mask. “I haven’t been this thrilled since half of my bees flew away and battled an enemy tribe.”
“That’s…. so very interesting,” you nodded, attempting to picture how bees would have a ‘battle.’
“Class is dismissed early today,” Larissa announced, and your class broke out in excited whispers.
When you nodded, they all began to rush out into the halls.
“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or concerned,” Larissa teased. “I must admit, I’ve never been pranked by a teacher before.”
“I’m honored to be the first,” you teased, taking off your cape before going over to wrap your arms around her.
“I could fail your faculty inspection for cult activity.”
“You could, but then I’d get fired, and you’d have no one to bring you coffee to your office every morning.”
“I could get an assistant,” she teased.
“Yes, but they would buy the cheap coffee grounds. I splurge for the whole $7 pack.”
Larissa laughed, her voice airy and angelic.
“Besides,” you added with a small smile, “you like having me around.”
“What do you mean? All I did was marry you.”
You shook your head, grinning. “And now we have an entire cult.”
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur
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boyinabillion · 4 months
Chapter One
Chapter Name: There is more to Soleil Leo than what meets the eye
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Pairing: Percy Jackson x oc
Content Includes: Sad Backstory :(
AN: I am not sure about how this chapter sounds, but I would love to have feedback!! Don't be mean!!
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≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ Soleil Leo
Named after the sun.. Named after the morning sun rise. For how refreshing and in awe you can be of someone day after day after day again.
Everyone at camp knows her as Sol. Sol meaning the sun and light. She is the light of camp, everywhere she goes she radiates sunshine. It’s almost as if there is a glow around her. As if Apollo himself blessed her. She has looks that could match Aphrodite (but don’t tell the goddess that, she has a thing for jealousy), all these factors and it is no wonder she is the most beloved camper at Camp Halfblood.
"SOL watch out!" Clarisse scoffs, catching her before she trips. "You're such a pain, always tripping and falling. Can't walk straight." Clarisse complains straightening herself and Soleil out. "Good thing I am always here to catch you" Clarisse winks slyly before walking away.
That whole interaction is just a simple example of the effect Soleil Leo has on the campers around her. She has this sort of energy that draws people to her. A dangerous energy in some ways, allowing people to feel comfort in her aura.. Allowing themselves to be their true unbothered selves...
Soleil remembers before camp. “Mommy I’m scared, I’m not ready for bed.” Sol cried.. “Please don’t make me go, please!” She tends to not think about those times, they are just a long-forgotten memory at this point. “Mommy where do we go when we dream? Do we all go to the same place?” Sol used to question.. “My Lion.. just know that wherever you go know that I am always right by your side.” Her mother would always tell her. The few things Sol remembers about her mother is her comforting aura and how much Sol loved her.
“Please tell me another one” Soleil was wrapped up in her mother's arms. "I am not ready to go back. Please don't make me go back. It's so scary there." She whimpered, her head falling into the crook of her mother's neck. Tears began to form in her eyes thinking about sleeping. “Okay! Okay! Soleil." Her mother was always patient with her.. something Sol admired most about her. "One more story little lion! Now it all started…”
Soleil struggled with nightmares, as every demigod does, but hers were more intense. She would have vicious and cruel nightmares, they were psychological torture. She would scream, cry, and thrash every night. For years this would happen, and forever longer they would continue. Her mother was her kryptonite when it came to her dreams. Her mother's sweet songs and her stories always managed to pause the dreams. Soleil loved her mother for this.
“Goodnight now my Little Lion! Fight bravely and come back to me in the morning. I love you.” Her mother would kiss her head before leaving her each night. Soleil knew her mother would always be there. Or at least she thought her mother would always be there... but Soleil was always reminded that nothing lasts forever.
Soleil Leo's mother was a touchy subject. Everyone knew that. Her mother could've been the most horrible person, a horrible mother. But she would still love her the same, she would forgive her in a heartbeat. She would forgive her mother if it meant having another lullaby sung if it meant the dreams would disappear again.
She will always love her mother. No matter what. No matter that she abandoned Soleil at camp. She will always hold a spot in Soleil's heart.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
"Hi." A scruffy voice greeted Soleil, as she awoke her first day of camp. "I have been chosen to give you a tour of the camp." The voice continued on. "I'm Clarisse, and you're gonna be my friend... so let's go newbie."
Arriving at camp at such a young age was strange. She was 6 when she got to camp, the youngest camper ever. The campers would take shifts looking after her and teaching her trade skills. And in turn of learning a trade, she would also get to know about the camper who was teaching her.
She knows that Clarisse is very stand-offish but she is not a villain. Clarisse was her best friend, and she can be hard-headed and mean, but she really does have a kind heart. She knows that just because Silena Beauregard is nice, it doesn't mean she deserves to be walked on. She knows so many things about the campers as people... And that is why the camp loves her.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
But, regardless of all the happiness and joy she feels at the mere mention of camp, the dreams still manage to catch up to her. It was so infuriating, that she thought she had escaped them. She thought that camp would be her safe haven, she thought that camp had some sort of blessing from her mom and she would be safe. Spared from the dreams, spared from the psychological torture each night. But the nightmares seemed to follow her everywhere.
Except now the new nightmares came with another gift. The gift of dream hopping, dream walking she called it. At first, it scared Soleil.. it was strange being able to see in other people’s dreams. It was like she was sitting in a dark control room with video footage of everyone in the area’s dreams on display to her. She hated it, she felt like she was invading people's privacy. She cried to Chiron to fix her. Asking the god, “WHY?” Why was she different than everyone else? Why did she have this awful gift?
She cried and pleaded for Chiron to take it away. She pleaded for Mr.D to use some magic on her and get rid of the power (he didn't find the pleads very funny and threatened to make her clean the stables again, and she is not ready for that again.) Chiron took pity on Soleil. "Young Warrior, time will aid you in your battle against your mind. The future looks bright, do not worry." Chiron would always tell her. "But Chiron please, what does that mean? How long do I have to wait?" He would never answer these questions. Instead Mr.D and Chiron because a source and place for her to vent, almost like a make-shift therapy session.
She always told them about how her dreams allow her to see into people's deep darkest secrets and desires. It's not like she could tell anyone else about these things. Imagine a child walking up to you and saying "Hi! I saw your dream last night! I know you're afraid of beetles now! Wanna be my friend?" That is not a good conversation starter. The only other person she could trust with this information was Clarisse.
Clarisse was her person. The pair just understood one another like no one else ever would. it was kind of sweet seeing the pair interact. "Clarisse I am starving, and I have to wait hours before lunch!" "SOLEIL I TOLD YOU TO EAT. God! You have to take better care of yourself, I swear. Stay right there I am going to find you something to eat." Clarisse cared for Sol and protected her always. Soleil loved Clarisse because she always pushed Sol.
Soleil struggled with self-identity. While Clarisse knew exactly who she was. Soleil admired Clarisse for that. Clarisse helped Sol embark on her journey of self-discovery, but Sol relied on Clarisse. She relied that Clarisse would always be there (which she would). She relied on the fact that she always had someone to fall back on. Soleil knows she would be lost in a world without Clarisse.
That was Soleil’s worst fear: being lost. Never finding out who she is. Never completing her journey of self-discovery.. and just being a nothing.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
an: IDK WHY I MADE IT SO SAD... but this was just her like backstory
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neverchecking · 1 year
Oh my godddd I love your writing sm
And I also love @welcometothefairgrounds , I am her 🧚‍♀️ anon. May is a lovely person
If you’re doing requests, could I get yandere time? My daddy issues are calling lmao
If not feel free to ignore, I got too excited and forgot to read lmao
- @fairly-linked-buffet (don’t want this on my sfw acc and tumblr is being dumb so here)
I love her sm! She is honestly a gem. I'm glad to have someone from her page here with us! And don't worry! Requests are currently open so you're all good!
Some Father Time to bless your day, Darling~
I really liked how this one came out so I hope you do too! Personally, one line in this- Idk, it hit me and I wrote it and I still am just :O everytime I read it.
(IDK if I got his sword right??? I think I did, but idk-)
CW: Just some disturbing imagery, but it is Yandere!
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Warrior's Hyrule was just as nice as it was last time he was here. The people still bustled as they always did, calling out demands, or bargaining for a better price, maybe haggling over a trade. It kept the streets busy and full, foot traffic flowing in every which way. Exactly why Time needed to keep an eye on you at all times. Not only an eye, but a hand. Your fingers, delicate and slim, were kept interwoven with his own, feeling so soft against his calloused digits.
Every bit of you was so soft when compared to him. From your gentle movements as you walked, with the sway of your hips and head, to the calculated movements of your hands whenever you patched him up, not that he ever wished for any blood, let alone his, to sully your perfect skin. It always pained him whenever you had to see him injured in any capacity. The pinch in your browns and the furrow of your lips, all of it enough to make him internally panic before trying to fix it. Having you upset in any capacity was enough to poison his mood. He was built and formed to be a weapon of destruction, unbeatable and a figure invincible to anything thrown at him. A weapon fit to protect only the finest of jewels bestowed upon humanity. You. He was convinced he was put on this wretched world for you. To protect and love and cherish someone as soft as you. Till his dying breath and even then he would be hard-fought to not crawl out of his grave to ensure your safety.
All of that to say, he kept your hand clasped tightly in his with no intention of letting go. Not when the risk of you getting lost, or run over or goddess forbid hurt was too high. While he was more than happy to escort you wherever your heart desired, he was not willing to risk your wellbeing in any way, shape or form. That was too far beyond what he could allow. At least when he was with you while you went from stall to stall, he could watch over you. He could use his stature and his attitude to ensure your safety.
Time knew he was tall. And Built. And looking every bit a soldier the other knights of this time wished they could be. And he knew how to use it. He knew how to angle himself in a way to shadow over anyone who thought they could fool you into spending three times what the object was worth. He knew how to set his jaw and level his brows to...dissuade any possible passerby's from leering at you. He knew how to be intimidating to anyone but you.
Sweet, perfect you who saw through all of his defenses and touched him like he was a porcelain figure. Like he was capable of laying down his weapons and being a regular civilian. Like he was nothing more than the man you proclaimed him to be.
Like he was not a pagan of war but rather a child of peace.
It's what made you so perfect for him. Someone so akin to a saint saw something worthy of loving in him and clung to it. And he'd be damned before letting your love go to waste. Why waste it when he could use it to live? Live for someone, something, other than himself and that damned duty bestowed upon him. That destiny he was cursed with by that fraud of a Goddess. Why waste his time and feelings on hating the circumstances placed around him by a fake, when he could devote his being to his real goddess?
That's not to say everyone else saw you the same way he did though. He saw you as an otherworldly being worthy of his respect above all else.
Apparently that went above other pests comprehension though.
Time had been keeping an eye on him the whole time, with his greasy, clicked back hair and sunken eyes. Looking every bit a rat Time thought him as. He slithered about like a worm as well, watching you and your every step. Nothing seemed to deter him. Not any of the glare's Time shot him, not any of the ways he stepped as to cut off his view from you, not the Biggoron sword clunking against his hip in an unsaid, but no less serious, threat.
He just wouldn't let up.
He even looked brave enough to consider approaching you, one foot stepping past the shadows of the stalls and alleyways.
Kill him.
He need to take care of him. Take him away from you before he could sully your divine form. He could feel the power of the unspeakable buzz beneath his skin as he stepped closer.
KiLl HiM.
He could do it. He could easily do it. Take care of the pest. Drag him behind one of alleyways after finding one of the boys to look after you for the time while he took care of this degenerate.
It would be elementary. He had probably faced Bokoblins that put up more of a fight than he would. He was short and stout, something Time's own broad form shadowed at least twice over.
His sword would just slice right through his flimsy flesh, painting his surroundings a dark red as his worthless body slumped to the ground, before being left to the wolves to pick apart. He doubted even those feral beasts would touch such a slimy creature such as this merchant, who was still inching closer.
Just as his hand raised to the hilt of his sword, your hand, perfect and soft and light and grounding, settled on his forearm. "Ooh, look, Time!" Your eyes, gorgeous pools of every color he saw in his dreams, were alight with excitement as you remained completely oblivious to the stray in the background. "There's a bakery! Can we go, please?" You then turned your pout to him, melting his fiery rage into a simmering pool.
It wouldn't disappear, oh no, but it would be lowered from a boiling rage, full of livid restlessness and cold turmoil, to a stewing annoyance. Something he would nurture and let grow into a full fledged plan to dispose of this creature. It no longer had to be quick, not anymore, now it could be a slow and painful demise worthy of daring to creep on his Goddess.
He smiled, that special smile just for you, as he used his free hand to gently angle your chin upward to meet his eye just a little more. "Of course, darling, your wish is my command." If only you knew what you could wish from him. What he would do to ensure it came true.
Anything to see you smile.
(Anything. Including sneaking off in the late of night, nodding to Wars and Twilight, who were on watch, and disappearing into the night.)
(Anything. Including breaking into a non-assuming house, full of dust and mold, vines crawling up the sides. Doing so practically silently.)
(Anything. Including pulling out the Biggoron sword and holding it high enough the moonlight reflected off of it just enough to gently light up his target. )
(Anything. Including plunging the tip of his blade into their shoulder to pin them to their stack of hay and blankets, holding a hand over their screaming mouth as they shot to the conscious world.)
(Anything. Including spending the late hours making sure this filth understood exactly where he went wrong. Exactly why this was happening. Making him think he had a chance at life. Making him believe that Time would let him go. Only to snuff that pathetic life away with just enough time to clean up and get back to you.)
(Anything. You just had to wish it.)
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sgiandubh · 7 months
"He's actually paying those PR people? Whatever for? A drunk wombat would be better at the task." I LOL'd because my god have we been asking this very question of both Sam and Cait for years. They're PR is actually the worst. It's honestly hard to believe at times. Absolutely zero idea who either of them are trying to reach. The recalibrating after that VF disaster sent Cait into hiding, I'm not sure she's done another print interview since Belfast promo ended and if the Sam articles are going to continue on this way, he can quit too. Boring.
Dear Quit Anon,
I am flattered I managed to bring a smile or even a LOL, but I am not particularly glad about it. Unlike droves of people who think this PR shitshow is sad, I actually find it mystifying.
You are right. Goddess C went into occultation after that cursed VF interview. There are clear reasons, I think, for that. Also, please take into account the fact that, despite the illusions peddled by some fuckwits in this fandom, there are many things we simply do not know (nor should we, most probably).
As for S, I guess that ever since she went totally MIA (as I said, make-up and fash-un promo don't really compensate), he is overexposing himself. On purpose. Perhaps to protect her (I think so). Certainly to hide something. Since this is no way in hell about being gay (I will die on that hill and I know I am right), the only thing he could hide is well... I don't really need to draw it, do I?
Smoke and mirrors is always a risky strategy. S simply hasn't got what it takes to play that game long term, probably for the same reasons he was never a serious shortlist candidate for Bond. At this point in time, he'd mechanically go with whatever merde du jour is thrown by his imbecile PR on the table. Still, it's high time he'd seriously pull himself together. He can do better, as I wrote in a comment: he can do NYT and he did it very well, recently. And I was glad to see that. But Metro is just disappointing, clueless and tasteless. And it's padding up a press portfolio with amiable, meaningless bullshit that goes nowhere. Or at least nowhere near he wants to be or see himself in, let's say, five years from now.
OL is going to end. It has to. It's been both a blessing and a curse, I said that before. Then, it will be high time to end the fucking Truman Show. He (abstractly) knows that, he keeps hinting about it. “I’m ready for new challenges, but also nervous about what it’s like in the real world” - for some reason, I found this phrase very telling. But I doubt he internalized what probably still feels like a safely remote occurrence, right now.
What are his real projects? For the moment, zero. Directing? I'd love to see it, but he's got no real credentials for that. Bond? I mean, publicly gushing and insisting is not going to manifest it. He needs a real movie, a good one to break that glass ceiling. Is he going to get it? I hope so. But his personal brand awareness is still low. The PR clowns should stop talking to us, in here: we are already here and not going anywhere. All of us: antis, mommies, shippers, fencers, haters, trolls. They should talk to the people who have no clue who S is, and do it differently. He should step out of his comfort zone, ditch the leeches and refuse to discuss his personal life, for a while. There, I said it.
What are her real projects? For the moment, not much. Sure, we have The Cut, where I gather her part is minimalistic, to be kind. We also have The Amateur, of which very little is known at the moment. However, if I am correct, she is not one of the leads. Enough said. And beyond that? Crickets.
Make no mistake. The real litmus test is not now. The real litmus test is 2025. And then we'll see. And I'll still be here, taking weeping Anons because I don't know who said I don't know what I don't know where. Mark me.
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