#or in the case of that time i had to take my mom to the er i didnt have time to
thewertsearch · 1 day
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I'm not surprised. After the stunt you pulled with that mind-control chip, you're lucky she didn't give you the Vriska treatment.
NEPETA: :33 < we can always curl up in the pile again to talk about f33lings :33 EQUIUS: D --> Nepeta, for goodness sa%es, a man can only di%uss feelings for so much time […] EQUIUS: D --> We e%amined my emotional state until we were both bl00 in the face […] NEPETA: :33 < b100 b100 b100 b100 b100 NEPETA: :33 < i just love how you say that word! EQUIUS: D --> I know
How, exactly, does he say 'b100'?
Karkat's quirk manifests as literal shouting, so I think Equius is literally saying 'bee one hundred'. Fantastic.
EQUIUS: D --> Nepeta, I think it would behoove us to address the e%treme danger in a serious manner NEPETA: :33 < you mean about gamz33? h33h33! NEPETA: :33 < im still not sure if i can believe it! […] EQUIUS: D --> His is the richest and most noble b100d possible among the high land dwellers EQUIUS: D --> As such, he is prone to being more violent and unpredictable than any of us
I'm not so sure about that.
Like - sure, based on the sample we have, the top half of the hemospectrum does seem to produce more aggressive trolls. Terezi, Vriska, Equius, Gamzee and Eridan are all demonstrably more violent than their lowblood compatriots. But are their attitudes really a product of nature?
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Take Vriska, for example. She was forced to be a killer by the blue-blooded lusus that adopted her. Yeah, she's violent and unpredictable now, after years of abuse, but her situation would drive any troll to desperate measures.
Do we really think Aradia wouldn't become a murderer if her mom was a hungry spider? Of course she would!
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Then there's Eridan, a troll whose behavior could not stem more obviously from the classism that was ingrained into him by society. His culture reinforces the idea that violence is his right, and that it's particularly justifiable when directed towards his inferiors.
Would Eridan really be like this if he was raised on Earth? Wouldn't Tavros or Karkat also become shitheads if they were handed this kind of privilege?
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Let's not forget Feferi - a troll who, by Equius's logic, should be the most dangerous of the entire cast. She's not, and I think it's simply because there's no one above her on the hierarchy. Who's going to tell the princess that she's a failure of a highblood?
From where I'm sitting, it really seems like highbloods are aggressive due to cultural factors, rather than biological ones. Their blood doesn't predispose them to violence - it marks them as trolls who are expected to be violent. A case could be made that hemospectrum position is, in effect, a secondary gender for trolls - an institution that enforces entirely artificial standards for their behavior, which are then internalized as 'natural' by the populace.
So no, I don't think Gamzee was 'biologically predestined' to be like this - I think he picked it up from somewhere. Maybe he was more susceptible to Alternian propaganda than we realized, or maybe someone like Doc Scratch was manipulating him from the shadows. It wouldn't be the first time he's goaded a troll into violence.
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You ever roleplay so hard that you literally gain a cat's slitted eyes when you're pissed?
EQUIUS: D --> I will now seek the highb100d, Nepeta […] EQUIUS: D --> I will e%act caution, even when safety 100% to be 100% assured EQUIUS: D --> Even so EQUIUS: D --> I would still like to take the opportunity to say […] EQUIUS: D --> Goodbye
Oh, man.
Alright, sound off. Does anyone really think Equius is going to stand up to a highb100d? No?
Ok, great. Let's stop beating around the bush, then.
Equius is basically walking to his death here, and he knows it. The comic's really laying the death flags on thick, with a very clearly telegraphed 'final goodbye' for Nepeta. It's almost too obvious, but I don't think it's going to be a fakeout this time. We can't all be Kanaya.
NEPETA: :33 < well ok, goodbye! NEPETA: :33 < but you had better believe i will s33 you again soon, equius! EQUIUS: D --> Yes, you will
Yeah you will - the next time you go to sleep.
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mariaofdoranelle · 3 days
Cemetery Buddies
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics, prompt “Petrichor”
So, I wrote this today at the cemetery instead of the chapters I actually have to finish, because it felt too weird to write smut by my grandfather’s grave. I was there the entire afternoon and I kinda conjured this fic on the spot, but I really hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of death of loved ones, quick mention of death by covid
Words: 888
Aelin’s picnic blanket did a good job of protecting her clothes from the dewy grass, but not from its gentle prickling on the exposed part of her legs. It felt peaceful, though. She got used to the silence, the soft ruffling of leaves and chirping of birds filling her days in the past two years.
Just her and her parents hanging out together, like old times.
The cemetery staff were even kind enough to lend her a beach umbrella in case the rain came back.
A delighted sigh. Don’t you love the smell of petrichor, Mom? Aelin echoed inside her head, because she still thought it was weird to talk to a grave.
She slid her crochet hat over her face and closed her eyes, feeling the nature surrounding her instead of watching this landscape of flowers and white stones she knew so well. Feeling the wind battle against the edges of her blanket and lose it when her weight overpowered its strength. The sunlight peeking from parted post-rain clouds burned in a delicious way the long stretches of skin her overall shorts left exposed.
She lived in Orynth, after all. Aelin and her parents always made a point to make the most out of summer, for however long this freezing city and its climatic crisis allowed them to.
“You okay there?”
Aelin lifted her hat from her face enough to take a peek into the outside world, but she didn’t need it to know it was her cemetery buddy.
Fully sat on the blanket now, she eyed the Heineken six-pack on Rowan’s hand with a smirk.
“Better now that you brought the good shit.”
He gave her a close-lipped smile and unfolded the two chairs provided at the entrance by the staff, since Mr. Fancy Pants preferred it over lying on the grass like Aelin.
To an outside observer, the difference between them is striking. Rowan in his dark suit and tie, brooding with that permanent scowl on his face; right by his side, Aelin’s in denim overall shorts, red top and crochet hat, being her usual fun, dazzling self.
Both hanging out together, sharing beer by their loved ones’ graves. What made them good friends wasn’t their differences, but how similarly they were miserable.
“So.” She cleared her throat and eyed the six-pack. “I guess things didn’t go the way you wanted at work?”
She tilted her head, brows furrowed in confusion.
“The boss’ kiss-ass,” he explained.
“Oh, that guy.” Aelin said with a grimace. She did not like this Lorcan person, even if he had a friendship of sorts with Rowan. “Tell me what he did this time.”
Today, she was loosened up enough by the weather and the beer, and it happened that Rowan was also a little chatty as well. Sometimes they silently sit side by side. Sometimes Aelin doesn’t sit, she kneels on the grass and hums ancient Terrasenian laments, which her buddy raptly listens to. Sometimes Rowan starts venting about his lack of ability to keep his deceased wife’s garden, leaves for the bathroom and comes back with red-rimmed eyes.
It’s getting progressively less dramatic, though. During the majority of the last few months, they’ve been just talking and sharing snacks.
His wife and Aelin’s dad died of COVID at approximately the same time, four years ago—hence why their graves are so close together. Her mom ended up sharing a grave with her husband a while after, but Aelin and Rowan didn’t cross paths at the cemetery until a year and a half ago, when their respective visiting habits finally overlapped.
And at some point during visits to their loved ones’ graves concurrently, they slowly forged a friendship—emphasis on the slow part, and no thanks to Rowan’s closed-off personality.
However, their conversation was cut short when an employee signaled that they were nearing closing time.
“So…” Aelin let out a performative sigh to chase away the awkwardness of goodbye. “Same time next week?”
Instead of answering, Rowan pointed his phone at her face, squinted at the screen for several seconds, then retreated the device.
Aelin tilted her head. Care to explain? she silently asked.
Rowan had a soft smile while he studied whatever was on his screen, for a longer time than expected, then jutted his chin towards her face. “I’m sending my mom a picture.”
During one of the rare occasions Rowan’s mom visited Lyria’s grave with her son, they found Aelin alone under a merciless sun. The older woman was scandalized. She made Aelin stay under her umbrella, forced Rowan to walk the long stretch back to the reception and get another one with the staff, and in the meantime very surreptitiously asked Aelin what her favorite color was.
With a soft chuckle, she took off her crocheted red hat with white daisy patches, handmade especially for her. “Did you tell her how much I love it?”
“Only after the first few times you told me to. The woman’s already too smug.”
“As she should be!”
Aelin still hadn’t got used to it, the sound of Rowan’s laugh. Maybe he was different outside of the cemetery—she wouldn’t know—but now he had a lightness of sorts that showed itself more and more frequently as the days passed, and she could only be happy to witness this change in him.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
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elizabethsnuts · 2 days
natasha realising some of her knifes are missing and she walks in on tony and her daughter using them as darts while bucky is just like ur mothers gonna kill you (completely random😭)
Sharp Lessons
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha founds out you and Tony were playing with her knives.
Natasha had just finished her morning training routine and was heading to the kitchen when she noticed something was off when she picked up her weapon case. Natasha had a finely tuned sense of her surroundings. So, when she noticed the lack of weight in the case, her brows furrowed. The absence of several knives didn't sit well with her.
She muttered under her breath in Russian as she strode through the Avengers Compound, her mind running through the possibilities. Natasha approached one of the training rooms and froze at the sight that greeted her. Tony was laughing, and beside him, you were holding one of Natasha's prized knives. The pair of you stood in front of the dark board, and Natasha’s knives were embedded in it with alarming precision.
Nice throw, kid!" Tony exclaimed, patting you on the back as you nailed the centre of the target.
Bucky was sitting on the bench nearby, arms crossed and a smirk playing on his lips. "You do realize your mother's gonna kill you, right?" he drawled, looking directly at you.
Your grin faltered as you noticed your mother standing in the doorway, arms crossed and a raised eyebrow that made it clear she wasn’t happy with you. Tony turned around casually, seemingly not caring about the situation. "Hey, Nat! Didn't know you were back."
Natasha's voice was unnervingly calm. "Tony, those knives are not toys. Y/N, what were you thinking?"
You glanced nervously between your mother and Tony. "I... uh... we were just… practising? Uncle Tony said it was okay."
Tony gave a sheepish smile. "Listen, she has excellent aim. Could be useful in a mission someday."
Natasha sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Tony, you are not helping. And Y/N, just because you can throw a knife doesn't mean you can just take mine without asking."
Bucky chuckled, getting up from the bench and walking over to stand beside Natasha. "Told ya," he whispered to you, and you shot him a playful glare.
You turned back towards Natasha and nodded earnestly. "I know, Mom. I'm sorry. We won't do it again."
Natasha's expression softened slightly as she looked at her daughter. "I'm not angry, just... be more careful next time, okay?"
You nodded quickly. “I will, I promise.”
Natasha uncrossed her arms, finally allowing herself a small smile. "Good. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking my knives back."
She moved to collect her weapons, and Bucky gave her a supportive squeeze before turning to Tony and You. "Next time you want to have fun, maybe stick to something a little less... lethal."
As Natasha walked out of the room, knives in hand, she heard Tony mutter to you, "Your mother’s scary when she’s mad."
You laughed softly, glancing at your dad. "Yeah, but at least we know she cares."
Bucky chuckled, ruffling your hair. "That she does, kid. That she does."
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fuckingstrange · 1 day
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Undressing in the Dressing room
WARNINGS: Semi-public sex, FOR MY CM KINK BINGO CARD, Spencer kind of forces himself to wait to cum, does that count as edging?, Fingering (s receiving), Having sex in the Ross "Dress for less" changing room, Married Spencer + Reader, Spencer doesnt speak a single line of dialog, beta-read by a dyslexic
WORDS: 667
PAIRING: Transgender!s.r. x m!reader
Despite having lived with each other for a little over a year, you and Spencer rarely had the opportunity to have time alone together. It was either Cases that got in the way, Sometimes Spencer’s mom needed help so he had to fly to see her, every other time neither of you could find it in yourself to truly just enjoy each other's presence in the comfort of your own home.
This still isn't one of those times.
Because right now, you undo Spencer’s belt as quick as you can, not caring about the noise because you’ve currently got him pressed against the corner of the Ross Dressing Room. Within five seconds of being in there, you've got your hand down Spencer's pants, fingers prodding at his slickend entrance. He's already so worked up, it'll be easy to pretend like nothing happened once you walk out of there in five or six minutes.
One hand is occupied covering his mouth, the other busy starting to pump your fingers in and out of his tight hole, searching for that sweet spot. The expression Spencer makes is beautiful, nothing but drop-dead gorgeous in your eyes. The way he shudders and clenches around you when your fingers brush that sweet spot is a feeling like no other.
You tuck your head into his shoulder to hide your own noises, his body tenses up when someone walks by, an attendant knocking, interrupting by asking “Are you boys okay in there?” By the sound of her voice, you could tell it was the little lady that helped you find the changing room. You lift your head, taking no more than a second to respond.
“Yes, We're fine. We're just trying to decide whether or not we should buy this shirt when it's kind of tight.”
“Oh, I could go grab you a different size, Honey. It’s no problem.” The sweet old lady responds.
“Thank you, ma'am. Size Medium of the affliction button-up.” You finish up the conversation, jabbing Spencer's sweet spot with your ring and middle finger while swiping your thumb over his clit with every other word. Once you turn your head back to face him, his eyes are wide and full of tears, body trembling in a way that tells you he's using every ounce of strength he has to not cum with a stranger four feet away. You lean in close, lips brushing over the shell of his ear as you soothe him, telling him to let go once she walks away.
The lady checks on another customer in the dressing room across the hall before heading off to find that button-up you had requested, and it only takes one more gentle jab to have Spencer whimpering against your hand while he cums around your fingers, eyes rolling back while a few tears escape, which you immediately kiss away. You massage that sweet spot to help him ride the high, removing your thumb from his clit the same time you pull your fingers out.
You wipe the evidence from your fingers, helping Spencer redo his belt and fix his shirt. You kiss his cheek a couple of times, just to make sure he's calmed down. You open the dressing room door just as the lady walks up to it, without having a clue of what just happened she hands you the medium-sized shirt with a smile before helping you and Spencer to the cash register.
At the register, Spencer practically hides behind you while you pay for his new clothes. His arms are wrapped around your waist from behind, his head rested against the back of your neck, and his body pressed against the back of yours completely, not an inch of space. The lady hands you the bag with a smile, commenting “You and your husband are just the cutest.”
Both yours and Spencer’s eyes widen at that, though you simply thank her while glancing back at him. She must have seen the matching wedding bands you have.
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Bingo Card Contents: Praise Kink, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Pool/Bath/Jacuzzi, Mirrors, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, Body Worship, Topping from the Bottom, Aftercare, Caught in the act, Dry humping, Crying, Mutual Masturbation, Dirty Talk, Bed Sharing, Semi-Public sex, Partially Clothed, Premature Ejaculation, Hair Pulling, Begging, Phone Sex, Oral Fixation
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brokensenseofhumor · 2 days
The controversial post that I mentioned on my birthday (aka Tuesday, this post is going up on either Thursday 11pm or Friday asscrack of dawn)
The purpose of this post is to clarify a variety of things just in case I go missing Friday afternoon, but due to certain events on my birthday it turned into an exposé + vent post. Even with such circumstances, I hope you can take away some knowledge about me and other people from this post.
WARNINGS: Private matters that have already been dealt with either a few days or even months ago that I’m needlessly bringing to light, mentions of death threats, and lost of fucked up shit in general.
Saii (@/monochrome-cropcrown) dismissed a really violent meltdown I had the day before my birthday and tried using her visit to the hospital as an excuse for not giving a fuck or even bothering to read not even 1 message from the 1 hour worth of distressed and downright concerning messages I had spammed her with an hour and a half ago. We got into a screaming match and she blocked me, but a few hours later she unblocked me, and started harassing me with messages basically victim blaming me for not being god and being unable to control my emotions, then blocked me again before I even had a chance to respond. Here is evidence:
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That being said, I also have to take accountability for the horrible shit i said during my mental breakdown. I admit I made threats of physical violence against Fukui Takumi, wishing he’d slip down his stairs and bash his head into a wall, and I apologize for that. I was far too wrapped up in my emotions to realize I was saying overall horrible things aimed at someone that doesn’t even know who I am, and I apologize deeply for that. I’ll try to find better coping mechanisms to avoid this type of situation next chapter drop.
@/huntersmoon1 traumadumped on me multiple times despite me clarifying that I’m a neurodivergent and seriously mentally ill teenager just as many times, and she’s a grown woman in her late 20’s/early 30s that should be getting a therapist instead of telling some mentally unstable minor on the internet about her family’s problems. She also infodumped to me about useless things, even after I have told her I am not intrested in the slightest about anything she’s telling me about. She blocked me after I complained about another one of these needless infodumps, unblocked me after Mina’s exposure, we both mutually apologized for our mistakes, and she proceeded to block me again.
Shortly after Mina’s exposure as a groomer, @/praisethesuuun made a post saying that I shouldn’t be on the internet just because I have BPD symptoms and I’m also a minor.
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My mom neglects me and verbally abuses me and my dad is a creep that always disrespects my boundaries, has tried to SA me when I was around 7-9, and this week he stole the conditioner my mom bought for me (after refusing to buy me a new one for the past 3 weeks).
The verbal abuse from my mom started when I was around 5-6 years old.
My mom also held off on buying me toothpaste for 4 weeks, and I was stuck using probably expired toothpaste for over a month.
My school feels more like a North Korean labor camp rather than a school. My homeroom teacher is a bitch, as of the time im writing this post she has threatened to smell each and every student’s ARMPITS (With the most psychotic smile on her face, too) MULTIPLE TIMES. The school’s practices are no better either. Oh what’s that? You didn’t do this easily forgettable and completely useless and unnecessary homework? Oh I’m so sorry, your exam score is an automatic 0 now. Most teachers are so strict that I almost developed a crush one the one teacher that was actually cool.
Tags: @aresarmyblog @rukia-writes @amphitriteswife @micah-drew @mizz-sea-nymph @miyahsart @cherry-froese @riseofamoonycake @incorrect-record-of-ragnarok @itz-hellenz @swallowtail-lotus @the-gentlemen-jack @sibchatactics @onecantsimply
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lesbiansanemi · 2 months
I am so fucking sick of living with my roommate and his fuck ass boyfriend. Also watching my roommate burn every single one of his (already rather minimal, I might add) bridges for this guy is also kind of painful but also his relationship with me is one of said bridges so I'm almost past the point of even feeling bad for him lmao
#i have had to piss for probably the better part of an hour now#because they decided to take a shower together and have been in there for well OVER an hour now#and this is a nightly occurence atp sometimes MULTIPLE times a day#we have one bathroom.... can yall not be considerate enough to not be in there for up to TWO HOURS AT A TIME???#also it's such a waste of fucking water....#idk we've hit a point where i literally hear the bf doing anything and i get pissed off#but also tell me why i'm sitting in my room (which shares a wall with the bathroom) and i can hear this man hacking and spitting shit up#and this is also something that happens multiple times a day#like.... dude.... why are you spitting up toothpaste so fucking loudly oh my fucking god#but yeah no i'm like my roommate's only friend atp and he's about to not have me lmao like we're about to reach#'i'm cutting you off when i move out' levels of me being pissed off with this whole situation type shit#and apparently the bf convinced him to come out to his family which his mom was chill which is good#his dad's side of the family though....? not great. and my roommate KNEW that would be the case cuz we'd talked about it before#also love that my roommate has constantly talked about moving out of the city we live in because he hates and also there's no good career#opportunities for him here (which is true)#and now. MAGICALLY. he's like 'idk i think it'd be best for me to stay here'#like oh my GOD???? are you hearing yourself???? are you fucking stupid???? you fucking hate it here???#but sure throw your life away and ruin all your meaningful relationships for a guy you met six months ago jfc#and the thing is i *know* my roommate we've been close CLOSE friends for nearly a decade now#i know he is not like this.... like yeah he's being insane by allowing this but also i know these aren't the kinds of decisions he would ma#and also i know he wouldn't treat me like this all on his own#it's the deranged fucking control freak of a guy he decided to date and my roommate has too many of his own issues to put his foot down#about certain things and tell the guy no so he's just allowing him to completely take over his life#and fuck everything up until the bf is the only thing he has left once it's all said and done#and yeah. it's painful to watch. but also wtf am i supposed to do because obviously my opinion is not respected nor wanted regarding this#that has been made PAINFULLY clear#ugh this is so fucking horrendous#what is it with ppl who start to date someone and then go clinically fucking insane and destroy their lives all for this one person#who. realistically. they barely know in comparison to all the other ppl in their life#like explain it to me jfc
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karinyosa · 2 months
im like one of those tumblr blorbos that collects parental/elder sibling figures on the regular but in real life
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bangcakes · 5 months
#personal#im like so happy rn. but also terrified#bc like. uh. gotta go back to the real world of having a job after bein in school for 3 years DNDNJDNDNDNDN#and also like. my boy problem. like NDJFJDJDJJDJDJDJD#big transitions oml#i can only do 1 thing at once and like so sorry to me but the job search thing is kinda taking a back seat NFNDDJFN#OH I HATE TO SAY IT. AS LIKE. A USUALLY CAREER DRIVEN PERSON BUT..................#JDJDJDJDJDJDDDJDNDNDNDNDND I CANT EVEN SAY IT............#but rn ya. my priorities.... im ashamed NDNNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNNDDNDND#but.... HHHHHHHHHHH its the more fun thing so !!!!!!!!!#but gah..... i also am like takin a break bc its like christmas n who the fuck is looking to hire rn lmao#the time between xmas n new years isnt real so !!!!#and also !!! i think i deserve a break after 4 months of non stop work !!!!!!!!!!#also like the faster i resolve my boy problem the easier itll be to focus#on job searching ?????#or like god i guess i could do both. my mom keeps being like.... youre both looking for jobs... why dont you ask him to do it together NDN#um.... 1. hes my competition LMAO. we literally had the same gpa down to the decimal#(tho this may no longer be the case bc we got our grades for the semester n mine went up. idk the state of his. would be fuckin funny if it#was still the same tho JDJDJFJDJ)#and 2..... LOL ID RATHER DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE WITH HIM........#god idk where this post is going. but 1. i wished him merry christmas and he answered back with a 'merry christmas 😄' which !!!@@@#from a reserved/grumpyish guy...... im just kind of like NDNNDNDNDNDND IDK. IDKKKKK. LIKE IM HAPPY ???? BUT IM ALSO LIKE FREAKED OUT ??????#i dont think i'll be able to deal if he actually likes me back#and 2. i like have a draft message of like. asking him to hang out JJDJDJDNDNDM#if youve been following these posts.. maybe u remember me askin him if he wants to keep in touch with me n our mutual friend and he said#he would. so that friend is like. going away for a month and like ok lets be real. if i have to wait until feb to see him i'll um Die JDJJD#so i have a message planned. IDK WHEN IM GONNA SEND IT. BUT IT WILLLL GET SENT. I JUST.... HHHHHHH I HAVE TO GET THE NERVE....#but .... ya idk i hope he says yes but i'll also get if he says no. may be awks just the two of us. maybe we're not ready LMAO IDK. ive bee#alone with him maybe like. 30 mins max. and like the convo keeps going but there are pauses. IDK. maybe i should stop thinking and go to be
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fuwaprince · 5 months
When somebody only uses my chosen name while putting me down, it kind of makes me wish I didn't have a name at all.
And when somebody only uses my pronouns when they try to coerce me into something, then switch back to they/them when talking about me to anybody else, it kind of makes me uncomfortable af.
I sincerely do not enjoy being labeled or referred to. Being referred to is such a negative experience for me irl.
Yet not giving people a set of name/pronouns when they ask automatically seems to make them think you're secretly a serial killer trying to cover up something?????? Or like you're untrustworthy and must be hiding because you're a Bad Person instead of just not wanting to label yourself.
Can I just please not be forced to label myself for everybody else's comfort?
I feel like that information is so personally intimate anyways like unless you know me and we're close, why do you even care? I don't think it's necessary for the first stages of getting to know somebody even though in this culture we've normalized it to be that way.
Plus if I don't give you a name then I have the opportunity to earn one. Give me a name that you think I deserve and let it be what you honor me by instead! How about that? It's probably the only way I'll be comfortably perceived since some people will change my labels as they see fit regardless. Just call me what you like, I feel like my name/pronouns have been corrupted as is
#i feel weird about having a name and a gender and pronouns assigned to me.... such a weird thing to make a big deal#i mean it's a big deal as in you need to write names down for job apps#and when i walked in to request for emergency aid the person looking at my case asked for my pronouns#which just felt so irrelevant and it didn't make me feel any more respected#and i can tell some people are so uncomfortable using the pronouns that i say are mine that they'll opt out for ones they give me instead#which is like WHY DID YOU ASK IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO DO THAT ANYWAYS#silly things just don't make sense and to me they bring more trouble than they're worth#those things have been used as weapons against me so why keep giving ammo yk?#also i like the process of earning a nickname#one time this girl got offended that i reffered to her as snake girl the second time we met and i was like???#imagine being offended that somebody remembered you for having 4 corn snakes instead of using your boring old name#like when people call me fuwa i feel like they're honoring me as a blogger#i get it i get it this culture is just so strictly uncreative and boring#if i had a cool new name from each person who knew me i would be so cool with that#like if somebody i met found out i liked sasuke and then started referencing to me as sasuke boy i would actually be so happy#idk dude#also sorry to that girl for calling her snake girl but honestly her loving her 4 snakes actually felt more significant to me than her name#in other cultures they refer to parents as “[insert child's name]'s mom/dad” and it's actually seen as being so respectful#like it's the family bond that gets honored instead of the individual and idk maybe some people take that to be a negative thing but#imagine as a parent loving your kid so much and then everybody identifies you as the parent who loves their kid#maybe that's dehumanizing in a sense idk#i see it as an honorable thing to be bestowed by others#yeah maybe people can be mean and call you “poop boy” for the one time you shit your pants while drunk#i get not liking being called “poop boy” but like dude... you're a legend and the story behind you earning that name would be legendary#idk i guess it's all about perspective#i don't know if I'm making sense#feel free to share thoughts#late night blogging
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raeathnos · 4 months
#apparently I’m not done being mad about this I’m sorry guys I gotta vent#my dad is like an ox and never sick and like not very understanding with health issues/general illness#which you’d think he would have been after having me the super sickly child with a ton of health issues but no#we have a positive Covid case in the house and I have the same fucking symptoms I just started later#I have taken two tests- one yesterday and one today#and he yelled at me saying I’m wasting tests and also that I’m apparently fine which like#even if I somehow don’t catch covid I’m still sick but okay dad 🫠#if it helps put things into a better perspective… did yall know that back in November after I had my 3rd fucking endometriosis surgery#he asked why I was off work for two weeks and why I didn’t go back the day after surgery?#like I had had this surgery twice before and at home recovery was also two weeks both those times#but moreover like sir I have 3 incisions in my abdomen and my job requires me to left 50lbs???#at which point he still insisted I was fine and was just being ‘dramatic’ 🙃#I wanna fucking scream#I’m lissed the fuck off#did yall know he nearly got me killed once because I had neurovirus and he refused to take me to the er?#I eventually lost consciousness from severe dehydration- he thought I was sleeping and continued to argue with my mom that I was fine 🫠#they eventually took me but I was unconscious for several hours and it took five bags of iv fluid for me to regain consciousness#and the doctor estimated I was about two hours away from death so like#yeah#if that gives yall a better idea of the shit I’m putting up with#I have like zero tolerance for dealing with his bullshit when I’m sick#it’s the trauma from not fucking being believed for years of my life about any of my illnesses#and like also the fucking almost dying part#fun times 🫠#I’m sorry I’m ranting so much today I’m just really fucking done and have no other outlet 🙃
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kaidabakugou · 6 months
coffee dates with your mom have you spilling all your dirty secrets without a second thought 😭
#kai.rambles#idk what this phenomena is but it’s apparently common lol#im gonna tmi in the tags like it’s a little face time call bc i’m waiting at the airport for my friend#but i had a little coffee date with my mom yesterday bc we both needed a little break since the family is STILL here and hasn’t left#and we just need this whole thanksgiving thing to be over bc we’re going insane with so many relatives in and out of our homes#so we went to a local coffee shop that just opened and it’s so cute btw and ITS PET FRIENDLY so i saw many doggies there#and can’t wait to take woody when this whole doggy virus going around calms down 😔#but anyway she saw that i was like fidgeting in my chair and ask wtf was wrong and i told her that i had a pimple on my ass cheek lol#and she was like how did it even get there like you take such good care of your skin??#and i was like idk it just appeared there 😅#and she was like - 🤨🤨 after your bday?#and i said like yeahhhh?#at this point i already knew she was onto me lol and we both laughed and she asked what did my bf and i do for my bday#so i told her and now she won’t stop laughing at me#for context - here’s the tmi lol - but my bf used whipped cream on me for my bday and we cuddled for a bit#afterwards with the intention of going to shower but we ended up passing out all sticky 😭#and i quickly took a full exfoliating shower in the morning when i realized but it was already too late and now i have a pimple on my ass 😭#and it’s like more towards the inside of the cheek so it fkn hurts everytime i sit down#and i was so paranoid after that instead of putting one boric acid capsule into my pussy i put two just in case#bc i was so scared that i was gonna get and infection of something but it’s been 4 days now#and nothing’s happening so i think i’m good but yeah i told her and now she laughs everytime she sees me or remembers it 😭#i don’t mind bc it’s her and i trust my mom and tell her everything but i never get into detail about my sex life#so the fact that THISSS is the one thing about it that i tell her it’s hilarious#so yeah and now whoever reads this monstrosity of tags knows too#and if you did read this then come here bc i’m giving you BIG WET KISSES and taking you out on a little picnic date 💓💓#and we can wear matching outfits and feed eachother desserts🥺
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x-ladydisdain-x · 1 year
pov your dad sends you an article about elliot page and says it’s a good read and you start crying 👍
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m00ngbin · 4 months
If some teacher calls another false lockdown I'm going to have a heart attack and when I do I need someone to sue whoever's calling these into the ground
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biblicalhorror · 7 months
Second worst Halloween of my life tbh
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yoohyeon · 7 months
My body went numb a little and I’m stressed, cause I hope everything is not coming back and I’m afraid to go to sleep (cause you know I’ll feel it more since I’m not distract and I will panic) but I have to wake up in 2 hours for Puppy’s pills so I have to so sleep now 😭
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astral-catastrophe · 9 months
That moment you realize you never properly got to be a kid and now that you’re a year away from being an adult everything feels wrong
#Okay. Well. I was seven when my dad was laid off from his well paying job#And I had to then take care of the siblings for a year. Year and a half. They were toddlers. I was right at the oldest#Because both parents worked#So I had to cook and clean and I got a phone early to be able to contact them in case#Then mom worked nights#Then a couple months later anxiety fucked ip my life#And I had so many ER visits it wasn’t funny. Constant anxiety attacks and passing out. So much blood work.#All stacked with the ex bestie being awful through elementary school. Then she moved away at tye end of elementary#then middle school hit and I was more anxious then ever but my dad never believed me. My grandpa’s death traumatized me.#And I brought my mental health concerns up with my mom and she talked about how I was right only bc of the family history of mental health#Then the ex bestie came back and in the time we hung out. She was so awful it fucked me up for weeks#Then my best friend at the time moved away and high school hit#Ex bestie moved back worse than ever. That bitch made her worse and then made my life hell#I made new friends. So many more anxiety attacks I learned to supers and ignore until exploding.#I was forced into things I didn’t want in a religion I couldn’t help but doubt#Then my dad and mom were distant and I saw ut coming for a while#Then dad moved into the room next door to mine and I couldn’t fucking sleep because he snored and stressed me out by just being there#And working at the taco place sucked#My grades were slipping and I was borderline suicidal for roughly half a year#But never got help no matter how much I asked because nobody fucking cared#Divorce confirmed and dad moved out and we didn’t see him for a month#It was amazing.#Then back to hell as the siblings and I were immediately forced into staying at his house#Despite being told we would have more time to adjust and be able to choose#And now my mental state is bad again#And I’m sad for the childhood I couldn’t have because of so many issues. Between the layoff and the ex bestie absolutely ruining me#Then middle school and loosing my best friend bc she moved#And having so much trauma come back#And now having to adult again#When I was an adult for most of my childhood with the shit I had to deal with
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