#or just an older casey in general
zivazivc · 9 months
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I love the concept art for this movie (along with the finished look!) and all those awesome character designs sheets inspired me to do some of my own more relaxed and fun sketching. I don't actually like any of these for a final design but it was fun trying to think about how mm!casey might look. surprisingly i think I like where the third sketch was taking me the most xD
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Ez’s Hunger Games aesthetics, part 13: Women (and Girls) of District Twelve, part 3
Lucy Gray Baird, Greasy Sae Deere, Ripper Flynn, and Maude Ivory Baird
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somerandomdudelmao · 10 months
I'm rereading a few chapters for science purposes and I came across these panels....
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And I just couldn't help but think "oh this looks familiar"
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at least he isn't bonking Leo on the head with books anymore XD
But I love the consistency in Casey's character here, becoming a grumpy little recluse when he's trying to wrap his brain around something difficult or just cope in general when a situation changes.
Thank you thank you:>
He's become a much less aggressive gremlin as he's gotten older, but some things have stayed the same haha
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a/n: i am so proud of the boys and what they accomplished after everyone counted them out 💙🧡 can’t wait for next year when they’ve had a full training camp with patrick and they come back better than ever 🤍
tw: child goes “missing” for a brief moment, mild innuendo
word count: 2.9k
summary: the msg broadcast gets double the barzal men for a little bit
Offering to take the girls to the arena for a game seems like it’s a great idea until you’ve got Talia, both Martin girls, and Tulsa Horvat begging for pretzels mid-way through the second. Normally you’d have at least one of Syd or Holly with you, but since the outing is for Talia’s birthday, you’d thought it would be fine to just take the girls yourself. That you’d be a good friend, letting Syd and Holly have their Thursday night free, since all of your husbands are retired now and they don’t have to come to the arena if they don’t want to.
But Max is getting antsy and Talia is yapping your ear off - much like her father - begging for snacks.
“Mom, please, I’m starving,” she pokes her lip out at you in a pout and widens her hazel eyes. She looks unfairly like Mat when she makes that expression even though her general looks had shifted to favor yours as she got older. You’ve never really been able to say no to either kid anyway.
“Can you at least watch your brother while I go get snacks?” You ask, lifting your eyebrow and twisting your hair back into a slightly sloppy ponytail. Max swings his legs in his seat next to you, grinning at his big sister. His hat dips over his eyes and you make a mental note to adjust the strap.
Talia looks at you as if you just asked her to swallow a cup of live spiders. “Mom, please no! I don’t even know why we brought him, today was supposed to be for my birthday,” she whines a little, those pre-teen hormones working overtime. Two weeks from turning eleven, and you find yourself missing your baby girl more and more each day. She’s usually a pretty polite and delightful kid, but something about that upcoming eleventh birthday is creating that familiar teenage whine you’d been so good at back in the day. You should really call and apologize to your mother.
Max pipes up without taking his eyes off the action on the ice, “your birthday’s not even today!”
“Thank you, Max,” you hold a hand out in front of his face, covering his mouth, as Talia shoots him a glare. Max wiggles away from your hand, his head bobbing in every direction as he tries to see the players. “I should’ve known this would happen.” You pinch the bridge of your nose with your free hand.
The only reason Talia had picked this game for her birthday is because of Jack Cizikas’s last minute call up from the AHL. Her puppy crush on him is something you and Kristy like to joke about, but right now you’re not laughing. Casey, Kristy, Reese, and Cole are up in a suite with the grandparents for the moment and you should’ve just sent Max up there to join them, but your five-year-old is still a little clingy. He loves the Cizikas family, hero-worships ten-year-old Cole, but when you’d suggested it, his face had crumpled and he’d said, “I wanna stay with you, Mama!”
Who were you to argue with that?
“Okay, I’ll take Max with me, but Win,” you raise your voice and look down a few seats at Winnie Martin, the oldest of your babysitting charges at fifteen, “do not leave these seats until I get back, okay?”
Winnie grins at you, Matt’s smile copy and pasted onto her face. She gives you a little salute and nods, “you got it.”
Talia turns back to the girls, completely ignoring you, and you roll your eyes a little before holding out your hand to Max. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go get some snacks,” you say, savoring the feeling of his little hand in yours. You never know when he’ll start thinking he’s too cool for his mom, so you’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
“Can I get ice cream?” He asks, skipping along next to you. He gives Sparky a high five when you pass the mascot at the top of the stairs.
You laugh a little and point Sparky and his handler in the direction of the girls. “I’m sure Winnie will love to see you,” you say, nostalgia washing over you as you think about the early years of your relationship with Mat and Winnie’s love for the dragon. Sparky nods and gives you an enthusiastic thumbs up, before bounding down the stairs. It’s a different person in the costume now, obviously, but you all had made sure to keep Winnie humbled by making sure each iteration of the Sparky knew to stop and see her at a game. The teen plays along gamely, her mother’s daughter.
Max tugs on your hand, drawing your attention. “Mama! Can I get ice cream?” He repeats his request and you shake your head.
“Nope, sorry, kid. It’s past your sugar cutoff,” you shake his arm when he pouts and kicks his Nike against the floor, nearly tripping himself as he tries to keep walking. “I’ll split a pretzel with you though.”
“I don’t wanna pretzel,” he whines, dragging his feet as he traipses behind you. You dodge a few people, tugging Max along. He keeps whining a little, complaining under his breath, and you pinch at the bridge of your nose before squatting down so you’re at his eye level.
Max goes quiet, but his whole face scrunches up in annoyance and you smile softly. “If you have ice cream now, you’re not going to be able to sleep. And remember that Daddy’s coming on your field trip tomorrow so don’t you want to be well rested for that?” You raise an eyebrow at him while Max considers your explanation.
The line shifts forward while Max is considering and you smile awkwardly up at the family in line behind you, silently apologizing for not moving. The mother waves you off with a polite smile too. Solidarity.
“Can I have ice cream tomorrow then?” Max finally asks and negotiating with the tiny terrorist wasn’t on your to do list today, but you nod anyway, knowing it’ll bite you in the ass tomorrow.
“Yes, after your field trip you can have a little ice cream,” you stand up, knees creaking a bit, and move forward on the line. Matter settled, you hook your fingers in the back collar of Max’s Horvat jersey, worn because ‘Uncle Bo is the coolest!’ much to Mat’s annoyance and your amusement. At the self-serve counter, you grab five pretzels - even if Max doesn’t want to share, you still want a snack - and a Diet Coke, hoping for a quick burst of energy. You let go of Max’s jersey to fish your phone out of your back pocket and tap it against the reader.
“Okay, Max, back to -“ you cut yourself off, looking down at your side and not seeing Max. “Max? Oh, fuck. Where did he go?”
Your heart hammers in your chest, slight panic rising when you scan the concourse and don’t spot your kindergartener. “Fuck,” you mutter under your breath, the only thing keeping your panic at a reasonable level is the fact that Max was quite literally almost born in the arena and knows it better than anyone. Of course that also means he could be hiding literally anywhere and never be found.
“I…okay, think like Max,” you step off to the side, against the wall, so you can figure out what to do. “Where the hell is he going to go?”
The muffled cheers of the crowd filter through the arena, signifying that the Islanders have added to their lead late in the second. You smile faintly and, like a lightning bolt to the head, realize where Max wandered off to. Or where you hope he wandered off to.
You book it towards the Lab and the MSG broadcast set up, trying to see around the crowds of people that are leaving their seats now that the second period is over. Obviously, you can’t see anything around all the people and the closer you get to the main stairs, the more panic you’re starting to feel, thinking about the girls back at the seats and what you’ll do if Max isn’t with Mat.
Once the cameras and desk come into view, your entire body unclenches, Max is happily perched on Mat’s hip, chattering away with Shannon while Mat and Thomas discuss the second period’s play. The cameras are on and your son is broadcasting live on MSG. You wiggle your way through the little crowd of people around the set and get to the front, by the retractable belt barriers, and try to catch Mat’s eye.
The second he spots you, his entire expression changes, a delighted smile stretching across his face and his eyes crinkling up at the corners. He looks like a twenty-something again, not the nearly forty-year-old he actually is.
“Max!” You hiss, trying not to be heard. “Send him over here!” You wave your free hand at the duo, Diet Coke wedged under your arm and pretzels getting squished in your hand.
Mat shakes his head at you and Thomas and Shannon look over too, all three of them laughing. Mat turns back to the camera, Max smiling like the cat that got the canary. “My wife’s trying to get our broadcast sidekick back,” he says, laughing. Mat bounces Max in his arms. “But I think we’ll keep him around for his color commentary.”
“No, oh my god,” you shake your head and gesture for Max to come back to you. “Mat, stop it.”
“Max,” Mat turns to look at your son, totally ignoring you, “what did you think of the game so far?”
Embracing the fact that Mat’s going to let Max join them for a while at least, you sigh and relax into the moment, watching Max perk up as he gets to discuss his favorite thing.
“I missed Matt’s goal,” he complains, Matt Maggio must’ve been the one to score when you noticed Max was missing. “But I like Jack the best ‘cause he’s funny and plays mini sticks. And also he gave me a piggy-back all day at Easter.”
Shannon laughs and chimes in, “we like Jack around here too. But hey, Max, I can show you Matt’s goal while your dad and Thomas discuss some of the finer points of the game.”
Max wiggles out of Mat’s arms and darts around Thomas’s back so he can stand with Shannon and watch the goal he missed. You snap a picture of Max’s head poking over the desk, heart melting at the sheer excitement on his face. You also notice the dozen texts littering your phone’s screen - a multitude of laughing emojis sent from the girls while they watch at home.
The fans around you are clearly eating up Max’s presence and you feel a little spike of anxiety thinking about how exposed he is to the public now, after keeping his and Talia’s faces mostly hidden on your social media pages. It’s always a little inevitable that the kids are seen with Mat out in public, but you almost wish you could snatch up all the phones recording video and taking pictures of Max as he points something out to Shannon on the iPad.
You take a nervous bite out of your pretzel and try to just enjoy the moment until they go to commercial when you can duck under the belt barrier. Mat grins boyishly at you, grabbing your waist to pull you in for a quick kiss. “Well, this is fun,” he says, pulling back from the kiss. “Family broadcast.”
“He is so stupid sneaky,” you shake your head, offering Mat the pretzel that you’d taken a bite out of. He accepts it and tears off a piece of his own. “And fast.”
Thomas laughs, leaning his forearms on the desk. “That’ll be helpful when he’s zipping around defensemen and scoring goals,” he teases before going to say hi to the fans and take selfies.
“Mom, look!” Max pops up at your side, holding a puck. Where did he get that?
“Pretty cool,” you smile down at him and let Mat lift him back up onto his hip. Max’s long legs kick at Mat’s thighs. “Where’d you get that, bud?”
“From Dad when I got here,” Max chirps. “Can I stay? Cause I don’t wanna be with the girls.”
He cuddles up against Mat’s shoulder, the father-son duo wearing matching hangdog, pleading expressions on their faces. The day Mat taught both kids the look was the worst day of your life, weakening your already minimal willpower. This time you have to say no, interrupting Mat while he’s working is only cute for so long.
“Sorry, Maxy,” you reply sympathetically. “We have to get back to the girls, but we’ll see Dad right after the game.”
Max whines loudly, reminding you that he’s still only five, and you chew on the inside of your lip. Mat pats Max on the back and whispers something in his ear, the extra lighting catching on the few greys that are starting to form in Mat’s dark hair. You wait while Mat talks quietly to your son, trying not to worry about coming back from commercial while you’re all standing in the middle of everything. Eventually, Max huffs an exasperated sigh and wiggles out of Mat’s grip again, slumping his way over to your side.
You smirk a little, “gee, don’t look so thrilled to come hang with your mom.”
Mat laughs and you roll your eyes at him.
“I wanted to stay with Dad,” Max pouts, little fingers gripping tightly onto the puck. “But he said that he’d take me to the locker room if I go with you.”
“Bribery,” Mat winks at you. “A dad’s best weapon.”
The ten second warning that the commercial is ending blinks and you grab Max’s hand, “okay, time to go back to the girls. We’ll see Dad later, okay?”
Max waves at Mat as you guide him away from the set. “Bye, Dad! Don’t forget I wanna see Jack and the locker room,” he shouts and you can hear Mat’s laughter boom over the noise of the crowd.
“I won’t forget Max, be good for Mom,” Mat calls out.
You hurry back to your seats, Max hopping along and waving to people as you go. He gives big, cheerful greetings to the ushers and security guards he recognizes, forcing you to stop when Sparky passes by so he can give the mascot a high-five and a hug around the legs.
“Max, baby, please. We can see Sparky later,” you sigh, a little worried about leaving the girls alone for so long. You know they’ll listen and not leave the seats, but you feel vaguely like a terribly mother/babysitter since they’ve been sitting by themselves for nearly twenty minutes.
Max pouts, but takes a hold of the hand you’re holding out for him and dutifully follows you back to the seats. He clambers over the couple at the end of the row and you apologize quickly for him, making another mental note to work on the kid’s manners.
“Where did you go?” Talia pops up in her seat like a meerkat, wrinkling her face at you in confusion. “We thought you, like, got kidnapped!”
“We didn’t get kidnapped,” you huff, passing around the pretzels. The girls thank you and turn back to the on-ice intermission action. Max reaches for your half eaten one too and you’re glad you at least got a bite in earlier. “Max ran off to see Dad.”
Max grins at his sister, mouth full of chewed pretzel. “Dad gave me a puck and I got to be on TV with him,” he manages to sound smug and excited all at the same time, waving the gifted puck in one hand.
Talia pouts a little, still childish despite how she tries to mimic the older girls.
“Eat your pretzel,” you twirl your finger to get her to look back at the ice. “There are a thousand pucks at home. Oh,” you add, “we’re going to head down to the locker room after the game. Dad promised Max.”
That gets the girls going, chattering about how they get to see Jack and the rest of the players, giggling like crazy while huddled together. You lean back in your seat, smiling softly at how cute they all are. Max is on his feet, dancing along to the arena music, waving both hands in the air - your little party animal. You send Mat a video of him dancing, teasing that father and son have the same moves.
He shoots back a gif of himself dancing at the Martins’ wedding more than fifteen years ago, making you laugh out loud, drawing the attention of all five kids. “Ignore me,” you laugh, waving a hand at them.
Another message from Mat vibrates your phone: leave the kids with marts and syd when you drop the girls off after the game, i wanna show you more of my moves 👀
Giggling like a high schooler with a crush, you take a minute to appreciate that Mat still makes you feel floaty and dizzy with love. Over ten years together and he still makes your heart skip a beat.
“Mom,” Talia’s voice slices through your thoughts, “what’s Dad saying? Because you look so weird.”
Schooling your features into a more neutral expression, you lean forward over the seat and ask, “how do you guys feel about a sleepover at Aunt Syd and Uncle Matt’s?”
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
@somerandomdudelmao s latest update for the Cass apocalyptic series has given me mental damage so I'll make it everyone's problem
Donatello remembers falling asleep. It's a generous word for dying, but that's what it felt like. Closing your eyes and just drifting off, just a feeling of contentment and peace. As peaceful as dying can be. 
It was painless at least. That's a plus if you ask him. The constant heaviness in his bones, the itching at the back of his eyes, telling him to close and never open them again, the constant buzzing in the back of his head. It all just went away the moment he let go. 
For a second he'd felt weightless. Free. He'd felt young again, had imagined himself jumping over rooftops with his brothers and feeling the wind on his skin. The battle shell a comforting weight on his back instead of the crushing burden it has become during the last few weeks of his life. He'd imagined himself jumping and landing, jumping and landing, effortlessly. Had imagined himself looking to the left and seeing Leo, keeping pace, grinning and whole. Looking to the right and seeing Mikey and Raph, happy and laughing. He'd imagined looking forward again and seeing April and Dad and so many others, standing there, waving at him, their silhouettes stark against the sun lowering behind New York's skyline. 
He'd thought "Ah. This must be heaven" 
And then nothing. 
And then too much, all at once. Like a computer going into overdrive, a hard drive rewriting and deleting itself over and over. He feels torn apart, his body rearranging itself constantly, nothing but a mist of energy one second and in the next blink of an eye a solid mess. When he has eyes and he can look down, he sees hands and arms glowing and glitching, but before he can panic or make sense of anything, he is gone again, just shadow and clouds, scattered across what his world has turned into. 
This is nothing like what Raph described. Donnie expected some mystical mumbo jumbo, thanks to their ninpo and their connection to their ancestors. But what he'd expected had been Gram-Gram and Dad, waiting for him with open arms. 
Not whatever the shell this is! 
Figures! Even in death this mystical stuff manages to screw him over. Paint him surprised. NOT! 
Time seems to be meaningless here. It feels like forever and it feels like just a second before something changes in his new world. The light changes, the texture of his surroundings solidifies. His body is as stable as it ever is, glitching and oozing with overflowing ninpo, but here and real. 
There is a figure in the distance and Donatello can't make out who it is but he knows, knows as instinctively as he knows himself, as he knows his brothers. 
The figure comes closer and they collide and Donnie feels himself rip apart AGAIN, but this time it's different. This time it's like coming home, like breathing in after years of holding it all in. 
And then there is nothing and then there is a lot again. Not too much this time, just the right amount. But confusing and dizzying. Donatello is still not quite back yet, still feels alien to himself, but he's as whole as one can probably be after dying. 
There are many new sensations pressing down on him. All of it familiar yet unfamiliar. The ninpo of his brothers, but much too young. The familiar energy of Casey Jones surrounding him, in contrast older and much more burdened than it should be. 
But no time to panic. Assess and analyze Donatello, it's what you do best. There will still be time to freak out once you have figured out what the hell is going on. 
"You know, I think I might need to invent a new scale to rate this rescue experience."
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glitter-alienz · 2 months
Question abt OV!Lita! You've drawn them w Donnie, but what does the rest of the family think of her? :0
here's a thing i drew couple of months back that's pretty much how leo is with lita VS how raph is with lita
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and here's an answer but its pretty long!! ⤵️
she's raised by the whole family (mostly splinter & leo) since donnie didnt really see lita as his child, bcuz she kinda isnt,, she's a failed attempt at cloning him. and he struggled to take care of her (bro can barely takes care of himself) so splinter did 70% of the work. and splinter loves lita a lot and spends a lot of time with her as a baby, he missed when his sons were small. and so they're close but lita can be mean to him sometimes (she's just a mean kid in general,, and splinter is very sensitive).
April gets cute aggression when she sees lita and likes to buy her stuff. casey thinks lita is the funniest kid ever.
as for the turtles, Raph is lita's favourite person ever, because she encourages lita to be an evil little shit <3 she's the fun aunt that lets you do stuff youre not allowed to 👍🏾 and when chompy is adopted by raph and mona (years later) she babysits chompy.
Leo is the closest to her and he is super protective over her. he baby proofs the entire lair the moment lita learns to crawl lol. and he is constantly arguing with donnie who is too relaxed with lita and lets her stay in his lab unsupervised.
anyways, this is too long srry,,, [TMNTOV Masterpost]
lita likes mikey,, he's her second favourite. But mikey wasn't always great with her. at first, the others wouldn't let him pick her up and he didn't mind that bcuz he was too scared to hurt her,, and she was super tiny. but then after lita is a bit older he turns into the world's greatest uncle. they play and draw with her a lot. and he's super chill so lita likes him,, he never says no to her because she uses her big shiny bug eyes. Also mooey loves dressing lita up, see this post where he gives her a massive bow
original ⤵️ (also thanks for the ask!!)
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oozedninjas · 9 months
Because they have a life outside of crimefighting, you know?
He got into college, got a degree in systems engineering and works from home as a programmer for an important corporation.
Uses an IA to generate a human-Like appearance for work meetings.
He’s the one with the highest income and the most uninterested in money. Donnie supports his family a lot in that sense.
After Leo, Donnie is the one who takes good care of Master Splinter, who fortunately never falls sick, but they worry nonetheless.
Donnie spends almost all he makes on his lab, and what he’s left he invests it on their home, which means: new, much more comfortable furniture, a new security system to protect the lair, escape routes in case of needing to, he made sure each of them had a comfortable space to sleep.
When learnt how to take care of his bike when working as the night watcher, so I picture him making money as a mechanic.
When he’s not fighting crime at night, Raph tends a mechanical workshop he build in association with Casey. It’s located in an abandoned garage near the lair.
Generally, Casey makes the deals, brings the clients, and delivers the vehicles back to them once they’re done, while Raph does the mechanics and fixes everything.
The place is a nice distraction and thanks to the marvelous work they make, it’s a nice business.
I think he would most likely be a TikTok celebrity.
It all started with couple of videos that he published by mistake and went viral.  
He constructed his personal brand around body painting, animal-care, and skateboarding.
Mikey’s a hit, seriously like he would get nice brand colabs and receive a bunch of free stuff for him to test and provide online opinions.
Master splinter wasn’t happy about it, but given that everyone thought it was a costume, he allowed it.
Donnie was commanded with the task of making an IA human-like appearance for Mikey, tho, just to be sure.
The turtle team still exists, fewer times now than before, cause life changes and they don’t have as much time on their hands now as they did when they were younger. Yet, Leo can’t help but feel lonely at times.
Training at the dojo and glimpsing back to see the Lab’s lights on and meet the silence of the house without Mikey and Raph.
Master Splinter’s no. 1 caretaker.
I think that as all his brothers progressively grew older, Leo started to note his only purpose until now had been his brothers: standing as a leader for them, protecting them, taking care of them, and being responsible for them.
What does he truly enjoy? Leo starts to wonder.
And this is Leo's best age to discover what he's into and show a wilder side of himself. He feels complete.
He loves exploring new things!
Leo became a teacher after settling down. He teaches Japanese history and martial arts online.
Donnie helped him develop an app, and everything's going alright.
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trashlama · 1 year
This is basically a part 2 to →this←
I appreciate all the feedback for the first part! It really made my day, thank you!
Disclaimer the two memes in here are not mine. They just too good.
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Sensei wasn't kidding when he told tales about the New York City of old with it's diverse beauty hidden in the city's twinkling glow.
To think for the first fifteen years of his life that he lived in the ruins of this classic marvel. Unaware of it's majesty compared to the doomed world he was born into.
After shutting down the Krrangs' invasion coup, rescuing Raph from the slimy pink clutches of exterrestrial mind control, and Leo recovering from his near death experience. Things as the turtles liked to put it— "went back to normal as normal as The Big Apple could be".
Whatever that ment.
In these times of peace the ex-resistance soilder found solace in his menial lifestyle with the Hamatos when compared to the one in his previous timeline.
Not fighting for his life everyday was a definite plus for the raven-haired veteran.
No longer was his mind be plagued by the knowledge of pending Krrang assaults and inevitable carnage. Despite General Donatello's best efforts to fortify the Resistance base. Sirens that fore told destruction sounding off into the darkness still plagued the teenager's restless nights.
No more incidents and mission failures that resulted in multiple funerals in a given week. Trying to hold back saltwater spills as General Michelangelo added another drawn portrait to the wall of the fallen. Rows of those whose fates were cut short.
Gone are the daily intelligence meetings directed by the chief intelligence officer General O'Neil. Speeches typically held ending on a negative note despite her optimistic quips about pushing the pink tentacle freaks back and gaining the upper hand against these pests.
They tried. That's what mattered.
However Casey couldn't deny the jovial excitement of being in this time period.
Taking his Sensei's advice the young veteran had got to try the infamous Pizza. Rats were definitely a far cry from the greasy-delectable-gooyneess that is the New York stable and apparently could be found on almost any corner in Manhattan.
Crisp nights were spent hanging with the Mad Dog Crew. Video games, Lou Jitsu films, and bizarre mutant encounters kept things interesting. Something new always happening when he hung with the turtles.
It was strange being able to see his mentors in their youth, the crew not being too much older than himself. Their own personalities like his own were still developing, evolving into the people they'll become tomorrow.
Although some things never do change.
Especially when it came to his teacher.
It wasn't anything new when Leo said he was gonna go out for a while.
Raph— being the protective older brother of course questioned his blue bandana wearing sibling of his destination. Even though at this point it was a cycle of deflection with the red eared slider. Raph still tried.
With his normal nonchalant attitude Leo dismissed his older sibling's worries.
"Take a chill pill Raph! I'm just going for a midnight stroll— ya' know? Nothing to get yer panties in a twist~" the adult mutant turtle shrugged off, teasing his brother as he made for the door.
" Tch! Im'a just tryin'a look out for ya' Leo! No one knows where ya' keep goin' and Im'a tryin'a respect yer space and all but, were worried for you!" The alligator snapping turtle expressed flustered by his brother's reluctance to be open.
Casey wanted to butt-in but, he didn't want to cross any unnecessary lines.
He might know the future turtles of his time but, he didn't want to push too many personal boundaries with these versions of his family.
The two stared one another down for a brief moment before the younger olive-green turtle retreated for the exit once more.
For a second, onyx colored irises looked Raph's direction as if contiplating something only to swiftly shift back towards the door way.
"It's fine Raph. I'm just patrolling and then coming back, stop the worrin' Bro." Leo reassured. His smile didn't match what his pools of ink told.
The door like the conquering thunder in springtime, boomed when it slammed closed.
For a moment the foliage colored turtle towered in the entry way.
Casey could tell from the ninja's look that Raph wanted to chase after Leo. Find out for himself what his brother sought to keep secret from the rest of the Hamatos.
Only for the tired adult snapping turtle to turn and retreat into the confines of his chambers.
An awkward pregnate silence took over the room shortly after.
Donnie left first, muttering something about a project he needed to work on.
Only for Mikey to follow offering Casey Jr. to join the youngest turtle for games if he wanted.
Acknowledging the offer, Casey remained rooted to the couch in the main room. Lost in his own thoughts swaying between future and present time.
Memories of his past, the future that will never come to fruition. Flooded into his brain.
Casey knew where Leo was going.
More specifically who the red eared slider was going to see.
(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n).
In his time (Y/n) was a woman from Master Leonardo's past that he couldn't leave alone.
The Resistance leader lurked in the shadows of his desire, regardless if the (h/c) haired female was aware or not. Monopolizing you for his own selfish attachments. Held by a leash the blue bandana wearing turtle held short.
You were the Commander's.
Everyone in the Resistance knew—
And no one stopped it.
And those who did attempt to do so faced dire consequences. Usually ending up on a suicide run into Krrang territory.
Those who made it back rarely made the same mistake on aiding you twice. And if they did, they definitely wouldn't again.
Leo made sure of that.
Even the slider's brothers and close friend chose to ignored the obvious.
Many times Casey had tried to convince them. Pulling at his greasy raven strands in frustration at their lack of interest.
Not once did any of them step in. Never lifted a finger or spoke against their leader's wishes.
General O'Neil was too engrossed in her work to listen to Casey's "childish" worries. When bigger threats prowled the broken streets. The woman had other far more pressing matters to be consumed by.
General Donatello wouldn't even listen to the adolescent. Choosing to continue hovering over his abyss of data. Not even sparing the boy-soilder a glance. Orbs of night never straying from the ever-changing code that flew across bright illuminated screens.
Out of all them, General Michaelangelo's response was the most disturbing. The youngest of the generals sympathized with his elder brother. Actively choosing to look past your despair for the greater good of Leo's psyche and the Resistance.
For everyone—
But you.
Deep down Casey Jr. always felt like the box turtle knew what would happen if the red eared slider lost you. The elder having a knack for sensing people's emotions.
For the first three years you fought tooth and nail. Planned and replanned so many jailbreaks. Awaited your chance to disappear from Leo's grasp.
However nothing was successful. Always in the end being dragged back by the sewer's apex predator.
Casey assisted where he could with what limited resources he had at his disposal. Signing up for missions with you so that you guys may coordinate without the looming olive phantom haunting the shadows.
He tried to help you and you did too.
But he was just a kid and you were just the prey bidding it's time in the tall grass. You both were stuck in this hellish world in this false place of sanctuary.
At times without anyone asking, you'd play out the roles he needed in his life. Fluctuating between a big sister to a motherly figure depending on what you thought he needed.
Many times Casey was grateful for the support.
He felt for (y/n). That's why he did the best he could. He just wanted you to be happy.
Alas it wasn't meant to be.
By the fourth year under Leo's supervision you were defeated. Resigned to the shelled hunter who just won't leave you be.
Casey tried to spur you on. Reignite the flame that burned in your chest.
But you just couldn't do it.
Successfully the domineering leader had smothered your fire in his embrace. The coals of your soul being treated by snakes of possession that slithered into your ribs and whispers of adoration that rewrote the manuscript of your mind.
It was easier to give in than to keep hurting.
Casey couldn't watch that happen again.
He wouldn't.
The raven haired teenager already messed up the spacetime continuum with his presence.
What's a little more damage control gonna hurt?
Mind set in stone, he flipped down his hockey mask.
The faint squeak of the lair door did not go unnoticed by the other inhabiting residents as Casey disappeared into the night.
It was a close call but, thankfully he did not miss your performance.
It twas another quite late weekday night at the aging basketball court. Squeaking shoes alongside the whoosh of the webbed hoop were the best back up singers to the beat of your ball and the panting breaths that escaped your soft looking lips. His favorite song to go with his favorite basketball ballerina.
The air was warm despite the recent onslaughts of cold fronts recently. Not that the weather would deter you from your nightly routine. Sweat ran down the curve of your (skin tone) face. (E/c) eyes trained on the basket as you alternated between point lines.
Leo sigh, the fondness for the girl below evident in his love-struck gaze. Lips posed in a goofy manner, the turtle unable to withhold the emotions flooding his system from taking control of his facial muscles.
He loved watching you play. Everytime. Since the first time he caught a glimpse of your skilled layout.
The way you maneuvered while laying up your shot was something to behold. The graceful beauty in your moves complimented the NBA performance that you gave every single time you shot the ball.
Coordinated and enchanting
It was such a perfect combination.
The hearts in his gaze followed you across the court. Dancing a Devine ballet under the fluorescent glow of the fenced in stage with leaps that would make Micheal Jordan jealous.
So enthralled in the mystical sight before him, the red eared slider almost didn't pick up on the approaching foot steps that was heading towards his direction.
Within a microsecond the mutant ninja turtle withdrew his dual swords, the clang of the steel weapons hitting the metal of Casey Jr's gauntlet woke Leo of his trained focus.
" Casey Jr? What'cha doin' here? " The dumb founded look was not missed by the teen in question . Surprise extched across the young version of his Sensei's face.
He's been caught.
"I could ask the same thing about you ." Casey retorted. Shaking the turtle's blades off his gauntlet like the leafs in autumn trees.
Teddy bear brown eyes slide down to the figure in the court. Gaze softening slightly at the sight of the new but, familiar (h/c) haired woman.
" What are you doing Leo? "
The olive-green turtle was not pleased. A thin frown sucked in his bottom lip. Young inky orbs gazed at Casey Jr. Informing the other of the dangerous game that the teenage veteran was playing.
Trying his preferred recent method of escape, the adult slider deflected.
" Pfffh! None-ya business! " The ninja scolded.
" I'm an adult and I can do things on my own. It's me who should be asking ya', what you're doin' here? " Leo pressed, turning the tables to chastise the raven haired teen instead.
Casey wasn't impressed. So far during his time here it was nothing new when it came to the younger version of his master.
Taking the silence as his immediate answer, the blue bandana wearing turtle began to continue telling off the apocalyptic born teenager.
" Got nothin' to say? Great! Why don'tch'a run back to the lair like a good little boy and—"
" I know why you're here Leo and who for. "
Casey's interjection immediately shut up the blabbering olive-green turtle. His comment gaining the young mutant's undivided attention.
"What do you mean Casey?"
"Yeah whatcha' mean Casey?"
Leo swore he was going to throw himself right off this ledge.
From the shadows, the owner of the gruff voice emerged with two figures that backed up his lumbering stature.
There stood a definitely not happy Raph. Arms crossed his chipped plastron in obvious display of his displeasure with the scene. Brows furrowed at the two in front of him. Carrying the aura of a displeased mother ready to whip out the chancla.
Behind the alligator snapping turtle's left was a Donatello who was obviously here to capture Raph beating Leo's ass. Cause what else are brothers for?
Then to the irked elder brother's right was Mikey. Trying to get a comprehension of the situation the trio just walked into. Not wanting the end result to be just straight up violence without trying to resolve with talking first.
Casey did not expect this.
Before future boy even got the chance to speak, Leo rushed to answer the question. A dark blush erupting across his olive cheeks dusting them in a pinkish hue.
"It's nothing! Absolutely nothing! I think I am ready to head back now— " Leo rabbled trying to push the his brothers away from the scene just down below.
"Whatcha' hiding Leo?!" Raph roared. Pushing past his brother to walk towards the edge. Only to get the answer to his question.
Just not in the way he thought.
"Hello? Is someone up there?"
The blue bandana wearing turtle really hated his luck tonight.
For a solid few minutes no one moved or made a sound.
Leo would have to throttle them if they did.
It wasn't until the beating of your ball returned to fill the empty void is when the gang took it as the coast was clear.
Sighs of relief left all five of them as they took a moment to reassess the situation.
Not even a second later the three other color coded turtle brothers threw themselves at the ledge to see who had called to them.
Down below, a cute (h/c) haired girl dribbling a basketball across the faded court. Laying out shots and moves that would school them in less than five seconds.
Mischievous knowing grins stretched across the three brothers green complexions as they turned to look back at their brother.
" Don't you do it." Leo warned. Onyx eyes glaring at his brothers who were ready to explode from the sight.
And of course it was Michaelangelo who did first.
" Leeeooooo hass aaaaww cruuuussshhh!" Mikey squealed. Warm grey eyes brightening at the reveal. Shuffling closer to his brother with a dorky face.
"It all makes sense now why ya' didn't want anyone ta' know!" Raph laughed. His scowl quickly replaced with a shit-eating grin.
"Oh Leon, don't you know that we would've found out eventually?" Donnie mused. Making sure to use one of his pairs of robotic arms to get a pic of his blue bandana wearing brother's flustered expression.
They were all laughing. Well except Leo and Casey Jr.
"Okay, okay! Can you guys please leave now!" The adult slider begged, using his force to push his brothers further away from the court below where his ballerina was.
The ex-resistance soldier was at a loss for words. One moment the threat of a showdown with his master's younger self. The next, was a dog pile of fluff that could rival the amount of cavities you'd get from eating a whole store of nothing but candy.
"Come on Casey Jr! Let's leave Leon to gawk at his cwwrruusshh!~" Mikey gushed. Throwing a moss green arm around the younger raven-haired boy's shoulder.
Casey shrugged off the youngest brother's arm. Before replying with a grin of his own. "Okay Mikey, I'll catch up with you guys in a few."
Giving the doomsday boy the thumbs up the other three turtles siblings ran off ahead. Making sure to continue teasing their blue bandana brother with kissy noises as they departed.
They were assholes. But Leo loved them.
" So, what's up future-boy?" the red eared slider quipped. Raising an unamused brow to the fifteen year old ex-soldier.
"(Y/n). Stay away from her." Casey warned.
Anger burned within those inky abyss of the mutant's glare sparked by the teenager's response. His grip on his fore arm tightened and his lip grew tight with displeasure.
"Yeeeaaahhh— no. I don't think I will" Leo responded. Eyes sharp like the sheathed blades the turtle carried. The hockey masked teen returned the same look.
"You see sénõr— I'm in love with the sénõritá of my dreams" the blue bandana ninja stated. "It's a fact that the hero always gets the girl." He continued. "Every Lou Jitsu movie proves so and I the awesome handsome hero will win the heart of the girl. And —"
"How when you never talk to her?" Casey asked simply.
Onyx irises widen slightly. " Whatcha' mean? I might've not worked up the mojo yet but—"
"Leo, in my timeline you never spoke to (Y/n). Not until after the Krrang invasion." The veteran spoke. A shadow forecast his gaze the mask helping to aid in hiding his expression.
" You became leader of the Resistance and worked hard for many years. Too hard. I guess it hurt you so much that when you saw her again you couldn't risk losing her. Not again. "
" You didn't hurt her physically but, mentally. She wasn't the girl that is down in that court right now. " Casey admitted. His pitch voiced the despair he could still remember clearly in your (e/c) eyes.
Leonardo listened carefully. His expression serious versus his iconic clownish behavior.
The look reminded Casey of his Sensei. The years washed over the young ninja in a matter of seconds revealed by the receding tide.
"What I am saying is I'm watching you." The teenager sighed looking too old to be fifteen and too young to have served in a war.
Don't make me regret not doing anything now" Warned the boy-soilder. " I will tell your brothers of your problems if you don't fix them now."
A solemn look haunted the turtle's expression.
" Just treat her right " the raven hair veteran chirped. Gifting the adult red eared slider a reassuring grin and a pat to his shell.
" I will. " Leo confirmed.
"That's the spirit. Look I better scram I sure Mikey is won—"
Speaking of the box turtle, the cell in the future boy's pocket suddenly went off. The phone screen brighting up with the name of the person trying to contact him. Tiny speakers blaring the Lou Jitsu game theme song.
"Welp that's gotta be Mikey." Casey chuckled, swiping the phone out his pocket only to pause. Thumb hovering over the answer button.
" Just... remember I will protect her from you if I have too. " Casey reiterated. The neon green dots of his mask making his point clear even if his words didn't.
" Aye, aye Captain~" Leo confirmed giving the ex-resistance soldier a faux solute.
With a shake of his head the teen lifted his gauntlet to the neighboring structure. "See you later Leon"
"Right back at you Spiderman"
"Oh God no. Ask Donnie he can help you."
"O-kaaay.... see you."
"Adios amigo!"
With click spur of gears a burst of steam sent the graveling hook and Casey Jr flying through the illuminated metropolis back towards the lair. Regrouping with the rest of the Hamato clan.
Now that the mutant looney tunes was over, the blue bandana turtle could go back to enjoy his muse.
With an eager anticipation in his bones the turtle turned back to the aged court only to find that you were wrapping up for the night. Your usual (2f/c) towel in hand as you shrug on your (f/c) sports jacket. The sweat from your workout must've been turning cold.
Leonardo knows that he made a deal with Casey Jr but, it was hard not to follow the basketball ballerina home.
He'll just make sure she gets there safe.
Don't want another mutant rooster coming for the (e/c) eyed woman.
Next thing Leo knew he was back in his favorite camping spot, perched in the fire escape as he watched you unwind while watching your Lou Jitsu movies. Slurping down the top ramen that you ate religiously.
And like clock work you were out.
The blue color coded turtle knew he shouldn't.
Especially because of his deal with Casey Jr but, for Gram-Gram sake! This was his chance.
The night was young enough that the morning dawn wouldn't rise for a while. He had some wiggle room with this.
The quiet chatter from the television masked the faint creaky slide of the dingy window being opened.
The mutant turtle slithered into the sparse apartment. Finding the lack of personality to the place.
Was she possibly like April and spent all her money on school?
Upon inspection darks orbs found stacks of college books on the counter. Spines of the bemoths had topics about physics, engineering and mechanics.
She'd probably have a blast chatting with Donnie about his nerd stuff.
Somehow the thought turned the olive-green turtles gut but, didn't read too much into it.
Standing in the small space, Leo found himself already looming over most of your sparse belongings. Finding himself snickering or chuckling as he walked around the studio.
What you did have besides your surplus of top ramen bursting out of your little pantry in the area he assumed was supposed to be a little dollar-store kitchenette you assembled.
Stacked to the side of the crooked entertainment center in half-assed stack was an assortment of retro game cartridges, similar to the one Mikey retrieved from that merchant he went to for his Lou Jitsu game.
On the coffee table second-hand Jupiter Jim comics were splayed out amongst other papers. He assumes homework based on the frustrated mathematical problems written, scratched out, revised and rewritten again.
He hadn't meant to but, his wandering gaze made itself back to you. Somehow it always does. May the red eared slider be be awake or in his dreams.
He always found his way back.
Even when he doesn't mean to.
Subconsciously Leo apologized to Casey Jr for his dishonorable actions and how he was about to further break his promise.
Gulping down the saliva that pooled in his mouth. His left hand carefully caressed your soft (skin tone) skin a little grimy leftover from your show but, still just as lovely as the lashes that hid tired (e/c) orbs from his direct sight.
His thumb traced your cheek down the slope of your jaw before skimming back towards the soft plump object his dark gaze kept getting drawn back too.
He really couldn't help himself.
He was disgusting but, he couldn't deny the monkey that rattled in the ribs that caged it.
He really does love you.
Leaning forward the turtle pressed his lips on his thumbs target. Successfully devouring your mouth. His three digit hand came to hold your chin keeping your face in place so he may taste more.
Pulling away the grown mutant was basically a glowing red light bulb with how hot his face was.
He did it. He got his kiss but, the animal part of his brain wouldn't calm down.
It wouldn't accept just this one stolen kiss.
He had to have you. You were a drug like no other. Better than any endorphins he ever received from beating his brothers at their various competitions to having the last glorious slice of the pepperoni pie.
This was sooo much better.
Sorry Casey Jr but, I just can't stay away from her...
For a moment Leo really thought he could walk away.
Just admire from a distance.
Look, don't touch.
Allow (Y/n) to just live her life like the woman she was becoming. Just be happy for her.
But Leo was selfish. He knows this.
That's why he's gonna have to meet her. Somehow, someway. He needed to be closer.
These nighttime ballets can only sustain the zoo in his chest for so long.
With a sigh of content the adult slider petted the side of your sleeping face. Looming over you the turtle knew he couldn't leave until he stole one more sinful taste. Cradling the back of your head, threading strands of (h/c) with his large free hand.
He just needed it to last as long as possible. Just until next time.
Reluctantly the turtle left. Disappearing like the whisps of the departed without a sound.
The window sealed shut behind the vanishing olive ghost.
Upon arriving back at the lair Leo found there wasn't a soul left in the main room as he crept through the sleeping base and into his bedroom.
The red eared turtle was about to retire to the land of dreams when he received a light knock on his door. A moment of silence before an adolescent voice broke through the thin barrier
"Leo? May I come in?"
Shit. It was Casey Jr.
"Sure bud. Me casa tu casa~" the tired ninja yawned. Dark eyes examining the teen who entered, shutting the door behind him as he passed through.
"What's up Casey 2.0?" The mutant inquired. Raised frow to join in his questioning look.
Leo knew why he was here.
The ex-resistance soldier sighed. No longer hidden behind his hockey mask. Eyes like Raph's teddy bears pierced through his mutated being.
"How was your patrol? You got back pretty late." Casey sneered. The disappointment was evident on the teens face. Lip tucked downwards.
He knew.
Leo was sure of it.
"It was fine. (Y/n)'s practice took for eeevvverr! And I thought women were supposed to take twenty million years on their hair not their game!" Leo humored.
"Ha." Casey mocked.
Despite it being the blue color coded turtle's chambers. An uncomfortable spill of stagnant silence over took the room. Air sapped up by rising waters.
He was giving Leo a chance to confess. Be honest now.
But, the veteran already knew what the red eared slider would choose. The ninja was his Commander for fifteen years of his life after all.
"Welp Casey Jr, if you don't need anything else. Some of us need our beauty sleep~" Leo ushered.
Casey took the hint.
"Goodnight Casey."
"Goodnight Leonardo."
The raven haired teen didn't bother making a show out of his departure back to his own quarters. Knowing that their conversation was a good enough indication of trust in their future relationship.
There will be none.
Casey scoffed as he laid back into his bed roll that Splinter lent him.
Fucking Leonardo. It didn't matter if it was the past, present, alternative future that red eared slider mutant mother fucker was always the same.
Spacetime continuum his ass.
Some things just never changed.
¶¶Creater's Notes¶¶
I did it! I finished it! Against my need for sleep I have finished this part dooooonnnneee!
I hope you guys liked it!
This basically is a part 2 to →this←
Might come out with a little ✨bonus part✨ for this little two-shot series I got going.~
I was originally gonna put in this one at the end after the creator's notes but, I was too eager to get this thing out.
Just let me know if you guys want it or not.
Technically I finished last night before bed but, I wanted to proof read one more time before posting.
Catch you guys on the flip side~
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Random Facts About Galileo
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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All Children Dorothy Marie
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A/N: The first time I ever heard of Galileo was through a children's book called “Os to, Oskar… for evigt” by Bjarne Reuter, which translates to “Us two, Oskar… forever”. It is about a boy that finds a lion in his bedroom, called Oskar. The lion teaches the boy about the stars and eats his licorice, and soon the two become very good friends. I don’t remember how it ends, but whenever I hear the name Galileo, I think of a boy watching stars with a lion while eating candy.
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Warnings: None💜
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It is very obvious why you and Donnie decided on the name Galileo for your first born son. Named after the Italian philosopher and physician Galileo Galilei, and one of Donnie’s greatest idols. This set in motion a theme of names, that all of your children would be named after - historic people of science.
Galileo, nicknamed Gali, is the child with the longest age gap to his youngest siblings, being five years. Now, this comes with its pros and cons. But in Gali’s eyes, it mainly had its cons. He loves his sisters, but damn, could they be annoying. It could be very frustrating at times.
That is why Gali’s bedroom isn’t next to his sisters. The hallway of you and Donnie’s family, is located on a built in floor above the living area. One that Donnie made himself, and purposefully designed so that you and your husband's bedroom was placed between Gali and his sisters’ bedrooms. That at least brought a little more peace, but not always.
Gali had a strange relationship with messes. If it is a mess he has created, usually in his room, he would have no problem with it. He could have his floor littered with clothes, toys or whatever, and he wouldn’t have a problem with it. But was it a mess someone else had created, he couldn’t stand it. He wouldn’t be able to find these things, and oftentimes causing much stress. Which is one of the many reasons why he hates it when either you or Donnie tries to clean his room.
At Gali’s 15th birthday, he was gifted a weapon from Splinter as per tradition in your wonderfully special ninja family. He was given a jumonji yari. A spear-like weapon with three blades at one end. Splinter had decided on this weapon, due to more than just Gali’s personality. As your son grew older, it became evident that he had strong physical resemblance to his father - tall and lean, made for such a weapon.
Gali HATES being interrupted. If his hiding in a far corner of the lair, reading a book or playing a video game, it’s best to just leave him alone. He’s hiding for a reason. If only his sisters could just learn it…
You and Donnie had always seen the development of your children's knowledge as something important. But you also knew that knowledge came from experiences. Therefore you would often bring your children to April and Casey’s farmhouse, spending family time together along with teaching your kids about the outside nature. That was something Gali always looked forward to. Even before the birth of his siblings, Gali would learn about the forest with much enthusiasm. You would never forget the day you sat outside with your newborn twins, when your 5 year old son came running, wanting to show his sister the bug he and your husband had found somewhere between the trees. It was adorable to watch!
It was Gali who came up with the idea of the Big Siblings Club, which Romeo and Joan happily took part in. That involved hanging out every once in a while, and rant about their younger siblings, or generally just doing activities that excluded their younger siblings.
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virgilisspidey · 10 months
I never understood the complaint that the 12 turtles weren't "teen" enough, just because they are less likely to do stupid shit as often as the rise or mm gang doesn't mean they're not realistic teenagers they're just more disciplined (not in like the abusive way) then them
There's different kinds of teengers!!
I am a teenager currently and I don't act like Rise.
I act more like 2012 and maybe that's why I have more of a connection to them than other iterations.
It's not that the other iterations are bad, it's just the fact that we're born in different times and therefore experience being a teenager differently from each other.
I'm the "school, home, school, home" type of teenager. I don't get into trouble and I don't have many friends that I can hang out with. The 2012 brothers are almost exactly like that. They go to missions, they go back home, repeat again and again. They only just started being actual teens at 15 years old. They only started to finally go out and be with their peers, or well, if you can call being around Casey and April their peers, then yes. They're still learning to discover themselves. They're much more sheltered than any other iterations. Maybe you can compare them to conservative asian households.
I didn't have my phone until I was 15, same for them, they didn't have it til they were 15 and even then it was limited to what the phones can do nowadays. They have social media but they don't use it often, they just choose to hangout in person and watch TV which not many teens do nowadays because they have netflix and tiktok. I also just started hanging out with some of my friends alone without a parent at 17, that's a bit too late to experience that.
The point is, the 2012 brothers represents the teenagers that just grew up in an environment where the internet is not a big deal. They're still teenagers. They still break the rules, they're still overconfident and cocky, they still do silly goofy things, they smack each other around, they vandalise, all that jazz.
Don't expect all teenagers to be the same as teenagers today because that's the year 2012, it's like a whole different time back then. That's realistic in that time.
Remember, they're still learning to he teenagers.
They're the older side of gen z so I understand why some of the younger generation can't relate.
Just because Rise and MM are more accurate to the younger gen z doesn't make 2012 invalid.
Different iterations happen in different times and what makes a teenager become a teenager is their environment.
You don't expect a teenager from the 1980s to know modern slangs or fandoms. You don't expect a teenager from the 1800s to understand punk rock or taylor swift. You don't expect 2012 to understand tiktok when all they had is vine.
Being a teenager isn't a competition, it's an experience.
Make sure to live it.
We're not the same people.
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nerves-nebula · 6 months
hi!!! you don’t need to answer this one, but i wanted to ask what the turtles’ respective themes/individual presenting styles would be? like clothing or whatnot
(for more doodles)
oH MAN IDK UHHHH. i wrote this and this about it a while back but i can extrapolate on their clothing choices!
Donnie: long sleeves, thick gloves, long pants, anything that covers his skin but isn't too itchy/tight/a weird texture. he doesn't like his bare arms being out in the open, partially to hide his scars and partially just because it feels weird and he likes the weight on them. i've drawn him in sweaters multiple times, and he wears a lot of big jackets when they're all older. baggy clothing = good to him.
Leo: he's more into feminine stuff and form fitting clothing. Like, layering and FASHION and shit. at first because she'd never been allowed to try them before, but as time went on they just became a small part of a bigger wardrobe. he loves to accessorize, enjoys wearing soft colors in general but will really wear anything so long as she thinks she looks good in it.
Mikey: just as likely to wear clothing as to not. He has a ton of graphic tee's, obnoxiously patterned button ups (that are always open) overalls, coveralls, handkerchiefs & masks, and board shorts. i can see him wearing sandals even though he doesn't have to. nearly everything he owns has some kind of stain on it, even if its just a small one (paint, blood, donnie's Science Experiments, ink, charcoal, food, literally whatever)
Raph: doesn't wear clothing unless for a practical purpose (like lab safety, or armor or something). He will treasure and wear clothing he's been gifted though, but that's mostly just Casey's oversized shirts & hoodies. He doesn't really have a sense of style of style beyond "make it red" but will on very rare occasions wear a dress if, for example, he's gotta go somewhere fancy. he finds dresses with pockets more practical for fighting than suits. dresses can also have open backs, which reduces the amount of tearing his shell spikes do to the fabric.
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moonshynecybin · 22 days
Thinking for vale, now more than ever, with Marc racing the way he used to, it must feel more familiar but also the reminder must be more hurtful that vale isn't there riding next to him. Things like if I was there I wud have done this & this to to stop him. Because of course he has his vr46 kids to live vicariously through but they don't know about the age of aliens and they don't ride like them. And no matter what dani-jorge-casey-marc will always evoke different poignant memories than his other beloved riders
i DO think vale is a lovely and sweet mentor in a very unforgiving sports world its one of my favorite things about him. i do alsoooooo think about bezz flopping extremely hard this year until vale showed up in jerez and more or less fixed his issues on the bike in one conversation. what the hell. the difference between a generational superstar and a regular very elite athlete summarized VERY concisely imo. so yeah i do think it grates a little that he cant be out there actually stepping to the competition because that ‘swhat his entire life has been shaped around for many many years. and he LOVES it. you HAVE TO love it to do what he did. watching Q1 on his phone signing autographs even though his little babies are all in q2 kind of behavior.
so yeah! i think it eats at him in that same quiet tragic way that all generationally talented athletes have to deal with when they get older and are forced to confront the fact that their body cant quite do what it used to. all that strategy all that knowledge all of that impotent kinetic energy just coiled in his limbs without the ability to take off... ESPECIALLY when his little baby boys cant quite work one over on marc (or anyone really). like advice can only go so far ! and part of me wonders if he watches an overtake or a hard braking zone on the tv and starts thinking of about eight different strategies that wouldve been more effective....
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melancholysway · 1 year
Were you serious about wanting to receive asks for the 2007 movie iteration of the turtles? Because I would die for a caring reader wanting to spoil the boys with a hot, relaxing bath with scented candles and maybe a bit of a massage, they deserve to be pampered!!!
i also had this done and rly rly wanted to get this out
also i love '07 raph and leo (i know i just said I hated him in a previous post but idc rn i love him)
TMNT 2007! Imagines: Caring S/O [Leo/Raph]
looking for Donnie and Mikey's? Click here !
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Imagine surprising Leo with a relaxing bath.
It’s the first time since Leo’s return that you’ve all gone to Casey’s grandma’s farmhouse. Now, the good thing about it is that it’s always available for your use!
So as you all pile up in the shell-raiser while Raph drives his bike with Casey, you’re all ready for a nice relaxing, well-needed vacation
Especially Leonardo.
It’s been hard on him after Winter’s. Sure, he’s rebuilt his relationship with Raph, and they’re cool now- everything was. But…
Something’s been weighing on his mind.
Was he really stronger? He didn’t even see the dart hit him, he was so caught up that he forgot about his own safety, and almost got sacrificed by some 3000-year-old stone guys because of it.
Not only this but, was your relationship still the same with him?
He beats himself over not sending you letters anymore during his training. He knows (thanks to a slightly irritated Donnie,) that you thought he wanted nothing to do with you while on his training; with no distractions. Or worse, that he was dead. 
“You should talk to Y/n, your absence has also been hard for them, much like Raphael.” He remembers what his father said when he came back. It rings through his head all the time because he didn’t mean to leave you hanging like that. 
You work on rebuilding your relationship after the whole Winters thing because Leo comes home at the perfect time when everything was chaotic. 
He starts by apologizing. He should’ve at least told you the reason why he was going to stop, but, he doesn’t remember exactly why. 
“I was caught up in my own world, and all of a sudden, I just stopped. I stopped writing.” 
This was a double entendre, writing to his brothers, yes, but writing in general for Leo was one of his strong suits. He loved to write. He was great at poetry and had a thing for short narratives. 
He has a dream that he can be an author- that’s what he would love to do. 
When you forgive him and take him back with open arms, he’s so happy he could scream.
Because he fucked up. He’s lucky that you loved him as much as you did. 
As he sits next to you and watches the farmhouse come closer into view, he’s excited. This trip meant that he could spend some overdue quality time with you. 
“Please, I’m beggin’ ya, there are kids here. And by kids I mean Mikey,” Raphael says to Leo before retreating to his room with Mikey already whipping out his comic collection for him and his older brother to browse. This innuendo makes Leo blush, but it’s not something on his mind as a priority. Yes, he’s missed you, and yes, he’s missed loving on you, but right now, he wanted to ease back into things. 
If it happens, it happens. He was content with anything.
He’s excited, especially when he comes into your shared guest room and it’s dimly lit. Sharing a bed and room with you was something he had been looking forward to. It meant quality time.
Alone time, a romantic time. Something that had been lacking for the year and change of his training.
As you both got the room with a bathroom inside, he sees the candlelight become more prominent under the bathroom door, almost glowing in an enticing manner.
It’s left open a crack, but he doesn’t know where you’re at. It can’t be you in there, so he opens the door slowly, wondering what could be on the other end.
He’s shocked when he sees it. He sees the tub filled with bubbles, as the humidity from the hot water clings to his skin. The smooth music from his favorite indie group playing on the speaker- your speaker. The eucalyptus leaves hang from the showerhead, and the scent fills the room. 
“Hey.” Your soft voice tickles his ears, and he’s set. 
As he turns around to you, he smiles at your form. You stand in the doorway, laughing softly at how happy he seemed as you explain what the hell this all is.
“It’s…for you. You deserve a night off just relaxing. Some Leo time, if you will.”
He accepts your offer as he could almost cry at how nicely you put this all together, that you thought about him this whole time. 
“Join me?” Leo couldn’t help but ask. 
You do. You do in fact join. 
And…it’s amazing. Leo unwraps his bandages and unties his mask, getting inside and immediately feeling relaxed as soon as the hot water touches his body. Leo’s favorite thing had to be baths, especially when he was younger. He loved to just sit inside and let time pass until the water became cold.
You take off your clothes, walking over to the tub as you sit in front of Leo, his hands immediately wrapping around you. 
He feels like home to you, as you do to him. 
“I’m sorry.” 
He apologizes. Once you both get comfortable and sit in stillness, enjoying each other’s presence, he just says it. He’s apologized for being absent and the letters stopping before, but he can’t help but continue to feel guilty for it. 
Your fingers draw circles in his hands, and you look back at him, kissing him gently on the cheek. 
“You’re here now, that’s what I care about.” 
That just sends him over. Because you truly forgive him after all that. After all that he’s done- or his lack thereof.
You forgive him.
“How did I get so lucky, seriously.” He mutters just loud enough for you to hear. He could die in this position. He was holding you, while you both shared a rather platonic intimate moment with each other. You chose to mix Epsom salt with the tub water, and Leo’s muscles and joints had never felt so relaxed in a bath before. That was your secret ingredient, just for your boyfriend.
So when you both seemingly cuddle in the tub, Leo, for the first time since being taken and having to battle for the curse of Yaotl, is 100% relaxed and calm. 
Because that’s how Leo is. He’s cool, calm, and collected. At least, he tries to be. Most of the time he is, depending on the situation. 
But right now, with you, he has nothing but positive thoughts running through his mind.
He thanks you with a kiss on your forehead, followed by a tight squeeze around your waist, he’s missed this.
Being so close to you, so happy, so at home. 
He can’t thank you enough. 
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Ah Raph
My favorite turtle out of this whole movie
King behavior king energy and he’s getting the king treatment yall!
Leo’s absence had been hard on him, honestly. 
He’s around you more, not that he didn’t already spend his time with you, but he seemed to gravitate toward you at any point. Like he HAD to be around you.  
You comfort him a lot of the time. Yes, Leo was your friend; yes, you miss him dearly. But, he should have continued to write to everyone.
Raph comes over all the time because the Lair reminds him too much of the memories of Leo. 
He thinks his brother is dead at one point. 
It crosses his mind while patrolling as the Nightwatcher, after being a few weeks overdue for a letter from Leo
He comes to your window, broken, with a frail state of mind. Because he really doesn’t want his brothers to see him like this, but he can’t deal with the thought of losing his older brother-his mentor-his right-hand man- alone. 
You take him in, of course, and it’s the first time Raph has cried in front of anybody other than his Sensei. You just sit there and hold him for hours, eventually falling asleep with his head on your lap once he calms down. 
You hoped Leo was okay, and when months go by, April sees him while on a business trip
“Baby, he’s alive, look-“ you show him the text from April, and he gets the same one just a few moments later from the redhead. 
He’s relieved but mad at the same time. 
So, he begins to resent his older brother. He had no business putting Raph in that headspace. 
So when Leo comes back and everything goes down, he’s so glad he has you. He appreciates you so much. 
After the fight with the stone generals, he sleeps the whole day, getting up to shower and see you. Because he wants to tell you how much he appreciates you. 
He’s cried in front of you, and that’s the ultimate sign of comfort from Raph. He often keeps more fragile emotions inside him. So for him to break down like that in front of you (and Splinter as well,) is a beautiful realization that he feels safe being vulnerable around you. 
He comes up to your window, smiling as he watches you brush your hair, admiring your body and facial features. As he knocks on your window and takes you out of your own little world, you welcome him inside, giving him a slew of kisses on his lips, and ending it with a soft peck on his forehead. 
He needed that forehead kiss btw
That’s his weakness. He likes loving kisses like that. Though he may not be vocal about it, you can tell by his face that he enjoys it. 
“Hello ta ya too, angel.”
And as you sit together, your hands make their way around Raph’s body. Your hands seem to gravitate toward his shoulders, and before you know it, you’re massaging Raph’s arms and shoulders. 
“Wha…what are ya doin?” Not that he’s complaining, but he HAS to ask. 
Because it feels good, and you’ve never done it before
“Judging by your soreness and tenseness lately, you could use a calming massage.”
He just looks at you for a moment, before he gives in, with a small smile dancing on his lips as he turns around and lets you go back to what you were doing.
He’s all for touching, and this right here was something he needed. 
It’s no surprise that he just relaxes under your touch. As you go to work on his (very sexy) muscles, you can feel just how tense they are. Raphael doesn’t like to stretch after a workout, so it’s really not a shock that his sore muscles are enjoying everything that your hands are doing 
He just sits there in front of you while his shell is back to you, and you can’t help but feel his shoulders- his biceps- every muscle this turtle has been working on perfecting. 
And he loves it. He loves that you find him and his body attractive because it’s something he resented about himself.
“I love you.” 
Now, you’ve said I love you to Raph only a handful of times. It wasn’t something that he or you said too much. You didn’t overuse the word. It held meaning, and it wasn’t something he wanted to just throw around. So when you told each other that you loved each other, it was seriously special.
“And…I’m glad that Leo came back alive. For your sake..” 
You say that sincerely, seeing Raphael break down as he did was hard for you. He’s always so strong, that it hurt to see him like that. He truly needed you to comfort him that night, and he’s been so glad that you did.
And as he’s sitting there in front of you, eyes staring off into a dark abyss since they’re closed, he thinks that he fell in love with the right one. 
“I love ya too Y/n. Really.” 
He makes small grunts when you touch particularly tense areas on him, and even lets a quiet moan out when you successfully got a knot out in his neck. It all felt so good. He could just sit with you doing this for hours; days even.
Because honestly, 2007 Raph just needs someone to appreciate and love him. To be there at the rare times he is weak. That’s just how he is.
SELF PROMO: I have a 2007 Raph x Female Reader posted on literally every fanfic site you can think of except for fanfiction.net LMAO, it’s on here as well just go to my masterlist! [its called serendipity!] enjoy!
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Hi :D I love your new au!!
So for your prison dimension au, what’s up with draxum? Bc the turtles kinda thwart his second attempt at world domination when they’re older
And the Shredder? Is he tearing up NY? Or do the Foot never find out that Splinter has the final piece?
And in the inevitable future when the Foot get the key and open the portal, is anyone trying to stop them? Is there a Casey Jr in this au harbinging the apocalypse?
Back with the boys, do they know what happened? Why they’re trapped? I know in Mikey’s description the kraang see him as another way out so they make him practice, but did they explain it to them?
Are the dynamics between the kraang and the turtles in any way ‘nice’? Are they attached/loyal or waiting for an escape? If there are any differences there, does it create tension among the turtles?
Ok so sorry if that was too much I’m just really interested in what’s going on here. Again love love love your au
Have a nice day!
ah okay- so for the first couple questions,, i'm gonna go with the general answer of this takes place around the start of the first season,, so half of these things haven't happened yet,,
but i'm working on the actual plot stuff for most of the stuff regarding draxum,,, as well as what splinter is doing !!
as for the prison dimension key?? that's what the turtles exist for. their whole goal and purpose of their training is for mikey to portal the turtles back out so they can retrieve the key and open the real portal, thus actually freeing the kraang and technodrome.
the boys aren't exactly... fully aware... that they came from earth??? they obviously don't remember portalling to the prison dimension as babies. what they're essentially told is "we're trapped here, but orange has the mystic abilities to get out and find the key"
i would say the nicest dynamic between all the turtles/kraang would be purple and the little kraang, but even that's kinda iffy sometimes. that being said, they're all still loyal to the kraang. (leo being the most loyal,, but mikey probably being the first one to even consider not being loyal)
and that does indeed cause tension ! whoopsies
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yanteetle · 1 year
I’ve always been curious on what type of parents the Yan!Rise gang would be🤔
And this may be a bit too dark but would any of the guys have kids as a way to control their so?👀
(Love your work so much dude😭💛)
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Oh honey.... These kinds of dark questions always manage to get me hyped and I feel so embarrassed about it LMAO-
Personally, I kind of see Raph to be the yandere that would end up having a kid to ensure his darling is locked in with him forever. (this hc might be self-indulgent, so please take it with a pinch of salt :)) In his mind, if he had to take care of his brothers as kids, what harm could a few more turtles running around possibly do? He always did like being the leader after all, so maybe he'll just do it in a different way. Whether his darling is ready for what that entails, is a whole other question. 🤗
The others? I personally can't see Mikey as the type to try and baby-trap his darling, since I see him as the clingy youngest-sibling type. However, he might end up doing it if pushed too far, you can never be too careful with the Delusional-type yanderes after all. The moment he starts thinking that having a family will help live out his delusions, his darling is royally fucked.
Donnie however... He already has Shelldon, so he understands some of the responsibilities of raising a child/robot. He might hesitate for a while before actively considering baby trapping his darling. Whether or not he actually goes through with it, solely depends on how mature and ready he is to go through raising a teenager again. (The chances are low, but never zero)
Leo? We all know how he readily accepted Casey into the family once he proved his status in the movie, so he'd probably end up adopting kids when he's older and more invested in expanding the family. Imagine he brings some random baby home and begging his darling to raise it together 💀💀 (although I can see him going with the traditional baby-trapping route, iykwim, I feel he'd resort to adopting more compared to actually having a child)
(I haven't really thought all that much about how they'd be as parents, so I'm really sorry for not answering the question all together! I just don't have too much experience with... Parents or family in general, so I'm not really sure on what they act or feel like! Maybe I'll try in the future, but for now I am kind of clueless about it, sorry about that, and thank you for requesting!)
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hello!! could I request a story with casey where she had a tough case and had been threatened and all and she figures out that she’s wasting her life by locking herself up from reader and that she actually loves her and it’s not just a hook up so she goes finds her and tells her that? could be smut or not hehe thank uuuuuu
slight cw for themes of violence and general toxicity
"Casey." You say, looking tiredly at the redhead stood at the head of your bed, now scrambling to get dressed.
"For fucks sake." She growls, pulling her hair out from beneath her jacket and moving to bolt out of your bedroom door.
You'd been grilling Casey about what happened at work since she'd showed up at your apartment in a haze of aggression. You’ve seen her emotions range from angry to disillusioned, but not anything like this, nothing ever spurring her to treat you the way she had tonight. The redhead had managed to silence you with her lips and tongue for the past couple of hours, but—much to her dismay—your prying continued once you could breathe again. Casey’s refusal to explain what was going on with her was maddening, and for the first time since you'd known her, you were contemptuous toward her.
You’re refusing to let her leave without an explanation for her behavior, though you know it’s going to be exhausting trying to shatter her stoicism, even just for a few moments. You exhale sharply after getting up from the bed, and noting the swelling on your thighs and arms from Casey’s grip on them earlier. Moving your hand over the area beneath your shirt, you can still feel the indentations of her bite marks; the crudeness in which she’d used you tonight mounts your anger as you storm out of the room. You fling open the door to find her standing in your living room, gathering her belongings.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You ask, your tone venomous; she scoffs and you can feel yourself becoming enraged.
“I can’t deal with you right now.” The redhead pivots, insolently looking downward to avoid your scolding eyes.
You cut off her path as she makes a move for the door, and position your body between her and the exit. She stares at you with a look of aversion you’ve never seen from her before, and you feel physically ill. You cross your arms defiantly in a silent challenge to the older woman; she begins to chuckle wryly at your stance. Your face stays unmoving as you watch Casey laugh manically, her head thrown back and her voice raw. She eventually contains her disbelief into just a mere smirk, and fixes her gaze downward upon you once more, stepping closer and pinning your body.
“Move.” She mutters, the calmness of her demand forging a pit in your stomach.
“Or what—you gonna call your cop friends?” You ask dismissively, pressing your back further into the wood in attempt to create distance between your tense bodies.
Casey’s face drops and a sheet of blackness seems to overlie her sharp features; you click your tongue in indifference. The anger swelling within your chest, and the dull ache radiating from your ragged muscles quashes your usual pull towards disarmament. The standoff between you and the older woman lasts for what feels like minutes; neither of you dare to speak or move from your places. The redhead looks away—her eyes crazed and her nostrils flared in white-hot rage—and you let out a quiet breath of relief. However, just when you let your guard slip, her calloused hands bracket on your upper arms, and sling you into the left wall.
Without thinking, your arms rise to level with your chest and throw her off. As she stumbles into the back of your couch, it seems you can hear the rush of adrenaline in your ears as much as you can feel it pummel the walls of your veins. This no-strings agreement the two of you had made within the first month of meeting went out the window long ago; it’s replacement a weekly cycle of virulently taking out the frustrations of the day on one another. You know it needs to end, but neither you nor Casey seem to possess the willpower to cut it off. Casey shoots you a dumbfounded stare as you purse your lips and rest your hands on your bruised hips.
“Get out.” You hiss, throwing open the door for her, and walking into the kitchen; she obliges wordlessly.
You brace yourself against the granite surface of your kitchen island, and try to quell the trembling of your limbs. The faint thrum of Casey’s heels against the tiled floor of your building can still be heard through the open door; you straighten your posture and move to slam it shut. You lean your head back and cover your face with your eyes, hoping that you’ll open them to see Casey asleep next to you, and realize this was just a nightmare. No such comfort comes, and you groan as you see the angled couch serving as mocking evidence of you and the redhead’s fight.
Hours melt into one another as you pace around your living room, your brain swirling about the events that transpired between you and the older woman. Despite the immeasurable amount of time you’d spent with Casey—tangled in her toned arms and enamored by her words—you feel as if what you experienced tonight is the real her. The small glimpses of her humanity that you’d grasped at to justify this relationship twist into indiscernible memories the longer you think of her. You smile drolly at the absurdity of your choices, and dwell on the hours you’d wasted in her company.
The shrill sound of your ringtone echoes throughout your flat and shakes you from thought. You realize your phone somehow ended up on your desk, and you walk quickly towards it on the off chance someone at work is calling you at 2 o’clock in the morning. You nearly lose your balance when you see the name illuminated across your screen—Casey. You blink a few times and just stare in disbelief at the white letters plastered on your phone; however, curiosity overtakes you, and soon you’re pressing the green button and holding it up to your ear. You can faintly hear her release a breath, and the call is silent until Casey decides to speak.
“I didn’t go home.” She murmurs, and you believe the faltering of her tone is a figment of your imagination.
“Where are you?” You ask, clearing your throat nervously and walking towards the kitchen window.
“I need to see you.” Casey says, her voice so defeated you almost can’t believe it’s her on the line.
“This has to end.” You sigh out, your eyes fluttering closed; Casey chuckles hollowly in response.
“Consider it closure.” The older woman states, and you hum in hesitant approval before she hangs up.
Minutes later, she’s walking in wordlessly and peeling the coat from her shoulders; you’re already sitting in preparation for whatever convoluted interaction is to come. Casey sits at the island across from you, and places her hands meekly in front of her; you fidget softly under the counter. The older woman brings her head up slowly to look at you, her eyes wrought with guilt and shame. You try to maintain an apathetic gaze, but you can feel your brows knitting in clemency at her despondent presence. She interlocks her hands behind her neck as she inhales, and prepares to speak.
“The short version is that I had a rough case; not any worse than the others, but some friends of the defendant cornered me at the courthouse after arraignment.” Casey avows quietly, and you nod slowly at her words.
“You could’ve told me earlier.” You croak, and she sucks in a breath through her teeth.
“It wouldn’t have changed anything, it still doesn’t.” She says, her eyes fixed to the floor.
“You threw me into a fucking wall, Casey.” You choke out, your tone imploring her for a compelling explanation, though you know there isn’t one.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, her breathing labored as if there were a mass upon her chest; you stand and turn your back to her in order to keep your composure.
“I still don’t want it to end.” You confess derisively, and you can hear Casey shuffle to stand and approach you.
“It doesn’t, not for tonight at least.” Casey scrapes, and you can feel tears prick at your eyes as her arm encircles your waist.
A warm sensation spills into your chest to replace your anger as Casey turns you in her grip, and lightly drags her hands over your exposed arms. The frown she wears resembles that of an apology itself, and the tears you’d tried to stifle spill over across your cheeks as you try to escape her forlorn gaze. You should do nothing but shove her away from you just as you did a few hours ago, but you can’t, and you don’t want to. Every moment with the older woman traps you in the same alluring stalemate of weakness and desire; escape is unthinkable. As Casey’s lips burn soft kisses into the skin she’d blackened earlier, you feel a sense of understanding—of her, yourself, and the fucked up situation you each find yourself in.
Her lips envelop yours with a soft adoration, moving as if it were her first time doing so. Casey pulls back and glides her thumbs over your face, trying to wipe the tears from your flushed skin. She settles on kissing them away instead, repeating a hushed apology each time she plants one. Her hands rest on the small of your back, gently adhering your waist into her upper thighs; your head drops into the dip of her shoulder. She’s mumbling something into your hair and guiding you towards the bedroom, but her words are muffled by the fog occupying your mind. She has you encased in her arms as she lies with you, and you can feel sobs crack through your lips.
Casey’s mantra of apologies ends once your ragged breathing steadies to sync with hers. The older woman runs her lithe hands through your hair lightly, and you try to suppress the feeling of comfort looming over your being. You can think coherently now, yet you can’t find anything to say, only counting down the hours until you watch her leave for good. You tilt your head upwards to lay a kiss across her jawline, and the smile playing on her lips doesn’t evade you. You move to straddle her hips as you realize how close to morning it is, and your expression is as determined as it is plaintive. Casey has no reaction to your movements, her hands still cupping your face and her eyes fixed on yours.
“I don’t want that.” She says, looking at your expecting body and sliding her thumb over your swollen lips.
“For closure, right?” You chide, grinding your hips into hers softly—once again, no reaction from the redhead.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Casey admits lowly; your body goes rigidly still atop her.
“Fuck.” You say, closing your eyes and huffing in sheer impiety at her words.
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