#or maybe i'll be dead
crispyliza · 3 months
Fanfiction in the late 2000s-early 2010s was wild bc you'd find a beautifully written story with the most compelling heart-wrenching plot you've ever seen and the author's note would be like:
Author with a username like ~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Ohayo gozaimasu! ↖(^▽^)↗, I'm sowwy it took me so long to update (๑•́_•̀๑)
tsundere twink from their fic : It was about damn time you idiot (눈‸눈)
~SasukesWaifuxD~ : Hey now! It's not my fault the plot bunnies kept wunning away fwom me (╥﹏╥)
tsundere twink: W-watever, it's not like I missed you or anything (💢,,>﹏<,,) b-baka!
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I've had a godawful couple of weeks. I loaned my dad $2k so he could get a camper for his truck and leave out of state for his work and he bought one that doesn't even fit his truck and he broke his hand so he can't work or pay me back. My hours have been cut at the deli so now I'll only be getting 12 hours a week. My breast lump keeps getting bigger and the only way to get rid of it is invasive surgery that will leave a big scar and indentation and cost me $5k out of pocket. I have to spend another thousand dollars to move back to California and I'm now realizing that I'll likely be without a job for months. And I'll have to buy a car. And a new laptop since this one is old and slow as shit. And I have to buy a new phone bc the one I have is old with a shit battery and no storage space. All of these expenses are taking away from the money I saved to go to Germany and now I don’t even know when that will happen. I've been depressed for quite some time now so feeling down is nothing new to me but I keep thinking about how stuck I am and how stuck I'll always be. And to top it all off I have painful cystic acne now, which I've never had in my life and I've gained almost 10 pounds. I don't know how I'll possibly make friends when I go back to Cali. I don't know how I'll get a job. I don't know how long my presence will be tolerated with my siblings and my aunt. The only light in my day is coming home and playing tears of the kingdom with my younger siblings but they haven't wanted to play with me all week. I just lay in bed, scroll through social media, and once I've seen all the posts I stare at nothing for hours thinking about how much I fucked up my life and how I can't turn it around. I have no one to confide in bc my mom will tell me that we could just kill ourselves together, my dad will tell me to get over it bc his life was worse, my elder siblngs would tell me I'm being dramatic, and my nana can't give realistic advice bc she thinks I have greater potential than I actually have. I've spent so long being miserable I don't know how much longer I can watch other people be happy and succeed while I suffer. I keep imagining putting my mom's handgun in my mouth and blowing my brains out
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birrdies · 7 days
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dead men walking
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densewentz · 5 months
honestly i'd dig a fic where the Cat King (after getting blitzed by esther and reforming as a new cat) goes limping and pathetic to find Edwin only for Edwin not to recognize him in his new Cat appearance and who proceeds to take care of and exasperatedly fawn over this quiet new companion.
Charles and the New Cat have an inexplicable vendetta no one else in the office understands, Niko is obsessed with dressing the cat up, Crystal just wants the thing to stop shredding and shedding on her clothes. Edwin likes the way the cat purrs softly against his chest late at night when the others have gone to rest. He talks to it about everything and anything, and CK (now pretty well trapped in his sort of accidentalish ruse) has to figure out a way to come clean without totally fucking up whatever tentative thing he's managed to cobble together with his favorite Dead Boy.
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maggy-makes-art · 3 days
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inside me there are two wolves...
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a0random0gal · 3 months
Aemond after killing Luke:
"Noo I didn't mean to do that!🥺 He may have gouged my eye out, never apologized for it and grinned at the memory of bullying me, but he didn't deserve to die!
Aemond after Aegon made fun of him in a brothel:
"Fuck the fact that we're on the same team, fuck the fact that he insisted to have me on his council because I'm his brother, fuck the fact that this would doom our cause, this asshole has to die."
10/10 Ryan the writer that you are!
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
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painland week, day 3 : first kiss/confession of love "i knew you truly loved me, as i loved you, when everything swam in blue."
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
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I was gone a while, but Charles seemed so genuinely flabbergasted to see me back in camp when I said hi to him
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alltimefail · 3 months
Trying not to think too hard about what is going through Edwin's head in ep 4 when Charles is crying and saying that he hates being dead, that he "puts on a smile" for the sake of everyone else - singling Edwin out specifically, saying "Are you gonna do that Edwin, huh?"
I really hope this moment is addressed next season because it's heartbreaking. Knowing what we know, Edwin is starting to figure out that he is in love with Charles at this point, but he's also starting to realize that Charles has buried so much pain in their 30 years together that Edwin wasn't fully aware of (and, in all fairness, this sentiment goes both ways). It was never for a lack of caring; Charles had been denying the pain himself; I think about him telling Crystal his dad wasn't the nicest guy, Edwin then parrotting this sentiment later to Crystal at the Devlin house: "He wasn't a... nice man." Edwin can only know what Charles has been willing to share, but still... knowing Edwin, he probably feels a lot of guilt (which Charles would be devastated to know he played a part in, btw, because I truly don't think he intended for his feelings to come out, nonetheless as "harshly" as they did).
I know Charles briefly touched base afterward and told Edwin he wouldn't want to be dead with anyone else, but I have a feeling that since we explored so much of Edwin's personal development in S1, that Charles' development (sexuality/feelings for Edwin AND facing the trauma he's been burying, among other things) will be at the center of S2...🤞
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wiredust · 4 months
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— and this light will keep us warm
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
One of my favorite things that could potentially come out of Nico being implied to be guaranteed immortality after he dies is, knowing how he is, there is a non-zero chance he could die defending his friends.
Which means you could totally have a scene where Nico is killed in a fight protecting his loved ones, and they see he is dead. Everyone is 100% certain he is dead, because he is. But then he just gets back up. And absolutely wrecks shit. Because he just entered phase two of his boss battle and he’s a GOD NOW.
I just need everyone to picture that scene. Imagine it in your mind’s eye. Good. Enjoy that.
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a-foggy-maggy · 2 months
RE: drawing requests.
More Niko Sasaki because she's amazing and deserves the world.
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minimafioso · 2 months
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Iconic Soukoku Moments but I made them bunnies
Bunzai with the power of Bunny Kiss to bring Chuubun back from Purruption
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heartorbit · 8 months
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just how can i protect your smile?
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buggachat · 1 year
"augh, this [media] sucks. it's all about shipping"
romance is a genre, harold
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vellichorom · 4 months
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imagine running around the stanley parable office but it's been twisted into this killer obstacle course, the narrator pulling the strings & laughing at you as you reel at the deadly traps & the remains of your fallen " co-workers, "
can freedom be found just behind a closed door? or in the bloody destruction of your form?
......so did you guys hear the narrator's going to be added to DBD? because he's not but it'd be cool right
based off of @fuckyourtriangles's idea HERE because it's been giving me brainworms all day;
alts below v
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