#or maybe izuna
doveywovy · 7 days
izuna trapped in a groundhog day scenario after tobirama kills him like in canon, and at first he assumes it's just a matter of being the one to kill tobirama instead.
but that doesn't work- and he tries it multiple times, right? at least 10 loops he wastes on being the one to kill Tobirama and bring the Uchiha to victory. He wastes even more assuming it's a matter of needing total victory. Of killing all the Senju, of getting them to admit defeat, every variation he can think of. None of it breaks the loop.
So then he tries to grant his brother's peace. Maybe that's what this is about? ending the cycle of violence? Feels deeply wrong but fine, he'll try it. It takes him a horrific number of tries- and an astounding number of deaths- but eventually he figures out how to not-kill tobirama while also not-dying while also somehow convincing the Senju to make peace.
The loop restarts. He tries again. The loop restarts. He tries again. At a certain point, he starts to forget what it was like to live outside the loop. He starts to worry he'll break it and then immediately die, because his instincts when it comes to death are extremely fucked. He starts to struggle in his interactions with the people around him- he can't relate to their viewpoint. He can't comprehend their concerns. He's broken them down into puzzle pieces, into parts of his steps to achieve something, and he can't put them back into being 'people' in his brain.
The loop restarts. He stops trying. He starts doing whatever he wants. There's no consequences if he skips out on the battle for the day to spend it learning how to play the zither- no real consequences. His painting improves. He can carry a note for once. He learns a bit about weaving, about sealing, about infrastructure. The loop restarts. The loop restarts. The loop restarts. He learns about the Uchiha religion- none of it entails what he's been trapped in.
He gives up. He's mastered all his hobbies, indulged every interest, there's nothing left to learn or experience that he can feasibly manage in the time span he's got. He does nothing.
The loop restarts.
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
ngl my biggest issue with tobi/izu as a ship or as a friendship or even as a foemance is that there's no reality where it's not a thousand times funnier if they just straight-up hate each other's guts
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
God now I am just obsessed with magical girl Izuna. It's living rent free in my head now. Thank you for this amazing concept!!!
I'm so glad that you like it!! Take a snippet from chapter 1 of the magical girl Izuna fic that's been marinating in my notes app as thanks for ur nice ask
Hikaku eyed the seat behind him, which he knew Izuna would have taken if he were here to do so. Which he wasn't. Because he was not currently here. His cousin had yet to show up, and Hikaku had to wonder if it was because he'd slept in or if he should be worried about getting off school and being tasked with helping to hide a body. Haha. That was a joke. ... ... Hikaku gave a little knock on the wood of his desk with his knuckles, just in case. One that seemed to immediately pay off when a tap at the window next to the empty seat sent him jumping. He leaned back, peering out the window and finding his cousin's grinning face staring right back at him through the glass. Quietly, Hikaku eased back into his seat and pressed his hands together in prayer. Dear lady Amaterasu, please save him from overconfident idiots with too much ego. Amen.
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pachu09 · 1 year
Madara knew his eyebrows were twitching crazily for the last few minutes. He knew without looking that the Elders and Izuna had been eyeing him skeptically for at least close to an hour now. He gritted his teeth and endured their pointed stares. He didn't want to ruin this joyous day with his temper flaring.
" He looks very beautiful. Just like you my Wife. I am pleased to know we have another Omega in the family. " he gently cup his beloved Wife's blushing cheeks. He knew his Omega is quite please at his praise. It almost made Madara forgot the pointed stares at his back.
" Aren't you gonna greet your nephews, Izuna?. " Tobirama confusedly ask his Brother in law. He gently rock the twin babes in his arms who started to fuss about.
Madara nearly snarled, because the face his brother is wearing is starting to make his Wife anxious.
" Don't worry. I find that he's very very cute, Tobira. I'm just disappointed that it took at least four children before you gave birth to him. " Izuna answered with a loud disappointed sigh...
Tobirama stares; utterly confused at what his Brother in Law is talking about.
" What do you mean by th— " Tobirama didn't even finished his question because his Husband had managed to tackle his brother and had proceeded to violently kick him out of their private rooms.
The Uchiha Elders only shook their heads and muttered amongst themselves. Even with their hurried leaving, they managed to respectfully says their wishes and greetings to their Matriarch.
Tobirama blinks confusedly at the retreating Elders. He turns to Hikaku. The man looked like he's the only one who still had his sanity intact.
" What was that all about, Hikaku–san?. " he asked his friend.
Hikaku scratches his cheek in embarrassment.
" Well, the short explanation is...the Uchiha had a superstition that when an Omega birthed a child that looks like them; it means he/she had enjoyed the sex far more than their Alpha or Beta Mate. "
Tobirama looked stump. He looked down at his youngest child who definitely resembles him a lot. From his skin coloring and to the pale tuft of hair on his head. He really looked like a mini clone of him. The largest difference is...his youngest had the typical black eyes of an Uchiha.
" Surely, you're joking?. " Tobirama felt feint at that insinuation. But Hikaku's embarrassed look and avoidance of his eyes tells him the man is telling the truth.
Courtesy of this plot..I posted long ago from the Nart Art server.
There's this weird superstition in my country where if a child of the couple looks like the Mother. Then it means that the Mother enjoyed the sex ( at that time ) far more than the Father.
Apply this to Alpha Madara and Omega Tobirama in an A/B/O AU and out of their 5 children only one got Tobirama's looks.
I can just imagine the sheer despair Madara would feel if the Uchiha Clan had this kind of Superstition...🤣😂
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robyntherav3n · 10 months
no but it’d be so funny if izuna came to strive because i bet that 99% of people would be like “who the fuck is this guy” and then the 10 people in the back (me included) who know about overture would be like
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ginkgo-mist · 2 years
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domoz · 1 year
Or, alternate funny version to the previous: any combination of Uchiha watching Tobirama fight and discussing their observations (gossiping/oogling shamelessly), after peace exists and they SHOULD technically probably help him, but... Tobirama can clearly handle it, no need to get in his way
I once read that a drabble is 200 words or less. I will never beat those allegations.
The ability to share memories with the sharingan really isn't meant to be used this way, but that's never actually stopped anyone.
"I swear to you," Says Madara with a snicker, "He slapped himself in the face with a water whip. Acted like it never happened, but I saw it."
The scene is a bit more endearing than that, when Madara shows it. Tobirama is sparring with his students and one of them can't quite dodge in time. That jutsu can break skin and cut through muscle if it hits right, but rather than hurt one of his students that badly, Tobirama jerks it back. He breaking the whip's momentum but loses a good portion of control and,  indeed, slaps himself in the fact with it. He looks rather akin to a wet cat.
Madara and Izuna both break out into another fit of laughter, but Hikaku just shakes his head fondly.
"I've seen him do that on purpose, actually." He says after the laughter has died down a bit. It's not exactly the same -- the memory he calls up had been recorded on accident. It had been in those early days of peace, when seeing Tobirama move water about had made him call up the sharingan on instinct, back when they'd be so concerned that he'd break peace that he wasn't allowed to go off on missions alone.
I'd been rather rote mission -- dealing with bandits who had thought they could take advanced of the disorganization of a new village. It had had been hot, the summer temperatures soaring high and uncomfortable, and they'd both been sweat soaked and sticky by the end of it.
"Excuse me" Tobirama had said the moment he'd cause sight of a source of water. He'd let himself jump in ankle deep instead of standing on top, raised an arm, and proceeded to dump an honestly excessive amount of water over himself. Of course, his mastery over water let him pull water out of his clothes until he was just the right amount of damp without any effort-- Hikaku had been and still is jealous over it -- and even back then, eyes lingered on where wet clothes stuck to well-defined muscle.
Thankfully no one comments. The sharingan's tendency to show the exactly what was seen means they've all shared unintentionally embarrassing moments. Plus, Hikaku knows he's not the only one who's done that exact thing.
"Oh, sensei will do that for us, if we ask!" Chimes in Kagami, thankfully too young and oblivious to understand why his cousins are giving Hikaku the side eye. He launches into a memory of his team begging and pleading to be allowed to train on the water on another hot day. His sensei had crossed his arms, unimpressed, and said he knew that the lot of them had all mastered water walking already…
…But that if the lot of them managed to prove they could do their D-rank mission without complaining, he would think of a way to cool them all off. In Kagami's young memory, the cool mist Tobirama had raised from the pond of the garden they'd been weeding had been the most refreshing thing he'd ever felt.
"…He's too soft on you." Madara says, without any real heat.
"He's something." Izuna responds dryly. "Sometimes I forget, none of you have ever seen what it's like when he really wants to get something done."
Without warning, Izuna calls up the memory of a fight. No… A spar, but a bloodthirsty one. Probably one of the first ones they'd had since they were allowed to again, after peace was called. A mixture of pent up frustration and the fact that they were no longer supposed to kill each other had both of them showing off -- Izuna was prone to do it, regardless, but this was the first time he'd seen Tobirama opt for techniques that were more flashy than practical. A water dragon with mutliple heads split apart into multiple, chasing Izuna through the trees, each one eating one of the multi-fireballs Izuna hurls out to counter them.
Tobirama did not hesitate, leaping out from the steam and twisting his fingers. The droplets of water in the air shimmered and twisted until everything was an indistinct haze.
Not that it stops a sharingan. But something about the scene -- the way the light hit the mist, haloing Tobirama with a sort of rainbow -- or maybe the way he's smirking -- makes Izuna pause.
Oh, he thinks.
Oh, thinks everyone else.
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atanxdoesstuff · 6 months
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"So, you're Izuna?"
"I am... if you want me to be."
"All I want from you is an answer!"
"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you, Tobirama. See? I'm real."
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ereawrites · 11 months
Oh, I just thought of another haha
For a blurb maybe? Or HC 😉
Madara, Izuna, Hashirama and Tobirama turn up at a Halloween party with exectly the same costume! ☆
LOOOOOOL the wives are the masterminds behind this they have to be. hashi is the only one who would dress up of his own accord. madara maaaaaybe would if his wife asks him, tobirama and izuna only if they really owe her one. for arguments sake let’s say the wives are successful and pull it off
hashirama thinks it’s HILARIOUS. he’s so delighted. he takes sooo many pictures and sends them to literally everyone on his contact list. he makes a big group chat the next day with the other guys + the wives, and he’s like ok let’s start planning for next year!!!
madara is a little annoyed that he’s been played, but he finds it amusing too. he mostly just enjoys seeing how upset izuna and tobirama are. he might playfully scold his wife but he keeps a pretty good sense of humour. if hashi posts any pictures on social media tho, madara reports the post to get it taken down
tobirama is furious. his wife will never be forgiven for this. immediately leaves the party. hashirama chases him to get a picture and he breaks hashi’s phone. he’s so damn paranoid for every future event, trusts no one. good luck to his poor wife trying to get him into the festive spirit again
izuna is pissed. but he doesn’t want to make himself look like more of a fool by storming out. so he just sulks in the corner LOL. and madara keeps making jokes about how izuna is such a typical little brother, copying his older brother. and izuna is soooooo angry
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banbansparkly · 1 year
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little baby brothers being silly and baby
Izuna and Madara, my beloveds
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doveywovy · 1 month
3. Set up for failure would be fascinating to see
fingerprints/wrongful arrest/"I warned you"
Izuna hates tobirama's tattoos.
He got them at fourteen- Izuna was sixteen. It was the first time his rival had truly surprised him, a feeling he didn't enjoy.
More importantly, he didn't like not knowing their purpose- his rival had never seemed one for frivolities. Was it part of a new jutsu, a sealing technique, or purely decorative? Madara thought it might be a sign of a failed attempt at achieving sage mode, which at least brought Izuna some schadenfreude.
Still. it irked him.
More and more as the years went on and the tattoos expanded. He sees them trailing down Tobirama's wrists, peeking out at the ankle. By the time they're in their twenties, Tobirama's whole body is scarred bright red.
There's something about it that makes Izuna furious.
angry enough that he wastes a clean shot at Tobirama's side on reaching out, hand boiling with his fire-based chakra, and he burns his fingertips through the fabric and down to the flesh. he presses and holds and only lets go when Tobirama's free hand aims to stab him, waits long enough even then that the kunai grazes him. He doesn't mind- there's a long simmering rage that finally settles knowing that tobirama's leaving with his mark.
There's an interest bubbling up to try and do it again.
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
But listen, if Izuna had said yes to Hashirama's help after he was injured and he still died, would Madara rampage like in canon? Would he still chase the infinite tsukyomi?
the thing is, hashirama never offered to help izuna. i'm actually not sure he could have - the hiraishingiri pretty much cut through him like butter. moreover, while madara himself lauds hashirama's medical prowess, we actually know very little about his capabilities with medical ninjutsu. he could heal wounds without any hand seals, that's mostly all we know.
here are hashirama's words immediately after izuna is injured:
"madara... you can't beat me... let's end it already. if the strongest shinobi, the uchiha and the senju, form an alliance... the country won't be able to find another shinobi clan able to counterbalance us... the conflict will eventually calm down"
he doesn't acknowledge izuna at all. whether he intended an offer of medical aid to be implied or not, it's never addressed. a bunch of people have claimed that this makes hashirama a jerk, and while i definitely get that viewpoint, i do think offering to help izuna without being absolutely certain he was capable of doing so would've been a terrible move, politically speaking. madara might have known that hashirama isn't the sort of man who would do something like this, but the rest of the uchiha clan would have no reason not to assume that hashirama didn't just take advantage of madara's kindness/trust/desperation/whatever to ensure that izuna died while potentially leaving room for madara to feel indebted to him for trying in spite of all the reasons he had not to bother.
hell, the clan might even come to the conclusion that madara intended for izuna to die so he could get his eyes, given what ended up happening in canon, so his fallout with them might actually happen even faster (and without the uchiha ever joining konoha at all, although without madara around to counter hashirama, i have no idea if/how the uchiha would manage against the senju from there)
all that aside, if hashirama had indeed offered help and izuna had agreed to take the risk and died anyway and the uchiha clan trusted that that was what had actually happened, i think pretty much everything else would've proceeded according to canon.
there's definitely plenty of fun possibilities to play around with concerning madara's path in life, but tbh i personally believe that without a massive deviation from canon, he would've eventually become who he became. hashirama definitely fucked up here and there, but i honestly don't think there was anything he could've personally done alone that would've changed madara's fate short of killing him back when they were kids, which he was never going to do. he was always doomed.
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mysticlovendeath · 2 months
Fuck it: I’ll make a TobiIzu AU where Izuna is a singer and Tobirama a CEO
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baobeikvn · 1 year
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he's a night owl , your honor.
he needs more sleeps, your honor 😔👊🏻
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also it's also (kinda?) a redraw of an old art of him :>
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madaraswarfan · 2 years
I don't know what is it about izuna but something about his features is so elegant and refined and soft and I think that with how the databook describes him (harmonious-peace loving) might be meant to stands in contrast to tobirama's rather crude nature ( as he talks with hashirama and sasuke for example ). and devoted obviously refers to his clan, brother and giving his eyes to him. if he survived he would be the only uchiha that stands up to tobirama since they are equals (and gives him well-deserved punches) while madara is busy with hashirama with matters concerning the village, so he is hella strong too and isn't the type to accept/settle for anything or submit, he would fight for what he deems just for them.. no wonder hashirama saw him in sasuke.
I just love him even tho we barely saw anything of him and wish we could see more of his interactions and conversations with madara . I know he looks out for him just like madara do it and was the only one that actually had his back
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denialcity · 2 years
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ahem anw sexy anbu izuna amirite
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