#or mormon stuff!!!!
roses-red-and-pink · 3 months
Lolol sometimes it’s so funny reading peoples posts about “Mormon” theology that is based on Exmo stories, tradition/culture but not doctrine, and like random statements by some church leader 200 years ago that was not put into doctrine/canonized, or that he was corrected/reprimanded on, and all of us look back on like “well that guy was racist/sexist. Anyways moving on…” like tbh it just makes me laugh. Like I know our theology is a bit different than mainstream Christianity but y’all don’t need to make it sound like we are out here truly believing half the stuff you say about us.
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iwantofall · 6 months
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been watching new vegas
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almondcroissantsandink · 10 months
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I'm moving and was going through my books today and found the Book of Mormon script book I bought in like 2016 so I could illustrate Kevin Price's coffee monologue and opened it up to the Spooky Mormon Hell Dream section and this line has no right to be so funny
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geekcentre · 1 month
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The og gang is here!
(Click for better quality)
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bookish-bi-mormon · 10 months
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You can take the bitch out of Provo but you can't take Provo out of the bitch 😞
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moesasaur · 11 months
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would you join their religion yay or nay
redraw of this:
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based off of that photo of josh gad and andrew rannells holding signed tbom post card things.. i love them
ILL probably never finish the drawing so u can have the sketch and lineart
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joanofexys · 3 months
In case anyone wanted to know more about mormonism today
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asterias-corner · 6 months
Daily reminder:
Mormonism is a cult.
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thenightfolknetwork · 3 months
I’ve found myself entangled in a bit of a situation, and I’m hoping you can help me make a decision.
I am what is known as a boroboroton. I am, specifically, a twin sized pale coral futon, of quality make with silk innards, if you can believe it. I’m not a full set, I’m ashamed to say- lost my mattress - but I get by. I manifested some fifty years ago (roundabout the time of my mattress’s loss) and since then have changed owners a handful of times.
I like to learn new places thoroughly so I don’t often smother my sleepers right off, but I was getting bored and there was a shop down the street that did second hand and my owner was getting on in age, you know how these things go.
Anyway! Once I was in the shop I was purchased by a young man from the United States. It’s been quite the exciting move, to be honest- I don’t get slept on nearly as much as I used to save for the family cat, but I do get used for television and games, so I’ve come up to date on all sorts of media, and I’ve even gone outside for a picnic! It was lovely.
None of that’s why I’m writing, though. My new sleeper is, as I said, a young man. He was in Japan for a religious trip, a- a mission. He was a missionary, from- I believe they’re called Mormons? And to each his own and all that you have to take a long view of things when you’re half a sentient futon with a bent for murder, but I don’t think it’s good for him.
See, he keeps looking up information about leaving, and then deleting the searches. There’s another person who messages him often and I think it might be his lover. His lover’s name is Steven, which I am certain that these Mormons- and more importantly his parents- would not approve of. They keep making noise about sacred duties and marriage and temple sealing and someone named- Crystabeth? Crystal Meth? I can’t quite tell, I learned English rather on the fly.
It would of course be much easier for my sleeper to leave a religion that no longer fulfills him if his parents were out of the way and it wouldn’t be hard, just a nights’ work. I might be sold again or put in an attic but I have my ways and I’m an adventurous sort. Only I’d hate to interrupt all the researching he’s doing.
I could smother him, then he wouldn’t need to worry about what might happen if he left, but where would that leave Steven? Steven sends the loveliest late night texts.
Is it any of my business? Do I just let it lie? He’s been a good sleeper, brought me across a whole ocean AND looked up the best way to keep me clean! I hate that he’s so miserable.
For what it's worth, I think you're quite right in your assertion that your owner would be better off out from the clutches of people who are stifling his sexuality and pushing him to place duty to their church over his own freedom.
There is a reason many people consider Mormons to be a cult. They are a high-control group which expects – and enforces – an unhealthy degree of power over their members, using the threat of ostracisation and punishment to curtail their liberty. I'm not at all sure I would apply the otherwise admirable sentiment of “to each their own” to such a group.
With that said, I'm afraid I can't agree that leaving the church would necessarily be easier for your owner if his parents were to suffer some kind of tragic, nocturnal “accident”. Rather, I worry such an emotional blow would in fact leave him more vulnerable, and give others in the church leverage to use against him – the phrase “it's what they would have wanted” looms darkly upon the horizon.
Your suggestion of smothering your owner himself is also rather wanting in nuance. The goal here is to support him to make his own choices, not to remove the question of choice altogether. I can't help but wonder if your perspective might be a little limited by your form. To a man with a hammer, everything's a nail. To a sentient murder futon, everything's a potential futon murder.
Fortunately, it sounds as if he might be well on the way to making this difficult decision for himself – which is, after all, the only way this change can come about. If he's already doing his own research about leaving the church, and developing a support network separate from his church contacts, then it seems only a matter of time before he takes the plunge and leaves for good.
I'm afraid there's not much you can do right now to help him come to that point any faster. He needs to find his own path, and to find it in his own time. The best thing you can do for him right now is offer him just what you've always offered – a safe, supportive place where he can take a breath, research his options, and relax. The rest – so to speak – is up to him.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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having friends that are still in the church is such a complicated experience to explain. you help me stay sane; every time you mention religion I die a little more. I enjoy your company; it feels like you make me complacent. I love you; what you worship loves you more than me. I love you more than me.
once upon a time we were in this together, and then i stood up and left and every moment that it hurts reminds me that I'm the betrayer. I'm the one who left. I'm freer than I've ever been.
I refuse to force anybody's religion, because that makes me the same as the people that run this whole shebang. I'm working on myself and I always will be. I try my hardest not to hate you. I try my hardest not to bind you to what your god stands for. I don't know whether or not to see you as a victim. Does it hurt you?
I hope to other gods that it doesn't hurt you, because you don't deserve that. you don't deserve the way it hurt me, and neither did I.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 18 days
Hey! Friendly reminder! While interfaith families exist and are great and I love hearing about the new traditions people create together, one cannot be Jewish and Christian simultaneously* (religiously speaking)! The belief systems actively contradict each other!
-signed, a very tired Jewish person
*Note that I am referring to religion-as-theology rather than religion-as-culture here
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hannahhasafact · 5 months
Listen. I don’t know if any of the Rat Grinders are gonna survive the season. But. If Buddy survives. I really think that he and Bucky should become friends.
Like I keep thinking back to that moment with Bucky and Kristen where Kristen sees potential futures for Bucky and they’re like “and maybe some of those friends even are followers of Helio and that’s okay” to paraphrase that moment
Like, think about this: neither one of them has been “betrayed” by Helio necessarily at this time. Buddy was betrayed by non believers, so if he is to somehow revert to his old beliefs it wouldn’t be that difficult to do so. Helio is still “there” for him. But he knows Helio also… wasn’t there for him specifically when he needed him. So maybe he’s got some questions about things.
Bucky still believes in Helio, but he’s being more and more exposed to a world where hey, maybe Helio isn’t all that and a bag of chips. He’s still a Helio guy, but like maybe it’s okay to question that a little bit.
And Kristen isn’t a good person for them to necessarily reach out to in terms of questions of faith, because she’s a straight up deserter in their eyes. She doesn’t GET it.
I just think these are two kids who in a way maybe aren’t ready to leave this safety net of a religion that’s like, actively harming them. But at the same time… maybe it would be nice to have a friend who kind of gets like “hey, maybe we can still believe in this guy… and maybe asks a few questions about him” but still have it be a bit of a safe space to question. Because it’s someone else who gets it, y’know?
Anyways obviously there’s some complications with this idea for obvious reasons but I keep thinking about it
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thebunnylord · 8 months
One time my older brother had to give a talk at church.
He finished his talk and had some time left, so he said that he finds it easier to express his feelings through music. So he whipped out his harmonica and began an impromptu jam session.
The bishop started to get up to stop him but then sat back down and let him continue.
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brothermouse · 9 months
So you're Mormon *and* gay? How's that supposed to work?
Excellent question! As soon as I have an answer I'll let you know that it's still none of your business!
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nookisms · 6 months
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uagh. my laptop died. Saturday afternoon session.
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im in the midst of crafting a twilight star wars au just so i can rip, word-for-word, the most precious and delightful literary sentence s. meyer ever put to page:
Aro started to laugh. “Ha ha ha,” he chuckled.
and transform it. into this
Palpatine started to laugh. “Ha ha ha,” he chuckled.
there is NOTHING about this line that i do not consider to be mmmm [chefs kiss]
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