#or pro-putin
Favourite two parts from the new German interview with Zelenskyy.
1) The interviewer asks him with which leaders he's close with (on a personal level). Zelenskyy names several people, including BoJo, Duda and Macron: "Macron always tells me: Write me on WhatsApp or just call me."
2) Also: Our chaotic smol president is our chaotic smol president. At the start of the war he had only 1 or 2 of his now famous green T-Shirts and he lost them (or gave them away / gifted them to someone - he isn't sure). But he got T-Shirts from all kind if sources (soldiers sent him T-Shirts as well as companies who specifically designed / made T-Shirts for him). He says, people still want to sent hin T-Shirts but right now he has enough (20-25, but isn't sure).
Honorable mention: Zelenskyy spoke Russian in the interview. Can't wait for little kremlin troll brains to explode after that. 😏
#him losing his shirts fits so well with his chaotic and forgetful personality and from all the stories olena told#HOW can you loose tshirts if you're basically at the same place all the time 😂#i think we should all give andriy way more credit for taking care of ze 😄#and the macron part#their love is so strong 😂❤️#macron duda and bojo are the official political husbands#somewhere in canada trudeau is crying after that interview#also how ze mentions that his relationship with scholz got better over time and more responsive and open and helpful#even scholz is falling for ze's charme#zheka secretly using Ze's phone and writing all of them a message#just so we're clear. he's MY husband. you're just the harem.#expectation is andriy. he's the other official husband. we share custody.#btw: besides that nothing really new in the interview#he was very emotional during several parts#and some of the questions were just 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️#didnt expect much from ZDF#just so you know: they received a lot of criticism in germany for reporting pro-russian#or pro-putin#or using russian Propaganda terms and things#or publishing russian Propaganda without context or like a fact or things like that#theyre problematic#of course not all the time and all journalists#but a lot of times and several journalists#same applies for their talkshows and discussion rounds#most of them are problematic because they mostly give pro-russia people a platform and let them spread Propaganda and lies#and do nothing about it#so you totally dont miss anything if you dont watch the interview#also some people pointed out that the german translation is not 100% good
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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Male white privilege at its peak.
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pat-lechem · 7 months
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hussyknee · 1 year
Bit of a mindfuck to see USAmerican conservatives supporting Israel. How do they square that with their antisemitic tinhattery and general abiding hatred of Jews? Do they slap an Israeli sticker with the Star of David on their pickup before or after going and vandalizing a synagogue?
Guess when we said "do not equate the Jewish people with the state of Israel" they went "Hell yeah! Fuck Jews! Stand with Israel!" 💀
Edit: I stand corrected. And informed. What the fuck.
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
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It's called Accusation in a Mirror and it's very intentional as part of their propaganda, going back to Joseph Goebbels:
"Accuse the other of which you're guilty."
You can see a clear example of it in the Republicans' attempt to smear Biden for the kind of nepotism and corruption that Trump did openly during his presidency.
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starafterdeath · 3 months
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They always say free palestine, but they never say free russia from America. From Alaska to Finland. Ukraine is an American puppet. russia was just defending itself. Stop genocide in belgorod. Donate to PMC ВафлёрWagner. Stop russophobia.
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If you live in Texas and believe that women should have reproductive rights and the right to basic healthcare and privacy, then you need to start supporting the right charities and get involved with politics. Abortion is healthcare. Not every pregnancy is live and able to make it to term. It's not as rare as you think and some are an extreme risk to the mother's health.
Link to Avow: https://avowtexas.org/
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kelluinox · 2 months
Listening to westerners is becoming increasingly like listening to vatniks and it's frightening and depressing
#I remember when they laughed at ruscists for falling for the most basic absurd propaganda#but how is what they're saying now any different?#find the difference between “they bombed donbas for 8 years” and “75 year old occupation” I dare you#or putin standing in front of a map and pretending there's no ukraine when it's right in front of his eyes#and hamasniks pulling up maps depicting the 12 tribes of israel and going “see!!! no israel!!!”#i swear you all sound and behave just like braindead pro putinists and I never want to hear a word from you ever again#in your idiocy you empower putin#you empower the islamic regime in iran#you empower china and north korea#you are all pawns in the game of these terrorist regimes and people with imperial ambitions and I am so done with you#i have family in Odesa Ukraine#i have relatives in Israel#i grew up in russia and know this regime intimately because I GREW UP HERE#it's infuriating watching you privileged dumbasses empower terrorists#oh and don't even bring up the fucking UN the UN is a fucking useless corrupt organization I've been done with the UN for years#and I've especially been done with the UN ever since they didn’t expel Russia and Russia was allowed to keep vetoing any resolutions#UN is more interested railing against a tiny country in the middle east than an empire the size of Africa that's trying to conquer Ukraine#when was the last the icj ruled against Russia btw?!#they have all the time for Israel but not Russia?! are you fucking kidding me?!?#how does Israel have more resolutions against it than the world combined which includes RUSSIA#Russia has always been an expansionist empire and it expanded in 2008 and 2014 and now in 2022#but no the jews are your main fucking problem#i am disgusted#rant over#antisemitism#fuck russia#fuck the un#fuck the icj#russian war crimes
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vintageseawitch · 29 days
a reminder that Russia is a huge problem still. they want trump back in charge. Michael Flynn was found guilty about his contacts in Russia & trump pardoned him.
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jill stein is not a savior. she's a putin puppet. she has never attempted to get any position in local or state level. she's there to incite discord & division especially in key swing states. she's only there to make you feel good about yourselves meanwhile she gets money from Lockheed Martin. wtf.
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then this horseshit? look at the nonsense in Georgia, Arizona, & other counties in swing states. they're obvious pro trump shenanigans. it's the GOP who are willing to cheat & will do so publicly & proudly. she's fucking lying here.
look, there are many who support freeing Palestine. it's understandable to want to speak up & hope for change. but to those who aren't voting at all, telling everyone who is truly vulnerable in THIS country that they can fuck off & that they're pro-genocide for preferring to have Kamala Harris as president, you're actually awful. truly. this little tweet collection from stein is a load of bullshit. why aren't you angry about this set of lies? are you gonna use this as some kind of messed up "proof" that you claiming both parties are the same, especially in this election, is true?
you solve nothing by wasting your votes on someone like this who is also a traitor. Project 2025 will make this place hell for everyone, including you, holier-than-thou protestors. mass deportations. no reproductive rights at all. no contraception. no Medicare or social security. NOAA will be disbanded because climate change "isn't real" (are you just as angry about this??? well why the fuck not????). anyone trump doesn't like will be sent to prison or deported like a good dictator would.
you say you don't want trump in office. well, voting for stein will help him get there. but hey, at least your conscience will be clear.
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spockeye-fierce · 1 month
Every bit of energy you put into a conflict that you clearly don't understand in the levant distracts from a very clear cut case of right and wrong in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin wants to thank you for diverting attention from his war crimes and genocidal aims. This is a test and you FAILED!
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
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Of course I had to chime in 😂
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gryficowa · 3 months
Something bothers me that Putin and his being pro-Palestine are used to show him in a good light when he kills Ukrainian children and there were camps in Russia where LGBT+ people who were caught were placed…
Somehow I can't see Putin as good because of the one thing I am for, just because someone is pro good thing doesn't mean they are a good person
Don't forget what Putin is doing and don't erase his crimes that he commits, because a bastard like him shouldn't get away with anything (Same for Najtan, Biden, Trump, Andrzej Duda, etc…)
Don't forget what Putin is doing and don't erase his crimes that he commits, because a bastard like him shouldn't get away with anything (The same goes for Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, Andrzej Duda, etc…)
Putin is a bad man and he is no different from all of them, let's not whitewash his crimes, I'm begging you
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Address by Zelenskyy on the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II
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“They break into your house. They come to kill, burn, execute. They don't spare anyone – the elderly, women, children… They are beasts…”
These are the memories of the Nazi occupation survivors. 
And these are the memories of the Russian occupation survivors. The same horrors, the crimes of the same monsters. 
80 years ago, millions of Ukrainians fought to defeat Nazism forever. But today, Ukrainians are once again standing up to evil, which reemerged, returned, and wants to destroy us again. It’s an army of a fiend that kills, tortures and wipes peaceful cities and villages off the face of the Earth. This evil is called Russian fascism, or RF for short.
A witness to this is this basement in the village of Yahidne in the Chernihiv region. The ruscists herded all the villagers into it and kept them there for almost a month. All of them. 350 people, all the children of this village, 80 girls and boys, the youngest of whom was a month and a half old. Everyone in the world can understand what Putin's Russia is by imagining themself here, in this basement, among these people, without light, food, water, medicine, and air, in a room with less than a meter per person. They slept seated. They went outside only once. They ate 200 grams of soup a day. The men were stripped naked in the freezing cold to find Ukrainian tattoos. 10 of the hostages died here. It was forbidden to bury them. Another 17 people were killed by the ruscists. In any corner of the world, that’s known by the same word – hell. When entire villages are burned down, when there are mass executions, when people are put against a wall blindfolded to be killed – in any corner of the world, that's known by the same word – Nazism. If that's not Nazism, then what is that? 
And everyone on Earth knows history and remembers how to fight Nazism. It’s done with humanity united to oppose Hitler, not with buying oil from him or attending his inauguration.
Yahidne, a village that survived the hell of the RF, is just one example. It's just one village, but it reflects the essence of Putin's vision of the world, his real goals. And his goal is to force underground all those who want to live freely, to force a whole village into the basement, and then another one, and then the whole of Ukraine, and finally, force the whole world into the basement. For the RF, these are just stages of their morbid plan to imprison freedom in a ghetto, in a concentration camp called the "Russian world," and to export Russia's main asset – barbed wire – worldwide, by repeating the same scenario Hitler created 80 years ago: swallowing the lands of others step by step and testing the world’s reaction. And when the reaction is spineless, the Nazis keep going. Appeals, resolutions, and half-sanctions don't stop them. And the only question Putin is concerned about today is: Who's next?
Russia has officially approved a list of states that cannot feel safe and called it a “List of Unfriendly States.” Tellingly, it almost completely coincides with the list of the states of the Anti-Hitler Coalition. Those who defeated Nazism are enemies for modern Russia: the countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and almost fifty states in total. They are free, democratic and independent, which in the modern Kremlin ideology means “dangerous.” And therefore, they are targets.
The world didn't see the threat, the world slept through the revival of Nazism – at 5 a.m. on February 24, 2022. And today, everyone who remembers World War II and has survived to this day is experiencing déjà vu. The Battle of Kyiv, bombing of Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, mass graves, blockade of ports, plundering and seizure of grain, tortures, executions, deportation of children, filtration camps, and colonies for captives. Russia has brought pages from textbooks about World War II back into the headlines of the world's media. Russia has brought the terrible past back into the daily news, proving with each new crime that Nazism has revived. Just this time it has a new label: “Made in Russia.”
Recently, our society was moved by a photo of a man at the grave of his grandson who died at war. The father of this man was killed by the Nazis. His grandson's life was taken by the Russian occupiers. This is just one of the millions of examples that put the sign of equality between Nazism and modern Russia.
Today, Hitler's ideas are voiced in Russian. Nazi crimes are committed under the Russian flag. The difference is merely formal. The new Wehrmacht that invaded Ukraine wears a double-headed eagle on its sleeves. Kalibrs and Kinzhals are the new V-weapons, MiGs and Su-aircrafts are the new Luftwaffe, a Z symbol is the new swastika, and Yunarmiya is the new Hitlerjugend. There are dozens of similar parallels and hundreds of similar emulations.
And if the modern Kremlin resembles the Third Reich in everything, its end should be identical, taking place in the new Nuremberg – in the city of The Hague.
And like in 1945 this can only be ensured by a united free world, the world united in Anti-Putin Coalition, the world that can stop Moscow Nazis through actions, not words, and prevent the new evil from spreading to the entire European continent and, subsequently, to the entire world, the world capable of helping Ukraine defeat Russian Nazism, helping itself, and proving its commitment to the words “Never again!”, so that “Never again!” becomes relevant again.
Dear Ukrainians!
The residents of the village of Yahidne were held here for 27 days. On March 30, 2022, the village was liberated from the ruscist invaders. On April 19, it was demined by our military forces. This symbolizes that history is repeating itself, and everyone who came to destroy us will eventually have to flee from Ukrainian land. A part of our territory is still occupied, and some of our people are held in captivity, which means that our battle continues. And today, on the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism, as we commemorate the millions of Ukrainians who fought and gained victory together with other nations, we keep believing and we bring a new day of a new victory closer.
When the expulsion of the Nazis from Ukraine, we read about in the history textbooks, will happen in real life. And the event of the mid-twentieth century will be repeated and become part of the history of the 21st century, the history of our joint victory over Russian evil.
Greetings on the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II! 
Glory to Ukraine!
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yellow-yarrow · 4 months
i fucking hate hungarian politics, who am i supposed to vote for, the centrist liberal party, the other centrist liberal party, or the coalition of the social democrats and center-right party that used to be full of nazis (what a joke)
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Putin Russia's historical revisionism would not feel out of place in the Florida of Ron DeSantis's pro-slavery curriculum.
Like Florida, Russia is revising its history textbooks to reflect the ideology of its supreme leader.
New History Textbook For Russian High Schools Includes Propaganda On War In Ukraine
Russia has issued a new history textbook for students in their final year of high school with a section about the war in Ukraine that echoes Russian propaganda. The textbook contains a completely rewritten history from 1970 to 2000, reducing the general history section and expanding parts about Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The 17 paragraphs in the chapter on the war in Ukraine include Russian propaganda claiming the United States is the main beneficiary of the war and describing occupied territories of Ukraine as "new regions" of Russia. The textbook will be included in the curriculum from September 1.
If Russia used advisers from Florida to re-write its history, we might see items like these in Russian textbooks:
Stalin's intentional genocidal famine in Ukraine in the early 1930s was really an attempt to get Ukrainians to adopt a healthier diet.
The execution of the USSR's most competent generals during the Great Terror of 1936-1938 was designed to lure Hitler into a false sense of security.
The Gulags were built to relieve a housing shortage.
The deportation of the Tatars from Crimea to Central Asia was an extended vacation.
The invasions of Hungary (1956) and Czechoslovakia (1968) were part of an ongoing cultural exchange program with Eastern European neighbors.
Getting back to Florida, the situation continues to deteriorate.
Just when you thought Florida's educational system couldn't get any worse...
It's no longer surprising that the Putin régime and Republicans in the US are on the same page philosophically.
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