#and some of the questions were just 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
halfetirosie · 3 days
(Elysium 10-11 React-os!)
Fair warning, I'mma be a bit of a hater in this one...🤦‍♀️
1) KUYA, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!
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First of all: kidnapping is fucking ILLEGAL!
Second: this is just too far. It's already bad enough that Olivine will have to answer embarrassing questions in front of an audience, but having to do so in front of the kids--????
I was rooting for you, Kuya! But then you go and be a dick again!!!!
2) Damn, what an awful way to die....
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I HATE bugs, they're so gross---
Plus, this situation is already ASTRONOMICALLY STRESSFUL; having a big, ugly, threatening bug crawling all over you will make it even worse!!!
3) My thoughts exactly, Eiden!!!!
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Why is Eiden the only sane person here???
It seems like Kuya have set things up to be as agonizing as possible, and that just feels EVIL to me.
This is why I really hate that damn fox sometimes. He keeps causing genuine pain to people, hitting them right where it hurts, and it's [at least partially] only for his own entertainment.
4) (。Ó ᗣ Ò。)
Olivineeee, sweeetieeeee!!!! Come here and give me a hug!!!!
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This is so depressingly relatable.... Amiright, fellow degenerates? 😅 Gotta laugh about it or else you'll cry...
Olivine is really GOING THRU IT. I can't imagine having to admit something like this to my family/friends!
I am so fucking stressed!!!!
5) FUCK!!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!
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LISTEN. I GET THAT OLIVINE NEEDS TO FACE HIS FEELINGS PROPERLY INSTEAD OF AVOIDING THEM. Aside from the damn fox's entertainment, that is what "the point" of this trial is.
Accepting your feelings is necessary for healing.
I feel like I'm just repeating myself at this point, but seriously, this is so fucked up! If I were Eiden, I probably would've interrupted and tried to end this shitty trial, too...
6) Kuya, you are seriously such a dick....
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I think Kuya is partially up to his Tsundere Bullshit™ again; I think he's pretending to be casually "observing" things when really, he's searching for some sort of answer. (After all, this is the same dude that has been alive for longer than we can imagine, and has struggled with suicidal thoughts in the past)
The reason he calls the trial participants "boring" is likely because they didn't give the answers Kuya wanted---I suspect that this trial has served as Kuya's fucked up way of searching for meaning in life.
But what really pisses me off is the demeaning way he talks about humans; even now, during a trial whose questions focus on one's true desires and personal values.
HE'S the one always prattling on about how humans shouldn't judge himself, a yokai, by human standards. And yet, he doesn't have the decency to do the same???
Humans live a much shorter time than him, after all. Of COURSE they'll put value in different things than him; especially if they're someone who frequently spends time in a red light district.
That might be why he assumes Olivine's morality is a "mask," but at the same time, he actually knows Olivine personally (at least, to some extent), unlike the strangers he's tested in this "trial."
I don't think I can give Kuya the benefit of the doubt anymore. This lack of empathy isn't "out of his control," IT'S A FUCKING CHOICE. AND THAT IS WHY I'M ANGRY!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Kuya shouldn't be allowed to conduct this "trial." This "trial" shouldn't even exist. What HE needs---what Olivine needs---what EVERYONE needs---IS SOME ACTUAL PROPER THERAPY!!!!
7) CONFIRMED: Eiden is me in this event
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Is this hinting that this whole trial is an illusion, maybe?? As in, there isn't actually an audience here??
Honestly tho, at this point, that doesn't even matter to me. Kuya is still being a dick and putting Olivine through HELL, and it is so unnecessary!!! 😡😡😡
8) It just keeps getting worse and worse...
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Watching this trial is giving me such intense second-hand fear/sadness, bro---I'm crying very real tears. It's literally hurting me.
This really didn't need to be done in front of an audience, dude... Shit like this is SUPER private. It shouldn't be made into a spectacle like this...
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(。Ó ᗣ Ò。)
LIKE THIS?!?!?!?!
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I can't believe we went through all of this just so Olivine could give the most obvious answer of all time---
⊹ ࣪ ˖♡ LOVE ♡⊹ ࣪ ˖
That's also the answer that our foxy bitch friend was really searching for...
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I don't forgive Kuya for pulling that stunt, tho. I stand by my opinion that it was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.
11) TRUTH:
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It's honestly kind of wild to see Olivine explaining the value of love to a mean old foxy grandpa, but hey, here we are!
It's Olivine's turn to be the therapist! The right way!
12) You're a much more patient person than me, Olivine...
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I held on for as long as I could, but I can no longer be generous when his antics cross a certain line... I'm giving this fox the silent treatment for the next three weeks!!
13) *heavy sigh*
Yeah, that's true...
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Olivine and Kuya actually have a fair bit in common, when you think about it; specifically, their history with Depressive Episodes and--as Olivine puts it here-- their "struggle to live."
I think the main difference is, because of Kuya's long-ass life, he's much more set in his ways; thus, it's harder for him to let go of his destructive tendencies.
He may not be as violent as he used to be, but he still has a terrible habit of emotionally harming others...
Do I think this excuses his behavior? No.
Do I think he deserves another chance; to be treated with compassion and helped? Yes.
But he ALSO deserves to see some actual consequences for his actions.
☁︎ End of report ☁︎
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lemonhemlock · 21 hours
I want to discuss why Criston having sex with Alicent is different.
Sex with Rhaenyra was about her sexual pleasure. It was about scratching that itch, which Criston is not for. He has a different view of sex. The act with Alicent has passion behind it. It's about two lost souls uniting and finding comfort in each other. So no he's not a hypocrite for not wanting to have sex with Rhaenyra. There's a deep emotional bond of devotion between the two.
He's allowed to feel used by Rhaenyra but be all Take Me to Church with Alicent and her WAP.
I won't touch on other points of why they aren't hypocrites for doing the devil's tango, as there are a variety of posts that articulate that but I have yet to see someone bring this up.(if they have good for them, great minds and all). Targaryen dick riders have a fucked up way of discussing SA and consent. That's all I'm saying that. (disclaimer this is not aimed at those who enjoy the Targs for being a fucked up dynasty and find them fascinating but those who think they are gods cause there's a difference.).
Welcome back, coffee queen! ☕Hope you're enjoying the new season 🫶
Love this take and your lexical choices crack me up!! I think that, at one point, Criston was a bit of a playboy, as he does explain with his own mouth that he's had dalliances in the past, but most of my thoughts on that I've put into this post here (so as to not repeat myself). Also this addition here. But, I agree that, fundamentally, Criston has had years to develop his feelings for Alicent, whereas, during his affair with Rhaenyra, he was a young man in awe of a pretty fairy tale princess. So it would make sense why his connection to Alicent would be deeper and more meaningful by now.
Also! People are allowed to "break up" and then get with someone else!
Haters forget that he can be legitimately upset at Rhaenyra not just because she unknowingly placed his life in danger, but also because she was so callous about it. She was proposing that they have occasional hook-ups, whereas he was ready to be very serious about her. So there was this disproportionate emotional involvement in their affair where Criston was risking a whole lot for someone who didn't really care for him, while Rhaenyra wanted casual sex and risked a slap on the wrist for it.
In any case, they quarreled and parted ways. Honestly, the reason doesn't even matter as much - who hasn't broken up with a bf/gf at some point over some dumbass reason, left and never looked back?* Are they supposed to hold a candle over that past relationship forever (regardless of how "legitimate" the grievances were)? The Dance of the Dragons didn't happen because of anything Criston did to Rhaenyra in revenge, she made a lot of bad political decisions herself to compound on the succession crisis engineered by her father. He is allowed to cross over to Alicent and "support" her side if he wants to; it's not the reason Rhaenyra got into trouble.
Not to mention that, after his mental breakdown and freaking suicide attempt, he's had years to contemplate the question of what being a knight and breaking one's vows means and what he boundaries he would be comfortable crossing. The Criston who's that's that me espresso with Alicent isn't the same Criston who slept with Rhaenyra and had a crisis of faith in the aftermath. He knows what he's getting into and he actively chooses to do so, isn't just put randomly in a situation from which he can't extricate himself.
*EDIT: Not that Criston's reason was dumbass, but even if it were, he's not beholden to being sexually available to Rhaenyra forever just because they fucked one time. (I feel like you have to include disclaimers for every gosh darned thing on this website). And the fact that Rhaenyra stans don't understand the concept of consent and how much it colours one's experience is just.... 🤦‍♀️
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Favourite two parts from the new German interview with Zelenskyy.
1) The interviewer asks him with which leaders he's close with (on a personal level). Zelenskyy names several people, including BoJo, Duda and Macron: "Macron always tells me: Write me on WhatsApp or just call me."
2) Also: Our chaotic smol president is our chaotic smol president. At the start of the war he had only 1 or 2 of his now famous green T-Shirts and he lost them (or gave them away / gifted them to someone - he isn't sure). But he got T-Shirts from all kind if sources (soldiers sent him T-Shirts as well as companies who specifically designed / made T-Shirts for him). He says, people still want to sent hin T-Shirts but right now he has enough (20-25, but isn't sure).
Honorable mention: Zelenskyy spoke Russian in the interview. Can't wait for little kremlin troll brains to explode after that. 😏
#him losing his shirts fits so well with his chaotic and forgetful personality and from all the stories olena told#HOW can you loose tshirts if you're basically at the same place all the time 😂#i think we should all give andriy way more credit for taking care of ze 😄#and the macron part#their love is so strong 😂❤️#macron duda and bojo are the official political husbands#somewhere in canada trudeau is crying after that interview#also how ze mentions that his relationship with scholz got better over time and more responsive and open and helpful#even scholz is falling for ze's charme#zheka secretly using Ze's phone and writing all of them a message#just so we're clear. he's MY husband. you're just the harem.#expectation is andriy. he's the other official husband. we share custody.#btw: besides that nothing really new in the interview#he was very emotional during several parts#and some of the questions were just 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️#didnt expect much from ZDF#just so you know: they received a lot of criticism in germany for reporting pro-russian#or pro-putin#or using russian Propaganda terms and things#or publishing russian Propaganda without context or like a fact or things like that#theyre problematic#of course not all the time and all journalists#but a lot of times and several journalists#same applies for their talkshows and discussion rounds#most of them are problematic because they mostly give pro-russia people a platform and let them spread Propaganda and lies#and do nothing about it#so you totally dont miss anything if you dont watch the interview#also some people pointed out that the german translation is not 100% good
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
You Kissed the Clown? Part 1
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(Notes: Hello new friends! I have found myself fallen under the spell of the flashy fool himself and felt compelled to create something for him.)
(EDIT: This was my first ever fic on Tumblr. It was only ever meant to be a one-shot and it turned into a 15 part series 🤦‍♀️. I have so appreciated each and every one of you liking, commenting and inboxing me about this series and others. Thank you so so much 🥹)
(S1:E2 OPLA timeline)
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Upon waking, you found yourself in an unfamiliar environment. Stuffed into a small crate with your three travelling companions, your dark haired friend referred to as a “crew”, your senses were still groggy from the crimson powder exploded above your small rigging.
After your “Captain”, Luffy, disclosed to the group he had consumed the map to the grand line to “keep it in a safe place”, the crate opened to reveal a darkened space. Applause rang throughout the area and your eyes were drawn to a spotlight being placed on a man dressed as a white lion. Several circus-type performers littered the room and directed the large crowd to respond with prompts written on large white panels held by several members. You noticed the features of the crowd were bearing terrified expressions, crying streaks littering their cheeks and some crusted over wounds adorning their faces and bodies.
Through the small opening of the red and white tent, a displeased figure appeared out of the shadows. You were immediately mesmerised by the figure, brightly coloured facial paint adorning his cartoonish features, a large brim hat with blue tassels hung over the folded edge and a collection of mismatched stripes, spots, fur and feather upon his physique. He had a dangerous air around him, full of malice, ill-temperament and a small amount of desperation amongst his features.
The blue haired man immediately berated his companions, yelling at them for the wrong timing, the queue being off, the lighting contrasting over a lion-like man instead of his own features. You looked to your green-haired swordsman companion, making brief eye contact with him and quirking up your brow in question. He shook his head at you and nodded back to bring your attention to the scene playing before you.
You had no idea how you were among this ragtag trio of misfits, especially as piracy was never an occupation you fancied for yourself. You and those within your family line were skilled jewellers; antiquity restoration, appraisal and fine gold and silver smithery was your trade. You and your father were requested to appear before Captain Morgan and add a new gem encrusted embellishment to his recently acquired new head for his Axe-Hand.
You witnessed the fight that was brought out with Helmeppo and several other marines at the skilled hands of Roronoa Zoro. At that point, your father decided he was no longer going to be working with Captain Morgan; no payment was enough to continue working for a man that allowed his child to bully those lesser than him. You were given a choice then to find your own way in the world and bring attention to your own skilled crafts or to sail home with your father to return to work in the shop as a finery smith. Opting for the former of the two, you bid farewell to your father and found yourself upon the small rigging with three companions of whom you had grown fond of.
Bringing you away from your thoughts and tuning back into the conversation, your gaze fell to your orange-haired friend, Nami, as she attempted to bribe the blue-haired clown with a new crew member with untold abilities. Before you could stop her, she threw Luffy’s straw hat into the air and bolted for the opening of the large tent. Two members of the circus crew managed to drag her back to the group which she then berated the jester before you for destroying the town the tent was situated in. The conviction she held in her voice sounded quite intimidating, but the clown just laughed in response. He used a small knife to cut a piece of apple and place it into his mouth, while nonchalantly saying he didn’t destroy everything in the town – he allowed the townspeople to keep their hands to applaud his act.
You inhaled through your nose deeply and widened your eyes at his comment, breathing out slowly through your mouth while fixating your gaze onto his relaxed form. He continued to look over the four of you with a twinkling smile as he consumed his crisp apple before his gaze fell over you.
“You,” he began, pointing at you with the small knife in his hand, “you have been awfully quiet.” He gestured to the rest of the crew with the same knife, “that one threatened me,” he said pointing at Zoro, “that one attempted to bribe me,” he pointed the knife at Nami while sauntering over to the spot you were situated, next to Luffi and Zoro.
“Your Captain lays claim to what’s rightfully mine,” he continued while stalking your form. Your eyes leave his form to look to your companions.
“Don’t you look away from me!” he yelled suddenly at you, causing you to flinch in response. Your body began to tremble slightly at his demands, not used to threats of great violence being thrown at you at a whim. He almost danced over to your place on the ground, bringing his body within an uncomfortable proximity to your own. He made no effort to hide his gaze raking over your body from the hair on your head to the shoes adorning your feet.
Although he had a large nose that immediately drew your attention to it, you couldn’t help but to notice the hue of his irises hidden amongst white, red and blue paint. The intensity of his gaze was drawing you in like a moth to a flame. The hue was akin to several fine gemstones you worked with in your family’s smithery. Jade, sapphire, tourmaline and emerald being the first stones that sprung to your mind while gazing at the angry and menacing clown before you.
“And what would you do, hm?” he condescendingly smirked at you, “you’re no fighter, by the looks of you.”
You held his gaze, staring deeply into his mischievous teal eyes while searching your mind for a response to his pointed question. He placed the small knife into his breast-pocket within his long fur coat and stalked slowly over to you like an animal prowling over to their meal. You trailed your eyes over his form slowly, raking and sizing him up with a small amount of unbridled suggestion held behind your eyelids.
Unsure if what came over you was bravery, stupidity or something else entirely, you reached your right hand forward and swiftly grasped the mustard coloured cravat hanging tightly from his neck and pulled him into you with all of your strength and successfully closed the distance between your bodies.
He was right of course, you were no fighter. Your skills lay in appraising fine metals, gemstones and hand whittled crafts. You read books filled with fairytales, poetry and refrains whispered between lovers. With your occupation, an aura of charisma would often aid in sales; whether you were doing the buying or the selling. You were known far and wide in your homeland as someone with a small amount of flirtatious charm, which was why you were asked to aid your father in his journey to the “tight-pocket” Captain Morgan. You were to charm him as you did many others, swindling them out of their apprehensions and bringing more berry to the till of your family’s business.
A shocked whimper left the lips of the Genius Jester as you tenderly placed your own lips against his, bringing your left hand to his side and using it to bring his body flush against your own, cradling him into a tender embrace. Your eyes were closed as you deepened the kiss shared between you. You began using your lips to open his and caressing them slightly with your tongue.
You slowly felt him relax into your embrace as he placed one hand to the back of your head and the other hand wove itself around you, placing it to the small of your back. He almost gently laced his gloved hand into your hair and held you tightly against him. He released a stifled gasp into your mouth as the hand on your lower back squeezed slightly, pressing your bodies closer together. You released your right hand and moved it tenderly from his cravat to his jaw, feeling the slightly prickled skin beneath his painted face.
Not a word was uttered, silence engulfing the space. In this instance, nothing existed to either of you apart from the moment you were sharing with one another. The map? Gone from both of your minds as you held each other tenderly. You arched your back, pressing your chest further into him as you began lacing your fingers into the hair peaking out from the bottom of his broad hat. You snaked your left hand around his waist, beneath his fur coat and raked your fingertips over his skin, causing him to moan into your mouth and cradle you further into him.
You utilized your head to nudge his own head upward for you to deepen the kiss further. Trailing your hand from the hair under his hat down towards his neck and exploring his pectorals, you massaged down his body while holding him tightly and skillfully in this heated embrace. Your fingers began to explore the flesh of his back, lifting the material slightly to expose his flesh to your administrations.
He did not withhold any sounds from escaping his lips, as small groans released from his lips between kisses alerted you to how much he was truly enjoying your touch. You even allowed some gasps to escape your own lips as you continued to caress, massage and cradle him to yourself as he held you.
You were not foreign to the romantic touch of others by any means, but this kiss felt unlike anything you had experienced prior. You could almost feel his desire for affection as he hungrily held your body against him. Waves of loneliness escaped from his form and onto you as he began to be filled instead with your freely given affection, unlike the painted women he would pay berry for their time.
He groaned slightly and furrowed his brows together at the thought, releasing your lips from his own and holding you to him. His eyes bore into your own as your lips parted from one another, almost gazing into your very soul with the intensity he held.
Without warning, he pushed you from his body and swatted your hands from their position on his back. He turned to face away from you and brought his gaze to your captain before monologuing.
“Ok, here end the theatrics,” he began as the spot lights filter onto the four of you.
“I know one of you have my map, and I’m gonna get it back,” he said with malicious intent.
“What was it you said, rubber boy? That it was ‘in a safe place’?” he mocked with a small glint in his eye. Luffy looked to you in confusion.
“Oh, don’t look so surprised. I have eyes and ears everywhere,” he laughed. You trailed your eyes over his features, noticing the paint over his lips appeared more smudged than it had been moments prior. You then began to imagine how your face may appear after you shared the kiss with him moments prior.
“So,” he clapped his hands together and looked to his gang of circus members, “please make our guests uncomfortable in the green room.”
You felt hands clasp your wrists. You looked around to see a large man in a leotard grasping your form before you looked back to the clown. Your eyes met briefly once more, an unfamiliar emotion that could almost be described as a combination apprehension, longing and desire located in his eyes as your body was dragged to another location, this time without your captain amongst you.
You held little resistance as your body was escorted away. You looked to Luffy once more and attempted to reassure him with a nod as you walked briskly to be caged with your friends.
Nami was placed in a small cage suspended above the ground, whereas Zoro was bound to a large spinning wheel. As they were placed into these positions, their movements protesting and making it difficult for your captors to place them in these restricting positions; you held no such apprehension.
An aura of calm was coming from your form, confusing the large leotard-clad man. You placed your wrists together and held them out in front of you with a shrug and almost taunted him with how easy you were making this for him. His brows knit together in a puzzled fashion as he began to bind your hands in rope and tie you to a post away from your companions.
Once successfully restrained, the circus people left you with your thoughts as cries of laughter were echoing to the chamber that sounded like it was being pulled from the mouth of your captain.
“You kissed the clown?” uttered your green-haired, tri-sword wielding companion in a low accusatory tone, “why did you kiss the clown?”
You laughed slightly at the question, looking down at your bonds as you wiggled your hands against the tightly clasped rope, testing it for any sort of weakness amongst the restraint.
“I honestly can say I have no idea,” you smiled while pressing your knee against the post you were bound to with a small shove to assess its strength.
“It was incredibly stupid,” Nami commented from her enclosure, “if you were that touch-starved, I’m sure Zoro or Luffy wouldn’t have minded if you wanted to give them a little smooch.”
You turned your gaze over to Nami momentarily before rolling your eyes.
“Oh please,” you replied, “Zoro, I’m sure you are a wonderful kisser but unfortunately you don’t quite have what I’m looking for.”
He scoffed slightly at the comment while you moved your hands down to the hilt of your belt and began searching the folds of your skirts with your wrists.
“And if you don’t mind me asking, what does the dangerous clown-man have that Zoro doesn’t?” Nami asked with a teasing tone. Your wrists find the object within your belt and you smiled broadly, gripping it and bringing it to the light.
“Right now?” you said with a small twinkle in your eyes as you held the small object up to your new friends, "a knife."
For the first time in a while, the three of you shared a laugh before you all began to attempt an escape from the bonds of the green room.
Part 2
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eyeheartboobiez · 6 months
-> 𝗃𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝖽𝖽 𝗑 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
-> 𝗌𝗈𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖺 𝖺𝗎!
-> 𝖺/𝗇: 𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖫𝖠𝖲𝖳 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗆𝗆𝖺 𝗎𝗌𝖾 𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗌 𝖺 𝗃𝖺𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗆 𝗂 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖺𝗋😭
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Jason Todd and ex girlfriend, Artemis Grace, spotted outside a club together just hours ago! May this old flame be finding its spark again? (8/20/2022 3:14 AM PT)
For months now, people have been buzzing after Gotham elite Jason Todd and singer Y/N Y/LN hinted at being in a relationship. Ever since this past March when they were initially spotted together, fans have done nothing short of obsessing over the two.
Artemis Grace, former girlfriend of Jason, had gotten into some hot water recently when insiders claimed that the singer had something to do with leaking Y/N’s unreleased track, Fantasize.
As mentioned in former articles, TMZ investigators came to the conclusion that Artemis was involved in publishing the song as a way of “getting her lick back”. Time logs show that the dubbed “rival” singer entered the same studio as Y/N not too long after she left for the night.
Many people online have been more than vocal about their love for the song, despite the fact that it was released without the artist’s consent.
While Artemis has yet issue a statement regarding the accusations, she seems to have plenty of time to be out partying with her ex.
Fast forward to last night, when just hours ago, Jason and Artemis were seen leaving a nightclub together and looking very close for comfort. Onlookers were not only shocked, but absolutely gagged when they saw the two hugging each other goodbye.
With their late night rendezvous breaking headlines, some fans are starting to question if Jason may have also played a part in helping Artemis, or if they ever really broke up at all!
The exes, who were romantically involved for almost two years, have a long history of being toxic towards each other. Their on-again-off-again relationship was notorious for its dysfunctionality, making it hard to keep up most of the time.
It wasn't until late last year when both Jason and Artemis officially called it quits by posting an announcement on their respective Instagram accounts (although many were skeptical to believe it).
Despite the initial shock of the situation, it begs the question: Where does Y/N stand in all of this?
Fans of the singer songwriter were quick to come to her support, majority of whom expressing their clear disappointment in Jason.
“I was really betting on these two,” says Twitter user @y/n’scoochiehairs. “I feel like a child of divorce…”. The fan account, while only just a few months old, grew exponentially due to their constant posts about the alleged couple.
Many sentiments like this have been circulating the internet once the pictures from last night began to surface. Y/N is notorious for putting her emotions into her songs, so at least we know she’ll be releasing new music soon, right?
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— replies —
user1: oh she really aint playing...
user3: girl this is a whole bar put this energy into a song or sumn😭
user4: sooo what im hearing is that ur single🤔
⤷ user5: ntm on my wife now..
user6: this next album bouta be BIBLICAL
user7: genuinely hope youre doing okay🥺🫶
user8: ily queen🩷
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people you may know!
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liked by b_zarro and 613,189 others
@artemisofmighdall: last night was a dream✨
View all 25,846 comments
user1: first you mess with her music then you mess with her man.. if bold was a person…
user2: the hell is she smiling so damn big for?? ain’t shit funny😐
user3: girl you betta PRAY i don’t catch you in these streets…
user4: “last night was a dream” yeah and you in for a rude awakening cuz wth💀
user5: these comments killing me😭
user6: you already going to hell for being a ginger now you just making it worse for yourself🤦‍♀️
— creator has turned off comments—
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end notes: is jason involved or is he just being framed👀 lmk what you think!!
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1for5 · 2 months
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chapter 7
“you know y/n, at this point i just think that you have a liking for me. if you don’t then.. why is my name and jersey number at the back of your shirt?”
y/n’s eyes widened, and check the name at the back of her shirt. it said bueckers with the jersey number 5. she immediately explained that aubrey gave it to her.
“i do not have a crush on you! don’t be so much of an assumer. aubrey gave it to me” y/n denied. “i left the shirt?” paige asked aubrey, furrowing her eyebrows. “think so. didn’t know that it has a name at the back..” aubrey explained nonchalantly and grabbed her phone. paige and y/n just shrugged it off, and waited for the game to start.
in a groupchat, the messages were going wild.
atp why can’t they realize they love messing with each other because they want each others attention 🤦‍♀️
you’re so smart aubrey i love you
cant believe we have to do their own first moves
never seen paige so happy when she messes with y/n
paige is literally stopping her smile right now 😭
and i thought y/n is a psychology student 🤷‍♀️

the messages stopped after awhile just before as the game started. everyone had fun, the team jumping when the uconn team makes a point, and shouting uconn chants every now and then.
after the football game, uconn fortunately won, and everyone’s school spirit were showing. the women’s basketball team all decided to get uber eats and eat at paige and azzi’s dorm.
when they arrived at the dorm, y/n asked the team if she can leave, as she didn’t want to feel left out due to the fact that she isn’t part of the team or even as active as them in sports.
everyone started saying no, they all genuinely wanted y/n to be there. she is always a good company.
the team ordered wingstop, and thought of what to do for the night. some suggested karaoke, dance battle, but truth or dare (or shots) won for the night, everyone was just in their mood to feel oozy.
the food finally arrived, and they all immediately started to eat. after some time, azzi brought beer, tequila specifically.
play: anytime by sza
“okay lets get this party started!!! we have a very very special guest today….. y/n!” azzi playfully said. everyone got hyped and started the game.
“okay so truth or dare. if you don’t want to answer the question or do the dare, you get a shot” nika explained, and got a water bottle to spin. she then spinned, and the bottle’s cap pointed at kk.
“KK!!!!” everyone laughed. “truth or dare boo” aaliyah asked. “dare boo!” kk answered. “okay.. we dare you to sing a cover and send it to coach geno!”
kk was up for it, and sang saturn by sza to coach geno via dms, with many voice cracks and flat notes. everyone was laughing and having fun, with kk being proud of herself. coach geno replied when he got the message, and sent a “😂” and a “just stick with basketball.”
kk now turned the bottle around, which pointed at aubrey. “im choosing truth!” aubrey exclaimed. azzi had a question in mind, and asked who aubreys current liking was. aubrey got shy and answered that she’s been eyeing a junior in the uconn women’s volleyball team.
everyone was shocked, asking if they have talked already or how aubrey discovered her. “nah uh, only one question per turn!” aubrey didn’t ask answer questions, spinning the bottle.
it pointed at paige, with her choosing dare. the team then asked her to text her ex an “i miss you.” paige was always one who does dares, but for this one time, she hesitated. paige wasn’t sure why.
“uhm the girl from lsu?” paige asked, giving her time tho think about it. “duh! she’d always be there whenever we have games and still cheered for uconn even if she’s from lsu” ice mentioned. paige now decided to not send a text, she didn’t want to associate herself from love interests. she didn’t want y/n to witness that, and she didn’t know why.
“i dont know ice, i’ll drink this shot” paige
drank her shot, and everyone in the room felt silent.
do-do you even know im alive?
this was their first time seeing the person who never drinks for a game actually drinking because of a game. either way, the team didn’t force paige and continued to have the fun atmosphere.
paige looked around, and saw y/n get up, maybe getting more snacks. paige is now starting to realize how pretty y/n was. paige thought that the “y/n” effect was coming from y/n wearing her jersey. it just simply felt weird for someone in the team (or atleast close to the team) wear her jersey. but she felt nothing when kk wore it.. or when nika wore it.
paige shrugged off the feeling, and spinned the bottle. the bottle pointed at nika, who chose dare. kk had a “good” idea in mind, which was to have nika film a tiktok, as she isn’t always in the team’s tiktoks.
nika groaned but got up, and kk then showed her an easy tiktok dance. y/n and the team then decided to all join her which ended in pure chaos and fun. after the tiktok, everyone got back at their seats still laughing.
nika spinned the bottle, and it now pointed at y/n. y/n said truth, and people were contemplating on what to ask her. q then got an idea, “in the team, who would you like the kiss the most.” q asked. a bunch of “OOOOs” followed.
do-do you even know im alive?
y/n wasn’t sure. scratch that, she was scared. her first thought was paige. she didn’t know what to feel and do, since she thought that she had always disliked the basketball player. was she into paige the whole time, using her “dislike” antics to get paige’s attention?
y/n was taking awhile, the others already asking the same question. instead of answering, she drank her shot instead. everyone was saying “AWWWs” and “NOOOOs.”
the psychology student looked around and saw paige looking at her, like the basketballer didn’t know whether to be happy or not, but y/n just shrugged it off, just like paige.
after many rounds of truth or dare, everyone is either tipsy or wasted. it was around 1am, and they all decided to call it a day night. it was late, and most didn’t seem to be in their proper minds and behavior (some were just really lazy) to come walk back to their dorms, so they all decided to have a sleepover.
y/n was positioned on the couch. everyone said their goodnights, and close the lights. y/n tried to sleep, but with the many thoughts in her mind she cant. she thought about her research, which was due in a month, stressing her out.

she then thought about paige.
do you even know im alive? do you even know?
she can’t comprehend as to why she loved messing around with paige, and why she loved seeing paige give her a negative reaction, but from all these experiences, why was she the first girl she thought of kissing?
after an hour of y/n just looking at the ceiling, she finally got sleep.
in the morning, y/n was awoken up by many notifications, with kk and azzi being on their phones and screaming. “goodmorning guys, what happened?” y/n asked, stretching her arms.
“brace yourself, you can scream as loud as you want since it’s just us three. the others went to dunkin and bought breakfast, they might take time” kk explained.
azzi gave y/n her cellphone, with a post from uconn’s freedom wall.
uconn freedom wall entry #0105
paige and y/n are dating. the uconn wbb went to the football game, and y/n was with them. she was wearing paige’s jersey shirt. they weren’t seated beside each other, but they kept on glancing at each other, i was near their seat. can’t believe a freshman bagged paige bueckers 🤷‍♀️
huzkieeees: explained their nonstop bickering
paigefan: NOOOOO
zo’s notes: hope you guys enjoyed! sorry for being ia
taglist: @h34rtsformilli @imsobabygiirl @aerinaga @pinkandlilacroses
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xo-cod · 6 months
Simon introduces his partner as his wife and she introduces him as her husband even though they're not married 😩🤦‍♀️🫠
i feel like when simon falls, he falls hard. when he's in love, he's deep in love. he might have attachment issues, abandonment issues, every single type issue ever but when he gets past that all, he truly does love hard and loves deep
because what do you mean he's not your husband already?? 🤨 he was already calling you his missus two weeks after dating, you were saved as wife in his phone 🤚 he was going to marry you, there was no doubt about it. he just wanted his work to relax a little and for yours to calm down before he could've finally popped the big question
and when you were introduced to the team after many weeks (he's just too overprotective, wanted to keep you out of the gory aspects of his life) he's already told price, gaz and soap that you were his wife, rather proudly actually.
all three of them stood 👁👄👁 because the lieutenant had not only managed to find someone but he was actively smiling at you, they'd never so much seen him face twitch from it's usual stoic expression.
soap still tried it, asking how you managed to get the big guy out of his shell. laughing as he told you to give him some tips and tricks followed by a stern "easy johnny" coming from ghost as he he places his hand on the small of your back
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ettelenethelien · 7 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
11,062 notes
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
36 notes
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
4 notes
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
213 notes
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
21 notes
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
159, 307 notes
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
157 notes
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
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slvtforfiction · 7 months
Truth or drink (pt.2!)
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☆ Colby X reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Suggestive (No smut) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Masterlist
☆ Part 1
☆ A like,reblog and comment is always appreciated:) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Cw: alcohol obvs (idc what u say tequila rose is banging,fight me)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I’ve lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
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Colby 🖤:
Hey doll,you wanna do drink or truth again? Like a part 2 but just us?
Yeah sure,am I gonna get embarrassed again?
Colby 🖤:
Welp we both are so does it matterrr?
Oh god tell me some of the questions then 🤦‍♀️
Colby 🖤:
Maybe some about kinks and maybe something about some other stuff :)
Yay I’m so excited this is going to make me want to really do more videos with you!
Colby 🖤:
Laying on the sarcasm pretty thick
If your asking if I care,I don’t :)
Colby 🖤:
Love you’re always sarcastic,I’ll see you down here in 10 hm?
Okay,omw x
Colby 🖤:
Good girl,see you soon x
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I blushed leaving him on read as I changed my top to a red and black crop top he had gotten me and some black ripped jeans that I got on a shopping trip with him along with some fishnets below them to spice it up.
I walked upstairs to his apartment which was right above mine and knocked his door waiting patiently for an answer.
He quickly answered and I saw the living room already set up with a tripod,camera,2 shot glasses,tequila rose for me and Smirnoff vodka for him.
“Oo my favourite!” I smiled as I realised he had remembered my favourite alcoholic drink.
“Yeah ofcourse.” He said smiling clearly knowing i would say yes to the video idea by the already prepared drinks.
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He finished the intro and grabbed his phone reading out the first question, “Why do you not talk to the last person you “did the dirty” with?” And I looked at him,looked at the shot glass and poured myself a shot downing it immediately.
“I still speak to the person I last slept with so,” I shrugged,not wanting to actually admit on camera that Colby and me were dating and therefore he was my last.
“Same but I don’t think they want to be public so I’m drinking.” He said before taking a shot and smiling at me.
I always seemed to find comfort in his smile no matter what he was smiling at or who he was smiling at,although I thought it was a much better feeling when he was smiling at me.
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“What is your favourite activity with your significant other?” He asked as he looked at me softly,his gaze mesmerising.
“I like just laying on the sofa with them and cuddling,it’s the little things you know what I mean?” I smiled back as he looked at the camera clapping his hands together.
“I don’t really know I think just their presence in anything I do is really special to me,I just like everything I do with them.” He said smiling softly and I smiled,blush running to my cheeks.
I knew after this video I was ready,ready to go on twitter and scream and rave about him being my boyfriend as long as Colby didn’t mind.
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“Name 2 non-vanilla kinks you have.” He said smiling at me before he saw me pick up my drink,watching his smirk fall of his face.
“You know what? If you answer I’ll answer.” I said laughing putting my drink down. “Oh god Uhm okay.” He said laughing nervously clearly not expecting that.
“Can we say ones we said in the last truth or drink video?” I asked and he shook his head. “Nah that’s boring and also you can’t anyways because you said vanilla kinks.” He said smiling at me.
“Okay you say yours then and I’ll say mine I guess.” I said laughing nervously and he looked me dead in the eyes before leaning back on the sofa and putting his hands behind his head,kissing his teeth.
“Okay um,I’m nervous now.” He said laughing before kissing his teeth again and answering “okay um I like tying up my partner and I mean if a girls gonna call me daddy she’s gonna call me daddy.” He said and I giggled to myself.
“I didn’t actually think you would answer.” I whined not wanting to answer. “Well come on you have to answer now.” He said laughing at my embarrassment and im sure by now he had figured out my humiliation kink although I wouldn’t have said that anyways.
“Okay uh I have a size kink and I really like hickeys and stuff so I guess marking?” I laughed nervously as I realised my boyfriend was the one sat next to me probably making mental notes to himself.
Colby cracked up laughing as he clapped his hands together trying to make sure I knew that he was going to use this against me and honestly I was definitely wanting him to tie me up after this video.
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We soon moved on and after about an hour of filming we got to our last question, “What’s one thing you dislike about me?” He asked and I shuffled closer to him to whisper in his ear.
“That you haven’t tied me up underneath you yet.” I then turned round and grabbed my drink,pouring myself another shot,at this point I had had about 10 shots,so what’s another one?
I downed my drink and he quickly downed his before ending the video.
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“Don’t say shit like that to me whilst filming.” He said,I smiled and turned around from the fridge after grabbing myself a bottle of water.
“Hm I’ll think about it.” I said and he continued to walk up to me,cornering his hands around my waist against the counter top.
“Do you want to be tied up like a little slut?” He asked “Is that what you want hm?” And I smiled at him whilst he remained silent and faking his anger.
“Maybe it is..daddy.” I whispered in his ear before kissing down his neck,he picked me up by the waist and carried me upstairs.
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“Wanna cuddle up on the sofa,beautiful?” He asked softly raking his hand through my hair as I laid my head on chest.
“No,wanna stay here.” I mumbled half asleep and fully naked still lying on his chest.
He had his boxers on and got up quickly leaving me on the bed barely able to move.
“Come back Colbs.” I whispered and he smiled, “I will im just going to get you a shirt,okay?” He asked and I smiled sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
“Can we be public? Like us?” I asked quietly scared to even suggest it “Yeah sure,I’d like that.” He smiled looking back at me.
“I’ll post it on twitter tomorrow morning if you still want to yeah?” He asked and I whispered an ‘okay’.
His lights remained off,his LEDS being the source of red light throughout the room and I smiled bashfully again as he lifted up an arm and then another putting me in his xplr shirt.
The room still smelt of sex and my wrists still had marks which Colby would religiously kiss for the next few days.
“Love you Colbs.” I said before falling asleep with an arm wrapped around me and another still taking through my hair.
“I love you too sweetheart.” I heard him whisper before dozing off.
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weird-is-life · 8 months
hotch comforting reader who's got bad cramps but at first she's too embarrassed to admit what's wrong but he can obviously tell somethings up
Hii lovely, ty for the request🤧! Hopefully, this isn't too bad, I changed it a bit🤦‍♀️ tw: pet names, mentions of period, mentions of soup, (0.6k)
You (regretfully) cancel your date with Aaron, telling him you are sick. Which isn't really a lie, because you can barely walk from the pain. You and Aaron have been together for a few months, but you don't want him to see how messy you look right now.
But Aaron is sometimes too much of a sweetheart, because he decides, that he'll go look after you. There's nothing for him to do at home anyway with Jack being away at Jessica's. He only makes a few stops at the shop and the pharmacy, before he is standing in front of your door.
The loud knock wakes you up from the light sleep. You think, it is the soup that you ordered some minutes ago. But to your huge surprise, it is Aaron, standing in front of you, when you open the door.
You almost close the door on him from the shock, but Aaron is quick enough to get inside your apartment.
He is smiling at you and the bouquet of your favourite flowers isn't helping you feel any better about cancelling the date, "hi honey."
"Hi," you say, it's less enthusiastic than Aaron's greeting.
"I'm sorry, I came unannounced, but I just missed you too much," it takes a lot of strength for Aaron to be so open, but he knows that you always understand. Still, there's a small blush on his cheeks.
"It's okay," you try giving your best smile, as the cramps are absolutely killing you, "I'm sorry, I cancelled the date. I just look like a literal death right now and I'm in so much pain-"
You, unfortunately, let the word 'pain' slip out and it instantly has Aaron on high alert.
"Pain? Honey, is it bad? Where does it hurt? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Aaron looks worriedly at you.
"I'm fine-"
"Fine? You just said, you were in pain-"
"Aaron, baby. I'm just....- I'm just having the most awful period cramps," you say, embarrassed. But Aaron doesn't look one bit embarrassed or disgusted, as you though he would be.
"What do you mean 'it's just the cramps'? Sweetheart, a pain is a pain. And I'm sorry, you are feeling so bad right now, come here" he tells you and reaches out for you to hug him.
You obediently do that, very eager to be held by him. And you stay in his embrace as long as you can. Sadly, your hug is interrupted by the sound of the bell.
"Who's that?" Aaron asks, his voice muffled against your cheek.
"That must be my soup," you say as you slowly pull yourself out of his hands, "I'm going to get it-"
"No, you should go lay down and I'll get it for you, yeah?" It's not really a question, because he doesn't give you a chance to respond before he walks towards the door.
You go sit down on the couch, where a pile of cushions and blankets waits for you and by the time Aaron gets back with the soup, you are hidden under it.
Aaron thinks, you look adorable right now, even if you don't think it yourself. He carefully settles next to you and offers you the soup.
You accept it with a smile and eat it sluggishly. Aaron's hand ends up on your thigh and he absent-mindlessly draws circles over your skin as he talks to you about his day.
When you finish the soup, Aaron doesn't waste a minute and pulls you back into his arms, your back against his chest, basically manhandling you into lap.
"Feeling better?"
"A little yeah," you mumble.
"What can I do to help, honey?" he asks, voice all soft.
"Nothing, handsome. I'm feeling much better just having you here."
"I'm glad, because I'm not going anywhere." He assures you and gives you a kiss on the side of your head.
You end up staying in that same position for the whole night, watching movie after movie. Your sad, painful day turning into a nice movie night with your Aaron.
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
send nudes
Raphael x Fem!Tav (modern AU)
Summary: Raphael is bad at sexting
A/N: This was based on a conversation i had between @flamemittens @sky-kiss and @sassyandsodone
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Tav had finally manage to get the phone number of the man she had had a crush on for some time, Raphael. And although he was charming in real life, he text messaged as if he were in the 1800’s. 
Raphael: Tav. 
Come to my house at the eighth hour of the night. Let us enjoy a good merlot. 
Tav: You do know you don’t have to sign your messages, right? I know it’s you.
Raphael: Tav.
Are you coming or not. Answer immediately.
Tav: 🤦‍♀️I’ll be there in a sec. 
In the following months, he had gotten slightly better at not sounding like someone’s grandpa, but there was still room for progress. One time, while she was at work, Tav nearly choked on her coffee when receiving the following message. 
Raphael: Little mouse, bestow upon me that delicious mortal form of yours in pictorial format. 
Tav spent a good five minutes looking at their screen. Was Raphael asking for nudes? Then, another message appeared. 
Raphael: Perhaps if you were to grace me with your naked form, I would deign to reward you with a similar favour, pet.
Somehow, the follow up was even more confusing. She decided to consult with their friends.
Tav: Guys, help me. Raphael sent me some messages that I can’t understand
Lae’zel: I always knew you were stupid, but not understanding messages is a new one
Wyll: You are still talking with that guy?
Astarion: Don’t judge her, dear Wyll. You have had your history with…questionable partners. 
Wyll: 🙄you’re one to talk
Tav: Anyways, he sent me some messages but I’m having a hard time understanding them. Can you guys decipher it? 
Gale: Sure thing, Tav! Send them in and we’ll see what we can do. 
*Tav sent a photo*
Astarion: …
Wyll: …
Gale: …
Karlach: Is he… is he asking for nudes??? 
Meanwhile, Raphael’s phone was suddenly taken from his hands. 
“By the hells, what is wrong with you, Raphael?” Haarlep asked exasperated. “Just say send nudes and be done with it.” 
“I cannot be direct about this sort of thing, or else, where is the fun?” He tried to reason. 
Haarlep put a hand on their face and sighed. “You’ll never see tits if you keep talking like this.” They showed the screen to Raphael. “Look! The poor thing hasn’t answered in 10 minutes. I don’t think she even understood what you sent.”
“Tav is perfectly capable of understanding my way of talking.”  Haarlep typed something and then hit send. 
“Done. Let’s see if this works.” 
While Tav’s groupchat was becoming a mess over the screenshot she sent of Raphael’s conversation with her, she received another message from him. ‘Speaking of the devil’ she thought. 
Raphael: Send tits for cock. 
Tav immediatly forwarded that to the groupchat.
Tav: Karlach was right. It was nudes. 
Karlach: KNEW IT!
Shadowheart: Why is he suddenly so direct?
Gale: You’re not going to send him nudes, are you? You’re literally at work right now! 
Tav: That’s none of your business, Gale. And idk, Shart. Anyways, gotta go now, byee
Tav made a quick run to the bathroom and sent a picture she already had on her phone. It was a bit old but it would do the job.
*Tav sent a picture* 
Tav: I can’t send one from right now, but I’ll hope you’ll be satisfied with this 
Raphael: My, my, I am quite satisfied. You have a plentiful bosom, little mouse. Very well, here is your reward. 
*Raphael sent a picture*
Tav felt the blood rushing to her face when looking at his messages. She’d only hope she would get home soon. 
Raphael: As much as I would enjoy to continue this lovely conversation, I am afraid I have to leave. 
Tav: We can continue this once I get home.
Raphael: Of course. As you know, roses are red, violets are blue. I'm into poetry, but I'd rather be in you. 
Tav barked out a laugh from inside the bathroom. 
Tav: Oh sweetie, we’re gonna have to work on your sexting once I get there. Till’ later, bye.
Raphael showed his phone to Haarlep. “What is ‘sexting?’”
Haarlep threw themselves on a nearby bed, dramatically putting an arm to cover their face. “You are impossible.” 
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if a demon kidnapped Y/N, what would the Monkey King's do?
They must be stupid or dumb I don't know which one🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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(Lmk Wukong) the Second Wukong find Out that you were kidnapped and forced to marry that said kidnap yeah, he's on his way to get you. And i'm pretty sure that punch is gonna be as strong as the one in the gif. Is anybody who dares take you away from help It's gonna end up in a creator. On the bright side he got to see you in a wedding. You also should see the red face of his when you asked him if he wanted to get married.
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(HIB Wukong) I don't think he's mad at the marriage part. He's just more about the kidnapping part. Nobody steals from the monkey king and he's about to make a very harsh reminder for them. When he rescues you. And stuff you ask if he will want to get married. And he has yet to give you an answer yet. But don't think the question won't repeat in his head.
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(MK Reborn Wukong) This demon had to be either brave or stupid. He knows that you're easy on the eyes but this is ridiculous. So he wastes no time getting to you once he finds out that you got abducted. that wedding reception quickly turned into a massacred. After he goes a rescue You then ask If he wanted to get married the look on his face was priceless.
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(Nezha Reborn wukong) oh How dead they gonna be. They had the audacity to kidnap you and now force you to marry you're a kidnapper are they asking to die. After he rescues for you, You're gonna ask him if he wants to get married one day. He didn't say yes but you also didn't hear a no😜😜
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(Netflix Wukong) Oh no the only person you're gonna marry his him. Granted he didn't pop the question but he's planning to And to have some wanna be loser demon do it before him oh hell no. Yeah not a chance and it's against You're will yeah they're getting bodied.
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woso-lover234 · 4 months
Matilda’s platonic fic- TikTok
TIKTOK- Caitlin foord
Siri voice- seeing what time sunny falls asleep after being given heaps of chocolate before training
Siri voice- 6.40pm: dinner + bets placed
A few of the girls were sat around the table eating dinner as Caitlin interviewed them one at a time
*"lani what time do you think sunny will fall asleep tonight?" Caitlin asked and Alanna thought for a second
"7.40 she looks exhausted" Alanna said as she pointed to sunny (the camera followed) who was basically falling asleep where she sat*
Caitlin next decided to ask the Matildas captain Sam Kerr
* "Sammy what time do you think our sun bun will fall asleep?" Caitlin asked and sam laughed
"She's gonna be out by 8.00 I reckon" she said confidently*
Caitlin then ventured over to Kyra and Charli who were sat together around a table and were giggling like children
* "what time do you reckon sunnys gonna pass out?" She questioned as the two girls shared a look
"I reckon 8.07" Kyra said and Caitlin nodded
"Very specific" she said and Kyra nodded which caused all of them to laugh
"8.20" Charli said after a while of thinking*
Caitlin spotted macca and signalled for her to come be apart of the video
* "macca what time do you think we'll loose sunny tonight?" Caitlin asked
"Well when you say it like that it sounds like she's dying!" Macca exclaimed and then they both burst out laughing "I reckon 8.40" she nodded
"High expectations then" Caitlin laughed*
the last person Caitlin wanted to interview was mini
* "mini what time do you reckon sunny'll tap out and sleep?" Caitlin asked and mini sighed
"If she's not asleep by 8.30 bring her to my room and she can sleep with harper" mini said "but hopefully considering she looks like she's about to doze off she'll fall asleep at 7.58" mini finished*
Siri voice- 7.00pm: she went for a shower
*sunny walking into the bathroom*
Siri voice- 7.20pm: she came out of the bathroom looking more awake and with more energy 🙄🤦‍♀️
*sunny coming out of the bathroom looking hyped*
Siri voice- 7.30pm: finally got her to atleast lay in her bed 🙄😭
*sunny laying in her bed with her phone in hand looking more exhausted than when she got out the shower*
siri voice- 7.35pm: dance break because she saw an edit using 'strawberry kisses'
*sunny standing on her bed with her phone in hand as she dances along to the song and mimics caitlin at one point from when nikki webster sang for the matildas on stage. when tbe song ended sbe flopped back down on her bed*
siri voice- 7.40pm: shes struggling to keep her eyes open and has watched this video 5 times now but is not giving up. this kid 😭😂
*sunny laying down with her pillow laying flat and holding her phone*
siri voice- 7.43pm: disaster strikes
* sunny falling asleep with her phone in hand before she drops it and it lands on her face and she almost starts crying*
siri voice- 7.47pm: moved into my bed for some cait cuddles
* sunny laying next to Caitlin and cuddling up to her as Caitlin runs her fingers through the girls hair*
Siri voice- 7.50pm: isn't fully asleep yet but is close
*sunny still cuddled up to cait with a bit of caits hoodie in her grip*
Siri voice-  7.56pm: is finally asleep
*still cuddled up to Caitlin with some of Caitlin's shirt in her hand but with her mouth slightly open*
Siri voice- next day: 7.10am
* "mini how do you feel that you were the closet? Do you think it's them mum instincts?" Caitlin asks before pointing the microphone in minis direction
"Well I kinda just took a wild guess but I knew she wouldn't last long she was so exhausted- SPEAK OF THE DEVIL!" She exclaimed as sunny walked through the door looking way more energetic than yesterday
"Mini!" The teen yelled as she ran and jumped into her mother figures arms
"That's it for today folks" Caitlin said turning the camera to herself breifly*
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aleksa-sims · 2 months
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RL Story
CW: Divorce, addiction
It was a Friday, October 13th to be exact. Daniel and I are getting a divorce today. After weeks, he finally signed the divorce papers. I was devastated. It was so hard for me to take this step. But I had to finish it, for my Baby and also for myself, to finally forget Daniel. We met near the city hall, where we had an appointment with a divorce-case officer and judge.
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Once there, I saw Daniel coming towards me. I honestly didn’t want to divorce him. I loved him, still, so much. 😥But... that's just the way life is. 😞... He looked at me... I wanted to hug him but instead I just said sadly, hi. Daniel seemed absent for a moment, staring at my belly. 🩵👶
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He had this... empty look. Not sad or angry, rather.... emotionless.
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With my eyes lowered, I just stood there. I struggled to hold back my tears. Exactly a year ago we moved together. I was so happy with him and now this. 😞
Me: I'm so sorry. I never wanted this! And I still don’t want it. I wish we could just go home together.
Daniel: Same, but...let's not get into that now. Relax and think about your Baby.
Me: What?
Daniel: It's gonna be okay. Trust me.... C'mon, let’s get this over with.
Me: Yea,,...whatever you say. 😞
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Um.... well! Daniel and I didn’t get divorced today. The judge asked us why we wanted to divorce? D.'s & my statements left some question marks with the judge, I think? We have to wait six months, before we get divorced.... Daniel said that my jealousy (Tina, Irma...) & insecurity were the biggest probs for him in our relationship.😠... However, the real reason for postponing our divorce was bcs Daniel inherited Dominick’s plot & house. (division of property) Although I refused any claim to Daniel’s property!!
Me: Did you really, seriously mean what you said to them?
Daniel: I answered all questions honestly.
Me: Why didn’t you just give the real reason for our divorce? You took off!!! I didn't know where you were!! And my Baby isn't yours. This fact is the reason for our divorce! You can't handle that I'm pregnant. Or that we are both addicts, which would have been a good reason why we can’t stay together! 🤦‍♀️
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Daniel: The juge asked me WHY, I left! You got it?.... You and my borther, your secrets drove me crazy. That fucking shit about Tina. I was overwhelmed with my shit, our drugs you and your delusions. I kept trying to make you happy! I only loved you and I only wanted you. But you just didn’t believe me. Be honest, it wasn’t my fault, just yours!! You don’t know what you want! And you can’t make decisions! But I’m not like N.! I don’t want to tell you what to do or how to live your life. You are responsible for yourself! Finally get it, or just stay with your soccer player and let him control you.
Me: What kind of shit are you talking?? Nico doesn’t do any of this to me.
Daniel: I talked to him! He said, you won’t be the same after he’s done with you. He told me this to my face!! And btw, I can’t stand Alex calling you Lexi!! 😠
Me: You must have misunderstood N. He isn't like that! He was just upset, bcs I confessed what I wanted from you the other day. Besides, you’re jealous too!!! Anyway.... I-.. I just can’t stand it around you anymore. And I’m sorry I was so jealous. I loved you so much. I wanted to do anything for you. I was terrified to lose you. I’m sorry. Sorry I was such a freak to you. But I didn’t do anything wrong with your brother, D.!! There was NOTHING between Alex and me!! IDK how many times I’ve had to say this damn sentence. Finally get it!....
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Me: It hurts so much and it just doesn’t stop.... I don’t want to love you anymore. I wish you’d never married me. 😢
Daniel: Damn, I-... I'm sorry. I still struggle with that... stress disorder. Either I feel nothing-... or I boil with rage.🤦‍♂️
Me: It's ok.. I'm leaving.... See you in 6 moths. And.. stay off drugs, just... take care, Daniel. 😢
Daniel: Wait!
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Me: I gotta go. Sorry. Bye!.... 😭
Daniel: I-...... love you.
I just wanted to get away from there. Far away from.... him.💔 Not really, but.... agh, you know what I mean. And I’ll see Daniel again sooner than I thought. Right after delivery. It was about that annoying name change. D. and I were officially still married, but I didn't want to give my Son his surname. D. is not his Dad, but N. Such a mess!!
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I'm a jikooker and I'm done with the narrative change few bloggers here are doing remarks bday because somehow Jimin couldn't meet JK on his bday and they don't wanna accept that. It's exhausting af. Bloggers especially Kanmom already said JK was busy ON THE day of his bday and Mingyu may have met him at company..now that JK already confirmed he didn't went to work and was lying all day, they are changing their narrative to JK being busy on 31st, which he was and Mingyu went to meet him at home. In both cases according to what Jimin said its crystal clear he didn't saw JK on his bday and WHY ARE WE NOT ACCEPTING IT ???? ok, he used to meet JK for all his previous bdays and ? Does that make Jimin not meeting JK for his 2023 bdah impossible? NOPE.
If he saw JK he would've said i saw him yesterday/today (LIKE HE SAID HE COULDN'T MEET JOON FOR HIS LAST BDAY SO HE DOESNT HAVE ANY PROBLEM IN SHARING WHETHER HE MET OR DIDNT MET MEMBERS FOR THEIR BDAYS). But that didn't happened, He spoke to JK on 31st night and that's it, accept it already. Twitter jikookers already accepted it while bloggers here are still writing essays on how Jimin met JK, when we have ZERO evidence. Is Jm meeting JK for bday, the reason yall believe in Jikook? Now if one day JK come live and say he didn't saw Jimin, then what ? Will they change their narratives again???? "Oh I don't see my partner on bday either" "it's not that deep for long term relationship" they will say, as if now they are not dying on the hill to prove Jimin saw JK 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Can I ask why tf this is so important ? I haven't seen Jkkrs being this invested in what JK does for Jimin's bday. Some years he didn't even wished jimin on sm let alone seeing or giving him gifts..so why is it only Jimin held to a high standards ? In 2021 bday live he said his gift is being shipped and Jimin immediately called out for saying things on cam but not actually gifting him anything. Please stop this clownery when we don't have any evidence in Jimin meeting JK on 1st. If anything, as of now it seems like all Jimin did was to call JK on 31st. And that's OK
My question is why the fuck are you so damn angry?? Also you are venting to the wrong blogger 😂😂 because Jikook did see each other and spend time together during JK's birthday. Out of the 30% of what members tell us, they are leaving out 70%
Mans had just dropped one hell of a loud picture then went live on JK's birthday after setting his watch to Jungkook day. I won't hold it against him for not adding spending time with JK ontop of that. It would have been alot. And unfortunately we don't have a Jin to go quiz JK about who did or didn't visit him.
Sorry anon, but I am among the bloggers you are frustrated with. From my knowledge of Jikook, they wouldn't miss each other's birthdays especially since they were both in Seoul during it.
IF JK or Jimin one day come out and say that they weren't together then fine. But as it stands I'm afraid I believe, they kept up their tradition.
Sorry to disappoint
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teriri-sayes · 10 months
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 173
TL;DR - Interrogation time. Hoya figures out that Cale's group was behind the failure of the Black Blood household. Cale plans his attack on Blood Cult.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ✅
Interrogation Much of the chapter was about the interrogation scene. To summarize the info Cale found out:
There are two places were jiangshi are produced - Nanman and North Sea.
There are three people who knows how to revert jiangshi back to a corpse - Blood Demon, the priestess, and revered old Baek.
The priestess had already been selected, and she gave an oracle that the one who caused the most destruction in Central Plains would become the Blood Demon heir.
The first event the new priestess would be holding will take place in Hainan Island, and Blood Cult members with key positions would be attending.
The two captives easily gave away the info because they were still scared of Cale after he used the powered up DA. 😏
Frankly, the new names and places mentioned in this chapter was kinda confusing. I used to call "Nanman" as "Southern Manchuria" or "Southern Barbarians", but after researching about specific murim location tropes, I settled for its untranslated name, Nanman. I now question my past self why I bothered translating the literal meaning of the place name when I could've just used Nanman... 🤦‍♀️😂
Continuing with Nanman, it's a hot and humid place in the TCF world. In most murim fiction, it's a dense jungle. If Central Plains is China, then Nanman is Vietnam and SEA.
Next up is North Sea. This one is quite famous in both wuxia and murim fiction because of a certain place, the Northern Sea Ice Palace. This place constantly has a cold weather. In terms of real-life location, it corresponds to Siberia.
Now let's talk about the new character, revered old Baek. He's considered the most knowledgeable when it comes to jiangshi production, so Cale is planning to attack Nanman first where he was located. Why? Because Cale did not want to overwork himself in purifying jiangshi. Cale is planning to capture revered old Baek and make him revert the jiangshi back to corpses. Smart Cale. 😂
One funny part of the interrogation was Hoya fainting because Cale scared him too much. Cale could only avert his eyes when CJS questioned Cale about how he could now make people faint with just his aura. 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks There was some part about Chief Eunuch Wi's perspective of the tsunami and his thoughts about the emperor, but I won't talk about that. And the part about Cale's droplet tattoos was mentioned again. Remember the 7th droplet tattoo turning gray? Well, it reverted back to black again. The other 6 were still white, but this gives the impression that it's like a battery bar for Cale's Water AP new power up, hahaha.
But if Cale creates another tsunami, what will happen if all 8 droplet tattoos become white? Will Cale cough blood, or will he finally faint? I guess we'll have to look forward to that.
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