#or reassure mikey that it's all gonna work out
yellowhollyhock · 1 month
return to the underground is so funny because everything Donny says or does Raph and Leo are like 'that's him our baby brother, precious little genius, watch watch he's gonna do something cool, we are so proud. do you need anything Don Don'
And Mikey's like 'this is the worst plan you've ever had. I hate you.'
He really was not happy about going back underground XD
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bvnnichu · 9 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mikey x f! reader
𝐜𝐰: inexperienced reader, unprotected sex, petnames, breeding kink, slight hair pulling, riding, fingering and oral mentioned, pussydrunk! Mikey, degradation, doggy style, spanking, mentions of pregnancy, overstimulation, multiple rounds. ( lmk if anything slipped my eyes! )
𝐚/𝐧: wrote this at 3 am, don't judge 😢
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"mm.. my precious baby, 's gonna be okay"
Mikey mumbles while caressing your cheek, staring at you with his hooded eyes. He has the softest and most reassuring smile on his face, almost as if he isn't Japan's most wanted criminal. How could he not? You're his precious baby, his everything.
He's caressing your hips, urging you to push yourself down into his cock. Your face is buried into his shoulders, too scared to move. Suddenly you feel something prodding against your entrance, making you let out a gasp. You look at your boyfriend with teary eyes, and he just stares back with a lazy grin plastered on his face.
"'m sorry love, couldn't help myself.."
He starts caressing his shaft, swirling circles on your slippery cunt. He'd made you orgasm before this with his mouth and slender fingers, so you were well prepared. He grabs onto the back of your head, tilting his head and pulling you in for a kiss. His tongue entered your mouth, swirling it against yours, exploring all over your mouth.
While you were distracted, he slipped an inch of his cock in, eyebrows furrowing from the feeling. Your gasp turned into a muffled moan in the kiss, nails digging into his shoulders. His grip behind your head tightened, tangling his hand into your hair and giving it a light tug. He couldn't help but thrust his hips up just a bit, but it had you biting his bottom lip and jumping at the pleasure.
You pulled away from the kiss, tears swelling in your eyes. "m-manjiro... it hurts!"
You were pouting, and he caressed your cheek. He stopped all movement, staring at you with loving eyes.
"'s gonna be alright darling, the pain will go away soon"
He caressed your cheek, wiping off a tear that was about to escape. You buried your face into his neck, sniffling 'cause of the pain. He caressed your back, leaving kisses on your bare shoulder.
"gonna put it in now, babe"
With that he pushed slowly pushed in inch by inch, muttering curses as he felt your warm pussy envelope his slender cock. His head was thrown back, eyes shut in pure pleasure, burying himself all the way in.
"fuck princess.. so fuckin' tight f' me hm?" He groaned in a raspy voice, watching you tremble from the unfamiliar feeling inside your tummy. You were too far gone to answer him, the feeling of his cock inside your gummy walls making you feel dizzy.
"m-manjiro.. mmph.. need more of you inside me.."
He bucked his hips in response, biting his lips at your words.
"fuck baby.. how 'bout you help y'self hmm?" You blink at him a few times, flabbergasted. Then you can feel a blush slowly creeping its way to your cheeks.
"what?! b-but I don't know how..."
"c'mon baby, y'have to work for good things don't ya know? chop chop, get to work now"
You whine in protest but you still have to feel your release so you oblige. You start grinding down on him, mouth agape at how fucking amazing that feels. He hisses, nails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs to suppress his loud moans. He helps you go up and down, occasionally bucking his hips up to give you a lil boost.
After riding him for a while, your legs get tired and you start slowing down. But Mikey doesn't seem too happy 'bout that. He grips your hips tightly, slamming you back down onto his cock so hard that it feels like he just rocked your world.
"d-don't fuckin' stop.. mmf.. keep going babe"
"I c-can't mikey! 's to much"
You sob into his shoulder, making his eyes shift from demanding to soft. He starts caressing your back, giving a reassuring kiss on your cheek.
"wan' me to take over mm? I'll make you feel good angel, I promise.. make you feel so good you'll be begging f'more"
You nod, lifting your head up to look at him. His hair is disheveled, sweat making his dark strands stick to his forehead. He gives you a peck on the lips then pushes you off of him.
"go on all fours f'me babe"
You oblige without much complaint, arching your back a little for better access. He gives your ass a spank before lining his dick up with your entrance.
"ready or not.. 'm going in"
With that he pushed all the way in, grunting at your gushing wet pussy clenching his dick for the nth time that night. You whimpered, not being able to keep yourself up for too long, your legs almost gave up on you. He grabbed your hips before you could melt into a puddle on the bed, starting at a steady pace.
"mm.. fuck, so good f'me baby..." he moaned out, gripping your hips so tight it might end up bruised.
"fuckkkk.. m-mikey 's so good" your eyes were rolling to the back of your skull with each thrust, your words coming out slurred from your face being mushed into the pillow.
"oh yeah? does my dumb fucking slut like bein' a pillow princess?" he said in a mocking voice, and you could hear the grin in his voice.
"'m boutta cum! mmph.. m-mikey" you slurred out, drool spilling from the corner of your mouth.
He started speeding up his thrusts, chasing both of your releases. You were moaning uncontrollably loud, gripping onto the bedsheets so hard your knuckles turned white. You were slurring random shit that Mikey could barely comprehend, your pussy being the only thing in his mind right now.
"'m cummin' inside babe.. gonna breed my fucking children into you" he growled, face buried into your neck while he was pounding you into heaven.
You couldn't even think straight, too fuckin' dumb on his cock to comprehend the consequences. You felt his cock up in your cervix, pushing you all the way over the edge. He came when he felt you gushing around your cock, but he had no sign of stopping.
"m-mikey 's too much! too much! fuck— s' too sensitive!" you sobbed into the pillow, only making him thrust even harder. Yeah, he definitely wasn't stopping anytime soon.
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Your back! Hi! :D Ok, the guys adore and are protective of their female human best friend (fem reader). She shares a strong bond with them, and they with her. So, if she ever gets injured or sick, the guys are protective for a while. She is ready to help them again (as much as she can with being a human and all) but what she doesn't realize is that this time it's close to their spring season, making them very protective, territorial, and aggressive to outsiders. How would this play out as they are close to their primal time of the year, and she wants to go with them as they're about to leave on patrol, but they won't let her? Fluffy ending. 🥺(maybe some turtle noises and behaviors too)
Protective TMNT headcanons—reader wants to come on patrol
Bayverse, 2003, or 2012 if it suits ya. 🤷‍♀️. SFW! Mentions of "spring season" for the boys but nothing s*xual. hope u like it @pokemew119 !
• Like Leonardo, we'll be straight to the point with this one—he's not going to want you going out with them. Normally, he doesn't want you to. Now he really doesn't want you to
• Due to their biology, springtime can be pretty dreadful for the bunch (for Splinter, too, he's the one having to manage them). Aggression, sensitivity, protectiveness, fussing over their rooms, etc. So you asking Leo to go out on their nightly patrol with them was a "this really isn't a good time" moment for him
• "The Lair is warm and safe, why would you want to come out here, anyways? Leave the fighting to me. That's what I'm here for, that's my job."
• Can be a little bit of an ass about it ngl, because he just wants to know you're home with someone he actually trusts to protect you, their father
• You heard Leo bark your name as you started up the ladder out of the sewers. Blue eyes giving you a suspicious look. You were trying to sneak topside so you'd be out there before he was able to protest. "No, no, go ask Master Splinter to show you some stuff if you want something to do so badly."
• Pats you along back to the Lair, watching to make sure you actually go back inside
• If you DO end up out there with them, he's going to be stressing a little more than usual about the setup because it throws him off having someone he feels he needs to constantly look out for, unlike his brothers who are more or less self-sufficient. But you bet you're always going to be his first priority, no hesitation
• For once, the heightened senses of springtime had Mikey thinking slightly more rationally than usual
• "Babycakes, you sure you want to come? It's ugly out there, smells bad, full of dudes always asking for a beat-down, maybe you should stay." Ruffles your hair for reassurance. "We can play games when I get back!"
• Secretly tries to dissuade you from even wanting to go out with them in the first place with promises of fun back at home
• If you do go anyways, he's taking every chance to show off his nunchaku skills
• Gets annoyed at his siblings for taking your attention away from him (oop there's the possessiveness)
• Very touchy, constantly hanging off of you or trying to play-fight, sit close to you on the sofa, scoot his chair towards you at dinner, etc.
• You ask if you can go with them on their way out and you catch Mikey
• He smiles big and sheepishly shakes his head, "Sorry, y/n, not tonight! You're kickin' back in my beanbag tonight and hanging out, not running around New York." End of conversation. You try to say something, he interrupts you, thumping your shoulder. "I'll text you! See ya, angel!"
• More passive about his protectiveness and isn't so outright about it like Leo, but on the inside, still doesn't fully understand why he feels that way (even though Donnie has explained over and over again)
• "You want to come out with us? Not gonna work, y/n, this is real stuff," he said amicably, raising his brow ridges. "There's been a three-point-four percent increase in crime rate just around the next four blocks, and that's with us kicking tail every other night. Statistically, you're liable to become a target and..."
• Donnie gets real irritable in spring and tends to avoid his brothers, argues with Leo about about their rooming situation bc he wants to be alone (except for with you)
• Sets up an entire cozy corner in his lab for you to chill in while he's gone and hopes you'll use it, even though he'd definitely rather be home and not topside at this time
• When you ask him to tag along on their patrol, he starts spouting off all the reasons you shouldn't and ultimately wins that debate
• Compromises by letting you man his tracking/observation station and communicating with them on their missions from the sewers
• He actually loves knowing you're on tap while he's out in the city and he can just radio in whenever he feels like it
• "See, isn't being our control center way better?"
• Raph already has a huge attitude problem, make that tenfold in spring.
• Gets waaaaay too overprotective at times, verges on bothersome levels of spazzing over what you do and where you go
• "You wanna go on patrol? With us? Just, out in New York City? With the Foot? Ahah, ain't happening, y/n. 'You said 'maybe' last time?' Well, I'm sayin' no, this time. You'll be bored?" He shrugs. "Watch TV or something. But you're not comin'."
• If you do somehow manage to go (highly unlikely), he's going to be grumpy and complain the whole time because he's secretly just worried and his hormones are out of whack
• Gets overly aggressive defending you from anything and probably stirs up more conflict over it tbh
• "It ended up fine that time, but don't do that again, ya hear?" He doesn't want to seem like he cares too much, so he flicks your head. (That man is head over heels for you)
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anisespice · 1 year
“ hate your boyfriend ” || tokyo rev.
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synopsis: aw, your boyfriend hates when he’s around? good.
pairing: college!toman x gn!reader
warnings: mature language, toxic!toman, possessiveness, reader is sort of an enabler, implied cheating, slight angst for the partner (rip lol), open-ended, maybe a little unrealistic?? i think that’s it.
notes: there's just something about them knowing they're the shit & and can't nobody check them for it <333 i don't condone making your partner jealous/uncomfy in real life...but i be kicking my feet when it's in tokyorev lol hope you enjoy!
tagged: @fantasycantasy ( if you'd also like to be tagged in future works, feel free to join my taglist <333)
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"Be nice." Famous last words spoken to your boyfriend before you went to greet MIKEY upon his arrival. You were having a little kickback at your place, and it only made sense that your closest friend got to be there as well, despite how they felt about one another.
It went well…for about five minutes.
Now, you stood between them as tensions arose, hands on your boyfriend’s chest to keep him pushed back while Mikey had no issue with fueling the fire, practically daring the bastard to swing first. It didn’t help that they’d drawn in a crowd, drunk instigators no doubt praying for a bloody brawl to liven up the once chill atmosphere. You don’t even know who started it, but you had a pretty good idea who was gonna finish it if things didn’t get under control.
“Aki, please, you promised you wouldn’t do this…”
“I didn't even do anything, he’s the one with the shitty attitude! Knew you shouldn't have invited him in the first place. And I'm sick of you always defending him, what exactly is this guy to you, [______]?"
Mikey kissed his teeth. “Such a nag. Can’t believe they have to fuck you-”
“Manjiro.” You hissed, sending him a warning glance.
He merely grinned, head tilted as he shamelessly cooed, “Yeah, angel?”
“The fuck you call them?” Aki pressed, taking a step closer. You planted your feet, preventing him from going any further. “Say it again, see what happens.”
Mikey shrugged, “Okay.” Leaning forward off the wall, he gently nudged your chin with his index finger, making you look directly in his eyes. “Yeah, angel?”
“You son of a—” Aki raised his fist, ready to swing; just what Mikey was hoping for. But, you were quick you latch onto the winding arm. No doubt he’d miss, then you’d have to explain why there’s a sandal-print on his face when he wakes up.
“He’s just kidding! Mikey has a, uh, crude sense of humor, always saying what’s on his mind at the wrong times. Never a dull moment.” You chuckled, nervously. “He didn’t mean anything by it…right?”
Sending him a pleading glance, Mikey remained unphased. The dark-haired gang leader eyed your boyfriend for a good, long minute. His dead eyes made the guy feel unsettled, especially since Mikey tended not to blink for periods of time. There were so many things he wanted to say at that moment, so many late night visits Aki knew nothing about—But, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for that later. He’ll play it cool. For now.
Mikey’s stare never wavered as his posture remained relaxed, his aura alone stunning the whole room to silence. The bystanders watched with bated breath. When the pools of obsidian refocused on you, he gave a reassuring wink. Aki didn’t take too kindly to that, stepping backward and taking you with him. The delinquent scoffed, but bit his tongue; he may have won the battle. But there's always the war.
With clenched teeth and a hollow smile, Mikey replied with a simple, “‘Course not. We’re all just friends here.”
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Unbothered would be an understatement when describing how DRAKEN felt knowing how negatively your boyfriend felt toward him. Frankly, all he needed was a reason, and he'd happily knock the guy straight out of his shoes. But, for your sake, he remained...cordial.
He also pretended not to hear your little argument in the next room, feet propped up on the coffee table with his arms draped behind the couch, wearing an all too complacent grin knowing he was the subject matter. Again.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot!?" Your boyfriend exclaimed, frustrated. Draken couldn't help but snort, wanting so badly to answer the question for you with a fat yes. "I've seen the way he looks at you, we’ve all seen it, so don’t act like I’m the one with the problem!"
“Takeru, just calm down, there’s nothing going on between us-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” The sound of something shattering, followed by your shriek, made the mechanic perk up in mild alarm; amusement no longer painted his face.
Alright, he thought. Here comes that reason.
It only took him a few strides to get to your bedroom door, nearly splitting the wood in two after he kicked it in. Startling the both of you, Draken’s first priority was to check on your well-being, scanning your person for any visible injury. Luckily, you just appeared to be shaken up a little. Once he was certain, the former blonde directed a hard look toward Takeru, then down at the lamp he just broke. Draken worked his jaw—He gifted you that lamp.
“Kenny…” you said, cautiously. You could sense his impending rage from mere inches away, and you knew your boyfriend would only keep poking the bear. And you’d be correct. “I-It was an accident. Things just got a little out of hand, that’s all-”
“The hell you still doing here, baldy? Thought I told you to-”
Draken chuckled, menacingly. Your partner fell silent, wondering what was so funny, while you just closed your eyes in defeat; you knew that sound meant nothing good. His gunmetal eyes leered down at the pitiful man, cracking his neck before he calmly spoke.
“So we’re just breakin’ shit now, huh. Alright. My fucking turn.”
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“I thought you said you'd quit hanging out with him, [_____]! He’s nothing but trouble, have you forgotten he set my roommate’s car on fire?!”
“Tsk. He had it comin’.” Was BAJI’s response, digging through your snack cabinet for a bag of chips. Once he found them, he opened them and began munching away, a bored expression on his face. “Bastard almost ran over Patches, driving around like an asshole. But, he hangs out with you all day, so guess that checks out.”
Referring to one of the building’s stray cats that come around from time to time, you couldn’t help but snort, but you knew he was dead serious—Man doesn’t play about his furry friends.
“Who gives a shit about some stupid-?!” You quickly covered your boyfriend’s mouth before he said anything he’d regret. He wasn’t too pleased, but at least he’d get to keep his teeth.
You exhaled, then directed a frown at the ravenette. “Honestly, I wish you two would try to get along. I think you’d find that you really aren’t so different once you got to know one another.”
“Me? Getting to know that? Fat chance.”
Glaring, your boyfriend ripped away your hand. "Oh, like you're so easy to swallow?"
"Hm, your s/o thinks so."
“The fuck’s that suppose to mean, gutter-trash?” Your boyfriend seethed, turning to you instantly and expecting an explanation. Your eyes were wide, and you waved your hands rapidly to deny the implication. “[_____], what is he talking about?!”
“N-Nothing! God, you always let him get under your skin so easily, Makoto. He’s just being a dick, that’s all…”
Your boyfriend didn’t look convinced in the slightest, brows tight with an upturned lip as he huffed in anger. You shrunk beneath his gaze, stuck without any bandaid words to fix it. Luckily, since Baji was in such a good mood, he decided to relent—It’s no fun when you’re the one suffering the consequences of his crassness. Finishing up the last of the chips, the arsonist crumpled up the bag and tossed it at dude’s face.
“Yeah, hot shot, don’t get your panties inna twist. I’m just messin’ with you. We cool?” Baji threw up a fist, fangs on display as he gave an unhinged grin. Makato flinched, but tried to play it off. With hesitancy, your boyfriend eyed the fist with contempt.
“Fuck you. And that ugly-ass cat.”
Probably wasn’t the best thing to say with a fist inches away from his face. Makoto might’ve hesitated; Baji didn’t. So much for getting to keep his teeth.
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“You’re a freaking angel, thank you so much for doing this,” MITSUYA gushed, arms snaking around your middle in a warm hug the moment you stepped into the studio. Did he place his hands a little lower than necessary? Maybe.
You chuckled, returning the hug. “Y’know I’d never say no to a free meal."
He had called you for a favor to model a few of his latest designs, needing to make adjustments accordingly before presenting them at the end of the week. His usual canceled on him last minute, putting him in a really tight spot, and you just so happened to be the same size. By offering to buy you dinner for your troubles afterward, it was a win-win for everyone.
Your boyfriend, on the other hand, saw right through Mitsuya. Which was why he so eagerly volunteered to tag along. The lavender-haired designer eyed the guy from over your shoulder, disinterested. "Oh. Didn't know you were bringing him."
"Got a problem with that, Mitsy?"
"Hey now, no bickering you two.” You playfully warned, pulling back from the hug. You fixed Mitsuya an apologetic smile. “I hope it's not too much trouble that he’s here, though. I always tell him how fantastic your designs are, so I guess he wanted to see them for himself. Isn’t that right, Haji?”
Said third-wheel grinned sharply, arms crossed as he sarcastically replied, “Oh, yeah. Can’t wait to watch ya. Very closely.”
Mitsuya deadpanned. But, his brow lessened in weight at the feeling of you tugging on his shirt, pouting at him as your eyes practically dazzled him into compliance. “Please, can he stay?"
It didn't take much for him to cave. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you had the delinquent wrapped around your finger. He sighed, then reluctantly agreed. It’s worth seeing the bright smile on your face, and especially worth the look on Hajime's when you wrapped your arms back around him in gratitude. "Thanks, Taka!"
Mitsuya didn't bother masking the smug grin he shot at your boyfriend, watching him struggle to hold his temper. "Anything for you. But, I’m not paying for his meal."
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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talewrites · 3 months
Fragile Part 5
Another fluff chapter! Gonna be getting to the juicy angst after this 👀✨
Generation: Bayverse TMNT
Tmnt x Reader Fanfic
Pronouns: Gender Neutral (except ‘dudette’ and ‘princess’)
Warnings: wholesome, not proof read
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“Of course!!! The somatic consequences of their hyperactive stress caused a delayed growth! Their adrenal glands had been over active the whole time they were in captivity, leading to hypertension and extreme exhaustion.”
“Use real words brainiac.” Raph grunted.
“Well, basically after they had enough rest and worked through all their pent up stress, they were able to control their adrenaline response. That’s how they were able to naturally trigger their mutation gene! Fascinating.”
“So uuuuh, what does that mean?” Mikey added helpfully.
“It means that Stockman’s mutation experiment worked, and we need to ensure that he never finds that out. Who knows what Karai and the Foot would do with that kinda power?” Leo interjected.
“Since Stockman is distilling diluted mutagen from Bebop and Rocksteady’s blood, the effect of a successful animal mutation is highly unlikely. From the information I gathered from his experiments overseas, it appears that only 2% of his test subjects had permanent animal mutations. So the statistical likelihood of achieving the perfect hybrid of human and animal DNA with an impure source of mutagen is less than 0.00001%! It’s honestly a scientific miracle that their mutation appears to be stable in the first place!” Donnie rambled.
At some point the plates were taken out of your hands and you were sat down in a chair at the table next to April. April had her hand on your shoulder while listening to the boys talk about what to do. You had stopped listening a while ago. Your eyes had gone vacant. The sounds in the room felt so far away, like you were underwater. It felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“So what? If it’s that hard to do then we got nothing to worry about.” Raph said gruffly and folded his arms.
“Not necessarily. If Stockman gains access to a form of stable active mutagen, then the success rate of mutation goes up to 40%!!! He could make an army…”
“An army of mutants.” Leo said solemnly.
“Aw man, come on! Bebop and Rocksteady are already a pain in the ass. Stockmans gonna make more of them?” Mikey griped.
“Not if we can help it.” Raph said, fixing the toothpick between his lips.
“So what does that mean for (y/n)?” April spoke up, chair squeaking as she stood up.
“It means, if Stockman gets his hands on (y/n), it’s game over.”
You were barely aware of your surroundings. You were scared. So so scared. Whatever Dr Stockman did to you, it worked. It made you into a weapon. You can’t stand the thought of what he’d do if he ever got his hands on you again. Memories of your time in the lab flashed through your mind. You started to tremble and you felt something wet slide down your cheeks.
“What should I tell the police?” Casey asked from where he stood in the circle.
“Tell them to keep an eye out for any Foot activity and report it back to us. We need any leads we can on where they’re hiding Stockman. And whatever you do, don’t give away (y/n)’s location. We need to keep them out of reach.” Leo ordered Casey.
You felt something warm engulf your trembling hands. It was… grounding. A calm feeling washed over you.
“Take deep breaths.” You heard a voice say next to your ear. You took in a slow deep breath, and a shuttering exhale. Then again. And again. You slowly began to feel yourself coming back to your body. When you finally blinked away your tears into consciousness, you saw Master Splinter standing by you, patient and holding your hands in his own.
“You are safe here. Do not worry about the past. Let my sons handle it, they are strong and will protect you.” The old rat reassured you.
You sniffed a bit and raised your hand to wipe away some of your tears, and nodded. “….thank you.” You said earnestly. Your voice was horse and heavy with emotion.
Master Splinter went to put the kettle on for tea, while the others finished talking and split up into their assigned jobs. Donnie and Leo went to Donnie’s computer station to coordinate what route to take for patrol, Casey got on the phone with the police commissioner to ask about the locations of recent Foot activity, Mikey and Raph were in charge of cleaning up the kitchen for you, and April disappeared to somewhere in the lair.
Splinter returned to you later with a fresh cup of tea, and sat with you quietly at the table while Raph and Mikey bickered over drying the clean plates. He sipped his tea while he quietly kept you company, giving you time and space to fully calm down. Eventually Mikey came over to join you and Master Splinter while Raph went to go help April carry some large wrapped supplies to somewhere in the back of the lair. You relaxed into your seat and enjoyed watching Mikey’s overly animated retelling of his valiant battle in one of his new video games.
“(Y/n)?” Leo came over to check on you a little while later.
“How are you feeling? Do you feel any muscle soreness or headaches?” Donnie was standing behind Leo holding a laptop.
You sighed. “I'm fine. Maybe a little bit of a headache…” You said honestly, finishing the rest of your tea.
Leo and Donnie exchanged a look that you did not miss.
“We…. were wondering…. if you would like to join us for some training?” Leo asked you tentatively.
You looked between the two suspiciously.
Donnie coughed totally inconspicuously into his fist. “Well,… we want to test your mutation’s ability. Strength, speed, reflexes, etc…. O-only if you’re okay with it, that is.”
Splinter sighed and sipped more of his tea. “Perhaps, that would be for the best.”
You looked to Master Splinter with surprise. You had been watching the boys train every day since you entered the lair, but there had never been an invitation to train with them. Splinter’s training looked extreme, and that was only putting it lightly. You knew the turtles had been training since they were little, and it certainly showed in their skill. You were intimidated to say the least.
“Really? Are you sure?” You were hesitant.
Master Splinter answered by setting aside his tea and standing up. “No need to worry, we will start with the basics. Follow me.” Splinter walked past a stunned Mikey, Leo, and Donnie in the direction of the dojo.
You stood up and followed behind him nervously. You passed by Raph and April who had emerged from one of the unused storage rooms. Raph looked surprised as you and Splinter walked into the dojo. He looked over at his brothers and pointed at you.
“Are they….?”
Leo Donnie and Mikey nodded quickly and scrambled over each other to get a good spot in the dojo. Raph and April shared a look and dropped what they were doing and rushed after them, passing a very confused Casey that had just gotten off the phone.
“Raphael. Please wrap their hands. Leonardo, please prepare to teach them the first basic katas.” Master Splinter ordered with ease. His tail flicked as he walked over to take his position in the dojo.
Raphael obeyed without complaint, and grabbed his boxing tape. You looked up at him anxiously, certain this was the closest you had been to Raphael since the night he carried you here.
You looked up at Raph with those big doe eyes of yours and had him feeling nervous. He started to wrap your hands up as gently as he could. He gulped at how small and dainty your hands were in his big steady grasp.
Finishing up, he nodded over to Leo and the leader in blue stepped up.
“Okay, when you’re ready, I want you to try and follow my form as closely as you can.” Leo planted his feet firmly on the tatami and gracefully moved in a form that looked like basic Tai Chi.
You followed Leo’s instructions for a while, did some stretching and warming up, and then your teacher switched. Michelangelo tutored you next on dodging, then Donatello on redirecting an enemy’s attack to use against them, and finally Raphael on how to throw a proper punch.
You did your best to copy, checking to make sure your feet were lined up with your shoulders and that you followed all the way through with the motion. Raph then came over as you continued the motion and made small corrections in your stance and how you held your fist.
“Donatello. Please stand with a plank in front of Miss (y/n).” Splinter ordered.
Donnie scampered over with a small wooden board. He adjusted his tech goggles over his eyes and licked his lips as he took a firm stance holding the board a foot in front of you.
Everyone paid close attention, seemingly excited to see your mutant strength in action again. You looked at him nervously and glanced at Master Splinter for assurance. You were a little scared about what your mutation might do. You took a deep breath, adjusted your stance, aaaaand-
Your stance crumbled as you moved to cradle your bruised knuckles.
“Oooow…” You hissed, and couldn’t stop the embarrassment showing on your face.
“Well, that was anticlimactic.” Leo deadpanned.
“Huh. I don’t get it, they shattered that plate like it was a cracker.” Donnie said, straightening back to his full height.
“Dude, maybe it only works on dinner plates.” Mikey added helpfully. April elbowed him in his side. “Ow- hey! I said maybe!”
“How about we just…. Try that again. You have to throw your whole weight into your fist. Okay?” Raph patiently adjusted your stance and squared you up to try and punch the board again, Donnie at the ready. Raph held his hands on your shoulders and tried to direct your movement to demonstrate how to shift your weight, when suddenly some movement in your peripheral vision caught your attention.
Before your mind could even register the idea of danger, you ducked.
Raph also stepped back out of the way of a tail whip. Your attention turned to Splinter, eyes wide and alert.
“Good. Your natural instincts are strong, use that to your advantage. Michelangelo, Leonardo, step forward.”
You watched as the four brothers lined up to face Master Splinter, you timidly joined them.
“We are going to play a game to assist Miss (y/n) in honing their mutant abilities. Are you prepared?” He asked you.
You paused a moment then nodded, feeling a bit brave and ready to give it a shot. “Yes.”
“Good. Your goal is to stay out of reach. The boys will try and capture you by stopping your movement. They will be gentle with you, rest assured. But pretend that they are Foot ninja. You need to learn to use your mutant skills to avoid danger.” Master Splinter explained.
You weren’t sure what the trigger was that made your mutant DNA activate, but you were determined to figure it out if it meant staying out of Dr Stockman’s reach. You nodded and took on a stance that Leonardo had taught you, while the boys all moved to different corners of the room.
“Good. Hajime!” Splinter signaled the start of the exercise. First Michelangelo ran over towards you and you ducked out of the way, getting behind him. Donatello tried to sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around you but you dropped to the floor and rolled away. Next, Leonardo swept your legs out from under you and you fell on your back. But you quickly used your momentum to jump back on your feet and backed up to put some distance between you and Leo. You were focusing too much on Leo when you suddenly bumped into Raph, who wrapped his arms around you and startled you enough to make you yelp.
A strange sensation overtook you. You felt a surge of energy fill your body with power and your body started moving on its own. Following the steps of the move you practiced earlier with Michelangelo, you reached up behind you and wrapped your arms around Raphael’s neck, then pulled forward and down with your whole weight, sending Raph curling forward and was flipped onto his back. He laid there eyes wide and stunned, mirroring the expression of everyone else present in the room.
You looked at Raph in shock, then down at your own hands, not fully believing it. Then suddenly the room erupted in whoops of cheer.
“YOOOOO!!! NO WAAAAAY!” Mikey excitedly cheered, grabbing hands with April to jump around excitedly.
Leo relaxed into a cheerful grin, and Donnie was snickering and snorting. Raph sat up with a half grin and you ran over next to him to ask if he was okay.
He rubbed the back of his head tenderly. “Way to go, Tiger.” He smiled at you and you took a sigh of relief.
Master Splinter was stroking his beard thoughtfully with a pleased expression on his face.
“It seems to me that you are at your highest strength when you are caught off guard. But I’m sure with practice you will find a way to harness your power when needed.”
Donnie came over and ruffled your hair while Leo offered Raph a hand to pull him up. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Afterwards it was time to call it a night.
Later that week, one evening you were getting ready for bed in Leo’s room. You heard a knock next to the door.
“Just a moment!” You said while finishing pulling on your sleep shirt.
You walked over to the doorway and parted the fabric to see Mikey standing there with barely contained excitement.
“Come on, I wanna show you something.” He was clearly giddy over something. You thought he might have gotten a new high score on his video game and wanted to show you, but to your surprise he led you down the hallway in the direction of the rest of the boy’s bedrooms. Maybe it was something in his room? But then he walked right past his room and stopped in front of their storage room. You were even more confused now.
A warm glow peaked from underneath the door, and with Mikey’s encouragement, you opened it.
Everyone was inside waiting for you and with the big reveal. You were greeted by a freshly painted room and a queen sized bed with new sheets and a heavy knit blanket. Fairy lights hung around the walls. A wooden desk and a fuzzy plush chair stood along the far wall with a lamp illuminating a new notebook and an old laptop that Donnie had been working on fixing up. Next to it was a bookshelf with old used books and your favorite salvaged DVDs and games. You brought your hand up to cover your mouth as tears welled up in your eyes.
“Is this… for me?” You asked tentatively.
Donnie stepped forward, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, we figured you would need your own room. Since you’ll most likely be staying with us for quite some time.”
“It was April’s idea. Plus, we figured you’d want your own space, to make you feel more at home here.” Leo said, stepping forward with a grin.
“Yeah!! And I can’t watch late night cartoons with Leo sleeping on the couch all the time!” Mikey complained from beside you earning a jab from Raphael.
“Girls need their privacy. This was the room I used to use when I’d sleepover from time to time, but then it stopped getting used and became overrun with junk. We figured it was time to clean it out and put it to good use.” April said with a happy smile.
“Yeah, and April and I can keep doing grocery store runs for you if you want to keep cooking. God knows it's easier than lugging down 2 dozen pizzas and junk food every week-.” April nudged Casey to shut him up.
Master Splinter stepped forward, holding a small beautiful bonsai tree with vibrant yellow leaves, and handed it to you. “Right now, things may seem new and strange. You have experienced hardships most can never hope to imagine. But you have a home here as long as you wish it. By bond and blood, you are our family, and we will always be there to protect one another.”
Your tears spilled over and ran down your cheeks. You reached out to Master Splinter for an emotional hug. “Thank you… everyone… I don’t know what to say…!” You sniffed.
Raph grunted, “No need. This is our thanks to you for fixing up the place. Just… don’t go flippin’ me no more.” He teased with a grin.
“Nooooo! Don’t say that!! I haven’t gotten it on tape yet!” Mikey complained.
“I’ll send you the video later.” Donatello whispered to him.
“Oh, sick. Right on.”
Raph glared at them.
The next morning, Casey got a call from his supervisor that the Foot Clan had been discovered smuggling stolen chemicals into the Sacks building. But something seemed fishy about it. The Foot were not normally this obvious when moving things around the city. It felt like they wanted to be discovered.
It felt like a trap.
Part 6
@itsberrydreemurstuff @thecreat0r64 @eli-chris @kurlyfrasier @autisticnutcase @drenix004 @donniesgirlie @cherryp-op @foggyturtleknightangel @blackrockshooter780 @l-n-g-t @peachesdabunny @silverwatergalaxy
If anyone else wants to be tagged for the next update, let me know in the comments! :]
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jangofettjamz · 7 months
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Your were nervous about going to the Scream 6 premiere, but it turned out to be a lot of fun... until it wasn't.
Words: 1993
3rd Person POV
The premiere for scream 6 was but a few hours away. Tensions rose as Y/N tried to prepare himself for the event, despite being an actor he has very secluded and did not enjoy the limelight as much as his fellow peers.
He had been trying to muster up the courage to become more socially involved in his work such as: going to interviews, late night shows, going to dinner with directors etc. Unfortunately, It just seemed for too difficult.
However, this time was different. He was going to try this time; to attend a premiere. He knew this would be no easy feat, the camera flashes alone would overstimulate him into madness but he was determined, scared but determined nonetheless.
His girlfriend and co-star, Jenna Ortega has been helping him to confront his fear of social interaction through love and support. She had studied his language and helped him navigate in a world that didn't understand him.
Y/N has also made a life long friend in Mikey Madison, who also happened to be close with Jenna. Though she never was on the set of scream 6 due to her character dying in the previous film, she remained close with the cast and crew and treated him as an equal.
Y/N, although adamant in his choice to attend the premiere, was still absolutely terrified at the thought of hundreds of people in one space wanting him to sign autographs, take photos and pose on the red carpet. It made him feel ill.
Jenna was his shield from everything. She promised to protect him from the cameras, should he not want his photo taken. She promised to protect him from the hyper fans who have little regard for personal space.
"Alright sweetie, I've got all your stuff in my bag: stim toys, plushie and snacks if you need one. If you need a break or want to leave just tell me, your comfort is my number one priority."
One problem; Jenna didn't pack the headphones and Y/N was too stressed to even remember them aswell. The noise would likely send Y/N spiralling.
"Jenna how many people are gonna be there?"
"Atleast a thousand people honey" she says sadly knowing that this was going to be tough for Y/N.
"We don't have to go you know, we can just chill here for the night." She suggests not really thinking of the consequences that could have on her career.
"Wouldn't you get in trouble?" Y/N asks but imm receives an answer.
"I don't care, as long as your comfortable it's worth it" she states making Y/N feels warm inside, like a scarf wrapping him up in the cold winter but on the inside.
"It'll be fine Jen', we're all ready to go now anyway so there's no point in backing out now." He reassures making her form a toothy smile.
"Besides I know how much this movie means to you and I wanna make you happy aswell." She approached him with loving intent.
She placed a hand on his cheek. "Can i kiss you?" She asked, knowing he doesn't like spontaneous kisses without permission. He nods and she kisses him lovingly which he reciprocates, light pink blush painting his cheeks.
Their private car soon arrived and they made their way to premiere. Y/N was on edge, he wasn't as excited so much as he was nervous.
Jenna held his hand rubbing soothing circles with her thumb and he put his head on her shoulder as she held him tight around his waist for the rest of the car journey.
The premiere was more packed than usual, containing around 2230 people; far more than they anticipated. The movie drew more hype than Y/N and Jenna thought possible, some just there to see Jenna.
This troubled Y/N, yes he had prepared to undertake an entire crowd but not to this extent. Jenna could sense his fear as if she was some sort of telepath and held his hand tight.
He started to stim by clicking him fingers and tapping him knees, though seemed futile as the feeling of overstimulation didn't seem to falter.
"Y/N/N, do you need your stim toys?" He nodded violently, starting to sweat as the noises from outside became more irritable.
She grabbed a fidget cube for him to play with for as long as he needed until they had to walk onto the red carpet. He slowly leaned back into her shoulder and she held him tightly again, placing feather light kisses on his scalp.
"Remember, we can always leave if you want." She reminded him wanting to make feel as safe as possible.
"I'm gonna be with you the entire time okay, Mikey's gonna be there too and she'll protect you aswell; we both will I promise." He nodded and took deep breaths while Jenna rubbed soothing circles on his back.
He took one final deep breaths before opening the door of the car and out into wilderness of: fans, paparazzi, reporters and fellow actors. He was gonna hate this.
He instantly grabbed a hold of Jenna's hand and she squeezed tightly letting him know that she's there. Fans wanted to Jenna to sign stuff for them, but she made it a point that she's putting his comfort first, much to their dismay.
"Let's go find the others okay, I heard Jack's here aswell and I know how much you two get along." Jack Quaid visited set often in vancouver when he wasn't Filming for The Boys and the two of them clicked because of their shared nerdiness.
Jenna and Y/N made their way up the red carpet and were called for an interview by Vanity Fair. Y/N considered his options, he could either do this interview with Jenna by his side and be extremely uncomfortable or walk away and still be extremely uncomfortable. The choices were negligible so he figured he'd do the interview.
They walked hand in hand over to the interviewer for Vanity Fair. "Well hello you two, how are feeling about tonight's premiere." She started
Jenna was the first to respond. "I'm so excited, I can't wait for everyone to see this film we worked so hard on it and I think fans are gonna be very satisfied with what we've created." She says smiling.
"Y/N L/N so lovely to see you at the premiere, how was filming with veteran talent like Courtney Cox and Hayden Panettiere?"
He answers "They're very lovely people and easy to work with too. This film project is probably my favourite one I've done thus far." The interviewer asked more questions before promptly ending the interview.
"It was very lovely speaking to you two, congratulations on the movie." Jenna looks at Y/N with a proud look on her face which made Y/N's heart do cartwheels.
She cups his face making eye contact with him. "You did so well Y/N, I'm so proud of you for getting through that interview. You should be proud of yourself too."
Y/N kisses her on the cheek thankful for her words of encouragement, he felt elated on this new found confidence, he wanted to do more and that's exactly what he did.
"Y/N/N!!!" He heard and he saw Mikey and immediately tackled her into a hug. She had become a very good friend to him.
"I'm so glad you came, you having fun?" She asked and he was indeed having a good time.
"Yeah you know what, I think I am having fun." He said with a wide grin.
Everything went great, he did more interviews, conversed with his co-stars and even took a few pictures with fans. He was having a good time... until he wasn't.
The next interview he did was with Fox News and they did not hold back on their questions. He and Jenna both went up to talk with them.
"Hello Miss Ortega and Mr L/N, how's you're evening?" she starts "It's going great, we're having a wonderful night" Y/N answers with tremendous enthusiasm, which will be snuffed out soon.
"Y/N is it true you have spaz attacks when people are screaming on set?" He was confused, Jenna was pissed.
"I'm sorry?" He says politely but still confused. "We heard that you have spaz attacks on set, it would be really unprofessional if you did you know." Now he was annoyed "spaz attacks" who does she think she is?
"I don't have meltdowns on set, or "spaz attacks" as you call them when people scream on set. The screaming is on script so why would I complain? Has anyone ever told you you're extremely unprofessional and terrible at your job?" He says, his voiced laced with venom.
Jenna snickered, she was proud of him for taking a stand for himself, plus she thought is was hot. But that confidence soon faded.
The interviewer says under her breath "Yeah well atleast I'm not a retarded spaz like you" just low enough for the camera's not to pick up but Y/N and Jenna heard it well. Jenna was PISSED.
Suddenly Y/N felt his confidence diminish, the voices around him became louder, the camera flashes became more irritable, creating spots in his vision. He could practically hear all the clicks and cracks coming from each of the cameras as they snap photos.
The colors around him became more and more irritable to look at; too bright so he clamped his eyes shut. The voices and music hammered his ears drums, he held his hands to his ears and started to hyperventilate, thoat closing up in the process. He was having a meltdown.
Jenna saw this and instantly whisked him away from the crowd and into the theatre, they found a quiet corner and begun their techniques. She searched through her bags only to find that his headphones weren't there, he started to panic.
He babbled uncontrollably, he needed his headphones to block the noise. She pulled out her headphones that she carried with her 24/7 and moved his hands and put them over his head; noise cancelling too so that helped.
Once she put her headphones on his head she began to speak. "Honey, can I hold you?" She says, her voice quiet and muffled due to the headphones but he nodded nonetheless.
"We're gonna rock okay?" She says and he nods they begin to sway side to side. His head was in her chest and her head on the top of his, she was his safe space and he was so thankful.
After a few minutes he took the headphones off, but was still feeling non-verbal. Jenna continued her rocking as she began to speak.
"What she said was bullshit, you know that don't you?" He shrugged in response. "Sweetie, you're not a spaz or retarded or whatever horrible words she called you, she's just a bitch and she will be dealt with, believe me."
He nodded against her chest. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, buddy. I hope you didn't regret coming here." He shook his head, he didn't regret it and he had fun.
She pulled something out of her bag. "Here, I've got your ghostface plush. You wanna take him with you while we watch the film?" He nodded and they made their way into the screening.
They sat down and Y/N put his head on her shoulder as she stroked his hair to keep him regulated, keeping a vice grip around his body as they watched their new movie.
In moments like these he felt safest, like no could hurt him as his girlfriend shields him from all the bad things in the world. It felt like home. She felt like home.
Despite everything that just happened, he was very happy.
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carmybears · 2 years
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pairing: carmy berzatto X female!reader
summary: meeting Carmy's sister for the first time. tw for panic attacks.
word count: 2.9K
The sound of shattering ceramic in the other room makes your head snap up with a start. Across the couch from you, Sugar’s eyebrows knit together in concern — an expression you can only think of as “older sister face”—as she calls out to her brother.
“Everything ok in there, Carm?”
“Guess we know why he’s a chef and not a dish washer,” Pete chuckles, giving her a good natured pat on the knee in reassurance.
When you don’t hear a sound in the other room, you feel a lump begin to grow in your throat. 
“I should go check on-“ Sugar starts.
“No, no I got it,” you volunteer, recalling Carmy’s previous statements to you about this sister’s sixth sense for knowing when he’s in trouble (and scolding him for being a “soft shitty bitch” whenever he refuses her help).
“I was gonna refill my drink here in a minute anyway. Can I get you some more wine?” You ask, but don’t wait for an answer as you hurry to your feet and out of the room, leaving the wine glasses forgotten on the table.
This was your first time meeting Carmy’s sister.
In the months since you started dating, you had already become well acquainted with his work family, but you knew that Carmy had some hesitations about introducing you to his real family. In the wake of Mikey’s death, he had been putting effort into mending his relationship with his sister, although progress didn’t necessarily come easy. Regardless, someone (probably Richie) let it slip to Sugar that “some girl” had been coming around the restaurant, “making Carmen all smiley.” Before you knew it, Carmy was begrudgingly extending his sister’s invitation to come around for dinner at her house.
The night of the dinner, Carmy drove you out to Sugar’s and you fretted the whole way there about how you looked, what small talk you would make, whether she’d like the bottle of wine you’d brought. But every time Carmy heard the insecurity creeping into your voice, he reached over and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, thumb running softly over your knuckles.
When you arrived, you were greeted by Sugar and Pete, already standing on the front doorstep, ready to pull you into a warm hug.
“It’s so good to meet you!” Sugar tells you with a squeeze. “God, look at you. You’re out of his league.”
She turns and says this with a wink to her brother before pulling him into an embrace as well.
Pete claps you on the shoulder warmly. “Good to have you here - it’s always nice to get another outsiders perspective on these two.”
Dinner itself is phenomenal—you learn that Sugar makes an eggplant parmesan that is to die for and you can’t help but wonder whether aptitude in the kitchen is genetic. Although, you do feel a bit like you’re on display for the first few hours of the evening because every time Carmy even so much as looks at you, Sugar’s eyes widen in delight like a kid on Christmas morning. Eventually Carmy nudges her arm and shakes his head at her, mumbling something about not wanting to scare you off.
At the end of the meal, you stand with your plate in hand, more than happy to help clean up after the amazing meal Sugar had prepared for you.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Sugar fusses, reaching out to take the plate.
“No, no I insist. Dinner was so great, it’s the least I can do.”
“How about I get the dishes,” Carmy offers, turning to his sister. “You can go tell embarrassing stories about me in the other room or something. I don’t need to be there when you pull out my sixth grade yearbook picture.”
Sugar looks like she wants to continue to debate the matter but decides against it, settling for topping off your wine glass and motioning to the living room around the corner.
You stack your dishes beside the sink and give Carmy’s arm a quick squeeze. "God, I bet you were such an awkward sixth grader.”
His lips pull into a brief smile and he lets out a knowing chuckle.
“Believe me, I was.” He plants a quick peck on your cheek. “I’ll be out there in a few.”
When you enter the kitchen, Carmy’s back is to you as he stands at the sink and you see shards of ceramic – one of Sugar’s dinner plates—scattered on the floor surrounding his feet. Only when you step in closer do you notice the white knuckle grip that Carmy has on the countertop and the way he’s leaning against the granite for stability.
“Carmy?” your voice is panicked as you rush over to his side, sidestepping the worst of the broken dishware on the floor.
When you reach him, all of the color has drained from Carmy’s face and he’s got a fist pressed tightly to his chest as he sucks in frantic, shallow breaths. He blinks heavily, eyes squeezing together as if in pain, and you register something like fear in his eyes when he reopens them.
Your heart catches in your throat as you reach out to him, extending a shaking hand to cover his fist, now clawing at the fabric of his shirt.
“Carmy, Carm –“ You try to keep your voice a soothing tone as you press your fingertips lightly at his jaw. “Carmen.”
His gaze shifts and he starts, seemingly just now aware of your presence. He opens his mouth to speak, but no words come out.
“Carmy, honey, you’re having a panic attack,” you tell him. “Let’s sit you down, alright?”
At first, you start to steer him toward the kitchen table before he hesitates, keeping his feet planted firmly where he stands. When you look up, you realize why – the table is in full view of the living room, directly in the line of sight of Sugar and Pete.
“Ok, c’mere,” you coax him in the opposite direction, finding an open space away from the broken plate where Carmy can slide to the floor, back pressed up against the cabinets as you settle onto the ground in front of him, gripping his hand firmly in yours.
“If you breathe, you’re gonna feel a lot better. Can you take a deep breath for me?”
He gulps in a shaking breath, which he immediately exhales. Not great, but it’s a start.
“Ok, that’s good,” you nod, rubbing your hand in circles on his back. “This time, I want you to do that for two seconds. I’ll do it with you, ok.”
You breathe in audibly through your nose, counting out the seconds on your fingers as Carmy does the same.
“That’s better, let’s do it again.”
Again, Carmy breathes and you squeeze his hand reassuringly.
“You’re doing great, baby. Now lemme see you hold that breath for two seconds and then exhale out real slow.”
You continue to guide him in his breathing, counting out loud as he gradually builds up to taking longer, deeper breaths. Some of the color seems to have come back into his face, and you can feel his pulse thumping in his wrist, still rapid, but not alarmingly so.
When you stop counting aloud, Carmy continues taking the long breaths on his own, tilting his head back to rest against the cabinet with his eyes closed. You readjust your position on the floor so that you’re sitting beside him, bodies pressed together hip to shoulder as you continue rubbing small circles on his back.
A shadow crosses the doorway, and you see Sugar enter the kitchen, a look of alarm crossing her face.
Your eyes widen and you shake your head, willing her not to make a sound. It’s ok, you mouth to her.
The look of concern never leaves her face, but she nods trustingly and retreats back to the living room.
A few minutes later, you feel Carmy squeeze your hand tightly and you turn to look at him. His eyes are red and look more sullen than usual, but otherwise he looks fine.
“Thank you,” he rasps, not quite meeting your eye as he rakes a hand nervously through his hair and shifts his weight as he begins to stand. “I’m just gonna, uh, splash some water on my face. I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be here,” you promise.
Carmy disappears down the hall and you hear the click of a door and the faucet running a second later. In his absence, you find a broom and dustpan, cleaning up the broken plate the best you can before Carmy returns.
He says nothing when he comes back, just eyes the now clean floor and nods curtly. The pinched expression on his face tells you that he’s just barely holding something back, so you keep your questions to yourself and allow him to twine your fingers together before leading you back to the living room.
“Uh oh, there are the lovebirds,” Pete chimes when you return. “I was getting scared that you two might be up to trouble.”
Sugar’s face contorts from exasperation to defeat, but you see Carmy smile out of the corner of your eye, acting as if nothing had just happened in the kitchen as he addresses his brother in law.
“Not too much trouble, unless you’re asking the plates. Let me know how much I owe you for that, by the way.”
Pete shakes his head. “You don’t wanna know dude. That shit’s Crate & Barrel – costs an arm and a leg.”
Thankfully, the rest of the evening passes without incident, and you almost forget about the scene in the kitchen. Almost.
You and Carmy had brought along a box of Marcus’s latest donut creations for dessert, which the four of you happily dive into, swiping crumbs from your plate when you’re done. Sugar and Carmy take turns telling stories about each other, and Pete even brings up a few stories from his childhood, prompting you to take mental bets with yourself about his upbringing (your money is on him being an only child from an upper middle class family in Nebraska; only a flyover state could produce such a degree of loud, overconfident politeness in a man like Pete).
It’s only when you catch Carmy yawning out of the corner of your eye that you all take note of the late hour and begin the process of saying goodbye. You shrug in to your coat and Sugar loads up your arms with leftovers from dinner, all the while begging Carmy to leave the final two donuts at the house for her and Pete.
In a whirlwind, you are pulled into a warm hug and a kiss is pressed into your cheek as you stand on the doorstep with Carmy. As the two of you start down the front steps toward the car, you hear Sugar’s voice behind you.
“Carmy? Can I see you a sec?”
You sense Carmy’s hesitation but he lingers back as you proceed to the car, depositing the leftover food safely in the backseat. When you turn back, the Berzattos are standing close together, voices low and heads tilted toward each other in conversation. The warm glow of the porchlight catches in a few strands of their hair, illuminating them both in an angelic glow as Sugar pulls Carmy into a final hug and says her goodbyes.
Carmy ambles over to the car, and in the dim moonlight, you notice how weary his face looks now that he’s no longer putting on a polite charade for his sister and brother-in-law.
“Baby, how about you let me drive,” you suggest, running a hand down the rough woolen sleeve of his plaid jacket. “No offense, but you look like you got hit by a bus.”
Carmy looks at you a moment and a wry smile tugs at the corner of his lips. “That’s how I usually look.”
“Well, then it looks like you got hit by a bigger bus than usual.”
He lets out a dry laugh and hands the keys over to you.
You crank the heat in his car the moment you start the vehicle, needing a dry blast of heat to cut through the damp chill of early fall in Chicago. With mirrors and seats adjusted, you pull away from the curb and Carmy directs you out of Sugar’s neighborhood, the headlights of the vehicle cutting through the darkness of Sugar’s suburban streets.
“I think that went really well,” Carmy remarks after directing you to make a left turn onto a more familiar street. “Sugar loves you.”
“I’m sure she doesn’t love me,” you chuckle, bringing the car to a stop at a red light.
“She told me so,” he insists. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already requested to follow you on Instagram and is plotting to invite you to book club with her college friends.”
“Book club? Do they read anything interesting?”
The light turns green and you make the turn onto the highway, accelerating steadily as you merge with traffic. For a few miles, you and Carmy sit together in silence. You swallow the lump that has been gradually forming in your throat since dessert and your palms grow slick as you wonder how best to speak to Carmy about what happened tonight. You suppose you could just let it be for now, although you have a sneaking suspicion, knowing Carmy, that he won’t bring it up unprompted.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the city lights sliding over Carmy’s features as you speed back toward home – red and green lights casting long shadows over his cheekbones, fanned out under his eyelashes.
Your chest constricts as you make the decision to dive in.
“So do you get panic attacks a lot?”
There is a beat of silence before he exhales heavily. “How do you define a lot?”
You give him a stern look over the center console before fixing your eyes back on the road, his hands fidgeting in your peripheral vision.
“I started getting them a lot around the time I came back here,” He admitted slowly. “I suppose I probably used to have a version of them back in New York, y’know, with the whole vomit before work thing. But really, it’s been since Mikey.”
You nod silently, flicking the blinker with your left hand as you change lanes, knowing that your exit is coming up.
“This is the first time I’ve had one since meeting you, though. The last time, Syd had just started at The Beef and I just ran out on her, hauled ass to get to the Al Anon meeting across town. I dunno how to explain it, but I just had to get out of the Restaurant, away from Mikey. It had started to feel to real, y’know? Like he was alive again.”
He lets out a long breath, scratching at the crown of his head as he tended to do whenever he was getting stressed or uncomfortable.
“That’s how it felt tonight too –With you meeting Sugar and all. I was standin’ there doing the dishes and thinking God, this is going great and the thought occurred to me that I couldn’t wait for you to meet Mikey.”
Carmy’s still fidgeting, fingers drumming against his thigh, toying with a loose thread on his jacket. You reach out to him and lay your hand over his, squeezing lightly.
He squeezes back and whispers, so quietly that you almost don’t hear it. “He would’ve loved you.”
Your throat feels tight and you’re surprised to feel the prickle of tears stinging your eyes as you listen to his confession.
“I wish I could have met him, Carmy. I really do.”
You take your exit off the highway and zigzag your way down the surrounding streets until you come to Carmy’s apartment, fortunate enough to find parking on your first pass down the street. As soon as you open the car doors, the damp chill of the autumn air raises goosebumps up and down your arms with a shiver.
You’ve barely stepped onto the sidewalk when Carmy tugs you into a tight hug, arms wrapped tightly around your torso as he presses his lips to your forehead. You squeeze your arms around him as you bury your face into the curve of his shoulder and feel him let out a long breath. You stand there for nearly a full minute, wrapped up in each other, unmoving until Carmy finally steps away.
“Do you wanna stay here tonight?” he asks, motioning his head in the direction of his building.
“Do you want me to stay?” you ask, a bit surprised. Up to this point of your relationship, Carmy had always had a habit of retreating back after sharing such vulnerable pieces of himself – his relationship with his brother, his anxieties about the restaurant. You’d always respected his space, understanding that he’d come back around when he wasn’t feeling so raw. Honestly, you had already expected that tonight you’d be catching the L home and wouldn’t hear from him until tomorrow, so it came as a surprise when he nodded yes, blue eyes pleading with you in ways that words couldn’t.
“Of course I’ll stay,” you promised him. And as you walked arm in arm into the building, you hoped he knew that you would always stay if he needed you to.
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ju1cyfru1t · 9 months
ROTTMNT x Sister! Reader
Reader getting her first period.
Rise! Raph, Leo, Mikey, Donnie, April x Fem! Sister
PURELY PLATONIC AND FAMILIAL. Fem! Reader, fluff, mentions of blood (obvi), turtles being stupid 🤞, April being the best ever as usual 🤞
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“Where’s the pain killers, Raph?” You dragged your feet into the living, cradling your aching lower stomach.
“Y/N, you’re awake! Woah-“ Leo said from behind you, “is that blood?”
“Blood?” You and Raph said in unison. You turned to face Leo and looked down at yourself to see what he was talking about.
“You are bleeding!” Raph exclaimed, pointing towards the bottom part of your pajama shorts, “what happened?!”
“I- I don’t know!” You looked confused, looking back and forth between Leo and Raph.
“What’s all the commotion?” Mikey walked in from the kitchen, wearing an apron. Immediately he noticed the blood and rushed over to you, looking all over your body. “Oh mi gosh! Donnie! Donnie!”
“Y/N, what happened?” Raph asked again, a concerned look in his eyes.
“I don’t know! I just don’t know…Oh my god, my stomach hurts…” You groaned at the piercing pain in your abdomen. Leo was typing intently on his phone, looking up your symptoms on Web MD.
���What is it?” Donnie walked in, pushing his goggles up.
“She’s bleeding ooouuuuttt!!!” Mikey sobbed, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
“No, I’m not!” You turned to Donnie for reassurance, “Am I?”
“Guys, cut it out!” Leo shouted, panic evident in his tone.
“You’re scaring her!” Raph added.
Donnie’s eyes widened as realization hit him. Of course he knew what menstruation was. Just not, uh, how it works exactly. For obvious reasons, he never really needed to look into it.
Leo and Raph don’t know shit. Mikey…well, he knows what it is. He’s just too panicked to even consider what’s really happening to you.
“Heeeyyyy!” April walked into the lair, and immediately stopped dead in her tracks at the scene before her.
You were looking at her like you’d just seen a ghost, tears in your eyes. Mikey, Raph, and Leo were clinging onto you. Donnie was scrolling through articles on his phone and seemed evidently uncomfortable.
“What did I just walk into?” April lifted her eyebrows in confusion and a little concerned.
“April! Y/N is dying!” Mikey cried into your shoulder.
“I never told you this, but I was the one who broke your Jupiter Jim figure and blamed it on Donnie. I am so sorry!” Leo confessed with a sigh of relief having gotten that off his chest.
Donnie looked up from his phone and shot his twin a glare, “What?!”
April blinked a few times, she stepped towards you taking in the situation. She noticed the way you were gripping the area of uterus and the blood on your shorts that was now leaking onto the front.
April shook her head, laughing, “Guys, relax! She’s not dying.”
“She’s..she’s not?” Raph looked up at her, sniffling.
“Of course not! She’s just shedding the lining of her intestines!”
“Oh my god, I’m gonna be sick…” Leo put one hand over his mouth, the other gripping his stomach.
Your jaw and your stomach dropped, obviously having no idea what she meant by that.
“YYYY/NNNNN!!” Mikey and Leo sobbed, hugging you tighter if that was even possible. Donnie and Raph looked mortified.
“Stop smothering her!” April pried the turtles off of you, gently taking your hand.
“You’re fine, Y/N. Don’t listen to them.” She narrowed her eyes at your brothers before turning back to you with a warm smile, “Let’s get you cleaned up, ok? I’ll explain everything, girl to girl.” She winked at you.
You simply nodded, squeezing her hand back.
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nebulous-library · 1 year
what they sound like when they cum - tokrev boys
some orgasm hcs for a selections of my personal tokyo revengers blorbos, including: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Hakkai, Taiju, Koko, and Inupi.
Mikey’s moans are soft and often muffled. He prefers to have his mouth on you in some way when he cums, either with your lips locked in a deep, heated kiss, or with him latched onto your collarbone or the crook of your neck.
Draken tries to hold back his moans, but it never works and they come out strained and ragged. Honestly, somehow trying to keep the volume down kind of has the opposite effect. If he just moaned like a normal person, it’d be a nice low grumble in your ear. Alas, his breath hitches every time, but you do like how he looks with his face all scrunched up like that.
Baji swears, and he swears loudly. Every foul word in his vocabulary is exiting his mouth, mixed with fragmented sentences about how good it feels. If he’s too lost in the sauce for words, though, you’re just gonna get some intense grunts out of him.
Chifuyu whimpers and it’s adorable. Especially so if you grip onto his hair. He’ll go absolutely wild. Strikes me as the type to tear up if an orgasm rocks his shit hard enough. 
Kazutora cums with airy, raspy moans and the occasional swear. He’s very enthusiastic in bed, and imho, very into edging and overstimulation, so by the time he actually finishes, he’s trembling like a leaf and clutching you with desperation. So, uh,  bonus noise: the sound of his earring jingling as his orgasm rips through him.
Hakkai whines nice and pretty when he cums. He tried to hold it back the first few times you had sex, being as shy by nature as he is, but once you kiss his neck and reassure him that you love the way he sounds, he just lets it happen naturally. He’s needy and earnest like Kazutora, but doesn’t fuck you as desperately. He likes to savor the moment with you. 
Taiju growls. He’s not one to be winded by anything, but the one thing that’s sure to have him breathing heavy is the way you squeeze his dick (especially with how much work it’d take to get it to fit). Chest heaving, sweat on his temple, that man is fighting the urge to just go ballistic on your cunt. When he cums, he has those massive hands beneath your thighs, pressing them up to your chest, and leaning over you, snarling in your ear like a fucking animal with his breath hot on your neck.
Koko’s moans are rich and sweet like honey. I’d say about 75% of his moans are closed-mouth hums that give you the shivers down your spine and the butterflies in your loins. The other 25% are the full-on open-mouthed moans he just lets fly. You’re more likely to get those out of him in complete and total privacy (as in no one would be around to hear them through the walls – he also might have a slight exhibitionist kink, and I mean VERY very slight, but in the sense that he’s rather you be the star of the show than himself, but that’s a post for another day. Point is, you and Inupi are the only people who get to hear him be completely shameless.)
Inupi cums with choked up moans, like he’s so lost in the heat of the moment that he forgets to breathe. If you really wanna spice things up, lean into the asphyxiation of it with him (you know the drill: thumb and middle finger on the pulse points, press gently for a few seconds and release. Plz do not actually crush anybody’s larynx) and watch him enjoy himself through the dizziness. He’ll look at you like you’re his whole world when he cums, I promise.
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writeroutoftime · 5 months
Hi Rita, how are you? I saw your requests for drabbles are open so I thought I'd send you two ideas for Carmy! Prompt #14 w/ Donna could be interesting, but I also love the idea of #20 bc Carm is so easily flustered 🤭 I'll let you choose which inspires you tho!
a/n: Hi Lee! I'm doing good, lots of changes happening, but I think it's all for the best right now! How are you? And thank you for sending this in (and the reblog!), I think I'm gonna have to go with #14 with a sprinkle of Donna. Hope you enjoy!!
(unclear when this takes place but when Mikey is still alive, and not during the 'fishes' episode | want to request a drabble? send it in!)
You shivered out in the cold, Chicago winter, rapidly rapping your knuckles against the wooden door. Just inside, you could hear the muffled sounds of laughter and shouting from the gathering for the Berzatto friends and family dinner. Before you could knock again, the door swung open, and a woman stood before with a cigarette dangling from her lips.
"You must be y/n, come on in!" the woman cried out, pulling you in to the warmth of her home. "Carmy, y/n's here!" she shouted over her shoulder and up the stairs.
A glance to the side and you saw Richie and Mikey grinning at each other wildly before offering you a mock salute. Moving to take your coat off, you glanced around the entry way, smiling as you saw pictures of a young Carmy goofing around with his siblings.
"It's really nice to meet you, Mrs. Berzatto. Thank you for inviting me over." you told her, smiling through your nerves.
"Oh, it's nothing." she waved her hand as she took a drag of her cigarette. "But let me take a look at you. You know, your even prettier than Carmen has told us. He talks about you all the time. How pretty you are, how smart, how-"
"No, ma, don't tell her I said that about her!" Carmen groaned, hurrying down the stairs to work on damage control.
You couldn't help the giggle that left your lips as Carmy's face turned a deep red. It was endearing the see the way he waved away his mom's fussing and took a deep breath before turning back to you.
"Hi." you whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
"Hi." he whispered back, reaching out to hold your hand, willing his hands to stop shaking. "I'm, uh, sorry about my mom. You weren't supposed to hear any of that. And I guess I should probably apologize in advance for literally everyone else." he huffed. "I mean you already know Richie and Mikey, so you know wh-"
"Carmy." you called out, placing your hands on his shoulders to calm him down. "Carmy, it's okay. It's endearing, I promise." you reassured him.
He rolled his eyes, but smiled regardless. "I think you'll be eating your own words soon, but I'm glad you feel that way. And, by the way, I'm really glad you're here." he mumbled.
"Me too. Now, let's go face your family. Shall we?" you asked, offering your hand knowing the two of you could face the Berzatto clan together.
another a/n: sorry if this wasn't the best, this is the direction my writer's consciencetold me to go in!
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goldentoshi · 1 year
warnings: cursing, suggestive comments
all of the bonten boys were sitting down in the dinner room after dinner and a meeting. they just got off a zoom call with their manager when sanzu opened his mouth to ask. question.
"when the fuck did you and y/n become a thing?" sanzu asked.
"a few days ago." rindou shrugged, as if it was nothing. he honestly wasn't paying attention, too focused on texting his new 'girlfriend'.
"didn't y'all like dispise each other a few weeks ago." mochi asked.
"things change." rindou chuckled, his entire focus on his phone.
favorite idiot: i changed your name in my phone just in case someone sees you texting me
rinrin <3: yours is favorite idiot and i'm not changing it
favorite idiot: ofc you wouldn't 🙄 we also should probably start texting like a couple…for the same reason..can you come to ikea with me tmmw too?
rinrin <3: does y/n want me to start calling her princess and sweetheart?
rinrin <3: sure, why not. i want a new bed anyways. what time do you want me to get you?"
favorite idiot: how about 1pm? we can get food after
rinrin <3: sounds good to me
favorite idiot: could you just not bring your motorcycle? i've never been on one before
rinrin <3: awww what're you scared?
favorite idiot: ngl, yes
rinrin <3: don't worry princess, you can hold on to me if you need to
favorite idiot: you promise?
"what has you smiling over there, loveboy?" ran asked his brother. when he didn't get a response, he calmly walked over behind him and stood, looking over his shoulder. "oooh your favorite idiot is texting you."
"fuck off ran." rindou said, shying his phone away.
"how did you get a girlfriend before us?" kokonoi asked. "especially one as fine as y/n. that girl would've got all the work."
"dude. don't talk about his girl like that." kakucho said to his friend.
"i'm just saying, y/n is probably the sexiest woman i've ever seen in my fucking life." koko shrugged. “lucky i didn’t get a hold of her. would’ve fucked fucked the life out of-“
"she got any single friends?" takeomi asked, cutting off his much vulgar housemate, “someone who isn’t in a relationship.”
"katara is sing-"
"dibs." ran said before rindou could even finish his sentence.
"what the fuck, no fair!" koko said.
"hey, dibs is dibs." mikey finally spoke before going back to his ramen.
"katara is so fine." mochi said. "two pretty best friends."
"stay off tiktok." takeomi laughed.
rindou quietly walked away as the group continued the conversation. something about koko's words made him...angry. for all everyone know, you were his. "fucking asshole." he muttered before starting grand theft auto 5 on his ps5. "hitting on my girl."
his girl? that made him freeze as the thought crossed his mind. everyone thinks that y/n was his girl. not ran's, not haru's, not even mikey's.
rinrin <3 : come see me baby. i miss you.
hopefully that didn't sound too cheesy. oh god, she's not gonna respond-
favorite idiot: okay rin. i miss you too.
"you okay?" y/n asked. as soon as she had arrived to the gaming house, rindou practically dragged her to his room before shutting the door.
"yeah." rindou said before the realization of what he did hit him. he tried to hid the blush of embarrassment that grew on his face before he spoke. "i know this isn't exactly apart of our agreement but i just, i dunno, was lonely."
"ypu don't have to say that, rin. you need me , call me. kay?" you reassured him. “we’re still friends right? i mean, you can call me for anything.”
“yeah, okay.” he mumbled, a feeling he’s never felt bubbling in his chest. “sorry for scaring you.”
"it’s okay rin, i swear. wanna play minecraft?"
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serendipity : a very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
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xstarmt · 6 months
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This post contains 18+, minors do not interacts ôヮô
Tokyo Revengers relationship hcs featuring..
The Invicible Mikey/Manjiro Sano!! (wouhou) ◕3◕
(Toman era, ofc)
Let's start..
First, I am CONVINCED Manjiro has mommy issues. Prove me wrong.
"You saw that, right? Are you proud of me Y/n?" WHILE POUTINGGG (With those puffy cheeks UGHH)
Clingy, and will NOT be offended if you tell him to get the fuck away for 1 sec
"Mhm. You wish.." While mumbling in your neck⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Lazy kisses are his favorite (and you better give them to him or he will go get them himself)
One of his favorite hobbies is to annoy you
Like, he genuinly likes to see your face get annoyed when he acts like a child
(Is that a kink i see? ... well talk about this later)
He feeds you, like he's gonna whine: "Y/nnnn let me feed you you need to eat" with a face like ; :c
He is a FURNACE when he sleeps
And of course he "can't" sleep without cuddling you (it's fake, he's just a big baby)
When he comes back to your house in blood after a fight, he asks you to patch his wounds
And sometimes when he looks at you for too long he can starts crying for no reasons :c
You are the only one he is "submissive" (and you better tell no one the things he is capable to say yes)
He whines and whimpers :c (the Sano family all whimper, another time, prove me wrong)
When you just started your relationship, he was top but then you guys started to trust each others more and more and now he is just a little sub ;)
But that's when he is in a good mood because when he is pissed or angry... He prefers to take the leads
Sometimes he just wants to embarrass you and be petty
"O-ouuh Y/n you're dirty" And you just starts to blush while he laughs (it breaks the sexy mood tbh)
Needs reassurance, tell him how much he's good and fuck you well
He cries when he likes it too much(+he blushes like crazy)
"H-hold my hair baby.."
Likes hair pulling but softly, he just likes the feeling of your hands in his hair
LOVESS to see his cum on you, on your boobs, even in you, looking at it coming out of your cunt
Prefers when you ride him, he's just lazy most of the time
Though when he's top he likes to see your face, so missionary for the win
I'm sure this man has one of them duality
When he's sub, he's just a little baby but when he's top, it's like a competition, he HAS to fuck you better than the last time
If not, what kind of top is he doing? :c
If you like my post, do not forget to like + repost!
҉ ҉ ҉ ҉
© xstarmt 2023. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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cherrytreegrove · 1 month
Hi! Came by your blog today when I saw you like my fics out of curiosity. Thank you for that & I see you’re a fellow writer too which makes me happy! ^u^ when doing that I thought it be cool to send you a request to enjoy a fellow writer work. Soooooooooo can I request a TMNT 2012 Leo x reader where reader is a sweet person who genuinely cares about & wants to help people which could be a strength & a weakness. Leading to sweet Leo be a bit overprotective over her especially her going out late at night where she could be vulnerable. Preferably it to be fluff where Leo is just getting butterflies with hoe sweet & understanding she is when reassuring him she’ll be okay & that she’ll try to be careful. Hope this isn’t too big of a request. 😅
You have no idea how happy this request made me!! Did this as a Female Reader because I’m used to she/her pronouns, but if you want a male or gn version, I can totally make that happen! Also sorry about this being short, this is my first time publishing a fanfic! Maybe I should do a part 2?
Kindness: Strength or Weakness?
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Leo loved you with all his heart, he REALLY did, but sometimes he really worried about you. You were, what he could only describe as, an Angel, perfect human being, a saint. Your kindness and patience were incredible. Even Raph couldn’t stay mad at you and your kind heart.
When Leo would watch over you on your walks late at night, he would see how you would help stray animals, the elderly, kids your own age, children, pregnant women, anyone and everyone was a victim to your kindness. Then he would see how some people would use your kindness and take it for granted.
On multiple occasions he would see you lend money to your ‘friends’ and when he would ask, you’d say they haven't paid you yet. Many times would be shoved aside or to the ground after doing something nice or have all the credit taken from you. It made Leo so upset to see you get taken advantage of.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“I’m just saying you should be careful, there’s dangerous people in this world, (Y/N), and I don’t want to see you get hurt..” Leo told you, placing his three fingered hand on your cheek. He had invited you to the lair to watch Space Heros. You smiled at him and giggled.
“I know that, Leo. But I believe that there are always kind people in the world, and a little bit of kindness can go a long way..besides…” You cup his face and place a gentle kiss on his nose, “I’ll always have you to protect me!” Leo blushed at your kiss and wore the most love-sick smile on his face.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“She’s gonna get hurt one day.” Raph said, Leo turned away from the stove to look at his brother.
“Excuse me?”
“(Y/N). She’s gonna get hurt one of these days because of her stupidity.” Leo frowned at Raph. Raph saw you as his sister at times, he wanted what was best for you.
“She is not stupid Raph, she’s just kind, not like you would know what that means.” Leo smirked.
“OH SNAP! Sick burn, Leo!” Mikey laughed, high-threeing Leo. Raph chased Mikey around the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
“He’s kinda right, you know,” Donnie spoke up, looking away from his computer, “(Y/n)’s nice and all but someday she might end up helping the wrong person.”
Leo sighed, he knew the risk of your kindness. But he also knew he couldn’t stop you.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
You walked into the lair, completely drenched in water. All four of the turtles turn to look at you, Leo quickly ran up to you, throwing a blanket over you.
“(Y/N)! What happened?!” He questioned, trying to dry off your hair.
“I saw a girl from my class sitting outside in the rain, she was stood up for a date! So I gave her my umbrella and my jacket and gave her some money to go buy herself some food!” You explained, a smile on your face. Leo frowned, he wasn’t entirely surprised.
“You just give money to anyone who asks for it?” Raph scoffs, throwing Leo an extra towel to dry you off.
“If they really need it, yes!” The red turtle face palmed and went back to reading his comic book.
“(Y/N), you can’t keep giving strangers your stuff, especially when you need it!” Leo said, taking you over to the kitchen.
“First of all, it wasn’t a stranger! And second, a little-”
“Kindness goes a long way, yeah yeah…I know..” He interrupted you. Leo made you a cup of tea and watched you drink some.
“You really are an absolute angel, aren’t you..” He murmured. You perked up an eyebrow and stared at him, “Hm?”
“I just mean that you’re so sweet and kind to everyone, no matter how rude they are to you. You’re always ready to help anyone and everyone…why?” You smiled down at your cup and held Leo’s hand.
“I just really love helping people. It always makes me feel good when someone does something nice for me, so I wanted to do nice things for other people! I think we’re all good deep down on the inside, we just need someone to show us that light!” You smiled.
Leo had always admired you, and he will continue to admire you. He really does hope that the world learns from your kindness. He also hopes that no matter what this cruel and evil world might throw at you, that you’ll always remain his sweet angel.
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seijorhi · 1 year
Inui Seishu x female reader
a Valentine's Day Collab
tw: drugging, yandere & dubcon themes, infidelity
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“I feel like I’m losing him, Inupi,” idly you swirl the glass of red he’d poured for you. “And I… I don’t know what I’m supposed to–” for a split second, you glance up – meet his eyes and sheepishness takes over. Your mouth closes, and Inui gets the sense that if he reached over to brush that stray lock of hair back from your cheek, he’d find them burning. 
The corners of his lips twitch. Adorable.
“Sorry, sorry! I know I should just shut up about it. It’s Valentine's Day and I’ve barged in here all miserable and sad– oh god, you probably have plans tonight, or a date or something, right? Of course you do, it’s Valentine’s, and you’re you and…”
You’re rambling again. Partially because that’s what you do when you’re all worked up, but the alcohol’s undoubtedly playing its part. If he let you, you’d keep going ‘til you ran out of steam or embarrassment got the better of you. 
Feeling magnanimous, Inui decides to take pity on you, raising a hand to stop you in your tracks. “I don’t have a date,” he tells you with a small laugh. “And stop apologising. You’re– you’re one of my best friends. You’re upset. Nowhere else I’d wanna be.”
You smile at that. Sad and a little heartbroken, but a smile that makes his heart thud, and when you reach a hand out for him to take, Inui doesn’t hesitate for a second.
He lets you tug him closer, lay your head against his shoulder between mouthfuls of wine. “I don’t know what to do,” you mumble.
The truth of the matter is that you lost Koko a while ago. You both did. The only difference is that Inui accepted that while you’re still with him, trying.
Koko can’t have everything. He made a choice; he chose Izana, and then he chose Mikey. 
You stuck by his side. 
Even after bailing on your date night – on Valentine’s Day, with you all dressed up, pretty and fucking perfect – all but pushing you into Inui’s arms, you’re still trying to cling to the tattered remnants of a relationship that won’t ever make you happy.
Not like he’d make you happy. 
He wonders how long you sat there, waiting. 
“I don’t know what to do.”
Kokonoi loves you. He might do a shitty fucking job of it, but he does, Inui knows that for a fact. And if he were a good friend to either one of you, he’d find a way to reassure you of it. 
Inui’s hand, having drifted to your shoulder, squeezes it once, and he smiles, “You’re almost out,” he nods at your nearly empty glass. “Let me top you up.” He rises then, ignoring your half-hearted protests to take your glass with him back into the kitchen. 
No, he’s perfectly aware that Koko loves you, that’s the problem, see?
In an hour or so, whenever he’s done with whatever bullshit Mikey’s got him dealing with, Koko’s gonna come back to the apartment you two share and find his girlfriend’s gone AWOL. 
Then’ll come the concerned text messages, the phone calls – and even if you ignore those (which you won’t), Koko’s not an idiot. He’ll realise one way or the other that you’ve come here, because who else would you turn to for comfort if not Inupi? 
That’s the way it’s always been. You, him and Koko, all tangled up in the same unforgiving web.
He grabs the bottle of red, unscrews the cap and pours you a full glass. 
Koko’s not stupid. He’s not blind.
You, though… he doubts it’s ever crossed your mind. You’re loyal. Sweet. Entirely too naive, but that’s not completely your fault. How can it be, when keeping you in the dark – protecting you from those nasty, uncomfortable truths – is the only thing he and Koko still agree on?
And Inupi’s played his role without complaint for years now. He’s been a good friend to you both and stayed in his lane.
He eyes the round, white pill in his fingers. He should feel guilty, right? There’s supposed to be a little voice in his head that tells him this is wrong, that he shouldn’t want to do this. 
He waits for it to come, and waits and waits.
…Nothing happens.
Dropping that little white pill into your glass, Inui watches impassively as it fizzes and bubbles until there’s nothing left. No hint or trace. Tasteless. 
“…Inui?” you call out. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
It’s Valentine’s Day, and for once – he just wants you to stay. 
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jurox-x · 1 year
Just a prank
Synopsis: How the guys would react to you calling them 'just a friend' on the phone as a prank, but they are your boyfriend.
Featuring: Manjiro Sano, Ryuguji Ken, Baji Keisuke, Matsuno Chifulyu, Mitsuya Takashi, Hanma Shuji
Genre: fluff
TW: none
Manjiro Sano ("Mikey")
Listening in on your conversation was never Mikey's intention, but he was just so bored without you paying attention to him. However, when you said "I'm just hanging out with a friend", he snapped his head in your direction.
Just a friend? He stared at you open mouthed until the phone call ended. You looked at him with a questioning face. Keeping in the laugh that almost slipped was harder than you expected.
"Just a friend, huh? The audacity..." he leapt at you and started his tickling attack.
"I thought I leveled up when I asked you out back then? You better apologize, sweety." You didn't want to give in that easily but his hands had you laughing and catching for your breath in no time.
"I'M SORRY, IT WAS A PRANK! I'M SORRY. STOP IT ALREADY" He himself had a childish grin on his face as he stopped after your confession.
Ryuguji Ken ("Draken")
He was just coming back from the kitchen when he heard you talking to someone on your phone. Draken didn't want to interrupt your conversation at first and just put the snacks he got for your movie marathon on the table in front of you.
"I gotta go now, gonna have a movie night with a friend."
What? Did he just hear that right? He got demoted to 'a friend'? He is so not having it. He snatched your phone from your hand, hung up the call and before you could even ask what he was doing, he crashed his lips on yours.
He started a hot but quick make-out session that left you both panting heavily and after he pulled away, he asked "would someone that is just a friend do this?" His jealous tone almost made you laugh out loud.
You took your phone with a cheeky grin and showed him the conversation you had with your friend just minutes ago, where you asked them to call you so you could pull a prank on your boyfriend.
And boy did he blush. He called you an idiot and started the movie you wanted to watch before laying himself on top of you to cuddle while you combed his untied hair and traced after his tattoo.
Baji Keisuke
He was trying to study for an upcoming math exam while you left the room to pick up that call. However, you made sure he could still hear you talking.
"I can't today, I'm studying with my friend. Maybe tomorrow." You said. Baji got annoyed immediately, but he wouldn't say anything about it at first. You already thought you failed and he did not hear you.
"Hey, it's getting late. Could you drive me home?" Baji looked at you and snapped back "Nah, why don't you ask your ACTUAL boyfriend, cuz appearantly I am just a friend to you."
You burst out laughing. Seems like it actually worked. After confessing the prank you showered him with hugs and kisses to reassure him and he drove you home afterwards.
Matsuno Chifuyu
Chifuyu.exe stopped working... What did you just say? "I am hanging out with a friend right now, call you back this evening?"
Was it because he didn't kiss you goodbye last time? Or has he done something wrong today even? He couldn't think of anything in particular at that moment, so he did the only thing he thought would work as an apology.
"I gotta bring this book back to Draken's place. He needs it for an asignment. Be back in a second." He kissed the top of your head and grabbed the keys before walking out.
Thing is, he didn't go to Draken's place. He drove to the nearest store and bought a bouquet of flowers along with some chocolate. While he was gone you thought the prank didn't work at all.
Shortly after, he came home and gave you your presents with the sincerest apology. At first you didn't understand his actions, but after you figured it out you laughed, hugged and kissed him and told him about the prank.
Mitsuya Takashi
You guys were just chilling at his place. He was reading a book in his chair and you were on his bed on your phone.
"No I'm not home, I'm with a friend, why?" Mitsuya looked up from the book and glanced at you. He kept on reading until you eventually hung up the phone and walked over to him.
He stood up as well, faced you and took your hands. "Why did yu tell them i was 'a friend'? You aren't ashamed of me, right?" His eyes were on yours and his words were full of concern.
"No, not at all. It just slipped, I didn't think it was that big of a deal." His concerned and slightly anxious gaze turned much more light-hearted after your statement.
"That's a relief. I'd still prefer if you called me 'boyfriend' next time, love." He smiled warmly and then gave you a peck on the lips.
Hanma Shuji
He was somewhat glaring at you after he overheard you calling him 'a friend' on the phone. Hanma chose to give you payback as soon as you hung up the phone.
You initially came over for a gaming session and dinner, so you started playing right away. The whole time he called you things like 'bro', 'dude' or 'mate' and you have grown suspicious.
You forgot all about your prank and didn't connect the dots so your confused face felt like a victory to Hanma.
Right as his mom called you over for dinner, he got up, shut down his PC and gave you the bro-fist. "Good game, buddy."
Right then it clicked. You literally threw yourself on him and apologized for your prank. Hanma hugged you back, laughed and pat your head.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
What happens if the reader, having turned into a turtle, suffers from dysmorphia and wants to return to his former appearance, but because of the impossibility of this option, he/her/they will very often have depressive thoughts? How will yandere cope with the already not so favorable situation? 👀
Tw: dysmorphia obv, manipulation, guilt, angsty af, really just guilt I think?? I can't think of anymore
Hm well let's get the easy ones out of the way first-
Mikey would def apologize over and over again for upsetting you and will try EVERYTHING to find a cure, if there is one. If there isn't, he'll feel extremely guilty and constantly berate himself. In the meanwhile he'll comfort you about your current state in hopes you'll slowly feel better about yourself. But he will never forgive himself.
Leo I think will feel bad but his own thoughts contradict it; causing him to try and manipulate you into thinking your new form isn't unfavourable. He actually does like your new form and doesn't want you to feel bad about it- despite him being the cause of your mutation (not directly, but MC mutated to get away from it)
Donnie emotionally will try his best to help you feel better about yourself, but that's not the biggest focus for me. I say is whether or not he'll try to reverse the mutation somehow whether it's asking for Draxum's help or working on it himself. It really matters if he feels he needs to get you to be happy once more, because he does care for you happiness too- it's just difficult for him sometimes.
Raph holy fuck will be instant mom and try to comfort you- and when you share your thoughts he'll be really sad about it. He's giving you all the affection and reassurance all the while asking Donnie if there's any way to reverse it. If there isn't, he'll be similar to Mikey and just hope that his comments are enough to get you out of such a mental state.
(Hrm hrm- I'm gonna go watch Spider movie after this hehe- me wanna watch)
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