#or they could go on MKR
fazcinatingblog · 2 years
whoa, did adam judge josh for his diet???? did adam judge josh for having jars of sweet treats in the kitchen??????? THIS IS BAFFLING. ADAM IS THE BIGGEST SWEET TOOTH
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mushroomcontessa · 2 years
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F*ck Pure Wind and Bright Moon. All my homies hate Pure Wind and Bright Moon.
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the-corvus-luna · 7 months
Due to Magic Knight Rayearth's 30th anniversary Twitter/X page, some Japanese Twitter users have been musing about what a remake of this beloved series could look like.
But which Rayearth should be 'remade'?
If people are not familiar with the changes between the Manga, Anime, and the OVA; I'll list a barebones spoiler free guide below.
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THE MANGA: 6 volumes; 1-3 for MKR1 and 4-6 MKR2. Tells the basic story of their journey. If you haven't read it, go do it. [MKR1: 1993-1995 MKR2: 1995-1996]
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49 episodes; 1-20 for MKR1 and 21-49 for MKR2. Slight changes to the plot in MKR1; Some plot changes to MKR2 (Inclusion of Nova and Debonair, which are not in manga). [1994-1995]
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3 part OVA that majorly 'radically' changes the plot but takes place in the universe established in the manga. Characters look the same but are drastically different from their manga counterparts and have different motivations for their actions than the other adaptations listed above. [1997]
I'm really curious to see what other fans would like to see out of this series!
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
Noelle would definitely have a bunch of dark types I think idk they just have the dark type trainer vibes. They'd be perfect for the Asshole Rival role. Or maybe kinda like N's deal where they are a rival but also a major antagonist and one of the big bad guys.
Very long post under the cut
The first pokemon I thought for Noelle to have was Nickit/Thievul because I love Nickit and also it steals things much like Noelle does. Also it's a first route pokemon so if you were to have a hypothetical rival battle with them since most early fights with your rival they catch a route one pokemon that could be Noelle's. I'm just gonna put Noelle in the rival/antagonist role for this one
But also nickits a galar pokemon and I don't really want Noelle to be from galar? It'd be really funny if he was British but I don't feel like he'd be from galar. I don't really know actually where he lives tbh I'll have to ask my friend about where Noelle's killing game thing would have taken place would it have been Japan or America or what. So if not galar probably either unova or one of the regions inspired by japan
All the pokemon I'm thinking of are form galarjsjdndbd
Also I think Noelle would have some kind of cat pokemon and some kind of mouse pikemon because Noelle has a cat named Ferb. And Noelle also steals cheese very frequently it's like a major deal to them for reasons. So mosque. Because nice supposedly like cheese. Also it makes me think of the phrase like cat and mouse like cats hunting mice and toying with them which fits Noelle alot
The first pokemon I thought of that's a dark type cat was purrloin/liepard but I don't really want to give Noelle a lot of galar pokemon. Maybe Umbreon? That's kind of cat like idk it feels more like a dog or fox to me. And for the mouse I don't want. To use morpeko. It'd make perfect sense bc mouse, dark type and it's whole full mode hangry mode thing but I don't really like morpeko that much. it's cute but it's just kinda there? it never really stood out to me. The mkr ei type about why I don't want to do specootc things the more I feel like placing Noelle in galar and giving him a morpeko
I mean the most eveil thing we have in galar is team yell and chairman rose. I mean the worst things Noelle would do are probably not safe for pokemon games (ex: threatening people with guns only to reveal it was just a prank it was a fake gun get trolled. Actually that also feels a bit like something theyf do In the early episodes of the anime) so I guess if Noelle has to stay g rated then he'd be like Bedr. The little fucking asshole rival who bullies you and tries get lthe rpeoples attention. But otherwise if neolel was like Evil Team Member Guy for whatever reason then I think they'dso a lot more bad things
Noelle would probably be like "Hi Player! Fight me. Fight me. Fight me. No? Ok. Thievul use Beat Up. That's what I thought. pokemon battle time! "
Noelle is in a plot relevantconfrotnation wow! Threaten violence toget what he wants and to progress the plot.
Noelle is evil the entire time sorry guys they're just kind of a little shit . Theyre mostly evil for shits and giggles
actually my brain stopped working were at risk of me saying something extremely out of character and I'm also out of ideas I am going to stop this for now
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ayameyumesaki · 2 years
Tokyo Babylon - CLAMP Premium Collection - Commentary Part 11
Previous Part First Part Next Part
Finally! We come to my favorite chapter ever in Tokyo Babylon, Save Chapter 😭 Another chapter that speaks about Subaru's personality, and a touching chapter with matters I think most of us could relate. I hope this chapter will help whoever shared, or know, the same problem will be able to relate and take Subaru's action into heart....but it will be talked in the next part lol
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Talking about the chapter cover first, when I saw his clothing here, I was like "wasn't this Eagle (MKR)'s outfit?????". I think it's not exactly Eagle, but one of his staffs, but ANYWAY, in this chapter, we are going deeper towards the main plot and one of major chapters in this series.
So, we started our story from a certain school, where this school will go to Shizuoka for their school outing and stay for one night. They will create groups for room assignment etc., and the girls were excited for it---except one girl.
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The teacher said it's been decided, and the teacher called Hashimoto. She hasn't been assigned to any group, so the teacher asked the other team to accept her, and they went "noo" "I don't want tooo". She stayed quiet and the teacher called her.
The teacher then told her, it's okay to be calm, but she should be assertive as well. If she didn't make an effort, then she won't be able to make friends. She probably couldn't do it during the breaks or lunch break, but anyway, if she didn't put an effort, she won't be able to enter her friends' circle. She is already a second year as well.
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Then he told her, if you don't make friends during your school times, then when you entered the society, it will be boring. Well, this is an all-girls school and all of them are just children, so they aren't bad. If Hashimoto makes an effort, then you can make a friend as well. I think Hashimoto also has a responsibility for why you are always alone.
Okay, so up to this point, we are introduced with a high-school girl named Hashimoto and she was outcasted by the students in her class. The teachers told her to give her best on making friends, but she hasn't shown speaking to anyone so far. But it's pretty clear, to me, that her friends were the one who doesn't want to accept her, and she doesn't want to do anything with them as well.
This panel should be enough to tell the reason.
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Save me, she said.
You see. So, after she was done with the teachers, her classmates stopped her when she wanted to come home and they kinda kicked her for nothing, even when she didn't say anything. They threatened Hashimoto if she spoke about them what they do to her to the teacher they won't forgive her, and when Hashimoto showed a slight hatred to them, they began to kick her down and used her body like a mat. They left her alone under the rain, and that's the panel above.
Hashimoto is a bullying victim. That's the main theme for this chapter. Actually, this will be talked further in the next chapter, but let's keep the theme of this chapter first for now.
In the next page, we got this panel and the whole conversation is just so cute 🥺
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Subaru, seemingly to be in rush, came out from his room so cutely it hurts my heart and Hokuto-nee-chan is already prepared everything for him. She however told him that "it's strange that Subaru is sleeping until after noon" and Subaru, in panic as he prepared his bag while buttoning his shirt, replied with "yesterday I have work until late night, so I just slept this morning".
Then Hokuto asked him when he slept and he said "around 10 AM" and Hokuto goes "THEN YOU ONLY SLEPT FOR TWO HOURS!?" 😭😭 did he really sleep for two hours and still functioning properly, like boy, if I got only two hours of sleep I will pass out the moment I wake up huhu I wonder how he can stay alive if he slept for two hours a day?
But no! He didn't sleep just two hours!
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He told Hokuto that he slept longer than two hours and said he slept for two hours and ten minutes. The vertical panel's Hokuto is me. 10 minutes oversleep isn't adding anything for me as well 😥
Then Hokuto told Subaru that lately, Subaru is so focused on his jobs and Subaru said "yes, because..." and Hokuto continued with "this is his job, after all".
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Hokuto then asked, "Because you are someone who wore seriousness like clothes and walked around with it, even when it's a holiday because of our school's founding anniversary, you still go to school for supplementary lesson, right?" while tying Subaru's tie (in her way) and Subaru replied with "Yes. If I didn't do it, then I don't have enough attendance numbers."
Hokuto also said that "Japan's compulsory education only applied until middle school, and Subaru is already a first-year of high school, so you want to go to university?" and Subaru said "yes".
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Hokuto said "so you don't want to give up your old dream, huh?" and Subaru cutely replied with "ye--yes" while blushing 😭 CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE Hokuto-nee-chan even sighed and said, "Sumeragi Clan who has been protecting Japan from spiritual side since far past. You, the thirteenth head of Sumeragi Family who has been standing as the top of onmyoji whose number has been reduced like protected species, his childhood dream is to be a zookeeper... I can't even make a gag for that" with Subaru still blushing at how embarassing that dream 😭😭😭 this whole scene
But Hokuto also asked what will he do with his current job. Subaru said he will keep doing it, but if he can find someone who is far stronger in ability than him, then he will ask him to takeover. He doesn't want to give up his dream no matter how long it will take.
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Boy... You really shattered my heart into pieces by allowing me rereading this painful scene, especially when I remember what happen to you later. What is heart anyway? Has been losing it since I started CLAMPism in my life.
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Hokuto confirmed again that if Subaru wants to go to veterinarian major and HE CUTELY SMILED. I give up 😭✋ he goes extra cute whenever he talks about his dream.
Then Hokuto said, "Subaru, since before, is a honest and good child, but you are also a blockhead" and she smiled happily for him too. Supportive sis Hokuto 😭 If only you didn't (beeped). She also said she will support him so he should do his best.
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She even created a newest version of a shoujo manga, from Onmyoji x Serial Killer to Zookeeper x Veterinarian romance story. I would choose the second one. But Subaru commented that their obaa-chama (I still can't at Subaru called Obaa-chama with Obaa-chan... Like it's so out of character... Like it's so not Subaru who is ALL POLITE TO ANYONE except Hokuto so him actually calling Obaa-chama with Obaa-chan feels so wrong... anyway,) said that not all people with Sakurazuka surname is related to Sakurazukamori.
Yeah. Not if they aren't onmyojis. But that Sakurazuka you know understood high-level techniques you used, boy. Red flag as usual 🚩🚩
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Subaru said that "such a kind Seishiro-san wouldn't be a serial killer" and Hokuto said, "yes, he looks kind, but... It's still questionable if he is truly kind."
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Hokuto said she can only do basic techniques, right? Of course, she is so down-to-Earth that she won't reveal her actual abilities.
Just as Subaru is about to question what Hokuto means, the phone rang and Hokuto helped Subaru prepare his clothes. Subaru told Hokuto to call the school that he couldn't come to supplementary class because of job. And I don't know, Subaru smiled, but it seemed like he was sad of the fact that he couldn't go to school as well...
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Hokuto-nee-chan to the save! She immediately hugged her brother and told him, that she will be with him, so whatever happen, don't ever give up his dream.
That's a nice advice over there and indeed, Subaru took that advice to his heart------but for a certain different dream. What dream is it? Read X.
No No NO but seriously I was like... Subaru is a geniune 16 years old who had a normal dream of being a zookeeper because he likes animals 🥺 and everything that happened in his life; being born with an ability to interact with spirit, onmyoji, and even the head of Sumeragi family; it suddenly feels so cruel... He has a heavy burden in his shoulders, and the only person he actually allowed to see his young, teenager side is only his sister, Hokuto... (and to some extend, Sei-chan)...
It's sad...
Okay, move aside your sadness because that's not the end of the wheel of foreshadowing in this chapter.
Subaru went to the meeting place, which name I can't read because the Kanjis are too small but I will make an effort to read it one day, and he looked here and there until he heard a bell. He looked at where the bell is and touched someone's shoulder accidentally. He apologized for it and someone familiar talked to him in Kyoto dialect...
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Not on story side, but Obaa-chama's clothings? That full-bucked kimono that probably weigh more than 10 kilograms? So gorgeous and beautiful 😭
Subaru asked why she didn't tell him that she is coming to Tokyo and he will come for her, but she told him that, when she visited the Imperial Household Agency in Tokyo, the head of Intelligence and Research Cabinet told her that he has a request to Subaru, so she passed it along to him. She also said she has something she needs to tell Subaru.
They first talked about the job. Obaa-chama asked if Subaru is aware of the rise of cult religion groups and Subaru said yes. The Ministry of Education had a request for Intelligence and Research Cabinet to look at one of those groups. Subaru wondered why the Ministry of Education requested a research towards it. Obaa-chama said while it's not strange for Intelligence Cabinet to conduct an investigation towards cult religions, particularly, this one religion group's members are middle and high schoolers. Since the members are students, Intelligence Cabinet had limitation on how much they can investigate the internal. They want to ask Subaru, who is a high-schooler, to help them with the investigation.
Before continuing, I want to note something first. When you search about Japan, you will probably come across an article that say Japan's religion is Shinto or Buddhist, but in fact, Japan is not a religion country. Of course, there are Buddhist practices in the temples or Masses conducted in churches, but there has been no official religion in Japan, and so, most Japanese doesn't have religion, or musukkyo. People don't recognize themselves with a religion there, and I bet when Subaru was asked what religion he adopted, he would be confused, except those who actually realized that religion is be a part of their life and baptised out of their own will.
Then, cult religions appearing in Japan is not uncommon. Rather than religion, I would like you all to think it as a cult. They gathered and did practices just like a religion, but it's their teachings which is questionable. Because of this, Japan's government would keep an eye at newly appeared cults and if they started to create a problem, the government wouldn't just stay still and watch. So, please keep in mind about this!
Back to the topic,
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Obaa-chama asked if there is nothing change, and he said he and Hokuto are living just fine.
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Obaa-chama revealed that during their monthly fortune reading, she read Subaru's fortune. Then Subaru asked what's the result, and Obaa-chama said...
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Subaru-san will be abducted by 'sakura'.
I want to put a meme for this fortune reading but the panel? The high-detailed page picturing Subaru being in the middle of cherry blossoms, seeming to be getting lost in it? Pretty beautiful. Need appreciation.
The line?
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Those who didn't know TB ending: HMMMM first it's Hokuto, now it's Obaa-chama???? Is Subaru going to be taken away by Seishiro?
Those who know TB ending: Grandma I love you but it fucking hurts 😭
(Honestly at this point if you don't think Seishiro is sus, please reread volume 1 to 3 and tell me why you don't think he is a walking danger?)
Oh, fun fact. That hard-looking Kanji used in that line, 攫う (sarau), has several meanings, which is: to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct, to monopolize, to make one's own. Since it is written in passive verb, if we took Seishiro as the subject of the sentence, then we can get the meaning "Seishiro is going to monopolize/to make Subaru as his own."
Pretty interesting.
Subaru was confused. Sakura? Obaa-chama asked Subaru again to never take off his gloves and she said, "that time, if I don't let you waiting for me alone, if I didn't let you alone..."
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Subaru-san can't be abducted by sakura. Please, don't ever let sakura take away your heart.
Obaa-chama, he is this close 👌 of having his heart being taken away by a certain sakura, so don't worry. He will not be okay. *cries in the corner*
Scene shifted, and we returned to Hashimoto. Now, they were having PE class and the teacher told Hashimoto to join the game or she won't get a score for this class. The girls purposely attacked her with ball and one even broke his nose.
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The teacher helped her to wake up, but he said "if there is an injured student during PE, they will finish him during the meeting". Hashimoto, who heard it, was shocked in silence. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU SENSEI!? Damn I have so much question to the people in this school.
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Hashimoto cried in the park alone as she asked someone to save her, and a certain fishy woman appeared in front of her. The woman offered her handkerchief, but instead, she wiped her tears. She told Hashimoto that she can tell her anything, but Hashimoto didn't say anything, so she guessed that she is bullied. She said she understands the heart of people who is suffering. It's the power that God gave to her. Hmmm... Okay...? Fishy enough.
Hashimoto then when to the cult religion which Obaa-chama actually mentioned, MS Research Institution, and this fishy woman told her that they want to save her. Hashimoto asked how she is going to save her. This woman then told her to tell her worries.
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She then told Hashimoto that she is her ally and she wants to save her. And right outside the window, there is nandarou???
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Oh, yes. Vibing in front of a high building? Of course he will look cool like this. And how he comes down again? Using his 😎 vibe probably---I mean he upgraded his skill by standing above a cross in the future, but at this point, he probably also had a fetish for high buildings as well.
We will talk about 😎 later but the next day!
Hashimoto was still bullied at school and she came to the institution again, saying that she is praying like what Kumiko-sensei told her, but nothing changed. The teacher told her that her praying wasn't enough yet, and she should rush for the result, that the day when her prayers will be fulfiled will come. The teacher then introduced Hashimoto to our Subaru, who said that he entered the institution by himself because he wants to learn about it.
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Then, Hashimoto looked at Subaru like that and Subaru was panicking 😭😭😭😭 He is not used being stared by a girl other than Hokuto. (or his gaying is showing lol)
Anyway, Subaru started observing things in the classroom and HIS WRISTWATCH HAS A LID??????? Damn boy, talk about rich, or is it the fashion style at that time 😭? Either way, he noticed that it's Friday, but it's still school time (Subaru never attends classes anyway so he is an exception), and whoever he saw is middle school or high school students. He then recalled the information about the research institute.
The institute was built in 1989 with 10,000 members currently. The average age of its members is 16,7 years old. The main institution is in Shinjuku. The institute's purpose wasn't to spread religion teachings, but to purify one's own soul, so there are a lot of differences with other cult religions. There are 20 mentors which is called "teachers", and they guide the students in form of "classroom" just like a cram school. There is no leader, but their greatest teacher is Nagi Kumiko.
As Subaru thought about it, that Kumiko-sensei entered the room and everyone stood up.
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And look at how flustered Subaru was!!! Cute cute cute cute cute. He also commented that it really felt like a classroom. Kumiko-sensei introduced herself, and Subaru thought that since his job is to do an investigation, how should he do it?
Hokuto came to Seishiro's place and said she comes to make Seishiro a dinner. Seishiro asked what about Subaru and Hokuto said he has a job and she doesn't know when he will come home. Seishiro asked if it's okay for Subaru, because if Hokuto doesn't watch him, he won't eat---someone who will lose himself in his reading. Hokuto said that she already prepared a white stew for Subaru, and she thought that eating alone is boring, so she will prepare Seishiro's meal.
Seishiro asked Hokuto what work he is doing now and when Hokuto told him, his face.
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HIS SHOCKED FACE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is honestly the highlight of this chapter, and it's his actual mask that's been falling off.
Why did he show that face though? Hmmm... Interesting 🤔🤔
So, that's it for this chapter!
There aren't many things regarding the main problem of this chapter itself, but we got a major touch regarding the main plot of TB. Hokuto actually hinted at Subaru that is it true that Seishiro is kind? and Obaa-chama told Subaru that he is going to be taken away by cherry blossoms, right after what Subaru went through in previous chapter, is pretty interesting.
Let's thing about it. While Subaru established Seishiro as kind in previous chapters as well, right in one chapter before this, we saw him actually doubted who Seishiro is actually. But when Hokuto told him that he is probably different from what Subaru thought, his instinct goes to try to question what Hokuto means. He also elaborately erased the possibility of Seishiro being sakurazukamori when in previous chapter, the reason he doubted Seishiro's kindness is also because he is possibly involved with sakurazukamori due to his knowledge in onmyojutsu and previous events in which he was involved. He was unconsciously realized that Seishiro is somehow alarming, but he decided to subside it, and I think he would never question Seishiro's credibility as sakurazukamori, even with strange stuffs that happened around him, from this chapter onwards.
Also, it's interesting that Obaa-chama already predicted what will happen in near future, that Subaru will be taken away by cherry blossoms, and like I said, he is this 👌 of being taken away by that sakura. But why did she do a fortune reading on Subaru?
Because Subaru ever asked her about Sakurazuka, in the past.
Only several months has passed since volume 2 which happened in November, and since Subaru and Hokuto wore thicker clothes in chapter 4, I guessed that volume 3 happened around December, and chapter is around January or February, thus not many times passed since their last meeting. Obaa-chama also wore thicker kimono here, so I guess this should be around the end of February or beginning of March. Only three or four months passed, so it made sense for her to wonder why her grandson would ask about a Sakurazuka.
Well, there are many confusing things about the timeline, which I will explain later after we get into volume 5.
So, what's your opinion about this new foundings??? Like I said, this is one of my favorite chapters in TB and so much things to talk here! Let's continue in the next part, where things turn pretty interesting 👀
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hag-rambling-on · 1 year
I'm bored But I don't concentrate either. so:
Magical Girl Ask Game!
✨ - Favorite magical girl series? Sailor Moon, Winx
💫 - Least favorite magical girl series? Utena but because the first time I saw it I she was very small. Like, she knew there was deep meaning she wasn't able to grasp it, hated it.
💖 - Favorite magical girl? Gasp! HOW-YOU-DARE! It would be enough to choose one per show, please, what questions!
💔 - Least favorite magical girl? Cure Heart, hands down
🌟 - Favorite magical girl transformation? Cure White and Cure Black I love the detail like metal not metal. And Chibiusa to Black Lady if that counts.
🌠 - Favorite magical girl attack? Mercury Aqua Rapshody (90's original)
🪄 - Favorite magical girl weapon/magical item? Sakura Card Captor Anime Sword, Andromeda Shun and Venus manga Chains.
🦄 - Favorite magical girl mascot? Kero and Spinel from CCS
🔮 - Favorite magical girl villain? uHM... Diamande from Sailor Moon 90's, Joker from Smile!PreCure, Eagle Vision in MKR (I have/had a thing with villains having something with the protags)
⭐ - Any magical girl OCs? YES!
🎀 - If you were a magical girl, what would your theme be (color, gimmick, element, etc)? Silver colors and a teal accent (and maybe purple). Power of healing and teleportation like Elixir and Blink from XMEN but to beyond dimensions. Weapon would be a chain in Andromeda and Venus kusarigama fashion style, aurora colored. My symbol would be two chain links forming the sign of infinity, aurora colored.
🐹 - If you were a mascot, what would you be? A cute and tiny and soft and I said cute? magical flying mouse with the ability to transform into a human
💐- If you could be part of one magical girl team, what would it be? The Senshi or the Winx
🍄 - If you could pick one character from non-magical girl media to turn into a magical girl, who would it be? The truth is that I either read magical girls, or I read superheroes or sentai or Fate/GO... right now I can't think of anyone that applies and needs. IDK someone from Supernatural XD?
🩰 - Any magical girl tropes you dislike? Blondes being the default (pink) leader. Be extroverted or become extroverted, otherwise, get nothing.
💕 - Any magical girl tropes you do like? Everyone can get friends. Friendship is magic.
🦹‍♀️ - Are you a fan of grimdark magical girls? If so, which ones? If you don't count PMMMadoka, Fate Illya and the latest version of Rayearth... and a lot of fan adaptations... I love the adaptations that fans make... the fact is that I can't comment either but I like the ones I've seen. Oh, but if we're talking about Dark Magical Girl within a franchise, Darkcury.
♡ - Are you a fan of magical girl parodies? If so, which ones? I haven't seen any so I can't comment!
💚 - What do you think of magical boys? Shazam! (deny me!!) Okay, it's one of the winx fandom things that I like the most. As long as they are not Tuxedo Kamen utilities (I know, that's the subversion of the princess in distress but I don't like it neither male or female!), they are cool.
💙 - If you were to write a magical girl story, what theme would it have? Magical Woman with acceptance issues. You were the friend of the magical girl on duty. You saw her save the world. You lost your friendship but you thought the world was worth it. She never knew that you knew, that you were never enough (for her to tell you, to help her or at least listen her). In any case, years have passed, many years (you are an ADULT with all the letters), everything is forgotten, it feels like a dream, an urban legend, maybe it was all your imagination. And everything comes back suddenly. AND NOW, they ask you for help. You're bitter, hurt, and have an adult life to deal with, with a steady job/family you've worked so hard to get, thank you.

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soncicthebugger2 · 2 years
aight, first answer on these, haven't been feeling too good lately which is why i haven't aswered these right away but i am now.
ooh, Complete freedom, should be interesting, guess i could make several small answers on subjects (warning, walls of text ahead)
Some of the "Memes" and jokes commonly made are overused or have run their course and annoy me at this point, you probably know the ones "Oh Kirby kills Gods!" or "Oh kirby goes on a rampage over cake" Neither of which are true really, and while they might be (or at least started off as) intentional exaggerations they're constantly repeated and parroted over and over again By Both Fans and Non Fans Alike and at this point have gotten grating and ignore and degrade\rob Kirby (both the Character and the Series) of any Detail, depth and Nuance.
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Which brings me to another point, Conflation of and in general causing Blatant Misinformation are too common an Occurrence in this Fandom and causes way too many debates and/or Disregarding of important things in story, One example is The Idea that Subgames (Basically Other Modes not Named "Story") In general and all of their contents are somehow Non-Canon (in a franchise that doesn't worry too much about Separating things in the first place and Leaves things Pretty open generally, Somehow, Work your head around that one) Which is Blatantly false and irreconcilable with many of the games. Their Source? an Old (and Likely badly) translated Miiverse post made as part of a QnA for Kirby Planet Robobot that said parts of a Pair of Subgame modes were separate from and didn't affect the story, Note i said Only parts of a Pair of Subgames, those parts being the parts of two subgames that either wouldn't entirely make sense and don't line up with the story or are obviously there for Gameplay purposes or they would be over fast.
The First one being Meta Knightmare Returns, a sort of Time attack\Speedrun mode where you go through the story mode stages and bosses as Meta Knight, Normally he gets captured and forced into a fight against you part way through the story in the main mode and remains captured until the final battle where he helps you, in MKR the Capturing part never happens (so you can go through the entire story mode) and Instead the story goes on as normal with a Robotic Double replacing him in his Fights, that part conflicts with the main story and is obviously there for Gameplay Convention, meanwhile after the normal parts of the story instead of Going to the final battle, Meta Knight fights Three New Bosses not encountered in the story, all with their own Pause screen descriptions giving Important Lore and Story detail, while the previous parts conflicted with the main game entirely this part doesn't really as much and is given a Reasoning as to how it can happen in the main mode.
The Second one being The True Arena, a boss rush mode where you Go against multiple Bosses in a row with Few rest stops to heal in between, there's always a Standard arena and a True arena when an arena mode appears, the True arena However usually contains Harder variations of some bosses and usually the major final boss from the speedrun mode (as Kirby never fights them himself normally due them being exclusive to that mode type which usually focus on different Characters) and one Exclusive boss, these (and any repeated bosses in the True arena) usually contain Important Story detail and Lore giving more insight into the background of the characters and events that cause the Games and the Exclusive boss usually acts as one final test and contains an extra battle phase or two and wraps up the story. in this case obviously the fights against enemies and villains already fought in the main mode and speedrun mode don't factor into the story and are there for gameplay purposes (or else it wouldn't be an arena) but the exclusive pause descriptions and boss do of course.
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Somehow, in what basically is akin to an awful Game of Telephone, this got Misconstrued into the Subgames in the game aren't Canon, into Subgames as a whole aren't canon, into Characters and story detail contained within modes outside of the main one aren't Canon, Somehow even though that makes no sense (Kind of like how the Sonic Fandom made up "mandates" really now that i think of it.)
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This of course falls apart as soon as you take even a Single second to actually think about it or even look at other games, Kirby Super Star and it's Remake Super Star Ultra, Kirby Star Allies, and the framing device situation Presented in Kirby's dream collection (which is regularly referenced back to btw) and their stories are all largely comprised of Subgames in someway or another, so to say Subgames as a whole were somehow NonCanon would mean Disregarding entire games that are Constantly referenced not to mention integral to the Story and character Development more often then not, Not to mention the fact that the actual answer in the QnA was ONLY referring to the Game in question it was about and never Referring to the other games or the Concept of subgames as a whole (they were referred to by name for Goodness sake!)
Whew kirby rant over (i think)
-Sonic the Hedgehog
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I'm not a huge stickler for certain or things concepts to have to remain largely consistant (characters however yes, though it's not like they've ever been that inconsistent in the games)
this is largely in reference in to the Fandom's needless obsession with making a reasoning for classic sonic and modern\main sonic being separate after being past and future selfs for Literally One Game, I'm not really worried about that and really Sega could do what ever with it and i wouldn't care too much, the games are always pretty self contained (aside from some character or story stuff that they might intend to carry over to another game or revive one day) anyway so whenever the Classic games are a part of the mainline series\dimension just with a separate timeline\dimension split off from them or the classics never happened and are now an alternate series with different stuff happening now in the main series i wouldn't really be too bothered by it.
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it's kind of freeing really now because they don't have to be bound by the classics or worry about old concepts and stuff from them while at the same time they can make new content and games around the classics without having to worry about conflicting with anything in the modern\main games anyway, and there are a few games and other things that could fill in the place of the events of some of the classics anyway if they are removed so it's not like there's much of a loss. it also allows them to maintain and use two different instantly recognizable designs for many things so a small extra bonus for them out of it.
guess i go with those for now, maybe i'll think of some more later.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
Maker price is down by 8.29% over the past 7 days, whereas according to the price action, the MKR price continues to move in the bear’s influence. Sellers are trying to pull Maker crypto prices toward the lower trendline.  Maker crypto must attract buyers in order to surge toward the upper trendline. Investors in Maker Crypto need to wait for any directional change over the daily time frame chart.  Maker price prediction showcases the decline of MKR crypto price from the higher level over the daily time frame chart. MKR crypto needs to attract buyers in order to reach the recovery level. However, trading volume has been below average and needs to grow for the Maker crypto price to sustain at a higher level.  Meanwhile, MKR crypto is trading above the 20, 50, 100, and 200-day daily moving averages. Maker Crypto’s performance has been remarkable throughout the year. MRK price has gained 19.46% in a month and 48.23% in the last three months.  Moreover, the MKR price has gained around 86.76% in the last six months and has gained 166.52% year to date. This confirms the facts regarding MKR crypto’s bullishness in the long term.  Technical Analysis of Maker Crypto Price in 1-D Timeframe If it can keep this level, the Maker price could continue to go up and reach the first and second targets of $1500 and $1600. However, if the MKR price cannot maintain this level and falls, then it might hit the closest support levels of $1285 and $1163. At the time of publishing, Maker crypto (USD: MKR) is trading above the 50 and 200-day SMAs (Simple moving averages), which are supporting the price trend.  However, if more selling volume adds up then the price might conquer supporting SMA’s by making lower highs and lows. Hence, the MKR price is expected to move downwards giving bearish views over the daily time frame chart. Technical indicators suggest the downtrend momentum of the MKR crypto price. The relative strength index showcases the downtrend momentum of Maker crypto. RSI was at 49.40 and is heading towards the neutral to be oversold. MACD exhibits the downside trend of MKR crypto price. The MACD line is below the signal line after a negative crossover. Investors in MKR crypto need to wait for any directional change over the daily time frame chart. Summary Maker Crypto price took the reversal from the high of $1599 and showcased bearishness on the daily chart. MKR key indicators RSI and MACD are indicating bearishness in the trend. However, the long-term trend is positive and probably it will rebound soon by taking support from the key EMAs. Technical Levels Support Levels: $1285 and $1163. Resistance Levels: $1500 and $1600. This article is for informational purposes only and provides no financial, investment, or other advice. The author or any people mentioned in this article are not responsible for any financial loss that may occur from investing in or trading. Please do your own research before making any financial decisions
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aabhiedandekar123 · 2 years
What is a Governance Token?
What is a Governance Token? 
Governance token grants control over a specific DApp, protocol, game, or DeFi solution. In conventional businesses, the direction of the organization was decided by a board of executives or a single CEO. With the use of smart contracts and tokens, decentralization has turned the story of centralized governance in established organizations on its head.
Anyone having a governance in crypto has the right to suggest new ideas for protocol enhancements and take part in decision-making procedures. The established standards for giving one vote to one token have been challenged by new methods for calculating voting power. Voting power of token holders is significantly influenced by how long they have held a token.
Benefits and Challenges of Governance Tokens
Well, now that you have had governance tokens explained to you, you must see why they are an essential tool for decentralization. The following is a list of governance tokens benefits and drawbacks:
Web3 projects can incorporate decentralization thanks in large part to the integration of governance tokens. They provide demonstrable evidence of real decentralization. 
Holders of governance tokens can vote on network-related issues and receive rewards for working with other community members.
A sense of involvement is created among community members through participation through tokens for governance in crypto. 
Efficiency can be increased through community members actively working together to define new governance in crypto and make decisions.
Governance tokens may go to narcissistic and bad actors. Such project participants will always vote in their own best interests rather than those that could benefit the entire community. 
There is not much accountability overview. No one would publicly admit that they voted for a proposition that guaranteed the failure of a project.
Whales are a significant obstacle for governance in crypto since they have the power to seize the majority of tokens. The future of the project may then be determined by the whales, which would be a nightmare for decentralization.
Important Examples of Governance Tokens
Here is a list of governance tokens you should watch out for: 
$YFI is Yearn’s native token. Giving the community more control is the main goal. Additionally, it suggested a strong focus on the potential for developing a self-sufficient DAO.
Early adopters receive enticing benefits from the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). In the latter half of 2020, the project airdropped tokens, but since then, the value has increased, and early adopters received great prizes for demonstrating their support. In the DeFi community, the ENS token generated a lot of buzz and placed a strong emphasis on active engagement.
MKR, or MakerDAO’s native governance token, gives holders the ability to vote on proposals to alter the economic rules governing MakerDAO governance.
The typical functions of a governance token are served by the UNI Token of the Uniswap protocol. Owners of UNI tokens have the ability to vote on plans and choices for Uniswap’s future. 
Governance Token Pros and Cons
Developers can only add the “De” to DeFi using governance tokens. Without them, projects would be nothing more than deserts of unmanageable smart contracts. Users are encouraged to work with other community members and come to a consensus through debate when they can directly vote on the matter. Since users have a motive and a way to actively shape a project’s path and direction, governance promotes more active communities. Governance models make it simpler for developers to come to specific conclusions and implement the changes that are thought required by their community, even while developers do not entirely forsake their involvement in the decision-making process.
However, there will always be individuals who solely consider their own interests when voting. Real accountability cannot exist under democratic governance structures. The community always assigns blame for bad decisions to an undefined, invisible group. Users will always point the finger at “the majority,” and you won’t find anyone admitting they are “the majority.” The one whale who hoards the project’s tokens exists in almost every governance in crypto scheme. Investors frequently worry that the whale would eventually control the majority of the tokens through sheer financial strength, independently generate proposals, and make self-serving decisions.
We hope this post with governance tokens explained has been of help to you.  Tokens for governance in crypto introduces applications that add enormous value with the main goal of introducing real decentralization by shifting authority toward the community. Owners of what is a governance token can actively participate in the decision-making process by voting on the recommendations made by other community members. The well-liked items on the list of governance tokens demonstrate how stronger governance token applications could be developed.
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scortikblogs · 2 years
Create Stablecoin
What exactly is Stablecoin?
Today, there are 180 currencies recognized through the United Nations, from the US dollar to the European Euro to the Japanese Yen, and many more.
These currencies are commonly used to buy products and services in global economies. Despite fluctuating exchange rates and other variables that affect the value of these currencies can fluctuate with minimal change from day to day basis.
It allows a variety of economies to rely on the use of these currencies issued by governments for their operations. For instance, you could purchase bread from your local eatery and spend $4 today, knowing it's unlikely that the price will drop to 99 cents in the future dramatically.
Stablecoin is a type of digital currency that seeks to resemble traditional, stable currencies. Stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency that is collateralized by the value of the underlying asset.
What are the various types of Stablecoin?
Stablecoins are classified primarily into the following categories:
Collateralized Stablecoins
Collateralized Stablecoins are currencies that are secured through specific collateral. The coins can also be classified into:
Stablecoins backed by fiat
The stablecoins that are backed by fiat are tied in value to the fiat currency. The first stablecoin with backing from fiat included Tether (USDT) which introduced the idea of a cryptocurrency tied to its US dollar value and backed by reserves that represent the total market capitalization. Other examples of stablecoins that are backed by fiat comprise PAXOS Standard and USD coins.
Stablecoins that are backed by assets
Asset-backed stablecoins can be backed by other assets, not including fiat or cryptocurrency. They are tied to the value of other assets, like silver, gold diamonds, oil, real estate, and others.
Stablecoins backed by crypto
They are backed by cryptocurrency. However, they utilize procedures to guarantee that the value of the coin does not change in relation to the price of the backing token. DAI tokens are stablecoin backed by crypto and backed by Ether and tied to USD. US USD value. It is able to maintain its price through Maker Smart Contract that destroys and generates MKR tokens according to fluctuations within the ETH price.
Non-collateralized stablecoins
Also called Seigniorage shares or algorithmic stablecoins. they are non-collateralized and adhere to the core principle of cryptocurrency which is decentralization. Because numerous crypto enthusiasts have advocated that stablecoins should focus around an asset but utilize algorithms to determine value, the idea of non-collateralized stablecoins has become a reality.
The power of money in non-collateralized stablecoins is not based on a central source but rather a formula that is derived from demand-supply. Basis is a prime example of an algorithmic stablecoin that received 133 million in funding from Bain Capital Ventures, Polychain Capital, and GV and has gained significant attention.
Hybrid stablecoins
The name suggests, Hybrid stablecoins are the combination of collateralized as well as non-collateralized stablecoins. These coins are linked to a resource but are modeled in an algorithmic manner. It can be very difficult to comprehend hybrid stablecoins, and many of the laws restrict these types of projects.
How can I make the Stablecoin?
1. Define the kind of stablecoin that needs to be created
As stated above there are two major kinds of stablecoins i.e. collateralized and uncollateralized stablecoins. This makes it difficult to determine which type of stablecoin is better than one type over the other. If you are looking to provide stability over the long term, then you should go for stability that is algorithmic. If your goal is stability in the short term, and the base asset is reliable it is best to choose collateralized stablecoins.To determine the kind of stablecoins you need you should ask yourself these questions:
How do I get the amount of liquidity I need for my stablecoins?
What kind of decentralization/independence do I require?
How many audits do I need to improve trust and decrease the risk associated with my stablecoins?
How simple or intricate do I want my whole structure to be?
When you have the answer to the questions listed above, you'll be able to determine what type of stablecoin would like to create.
2. Determine the platform and technology needed to create stablecoin
When you've narrowed down the kind of stablecoin you want to create the next step is to decide on the best platform that will create the stablecoin. At first, Ethereum was the only platform that could create stablecoins however, it's no longer the case. There were about 11 stablecoins on the market in 2016, and another 10 were added in 2017. However, today there are more than 70 stablecoins, and 140 are currently in development.
To learn more - https://www.leewayhertz.com/how-to-create-a-stablecoin/
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ccsthemovie2 · 3 years
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the birth of the sealed card
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
MKR!Sun Wukong learns more about Persona User!s/o
Here's the next part for MKR Sun Wukong. Looking back at his characterization, anything interesting definitely has his attention. Why you may ask? Well, that's for me to know and you guys to find out. This can be read gender neutral or preferred gender.
Ever since you've joined the group, Sun Wukong had grown more... inquisitive. At least from what Sha Wujing told you.
The Monkey King did this in two ways, one more annoying than the other. Let's start with the irritating way: Snooping.
Considering you being from at least 5000 years into the future, there was a bunch of things that none of them should see. All contained in the homemade bag that was dragged with you.
You weren't concerned much about your Nintendo Switch, sketchbooks and camera when it came to your phone and ID. Mainly the phone as it had a copy of Journey To The West inside a PDF file.
Sun Wukong managed to dive in your bag when you weren't looking cause ya caught him playing A Hat In Time while everyone else was asleep! That cheeky monkey!
Only reason you found out because Raoul becomes more active at night. Thus you let him play your Switch during those times. Shouldn't have modified the battery with a part from Mementos but you care about your Persona being comfortable.
Quick compromise was in order. You would tell the Monkey King more about yourself in exchange for not digging into your things. "Sure. If I get to play with this strange device from time to time." That wasn't so bad.
Under Raoul's suggestion, you kept this little nightly compromise a secret. Each day Sun Wukong would ask you a few questions about yourself.
He learned that you were an artist of sorts. The preferred crafts being handmade bags, apparel and painting portraits. You also drew in your spare time. The Monkey King would definitely keep that in mind.
Sun Wukong did catch you drawing in your sketchbook multiple times as they continued their journey. These drawings range from the landscape, monsters they defeated and the group. Fruity wanting to see what you were drawing made that easier.
At night when everyone else was asleep, you, the Monkey King and Raoul sat together sharing your game console. The stone monkey seemed to like playing A Hat In Time a lot.
Quietly laughing to yourselves whenever something funny occured. Whether when in game or one of you tries to show off only to embarrassingly die in seconds. Oh, especially when a harmless glitch occurs.
Overall, it wasn't so bad. Neither you or Raoul could fault Sun Wukong for being curious. No one noticed the stolen ID he kept quietly tucked in his tiger skin. If or once you return home, the Monkey King now knew when to search for ya. After all, he had all the time in the world.
Looks like Sun Wukong has stolen your ID! Monkey King Reborn Sun Wukong is definitely the type to go digging in people's stuff whether out of curiosity or boredom.
As for why I mentioned A Hat In Time, that'll be popping up in a later headcanon but it does have importance! I wanted this one to be more focused on Reader and Sun Wukong the most. So I hope I did good.
Until next time folks, I'll see you on the Journey West.
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lazywolfwanted · 2 years
MKR x Ink!Demon![Y/N]
[Chapter 2]
[Y/N] is gender neutral, I ain't like choosing gender so made S/O use they/them.
English is not my first language so there might be a bad grammars and wrong spelling.
Humming through the air, 'Idiot Monkey, adorable but idiot.' they thought. Reaching over their pockets for one of the candy, they throw it in their mouth.
Putting their hands in the coat pocket, they saw a village nearby, 'I don't think I have money...' they shrugged and went towards it, not like they really needed to eat anyway.
As they step their feet in the village, they look around. 'Interesting...' they walk further in, some people took a glance at them, who wouldn't? They literally wearing an old coat and a hat with a scarf wrapped around their 'neck'.
Yawning, they scratch their cheek. They glance from their shoulder, and without looking where they going, they accidentally bump into someone.
"Oh dear, my apologized sir." they state and look at the man, he got no hair and a white hanfu. "It's alright, please be careful next time." he said.
They nodded, "Still, my apologized on bumping into you." they bow while hold their hat close to their chest, showing him their black horns like hair.
"Welp..." looking back up and putting back their hat on, "I hope you have a nice day sir, I will get going." they said and walk passed him.
Yawning again, they bumped into another person. "Oh, my apologized s-" they look up and met the same hazel brown eyes.
"Hell no, goodbye." they quickly said and turn away, gaining some speeds on their walk. Walking away from the village, they whistle some of old song they used to performed.
That is until they felt a familiar presence, sighing in annoyance they glance from their shoulder, "What?" they ask coldly.
There he was, 'The Great Sage' himself standing there not far from them. "You are annoying-" "I was supposed to say that." "-but you really are an interesting person." he state.
They rolled their eyes and walked away, said monkey appeared infront of them. "Ok what the hell actually you want?" they ask having enough of him already, "I want you to join me." they look at him like he was some short of idiot.
'What?' they thought, "And why would I join you?" they walk passed him, "Just to inclusion of our(my) boredom on journey." he said turning around and follow them.
They gave an annoyed look, "No, go find yourself some other entertainment and not me." they replied.
Yawning, they caught he was following. "Dude just- leave me alone." they said, "I'm not interested." they added. "I'm not taking 'No' as an answere." he state.
They glance at him in annoyance, "Well, I do." leaping themselves through the ink. "Hey! Not this time!" he shout and jump in the ink as well.
×𝕾𝖚𝖓 𝖂𝖚𝖐𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖜×
Opening his eyes, he saw he was in some kind of water, well. Ink if I might say. Looking around for them, he muffled groan through the ink.
"ʍɥɐʇ ʇɥǝ ɥǝll ɐɹǝ ʎon poıuƃ?!" he turn around to see them floating not far from him with their eyes wide open, "ʎon ʍɐsu'ʇ snddosǝp ʇo qǝ ɥǝɹǝ!" they shouted.
He glance from his shoulder to see one of the ink monster try to attacked, backing away before punched it, leaving a hole. The creature merged back together wich suprised him, it launched forward and form around his body. Trying to pray it off him, another monster come forward and attracted themselves behind him.
Another appeared and another then another, he could felt the oxygen is getting low. Reaching his arms to try and free himself but no used, feeling consciousnesses start to disappeared. He almost close his eyes when a hand grab him and pulled him out, taking a glance to see them but different.
Goo's of inks was covering their upper head and showing him their black devil like hair, sharp teeth that was grittng at the monsters. They let a screech to the creatures as they retreat, his eyes dropped and passed out.
They glance down at him and scowl, "sʇndıp ɯouʞǝʎ." they mumbled and bring him back to the surface.
×𝕭𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊×
A hand like ink throw up to the air from the ink puddle, holding the ground as the hand was pushing up the ink demon with the unconscious Sage in their grasp.
Leaping out from the ink liquid, they bring their arms to their face and wipe away the ink's. Putting back their hat and glove on, they glance down at the monkey king.
"T'sk." they spit, they gave him a piggyback and walk back where the village was. 'Idiot monkey, why are you being reckless on jumping in that ink...' they pause, 'Most importantly, how? I already close the portal...' they ask in their mind.
'Whatever, now I need to find his friends. Such troublesome, idiot stupid monkey.' they spat in their head.
×𝕾𝖚𝖓 𝖂𝖚𝖐𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖛𝖎𝖊𝖜×
Opening his eyes to see Fruity staring at him, the fruit child gasp. "Monkey!" he groan and crack his neck.
"What?" he mumbled, "Wukong." he look up to see his master and his two companions who gave him a worried look, "What happened?" the monk ask. He took a glance at the surrounding to see they were under some tree's, "I..." he try to search for the ink demon but they were not presence.
"I don't know..." he state, "Brother Wukong, you were unconscious under this tree. We kinda saw you and thought you got attacked." the pig demon, Bajie said.
The other demon with a fish like featured nodded, "We saw that you have a little bit of this black liquid, we thought it was blood at first but it was actually an ink." he state.
"And there was also a black rose ontop of you're heads." Bajie added showing him the black roses, he stare at it for a few second.
"I..don't really remember what happened..." he said, "It is fine, as long as you're safe." the monk said.
Behind the tree were Wukong leaning on, the ink demon was leaning with their arms in their pockets. "Come, we must continued our journey." they heard the monk state.
Rolling their eyes and leap through the ink and disappeared.
This take like three days, I leave it on draft actually 🤣.
Have a nice day/night everyone!
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sonofrose · 2 years
Also, there's kind of the whole thing with Magic Knight Rayearth being specifically cited by Matt as a huge inspiration on Amphibia, and considering a huge thing about MKR was the reveal at the end about how the girls weren't summoned to save the world they were isekaid to, but rather to kill the person who's supposed to keep said world intact in the first place, well...
Mother Olm did talk about how they believed the girls were summoned to help save them, aka meaning even she doesn't know for certain what the prophecy will turn out to be about
Wasn't I who told you about that?
First for those not in the know, Magic Knight Rayearth is a manga and anime series by CLAMP of the 1990's, it depicted a trio of color coded girls (the classic RGB triad) who where summoned to the world of Cephiro, as Magic Knights, to save Princess Emeraude from the clutches of High Priest Zagato as per a prophecy.
Overall a classic set up for fantasy/rpg/isekai stories.
But (spoilers because honestly you should read the story if you haven't) the final twist of the series was that the prophecy actually said the magic knights were a failsafe in case the pillar that keeps Cephiro's existence, aka the princess they thought they were saving, ever goes astray by any reason (either turning evil or falling in love)
Notoriously the series ending where the magic knights KILL the princess causing the collapse of Cephiro was so poorly recieved a sequel manga had to be made.
Back on Amphibia.
One interesting thing I found about the prophecy Mother Olm told us is that the last line was changed or rather expanded from just "determine all" to "determine the fate of all", a small but significant change if you think about it.
Which going by Rayearth's example paints us a... grim picture.
Its easy to assume The Core, that thing that does not sleep and will not die, is "the night" the prophecy speaks of, and expelling it will save amphibia and many other worlds.
...but how do we know thats what will happen.
"Fight or embrace the fall."
What could be the right choice?
What truly is The Night?
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purble-turble · 3 years
So like, i know the Mourning King Red timeline is mostly for our traumatized time traveller(s) bc otherwise theres not much left in the ashes to play around in, but CONSIDER:
Instead of the TT boys, MKR is instead found by his darling, his real true darling! He grins so wide at him and pulls out the dimension hopper, insisting theres nothing left for them in this world, that hes got a place set up for the two of them to be together forever! Oh he should have known better than to ever think he could have even been capable of hurting his darling! Of course his sweet clever perfect MK had replaced his body with... perhaps that had been a clone? And used the oppertunity to arrange their futures together! Sure their marriage wasnt very traditional, infact theyd basically eloped once they reached their new home, But he wasnt going to complain.
Of course he'd follow his darling to any dimension he'd like to set roots in. Especially since hes finally come to his senses about how horrible and poisonous his assumed 'friends' were.
He doesnt know why he's decided to atart calling him 'hot stuff' as his new term of endearment, but if Red's a good husband and does what MK tells him to then sometimes he'll bring back the long-missed 'Hun' and Red will be reminded that everything is right in the world again. They dont need anyone else but eachother, and everything will be wonderful from there.
Oh my gosh, this is an amazing idea, Anon! Everything about this is so so true! If Yandere MK managed to stumble upon that Mourning dimension, he would absolutely take advantage of the situation and steal King Red for his own... I guess... this is a best case scenario for both of them??? Yandere MK gets a Red who's compliant and will never disobey him, and King Red gets an MK who loves him and he never has to leave his side. So what if this MK is manipulative and controlling? So what if this Red clings to MK like he'll dissolve into smoke at any second? They're both so toxic, it's a perfect fit, to be honest. :U
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amboato · 7 years
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Umi tries to put things into perspective for Hikaru. pointing out that the people of Cephiro have created good things too, like the castle. But she looks sad, too, and I have no idea why. Maybe they are all just weary of fighting and feel a little hopeless about fighting this enemy that they have only glimpsed for the briefest of moments. Or maybe she’s just worried about Hikaru. Maybe both. 
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