#or vote of approval
samsaster · 2 years
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tubbytarchia · 5 months
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hi guys please vote GemPearl 🥺
Based on this edit
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toriel-2 · 2 months
"in a hitler vs mussolini election you should vote mussolini" is an absolutely insane thing to say because they were both equally abhorrent individuals, the only difference being scale. how do you in good consience not just blurt out "wow this is terrible this whole system should be dismantled"
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afewproblems · 1 year
98 for Robin?
98. "Hold me back!"
Ahhh thank you very much for this! I'm sorry it was so late nonny!
This is taking place in the same universe as this piece which you can also read on AO3
"I swear to God" Robin moans as she smacks her head onto the counter, "I will walk into traffic if I have to explain the plot of Labyrinth one more time". 
Steve puts the money from the recent rental into the till and shrugs, "I dunno Birdy, I liked your take on it this time". 
She snorts, finally cracking a grin, "you just liked the look on her face when I talked about how half the movie is Bowie's package and the other half is Muppets". 
"Potato, Tomato," Steve hums, closing the till with a soft snick.
For a Saturday opening shift it had been strangely slow. 
They had their usual guests during the day, screaming children with parents who were clearly at the end of their tether. Irritating teens who stole as many snacks as their thieving little backpacks could handle. Movie nerds who asked for as many titles as they could think of before settling on something so obscure there was no way they carried it -or on the off chance Family Video did have it in their inventory, it was already checked out. 
However, with half an hour until Keith was set to arrive for the closing shift, the front door bell jingled harshly to announce a new presence in the store and in an instant Robin’s stomach falls into her shoes. 
Because Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins have just walked in. 
Robin has dealt with assholes from highschool before, she had to wear a sailor outfit with shorts for her last job for fucks sake, but she’s also never gotten into a physical fight with any schmucks from her forth period algebra class. 
Steve on the other hand…
He’s on the other side of the counter all of a sudden, standing in between her and Tommy.
His expression seems neutral, but Robin can read the line of tension in his shoulders as Carol whispers something into Tommy’s ear.
"Welcome to Family Video," Robin says, her voice clipped and stony, "it's two for one Saturday and all the sections are labeled so you should be able to get in and get out". 
"Come on, we just got here," Tommy scoffs, he's glaring openly at Steve while Carol seems to be scanning Robin, watching her carefully.
"Boy, you really do have a type huh Stevie," Carol sneers from Tommy's side, "at least this one plays an instrument, she's just as stuck up as Wheeler though from what I remember".
"If you guys don't want to rent anything, then leave," Steve says slowly, deliberately with wary hostility.
"You're suddenly so fucking tough huh?" Tommy scoffs, stepping closer towards Steve.
Carol moves with him but her eyes widen slightly in surprise, she grabs at his arm and pulls just slightly, "Tommy--"
"I'm not going to fight you man," Steve sighs, running a hand over his face and into his hair, Robin watches as his shoulders droop ever so slightly.
She knows Steve has complicated feelings about his former friends, they'd known one another for such a long time and those old feelings don't just disappear.
He'd been hurt to see Tommy and Carol gravitate towards Billy so easily. To egg him on as he bullied Steve their senior year, the tables turned so suddenly it was like whiplash.
Well, Steve may feel conflicted about his old shithead friends, but Robin has no such compunction.
"He won't but I will," Robin blurts out, the words run away from her faster than she can even catch up to them.
Steve closes his eyes, his expression pained while Tommy and Carol both turn to her with equal looks of surprise. 
Huh, it's the first time in her life she's ever seen Carol Perkins speechless and it's glorious. 
Robin lets the thrill of it carry her forward until she's stepped around the counter to stand beside Steve.
“Yeah, Steve's gonna have to hold me back,” Robin snarls as she grabs Steve’s hand and places it on her own shoulder. 
Steve gives her a withering look as he mimes pulling a zipper over his own mouth.
"You let your bitch off her leash huh Harrington?" Tommy says with a lecherous grin as he stares at them both.
He lets out two barks and laughs again as he swings an arm around Carol's shoulder, her tinkling laugh joins his own and Robin can't believe this is even happening. Did she hit her head getting out of Steve's car this morning?
Fuck this.
"Funny stuff Hagan," Robin bites out, "your ass must be pretty jealous of your mouth for all the nasty shit it gets to spew in public".
"What did you just say to me?" Tommy snarls as he stomps closer, his ears have turned a ruddy pink that matches the flush crawling up his neck.
Carol tries to reach for his arm, whispering, "just drop it Tommy, let's go," but he wrenches away from her and continues forward, only stopping as a flat palm catches him in the chest.
Steve stands his ground in front of Tommy, looking down his nose with cold eyes. 
Steve told her about the last time he and Tommy had squared off. It was just before Robin spotted Steve outside the corner store while she waited for her mother to pay for their things, the aftermath that she hadn't thought much of at the time, but now…
Steve walks forward, using his height to his advantage to tower imposingly over Tommy, his face twisted into a vicious snarl that Robin has only seen one other time, underneath Starcourt.
"Get out, I don't want to tell you again Tommy," Steve says lowly under his breath, just loud enough that Robin has to strain to hear him. 
Tommy's eyes narrow as his mouth pulls into a sneer, "and what are you gonna do about it, you're not scary Harrington," he grins despite taking a step back as Steve continues forward, pushing them towards the front door. 
"I don't have to be scary, but I do have an in with your drug dealer and I can make it impossible for you to score for as long as you live in this godforsaken shithole". 
"You're bluffing".
"Try me," Steve whispers just as the bell dings again at the front of the store. Tommy doesn't look away from Steve even as Carol exclaims a small, 'oh', beside him.
Robin smirks and leans back against the counter, raising her hand in an enthusiastic wave towards the entrance, "hey Eddie!"
Tommy curses under his breath and wrenches himself away from Steve, just in time to see the murderous expression on Eddie's face. 
Carol takes the opportunity to grab at the sleeve of Tommy's shirt and drag him the last few steps away towards the door, they give Eddie a wide berth as they pass. 
Tommy glares at Steve and Robin the entire way, muttering curses under his breath as Robin blows them a kiss with her middle finger.
The bell jingles again as the door swings open and falls gently closed, leaving them in an uneasy silence. 
"You guys okay?" Eddie says quietly after a beat, he steps towards Steve, his brow pinched with concern.
Steve nods silently before turning towards Robin. She expects a lecture from the frown on his face but blinks in surprise as Steve pulls her into a tight hug.
"Don't do that again," he mumbles into her hair, she opens her mouth to speak, to insist that she doesn't need a babysitter like his gaggle of children.
"I know it's just Tommy," Steve breathes out as though reading her mind, "but I don't think I could handle it if something happened to you Robin, I mean it". 
And all at once the fight drains out of her as Robin wonders just how she wound up with someone like Steve Harrington in her corner. 
"I wasn't going to let them talk shit," she huffs, despite pressing even closer, she feels his head shake against her own.
"I can take a hit and I'm not going to let some asshole have a chance to go after you too," he says sharply. 
Robin rolls her eyes and steps back just enough to look him in the eyes, "remember what your annoying child friend said, if you die, I die".
She shrugs at the incredulous expression on his face, "what? Smartest thing that kid has ever said". 
"You're ridiculous," Steve whispers and there's so much warm affection in his voice as he squeezes her once more, that Robin has to bury her face in his shoulder to hide the sudden shine in her eyes.
Eddie seems to take this as his cue to move forward and let his hand rest on Steve's lower back, the pinched look fading slightly as he smiles at Robin. 
"Well, my original plan was to take Stevie here, out after his shift, buuut I'm thinking the three of us are in need of a night on the town, what do you say Buckaroo?" Eddie asks with a waggles of his eyebrows and a wide grin. 
"I'll come if you never call me that again," Robin says with as much of a straight face as she can muster.
Steve barks out a laugh as he leans into Eddie's side, "oh you've done it now Buckaroo". 
Robin squawks and flaps her hands at Steve until he ducks away behind Eddie who immediately shields his face with his hands. 
"You think way too highly of me if you think that's where I'm aiming," Robin says dryly, snorting as Eddie gasps and lifts a leg for further protection, prompting them both to collapse into a fit of giggles while Steve watches fondly.
They all eventually relax, falling into an easy conversation as Steve and Robin finish up the last of the morning duties. The tension from earlier fading away as Eddie sits on the counter top, with his eyes on the door, watching out, just in case.
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tomatette · 2 months
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Vote for General Ginger - Millie commands it!
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ya-boi-haru · 12 days
Kaleidoscope made it to the finale, so here's my propaganda speech...
Kaleidoscope (or M&M) has never canonically interacted, nor is it possible for them to do so.
But that's what's so great about it, the fandom has taken one look at these two blorbos and went, "Yeah, they could be a thing" and made these beautiful headcannons and fanon things for them to be together.
Kaleidoscope lives purely off of non-canon ideas and stretched/ignored canon and in the end, isn't that what "non-canon" shipping is really about? Finding two little guys that could never be together and saying, yes they could?
What makes Kaleidoscope more impressive is that, unlike the other ships, we have no idea of their dynamics and interactions. With canon ships you can see how they interact and build off of that, Kaleidoscope is - once again - built off of the fans ideas, theories and headcannons.
Their story/trope dynamic is also hella cute. An artist who can create anything they want × A "demi-god" who can't control the colours/structures they create.
A person who is from a dull one coloured town × A God who can use any colour anywhere
Sarcastic & sassy × Kind & modest
Some fanon things that are also hella cute for them:
Communicating through colours and textures, Malitae not being mad about the Wack - and even growing to appreciate it, artist buddies, Malitae sort-of knowing Midas (post-finale) as they would remember Quixis (Mixis,), Showing each other things from their worlds...
Also their ship name is super cute!? And explosion of shapes and colours, it's literally them! And they even have a second ship name, (M&M) they're little colourful, chocolate lollies! What's not to love!?
They are super cute and deserve to be happy together
Vote Kaleidoscope!
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
really hoping for the last debate to let the international members to be able to talk in their mother language cuz admit it or not, its a HUGE handicap that they're not able to get themselves across as they'd like to cuz of the language barrier. they're trying their best and im glad the team is working to better the translator but my god, even if its more convenient for them to talk english its def affecting some of the candidates
this is mostly directed @ insaneduo cuz holy shit im so tired of people that keep missinterpreting them, they wont start a dictatorship go and actually watch their povs
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spiderwarden · 3 months
… try not to be offended over a stupid quiz.. try not to be offended over a stupid quiz.. trYING NOT TO BE OFFENDED OVER A STUPID QUIZ.
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awkward-teabag · 4 months
After every (American) election, there's always a bunch of posts going around exposing psyops or pointing out how there were posts on this site designed to get people to not vote blue.
And in the lead up to every (American) election, there's a bunch of posts being reblogged that are clearly either psyops or manipulative posts that tell people it's perfectly okay for them not to vote at all.
Like, there's history going back years on this hellsite where the alt-right intentionally tried to undermine or indoctrinate people so they get/stay in power. History a lot of y'all know of or were even there for and saw go down in real time.
But sure, be uncritical of what you reblog, don't bother looking at the source website, or just put things out there without caveats or nuance.
#i know media literacy is trash these days#and that there's intentional misinformation/no information about elections#but i've seen people who have reblogged things about psyops in the past who both reblog and support current ones#but unlike other social media sites you can reblog a post but then stick nuance in the tags#you can be critical of something while also gritting your teeth and supporting it because the alternative is worse#you can (and should) also be critical of the systems that lead to that in the first place#throwing your hands up and saying there's no point and you aren't going to bother#and it's fine if others do the same#is just giving up and saying it's too hard for you and you don't care about the harm that comes to others#the canadian system is different (though first past the post tries to make it the same)#but you can bet i'd vote for trudeau even though fuck him and his racist ass#if the alternative was pp because while trudeau sucks for many reasons#pp is fucking terrifying to me as a disabled queer person#and i'm lucky in that i'm white and canadian and can pass as cishet so i'd be spared the worst of it#others would not be so lucky#especially when his fans are eager to hate crime people and only hold themselves back because they would face social consequences#also learn what is private criticism you keep to yourself or talk to friends about#and what is okay to talk about publicly#some things you don't fucking say when it will be taken as permission for antipathy or approval by fascists
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littleseasalt · 10 months
I've been inactive lately because I got sick on friday and it got. worse throughout the days, but this person on twitter basically sums up my whole thought about the whole president debacle
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#qsmp#dk if i should tag this as discourse#warn me if yes#but basically yeah its a weird mix of rp and meta#and looking back on it i sooo wish the “the federation can not approve it!” argument didnt exist during the debates#cause#rp aside. lets look on the meta#the admins went through all the trouble to think of the whole arc#the debates; el quackity; the voting system#and then after ALL THAT TROUBLE#they would just deny every presidential request ever???? lol#also this is something i dont think many ppl on tumblr know#because generally pt speakers dont talk about it a lot either#but the reason cellbit and forever disagreed with the council bbh and baghera proposed#was that their council would make it so there was no president#and their disagreement of this council was coming ONE HUNDRED PERCENT FROM META#because when cellbit and forever talked about it at the beginning of the elections#forever mentioned how the admins put limits on what they can do#and gave an example about the day they got felps and cellbit back where they had to do a certain way#and cellbit agreed with him#their logic was just that since the admins went through the whole trouble of coming up with the elections#its because the admins WANT to have a president and they wouldnt allow for the president to not exist#also Cellbit agreed that if you excluded the admins controlling the lore it would make sense to have a council#he said something like “in brazil we have like millions of people and we can't really have everyone give their opinions so thats why we#elect ppl to represent us. its not the case of this island where you can just go for a walk and you find out what everyone wants/thinks in#15 minutes“
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shyvioletlife · 8 months
It sure is wild that Biden has the gall to promise only $100 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is barely enough to grant relief to even half of the over two million people who have been forced to live without food water or medical supplies by Israel over the past two weeks, and then he turns around and is expected to ask for another $10 billion in mostly military aid for Israel. On top of the, what, $3 or 4 billion he already gave them?
Israel is literally in the process of a genocide on the people in Gaza and he wants to triple the money the US already gave them.
what the fuck
Between this and the US vetoing the UN security councils motion to try and intervene in the crisis in Gaza, Biden and his administration is doing everything in their power to ensure Israel is untouchable while they commit genocide.
Meanwhile I have yet to see any evidence that the meager aid biden ‘won’ for the people in gaza has even successfully managed to get past the Rafah crossing - the latest I can see is that they’re still trying to repair the roads because of Israel’s excessive bombing
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thewingedwolf · 9 months
literally half the house has told cam that he doesn’t have the votes and the information is not sinking in, i mean we are talking people who aren’t even in alliances with each other telling him “felicia is going home you are not gonna get rid of izzy this week” and he’s still like “i know the house better than you”
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nakanotamu · 6 months
officially on both estrogen & testosterone babeyyyyyy
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Jack: Looks like we can’t isolate, ignore, or ibuprofen our way out of this one, boys.
Race: Ignite it is, then.
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ravenite-void · 10 months
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ivygorgon · 2 months
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📣 Exciting news from Resistbot!
They've launched a new feature called approval polls. Now you can express whether or not you would re-elect each of your federal elected officials.
This is an important step in making our voices heard and holding our elected officials accountable. Let's use this tool to let them know what they need to do to earn our votes! Try it out by texting "approval" to the bot. Your input matters!
Resistbot continues to innovate for civic engagement. I look forward to seeing more developments like this in the future. Share your thoughts and feedback in the general discussion. Let's make a difference together! 🗳️✨
📱Text APPROVAL to 50409 and earn FREE Coins!
I just tried it out and here's my feedback:
For President Biden, I might vote to reelect him because he took steps to repeal discriminatory policies like the Trans Ban (DADT 2.0). While I appreciate this progress, I hope to see a more critical approach to U.S. support and funding for Israel. Even still, Trump would be worse for Palestine. Vote Blue No Matter Who, until we get Ranked Choice Voting.
For Senator Murkowski, I approve of her reelection because I appreciate Senator Murkowski's dedication to child development and her progressive stance on LGBTQ+ rights. However, I wish she would support stronger gun regulation and prioritize green initiatives more consistently. I'm encouraged by her stance against Trump's policies.
For Senator Sullivan, I strongly oppose Senator Sullivan due to his positions against reproductive rights, transgender rights, and affordable healthcare. Additionally, his denial of climate change, support for gerrymandering, and alignment with extremist views surrounding the January 6 insurrection are deeply concerning. He is an un-American Trump Sucker and I need him out of my chair this instant.
For Rep. Peltola, I approve of her because I appreciate Senator Peltola's support for COVID-19 proposals and her progressive stance on marriage, children, LGBTQ+, and transgender rights. However, I believe there is room for improvement in her support for military service members, veterans, and moderate gun regulation.
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