#or was that just izy's nickname for him
fazcinatingblog · 6 months
Will Faz be at the pub for gather round? What does he do if not at the pub? What else would he want to be doing instead of seeing his third wife that he hasn't seen since last year and
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48lexr · 2 months
As Promised
I filled out one of these character sheets I found for In Iziser, Hero of Cognition and Emperor of Zeneste, as a writing warm-up.
General Info
Name: In Iziser
• Most prominent: Nuwrrite Emeete, "Hero of Cognition," Nuwrrite sis Nistemiks pijn.
Called Izi by all his friends.
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 18
Gender: Cis Man
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Human
Place Of Birth: Outside of Ir Nouzonif, Zeneste
Current Home: Ir Nouzonif, Zeneste
Big spoilers ahead of here, be warned!
Izi has short, brown hair and brown skin and a flat-ish nose. His eyes are green, and he stands at around 5' 6" (167 cm). He doesn't appear particularly fit or trim, but the mass on his bones is definitely muscle from tilling and harvesting rice fields.
Normally, he'll be seen wearing jeans and long-sleeves, even in >100 F (37 C) heat-indexes, since Ir Nouzonif is a very humid place. He's no stickler for colors matching, and often his clothes are permanently stained with dirt.
Though mostly cheery, he can becomes aggravated easier than normal. Moreover, he can be overzealous and overconfident. He's very openly trusting, although he keeps his early history close to his chest. He's not altogether too proud, though he hates to receive charity, even when he's down on his luck. He looks up to his father, and remembers his words a lot.
• Rice bowls. They're his favorite food because they're a) easy to make, b) versatile, and c) filling with the right ingredients. He mostly just adds a couple of fried eggs to his rice bowls.
• Spending time with Hotautebz, the Hero of Mind. Since there's no point in holding back from Hota, Izi feels most like himself when he's with them. Hota's not too judgemental, thankfully.
• His local general store. It's the place where he does most of his shopping, since he knows the price is relatively cheap for the quality of clothing and other daily goods.
• His authority being questioned. Though he's very insecure about being a leader (in more ways than one), he wouldn't give up the title for his life. He often finds ways to reassert his own authority in that way.
• Lounging around. Izi is restless and likes to me moving about. He likes to rest when he's tired, but he doesn't stay stagnant for too long.
• Burned rice. He believes rice is one of the easiest things to cook, and one of the hardest things to mess up, since it's so versatile.
Known Abilities
Cognition Magic
Cognition magic is the magic of the Irrealis-that which is not real, or cannot be known. Quantum physics lends itself really well to this, as well as knowledge of magic, itself. At a base level, Izi can teleport, become "ghost-like," and sense another person's magic.
Besides that, his skill with the scythe and sickle have been honed for the years since he worked in the rice fields.
• (Mother) Ihine Dolgof, Hero of Life. (Not present during his upbringing.) (See! I told you there would be big spoilers.)
(Father) Äs Xajas. Raised Izi alone. Deceased
(Sister) In Taguchif, Hero of Redacted. Raised by her mother (Ihine Dolgof) in Atepsi to become the Princess of Atepsi.
• Vimir, roommate and best friend. Worked in the rice fields together. Complete airhead.
Eheste Lozerief, Hero of Earth. Simultaneously an ally and enemy.
Hotautebz Az, Hero of Mind. Izi and Hota fit together like the first two tunes in Ralph Vaughan Williams' Sea Songs.
President Sluwfa of Zeneste. The big bad.
Eheste Lozerief. Marginally less bad.
In Taguchif. Even less bad.
Izi was born the second of two to the Hero of Life and Xajas. Deciding she couldn't raise two children, Ihine Dolgof forced Xajas to divorce and split their children, since Taguchif was just two, and Izi had just been born. As a result, Izi was raised alone.
He went through elementary school in the rural area outside of Ir Nouzonif until his father died in the hospital with stage four lung cancer. After that, the lawyers who were supposed to transcribe his inheritance and set up a fund, based on his father's will, stole it all for themselves, leaving the, now twelve years old, Iziser to find work for himself.
Fun Facts
• Izi's accent of Ipol has the voiceless uvular fricative, [χ], as the realization of the voiced uvular trill, [ʀ] phonemically /ʀ/. Additionally, his /s/ is realized as [h] in most contexts. In summary, he speaks like a farmer.
• Izi has a big fat crush on Hota for most of the novel. That's really all there is to say on the matter.
• Izi never quite realizes why the lemon tree is so significant for Dolgof and Lozerief.
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somethingscft · 1 year
♡ — keith & izi DUH
ACCEPTING | Send me a ♡ plus a ship and I’ll tell you…
for keith & izidora
keith to izidora's dismay
izidora ONLY because keith went in first too soon and almost took his eye out, but when they actual kiss, izi initiated it.
is dumbass a nickname? then izidora
also izi; no one trusts keith around a stove.
i want to say keith, only because of his dad put him on.
izi? i feel like she's the starfish sleeper.
definitely izi; keith is anti-morning.
also izi. keith is a manchild and doesn't like the taste of coffee.
this switches but mostly keith
keith, streaming for way too long :(
keith, he's so IN LOVE
keith AGAIN; he's grabbing ass and slipping tongue ANYWHERE, ANY TIME.
probably both of them, but definitely keith
OUT OF THESE TWO??? IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY. keith is more annoying if that means anything
inow??? i think it's gonna be izi
keith, in the weirdest way possible
it's the first time izi fell asleep at his place. HEAR ME OUT. they were probably just cuddling and watching anime. and she just fell asleep on him, but he was like "awwww she trusts me and she feels safe 🥹"
bonus: when she threatened to slit his throat AFTER splitting his lip ❤️
immediately calling his ex to hook up when izi wouldn't answer her phone for 48 hours.
about izi? maybe how hard she hits. sometimes the pain is a little too intense.
physical touch and words of affirmation
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m0e-ru · 2 years
why do you use him/her he/she pronouns for mim in that post?? isnt mim strictly they/them???
yeah okay no. 1: sorry that post was literally unreadable no punctuation no context no shit no nothing no life. like literally how my discord message dumps look like I am SO sorry I really am. you can always ask though I talk about shit like it's an already known thing I'm sorry my dear okyakusan
no. 2.1: umm short answer: idc about pronouns really I've been juggling them the whole time. I'm balling 🤾🤾🤾 also I'm a writer and I like to be dramatic but that comes with the fact I make shit too vague and it doesn't make sense in the end but I like the drama. like telanovelas <-doesn't know what they're saying at this point
no. 2.2 and all the other sections under cut because I'll be a lot more talkative this time around while I uh. still have the energy though
I'll just put a really loose chart here for a second
Izy (my idea ,technically OC, of the whole Iznmi and Marie once was) - she/her Marie - she/her Mim - whatever (the situation calls for)
while publically and online I don't talk about my ideas in detail or like, something closer to a finished product, I do like to use pronouns dramatically trying to make use of the English langauge (<- thinks in 2-3 languages at a time). In this case, it'd be towards mim's different aspects. as a diety (she/her), human facade (he/him), or like uh Ame-no-Sagiri (it/its) and other stuff they do while possessing people probably.
imagine there being an omniscient narrator but likes to be dramatic and talking to an audience in the voice of a certain character and from that "perspective" (<- desperately trying to explain their bullshit writing style). If I write from a Teddie perspective then the narrative would use "sensei" for Souji and describe details curiously, or an Adachi perspective where the narrative would use "idiot" and sounds very annoyed and lazy, or Souji using "senpai" and is particular with descriptions and with things that catch his eye, or, very vaguely, mim trying to distinguish their roles and identities as god and as this human they're acting as.
but the narrator is also its own guy and decides to make analogies that could foreshadow something or make things sound interesting or sound embarrassing and cheesy and (gritting teeth, punching the fucking air)
onto a more personal take though, I guess I do leave the impression I use they/them for mim pretty firmly but not really strictly! I am a silly guy I don't really care it's not really firm at all lol
that, or you caught me while I was building this station from the ground up (2020 blog making) and pronoun usage was something really. violent eye twitching. to me. Sure I had some issues with it on a really personal level but it's fine now if that's what you're worried about. I get the feeling I do and if you came back after a while to see me messing around and letting she/he come out of my mouth without choking I'm sorry if that disturbed you. Just remembering I'm in a Community and this guy was a doll thing to be played around with and I can decide my corners and circles with blorbo. and also coming to terms with. myself (self projection revealing things about oneself WHO KNEW!!!!!!!) Or I could be completely mega wrong and I'm the only one in the world who had this experience oh well sorry
reiterating from my last letter (really long post, whichever that one was) "Mim" can be something so personal but at the same time I don't want to alienate people but make them feel comfortable with it instead. like a house name, like I am LITERALLY that friend who has nicknames for everybody and you just know who I'm referring to and you aren't obligated to use the same terms.
mim is like my guy. my boy best friend. my mom. my terrible aunt. my knows too much grandparent. my funny uncle. my cousin from a different city. my brother. my local cryptid freak thing
LIKE use whatever you want for mim, for Nami, for Izanami, whatever. I don't want you to force yourself to use mim because you think referring to them as anything else would make me turn into a hater. I am tottsly fine really its fun seeing what other people use. like a personality indicator. but if you do use mim genuinely then, well that makes me feel a bit soft.
if you want a closer look at my brain I'll try and plot it down /scratches head/
Mim is a general go-to, Mimi if I want to feel sentimental. Hell, I'll switch it up to Iznmi like calling your teacher sir Benny in class but having to say sir De Guzman to call him out from the faculty office (unless this analogy is a bit more specific, sorry, I meant when I'm vomiting ideas in message vs trying to plot it out for a proper discussion or talk to other people who don't know I use mim)
Iznmi is all contracted because of the Horrors but I ended up sticking with it, without the added Horrors, because it got easier to type and my keyboard already learned the word in its autofill, so. I also use it when I try to distance myself from blorbo vision and try to discuss more specifically and with proper details.
Izy is the oc she's her own thing. I got tired of using "izanami-no-mikoto" all the time i mean heres my nickname documentation
Izanami is when I'm referring outside of P4 like the creation myth or other Izanamis in different media (hifumi.........).
like a special code for myself especially when I'm trying to discuss all four in one sentence (IT GETS CRAZYYY) like "Izanami (p4) and Izanami (who marie was as a whole) and Izanami (creation myth) and Izanami (there was this really cool blazblue recolor I saw one time)" I WOULD'VE GONE INSANE !
okay back to pronouns um. having mim as a blorbo put me through very special horrors but at the same time a journey that taught me a lot. figuring myself out and what kind of trans swag I want. pronouns, presentation, etc etc all that junk. and I realized I do not really care? I can do what I want and so can mim and I'm happy for them and by extension happy for me. while I don't really care, I guess I don't like messing with the topic too much publically and I know of some people who have it close to their heart and do take identity and transness very seriously. I don't want to seem apathetic but also non accepting at the same time, it's just, augh, there are reasons I don't want to be popular and the fear of having a knife to my throat to have aggressive questions like this. you can do what you want! it's cool 👍 I don't want to take sides most of the time (unconfrontational, doesnt want to fight) but I'll have opinions when I have opinions (you know. the obvious). this is, auggg it's tiring to be people pleasing in general (it is 2am) THAT'S ENOUGH OF A PEROSNAL SPIEL GOODNJGHT ANON HPE YOU HAD A NICE FKRST TWO WEEKS OF THE NEW YEAR.
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sentientpaperbag · 5 years
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i’m gonna try not to scream rn cuz no one ever wants to hear about my ocs.
So this:
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is my oc Zonta. Her real name’s Ruth but she’s kinda edgy and likes nicknames without looking up what they mean. Plus her friend Izybel is the one who gave it to her and it just stuck. I’ve had her since middle school and she has gone through.... so... many... changes.
She looked like this when I first started drawing her online:
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you can see that my art has... grown a lot.
Anyway!!!! She has telekinesis and is a hothead. She’s about five feet tall and will fight literally everyone. And she has!!! tiny little freckles all over her face! She’s also like... the neutral good member of the entire friend group my friend and I made. She’s very stubborn but she knows when to back off and her best friend is Izybel, who belongs to my friend. Izybel is a Kitsune and has a bubbly personality so she and Zonta kind of have an opposite personality thing going on. They’ve been friends a while and obviously reflect my friend and I, although our personalities aren’t quite like the ocs. Zonta has the smallest family out of the group, as she just has her mom. She’s almost never seen without the locket she’s wearing because it has a pic of her dad in it(he died before she was born).
Next is Markus!:
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He’s a little newer because I had a different oc for a while but I scrapped him. He’s the tallest out of the entire group, and has the biggest family while Zonta has the smallest. I’m all about that opposites thing. These two are together romantically but I keep kind of drawing them before their relationship because I haven’t figured out a way for them to actually get together. He’s very level headed and is basically the mom-friend of the group. He has a close relationship with Izybel too, considering her his little sister in a way. He has several siblings and is very happy. He also has a snake named Basil(Short for Basilisk.) because he’s a nerd. He’s a werewolf and has some nasty scars on his torso that he tends to kind of hide away because he’s nervous about people knowing. Markus wants to be a teacher someday and at one point we had him grow up to be like... the worst teacher ever and it was so funny but that’s just not how his character works.
The characters that are technically both my friend’s and mine are Erika and Abel! They’re in a relationship. Abel is nb and they love space a lot, but not as much as their gf. Erika is always seen with a flower in her hair and has a really bad homelife but she loves her friends a lot
Here’s a pic I drew of Erika, Zonta, Abel, and Izy a while back:
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The other two characters in our group are the twins! Jason and Zev. They’re actually based off my friend’s bf who i’m also good friends with. Jason, Zonta, and Izy are actually the ones who’ve been around the longest.
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Zev has white hair and is an Okami while Jason:
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is the only one in the group who’s normal. Erika has the ability to manipulate light, and I don’t quite remember if we’ve come up with Abel’s abilities yet because they’re really new and their personality isn’t quite as fleshed out yet.
Jason is a hothead like Zonta, and tends to be very Irish inclined. I think at one point we said he went away for several years to live in Ireland. He’s also really jealous about Zev having abilities while he’s normal. He has self esteem issues that he’s trying to work out. The notes my friend and I wrote said Jason’s basically the token Fuckboy(tm). He and Zev also fight over Izy’s affection a lot.
Zev is the nice guy, to the point of being like “even if the law is kinda faulty we need to follow it cuz it’s the law(tm).” Everyone likes him though, and he can be a little bit of a pushover when it comes to Jason. Although he will definitely fight him for Izy.
They hang out a lot, all seven of them, and kind of just live life in their little town. Having supernatural abilities is normal where they live, so no one bats an eye if someone has weird hair colors or animal ears.
I love these ocs more than I love myself if you can’t tell.
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m0e-ru · 3 years
Namatame anon again!
With Ultimax coming out, I've been thinking about how Sho canonically is watching the cast throughout the entire story. Does Izanami, Marie, or anyone else (probably outside of the Investigation Team and Adachi) ever come across his feral ass and to try to interact with him?
hmm. mid-plot sho. hmm /bursts into tears/
I doubt I've revealed it explicitly yet but for the au I take his daddy issues and turn it into mommy issues :fuckk:
What I mean by that I connect him and Minazuki to Mim and Marie for continuity, also having this make them relevant in the au's Arena plot. Sho wakes up from his coma and instead of being completely alone, he spends the year with pre-split Izanami, whom I've given the nickname "Izy." Much to Minazuki's demise, Sho grows fond of her and even starts calling her "mom" (y'know what happened the last time he called some guy a parent figure). But Minazuki's learned to bond with Izy his own way after knowing she's the guardian deity to Inaba, hoping to learn how he can be a better guardian to Sho.
They watch her disappear right before their eyes as she's torn into two. They immediately recognize who's she's split into so while they watch the Investigation Team and the case go down, they're busy spying on this gas station attendant who only appears when it's raining like some dumb rpg character and the punk clothes girl who's almost only seen with Souji.
Yeah Sho bumps into the others briefly as he frequent Moel's convenience store for how convenient it is that barely anyone goes there in the first place and how the old folks manning it have enough dementia to never remember him clearly. In fact he frequents the central shopping district for how quiet it is, and the how that old man would maintain his swords with no question after practicing in the forest near the safehouse he hides in.
Most of the time he'd just hang around on the station's canopy to listen to whatever dumb shit they're talking about now. He'd rather stay under it when it rains though. Mim's aware he's been around for a while from the sho-prints on the canopy that dont wash away even from the rain...and all the empty chip bags that fly away and appear as magical litter. As if trash falling into the TV world was annoying enough.
He's not a good as cryptid as Mim, y'know he doesn't exactly have view and truth obscuring fog nor does he have help from a god yet, so of course he's spotted sometimes.
He doesn't try to interact with anyone nor does he want to be interacted with, trying to distance himself as much as possible after the last time he's ever made a bond with someone. Even yelling at the fox when it tries to offer him and Minazuki emas to write on. He'll go out for necessities, obviously. And he's usually careless enough to leave big bills from whatever pile of inheritance he got it from, so it'd be kind of obvious who the last customer was if the people at the cashier are still counting his change. Too bad he already left, how charitable.
He's already jealous of Souji for being so alike with him yet being so better off at life, even moreso hanging out with Marie. This already makes him just as aggressive to Adachi for hanging out with the gas station attendant all buddy buddy. Getting hissed at for just passing by each other.
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