#he just reads out what Sophia eats every day but in a funny way
fazcinatingblog · 6 months
Will Faz be at the pub for gather round? What does he do if not at the pub? What else would he want to be doing instead of seeing his third wife that he hasn't seen since last year and
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the shrooms cafe
part 1- watermelon tea with strawberry boba
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hello everyone 🥺 this is the first series i've ever done so i'm a little nervous but i'm so excited because I really like this story!!!
this is the first part, and I have literally no idea how long it will be because I don't have a solid plan/outline yet! so feel free to send little concepts or things you would like to see included 🥺 i can't guarantee they will be added but i'll definitely try my best :)
shrooms cafe masterlist
my masterlist
warnings: none
word count: 2k
"Stella, we have to leave in 10 minutes!" You called up the stairs. "Come down so you can eat breakfast!" "Yeah Stella, hurry up!" Seraphina yelled from her spot at the dining table. She was finishing up her fruit loops with a grin on her face. "You're going to make us late!" As the youngest, she often liked to bother her sisters. She was only five, just starting kindergarten, but she was already a master at getting under their skin.
"Sera, don't antagonize your sister, please," you reminded her. "She's not going to make us late." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Seraphina, you're so immature." Despite only being 11, Sophie was clearly the mother hen. You sometimes joked that the girls didn't even need you; Sophie would take on the role of their mother with no problem. "Besides, you were the one who made us late yesterday." "It's not my fault I couldn't find my purple socks. What was I supposed to do?" "Maybe wear different socks?" Sophie suggested smugly. "You know I need my purple socks, otherwise I can't write my words!" Sophie rolled her eyes again. "You don't need a certain color socks to write." "Yes I do!" You smiled to yourself, turning back to the fridge as the two bickered. You pulled out the ingredients you would need to make their lunches, then reached up on your tiptoes to get their lunch bags from the top of fridge. "Okay girls, what kind of sandwiches do you want today?" "Peanut butter and jelly!" Seraphina said excitedly. "Why did I even ask?" You smiled. "And Sophie?" "Turkey please, but I can make it myself," She said, sliding off her chair and bringing the breakfast dishes to the sink. "Thank you, love," you said, leaning over to kiss the top of her head. "You are such a big help in the mornings, I don't know what I would do without you." "You would have a real handful dealing with those two," She said matter-of-factly. "That I would," you laughed, handing her a butter knife. "Stella!" you called again. The 8 year old came running down the stairs, carrying her backpack and another bag. "Did you forget I have dance today?" "I did not forget," you reassured her. She liked to plan things, and got worried quickly if she wasn't kept in the loop. "I'll pick you up at the door by the playground, does that work?" "Actually, I was wondering if I could walk today? A bunch of my friends do, and I feel kind of weird having my mom drop me off." "That should be fine," You nodded. "But stay with the group, don't go off by yourself." "I won't," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "You're so overprotective." "Oh yes, I'm so sorry for trying to keep you safe," you laughed. "Now what do you want for lunch?" Once everything was ready, the four of you made your way out to the car. Stella climbed into the back, and Sophie helped Seraphina get buckled. Even though the three of them bickered a lot (as sisters often do) it wasn't hard to see how much they loved each other. "Everybody buckled?" You asked, looking behind you. When you heard a chorus of confirmation, you started your playlist and smiled when the opening notes of Adore You filtered through the speakers. It was easily one of your favorite songs, and the girls liked it just as much as you did. It wasn't a long drive to the cafe; it took about 15 minutes if traffic was good. The girls' school bus stopped about a block away, so they walked there together every morning. Then after school, they would come back to the shop and read books or finish homework until it was time to close up and go home. You parked in the lot behind the shop, helping the girls out of the car and making sure they had all their things. Seraphina held out her hand, and Stella grabbed it to help her jump over a puddle on the sidewalk. Sophie gasped excitedly. "I think that was the biggest jump you've ever done!" The girls promptly launched into a discussion about who could jump farther as you unlocked the door. As soon as it was open, they made their way over to the mushrooms to find some books for the day. Their voices filled the shop as they chatted about school and the cute boy Stella liked and the kitten they had seen outside their house the other day. You went about your morning duties, flipping on the lights and starting up the coffee machine. You also turned on the oven, preparing to bake the muffins. (They were frozen- who has the time to bake them fresh? Certainly not a mother of 3.) Once the kitchen was ready, you went over to the radio and tuned it to a familiar station, the soft
music adding some pleasant background noise. "Okay girls, it's time to get to the bus stop," you said, leaning over the counter to speak to them. "Don't forget, I'm walking to dance," Stella said, pointing at you as she walked to the door. "I won't forget," you said, pointing back at her. "Have a good day!" "Bye mom," Seraphina waved her small hand at you. "Bye honey, bye Sophia," You smiled, blowing a kiss to the three of them. "See you later!" Once the three of them were gone, you went around to the shelves and straightened up, getting ready for your first customers.
After the lunch rush had dwindled down and the shop was nearly empty again, you were getting ready to go on your lunch break. You had just leaned down to grab a sandwich from the deli case when the bell above the door jingled, alerting you that a new customer had come in. You straightened up, your eyes going wide when you realized who it was, but you quickly fixed your face and smiled. "Welcome to the Shrooms Cafe!" "Hello," the man smiled back, speaking in a deep British accent. "I saw your sign for boba tea, and I've been looking everywhere to find some. You're the third shop I've been to today, so I'm really hoping you're not sold out like everywhere else," he grinned, coming closer to the counter. "No, we're not out! What kind did you want?" You asked. "Um... probably should have thought about that before I came in," he laughed nervously, looking at the menu above your head. "Oh, don't worry about it, we're not busy right now," you said reassuringly. “Take all the time you need.” He smiled gratefully, stepping off to the side while he read the menu. Meanwhile, you fidgeted with towels and wiped off the work surfaces and tried to pretend you weren’t staring at him. Who could blame you, really? Harry Styles had just walked into your coffee shop. Who wouldn’t stare? “I think…” he spoke again, breaking you out of your trance. “I’ll do the watermelon tea, with strawberry boba, please.” You nodded, laughing lightly. He quirked one eyebrow, smiling along with you. “What’s funny?” “Oh, no, it’s just… of course you would order the one with watermelon.” “Oh,” he smiled, and you thought you detected a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “I guess I do have a bit of a reputation with fruit, don’t I?” “Just a little,” you grinned. “One watermelon tea with strawberry boba, coming right up.” After ringing up the order, you quickly got to work. Instead of his real name, you wrote “watermelon man” on the sticker on the cup. Hopefully he would appreciate your little joke. “Here you are,” you smiled. “I hope it’s good, seeing as you worked so hard to find some.” “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he laughed, grabbing a straw from beside the cash register. You also noticed he had dropped a generous tip into the jar, probably while you had been busy making the drink. “Have a nice day,” you smiled. “You as well,” he said with a small wave before he made his way out the door, sipping his drink as he went. You sighed, shaking your head with a small grin as you grabbed the sandwich from earlier and went to a table for your lunch break.
“Hi mom!” Sophie yelled, holding open the door for Seraphina. “Hi girls!” You called from the back corner of the shop. “I’m by the mushrooms!” The girls quickly found you, Seraphia hugging you and Sophie situating herself on one of the short stools. “How was your day?” You asked. “Good! I gave my report on monarch butterflies and guess what Mrs. Wilson said?” Sophie asked, leaning forward. “What did she say?” “She said it was the best report she had heard all day. She waited until the other kids left so they wouldn’t feel bad, but still,” she said proudly. “Oh wow! I’m so proud of you,” you said, moving over to hug her. “What did I tell you? You can do anything you put your mind to,” you smiled. “Including writing the best report in the whole class, hmm?” She nodded happily before turning away from you to pull a book off the shelf closest to her. “Which one are you starting now?” You asked, leaning over her shoulder to see the book she had. “Anne of Green Gables,” she said. “Oh, I loved those books when I was your age,” you smiled. “I think you’ll really like them.”
She nodded, already immersed in the book. You turned back to Seraphina, who was pulling her folder out of her backpack. “And how was your day, miss Seraphina?” “It was so good, look!” She handed you a paper with two gold stars at the top. “My teacher gave me two gold stars. She said my writing was very good!"
"All that practicing we did must have worked, then!" you said, beaming as you looked at her letters. They were still wobbly, but a huge improvement over how they had been at the beginning of the school year.
She nodded. "And then I colored this picture for you!” She handed you another page. This one had a drawing of you holding hands with her, Sophie, and Stella. The three of you had big smiles and lots of adorable little details. Stella had her hair in a bun and was wearing ballet shoes. Sophie was holding a book in her free hand. Seraphina had drawn herself wearing a shirt with a cat (her favorite animal) on it, and she was wearing her purple socks. Lastly, there was you, holding a cup of coffee and wearing a shirt with a big red heart on it. “Since you like coffee so much,” she explained. “It's beautiful,” you smiled, hugging her. “We’ll hang it on the fridge when we get home, okay?” “Okay,” she agreed. “Why don’t you find a book and read with Sophie for a little bit? We have just over an hour, then we have to go get Stella from dance.” She nodded, handing you the papers and her backpack before running over to the shelves. She grabbed a picture book, settling into the red cushion in the tree and beginning to flip through the pages.
----- “Alright girls, it’s time to pick up Stella,” you said as you wiped off the counter one last time. You had already turned off all the machines and packed up everything else for the day. You flipped the lights off on the way out, smiling a bit when you saw the hand painted sign for boba tea in the window. Harry came into your mind again, with his easy smile, his kind words, and his blushing laugh. You really hoped you would see him again, even though you knew you probably wouldn't. Your shop wasn't very big or well known. How likely was it for him to come to the same little shop in the middle of London again? Still, it didn’t hurt to hope. Maybe he would decide to try the other flavors and stop in again. Your smile spread even further when you started your playlist and Lights Up was the first song to come on. Apparently, it was going to be hard to forget about him.
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 115
Extra special thanks for this chapter go out to @baelpenrose and @charlylimph-blog. Besides being regular beta-readers for me, Bael really really wanted a chapter with more Charly/Coffey, and Charly happily obliged by joining my and Bael’s regularly scheduled live-write of the chapter. We. Had. A. Blast.  It was  a shining beacon of love and laughter in my life, let me tell you.
I walked from the kitchen to the entry just as the notification went off that someone was standing outside. Still laughing from the comment Tyche made about the chicken breasts we were currently stuffing, my smile didn’t drop an inch as I saw Charly and Coffey standing there. “Hey, you two! About time!”
Charly held her head high and ignored my comment, while Coffey grinned back. “Best for last, you know,” he tossed with a wink as he handed over a bottle of red wine. “I know it doesn’t go with chicken but…”
“Stomachs are colorblind,” I finished, in sync with Charly and Tyche like we had rehearsed it. Conor and Maverick burst into laughter while Arthur just shook his head at our antics.
Charly stretched her neck to look over Tyche’s shoulder. “Those looks like…”
“We know,” Arthur groaned, eliciting another chuckle from everyone. “Tyche just mentioned that.”
“The - feta? - cheese is not helping your case, I’m just saying.”
Tyche tried her hardest to scowl and made a shooing gesture. “Please don’t ruin dinner before it’s even cooked please?”
“If I promise it won’t make dinner sound obscene, can I ask a question?” Charly ventured. All eyes turned toward her, since it was probably the first time she had ever asked permission to ask a question. Once I slowly nodded, she took a deep breath. “Have you ever tried rabbit?” The next part was rushed. “ImeanIhavearecipeforrabbitstewthat’stodiefor, andI’mprettysureAntoinewouldlikerabbitragout-”
“Charly,” Coffey intoned softly, reaching out to gently scritch the back of her neck.
She stopped talking and bit her lips. “I just mean - “
“It’s okay,” I assured them before anyone else in the room exploded from the laughter they were trying to hold back for her sake. “I really would love that recipe, Charly. I actually have a recipe for lapine ragout that Antoine adores, but the only other recipe I have is for coney pie.”
Charly nodded enthusiastically while practically collapsing on Coffey’s lap. Still nodding, she pulled a file up on her datapad and flicked it towards me. “Can I ask about the rabbits?” she asked softly, head twitching when Coffey scowled and - I assume - gently tugged the hair above where he was still scratching her neck. “Doesn’t hurt to ask!” she complained.
“I swear, it’s fine,” Arthur stated firmly. “You would be shocked at how hilarious she finds this story.”
Tyche rolled her eyes hard enough to move her neck. “And it puts some things into perspective…” she sighed.
Conor, on the other hand, gave me a hard look when I opened my mouth. “You know the rule.”
Dropping my head back in defeat, I took a deep breath. “Yes, I will make coney pie tomorrow for dinner.” Antoine, Charly, and Coffey all looked at me in confusion. “Conor hates hearing about my near-death experiences, so when I tell this story I have to make him rabbit pie for dinner.”
“So he can eat your enemies,” Charly nodded sagely.
“Pretty much,” I shrugged.
“Wait- “ she sputtered, realizing the rest of what I explained. “You had a near death experience? With a bunny!?”
All I could do was giggle. “Yes. I have a deathly fear of bunnies because one almost killed me once.”
“Twas no ordinary rabbit - it had a vicious streak a mile wide….” Arthur added, funny accent and all.
“May I ask that no one interrupt Sophia until she explains how she managed a real-life reenactment of a Monty Python sketch?” Coffey asked, leaning forward so far that Charly had to twist to stay on his lap.
“The truth is stranger than fiction,” Arthur nodded, tapping his glass gently against the other man’s. “Sophia, take it away.”
Shaking my head with a grin, I obliged. “You have to know, Tyche and I grew up in a very backwater, uneducated family, and also in hereditary poverty.   So, it was perfectly normal - to us, anyway - to have pets like chickens, or goats… or rabbits… Food animals.  Well, when I was eight, my uncle decided I was old enough for my first pet rabbit.  A good, big one.” Tyche shook her head with a smirk, and I just shot her a glance as I kept speaking. “Well, Snickers wasn’t quite hand-tamed. And the only way to hand-tame a wild rabbit is to…. Well, hold it, honestly.  So I would sit in the yard, with Snickers in my lap, and hold him while he ate grass.”
Maverick opened his mouth to ask the question he always loved to ask, but Charly gently put her hand on his wrist and shook her head. 
I still answered the question I knew would have come. “I know, it sounds like the most harmless thing in the world, right? Pet rabbit, in my lap, chilling out and eating fresh grass.  The thing is… Rabbits are burrowers. And they have these wicked claws on their back feet just for that.  So, when you hold them, you have to hold their back feet together, or they kick to get away.”
Charly gasped softly as she realized what was coming, quickly clamping a hand over her mouth.
I nodded. “Yep. One day, Snickers got started, and I didn’t have his back feet as tightly as I should have, and… well, he opened my arm up from wrist to elbow before I could let him go.  I screamed, my mother came out, took me to the emergency room.  I’ve been terrified of rabbits ever since.”
“That’s awful!” Charly cried out, jumping up to come hug me.
As I patted her on the back, Coffey sat up straighter and shook his head. “Poppy, she’s okay now. And besides, didn’t you hear her mention how ‘backwater’ her family was?” He arched an eyebrow at me, eye gleaming. “I bet that rabbit was dinner that same night.”
“Bunny dumplings,” Tyche confirmed with a wink. “If we didn’t know what else to do with it, it was dumplings.”
Arthur shook his head with a chuckle. “I would have thought you would be upset that she ate her pet, Miss Harper.”
She made a rude noise in return. “Are you kidding!? The first thing I killed with a bow was a rabbit.” Head high, she flexed her biceps. “Do you know how fast those things are!?”
“Nice and fat one, too,” Coffey added. “And she found rosemary to roast it with.”
“And lemon balm,” she added. “And mint, but that stuff grows everywhere.”
I nearly groaned at the memory of spit-roasted wild game.
“So, you two have been through the whole After together?” Conor asked as dinner hit the table.
Charly nodded enthusiastically as she took a bite. “Yeah, we were friends Before - oh my gosh, this balsamic reduction is perfect, Tyche - and found each other not long after the End.  After a while…” she trailed off, waving between them as much as she could, considering she was still sitting on Coffey’s lap.
We all nodded.  I was, honestly, happy to see two people who knew each other that long survive the end of the world together.  “So, I knew Charly did archery - she’s shown me a few times, but I’m terrible at it, turns out. What about you, Coffey?” I paused before realizing how intrusive that might be. “And if you don’t want to answer, it’s okay,” I rushed to clarify.
He smiled in reassurance. “I was security, Before, and… security After, in a way.” Chewing thoughtfully on a bite of bread, he glanced at something none of us could see. “I had a gun, at first - being a black man who grew up in NorthAm before it was NorthAm, it was more prudent than it was deviant at the time.”
“I don’t blame you,” I grumbled, while Tyche nodded and scowled furiously. We were horrifically embarrassed to be related to some of the reasons he needed a gun in the Before.
He tilted his head in a conciliatory fashion, as though he could tell what I was thinking. “In the After, bullets were hard to come by and… not very prudent, it turned out. They drew a lot of attention. Whereas our sneaky Charly…”
“Probably made traps,” Arthur finished nonchalantly.  When a few of us glanced at him, he rolled his eyes. “Oh come on! No one can tell me the queen of pranks and engineering over here did not booby-trap anywhere she was living within an inch of her life and the lives around her.”
Charly beamed, while Coffey just chuckled. “I honestly don’t believe the margin of error was quite that wide, to be frank. But it was safe enough that, before long, we accidentally had an enclave.”
I snorted in an attempt not to choke on my drink, while Conor and Maverick were both glancing at Arthur - the resident warlord.
Arthur just blinked in an almost placid manner. “I’m actually impressed. You started rebuilding by accident.”
“Do I look like someone who decides to take over the world?” Charly pointed out. After a chorus of Yes all around the table, she rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault that hobbit holes are a strategically sound idea.”
“Apocalyptic Tolkien,” Tyche whistled. “I like it.”
“Sophia would have loved the library,” Coffey laughed.
My head shot up hard enough to make my neck hurt. “Library?”
He nodded. “Charly had the idea to go rescue every book we could find on camping, how-tos, engineering, historical infrastructure…”
“You just passed every class you are ever in, with flying colors,” Arthur nodded. “I had to make most of my people read - though we did end up with a library and decent bathing infrastructure.”
“Siege engines, Mr. Farro. We were building siege engines.”
He muttered something that sounded like “I will make up classes for you to pass,” but I was willing to bet that he would never admit it. Out loud, he just added “The fact that you not only read voluntarily but got other people to read without being forced has earned you extra credit.” She opened her mouth to object, but he held up a hand. “I’m being entirely serious, and no I won’t take it back.”
“I wasn’t going to try to survive an apocalypse without baths,” she scowled, stabbing a potato. “We may have ended the world, but we weren’t heathens.” Chewing so fast I thought she was going to choke, she immediately started asking Arthur about how he organized plumbing for his group.
“Trenches, aqueducts, and basically I got lucky because someone had a construction background.  We had some records of how Romans built their sewers with something close enough to the materials we had to work with so… it worked out.
With that, the conversation took off in the direction of infrastructure for post-apocalypse settlements, with Conor adding his opinion everywhere possible.  I knew there was no changing the topic, so I just shook my head and tried to keep up.
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immabethehero · 4 years
Schneeplestein Apparently Has a Heart
The good doctor’s birthday is here and of course I wrote a story! Just warning, this story is quite dark. Read the trigger warnings below.
TW: Suicide attempt by gunshot (not seen, just implied), suicidal thoughts and words, extreme distress, minor violence, blood mentioned.
For the short amount of time that Jackieboy Man and Marvin the Magnificent have lived with Dr. Henrik Nicholas von Schneeplestein, MD, PhD, MVP, FFS, they have learned a few important lessons, or rules:
NEVER, under any circumstances, touch the top left cupboard on the outside of the kitchen opening. That’s where Schneep’s coffee supply is, and if you touch it, even ONCE, Schneep will be out for your blood.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you mention Schneep’s wife, Lisette Schneeplestein. Apparently, the French brunette whom Schneep has been married to for the past 7 years has fucked off (Schneep’s words) back to France with her tennis instructor, Rick, short for Ricardo (Italian, apparently) and taken their two daughters with her. (Schneep has cleaned out Lisette and the girls’ rooms, and all the belongings they have left behind, in their efforts to leave so quickly, are packed away in storage containers in the garage. Schneep has yet to mail them to Lisette’s new address.)
DO NOT wake Schneep earlier than 10 AM in the morning if it’s his one day off. Despite having an early bird’s job, Schneep is not a morning person. Another reason why Schneep is dependent on coffee.
UNLESS it is an emergency, no one but Schneep is allowed in his office. As there are so many things to keep track of, and so many papers that could easily be misplaced, it is best not to touch, or even go inside the office, lest you want to throw the doctor off his game or have the doctor throw you off a cliff.
Despite these four unspoken yet very specific rules, Marvin and Jackie have learned one more this past month: despite the doctor’s arrogant, haughty, snappy, disgusting, even FERAL demeanour, he truly is a good person.
It just took a new ego to show them that.
March 30th, 2017. Schneep’s mail has been unceremoniously thrown onto the dining room table. Schneep’s hands, long and graceful, slide through the envelopes and fliers, organizing them into piles, from taxes and business inquiries to subscriptions and sales.
Jackie lazily eats his cereal, watching Schneep sort through the mail like a madman. Geez, just how popular is this guy?! It’s almost as wild as Jack’s mail. At least there’s more interesting stuff for Jack... drawings, letters of encouragement and thanks, even the rare crocheted or sculpted gift.
Schneep freezes when he comes across a particular letter, one with a cutesy pin cupcake logo. His eyes grow solemn as he picks it up and shakily opens it. Jackie cocks his head.
“Something wrong, doctor?” he asks lightly.
Schneep looks up. “Hm? Oh!” He sighs. “It’s from a baking class Sophia and I used to take together. Lisette had insisted I learn how to cook as well, so it wouldn’t always be her making the meals, and she figured it would be good bonding for me and Sophia. Soph loved those classes. We’d learn all sorts of fascinating recipes and bring the results home. They were fun, and very sweet.”
Jackie nods seriously. He knows he should leave it there, but something’s confusing him. “It’s been quite a few months since you stopped going. Why are they sending you stuff now?”
Schneep unfolds the letter. As he reads it, his eyes widen and a smile begins curling at his lips.
Somehow, that only makes more questions. “What…?”
“It’s not the company themself, it’s Chase! He was a friend from the classes! I haven’t spoken to him in forever! He’s such a lovely person, it’d be nice to see him again!” Schneep grabs his phone and hastily types in the number at the bottom of the letter. He squeals and runs off, like a teenager who just got a text from their crush.
The letter lies on the table, open for all to read. Jackie knows better than to pry into other people’s lives, but this letter is wide open, and it’s not like Schneep needs to know, so the superhero leans over and reads.
Hey Henrik,
This is probably weird to get, but I lost your phone number and I don’t know what your address is, so I asked the dudes at the baking class if I could send a letter to you via their services.
It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, and I thought I’d better check in and see how you’re doing, see how bachelor life is treating you. Stacy and the kids miss seeing you as well. I wanna talk to you again.
My cell is #1273-545-8903.
Hope to see you soon!
Chase Brody
Chase Brody. That sounds like an American to Jackie’s ears. He does seem like a good person, if Schneep’s reaction wasn’t enough. He must have been a friend for Schneep when the doctor went through his divorce.
The name itself sounds familiar, like a local celebrity or something. Jackie makes a mental note to look it up later. He leans back and finishes his cereal just as Schneep comes back, holding his phone out. Marvin finally emerges, his green hair resembling a rat’s nest, and no mask. Jackie takes pride in the fact that Marvin now feels comfortable enough to show his face in front of Schneep and Jackie.
“Well, change of plans, I won’t be able to come home in time for dinner with you guys,” Schneep announces. Jackie nods.
“Wait what? Why?” Marvin slurs, slumping down at the dining room table.
“I’m going to see Chase after my shift today. We agreed to meet in the park,” Schneep explains curtly, and leaves.
“Did I miss something?” Marvin asks, turning to Jackie. Jackie nods down to the letter. Marvin leans over to read, only for the letter to be snatched up by the doctor.
“Who said you could go through my stuff?!” Schneep snapped. He stormed off, letter clutched firmly in his hand. Marvin sneers at Jackie, who only shrugs and winks. The magician rolls his eyes, but he understands. A shrug and a wink means I’ll tell you later.
Schneep throws on his brown coat and grabs his bag. “Have a nice day, boys. If I don’t see you later tonight, sweet dreams and I’ll see you in the morning.” He flies out, coat flapping behind him.
“He’s gotta show me how he rocks an overcoat so well. I’m jealous of the way he holds himself. So professional,” Marvin remarks. He quickly turns to Jackie. “Spill the tea.”
“Schneep’s meeting an old friend from a baking class he used to take with his daughter,” Jackie says. “His name is Chase Brody. The name sounds so familiar to me, and I don’t know why.”
“Look it up on your phone,” Marvin suggests. Jackie does just that.
Immediately, Wikipedia comes to the egos’ rescue. Chase Brody, (born April 11th, 1988)  is an American-Irish Youtuber who is best known for his Youtube channel, Bro Average. As of February 2017, his channel has over 20 million views and over 10 million subscribers.
“Oh yeah, the trickshot vlogger!” Jackie says. “I like watching his stuff, he’s a funny dude.”
Marvin nods. “He must have kids as well.  He wouldn’t be taking classes if he didn’t.”
Jackie scrolls down to Personal Life. “‘Chase is married to Stacy Matthews, and they have three children as of 2017, two biological twins, and one recently adopted daughter.’” The selfie provided shows a man with fair skin and bright blue eyes standing next to a red-headed lady doing a duckface.
“Hm. Sounds like he’s living the good life,” Marvin says. “A well-paid job, a nice family, a happy life.”
Boy, is he wrong.
At 5 PM exactly, Schneep sits at the bench by the great oak tree, waiting for Chase. He wraps his blue and navy scarf tighter around his neck as a cool breeze whisks by. Despite what the weather people promised, Athlone is nowhere near warm, despite it being spring. He examines the park-goers who walk by, picking up on every accident that could occur.
Parents swinging their child up and down: a broken arm, arms could pull out of their sockets, or the child could fall on their head and get a concussion. Or worse, permanent brain injuries.
Kids climbing trees: Another chance to fall and hit their tiny heads and sustain brain damage, if not that, broken limbs and splinters.
Teenagers skateboarding: more broken bones and limbs, but at least SOME are smart enough to put pads and helmets on. Others have no chance of recovering fully from brain damage or concussions should they fall on their heads-
“Henrik!” Henrik snaps to life and looks around. A man wearing a puffy black jacket, torn jeans and a snapback with a pink skull on it runs over to him. Schneep stands up.
“Chase Brody! Wie geht es dir mein freund?” Schneep cries out in delight, holding his arms out. Chase happily throws himself into them.
“I’m doing as well as I can, at least. It’s so good to see your face,” Chase sighs. He nuzzles Henrik’s hair, taking in the sanitizer and mint smell he’s gotten used to. “I’ve missed you.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Schneep says. “Come, sit down next to me! Tell me how things have been.  How are Stacy and your kids? Has Chloe adjusted to the new timezone yet?” Chloe is Chase’s recently adopted daughter from China. Schneep’s last visit with the Brody’s involved meeting her.
Chase’s smile fades and he sits down next to Schneep. “Um…”
Schneep’s stomach sinks. “That’s never good. What happened? Who died?!”
“Calm down, Henrik!” Chase exclaims. “No one died! Everyone’s fine. Chloe’s adjusted quite nicely.”
“Then why do you look so sad?!” Schneep cries.
Chase fidgets with his jacket zipper, mumbling incomprehensibly. Henrik leans closer. “Didn’t catch that.”
“StacyandIaregettingadivorce,” Chase whispers. Schneep’s stomach flips and sinks.
“Stacy and I are getting divorced,” Chase repeats, louder now. “She said she still loves me, but not quite in a… romantic way, I guess. She wants us to just be friends.”
“Well, at least she still wants to be on friendly terms, I guess!” Schneep says. “Still, I can’t believe it… you two were such a sweet couple… so in love…”
“There’s another reason why she wants a divorce,” Chase admits. Schneep’s eyes turn wide as saucers.
“She’s seeing someone. An old friend from high school. I’ve seen her texts,” Chase says. He scrunches up the end of his shirt, nose wrinkling. Schneep hears him sniff.
“I don’t know how long it’s gone on… and I know she didn’t mean to… but still…” Chase finally looks up, eyes tearing. “How could she do that? I would have been okay with it! Maybe. I don’t know!” Chase buries his face in his hands.
Schneep pats Chase’s shoulder gently. He can’t believe Stacy cheated! She and Chase were such a romantic couple! They seemed so happy! Why would Stacy throw that all away for some whore? “What a bitch…”
Chase suddenly whacks Schneep’s hand off, eyes fierce. “Don’t call her that! It’s not like that!  At least she still wants me in her life! She’s not like Lisette!” An awkward silence fills the air.
Chase gasps. “Henrik, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it that way-”
“Oh!” Schneep cries. “It’s fine! It’s no big deal!” Yeah, that was a low blow, but he would rather Chase doesn’t end up like him: cranky, alienating, friendless, alone. He needs a friend more than ever.
“No it’s not, I just sunk really low! You must be furious-”
“I’m not, I promise!” He’s not, surprisingly. Is this growth?! What the fuck?!
“I need to control myself better. I’m a grownup, for fuck’s sake, I should know better…” Chase moans, burrowing his head in his hands again.
“Chase!” Schneep exclaims. “You mustn’t beat yourself up like that! You’re one of my very best friends, which isn’t saying much because I don’t have any, but still! You have to be one of the nicest people I know! You’re anything but a dick!”
“I feel like you’re just saying that to make me feel better,” Chase mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
“I’m not, I swear !” Schneep says.
“I’m sorry, Henrik, I really am,” Chase says.
“I forgive you,” Schneep says, and means it. “I’m serious.”
“I should go,” Chase decides, standing. Schneep gets up as well.
“What? No! I’m not mad!” he protests.
“It’s my turn to pick the kids up,” Chase snaps. “I’ll see you around, Henrik. Sorry I can’t stay long.” He briskly runs off.
Schneeplestein yells and kicks the bench. “FUCK! FUCK! AAAHHH!!!”
Other park visitors turn in confusion, watching the strange man kick the bench and scream.
Schneep freezes when he notices everyone staring at him. He storms back to his car, slams the door shut and continues his screaming.
Once Schneep has finished “releasing his anger” (Jackie’s words, not his) he “reflects on the situation” (also Jackie’s words). What could he do to make Chase feel better?
He stays in the car for an hour, letting the world pass by as he thinks. By the time the sun has set, he has an idea.
Jackie and Marvin glare at each other from across the hall. Sirius the cat has hidden, choosing not to get involved. The little pegs in the cribbage board are neck-in-neck, both pegs exactly 4 steps away from the end hole. The egos stare at their cards.
“Four,” Jackie announces, putting the card down.
“Fourteen,” Marvin says.
The door flies open and Schneep rushes in, hair windswept and out of breath. “Where’s Jack?!” he demands.
“Out in his universe,” Jackie responds. “Fifteen for two!” He puts down an ace.
“Sixteen for two!” Marvin slams the ace down, looking triumphant. Jackie flips him off.
“When will he visit?!” Schneep questions.
“When he wishes,” Jackie responds. “Twenty-five!”
“How can I contact him?!”
“Why are you so interested?!” Marvin asks. “Thirty-one, bitch!” He flips Jackie off.
“I have a request for him!” Schneep responds curtly. 
“What kind?” Jackie asks.
“It’s for a friend,” Schneep brushes him off, heading to his lab.
“Chase Brody?” Marvin guesses. Jackie kicks him.
Schneep turns around. “What did you say?”
Marvin gulps. “You left your letter on the table for me to read. I was fast enough to catch the gist before you snatched it up. So how is Chase Brody?”
Schneep growls softly and walks back to the table. Marvin sits up with his head held high, bracing himself for the punishment. No matter what Schneep does, slugging, kicking, ruining his hair, the magician can take it.  He’s been through worse.
To Marvin and Jackie’s surprise, Schneep pulls up a chair and sits down. The doctor takes a deep breath. “Chase Brody is divorcing his wife. That’s all I’m going to say.”
Jackie and Marvin nod in understanding. “That’s sad to hear,” Jackie remarks, solemnly.
“But how’s talking to Jack going to help?” Marvin queries.
“I want him to make a video for Chase,” Schneep says. “If this so-called community exists, I want to see them show their love for Chase! It’s the least he deserves!”
Marvin and Jackie catch each other’s gaze. Schneep glares at Jackie expectantly.
“Well? You’ve lived with Jack the longest. How do you contact him?!” Schneep demands.
“I have his number in case of emergencies, but I’ve never had a reason to call him! I don’t even know if he’s available,” Jackie explains.
“He has to be.  What else does a man who plays video games for a living do?!” Schneep snaps, incredulous. “It’s not like he has to be places or anything!” He looms over Jackie, a desperate, pleading look in his eyes. Jackie nearly topples out of his chair.
“I guess I could give it a shot,” the superhero mumbles.
Schneep squeals in delight and wraps his arms tightly around Jackie in what Jackie assumes to be a hug. The superhero pats the doctor’s arms, taken aback by his strength.
After a few sickeningly sweet seconds, Marvin pipes up, “Uh, doc? I think Jackie needs to be able to breathe in order to call Jack.”
Sheepishly, Schneeplestein lets Jackie go. The superhero gulps in big gasps of air, before grabbing his phone and dialing Jack’s number.
A day later, Jack McLoughlin sits at the egos’ dining room table, chomping away on mashed potatoes and a juicy steak.
“My goodness, you never told me what a good chef you were, Schneep!” he sighs in ecstasy.
Schneep bows his head, face glowing red. Jackie raises an eyebrow. Schneep almost NEVER blushes when given a compliment. It’s strange to see the doctor act so shy and humble around someone, especially Jack. It feels like only yesterday Schneep was bombarding Jack with questions about where he came from and how the alternate universe worked. Since that day, Jack has quickly risen to become one of Schneep’s favourite people on the planet. Not that Jackie is jealous or anything…
“Just a little recipe I learned for my wife…” Schneep mutters, playing with the end of his lab coat. Across the table, Marvin snickers lightly, watching the doctor fumble for words. Finally, some entertainment!
“So, what was the call for?” Jack asks. “Just wanted to say hi?” His expression darkens. “Is it Anti? What did he do?!”
“It’s not Anti.  We haven’t heard from him for a while!” Jackie says. Jack sighs in relief.
“I mean, I know I made that video for PAX and all but I just wanted to make sure,” Jack says.
“You made an Anti video for PAX?!” Marvin cries. “Why?”
“Because the fans would enjoy it! Also because I was running out of ideas for what to do for an opening,” Jack admits. “It just seemed like the right amount of fun and originality without being too over the top!”
“When is Anti not over the top?” Jackie scoffs. That earns a laugh from the others.
“Actually, it’s Schneep who has a question for you,” Marvin says.
Jack turns to Schneeplestein. Schneep’s smile disappears. He looks around the table, watching everyone’s gaze. He grins nervously at Jack.
“Could I ask you in private? This stuff… it is… personal.”
“Sure. Let’s go,” Jack says, standing up. Schneep follows after him.
In the upstairs hallway, Schneep spills everything. He explains who Chase is, what’s going on in his life, and how he believes making Chase an ego could help his situation.
“Make another ego? Oh god, I’m having enough trouble managing you all right now,” Jack admits.
“All you have to do is make one video. The fans can do the rest,” Schneep presses.
“By showing their love for Chase! He’s a funny and sweet guy! Your fans would love him!”
“How will the community’s love help a man struggling with a divorce?” Jack questions.
“Their love will lift his spirits and he will feel more confident and happy! You said you noticed a difference in us after the community made content of us! If that is really true, then I want to see them show their love for Chase. It’s the least he deserves!”
Jack is silent, contemplating the pros and cons. Finally, he sighs and says, “Can you show me what he usually does?”
Schneep types something into his phone. He logs onto Youtube and types a channel name into the search bar. Bro Average.
“Bro Average? Is that a parody of Dude Perfect?” Jack asks, chuckling.
“Well, it’s because there’s only one person performing every stunt, and because it’s less... professional than the other channel,” Schneep explains. “For example-”
The video shows Chase at a park, holding a Nerf gun and wearing a goofy grin. “Sup, guys! I’m Chase, and welcome to Bro Average!” He shoots a nerf dart off-screen, only for it to crash into something, invoking a cat screech. Chase pretends to be startled.
It flashes forward to Chase in a tree. “This one’s called, ‘Multitasking’!” He hangs off a branch while trying to knock over six cups stacked up on each other with darts. Jack can’t stop snickering at Chase’s antics, as he wobbles and threatens to lose his balance. Chase yelps and squeals, and a few times, swearing can be heard, though it’s censored by loud beeps. Finally, Chase hits his target, just as the branch snaps. Chase whoops with glee as he crashes onto the ground, the branch smacking into his head. His cameraman runs over to him, worried, but Chase is rolling on the ground in laughter as tears run down his face.
“He is not nearly as good as the professionals, but his humour and authenticness bring in the fans,” Schneep says, smiling.
“He sounds like a blast!” Jack takes the phone and begins to skim through Chase’s videos. “I bet I could make something work! I’ll borrow an office space, bring a couple friends and film a few shots! Can’t be that hard!”
“So you will do it?!” Schneep cries.
“Absolutely! Give me a couple days and it will be ready!”
Schneep cheers and engulfs Jack in a bear hug. Jack laughs and pats his friend’s back. It’s nice to see the doctor open up at last to his new roommates and creator, and so quickly, as well. Jack decides Schneep can be rewarded for his good nature by granting his wish and helping out a new friend.
A few weeks pass. Schneeplestein schedules more visits with Chase. The two fathers laugh and chat, learning more about each other and discussing whatever they please without the worry of kids hearing. Schneep feels his spirits lift whenever he sees Chase’s snapback and hears his cheerful voice.
In the night, a familiar sensation returns to the egos’ dreams. Sounds of a Nerf gun, kids laughing and on the rare occasion, a man crying fills the egos’ heads as they sleep. Schneep feels his heart break when he hears Chase’s cries. He hopes this video will help Chase. It has to.
April 11th, 2017. The egos are gathered around the dining room table, Jack’s Youtube account open on his laptop. 
Jack idly sits at the centre, waiting for Schneep to arrive with Chase. Marvin and Jackie play another round of cribbage, and this time Jackie seems to be way ahead on the board, much to the magician’s dismay.
“I’m going to be skunked! I hate this game so fucking much!” Marvin gripes, as he receives two points for his math efforts.
Jackie snickers as he counts his cards. “This takes both luck and skill. You’re a fast learner, Marv.  I’m sure you’ll pull through soon.”
“Not soon enough,” grumbles Marvin as Jackie moves his peg 16 points.
The door opens and Schneep walks in with Chase Brody right behind him. Compared to the laughing man with the warm aura in Google Images, this Chase looks cold and kind of grumpy.
“Chase, this is Jack McLoughlin, our ‘creator’ and a wonderful man,” Schneep introduces. Jack awkwardly holds his hand out for a shake. Even though he’s seen versions of himself several times this past year, it’s still rather unnerving to be given death stares by himself but with yellow hair, snapback and a fair share of freckles.
“Jack, this is Chase Brody, your newest ego and the face of Bro Average!” Schneep continues. Chase raises an eyebrow.
“Ego? Like alter ego?” Chase turns to the others, and realizes that they share the same hair and face. “Oh... my... dog. Am I a fictional character?! Is this a character intervention with the narrator?! Whatever happened, I promise, I didn’t do it! Sally encouraged me to eat the worm!” Chase kneels before Jack, cowering and whimpering.
Jack chuckles nervously. “Relax, Chase! Technically, you are a fictional character-” Chase shrieks in alarm.
“But only in another universe. You’re very much a real person in this one,” Schneep concludes, helping Chase up by the arm. Chase shakes the doctor off and Schneep tries his best to hide his hurt.
“To put it simply, some of the videos on my channel don’t exist in this universe. This is because they’re about you… egos,” Jack recites. “You’re the most recent ego, however, your video and beginnings are a bit different because I already had some course material to go off of.”
Jack clicks play on the video. Chase sits down and gasps as Jack-as-Chase flies around the office, performing trickshots and screaming like a toddler who drank too much apple juice. Is… is this him?! The accuracy! Holy shit! They even got his bloopers right! Creepy!!! Is he being stalked?!
Schneep watches from afar, fidgeting with his lab coat. Chase hasn’t moved once since the video started. He doesn’t look angry… but at the same time, he doesn’t seem to be enjoying his Power Hour. Truth be told, it’s not like the Doctor particularly likes his Power Hour either. Jack didn’t have to go and mention his cheating wife… or the fact that Peter did die at one point… Nonetheless, Chase is just sitting there, with wide eyes.
Jack, on the other hand, is already regretting what he did. Perhaps he emphasized too much on the “Not-As-Professional-Or-Successful” part. Maybe he made Chase too goofy or not as three-dimensional as he could have. The Youtuber catches a glimpse of the screen. Oh no. It’s the part with-
“Stacy, please, I know, I’m trying to get all the shots, look, just please don’t take the kids!” Jack-as-Chase pleads. Schneep and Jack-in-the-flesh turn white as a ghost. Chase frowns.
“This one’s called, ‘I’m Staying At My Sister’s This Weekend’!” Jack-as-Chase announces. It flashes back to him on the phone. “Well, I don’t care what your sister says! Just please! At least let me see them on the weekend still!”
Jack scratched his neck nervously and teethed on his knuckles, face beet red. Chase looks horrified. Schneep looks just as worried. Marvin and Jackie awkwardly stand up to leave.
Chase pauses the video just as Jack-as-Chase sobs. He takes a deep breath and turns to face his “creator”. “So… are you the reason my wife and I are getting a divorce?”
Jack gapes, taken aback by Chase’s accusation. He doesn’t want to throw Schneep under the bus, but at the same time, Chase wasn’t exactly “created” like the others-
“Not exactly!” Schneep interferes. “It… it was my idea. I thought if I got Jack to make a tribute video in honour of you, it would help you!”
“Help me?!” Chase laughs, a harsh and cold sound compared to his whoops and chuckles in his videos. “How?! By running my wife’s name through the dirt?!” Jack flinches.
“Fair enough,” Schneep says with a groan. “I should have been more specific when I said divorce and kids.”
“You told-?!”
“I thought if you knew you had a big name on your side you’d feel better! It was supposed to be a little treat!” Schneep counters.
“Oh, what am I, a little pity party to you?” Chase snaps. “My divorce was private information, Schneep.  Why else did you think I wanted to talk to you alone?! Now the whole world knows and Stacy’s going to be treated horribly because of you shits-”
“Not the whole world!” Schneep exclaims. “Just… all… of Jack’s world.”
“Shut up,” Chase hisses. “I don’t care that there’s more than one universe. So be it. What I care about is the fact that you betrayed my trust and now people are going to treat Stacy like she was a freaking bitch. This may come as a surprise to both you and Jack, but not all women are cheating whores like Lisette, asshole!”
SMACK. Chase cries out. The egos and Jack huddle together. Schneep’s breathing slows as he registers the sting in his hand and Chase rubbing his red cheek.
Schneep takes a deep breath, and in chilling, low, icy words, he snarls, “Don’t ever say her name again.”
Chase recovers from the slap and storms over to the door. “Whatever. You know what?! Stay away from me and whatever’s left of my family. I don’t care if I’m a part of your ‘creator’s’ story or whatever, I JUST WANT YOU OUT OF MY LIFE.” Chase grabs his coat and slams the door shut with a loud BANG. Schneep remains at the dining room, breathing unsteadily, vision somewhat blurry.
“Doctor? Are you alright?” Jackie whispers, reaching a hand out.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Schneep runs upstairs to his room and slams the door. Muffled sobs soon echo down the hallway.
Jack’s heart breaks in two. He really thought this video was a good idea. Somehow, all it brought was pain. He sighs defeatedly and slumps down at the table. Marvin closes the laptop.
“Shit… that was awful…”
“And it was supposed to be Chase’s birthday present!” Jack moans. “Ahhhhh, I feel like an asshole… I shouldn’t have been so mean…”
“It’s not your fault…” Jackie soothes. “You made an assumption and played it with satire. Schneep shares some of the blame as well. He should have kept that part quiet.”
“And I should have kept that out of the video…” Jack sighs. “Now Chase feels even worse about the divorce and he wants nothing to do with us…”
Jackie and Marvin sit down beside Jack and rub his back. Jack sighs again and rests his head on the table.
Upstairs, Schneep screams into his pillow, tears finally flowing. He hates himself and Chase and everything that’s happened. That’s what he gets for helping a friend. Ungrateful bastard-
No. Schneep should have known better! That was private information, he had no right poking his nose in and telling everyone. Well, it was just one person, but still! Now Chase never wants to speak to him again and he’s lost the only friend he’s had in a while and everything sucks and he just wants to curl up and die. Schneep pulls his hair and screams again. He can’t sleep, but at the same time, he can’t do anything else. So he remains in bed, crying and thinking. Eventually, long into the night, he falls asleep, cheeks wet and eyes sore.
Schneep wakes up feeling like absolute shit. His cheeks are somewhat sticky and damp. He must have been crying in his sleep. His stomach feels awful. But it’s a work day, so he gets out of bed.
Schneep stumbles into his ensuite bathroom and splashes cold water on his face. He shudders when he sees his reflection. Grey skin, messy hair, red eyes. He doesn’t smell so good either. Sighing sadly, Schneep throws off his clothes and turns on the shower faucet.
When he hops out of the shower, he puts on his scrubs and grabs his spare labcoat. He trudges downstairs, where Marvin is waiting with fluffy chocolate-chip pancakes on the table.
“Morning, doc,” Marvin greets cheerfully. His smile fades when he sees Schneep’s ashen face. “Everything alright?”
“I’m fine,” Schneep replies hoarsely.
“I made you some coffee,” Marvin continues. “I know you like it.”
Schneep grunts softly and pours himself a large cup. As he drinks he heads to the hook of keys by the front door, only to find-
“Where are my keys?” Schneep asks, staring at the space where his car keys used to hang.
“I saw Sirius knock them off earlier,” Marvin replies, flipping through the nearest magazine. “I tried to catch her, but she’s so fast.”
“Where is she right now?” Schneep inquires, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Beats me. I can’t control her,” Marvin says calmly.
Schneep growls and pounds on the table. Marvin jumps slightly, but quickly recovers and goes back to his reading.
“This isn’t funny, Marvin.  I need to get to work!” Schneep snaps. “I’m already falling behind schedule.”
Marvin snorts, looking up from the magazine. “You think you’re fit to go to work? Your face is bright pink, you’ve got large shadows under your eyes and I heard you crying for who knows how many hours last night.”
“I have allergies! They were just acting up!” Schneep snaps.
“Oh, really? Allergies? That’s rich coming from the man who claims to have ‘the strongest immune system in the world’!” Marvin scoffs.
“Even the strongest immune systems have off days, okay?!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense! Henrik, are you even hearing yourself?!”
Schneep fights back more tears. “Marvin, please, tell me where the keys are! I can’t be late for work!”
“And you won’t be! I called the hospital and asked them to give you a day off!” Marvin says.
Schneep almost drops his mug. “You… you did what?!”
“I told them it was a family emergency,” Marvin admits. “And that we didn’t know how long it would be. They understood, told me to tell you to take as many days off as you need.”
“Which is none,” Schneep scowls. “I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes, I am!”
“Henrik, you said you didn’t want Chase to go through his divorce alone and friendless, like you. You’re going through a tough time right now.  The last thing you need is to be alone.”
Schneep gapes at the magician, tears threatening to fall. Marvin stares back, heart thumping loudly. He prays he didn’t say the wrong thing. He hopes this works.
Maybe it’s because he didn't get enough sleep, or maybe it’s because he’s never had anyone be so concerned for his well-being that they screwed up his schedule, but Henrik finally lets his anguish go, and collapses, bawling like a little baby. Marvin gets down from his seat and wraps his arms around the doctor, soothing him and singing softly.
Jackie finally emerges from the bathroom, and joins the cuddle pile in the kitchen. As Henrik finally slumps completely into Marvin’s arms, he and the superhero high-five and move the sleeping doctor into the living room for a day of Netflix and cuddles.
Five days pass. Henrik sits at his desk, tapping his pen. In front of him is the start of a letter, with only the words “Dear Chase,” written on it.  He needs to apologize to Chase, but just doing it by text seems insensitive. So written letter it is! Now… where to start…
Dear Chase,
I’m sorry. What I did was wrong and there’s no way to excuse my behaviour. I really believed I was doing the right thing by telling Jack, but I should have known better than to air dirty laundry.
The doctor shakes his head and crumples up the page. He can do better than that. Now to start over-
His phone begins playing the familiar sound of a monitor beeping. He really needs to change his ringtone.  It’s too painful to hear after all the dead patients that came with it.
Henrik freezes when he notices the name. Chase. Why is he calling? Heart thumping and hands shaking, Henrik picks up the phone.
“Hello? Chase?”
“H-hi, d-doc…” Chase answers in a raspy whisper. The sound of sniffling is not lost on Henrik.
“Chase? Are you okay?”
“Not really…” Another sniffle. “But I will be… soon.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sorry for all the shit I said… It was wrong of me to bring up your own divorce… I-I shouldn’t have been so harsh…”
“No, Chase, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have brought up your divorce in the first place! I thought I was doing good by telling Jack, but he clearly misinterpreted it. I shouldn’t have mentioned it…”
“It’s alright… you were just trying to make me feel bet-better… I just overreacted… I overreact to eve-everything… I’m such a bay-baby.” Chase sounds like he’s holding back tears.
“No you’re not. You had every right to be mad… I’m sorry for slapping you. How’s your cheek?”
Schneep hears Chase chuckle softly. “It’s fine… It doesn’t hurt as much as other injuries…” The laugh turns into a sob.
“Other injuries?! What do you mean?!” Henrik demands. “Chase, you’re worrying me!”
“I’m sorry… I can’t seem to do anything right… All I do is upset people…” Chase is outright crying now.
“Chase, please tell me where you are,” Henrik pleads, getting up. “I need to make sure you’re okay!”
“No… I don’t think you’ll want to see this…” Chase mumbles. He takes a deep but shuddery breath. “I have to go. Goodbye, Henrik.”
“Chase?! CHASE?!” Henrik screams. The phone line goes dead. Henrik yelps and quickly rushes into his contacts. He finds Stacy’s name and calls her.
She answers on the first ring. “Henrik? It’s been so long! How are you?”
“Where is Chase right now?”
“Where is he living?”
“What’s going on? What did he say to you? Is he okay?”
“Call 999. I don’t believe so.”
Henrik hangs up and dashes out of his office, up the stairs and to the front door, where he grabs his keys and coat. Marvin and Jackie sit at the kitchen island, both on their phones.
“Henrik? What’s going on?”
“I have to go to the hospital. I’ll be back,” Henrik answers curtly. He throws on his coat and leaves.
Henrik runs into the hospital and quickly signs himself in. A nurse comes by and squeaks in surprise when she sees him.
“Dr. Schneeplestein? What are you doing here? Isn’t today your day off?”
“Time is broken, Cass,” Dr. Schneeplestein replies. He dashes off to the emergency room. Cass quickens her pace, trying her best to catch up to him.
“Have there been any emergencies yet?” Schneep demands.
“I think an ambulance is arriving soon-” Cass begins.
“Who’s the patient?” Schneep asks.
“A man attempted suicide-” Cass starts.
“I’ll treat him,” Schneep announces.
The doors open and medics rush in, driving a man on a gurney. Schneep pales when he sees red. The good doctor swallows his fear and tears. Now is not the time to be a baby. He’s not called the good doctor for nothing. Time to save Chase’s life.
Hours later, five nurses come in to find Dr. Schneeplestein exhaustedly sobbing against the wall, shoulders convulsing as he cries into his hands. On the gurney lies a man with yellow hair poking out of a large bandage wrapped around his head. The monitor beeps rhythmically, and the man’s chest rises and falls slowly. So why is the doctor crying?
Three nurses wheel Chase out while the other two bend down next to Schneep. One nurse, Kate, tentatively places a hand on his shoulder. He jumps in shock.
“Schneeplestein? Are you alright?” Kate asks.
Schneep smiles shakily. “He’ll live…” He shivers and whimpers. “Oh god… so much could have happened… So much could have gone wrong… I thought I lost him a few times...” the doctor breaks off with another sob.
“Why don’t you head home? Today is your day off,” Kate suggests.
“In a little while… I need to speak to the patient first…” Schneep replies in a raspy voice. Kate nods. She and the other nurse, Matt, help the doctor up. His legs wobble and almost give out. Schneep takes a deep breath and slowly  makes his way out of the operating room and into his office.
An hour later,  Henrik reappears, wearing his comfy labcoat and drinking some tea, a rarity considering how much the doctor prefers coffee. But he needs to relax, and so Matt whipped up a nice cup of tea.
Henrik pulls up a chair and sets his cup down. He looks down at the sleeping man, face as white as the bandage wrapped around his head. Chase has never looked more fragile and vulnerable. His cheeks are sunken and there are large bags under his eyes.
Henrik rubs his face. Truthfully, he’s just as tired. He looks up at the clock. 1:11 am. God, he was in the operating room for quite a while. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be as stressed as he was today. He leans back and closes his eyes. Maybe he can get a quick nap before-
“Dr. Schneeplestein?” He opens his eyes and looks up. His stomach flips when he notices a woman with red hair that falls in waves down her shoulders.  Her soft brown eyes are full of compassion and worry. Stacy Brody. Or Stacy Matthews, to be more precise.
“Stacy…” Henrik mumbles. “What… I mean, I’m sorry. I understand this must be a lot for you.”
“I can’t believe it… I mean, I knew about his depression, I just didn’t think it would get this bad,” Stacy says, voice soft and sad.
Henrik nods. “Yes. One can’t help but wonder what the breaking point was.”
“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” Stacy whispers hoarsely, staring down at her ex-husband’s skinny frame. “I did cheat on him. I told him I wanted a divorce after he found out… I wonder what would have happened if I told him straight up about Delilah… I wonder how he would have reacted…”
Henrik is speechless. He can’t really say it isn’t her fault, but at the same time, it wasn’t as if she could straight up tell him. There really was no way of telling how he would have reacted. Henrik groans and rubs his eyes again. He can’t think straight.
His mind flickers back to the video, and his stomach sinks. Did that video… influence his decision? Should he tell her about it? Would she be mad? He takes a deep breath.
“I mentioned your divorce to another friend,” he finally says. “Said friend made a video that I think mocked Chase more than flattered him. I thought it would help… but it didn’t. Only made him even more upset.”
“A video? Was this the video that ‘Jack’ made?” Stacy asks. Henrik opens his eyes, horrified. How long has she known?! Oh god, she must despise him! Henrik whirls around to face her, face riddled with guilt.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t think he’d take it in that direction- It was a shitty idea, I was so invasive and it was absolutely despicable of me and-”
“Hey, calm down, it’s okay! It was an honest mistake!” Stacy responds calmly. “Chase told me about it. He felt awful and he was so pissed with you guys. I will admit I was a bit peeved at first, but Chase said he yelled at you and broke off his friendship with you, so I figured it was punishment enough.”
“He also brought up my wife,” Henrik says. “So I punched him.”
Stacy nods. “Ah, that’s where the bruise came from.”
Henrik cringes. Damn, did he actually hit Chase that hard? He really is a dick. He sighs and stands up. “You are more than welcome to punch me. I deserve it. I never should have brought up the divorce. It was hateful of me, really.”
Stacy shakes her head. “Oh no, I couldn’t! You saved Chase from the brink of death. It’d be so insensitive of me!”
“I insist.” Henrik holds his head up. Stacy reluctantly stands up, and raises an open palm.
“I’m sorry,” she squeaks.
“It’s fine, I can handle it,” Henrik says.
Stacy takes a deep breath… and punches him. Henrik falls back into the chair from the force. Stacy cringes.
“You… have a very strong punch,” Henrik remarks, holding his throbbing cheek. He holds a finger up when he sees her mouth move. “Don’t apologize. You were right to do so.”
“I took karate as a kid,” Stacy boasts. “I won a black belt at age five.”
“Good for you! To be honest, it wasn’t nearly as hard as my wife’s,” Henrik admits.
“Well, at least I got my ‘revenge’- wait, what?!” Stacy does a double take. “Lisette used to punch you?!”
“She only did it once,” Henrik quickly adds. “After I called her a whore.”
“Oh. That explains a lot,” Stacy deadpans.
“I deserved that as well,” Henrik says. “I just wish she hadn’t moved so far away… I wonder how the girls are doing...”
“Have your children contacted you?” Stacy lightly presses.
“I’ve tried to contact them,” Henrik says. “I don’t think Lisette lets them write or call me.”
“Then Lisette really is an ass,” Stacy explodes. “What if they do want to talk to you? She can’t hide them from you just because she doesn’t like you.”
“That doesn’t seem to stop her. I keep my phone nearby in case Sophia calls when her mother isn’t around.” Henrik pats his pocket. “Or maybe Rick will let her. He’s quite nice and he’s good with kids, which is why I was quite surprised when he turned out to be-”
“A homewrecker?” Stacy suggests. Henrik glares at her, scandalized, but she can tell he’s trying to suppress a smile.
“Sorry,” she mumbles, snickering.
“I was gonna say an ass, but that’s better,” he says. Stacy bursts out laughing, but it quickly fades when she notices Chase. She clears her throat.
“I’m going to take the kids away for a while,” she reveals. “At least until he’s emotionally stable to look after the kids.”
“You know Chase would never let his depression get in the way of being a good father,” Henrik protests.
“I know. I just feel he needs a break from it all,” Stacy says. “Mostly family life, me and Delilah in particular. Maybe she and I could go to my cottage in Scotland. We can stay there until he feels ready to share custody once more. He can’t be alone, though. We know what will happen if he does. He can’t go back home either. We still need to wash out the blood and dispose of any guns he might have. Of course I mean the real guns, but he might not want his Nerf toys either. He needs to be with someone , and that can’t be me. I just don’t know anyone he could stay with who lives in Athlone. We only just moved here.”
Henrik lights up. Holy shit. It’s like destiny! This is the perfect opportunity! “He can move in with us. He’s already an ego. He’d love it there. Sure it’s a bit chaotic, but I think he’d love it!”
Stacy raises an eyebrow. “What sort of chaotic?” she questions.
“The local superhero likes to crash there, we have a magician who INSISTS on using us for test subjects for his latest tricks, and me, the ‘feral doctor’,” Henrik lists off. “Come to think of it, I’m actually the voice of reason.”
Stacy tries her best to hide a shudder. “I feel a little worried about his safety. And no offense, but it’s a bit concerning that you’re the voice of reason in that house.”
Henrik scoffs in mock insult and shoves her gently. “Oh screw you! To be honest, Jackie is actually the smart one. I’m the one who pays the taxes and keeps a roof over their head. They’re the ones who overstayed their visit.”
Stacy rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling. She looks more relaxed than when she walked in. She stands up.
“I think it’s time I left. Good luck, Chase. I wish you all the best with your recovery.” Stacy leans over and gently kisses Chase’s cheek before turning to Henrik and holding her hand out. Henrik returns it and gives it a small squeeze, only to be pulled in for a hug. He gasps in surprise.
“Thank you Henrik,” she whispers. Henrik nods and returns the hug, holding her tightly until she signals to let go. Stacy picks up her bag and leaves.
Henrik sits back down and takes out his cellphone to call the egos. Jackie picks up after the first ring.
“Henrik? Are you okay?”
“I want you to clean the house and make some hot chocolate. We’ve got a new roommate coming to stay with us!” Henrik announces.
“Is it Chase? Is that who we’re taking in?” Jackie asks.
“Yes. I want everything to be perfect, so go! Get cleaning!” the doctor commands.
“Need us to pick you up?” Marvin suggests.
“I can drive just fine! See you soon!” Henrik hangs up just as Chase begins to stir. The doctor watches him apprehensively. He hasn’t seen Chase since the argument. How will he react?
Chase groggily opens his eyes. He can see a bright light shining down on him and closes his eyes. “Where… where am I?”
He slowly attempts to sit up. A soft pair of hands gently help him sit up and rub his back. 
Chase blinks, trying to clear his vision. The blurry blue shape slowly comes into view… Henrik! The good doctor sits beside him with an anxious expression on his face.
Chase wracks his memory to try to remember what had happened. He can feel a heavy fabric wrapped around his head. He lifts a hand to better investigate… oh.
Henrik’s heart breaks when he sees Chase drop his hand, expression forlorn. Here we go, he thinks.
“Chase?” Chase looks up. “Before you say anything, know that you have every right to be mad at me and Jack. What we did was despicable and absolutely awful. You don’t have to forgive us, and I completely understand if you never do. But you can’t be alone right now. You’re going through a really tough time, and the last thing you need to be is alone. I don’t know if you’ll accept it, but we have an extra room at home that would be a perfect spot for you to stay while you recover. I know you might not want to talk to me, but Jackie and Marvin are living with me, and they will ensure your time there will be as comfortable as possible. It’s fine if you don’t want to go, but just know that we will always be there when you need a place to stay.”
Chase is silent, simply gazing at Henrik with unshed tears. Finally, he throws his arms around Henrik’s neck. Henrik startles, but returns the hug.
“Is that a yes?” Henrik mumbles. Chase nods. Henrik sighs in relief and squeezes Chase tighter. Now all he has to do is hope Jackie and Marvin have the house ready by the time he returns.
Henrik parks the car in the driveway and turns to Chase. The vlogger fidgets with his t-shirt. Henrik puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Just warning you now, while Jackie and Marvin have good hearts and intentions, they can be little shits and there’s a good chance the house will still be a mess when we get back in. Good luck.”
Chase whimpers in fear. Henrik nods solemnly. “My thoughts exactly.”
The fathers unload the car and walk up to the front steps. Henrik takes a deep breath and opens the door.
“FIFTEEN FUCKING POINTS! I WIN AGAIN MOTHERFUCKER!” Jackie screeches. Marvin roars in anger and tosses a pillow at Jackie, who backhands it. The pillow soars across the house and slams into Henrik, who grunts in alarm and falls backward. Chase shrieks in alarm, gaping at his fallen friend.
Marvin and Jackie turn around, bright blue eyes glaring into Chase. Marvin’s eye twitches sporadically and Jackie smiles like a madman. Chase nervously waves. Marvin clears his throat and forces a sleep-deprived smile.
“Howdy, Chase!”
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stardustkenobi · 5 years
Only Lookin’ At You
Poe Dameron x Reader
Warnings: fluffity fluff fluff
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“To the women who will always be bridesmaids” Sophia said, her alcohol induced vibrato and grandeur hiding the fact that yes, she was very bitter that her boyfriend of ten years still had not popped the question.
Along with the other six bridesmaids, you rose your glass of champagne and clinked it with each one. Hannah, your best friend in the whole entire universe, was finally getting married — the third of your friends to get married in the past couple of years.
Undergrad was a long ways away as you took a hefty sip of your drink, eying the rest of the women that shared the same silk colored robes as you in the back room that you had been shooed off to to prepare to walk down the aisle. You picked at the monogram on the left side of your chest, letting out a subtle sigh. It was definitely difficult to understand Sophia’s frustration, considering the fact that your twenties had been plagued with bad hookups, one nasty relationship that was on again, off again for the better part of three years that ended in a crescendo of yelling, thrown insults, and tears of relief when you finally left the apartment, and disappointment.
Most of the movies and love songs and books that carried you to the oh so disappointing age of 32 had convinced you that you would find that one special person by now and you weren’t necessarily worried about it, but days like today punctuated the fact that it just hadn’t happened yet.
Shrugging your shoulders, you joined your friends as they began the mindless process of getting ready for wedding party pictures and the eventual arrival of the bride to be. Your hair was braided and twisted into the style that Hannah had meticulously picked out for you. Your lashes were plucked and your face was painted before Sophia was pulling you to the mirror. Between her and Hannah’s twin sister, you were finally placed into the gown that effectively made you a member of your sorry group of seven always a bridesmaids.
“You look amazing.” Sophia beamed as she flattened out the waistline of the gown.
Giving her a grimace in the mirror, you picked out little parts of the get up that irritated you. Were you complaining about your inclusion in the wedding party? Absolutely not — Hannah was practically a sister to you and her fiancé was one of the kindest souls that you had ever met. It wasn’t their fault that you had hoped you would have been the next of your girlfriends to be decked out in white and kissings the love of your life in front of what seemed to be the entire world to show that he was yours and you were his.
“Time for pictures!” A voice dragged you from your dreamlike trance in front of the mirror and with a push from Sophia and a bouquet slapped into your hands, you were off to the front lawn of the wedding venue to take pictures with the groomsmen.
The seven groomsmen were a mix of people you knew at varying degrees. Some were friends of the groom that you knew from college, others were childhood friends, a few were coworkers.
The groomsman that you were introduced to at the rehearsal as the man who would walk you to the altar less than twenty four hours ago was a man named Poe. He worked with Hannah’s fiancé — the two had climbed the corporate ladder of the marketing agency they had started out in fresh from senior year of college and, almost ten years later, they were practically running the place.
Poe had been mentioned time and time again by Hannah, who absolutely loved to play match maker. She was convinced that you would fall in love with him and be it your stubborn nature or the fact that you were becoming absolutely obsessed with the fact that you hadn’t found the one yet, you froze up the minute he introduced himself to you as you hung around the edges of the altar waiting for instructions.
He was indescribably handsome and from what you knew he was smart. However, the cynic in you questioned whether he would even be interested. Sure, he was single and just about your age, but for one thing, you certainly hadn’t had the best track record with relationships over the past fifteen years. What would make trying with him any different? And why would he even glance your way unless Hannah had put ideas in his head already?
You were unsure of what you wanted, both in life and in a partner and as much as you wanted to explore that, you were afraid to get hurt again.
So there you stood, chatting half heartedly with your girlfriends as thoughts of perpetual loneliness swirled around your brain. They most definitely were not welcomed thoughts, but you were having a significantly hard time quelling them, particularly as you glanced over at Poe who was somehow even more handsome in the standard tux all of the groomsmen wore. Your chest squeezed as you watched him goof around with his friends in front of the camera, becoming more and more attractive by the second.
“You think he’s cute, don’t you?” Hannah’s twin teased by your ear after the photographer had finished up with the guys. Of course Hannah had said something to her – this was Hannah for God’s sake.
“Shut up, Margo.” You hissed as the photographer approached your group to take pictures. “I don’t even know him.”
Marge smirked as the seven of you squeezed together, smushed up for a series of photos that ranged from serious to goofy. “He’s been watching you since you walked into rehearsal last night with every opportunity he has to.” She said plainly, turning to stand back to back with you as Sophia suggested some ridiculous pose that made some of the other girls laugh.
“Don’t put ideas in my head.” You said through a forced smile, voice an octave higher than normal.
She snorted, elbowing you teasingly. “Take a look yourself when you get a chance, why don’t you?” She said in a sing songy voice, then left to stand somewhere else at the direction of the photographer.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as the camera continued to snap away. Letting your eyes trail over to the group of guys standing a little ways off, sure enough, you met a pair of soft, brown irises that flickered away almost as quickly as you had made eye contact.
“Maid of honor and best man? Can I have you both over here for some photos, please?” The photographer said quickly, trying to adhere to the strict schedule of the day.
Margo shoved you forward to meet Poe — of course he was the best man because this was all a stupid, cliché little joke that fate was playing on you. Of course you’d have to be on his arm for the next two hours until you could finally break free at the reception, which would give you just enough time to formulate some dumb fantasy about how you’d catch Hannah’s bouquet and he’d catch her garter and your eyes would meet from across the room knowingly and he’d slip you his number on the back of his place card and it would all be just like the YA novels you used to read under your covers well past your bed time in high school and he’d —
“You good, Y/N?” Poe asked softly, hands in his pockets as he walked up to you and effectively pulled you out of your stream of consciousness.
Your knees were weak as you glanced up at him, nodding shyly. “I’m good.” You promised. “Just nerves, I think.”
He smiled, holding his arm out as the photographer directed. “You seemed a little nervous last night, too.” He said as he smiled, posing with you as the photographer began to take your pictures. Glancing down, he pushed a curl out of your eyes. “Hope it’s nothing I did.”
Your smile was soft as you chanced a quick little peek up at him. Yep, still gorgeous. “It’s not you at all.” You giggled as the flash and click of the camera caught the less than staged moment. “I think it’s just the heels, if I’m being honest. Hannah went with ones that are just way too high and I might face plant at some point if I’m not careful.”
He laughed softly, shaking his head as his eyes squeezed shut. Another snap of the camera. “She and Jack always said that you were funny, I’ll never get why they didn’t introduce us sooner.”
Your eyes rolled as you snorted, letting your bouquet hang at your side. “Of course she’s talked about me.” You said as you turned to the side a bit at the photographer’s request. “I’m sorry if she’s made you listen to stories about me at nauseum, she’s hell bent on setting all of her friends up and I totally get it if you’re, like, weirded out by being stuck with me today.”
Poe’s head tilted to the side as he studied you, taking your free hand at the photographer’s insistence. Snap — another sincere moment caught on camera, another piece of evidence for you to ruminate over when the photos finally came into your inbox months down the line when the fire in your belly had been doused and forgotten. Another photo to ignite that flame again and make you wonder if it ever could have worked. So many should’ve, could’ve, would’ves would more likely than not be plaguing your subconsciousness. “I actually asked about you when I saw that post of you and Hannah, Jack, and Margo at Governor’s Ball two summers ago. She never brought you up beforehand.”
Your mouth opened and closed as you searched for the words to respond, more likely than not looking like a fish. You willed your mind to say something, anything to counter this information as Margo yelled to you and your counterpart that it was time to get ready to process into the small chapel on the property the wedding was being held at.
“Guess that’s us.” Poe said with an almost shit eating grin, holding his arm out for you. “We can talk more about things later, if you’d like.”
You took his arm after a moment, not necessarily hesitating because you were afraid to touch him, but more so because you were afraid to mess up this delicate situation that mirrored so many action movies where the main protagonist debated whether or not to cut the red or blue wire to diffuse some sort of detonator. “I’d like that.” You finally said, choosing the lamest and subsequently safest response that you could muster.
The wedding went off without a hitch. Hannah and Jack were undeniably the cutest couple you had ever seen as they shakily exchanged vows they had written for each other in the dead of the over the past year, edits meticulously made and different word choices tested. Their kiss brought you to tears and the whole ceremony pulled you out of your own selfish thoughts for a little bit in the most relieving way possible.
You were sat on Hannah’s left, Poe was on Jack’s left, at the long table at the front of the ballroom the reception was being held in. Poe had finished his speech right after yours, receiving as many laughs as you had. When the bride and groom finally moved to the dance floor, Poe was immediately at your side, chatting your ear off eagerly as the two of you watched people spin around the dance floor for the better part of an hour.
“So,” Poe said after your fit of giggles from a joke he had cracked had died down. A slow song was just starting to play over the speakers. “You don’t have a date, I don’t have a date. They’re playing that cheesy ass Taylor Swift song that everyone’s been having their first dance to at their weddings and neither of us have had any excuse to get up and dance tonight…”
Your cheeks flushed and you hoped it would come across as being a result from the flute of champagne you had downed. “Are you asking me to dance?” “I’m not saying that we should go dance.”
“I think you’re asking me to dance.” You whispered teasingly, leaning forward with a knowing smile. “Lucky for you, if you weren’t asking me to dance, I’m going to have to pass. I don’t dance.”
He quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head. “You don’t like to dance?”
“No.” You backtracked. “I love dancing, just…Not in front of a ton of people.” Your grin was sheepish as you shrugged, picking at a piece of link on the skirt of your gown. “Too many opportunities to slip up and look — what are you doing?”
Poe’s hand was gripping yours and, as much as your mind screamed at you to not follow him out to what could be a potentially embarrassing situation caught on camera for generations of Hannah and Jack’s family to see, you allowed yourself to be pulled out to a quieter corner of the wooden dance floor and pulled to the chest of a man that, despite knowing him for just a day and really only talking to him for an hour, felt more familiar to you than any other man you had met before.
“Pretend that there is no one else here but us” He said softly, his hands finding your waist as Taylor crooned about a love that was three summers strong. “I won’t let you fall, promise. Eyes on me, okay?”
You nodded, totally dumbfounded as you started to sway with Poe and swallowed the lump threatening to rise in your throat. Your shaky hands rose to wrap around the back of his neck, subconsciously playing with the ends of his hair.
The conversation continued to flow quietly as the song reached the second chorus and by the bridge, his forehead was pressed to yours in the most tender of ways that erased any doubt in your mind that he had spent the first part of his night with you simply out of obligation to his friends.
You didn’t catch the glances shared between Margo, Hannah, and Jack a little ways off. You didn’t see how the whispered excitedly about how their plans were finally coming to fruition and how their stubborn friend was finally letting her guard down again for someone who wouldn’t take advantage of the vulnerability. Shit, you wouldn’t have cared if you saw or heard because of the way Poe was currently looking at you.
His words were filled with hope for the future and at the end of the night as you all trudged off to go your separate ways to get back to the hotel you all were staying at, the jacket of his tux was draped around your shoulders and your phone buzzed with text after text from him as you climbed into the car with Margo and Sophia.
You hadn’t caught Hannah’s bouquet or garter, Margo and Sophia both chided from the front of the car.
You smiled to yourself as your head hit the headrest on your seat. No you hadn’t — you had been too busy dancing with Poe in the gardens just outside the all glass doors to even notice it happening.
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Nina Heath
Skin tone: dark
Eye color: blue
Hair: curly, dark brown with a blue ombre
Height: 158cm
Weight: 90kg
Age: 23
Gender: nonbinary
Sexuality: bisexual
Details: vitiligo on their left shoulder/right hip/stomach/back/over the left eye, eyebrow piercing, nose ring, lip ring, ears pierced all the way up, sleeve tattoos on both arms, tattoos all over their body (thighs, ankles, torso, back, calves,...)
Personality: confident, chaotic good, gremlin, dumb but kinda smart, loyal, would kill for their friends, would kill their friends, angry, smol and chubby, disastrous bisexual, scary, yell-a-lot, bunnies!, strong, caring
Hobbies: baking, crocheting, arguing, painting nails, reading (but their head hurts), cuddling, kissing, calming their girlfriend down, Fighting with people who hurt their friends/girlfriend (is totaly the embodiment of:
Nina: You made Sophia cry!
Tray: Sophia always cries!
Sophia, crying: That’s not true...)
Hates: dysphoria, homophobes, transphobes, Karens, birds, tall people who make fun of them, their glasses (but their head hurts if they don’t wear them), contacts (but their head hurts if they don’t wear them), headaches
Job: baker
Sophia Georgening
Skin tone: caramel
Eye color: green
Hair: really messy,straight (unlike her), bob cut with a triangle undercut at the back if her head, ginger
Height: 186cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 24
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Details: freckles all over her face and shoulders, bushy eyebrows with an eyebrow cut in the left one, tongue piercing, tattoo of a Phoenix on her back between the shoulder blades, Nina and a heart tattooed on her right bicep, ripped (seriously, she’s buff, she has abs, biceps, triceps, she could crush a melon with her thighs, the CaLvEs,...), wears her hair tied up in a messy bun almost 90% of the time, vegetarian and whenever she eats a product that came from an Animal like milk or an egg, she apologizes to said animal
Personality: calm, thoughtful, lawful good, a TrEe, loving, caring, silent, secretly anxious, strict, tidy, colected, extremely smart but almost never shows it, a bottom, sensitive, crybaby
Hobbies: blacksmithing, archery (but she never shoots at living targets and cries when she needs to shoot at plastic animals), working out, running, kickboxing (even tho she apologizes to her oponent afterwards), helping people out, petting animals, kissing, cuddling
Hates: sad movies, Animal cruelty, mean people, social interactions (but she’s good at hiding it), not much else, she thinks that everyone deserves another chance and that all people have some good in them
Job: works in a flower shop, part time blacksmith/gym trainer
Tray Black
Skin tone: light
Eye color: yellow
Hair: short, bright blue
Height: 175cm
Weight: 69kg
Age: 20
Gender: genderflux (using all pronouns, mostly they/them, so they’ll be refered to as such while description is going on)
Sexuality: asexual panromantic
Details: nose ring (changes up every day), extravagant earrings, sleeve tattoo on their right arm, a snake tattooed around their left thigh, colorful/black clothing (they either look like a neon paint bomb or as a black hole), they rarely bind but pack rather often (bottom dysphoria is worse then the top one), a lot of rings and bracelets (you always know when they’re near since you hear clanking), hats, always wearing earphones
Personality: they’re really extra in every way, chill, sarcastic, funny, flegmatic, pesimistic, both love and hate attention, very competitive, potterhead but hates JK, totaly a Slytherin (and not just because of the snakes), a bit arrogant, very good leader, very very smart, good at arguments (seriously, you so don’t want to get into an argument with them, they’ll obliterate you)
Hobbies: singing, drums, gaming, playing the guitar, sketching people/sceneries, reading (mostly sci-fi/fantasy), dying hair, combining jewelry with clothes, listening to music, taking care of their pet sneks
Hates: shoping, overplayed pop songs, dogs, teeth, the summer (it’s too damn hot for them), homophobes/transphobes, J.K. Rowling, terfs, politics (the people)
Job: part time at Nina’s bakery, studying politology and sociology, in the school band
Connor Wearings
Skin tone: lightly tanned (not as pale as Tray but not as dark as Sophia)
Eye color: heterochromia - left eye is green, right eye is grey
Hair: curly, short, hazelnut brown
Height: 168cm
Weight: 64kg
Age: 21
Gender: demiboy (using he/him pronouns but not quite cis)
Sexuality: asexual, aromantic
Details: freckles. everywhere., always smiling (he’s got dimples), dressed freely (skirts, dress, pants, blouses, shirts, heels, crop tops, hoodies,...), he’s really comfortable in his body and yet he’s not fully comfortable with all that comes with it, smol bean, the cutest little pout, ALWAYS covered in paint, fingers are pernamently covered in bandaids, wears a bandana to hold his hair back while working
Personality: he’s a total sweetheart, kind, helpful, outgoing, happy-go-lucky, loving, caring, funny, always laughing/smiling, really hard to piss him off, really easy to make him upset (another embodiement of ‘he always cries), ‘Maybe I can drink my problems away’ *opens capri-sun*, dog lover, puppy-like personality, loyal
Hobbies: drawing, cooking, baking, petting animals, fluffy things!, crocheting, sewing, painting, dressing up, making tea, helping his friends, hugging, holding hands, platonic relationships
Hates: arguments, people who make fun of someone, rude people, loud music, the dark, the cold, octopuses, dark colors, unfinished jobs
Job: studying art, psychology and doing a baking course at the moment (very productive and capable), working a part-time at a convinience store and a daycare centre (the kids love him)
Abram Hayze
Skin tone: dark
Eye color: hazelnut
Hair: deep brown, curly and fluffy
Height: 197cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 19
Gender: agender - e/em/eir/emself pronouns
Sexuality: pansexual, demiromantic
Details: e has a lot of moles all over eir body, mostly presents androgynous, yet sometimes likes to present feminine, had very unaccepting parents so whenever e is forced to go to a more profesional setting or to meet with older people, e presents masculine even though e hates it, very proud of eir hair, love to play with them when e’s nervous and try new hairstyles all the time, e never dyes it tho, piercings on both ears, piercing under the lip, piercing in the bellybutton
Personality: e is really calm, likes to think and be alone, yet also loves to spend time with eir friends, smiling a lot, always there when someone needs em, really perceptive and no one really knows how e does it, but e seems to know about a lot of stuff that other people don’t (it’s just the fact that e is very trustworthy and so a lot of people let their guard down around em), e is also really into debates, but not the political ones like Tray, eir partner, but rather ones about books, headcannons and interests, e is also really sneaky and likes to play tricks and pranks on people, especially confusing them with the food that e eats, e is chaotic good
Habbies: reading, hiding around places and letting emself be found in the most ridiculous positions, putting stuff on the top shelves when e is hanging out with eir friends (the short ones), sitting in strange places where no one knows how e got in, sleeping
Hates: homophobes/transphobes, people with no sense of humor, long waits, queues, places with a lot of people, the dark
Job: studying psychology, working part-time in a hairdressing shop
Tenzin Arish
Skin tone: slightly tanned
Eye color: purple
Hair: deep black, short (one side is totaly buzzed and the other is a bit longer) the ends are bleached and dyed (purple, blue, green, pink) depending on their mood
Height: 164cm
Weight: 58kg
Age: 22
Gender: nonbinary (xe/ xeir/ xem)
Sexuality: queer
Details: xe are really skinny and fairly androgynous, no one actually knows what xeir biological sex is and xe aren’t gonna tell anyone anytime soon, xe present androgynously, yet sometimes xe like to present masc/fem, depending on the day, xe love xeir hair and that’s why xe dye them so often, if xe don’t like the color, it can even change daily
Personality: sarcasm and irony are the two languages xe speak in, xe like coffee and practicaly live off of it, no one ever saw xem sleep, xe are always online and always awake when someone knocks on xeir door at any time (so xeir friends know that when they need a friend, xe will be awake whenever they decide to come there), xe love helping people with their mental problems yet xe never try to solve xeir own, the only other language xe speak is memes
Hobbies: taking care of stray animals, helping people out (whether it’s an old lady who needs to cross the street or a protestor who needs protection from the rubber bullets/tear gas), protesting, breaking down gender boundaries, educating people on the LGBTQ+ history, history itself, archeology, xe love caves and everything that has to do with geology
Hates: homophobes/transphobes, terfs, anyone who’s stupidly using history (especially against the LGBTQ+ comunity), plants (xe have alergies), flowers (xe think it’s overated)
Job: part-time job in a museum, studying history and geology
Okay, so I hope you enjoy...this? Please inform me if my autocorrect misgendered one of my sweethearts, I proofread it but one can never be so sure. To be clear: all of them hate transphobes/homophobes, racists, terfs, neon*zis, Tr*mp supporters and everyone else who is somehow harming people or disrespecting their rights, I just really didn’t have the willpower to write everything of this down in every Single one of the hate columns because that would mean I have to think about it and that would do me no good, because I really didn’t want to have a mental breakdown while writing about my oc’s. That’ll be all, thanks for comming to my TED talk.
Tags: @exhaustedauthor @definietlynotsatan @detroit-become-snail @nyamafriend and @ anyone who wants to read this. Bye!
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writingkeepsmewhole · 4 years
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This is part 6 of Kitten. This is kinda a longer one. It’s also kinda fluffy. Please let me know what you think! I love hearing from my readers!
Fic Summery: Sophia has never known love, her always picking the “good guy” him always turning out to be like a snake in the weeds. What will happen when shes took home one night by a “bad guy” him showing her things she never knew about herself.
Part Summery:Dean explains some more of his kinks. Sophia reaching her braking point.
Warnings: Talk of BDSM, pet play, mentions of past self harm, and abuse.
Let me know if you want to be tagged would love to add you: @vicmc624​ @deanwanddamons​ @that-one-gay-girl @akshi8278​ @loelizabeth100 @nihilismworld​
Part 1 Part 5
I ended up falling asleep for a few hours. My dreams are full of being tied up or shoved in a cage.
Despite that I wasn't afraid when I woke up. More like confused. Never dreaming anything like that before my mind raced.
I wanted to know more but I knew that I wanted to hear it from Dean.
Climbing out of bed, the clock telling me it was noon I went into the bathroom.
After taking care of business I used the toothbrush Dean left me.
I wanted to take a shower but had no idea if I could or if I even had clothes.
I knew I could just look around my room for them but instead I found myself wanting to ask Dean.
I sit on the bed staring at the phone debating on whether to call him or not.
He said he was going to a meeting but he also said to call him for anything.
Chewing my lip I settled on a text instead. That way I wouldn't bother him too much.
I go to the messages and quickly type out something hitting send before I changed my mind.
I don't expect a response so I nearly jump out of my skin when my phone dings.
Looking down I reread the message I just sent then his.
"Can I take a shower? I also need clothes. Sorry for bothering you."
"Yes sweetheart you can take a shower and you can wear some of mine. I told Sam to bring you some. Never think you're bothering me ever."
I swallow reading his last sentence hearing it in his voice. It made my stomach flip.
I jump again when a knock comes from my door.
I expect it to open but when I realize it's not going to I stand up and open it.
Sam stood there holding a pile of folded clothes, a towel and a bag full of supplies.
"Dean said you wanted a shower." He says smiling at me.
I blush and nod wondering how this must look or feel to Sam.
I feel like he has been cleaning up my messes since I got here.
"He will be here by the time you get out but feel free to take your time." He says handing me the stuff.
I nod and smile back.
"See you in a bit." He says turning on his heel and walking down the hall, his hands in his pockets.
I close my door back then head into the bathroom.
Closing that door as well I don't bother locking it. I had a feeling they wouldn't walk in on me.
I set the stuff down and dug through the bag finding everything you need for a shower even a razor.
My heart drops at the sight. Looking at my still bandage wrist I hate that I felt so low. I was mad at Harry for making me feel like that.
He claimed to love me but had never done anything to prove it. I was taken better care of by two strangers then he ever did.
Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn't remember the last time I did it. Surely it must have been a long time because I didn't recognize the person I was looking at.
I was pale, nothing but skin and bones. I looked tired. But there was a fire in my eyes that I had never seen before. Determination.
I wasn't going to let what happen to me change my life forever.
I wasn't going to let another person's actions make me take my life away.
Taking a deep breath I nod at myself then step into the shower.
I was halfway through when I heard the door open quickly smacking into the wall.
"Sophia please come out right now." Dean's voice fills my ears.
It panicked and raspy as if he was running.
When his hand, holding a towel is pushed into the shower I know something is wrong.
With my heart racing I place the razor I was using for my legs down and turn off the water.
Grabbing the towel I barely have it wrapped around me before Dean pulls back the curtain.
His jade eyes bounce all over my body then up to my face.
"You didn't do any harm to yourself did you?" He asks looking into my eyes.
I shake my head carefully stepping out of the shower.
I watch and hear him take a breath of relief. He steps closer to me, surprising me by lifting his hand gently laying it on my cheek.
"When Sam told me he gave you a razor I thought you might have done something to yourself." He says softly his thumb rubbing my cheekbone.
His words make me blush and butterflies fill my stomach.
'He was worried about me?' I think looking up at him.
My heart starts to pound when Dean leans down. Closing the gap between us my eyes shut without thinking about it.
They open right back up when I feel his soft lips press to my forehead.
"I'll let you finish your shower. Come find me when you're done." He says taking a step back, his hand leaving my face.
I almost frown at the lack of touch. Him looking me over one more time but this time it was less frantic. His eyes darkened slightly. This time it made a heat settle in my lower stomach.
He leaves me alone letting me return to my shower which I do.
When I get out the second time I dry off and get dressed in the clothes Sam brought me.
It was a simple black t-shirt and sweats. There was a pair of boxers I had to roll up once to keep from falling off. Making me glad the pants had a drawstring in them. Not that it mattered, Dean's shirt's practically made a dress on me anyway.
I towel dried my dripping hair seeing my reflection once again.
In just a span of forty five minutes I looked better. Funny how a shower could do that for you.
I didn't have any shoes but Sam did give me some socks so after I was dressed in them I padded my way out of my bath and bedroom looking for Dean.
It wasn't hard to find him and Sam sitting in the kitchen talking.
Dean had a cup of coffee in front of him, Sam sipping on a glass of water.
Sam saw me first him facing the door.
"Hey Sophia." He says smiling at me.
I smile and wave back.
Dean turns his head looking at me over his shoulder.
He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. A red flannel over it and boots.
It was surprising to see how he looked good in anything. On second thought no it wasn't he was perfect. The more I looked at Dean his face was perfect. The memory of seeing him work out reminded me so was his body.
"Come sit and let me look at your wrist." Dean says orders but it still sounded kind.
I do as he says sitting down as he opens up the first aid kit already on the table.
"Do you guys want some lunch? I'm starving." Sam says looking at us.
I shrug, never really hungry anymore. Dean looks up at Sam and chuckles.
"Relax Sammy I'm not gonna do anything with her. You don't have to leave the room every time we are together." Dean says teasing his brother.
Sam rolls his eyes but gets up and leaves anyway.
"He's so up tight sometimes." Dean says unwrapping my wrist.
I didn't want to look at it so I kept the bandage on.
It wasn't as bad as I thought. It was a nasty gagged gash but it didn't bleed after he unwrapped it.
"It needs to breathe for a bit so just don't move around too much don't want to rip it open okay?" Dean asks looking at me.
I nod and look up at him not wanting to look at it any longer not wanting to remember that night.
"Well Sam probably didn't go get food so I was gonna make some burgers." He says but I feel like it's a question.
I smile and nod telling him that's fine.
"Alright you can sit here and keep me company or do whatever you like." He says pushing himself up from the table.
I don't even hint at moving. Despite not knowing him for long I felt more comfortable around Dean then I did anyone.
I wish I could ask him how his day went or even ask about the weather but my mouth just wouldn't form the words.
Dean didn't seem to mind him humming old rock songs to himself as he moved around the kitchen.
But I minded. The more I was around Dean the more I found myself wanting to talk. To have a real conversation.
I took a deep breath knowing that wasn’t going to hap[en any time soon.
At the sound of my sigh, Dean turns and looks at me over his shoulder.
“Are you alright?” He asks, earning a nod from me then a shrug.
“You don’t know huh?”
I shake my head. I had no idea how I was feeling. I was one big ball of confusion at the moment.
“Is it because of what we have been talking about or something else?”
I nod that the main part of my why I was feeling the way I was.
“Do you have questions or just want another lesson?” He asks turning off the stove and moving the cooked burgers onto buns.
I chew my lip not knowing how to answer that without words. I had questions but was too embarrassed to ask them.
“Alright how about this…” Dean says bringing the food to the table.
Him placing a well dressed burger in front of me.
“...I write down some topics and you pick which one you want to talk about?” He says questioning me with his eyes.
I nod smiling, that sounding perfect to me.
“Okay let me get some paper, you eat your food.” He says surprising me but gently strokes my cheek before he leaves the room.
It makes my face heat up the feel of his touch almost seeming to burn me but in a comforting way.
I couldn’t help but notice I didn’t jump or flinch around him. As if my mind knew he would never hurt me.
With my face red I take a bite off my food almost moaning at how good it tasted. I knew Dean could cook or at least make breakfast but this was the best thing I’ve ever had.
I had a mouth full when Dean returned him smiling at me.
“Your so fucking cute.” He says making me blush again.
I use my hands to hide my mouth as I chew.
“Alright let’s see here.” He says sitting down across from me, setting loose paper in front of him. 
He bends over and starts writing out words.
I looked at them trying to read them but it was tricky upside down.
“There that should be plenty to start with. We already covered the basics but we can go more into detail if you want to.” He says handing the page to me.
I glanced at it, surprised at his pretty handwriting. A list of forain words making my mind race once again.
There were at least ten things on the list so I just pointed to the first thing.
“Pet play? Good choice.” He says smiling at me.
I smile and drop my head an odd sense of pride filling me. Happy that I picked something he liked.
“Pet play is as complicated or as simple as you want it to be.” He says making me look back up at him.
“It’s where the sub - remember what the word means?” He asks, taking a bite of his food. Him not asking in a mocking way like he assumed I forgot already more like he was just making sure.
I nod, knowing what it meant.
“Alright, well it’s where the sub takes on the role of an animal. The most common are kittens or puppies. Though they can be any animal. Cow, sheep, horse, you name it. They act as that animal dose. Doing so allows them to get out of their head. They only have to think about playing with a ball or a jingly bell. It’s something they use to relieve stress. It doesn't have to be sexual though there are people who prefer it to be.” He says moving to sit next to me.
My heart starts to pick up but it settles when he only gently grabs my wrist and the first aid kit.
“This is something the sub can do alone but they have a dom or what people like to call an owner or even master they can do more things. Most of the time the dom will give the sub a collar to wear just like a dog or cat. That marks them as theirs.” He says gently cleaning the gash on my wrist.
I don’t know if he was doing that to distract me or to keep his hands busy but it was hard to focus on both things.
“It can be very degrading or very playful and fun depending on what the sub wants. Something you should always remember in this world, the sub is really the one in control.” He says smiling at me.
I look at him confused having no idea how that could be. I thought the dom made the rules.
“We’ll talk about that later. Where was I? Oh yeah, a pet normally wears ears and a tail showing off what kind of pet they are. It is something the sub uses to express themselves. Like I said they act like an animal. It’s the dom’s job to take care of and train them. The same way you would for a pet.” He says, fascinating me with the information.
“It’s actually one of my favorite things to do.” He says wrapping up my wrist, his eyes not meeting mine.
“I like it because I like training a bad pet to be a good one. I like seeing a woman relax and just give into that side of herself. It’s almost as good a primal play.” He says, making me look at him with confusion.
I don’t know why anyone would want to act that way but I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to try.
“That’s a lesson for another time. One when you feel completely safe with me.” He says, making my stomach flip.
I knew what he meant but it didn’t stop the thoughts from filling my head. Thoughts I shouldn’t be having for a stranger.
“Are you giving sex 101?” Sam asks as he walks into the kitchen.
I blush knowing he must have heard what we were talking about.
“Yes, she had questions.”
“Oh I bet she did.” Sam says walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water.
“Try not to freak her out too much.” Sam says smiling at me kindly.
“My kicks aren't as bad as yours.” Dean says, making Sam laugh.
“You can come to the darkside whenever you want to.” Sam says, making me confused as he leaves the room.
“Ignore him. He likes to get one over on me because he likes the heavy stuff.” Dean says putting the first aid stuff away.
I lift an eyebrow at Dean wanting to know what he was talking about.
“The book you were reading is Sam’s.” He says making my face redden for a totally different reason.
Dean laughs and gets up to get something to drink.
“Relax he won’t care that you read it.” He says, bringing me back a bottle of water.
He sits down with his beer and opens it. I can’t help but look at the glass in his hand.
A shiver of fear goes through me knowing what happens when men drink too much. I don’t know how I didn’t notice Dean drinks.
“What’s wrong Sophia?” He asks, making my eyes snap up to his.
I shake my head and smile, not wanting him to know the worries on my mind.
“Something just went through your head. What scared you?”
I shake my head again having no idea how to answer him. Scared I would make him angry with my answer.
“Please tell me. I won’t get mad I promise.” He says with his green eyes meeting mine. Them so serious I believed him.
I point at the bottle in his hand making his forehead wrinkle in confusion.
It takes him a second to realize what I’m pointing at.
“You don’t want me to drink this?” He asks, holding it up.
I shrug and wrap my arms around myself, feeling the air shift around us.
“You think I’ll hurt you if I do?” He says, his voice deepening.
I drop my eyes from his to the table, not wanting to answer him. I jump when I hear the clink of the glass being set down on the table. The sound of Dean pushing his chair back makes my heart pound.
‘Why did you tell him?’ I scream at myself as I hear him walk closer to me.
I close my eyes tightly, my heart racing in my chest telling me to run. But I stayed still, the blood rushing in my ears. I would have screamed or cried out if I could when his hand landed on my arm.
Instead of the harsh grip I was expecting it was soft, barely there. Dean’s hand slowly moved from my neck to my face lifting it to look up at him.
His eyes softened when they met mine. My eyes wet from unshed tears.
“He really hurt you, didn't he?” He says softly. So soft I don’t think I was meant to hear it.
“I’m sorry I scared you. Or made you think I was going to harm you. Trust me when I get drunk I get horny not violent.” He says cracking a small smile trying to cheer me up.
I can’t stop the twitch in my face, my gut telling me to believe him. His smile grows making mine grow as well.
“I think it’s time for a nap huh?” He asks softly.
I nod, knowing it’s only barely two in the afternoon but I could use a nap.
“Alright well let's clean up our mess then take one.” He says rubbing my cheek with his thumb, then taking a step back.
I have to fight the urge to grab his hand from leaving my face. Knowing that was wrong. Dean didn’t see me that way and I shouldn’t see him that way either. It was just that I felt comfortable with him. Too comfortable.
I helped Dean clean up, it didn’t take that long. Then I follow him back to my room.
Once in my own room I took a breath feeling safe in there. It's like a bubble blocked away from the rest of the world.
Dean moves over to the chair in the corner and sits down with a dark look on his face. I bite my lip wanting to say something but I wouldn't know what to say even if I could. So I stand there next to my bed feeling awkward. My face was still hot from almost crying.
That seemed so long ago even though it was minuents. Dean’s eyes trace over me, making me wrap my arms around myself I look at the floor.
“I should go.” He says pushing himself up and walking towards the door.
I don’t stop myself this time, grabbing the bottom of his flannel, he pauses. He turns around his hand gently taking mine.
I close my eyes when he gently lifts my head to look at him.
“Look at me.” He says softly.
I do as he asks my eyes slowly opening my heart pounds as his green gaze stairs into mine.
His thumb strokes my cheek, as his other lands on my hip. I watch him swallow as he pulls me closer to him. My heart picks up the feel of his toned body pressing into mine. I grab the front of his shirt wanting something to hold onto. My head starts swimming with thoughts making a fog cloud my mind.
I suck in a breath watching his tongue drag over his bottom lip. My heart drops when he clenches his jaw and takes a step away from me.
A cold wave washing over me as the heat from his touch leaves me.
“I’ll let you sleep.” He says his voice deeper than it was moments ago.
He takes another step back then turns to head towards the door. A flood of emotions rush up from my chest. The past few months events invade my brain. It made my breath catch in my throat.
I wrap my arms tightly around myself, digging my nails into my arms to keep myself from breaking down right there. It was messed up but there was a war inside my head and Dean somehow kept it from killing me.
I was broken and I just wanted to scream. My lip quivered and I could feel my throat start to close up. Maybe that’s why I was shocked when Dean’s name rolled off my tongue.
It was a whisper, barley that, but it was enough to make him stop in his tracks.
Lifting my head I looked up at him, knowing I looked as crazy as I felt. My eyes most likely bloodshot a waterfall of tears running down my face.
He doesn't say anything, only takes one long stride to get to me, his large arms wrapping around me. As soon as his skin makes contact with mine my knees buckle. My body is no longer able to hold itself up.
I bury my face in Dean’s T-shirt a raspy gasp leaving my mouth as I cry into his chest.
Dean doesn't say anything only bends down enough to pick me up. He walks the few feet to my bed and sits down placing me in his lap.
I curl up my face hidden in his neck and shoulder. He holds me close to him, his large hand placed on my thigh the other stroking my hair.
We sit like that for I don’t know how long. Neither of us spoke. The sound of me taking a raspy breath from time to  time filled the air. Soon even that sound faded leaving only the soft sound of mine and Dean’s breathing.
He gently presses his lips to my forehead pulling my wadded up blanket over the both of us. I lift my arms up wrapping them around his neck hugging him. He returns it, then gently pushes me back enough to look at my face.
“Feel better?” He asks softly,as if he didn’t want to break the bubble around us.
I nod, it's the truth. I felt better. A lot better. It helped to just let everything out. Not having to hide the hurt and pain swimming around in my head.
“Good.” He says once again stroking my cheek with his thumb.
I close my eyes and lean into his touch. It is so different from what I was used to. I could feel the callus on Dean’s hands but they felt like velvet when he touched me.
Taking a deep breath I open my eyes meeting his green ones.
“I don’t like seeing you like that. Especially when I’m the cause of it.” He says solemnly
I shake my head not wanting him to think that was because of him. That was from everything becoming too much. I reached my breaking point.
“Either way, I promise to never make you feel like this again.” He says stroking my cheek again.
I nod and smile softly. Moving closer to him I tuck myself into him, scared he will want to leave if we keep talking.
He pulls me as close to him as I can get, him picking me up just enough so he could lay me down.
Thinking he is doing exactly what I don’t want him to do, a soft whine leaves my throat. It makes a chuckle leave Dean’s.
“I’m not going anywhere, Kitten.” He says kicking off his boots and laying back down next to me.
It surprises me how I move to wrap around him as if he’s a log keeping me afloat in the ocean. He smiles down at me, his hand resting on my hip. His other one tucked under his head. I hold onto the front of his t-shirt, it damp from my tears. Placing my forehead on his shoulder I take a deep breath. It was still shaky but I felt better, almost normal.
Dean wraps his arm around my back pulling me closer and kisses the top of my head.
“Sleep little one, you've had a rough day.” He says gently rubbing my back.
I nod agreeing with him. My day has definitely been emotionally taxing. With Dean’s soft petting and the sound of his even breathing and heartbeat I fall asleep quickly. The sound of Dean’s name leaving my mouth filling my dreams.
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ao3feed-larry · 4 years
there ain’t nothin’ common ‘bout us
by angelica_barnes
In the end, their love story is the simplest one there is. Despite how messy and complicated the plot may be, drama and heartbreak hidden around every corner, their story is simple. It was when it began, and it remains so.
Their story, quite simply, goes like this: five boys meet.
They fall in love.
  The world ends, and suddenly Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis are alone in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere.
Words: 13631, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of there ain’t nothin’ common ‘bout us
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Taylor Swift, Eleanor Calder, Ed Sheeran, Perrie Edwards, Gigi Hadid, Danielle Peazer, Sophia Smith, Simon Cowell, and an elephant
Relationships: Niall Horan/Zayn Malik/Liam Payne/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (past), Zayn Malik/Liam Payne (past), Niall Horan/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson (brief), Niall Horan/Zayn Malik, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Harry Styles, Niall Horan/Liam Payne, Niall Horan/Harry Styles, Niall Horan/Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles & Taylor Swift, One Direction (Ensemble) & Taylor Swift, Zayn Malik & Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran/Taylor Swift, Eleanor Calder & Louis Tomlinson, Taylor Swift & Louis Tomlinson, Perrie Edwards & Gigi Hadid & Zayn Malik, Liam Payne & Danielle Peazer & Sophia Smith, Niall Horan & Ed Sheeran, Ed Sheeran & Harry Styles
Additional Tags: they're all asexual (sex-neutral/positive), why because i'm ace and starved for representation that's why, also because it fit the narrative but that's not important, see this is what happens when, i read Pride & Prejudice, listen to Taylor Swift’s “folklore”, and watch 1D crack videos all in one day, also "Canada" by Lauv & Alessia Cara and "Common" by ZAYN can be blamed for this, their sanity is questionable in this, ATTENTION EVERYBODY:, if you’re ever sad, just imagine Louis singing "The Principal" by Melanie Martinez to Simon Cowell onstage, or Zayn singing "I Don't Need Your Love" from SIX to the boys and Simon Cowell, WARNING: i have no idea how record players work so just work with me here okay, think the house from "Knives Out" but taller and more chaotic, I DO NOT CONDONE THIS IDIOTIC BEHAVIOR BY THE WAY, IF YOU HAVE A MENTAL OR PHYSICAL DISORDER SEEK HELP FROM MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, DESPITE WHAT BAD Y/A FILMS WANT YOU TO THINK LOVE DOES NOT CURE ALL, BE SAFE AND HEALTHY KIDS, take care of yourselves, this was supposed to be a 20k quick write, to get out all my feelings during my one direction relapse, and instead it turned into this, there’s a strong possibility i may’ve accidentally made Louis schizophrenic, no you don’t understand, i just wanted an excuse to write the boys wearing soft grey sweaters that are too big for them, watch as i overload you with symbolism and details (PAY ATTENTION), this is gay, i edit my own shit and die like a genderfluid legend, somebody please read this, i poured my entire life into this story for six months and if nobody reads it i WILL cry, some of the relationships in this are pretty unhealthy for awhile, But they get better, because communication is important and actually happens, what a shock, I know, i am going to put you through hell with this story, SO, ya know, apologies in advance, Implied/Referenced Acephobia, Internalized Acephobia, this was supposed to be funny, It is not, that, Louis eats messily because I said so, he stuffs his pancakes in his mouth until he’s got chipmunk cheeks, crying crying crying, and then some more crying, oh my lin there’s so much crying, Unconventional Relationship, Complicated Relationships, you have no fucking idea how proud of this i am, i mean i'm a little ashamed, because this is the first book i've ever written, and it's about one fucking direction, but whatever ya know love is love, alternatively titled: i relapsed hard into my one direction obsession, except i have since evolved as a writer, because i started writing these when i was twelve and they were 5k max, and now i’m sixteen and i have this shit on my hands, I’m sorry, i apologize for all of this, my bad - Freeform, this is apparently the kind of fucking shit i write now, I am so sorry, Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, it's just 2020, Angst with a (Realistic) Happy Ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, i swear to you this was supposed to be a funny story, i don’t know what happened, why do all of my characters always end up being certifiably insane, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Getting Back Together, Love Confessions, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Introspection, Reflection, Fluff and Angst, Domestic, Families of Choice, Unconventional Families, Magic, Magical Realism, yeah i really just came for everyone’s souls here, forgive me for stealing your livelihood, i didn’t mean to destroy you, also my bad if i gave any of you existential crises, it was mostly an accident, Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts, Post-Zayn One Direction, Zayn Malik Leaves One Direction, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, Suicide, Bulimia, Anorexia, Schizophrenia, Drug Addiction, Drug Withdrawal, Panic Attacks, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Overdosing, i promise there's actually fluff in here, there's a lot of fluff in here, it's just always just a little bit sad, fuck this has so many tags, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, Regret, Guilt, Abuse, Unhealthy Relationships, Fame, okay i'll stop now i'm sorry bye, please please please somebody enjoy this, or at least parts of it, also there's a lot of soulmates and ghosts, a fuckton of introspection that i should probably apologize for, but am really not all that sorry about, okay i'm really done now promise
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/3nbKyj5
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bidaryl · 4 years
okay so u know those AUs where its like……rick wakes up from his coma and its the start of the apocalypse all over again after living through a fair chunk of it!! and its like him correcting mistakes and getting his second chance and shit OR the version where they ALL suddenly just wake up one day back in the modern world zombie free and it was all a dream but they all collectively had it so they find each other and meet up????? thats neat and all and i will read those fics till the day i die but u know what i have not seen and i rly wanna like. cry over?
daryl waking up at the start of the end of the world. okay i haven’t put much thought into pre-rick era so like maybe just before rick comes in? maybe when merle and the crew leave for the city???? and its like a post-negan daryl thats waking up here. mayhaps the night glenn d*es and daryl gets taken? OR EVEN better maybe when jesus rescues daryl and its when daryl finally falls asleep for the first time in months on an actual pillow surrounded by certain members of his found family and then he just????? wakes up!!
he wakes up and he’s at the fcking quarry. his bitchass loudmouth brothers nowhere in sight cos as daryl figures out later, merle left the previous day. its the big reset button that everyone kinda wishes they had because they’ve all lost so much over the past 2-3 years but like… never though it could happen.
or! and i haven’t actually seen past carl dying so i’m not positive about things but hmmm what about a version when when rick ~dies. the bridge explodes. rick, for all intents and purposes of the show, /is DeAd/. and daryls a fucking mess becos that was on him and maggie and idk who else was involved in that plot or even if thats actually what happened. but from what ive gathered rick and daryl were kinda on the outs with the negan shit and that bridge scene could’ve been avoided. if things had just gone a bit differently. if they could go back in time just for a second! just one more chance! one more shot at things going differently and daryl could totally fix everything. then the next day daryls waking up at the quarry.
ugh cos THINK about it!! quarry era daryl and saviour/negan+ era daryl are so different? like the heart of him is the same but they all barely know each other at the start and daryls so angry and skittish and runs on fight or flight mode but alexandria/saviour/negan era daryl has like……bleed for these people? provided food and water for these people? led these people to safety? put his life on the line on several occasions for these people? made some of these people smile and laugh by just existing? stepped in as leader when rick has his moments? or like co leader with michonne & co.?
like would he tell anyone?? would he speak up more and try lead them to the farm cos that was a good move they did before? does he keep up pretences and chuck a tantrum over the crew not returning with merle or does he like. go ‘okay.’ and everyones like what the actual fuck. does he go into the prison and head for the cafeteria straight away to get the remaining prisoners out and kill that one bitch that fucks shit up for them??
he absofuckinglutely saves sophia. jumps that fucking guardrail before rick can even get out from under the car properly. carol literally not letting sophia out of her sight for days after daryl and rick and sophia all return like 2 hrs later, wet and covered in dirt and some blood but safe.
then!! if he did tell someone, who would it be?????? rick?? carol?? like how would that even go down. would he tell them maybe later on? prison era maybe. when michonne finally comes and they’re all debating whether to let her in or let her fuck off and stuff and daryls like wow i cant take this anymore rick that is ur future WIFE man. patch up her fucking leg.
or maybe carol. when they’re on watch together and carol casually mentions that daryl was over and into the woods, right on sophias heels, before people even realised which direction she went. how rick mentioned once to her that daryl seemed to know exactly where to find her. even picked up her doll without even seeming to stop. just seemed to know exactly what was happening. daryl just shrugging.
also side note. we, and daryl, do NOT know a butterfly effect. absolutely no ‘oh he saved xoxo and that means them and 2 others are gonna die!’ plots. nope. no way. this is the do-over of all do-overs. a one time fix it and fix it for the better.
THAT ALL BEING SAID this post is me being like hey what if daryl got a second chance whatever but no! what this post is truly about at its core is: IMAGINE a daryl thats lived….lets go with the ricks just died version. daryls lived that long and lost that many members of his family.
and then he hasn’t.
imagine daryl seeing beth for the first time again. the last time he saw her, he was carrying out her dead body to her sobbing sister. then they’re all at the farm again and she’s theres. alive and well and still young and bright and smiling. ‘you’re gonna miss me so bad when i’m gone’ he fucking did. he missed her so fucking much. he like. physically stops himself from like just going up and grabbing her and hugging the shit out of her.
daryl seeing sophia grow up? seeing carol become that mum. the mum that she always wanted to be and become still the strongest fucking women daryl had ever met but also like……..her and sophia. every time he sees them together he just wants to cry. carol deserves this so fucking bad. after everything, if he could save nothing else. he can make peace with himself knowing he gave carol this. this time with her daughter that she got robbed of.
daryl seeing glenn, alive, so so so young it seems compared to the the last glenn he saw. seeing him at camp at the quarry. seeing him talk to maggie for the first time. going from seeing him alive and so so so fucking real then his sleep being filled with nightmares of That night. how long after glenns death did daryl blame himself. would’ve put his head under the bat without hesitation if it meant that glenn could live and meet his son. him and maggie can run hilltop together. and now he’s real and he’s tangible and he’s funny and daryl spent so much of his time remembering glenn and feeling guilty that he never even really let himself miss him? but fuck he’s missed glenn so fucking much. missed having his back out on runs and glenn having his.
meeting aaron and eric again. going to that spag bowl dinner, eating the fuck out of it, just enjoying watching these two gays in love have dinner with each other at the end of the world. thinks about how they specifically invited him over for dinner. erics not gonna die this time round. they’re both gonna met gracie. bring her back number plates. help her put them on the wall, put them amongst all her drawings.
meeting merle again. knowing that merle died for him. them. the whole family. michone. idk if i want merle to live or die idk lets move on.
hershel lives!!!!!!!!! no beheading here!!!!!!!! fuck that!!!!!! fuck the governor!!!!! maggie and beth and glenn do not ever have to witness their father (in law) being killed in cold blood! no! hershel fits in v well with the alexandia community and thrives there. daryl makes damn sure of that.
daryl on that first day they meet jesus? him and rick getting in that car, rick singing that damn song, and daryl realising oh Shit! its that day already?? and then jesus, the fucker, does exactly what he does last time. and daryls just like.......so fucking happy that jesus is HERE and ALIVE and RIGHT THERE that he doesnt even get to outsmart him. show off. jesus pulls the firecracker stunt again and swipes ricks keys and when rick and him are stranded there and jesus has taken off with the truck, daryls just standing there like how the fuck did i let that happen. chases him around the field AGAIN! ‘duck!’ ‘thats my gun!’ AGAIN!!!!!! <3<3<3
the long road of the apocolypse is just as hard the second time as the first but everytime daryl looks around at his family and sees everyone they lost so tragically last time, alive, hes like..................a MESS. theyre alive! and safe! and hes so happy that his family is all together again. 
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Those Who Fall: “APTF” Story (Modern Domestic Stucky AU)
With heavy eyelids, Steve squinted into the darkness. He was in bed, but he didn't remember getting there. Momentarily paranoid until he felt Bucky's sleeping frame beside him. A small hand shook his arm, and Steve cautiously peeked in the direction. Finding Sophia instead ghost children, he asked, "Everything okay?"
Clutching her stuffed bear, she shook her head, "I had a bad dream."
Steve scrubbed his hand over his face and went to take the little girl back to her bed, but she stopped him, "Can I stay here with you and daddy? Please?"
Even if her lower lip wasn't quivering and even if her eyes weren't glinting with unshed tears, Steve would've moved closer to Bucky's side and pulled back the covers for her. With a small smile, Sophia climbed into the king size bed. Facing Steve, she curled up against his body. As she wrapped her arms around Steve's bare torso, he kissed her forehead and smoothed her silky black hair away from her face.
"Wanna tell me about it?" Steve asked as he soothingly rubbed her back.
Sophia shook her head and moved closer to Steve.
"Okay, sweetie," Steve yawned and tried to get comfortable again in between two very warm-bodied people and under a thick comforter.
Sophia nuzzled closer and Steve kept smoothing her hair. Softly, Sophia asked, "Sing me a song, papa?"
Around another yawn, Steve nodded. Kissing her forehead again, Steve went for his go-to and softly complied, "'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my…'"
Eyes snapping open, he continued, "'Sunshine away,'" only to find that Sophia was no longer in bed with him and neither was Bucky. Further evaluating the master bedroom, Steve found light peeking in through the curtains. Glancing at the alarm clock on his bedside table, Steve found it read: 10:30, which meant that he slept in longer than he had meant to.
Forcing himself out of bed, Steve made his way to the ensuite. Quickly taking care of his morning business. Once done, he slipped on his rings and entered the closet to dress for the day. Since they were going to the orchard to do the typical autumn activities, Steve pulled on a pair of jeans and a plain maroon sweatshirt.
As he made his way for the stairs, he heard commotion in the garage and changed his course. Stepping into the garage, Steve found Bucky up in the loft handing Jonas some of the outdoor Halloween decorations. With the pair in the middle of a conversation, Steve stayed at the open doorway; not wanting to interrupt them.
"It was terrible!" Jonas groaned in embarrassment, "I'll be surprised if she talks to me ever again."
"Trust me, if pops could not only agree to dating me, but marry me after everything that I did," Bucky huffed out a laugh, "You're fine."
"You think?" Jonas asked, sounding hopeful.
Just as Steve was about to turn and go back into the house, Jonas questioned, "How did you ask pops out?"
And Steve just had to hear what his husband had to say.
"Well," Bucky panted from moving the decorations from the loft to the edge where Jonas could reach them, "It was a bunch of double dates. Of course, pops doesn't count those."
Steve rolled his eyes at that. Of course, he didn't count those! The pair had been coupled with girls, not each other, for sobbing out loud! And the one time that Steve had been coupled with a boy, it was all a ruse for Bucky to see what Steve liked in a partner. Which was ridiculous considering Steve didn't have a type until he met Bucky and his soul went, oh, yes, we like him. This is our person.
Bucky clarified, "We had a night in. Where we watched horror movies that scared the ever-loving shit out of me, but I chose because I knew how much your father loves them --"
Steve found it funny that Bucky left out the part that he cozied up to him the entire time.
"-- and then we spent the rest of the night… making out."
Steve smiled at the memory and nearly laughed out loud when Jonas complained, "I really didn't need to know that, dad."
"Sorry, not sorry," Bucky chuckled.
Deciding to make his presence known before Bucky could traumatize their child any further, Steve walked around the corner and smiled, "What's going on out here."
"Figured we could decorate before it starts getting too cold," Bucky answered while Jonas mocked, "Grossing me out."
Playfully, Bucky rolled his eyes at that and asked Steve, "How'd you sleep?"
"Fine," Steve shrugged.
"Wish I could sleep that well," Jonas wistfully commented and teased, "You passed out before we even got home."
"I was tired," Steve defended himself while Bucky joked, "I'm just glad that he eventually stopped snoring."
Steve rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry at them both before turning to head back into the house. As he climbed the stairs, he could vaguely hear music just barely beneath the laughter and conversations. It really shouldn't have been a surprise when he saw almost all of the kids in the kitchen.
What was a surprise though was when he found Tibby there, too. Shimmying her shoulders to make Holly, in her highchair, laugh. There was small pumpkin pancakes on the chair's tray that Holly was slowly eating. Meanwhile, Luke was at the stove icing a tray of cooling cinnamon rolls and Katie was removing another batch from the top wall oven.
Grabbing Tibby's hand, Ethan danced to the music and giggled when she twirled him around. Bringing Steve back to the early days when Tibby was still a kid. Hoping that his kids would remember and cherish these moments in their lives. Hoping that these memories could take the place of all the ones filled with hurt and fear. Replace them with happiness and moments where they knew they were loved.
"You're up!" Tibby greeted.
Steve nodded giving a silent, obviously, as Luke said, "Might wanna tell Dad."
Brows furrowing, Steve asked, "Why?"
"He was worried," Katie answered, removing the cinnamon rolls from the lower wall oven.
"Of course, he was," Steve rolled his eyes and further entered the kitchen.
Luke scoffed, "I mean, he did have to carry you to bed last night."
Blushing, Steve waved the hidden concern off. Not wanting to worry his children. Not any of them, but especially not the younger ones. Instead, Steve distracted himself.
At the table, Sophia was sitting, coloring a picture of a cat in a pumpkin patch at night. Steve smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he praised, "That's really pretty, sweetie."
"Thank you," Sophia tilted her head back to beam up at Steve.
Tucking her long hair behind her ear, he offered, "We can even hang it up, if you want to."
"Hmm," Sophia's expression twisted into one of thought, and sighed, "I'll think about it."
"Okay," Steve agreed, giving her forehead a kiss.
As Steve turned back around, he noticed that someone was missing, "Where's Wanda?"
"Oh," Katie scrunched her nose the way she always did when she felt guilty and admitted, "In the bathroom sick. She got one whiff of my body wash and barely made it to the toilet."
"Poor thing," Tibby shook her head, all the while swinging Ethan around like he was a rag doll.
"What body wash?" Steve's brows furrowed, hoping that it wasn't the seasonal one that he gifted her in the care package. Especially since he had gifted the same one to Wanda and he would feel positively awful if that was the reason why she had morning sickness every day.
Turning the ovens off, Katie said, "The one with rose oil that we got over the summer. It's the one that I left here."
Crossing the kitchen to the fridge where a ghost post-it note was located, Steve added to the list of:
NO MORE celery/celery salt cucumber pickles bananas rose oil
Putting the pen back in its place, Wanda joined the group with a sheepish smile on her face while she rubbed her protruding abdomen. It seemed like her bump was growing more and more every day. Almost outgrowing the outfits that they had bought just a week ago.
Steve paused, had it only been a week? Steve just couldn't believe it. Wanda fit in so well with them that he could barely remember what their lives had been like before she entered it. And now, Steve couldn't imagine a life where she wasn't a part of their family.
"Well, this certainly smells better," Wanda commented, holding her lower back, "I'm so hungry, I think I could eat a horse."
"Why would you want to eat a horse?" Ethan asked.
"It's just a saying, honey," Steve explained, "It means that you're really hungry."
"Oh," the little boy contemplated and climbed up on one of the stools, "Then, I want to eat a horse, too."
Shaking his head, Steve chuckled, "How about we have some cinnamon rolls instead."
"Pumpkin cinnamon rolls," Luke corrected, washing his hands.
"Even better," Steve grinned.
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years
The Many Lives of Drake Walker
A Royal Romance Multiple AU fanfic
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What is it like for the virtual characters when the worst that can happen is not all it seems?
Word Count 124
A/N You really need to read the previous chapter - and a whole load of other stuff. If you just read this on its own it probably won’t make a lot of sense.
Warning - just a little smutty, not much, no under 18s please
Many thanks to @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore whose fic ‘Snatched’ inspired this work and the previous one. She has read and approved both pieces - thankyou darling xx
Termination Part 2
The next day in the evening I checked in again. Bastien answered 
‘Hi Les, he’s sleeping right now but come over, it’s about time he woke up’ 
‘Okay, let’s hope the journey isn’t as rough this time’ Bastien grinned apologetically
‘No promises, but practice makes perfect’ I closed my eyes and touched my hand to his on the screen. It was a little smoother but still unpleasant. Still, that meant I had a good excuse to lean into the handsome guards’ arms and linger for a moment. I smiled up at him, and he arched his eyebrows. We stood in the cabin in front of the fireplace, a warm log fire on the go.
‘It’s good to see you again’ he said ‘I’m waiting for the next chapter you know’ he winked ‘can you give me a teaser?’ I gazed at him – his handsome profile, his dark hair neatly pushed back, his freshly laundered shirt and immaculately pressed suit. Reluctantly I drew myself away. Drake needed me, and I’d never do anything to hurt him. Bastien was too utterly perfect, I could perhaps hold on to him for a short while, but I’d exhaust myself living up to him. With Drake I could be myself, be comfortable.
‘I – uh, you know I could swear you were trying to lead the storyline. Sophia definitely was, I tried to write something fluffy but…’ I sighed and inclined my head ‘She’s a determined woman, and absolutely besotted with you’ Bastien laughed
‘Thankyou for building up my reputation, and for writing such a wonderful companion’ he said ‘I look forward to playing the next scene, whenever it comes out’ I pulled myself together.
‘Okay, I’d better go up and see him. Has he eaten or drunk anything?’
‘Nothing to eat since you were here, but he’s had plenty of water. When you come down I’ll make something – you can take coffee up though, I just made some.’ He went into the kitchen and reappeared with two cups, and I carried them out into the corridor and onwards to the door of Drake’s room. Putting one down, I knocked softly and opened the door. The curtains were drawn shut and I heard him stir in the darkness. He switched on the light and sat up, blinking. 
‘Les!’ he said ‘come on in – can I smell coffee?’ 
‘Mmm hmm – Bas said he’ll make something to eat if we go through to the lounge. Drake rubbed his eyes and I sat on a chair with my cup after setting his in the bedside table. He was bare chested and my heart lurched a little at the sight.
‘Why don’t you join me?’ he asked ‘I promise not to take advantage of you’
‘Well then what’s the point?’ I joked, glad he was feeling more himself. He grinned
‘Seriously, come and cuddle’ He threw the bedclothes back and I saw he was wearing boxer shorts. I felt stupidly shy, but I took my shoes off, went over and climbed in next to him. It felt heavenly as he drew me close and pulled the duvet up over us. He smelled of pine smoke and leather, and his bare skin was warm. I couldn’t recall ever feeling so safe and happy as I snuggled into him.
‘How are you feeling?’ I asked 
‘Better for you being here’ he said, and suddenly caught his breath ‘You’d better brace yourself, another chapter just came out.’
‘Oh, I can’t read it from here. Do you feel it?’
‘I can ignore it but I still get the feedback’ he replied ‘I think – just stay with me, please’ His arm around me tightened and I listened to his breath. It was unsteady, as if he was trying not to cry. ‘She – it’s a scene by the – my – graveside’ he said unsteadily ‘I’m not there obviously, but I can still feel it because she’s talking about me, talking to me… it’s very touching – but rough.’ 
He let go of me suddenly and drew away from me, curling into a ball. I crouched over him, holding him as he shuddered. ‘It’s over’ he said blankly, and again a tear squeezed out of his eye. 
‘It’s okay, you’re here, I’m here. I’ve talked to her, she doesn’t like hurting you’ 
‘But why?’ she said, his voice cracking ‘why?’
‘I can’t tell you’ I said sadly ‘and she doesn’t know why either’ He drew a long breath and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. We sat in silence for a while, and suddenly I felt him twitch.
‘Hold on – there’s something else.’ He lifted his head ‘he – I – he’s back – he’s – uh it’s weird’ he sat up. ‘It was – it was something that was going to happen, but now it’s not.’ I sat back, looking at him, watching his face changing, clearing.‘I’m back. He’s alive’ he started to laugh ‘They’re changing the future and – and he doesn’t die. He – I’m alive!’
‘Wow’ I said ‘Oh my god. Will that happen every time it gets read?’
‘No, it’s just more intense the first time. It’s more like acting after the first time.’ He beamed ‘Wow, well that was a turn of events.’ He shook his head ‘That was a rollercoaster’ He turned to me, taking my face in his hands and kissed me full on the lips, enthusiastically. I looked back at him, a little shocked. It wasn’t our first kiss, but…
‘Drake…’ his expression changed – it was serious, tender. He kissed me again, softly, and I melted into it. It was soft and short and sweet, and he repeated it, little kisses that started to roam across my face to my cheek, my neck, and I let my head drop back, sighing with bliss. He stopped and looked at me again, hands holding my face. 
‘Is this okay?’ he asked ‘I want to…’
‘I know’ I whispered ‘So do I’ He nodded, and our lips met again, this time with his hands going to the hem of my tshirt, lifting it up and I struggled out of it, lips parting only long enough to take it over my head… 
Dear reader, I do find myself writing more smut than I ever thought I was capable of. You will forgive me if I gloss over what happened next, because – well, that’s me in bed with Drake Walker. I could write the most sublime mind blowing scene I’m capable of – but I don’t feel I should. Of course I want it to be perfect, but it feels – personal, private, and effectively I’m also (virtually) cheating on my SO.  Let’s just say that it wasn’t the most perfect moment ever, but it was pretty damn close, and maybe it was because of the release of emotion from what he’d just been through – and me too if I’m honest.
Let’s just say (after suspending disbelief) that we both enjoyed it, without guilt or shame, that there were a few fumbles and hiccups along the way – just like it really is. I’m no sex goddess and maybe Drake isn’t a sex god, but as he’s virtual, we can make him any way we like. And I’d like him to be funny and sweet and gentle, passionate and loyal and considerate. And slightly imperfect, because perfection is not achievable IRL. Because when you’ve done something perfect, what next? It doesn’t mean we should stop striving for perfection – for me the journey is just as important as the goal – and the goal may change…
@emceesynonymroll @sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd
@carabeth @cora-nova @bobasheebaby 
@stopforamoment @annekebbphotography
@drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @burnsoslow @missameliep
@debramcg1106 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore
@indiacater @livingthroughchoices @mfackenthal @notoriouscs
@pug-bitch @ritachacha @classylady1234 @furiousherringoperatortoad
@ladyangel70 @kenaxval @crookedslimecreatorpasta @dcbbw
@be-still-my-aching-heart @hopefulmoonobject @pedudley 
@endlessly-searching-for-you @aworldoffandoms @tornbetween2loves
@drakesensworld @iplaydrake
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fvuper · 5 years
Terror restaurant!AU
Last month I thought that the actor from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is very similar to Tobias Menzies (James Fitzjames). And I thought that crossover of “The Terror” and “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is the best crossover ever. In total, I came to a restaurant!AU because every fandom should have a restaurant!AU or coffeeshop!AU. (Guys, if there’s something familiar on AO3 or somewhere else I’m sorry my English language skill is low for reading English fanfics and find similarities). I share this with you because I love “The Terror” fandom of his friendliness because all we love our cold boys.
I apologize in advance to those who do not like OFC. This is my disease.
Many characters are not on the list because I didn’t know what roles to assign to them. And yes, there’s book and series canon.
This’s not fanfic, but I hope you like this.
Enjoy reading!
(grammarly app tells me that there are a lot of hard-to-read sentences and grammar and punctuation errors, I hope they will not hurt you)
Restaurant “The Terror”:
Francis Crozier - restaurant owner
Edward Little - chef
George Hodgson - sous-chef
Cornelius Hickey - cook
Magnus Manson - cook/butcher
Billy Gibbson - pastry-cook; have you seen his fingers?
John Irving - baker (secretly in love with Silna)
Henry Peglar - baker (John Bridgens’s former student)
Thomas Jopson - hall manager, barista, Crozier assistant and his son (he took mother’s last name); they father-son relationships make me feel good
Amelia Little (Hunter)(OFC) - waitress (Edward Little's ex-wife)
Thomas Evans - waiter, student
Restaurant “The Erebus”:
Sir John Franklin - restaurant owner
James Fitzjames - restaurant manager
Grahan Gore - chef
Henry Le Vesconte - sous-chef
John Bridgens - baker
Other characters:
Harry Goodsir, David McDonald, Stephan Stanley, John Peddy - doctors from the nearest hospital
Silna/Lady Silence (workers of both restaurants call her that cos she speaks very little) - veterinarian, Goodsir good friend (she knows that John Irving in love with her)
Tuunbaq - Silna dog (Samoyed)
Thomas Blanky - Crozie old friend (lost his leg after hunting; often goes to “The Terror”, chatting with Francis, and Crozie always pours free coffee to him)
Thomas Honey and Henry Collins - repairmen in both restaurants
Richard Aylmore - janitor; cos fuck him
Solomon Tozer and other marines - workers at a security company that serving both restaurants
And some random dialogues and pieces:
One time, Tuunbaq didn’t like something in Blanky, and he bit his leg. His wooden leg.
Francis Crozier's favourite coffee for a morning (and all day) is Irish. Only Jopson knows how to make correct Irish coffee for his father: “Less coffee, more whiskey”.
Sophia: “Francis, you already know that I can’t answer on your proposal. You need to look around and see, that someone is a long time watching on you.”
Francis: “Who?”
Sophia: “Manager of “The Erebus”.“
Francis: “FITZJAMES?... but, Sophia... I’m not...“
Sophia: “If it’s hard to accept, ask advice from Bridgens and Peglar. Or from Little and Jopson.“
Francis: “wait...WHAT?“
In his whole life, Crozier worked in a large number of restaurants and cafes, including Ross family and Sir John restaurants. He made the way from waiter to barmen and barista, and finally all positions at the kitchen. Francis had a wealth of life experience but didn't have proper education, therefore, many did not take him seriously. At one point, Crozier was tired of this and decided to open his own restaurant. He called it “The Terror” (because down on the street there was Franklin restaurant “The Erebus” and he thought that this would be funny and symbolically). In “The Terror” they served coffee, fresh bakery and from lunch to dinner cooked Irish cuisine.
Crozier seemed that his restaurant was the most perfect place in the world: high ceilings, green walls with wood panels, tiled floor with geometric patterns. In the corners and on the walls on the fence were growing curly green plants. All furniture (wooden tables and chairs, lamps, leather sofas) got to him like from the 19th century. On a second-floor, Francis had a small apartment.
Fitzjames invited Crozie for a date first. To Chinese restaurant.
Crozier never allowed Harry Peglar to write the menu on a scoreboard because he had lousy handwriting. Amelia didn’t write for the same reason, even if she came before everyone else. Usually, the menu wrote Irving, Jopson or Little.
Little knew Crozie from the last working place. They become good friends, so when Francis offered him a job as a chef in his restaurant, he agreed. Edward also took his wife with him from the old restaurant where they worked together to Crozie restaurant.
Actually, Jopson wasn’t the main reason for their divorce. For real they just themselves didn’t know why they got married once. Rather, Thomas was a good reason to break up.
Amelia: “It’s Jopson, I’m right?”
Little: “What are you talking about?”
Amelia: “That you fall in love with him like a little boy. Often near somewhere to him. Put off the biggest pieces of meat from stew for him at dinner, because it seems to you that he isn’t eating up. And it’s all in your wife's presence.”
Little: “And what you want to say about this?”
Amelia: “That when we gonna divorce, we will stay as friends. I hope so. Because you are a good man, Edward. But be careful with Jopson, cos when Crozier finds out that you’re dating, he will unscrew your head for any wrongdoing.”
After that conversation, Edward exhaled freely. He doesn't want to cheat on his wife, and he was glad that Amelia was so sensible woman. After two weeks they divorced. But didn’t stop communicating. On the contrary, now Little had a person whom he had to disguise his romantic troubles because of such relationships were new for him.
Sometimes, when Silna came to “The Terror”, and Irving had some free minute, he whips away her coffee from Jopson’s hands and tried with toothpick write on coffee foam “good day” or draw a smile. Come out clumsily - Jopson was in pain. He doesn't try to offer him his help, because John thanked that he needs to do this by himself. Jopson knew that one day his heart won’t stand more this barbaric mockery on his perfect coffee foam and he will just write Irving's phone number on lady Silence cup.
The Terror stuff never called Crozier “boss” or ”chief”, but called him “captain”. It seemed silly for him, but he wasn’t against.
Once Franklin invited Crozier for lunch in “The Erebus” to introduce to someone. That was James Fitzjames, and Sir John introduced him as a new restaurant manager because Franklin wanted to rest from work. They were three together at the farthest table. Francis had a strong feeling that he saw Fitzjames before or heard about him. Much later, at his apartment, Crozier remembers that he saw James at last year’s meeting of restaurateurs. They didn’t talk, but Francis could swear that the man looked at him all evening.
At some point, Crozier and Fitzjames started arguing, and when dispute got to the dead-end, they stared at each other. For a long indecent time. Only sir Franklin’s phrase ended this uncomfortable (only for him) competition: “Right in front of my salad?”.
Peglar and Bridgens often meet at neutral territory and exchange with recipes. And not only recipes.
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demiigcds · 5 years
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            HOLA !! HOLA !! HOLA !!  ayyyy my dudes. it’s me sun & i live in the cst time zone. ( t e x a s bby )  tbh. can i just tell you all how much i already adore each and every one of u, bc i do.  I READ Y’ALLS INTROS BEFORE I EVEN JOINED IM SUPER EXCITED SRSLY. well let’s get this party started !! i’m introducing my three kids because idk what self-control is lol!!  i suck and like to live life on the edge/unprepared so be ready for sloppy pages and a rlly bad intro.. like this and i’ll go to your messages to spam u with love. THANKS. 
[ NAM JOOHYUK, HE/HIM, CISMALE MUSE C] — [ CHOI HYUNJAE ] is a child of [ KRATOS ]with the power of [ ENHANCED STRENGTH ]. they’re [ TWENTY-FIVE ] and have been in nemean lion for [ TWELVE YEARS]. if you want to meet them, they’re usually around the building [ GOING ON MISSIONS AND EATING ]; you could also try [ TRAINING GROUND #1 ]
jae is a super goofy guy who is pretty easy going (if your muse has been around for a while hmu !!)
if he isn’t on a mission it is likely he is either training other demigods @ training ground #1 or just around the building eating somewhere. he never gets full he can honestly just keep eating if you let him and his metabolism is ridiculous 
jae comes off as the stereotypical dumb jock, but he is super smart when you actually sit down and talk to him
pls someone talk nerdy to him he will love you
honestly kinda wanted to be a teacher, but he doubts his own intelligence, so he decided to do what he does best and train the newer and younger demigods. he didn’t think he was smart enough to teach the kids :’(((
very competitive whether it's sports, training, or even just a game of monopoly. ( he becomes another person) 
isn’t a hot head or anything but he is super strategic about EVERYTHING and really hates to lose. he goes from being a ray of sunshine to being uncomfortably quiet 
 recently he has been a little overprotective of his friends especially when going on missions considering the recent turn of events that have taken place
a gentle giant who is a little too strong for his own good
 [ KIM DOYOUNG, HE/HIM, CISMALE ] — [ LEO ] is a daemon of [ CIRCE ] with the power of [ ILLUSION MANIPULATION, REFLECTION, AND AWARENESS ]. they’ve been alive for [ FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS ]. if you want to meet them, they’re usually around [ THE LIBRARY ].
leo is a daemon of circe and when asked if he wanted to keep his memories or forget them he chose to remember. but BOY WAS THAT THE DUMBEST SHIT E V E R !!
leo was previously named  yi sejin, and was a scholar during the josen era, that’s probably why he is obsessed with the library. he had never seen so many books in his life he feels like he is in hEAVEN
 when he isn’t having to guard demigods during their missions that is where he is.
enjoys working under circe but hates having to watch over all these demigods, HONESTLY, LEO IS THE EMBODIMENT OF A GRUMPY OLD MAN
“ BACK IN MY DAY ... “
really bad at socializing and tbh he has two moods: (1) judging you, (2) awkward
tries to avoid the demigods unless he has work with them because he prefers not to interact with them.
he thinks 99.9% of them are too rowdy/annoying and would rather be reading in the library
hates everything and only KINDA likes his other daemons
[ PARK CHAEYOUNG ( ROSÉ ) , SHE/HER, CISFEMALE ] — [ SOPHIA PARK] is a child of [ APHRODITE ] with the power of [ CHARMSPEAK AND AMOKINESIS ]. they’re [ TWENTY-TWO ] and have been in nemean lion for [ FOUR MONTHS ]. if you want to meet them, they’re usually around the building [ STIRRING UP TROUBLE AND SOCIALIZING ]; you could also try [ THE LOUNGE ]
the daughter of a famous rockstar . 
she is an actress so sophia is pretty famous, but now more so for being a wild child rather than her actual talents
came to nl after causing some drama and her pr teams advised her to take a break from acting
luckily she has gone majority of her life without any monsters catching her scent and that is why she doesn’t take the missions or the monsters all that seriously.
sophia has been using her powers all her life as a way to get what she wants but she had no idea she was using them all along, she thought she was just great at being persuasive bUT NAH
is bored out of her mind at nl at the moment especially since she is used to being so busy with work sO SHE IS CAUSING TROUBLE LEFT AND RIGHT TO  KEEP HERSELF ENTERTAINED
flirty and playful she is interested in someone new almost every week and enjoys the idea of love until she is bored and is on to the next
always trying to catch the latest parties at the lounge, BECAUSE SHE IS THE LIFE OF THE PARTY OK
avoids training ; that’s gross and she isn’t willing to sweat ( unless the trainer is cute then maybe ) 
okay she is a mESS but if she actually enjoys ur presence she is RIDE OR DIE
like that person looked at you fUNNY??  THAT IS NOT OKAY SO HERE IS THE PLAN TO RUIN THEIR LIFE AS THEY   K  N  O  W   I  T 
is the best sugar buddy ok. that’s the only way she knows how to express her feelings. so if she actually likes you better be ready to be drowning in gifts and random offers of money
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jq37 · 6 years
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So I saw Beetlejuice yesterday in DC. Had a really good time! I bought tix before reviews dropped and then the reviews were...less than effusive. I went in with kinda deflated expectations because of that but I ended up really loving it. Here are some quick notes in no order with very little coherency.
To give a baseline of my connection to the source material, Beetlejuice is one of my favorite Halloween-ish movies. But Beetlejuice isn’t my favorite character in the movie. Weirdly, my favorite characters in the movie are the Maitlands, even though they are probably, on paper, the most boring characters in the movie.
I saw someone on a forum say something to the effect of, “Oh for all the warnings about how raunchy the show is, it was pretty tame.” And my response to that is...no? Like, it was raunchy in a childish way a lot of times, but I wouldn’t call it tame. It was a little much for me occasionally but more often than not it was funny and, either way, the quick clip of the jokes kept it moving. Also, the audience was eating everything up. The disconnect between the critic reaction and the in person audience reaction was wild.
I was always gonna see this when it came to NY but what made me suck it up and see previews in DC was that Kerry Butler was cast as Barbra and I really wanted to see her (fun fact, I actually saw her in Mean Girls and she even signed my Playbill but I didn’t know who she was until, like, a year later when I got obsessed with the 2003 cast recording of LSOH.). Didn’t wanna risk that they’d recast in the move to Broadway. Anyway, I love her. She has this really sweet quality to her voice that I love. She has a ballad in the second act and I don’t really like ballads that much but I love hearing her sing. 
The first number really sets the tone for the whole show. It shows off the crazy Burton-y visuals, the wild swing of humor from clever to super low-brow, the 4th wall breaking that BJ does the whole show, and the crazy pace. Also, the giant sandworm puppet which is so cool. 
My favorite joke in the whole show might be during the song when BJ is trying to teach the Maitlands to scare people and he goes into a verse upstage by himself about how much they suck and Adam is like...we can still hear you. And BJ is like, ummm, this is a soliloquy? 
This is really low key but I think my favorite effect in the show was the one they used for floating? They use it when Lydia accidentally exorcises Barbra (she floats seemingly out of nowhere into the air and goes all wail-y and glow-y) and during the iconic Shake Senora scene (it looks really good).
“Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Be-ing young and female doesn’t make me an easy mark.”
The Day-O scene got the biggest reaction from the crowd I think and it earned it. It took me a sec to realize what was going on for some reason, but once I did, I was very into it. 
In the movie, the Maitlands are like,normal, boring, and nice. In the musical, they’re boring, dorky, and slightly neurotic (also, still nice). I figure the change is because the rest of the show is so off the wall, they felt like they needed to heighten their personalities some so they’d gel better?
The first act tracks the movie pretty well with some notable changes, but you realize pretty quickly that they’re running close to the end of the movie by the end of Act 1. Most of the back half of Act 2 is completely new material. 
Idk how I’ve gotten this far without saying it but Sophia Caruso as Lydia is so so good. She had to carry a lot of scenes and I was very impressed with how well she did.
The entire living room set changes at least three times during the show and it’s visually great every time. When BJ takes over the house, it happens pretty much instantly through lighting and it looks fantastic. 
BJ and Lydia have a back and forth song that I love the scene before the Day-O scene that ends with her pushing him off the roof. Also, during that scene, BJ controls Adam and Barbra marionette style which I found probably more funny than it was meant to be. Idk, they really sold the nothing upstairs, smiley puppet thing. 
I think the show was more judicious about pulling from its source material without being a shot for shot remake and leaning solely on audience recognition of iconic lines/scenes than Mean Girls which is the last show I saw at that theater. 
I wanna hear the conversation that got a boy band song in this musical. 
“I’m 36 so I stay in the back yo.”
At the start of the 2nd act, there’s a stark cut from a demonic version to the Day-O song to a smiley, sunny, happy looking scene with the house in the foreground that is just hilarious. 
I thought it was interesting that they gave Lydia her grief about her dead mom as a character motivation. 
The NPR totebag. 
Otho in this is a lot. Like,I know he’s a lot in the movie, but he’s even more in this. It’s like he escaped from Zoolander. 
I love how this musical acknowledges how insane some of the plot points of this story are. Like the marriage plot. They have a lot to say about that.
I don’t think any of this would be helpful to someone who wants to know about the show, but if you have questions, I’m totally game to answer them as best I can.
I am almost certainly gonna see this when it comes to NY to see what changes they make. I also am looking forward to the soundtrack to drop since I def missed lyrics when I saw it.
“Hey. Fuck you guys.”
Also, I stage-doored, and Alex Brightman said fuck because he was reading something on a girl’s shirt that said fuck and then he was like, “Sorry for cursing,” as if he hadn’t just spent 2 hours on stage saying every curse word currently in circulation. 
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mill3nniumforc3 · 5 years
200: My crush’s name is: Russell :) 199: I was born in: April 1994 198: I am really: energetic 197: My cellphone company is: Verizon 196: My eye color is: hazel 195: My shoe size is: 7.5-8.5, depending on the shoe 194: My ring size is: 7.5 193: My height is: 5′5″ 192: I am allergic to: penicillin, cats, pollen, and strong scents 191: My 1st car was: I’ve never owned my own car. 190: My 1st job was: babysitting. First real job was a desk job at my university 189: Last book you read: I don’t remember. I don’t have time to read for leisure. 188: My bed is: comfy 187: My pet: Seamus the miniature schnauzer and Sugar the Aussie-mo 186: My best friend: Ashlyn 185: My favorite shampoo is: Dove 184: Xbox or ps3: neither 183: Piggy banks are: for kids and rainy days 182: In my pockets: nothing 181: On my calendar: going river tubing on Saturday, party next Saturday, trip for T’s birthday weekend, and possibly going to Kennywood and Kings Island sometime in August. 180: Marriage is: something for my future self 179: Spongebob can: do anything 178: My mom: is the bestest 177: The last three songs I bought were?: who buys music anymore? 176: Last YouTube video watched: probably an ASMR video 175: How many cousins do you have?: too many to count 174: Do you have any siblings?: three sisters 173: Are your parents divorced?: no 172: Are you taller than your mom?: yep 171: Do you play an instrument?: piano, drums, bells, and I know three chords of the guitar 170: What did you do yesterday?: sleep [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: sure 168: Luck: yes 167: Fate: maybe? 166: Yourself: depends on the day 165: Aliens: not really... 164: Heaven: yes 163: Hell: Do I believe in it? Yes, because God is just. Do I believe people are damned there? No, because God is loving. 162: God: yes 161: Horoscopes: no. It’s funny to see “horoscope” posts and see if they apply to me, but it’s a bunch of b.s. A bunch of Aries aren’t going to have the same day/month/year. That’s ridiculous. 160: Soul mates: I’m not sure if I do or don’t, but I do believe in love. 159: Ghosts: no 158: Gay Marriage: of course! 157: War: it’s an unfortunate and unnecessary part of life 156: Orbs: no 155: Magic: yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: both 153: Drunk or High: drunk 152: Phone or Online: online 151: Red heads or Black haired: no comment 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter: summer 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: straight 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s (though I’m probably biased because I work there) 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: both 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: neither 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: I want to be cremated and have my ashes buried with a seed and grow into a tree 134: Singing or Dancing: dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Kat 131: Small town or Big city: small town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben 128: Manicure or Pedicure: mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas. My birthday stopped being special after I turned 19. I get good food every year on Christmas. 125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Indians [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. 121: George Bush: he had some good policies. Better than Trump, that’s for damn sure. 120: Gay Marriage: should never be illegal again. 119: The presidential election: #FuckTrump #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #ImpeachTheMF 118: Abortion: all my life, I was told to be pro-life. These days, I don’t know anymore, but I think my beliefs are closer to pro-choice than pro-life. 117: MySpace: it’s not 2008 anymore. 116: Reality TV: glad it’s not my life 115: Parents: they’re doing their best. I’m not looking to be one anytime soon though. 114: Back stabbers: bye! 113: Ebay: Amazon is better. 112: Facebook: these days, I use it to get laughs and memes. I don’t interact with people I know IRL much. 111: Work: good for the money. Not good for my mental health. 110: My Neighbors: they’re ok. 109: Gas Prices: #ThanksTrump 108: Designer Clothes: I can get good clothes at Target. The only “splurge” I do for clothes is at Spencer’s or Kohl’s. 107: College: I plan to go back soon. 106: Sports: entertaining. 105: My family: family is life. 104: The future: anything can happen [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: Tuesday. 102: Last time you ate: a couple hours ago (chik’n patties and cheese) 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: last week. I saw a manager I hadn’t worked with in like a month. 100: Cried in front of someone: Monday 99: Went to a movie theater: July 2nd 98: Took a vacation: June 97: Swam in a pool: back in February 96: Changed a diaper: I don’t remember 95: Got my nails done: way too long ago 94: Went to a wedding: in April 93: Broke a bone: 2017 (broke my toe) 92: Got a piercing: 2006 91: Broke the law: never. I’m a good person. 90: Texted: three hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Russell 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my dog 87: The last movie I saw: in theatres, Toy Story 4. At home, Adventures in Babysitting. 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: being off on Saturday 85: The thing im not looking forward to: working tomorrow 84: People call me: Vonnie, Vonn, Bonbon, Sophia, and “the girl” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not cry while watching Grey’s Anatomy 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never 81: My zodiac sign is: Aries 80: The first person i talked to today was: my sister 79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten. His name was Wally, and we were “boyfriend and girlfriend” til about third grade, and we remained friends til we graduated 8th grade. Haven’t talked to him much since. 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Russell 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Sunday 76: Right now I am talking to: nobody because it’s 3:30am 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I hope to be teaching English education 74: I have/will get a job: I currently work at McDonald’s, but within the next 6-12 months, I’ll be moving out of state, so who knows where I’ll work.  73: Tomorrow: work 72: Today: work 71: Next Summer: I’ll be in a whole new state, so that means new amusement parks to visit and rollies to ride. 70: Next Weekend: party. Oh, and next Saturday makes officially 18 months with me and Russell, so go us! 69: I have these pets: two dogs 68: The worst sound in the world: the beeping in the headset when I work back cash. It haunts my nightmares 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Heather because she sends me to back cash all the time 66: People that make you happy: Russell, my mom, my dogs, Ashlyn, and Aunt Dolly because she sends me lives on Candy Crush 65: Last time I cried: Monday 64: My friends are: Ashlyn, Mikayla, Jon, Rilee, Lamar, Tae, Alexus, Clare, Katie, Mario, and Kel 63: My computer is: all mine because I bought it with my own money 62: My School: not in school  61: My Car: don’t have one 60: I lose all respect for people who: lie 59: The movie I cried at was: Avengers: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: natural 57: TV shows you watch: Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, House, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, and... I don’t really watch TV because I don’t have cable. 56: Favorite web site: YouTube 55: Your dream vacation: Just a big coaster trip 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: my period this month. I had cramps for days leading up to my period that were so bad that, the day my period actually came, I couldn’t stand straight. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t eat steak 52: My room is: a mess, like my life 51: My favorite celebrity is: NPH 50: Where would you like to be: with my boyfriend 49: Do you want children: someday, but not today 48: Ever been in love: ohhh yes. 47: Who’s your best friend: not answering again 46: More guy friends or girl friends: i think i have a fair amount of both 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: this is tmi, but sex with my bf. 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Russell 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: yes 41: Have you pre-named your children: I don’t have any definitive names, but I’m thinking MaryGrace Linda for a girl, and James Sebastian for a boy 40: Last person I got mad at: Anna because she put me on back cash 39: I would like to move to: someplace south 38: I wish I was a professional: dancer.... no, writer.... no, why not both? [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: peanut butter cups 36: Vehicle: Jeep 35: President: FDR 34: State visited: North Carolina (not just saying that because I lived there for two months) 33: Cellphone provider: Verizon 32: Athlete: Trevor Bauer 31: Actor: Justin Chambers 30: Actress: Amy Poehler 29: Singer: Chester Bennington 28: Band: Linkin Park 27: Clothing store: Kohl’s 26: Grocery store: Marc’s 25: TV show: Grey’s Anatomy 24: Movie: 13 Going on 30 23: Website: Pogo 22: Animal: seal 21: Theme park: Cedar Point 20: Holiday: Christmas 19: Sport to watch: baseball 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: I only read magazines at the dentist office, and I’ll read whichever has an interesting cover story 16: Book: A Series of Unfortunate Events 15: Day of the week: Saturday, as long as I’m not at work. If I’m working, then Mondays, I guess... 14: Beach: Huntington 13: Concert attended: Winter Jam, because I got to see Skillet play, and I met Matthew West. 12: Thing to cook: desserts 11: Food: eggplant parm 10: Restaurant: Olive Garden 9: Radio station: Star 102 8: Yankee candle scent: vanilla 7: Perfume: I don’t wear perfume 6: Flower: Daisies 5: Color: pink 4: Talk show host: Ellen DeGeneres 3: Comedian: Steve Rannazzisi 2: Dog breed: I really like terriers lol 1: did you answer all these truthfully ?: For me to know and you to find out :)
0 notes
thepinkwriterr · 6 years
Wyatt Oleff Imagine
Guys... This is gonna be bad. I wrote this almost two years ago. I’m sorry if you read this to be honest. Proceed with caution. 
"If isn't my favorite ginger." Jack smiled, letting me into his hotel room. "Look, save it. I have to talk to you about something...someone." I walked into his room, sitting on his bed. 
Jack's bed was next to his, covered with clothes. "Ooooo, who is the lucky guy?" He smirked, sitting across from me. "I-it's serious." He knitted his eyebrows together in concern, "What's wrong?" I broke in a full sob and hugged his waist. 
"Y/N, what's wrong?" "I think I like Wyatt...maybe even love. But he'll never like me back ,he hates me, doesn't he?" "Y/N, you're being paranoid! Wyatt doesn't hate anyone, especially you." "You're right." I wiped my eyes,sniffling. "I'm sorry for the tears." I chuckled. "It's fine," He smiled,"You should ask him out." 
"I-I can't." "Come on Y/N!" "I think i'm going to Sophia with this." I stood up to leave. "Wait, Y/n!" I turned before I opened the door,"Yeah?" "Let me help." I sighed,"You'll just tell him and embarrass me." "No, I promise, I won't." "Alright." We spent the whole night planning. Even Finn helped. "You can't tell anyone about this,alright." "Alright." "Promise? "Promise." "Promise." Jack nodded.
I was aloud to be here because I was Finn's best friend. He scored me a quick role in IT as one of Beverly's school bullies. The cast and I really clicked, and I'm like an eighth member of the losers club. Sometimes it's a little awkward, but we get over it. I'm even on the live streams! They talk about me in interviews, too. Right now we're on a tour to meet fans and talk to journalists and magazines. Nick, Owen, and Jackson were here too!
I shared a room with Sophia and made it even. Jack and Finn, Sophia and I, Wyatt and Chosen, and Jaeden, and Jeremy was with Nick. Sophia and I usually just watched cheesy movie and TV shows and listened to music. I had introduced her to Fleetwood Mac, and she loved them too! I loved being her best friend, she is such a great girl.
 "Y/n,waaaake up!" My eyes fluttered open, "Hmmm?" "I heard you mumbling a special boys name in your sleep." She smirked. "Please Sophia, don't mock me." "I won't!" She smiled. "Thank you." "Who else knows now?"
 "Jack and Finn." "Yes! Now we get to tease you about it all day!" "Stop smirking like that." I laughed. She turned on Every Breath You Take by The Police. I rolled my eyes,"I'm not obsessed with him." I rolled my eyes. 
I layed back and listened to the music. I actually really like this song. There was a knock at the door. "We're leaving soon, get ready!" Finn yelled into the room. "Thanks, Mr.Wolfhard." He grinned. Sophia and I got up and started getting ready for an outting. We were in L.A, and not many of us had been there before. I decided to dress 90s grunge as usual. I put on light distressed jean shorts and a band shirt. I put on thigh-high socks and my black doc martins. I curled my hair a bit and was finished. Sophia was still trying to pick out an outfit. She went with olive branch colored shorts and a white blouse. "You look like a cute lil' schoolboy." I smiled. "Thank you." She grinned back. We stepped out into the hallway and waited for the guys. I texted Finn:
M: What's taking so long?
F: Wyatt's lookin pretty for you!
F: ;)
I turned my phone off and stuffed into my back pocket. I ran back into the hotel room and grabbed my headphones. I can't go a car ride without those! Chosen and Jaeden joined us in the hallway soon after that, then Jack. He kept making small nods at the fact that I like Wyatt. It was pretty funny at first. It'll probably get old after Finn, Sophia, and Jack will make the jokes all day. We all talked a bit before our urbers arrived. We all preferred to ride together, but that wasn't possible today. 
Finn, Sophia, Jack and I all rode in one Uber. Chosen, Jeremy, Jaeden, and Wyatt shared another. Nick didn't feel well this morning and decided to stay home. We were going to get breakfast, then go out to museum or something. Sophia's mom was the only adult, and she was back at the hotel, so we had free rein over everything. When we got to the cafe we decided to eat outside. We had to get two tables worth of chairs and put them at a small round table. I sat in between Wyatt and Sophia. I looked at my Instagram timeline while everyone ordered,I didn't want anything. Breakfast made me nauseous. When everyone got their food and drinks Wyatt asked,"Are you going to eat anything?" "No,not very hungry." "Are you sure?" I nodded. Finn smirked at me from across the table.
M: stop!
F: What am I doing?
He smirked at me again, putting his phone down. I glared him but looked away when Chosen looked over. "Y/n, why do you never eat when we go out to?" Chosen asked. "She has insecurity eating around her crush." I glared at jack from across the table. His smirk stood still. I looked at wyatt, he was confused. Breakfast lasted about fifteen minutes later and then we were all packing into Uber's again. We rode with the same people, even though I Sophia wanted me to go with Wyatt. The museum was a ten minute car ride away. When we got to the museum we all split up into groups so we could look at what we wanted, and not make too much noise. Jaeden, Finn, and Sophia went to see the Egyptian history section. Chosen, Jeremy,and Jack went to the Civil war section. That left Wyatt and I. "Aquarium?" He asked. "Yeah." I smiled. It seemed like forever when we finally found the aquarium. The small talk was awkward,and I didn't enjoy it anyway. "Y/n?" Wyatt asked,stopping in front of the aquarium enclosure. "Yeah Wy?" I asked, looking up at him. "You know when Jack made that joke about your crush?" "Mhm." "W-who is your crush?" I was silent for a moment, questioning whether or not I should tell him the truth. 
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He opened the door to the aquarium. "No, it's okay." We walked into the aquarium. We walked around in silence for about five minutes. "Wy?" "Hm?" He asked,looking at the jellyfish. "N-nevermind." When we got to the next exhibit, I decided to stop being a pussy. "Wyatt," 
"Yeah?" "I like you. You're my crush." I couldn't stand it any longer. "R-really?" A smile painted across his face, it looked genuine. "Y/n, I like you too." I smiled as well. I couldn't help it. I felt like jumping up and down and into his arms. "You do?" I asked happily. "Definitely." I smiled as I hugged him, feeling content  and warm in his arms. "You don't know how long I've wanted this." He whispered. "Me too." I pulled away from the hug so we could continue looking at the exhibits. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. "I told the guys that I like you a couple weeks ago, they always tried to get me to tell you somehow." I laughed,"Jack and Finn found out last night, Sophia has known since the day I started liking you." "When was that?" "The moment I met you." He sighed in relief,"Me too." "So we get to tell them soon." I smiled. 
After about half an hour of walking around the museum the group decided to get lunch. We sat with the same people as usual ,and Sophia still insisted I should sit with Wyatt. When we got to the place we picked out for lunch we all ordered, I got a grilled cheese and some fries. Healthy, right? I sat next to Wyatt and held his hand under the table, smiling like idiot the whole time Finn and Jack told some stupid story. Chosen was staring at me from across the table with a "I know something" look. I texted him:
M: Stop staring at me like that ya creep
C: Stop holding Wyatt's hand like it's a secret you two like each other ya scrub!
M: I can't promise I can stop that.
C: When are you going to tell the group?
M: Soon.
M: Now eat, scrub!
He laughed at me calling him a scrub. I laughed as well and nodded toward his food. We're like best friends so we can have a conversation without saying a word. "I say we go back to the hotel and fuck around." Jack suggested after everyone was done eating. We all did just that. We all got to the hotel and went to Jack and Finn's hotel room because it was the biggest. Jack started an Instagram Live video and we all decided to play truth or dare. Sophia went first. "Jack, truth or dare?" "I gotta go dare." "I dare you to... eat a bowl of Mayo." Sophia smiled,crossing her arms. "Ew, Soph that's disgusting!" Jack shook his head. "Do it or we get to shave your head." 
Jack sighed,"Not too much mayo." "I don't know, he might look good bald." I joked. Jack puckered his lips and made kissing noises at me. I laughed and did it back, then shook my head. After he did it Jack asked me,"Truth or dare Y/n." "Uh..." I didn't want to answer their questions, so I picked dare. "Dare!" "Alright," Jack smirked,"I dare you to kiss Wyatt." I looked at Wyatt,"I-uh-uh..." "Do it or we get to shave your head." Jack smirked. I glared at Jack. I turned to Wyatt and gave him a nervous smile. "Everyone is going crazy in the comment." I heard Jaeden laugh. It would be both of our first kisses, and everyone knew that. We both turned our heads and pressed our lips together. Everyone in the room cheered. We both pulled away and looked at the group. I grabbed his hand,"We're dating by the way." I smiled.
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