#or whatever problems are most prevalent in your area
haha it's so awesome that Qi Xiaotian is like. canonically romance averse and implied to be nonpartnering. and everyone respects that. it's so awesome that nobody ignores that part of his character for a ship that kinda sucks. right.
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germiyahu · 4 months
And if you really want me to examine why people in the global south also have such an animosity to Jewish sovereignty in their historic homeland, and seem to give Palestinian Resistance a carte blanche... well I'm definitely not as qualified but fine! I have some theories!
A lot of the Global South are Westerners, kind of. This is especially true for Latin America, and they hate to see it, but a huge proportion of those societies is descended from European settlers, their cultures are heavily influenced by Western cultures. A lot of these countries, especially Latin America (and South Africa too interesting) have also had their own substantial Jewish populations. So if it looks like kind of like a Western society, and it treats its own Jews like a Western society... need I go on?
A lot of the Global South, actually most of it, including the countries that fall in category one, was occupied violently by the West. This created another avenue to transfer Western values onto subjugated populations. And no, don't shake your head at me. You can't claim the GS's homophobia was forced on it by the West and then act like the same wouldn't apply to antisemitism? A lot of the Global South never had significant Jewish populations, that much is true. The concept of antisemitism might feel frivolous and remote to them; why is that our problem? See my own anon. All the same, they were colonized by Jew Haters. At the same time they'd lack exposure to say, Holocaust education, and also have exposure to say, the idea that Jews are overrepresented in global finance.
Even in areas where Western influence was never high historically, even when there are not significant Jewish populations, we live in a modern globalized world where Western culture is a commodity and that commodity makes people money. And people in the Global South consume it. Their conception of the average Jew is probably either an Israeli soldier in some news story about Palestinians being harassed, or a white(ish) American who seems the epitome of privilege to them. They use social media, they see what Americans and Europeans say about Jews. It's very easy to conform to whatever opinions are the loudest and most prevalent.
So a lot of Global South Denizens probably are used to persecuting Jews, expelling or killing Jews, and also dealing with colonial masters who were constantly telling them how Jews cannot be trusted. And for a lot of them, if Jews were present, they were there helping the occupying power, as many Jews were imperial citizens and were present in colonies in various occupations. The Imperial Powers would not have passed up the opportunity to pass the buck to Jews where it was convenient. I see a lot of Algerians excuse their cleansing of Jews as "The Jews were made the middle man by the French colonizers, and they reveled in turning their backs on their Algerian brothers." This excuses violent ethnic cleansing in their minds. Why? Because Western propaganda primed the gun they were already loading.
In essence: I'm not surprised that the Global South is "crying out" for Palestine. All they know about Jews they learned from the West, or they have their own history of violently oppressing Jews. Should any of us be surprised? If you picked anyone in their camp and pitted them against a Jewish state, anywhere in the world, they would still see Jews as a foreign arm of Western Imperial Power, sent by the Man to keep them down. Or the Jews would themselves be the Man I guess. Except then the Jewish claim to indigeneity would not only be more tenuous, it would be ludicrous and false on the face of it.
It's the same reason a lot of people of color in the West identify with Palestinians and the Palestinian struggle. I don't say they do so in error. But I wholeheartedly believe they and a lot of people in the GS are projecting their own societal trauma onto Israel. Obviously Israel is very much doing bad things, so this isn't coming from nothing. But if the vitriolic reactions to Israel and the blind support for literal fascists seem extreme, maybe that's why. They don't care to see the difference between an Israel and a Great Britain or a France. And I'm not saying they have to, but when Jews themselves are also a historically oppressed and nearly wiped out persecuted people, it can come across as fairly gauche to say there's no difference between Israel and Germany, to say that Jews just flat out don't belong in their historic homeland.
There you go, there's my unqualified opinion. Are you happy now?
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
Hello ⚡️
As a cap rising, I have Sagittarius in my 12 th house yet I have my ♐️ Pluto in the 11 th house.
Since my twelve house is in Sagittarius, does my Pluto belong there instead of my 11th house ?
Thank you ☺️
Hi!! So do I !!! :)
Whole Sign vs. Placidus
But you're likely looking at your Placidus chart. There's two sign systems. One is Placidus. The other is Whole Sign. The difference is that Placidus is time based and Whole Sign is space based.
Whole Sign is the system used by ancient astrologers (I think). Basically, in Whole Sign, the house system starts at 0 degrees and ends at 30 degrees. Therefore, they're all the same size and every planet in that particular sign will also fall within the same house.
To my understanding, Placidus creates the houses based off of the cusp of the 1st house, which begins at the degree of the rising sign (I hope that makes sense.
It's heavily debated in the community about which one should be used. Personally, I tell people to use whichever one resonates the most with them. However, Placidus seems more popular.
I resonate more with my Whole Sign Chart, but I use both systems. I think they both have a purpose. I find that 8th/12th Housers typically resonate most with whichever charts has more 8th/12th house placements.
Everyone has their own belief about using the two together, but I personally have found that Whole Sign represents the overall theme and direction of my life and my soul journey.
Placidus resonates more in my day to day life for me. So to give an example...
I have Pluto in the 12th in Sag in my Whole Sign chart.
Pluto in the 12th
Pluto in astrology symbolizes areas of your life where you will endure the most transformation. You often have moments of death and re-birth with the themes in this house.
Pluto in the 12th indicates transformation regarding the subconscious, fears, dreams, healing, closure, karma, limiting beliefs, etc. So most of the transformation I endure involves my mind. Mental health issues are highly prevalent with Pluto in the 12th and many individuals know when they see Pluto in the 12th in someone's chart that they've been through some really difficult themes in their lives.
Pluto in the 12th can also highlight problems surrounding power. Often times, a person's power was suppressed in childhood by an overbearing or mentally unstable parental figure.
As a result, a person will usually fail to see their own inner power. They experience a lot of mental blocks regarding their abilities. They likely deal with a lot of subconscious hate from others because THEY can see your power. But you cannot. One of the lessons a person with Pluto in the 12th must endure is that they will have to go through consistent and never ending self-growth (it gets easier though). This growth will help them realize their power and they can basically manifest whatever they want in return.
Pluto in the 11th
With Pluto in the 11th, a person has more emphasis on their community, humanitarian issues, and friends. Like with the 12th, there's a heavy interest in psychology and the way the mind works, but it's centered more on other people instead of yourself. In childhood, you could've struggled with friends. There's a power dynamic associated with friendships and community.
They're similar, but not.
Using the house systems together
I find that I experience more of the emotional turmoil associated with Pluto in the 12th. There was definitely a power struggle with my maternal figure. And I had HUGE confidence issues as a result of that. I was always drawn to and fascinated by self-growth and it's something I have to have to maintain my emotional health.
However, in my day to day life, Pluto in the 11th is really prevalent. I am drawn to humanitarian issues. I did have a lot of trouble with my friend groups in childhood. And I LOVE observing human behavior in others.
The 12th tells me the trauma I endured in childhood and the long term results of that. The 11th tells me how my Pluto plays out in my day to day life.
I look at both placements whenever I'm reading my own chart. They both apply. Just in different ways. My whole sign chart validates my experiences and my gifts. My Placidus chart shows me what I might encounter in my everyday life.
Now remember that that is just MY personal interpretation of it based off of my own experience. You might not feel that way or another astrologer could have an explanation that feels more intuitively right for you. But that's just mine. So you likely have both. Work with whichever chart feels more applicable to your daily life.
Remember, astrology is an art. A lot of that lies in interpretation style. There are a lot of things that don't change when interpreting, but if there wasn't an art to the interpretation process, then there'd just be one book and no nuance associated with the practice.
I hope this helps!!!
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
How traffic lights and speed cameras operate
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After being originally implemented on British roads in 1991, speed and red light cameras are now a familiar sight. The most prevalent and well-known kind of cameras are speed cameras, but there are also traffic cameras to monitor traffic flow and traffic signal cameras to detect cars who run red lights.
There is much discussion about speed cameras, with critics claiming that they have turned into a means for the government to raise money.
The public has had a mixed reaction to the recent rollout of 20 mph speed cameras throughout the UK.
Supporters highlight their efficiency in lowering traffic fatalities. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (Rosa) estimates that when an automobile travelling at 30 mph or less strikes a pedestrian, 45 percent of them die. When travelling at 20 mph or less, this decreases to just 5 percent many business listings.
Whatever your position, it's beneficial to understand the various camera kinds and what they can perform.
In the UK, new 20 mph speed cameras will be installed.
In the UK, local authorities have implemented 20 mph zones and set up speed cameras to enforce them. These locations are generally found in populated neighborhoods or on busy sidewalks.
These zones have been implemented in 8 areas throughout Wales, including:
Aber given
Sever side
Central North Cardiff 
Many English cities have implemented the 20 mph limit. A few of these are:
The Scottish cities of Edinburgh, Fife, and Glasgow are just a handful that has implemented the 20 mph speed restriction. The 20's Plenty for Us website has the complete list available.
Over 23,500 drivers in the UK have been stopped by the 20 mph cameras for exceeding the limit. Online sources said that within the first 24 hours of some cameras' operation, 1,100 drivers were captured exceeding the posted speed limit business listings.
The 20 mph zones and accompanying cameras offer a number of advantages while receiving mixed responses from the general public, including:
Reducing road collisions
Potentially encouraging more pedestrians to walk or cycle as they could feel safer in a 20 mph zone
Lower emissions on these roads if people are more inclined to walk or cycle
Improving health and wellbeing 
Improving the safety of streets
What purposes serve traffic cameras?
On highways, congested streets, and at busy intersections, traffic cameras are employed to monitor the movement of vehicles.
Congestion is better managed as a result, and if a problem occurs, it can guarantee that aid is requested as quickly as feasible.
They are not employed to track the speed of drivers.
There are various organizations that run traffic cameras. According to Highways England, it uses more than 1,500 cameras to help manage traffic on the country's trunk road and motorway network free business listings.
Traffic cameras, which are situated on gantries or 12m-high towers on grassy shoulders, are difficult to view.
The operator can determine the type of assistance required thanks to the cameras' bird's-eye perspective of what's going on.
The pictures taken from these boxes might appear on traffic announcements.
In fact, anyone can view the photographs captured by traffic cameras on the Traffic England website.
What are cameras at traffic lights?
These devices, also referred to as red light cameras, are positioned at traffic signals at important intersections and can capture any car that runs a red light.
When the lights turn red, the devices are triggered and use sensors to identify and photograph any vehicles that pass through the intersection at that moment.
Are there cameras at every traffic light?
There are not always red light cameras at intersections.
Given the expense of installing and maintaining red light cameras, it would not be practicable to install them at every traffic light.
But resist the urge to take a gamble and run a red light.
If I run a red light, what happens?
The penalties reflect the fact that it is quite risky to run a red light.
You should receive a £100 fine and three license points for running a red light while it's being photographed.
In addition, if you're caught running a red light you can be asked to take an instructional course.
You should be questioned about any driving convictions when it's time to renew your vehicle insurance, and your rate may increase as well.
Why are speed cameras necessary?
The government's primary weapon against speeding and a vital component of its road safety plan are speed cameras.
The most recent speed compliance figures (for the period of July to September 2021) demonstrate a decrease in speeding over the previous two years.
On highways, 48 percent of vehicles exceeded the speed limit, compared to 9 percent on 60 mph routes. 52 percent of drivers exceed the posted speed limit on roadways having a 30 mph speed limit.
Physical limits like speed bumps or chicanes, which are frequently seen in residential areas, are another way to reduce speeding.
Thankfully, the speed restriction is always gently emphasised by our cars and even sat naves. Of course, people who slightly exceed the speed limit can take the speed awareness course.
What distinguishes a fixed speed camera from a mobile one?
There are two types of speed cameras used in the UK: fixed and mobile. Speed cameras track the speed of vehicles and photograph those that exceed the limit.
Typically, fixed cameras are positioned close to accident hotspots. Numerous sat naves can detect these.
All operational fixed speed cameras must be painted yellow as of October 2016 to increase visibility.
This was in response to the numerous concerns around speed cameras and the general public's perception that they were being used as a means of revenue collection.
The Daft does, however, permit the deployment of covert cameras "when it is regarded to be in the interests of road safety."
Police often utilise mobile speed cameras since they can deploy anywhere they feel there is a demand. You might find police on the side of the road with laser guns or hand-held radar equipment, or they might be living in a parked van.
Once more, you typically locate them on roadways or in areas where accidents are more likely to occur. They could also be utilised in safety awareness initiatives.
What kinds of speed cameras are there in the UK?
Any of these speed camera kinds could result in you receiving a speeding ticket and points on your license.
First-time offenders can choose between a speed awareness course and license points.
Of course, having points on your license could result in increased insurance premiums, so when given the option, many choose to take the course.
Here are some of the most typical varieties of speeding tickets:
GATSO fixed-position speed camera
A rear-facing camera that takes a picture of the license plate and calculates the distance a car has travelled between two points.
To display a car's speed, white lines are frequently used in conjunction with GATSO cameras.
TRUVELO, a fixed-focus speed camera
A camera on the front of a car that measures speed using sensors on the road.
Contrary to some speed cameras, TRUVELO doesn't flash, so you might not know whether you've been stopped. The camera typically records the driver's face because it is front-facing.
SPECS: Average speed camera
These gantry-mounted speed cameras are used on dual carriageways, highways, and smart highways. SPECS cameras track the typical speed.
They monitor four lanes of traffic while taking pictures of each vehicle using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR).
Speed-varying cameras
These speed cameras, in contrast to SPECS, are only in operation while there is a temporary speed limit on the highway.
There may be numerous cameras hidden inside a gantry because these cameras can only watch one lane at a time.
Portable speed cameras
To detect speeding motorists, mobile speed cameras employ either radar or laser technology. These can be handheld speed cameras that police officers hold up or they can be put in speed camera vans.
A particularly rainy, foggy, or snowy day could render a camera useless because fixed cameras are sensitive to the weather. When this occurs, mobile cameras can fill in the gaps.
DVSA and DVLA cameras
To find uninsured drivers or vehicles without proper tax, the DVSA maintains a nationwide network of cameras that employ ANPR technology.
To guarantee that all vehicles on the road are compliant, the DVSA and DVLA exchange data.
CCTV for traffic
These cameras mainly monitor the movement of vehicles to lessen congestion and accidents.
But in certain places, CCTV is used to catch drivers who utilise bus lanes or stop at box junctions.
Can I find out whether I've been booked for speeding?
You can't check to see if one of the several types of speed cameras has captured you speeding. According to the DVLA, if you are detected speeding by a camera within 14 days, you will receive one of the following:
Notice of Intended Prosecution
Section 172 notice
Avoid ignoring the notification at all costs to avoid going to court. After receiving the notice, you can obtain a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) or a letter instructing you to appear in court.
When the police stop you, they might:
Give you a warning in person
Send or deliver you an FPN
Send you a letter outlining your next steps and ordering you to appear in court.
How do average speed cameras operate?
The police and several city councils run an Average Speed Enforcement (ASE) camera system.
Another measure to improve driver behavior and adherence to traffic laws, it aims to increase road safety.
By measuring the time it takes a car to move between two predetermined places, the ASE cameras can identify cars and determine their average speed.
'Speed Control Zones' are established when digital SPECS cameras track a vehicle's average speed along a section of road. They are more likely to contribute to slower speed over time.
Does flashing occur on mobile speed cameras?
Some portable speed cameras flash, while others do not. An officer of the law or a speeding police car usually serves as enough of deterrence.
A speed camera's flash in the rear view mirror may notify drivers that they have activated the device.
The only things you can really do are waiting and see. If you are pulled over for speeding, the police will follow a proper procedure, and you will get an NIP within 14 days.
Do average speed cameras flash?
Your speed is not captured by standard speed cameras using a flash.
Instead, they keep tabs on your speed along a section of road. This is done to prevent people from slowing down before they see a camera and then accelerating once they have passed it.
Is it okay to use speed camera detectors in the UK?
UK law permits the use of speed camera detectors. But in many nations in Europe, they are forbidden when driving.
For instance, turning off the feature on your built-in sat-navy is a requirement when driving in France.
Through a device mounted on the dashboard or a smartphone app, speed camera detectors inform drivers of the location of speed cameras as they are driving.
Are jammers for speed cameras allowed?
In the UK, "jammers" that interfere with the signal from police speed cameras are against the law.
If you are found using one of these, you risk losing your driving privileges and receiving a fine. You can even be given a prison sentence if the court finds that you obstructed justice.
When a jammer is present, cameras frequently display an error message to operators, alerting them to the possibility of a jammer.
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leadindia011 · 7 months
I Want The Best Intellectual Property Lawyer Near Me
Because intellectual property law is still developing, there are still many unopened boxes, this area of law has had significant advances, but it also confronts multiple challenges that must be addressed in order to eliminate barriers to its development. 
When it comes to dealing with these sorts of problems, the work of an intellectual property lawyer is extensive and multifaceted, thus an ip lawyer must be competent and recognized for possessing certain fundamental abilities that can assist them flourish in this new area of law.
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Fundamental Skills to Find: Intellectual Property Lawyers
Skills to Deal with Oppositions:
There have been a lot more challenges and opposition since pre-registration. Therefore, legal advice is an all-time requirement for many filing trademark applications. 
The amount of work is increasing considerably more quickly than lawyers as well as law firms can now handle. As a result, both the charges and the margins are relatively substantial.
Being efficient with trademark registration, especially for handling oppositions and dealing with them, is a surefire way to secure an excellent position as an IP lawyer.
Skills for Conducting Due Diligence
Due diligence in this particular domain is specialized. Many significant companies that are for auction, have sought to list, or are even searching for substantial amounts of financing require the service for due diligence in IP. 
The buyer, investor, or financier usually becomes the one who benefits from the services being provided. Therefore, various law firms are frequently used to carry out IP due diligence.
Skills to Calculate the Damages Incurred
Calculating damages in cases of intellectual property infringement is one of the most challenging responsibilities. 
In the majority of instances, if someone's violates your intellectual property, you are entitled to all of your damages in addition to whatever financial losses you may have endured as a consequence of the infringement. 
The need for lawyers who can use financial frameworks to estimate or measure such damages and then prove them in court is always high.
Skills to Register Trademarks that are non-conventional
Usually, any traditional word or image marks the most valuable trademarks. 
For example, there has been an effort to register Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity nuns' blue-bordered sarees. Sandesh's textures, etc. are all excellent examples of such trademarks. 
The unusual accomplishment of registering such trademarks can make or break your professional record if you have the expertise and experience involved.
Skills to Draft a Franchising Deal
Franchise deals are becoming more and more prevalent. You probably notice a lot of franchised businesses these days. 
McDonald's, Kidzee, Apple stores, and Cafe Coffee Day are just a few examples that are well-known. These franchisee agreements are very complicated, and the paperwork must be in excessive detail. 
As an ipr lawyer if you work for the franchisor, you may easily bill lakhs for creating and providing advice on a franchisee contract.
Skills to Draft an Application for a Patent
Although only a registered patent agent is allowed to file a patent application, lawyers have developed an ingenious workaround. They managed to have the inventor self-file the application. 
However, regardless of whether or not you meet the requirements for a patent attorney, if you know how to create patent claims, how to plan to guarantee that the application gets approved, or if you can secure provisional patents for applicants, these abilities are uncommon and in high demand. 
If you are an ip attorney, you must undoubtedly make it a point to acquire these abilities.
How to Find the Most Desirable intellectual property rights lawyer?
There are some established ways to find such a desired lawyer for your specific need. They are:
Obtain recommendations from friends, colleagues, or close relatives who have in the past employed an IP attorney.
To get a suggestion for an intellectual property lawyer, you get in touch with your jurisdictions or local bar association to get an exhaustive list of top IP lawyers in your area.
To find a lawyer with expertise in intellectual property that will satisfy your demands, you can make use of online legal services like Lead India to connect with the top ipr attorney in India.
To preserve and defend your IP rights in every area and against rising market competition, you should hire a qualified intellectual property lawyer. 
One can talk to a lawyer from Lead India for any kind of legal support. In India, free legal advice online can be obtained at Lead India. Along with receiving free legal advice online, one can also  ask a legal question to the experts online free through Lead India.
Visit us: https://www.leadindia.law
Call Us: +91–8800788535
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LeadIndiaLawAssociates
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delphiwatersports · 11 months
What are Some Tips to Choose the Best Tour Operator for Your Upcoming Trip?
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In recent times traveling is picking up a huge pace with people across the globe ready to pack their bags at the first instance and visit foreign lands and get to spend quality time with their family and friends. The role of tour operators in arranging and helping people explore destinations is immense.
Now, it is impossible to think of a tour without the help of a tour operator and with the rising demand, there are many tour companies that are springing up everywhere. The problem arises when one has to choose the best tour operator from the fraudulent or not-so-good ones.
Choosing the best tour operator is the difference between a memorable and a lousy trip. Here in this article, we will discuss the tips that will help you select the best tour operator for your upcoming trip.
Expertise & Experience
There are many tour companies that you will come across when planning a trip and choosing among them can be quite hectic for you. However, you need to focus on the core area of expertise of the tour company which will help you in striking out the tour operators that don’t fulfill your demands.
Now, while selecting a tour company based on its core area of expertise, you need to first sort out what kind of tour you would like to go on. If you are looking for an adventurous water sports tour, then you need to focus on tour operators that provide you with a host of water sports options in some of the most scenic places around the world.
The tour companies who are highly experienced in conducting tours with people from across the globe can give you the best exposure you would like to have of the place you are visiting. That is why while choosing a tour operator, you must also give priority to their experience in the tourism industry.
Cost of the Tour
Most people are surprised to find that no two tour companies are similar when it comes to the price of the tour for the same place. Besides that, there is a myth prevalent among many people that whatever they pay for on their tour, it is justified because they get the services that are worth the costs.
However, this is not true because you don’t get what you pay for when you are going on a tour with the assistance of a tour operator. There are several instances where tour operators charge exorbitant money even for minor services while some of these services might be necessary, there will be others that will not be up to value for money.
You need to ask your tour operator regarding their overhead charges and whether the money you are paying is for the best hotels in the place and what services will be included in the money you are paying. Besides that, you should get in touch with various tour operators so that you can compare the prices quoted by everyone which will help you select the best operator among them.
Assistance of Local Guides
One of the most important things that sets out good tour operators from the rest of the competition is that they have a handful of local guides who have years of experience in guiding people from all over the world. There are many tour operators who claim that their guides are the best but they will provide you with inexperienced guides who will spoil your entire tour.
The guides provided by the tour operator should know the place like the back of his hand and would also be trained in providing first-aid services if any emergency arises.
Convenient Schedule
The tour operator on whom you are relying for your tour should have an itinerary that is balanced and there is enough time for some rest in between all the places you are likely to visit. A tour that is rushed through will leave you dissatisfied and will be a waste of money.
Similarly, you wouldn’t like spending all your time sitting around the whole day. That is why your schedule for the upcoming tour should be a well-balanced one with proper time spacing between sightseeing and rest.
The above-discussed factors are some of the tips that are going to help you in selecting the best tour operator for your upcoming trip. In addition to this, you should also look at the reviews provided by other tourists like you who have already availed the services of the tour operator before you to get an idea about their services.
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ayumantraca · 11 months
Forget Damaged Hair with The Goodness of Brahmi Oil and Its Benefits
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Brahmi or Bacopa monnieri is one of the most used herbs in Ayurveda. This plant, which belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family, is also known locally as Jalanimba. Brahmi is a plant with several applications. Brahmi-based remedies are popular among Ayurvedic practitioners for a variety of reasons, including memory enhancement and hair health benefits. Brahmi oil is the most prevalent product we see on the market. However, this plant may also be processed into a powder. In this piece, we will address one of the most often-asked issues in modern society: how to achieve healthy hair. We will react to this query by highlighting the advantages of the oil on our hair. 
So, without any further ado, let’s begin our journey! 
Benefits of Brahmi Oil for The Hair
Everyone desires thick, flowy, and beautiful hair. Yet it is also the most usually assaulted area of our bodies because of anxiety, stress, pollution, and a lack of nurturing. If your hair is damaged, it will exhibit indications of it, from knots to greying. But it's not the end of the world since Ayurveda is on our side. There is a wonderful magical potion, a herbal oil, that will nourish your hair and keep hair problems at bay. We call it the "Brahmi effect." We're talking about Brahmi herbal oil here. This section will go through all the Brahmi advantages for your hair and hair. So, let's get started!
Promotes Hair Growth
Whenever we think of hair problems, the first thing that comes across our minds is “low hair growth”. There can be several reasons to cause this issue. But whatever the cause may be, one herbal product that can treat and stop it is Brahmi herbal oil. This oil works like a charm. Brahmi includes calcium, vitamin C, and zinc, which aid in strengthening hair follicles and promote new and thicker hair growth. 
2. Prevents Pre-Mature Greying
Premature greying is another typical concern among persons who suffer from hair issues. This can be caused by pollutants or chronic stress. Massage this herbal oil into your scalp to improve blood circulation, which calms the scalp and relaxes the neurological system, lowering stress. This, in turn, will promote black hair, preventing it from premature greying.
Note: If your hair is greying due to any underlying health problems, it is advisable to seek medical attention before or along with using this herbal oil. 
3. Reduces Stress
This was previously stated in the preceding point. Massage this herbal oil into your scalp to calm irritated hair roots and nourish the entire scalp. This oil may also be used for body massage. Brahmi has long been appreciated for its ability to relax and chill our nervous system, which can improve our general sense of well-being. 
4. Nurtures The Scalp
A troublesome scalp is frequently the source of hair problems such as flakiness, itching, and so on. In front of the mirror, split the hair strands and scratch the base of the hair with your index finger to test whether your scalp is dry. If you notice flakiness, your scalp is dehydrated. And the best method to get it hydrated is by a frequent massage with Brahmi herbal oil. With all of its natural ingredients, this oil reinforces the scalp, making your hair long, flowing, and luscious.
5. Stops Hairfall
This is possibly the most common type of hair issue. It is really upsetting to find hair strands on the comb every time we brush our hair. Hair loss can be caused by one or a combination of factors such as pollution, a dry scalp, stress, and so on. The easiest technique to prevent hair loss is to massage your scalp with this herbal oil regularly. Brahmi includes saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and other compounds. All these ingredients are proven to strengthen hair roots and boost the quantity of protein necessary for hair follicles to grow, promoting healthy hair development and preventing hair loss. 
If your hair loss is caused by stress, massaging your body with this oil may be beneficial. A regular body massage with Brahmi herbal oil is said to lower cortisol levels in the body, which aids in minimizing hair loss caused by anxiety and stress. 
6. Removes Dandruff 
Have you ever found unpleasant flake-like stuff on your shoulders or comb? If you answered yes, you may have dandruff. If not treated, dandruff could damage hair and the follicles. This condition frequently happens when the scalp becomes too dry or greasy. Using Brahmi herbal oil helps to keep sebum production in check. Because of its somewhat acidic nature, balanced sebum production keeps your scalp from getting overly dry or greasy, thus minimizing the possibility of dandruff.
7. Prevents Split Ends
Split ends are caused by dry, undernourished hair and/or scalp. If your hair is frizzy, you are either suffering from split ends or will in the near future. Extreme split ends may push you to chop off your hair. If you do not want to reach that point, massage your scalp and hair root regularly with Brahmi herbal oil. This oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that can help keep your scalp healthy by hydrating and nourishing it. And a healthy scalp will ensure healthy hair with intact ends. 
So, this was our take on the top benefits of Brahmi oil on hair. If you use it regularly, you will surely be blessed with stunning hair that is flowy, dense, and gorgeous from within. But to get the best result, you should get the best product. So, visit Ayumantra today to get your organic Brahmi herbal oil today!
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vedancure · 1 year
Keep Your Life Secure by Choosing a Specialist Doctor
Outside of “working on hearts,” the average person has a limited concept of what a cardiologist performs. You can find out that cardiologists are the kind of specialists who will be on your side if ever an emergency arises by doing some reading up on the subject.
  Cardiologists know your heart like they know their own. They are helping to figure out what is wrong with people’s hearts and fixing it. Best cardiologist doctor in india can treat almost anything that goes wrong with the heart, from heart failure to congenital problems. In most circumstances, they will defer to the heart surgeon, yet in some areas, they may play a dual role.
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    It is crucial to have a firm grasp on the finer points of the various heart conditions. Plaque buildup inside the arterial walls is what causes coronary artery disease. Plaque builds up in arteries, reducing their capacity to carry oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood. Heart attacks from this illness can be abrupt, although patients typically experience warning signs for quite some time beforehand.
  Cardiologists or cancer specialist doctor in india frequently see patients with congenital abnormalities, another prevalent illness they identify and treat. Congenital heart disease affects the heart’s anatomy and valves. Incorrect blood flow or other abnormalities that disrupt the muscle’s normal rhythm can be the result of a congenital abnormality. These disorders are sometimes missed in childhood but require treatment later in age.
  There are several different subspecialties within cardiology, each focusing on a different aspect of the circulatory system and its treatment. The physician’s career will revolve around the practice of a specific subspecialty. Post-operative care for heart surgery patients, cardiac pharmacology, cardiac echocardiography, electrophysiology, heart rate monitors, and even biostatistics and epidemiology are all examples of such fields of study.
  The work of an experienced cardiologist is never done, especially considering the rising rates of obesity, cholesterol, and diabetes. There areenough patients for them to see on a regular basis. Meanwhile, several disease-inducing elements in the world ensure a busy schedule for cardiologists. Best liver specialist doctor in india, though, would insist that they are more interested in preventing illness than treating it.
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    However, in the end, it can be an emergency that necessitates the services of a cardiac clinic. If they are unavailable at that time, it may be necessary to put their education and areas of expertise on hold. It may seem as though all you have to do is locate a provider who is accepting new patients. Finding an easily available cardiologist in today’s medical climate might be challenging. In times like these, it is important to listen to the advice of your family doctor who offer kidney treatment in india and close friends.
  Whatever your reason for seeing a cardiologist, you can rest assured that your care will be guided by someone with extensive training and experience in cardiac medicine. You can have faith in the excellent care provided by cardiologists.
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Why Should You Choose the Service of Professional Pest Control?
Most of the time, when we consider the need for Cockroach Pest Control Bangalore ervice, images of wasp nests and rodent infestations come to mind. Yet, there are numerous different types of animals that can become a nuisance if not eliminated. Some are manageable for the average DIYer, but others really need to be dealt with by a pro so they do not come back or cause any more damage. Some of the most common pests that require expert extermination are listed below.
  The colony of black ants is notoriously hard to eradicate since its queen must be killed in order to destroy the entire colony. It is quite unlikely that a single treatment would be enough to get rid of them, so you should be ready to schedule a follow-up session. Flying ants provide an especially challenging problem because they can get access to your property through multiple entry points.
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    Cockroaches must be exterminated without delay, as they can easily navigate glossy surfaces and access all parts of the kitchen. Furthermore, included are areas used for preparing meals. Insecticide and traps are often used together for efficient eradication. If there is extreme infection of cockroaches then you should find the service of Cockroach Control in Bangalore.
  Hornets – These insects are notoriously dangerous, and while they rarely sting humans, it has been known to happen. They will be very defensive about their nests, so you will need to send someone in who is wearing protective gear to remove them. They are considerably bigger than common wasps, making them look menacing.
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    Bedbugs - At the conclusion of the little rhyme, parents may tell their children, " Avoid the bed bugs bite," but the true prevalence of bedbugs in children's beds & bedrooms is often overlooked. They do not only infest the bedding, but the entire room, and with four potential breeding seasons per year, they are nearly impossible to get rid of. You must ensure that no one is in the room at the time that it is being sprayed. As an added precaution, treating the contaminated room alone is not enough to ensure complete eradication; surrounding rooms must be cleaned as well. On the other hand, there are many homes that suffering from rat attack. For this, you can choose Rat Pest Control near Me.
  Infestations of earwigs are more common in recently built communities than in older, more run-down neighborhoods. The easiest way to get rid of them is to find the entry point, seal it off, and then spray insecticide, as they are tiny and easy to miss.
  Hiring a professional Pest Control Services in Bangalore guarantees that whoever is doing the fumigation or spraying has experience and is aware of what they are searching for. They might stick around or return if you do not get rid of them completely and make sure they don't come back, making the problem even worse. It is best to spend whatever resources are necessary to eliminate the issue as soon as possible.
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bestlinyangpvc · 1 year
What is the benefit of using PVC for Industrial Applications?
PVC is a traditional means of shrink wrap that is often used to protect retail items and food packaging. Upon the application of heat, the film shrinks around the product to provide complete protection to whatever is inside and is tamperproof for any item that requires a little more security. Here at Kempner, we provide rolls of PVC at a variety of thicknesses, including 15, 17, 21, 22, and 35 microns to suit every requirement of the product and will offer discounts for orders in volume. PVC or polyvinyl chloride is one of the most versatile choices for various applications in many areas, including the construction industry. PVC pipes are inherently strong, lightweight, flexible, easy to handle, and economic. Along with all these qualities, their long lifespan and recyclability make them the prime economic option for residential as well as commercial building construction projects. Are you looking for the perfect plumbing and wiring materials for indoor or outdoor applications in your construction project? Let’s help you know more about PVC pipes and their benefits in the construction industry.
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PVC has strong weather resistance, is corrosion-resistant, and is relatively inexpensive to make. PVC is robust, light, long-lasting, and adaptable. These qualities also make it the perfect material for Tarpaulin fabrication. PVC is available in sheet form in a variety of thicknesses, and they are often represented in terms of material weight, GSM, or grams per square meter. There are many material weights available; the most prevalent weights are 400, 500, 550, 600, and 900 GSM. Furniture covers made of lighter material may be employed, whereas heavy-duty uses like truck side curtains would be made of PVC 900, which is on the opposite end of the weight spectrum. PVC is essentially a material that is used to make tarpaulins, often known as PVC tarpaulins. PVC has a wide range of applications. Of course, the most typical application is as a coating or covering agent. Please go here to this link inflatable PVC and know more about using PVC for Industrial Applications.
Reduced Failures and Blockages in Wastewater Pipelines: A major concern within any pipeline system is pipe blockages, a costly and complicated problem that can cause untold damage and hours of repairs. Slow-flowing water through a pipeline creates more opportunities for potential blockages and failures in a system with many connections. The extremely smooth lining of PVC pipe - when compared to a copper, clay, or concrete pipe - reduces water flow resistance and ensures that water reaches its intended destination with proper pressure. PVC piping allows water to flow freely and maximizes water pressure. The increased flow of PVC pipes also prevents build-up in sewage and wastewater systems.
Corrosion Resistance: Escalating deterioration of water pipelines due to corrosion in old iron pipes threatens our ability to provide safe drinking water and is a complicated and costly problem across many regions of the world, including Australia. PVC pipes are invulnerable to underground external corrosion as well as internal pipe corrosion. So while certain pipe manufacturers continue to explore “solutions” to corrosion – because their materials are affected by it - PVC remains indisputably resistant to it.
Corrosion in old technology pipes is also the number one reason for burst water mains – a problem that plagues most Councils across Australia. Not a day goes by that the morning radio doesn’t announce traffic diversions and road closures in place as a result of burst water mains and their impact on the surrounding area. Last year even saw the report of sinkholes developing from burst water mains swallowing cars and property. PVC pipe has been proven to have the lowest pipe break rate when compared to cast iron, ductile iron, concrete, steel, and asbestos cement pipes.
inflatable PVC: Begin the series with "inflatable boats." Inflatable boats are made of flexible tubes containing pressurized air or gas. Basic inflatables have a PVC bottom, giving you a soft bottom to walk on, but most insert aluminum or wooden sheets to provide a fixed floor that makes it easier to stand on. On models where outboard motors are added, the transom must be rigid. Moving up to a very popular class of inflatables is the "RIB," meaning "rigid inflatable boat." RIB inflatables resemble fiberglass hulls with inflatable tubes attached to the gunnels. Such hard hull inflatables are capable of higher speeds and are more stable in rough water. Unfortunately, the fiberglass hull under the inflatable makes them considerably heavier and much more expensive.
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Florida Winter Bugs
Spring and summer are the two seasons regarded as "peak seasons" for most pest activity. Numerous pests, including termites, ants, and mosquitoes, are active during the warmer months in the Port Orange, Florida, portions of Volusia County.
But even if some of those pests may become less active over the winter, many bugs and pests are still waiting to move into your home in the Ormond Beach area. It would be best first to comprehend the behavior that tempts pests indoors before you can learn how to prevent winter pests in the home.
Pest Activity in the Winter
Many animals in frigid climes hibernate throughout the winter. Due to energy conservation, these creatures can live until the spring thaw. Like humans, many pests go through a phase of rest termed diapause.
Insects will attempt to find cover from the cold during diapause. They may make burrows in the ground, inside buildings, under logs, and even inside tree trunks. They can thus store their energy in a secure setting. Depending on the pest, they may stop growing and moving at any stage they are in, whether they are eggs, larvae, pupae, or adults.
How does this affect homeowners? Pest infestations in the home frequently increase after the diapause. Because insects don't need food to survive, they can also be challenging to eliminate during diapause.
Typical Winter Pests That You Might Find Around Your Home
Numerous pests may enter the home in the Palm Coast, Florida areas, including those looking for a warm habitat and a reliable food source and those just looking for a place to enter diapause. The following list of typical winter pests includes:
Rodents: During the winter, rodents are a very prevalent pest. Rats and mice look for a cozy nest in a house's walls and eat whatever food or pantry goods they may locate.
Cockroaches: Although cockroaches and Palmetto Bugs are a problem all year long when winter nears, these pests are more motivated to locate a warm place to live. The ideal environment for cockroaches is warm, damp, and has plenty of food.
Silverfish: Less than an inch long, like to spend the winter months living in a warm, humid environment. These insects will eat all types of paper, even wallpaper and book bindings.
Carpet beetles: As its name suggests, carpet beetle larvae consume typical materials and fabrics found in carpets, rugs, and textiles. When it's chilly outside, it's easier for them to get food by entering homes than looking for identical proteins found in nature because these materials are abundantly available within.
How to Stop Bugs from Entering Your Home During the Winter
Preventing pests from entering the house is the easiest way to get rid of them. Use this advice to prevent bugs when the weather becomes cooler.
Close it up. Finding their point of entry into the house is the first step in pest prevention. Fill up any gaps, crevices, or holes where pests could enter.
Think about the source. In the winter, pests are motivated by warmth and food. All food, including pet food, should be kept in pest-proof containers.
When preparing for the holidays, exercise caution. It's crucial to take additional time to confirm that no pests are stowing away inside before bringing in holiday decorations from the outside.
Pest Control Company Near Me
Hire a local, reputable pest control business. An exterminator will know everything you need to know about pest control. Pests get better at breaking into homes when the weather turns colder. After discovering one you can't see, many more pests are in the house. A specialist in pest management can assist in developing a focused plan for getting rid of existing pests and preventing new ones from appearing.
Our staff at Imperial Pest Prevention has been offering pest control services to pleased clients. Suppose you are battling winter pests in your home.  Contact us for a free estimate request right away to keep winter pests from taking over your house.
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Can homeopathy cure acne scars permanently?
Acne, often known as pimples, is a skin disorder that is becoming more and more prevalent in teens, young adults, and even some middle-aged people. Propionibacterium acnes is among the most frequently occurring pathogenic microorganisms. Some people may be affected by hormonal activity; for example, puberty in teen boys and girls may cause this issue. Whatever the cause, the best course of treatment for your acne scars and pimples are homeopathy.The most common skin conditions that affect people of all ages are acne and acne scars. 
Although acne outbreaks are more common in teenagers, allergies and different types of skin eruptions can also affect people in their middle and later years. Age is unimportant when it comes to skin breakouts, acne, and acne scars. Between the ages of 12 and 28 years, acne is very prevalent in the younger age group. But it may occur at any age. There is no age factor for acne development. It can occur at any age and in both sexes. Some people who have severe acne are not bothered by it. Others are embarrassed or upset even though they have only a few pimples.
Acne is the most frequent of all skin allergies, and it is also the most recurrent, prompting people to seek natural herbal remedies to treat it. With the evolution of medical technology, a great variety of traditional medicines are now accessible on the market, but each one has its own set of adverse effects. In certain circumstances, traditional medications aggravate rather than cure the disease. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to homoeopathy to treat them because it is a safer and more natural solution. Homeopathy offers a long term cure to acne problems. It is because homeopathic medicines target the root cause or triggers factors of the disease thus give a long-term cure.The interest in homoeopathic acne remedies is growing quickly. 
Homoeopathic treatment for acne and acne scars has a mixed success rate, but what makes this holistic approach to healing so intriguing is that it has little to no side effects.Homoeopathic treatment for acne has the advantage of taking into account all aspects of a problem, such as acne, and attempting to treat it from the very beginning in order to solve the issue at its root.What is the main cause of acne?The primary cause of acne and pimples are very common skin ailment where the pores of your skin become blocked by the hair follicle, oil substances, dead skin cells, and bacteria, etc. At puberty in teenagers the androgen hormone secretion is more; hence more acne is developed at this age. Although acne is a disorder associated with teenagers or Young age or Puberty it can occur at any age of life. 
Acne usually appears on the face, neck, back, and chest due to the abundance of pilosebaceous units in these areas. The condition is not life-threatening, but it can lead to scarring of the skin, and hence, prompt treatment is essential. It’s estimated that 90% of people ages 12 to 30 will have at least a mild form of acne, and most people are affected by it at some point in their life.
Acne Symptoms and Signs:
Acne signs vary depending on the severity of your condition:
• Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
• Blackheads (open plugged pores)
• Small red, tender bumps (papules)
• Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
• Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
• Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)
Homeopathy Treatment for Acne:
Homeopathy offers a long term cure to acne problems. It is because homeopathic medicines target the root cause or triggers factors of the disease thus give a long-term cure. As discussed above the excess of androgen hormone in blood plays a major role in acne formation. The excess of androgen hormone secretion is caused by many triggers. Though we know during the teen age more androgen hormone is secreted, but there are many things which stimulate to secret more androgen hormones.
When anybody suppresses those emotions like suppress the anger, suppress the grieves, suppress his desire, those all directly affect the neuro-endocrine-immune path which disturbs the harmonious function of the endocrine and immune system. So in the case of acne, the more androgen hormone secretion also has the same causative factor.
So the more androgen secretion is somewhat related to the suppression of various motional factors of the patient in the present or past life. Thus the best homeopathy medicine for acne is selected based on the individual’s emotional picture that has been suppressed in a past life.
The other key symptoms are also taken under consideration to select a suitable medicine for that patient. This medicine can only able to give a long term cure to this acne problem. It is called the constitutional homeopathy treatment.
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outsidewholesale · 2 years
Why most people pay attention towards outdoor living these days?
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These days, more people are working in their homes than ever before. For some people, this entails remodelling their bathrooms and kitchens. Others are upgrading their lighting and adding bedrooms. Many people are remodelling their homes from top to bottom. Naturally, many homeowners think outside the box and pay more attention to the land around their houses.
Utilizing Your Outdoor Space
Having an outside living space was more of a novelty than a typical habit not so long ago. But times have changed. Outdoor living spaces are growing in popularity nowadays, and individuals are experimenting with various outside amenities. Whatever plan you choose, using your outdoor living space will certainly offer you several benefits.
Investigating the Advantages of Having an Outdoor Living Area
Extending your living area into the great outdoors can have a lot of benefits. It will undoubtedly increase the property's value and give you a sizable return on your investment. Additionally, it will make your house look better. That's only the start. From then, the benefits only become more intriguing.
These days, stress is more prevalent. In actuality, an estimated 77 per cent of adults claim to experience some amount of stress, with 33 per cent of those claiming to experience significant pressures. Numerous issues, including isolation, irritability, muscle aches, headaches, and insomnia, can be brought on by stress.
The most recent research indicates that outdoor time can help lessen stress and its adverse effects. Wilderness therapy is now widely accepted to treat various emotional and mental problems, including anxiety. Of course, spending time in nature has many benefits that are only sometimes associated with enrolling in wilderness therapy sessions. Make use of your outside living area.
Numerous people struggle with sleeplessness. Some people only experience it sometimes. Others suffer from a chronic condition. In either case, obtaining insufficient shut-eye at night can cause various issues.
The effects of insomnia can include lowered immunity, irritation, and a higher risk of anxiety and depression, to name a few. Lack of sleep can also result in decreased classroom performance and work performance. People who experience insomnia are also more likely to experience excessive blood pressure and heart disease.
Many people's sleep habits have been shown to improve when they spend more time outside. These health hazards are significantly diminished when you get enough sleep. Additionally, obtaining a good night's sleep regularly enhances your mood.
Millions of Americans struggle with mental illnesses like PTSD, anxiety, and despair. Unbeknownst to most individuals, these problems are much more prevalent. They are so commonplace that general practitioners can now diagnose them rather than requiring a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Several prescription drugs are available to deal with these ailments. The use of therapy is another good option. But many experts agree that nature is frequently the most excellent treatment for individuals seeking a more natural substitute.
There are various prescription medications available to treat these disorders. Another great choice is to use treatment. But many experts concur that nature is frequently the best medicine for those looking for a more natural alternative.
We can form Unbreakable relationships, and lifelong memories can be made when families spend time together. There are many ways to spend quality time with your family outside. Together, prepare dinner in your outdoor kitchen. Have a family game night in your outdoor dining area.
Install a digital projector so you may enjoy a movie outside. Go camping in your garden or relax on the patio next to the fire pit on a fantastic night. Your imagination is your only constraint.
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tenorsarah9 · 2 years
Have A Wonderful Look With One Of These Tips
The first men and women seen in a jampacked area are the types together with the most brilliant smiles. If for whatever reason, you're the teeth have looked somewhat discolored recently, have zero fear! The following post is loaded with helpful tips and tricks to have your the teeth hunting happier than they actually had been just before. When you notice a twinge of soreness in several of the teeth, schedule an appointment with your dental practitioner at the earliest opportunity. These twinges are an indication of a crack or scratch from the enamel, and so are more prevalent in individuals where by fluoridated normal water is not really frequent. Signage & Banners is so important to handle the trouble easily because a good restoration will never recover the enamel to its original strength. The longer you hold out, the more likely it will be that you need a cause canal or more involvement. To aid whiten your teeth clean making use of baking soda pop. Preparing soft drinks is known for its disinfecting and cleaning up components. To use merely sprinkle a modest amount of baking soft drink inside your fingers and dip your moist tooth brush to the preparing soft drinks. Then, mild brush your tooth for a minimum of two minutes. The toothbrush which you use is very important for appropriate dental hygiene. Attempt to choose a toothbrush containing gentle bristles. This will help safeguard your gum line and will keep them from internal bleeding. Also, locate a brush that has a mouth solution in order that you have the capacity to possess the cleanest oral cavity achievable. Get your kids used to scrubbing their the teeth every time they begin to may be found in. Remove infants' pearly whites thoroughly clean with a cloth each day so they are utilised to adding one thing in their mouth to clean their tooth. Whenever best Signage & Banners come to be preschoolers, let them possess a brush to experience with and chew on. Then, once they have a very little more aged, prove to them the way to remember to brush their the teeth. When you are uncertain which dental office to see, chat to the people you know. Chances are, if a family member or buddy has had an excellent exposure to a dentist, you are going to too. You can even speak to your doctor or check out on the web to find opportunities that could be ideal. Cigarette smoking is absolutely horrible for the gum area and the teeth. Should you not yet observe any consequences, do some reading through to uncover the kind of problems that could take place. Quit smoking as quickly as possible. Check with your dental office or maybe your principal wellness company about smoke cigarettes cessation applications. Use a small amount of toothpaste if you clean. Although it might appear like a lot more tooth paste would clear the teeth much better, it will not. The saying, "a lot less is more" is most effective when brushing your tooth. You simply need a pea-sized volume of toothpaste during your brush for ideal cleaning up. Be truthful with yourself about mouth irrigators. If you utilize them correctly, they are important oral hygiene equipment. Even so, you still have to brush your pearly whites in the same way usually. This is certainly primarily because they don't invasion the oral plaque with your mouth. With right use, these irrigators clear away the microorganisms, but when employed the wrong way you end up with germs simply being lodged with your periodontal tissue. The important thing to some excellent grin is bright shiny the teeth. By using a good pair of pearly whites, you'll be much more inviting to individuals you meet, and it will do wonders for your confidence. Be sure to implement the advice presented in the following paragraphs and you are sure to possess great looking teeth very quickly.
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snakegentleman · 2 years
Something that I think non-disabled people and people without chronic pain need to sit with is that you can not fix whatever is the person you want to help. In fact, you might not even be able to make a disabled person feel better. When I am in pain, no one can help me be in less pain. Not even doctors in most cases and this is something I contend with and have to accept every day. But the people in my life need to understand this too, and people in general should understand this when interacting with a disabled person. Asking me if I’ve taken Tylenol or put ice on the areas that hurt are not helpful. Suggesting ten different methods of PT or medication or that home remedy you heard from a friend of your cousins will not help. And I know all these come from a place of wanting to help, but to be honest, for a lot of people who interact with me, it’s a way to absolve themselves of the guilt and pity they feel for me that I’m not getting better. Able bodied people very much do not like that they can’t make me feel better immediately. And I get it, I do, I would also like to feel better. But this becomes a problem when everyday I have the same pain and I get the same suggestions that I’ve heard and tried a million times before. This doesn’t even mention how prevalent this mindset is in places like ERs where if they can’t fix the problem immediately, and it’s not immediately life threatening, they insinuate that nothing is wrong actually and you were wasting their time when in reality, it’s just something they can’t fix within a few hours or a new prescription. All I’m asking is to sit with the discomfort you feel in these moments and ask yourself and the disabled people in your life how you can actually help them because often, they have an answer. Sometimes that’s to just ignore it, and treat that person like a human being. Sometimes it’s distraction or checking in on them or any number of things. We know better than you.
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astrolology · 4 years
The Love-Hate Relationship with Stelliums (Pt. 1) ✨
Guysss pls remember that astrology is holistic and this should be read taking into account your overall chart placements, as well as the planets in your stellium and what sign rules your stellium. TAKE NOTE lol
1st house
❤️: You may be a person who is very driven towards a particular goal, single-minded in behavior and with a sense of determination that is hard to beat. The focus is on self-improvement and is rather internally driven - there can be large amounts of time focused on figuring one’s identity out. You’re not afraid to say things as they are - you’re able to dish out criticism hard but you give credit when its due. You extend the courtesy you receive to others. You may have an innate sense of wisdom that you keep deep within that you don’t let slip unless to extremely close ones but in times of hardship you are a good source of motivation. You always seek to improve yourself and it’s hard (if not impossible) to drag you down because of your strong personality and how you tend to always move on no matter what. I think 1st house stelliums are the embodiment of “don’t look back” and y’all always try to make the best out of every best situation, sort of like seeing the silver lining in everything. And also when crises emerge you’re able to keep a calm head on your shoulders and are good at making snap decisions, which makes you good on your feet!
👹: I don’t think y’all are as self-absorbed as ppl make you out to be but there’s definitely an element of self-centredness such that when you do something, you often consider what is most convenient or productive for you. You might get upset when your plans are disrupted but sometimes do the same to others even though you might be aware of what you’re doing - in that aspect, 1st house stelliums can be hypocritical. For you, there is never enough - you’re never satisfied with anything, be it yourself or for other things so you can seem really unappreciative. Keep in mind that you also tend to force others to agree with you and don’t be so quick to dismiss the other party’s POV no matter how dumb it seems. Remember that there’s always something to learn from other people, no matter their status. You need to work on expressing your appreciation to others in a more genuine manner (altho I know y’all do it in gruff, slightly awkward ways when sincere - kinda cute ngl).
2nd house
❤️: You may be a person who has a strong moral code and has a staunch value system that you won’t deviate from no matter what. Sense of loyalty is usually unbreakable and it can take a lot to truly anger you. You can have a good financial sense and good instincts/foresight that allow you to plan ahead for stability’s sake. More often than not in certain areas you are a master of categorising and structuring things which means that your mind is analytical, critical and (usually) organised. You hate it when people think they know you because you (understandably) know yourself the best - there are many privatised layers of yourself that you prefer to keep... private so yeah it just annoys you when that happens. Y’all are a leader in certain aspects of your life and even though 2nd house stelliums tend to prefer being the right-hand man, your control freak tendencies come out and you end up leading anyway. You become really productive because of the fear of failure - you have crazy high expectations for yourself and expect the same of your closed ones (although ultimately you’ll support them in whatever they do). There is an appreciation for the finer things in life and when it comes to your loved ones you’re not afraid to spoil them hard. 
👹: Be careful not to let this driving need for stability restrict you from spontaneity and following your heart’s desire. There is an inherent inflexibility in your nature; stubbornness can really be your kryptonite. You don’t really take any opportunities that you think might threaten your security which, while giving you a stable fort, can hold you back in your own happiness + prosperity. You might realise that there is a limit to your perspective but really struggle in seeing outside of that perspective mainly because you spend so much time thinking about what matters to you that you’ve become accustomed to your train of thought (altho when you do break it it’s lowkey groundbreaking). The focus on this house is on stability, not only on material wealth, so while you may be reaping in one aspect you might tend to lack on the spiritual or emotional elements of life. You can be very, very controlling and demanding so you might want to tone it down a little if not people might get the wrong impression. People might think of you as judgemental (and you are tbh) but I believe it’s just 2nd house stellium’s way of assessing a person’s character/abilities. 
3rd house
❤️: You may be a person who puts in a lot of effort into various forms of self-expression (not limited to verbal communication but also finding a specific niche such as music, art, writing etc.) Your brain is naturally sharp and inquisitive and you may be able to pick things up very quickly. You might be rather adaptable but are surprisingly stubborn when it comes to your opinion or intellectual capabilities. You might have a dark/dirty sense of humor and because of that you also have a keen ability to see past the societal nuances of propriety and get to the heart/root of whatever a person is saying. You can spend your entire life trying to understand people and why things work the way they work - your brain needs to be stimulated in order for you to feel alive. Passion for you has to be applied in a productive manner - you probably aren’t a person to just take a passion for something as a mere hobby. Rather, you would either apply that passion to one of your existing projects, create a new one or use it as a motivating factor. Your interests are wide and varied, which makes you really well-rounded in certain aspects! 
👹: Many people say y’all are flighty beings and I can certainly see why they would think so. Because of your perceptiveness, you tend to change your narrative whenever you’re speaking to different people, so as to make yourself sound more convincing. In that aspect, you can be quite manipulative. Your ego probably isn’t the smallest either haha - you can tolerate being slighted at some things but if it’s a challenge to one of your passion projects you’ll probably become very upset. You need to stop giving people the hot and cold shoulder all the time and even though you’re quite sociable you tend to flaunt but hide your true thoughts. You have to be more open and honest in your self-expression, and not that idealised, constructed version of yourself you think people will find interesting. I’ve noticed that 3rd house stellium ppl have an obsessive need to “stand out” and make themselves feel unique which, despite all your charms and popularity, might be the reason why you find yourself sometimes so isolated. You’re a perfectionist (although you would deny it) and secretly quite controlling but unlike other stelliums you can manage it better I feel. 
4th house
❤️: There is a pressing insistence regarding relationships in your inner circle - be it your family, closest friends, or your future family. Extended focus on your cultural heritage can also be possible. Deep down, compassion is at your core and you are very protective of your friends in a silent but aggressive way. Having a stable family life is very important to you but I’ve noticed that more often than not, 4th house stelliums have turbulent family relationships. The beauty of 4th house stelliums is their ability to break through whatever toxic relationships they’ve been in and to create families of their own - be it unconventional or not. They are the epitome of “we choose our own families”. Y’all can be very empathetic and rather selfless to the point where you allow yourself to be manipulated (even though you’re aware of it) - but it’s usually for a justifiable reason. You find it easier than most to balance the emotional landscape but there are moments where you need an outlet to express yourself. There can be an obsession/possessiveness over your own culture - you take pride in your roots and become lowkey insulted when people disrespect it (and if you don’t, you somehow nearly always manage to find some other culture to assimilate yourself in). 
👹: Y’all probably get very upset when things don’t go your way but the problem with this stellium is that there is a want to speak out but you choose to bury everything inside instead - giving you a very passive-aggressive and even aloof image. Internally, you guys might think that you are giving off a very soft/giving aura but some people are wary precisely because you are hard to read. You are very, intensely private (rivalling 2nd/7th house tbh) and you have to learn how to share your true thoughts, no bullshit, no suger-coated thoughts with your family and dearest friends even though you are capable of handling yourself. You are independent, ambitious, and people often underestimate you, but you have to let people in first in order for them to know what you’re capable of! Also, idealisation of certain things (eg. a future family life/partner) can be prevalent and you overthink things to the point where sometimes you make yourself miserable. Again, please talk to someone hahaha you don’t have to deal with everything yourself. 
5th house
❤️:  Insecurity runs rampant in any 5th house stellium BUT y’all are quite paradoxical in a sense that you also have a very strong aura of confidence. Sometimes, in crucial moments, you manage to convince yourself and others that you are the most important person in the room haha - literally the epitome of “fake it till you make it”. Still, a deeply rooted kindness is found in 5th house stelliums such that you’re always looking out for the underdog in the room. If you are developed you probably have a strong sense of righteousness which prompts you to look out for people who might be struggling. Y’all are very concerned about your physical appearance and most of the time you like to keep your body in good shape, which draws the attention of people in the room. You likely have an infectious smile (this is just a hunch but I don’t believe 5th house stelliums smile a lot - y’all quirk your lips or smirk but a true smile is rare so when you do... it melts the hearts of people). Everything that you do will have a youthful flavor and you have a healthy appreciation for downtime/self-care so while you might not (contrary to popular belief) be that fond of kids, kids are attracted to you. Oh and actually I think the stronger this stellium is in a person, the shyer the person seems at first impression but inwardly and as time goes by, they become more humorous and dramatic. 
👹: You aren’t exactly manipulative, but you know how to use the power of suggestion (and your charms) to get what you want. If unchecked, it’ll become a habit because to you, it’s an instinctive thing to do and you might not realise you’re hurting other people because of it. You are stubborn and prideful (which isn’t a bad thing sometimes but) you take criticism quite badly such that if a person tries to offer their opinion or goes against your beliefs, you might take it as a personal attack. You have a fear of being restrained/constricted (like 9th house) so you’re actually quite aggressive to those who you perceive to be a threat to your authority. You can also experience extreme mood swings (from crazy happy/hyper to melancholic in a snap) and when you do you expect people to give you attention. But you are hypocritical in this aspect because you yourself can be quite insensitive to other people’s feelings, or you brush them off if you’re not “in the mood”. 
6th house
❤️: You are most probably quite an organised person, not in a tidy way (although you could be) but in matters of life there’s an insistence on order and structure. The way you think can be very logical - you are able to think concisely and connect the dots in a quick manner and logic is probably prevalent in everything you do. However, in contrast to this pragmatic behavior, you are deeply caring and you won’t think twice to give up something if a loved one needs it. You are very disciplined in certain aspects of life and you are able to maintain a consistent effort in everything that you do. You’re probably someone who finds joy in small things and although you have high standards, it doesn’t take much to make you happy, as long as it’s genuine. You can be a perfectionist and really quite meticulous in your work which makes you someone who is detail-orientated. You give a lot of yourself to other people and most of the time you don’t expect anything in return, which is one of the great things about 6th house stelliums. You take effort into maintaining your physical health and you mighttt be a fitness freak or someone who keeps track of their diet really carefully. It’s likely that you encourage other people to follow your lifestyle and generally, you exert a sort of mellow influence around other people that makes them want to be better. 
👹: There’s a tendency for 6th house stelliums to fall into pessimism, precisely because of your pragmatic nature. Y’all may say that you’re being “realistic” but in actuality it does dampen the spirits of some people. You can also become really unreasonable and inflexible once you’ve made up your mind on something and that makes you a bit narrow minded because you simply refuse to listen to other people’s POV. This can also cause tunnel vision which can really limit your full potential and I think it’s something worth spending your time working on. When pushed into a corner or feeling insecure, y’all might try to cover it up by being condescending or giving the cold shoulder. There’s also a risk of being overly reliant on a schedule/structure and hence, cautiousness when it comes to being spontaneous or embracing something foreign. Because of your affinity towards maintaining health, your hypochondriac tendencies may be exacerbated and you need to try to lessen your over-worrying behaviour haha. Although you never dish out something you can’t receive (eg. high expectations - you’re truly your worst critic), your demanding tone can really make others cautious of you.
OVERALL, I strongly believe that the way to embrace your stelliums isn’t to reject or force yourself to change the values they represent, but rather taking those eccentricities and moulding it into something more precious and beneficial to yourself. It has to be done with a thorough understanding of yourself; with patience. 
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