#or with just other forms of rp
keclan · 5 months
tabletops are fun :)
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1spooky-dad · 1 year
Always and forever thinking about the day they got the eggs and got paired up, and other people being maybe a little awkward cause they still don't necessarily know the person they've been paired with, a little unsure of what bits they can get away with, and then Mariana, i imagine, is like "damn this is my chance for an actual ship for once let's fucking go let's not be To Weird so my partner won't be creeped out" but then charlie runs up and assigns him as Bitch Wife and immediately starts a bit where they've been married for years and he's trying to get a divorce and Mariana is just like 😍 YOU! You are The One. We are going to have so much sex. And he was right.
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kbthebearcat · 9 months
What is @toothpaste-dragon’s Cricket supposed to do while Donald’s at work??? 🥺
Well, I’m sure they’ll figure something out for her to past the time! Audio taken from here!
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crownmemes · 11 months
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Send 🎲 and I will write you a random starter!
(Add "+ theme" if you want a specific type of response)
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elgaladwen · 9 months
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Father-Name: Lónailo / Lhûnaelin
Mother-Name: Valinóma
Epessë: Linahtoro / Lindandir
(Most often goes by Lindandir currently, but sometimes still uses his father-name, especially with older acquaintances or in formal situations. He hasn't gone by his Mother-Name since the fall of Gondolin.)
Born around First Age 400
Birthplace: Gondolin
Affiliation: House of the Fountain
Race: Noldor
Occupation: Former soldier and commander 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous
Height: 7' 3"
Long, straight bright blonde hair, sometimes cropped to just below shoulder-length. Often pulled back or in a ponytail to keep it out of his eyes
Pale skin, though tanned from being outdoors
Bears various scars on his torso, arms and legs. He generally knows how he got each one, and used to see them as failures, but now he looks upon them more as a long history of himself
Clear, pale blue eyes
Tends to wear armor and practical clothing, though he will wear fancier attire to occasions that warrant it
Artwork: Here by @nozomi-mats
Sunlit leaves, clean breeze, fir
May smell like armor, and weapon oil
Deep, rich tone, especially when singing
Generally jovial in tone and voice, and can be loud when commanding upon the field of battle, when he is drinking or when he is in the throes of passion
Speaks Quenya, Sindarin, and Westron fluently, and knows a smattering of words and phrases in other languages 
Playlist here
Generally patient and slow to anger
Prone to bouts of intense sadness and reflection, despite his usually jovial demeanor
Often purposely hides his sadness behind the happy mask
Born in Gondolin to parents who had come from Valinor
Part of the House of the Fountain
Was still fairly young when Gondolin fell, somewhere less than 150 years of age
Fought during the Fall, and still carries the same sword he used back then
Escaped with some others from his house through the Secret Way when the battle was lost
Before the Fall of Gondolin, he had been betrothed in an arranged marriage, but he does not know what happened to his would-be-wife, as he was not near her at the time of the battle. He presumes she perished as many in the city did. He did not love her, and in fact hardly knew her, so though he feels guilt and sadness for her loss, it is no more than he feels for most of those in the city of his youth
Unbeknownst to him, his former betrothed's uncle is alive and still in Middle-earth, as he did not dwell in Gondolin
Lindandir has spent most of his life since the fall helping in the various causes and wars of the elves still in Middle-earth, usually as a fighter, and for much of that time, he did not truly allow himself to live and enjoy life, perhaps feeling guilt and shame for having survived when so many others did not
At some point, however, he realized there was truly much life had to offer, and he decided to travel and experience all that which he could in Middle-earth
Once he'd felt more free to explore life, he'd taken many lovers, both male and female, but never had anything serious, preferring not to form strong attachments, for inevitably they all fade
Lindandir is not opposed to having a serious relationship, but as he has yet to settle down, he believes he is too old for such, and that he would be a poor partner for the long term, as he wishes to leave Middle-earth soon
He has started to feel some regret that he’s spent so much time during the past age trying to find himself, and not being the good friend or partner that he could be. He misses his friends who are gone dearly, and wishes to be better for those who are still left
He spent the first part of the Third Age in the Woodland Realm, and the latter half in Rivendell, though he traveled, too. Despite being in those places for a long while, he has never considered any place home since Gondolin
Relationships: (Names with a ~ indicate a character played by someone other than myself)
~Gilithion: One of Lindandir's former lovers, who is now his boyfriend. In the past, Lindandir never realized Gilithion held deeper feelings for him, but once he had been about to leave Middle-earth, and found himself thinking about the other ellon, he sought him out again, and they rekindled their relationship, exclusively this time, though they've kept it mostly hidden so that Gilithion's family doesn't find out that he's gay. Gilithion was deeply hurt by Lindandir, so it's been hard for him to trust again, and their relationship is rocky and distant at times, causing Lindandir much sadness, for he thrives on touch and affection. (@sewer-princess)
Elgaladwen: Close friend, and former lover. He almost offered to marry her so that her parents would stop trying to set her up in arranged marriages.
Meneladir: Gilithion's younger brother, and a friend, though Lindandir tries to keep his distance now, since Meneladir is not aware his brother is gay, and Lindandir worries over trying to hide the relationship.
~Maeglir: An acquaintance, but they share a familial connection that neither is yet aware of. (@loremastering)
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lockedtowers · 4 months
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'This is a completely blind character. To make up for that they have a way to sense what's around them' so, sight?
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eterniityblooms · 1 month
updated my rules to include shipping info + a bit more about my monster muses specifically, since shipping with at LEAST one muse on this account is probably inevitable at some point
#『 from the rumblings comes a song: ooc. 』#tldr i don't know who is and isn't open for ships so if you jive with a particular muse after writing with them some by all means feel free#to ask and we can see if it would work; crossover ships are absolutely wonderful too so don't feel afraid to ask even if the verse is#different!#also that all my monster muses are fully sapient and open to shipping with humans/wyverians/nonhumans/other monsters/etc provided they vibe#and most of them possess their true form,a 'hybrid' form and their human/wyverian form but all of them can and will spend at least Some tim#in their true forms and a lot of them Prefer that form#i don't think? that'll be an Issue here on tumblr but on twitter ojhhhh my god nobody would rp with you if you didn't basically make your#monster muse a glorified human. i had ppl try to pressure my muse ic to use their human form just. for a conversation?? then proceeded to#drop the int and cease to acknowledge me whatsoever when i refused because my muse didn't see the point in wasting the energy to shift form#when they can talk perfectly fine in their true form#not ALL of my monster muses speak words verbally (soul comes to mind as one who typically doesn't) but those who don't still have plenty of#ways of expressing themselves#also they choose not to not because they CAN'T because they either don't Want to or mimicking the sound of speech is hard on their throat#(ie soul) so they opt to not unless they Really want to make a point or make damn sure they're being listened to#nonverbal/non-words communication is a valid form of communication and i like writing natural monster/dragon communication through sounds#and body language. it is very fun<3#sorry for the tag spam ramble btw i do this Often. nicer than dumping it all in the body of the post yknow?
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runefactorynonsense · 2 years
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Spooktober - Day 12 - Runes
Runes will gather like dew when the crop's ready to harvest. Sometimes, it's nice to leave the everything alone, and admire the glittering view.
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sereina · 7 months
Serena met Sinnoh's Champion, Dawn Hara, during her stay in Hoenn following a mix-up in one of Lilycove's resorts with their rooms. Dawn had traveled to the tropical region for diplomatic reasons, meeting with Hoenn's League officials, however due to her young age, Cynthia had made it a point to accompany her. Cynthia had booked them separate rooms, but a mishap occurred when Serena had booked her own room at around the same time.
The two teenagers had come face-to-face at the room, having been mistakenly double-booked in an oversight. It was almost a moment out of a sitcom, with the two girls not sure what to do as there were no other rooms available at the time. However, they would go on to recognize one another in part from their various contributions to their respective regions. In the end, Dawn offered that they share the room. They were able to get another futon (along with a full complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner on a day of their choosing as an apology for the mix-up).
Serena's stay at the resort was much shorter than Dawn's, with Dawn staying for a full week and a half, while Serena only had booked five nights. Even still, they became fast friends during their stay together. Serena had the opportunity to meet Cynthia over their meals, unable to stop gushing at the fact she was meeting one of her idols.
Her and Dawn's relationship quickly had a visible dynamic - Serena did a lot of the talking, while Dawn was mostly a listener, a passive observer. It was clear, however, they had a lot of similar passions, and held similar experiences in thwarting their regions' threats at the time.
Perhaps it was their quick and easy camaraderie, but Serena found herself confiding in Dawn about things she hadn't told many other people. She spoke of her adventure through Kalos, both the good and the bad. Her triumphs at the gyms, and her dealings with Flare that culminated to her losing her Lucatio, and nearly her own life. Serena even spoke about her bond with Yveltal, someone that Dawn was introduced to at a later point.
Dawn wasn't one to divulge her own personal details much, nor go into deep lengths on her life, though she did find herself returning the gesture. She spoke briefly about her time in the Distortion World, and how she had died during her battle with Giratina. They connected on their dreadful experience in their hospitals.
To Serena, it was liberating and freeing, in a way, to speak about her experiences and have someone be able to somewhat understand. The wounds were fresh, and she certainly shed a few tears recounting her tales, but her trip to Hoenn, and meeting Dawn, proved to be the catharsis she desperately had needed.
On Serena's final day at the resort, they both agreed to have a battle on Lilycove's large beach at sundown - after most of the tourists had left following the picturesque sunset.
Dawn didn't have access to Mega Evolution like Serena did, though the Champion was not bothered by this at all and insisted that Serena utilize it in their battle. From the moment Dawn sent out her first pokemon - her Empoleon - Serena could absolutely see and feel the sheer depth of their bond. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen thus far, feeling as if the duo's very souls were intertwined.
It was easily the most grueling and tough battle Serena had ever had. Dawn didn't hold back, nor did she pull any punches which Serena appreciated. In the end, despite Mega Evolving her Venusaur, even, Serena couldn't pull of a victory and lost to Dawn in a match that was much closer than Sinnoh's Champion would have thought. She had gotten down to one partly injured pokemon, and another one that was full health. If the tides had swung more in Serena's favor, Dawn would have suffered her first loss since her days traveling through Sinnoh.
They would part amiably, having exchanged numbers and promising one another to keep in touch - and that promise still holds to this day. Serena frequently contacts Dawn either through text, or by calling. They keep each other up to date on the various happenings in their lives, even meeting up in person should one another be visiting their respective region. Dawn has proved to be an incredibly valuable and trusted friend of Serena's, and credits their talks and time spent together as a large part of her healing journey.
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The guy talks about going mole mode then proceeds to have the most Rat experiences without being Rat that I have seen yet to come from a fellow crafter.
Ignoring the gay sex on the trolley ride.
Replace gay sex with autistic notations about how the car could have been constructed better, improved later, and bickering with the owner about supply / repair costs, and concluding the machine is a potential death trap.
Other than that it's a typical Rat multiplayer world adventure just fleshed out better.
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magioffire · 2 years
i generally support those posts that call for female characters to be respected but the minute you start blaming other minority groups/throwing other people under the bus thats when you lose me (e.g someone saying its more acceptable for gay men to express femininity than women thats why the rpc likes gay men more than women....in WHAT world GIRL???)
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kingspuppet · 10 months
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Yes this post is obnoxious but I'm nothing if not consistently going feral over Goro. I know this probably comes as a shock to you all. I apologize for the deceit but I can't hide my love for him any longer. I hope you'll continue to love me through this troubling time. 🫶🏻
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blackbirdffxiv · 11 months
Honestly I should probably do an intro page of all my OCs, shouldn't I?
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thehopelessauthor · 1 year
You know that feeling when… you're in an rp and your partner suddenly stops replying without warning and then basically ghosts you? 'Cause I've had that happen to me more than a few times now and I'm getting real sick of it...
You know that feeling when you’re NOT role playing and you get “frozen out” just because the first person is “punishing” their former partner and on top of that they prioritised THEIR rp over yours even though you say “Oh yeah good idea let’s do that……“ but then don’t commit to it
Like just ANNOUNCE that you are disinterested rather than have us be waiting until the point of “oh, I don’t want to ship that anymore or yep the idea I wanna do is lost now, thanks”
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mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick O'Connell does his best to get rid of Simon Templar, as villainous henchman Rogers in The Saint: The Persistent Patriots (5.15, ITC, 1967)
#fave spotting#patrick o'connell#the brothers#edward hammond#the saint#the persistent patriots#1967#itc#so the persistent patriots is something of a gold mine for fave spotting‚ with multiple blorbos turning up to variously help#and hinder Simon's work. the ep itself may be a problem episode (see the tags on the ed woodward fave spotted post for more detail) but i#can happily say that Pat's appearance in no way contributes to the problems. he's a pure delight here‚ getting to go full wicked henchman#very much a jobbing actor at this point in his career (although having had some success on stage) this guest spot captures him just before#a change in fortunes; the following year he'd have a supporting role in Frontier and land the starring role in ATV's Fraud Squad#and then of course The Brothers was just a few short years away... he's on fine form here‚ i suspect rather having fun as a violent hired#goon. his relationship to the other villains is never specified but i think it's safe to assume he's hired muscle; everyone else is either#a native of or expat from the fictional African country at the heart of the story while Pat is‚ uh‚ inexplicably from Liverpool#his approximation of a scouse accent isn't terrible but it is strong and most importantly completely without explanation#the events‚ as I said‚ concern an African state and the action is set in London.. why not his own accent? why not standard bbc rp for that#matter? was this a scripting choice or a bizarre decision of Pat's own making? he was Irish born but Birmingham raised and I'm fairly#certain his voice in The Brothers is essentially his own natural speaking voice. his voice here is.. something. but it's fun and he gets to#nearly kill Simon Templar twice‚ making him a cut above the standard Saint henchperson#also fun to see his pre Brothers hairstyle#(ie. when he was a little less receding..)
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