#hope you find a group you click with better idk
keclan · 8 months
tabletops are fun :)
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neteyummy · 2 years
first of all I hope you're resting and recovering well! 😭
secondly I don't know if you do any small promts requests but if you do, I would love to read your take on reader being in love with loak but gets heartbroken seeing him with some other girl and neteyam is there to quickly console reader. idk what endgame tbh i just love the attention from both brothers so i guess loak x reader x neteyam? 😭😭😭
Thanks love 🤍 I don’t mind doing requests but just a warning that I don’t know much about how it all works. So I’ll just write whatever comes to mind:
As you made your way through the crowd of clan people dancing around in pairs, your gaze fall on Lo’ak and what seems to be someone from the group of girls standing at the side, squealing and giggling at the pair dancing together. Your heart immediately sank at the recognition of who that girl was; Kie’ra. The one who is well known for in the clan for being the best singer. The one girl whom Lo’ak had been showing interests in, for the past month. You had believed it to be nothing serious when he would start bringing her name up at random times, thinking she held no candles to you in his heart, as you knew you had something between the two of you that wasn’t ever spoken about but it had been there, clear as a day. He had always been very protective of you and was always around you. But the past weeks, he had become distant. You didn’t have it in you to confront him about it so you just let it all unfold, making you both even more distant than ever. You hadn’t spoken in a week and tonight, you had hoped to get him to talk no matter what. That was all you could think of as you waded through the crowd until you saw them, close and intimate. A slight smirk gracing Lo’ak’s face as he had both his hands placed on her hips, while her arms were wrapped around his neck, bodies swaying in sync. You hadn’t realised you were stood shock-still at the scene unfolding infront of you until a hand gently patted on your shoulder, making you snap out of your thoughts and turning around to find none other than the older brother of the one guy you had given all your hearts to, smiling down at you warmly. At the sight of him, you immediately tear up and Neteyam is quick to check up on you, holding your shoulders, head tilting down to look at your hiding face and throwing a bunch of questions your way. “hey, hey, it’s okay. I got you. What happened? Y/n, please look at me. Can you tell me what’s wro—“ until his sight falls on the figures behind you, having to double-take, and everything seemed to click then, in his head. There was no more of the same questions thrown your way, just whispering reassurances with some cusses under his breath as he makes way for both of you to a more secluded area.
After having calmed down, Neteyam had guided you back to the crowd for a lil dance with him to make you feel better. You couldn’t stop looking their way though, for the first few minutes and Neteyam took it upon himself to get your attention back on him. His hands sliding away from yours to find your waist, pulling you in closer, and you gasp, eyes finding his in question for the sudden act. All you got in return is a playful smile though and you couldn’t help your own that broke out. You decided then to just enjoy your time with the playful older brother. As you both danced around each other, with each other, you couldn’t help but feel like crying on the inside at the sight of Neteyam with his wide grin, feeling so loved and cared for. You felt so grateful for what he was doing and that thought and feeling alone made you want to give him everything. Growing up, Neteyam had always been like a big brother to you as you and lo’ak often got into troubles together. He was always there to save your both’s asses and you had admired him a lot on top of it all. Seeing him infront of you now, smiling reassuringly down at you as you’re both dancing in the crowd, you wonder if things would’ve been a lot different if only you had fallen for the older brother instead. The one who always made you feel safe whenever he was around. The one who always listened and made you feel heard and understood. The one who’s always the first to comfort you whenever you were upset. You wondered how you had fallen for the other brother instead. With these thoughts in mind as you still looked at Neteyam smiling down at you, oblivious to what was going on inside your head; you inch closer to him, arms finding his neck, tip toeing, you place a light kiss on his cheek.
Not having seen that coming, Neteyam was stood dumbfounded for a few seconds until he let out a small chuckle, shaking his head and jokingly asking if you had mistaken him for his brother. You were about to play it off as it being a friendly kiss, worried that he might think lowly of you for jumping on him the moment you see the one you’ve always loved being intimate with some other girl— until you notice the slight blush gracing his cheeks. You didn’t know what it meant exactly. Was he embarrassed to be kissed openly like this in the public by someone whom he probably has always considered a younger sister? Or has he never thought of you like a little sister and actually liked the small kiss you gave him? You wanted to know. So you do the last thing you had expected to do at this clan party tonight when you were getting dressed up for it earlier: dragging one hand down his neck to his muscled pecks while the other stayed in place around his neck, you inch closer to his ears and whisper words that has his eyes widening, pupil dilating for a split second until he’s pulling you back, searching your eyes for an answer. You only smiled as you head in to connect your lips.
Unaware of your surroundings, you don’t notice the pair of hardened eyes on the both of you. More so on you. Jaw clenched as they take in how good you looked tonight but you were with someone else and the hands that held your wide hips as you leaned in to kiss the man infront of you belonged to none other than his very own brother. Not knowing how to process all this, Lo’ak leaves the crowd immediately, leaving his dance partner confused and trailing after him.
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clover0101 · 1 year
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I saw a yumeship week on twt so im hoping in even if mine is oc x canon idk the differences anymore
Day 1: first meeting!! I made a drabble and a sketch for this
(click expand to read)
The shouts, complaints, and arguments filled the common area of MILGRAM, which, despite being quite large, seemed to shrink more and more for the blue-haired boy. The footsteps of the other prisoners echoed along with the crying of some, others remained apart trying to think rationally about what was happening, but the only certain thing here is that nothing was rational.
Everyone woke up in an unfamiliar place, wearing prisoner's clothes, assigned numbers and cells, and given a brief explanation of why they were there - they had all ended someone's life, and it’s time for them to get their judgement. One group protested the accusation, another part accepted it and decided to remain silent. Despite listening carefully, Haruka could not fully understand it. The place seemed to function in a strange way, to say the least, and he had always been a bit slow to comprehend strange things.
The danger of the unknown and the nerves that interacting with others bring led him to just take a seat in one corner of the room, watching the chaos come and go in front of him. He hugged his knees, trying to make himself smaller. Sudden movements made him startle, but he couldn’t react in any other way, he didn’t want to leave his precious 'refuge' out of fear of bothering others. After all, he was different, and even if he wanted to contribute, he surely couldn’t do anything...
His thoughts were interrupted by a red-haired boy, who had apparently been arguing with a brunette man; "Hey, the guy in the corner!” he pointed directly at Haruka, taking steps that seemed intimidating towards the younger boy. The other man followed him closely. "This loser here says it would be better to wait and see what’s happening, but I think we should find the guard and kick their ass already. What do you say? We need strong people on our side."
"I don't think we could solve it just like that..." The brown-haired boy scratched the back of his neck, an uncomfortable smile on his face.
"Uh..." Haruka opened his mouth, trying to say something. Someone was talking to him... These two guys were looking at him right now. His heart was pounding from anxiety and he clenched his fists, his nails digging into his already wounded flesh. "I, uh, um... Ah, n-no... I-I D-"
"Pffft. Nevermind," the redhead interrupted before he could even finish the sentence, turning his back and returning to where the rest of the group was. You can't count on anyone here, he thought. Meanwhile, the other boy waved goodbye to Haruka, who hunched over and buried his face between his knees, closing his eyes tightly. He had barely arrived and already disappointed someone? This can’t be happening.
He remained silent for several more minutes, his eyes fluttering open when the argument seemed to calm down. A person was looking at him over their shoulder, their appearance standing out among the others due to an eyepatch and big, bright red eyes that seemed to stare right into his soul. They approached Haruka slowly, almost carefully to not to scare him, which made the boy slowly straighten up a bit, but not enough to make eye contact.
"Hey," their gentle voice made the boy startle even if they tried not to. "I know this can be hard to understand, you see, I'm a little scared too!" they accompanied their attempt at socializing with a laugh, standing beside him and leaning their back against the wall, their hands fidgeting restlessly in front of them.
A few seconds of silence passed, in which Haruka debated if he should even speak. His companion quickly realized, and just continued; "You don't talk much... right? Well, you might be lucky, because people often tell me I talk a lot!" they smiled, extending their hand downwards. "My name is Matsuo Hikaru, but you can just call me Hikaru. What's yours?"
He blinked a couple times, glancing out of the corner of his eye at Hikaru's pale hands, adorned with every color he could imagine, contrasting with the simple and plain prison uniform. He squirmed in his place, looking down again, embarrassed. He wasn’t able to look at them in the eye, fearing disappointing them as he did with the other man earlier. "Uh... My name is Haruka... Haruka Sakurai." he managed to murmur after a while of silence, daring to try to look the prisoner in the eye, but quickly glanced away again. "N-Nice to meet you, uh, Hikaru..." Is this what people say after introducing themselves? He shook his head, chewing on his lower lip.
"Ah! Haruka-kun is a cute name! And your hair is also quite cute, it reminds me of lobelias!" Hikaru extended their hands again, waving them as they spoke. The blue-haired boy ducks his head self-conciously, a faint blush tinting his cheeks at the praise. Why was this person being so nice to him? "Everything that's happening is strange, but I'm sure it'll turn out well... For you guys, at least," Haruka didn't fully understand what Hikaru meant by those last words, but for the first time in their encounter he looked up and nodded. He thought that, at the very least, Hikaru deserved that from him. For giving him some attention. "Ah, of course, Haruka-kun! We must be more optimistic. Not like that idiot over there, he's just giving everyone a headache."
Their complaint made Haruka's eyes open wide. He would never dare speak about anyone like that, much less if they could hear him. Still, he laughed a little, enjoying the conversation, even though the one talking the most was Hikaru. "Hah... I-I guess you're right..."
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jenyifer · 11 months
Breaking Boston pt1
I think this will be a painful series… im going to talk about episode 12 discussing all the ways they destroyed my favorite boy (so I can process heal) and how I’ll tell you guys how I’d fix things. This first one is about Mew. If you like Mew don’t read this. He bitch slapped my baby so many times and If the show isn’t going to hold him accountable I will. If that isn’t your thing don’t click read more. Easy.
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Boston shows up to drop out because he’s been effectively bullied out of University. I still think the atom expose account is why Nick showed up at Bostons house to go up to the roof. So if Boston’s dad saw that which he definitely would because the internet is forever his relationship with his dad is over and he has to leave. He’s been kicked off of the hostel project so how is he going to graduate anyways. Seems like mew and ray already knew about atom from Cheum but they don’t give a flying fuck. And in fact Mew wants to torture Boston because? Why? He’s been punished. Mew is back with Top. Their friendship meant nothing to mew? Boston honestly tells them he just wants to be their friend again because he still loves them. Boston NEEDS his found family he is still fucking hurt. But no Mew is fucking evil. Idk how else to explain him here.
Jenny’s Fix: upon hearing Boston is dropping out Cheum admits to the group Atom was a fucking liar. Mew and Ray are surprised and try to convince Boston to just graduate with them. Apologize for not believing him at all. Or ask if he’s alright at the very least. I’d be worried about someone dropping out even if I didn’t like them. It could still be awkward but Bostons confession he just needs his friends would have had more impact.
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Then Boston makes the big boy decision to see his friends one more time. We don’t know how much time past from Boston’s mistake at the club and NYE but it seems Boston has been truly alone since then. He didn’t seem to invite Nick to the Hostel until he was being tortured by his friend’s happiness. To avoid talking about Nick he goes to apologize Mew 1v1 because he did Love mew. Mew was like a brother to him. Someone who maybe saw Boston for more than meat. But Mew has no heart in his chest. Only disdain. Their past relationship meant nothing. Boston being hurt means nothing. Boston truly apologizing means nothing. He’s scum on Mew’s shoe. Even Boston hugging him does nothing. Mew always hated Boston. Mew can’t see the irony in this.
Jenny’s Fix: Mew telling Boston things can’t go back to the way they were but he understands him better now. That he appreciates the gesture but it’ll take time but Boston is still his friend who he met all that time ago. Maybe a smile? Maybe a apology for not being there for Boston. But I think that’d be too far. No more slut shaming because Mew can semi understand. Sometimes we all fuck up. But Mew can tell Boston has changed.
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Mew can’t let Nick win. He can’t let Nickntalk about bettering himself because Mew is a bitch and no one can be happy. He also enjoying hurting Nick because Boston loves him. Mew has to rub Boston’s Nose in the fact he isn’t with Nick. Mew is also hurting Nick because he’s judging him for his past choices
Jenny’s fix: let sand say something encouraging to Nick. It would still hurt Boston but at least Nick won’t be being made fun of by fucking mew.
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Boston tried one more time to reach out to Mew hopeful that maybe Mew could one day be okay with him. Mew said he forgave Boston but didn’t forget. But no mew is a torturer evil bitch. Can he not see how much he meant to Boston after all these scenes? Is he fucking stupid? At least Boston isn’t surprised. Mew tells Boston he’s not good enough again. Just another put down.
Jenny’s Fix: Mew tells Boston maybe. Or tells him to come stay at the hostel some time. Gives Boston a hug tells him not to lose his phone number. Then give him a push to go find Nick.
Mew was just manipulative and evil. I can’t relate to any of his decisions especially towards Boston. I doubt they were ever actually friends. I feel so bad for Boston always reaching for Mew trying to make things better do what he wants but no Boston is always a nasty whore who is never good enough with a pathetic loser boyfriend who Mew can’t remember was just as hurt by TopBoston. I will never watch the TopMew scenes again.
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witla · 9 months
2023 Year Review
So first of all I wanted to make this on audio like I did on 2020, but honestly I don’t think I have time and room to record my voice lol.
Second holy shit the last time I did this was in 2020 itself, why I didn’t make this on 2021 or 2022? Idk maybe I didn’t want to talk about it, but I’m going to have a brief mention of things about them here.
So 2023…
It was a very zig zag year for me to be sure
First, I’m quite disappointed on myself because I didn’t make much art like I did before, if you see my archive on tumblr, you can see the gaps between months and the amount of drawings I did (not a lot), I wish I could have made more art, but when you get on a job, your brain gets fried and artblock its inevitable.
Speaking of my job…oh boy, at first I was excited to finally got settled in a job to make my own money and such (I entered last year on August), but the more time I’ve been, the more unwelcomed I felt, let’s just say that I haven’t click much with my coworkers like I did before, my bosses are not there at all, and I just feel like a ghost, not appreciated, but I don’t want to quit yet because I don’t think I can find a job that quickly after quitting one, I want to have more experience and such. I just hope we can have a better environment again like before.
In terms of health, God, it’s been my more painful year yet, sickness after sickness after sickness, at least I went to the hospital once for brief hours, its better because the period of 2020-2022, I’ve been on the hospital like five times a year for days. And let’s not talk about how my moods swings went and so on, my mental health was on the verge of breaking, so much that I was ready to say goodbye to the world like the fifteen time…
But I didn’t
Because despite all this toxicity and this negativity in my personal life, some things are worth to live for.
It’s worth to hear your dad say “I love you” and cook you the food you love, to say that he will help you no matter what, and appreciate you and say how smart and beautiful you are.
It’s worth to hear your brother say he worries about you, and wants you to be okay, to send you memes, images and videos to laugh with the most surreal humor we gen z have.
It’s worth to hear your sister tell you about her hyper fixations, to hear her silly but funny ideas and contribute alongside her, to see her draw with acuarelas, and show you the weird but funny videos she laughs about.
It’s worth to have your grandma let gift you things you don’t really need, but it’s still appreciated and hugs you and kisses you, when she loves you despite your low self-stem.
It’s worth to hear your uncles and aunts to say how are you beautiful you are, how they love the way you laugh, the way you smile, they say keep that cute smile of yours always.
It’s worth to see your cousins, talk to them, hug them, and play alongside them UNO cards and videogames, especially when they also have the same interest as yourself and understands you when no one else does.
Its worth to see your dogs, pet them, see how they wave their tail at you, how they get happy when they see you coming back home after work,
Even if we bicker and a lot for the most minimum things, we love each other, typical Mexican family lol, but yeah my family has been a big support in this year.
Also I’m proud of myself, I had the guts to join a dance group, specifically an Ori Tahiti group, I learned to dance something that I wasn’t familiar with, not only that, I learned more about Polynesian culture and language, and it that group I made some friends, my teacher is a very open minded and lovely person, after my exam, she wrote on a paper of how if I have more confidence in myself I might be also present as a solo dancer (WOW).
Learning to dance definitely improved my physical and mental health (a little bit yeah because I have my downs) like I lost a significant amount of weight thanks to it, and seeing the others dance and talk with them and dance alongside them, it’s also worth to live for, they definitely boost my confidence.
And even if it’s a bit cheesy, some media I watched and played, it was worth it, it helped me in the bad times, it helped me to have fun, to feel fun again, to enjoy my life, thank you!!!.
So yeah, even if my year had ups and downs, I’m ready for next year
I hope things get better with me, but no only me, to everyone, I hope it becomes a better year around the world, please be a better year for those who need it!
If you read this, well thank you for having the time to read it!
To my followers, thanks for sticking with me, even if I have a small following, I appreciate you a lot and I love you!!!!!!!!
Good news is that I finally made more pieces of art, although it’s my usual personal weird, surreal, abstract pieces of art based on my struggles, good things, just surreal shit and songs I listen too, also made new OCS so… I’m hoping to upload them soon on January!
Happy New Year!
See you soon on 2024!!!
An Witlacosh
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 26th of July here which means that today a baby not so baby chick is born.
Happy birthday, Leedo! 🥳
Please have a look to the collage I made for him and maybe try to not scream, I know it's risky this time
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The difficulty I had with this because apparently my Google algorithm refuses to give me Leedo pics. I HATE YOU GOOGLE 😤
And yes, you don't have to tell me I'm biased towards short hair blonde (please circle the word blonde) Leedo.
Now that he came back to short hair again there as high possibility he might come back with this hair...or maybe not and he'll have a different colour. Idk, I hope he'll not come back with blonde hair or my moots' ears will ring because of me screaming.
I'm talking too much about hair here, maybe it's time to something better like, you know, his letter 😅
Oh boy, I think it's been ages since I talked about a rapper for this tradition of mine. And Leedo falls into the category of Idols-I-Immediately-Recognise-On-A-Song because of this. And also because because he has a deep voice. Double combination, immediate recognition.
I think he's also the main reason why I'm so invested into the WeUs family because I think that he made the third/fourth interaction which made my mind going CLICK and turning into a WeUs supporter. I still remember when Dongmyeong made a post on the fancafé saying that he ended a workout session with coach Leedo and my mind went numb for a sec and then went like "Oh...so he's his coach. Leedo is Dongmyeong's coach. The coach. Yeah...his coach" and then my mind exploded.
So yeah, I became a WeUs supporter thanks to a gym post. You can clown on me after hearing this.
Talking about him is not very simple tho. Leedo is someone where you should really dive into every thing he does or you might come up to the conclusion that he's just a random guy who ended up being into a K-Pop group because he was just there. OOOOr you need to open both your eyes and ears widely and pay attention to every gesture or word he says and finding little details about him that you might not notice.
Right now, while I'm writing this letter, the only detail that is coming to my mind is the way he pats the members. You know, the pat? The pat pat? Good. If you pay attention to this little gesture you'll notice how he gives the strongest (and, well, it's obvious, he has the muscles 🤣) but also the most...confident ones? Ok, maybe the adjective is wrong here but I feel that his pats give you the energy to start a new task or even try it again if you failed it the first time. I think that this gesture represents perfectly what Leedo is: an introverted big guy who, in the exact moment he gains some confidence, he'll start taking care of you through little gestures, whether they're little or not.
Oh, I want to take this occasion to talk about the personal tag I made for him for a second. Take this as a little story time, hehe.
So, if you followed me for a while, you probably know that Leedo is called The Artemis Hunter. The reason why I called him like this is because, well, I wanted to associate him to a moon deity and Artemis is the Greek God of the Moon. Also Artemis is very strict towards her rites and so is Leedo with his workout sessions so...you can come up with your own conclusions.
And I called him Hunter because Artemis is also the Greek God of Hunting. And I thought that giving him this title can give him much more protection from the goddess herself (even if he'll never do hunting for his entire life but it's better having the Goddess of the Moon's protection than nothing 🤣).
And, final note, I think the tag suits perfectly with the sense of protection he has towards the members. There are two things about Artemis that you should never touch or violate: one, herself, two, the animals she protect. Kill one of them and her revenge will be terrible. I think Leedo has somehow the same sense of protection, except the killing part. I highly doubt he'll kill someone who might hurt the members...maybe.
Dear Leedo, I've become a broken record at this point, since I'm just saying the same things to all Oneus members over and over again, but I'm sincerely happy about how you overcame last year's difficulties and look much happier now. I remember how last year you burst into tears during the tour's first concerts, becoming completely unable to speak, and how the members came at you, ready to console you. I think that moment is just a memory right now, even tho, it's better that I remind you that the members and ToMoons are always ready to help you, even if it's just for a moment of comfort.
My birthday wish to you is that in the future you'll be able to write AND compose more songs for Oneus. It's a very simple wish which is born in the exact moment I listened to Echo. I loved that song. A lot. And I really want to hear more from you, I think you're ready to show much more of your writing and composing style to us and that you have grown so much as an artist that your style can easily match with the rest of Oneus. I can't wait to listen to more from you.
Hope this day will be bright for you and that you'll celebrate this day with the members happily.
Happy birthday, Artemis Hunter 🌙
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xofemeraldstars · 2 years
lil tutorial on how i make bigass gifsets with multiple smaller gifs
what i'm talking about, ex this gifset of dean in each episode
For the lovely @klinejack I hope you find this helpful 💞💋
Back then I made that gifset using groups and masks but other sets afterwards I've been using shapes and clippings masks. Also in my gifmaking process I use the timeline and smart objects.
I'll put the rest under a read more since i'm gonna put in a few pics so this doesn't get too long.
I'm not gonna get in details about sharpening/coloring etc as everyone has their own process!!
I start with loading the frames I previously extracted from File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack... > select the folder where the frames are located > click OK:
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2. Next up I use my own Action to load the frames into a Smart Object:
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3. Then I copy the Smart Object layer into my layout, bellow is the 5x5 template & then position the Smart Object layer above of the shape where you want it located:
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4. Resize the Smart Object to fit as wanted over the respective shape and then go to create a Clip Mask
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5. I enabled the pink layer bellow so that you can see that it fits exactly over the shape
6. Load all the gifs into the layout one after the other - do NOT apply any sharpening or other filtering until the end
7. Make sure beforehand that you got the same number of frames for each gif - this will simplify the process as you don't need to scroll along the timeline to see where you want it to start end. Also the less resources (RAM) Photoshop uses the better
8. If psd file size goes over2GB while saving, you cannot save it as PSD but will need to select PSB from the drop down:
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9. When I was making the Dean set linked above each PSB file (size was around 4GB for each 5x5) would use up around 90GB of RAM by the time the last gif is in place - so make sure you have enough space on the harddrive that Photoshop uses. If you run out of space you won't even be able to save the file. You can try then to clear some of the PS cache (Edit > Purge > select each). Try to save it and close Photoshop, then reopen it and you will have more space again.
10. Best to prepare your coloring in a separate file beforehand and at the end just paste it on top.
11. Just before saving it, add your sharpening (easier to have an action for this with a keyboard shortcut) to each Smart Object.
Okay i hope this made sense lol if there are questions let me know!!
I'm going to add a link to a gdrive folder with some templates I have made (the 4x4 & 4x5 are form this spn women set and the 5x5 I made just now): click here.
EDIT (25.11.2022): added some more templates!!
Yeah except coloring this is pretty much my gif making process for large sets sdfegrvfs is this the best? Idk but i've gotten used to it lol
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fairyhaos · 1 year
i have a question and ik it’s kinda weird. But how do u make close friends at school that are comfortable to hang out with? like I have a lot of friends from different friend groups and it’s awkward to hang with all of them at the same time cuz different things that made us friends and one on one is weird cuz it’s like what do we rly do? also like I feel awkward and am kinda socially awkward but I feel i’ve gotten better yk. and idk like it’s hard finding kpop stans who stan my ult group.
and idk I just want advice for it cuz I feel a lil awkward and like I lost my friends that made up a friend group for me cuz we were just toxic for each other like one was shit talking behind my back and they both were talking abt some of my private rants I said to each one of them and I was kinda toxic too. sorry for this being long and kinda uncomfortable/awkward.
hi there! honestly, i'm not sure if i'm the best friend-maker myself, but *cracks knuckles* let me see if i can give you a hand, anon
for me, i'm not the sort of person who enjoys having a very large friend group, so i always stick to about three or four other friends that i always stay with. maintaining friendships, for me, is honestly kind of stressful which is definitely not the point of a friendship, right?
making friends is hard, anon, i get it, and especially making close friends. but I'd say stick to one friend group, or even just one friend, and try to become closer to them first. trying to become close to too many people just doesn't work, personally. it doesn't necessarily mean you ditch the others, but you just spend more time with another. you know?
i'm getting a little off-topic though. in my experience, however, it's about making an effort. it's important to know who, in particular, you want to become close with, and you have to make an effort to do that. talking to them more often, even if you feel awkward, joining in when they're around other people, just showing that you're someone that's available for them to be able to be close with. to show you want to be their friend.
and also? make an effort to show you care. remembering things they say, remembering things they do, all of that.
putting in the effort is the first part, but from then on, you kind of need to let the friendship build naturally. friendships are weird, and sometimes the person you want to be close with ends up kind of being an asshole, but that's okay. that's when you realise that maybe they're not for you. sometimes, you can form the closest bonds with people you thought you'd get along with the least, because one afternoon while you're together you just click and you can build the bond even further from there.
i hope it helps you somehow, and good luck <3
it's a fine balance, honestly, and as someone who's only ever just had a couple close friends and then loads of nice-people-i-know, this is about the best advice that i think i can give you.
make the effort, even if it feels awkward, and let time help you do the rest. friendships need to be built on that effort first, but the rest needs to happen naturally.
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chasingpj · 2 years
can i have a **bow and arrow emoji** please? she/her, cabin 6 (athena cabin), no powers but preferred weapons are throwing knives. uhh idk what else to say, ig im pretty intelligent and very, very sarcastic?? ive also been told that im funny, and in terms of mbti im an estp, enneagram type 8, and a capricorn if any of that helps lol. tysm, and congrats again!! oh yeah and i have adhd, which is one of the reasons why i love pjo sm loll <3 tysm!!
HEYYY! Thank you so much!
okay first of all, you being a capricorn and then reading your personality type matches up so well lmao anyways, i hope you enjoy this!
i can see the athena cabin is a very tight knit group because you guys can truly regard each other as like-minded individuals
with that being said, i think your closest friendships are with your siblings
judging from your personality though, i think you and annabeth would be pretty close! 
annabeth is the one who does your orientation and sets you up with everything you need 
at first the two of you were very neutral to each other as you settled in 
the beginning of your friendship started in mythology class when Chiron asked about a myth you really enjoyed
you raised your hand at the same time as annabeth did and chiron took a moment to decide who he was going to pick 
he picked you
it only felt right since this was your first time in class... 
annabeth had already spoken plenty this year
you shared some details and answered his question flawlessly
but annabeth, of course, had to chime in
suddenly, you were in this back and forth with her. a silent competition on who knew more about the topic 
you won, obvs...
and annabeth is a sore loser
from then on, you and your sister had started your friendly, but not so friendly competition and slowly, it did bring you closer to her
Finding your Niche
you found your preferred weapon from your competition with annabeth as well 
even though you just arrived, you confidently sparred with her after some lessons 
you got beat up a few times
actually, a lot 
but it only motivated you to get better
at some point, you kinda felt turned off by the whole sword fighting thing
it didn't feel right and when you told annabeth, she suggested maybe you should try archery
you had some impressive aim
the apollo kids were quick to claim you as their surrogate sister
with some training, you were doing well with a bow and arrow but after a while, it didn’t feel right either
it wasn’t until you took it upon yourself to head to the armory
you figured that maybe looking at the many options would help since the first few times you were in there, you had quickly decided on a sword or the bow and arrows 
nyssa saw you at the displays of weapons  
as time passed and you were still there, she decided maybe she could help you
you say it was fate because in her hands was a sling that was designed to hold four small daggers across your chest 
something in your brain just clicked and she was more than willing to give it to you, happy you were so excited for something she made
It was history from then on, you picked your daggers with care and soon you were flinging them at bullseyes with precision 
Reputation at Camp
everyone knows you and Annabeth are best friends
at some point, in your early years at camp, there wasn’t a time where someone saw you two apart
as you flourish into your own person however, i think you’d be recognize for your leadership skills, and your humor
i think the Stoll's would have a good time around you
the banter would be unmatched and your snarky, witty remarks definitely keep them entertained
with the younger campers, you’ve volunteered enough for programs and events at camp so they all know you 
a lot of them look up to you, hoping they’d be as confident and as good as a fighter as you
especially during SOM when the borders where down, you played a big role  
capture the flag was hard for you to participate at first because you can’t really throw knives without impaling people
beckendorf gave you a solution though and made you replicas of your daggers but they’re completely plastic and blunt
so you’re also known at the girl who throws plastic daggers at people during capture the flag lmao
the best part is that some of the campers will make a scene as if they’ve actually been impaled and throw themselves on the floor
it’s always fun 
still training in the archery fields, you’ve established yourself with the apollo campers pretty well 
they’re always a fun crowd to hang out 
they make you participate in karaoke, always 
also reprimand you when you’ve been up studying, or reading all night 
fletcher makes a comment on your eyebags, literally all the time, even if you’ve had a good night's rest
overall, you’d be well acquainted with everybody
being close with annabeth means you took on many projects together and it helped setting your reputation 
your first quest would be a few years into camp 
unlike annabeth, you weren’t as eager but a part of you knew you were ready
you were strong and capable in your weaponry and fought plenty of monsters at this point 
you fought annabeth pretty often and recently, you’ve been kicking her ass so you were definitely a lot more confident 
the quest was to retrieve Athena’s aegis breastplate 
It was a pretty big deal 
Especially since you were specifically chosen for it 
Annabeth was excited for you, willing to go but she was caught up with Percy’s stuff
Chiron told you to choose wisely about who would come with you but you already had two in mind
Bringing your brother, Malcolm was a no brainer 
After you and Annabeth he was the best fighter in the cabin and being older, he had a lot of knowledge that could be useful 
Your second? 
Connor Stoll
It was only right 
Who would understand a thief more than a thief himself?
Connor was also so hype to get on a quest
Overall, it was pretty smooth 
If you ignore the few hours you were trapped a cell 
Which could have been completely avoidable if Connor had noticed the bobby pins in your hair sooner 
By the end of the quest, Malcolm was sick of you two 
Between you and Connor feeding off each other’s energy causing you two to be absolute menaces and then bickering on top of that? He was so ready to get this done
After a long journey out west and then a long journey back to NYC, you had returned the shield 
Athena had thanked you and a few days later, you were gifted a breastplate that was identical to the one you retrieved for her 
Annabeth was a little jealous 
But couldn’t help and geek out with you about how cool it was
Your quest really set you on the map
I mean, you have a really bad ass piece of armor that you wore all the time 
The face of aegis right on the front of your body, it’s intimidating 
You helped lead in the wars as well 
In the Battle of Manhattan, you were leading the chunk of CHB on the other side of the city and wiped out plenty of monsters
All in all, you have the reputation of being a great leader and soldier 
The younger campers in your cabin and even the campers that will come years later will know your name along with Annabeth 
Plenty of them strive to be recognized by your mother and hope to receive such an honorable gift such as your breastplate 
When you leave for New Rome and retire from the demigod life, you can be proud of the reputation you left behind 
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greatfunkystatic · 1 month
Media Thread Vacation Megapost!
Yo, so I went to travel for a month to visit my fam, and I went thru a LOT of media in that time. Since a lot of them were small reviews, I decided it's better for me to just upload the small ones into one big post rather than spam like 11 different posts rn. So, I hope you enjoy!
(This is ordered by when I experienced it btw)
The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
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1/2 Movies I watched on my flight to visit my family. Honestly, I think the original Lego Movie was better. It definitely had some fun parts but tbh I feel like it was phoning it in a bit more with this one, along with kinda relying on the big IP characters more than playing on them. Robin was peak tho.
Now You See Me 2 (2016)
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2/2 Movies I watched on my flight to visit my family. How the fuck did I not watched this movie series until now. It's got magic, it's got noble thieves, it's so fucking great. MS/HS me woulda loved this.
Eureka Seven (2005)
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God damn, this may have been the slowest burn I've had from a show ever, but the ending was pretty fucking good. Renton was kinda ehh, but everyone else was good. DOMINIC AND ANEMONE ARE PEAK.
Deadpool and Wolverine (2024)
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What a fucking blast of a movie. That shit was really fun to watch, and may have had one of the best opening sequences I've seen in forever. It went a bit too hard on the whole Disney/Fox/Marvel thing, but it definitely did feel like it was more an homage to Fox Marvel movies in the past 20 years. (And of course Deadpool would be the one to pull Wolverine back, because of fucking course)
Blade Runner (1982) (Rewatch)
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Altho I don't note media I've experienced before, this was with a group of friends and I was rewatching so I can prepare for 2049, and man. It's just fantastic. I don't know how else to describe it. Like I wish I could describe more, but all I can really say is that the movie is just incredible. The atmosphere and the experience is just all actual kino. Hope you had a great birthday, Sorel.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
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God this feels like a Nickelodeon TV movie and I mean that in the best way possible. You shouldn't take it seriously, but it's just straight fun and also REALLY cool. Elton John is quite possibly the high point in the movie.
Bladerunner 2049 (2017)
This one is getting its own post.
La Chimera (2023) (Unfinished)
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2/4 movies I watched on my flight back home. I'm not gonna lie I just clicked on this without knowing what the movie is about because the cover and title looked cool. I was kinda liking it due to giving me a bit of nostalgia of the types of movies I'd see on TV back home or the movies my parents would watch, but idk if it was me being tired or just disinterested but it couldn't really hook me in fully. Maybe once I find out more about the movie I'll actually go finish it, but for now this is where we part.
Murder on the Orient Express (2017) (Movie)
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3/4 movies I watched on my flight back home. RAAAAAAHHHHH I LOVE MURDER MYSTERIES I LOVE HAVING THE SUSPENSE AND MYSTERY OF TRYING TO FIGURE OUT A CLOSED ROOM CASE RAAAAHHHHHH. god i wish i was good at solving them tho. Btw the ending is both really fucking funny and also really fucking moving. GOD I NEED TO READ SOME AGATHA CHRISTIE I'M A FUCKING POSERRRR.
Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead (2018) (Unfinished)
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4/4 movies I watched on my flight back home. Really funny movie, altho it did feel a bit slow and some of the gags did feel a bit overplayed, might be a cultural difference tho. I was enjoying it but unfortunately I couldn't finish it before the flight had ended, so a full review will have to wait until another time.
Nyan Neko Sugar Girls (2010)
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I really hope it's not the rabies…
0 notes
your-hotdog-husband · 3 months
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There are a lot of reasons why I don't like politics. I think they're bringing out the worst in people. People have their values, and we are driven to defend them and ourselves. And where our values diverge, I believe, is a very small area. But it's magnified all out proportion. Most people would probably disagree with me on that point.
But that's not my only point, anyway. So check it out this way. If you have a dog who you take to dog parks, then you know. But anyhow, when you go to parks and your dog meets other dogs and plays with them--whether it's chasing, tugging, wrestling, or just meeting and greeting--you meet some of the other owners. And that crowd is diverse! And I'm mainly talking about backgrounds, like from all walks of life. And even though I live in a minor metropolitan city with primarily "city folk," I guess, there are a lot of rednecks at the dog parks. And I only use that word in a friendly way. I've spent a lot of time in more rural places and around all different crowds. I know better than to think less of any particular group based on where they were from or how they were raised, much less the more superficial differences like clothing, accent, their manner of speech. It's not a matter of "tolerance." Usually, when somebody doesn't like certain people, it's because they've never sat down and talked with any of 'em. While most folks would peg me as a city boy, that's only mostly accurate. I've spent time in lots of different places, with people from all over. Individually, people are wonderful folks. When somebody isn't well liked, it's usually because they won't really talk to others and connect to them. They don't trust anyone and probably think they're superior. Anyhow, I'm off track.
So one of the best things about the dog park is that nobody talks about politics or all the damn things they hate. We're focused on our dogs and they joy they bring us, the challenges we deal with, and that's true on the collective level the more we interact with the other owners. And the people we click with or not has nothing to do with politics, I guarantee you. There are good and bad owners (I don't like that word, but... IDK) of all backgrounds. You can't tell on first glance. But I'll trust the hell out of any good owner and cuss the fuck out of a bad one. I don't give a shit what their politics are, or what any of our supposed similarities or differences are.
If I could encourage others to find ways to experience this somehow. If you're not a dog owner or don't have access to dog parks, I'll forgive you. LOL But seriously, then look for some way of connecting with others where you don't have to bother with politics.
Because what I'm hearing and seeing with too many people (most? I hope not, but definitely lots) is that they've sworn off "those people." But when we don't even know we're talking to one of "them," it's amazing how well we get along. And if we end up in a group with a shared purpose and start to achieve something, you have to start doubting what all the fuss and anger was about.
Our brains want to protect us from threats. We get angry. Then others think of us as angry or having a bad attitude. We don't want to give each other a chance. "They're destroying everything that's good! They can't be bargained with. They're basically terrorists." Maybe there are a few bad apples, who am I to say? But not talking ensures that the bad apples spoil more of the bunch.
It's not a perfect analogy, but that's how analogies are. Analogies are like people. Not perfect, but there's no getting away from how much we need them.
I can hear so many people, "Our bad apples are better than their bad apples!" That's based on so many assumptions about people we've never met. People are calling each other intolerant without looking at themselves first. People are accusing a whole lot of other people of a lot of horrible things, and defending themselves against accusations. Us vs. Them mentality. There's even arguments that boil down to: "Both sides do that!" vs. "Don't you dare compare us to them!" When all the while, there is no "both," because it's not nearly as simple as two sides. Two sides of what? Right and wrong? Good and bad? Do you agree with *everything* that everyone on your side says? "Well, I agree with everyone who's actually on my side. Those other ones are fake!" Or crazy, or just a little stupid. We keep slicing things thin enough to make sense, and there'll be nothing left. We'll be less than the sum of our parts. We may as well have never existed in the first place.
"It's not that bad." Okay, then prove it.
Imagine the future. Ten years. Twenty years. Fifty. It gets harder and harder to imagine that there even is a future. Are things going to get better in your lifetime? The younger you are, the easier it is to imagine that they will. Not just because of optimism and the energy of youth. A lot more can change in Fifty years than in twenty. A lot more can get worse, too.
More importantly, imagine how things could get better. As in how will that happen, do you think? Will one side destroy the other? That's the big question, isn't it? Will one side simply outlast the other? Outlive the side that's doomed to fail? Social Darwinism? One side will survive due to inherent superiority. War or no war... Actually try to imagine one side dying off. How, really? Is your side going to kill all of them? Will they just die out as they reach their inevitable obsolescence? There are a lot of scenarios. How many of them are plausible? Am I trying to say there's no way that will happen? I'm just skeptical. Will we join together a hundred years from now to fight a common enemy? Will half of us escape the madness and expatriate? These are each very large changes.
Who wants to see half of the country destroyed? Because a lot of that will be your half, no matter who "wins."
Just consider, millions of them have dogs, cats, even children. Or other family, even if they don't have those. We all love somebody, and we're all loved. Think of a typical person who you would totally disagree with. (I disagree with the "totally" part, but I'm trying not to make this about me.) Imagine that person. They believe terrible, terrible things. About the world, about you. Or people like you, anyway. Their concept of "people like you." Do you believe terrible things? You imagine that they cannot truly love. They have no real love in their lives. But imagine somebody loving them. Imagine they yearn to feel love, whether it's friendship, kinship, or relationship. Imagine they discover love and their world changes and they abandon hatred. They stop persecuting others. They may not necessarily join you exactly. But imagine they stop judging, insulting, or attacking your people or people like you.
I'm not asking anyone to believe in anything or to stop believing in anything. Just try to imagine.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
Your grace! Bless us with a Natasha x reader where the team is invited to a wedding by a close friend of Tony’s. Then when the bridal bouquet is thrown, the bride throws it too hard where reader accidentally catches it and the team is just going “Oooooh!” And reader is like “I’m not even in a relationship!” But the team know in secret that reader and Natasha have feelings for each other but are too dumb to know. Just funniness and fluff! 🥰😍 (Your writing is brilliant btw!)
I loved this request!! I hope i did it justice <3
it’s a wedding thing
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
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^idk Nat, you tell me^
Summary: When the Avengers get invited to a close friend of Tony's wedding, what hidden feelings will surface? What relationships will bloom? Who will be the next bride?
Warnings: none!
word count: 4.1k
Message/ask if you want to be added to the taglist!
requests are open loves
“Alright gang, this one’s for all of us, we all listening?”
A cluster of ‘yes’ ‘go on’ ‘come on Tony’ filled the room, everyone eager to hear what the fancy envelope held inside. It was amusing to watch Tony take advantage of everyone’s excitement, slowly peeling the envelope, gasping when he pulled the letter out of the casing slightly, not letting anyone else see what was written on it.
You, Natasha and Wanda all seemed to share a look of amusement at the dramatics and the almost visible frustration coming off of everyone. It was like watching children try to wait patiently for sweets in a shop, almost completely off of their seats. It wasn’t until Tony noticed that Pepper was giving him a warning look, that he, begrudgingly, hurried up and announced what was written on the letter.
“Wow. Caleb’s getting married.” He spoke, eyebrows raised in surprise. “And he’s invited the team.”
“Well, I’m not going.” A voice spoke from the corner of the room, clearly un-amused by what was currently going on.
“Luckily for you, I don’t see ‘reindeer games’ anywhere on the invitation. So you’re off the hook.” He replied with a tight lipped smile, Thor had been visiting recently to see Jane and pay the avengers a visit and wanted to bring Loki to meet her.
‘A pleasant trip’ Thor said.
‘A living hell’ Tony corrected.
It got a laugh out of the team though. Nat and I especially. We’d spent the last couple of nights in each other’s bedrooms, making a list about our favourite moments through the day where Tony and Loki clashed, making stupid insults towards the other. I think it’s safe to say that we went through multiple bags of popcorn over the nights, though you were both thankful it was there, it was the only thing muffling the laughter, if it hadn't, you’re almost certain the entire compound would have woken up at the sound of our laughter.
You nudged Natasha’s side gently, the bicker between the two men still continuing.
“Hey, Nat.” She turned and tilted her head questioningly.
“So we know how a physical fight between those two worked out. But, if they had to compete in a rap battle, who do you think would win?”
Her face immediately lit up, eyes sparkling which only enhanced their beauty, you could almost feel the cogs turning in her head, trying to go through every logical option.
“Well. Loki seems pretty well spoken, so vocabulary wise, I think he’d be strong. But Tony is sarcastic which can help with quick quips. But then again, Loki-”
“Hey lovebirds, Romanoff, Y/L/N” Tony clicked his fingers, earning himself a pair of eyerolls at the term he’d used. “Anything you wanna share with the team, or can we move on?”
“Overridden. Moving on.”
You looked towards Natasha, snickering slightly at how blunt he’s being, Loki having found his way under his skin again. A part of you felt bad for the man, but that feeling is soon replaced by amusement. It was obvious Nat felt the same way, her sharing the same expression as you, although, you could hide yours much better. She had to physically put her hand over her mouth in the hopes the man wouldn’t notice her.
“So, the wedding is next week, a little short notice but when do we ever have enough notice, who’s in?”
Looking around the room, there were a handful of nods, each looking to see who else was going to go. You looked towards Nat again to see if she was planning on attending, only to find her already staring at you.
“So Y/L/N, up for a wedding?”
“It would be a nice change of pace. Are you going?”
“Only if you are” You blushed slightly at the response.
“Better get your nicest dress on Romanoff.” You winked, her turn to blush and focus back on what the rest of the group was saying.
“It’s probably easy if I list couples first on the RSVP and then the singles.” Tony took a glance around the table, mentally taking note of those who had shown signs of agreement. “So there’ll be Wanda and Vision, Legolas and his wife, Romanoff and Y/L/N, Thor and Jane-” You felt your face morph into one of confusion.
“Woah woah, Tony, back up, what did you say?”
“Thor and Jane, they’re-”
“Before that.”
“I’ve said this before Y/N, Legolas isn’t actually real. I meant Clint.”
“Very funny.” He held a proud smirk. “Romanoff and I aren’t a couple”
You wish.
“That’s not what Rogers said when he saw you both cuddling up on the sofa last night.” Before you had a chance to look in Steve’s direction, you could practically feel the daggers Nat was sending him, making his face cringe slightly and his back straighten.
“That’s what Rogers said, is it?” She spoke, tilting her head in question. You knew she was partly joking, but you’d still decided to intervene before anyone lost any limbs.
“My head fell onto her shoulder when I dozed off during our movie. It wasn’t ‘cuddling’ , thank you very much.” You laughed, internally wishing that Steve’s words were true.
“See? So cut it out.” Steve put his hands up in surrender, despite having a cheeky grin on his face.
“Okay okay. Fine!” The billionaire said, writing something on the envelope. “I’ll just put ‘couple pending’” He muttered
You and the girls had just come back from dress shopping, all three of you had spent the whole day in and out of different shops, hours in dressing rooms and your voices were almost completely gone with how often you were telling each other, ‘that looks stunning’ ‘that’s the one!’ and the most common one by the end of the trip; ‘please just pick a dress so we can go home and nap’. That one was from our very own black widow, her patience wore a little thin after 8 hours of staring at dresses.
You had gone through all the colours and styles while you were out, ranging from classy jumpsuits to figure hugging dresses that felt like a second skin. Wanda and Natasha had chosen their dresses and were eager to find you one, and what a mission that was.
“I promise you, we’re not going home until we find this dress, okay?”
“Wanda’s right. We’ll stay out until they all shut if we have to. But, let’s make that a last resort.” Natasha eyed you both warily.
You’d been walking around for hours now. Each dress you tried on had potential, but there was always something that didn’t sit right with you. It was either too baggy, too tight, the cut wasn’t appealing, the length wasn’t ideal, it was starting to feel hopeless. You’d even suggested just going in your pyjamas, but Wanda’s death glare had made it clear that wasn’t an option.
You and Natasha were both dragging your feet, Wanda still having a slight spring in her step as you walked into the final shop and picking up a couple of dresses before then going into the dressing room to try them on.
The first two were okay, but you weren’t a fan. Then there was the third one. The third one was a gorgeous Y/F/C dress that fell just past your knees, it had thin straps and the skirt was simple and loose so that when you spun around in it, you felt like a princess. You looked in the mirror and you adored the reflection, you still wanted the others opinions though, though you didn’t doubt that they’d feel the same way.
Pulling the curtain back and gaining their attention from where they were looking elsewhere, you smiled when you saw their reaction, more specifically, Natasha’s. Wanda was complimentary, walking up and feeling the fabric, gushing about how beautiful you looked, but you barely heard it, too focused on the redhead sitting in front of you, her eyes glazed over and her jaw almost on the floor, completely zoned out on you.
“This dress is it, Y/N, you have to get it! Nat? What do you think?” Her head shook, bringing herself back to reality and briefly meeting your eyes, only to quickly dart between You, Wanda and your dress in an attempt to compose herself.
“Yeah, I mean, wow, you look- wow.” Her hands flailed in your direction. You’d knocked the assassin speechless. Wanda rolled her eyes playfully at the interaction. She’d known about you and Nat’s feelings for each other for a month or two now, silently cursing the both of you when there was an opportunity to confess, yet never did. It was obvious to the rest of the team, why were neither of you picking up on it?
Keeping quiet, she ushered you back into the changing room, much to Natasha’s relief, both because she wanted to head back to the compound and she wasn’t sure how much longer she would’ve lasted seeing you standing there looking literally flawless. She always thought you looked amazing, but there was something about the way you looked in front of her just then that made her brain feel like a haze.
It was pretty safe to say,
You bought the dress.
Collapsing on your bed, dropping your bags to the side and letting out a loud sigh, you heard your door shut and someone fall into the chair by the window. You already knew who it was.
“I’m exhausted.” The woman groaned, rubbing her hands up and down her face to attempt to physically remove the tiredness from her body.
“Sorry for dragging you around for so long, I just-”
“Hey, no, don’t apologise for that. We all said we’d find the perfect dress, and it was worth the wait.” Heat rose to your cheeks at her words.
“You really think I looked good?”
Natasha could sense your underlying tone of doubt, unsure as to why you would doubt her opinion, she’d always been honest with you. Nonetheless, she heaved herself out of her seat and made her way to the end of the bed, kneeling down so that your now sat up figure could look down into her eyes, with her hands on each side of your face to focus you on her and her alone.
“I wouldn’t lie to you, okay? You looked incredible and I'm sure you’ll look even better at this wedding on Saturday, if that’s even possible.” You let out a small chuckle at her words as a smile made its way onto her face.
“You’ll be the prettiest one there.”
“Better not tell the Bride you said that, Nat.” She laughed, looking down for only a few seconds before looking at you again.
“We’ll make that our secret.” You nodded in silent agreement, grateful that she’d made you feel so reassured.
“Thank you, Tasha.”
“You’re more than welcome, sweetheart.” She replied.
You were so lost in her words, you hadn’t realised how close her face had gotten to yours, and how her eyes swapped between your eyes and your lips. You didn’t realise how she subconsciously had kept edging towards you, hands trembling a little with every inch closer she gets.
She wanted to kiss you. Every nerve in her body was almost electrified with the temptation to just move her lips over yours and become one. Her pulse raced, almost to prepare her for doing so. Which is why she wanted to kick herself with a pair of her highest heels when she uttered her next words.
“We should get some sleep.”
You broke out of your trance, jumping backwards slightly when noticing limited space between you both. You awkwardly coughed as she stood, heading back over to her chair to grab her bag and return to her room.
“Yeah, yeah of course. Big today, rest is probably a good idea.” You both nodded, she was already one foot out of the door when she gave you a small ‘goodnight’ and left, not waiting to hear you say it back.
Just like you hadn’t realised her actions early, you were oblivious to her hitting her head off of the wall in the corridor just outside of your room, wondering why she’d backed away. Where was Thor’s hammer when you needed to knock some sense into yourself? She thought before dragging herself back to her room where she would fall asleep, unable to get you out of her head.
“Right! Headcount before we go in! And I want us all on our best behaviour Avengers, this is a wedding” Steve had completely lost you after ‘Headcount’. Not only are most of you fully grown adults, sorry Peter, but he seems to be oblivious to the fact that some of you were wearing high heels, and patience in high heels had an expiry date.
“Y’know, if he doesn’t let us in soon, I’m not afraid to threaten him with his own shield.” You heard a whisper just behind your ear, smirking at the comment.
“I’ll join you.” You answered, Bruce and Clint sharing a knowing look from afar when watching the two of you have your own quiet conversation, though short lived when they saw Natasha’s head move in their direction, their gaze coming to a halt so as to avoid any conflict with their teammate.
You guys could try to hide it all you want, but your entire team knows better than that, they just had to wait it out until you both finally admitted it to the other.
You and the Avenger’s were currently sitting at a guest table, now in the reception part of the evening. The ceremony was beautiful, the bride wore a crisp white ball gown with her makeup and hair done to perfection, the groom looking like a prince in his black tux and a look full of adoration towards his wife to be painted on his face.
Their looks weren’t the best part of it though. The clothes and the accessories were lovely, of course. But all you could focus on was the love shared between them as they shared their vows telling the other how they believed they were each other's soulmate, and that they promised to always be the other’s rock. You’d found yourself with tears in your eyes, barely able to appreciate the sight with how blurry your vision was now. They finally fell when they said their ‘I do’s’, feeling only happiness for the newlyweds.
Although marriage hadn’t been something you always thought about, you’d hoped that you would meet your special someone and settle down, retire from the missions, the battles, the superhero lifestyle and just be with your soulmate for the rest of your days.
Despite not being a couple, whenever you thought of the person you wanted to spend the rest of your time with, there was only one person that came to mind. And she stood right in front of you throughout the ceremony, comforting a sobbing demi-god while he was also trying to explain to Vision why he was in floods of tears.
Music filled the room, upbeat, but calm enough for the couples on the dancefloor to sway gently to the beat, soft lights occasionally shining on them as they danced, the bride and groom being one of them. You smiled gently at the sight, feeling dreadfully single with all of the love in the room, but grateful that you could see so many people look so content and in love with their significant other.
An elbow could suddenly be felt in your side, pulling you from your thoughts to instead be met with gorgeous green eyes and a bold red smirk.
“Penny for your thoughts?” She leaned in, curiosity clouding her mind.
“Nothing much up there really.” You glanced back at the dance floor quickly. “I’m just happy to see everyone so happy.”
Natasha followed your direction of where you were looking, an idea soon popped into her head. She was going to ask you to dance.
Her mouth opened to speak, but as if it was done on purpose, a ‘screech’ echoed in the ballroom, catching everyone’s attention, including taking yours away from hers.
“We’re taking a break from dancing for a minute folks, It’s time for the bride to throw the bouquet!” He announced, soon followed by shrieks and the sound of feet padding on the wooden floor, women all gathering in a small bunch, huddled together as if their lives depended on it as the men all returned to their seats, shaking their heads at the commotion.
Not really wanting to take part, you turned back around again.
“Sorry Nat, what were you-”
“Y/N!” Your head fell as you were interrupted by a very excited Maximoff.
“Y/N! C’mon! We need to do the bouquet toss!” She started to pull you up, refusing to listen to any excuse you could possibly conjure up to avoid having to take part.
Giving the team a desperate look, hoping someone will help you escape, you’re instead met with encouraging and amused faces, including Natasha’s a clear indication that not a single person was going to help you. Traitor’s.
With a half serious eye roll, you quickly grabbed your glass of champagne and kicked off your heels, heading towards the group of screaming women basically crawling on top of one another when the bride was barely up on the ‘stage’ yet. You let Wanda wander off into the group but remained towards the back, sipping from your glass and sending the occasional sneaky glare towards your table.
“You guys ready?” The bride yelled, only to be met with more screams and a faint chorus of ‘yes’ heard among it as they all threw their hands higher. Wanda saw you were just stood there, and subtly used her powers to raise your hand, earning loud laughs and cheers from the Avengers, taking great joy in the scene unfolding in front of them.
“Okay! Three...Two..”
You kept your arm up, pretending to be enthusiastic about the toss, when you realistically didn’t really expect much from these kinds of traditions. What you definitely hadn’t expected, was for your figure to stumble backwards as you suddenly felt petals and stems in your palm, a faint feeling of silk brushing against your thumb as your fingers wrapped around the item.
You almost spat out your champagne, eyes widening in shock as you looked to see the arrangement of flowers in your grip, looking up to see women both disheartened and elated at your catch. How the hell had you managed that? You were literally the farthest person away, and on your own! You must’ve been set up. Okay, a bit of a stretch, but still!
The bride noticeably laughed at your friend’s cheers, she hadn’t meant to throw it that far back, her arm just kinda went full force, but seeing the reaction it caused, she didn’t regret it. She didn’t even regret it when she saw the look of embarrassment on your face, as it was soon replaced with a contagious beam as you walked towards them again, a very proud Wanda in tow,
“Guys! Guys! I’m not even in a relationship! I highly doubt i’m the next woman in this room to get married.” You joked
“Well, I wouldn’t be so sure.” Sam laughed “Romanoff, you got an engagement ring handy?” He yelped as a peanut from the centre of the table was thrown at him, and of course with being a trained assassin, Nat had hit him right in the centre of his forehead, earning a dramatic noise of pain to leave his mouth.
These guys will be the death of you.
After some teasing, the room had filled once again with happy couples dancing, now including some you were very familiar with, one being a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist and his CEO wife, and another being an Asgardian with his Midgardian girlfriend, both gently moving side to side in time with the music.
Letting out a content sigh, you were met once again with the flowers, however, this time, they weren’t on the table, but were held by a gorgeous woman in a flawless navy dress.
“So, I know we aren’t a couple, but, would the future bride like to dance?” She asked, you let out a content sigh, pretending to think it over for a minute.
“Y’know what, I would, thank you for your kind offer.” You took the hand she’d held out for you and led you to the dance floor. While her hands went to your waist, gently tugging you closer, your arms went around her neck, hands interlocking behind her as you, like the others you’d admired all even, swayed.
You’re unsure when it happened, much like a time before, but your head had made its way onto your dance partner's shoulder, your body following suit as it left no room between the two of you, though you weren’t complaining. Neither was the fellow Avenger.
It was peaceful for a period of time, the only sound being the slow music and a quiet chatter of people across the floor. It wasn’t long before you heard the red head above you whisper in your ear once again.
“You really do look amazing tonight, Y/N.” You raised your head so it was directly opposite hers, sending her an appreciative gaze.
“That future fiance of yours is lucky.” She winked.
“Hilarious” You scoffed, fully aware of her humorous tone.
“I know, sometimes I amaze even myself with my jokes.”
“Well, it really is funny, because I honestly don’t see myself getting married anytime soon.” Nat’s eyebrows raised in what could almost be described as confusion.
“And why is that? Do you not want to get married?” Her hands started grazing up and down your waist, like she was comforting you, but really she was bracing herself for what was incoming.
“No, no it’s not that. I just..”
“I don’t think the person i’m interested in, is necessarily interested in me.” Her heart dropped. So you did have someone of interest. She pushed the sinking feeling to the side quickly so that she could respond.
“Right, and why is that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen them make a move. I thought it’d be obvious. I think it has been to some others.” Your eyes wandered, lingering for longer than what was probably appropriate, on Natasha’s plump lips, wondering if you’d ever get to experience what it’d be like to feel them on yours.
This time, Natasha didn’t miss it. She would’ve blamed it on alcohol, saying that she must’ve just imagined it, but she had only consumed a few drops all evening, being too entranced by you didn’t leave much room for hydration. She hadn’t been more thankful, because it made a light bulb go off in her head as the pieces came together in her head of who you were referring to. She didn’t make a move the other night. It was obvious to the team. How could she have been so blind?
You didn’t see it coming, even when your chin was held in her grasp and you saw her face leaning in towards yours, the reality only hitting you when you finally felt what you’d been wanting to feel for the last months, right now. Your surroundings had just disappeared, the only thing that was running through your head, was the way her lips were moving against yours, and the way her lips tasted faintly of vanilla, and how she smelled like her floral perfume she wore for special occasions.
Whooping and cheering brought you both back from your bubble with just the two of you, your head falling just below her chin, her hand stroking your back as you could feel her chuckle bubbling where your head lay. Well, hid. Her arms had muffled their comments, but you had an idea of what they were, probably a mixture of ‘finally!’, ‘i knew it!’ and you’re almost certain you heard a ‘You owe me 20 bucks.’, that one making you shake your head.
Remaining in your hiding spot, that wasn’t very well hidden, but was keeping your bright red face to yourself, a pair of familiar lips lingered right beside your head.
“So, about that bouquet..”
You weren’t getting married, but by the end of the night, you definitely didn’t feel so dreadfully single as you had earlier.
taglist: @the-dumbass-that-throws-knives
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fairycosmos · 2 years
Therapy is so mentally draining and also kinda a fucking scam unless you find a really good one. Paid an arm and a leg for 2 sessions only for the therapist to just kinda sit there and listen to me try to recount all my trauma as quickly as I could hoping for some kind of validation and wise insights to reassure me that I’m not a fucking freak. Group therapy might be better at least that way there’s people who can relate to u.. idk I hate my brain it’s a fuck. Stupid pain meat.
hey i'm sorry you had such a bad experience :( that fucking sucks. the price is absolutely crazy, sometimes it really does seem like a scam. i feel like there are a lot of uninvested, bored, boundary-less, money-hungry, agenda-ridden "professionals" in the field, which makes it feel like fucking hell to navigate sometimes. esp when you're already at your wits end. i get you, it really is expensive as hell and also so so emotionally tiring that simply shopping around for therapists certainly isn't as accessible or as easy as people make it out to be at all. but i will say that when you feel ready, both mentally and financially, i hope you know that it's an option you can always return to until you find what clicks, even if that process isn't as linear or as as simple as just trying on different therapists for size.
like, i haven't been in therapy for months now for basically the same reasons as you, but i'd already quit it once before going back again. and i noticed that every therapist works so individually, the dynamic is always going to be super unique depending on who you're talking to so like - i'd almost try to see it as getting a whole new form of treatment each time you go for it, rather than viewing it all as one nebulous blob of Therapy. because idk, it sounds dumb or whatever, but there is so much contained within that word, so many different avenues toward finding the version of help that will be compatible with your brain, finding the right person who can give it to you. and communicating with MH professionals about your pain/trauma does get better the more you do it, doesn't exhaust you as much, so at least there's that too. it's not hopeless, it's just hard unfortunately.
though it is like sorting through trash to find treasure, and obviously your frustration/sadness is totally justified. maybe that's all anecdotal, but what i am 100% certain of is that you're not a freak - especially for dealing with mental health issues. no matter what they look like. you could pluck 5 people off the street and i'm sure at least 3 of them would have thoughts and issues that mirror your own in some way. therapists have heard it all before, but as patients we feel like we must be the only ones who've ever lost it in this exact way before, since we don't get to see others in their most vulnerable state very often. but i think if we did, there'd be some common ground. sounds like group therapy could be really good for you - they're often a little cheaper, too. i hope you're able to look into it at your own pace. proud of you for getting help in the first place. that's fucking huge, you're doing way better than the stupid sack of meat in ur skull is allowing you to see. sending you a hug. <3 x
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nerdyfangirl67 · 3 years
With a Little Help From the Team - NCIS Reader Insert
Pairing: Tim McGee x fem!reader, Gibbs x daughter!reader (brief/vague)
Word count: 2717
Warnings: this was a pretty fluffy piece! (not gonna lie), mild language, reader is Gibbs’ daughter
Request: @ncisfan​ “Hello! I saw your post from this morning saying you didn’t have any requests for ncis at the moment and I wanted to make a request. If for some reason you don’t want to write it that’s okay but here’s my prompt,(Idk what to call it) The reader and McGee have been dating for years and McGee has to tell the whole team (Tony, McGee, Bishop, Gibbs. That team please!) including her dad (Gibbs, cause why not?) when he wants to propose. You can decide on if they say yes or no but I hope you’ll write it. Sorry if I’m overwhelming you I just wanted to make a request”
A/N: I know I’ve told you this @ncisfan​ , but I absolutely love this idea! And a McGee x reader? Yes please! I did put this in both McGee’s and the reader’s point of view and changed it up a bit. (Yeah, I got super involved in this one and it got longer than I thought…and took far longer than I thought) I hope you enjoy it darling!!
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Tim stands in the bullpen, nervously trying to find the right words to tell the team about you, the team of which just so happened to include the one man capable of making him feel like a young schoolboy still wet behind the ears, especially since that one man had a lot to do with what Tim was about to say.
Tim takes a deep breath to gather his last bit of courage and confidence, which promptly fades away the moment he starts talking.
“I uh…well you know that I’ve been seeing, no dating…dating Y/N.” Tim stutters out as his nerves get the better of him, completely fumbling the carefully planned out speech he had come up with prior to meeting with Gibbs.
Gibbs narrows his steely blue eyes as he wordlessly nods his head, telling Tim to continue.
“Things have been going well, really well actually. And I’ve been wanting to, or meaning to…not that I was putting it off, because I wasn’t. That’s the last thing-”
Gibbs cut him off with a “Spit it out McGee.”
“What I’m asking is for your permission, no..that’s not - I want to propose to her.” He was speaking so fast, his words were nearly running together, his sentences jamming together into one that didn’t make much sense.
Gibbs doesn’t say anything at first. Instead, he continues to stare at Tim, looking for any trace of deception in his face. “Why?” He asks gruffly, startling Tim.
“Wh-why?” Tim squeaks out, an uneasy feeling weighing on his chest as he tries to find the right words to answer a question he hadn’t prepared for.
“Yes, McGee. Why? Why do you want to marry my daughter?” Gibbs pauses, still evaluating Tim and his reaction. “Why should I want you to marry my daughter?”
Tim takes a deep breath, a sudden burst of confidence washing over him as he realizes that the answer to such a question was right in front of him. “Because I love her… honestly, I have for a long time, even before we started dating. And, more than anything, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to spend every day that I have left in this life showing her I love her and cherishing her the way she deserves. I can’t imagine my life without her in it.”
Gibbs surprises him then, with a small smile and a hearty clasp to his shoulder. “Alright then, probie. Now all you have to do is tell her that and of course, ask her to marry you.”
Had it been any other girl, McGee might not be struggling as much to find the words. But you weren’t just any girl. You were not only Gibbs' daughter, something that caused him far more fear than he’d ever admit (he was dating the boss’ daughter after all), but you were also close with the other members of the team, which made this whole ordeal all the more nerve wracking.
You had come to know the members of the team through your job as a technical analyst for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, meaning you spent most of your time hunting down case leads in a cubicle. Then, as you grew better at your job, and closer to Abby (who had had something to do with getting you on Gibbs team, although she’d never admit to it), you had been moved from that cubicle to a desk in Gibbs’ bullpen, unceremoniously joining the team, although not full-time as you still worked with the cyber/tech unit, your father thought so highly of (something he would never admit out loud, even to you).
You eventually became just as close to Abby as your father was, something Abby always attributed to ‘a Gibbs thing’, - “It must be a Gibbs thing because Y/N is just as great as Jethro and we just click.” Many times, if you weren’t working on a case, you could be found hanging out in the lab with Abby.
You and Tony were best friends, spending hours talking about movies and pranking each other. And, despite your “geeky background” of tech analysis, Tony never once teased you (a courtesy Tony had never given him). In fact, he had become something of a big brother to you, filling a role in your life you hadn’t ever thought you’d needed filled.
And then Ziva had joined the team, filling in little by little that hole that had been left after Kate’s death. Even with the high tension existing between Abby and Ziva, you and Ziva had hit it off right away, becoming fast friends. Eventually, despite the perceived oddness of your friendship, you, Abby, and Ziva became an inseparable trio, even occasionally ganging up together against Tony or Gibbs.
Suffice to say, you were important to the team, just as they were to you. And now Tim was faced with telling these people that he not only had been dating you (a relationship the two of you had decided to keep relatively quiet because of your line of work and the fact that you were often times coworkers), but that he was going to ask you to marry him, a proposal of which he was seeking the team’s help with.
“So, uh...I-well, I’ve been seeing, er...dating-” Tim starts, his mind scrambling as he tries to form a coherent sentence.
“McGee, the chickadee is out of the bag. We all know you’re dating Y/N.” Ziva says matter of factly,
“Cat, Ziva, the cat is out of -” Tony starts reflexively, before pausing and turning to Tim and then to Gibbs, his mouth hanging open. “Wait-what? You’re the one Y/N has been dating?” He asks incredulously.
Gibbs takes a step forward, slapping Tony on the back of the head. “Close your mouth DiNozzo.” Tony’s jaw snaps shut at the command.
“Keep talking McGee.” Gibbs says gruffly, his piercing blue eyes settling on Tim.
“I’m going to ask her to marry me.” Tim blurts out.
“We kind of knew that McGee.” Abby states, her lips pulled into a satisfied smirk. “I mean, you haven’t exactly been stealthy about ring shopping. Or buying the ring. Or getting it inscribed.” Abby lists off, earring a few incredulous looks from the other members of the team. “Y/N’s my best friend, okay? I had to make sure the ring was a good one.”
Tony turns to McGee. “McRomeo getting married? Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?” Tony steps forward to give Tim a good-natured shoulder shove. “You like it so you’re putting a ring on it, huh?” He asks with a Cheshire Cat-like grin on his face. Ziva is the one who moves to slap him in the back of the head this time.
“Ow, Ziva. What the hell was that for?” Tony asks, a hand already rubbing the spot Ziva had just smacked on the back of his head.
“When will you ever shut up and let McGee finish?” She questions, giving Tony a pointed glare. He opens his mouth to respond, but a hard look from Gibbs keeps him quiet.
Tim timidly clears his throat before continuing. “I’d like to do it here. And, um...I’d like to do it here, with all of you.” Smiles spread through the group at Tim’s words, several ideas already being blurred out by the more enthusiastic members of the team (it was Abby. Abby was already excitedly sharing ideas with the person sitting next to her, which just so happened to be Gibbs.)
——— You squeeze Tim’s hand before letting go, reaching for the handle to your car door. “See you at work.” You say with a soft smile before turning back towards your car.
“Let’s, um, let’s ride together today, to work I mean.” Tim stammers nervously, a hand on top of your driver’s side door, stopping you from leaving.
“Are you sure? I thought we were trying to keep this, us, quiet.” You ask, stepping away from your car and closer to him. He cups the side of your face with his hand, leaning forward to press a soft, chaste kiss to your lips.
“Just once, okay?” He asks quietly, a sheepish smile on his face.
You let out a small laugh. “Just this one time, alright Agent McGee?” You say with a smile, letting him take your hand and lead you towards his car. He opens the passenger door for you, closing it behind you before getting in the driver’s side. The entire ride into work is marked with Tim either giving you a huge dopey grin or a quick nervous glance, which only serves to make you suspicious, as if the insisting to ride together didn’t already.
Tim pulls into his usual parking spot, shutting off the car before turning to you. “How about we walk in together?” He asks hesitantly, a shy smile accompanying his question.
You quirk an eyebrow up at his question before responding, “Tim, it might make it pretty obvious what’s going on between us if we do that.” “Let’s do it anyway, Y/N.” He reaches over to squeeze your hand before climbing out of the driver’s side of the car and making his way to your side of the car. He opens the passenger door for you, offering you a hand to help you out, which you graciously accept. He continues to hold your hand after you are out of the car and as the two of you walk into the building, only letting go as the two of you go through security.
The two of you are the only ones on the elevator and for the entirety of the short ride, you can almost feel Tim vibrating beside you with some sort of nervous energy. You bring his hand up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it before murmuring, “You okay?” He gives you a tight nod in response just as the elevator dings, announcing its arrival on your floor of the building.
You press a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Have a good day Tim, I love you.” You say, moving towards the open doors of the elevator. Tim reaches a hand out, grasping yours and stopping your exit out of the elevator.
“I, uh, I’ve got to give you something. It’s in my desk drawer, in the...bullpen.” He stammers out, quickly retracting his hand to wipe it against his suit jacket.
“Oh, can I get it at lunch?” You ask, turning back towards the front of the elevator and pressing the button to reopen the doors.
“No.” He shouts, startling you enough that you take a step back away from the sliding doors. “I mean, come with me?”
“What is up with you today Tim?” You demand, his unexplained, unnatural behavior causing your suspicions to rise, a million questions running through your head.
“Just...please.” His voice is thick with emotion, his words coming out barely above a whisper.
You silently nod your head, stepping back into the elevator and allowing the doors to close as you press the button for the floor that the NCIS team resided on. You spare a look over at Tim, whose is rubbing his hands up and down his slacks, his face turned towards the ceiling of the elevator and his lips moving in silent words.
“Tim, what is going on? You’ve been acting weird all morning and I just-” The elevator dings, announcing your arrival on the floor of the bullpen and effectively cutting you off.
Tim puts a hand over the doors, stopping them from closing as he looks at you, his kaleidoscopic eyes pleading with you to understand and to trust him. You give a small nod, taking his outstretched hand in your own and following him to the bullpen.
Right away, you notice the lights over the area of the office you’d come to know as your father’s, as Gibbs’, were off. A flash of fear settles in your chest as you begin to picture all the possible scenarios as to why your father’s part of the office was empty and dark, none of them positive. You start to walk faster, almost pushing past Tim, to get to the bullpen. You suddenly stop short when your eyes fall on Tony’s desk.
Instead of finding your best friend seated at his desk or even finding his desk empty, you see that Tony’s desktop is covered with picture frames. Your curiosity wins out over the rising fear in your chest and you step closer to the desk to inspect the framed photos.
“Oh,” A breath of surprise leaves you as you realize that they were photos of you and of Tim, taken at different times in your relationship. A series of pictures of the two of you from your second date, taken in one of the photo kiosks that you find at the mall. The two of you making goofy faces at each other in the bullpen. You and Tim bent over a computer, faces serious as you both stare at the screen. You turn to Tim’s desk next, finding it filled with vases of flowers in your favorite color.
You move towards them, leaning down to inhale their fragrant scent, your gaze landing on your father’s desk and the photos scattered across the desktop, similar to Tony’s desk, except these were pictures you’d taken of the two of you. One of the pictures from your first trip together, from the date when Tim had told you he loved you, and the first case the two of you had worked on together and a series of selfies you’d taken with Tim at various times; all laid out like a timeline of your relationship.
After a few long moments, you lift your gaze towards Ziva’s desk, curiosity seizing you as you find her desk almost empty. You quickly make your way to the front of the desk, your eyes landing on the single piece of white paper, with only one small paragraph scrawled out in the middle of the page.
I love you and I have something I have wanted to tell you, or rather ask you, for a long time now. I know you’re probably wondering what that question is, so if you’d turn around, I’d like to ask you it.
You slowly turn around, the paper clutched to your chest and your heart racing in your chest as your eyes find Tim’s. He gives you a small, honest smile as he takes a step forward, his hands clasping around yours before he kneels down on one knee in front of you. Your breath catches in your throat as you realize what is happening.
“I’ve loved you for years. First, as a friend, and then as a boyfriend, and now...now I want to love you as your fiance, and eventually as your husband. Would you, Y/N Gibbs, do me the honor of being my wife?” In his hands is a modest red velvet ring box, a platinum band adorned with three small diamonds nestled on the inside of the open box.
A lump forms in your throat and as you try to speak, to say yes, nothing comes out. Instead, you nod your head vigorously and close the distance between the two of you. Tim stands fully just as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in against you. You vaguely register noise in the background, noise you later learn is from the various members of ‘your’ NCIS team, as you feel him kiss your cheek.  
“I love you.” You whisper softly before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, savoring in the feeling of his lips against yours.
“And I love you.” He gives you a deep kiss in return, leaning in to cup a hand along the back of your neck. After a moment, you pull back enough to smile widely at him, the realization that this man would become your husband, the man that you got to spend the rest of your life with, starts to dawn on you, filling you with elation and excitement, not only for your wedding but for the future you’d had with the man you loved.
@madamsnape921​ @ncisfan​ @thisiscalm-andits-doctor​
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pixla · 3 years
Love letter
Tommy Slater x nb!reader
Summary: you find an anonymous love letter and assume it’s from Kurt
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: confession, fluff, kissing, (light) drug use, very undedited (tell me if there’s anymore)
(Btw cindy and Tommy are not and have not dated in this au)
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You look down at the cream envelope in your hands. You had found it tucked under your pillow after returning from the mess hall for dinner.
You smile giddily to yourself, tearing open the seal of the envelope carefully. Your mind flutters with the image of a familiar face as you read the words that were written about you.
Alice walked over to your bunk leaning over the piece of paper you held on your hands. She scoffed, sitting beside you, causing the bed to creak. “Is that a fucking love letter?! Who the fuck still writes love letters over the age of Twelve?!”
“Hey!” You ellbow her in the side to shut her up. “I actually find it quite sweet.”
“Shut up and read it all ready! I wanna know what this little stalker you have has to say about you.” Alice whined.
You began.
“I don’t really know how to start this letter but I really need to get this off my chest. Y/N, you are so fucking perfect. I remember the first time you introduced yourself to me. I think about the way you looked at me that day. The way your-“
“blah blah blah.” Alice interrupted. “This is surprisingly really fucking boring, just get to the good shit!”
You groaned. “If you feel the same way, you’ll know who this is from.”
“Ooooooo.” Alice whistled. “Wellllll, who do you think it is?!”
You stared at her with a particular look that set off a switch in her brain as it finally clicked. “KURT?! Shit! I mean it makes sense..”
“There’s nobody else it could be, right? I always catch him staring and he’ll take any opportunity to talk to me so I guess it has to be him.” You hypothesise.
“Well, what are you gonna do about it, you gonna try and get in his pants?” Alice half jokes, raising her eyebrow at you.
“I don’t know, I always thought he was kind of a dick but this letter, this letter is different.”
“Welp, whatever you think.” Alice said, shrugging her shoulders, not judging you at all.
You awoke to the feeling of someone’s hand on your shoulder, shaking you. You jump slightly only to realise it was Alice, of course it was Alice. “Wake up sleepy head, you’re gonna miss the most important meal of the day!” She said sarcastically.
Pulling your body from the bed, you sat there arching your back, cracking it as you yawned. “Fuck I feel like slept for the entire summer.”
“You practically did, I thought you were dead it was so hard to wake you up.”
You both chuckle as you quickly slip into a pair denim shorts, paring it with the white tank you were already wearing.
“Sooo.” Alice began as you both walked in the direction of the mess haul. “About this ‘Kurt’ guy.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you had completely forgotten about the whole secret admirer situation. “Idk, I guess I’ll just confront him?”
“What no way,” she snickered, “you’ve gotta be subtle. Flirt! Play with your hair like in the movies even!”
Walking into the haul, Arnie immediately walks up to the both of you, swinging his arm around Alice. “Soo, Y/N I’ve heard about this mystery lover boy of yours hmmm..”
You roll your eyes at Alice who’s wearing a guilty grin over the fact that she’s basically already told half of the camp.
“Y’know, I think it might be Gary.” Arnie says with zero sarcasm.
After grabbing breakfast, you follow Alice and Arnie over to a table situated on the right, in the back of the haul where Cindy Berman, Tommy Slater, Joan and Gary sit.
You sit yourself down next to Tommy smiling at him before dropping your food tray on the table next to his. He looks at you, “so um, Y/N, any uh le- I mean-“ He stumbles over his words slightly running his fingers through his hair.
You look over at Alice immediately. “Really, him too?”
She raises her hands. “Uh! No actually!”
You look at Tommy confused, about to question him before Arnie raises his hand in defeat. “No, um that was me actually.” You sigh, somehow not surprised. Everyone laughs including Joan despite her probably being too high to even know what was going on.
You sat on the edge of your bed contemplating to yourself. “Okay, fuck it! Tonight I’m gonna make my move on kurt.
“Got fucking finally.” Alice groans, jumping onto her bed, sighing.
“You know tonight at the bonfire, I’m just gonna go over to him and just tell him how I feel!” You say standing up in revelation.
“Well better get yourself all dolled up and pretty for little old kurt, the suns already starting to fall.” Alice smirks.
Strutting from your cabin, you feel like a whole new person, confident and ready to finally confront your feelings.
You look around as you near the bonfire, looking for kurt. You spot him in a large group of people, typical for someone as popular as him.
You walk in Kurt’s direction, looking at him as he laughs and jokes with his circle of friends as he takes sips from the coke can he’s holding. “Hey kurt.” He turns to you. “Oh hey Y/N…um what you up to?” He laughs awkwardly. You brush a loose strand of hair from your face. “So I got your letter… I thought what you wrote was super, like super sweet and I think I feel the same way.”
He laughs confused looking back at his friends, signalling to them that he’ll only be a second. “yeah I don’t know about any letter.” Your face drops as he looks at you as though you're insane. “But like if you're looking to y’know I could probably free up my schedule I don’t know, um maybe tomorrow?”
Your face drops. “Yeah…nevermind...” You U turn in the opposite direction as Kurt shrugs your strange behaviour off, redirecting his attention back to his friends.
You walk back to Alice and your group of friends with fear shining bright in your eyes. You grap Alice’s shoulder pulling her out of her conversation with Arnie and Joan.
“Yo what’s wrong?!” She questions as you pull her away. “Wrong. Fucking. Guy.”
“Wait so it’s not Kurt? Then who the fuck is it?” She asks just as confused as you.
You ponder for a second and then it hits you. Tommy. Fucking. Slater. “Where’s Tommy?” You ask Alice hastily, grabbing her shoulder again.
“Um I don’t know, he said he was going to the outhouse, why do you need to know anyways?!” Alice stood there stunned as you ran off before you answer any of her questions.
How could you possibly be so stupid. It was always him. It was so obvious. Out of anyone it was always him who would come to your aid, to help you when you got stuck with cleaning the mess haul or outhouse. Or when you seemed down, he would always be the first after Alice to ask what was wrong.
Running as fast as you could, you prayed that he’d forgive you. Your mind was occupied when you failed to notice a pothole that hooked your foot causing you to tumble to the ground. “Fuck!” You look down at your now muddied hands.
“Hey are you okay?” You look up.
He smiles, holding a hand out to you, helping lift your weight. “I’m so, so sorry Tommy. I should’ve known it was you but I was too stupid to realise.” You begged, praying he wouldn’t hate you.
“Hey, hey don’t say that about yourself. This was all my fault, I shouldn’t of left you that cryptic note like I pussy, I should’ve just told you.” He looked at you. “I hope you can forgive me.”
You reached your hand up, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him in. Breaking the distance, you brought your lips together in a kiss. “I really like you Tommy.” You say softly between kisses. He snakes his arm around you waist pulling you in closer, “you are so perfect.”
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halcyon-writings · 3 years
so idk if this was a request for hcs or a fic so i kind of just did a combo of the two
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warnings/notes: canon typical violence, some mentioned re7 + village spoilers, gn!reader
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It starts off how stories like these always do, a man has no need to go into a terrifying yet quiet town or farmhouse, but he does anyway, because he has a big heart to make up for the lack of rational sense. He knew something was wrong about Mia’s final video call, that her message was showing anything but the fact that she was safe. So he loaded up his car and got to driving.
And now who would’ve thought that it domino’d into Ethan Winters, currently hoisting up his teenaged child into a farm house’s window to unlock it from the inside so that a group of bloodthirsty lycans would not tear them apart, being here?
He wishes he could tell what you were thinking. When he had found you back at the Baker’s home, you were quiet, skittish, and scared. But unharmed for the most part, molded and the infected family alike seemed to avoid you. Well not Lucas, but he was the textbook example of homicidal, so Ethan supposed he didn’t count. Sure with the time passing, you had gotten comfortable, and the therapy Chris and his group had provided helped too. But you were still quiet for the most part.
Until something changed. Rather spending time with Mia, you kept to yourself in your room. Otherwise you kept around Ethan himself or baby Rose if the parents needed you to look after her while they worked during the day, or at least when Mia had strangely not wanted to keep Rose with herself at all times. At meal times you had made yourself scarce too, quickly finishing what you had on your plate and cleaning your dish, returning to your room. Mia’s behavior was strange and he had ticked it off as being concerned but wanting to give you your space.
“You know how teenagers are,” She would say with a simple shrug. “I’m sure whatever this phase is will end soon.”
And then it didn’t.
Because now you were being dragged out of your room by men in all sorts of gear with weapons pointed at you, Rose’s cries echoing throughout the dark house while you fruitlessly struggled against them. You hear Ethan call out for you, righteous anger and worry in his voice. You try and reach for him, but only feel a sharp pain at the back of your neck. Your vision goes dark and so does your consciousness follows soon after.
And that’s how you both end up here. The truck meant to transport you somewhere crashes. You ignore the bad feeling as you step out, snow crunching beneath your shoes. At least they let you put on decent shoes, your fuzzy slippers surely would’ve been soaked by the snow.
Ethan calls your name and you look up, he begins to take off the large jacket from the bodies, the bodies, left of the soldiers meant to take you to wherever Chris had wanted you to go. And your shivering form doesn’t help, a small and thin sweater only doing so much for you. It should’ve felt wrong to disrespect the dead like that but your mother- guardian was dead, and your baby sister was missing.
The village was an experience from hell, memories of the Baker House were quick to rear its ugly head. You try and cover your ears, eyes shut tight as you crouch in an attempt to make yourself smaller. From those, creatures almost mauling you and Ethan losing his fingers, to Luisa and those villagers, they did not deserve the gruesome end they got.
Ethan kneels beside you, hands cupping your head as he brings you close into an embrace, quiet assurances that you both will be leaving soon, finding Rose and going home. “I’ll protect you kiddo,” He swears, and you believe it. Your head is tucked under his chin, and Ethan remembers that you’re still a child too, his words to protect you weren’t just that, as he swears to himself. He would tear those things apart for both of his children, to make sure they could go home and live in peace. His heart clenches however, when his mind trails to Mia and how she would not be with them.
And then you reach a wine cellar of all places. Before you meet a mysterious man that makes goosebumps rise on your skin. And then a metal pipe goes through his leg, and the pair of you are encased in metal scrap, being dragged to who knows where. Finding yourselves in a cold chapel, in front
Although the worried look you send his way makes Ethan think maybe it was better off to be back in the wine cellar. As the man- Heisenberg- forces him to run while you’re dragged back. You try to run at least, but you don’t make it far. The Very Tall and Dangerous Looking Lady peers down at you from underneath the brim of her hat. But rather than malice, it’s... warmth?
And once more your poor head is a victim of a sharp hit, losing consciousness again. The last bit you see is your father-figure all but being pushed down a hole as he flees the lycans that surrounded him, continuing to look back at you in worry. You shake your head, hoping it conveyed that you wanted him to go.
But now you can’t say in particular that you’re having a bad time, since you’re inside, the fire from the castle’s several hearths keeping the place warm. The Lady of the house introduces you to her daughters. You can’t help but shrink behind her when they all seemingly surround you both.
Lady Dimitrescu only laughs behind a gloved hand. And allows you all to mingle. If you could call it that by being locked away in a spare room. You couldn’t even stop them, they had the ability to lose a physical form by turning into flies. You wished you had some kind of power like that. You don’t hear much from any of them after that. Occasionally you hear the tall woman’s steps around the corridor, but that’s it.
You chew your lip nervously, a bad habit that you thought you had gotten rid of since Louisiana. You can only stare out the window hopelessly, being on a tall floor, the fall would’ve grievously injured you or worse. The smooth brick was not good for climbing. You tried at least attempting to break the door down, but whatever it had been made off was practically impossible to break. (Your poor shoulder still aches from trying to ram it down). Gun shots echoing through the mansion don’t sooth your nerves either, maybe Redfield was here too, either to finish the job he started with-
The click of the lock makes you jump, quickly grabbing a glass vase, hiding behind the door. Your eyes close as you look down, you tremble. Before throwing it all to the wind and just tossing the large vase in an attempt to make a run for the unlocked door. Only to be stopped by a face you thought you’d never see again.
“Dad?” Your voice is raspy, from the lack of use, but you can’t manage say anything else as you’re brought into a tight hug, almost falling to the ground from the sheer relief you had felt seeing him alive. He quickly checks you over, chin in his hand as he inspects you for any obvious injury, quickly hugging you once more. 
“It’s okay, I’m here now,” You notice his hands, bandages bloodier from before. “Let’s find get out of here,” He says with finality and you nod. You carefully take his hand, the one that actually did have all five fingers, giving it a squeeze. Now it was time to escape and find your little sister. 
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