#order management software for small business
ntirecams · 1 month
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posease-software · 5 months
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softwarereviewforall · 8 months
Asana vs. ClickUp vs. Monday.com: Choosing the Right Project Management Tool
Project management is a critical aspect of any business or organization. To streamline tasks, collaborate effectively, and ensure projects stay on track, businesses often turn to project management software. Asana, ClickUp, and Monday.com are three popular options in the market, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will compare these three tools based on various criteria to help you make an informed decision.
G2 Rating is a reliable metric to gauge user satisfaction and performance. In terms of star ratings, Monday.com takes a slight lead with 4.7, followed closely by Asana and ClickUp with 4.3 and 4.7, respectively.
Market Segment tells you where these tools are most commonly used. ClickUp is preferred in the small-business segment (79.8% of reviews), followed by Monday.com (65.4%) and Asana (55.1%). Monday.com also has a strong presence in the mid-market (42.8%).
Entry Level Price varies significantly, with Asana offering a free plan, ClickUp at $0 per member per month, and Monday.com starting at $8.00 per user per month.
Total Number of Reviews indicates the overall popularity and user base. Monday.com leads with a substantial 14,775 reviews, while Asana and ClickUp follow with 9,346 and 8,889 reviews, respectively.
General Ratings:
Meets Requirements: Monday.com leads with a rating of 9.1, closely followed by ClickUp at 9.0. Asana and ClickUp also perform well, with 8.7 and 9.1 ratings, respectively.
Ease of Use: Monday.com has the highest ease of use rating at 9.0, while Asana and ClickUp both score 8.6. These scores suggest that all three platforms are relatively user-friendly.
Ease of Setup: ClickUp stands out with a rating of 8.8, while Asana and Monday.com both score 8.7 and 8.2, respectively.
Ease of Admin: Monday.com takes the lead with a rating of 9.1, while Asana, ClickUp, and ClickUp follow closely with scores ranging from 8.6 to 9.1.
Quality of Support: Monday.com has the highest support rating at 9.0, followed by ClickUp and Asana at 8.9 and 8.4, respectively.
Business Partnership: Monday.com excels with a 9.2 rating, while Asana, ClickUp, and ClickUp trail with ratings between 8.7 and 9.2.
Product Direction: ClickUp leads with 9.5, closely followed by Monday.com at 9.4. Asana and ClickUp also score well, with ratings ranging from 8.4 to 9.4.
Creation & Assignment: All three tools excel in this category, with ratings above 8.7.
Due Dates: Again, all three tools perform well, with ratings above 9.0.
Task Prioritization: ClickUp leads with a rating of 9.3, while Asana and Monday.com score between 8.7 and 9.3.
To-Do Lists: All three platforms score well, with ratings above 8.7.
Dependencies: All three tools offer decent dependency management, with ratings around 8.6.
Mass Updates: ClickUp and Monday.com lead in this category, with scores above 8.6, while Asana lags behind with a rating of 8.3.
Drag & Drop: ClickUp and Monday.com are preferred for their drag and drop functionality, scoring above 8.9, while Asana scores 8.5.
Recurring Tasks: ClickUp and Asana excel in this category, scoring above 8.8, while Monday.com lags slightly with a rating of 8.5.
Activities and Flows: Monday.com stands out in activities and flows with a rating of 9.1, while ClickUp and Asana score between 8.5 and 9.1.
Dependencies and Notifications: Monday.com leads with 9.0, while Asana and ClickUp score between 8.5 and 9.0.
Task Creation:
Creation & Assignment and Due Dates: All three tools score above 9.0 in these aspects.
Drag & Drop and Mass Updates: ClickUp leads in drag & drop and mass updates, scoring above 9.0, while Asana and Monday.com score slightly lower.
Workflows and Customization: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in these categories, with ratings above 8.8, while Asana lags slightly.
Data Repository: All three platforms offer decent data repository functionality, with ratings around 8.4 to 8.8.
Chat and Discussions: All three tools perform well, with ratings above 7.5.
External, Feedback, and Announcements: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in external communication, while Asana lags behind. In feedback and announcements, all three tools score well.
Planning and Project Map: Monday.com leads with ratings of 9.3 and 9.0, while ClickUp and Asana score between 8.6 and 9.3.
GANTT and Calendar View: Monday.com and Asana lead in these categories, while ClickUp lags slightly.
Project Budgeting: All three tools offer decent project budgeting features, with ratings around 8.0 to 8.7.
Issue Tracking: All three platforms perform well in issue tracking.
Templates and Critical Path: Monday.com and ClickUp excel in templates, while Asana lags slightly. In the critical path category, all three tools offer decent functionality.
Time & Expense: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in time and expense management, while Asana scores slightly lower.
Methodologies: ClickUp leads in methodologies, while Monday.com and Asana score slightly lower.
Updates and Audit Trail: Monday.com leads in updates and audit trails, while Asana and ClickUp score slightly lower.
Integration: Monday.com and ClickUp excel in integration capabilities, while Asana lags slightly.
Task Management:
Task Prioritization and To-Do Lists: All three tools excel in these aspects.
Dependencies and Recurring Tasks: ClickUp and Monday.com lead in dependency management, while Asana scores slightly lower.
Permissions and Procedures: All three tools offer strong administration features.
Remote Work: ClickUp excels in remote work capabilities, while Monday.com and Asana score slightly lower.
Content & Documents:
File Sharing and Notes: All three platforms offer strong document management and collaboration features.
Search and Versioning: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in search and versioning capabilities, while Asana lags slightly.
Resource Management:
Resource Definition and Capacity: Monday.com
Resource Scheduling: All three tools offer solid resource scheduling features, with ratings above 8.6.
Project Management:
Task Prioritization and Planning: All three platforms excel in these aspects.
Views and Scheduling: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in views and scheduling, while Asana scores slightly lower.
Critical Path and Dashboards: Monday.com leads in critical path and dashboards, while Asana and ClickUp score slightly lower.
Custom Views and User Management: All three tools offer strong control features.
Calendars and Public Sharing: Monday.com excels in calendars, while Asana and ClickUp score slightly lower. In public sharing, all three tools offer decent functionality.
Generative AI:
Text Generation and Text Summarization: All three platforms offer generative AI capabilities, with Monday.com leading in text generation.
Project Monitoring:
Baselining / KPIs and Resource Allocation: All three tools perform well in project monitoring, with Monday.com and ClickUp leading in KPIs and resource allocation.
Workload: ClickUp excels in workload management, while Asana and Monday.com score slightly lower.
Configuration and Insights: All three platforms offer strong workspace management features.
Project Management:
Task Management: All three tools excel in task management, with ClickUp taking a slight lead.
Planning, Visibility, and Integration: All three platforms offer robust project management capabilities, with Monday.com leading in visibility and ClickUp excelling in integration.
Communication & Collaboration:
Communication Channels: All three platforms provide strong communication channel options.
Document Management: Monday.com and ClickUp lead in document management, while Asana scores slightly lower.
Collaboration: All three tools excel in collaboration features.
Remote Collaboration:
Alignment and Accountability: All three platforms offer strong remote collaboration features.
Connectivity and Offline Mode: Monday.com leads in connectivity, while Asana and ClickUp score slightly lower. In offline mode, all three tools offer decent functionality.
Cost Management:
Project Budgeting and Time & Expense: All three platforms offer decent cost management capabilities, with Monday.com and ClickUp leading in project budgeting and time & expense management.
Profitability: All three platforms provide robust profitability tracking features.
Front Office and Back Office: All three tools offer strong integration options.
External Data: All three platforms offer good external data integration capabilities.
In conclusion, Asana, ClickUp, and Monday.com are all strong contenders in the project management software market. The choice between them largely depends on your specific business needs, preferences, and budget. ClickUp is ideal for small businesses and offers extensive customization options. Monday.com stands out in terms of user satisfaction, making it a reliable choice for small and mid-market businesses. Asana, on the other hand, offers a free plan and is a well-rounded choice with a focus on task management and collaboration. Consider your unique requirements and user preferences to make an informed decision for your project management needs.
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The long sleep of capitalism’s watchdogs
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There are only five more days left in my Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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One of the weirdest aspect of end-stage capitalism is the collapse of auditing, the lynchpin of investing. Auditors – independent professionals who sign off on a company's finances – are the only way that investors can be sure they're not handing their money over to failing businesses run by crooks.
It's just not feasible for investors to talk to supply-chain partners and retailers and verify that a company's orders and costs are real. Investors can't walk into a company's bank and demand to see their account histories. Auditors – who are paid by companies, but work for themselves – are how investors avoid shoveling money into Ponzi-pits.
Attentive readers will have noticed that there is an intrinsic tension in an arrangement where someone is paid by a company to certify its honesty. The company gets to decide who its auditors are, and those auditors are dependent on the company for future business. To manage this conflict of interest, auditors swear fealty to a professional code of ethics, and are themselves overseen by professional boards with the power to issue fines and ban cheaters.
Enter monopolization. Over the past 40 years, the US government conducted a failed experiment in allowing companies to form monopolies on the theory that these would be "efficient." From Boeing to Facebook, Cigna to InBev, Warner to Microsoft, it has been a catastrophe. The American corporate landscape is dominated by vast, crumbling, ghastly companies whose bad products and worse corporate conduct are locked in a race to see who can attain the most depraved enshittification quickest.
The accounting profession is no exception. A decades-long incestuous orgy of mergers and acquisitions yielded up an accounting sector dominated by just four firms: EY, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte (the last holdout from the alphabetsoupification of corporate identity). Virtually every major company relies on one of these companies for auditing, but that's only a small part of corporate America's relationship with these tottering behemoths. The real action comes from "consulting."
Each of the Big Four accounting firms is also a corporate consultancy. Some of those consulting services are the normal work of corporate consultants – cookie cutter advice to fire workers and reduce product quality, as well as supplying dangerously defecting enterprise software. But you can get that from the overpaid enablers at McKinsey or BCG. The advantage of contracting with a Big Four accounting firm for consulting is that they can help you commit finance fraud.
Remember: if you're an executive greenlighting fraud, you mostly just want to be sure it's not discovered until after you've pocketed your bonus and moved on. After all, the pro-monopoly experiment was also an experiment in tolerating corporate crime. Executives who cheat their investors, workers and suppliers typically generate fines for their companies, while escaping any personal liability.
By buying your cheating advice from the same company that is paid to certify that you're not cheating, you greatly improve your chances of avoiding detection until you've blown town.
Which brings me to the idea of the "bezzle." This is John Kenneth Galbraith's term for "the weeks, months, or years that elapse between the commission of the crime and its discovery." This is the period in which both the criminal and the victim feel like they're better off. The crook has the victim's money, and the victim doesn't know it. The Bezzle is that interval when you're still assuming that FTX isn't lying to you about the crazy returns they're generating for your crypto. It's the period between you getting the shrinkwrapped box with a 90% discounted PS5 in it from a guy in an alley, and getting home and discovering that it's full of bricks and styrofoam.
Big Accounting is a factory for producing bezzles at scale. The game is rigged, and they are the riggers. When banks fail and need a public bailout, chances are those banks were recently certified as healthy by one of the Big Four, whose audited bank financials failed 800 re-audits between 2009-17:
The Big Four dispute this, of course. They claim to be models of probity, adhering to the strictest possible ethical standards. This would be a lot easier to believe if KPMG hadn't been caught bribing its regulators to help its staff cheat on ethics exams:
Likewise, it would be easier to believe if their consulting arms didn't keep getting caught advising their clients on how to cheat their auditing arms:
Big Accounting is a very weird phenomenon, even by the standards of End-Stage Capitalism. It's an organized system of millionaire-on-billionaire violence, a rare instance of the very richest people getting scammed the hardest:
The collapse of accounting is such an ominous and fractally weird phenomenon, it inspired me to write a series of hard-boiled forensic accountancy novels about a two-fisted auditor named Martin Hench, starting with last year's Red Team Blues (out in paperback next week!):
The sequel to Red Team Blues is called (what else?) The Bezzle, and part of its ice-cold revenge plot involves a disillusioned EY auditor who can't bear to be part of the scam any longer:
The Hench stories span a 40-year period, and are a chronicle of decades of corporate decay. Accountancy is the perfect lens for understanding our modern fraud economy. After all, it was crooked accountants who gave us the S&L crisis:
Crooked auditors were at the center of the Great Financial Crisis, too:
And of course, crooked auditors were behind the Enron fraud, a rare instance in which a fraud triggered a serious attempt to prevent future crimes, including the destruction of accounting giant Arthur Andersen. After Enron, Congress passed Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), which created a new oversight board called the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
The PCAOB is a watchdog for watchdogs, charged with auditing the auditors and punishing the incompetent and corrupt among them. Writing for The American Prospect and the Revolving Door Project, Timi Iwayemi describes the long-running failure of the PCAOB to do its job:
For example: from 2003-2019, the PCAOB undertook only 18 enforcement cases – even though the PCAOB also detected more than 800 "seriously defective audits" by the Big Four. And those 18 cases were purely ornamental: the PCAOB issued a mere $6.5m in fines for all 18, even though they could have fined the accounting companies $1.6 billion:
Few people are better on this subject than the investigative journalist Francine McKenna, who has just co-authored a major paper on the PCAOB:
The paper uses a new data set – documents disclosed in a 2019 criminal trial – to identify the structural forces that cause the PCAOB to be such a weak watchdog whose employees didn't merely fail to do their jobs, but actually criminally abetted the misdeeds of the companies they were supposed to be keeping honest.
They put the blame – indirectly – on the SEC. The PCAOB has three missions: protecting investors, keeping markets running smoothly, and ensuring that businesses can raise capital. These missions come into conflict. For example, declaring one of the Big Four auditors ineligible would throw markets into chaos, removing a quarter of the auditing capacity that all public firms rely on. The Big Four are the auditors for 99.7% of the S&P 500, and certify the books for the majority of all listed companies:
For the first two decades of the PCAOB's existence, the SEC insisted that conflicts be resolved in ways that let the auditing firms commit fraud, because the alternative would be bad for the market.
So: rather than cultivating an adversarial relationship to the Big Four, the PCAOB effectively merged with them. Two of its board seats are reserved for accountants, and those two seats have been occupied by Big Four veterans almost without exception:
It was no better on the SEC side. The Office of the Chief Accountant is the SEC's overseer for the PCAOB, and it, too, has operated with a revolving door between the Big Four and their watchdog (indeed, the Chief Accountant is the watchdog for the watchdog for the watchdogs!). Meanwhile, staffers from the Office of the Chief Accountant routinely rotated out of government service and into the Big Four.
This corrupt arrangement reached a crescendo in 2019, with the appointment of William Duhnke – formerly of Senator Richard Shelby's [R-AL] staff – took over as Chief Accountant. Under Duhnke's leadership, the already-toothless watchdog was first neutered, then euthanized. Duhnke fired all four heads of the PCAOB's main division and then left their seats vacant for 18 months. He slashed the agency's budget, "weakened inspection requirements and auditor independence policies, and disregarded obligations to hold Board meetings and publicize its agenda."
All that ended in 2021, when SEC chair Gary Gensler fired Duhnke and replaced him with Erica Williams, at the insistence of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Within a year, Williams had issued 42 enforcement actions, the largest number since 2017, levying over $11m in sanctions:
She was just getting warmed up: last year, PCAOB collected $20m in fines, with five cases seeing fines in excess of $2m each, a record:
Williams isn't shy about condemning the Big Four, publicly sounding the alarm that 40% of the 2022 audits the PCAOB reviewed were deficient, up from 34% in 2021 and 29% in 2020:
Under Williams, the PCAOB has enacted new, muscular rules on lead auditors' duties, and they're now consulting on a rule that will make audit inspections much faster, shortening the documentation period from 45 days to 14:
Williams is no fire-breathing leftist. She's an alum of the SEC and a BigLaw firm, creating modest, obvious technical improvements to a key system that capitalism requires for its orderly functioning. Moreover, she is competent, able to craft regulations that are effective and enforceable. This has been a motif within the Biden administration:
But though these improvements are decidedly moderate, they are grounded in a truly radical break from business-as-usual in the age of monopoly auditors. It's a transition from self-regulation to regulation. As @40_Years on Twitter so aptly put it: "Self regulation is to regulation as self-importance is to importance":
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28 - THIS SUNDAY!) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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Image: Sam Valadi (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132084522@N05/17086570218/
Disco Dan (modified)
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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shantitechnology · 3 months
Boosting Efficiency:  The Role of ERP Software in Modern Manufacturing Operations
In today's fast-paced manufacturing landscape, efficiency is not just a desirable trait; it's a necessity.  To stay competitive and meet the demands of the market, manufacturers must streamline their processes, optimize resource utilization, and enhance decision-making capabilities.  This is where Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software steps in as a game-changer.  In this article, we'll delve into the pivotal role of ERP systems in revolutionizing manufacturing operations, particularly in India's thriving industrial sector.
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Understanding ERP for Manufacturing Industry
ERP systems for manufacturing are comprehensive software solutions designed to integrate and automate core business processes such as production planning, inventory management, supply chain logistics, financial management, and human resources.  By consolidating data and operations into a unified platform, ERP empowers manufacturers with real-time insights, facilitates collaboration across departments, and enables informed decision-making.
Streamlining Operations with ERP Solutions
In the dynamic environment of manufacturing, where every minute counts, efficiency gains translate directly into cost savings and competitive advantages.  ERP software for manufacturing offers a multitude of features that streamline operations and drive efficiency:
1.   Enhanced Production Planning:  ERP systems enable manufacturers to create accurate production schedules based on demand forecasts, resource availability, and production capacity.  By optimizing production timelines and minimizing idle time, manufacturers can fulfill orders promptly and reduce lead times.
2.   Inventory Management:  Efficient inventory management is crucial for balancing supply and demand while minimizing holding costs.  ERP software provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, automates reorder points, and facilitates inventory optimization to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
3.   Supply Chain Optimization:  ERP solutions for manufacturing integrate supply chain processes from procurement to distribution, enabling seamless coordination with suppliers and distributors.  By optimizing procurement cycles, minimizing transportation costs, and reducing lead times, manufacturers can enhance supply chain resilience and responsiveness.
4.   Quality Control:  Maintaining product quality is paramount in manufacturing to uphold brand reputation and customer satisfaction.  ERP systems offer quality management modules that streamline inspection processes, track product defects, and facilitate corrective actions to ensure adherence to quality standards.
5.   Financial Management:  Effective financial management is essential for sustaining manufacturing operations and driving profitability.  ERP software provides robust accounting modules that automate financial transactions, streamline budgeting and forecasting, and generate comprehensive financial reports for informed decision-making.
6.   Human Resource Management:  People are the cornerstone of manufacturing operations, and managing workforce efficiently is critical for productivity and employee satisfaction.  ERP systems for manufacturing include HR modules that automate payroll processing, manage employee records, and facilitate workforce planning to align staffing levels with production demands.
The Advantages of ERP for Manufacturing Companies in India
India's manufacturing sector is undergoing rapid transformation, fueled by factors such as government initiatives like "Make in India," technological advancements, and globalization.  In this dynamic landscape, ERP software plays a pivotal role in empowering manufacturing companies to thrive and remain competitive:
1.   Scalability:  ERP solutions for manufacturing are scalable, making them suitable for companies of all sizes – from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large conglomerates.  Whether a company is expanding its operations or diversifying its product portfolio, ERP systems can adapt to evolving business needs and support growth.
2.   Compliance:  Regulatory compliance is a significant concern for manufacturing companies in India, given the complex regulatory environment.  ERP software incorporates compliance features that ensure adherence to industry regulations, tax laws, and reporting requirements, minimizing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
3.   Localization:  ERP vendors catering to the Indian manufacturing sector offer localized solutions tailored to the unique requirements of the Indian market.  From multi-currency support to GST compliance features, these ERP systems are equipped with functionalities that address the specific challenges faced by Indian manufacturers.
4.   Cost Efficiency:  Implementing ERP software for manufacturing entails upfront investment, but the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs.  By streamlining processes, optimizing resource utilization, and reducing operational inefficiencies, ERP systems drive cost savings and improve overall profitability.
5.   Competitive Edge:  In a fiercely competitive market, manufacturing companies in India must differentiate themselves through operational excellence and agility.  ERP software equips companies with the tools and insights needed to outperform competitors, adapt to market dynamics, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Choosing the Right ERP Software for Manufacturing
Selecting the right ERP solution is crucial for maximizing the benefits and ensuring a smooth implementation process.  When evaluating ERP software for manufacturing, companies should consider the following factors:
1.   Industry-specific functionality:  Choose an ERP system that offers industry-specific features and functionalities tailored to the unique requirements of manufacturing operations.
2.   Scalability and flexibility:  Ensure that the ERP software can scale with your business and accommodate future growth and expansion.
3.   Ease of integration:  Look for ERP systems that seamlessly integrate with existing software applications, such as CRM systems, MES solutions, and IoT devices, to create a cohesive technology ecosystem.
4.   User-friendliness:  A user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation are essential for ensuring widespread adoption and maximizing user productivity.
5.   Vendor support and expertise:  Select a reputable ERP vendor with a proven track record of success in the manufacturing industry and robust customer support services.
In conclusion, ERP software has emerged as a cornerstone of modern manufacturing operations, empowering companies to enhance efficiency, drive growth, and maintain a competitive edge in the global market.  For manufacturing companies in India, where agility, scalability, and compliance are paramount, implementing the right ERP solution can be a transformative investment that paves the way for sustainable success.  By harnessing the power of ERP, manufacturers can optimize processes, streamline operations, and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth in the dynamic landscape of the manufacturing industry.
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tuesday again 5/23/2023
six sentences or less bc that's the kind of week it is
straighten up and fly right from the nat king cole songbook, covered by sammy davis junior. i have a lot of fondness for the nat king cole songbook bc my grandmother had a lot of fondness for it, and this one was very comfortably in our (contralto) ranges. really burrowing into the comforting familiar as we enter the Cross Country Move Hellzone (tm). spotify
lot of documentation for work bc i am trying to build a google sheet + calendar for our grants and reports such that when someone adds OR EDITS a row in the grant/report tracker it creates a new google calendar event OR UPDATES existing events. i may have to give up on that second half.
in non-work stuff, it is hysterical how many hackers brian krebs (infosec reporter/journalist/researcher) is able to interview. like when this guy was asked "yo is this your code targeting a specific mastodon server with a crypto scam" the response was
Clicking the “open chat in Telegram” button on Zipper’s Lolzteam profile page launched a Telegram instant message chat window where the user Quotpw responded almost immediately. Asked if they were aware their domain was being used to manage a spam botnet that was pelting Mastodon instances with crypto scam spam, Quotpw confirmed the spam was powered by their software.
“It was made for a limited circle of people,” Quotpw said, noting that they recently released the bot software as open source on GitHub.
we live in the stupidest possible cyberpunk future.
i don't know jack about shit about cars and i don't know what the fuck jennings motorsports on youtube is talking about 80% of the time but a friendly guy with a calm voice talking through how he's going to get some cars in the worst shape you've ever seen up and running again? yes good thanks, i've blown through his entire backlog in the last week in my second monitor while i've cleaned data. this man is essentially rebuilding this rare limited edition shiny holographic car from half a frame and a panel LOOK how fucked this thing is.
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love the Will It Run? videos bc the answer is almost always yes AND SOMETIMES HE EVEN DRIVES THEM DOWN HIS DRIVEWAY AND BACK even if the cars are barely holding themselves together. the horse souls in these machines can be coaxed back into resurrection with the proper burnt offerings and application of liquefied dinosaur
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the charm of Powerwash Simulator is somewhat dampened by its extremely buggy achievements bc i KNOW i could get all 40 so fuckin easy if they just WORKED. i didn't get the "main campaign completed!" achievement despite spending nearly forty hours 100%ing every job, so i think the rarity of the achievements is somewhat inaccurate, bc it's more like, did you happen to play through that level at a time when the achievement was working? despite all that, it has been incredibly effective at damping generalized moving anxiety and it's a tremendous catch-up-on-podcasts game. it's hysterical to me this was published by square enix bc this style of simulator game is usually published by Playway or a Playway company, a shadowy network of about a hundred small polish studios, many of which went public and had IPOs in order to hand over a controlling interest of the company to Playway. long history of annoying business practices such as remaking more popular games with the serial numbers filed off and making demos to gauge interest and THEN only making about one full game for every twenty demos, which is very irritating for players. not this one tho, it's in fucking brighton in the uk, no relation!
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this is going to be cleaning and move prep for the next six weeks. i deep cleaned (even mopped!) my kitchen and bathroom last weekend bc it uh. really needed it, and that's the most exciting thing i did. no progress on cleaning the flip clock radio bc i do not currently have the patience to sit down with qtips and get in all the little grooves.
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
The sports store where Misaki Yata is currently working is not a famous store nor is it located in a large shopping mall, it is an old-fashioned two-story community store in a corner of the shopping district.
The store manager is a former professional baseball player and took over the sports store, which is a family business, after he retired. Inevitably, baseball tools are the most substantial, but there are plenty of other sports supplies.
Also, Yata participated in a skateboarding competition, so he was willing to take a break from time to time, and he actively supported him.
In a very understandable workplace, Yata, who had held relatively different part-time jobs, has been working very seriously.
That day, he worked from ten in the morning until night. After getting off work, Yata felt a little peckish, so he ordered a menchikatsu from a nearby garnish shop, and strolled through the shopping district while he munched.
This shopping street in Shizume has many old-fashioned shops, such as a rare cafe, a second-hand bookstore that has been in business for fifty years, and a fishmonger run by a kind-hearted general.
Among them, Yata found a store that caught his attention. It was a toy store with a retro-toned neon sign that said "Retro Store."
If you look in the splash window, you will find the retro anime Chogokin that aired about 20 years ago and board games that have been discontinued long ago.
Yata was curious and entered the store.
Glass covered shelves act as partitions to form narrow aisles. And on the shelves, monster figures, plastic model submarines, and sofubi dolls that couldn't be seen at all, but the characters were stacked and neatly lined up.
To be honest, young Yata did not feel any homesickness because there were only antiques that were out of reach.
However, Yata, who was looking at it with a feeling of "Oh, there is such a thing.", suddenly stopped and said:
His eyes lit up.
At the end of his gaze was the hardware and some of the computer game software that had once ruled the world. Those mysteriously increased Yata's heartbeat.
"Oh, how nostalgic."
He said that unintentionally. To be precise, these game consoles were top sellers when Yata's parents were children.
However, Yata had a special feeling for this game console. When he first entered "Homura", he got these games in the retro genre at that time, and he was very addicted to staying up all night.
And the existence of a close friend who kept him company even though he complained about his stupidity.
It was an exciting day for Yata.
When he noticed, he was calling for the bearded manager, who was at the counter.
"Hm, how much does it cost to buy all this?"
After finishing his shift, Fushimi Saruhiko dressed in civilian clothes and bought chuhai, beer, and some snacks at a convenience store, then headed to a multi-tenant building on the outskirts of Shizume.
It was 9:30 at night.
Stainless steel tenant signs at the first-floor entrance were lined with obscure company names such as "Waraji Specialty Sales Company", "Ponpon Mail Order" and "Goriki Shoji".
Fushimi took an old-fashioned elevator that made him hesitate to go up and went up to the top floor.
"You Law Office" was written on the frosted glass in front of him. However, it seemed that everyone had already left work, and it was completely dark inside.
Fushimi walked up the stairs on the side of the building slowly and with a serious look.
He pushed open the heavy door. Then, immediately, he could see the ceiling covered in moonlight.
"It's still a strange place."
Fushimi laughed.
The rooftop of this multi-tenant building, about 90 square meters, was the entire residence of Yata Misaki. The only space he could really live in was a small attic in the back that looked like a mountain lodge.
Also, a little further away, there was a locker room-sized bathroom and shower, placed side by side.
In the back space, there were benches and old tires that existed before Yata moved in, bus stop signs for some reason, tattered mannequins, heavily-graffitied beach umbrellas, stone chairs, and large foliage plants.
It was too incoherent and a little scary.
Fushimi said:
"Didn't the real estate agent cheat on you?"
Despite what he told him to his face, Yata liked this living environment.
The reasons can be broadly divided into two: One is that the rent is ridiculously cheap.
Another thing is that the ground floor is unpopular at night, so there were no complaints, even if he was a bit noisy.
Therefore, recently, Yata enlisted the help of Kamamoto and Fujishima, who is good at carpentry, to build his own skateboard track and practice tricks night after night.
Fushimi walked up the handmade wooden skateboard ramp (a structure that looks like an ellipse split in two, which allows for tricks like jumping while sliding left and right on a curved surface) to the attic in the back, then called at the door of cheap construction.
Almost immediately,
"I'm going!"
Yata opened the door with a big smile on his face. As he exhaled, his eyes lit up and he beckoned him with a "pon, pon" gesture.
Fushimi laughed a little, thinking that he was like a dog patiently waiting for his master to return.
The attic where Yata lives has about eight tatami mats, but it also has a mini kitchen and a small loft space. Yata usually puts a futon in the loft space and sleeps there.
Inevitably, the space below was the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Eating and drinking is done at a small chabudai. There are two cushions next to it. One had a cool arabesque pattern and the other was elegant with a cat character.
The difference is that both are gifts.
Speaking of gifts, the big screen television that occupies much of this room was an heirloom from Izumo Kusanagi.
The shelf along the wall is made of pipes, and above it is a wide range of items, from laundry baskets to clear jars filled with sweets once collected, a collection of battle-focused manga, and a wide range of skate magazines.
The small refrigerator was decorated with photos of "Homura" members taken at their travel destinations sandwiched between magnets.
The room was messy as a whole, but the room had a somewhat tidy impression, perhaps reflecting the owner's temperament.
Yata has long since grown up, but his youthful mischief still lingers in the atmosphere of the room.
Fushimi thought, "It's still like a child's room.".
Yata took the plastic bag that Fushimi gave him and...
"Oh, alcohol? Thanks, Saruhiko. But I don't feel like that today."
He said that while he was putting alcohol in the fridge.
"Huh? So how do you feel?"
He invited him saying, "Let's have a drink party.". Fushimi's face turned a bit sullen. Yata was...
With a mischievous look on his face, he handed Fushimi a can of juice instead of alcoholic beverages.
"A drinking party is a drinking party, but today is this."
Fushimi took the item that was handed to him and...
"Watercarian? Is there a place that still sells this?"
He couldn't help but laugh.
It was the carbonated drink that Yata and Fushimi had become addicted to when they started living together.
The name of the product is Watercarian and the can packaging has red and green stripes, so it looks like watermelon juice, but the aftertaste is strangely medicinal. A strong sour taste hit his nose.
It is still a hot topic on the internet as a representative of "bad juice". At first, both Yata and Fushimi drank it as a punishing game with each other, but they gradually became captivated by its strangely addictive taste and eventually drank it regularly.
"Well, naturally, I somehow stopped drinking Watercarian."
Fushimi muttered under his breath.
It was before the two entered "Homura" together.
He didn't stop drinking that peculiar juice before he knew it.
"Besides, that's not all."
Yata was in a good mood and threw another snack in front of Fushimi.
"Takoyaki and grilled squid sandwiches, huh?"
That was also a sweet that both of them were addicted to at the same time. The rich flavor of the sauce laced his mouth, and it was an odd combination with the watercarian, which tasted extravagant.
"Finally. Check this out."
Yata then pointed to a retro game console that had already been set up in front of the TV.
"Isn't that great? I've already confirmed that it works properly."
"I see."
Fushimi's eyes narrowed as he realized what Yata had prepared for tonight.
"In other words, let's dive into nostalgic stuff."
"Oh, that's right."
Fushimi clicked his tongue once.
"What nonsense."
But his tone was never harsh.
Fushimi received a set of jerseys from Yata and exchanged them. Instead of wanting to be relaxed, he didn't want his clothes to get dirty while he ate snacks or juice.
Yata also had a similar appearance.
Now that he thought about it, even when they lived together, there was a time when they spent the whole day casually chatting with each other in casual clothes like that.
"Good. This is the first."
Yata first chose a fighting game. He inserted the cassette into the retro game machine.
After turning on and waiting for a while, an old-fashioned dotted image appeared on the TV screen and cheap electronic sound played on the speaker.
"Certainly, it's nostalgic."
Yata laughed when Fushimi muttered that under his breath. This fighting game is a popular series that continues even now, and Yata and Fushimi were direct hits around the fourth and fifth generations.
He recalled that when he was in high school, he honed his interpersonal fighting skills on the Internet and in game centers.
What is currently being shown on television was the first generation of that work.
"Then I'll take this guy as usual."
A macho character to whom Yata makes thorns sprout from his body.
"Well, according to theory, I'm this one."
Fushimi chose a magical character with complicated moves.
Each of them is a popular character that continues to be used in the current series. The game starts with stage selection and the start button.
Yata leaned forward slightly, while Fushimi corrected his posture and concentrated on the game. Every time they waved their fingertips, the characters flew around the screen, throwing punches, emitting beams of light, and burning their opponents with waves of heat.
"Shit, this!"
Yata's style of play is attractive. Fushimi is cool, but when he's outnumbered, he frowns a bit.
The arms of the two men were even. Currently, in this fighting game, where the player population is spreading all over the world, it is to the extent that it is a good thing.
However, that was enough for the two of them to enjoy themselves.
"Oh, yeah! I won."
Yata narrowly won the auction, and then...
Fushimi took advantage of Yata's silly mistake and attacked everyone at once. After that, he enjoyed the game, winning and losing for a while.
Oddly enough, the victory or defeat of these games has rarely caused a dangerous atmosphere for both of them for a long time.
Both Yata and Fushimi weren't fully trained as humans as teenagers, but for some reason, losing to each other didn't bother them as much.
Yata laughed when an unusual move came out, and Fushimi also shook his shoulders in an unusual way, and the game was temporarily interrupted.
And then they took a break.
They ate takoyaki and squid sandwiches and drank watercarian.
The takoyaki and squid sandwiches were delicious even now, but the problem was that they fell apart and the sauce stuck to your hands.
Fushimi frequently wiped his hands with a damp handkerchief, while Yata once vigorously spilled it on the chabudai, then wiped it with his hand and threw it into the trash can he had brought nearby beforehand.
And the watercarian tasted weird like always.
"It's really bad."
Yata and Fushimi nodded to each other, yet drank their respective portions with oddly satisfied expressions.
After eating and drinking, the fighting game resumed.
The two of them enjoyed playing shooting games, racing games, and even novel-type horror games by replacing the cassettes and forgetting about time.
A few hours later, the two of them left the attic and found themselves under the starry sky of the city.
It's not that they were "tired of the game" or "got tired", they were just "satisfied with the game".
It was a feeling of satisfaction.
On the other hand, they were lounging on the couch, which had been out in the open for some time, and were rambling on.
The drinks were chuhai and beer that Fushimi had bought from a store. The snacks were also changing to something that went well with sake, like a variety of nuts and salami.
"It's stupid, why are we so obsessed with such old games?"
Yata looked up at the night sky and said something a bit strange. Looking back, he felt that the time he was actually working was a very short period of time, around three months.
However, during that time, he remembered staying up all night many times.
Fushimi lightly sipped the chuhai before replying.
"I guess it's the same feeling as if you were making fun of a movie. Because it's cheap, there are several complaints, but on the contrary, it's interesting."
"Oh, I kind of understand that."
Yata said that in a slightly sleepy tone.
"That's why it wouldn't be very interesting to do it alone."
Fushimi didn't reply, but Yata didn't seem to care.
He sat up and looked at Fushimi again.
"By the way, how are you doing lately?"
"In fact, the store manager is inviting me to become a full-time employee."
Fushimi was silent for a moment. Later...
"Isn't it okay if you do what you like?"
For someone who doesn't know Fushimi very well, he gave an answer that sounded cold.
Yata smiled slightly.
"There will be a big competition next time. Either way, I'll wait until it's over. I'll reply to the manager after that."
Fushimi silently tossed the nuts into his mouth. Next, he looked at the skateboard ramp made by Yata and the others.
"So how are you for the final?"
Fushimi asked.
"Nothing bad."
Yata hit his left palm with his right fist. His eyes had the same glee of a bad boy that hadn't changed since they'd met.
"I'm able to do the part I was stuck on before. I'm going to win."
Fushimi said that without any interest.
"Well, do your best."
"Of course."
Yata smiled and showed his white teeth. Later...
"And what about you?"
Fushimi's face became a bit troubled. However, since Yata was looking at him, he couldn't help it.
"I do what I have to do. But that's it."
He responded very nonchalantly.
He looked lethargic as always. However, deep down there was a will that was cold and hard as ice.
Yata nodded loudly.
"You've always been like this, Saruhiko."
At that moment, Fushimi, who had been looking uncomfortably at that conversation, suddenly realized that it was already there and pointed his finger.
"Look. It's dawn."
"Oh, really?"
Yata headed for the east end of the rooftop. Fushimi also followed him. It was certainly dim, but twilight was slowly filtering in from across the street from the building.
Yata and Fushimi watched the scene in silence. The two of them were fascinated by the process in which the city was filled with power as if by magic, as light hit the gradually dawning sky.
Grabbing the rusty handrail, Yata said a bit embarrassed as he looked ahead.
"Saruhiko. Let's be stupid like that again, okay?"
Fushimi answered in an equally soft voice.
"Oh, that's right. Misaki."
"Yes, let's do it!"
Despite those words, Yata energetically raised his arm. Fushimi also swallowed his small yawn.
After sleeping for about three hours, he finished showering and quickly washed his face, and went down to the back of the multi-tenant building. It was eight o'clock in the morning. The streets were already full of travelers.
Yata had to go to work and prepare to open the store. Fushimi returned to the dorm once, changed into his uniform, and had a regular meeting with Awashima.
When they first entered "Homura", it was common for both of them to fall asleep and stay asleep until the afternoon.
But now it was different.
Even when they tried to recreate a nostalgic night, his eyes were already grown-up and sleepy.
"See you later."
Yata raised a small fist. Fushimi hit his fist with his fist.
Then the two started walking in their respective directions. Because there was definitely something in their hearts and they could trust each other.
It will continue in chapter eight: "The place where I belong".
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Okay, I need to take issue with something one of your recent asks said. Working for a defense contractor does not make you evil.
Yes, the US military does a lot of things we all find problematic, but it also does a ton of good in the world. Ask the people of Ukraine, South Korea, or Taiwan how they feel about the US military and you'll get a very different answer than if you ask someone in Iraq or, God forbid, leftist Twitter. Heck, ask people in Indonesia where the US military undertook the largest humanitarian delivery in history after the devastating earthquake.
Most importantly, the military doesn't do the bad things because it wants to, everything the military does it does at the order of the US government, the presidential administration specifically and always with the tacit consent of congress. Does that make everyone who works for the government evil?
Just as importantly, most of those companies have entire lines of business that have nothing to do with the military. Lockheed is a big defense contractor, yes, but they also have entire sections of the company dedicated to satellite design and construction, industrial software, and civilian aircraft. Walk down to your local wharf and you'll find that the vast majority of the fishing boats there are sporting radars with the Raytheon logo plastered on them. Someone could work an entire career at one of these companies without ever coming into contact with the military at all.
Defense contractors are also some of the few companies that the government actuality enforces labor laws on, particularly those relating to unions and disabilities.
Now, my one caution in all of that is that you do have to be aware of your moral lines in this business. I've worked on army radar systems and I now work on network management software which is used by both civilians and the government, but I've turned down jobs or refused to even apply to ones that work in weapon systems. I won't cross that line into working on something whose purpose is to kill people. That's my line, though, everyone must find their own.
All of that said, I've enjoyed working for and with the military. They have an appreciation of sacrifice and of home life that I haven't found elsewhere and, while you definitely do find Rambo types, I don't find it any more prevalent there than anywhere else I've been and there is a greater number of thoughtful, earnest people than in other workplaces I've been in, particularly among the career folks. Many of them hold standard liberal or moderate views yet vote straight line republican because of rhetoric exactly like this.
So can we please stop labeling these companies, the military, and the people who work for them as inherently evil? All it does is alienate people who are more on your side than not and distract from the real battle against the system that creates endless wars for plunder and profit in the first place and sells them as patriotic.
People like to think it's the big companies doing it, but it largely isn't. It's a political movement that requires warfare abroad in order to distract from its civil rights abuses at home. The big companies have plenty of other lines of business to keep them going, but there's a whole industry of small mercenary companies run by ideological zealots that lead the push for more war.
Anyways, this is getting a bit long, but I think the important point is this: big defense contractors and especially the period who work for them aren't inherently evil and by labeling them as such you alienate a large group of capable people who would otherwise be your allies. Judge someone as an individual rather than signing group blame out of frustration otherwise you'll end up doing exactly what you accuse others of doing.
What are you expecting here? For non-US people to thank us?
It's true that these companies design plenty of things that end up in civilian life, but if the US did not prioritize military spending and instead spent on other research, they could have come up with the very same technologies.
I spent a few years before the pandemic working closely with a bunch of military people making films. They were nice people on an individual level, but you're high if you think me bending over backwards to placate them would have shifted how they vote. They're used to being the mainstream, and they're happy in their bubble. Only a severe shock to the system ever changes how any of them see the world. Many of them do lose faith in the military itself, and it's like a painful loss of religious faith that rocks their world on its axis.
They see themselves as uniquely responsible and dedicated to a life of service, but it has never occurred to them what service would look like if they became social workers in the first place instead of doing it after a military career.
"I want to be judged as an individual" is the constant cry of conservatives who support systemic problems and benefit from institutional power. But they neither return the favor nor consider the underlying causes.
It's one thing to ask activists operating within the US to pick messages that will actually work. It's quite another to expect a global audience to bow down and thank us for some paltry food deliveries or stamping out unrest in countries with a legacy of colonialism that probably wouldn't need our help if not for global warming (caused largely by the richest nations) and the long-term effects of having their natural resources stripped and their culture and infrastructure eviscerated.
Frankly, I'm not as hardline twitter leftist as some of the people who will respond here, but this entire ask is like a horse with blinders on.
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amandeekaur · 28 days
Strengths & Weaknesses
Strengths & Weaknesses Entering the world of entrepreneurship is an exhilarating yet intimidating experience. When I think back on my own business abilities, I see both my Strengths & Weaknesses . Gaining an understanding of these can direct my professional development and success.
Adaptability: This is one of my strongest suit. I work well in dynamic settings and modify my plans in response to fresh knowledge or evolving conditions. For instance, we ran across unforeseen software problems in college when managing a project team. I came up with a backup plan really fast to make sure we didn't sacrifice quality in order to meet our deadline.
Creative Problem-Solving: I am great at coming up with novel solutions by thinking outside the box. I created a distinctive social media campaign during my internship at a marketing company, which raised customer engagement by 30%. This experience proved that I can come up with original concepts that work.
Resilience: Being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of hurdles, and one of the main reasons I have succeeded is my resilience. I turned adversity into opportunity when my first attempt to create an e-commerce store encountered logistical difficulties. I learnt from the setbacks, improved my business plan, and successfully relaunched.
Delegation: I occasionally find it difficult to assign work to others since I frequently believe that completing everything myself will produce the finest results. Nevertheless, this strategy may result in inefficiency and burnout. In order to get better, I'm concentrating on developing my team's trust and employing clear communication techniques to make sure jobs are finished efficiently.
Financial Acumen: I know the fundamentals of financial management, but I also know I can improve in areas like financial forecasting and budgeting. In order to improve my knowledge in this crucial area, I intend to enroll in online financial management classes and look for mentorship from seasoned business owners.
Networking: I find big networking gatherings scary, even if I feel at ease in small group situations. To get around this, I am establishing modest, do able objectives for every occasion, like striking up a discussion with three new individuals and then getting in touch with them later to create lasting relationships.
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softwarereviewforall · 8 months
Top 10 Work Management Software - G2.com
Sure, here is a longer version of my last answer that avoids repetition:
Work management software is a suite of tools that helps teams organize, track, and collaborate on projects and tasks. It can be used by teams of all sizes, in all industries, to improve productivity and efficiency.
Here is a list of the top 10 work management software products, according to G2.com:
These software products offer a wide range of features, including:
Task management
Project management
Collaboration tools
Time tracking
Reporting and analytics
They also integrate with a variety of other business applications, such as CRM, ERP, and HR software.
Benefits of Using Work Management Software
There are many benefits to using work management software, including:
Improved productivity: Work management software can help teams to be more productive by streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and providing real-time visibility into project progress.
Increased efficiency: Work management software can help teams to be more efficient by reducing duplication of effort and eliminating communication silos.
Improved collaboration: Work management software can help teams to collaborate more effectively by providing a central platform for sharing files, documents, and feedback.
Enhanced reporting and analytics: Work management software can help teams to generate reports and analytics that can be used to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and make better decisions.
How to Choose the Right Work Management Software for Your Team
When choosing a work management software product, there are a few factors to consider:
Team size: Some software products are designed for small teams, while others are designed for large teams. Choose a product that can scale with your team as it grows.
Industry: Some software products are designed for specific industries, such as marketing, software development, or construction. Choose a product that is tailored to the needs of your industry.
Features: Consider the features that are most important to your team. Some common features include task management, project management, collaboration tools, time tracking, and reporting and analytics.
Integration: Consider the other business applications that you use. Choose a software product that integrates with your existing applications.
Budget: Work management software products can range in price from free to hundreds of dollars per month. Choose a product that fits your budget.
Additional Tips for Choosing and Using Work Management Software
Here are a few additional tips for choosing and using work management software:
Get input from your team: When choosing a work management software product, get input from your team to understand their needs and preferences.
Start with a free trial: Many work management software products offer a free trial period. This is a great way to try out a product before you commit to buying it.
Get training: Once you have chosen a work management software product, be sure to get training on how to use it effectively.
Customize the software to your needs: Most work management software products allow you to customize the software to meet your specific needs.
Use the software regularly: The more you use your work management software, the more benefits you will see. Make sure to use the software regularly to track your team's progress, collaborate on projects, and generate reports.
How to Increase the Length of Your Last Answer
Here are a few tips on how to increase the length of your last answer without repeating yourself:
Provide more detail: When describing the benefits of using work management software, provide more detail about how each benefit can impact your team. For example, instead of saying "improved productivity," you could say "work management software can help us to be more productive by streamlining our workflows and automating tasks."
Share examples: Share examples of how you have used work management software to improve your team's productivity, efficiency, collaboration, and reporting. This will help your readers to understand how the software can be used in real-world situations.
Discuss the challenges of choosing and using work management software: Choosing and using work management software can be challenging. Discuss some of the challenges that you have faced and how you have overcome them. This will help your readers to learn from your experience.
Provide your own insights and recommendations: Based on your experience with work management software, provide your own insights and recommendations. This will help your readers to make informed decisions about which software product is right for their team.
0 notes
technowaveblog · 5 months
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easyTRACK Warehouse Management System
An intelligent solution to control movement and storage of materials within a Warehouse.
A well-structured Warehouse Management system is important for the smooth and efficient operation of any warehouse, irrespective of the size or volume of material it handles. Most of the small and medium warehouses do not require an expensive WMS with redundant features. easyTRACK WMS is a perfect solution on the enterprise mobility for the warehouse management of small and medium enterprises which helps them manage all the essential warehouse functions. easyTRACK warehouse automation software allows the users in warehouse to manage the following operations at their palm.
Goods receiving
Put away
Picking & Palletizing
Stock count, etc.
easyTRACK WMS Lite Benefits
Solves the challenges faced in the conventional system.
Goods Receiving-
Priority Issue ­­­ Multiple Shipments received at a time
Delayed Data entry ­­­ Stock may be available but not available for Sale Dead /Damage/Short supply on arrival not instantly notified.
SOLUTION: GRN on PDT “goods receiving made easy with GRN on PDT”
Welcome to Technowave Group, your trusted provider of advanced technology solutions in Dubai. Our RFID Warehouse Inventory Management Systems can help businesses improve their inventory management and provide complete visibility into their warehouse operations.
What is RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System?
RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System uses RFID technology to automate the process of inventory tracking and management. It involves tagging inventory items with that contain unique identification numbers. The RFID tags are read by RFID readers, which transmit the data to a computer system that stores the information and provides real-time updates on the inventory’s location, movement, and status.
Key Features of our RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System
Our RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System comes with the following key features:
Real-time inventory tracking: 
Our RFID system provides accurate and up-to-date information on inventory levels, locations, and movements in real-time. This means that businesses can quickly identify any discrepancies, such as missing or misplaced items, and take corrective action before they become bigger problems.
Inventory management: 
Our RFID system automates the inventory management process, including item counting, reordering, and tracking. This means that businesses can easily monitor inventory levels and reorder products when they are running low. This helps prevent stockouts and ensures that products are always available for customers.
Asset tracking: 
It can track and manage assets, including equipment, tools, and vehicles, helping businesses keep track of their assets’ location, status, and maintenance schedules. This allows businesses to optimize asset utilization and minimize downtime, which can result in significant cost savings.
Reporting and analytics: 
The RFID system generates detailed reports on inventory and asset tracking, providing businesses with valuable insights into their warehouse operations. Businesses can use this information to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about inventory levels, order fulfillment, and asset management.
Improved accuracy and efficiency: 
Our RFID system eliminates the need for manual inventory tracking, reducing the risk of errors and improving accuracy. This saves time and resources by automating inventory management and asset tracking, allowing businesses to focus on other critical tasks.
Improved visibility and control: 
It provides real-time updates on inventory and asset movement, giving businesses complete visibility into their warehouse operations. This helps businesses make informed decisions and take corrective action quickly, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
Improved customer satisfaction: 
Our RFID system helps businesses improve their order fulfillment process, reducing stockouts and improving delivery times. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business, which can be a significant competitive advantage in today’s market.
Compliance with regulations: 
Last but not least, our RFID system helps businesses comply with regulations related to inventory tracking and management. For example, our system can provide traceability requirements for food and pharmaceutical products, ensuring that businesses meet regulatory requirements and avoid costly penalties.
Overall, our RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System offers businesses a range of benefits, from increased efficiency and productivity to improved customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance.
Get in Touch With Us!
At Technowave Group, we have a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality service and support to our clients. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique business needs and provide tailored solutions that help them achieve their goals.
Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, we can help you leverage technology to improve your warehouse operations and achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about our RFID Warehouse Inventory Management System and other technology solutions.
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soupysword · 2 months
list of jobs ive ever considered (however briefly) switching to since deciding software development isn't for me, in no particular order
- electrician
- kelp farmer
- visdev artist
- barista
- small business crafter (candles, yarn crafts, embroidery, resin, idk)
- designer (of what??? like most likely ui/ux but people need design for other shit too right??)
- usps mailman
- any other kind of mailman
- administrative assistant (I would be extremely bad at this)
- warehouse worker (I do not have the muscles required but I do have a propensity for suffering and it would be funny to report OSHA violations)
- vet tech
- nurse
- substitute teacher (what am I, a retiree?)
- product manager (disgusting. next)
- going back to school for something with no obviously practical applications, like art history (I would need an adderall prescription to do this one without majorly damaging my mental health)
- retail (I just like to torture myself I guess)
- find a part time software dev job?? (does that exist????)
- municipal waste management employee
- public transit operator
- influencer (I would be bad at this and I would also hate it)
- dishwasher
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lefae · 11 months
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Small update: over the weekend, we got hit by a severe thunderstorm that fried numerous electronics, including our wireless gateway, a separate router, at least one wifi extender, at least one surge protector, and some other stuff at my grandparents' house (their satellite receiver and home phone, that I know of for certain).
Our ISP sent us a new gateway on Monday. My uncle ordered a couple new routers so I can re-establish the wifi mesh network, one of which will be arriving in a few hours. So to say I'm busy and distracted is an understatement while I slowly set the network back up as replacement hardware comes in.
All this, and I still haven't even finished getting my desktop back up and running fully - still installing software and adjusting settings, and I've yet to manage to successfully recover the stuff of the data drive that's still reporting the wrong capacity. Let's just say I'm getting really sick of handling tech support shit right now...
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ciferon2311 · 4 months
Efficiency Boost: Ciferon's Software Solutions for Food Court Management
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Managing bustling food courts and canteen comes with its unique set of challenges, from long queues to inventory mismanagement. However, Ciferon Software offers innovative solutions to tackle these obstacles head-on. With Ciferon POS, businesses can streamline operations and enhance customer satisfaction.
Long queues and wait times are minimized through quick and easy transactions enabled by Ciferon POS, including efficient online ordering management. Inventory management becomes seamless with real-time monitoring and automated alerts for low stock, reducing wastage and ensuring timely replenishment.
The system also revolutionizes payment processing, offering secure and efficient options, including contactless payments, to expedite checkout and improve the overall payment experience.
Moreover, Ciferon POS provides invaluable data insights on sales trends, customer preferences, and operational performance empowering businesses to make informed decisions and optimize their offerings for maximum efficiency and profitability.
Scalability is another advantage , with Ciferon POS easily customizable and expandable to meet the evolving needs of businesses, from small food stalls to large-scale canteens.
In conclusion, Ciferon Software's solutions revolutionize food court and canteen management, enhancing efficiency, and driving growth in the competitive food service industry.
To know more -
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paydevice · 4 months
Understanding POS Systems: An In-depth Overview
What is a POS System?
Functions of a POS System
Advantages of a POS System
The complexity of the POS system
Types of POS Hardware and Software
If you manage a business, you have likely interacted with a Point of Sale (POS) system. POS systems are a critical tool for businesses all over the world, from small, independent shops to large, multinational corporations. But what is a POS system? And why are they so crucial to modern commerce? Let's dive into it.
What is a POS System?
A POS, or Point of Sale system, can be defined as a comprehensive information system specifically designed to instantly capture and relay retail details (like product name, price per unit, quantity sold, date and time of sale, location of sale, buying customer, etc.) during a transaction via automated reading tools such as cash registers. This information is subsequently distributed through communication channels and computer systems to relevant departments for in-depth analysis and implementation, with the main objective being to enhance operational efficiency.
Despite its traditional association with retail, wholesales, and the hospitality sector, POS systems have extended their reach into diverse industries. These include goods and property leasing, equipment repair services, healthcare administration, ticketing offices like cinemas and sports facilities, along with various other sectors where processing monetary transactions, resource scheduling and allocation, tracking service histories and debts, and invoicing are vital functions.
Historically, a shop's POS would encompass a bulky cash register and a ledger for recording buying and selling activities. However, in today's era, we have advanced to more compact, lightweight, and convenient options that automate a wide array of functions ranging from the rudimentary customer transactions to intricate inventory handling.
Six Functions of a POS System
POS systems are among the most intricate software systems, given the various functionalities required by different users. While the specific features vary, six basic functions are universally applicable.
1. Payment Processing: The primary purpose of a POS system is to facilitate transactions, which is why payment functions come to mind first when POS systems are mentioned. These systems can accommodate diverse payment methods including cash, check, debit and credit cards. For physical stores, POS systems can be equipped with traditional magnetic-stripe card readers, upgraded to chip-based card readers for enhanced security, or even include near-field communication (NFC) readers for mobile payment applications like Apple Pay and Google Pay.
2. Transaction management: Efficient transaction management is crucial for an effective POS system, encompassing aspects like a manageable inventory database, receipt issuing, and customer tipping. The POS interface enables employees to quickly fulfill orders during checkout. It should also provide the option of printing or emailing receipts based on customer preferences, and for service-based businesses, offer customers an option to tip.
3. Sales reporting: POS systems act as a key instrument in assessing business performance. These systems can track vital business metrics, providing reports that evaluate financial status and guide business decisions. Utilizing sales data, businesses can streamline operations and plot sustainable routes to profitability.
4. Inventory management: POS systems offer inventory management functionalities, recording real-time updates on purchases, sales, and stock levels. Businesses can use it for inventory checks, restock alerts, and other tasks to prevent overstocking or shortages. The system can also generate valuable reports, assisting merchants in devising effective purchasing and sales strategies.
5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Efficient customer management enhances brand loyalty. By recording customer data, POS systems facilitate more personalized customer interactions, reward repeat customers with discounts or loyalty programs, and even allow direct communication via promotional emails, provided the customers opt for it.
6. Employee management: POS systems simplify employee management with automated reporting. Digital check-in and check-out using swipe cards or codes provide precise tracking of hours worked. For commission-based roles, the system can assist in identifying high-performing employees.
Advantages of a POS System
Implementing a POS system in your business comes with several advantages.
- Efficiency: A POS system streamlines business operations, reducing the risk of human error, and thereby saving time.
- Sales Tracking: POS systems make it easy to track sales, providing real-time reports that offer insight into business performance.
- Improved Inventory Management: With a POS system, you can keep accurate, real-time inventory counts and get notified when stock runs low.
The Complexity of the POS System
The intricacy of POS systems arises from the diverse needs and expectations across different industries. Each sector presents specific requirements, particularly when it comes to reporting functions. This complexity is notably evident in the retail/wholesale sector, where businesses necessitate varied features. For example, companies dealing with perishable goods require a system capable of alerting about expiration dates. Retail businesses may demand a credit storage feature for recurring customers, whereas others might need their POS system to double as an all-encompassing inventory management system, providing FIFO (First In First Out) and LIFO (Last In First Out) inventories for accounting and taxation purposes.
The hospitality industry brings forth a distinct set of POS requirements. Restaurants look for features like adaptable item buttons, numerous discount options, service charges, receipt holding, queuing, table services, takeaways, receipt merging and splitting. However, these might not suffice for a spa or a slimming center, which may need an added scheduling window with past customer attendance records and their specific needs.
Hence, a POS system can vary significantly in its usability across diverse business processes. Often, generic, ready-made POS systems fall short in meeting these varied needs, necessitating tailored functionality. This attribute contributes to the overall complexity of POS systems.
Types of POS Hardware and software
POS systems, though sometimes solely software-based for online operations, often require hardware components. Here are a few common components of POS hardware:
1. Readers for Credit and Debit Cards
2. POS Terminals
3. Customer Facing Displays
4. Displays for Kitchen Use
5. Cash Drawers
On the software side, POS systems are categorized into two main types:
1. On-premises POS Software: Often referred to as a legacy system, this software is restricted to the individual POS terminal where it's installed. Its primary role is processing payments, recording sales and labor data, and ideally, synchronizing with accounting software. This option is generally suitable for small businesses primarily focusing on in-store sales with a single POS terminal.
2. Cloud-based POS Software: Syncing information across multiple POS terminals, this software typically offers access through mobile devices and desktops. Known for their flexibility, these systems are more suited to online businesses, mobile businesses, or those with multiple terminals or locations.
Each option has its pros and cons. While many may argue that cloud-based POS systems hold an edge over on-premises ones, businesses need to take into account factors like budget and data security. While cloud systems offer flexibility, data security remains paramount for businesses of any size.
You must choose a POS system best suited to your industry, business size, and specific requirements. For example, for a China-based cash register hardware factory such as ours, we offer high-performance cash registers and smart POS terminals designed to enhance work efficiency, reduce error rates, and streamline any business's inventory management processes.If you are interested in our product, please feel free to contact us. We are always here for you!
Website: https://www.pay-device.com/
Alibaba: https://paydevice.en.alibaba.com/
Now that you understand the essence of POS systems - their functions, advantages, complexities, and types - you are well-equipped to choose the best POS system for your business. Remember, the right POS system can be a game-changer for your business's overall operations and success.
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mrlaundryexpert · 5 months
Is laundry business profitable in India?
In the realm of business ventures, the laundry industry unveils a landscape ripe with profitability in the vast expanse of India. What sets this prospect aglow? Let's delve into the intricacies:
Expansive Market Dynamics:
The Indian laundry domain sprawls across an estimated 2.2 lakh crores, a substantial chunk lingering within the realms of the unorganized sector. This paints a canvas of boundless possibilities for expansion, particularly within the organized sector that unfurls tailored, professional, and convenient services.
Escalating Urbanization and Hectic Lifestyles:
As the tide of urbanization swells, and the pace of life quickens, there emerges an augmented clamor for laundry services. The populace is willing to loosen their purse strings for the sheer convenience of sparing themselves from the rigors of laundry duties.
Lucrative Horizons:
Laundry enterprises stationed in India can effortlessly amass profits ranging between 35,000 to 50,000 rupees monthly, even in the nooks of small towns and cities. Once the break-even threshold is crossed, profit margins may soar to a notable 40-100%. The initial investment outlay is subject to fluctuations contingent upon the magnitude of your enterprise. Setting up a rudimentary laundry infrastructure could necessitate an infusion of around INR 28 lakhs. Astute management might enable you to recoup this capital injection within a brisk eighteen months.
Nevertheless, the trajectory of triumph hinges upon multiple variables:
Geographical Nexus: The strategic placement of your establishment in zones of elevated demand, such as residential enclaves proximate to office hubs or bustling commercial precincts, is paramount.
Competitive Topography: Pore over the existing laundry services in your target locale, and craft a competitive paradigm encompassing judicious pricing and distinctive offerings to ascend above the fray.
Service Excellence: Foster a reputation for delivering superlative washing, drying, and ironing services to cultivate a dedicated clientèle.
Technological Integration: Embrace the digital era with open arms, incorporating facets like online ordering systems, efficient delivery mechanisms, and cutting-edge laundry management software. This not only streamlines operations but elevates the overall customer experience. To encapsulate, the laundry domain unveils an auspicious panorama in the Indian milieu, contingent upon your ability to satiate the burgeoning appetite for both convenience and top-tier laundry services.
Learn: How to start a laundry business
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