#ordinal numbers meaning in hindi
udable · 4 months
Learn Ordinal Numbers 1 to 100: Fun & Easy Guide for Hindi and Urdu Speaker | Udable
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kaitlynfernandess · 1 year
Week 12 Type Specimen Book Final
Today I had a final look at my Type Specimen and have exported it to zip my type specimen book folder. So that I will be ready to submit by the 7th of June! Here is an explanation for each page and the reason why it links to type specimen book + theme.
1 big change i made from my formative to my summative which I had discussed in previous posts, is that I changed the colour theme of type specimen book to, saffron, dark blue, black and white. This reason for this was because I wanted to relate it more to India and its flag colours which contain the same colours.
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This is my cover page which consists of my typeface Museo and my sub-title name a place I call home. I decided to stay with the same layout for the Museo heading as I thought it was the best placement for it on my cover, so that it wasn't also covering the image.
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The page on the left is my rationale page. I re-wrote my rationale as I got feedback it, so add more information about my chose place and the relation to the museum. Which I chose the Indian Museum in Kolkata. I kept the same layout for the title of Rationale so it doesn't distract you from the rationale information. The page on the left is descriptions about the founder of the font Jos Buivenga and how he came to creating the Museo font. And the description below that is about the Font itself and how help make it and what happened afterwards.
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These pages is a display of the different families that the Museo font contains. I have not changed the layout of this page and I thought it was the easy and best way to show the different families in the font and the different weights and features for each family.
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This is my pepeha spread and i decided to change my pepeha as I wanted it to relate more to my theme and wrote it about my India instead of New Zealand. I decided to keep the design on the left as I didn't get any negative feedback on it, and I like the way I have designed it. I also wanted to use Museo Sans to display my Pepeha to show how this Italic set is displayed using the Maori characters.
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Here is a new page on the left, which i have displayed the Glyph forms using Museo slab to display it. I wanted to show that this font has the ability to display any glphys. I decide to also use some visuals and have picked a photo that I took on my flight to India earlier this year. The page on the right, is about an interview which Jos (the founder) talks about how he made the font and his reasons behind it. I found this important to include as it shows the behind the scenes of how my typeface font was made.
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On the left, i have done another display of the Museo font using Museo Sans to display it. I wanted to analyse the Museo letters which I have written about on the right page with a continuing title of Type Anatomy next to it. I initially had this all on one page for my formative but got feedback from Emil, that I should spage information and visuals out more, so that its easy on the eye.
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This is a new page that I have added to my type specimen book, which shows the different features that the Museo font offers. Also how the 2 different kind of font families display the letters differently.
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These 2 pages are type experimentations of using the alphabet and the 5 different weights that the Museo font uses e.g. 100,700 etc. The page on the right is a display of the Hindi word meaning Hello or Welcome in Hindi using Museo Sans Cond Italic.
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The page on the left is a type experimentation using numbers which I have displayed by using the co-ordinates of my place that I have chosen which is the Museum of Kolkata. On the page on the right, is another type experimentation using numbers and displayed with the Museo sans font. The image in the background links to my theme as it is the Mumbai museum which also reminds me of the architecture in India, and have similar colours to my colour scheme.
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This is a new spread that i have made which shows my subtitle again with the words 'a place I call home'. I wanted to show how my words are shown with bold capital texts and how it is shown in the different colours. I have made 'place' and 'home' in the saffron colours as those are the words that stand out to me the most and relate to a place that i have picked called India and this place is where i call my home.
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I have kept the same back cover but have changed the text and have added a 'motif' to my backcover which I have used in my type specimen book. I have mentioned footnotes which was the information that I used in my type specimen book.
Page 1- Front cover
Page 2- Rationale
Page 3- Founder + Font research
Page 4/5- Meet the family
Page 6- Pepeha Design
Page 7- My Pepeha in Museo Font
Page 8- Museo Slab Glyph Forms Design
Page 9- History behind the Museo Font (interview)
Page 10- Analysing the Museo letters
Page 11- Type Anatomy title with analysis explanation
Page 12/13- Anatomy letters display
Page 14-5 weights Design
Page 15- Namaste Design display
Page 16- Design display using co-ordinates of Indian musuem
Page 17- Number design display
Page 18/19- A place I call home design display
Page 20- Back cover
I am very happy with the way that my final type specimen book turned out. I made many improvements to this book, including listening and adapting to the feedback from my teachers. I have learned a lot from doing this course and haven't learned many skills that will help me in the future.
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brainmentors · 4 years
Introduction to Statistics - Brain Mentors
Statistics is one of the major branches of mathematics and stats is one of the biggest reasons behind the success of Data Science, because the methodologies and techniques statistics provides are very helpful for Data Scientist in daily life. Statistical Analysis plays a major role in life cycle of data science.
Definition: Statistics deals with the methods which helps us to gather, analyze, review, and make conclusions from the data. Statistics is used when the data set depends on a sample of a larger population, then the analyst can develop interpretations about the population primarily based on the statistical outcomes from the sample. Like mean, median, mode, range etc.
It comes into the role when a user wants to see the insight of data or wants to find out hidden patterns and it is used in almost every field and department like:
·       Weather reports
·       In Sports to show players and teams performances
·       In TV Channels to perform analysis on TRP
·       Stock Market
·       Products Based Companies
·       Disease and their impact
From very small to very large, each company need statistics to evaluate their growth and how their products perform in market. Let’s see few examples of statistics:
So, these was the few examples of statistics that how everything is being shown to us with the help of graphs and graphs are the best way to show data to users.Before we talk about statistics, first we need to understand data and its different types.
Data and its types:
Categorical Or Qualitative : Categorical data is a type of data which represents categories. Data is divided into two or more categories like gender, languages, cast or religion etc. Data can also be numerical (Example : 1 for male and 0 for female). Here numbers do not represent any mathematical meaning.
Nominal : Type of data that has two or more categories without any specific order. Nominal values represents discrete units and used to label variables that do not have any quantitative value.
Examples :
·       Gender – Male and Female
·       Languages – Hindi, English, Chinese
·       Exams – Pass, Fail
·       Grades – A, B, C, D
Ordinal : Type of data that has two or more categories but they have a specific order. Ordinal values represents discrete and ordered units. So it is almost similar to nominal data but they have some specific order.
Examples :
·       Movie Ratings : Flop, Average, Hit, Superhit
·       Scale : Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree
Numerical Or Quantitative : Numerical data represents continuous type of data which has a mathematical meaning and measured in a quantity.
Interval : Interval type of data represents data in equal intervals. The values of interval variable are equally spaced. So they are almost similar to ordinal type of data but here data could of any continuous range.
Examples :
·       Temperature – Generally temperature is divided into equal intervals like 10 – 20, 20 – 30, 30 – 40
·       Distance and speed could also be given in equal intervals
Ratio : It is interval data with a natural zero point. When a value of any variable is 0.0 then it means there is none of that value. Suppose you are given temperature and it is 0 degree, so it is valid because temperature could be 0 degree. But if I say that your height is 0 ft then it doesn’t mean anything.
 Let’s Dig into Statistics
Statistics is also divided into 2 major categories :
·       Descriptive Statistics – Presenting, organizing and summarizing data
·       Inferential Statistics – Drawing conclusions about a population based on data observed in a sample
   Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Statistics helps to find out the summary of data and tells us the value that best describes the data set. It also tells how much your data is spread and scattered around from its average value or mean value. You can also find out minimum and maximum range of your data.
  Descriptive Statistics is broken down into :
Measure of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
Measure of Variability / Spread (Standard Deviation, Variance, Range, Kurtosis, Skewness)
 Measure of Central Tendency
Here we can describe whole dataset with a single value that represents the center of its distribution. There are 3 main measures of central tendency : Mean, Median and Mode.
I know most of you are already aware of simple arithmetic mean but there are few more types of mean that you should learn about. Different types of mean :
·       Arithmetic Mean
·       Weighted Mean
·       Geometric Mean
·       Harmonic Mean
 Relationship b/w AM, GM and HM
 Measure of Variability
Measure of variability describes how spread out a set of data is. We can observe how widely data is scattered when we have large values in the dataset or how data is tightly clustered when we have smaller values in the dataset. It tells the variation of the data from one another and gives the clear idea about the distribution.
 The spread of a data is described by a range of descriptive statistics which includes variance, standard deviation, range and interquartile range. Here the spread of data can be shown in graphs like : boxplot, dot plots, stem and leaf plots. The measure of variability tells how much your data is deviated from its standard or in simple terms we can say that how much data is far away from center point or from average value.
Note : We are not going in depth of measure of central tendency or measure of spread. Soon there will be a separate blog for these topics. Here in this blog we are just having introduction to statistics
 Probability Distributions
You might have heard the term probability a lot of times earlier and might have studied in schools or colleges as well. There were few common examples when we used to learn probability like probability of head or tail when we coin the toss or probability of getting a 6 if roll the dice.
Definition : Probability Distributions are the mathematical functions from which we get to know about the probabilities of the occurrence of various possible outcomes in an experiment. There are different types of probability distributions like :
•        Bernoulli Distribution
•        Uniform Distribution
•        Binomial Distribution
•        Normal Distribution
•        Poisson Distribution
•        Exponential Distribution
•        T-Distribution
•        Chi-Squared Distribution
I have just written few of the most popular ones. There are few more types of distributions. Note : We are not going into details of these distributions right now, because each distribution needs a separate blog. So in upcoming blogs we will see these distributions one by one.Here in this blog we are just having introduction to statistics.
 Inferential Statistics
Inferential Statistics is used to make conclusions from the data. Generally here we take a random sample from the population to describe and make inferences about the population.
Inferential statistics is used a lot in data analysis field. We conduct different types of test on random samples from a given set of data and get to know about the effect of the product. Inferential Statistics use statistical models to help you compare your sample data to other samples or to previous research. Most research uses statistical models called the Generalized Linear model and include :
·       Student’s t-test
·       ANOVA (Analysis of variance)
·       Regression Analysis
 Inferential Statistics includes :
·       Hypothesis Testing
·       Binomial Theorem
·       Normal Distributions
·       T-Distributions
·       Central Limit Theorem
·       Confidence Intervals
·       Regression Analysis / Linear Regression
·       Comparison of Mean
So this was a introduction to statistics and its different types.
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godfatherofsol · 5 years
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'Thug Life' Contrary to popular believe, the word 'Thug' didn't originate with 2pac (who gets his name from Tupac Amaru, meaning 'Shining Serpent' aka Lucifer/Enki). It originates from the Sanskrit word 'Sthaga' meaning 'concealment or deceiver' and then adapted in Hindi and Marathi as Thug or Thuggee, meaning a 'thief or swindler'. The Thuggee were a fanatical religious cult in India which is said to have operated from the 13th-19th centuries. Sometimes described as the world's first mafia, they were infamous for carring out ritualistic assassinations dedicated to the Hindu goddess of destruction and renewal, Kali, the 'Dark Mother'. It is said that they were responsible for over 2 million deaths in their time. These Thugs worked by joining groups of travellers and gaining their trust before surprising them in the night and typically strangling them with a handkerchief or noose, a quick and quiet method, which left no blood and required no special weapons. They would then rob their victim and bury them carefully. Their crimes involved a high degree of teamwork and co-ordination both during the infiltration phase and at the moment of attack. Each member of the gang had a special function such as luring travellers with charming words, acting as a lookout, or taking the role of the killer. Sometimes the children of travellers who were killed were groomed to become Thugs themselves, as the presence of children would help allay suspicion. They've been portrayed in a number of Hollywood movies including Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) and The Deceivers (1988) with Pierce Brosnan. “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent deceived Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3
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fortheheavenssake · 6 years
by Yaacov Levi
To many who are interested in the history of the Celtic peoples and their modern descendants in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany and Cornwall, and from their descendants around the world a subject that is often brought up is possible connections with the ancient Israelites, in particular the “Lost Tribes” of Israel.
The purpose of this article is not to establish ‘connections’ to the Lost Tribes, but to discuss some of the many common characteristics of these modern Celtic peoples and the ancient Israelites. These characteristics I call Commonalities. I am not attempting in this short article to establish connections which has been addressed in many other volumes such as The Tribes and Ephraim by Yair Davidy and The Lost Tribes of Israel - Found! by Steven Collins as well as in ancient works. I am simply going to point out and discuss a very few of the great many commonalities between these peoples.
The Lost Tribes of The House of Israel
The peoples we refer to as the Lost Tribes were part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel which was conquered by the Assyrians around 740-720 BC. and exiled to areas in Assyria and to the north. This is told in the the Bible in 2Kings chapters 17 and 18. About the same time a contingent from the Kingdom of Judah were also exiled to the northern lands. It is these peoples and their immediate descendants that are also variously referred to as the Lost Tribes, and the subject of many works and studies.
Being both Irish and Jewish, I grew up familiar with customs and the cultures of both peoples, only in later years becoming aware that they were quite difference cultures and had greatly varying cultural characteristics. Yet growing up with both cultures, I had noticed similarities even on a casual basis. Over the years I began to see more of this similarity and in recent years I began to collect this data into what I term an Overview which I am still assembling. It is this Overview in differing areas of life that I will discuss here.
There are a number of areas that I have been looking at which includes: language, agriculture, religion and taboos, burial practices, music and folk dancing, the traditions and self determinations and self-identification of the Celts and other areas as the arise. I will point out a few items in each category and note that these are just a few of a great many commonalities and I mention them as examples.
Language is one of the subjects that led to my overall interest in the topic as early on I had noticed similarities. Considering the long period of time from the expulsion of the Israelites to our time, it would seem unlikely that there would be little, if any, common letters, words or structure, but that is not the case - there is indeed much in common.
Gaelic is a member of the Celtic group of the Indo-European family of languages that includes Russian, English, German, Spanish, French, Hindi and Italian. The Celtic group has been confined to the British Isles and part of the French coast.
Linguistic Similarities
The Celtic group is divided into two divisions which has three languages in each division. Each division makes up its own unique language.The two branches are:
the BRYTHONIC branch which is made up of the Welsh, Breton and Cornish lan guages; and
the GOIDELIC branch with the Irish, Scots and Manx Gaelic languages.
The Breton and Cornish languages are seeing some resurgence after near extinction while the Irish, Scots and Welsh languages are holding their own at this time. Manx is an ancient form of Irish and is considered to be oldest and purest Irish Gaelic in existence. Manx is very close to the extinct dialects of nearby Ulster and Galloway and separated from Old Irish in about the fifth century of our era. It occupies much the same position to Old Irish as Icelandic does to Old Norse. For the purpose of my study I have chose to concentrate on Manx and Scots Gaelic. I am sure though that an indepth study of Welsh or the other Gaelic languages would provide much food for thought on this issue.
The Gaelic alphabet as well as the ordinal numbers show more commonality than could be expected after 2,700 years of divergence; for example we have a Hebrew “S” retained in the modern Gaelic - the Hebrew Sheen, pronounced Shh is found in the Irish “S” as in the name Sean pronounced Shawn. Other letters are similar, the ordinal numbers 6 & 7 are pronounced almost the same as Hebrew and Gaelic. Words with same or similar meanings abound; for instance the Hebrew word for holy in common usage according to Halacha (Jewish law) is Kasher. The word in Manx Gaelic for hallowed or holy is Casherick. The syntax of Gaelic is entirely different from any other European language, especially English. RL Thompson, in his work Outline of Manx Literature and Language says that “in several respects Gaelic syntax has similarities with that of languages like Hebrew and Arabic”.
As in Hebrew, adjectives follow the noun that they describe: for example “ben vie” = “a good woman” in Gaelic and “Rosh ketan” = “small head” or “stupid” in Hebrew. Vie of ketan being the adjectives. The word order also is similar in Hebrew in that the verb is usually first in the sentence unlike English or many other European languages. These are just a very few of the many commonalities that I believe suggest a definite connection between the two languages and their family streams. This alone could constitute a major comparative study.
Commonalities in Ethnic Customs
One of the first areas in which I noticed similarities was in customs, notably folk dancing and later, musical instruments. The Hebrew Hora and other old traditional dances are parallelled in many Gaelic folk dances and especially the wedding dance of the Gaels which is very similar to the traditional Ashkenazic wedding dances of Europe. The musical instruments of the Gaels are
found in the Israelite tradition, notably the harp in both Celtic tales and certainly Hebrew tradition as the favoured instrument of the psalmist David [see the article “The Harp of David and the Harp of Ireland” by John Wheeler in the August-October issue of Origins of Nations - ed]. But, one of the most intriguing things to come up was that the Irish and Scots pipes we are all familiar with has its origins in the desert flute played daily throughout the Middle East. The flute of the desert shepherds is identifiable in the “chanter” of the Irish and Scots pipes.
Amazing Religious Parallels
The ancient religion of the Celtic peoples prior to Christianity was generally believed to be Druidism, of which we know very little; yet that which we do know has many overtones of the Canaanite religions that the northern tribes turned to after the split of King Solomon’s Kingdom under his son into a Northern and a Southern Kingdom. Like the pagans of Canaan, their sacred places became high hilltops and sacred groves, notably oaks. There is a great deal of similarities from what we know archaeologically in both the Northern Kingdom ritual sites and the Druid sites in the Isles. Additionally, the burial practices of both the peoples of the northern Kingdom and the Celts bear much similarity in the presence of Dolmens - large slabs of stone place horizontally across upright stones with the graves under them. These are found throughout the area of Europe which Celtic peoples passed and are found also in the areas of present day Jordan and Israel in which the Northern Israelite tribes dwelled.
You can find pictures of these dolmens in Yair Davidy’s book Ephraim on pages 137-38. This book is available from History Research Projects. Overseas it may be purchased direct from Yair Davidy in Israel (addresses on inside back cover).
Even Agricultural Similarities!
Agriculturally there are interesting commonalities - the grain crops are much the same, and even though wheat was known to them in their passage through Europe it was not a major crop in their final homes. In fact oats and barley were their staple grains. As with the Israelites, the cattle were of several colours, but the preferred colour for ritual for both peoples was red. The virgin cow used in the Hebrew ritual for purification was the forerunner of the red cattle used by the Druids in their rituals.
After the invasion of the Romans into the Isles, white cattle were introduced and later used; until that time red was the preferred colour. One of the most famous wars in Irish history was over a Red Bull stolen by a northern Irish tribe. Also, swine were not raised in any of the early Celtic areas until after they were introduced by the Romans; the Celts had a taboo against them, along with scaleless fish as eels and shellfish. The Celts, in similitude to the Israelites, were excellent headsman and developed identifiable breeds of sheep, cattle and horses, that carried on the traditions of the Israelites.
Other Proofs
Perhaps one of the most telling of the commonalities is simply the self-identification as Israelites - the Hibernians - the name of the Irish and the Scots and the Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland. The Milesians, one of the early Celtic peoples to come to Ireland from Spain had a tradition that they were of the Lost Tribes. The name Heber, Eber, or H’berian is found throughout early literature to describe the Celts as they described themselves to be “Of Eber” - the grandfather of Abraham.
What I have presented here in greatly abbreviated form just skims the surface of the commonalities between the Celtic Peoples and the Israelites. There is a tremendous amount of information available for those who would like to look at this closer themselves. A few resources are listed at the end. This is one of those subjects in which at first one can say “oh - that's an interesting coincidence”. But the sheer mass of these “coincidences” that build up after one goes from discipline to another becomes totally overwhelming. The fact that so much of the languages are similar almost three thousand years later, that customs are clearly identifiable as being related, that religious practices are uniquely similar and that the everyday agricultural practices and crops were similar - all along with the many other commonalities bespeak a common origin.
For those interested in pursuing this I wish you well and much enjoyment.
Suggested Information Sources
Manx Gaelic Society
Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh
St Judes
Isle of Man IM7 2EW
United Kingdom
Gaelic Books Council
Dept of Celtic
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Yair Davidy
PO Box 595
Israel 91004
Chadwick, N (1965) Celtic Britain. London.
Chadwick, N (1970) The Celts. United Kingdom.
Rankin, H (1987) Celts and the Classical World. London.
Squire, C (1905) Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance. London.
Squire, C (1909) The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland. London.
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todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat The Lok Sabha passed the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2020, to reduce for one year the salaries of MPs by 30 per cent "to meet the exigencies" arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic. Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh addressing the Lok Sabha on the border tensions between India and China border On the second day of the Monsoon Session of the Parliament, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh briefed the Lok Sabha on the situation along the India-China border even as Congress MPs staged a walkout and held a protest in the Parliament House complex after they were not allowed to speak on the issue. While Singh admitted the border issue in eastern Ladakh with China remained unsolved, he said the armed forces were determined to protect India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Lok Sabha passed the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2020, to reduce for one year the salaries of MPs by 30 per cent “to meet the exigencies” arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic. Besides, the Lower House saw intense discussions a host of other issues, ranging from the drug probe in film industry to farm schemes. In Rajya Sabha, the Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was passed. The Bill seeks to improve India’s aviation safety ratings and provide statutory status to regulatory institutions, including the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Besides, the Upper House also saw Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan introducing ‘The Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Bill, 2020, and making a statement on the Covid-19 situation in the country. Rajnath Singh: China has mobilised troops, weapons on LAC, violated all bilateral agreements Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Tuesday told the Parliament that China had mobilised large number of troops, weapons and ammunition on the Line of Actual control in Eastern Ladakh, violating all bilateral agreements in the process. He also said while India wanted a peaceful resolution to the current crisis, it was ready for all situations. Addressing the Lok Sabha on the issue of standoff with Chinese forces in Ladakh, Singh said, “According to the current situation, China has mobilised a large number of troops and armaments along the LAC as well as in the depth areas. There are several frictions areas in Eastern Ladakh including Gogra, Kongka La and North and south Banks of Pangong Tso. In response, our forces have made appropriate counter deployments in these areas, so that India’s security interests can be fully protected.” Singh said through its provocative, violent and aggressive actions since April-May, China had violated all bilateral agreements to maintain peace and tranquillity on the borders. The defence minister assured the house that the armed forces would face the current challenge successfully. “As we all know earlier too there have been standoffs which were resolved peacefully. Although, this year it is different, still we are committed to peaceful resolution. But I want to tell the house we are ready to face all situations,” Singh said. Meanwhile, Congress MPs staged a walkout of the Lok Sabha and held a protest in front the Mahatma Gandhi statue on not being allowed to speak on the Sino-India border issue. Earlier, during the Business Advisory Committee meeting, Congress had demanded a discussion on the issue of stand-off between China and India in Eastern Ladakh. The government, however, declined to honour it citing sensitivity of the issue. Rajya Sabha passes Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2020 The Parliament passed the Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2020, that seeks to improve India’s aviation safety ratings and provide statutory status to regulatory institutions, including the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The Bill, which provides for statutory backing to the DGCA, the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) and the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau (AAIB), was passed by a voice vote in Rajya Sabha. The bill, which was passed in Lok Sabha on March 17 also entails to increase the fine for violations from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 1 crore. Lok Sabha passes bill to cut salaries of MPs by 30 per cent Lok Sabha on Tuesday passed the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2020, that seeks to reduce for one year the salaries of MPs by 30 per cent. It will replace the Salary, Allowances And Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020. Replying to the debate on the bill, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said that funds are needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and “charity should begin from home”. The Congress and other opposition parties in Lok Sabha demanded the restoration of MPLADS funds even as they supported the government’s decision to cut the salaries of members of Parliament. Jaya Bachchan slams those vilifying Bollywood Speaking in Rajya Sabha, veteran actor and Samajwadi Party MP Jaya Bachchan charged that the film industry was being defamed and slammed those from the entertainment industry indulging in it, saying they were “biting the hands that feed them”. Though Bachchan did not take any names, her remarks come a day after BJP’s Lok Sabha MP and Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan said there was problem of drug addiction in the film industry and also actor Kangana Ranaut’s recent remarks calling Bollywood a “gutter”. Through a Zero Hour mention in Rajya Sabha, Bachchan said the entertainment industry was being flogged by social media and asked the government to protect and support it. Without taking names, the Samajwadi Party MP said she completely disagrees with those who called the entertainment industry a “gutter”. “People who have made a name in this industry have called it a gutter. I completely disagree and I really disassociate,” she said. “Jis thali mein khate hai Usme chhed karte hai. Galat baat hai,” she said referring to a popular Hindi proverb that means to bite the hands that feed you. “I was really embarrassed and ashamed that yesterday (September 14) one of our members in the Lok Sabha, who is from the industry, spoke. I am not taking names. It is a shame,” she said. Meanwhile in Lok Sabha, the government also said no actionable inputs were received by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) revealing the alleged nexus between people in the film industry and drug traffickers. Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy said the NCB carries out searches, seizures, arrests and investigations continuously throughout the year on the actionable inputs developed on its own or received from other sources. “During the period of COVID-19 lockdown, no such actionable inputs were received by NCB revealing the nexus between people in the film industry and drug traffickers. “However, a case in this regard has been registered by NCB Mumbai zonal unit on August 28, 2020. Till date, in this case 10 persons have been arrested. Drugs such as Ganja, Hashish, Tetra Hydro Cannabinol and Lysergic acid De-ethylamide have been seized in the operation,” he said in reply to a question. NABARD sanction for Rs 1,568 crore worth of proposals under Agri Infra Fund Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, in a written reply to the Lower House, informed that the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has given in-principle sanction for Rs 1,568 crore worth of proposals received from agri-credit societies in 22 states under the recently launched Rs 1 lakh crore Agri Infrastructure Fund. “So far, NABARD has received 3,055 proposals of PACS (Primary Agriculture Credit Societies) through state cooperative banks in 22 states for which in-principle sanction of Rs 1,568 crore has been accorded,” he said. The first in-principle sanction of Rs 1,128 crore was made to over 2,280 farmer societies by NABARD, he said. The scheme, to be implemented for ten years till 2029, aims to provide medium- to long-term debt financing facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest management infrastructure and community farming assets through interest subvention and financial support. Govt says JK integrated into mainstream after scrapping of Article 370 Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy told Lok Sabha the UTs of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh have been fully integrated into the mainstream of the nation after the abrogation of Article 370. After the constitutional changes and reorganisation of the erstwhile state of JK, the two union territories have been fully integrated into the mainstream of the nation, he said in a written reply to a question. Reddy said the change has brought about socio-economic development in both the new UTs. Bill for giving ‘national importance’ tag to Gujarat Ayurveda institutes tabled Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan introduced ‘The Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Bill, 2020,’ in Rajya Sabha, that seeks to accord the status of an institution of national importance to a Jamnagar-based cluster of Ayurveda institutes. The Bill will grant institution of national importance status by conglomerating the cluster of Ayurveda institutes at Gujarat Ayurveda University campus in Jamnagar. “This is going to be the first institution in the country in the field of Ayurveda to be given the status of an institution of national importance. This is one of the oldest in the country under the government sector. 10 per cent of Ayurveda research publications are from this institute,” Vardhan said. Govt says over 1,600 Indian firms received $1 billion FDI from China In reply to a question, the government in Rajya Sabha said more than 1,600 Indian companies have received foreign direct investments worth USD 1 billion from China during the April 2016 to March 2020 period. In the written reply, Minister of State for Corporate Affairs Anurag Singh Thakur said these companies were in 46 sectors. Out of them, the automobile industry, printing of books (including litho printing industry), electronics, services and electrical equipment received more than USD 100 million FDI each from China during the said period. The automobile industry received the maximum FDI from China at USD 172 million. The services sector attracted such funds worth USD 139.65 million, the data showed. Phase-I trials of Covid vaccines revealed ‘excellent safety’: Minister Around 40 lakh people have been kept under surveillance as a part of the contact-tracing efforts in the country and 5.4 crore samples were tested for coronavirus till September 10, Union minister Ashwini Choubey told the Rajya Sabha. The minister of state for health said there were 15,290 COVID-treatment facilities with 13,14,171 dedicated isolation beds till September 10. There are also 2,31,269 oxygen-supported isolation beds and 62,694 ICU beds (including 32,241 ventilator beds). Guidelines on clinical management of COVID-19 have been issued and are being updated regularly. States are being supported in terms of supply of logistics, Choubey said. Choubey also said Phase-I clinical trials of the coronavirus vaccines have revealed “excellent safety” of the two candidate vaccines indigenously developed by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with ICMR and Cadila Healthcare Ltd and their immunogenicity testing is now in progress. Their phase II clinical trials are going on, Choubey said in response to a question on the present status of the vaccine programme/clinical trials for COVID-19 undertaken by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and other private research centres in the country. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said re-purposed hydroxychloroquine was being used for mild but high risk and moderate COVID-19 cases and that the government plans to conduct trial of ayurvedic medicines. Meanwhile, TMC MP Derek O’Brien hit out at Vardhan for not congratulating the state governments and health workers on their fight against coronavirus or condoling the demises of those who were at the forefront of the battle. Speaking to the media near Parliament, he said the health minister read out a 12-page statement in Rajya Sabha during which he used the word ‘congratulate’ once. “Tomorrow morning we will get a chance to ask clarifications. The Health minister used it once. It was a 12-page statement. He used the word congratulate once. Who did he congratulate? The Prime Minister. No, why didn’t the health minister congratulate the doctors, the healthcare workers, the nurses, the police, the ward boys, the sweepers,” he said. “So many of them have lost their lives. He couldn’t be little generous to congratulate them? Or condole those who have lost their lives?” said the TMC Rajya Sabha MP.
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phgq · 4 years
Stricter sanctions eyed vs. unauthorized motorists, ECQ violators
#PHnews: Stricter sanctions eyed vs. unauthorized motorists, ECQ violators
MANILA – Motorists who are not authorized to leave their homes amid the imposition of enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Luzon will face sanctions, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) said on Wednesday.
Following the reported rise in road traffic and quarantine violators in some parts of Metro Manila, the Philippine National Police (PNP) will be enforcing stricter guidelines for motorists, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said in a virtual press briefing aired on state-run PTV-4.
Nograles said the PNP’s Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) will now inspect private vehicles to determine whether or not the driver and passengers belong to the list of Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APOR).
He added that the PNP-HPG will also issue a Land Transportation Office-Temporary Operator’s Permit or Metropolitan Manila Development Authority-Ordinance Violation Receipt tickets against motorists who are not allowed to go outside of their homes.
“This is all being done for us and our families in order to prevent the virus from spreading. We appeal to everyone to please cooperate and, as much as possible, stay home,” Nograles, spokesperson of IATF-EIF, said.
President Rodrigo Duterte has placed the entire Luzon placed under an ECQ until April 30 in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the country.
Mass public transportation and most work have been suspended amid the implementation of ECQ in Luzon.
Individuals who are allowed to leave their homes are health workers, soldiers, policemen, media workers, authorized government personnel, and those rendering essential services.
Nograles, however, lamented that there are still many violators despite the government’s appeal to observe the strict home quarantine.
As of April 13, around 108,088 individuals have violated the quarantine protocols imposed by the government, Nograles noted.
“Napapansin po ni Pangulong Duterte at mga miyembro ng IATF na medyo nagiging kampante ang ating kababayan pagdating sa ECQ (President Duterte and IATF members noticed that our fellow countrymen are too complacent despite the ECQ implementation),” he said.
Possible ‘total lockdown’ in other villages
Amid reports of supposed ECQ violations, Nograles said the IATF-EID is studying the proposal to impose a “total lockdown” in other villages in Luzon with highest number of violators.
“That’s one of the recommendations that obviously, we are putting in the list of recommendation na pinag-aaralan. Pero kung ano yung magiging hakbang ng IATF, again pinag-uusapan iyan (The IATF is still discussing it), then we will come up with a decision,” Nograles said.
Quizzed about the possible another extension of ECQ in Luzon, Nograles said the IATF-EID is still “getting more data” before making a decision.
Nograles said all recommendations are being taken into consideration.
“Slowly, we are coming out with a game plan on what will happen after April 30. Now, hindi pa iyan tapos kasi patuloy pa nating pinaguusapan iyan (Now, we are not yet done with our discussions),” he said.
Repercussions of ECQ violators’ actions
Despite the ECQ implementation, public markets in some areas in Luzon have reportedly been packed with cars and people.
Nograles said local government units (LGUs) can pass their own ordinances, executive orders, or local laws that will seek the imposition of stiffer penalties against quarantine violators.
“They (LGUs) can pass ordinances, they can pass executive orders, they can pass their own local laws kung gusto nilang mas mabigat, mas mahigpit, mas matinding parusa (if they want heftier penalties), or whatever means necessary para madisiplina ang kanilang mga constituent (to discipline their constituents),” he said.
Nograles said ECQ violators should realize that their actions affect not only the Philippines but the entire world as well.
“This is not just the Philippines. This is the entire world so we cannot go that way. We cannot afford it. The world cannot afford it,” he said. “Sa mga pasaway, ito ang panahon na ito na dapat mong isipin ang repercussions ng actions mo na nakakaapekto ng ibang tao sa mundo (For troublemakers, think of the repercussions of your actions that affects people worldwide).”
The Philippines now has 5,223 Covid-19 infections, with 335 deaths and 295 recoveries. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Stricter sanctions eyed vs. unauthorized motorists, ECQ violators." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1099889 (accessed April 15, 2020 at 11:51PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Stricter sanctions eyed vs. unauthorized motorists, ECQ violators." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1099889 (archived).
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threedillusionmusic · 5 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Ya9ar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- http://bit.ly/2UPWOrF ~~~~~_#yaarpunjabian___~~~~~~~ ==================================== 🎧 Song Credits & Info's 🎧 The first song from De De Pyaar De, “Vaddi Sharaban” is here to get you grooving! The vibrant number features Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh! Sunidhi Chauhan and Navraj Hans lend their voice to this peppy track scored by Vipin Patwa and written by Kumaar. De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! #VaddiSharaban #DeDePyaarDe #NewSong2019 Ajay Devgn may have coped with several tough situations in the past but now watch him ‘Split’ between two beautiful women, Tabu and Rakul Preet Singh, amidst a crazy family who only makes matters worse! De De Pyaar De is the joyous rom-com for all ages. Song - Vaddi Sharaban Singers - Sunidhi Chauhan, Navraj Hans Music - Vipin Patwa Lyrics - Kumaar Music Label- T-Series Music Producer- Aditya Dev, Gaurav Vaswani Mixed & Mastered By - Eric Pillai At Future Sound Of Bombay. Mix Assistants - Michael Edwin Pillai & Lucky (Future Sound Of Bombay) Music Production Co-ordinator - Kartik Kush Voice Design - Rupjeet Daas, Ankush Boradkar Vocals Recorded at – Wow&Flutter Studio, Amv Studio, Playhead Studio- Mumbai ================================= "Make 3d audio bollywood song 3d hollywood movies clip & song bollywood horrors sounds clips much more " 🎧🎧😊😊😊What is 3D panned audio? This is a 3d panned audio which gives illusions like you are listening to original "3d" audio but its not actuall "3D" . But you can feel the height , width & depth of the song like in original 3d audio. 🎧( Ps - its not original "3d" song but its gives Illusions like original 3d ) Panning - panned means the audio channel changes from left to right & viceversa .. Note When We Had Started This Channel We Don't adds Sound Effects Like We Add Now So Our Old Videos is Not That Effective! But The Future Videos Will Be Mind Blowing😊🎧🎧 🎧🎧 Please Select Video Quality 480p Or 720p And Please Plug Your Headphones Or Earphones And Close Your Eyes To Enjoy 3d Music This Music Inside Your Heads. This Song Is Original Dolby Atmos 3d 360° Surround Sound 🎧🎧 =================================== Song Lyrics ==================================== NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 ®#3dmusicconveter2019™😊 use a pair of headphones & close your eyes for the best experience you will hear music that moves around you. 💕 Subscribe us for more stuff like this "Make 3d audio bollywood song 3d hollywood movies clip & song bollywood horrors sounds clips much more " Song Credit Singer/Lyrics: Karan Aujla #Feat: Bohemia Music: Deep Jandu Video Director: Rupan Bal Producer: Sandeep Rehaan Edit: Jagjeet Dhanoa Label: Rehaan Records Project Management: J Hind World Wide Promotion: GK.Digital Special Thanks to Young Sagg of DoggyStyle Records 😊😊😊What is 3D panned audio? This is a 3d panned audio which gives illusions like you are listening to original "3d" audio but its not actuall "3D" . But you can feel the height , width & depth of the song like in original 3d audio. ( Ps - its not original "3d" song but its gives Illusions like original 3d ) Panning - panned means the audio channel changes from left to right & viceversa .. Note When We Had Started This Channel We Don't adds Sound Effects Like We Add Now So Our Old Videos is Not That Effective! But The Future Videos Will Be Mind Blowing😊 Please Select Video Quality 480p Or 720p And Please Plug Your Headphones Or Earphones And Close Your Eyes To Enjoy 3d Music This Music Inside Your Heads. This Song Is Original Dolby Atmos 3d 360° Surround Sound NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS 👍👌👍👌👌👍👌👌👌👌👌 NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌
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mp-top-10 · 7 years
Bahubali 2 Actors Childhood Photos BEFORE & AFTER Here Is The List- Anushka Shetty Sweety Shetty (born 7 November 1981), better known by her stage name Anushka Shetty, is an Indian actress and model who works predominantly in Telugu and Tamil films. She made her acting debut through the 2005 Telugu film Super. She went on to star in a number of Telugu films such as Vikramarkudu (2006), Arundhati (2009), Vedam (2010), Rudramadevi (2015) and Baahubali: The Beginning (2015). More Details : https://goo.gl/Jy8nOk Tamannaah Bhatia Tamannaah Bhatia (born 21 December 1989) known as Tamannaah, is an Indian actress who predominantly appears in Telugu and Tamil films. She has also appeared in Hindi films. In addition to acting, she also participates in stage shows and is a prominent celebrity endorser for brands and products. In 2005, she made her acting debut in the age of 15 in the Bollywood film, Chand Sa Roshan Chehra and appeared in Abhijeet Sawant album song "Lafzon main" from the album Aapka Abhijeet which was also released in the year 2005, before working in Telugu cinema and Tamil cinema. In the same year, Tamannaah made her Telugu film debut in Sri, and the next year she appeared in her first Tamil movie, Kedi. In 2007, she starred in two college-life-based drama films, Happy Days in Telugu and Kalloori in Tamil. More Details : https://goo.gl/njilmm Rana Daggubati Rana Daggubati better known as Rana is an Indian film actor, producer, Visual Effects co-ordinator,and photographer known for his works in Telugu cinema, Tamil cinema and Hindi cinema. As a Visual Effects producer, Rana won the State Nandi Award for Best Special Effects in 2006 for the Telugu film Sainikudu starring Mahesh Babu. In 2006, he received the National Film Award for co-producing Bommalata – A Bellyful of Dreams. In 2010, he made his acting debut with the Telugu blockbuster Leader, for which he won the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut – South. He received critical acclaim for his performance in the 2012 crime thriller film Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum.[citation needed] In 2015, he starred as the main antagonist in Baahubali: The Beginning, which recorded the second highest gross opening for an Indian film. More Details : https://goo.gl/wX3ZsL Prabhas Prabhas is an Indian film actor best known for his work in Telugu cinema.Prabhas made his film debut with the 2002 drama film, Eshwar. His works include Varsham (2004), Chatrapathi (2005), Chakram (2005), Billa (2009), Mr. Perfect (2011), and Mirchi (2013). Prabhas won the state award, the Nandi Award for Best Actor for his role in Mirchi.In 2014, he appeared in an item song in the Bollywood film Action Jackson directed by Prabhudeva. In 2015, Prabhas played the title role in S. S. Rajamouli's epic film Baahubali: The Beginning (2015), which is the third highest-grossing Indian film to date. More Details : https://goo.gl/oS1GWW Music : Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release] (3:27) NoCopyrightSounds YouTube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4DyBUG242c&list=RDfzNMd3Tu1Zw&index=1 Social Network Links : Follow Cartoon : • SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/cartoonbaboon • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/cartoondband For More Videos : http://goo.gl/8NWCQ0 ----------Others Videos you Can Also Like-------------- Top 10 Bollywood Celebrities Who Went Fat to Fit : https://youtu.be/4XX7wmW71gs 8 Television Couples And Their Love Triangle : https://youtu.be/6HrOI3ZuFO4 10 Unseen Teenage Pictures of Bollywood Celebrities! : https://youtu.be/v822RncN04 Top 10 Plastic Surgery Photos Of Popular Bollywood Actresses - BEFORE & AFTER :https://youtu.be/VFB2qTo0HM4 20 Bollywood Child Actors Who Grew Up Unrecognisable - BEFORE & AFTER : https://youtu.be/wNAPuXVfrK4 Real Life Partners Of Kumkum Bhagya Zee Tv - https://youtu.be/UePSjSvdhuQ Popular Bollywood Actresses Who Married for Money : https://youtu.be/H7J3FDchOuo Top 10 Plastic Surgery Photos Of Popular TV Actresses - BEFORE & AFTER : https://youtu.be/eSUC6r39faw 6 Celebrities Who Lost Their Lives : https://youtu.be/xPLWlm_uYNE TV Actresses Looks Beautiful Without Makeup - PART 3 : https://youtu.be/v9C_kbu2AYo Top 10 Handsome TV Actors With Their Real Life Partner : https://youtu.be/U7HOkyP7__c Hello, This is Moumita Pal Here. I declare that all slideshow belong me. Photos all are taken from Google Image search and using advanced image search option.All images were fairly used during the making of this video for entertainment purposes. We do not mean to victimise anybody emotionally. Thanks to Google for providing this beautiful and related pictures.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Private Equity now funds 75% of Indian property market as banks pull out
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/21/private-equity-now-funds-75-of-indian-property-market-as-banks-pull-out/
Private Equity now funds 75% of Indian property market as banks pull out
MUMBAI: Indian reality, it appears, owes its concrete foundations to personal equity. Investment capital from uber wealthy individuals and establishments – or personal equity (PE) financing in the broadest feel of the term – now makes up 75 according to cent of the price range propping up India’s property marketplace, in comparison with just about a fourth in 2010. Overall investment inside the actual property zone improved 40 percent to $five.four billion in 2016 from $three.8 billion in 2011. This includes fund flows from PEs, non-banking financial
Overall investment inside the actual property zone improved 40 percent to $five.four billion in 2016 from $three.8 billion in 2011. This includes fund flows from PEs, non-banking financial
Banks used to account for anywhere between 50 per cent-fifty seven according to cent of the sector’s institutional investment requirement until 2014. in the past years, financial institution credit to the sector has slumped to approximately 26 consistent with the cent.
As the real estate market in India matures, driven through both regulatory and market forces, we assume PE capital to play a fair more role. Creation of public markets for business assets in the form of REITs (actual estate Investment Trusts) and sale of distressed property through.
Ray inside the form of REITs (actual estate Investment Trusts) and sale of distressed property by using banks to lessen non-acting assets are some of the drivers that could attract a variety of foreign capital into India’s property market,” said Rajeev Bairathi, ED & head of capital markets, Knight Frank India. Overseas inv.
These buyers have in large part favored debt or dependent debt investment due to the fact that 2012, with such products making up more than a third of such transactions. But, professionals accept as true with, that it’s time for a change. “PE gamers will revisit the drawing board to devise the character in their participation in actual estate. Long gone are the days of comparing safety values primarily based on projected capital costs and coins flows to take secured debt positions,” stated Rubi Arya, popVC, Milestone Capital Advisors
The Pros and Cons of Indian Media
The function of media has continually created a deep effect on the lives of the commonplace guy. While on the only hand it has updated humans approximately the conditions around the world, there again it has additionally created panic when half baked information popped out inside the open. In India, the growing reputation of the media is having varied effects on the lives of people.us dollar to Indian rupee
It has been pretty a few years now that the Indian media has advanced from newspapers and radio and made its way into the television industry. There are several news channels that run 24×7 and maintain people up to date about all of the incidents no longer handiest within the country but also across the world. The greatest benefit of this device is that human beings sitting in India get updated about the incidents which might be happening in the USA inside a be counted of minutes. Not like the antique days, there may be no need to attend till the following day while the newspapers arrive to be up to date about the other aspect of the arena. Those channels also have sites on the internet that are up to date every minute, in order that even people who are at the circulate can remain updated through the net on their cellular phones. Say as an instance the day when the arena Exchange Middle got here down, it changed into a count number of moments that human beings all over the world have become aware of it.
Or even whilst the trains in London have been bombed, the complete world became aware of it, thanks to the media. This immediate replace enabled human beings from the world over to connect to they are close to and pricey ones to make sure their safety.
But, it can not be disregarded that in which on the only hand instantaneous information approximately incidents assist human beings, there once more the media can be a threat at times. Media in India at instances grow to be repetitive and that they maintain playing the identical information tape time and again once more. At the time those information objects which aren’t at all essential get plenty of hype, sidelining the occurrences that might be of real significance. Indian media paid an excessive amount of interest to activities just like the wedding of a star son and a main heroine, the kiss that a Hollywood star planted on the cheek of a Bollywood heroine, the coming to mild of the clandestine courting of a Pakistan cricketer with a woman, and additionally the being pregnant of a Hindi film heroine. These incidents are of least significance to the lifestyles of a not unusual man and a lot of importance handiest takes away the light from those incidents which can actually have an effect on humans of their each day lives.
Eleven Key Attributes of a Good Property Manager
Belongings Management is a career. The industry lets in for employment boom, persistent studying stories, and the possibility to work with various people and profits agencies. The Belongings Manager can work both without delay for a proprietor of real property houses, or for a Assets Management agency, shrunk by using an owner or prison entity to care for the actual estate over a selected time period.propwall
The Assets Supervisor has a fiduciary dating with the Management company and Belongings proprietor. A fiduciary relationship is one this is based totally on a mutual accept as true with and complete self-assurance in each other.
The Belongings Supervisor is furnished an proprietor’s real estate portfolio to control to its “highest and first-rate use” in change for an employment settlement or revenue. real estate assignments for the Belongings Manager includes condominium homes, condominiums, motels, storage facilities, shopping centers, workplace buildings, government-backed properties, rooming houses, deserted buildings and plots of vacant land, to call some.
I’ve managed almost all the above styles of homes for over two decades. I’ve managed public and personal housing, for non-earnings corporations, for the federal authorities, and for private developers and real estate investors. I additionally owned my very own Belongings Management employer for eight years. I now teach, speak, and write approximately Belongings Management standards and techniques. Right here are some essential competencies, which I know from first hand experience, have to be common as required attributes and discovered talents so as to be a terrific Property Supervisor.
1. have to recognize and Stay Modern-day on Local Ordinances and Nation Laws
Managers are required to perform their work according to the Legal guidelines of the land. The government (town, Kingdom, and federal) dictates how actual estate is to be managed, from requiring a actual estate license (depending on the Country), to the usage of the actual property (inclusive of lease manipulate Legal guidelines). From right trash removal to how and in which we have to maintain security deposits, the Supervisor has to hold abreast of the many prison requirements of managing actual property. If a mistake is made or a task is forgotten, it could price the owner his or her Property, and/or a Control company’s reputation, lack of the account, or even the loss of real estate licenses.
2. need to Be Incredibly Moral and Sincere
Assets Managers work on the honor Code when they deal with different people’s cash. by amassing hire, security deposits, laundry gadget cash et al, the Belongings Supervisor holds a fiduciary courting with the Assets proprietor and/or Control employer. The owner entrusts the Assets with thousands of bucks each month, plus the cost of the actual estate itself. The Supervisor is hired to carry out at his or her maximum level of integrity. On a each day foundation, the Property Supervisor’s desirable judgment and sense of what is right and wrong is known as into play.
3. need to be Element Orientated and Organized
Managers accumulate the lease each day, and should ensure that every lease is paid and published to the tenants’ account as acquired. Economic statistics detailing every and every lease transaction are kept, both by means of lease cards, or at the laptop. Hire expirations and renewals, hire boom letters, and rent invoices ought to be mailed on time. traces for court appearances ought to be saved, and clients need to receive their written monthly file of operations. A professional Assets Supervisor is capable of multi-mission, maintain web page documents Organized, and prioritize repairs and assignments.
Understand the Pros and Cons of Saving Money in Piggy Banks
It is constantly a tremendous concept to position some money away for a wet day or for a destiny purchase. But in which you put It’s miles a personal preference depending on what your issues are. Do you have protection in mind? Or is it convenience possibly? Anything they’ll be, you may have the concept of getting a piggy bank in which to store some more money. It would help you in case you understood what using one of these entails. There are obvious advantages in addition to disadvantages that include piggy banks.
All of us have spare change left over from grocery shopping and other small purchases, and from time to time we simply put it all around the residence because we do no longer have a principal place to deposit it. A coin financial institution will enable you to hold tune of the small amounts of cash that would in any other case surely lie round or get lost. It can additionally be a high-quality manner to in reality keep in the direction of a small buy together with something you saw on sale at the shop down the street. Small, ordinary deposits into the piggy bank will acquire sufficient to reach the favored quantity. There are a few massive piggy banks which are convenient for developing a decent saving, so that is probably of interest to you.banks open on Columbus day
Most piggy or coin banks via their very layout are beautiful to have a look at. Which means that besides the use of them to place away a few money, you can additionally use them as ornamental pieces in the house. The piggy financial institution might not always come inside the layout of a pig, But some are modeled after other animals or objects. So you ought to choose to become a collector of them and make them serve the double obligation of storing your money and brightening up your house.
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threedillusionmusic · 5 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Ya9ar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- http://bit.ly/2UPWOrF ~~~~~_#yaarpunjabian___~~~~~~~ ==================================== 🎧 Song Credits & Info's 🎧 The first song from De De Pyaar De, “Vaddi Sharaban” is here to get you grooving! The vibrant number features Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh! Sunidhi Chauhan and Navraj Hans lend their voice to this peppy track scored by Vipin Patwa and written by Kumaar. De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! #VaddiSharaban #DeDePyaarDe #NewSong2019 Ajay Devgn may have coped with several tough situations in the past but now watch him ‘Split’ between two beautiful women, Tabu and Rakul Preet Singh, amidst a crazy family who only makes matters worse! De De Pyaar De is the joyous rom-com for all ages. Song - Vaddi Sharaban Singers - Sunidhi Chauhan, Navraj Hans Music - Vipin Patwa Lyrics - Kumaar Music Label- T-Series Music Producer- Aditya Dev, Gaurav Vaswani Mixed & Mastered By - Eric Pillai At Future Sound Of Bombay. Mix Assistants - Michael Edwin Pillai & Lucky (Future Sound Of Bombay) Music Production Co-ordinator - Kartik Kush Voice Design - Rupjeet Daas, Ankush Boradkar Vocals Recorded at – Wow&Flutter Studio, Amv Studio, Playhead Studio- Mumbai ================================= "Make 3d audio bollywood song 3d hollywood movies clip & song bollywood horrors sounds clips much more " 🎧🎧😊😊😊What is 3D panned audio? This is a 3d panned audio which gives illusions like you are listening to original "3d" audio but its not actuall "3D" . But you can feel the height , width & depth of the song like in original 3d audio. 🎧( Ps - its not original "3d" song but its gives Illusions like original 3d ) Panning - panned means the audio channel changes from left to right & viceversa .. Note When We Had Started This Channel We Don't adds Sound Effects Like We Add Now So Our Old Videos is Not That Effective! But The Future Videos Will Be Mind Blowing😊🎧🎧 🎧🎧 Please Select Video Quality 480p Or 720p And Please Plug Your Headphones Or Earphones And Close Your Eyes To Enjoy 3d Music This Music Inside Your Heads. This Song Is Original Dolby Atmos 3d 360° Surround Sound 🎧🎧 =================================== Song Lyrics ==================================== NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 ®#3dmusicconveter2019™
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threedillusionmusic · 5 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Ya9ar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- http://bit.ly/2UPWOrF ~~~~~_#yaarpunjabian___~~~~~~~ ==================================== 🎧 Song Credits & Info's 🎧 The first song from De De Pyaar De, “Vaddi Sharaban” is here to get you grooving! The vibrant number features Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh! Sunidhi Chauhan and Navraj Hans lend their voice to this peppy track scored by Vipin Patwa and written by Kumaar. De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! #VaddiSharaban #DeDePyaarDe #NewSong2019 Ajay Devgn may have coped with several tough situations in the past but now watch him ‘Split’ between two beautiful women, Tabu and Rakul Preet Singh, amidst a crazy family who only makes matters worse! De De Pyaar De is the joyous rom-com for all ages. Song - Vaddi Sharaban Singers - Sunidhi Chauhan, Navraj Hans Music - Vipin Patwa Lyrics - Kumaar Music Label- T-Series Music Producer- Aditya Dev, Gaurav Vaswani Mixed & Mastered By - Eric Pillai At Future Sound Of Bombay. Mix Assistants - Michael Edwin Pillai & Lucky (Future Sound Of Bombay) Music Production Co-ordinator - Kartik Kush Voice Design - Rupjeet Daas, Ankush Boradkar Vocals Recorded at – Wow&Flutter Studio, Amv Studio, Playhead Studio- Mumbai ================================= "Make 3d audio bollywood song 3d hollywood movies clip & song bollywood horrors sounds clips much more " 🎧🎧😊😊😊What is 3D panned audio? This is a 3d panned audio which gives illusions like you are listening to original "3d" audio but its not actuall "3D" . But you can feel the height , width & depth of the song like in original 3d audio. 🎧( Ps - its not original "3d" song but its gives Illusions like original 3d ) Panning - panned means the audio channel changes from left to right & viceversa .. Note When We Had Started This Channel We Don't adds Sound Effects Like We Add Now So Our Old Videos is Not That Effective! But The Future Videos Will Be Mind Blowing😊🎧🎧 🎧🎧 Please Select Video Quality 480p Or 720p And Please Plug Your Headphones Or Earphones And Close Your Eyes To Enjoy 3d Music This Music Inside Your Heads. This Song Is Original Dolby Atmos 3d 360° Surround Sound 🎧🎧 =================================== Song Lyrics ==================================== NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 ®#3dmusicconveter2019™
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threedillusionmusic · 5 years
3d Edit Songs by ~ Ya9ar Punjabian ~ Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel This Channel is Convert Normal Surround Sound Song To 3d 360° Surround Sound Song And This Channel Is Hindi. if You Like This Song Don't Forget To Like, Comment & Share Click Here To Subscribe For New Songs : YOUTUBE :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqto2KCM-x8T3M5Cl6Tnwjw SOUNDCLOUD :- http://bit.ly/2UPWOrF ~~~~~_#yaarpunjabian___~~~~~~~ ==================================== 🎧 Song Credits & Info's 🎧 The first song from De De Pyaar De, “Vaddi Sharaban” is here to get you grooving! The vibrant number features Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh! Sunidhi Chauhan and Navraj Hans lend their voice to this peppy track scored by Vipin Patwa and written by Kumaar. De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! De De Pyaar De releasing in theaters on 17th May 2019! #VaddiSharaban #DeDePyaarDe #NewSong2019 Ajay Devgn may have coped with several tough situations in the past but now watch him ‘Split’ between two beautiful women, Tabu and Rakul Preet Singh, amidst a crazy family who only makes matters worse! De De Pyaar De is the joyous rom-com for all ages. Song - Vaddi Sharaban Singers - Sunidhi Chauhan, Navraj Hans Music - Vipin Patwa Lyrics - Kumaar Music Label- T-Series Music Producer- Aditya Dev, Gaurav Vaswani Mixed & Mastered By - Eric Pillai At Future Sound Of Bombay. Mix Assistants - Michael Edwin Pillai & Lucky (Future Sound Of Bombay) Music Production Co-ordinator - Kartik Kush Voice Design - Rupjeet Daas, Ankush Boradkar Vocals Recorded at – Wow&Flutter Studio, Amv Studio, Playhead Studio- Mumbai ================================= "Make 3d audio bollywood song 3d hollywood movies clip & song bollywood horrors sounds clips much more " 🎧🎧😊😊😊What is 3D panned audio? This is a 3d panned audio which gives illusions like you are listening to original "3d" audio but its not actuall "3D" . But you can feel the height , width & depth of the song like in original 3d audio. 🎧( Ps - its not original "3d" song but its gives Illusions like original 3d ) Panning - panned means the audio channel changes from left to right & viceversa .. Note When We Had Started This Channel We Don't adds Sound Effects Like We Add Now So Our Old Videos is Not That Effective! But The Future Videos Will Be Mind Blowing😊🎧🎧 🎧🎧 Please Select Video Quality 480p Or 720p And Please Plug Your Headphones Or Earphones And Close Your Eyes To Enjoy 3d Music This Music Inside Your Heads. This Song Is Original Dolby Atmos 3d 360° Surround Sound 🎧🎧 =================================== Song Lyrics ==================================== NOTE 3D SONG Create DAW SOFTWARE WITH 3D AUDIO BINAURAL PLUGS __ Disclaimer: I do not own all the material I am posting on My channel. If you are a copyright owner and want your work to be removed from My channel PLEASE contact at [email protected] or leave a comment or message me on social media i provided and I will remove your material right away. PLEASE do not opt for a youtube strike ___ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use👌👌👌👌👌 ®#3dmusicconveter2019™ by 3d illusionmusic
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