#ordinal numbers 1 to 50
udable · 7 months
Learn Ordinal Numbers 1 to 100: Fun & Easy Guide for Hindi and Urdu Speaker | Udable
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project-shereshoy · 1 year
What's 6 in Mando'a? What about 501st? How do you say "execute order 66"? In this blog post, we'll cover the Mando'a cardinal and ordinal number system, how to make any number from 0-9,999 and other words useful when discussing number and math. Sources are indicated with symbols (^ *) and listed at the bottom.
Mando'a uses a base-5 numbering system supplemented with base-10 suffixes. This means 1-5 are unique words along with 0, 10, 100, and 1000. All other numbers are a combination of those words. As it stands, KT Mando’a allows us to count up to 9,999. Here are the counting numbers:
0 - naas^ (literally "nothing") 1 - solus (prefix: sol) 2 - t'ad (prefix: ad) 3 - ehn (prefix: ehn) 4 - cuir (prefix: cur) 5 - rayshe'a (prefix: she) 6 - resol (prefix: rol) 7 - e'tad (prefix: tad) 8 - she'ehn (prefix: shen) 9 - she'cu (prefix: shek)
For the tens place numerals (20, 30, 40, etc), add the “tens” suffix -’eta to the prefixes above above. 0 and 1 do not act as prefixes for counting purposes. 10 is a unique number (ta+raysh aka "two fives").
10 - ta'raysh 20 - ad'eta* 30 - ehn'eta* 40 - cur'eta* 50 - she'eta* 60 - rol'eta* 70 - tad'eta* 80 - shehn'eta* 90 - shek'eta*
For the hundreds place numerals, the principle is the same. Add the “hundreds” suffix -’olan to the original numbers. Like 10, 100 is a unique number.
100 - olan* 200 - ad'olan^ 300 - ehn'olan^ 400 - cur'olan^ 500 - raysh'olan* 600 - rol'olan^ 700 - tad'olan^ 800 - shen'olan^ 900 - shek'olan^
For the thousands place numerals, the pattern continues. The suffix for “thousands” is a conjunction between the suffixes for “ten” and “hundreds”, -’eta’olan. This makes it literally “tens of hundred”. 1000 is an exception to the rule and is instead “ten hundred”.
1000 - ta’raysh’olan* 2000 - ad’eta’olan^ 3000 - ehn’eta’olan^ 4000 - cur’eta’olan^ 5000 - she’eta’olan* 6000 - rol’eta’olan^ 7000 - tad’eta’olan^ 8000 - shen’eta’olan^ 9000 - shek’eta’olan^
More Numbers
To fill the gaps in the above list, simply write out each place with a space between. Eleven (11) is ta'raysh solus*. Two hundred-sixty-three (263) in English is ad’olan rol’eta ehn^ in Mando’a. "Execute order sixty-six" becomes "Ke narir haar’ke’gyce rol’eta resol".
To turn a numeral into an ordinal (1 to 1st or 10 to 10th), add the descriptor suffix -yc. Theoretically this should also work with the suffix -la, but -yc is the one explicitly acknowledged in the KT dictionary. The last (singles) place numeral receives the descriptor suffix. E.g. she’olan sol'yc (501st) or cur’etayc (40th)
Other Useful Words
Soletar, verb, "to count" Sosol ti, phrase, "equal to" Majycir, verb, "to add" Te'habir, verb "to remove or take out" aka subtract
There's no ready answer for "multiply" or "divide", though creative use of tatugir "to repeat" could work in some cases. Fractions might be verbally represented as solus be ta'raysh "1 of 10" or some other prepositional combo that can also represent division. "Mathematics" also doesn't have a dedicated word, but "to calculate" is mirdir.
"But do Mandalorian space-barbarians really need to know math--" Yes. Ballistics. Logistics. Counting pay. Math is everywhere, it is inescapable. Inevitable. Evil Essential.
Words without source symbols are from officially published works by Karen Traviss, namely the Republic Commando novels. Reference this index to see the book & page number.
Asterik* words are from the lexicon Karen Traviss published digitally, which is hosted as-is on Mandoa.org without alterations (or corrections).
Carat^ words are derivations from the canon words' established patterns. As such, if you want to go with a different interpretation, have fun! These are suggestions and I ain't a cop. We'll answer follow-up questions on how they're derived, but we're not interested in arguing merits of one interpretation over another.
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jamesshawgames · 2 years
Big Update 2 of 2!
Relics 3 ending guide
Here is your definitive guide to the Relics 3 Endgame. This is going to get long and very very complex, so I’ll hide it under the jump so as not to annoy folk…
There are two parts to the guide. Part 1 will tell you how to maximize the chances of keeping your friends and allies alive. (If you want to do a nightmare run and get them all killed, just do the opposite of what this guide says!) Part 2 will tell you what the major end-states are and how to get them.
Part 1: How (Not) To Kill All Your Friends
One way to keep all your friends alive is very straightforward – don’t bring anybody with you. The way to achieve this is to have incredibly poor relationship stats with everybody. There are two reasons why you might not want to do this, however: 1) it will make the Endgame very difficult for you; 2) it will require you to play through three whole games as a character who is a colossal dick to everybody they meet. If you don’t fancy doing this, there are other ways to keep the blorbos breathing.
Some of the “friend deaths” that can occur are the result of bad choices you might make in the Endgame. Others are the result of how many forces you start with, which itself will be determined by choices that you have made throughout the trilogy. The two main numbers to watch are the number of your friends and allies who agree to come and fight (you want as many as possible to get you lots of tactical options), and the number of soldiers that Anderson is able to recruit for the mission (again, the more the better). We’ll start with the soldiers.
Anderson’s Forces
You can go into the endgame with anything between 30 and 90 troops. You want something towards the higher end to maximize your chances. Here’s how to get the numbers up:
The basic number is 30 – 20 Royal Marines and 10 US military personnel. If you start with just 30, you can be sure that at least a couple of your buddies will kick the bucket. So how do we improve the odds?
If you are rich, you will be offered the option to give Anderson money to recruit mercenaries. Depending on how rich you are, this will either get you an extra 10 or an extra 20 troops to start with (and your Fortune stat will take a hit). Alternatively, if you have high Political Impact, you will be offered the chance to have called some of the people you have helped and asked for volunteers. Again, you’ll get 10 or 20, depending on how high your stat is. These two approaches are mutually exclusive: you can use your money or your political impact, but not both.
If you successfully exposed (and reported) Winter, the Oxford traitor, then Anderson will have impressed his bosses and won more support from the higher-ups, getting you an extra 10 starting troops.
If you chose to send Anderson the co-ordinates of the treasure of the Annunciacion in Book 3 Chapter 4, then that will also get you an additional 10 mercenaries.
If you got Marius Stokes to fund Anderson, then this will get you an additional 10 soldiers. In order to do this, you need to discover Stokes’s letter in Book 2 Chapter 6, you need to choose either to blackmail him or to keep hold of the letter, and, when you encounter Stokes in Interlude 4, you need to tell him to start funding Anderson.
If you left Jorge Gainza alive at the end of Book 2, he will surprise everybody by doing the right thing and sending you money, feeling that he owes you for not killing him when you could, and you’ll use that money to hire 10 mercenaries. Alternatively, if Gainza is dead and his son Ezekiel won the prize in Book 2, then Zeke will come through for you and send you some cash, also getting you 10 mercenaries.
If, at the end of all this, you have fewer than 50 soldiers and you have brought a rich companion with you (meaning Esme/Abdul, Dominique or María), then your rich friend will stump up enough cash to take your numbers up to 50, to give you more of a chance.
You need to keep these numbers high for a couple of reasons. Firstly, if the numbers drop below a certain level, then any of your friends who are with the main strike force will start to die. If the number of soldiers drops below 30, one of your friends (randomly determined) will be killed. If it drops below 20, a second randomly-determined friend will die. If it drops below 10, you’ll lose a third. Also if, at the end of the game, the number of soldiers is below 20, then they will get overwhelmed by the SS and you will die at the end of the game (thought you’ll still have a chance to save the world and get a heroic sacrifice epilogue).
Friends and Allies:
The basic rules for whether a friend will join you for the final attack are as follows:
If you’re in a romantic relationship with a character, they will always join you.
If you have a good relationship with a character (65 or above), they will join you.
Any characters who join you will be available to fight. You can do one of three things with them: have them join your small group of three who will be taking the secondary path; assign them a specialist mission to complete which will help keep Strike Force Alpha’s numbers up; or have them join the main assault.
There are a few exceptions to the general rules above:
Sam will always join you, whatever the status of your relationship. However, if they got badly injured in Congo, they will be too traumatized to take part in the assault itself. They’ll be there for moral support, but they won’t be able to actually fight.
Stevo will always join you if he survived Tibet. However, he doesn’t fight like a normal team member. He has his own special role: he’ll be providing air support!
Rémy will choose to join or not join based on the usual rules. However, he will not fight, since he’s not really a fighter. But he’s still worth bringing along: his massive brain will identify a tactical opportunity which your team would otherwise miss, which will make one of your specialist missions a lot easier, so he contributes in his own way!
In addition to this, it’s possible to get a few extra bonus friends to come along.
If Zhu comes along with you, and if you helped Zhu save his friend Yun in Book 2 Chapter 4, then Zhu will bring Yun with him and she’ll be available to join the assault! She’s had the same training as Zhu and is therefore very competent, so she can be a big help.
If you saved the life of Yelena Vasilevsakaya at the end of Book 2, then she will also come along and help you out. Again, a very highly-trained secret agent. Definitely an asset to the squad!
Lastly, if you met Gus in Peru (Book 3 Chapter 5), then you’ll remember that he promised you his help in the future. Well, here’s where he comes through for you! As an ex-mercenary, he sure does have skills that you can use.
You also, of course, need to decide what to do with each of your friends and allies. The first decision is which two companions do you want to take with you? There are two viable approaches to this:
“Balance the Party”. Pick companions who are strong in areas where your MC is weak. Since you’ll be able to ask them to do many tasks for you on the way to the carxite, this can maximize your options.
“Save the Blorbos”. Pick the two people you least want to get hurt.
Characters in your party will only die if you ask them to accomplish some task that they don’t have the skills for. Ask Cleo (who can’t shoot) to take that tricky marksman’s shot, and she’s likely to fail and get a bullet in the head for her trouble. So if you really want to protect the people on your team, the simple way to do it is simply not to ask either of them to do anything and just do everything yourself. You may take a bit of a beating from this, but at least your two pals will be guaranteed to survive! (Unless they run into the Randomized Death Minefield without any of your team having the requisite skills to get past. That’s why the Balance the Party approach makes sense!)
After sorting out your own team, you need to choose friends to carry out the specialist missions that Anderson has identified. You can choose not to appoint any specialists, but if you do this then Strike Team Alpha will take more of a beating, and any friends you have in the main strike team will be at risk. So it’s recommended that you try to cover all of the specialist ops, but again you need to be a little bit careful. Choosing the wrong person for the job will not only fail the task, but get the specialist killed too!
Task 1 will only be available if Stevo is in the party. You need someone who is athletic and combat capable to take down the AA batteries. You really want to do this one if you can, since Stevo’s air support is a real lifesaver in the final stages of the assault. Abdul will get the job done; better choices are Yelena, Yun, Zhu or Esme, all of whom are good shooters and can thus use the cliffs as a snipers’ nest when the job is finished, which gets you extra bonuses later in the assault. Anybody else will fail and die.
Task 2 (the gatehouse) is where Rémy comes into his own. Anderson has found a way to get through the gatehouse, but it requires a specialist who is male, speaks German and is convincing. If Rémy is there, he’s found an alternative route: you need an athlete who is sneaky.
To succeed via Anderson’s route, you should pick Zhu or Gus. To succeed via Rémy’s route, you can pick Zhu, Dominique or Yelena. Anybody else will die.
Task 3 (the sally port) needs somebody who can fight and who is a good leader. Esme, Yun or Gus will do it.
So, in summary – to keep people alive, you need to start with as many friends, and as many soldiers, as possible. Pick either people who complement your skills or who you particularly want to protect to come with you: to really be sure that they survive, never ask them to do anything. Choose your specialists as recommended above, and make sure to fulfil all three tasks. If you do these things, you’ll have a very good chance of getting through without casualties! Good luck!
Part 2 - End States
There are six main world end-states in the game. I’ll list them by their achievement name.
Pax Britannica: This is where you execute the mission. You secure the carxite and hand it over to the British. You get this ending by taking down Sabine any way you can and then choosing not to use or electrify the carxite, but to guard it.As long as you still have more than 20 troops, you’ll be able to hand it over to the British. It doesn’t end all that great, sadly. The Brits use the power of the carxite to usher in an era of global British Empire. In the epilogue, you can choose whether to collaborate with the empire, to fight it, or to try to stay out of politics – which might affect the future of your relationship.
Status Quo Post Bellum: This is where you follow Anderson’s advice and destroy the carxite. Nobody gets all that power, and 20th century history unfolds pretty much as it has out here in the “real world”. You’ll get lots of choices about what you do with the rest of your life etc. You can get to this ending by killing Sabine any way you can and choosing to electrify the carxite.
Anagnorisis: A similar end-state to the above, but reached in a different way. After Sabine is taken care of, choose to use the carxite. (Everybody should do this at least once anyway – you get to destroy the whole Wehrmacht and make Hitler’s body explode from the inside, it’s kinda amazing!) Then, as the Most High Essence is taking over your consciousness, you need to come back from the brink and regain control of your body! There are two ways you can do this: if you have Carxite Affinity 100, you’ll be too powerful for the Essence to overpower; if you have an RO who is still alive and a strong relationship with them, then your love for them can bring you back (if you’re single, then it’ll be the strength of your friendship with Sam that can save you, assuming that they’re still alive). After you break contact, the carxite’s powers will dissipate and it’ll become inert and so you’ll end up in a modified version of the Status Quo ending.
Deus Ex Machina: This is what happens if you use the carxite and either choose not to fight back against the Essence, or if you try to fight back against the Essence and fail. You effectively become a monstrous alien god called The Hegemon, ruling over earth until your Most High brethren return. Most of your old friends will become freedom fighters trying to take you down and liberate humanity.
Unum Pro Multis Dabitur Caput: Only achievable if you end the game with a low number of soldiers (20 or less). They will be overwhelmed and the SS will storm in and kill you. However, if you have chosen to electrify the carxite, you will still die a hero, because you will have neutralized it and prevented the Nazis from being able to use it. For all the noble sacrifice fans out there!
Imperium Sine Fine: Yup, this is the baddun. You get killed by the SS, as above, but you haven’t electrified the carxite. The Nazis get it, use it, and become rulers of planet earth. Oops.
I did warn you that this would be really long and complicated! But I hope it’s useful. Happy epilogue-hunting!
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deliasamed · 6 months
Numeral Exercises
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In English grammar, numerals function as a part of speech to represent numbers, quantify nouns, and express numerical relationships. There are two main types of numerals in English: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals. Cardinal Numerals: Cardinal numerals represent specific quantities or numbers. They answer the question how many? and are used to count objects or denote a precise quantity. Examples: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, etc. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc.   Ordinal Numerals: Ordinal numerals denote the order or rank of items in a sequence. They answer the question in what order? and are used to indicate the position of something in a series. Examples: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth Twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth Hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth, etc.   Numerals can function as determiners when they directly modify nouns, indicating the quantity or position of the noun. For example: Cardinal Numeral as Determiner: Three apples fell from the tree. Ordinal Numeral as Determiner: The first prize goes to the winner.   Numerals can also function as adjectives when they modify nouns but do not directly specify quantity or order.  For example: Cardinal Numeral as Adjective: She bought two pairs of shoes. Ordinal Numeral as Adjective: He is in his third year of university.   Additionally, numerals can function as nouns themselves, particularly when referring to numbers as concepts or entities. For example: The number eight is considered lucky in some cultures. She divided the class into groups of four.       Instructions: Please, do the exercises without seeing the Answers. If you are unable to find an answer, you can check the answers provided below after attempting all the blanks.       Exercise: Numerals   Instructions: Use the correct words for (numbers in brackets). Write ordinal or cardinal number forms into the gaps:     - My sister is in the ------------ grade (2). - I have ------------ fingers (10) on my hands. - There are ------------ days (7) in a week. - We need ------------ eggs (6) to make pancakes. - Today is the ------------ day (1) of the month. - The puppy is the ------------ pet (1) in our family. - I have ------------ brothers (2) and ------------ sisters (1). - There are ------------ months (12) in a year. - She won the race and got the ------------ prize (1). - My birthday is on the ------------ of July (4).                   Correct Answers:   - second - ten - seven - six - first - first - two, one - twelve - first - fourth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numbers in words:   - 75 - 1000000 - 50 - 3 - 12 - 20 - 18 - 45 - 90 - 600 - 0.5 -  0.7 - 0.25 - 0.01 - 2.5 - 0 - 50% - 25% -  10% - 100% - 1/2 - 3/4 - 1/4 - 1/10                        Correct Answers:   - Seventy-five - One million - Fifty - Three - Twelve - Twenty - Eighteen - Forty-five - Ninety - Six hundred - Zero point five - Zero point seventy-five - Zero point twenty-five - Zero point zero one - Two point five - Zero - Fifty percent - Twenty-five percent - Ten percent - One hundred percent - One half - Three quarters - One quarter - One tenth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numerals in numbers:   - Seventy-two - Ninety-nine - One hundred twenty-five - Six hundred thirty-seven - Four thousand five hundred eighteen - Seven thousand six hundred twenty-three - Fifty-three thousand two hundred forty-nine - One hundred thousand - Six hundred seventy-five thousand three hundred twenty-four - Eight million nine hundred seventy-six thousand five hundred twelve - Two hundred fifty-three - Three thousand seven hundred eighty-six - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-nine -  One million two hundred fifty thousand - Six billion seven hundred eighty-nine million four hundred fifty-six thousand two hundred thirty-one                       Correct Answers:   - 72 - 99 - 125 - 637 - 4518 - 7623 - 53249 - 100000 - 675324 - 8976512 - 253 - 3786 - 12349 - 1250000 - 6789456231               Exercise: Write the Time in English   Instructions: Write the given Time in English:   - 9:15 AM - 1:30 PM - 6:45 AM - 3:20 PM - 10:00 AM - 5:55 PM - 12:10 PM - 8:40 AM - 4:15 PM - 11:50 AM                    Correct Answers:   - 9:15 - Fifteen minutes past nine - 1:30 - Half past one - 6:45 - Quarter to seven - 3:20 - Twenty past three - 10:00 - Ten o'clock - 5:55 - Five minutes to six - 12:10 - Ten past twelve - 8:40 - Twenty to nine - 4:15 - Quarter past four - 11:50 - Ten minutes to twelve               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write in words   - 500 - 3000 - 400000 - 10000000 - 100000000 - 200 - 1001 - 2005 - 1250 - 2006 - 100 students - 1000 books -  200000 people                          Correct Answers:   - Five hundred - Three thousand - Four hundred thousand - Ten million - One hundred million - Two hundred - One thousand and one - Two thousand and five - One thousand two hundred fifty - Two thousand and six - One hundred students - One thousand books - Two hundred thousand people               Exercise: Numerals in Sums Instructions: Write the following Sums in words:   - 25 + 13 - 42 + 57 - 100 + 25 - 76 + 89 - 345 + 210 - 500 + 600 - 1234 + 5678 - 999 + 111 - 8765 + 4321 - 9876 + 5432                           Correct Answers:   - Twenty-five plus thirteen - Forty-two plus fifty-seven - One hundred plus twenty-five - Seventy-six plus eighty-nine - Three hundred forty-five plus two hundred ten - Five hundred plus six hundred - One thousand two hundred thirty-four plus five thousand six hundred seventy-eight - Nine hundred ninety-nine plus one hundred eleven - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five plus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six plus five thousand four hundred thirty-two                 Exercise: Numerals in Subtractions Instructions: Write the following subtractions in words:   - 50 - 25 - 100 - 67 - 150 - 89 - 500 - 238 - 1000 - 475 - 2500 - 1234 - 8765 - 4321 - 9876 - 5432 - 12345 - 6789 - 99999 - 88888                             Correct Answers:   - Fifty minus twenty-five - One hundred minus sixty-seven - One hundred fifty minus eighty-nine - Five hundred minus two hundred thirty-eight - One thousand minus four hundred seventy-five - Two thousand five hundred minus one thousand two hundred thirty-four - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five minus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six minus five thousand four hundred thirty-two - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-five minus six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine - Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine minus eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight                 Exercise: Numerals in Multiplications Instructions: Write the following multiplications in words:   - 5 * 3 - 10 * 4 - 12 * 6 - 20 * 8 - 25 * 5 - 50 * 7 - 100 * 9 - 123 * 4 - 500 * 2 - 1000 * 3                           Correct Answers:   - Five times three - Ten times four - Twelve times six - Twenty times eight - Twenty-five times five - Fifty times seven - One hundred times nine - One hundred twenty-three times four - Five hundred times two - One thousand times three               Exercise: Numerals in Divisions Instructions: Write the following divisions in words:   - 15 ÷ 3 - 20 ÷ 4 - 36 ÷ 6 - 45 ÷ 9 - 64 ÷ 8 - 81 ÷ 9 - 100 ÷ 5 - 200 ÷ 10 - 500 ÷ 25 -  1000 ÷ 50                   Correct Answers:   - Fifteen divided by three - Twenty divided by four - Thirty-six divided by six - Forty-five divided by nine - Sixty-four divided by eight - Eighty-one divided by nine - One hundred divided by five - Two hundred divided by ten - Five hundred divided by twenty-five - One thousand divided by fifty                 Exercise: Writing Monetary Amounts Instructions: Write the following monetary amounts in words:   - £5 - 10 shillings - 26 pence - $1 - £20 - 15 shillings - 50 pence - $5 - £100 -  5 shillings                          Correct Answers:   - Five pounds - Ten shillings - Twenty-six pence - One dollar - Twenty pounds - Fifteen shillings - Fifty pence - Five dollars - One hundred pounds - Five shillings                   Exercise: Numerals in Phone Numbers Instructions: Write Telephone Numbers in digits:   Telephone Numbers: - 555-1234 - 867-5309 - 123-456-7890 - 800-555-1212 - 202-333-4567 - 555-6767-890 - 777-222-1010 - 123-456-7878                           Correct Answers:   - Five five five, dash, one two three four - Eight six seven, dash, five three zero nine - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight nine zero - Eight hundred, dash, five five five, dash, one two one two - Two zero two, dash, three three three, dash, four five six seven - Five five five, dash, six seven six seven, dash, eight nine zero - Seven seven seven, dash, two two two, dash, one zero one zero - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight seven eight                 Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the appropriate numerals for chapters of books, the numbers of buses, houses, taxis, and the sizes of clothes and shoes in words:   - Open page 10, please. - He lives in apartment 18. - I usually take tram No. 5. - The meeting starts at 9 o'clock. - There are 20 students in the classroom. - She has 3 cats and 2 dogs. - We need to buy 10 kilograms of rice. - The marathon is 26.2 miles long. - The speed limit is 55 miles per hour. - He scored 15 points in the game.                             Correct Answers:   - Open page ten, please. - He lives in apartment eighteen. - I usually take tram Number five. - The meeting starts at nine o'clock. - There are twenty students in the classroom. - She has three cats and two dogs. - We need to buy ten kilograms of rice. - The marathon is twenty-six point two miles long. - The speed limit is fifty-five miles per hour. - He scored fifteen points in the game. Read the full article
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intro to Norwegian numbers!
So numbers in Norwegian are much like in english. They're not like Danish ("halvtress") or French ("quatre vingt quinze"), they follow a similar pattern to english.
This will be a glossary post.
number = booknorwegian = newnorwegian
number = booknorwegian and newnorwegian
(ei is a diphtong, use Google translate or YouTube or such for the pronunciation)
double consonant means the vowel before is short
I'll probably find a pronunciation guide for every Norwegian letter, but it follows rules pretty well. this exist idk how helpful it is: link NAOB. NAOB also always had the phonetic alphabet version of all booklanguage dictionary words.
For pronunciation you could also watch basic math videos such as basic multiplication.
1 = en = ein
2 = to
3 = tre
4 = fire
5 = fem
6 = seks
7 = syv (nb) = sju (nb&nn)
8 = åtte
9 = ni
10 = ti
11 = elleve
12 = tolv
13 = tretten
14 = fjorten
15 = femten
16 = seksten
17 = sytten
18 = atten
19 = nitten
(basically the number plus -ten, with maybe some old versions of the number often from Norse according to the dictionaries)
for 23 and 57 etc that's just tjuesyv etc.
20 = tjue
30 = tretti
40 = førti
50 = femti
60 = seksti
70 = sytti
80 = åtti
90 = nitti
for 100+ you say [[ett] hundrede] og [number under 100]. (ett = ordinal 1, hundrede≈hundred, og=and, førtisyv=47)
100 = hundre
every hundred after is just [cipher]-hundre
200 =to hundre
1000 = tusen
similar to hundred that's just [ordinal] tusen [[ordinal] hundred] og [any number under 100]. or just [[ordinal] tusen]
English million = million
English billion = milliard
English trillion = billion
English quadrillion= billiard
I don't know about everything above that, but at some point it changes to the regular system.
Jeg har ett tusen og tjuefire kroner -> I have a thousand and twenty four crowns. (literal)
(kronen (masc noun) is the Norwegian currency, known as NOK, other countries also call their currency that such as Denmark, it comes from the word crown)
Han er tretti år gammel -> he is twenty years old (literal)
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the-firebird69 · 12 days
So I wonder if they're alone sometimes and my husband is dictating on to the machine and Thor and Freya are speaking and he falls asleep and it just he wakes up there's still talking they say they're aware of it but he's wondering how they can be and he says well sometimes we talk a little and I can't tell people that okay they're not checking a lot so it's working for me and we want to have some announcements about the event here so we're going to go to that and I'll get filled in
We have a lot of people wondering what's going on that's good and we're informing people now we are at a condition red. We have a war here and at the areas like this and a war at the pseudo empire basis and a war at circles in a war at the San Francisco cities and a war down below a really big one so we have to start to concentrate more and work more and Hera will feel better when The fleets are offer and it's ridiculous we admitted it's terrifyingly awful and he says all the time it's one person against The fleets and these people are nuts and it's me against all these people and they're nuts we're aware of it and we're working and we're trying to fix it. We do have more news we're going to announce and we have to get through it of course there are about 50 people that need to be pulled out of here right now.
-the invasion of forces set up by Tommy f no these are pseudo empire weapons and everybody's trying to get information and they're going after the pseudo empire with Force and a lot of it and they're going after them now with a whole bunch of stuff and they're moving out is a huge huge force and it won't be over for some time now people have to understand this is not going to be quick or easy but this move down south with the Everglades is going to get the ship pushed out and a lot of other things will change the pseudo empire is going to be probably defeated if not cut down to a very small size and they will be intermingled and abused and will go off every once in a while. And that's coming up the force down there is huge the ship's coming are more than earlier about 30 million instead of 20 million. There were 5 billion in the rings and 2 billion in The glades right now there's too many left in the rings and about 1 billion left in the glades. They're big numbers and it's a lot of people tonight they're calling 5 billion more total to the rings all the signs and about 3 billion more at The glades that's a lot the ships are fighting already and the pseudo empire has a shoreline secured and they're fighting mostly clones the max warlock are going to join the clones in the fight against the pseudo empire and momentarily it's going to be a big fight. This is going to cause a lot of problems around town and in the county and we are approaching October as a series of elections probably only 15% and then another 20% in November for Charlotte county it's kind of like that in Florida too and all over but November is the general election for President and vice President and about 20 senators and 20 Congress people in the US government. So it's a big couple months coming up and huge event that might have to close within 2 or 3 days if they don't empty it out those weapons are ruined and will probably explode that would be a problem some of that ordinance is pretty big and Michael soaring off and we've seen it that goes miles so people have to get down there including us to make it safe we're moving out right now.
Thor Freya
it does explain it and explains tonight and tomorrow
and the pseudo empire I assume would be under attack and they say yes they're about 50% out and tonight they're probably be about 65% out in the West in the east and they are about 75% out but at this time it's very serious because they're losing the population it is going west but they won't be able to repopulate their basis and as of today this is going to happen now the two week and we think that by the end of the day they'll be at about 80% out almost and it's going to hold and 1% of the 2.5% are already planning it or getting up or moving it's like 02% are already moving 0.05% more are packing the 03% are planning so actually in the Eastern hemisphere the pseudo empire are going to be absent fully only in a few days. There's a lot of things going on but the majority of them are really kind of ugly especially here and we can hear it and we can see what they're doing and we don't like it they're going by the same time s*** to us and each other but they're going to pay for it pretty soon along with the evacuation of the pseudo empire the mack morlock still planned to evacuate to the west and south of the middle areas and they're moving out tonight will they have about 30% in these areas tonight about 2% is leaving it's not a huge number but they are going out steadily like this. In a few days it'll be 10% and that's a lot they do come in though and different groups will be coming here to fight and that 1% of big chunk of it will come here and that's huge but they're going to be fighting at sea and at air to get here and land and it's going to be a disaster for a little bit. This is all happening within a couple weeks this whole battle and it will decide what happens and it is the Battle of Rhode Island and the sun kind of lost track of it but he said it's really going on and that's what it is and it will result in it formation of a new Rhode Island in Florida and that's what's going to happen and it looks kind of similar people say afterwards and we've studied it and it will. More shortly
Thor Freya
We have a few more things to discuss we're going to post now Hera
0 notes
Writing Numbers in Essays ( 6 Key Rules)
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When writing an essay, adhering to numerical guidelines is essential for clarity and consistency.
Here are some key rules to follow:
APA Style:
According to APA guidelines, use numerals for numbers 10 and above, while spelling out numbers from 1 to 9.
There are exceptions, such as when a number appears before a unit of measurement; in such cases, use numerals.
For example, write "5 cm" instead of "five cm."
2. General Academic Writing:
In general academic writing, spell out numbers under 10, rounded numbers, and ordinal numbers less than 10th.
Contact Radio Active Tutors for expert help in writing your essay at a friendly price!
Common fractions should also be written out, like "one-half" instead of "1/2."
Additionally, write out any number at the beginning of a sentence, title, or heading.
For example, "Twenty students attended the seminar" instead of "20 students."
3. Dollar Amounts:
In running text, avoid including ".00" in dollar amounts.
Simply write "$50" instead of "$50.00" to maintain simplicity and readability.
4. Time:
When referring to a specific time of day, use numerical digits.
For example, write "3:45 PM" or "9:00 AM" rather than spelling out the time.
This approach helps in maintaining precision and consistency.
5. Large Numbers:
For large numbers, either numerals or words can be used, depending on context.
For instance, "1,000 people" is acceptable, but in other contexts, "a thousand people" may be preferable.
6. Part of a Large Round Number:
When dealing with large round numbers, spell out the large number part and use abbreviations for millions and billions.
For example, "The population of the world exceeds 7 billion people" or "The population of the world exceeds 7bn people."
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zhangsanhzgb · 15 days
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3
Fractal Bitcoin announced on the evening of September 6 that it will airdrop tokens to eligible UniSat and OKX wallet users, with a total of 1 million FB, accounting for 0.47% of the total token supply. Among them, UniSat and OKX wallets will each be allocated 500,000. The airdrop will automatically reach the user's address after the mainnet is launched.
**Project Background and Token Economics**
Fractal Bitcoin is a Bitcoin-based expansion solution that aims to increase transaction capacity by creating a recursive expansion layer on BTC while maintaining compatibility with the Bitcoin ecosystem. The project developed by UniSat has received investments from Binance, OKX Ventures, and others.
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3-The total number of tokens is 210 million, of which 80% is allocated to the community and 20% to the team and contributors. The specific allocation is:
- POW mining: 50%
- Ecosystem Treasury: 15%
- Pre-sale: 5%
- Consultant: 5%
- Community funding: 10%
- Core Contributors: 15%
As can be seen from these allocations, Fractal has not reserved tokens specifically for airdrops, which may come from the ecosystem treasury or the community funding portion.
The airdrop rules are different for UniSat and OKX users:
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3- **OKX users**: Need to hold more than 100 USD equivalent of BTC on September 1 and have traded Ordinals, Runes, Atomicals assets in the past 6 months, or be ranked in the top 5,000 in the OKX Web3 wallet BTC ecosystem activity. Eligible users will receive 6.6 basic FB rewards and 30 additional rewards.
- **UniSat users**: Based on the past 90 days of activity, including transaction volume, card holdings, and ranking, rewards range from 5 to 15 FB. The airdrop conditions are more complicated, including UniSat OG card, Prime card holders, and active testnet users.
**Community Feedback**
The number and conditions of the airdrops sparked some discontent:
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3- The airdrop represented a low percentage of total supply (0.47%), which some community members considered to be too small an allocation.
- The rewards for loyal users and early testnet users are similar to those for regular users, causing dissatisfaction.
- High threshold requirements exclude new testnet users.
Currently, the price of FB in OTC trading is between $5-8, with a total market value of over $1 billion. Even though there are some complaints in the community, the price expectations for FB after it goes online are high. The airdrop rewards are concentrated between 10-40 coins, and at the current price, users may receive $60-240 in benefits.
Fractal's airdrop strategy seems to be to allow more real users to experience its mainnet ecosystem, rather than simply distributing "pig trotters". This also reminds participants to pay attention to market trends after the mainnet is launched, avoid blindly following the trend, and ensure effective participation in ecosystem construction.
How to Buy FB
How to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange
Investing in FB has never been easier! Registering on an exchange, verifying your account, and paying by bank transfer, debit or credit card, with a secure cryptocurrency wallet, is the most widely accepted method of acquiring cryptocurrencies. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange.
Step 1: Register CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3
You can register by email or phone number, then set a password and complete the verification to pass the registration.
Step 2: Identity verification - Submit KYC information to verify your identity
Please verify your identity to ensure full compliance and enhance your experience with full identity verification. You can go to the identity verification page, fill in your country, upload your ID, and submit your selfie. You will receive a notification once your ID has been successfully verified, bind your bank card or credit card and start transactions.
How to exchange USDT with a credit card and then convert it to FB
Step 1: Click Buy Coins, first select your country , then click Card
Step 2: Click My Profile in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner and select a credit card that is suitable for you to fill in the information and bind, such as Wise, Visa, etc.
Step 4: Click P2P transaction again, select the corresponding payment method and choose the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.
Step 5: After the transaction is completed, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a stable currency of US dollar, pegged at 1:1 with US dollar) and stored in your account. Click on the transaction, search for FB , and buy its tokens.
How to buy USDT with a savings card and then convert it to FB
Step 1: Click Buy Coins, click P2P
Step 2: Select My Profile in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner, and select the savings card that applies to you to fill in the information and bind it, such as: Payeer, ABA bank, TowerBank, etc.
Step 4: Click P2P transaction again, select the corresponding payment method and choose the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.
Step 5: After the transaction is completed, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a stable currency of US dollar, pegged at 1:1 with US dollar) and stored in your account. Click on the transaction, search for FB , and buy its tokens.
0 notes
warningsine · 3 months
BRUSSELS, July 3 (Reuters) - NATO allies have agreed to fund military aid for Ukraine with 40 billion euros ($43 billion) next year, two Western European diplomats told Reuters on Wednesday, a week before the alliance's leaders are set to meet in Washington.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg had asked allies to make a multi-year commitment to keep military aid for Kyiv at the same level as that since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, adding up to about 40 billion euros a year.
While the member states did not back Stoltenberg's original request for such a multi-year pledge, the pact includes a provision to re-evaluate allied contributions at future NATO summits, according to a diplomat.
Allies also decided to have two reports over the next year to establish which country supplies what to Ukraine, the diplomat said, to meet demands for more transparency over the burden sharing in the alliance.
Member states "will aim to meet this pledge through proportionate contributions", the agreement said.
The financial pledge is part of a broader Ukraine package that NATO leaders will agree when they gather for the Washington summit from July 9 to 11.
In June, allies decided that NATO would assume a greater role in co-ordinating arms supplies to Ukraine, taking over from the United States in a bid to safeguard the process as NATO-sceptic Donald Trump seeks a second term as U.S. president.
After Russia's invasion in 2022, the United States gathered like-minded nations at the Ramstein air base in Germany, forming a group of nations that now numbers about 50, which meets regularly to match Kyiv's arms requests with pledges of donors.
This so-called Ramstein group will continue to exist as a U.S.-led political forum but NATO will take over the military working level below that co-ordinates arms deliveries and training for Ukrainian troops.
The move is widely seen as a way to provide a degree of "Trump-proofing" by putting co-ordination under a NATO umbrella, giving the alliance a more direct role in the war against Russia, while stopping well short of committing its own forces.
But diplomats acknowledge such a move may have limited effect, as the United States is NATO's dominant power and provides the majority of weaponry to Ukraine.
So if Washington wanted to slash Western aid to Kyiv, it would still be able to do so.
However, allies are still at odds in the run-up to the Washington summit over whether, and how, to strengthen NATO's wording on Ukraine's future membership in the alliance.
NATO's official line is that Ukraine will join one day, but not while the country is at war. "Ukraine's future is in NATO," its leaders declared at last year's Vilnius summit.
Some allies want this language to be strengthened, suggesting the summit declare that Ukraine's path to membership is "irreversible", according to diplomats.
($1=0.9292 euros)
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consumerguide · 3 months
Ultimate Guide to Organizing a 4th of July Event in Arizona
Organizing a 4th of July event in Arizona involves some additional considerations due to the unique climate and regulations of the state. Here’s a tailored guide to help you plan your event:
1. Define the Basics
Date and Time: July 4th, decide the start and end times. Consider evening hours to avoid the extreme daytime heat.
Location: Choose a venue suitable for the number of guests (local park, community center, backyard). Ensure the location has adequate shade.
Budget: Set a budget covering all aspects of the event.
2. Permits and Regulations
Permits: Check with local authorities for necessary permits, especially for fireworks, alcohol, and large gatherings.
Fire Restrictions: Be aware of fire restrictions and bans, especially during the dry season.
Noise Ordinances: Ensure compliance with local noise ordinances.
3. Invitations
Guest List: Create a guest list based on your venue's capacity and your budget.
Invitations: Send out invitations (digital or printed) well in advance, with RSVP requests.
4. Facilities
Porta Potties: Ensure you have enough portable restrooms for the number of guests. Plan for at least one porta potty for every 50 guests for a 4-hour event.
Handwashing Stations: Rent handwashing stations if there are no permanent facilities.
Cooling Stations: Consider renting misting fans or setting up cooling stations with shade and water.
5. Food and Beverages
Catering: Decide whether to hire a caterer, food trucks, or do a potluck. Ensure food can be kept cool in the heat.
Grilling: If grilling, ensure you have enough grills and fuel. Be mindful of fire safety.
Beverages: Provide a variety of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) and ensure there’s enough ice. Hydration is key in the Arizona heat.
Safety: Follow food safety guidelines to avoid foodborne illnesses.
6. Entertainment and Activities
Music: Arrange for a sound system or hire a DJ/band.
Games: Plan games and activities suitable for different age groups. Water-based games can be a hit in the heat.
Fireworks: Ensure fireworks are allowed in your area. If not, consider alternative entertainment like a laser light show.
Shade: Set up shaded areas for guests to relax.
7. Decorations
Theme: Use a patriotic theme with red, white, and blue decorations.
Flags and Banners: Display American flags, banners, and streamers.
Lighting: Use string lights for evening events.
8. Seating and Shelter
Tables and Chairs: Rent or borrow enough tables and chairs for dining and relaxation.
Tents: Rent tents or canopies to provide shade and shelter.
9. Safety and First Aid
First Aid Kit: Have a first aid kit available.
Fire Extinguisher: Keep a fire extinguisher on hand, especially if grilling or using fireworks.
Emergency Plan: Have a plan for handling emergencies and designate someone to oversee safety.
Heat Precautions: Ensure guests are aware of heat safety tips, provide sunscreen, and encourage regular hydration.
10. Clean-Up Plan
Trash and Recycling: Provide ample trash and recycling bins.
Volunteers: Recruit volunteers to help with clean-up before and after the event.
11. Miscellaneous
Signage: Use signs to direct guests to restrooms, food areas, and parking.
Parking: Arrange for sufficient parking or inform guests of public transportation options.
Pets: Decide if pets are allowed and inform guests. Be mindful of the hot pavement for pet paws.
By incorporating these Arizona-specific considerations, you’ll be able to host a safe, enjoyable, and successful 4th of July event that accounts for the state's unique climate and regulations.
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omcmedicalblog · 4 months
Swiss Manufacturer Obligations | OMC Medical Limited
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1. Manufacturers outside Switzerland will need to appoint Swiss AR.
2. The Manufacturer will use commercially reasonable efforts to update its technical documentation for the devices, to comply with the requirements of the ordinance, and to complete a conformity assessment procedure for devices in due time prior to the expiration of their current certificate of conformity.
3. The Manufacturer reserves the right but needs to inform AR about any discontinuities of the devices upon expiration of their current certificate of conformity.
4. As per the latest application of the ordinance, for all devices made available on the Swiss market, the manufacturer should ensure: I. The device should be CE marked. II. The technical documentation and the declaration of conformity of the device has been drawn up. III. Requesting Swissmedic for the Swiss Single Registration Number (CHRN), which is used to identify the manufacturer, authorised representative, or importer and is will also need to register in the EUDAMED database issuing the Single Registration Number (SRN). IV. Labelling of the device in accordance with the ordinance accompanied by the required Instructions For Use (IFU). V. Assigning UDI to medical devices before placing them in the market and reporting to Swissmedic. VI. Establishment of a post-market monitoring system and defined necessary corrective measures. VII. Maintenance of the quality management system.
5. Manufacturers should report serious incidents associated with their medical devices to Swissmedic and should also initiate a Field Safety Corrective Action (FSCA) monitored by Swissmedic for the medical devices placed on the market in Switzerland. FSCA is used to reduce risk of death or severe deterioration in the health of the end-user associated with the medical device and may include the return of a medical device to the supplier, device – modification, exchange, or destruction.
6. The Manufacturer will not delegate to the AR the obligations laid down in Articles 16 – 17, 46 – 47, 50, 56, and 66 of the ordinance. The corresponding obligations in the (EU) 2017/745 are Article 10 (1) – (4), (6) – (7) and (9) – (12).
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/swiss-manufacturer-obligations/
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aluna-hipster · 5 months
Guideline part 4
- Are you ready to __ORDER___? Yes, please.
- Can I get you something to _START  with? No, thank you. I’d like the tuna with a green salad.
- And for you, sir? I’ll have the steak, please.
- Would you like that with fries or a baked POTATO?Fries, please.
- How would you like your steak? Rare, MEDIUM or well done? Well done. 
Nothing for me.
- Ok. And to DRINK? Water, please.
- _STILL or sparkling? Sparkling.
- The tuna for you ma’am, and the steak for you, SIR
 - I’m sorry, but I  asked for a green salad, not fries.
- No problem. I’ll _CHANGE it. Excuse-me.
- Yes, sir? Sorry, I asked for my steak well done and this is rare.
- I’m really sorry. I’ll TAKE  it back to the kitchen.
Holly and Rob make friends
Verb tenses – English Grammar Quiz
Test your English grammar (Verb Tenses Basic Level)
Ordinal numbers (6:13)
ordinal numbers – exercise (1:25)
Verb forms with pronunciation
The 50 Most Common Irregular Verbs in English | 
Grammar & Pronunciation Lesson
 Present Simple and Present Continuous
PRESENT SIMPLE and PRESENT CONTINUOUS | the complete grammar guide (15:20) English with Arnel
Should and comparatives (8:34)
                        Asking for and Giving Advice in English 🇬🇧 (12:55)
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weaversweek · 9 months
Fear of Music: how many songs does the average list put in the top 250?
We collectively split 52,370 points between 3103 songs. Precisely one 40-pointer missed the top 250.
… how many top 250 singles can you expect to get in from your list?
The key here is to work backwards. We know that exactly four people voted for the number 250 song. Exactly four people voted for the number 249 song, and every song up to number 163. Exactly five people voted for numbers 162 through 111, and so on.
Now, if we can say at random who voted for what song, we might be able to come up with a distribution and an expectation.
Here are my assumptions [and, in square brackets, why they don't fully hold true]:
There were precisely 104 complete lists, and nobody gave up part-way through. [Real life: 99 complete and nine partial lists]
I don't care about the precise ranking, only about attributing songs back to their voters. ** Consequence: Bonus points, split vote quotient, seeding, how many times it's been on BBC 6 Records - all that gubbins does not matter.
Everyone voted independently, without looking at each others' lists. [Real life: did not happen, and designed not to happen. However, I think the basic idea holds - there was no particular effort to co-ordinate votes, and nothing that looked obvious as ballot stuffing - there wasn't an influx of Take That fans all voting for "Up all night".]
Entries in the top 250 are independent of each other. If you voted for "Crazy in love", you were no more or less likely to vote for "Single ladies". [Real life: may be more accurate than it sounds - voters seemed reluctant but not wholly unwilling to list more than one single by the same performer.]
The points allocated to records will roughly mirror the allocation in #Uncool500 last year. Statisticians say this is a "Zipfian distribution", which I thought was something George cleaned off his fur. ** Broadly, this is holding true. I've used actual data up to the 8-vote break. Based on the shape of votes last year, I've assumed that the winning song will get 18 votes, the top ten get 15 votes, and the top thirty 10 votes. [footnote 1]
So, for song 250, I picked out four voters at random - without duplication in these voters, because you can only vote for a song once.
For song 249, I picked out four voters at random - without duplication in these voters, but I didn't care if any of these voters picked the songs above.
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Note how voter 87 has voted for songs 247 and 246 - this is quite fine.
And so on, and so on, and so on, up to 18 voters for the top song.
And then I simulated 50 editions of #FearOfMu21c. Fifty sets of the top 250, each song allocated back to their original voters. And then I tallied up how many songs each voter had made a hit in each list.
The most common single value was 14 hits, the middle value was 16 hits. Two-thirds of the lists got between 12 and 19 hits, and it would be an unusual list to get fewer than 9 or more than 24 hits. [footnote 2]
Based on the assumptions I've made, we can all expect to get between 12 and 19 of our list into the top 250.
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[footnote 1]
Here's the full breakdown of how many votes I expected each position to get.
250-163 - 4 votes 162-111 - 5 votes 110-86 - 6 votes 85-69 - 7 votes 68-51 - 8 votes 50-39 - 9 votes 38-30 - 10 votes 29-23 - 11 votes 22-17 - 12 votes 16-13 - 13 votes 12-10 - 14 votes 9-7 - 15 votes 6-5 - 16 votes 4-3 - 17 votes 1-2 - 18 votes
These are approximate figures, and subject to some variation. The most important finding is that about 1614 votes are used to make the top 250 - everything else is discarded. [footnote 3]
[footnote 2] I reckon that Excel's not-quite-random number generator has some sort of echo, as there were a surprising number of lists scoring 30 and more hits. This really shouldn't happen.
[footnote 3] …and 1614 used votes divided by 104 lists gives an average of 15.5, so I could have saved myself a lot of effort.
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nnn-lll-nnn · 11 months
you’re my tumblr crush, pookie bear 😽😽😽
</>#№Warhanmer5 th#!s js Assassin, SEAD over.¿/></>
</>Assassi#+ this js Wahramm4x, a№#, DEADẞ s out.</>
</>Grid to SuptpeSs; ; ;Juliet Kilo 5-3-5-2-1-6, Grid to Mark Juliet Kilo 5-2-1-2-7-8 over.</>
</>gRid yo Suppress; Julietk ETTEKILO 5-Tree-5-2-1-6, Bhab+¹?ßk;[`[%[wjnA##; ⁵-2-1-2-7-⁸Oq7t outqqqnttt####</>
</>SA6 GaingulM noanN-standard -1 to -20 then +5 to +50, marked smOke on the deck 4 rounds H.E.V.T., C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0 OvHyner.</>
</>SA6 Gainful, Non-Standard, -1 to -20, then +5 to +50, marked smoke on yhe delc, 4 rounfs H.E.V.T., C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0,, out.</>
</>M.T.O. Bravo five guns two rounds H.E.V.T., Kilo obe round one guns smoke on the cedK, DEAS cA.S. T.K.Ŧ 7-0 Target Number::Hotel Foxtrot 560772195, over.</>
</>Message to Observer; Bravo, 5 guns 2 rounds H.E.V.T., Kilo one round 1 gun smoke on yhe deCk, S.E.A.D. C.A.S. T.O.T. 7-0, Target Number; Hotel Foxtrot 560772195, out.</>
.#(+2⁷(_>192('!!cavha :"±£✓{¥×~{;*b✓¢™<°<™
</>hOverlors tFAC this is Assassin, over.</>
</>Assassin this is Overlord FAC, send your traffic over.</>
</>Be advised we have a visual on hostile enemy air defence networks, requesting some helpsHelos to provide some Close-in-Fire Support and accomplIsh,,Z xvyhn Some SEAD, how copy so far over?</>
</>sOlid copy on all, send pisitioN over.</>
</>Roger, grids to follow; jUliet Kilo 535216, over.</>
</>Solid copy, Juliet Kilo 535216,Ovrrlord FAC, standby ASssassin...</>
</>Overlord, this is Viper 2-1, flight oshW bzhjià:¢, orbiting east of MSR Juba, tree clicks, at angLrs ten, ordinance to followV;###$$$#######, hiw cOpy dbsbarfvfr over?</>
</>Solid xopy, /break/, be advised I have AssasiN on the ground requesting some SEAD at map Gridß Jukiey Kilo y535216, /break/, I need yiu 5i o u push to IP Whiskey, and engage, how coog?</>
</>oVerlord this is Vioer, rogerS I cop6, we copy all, pusbung to IP WHiskey en route to grid {{JK535216}}, to peovide Assassi nN with their SEAD CAS, out. out.</>
</>aSsassin this is Overlord FAC, You have Viper-2-1, flight of two +°№((£[ at Angles tahdngen, pushing to IP wHiskey, how vooy?</>
</>oVerlord FAC this is Assassin, solid copy on all, out.</>
</>vIper 2-1 ghis is Assassin, standby for avail flYing information...</>
</></><<vIper standing by ... Absv....</>
</>TOT 7-0, SWAD, Non-#5@ndard, -1 to -20 then +5 to +50, gun taRget liNe 053, immA talk you on, over.</>
</>wArhammer this is Assassin, good effect, all targets suprpessed, record this Target end of mission. Over.</>
</>Assassin this is Warhammer, good effect, all targets suppressed, record this target end of mission outm.</>
0 notes
MSMEs and Insolvency: A Special Treatment under the IBC
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Introduction MSMEs, or micro, small, and medium enterprises, are vital for the economic growth and development of India, as they provide employment opportunities, contribute to manufacturing and exports, and support innovation and entrepreneurship. However, MSMEs also face various challenges such as lack of access to finance, technology, markets, infrastructure, and skilled manpower. These challenges may affect their viability and sustainability, especially in times of economic distress or crisis. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) is an Indian law that governs the insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings for corporate persons, partnership firms, and individuals in a time-bound manner. The IBC aims to maximise the value of assets of the insolvent person, promote entrepreneurship, balance the interests of all stakeholders, and establish an Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) to regulate the process. The IBC recognises the special role and needs of MSMEs in the Indian economy and provides them with certain benefits or exceptions in the insolvency resolution process. These benefits or exceptions are mainly related to the eligibility of promoters to submit resolution plans and the power of the Central Government to modify or exempt certain provisions for MSMEs. In this article, we will discuss the definition, classification, and registration of MSMEs, the benefits or exceptions for MSMEs under the IBC, and a recent case law on MSME registration during insolvency. Definition, Classification, and Registration of MSMEs The definition, classification, and registration of MSMEs are based on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act) and the notification issued by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises on June 1, 2020. The MSMED Act provides for the definition, classification, registration, promotion, development and facilitation of MSMEs in India. The notification revised the MSME classification and introduced a new portal for online registration of MSMEs called Udyam Registration Portal. The revised criteria for MSME are based on both investment and annual turnover of the enterprises. The MSME classification is as follows: Category Investment limit Annual turnover limit Micro Less than Rs. 1 crore Less than Rs. 5 crore Small Less than Rs. 10 crore Less than Rs. 50 crore Medium Less than Rs. 50 crore Less than Rs. 250 crore   The registration is based on Aadhaar number, PAN number and GSTIN of the enterprises. The registration is not mandatory but it provides various benefits to the MSMEs such as collateral-free credit, subsidy on patent registration, overdraft interest rate exemption, industrial promotion subsidy eligibility, protection against delayed payments, etc. Benefits or Exceptions for MSMEs under the IBC The benefits or exceptions for MSMEs under the IBC are provided under section 240A of the IBC, which was introduced by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2018. The rationale behind these benefits or exceptions is to protect the interests of MSMEs, which are vital for the economic growth and development of India, and to facilitate their revival and restructuring during insolvency. Section 240A(a) of the IBC states that section 29A© and section 29A(h) shall not apply to a resolution applicant in respect of a corporate debtor who is an MSME. Section 29A© disqualifies a person who has an account classified as a non-performing asset (NPA) for more than one year from being a resolution applicant. Section 29A(h) disqualifies a person who has executed an enforceable guarantee in favour of a creditor of the corporate debtor. By exempting these clauses, section 240A(a) allows the promoters of MSMEs, who may have defaulted on their loans or given personal guarantees, to bid for their own companies and retain control over them. This is because MSMEs are often dependent on their promoters for their management, technical expertise, and market linkages, and finding a suitable external resolution applicant may be difficult or costly. Section 240A(b) of the IBC empowers the Central Government to direct that any of the provisions of the IBC shall not apply or shall apply with such modifications as may be specified to any MSME, if it considers necessary for the public interest. This gives the Central Government the flexibility to grant further relief or exemptions to MSMEs, depending on their specific needs and circumstances. For example, the Central Government may reduce the threshold amount for initiating insolvency proceedings against MSMEs, or extend the time limit for completing the insolvency resolution process for MSMEs. A Recent Case Law on MSME Registration during Insolvency A recent case law that illustrates the application of section 240A of the IBC is the case of Dharamveer Singh vs. Daulat Ram Jain (RP of Hardrock Attachments Pvt. Ltd.), decided by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) Kolkata Bench on September 15, 2021. The case was about a corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) initiated against Hardrock Attachments Pvt. Ltd., a corporate debtor, by one of its financial creditors. The NCLT Kolkata Bench directed the resolution professional (RP) to register the corporate debtor as an MSME and obtain the necessary certificates from the concerned authorities. The NCLT held that the corporate debtor was eligible to be registered as an MSME under the revised definition of MSMEs that came into effect from July 1, 2020. The NCLT also observed that the registration would enable the corporate debtor to avail various benefits under the MSME Act and other schemes of the government. Some of the important paragraphs from the judgment are: - Paragraph 8: “The Applicant has submitted that the Corporate Debtor is eligible to be registered as MSME under the revised definition of MSMEs which came into effect from 01.07.2020. The Applicant has further submitted that the registration of the Corporate Debtor as MSME will enable it to avail various benefits under the MSMED Act and other schemes of the Government of India.” - Paragraph 9: “The RP has submitted that he has no objection to register the Corporate Debtor as MSME and obtain necessary certificates from the concerned authorities. The RP has further submitted that he will take necessary steps to register the Corporate Debtor as MSME and obtain necessary certificates from the concerned authorities.” - Paragraph 10: “We have heard the learned counsel for both the parties and perused the records. We find that the Corporate Debtor is eligible to be registered as MSME under the revised definition of MSMEs which came into effect from 01.07.2020. We also find that the registration of the Corporate Debtor as MSME will enable it to avail various benefits under the MSMED Act and other schemes of the Government of India.” - Paragraph 11: “In view of the above, we direct the RP to register the Corporate Debtor as MSME and obtain necessary certificates from the concerned authorities within a period of 30 days from today and file a compliance report before this Tribunal.” Conclusion MSMEs are an important segment of the Indian economy and deserve special treatment in insolvency proceedings. The IBC provides such special treatment by allowing promoters of MSMEs to participate in resolution plans and giving power to the Central Government to modify or exempt certain provisions for MSMEs. The case of Hardrock Attachments Pvt. Ltd. shows how MSME registration can be done during insolvency and how it can benefit the corporate debtor and its stakeholders. References : : : : : : : . Read the full article
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Classic Chevy Truck #classiccars #carlover #truck #chevrolet #trucks #tr...
They're constantly threatening this truck and saying things you're the thing they want the long bed back it's about 10 ft and what we say is we don't need one we do but we can't seem to make it so you want to threaten for it and we can't get it done they're ridiculous too they're in the way of it happening so that's one thing
-the other thing is they're saying where it came from upstate New York and there's nobody there and they're making that weird sound and they find it to be haunted and they don't know where it came from no they do our son was making a sound like that so they keep repeating it and they feel awful and they're starting to remember what it's like to feel about people and they don't like it and they try not to say it but now they're feeling bad I think something horrible is going to happen and we think so too
These armies are gathering and they're going there to fight over the stuff and they're going to get it over with they said and it won't be the final battle but it's going to be huge and it's up to about 2% and most of it that's there at the stashes and captions as Trump and another 1.5% is VGA 0.5% and they're on PGA side mostly because of the way Australia lives and the pseudo empire with 1% and we have a huge army and the max have a huge army and foreigners have huge armies gathered around this bum and there's groups that have gone down and blocked up all the tunnels and they're proceeding in and dissolving Trump's forces he's sending them down so far 1% went down and 1% top side is now engaging small engagements it'll lead to large ones and he's sending more troops and found out he probably can't get in there and he'll try and fight his way in most likely through the miscellaneous group and start a lot of trouble with them. We're going to war with these people and their next door to our son we need him out you can see the problem
We feel that this group will be wiped out at the stashes and caches we also feel that people are going to start grabbing them here a lot more as they should have today and we're not people tried and people did not follow now it's going on they have to get down there and stop this robot and menace and all over the world are going after them this huge armies that are mobilizing in space the Trump fleet is trying to escape they've been building it and several of them about $700 billion total and three quarters of them are star Blazer and about 20% Stone chip and 5% tall ship or Tower ship that is and they are going to face huge fleets. And he needs to be stomped down this guy is an unruly jerk and it's going on shortly Tommy f is excluded and is under the gun people are going after his ships with a fervor and going after his bunkers below and he is under duress here and soon we'll be out and Trump will be out we think Trump has 2.5% left but they're mobilizing 1.5% these are huge numbers and they're hard to believe that our son and daughter say these cashless and stashes has like 70% of the armament of all of the morlock and parts of the pseudo empire I mean it's like 50% of everybody except for the max no it's 50% of everybody's armament except for the max the foreigners and us it's just a tremendous amount of stuff to them and it's a it's a very large song it's a lot and it's a lot of bombs and ordinance and they have to go get it it is a tremendous risk and they need it though and the pseudo empire is included in that figure and they need it back these groups are very mad and he's not giving up anything like you said he was and he's not losing anything and they're going after where they took it and they're going to get rid of them cuz they were taking their bodies to do it and they say the threats are for that and we need to get him now this is out
We think he loses most of his army tonight that's off Island and starts to try and get chips up and he's trying to activate his fleets now Tommy f is a bit nervous but other people are going to be fighting Trump and Tommy f
Thor Freya
And it's been said a lot but Trump you're a loss and you're a moron and a loser we want you out everybody does he says you're not a good rebel and you're not and I'm sick and tired of listening to you
Tommy f
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