#ordinal numbers 1-100
udable · 7 months
Learn Ordinal Numbers 1 to 100: Fun & Easy Guide for Hindi and Urdu Speaker | Udable
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project-shereshoy · 1 year
What's 6 in Mando'a? What about 501st? How do you say "execute order 66"? In this blog post, we'll cover the Mando'a cardinal and ordinal number system, how to make any number from 0-9,999 and other words useful when discussing number and math. Sources are indicated with symbols (^ *) and listed at the bottom.
Mando'a uses a base-5 numbering system supplemented with base-10 suffixes. This means 1-5 are unique words along with 0, 10, 100, and 1000. All other numbers are a combination of those words. As it stands, KT Mando’a allows us to count up to 9,999. Here are the counting numbers:
0 - naas^ (literally "nothing") 1 - solus (prefix: sol) 2 - t'ad (prefix: ad) 3 - ehn (prefix: ehn) 4 - cuir (prefix: cur) 5 - rayshe'a (prefix: she) 6 - resol (prefix: rol) 7 - e'tad (prefix: tad) 8 - she'ehn (prefix: shen) 9 - she'cu (prefix: shek)
For the tens place numerals (20, 30, 40, etc), add the “tens” suffix -’eta to the prefixes above above. 0 and 1 do not act as prefixes for counting purposes. 10 is a unique number (ta+raysh aka "two fives").
10 - ta'raysh 20 - ad'eta* 30 - ehn'eta* 40 - cur'eta* 50 - she'eta* 60 - rol'eta* 70 - tad'eta* 80 - shehn'eta* 90 - shek'eta*
For the hundreds place numerals, the principle is the same. Add the “hundreds” suffix -’olan to the original numbers. Like 10, 100 is a unique number.
100 - olan* 200 - ad'olan^ 300 - ehn'olan^ 400 - cur'olan^ 500 - raysh'olan* 600 - rol'olan^ 700 - tad'olan^ 800 - shen'olan^ 900 - shek'olan^
For the thousands place numerals, the pattern continues. The suffix for “thousands” is a conjunction between the suffixes for “ten” and “hundreds”, -’eta’olan. This makes it literally “tens of hundred”. 1000 is an exception to the rule and is instead “ten hundred”.
1000 - ta’raysh’olan* 2000 - ad’eta’olan^ 3000 - ehn’eta’olan^ 4000 - cur’eta’olan^ 5000 - she’eta’olan* 6000 - rol’eta’olan^ 7000 - tad’eta’olan^ 8000 - shen’eta’olan^ 9000 - shek’eta’olan^
More Numbers
To fill the gaps in the above list, simply write out each place with a space between. Eleven (11) is ta'raysh solus*. Two hundred-sixty-three (263) in English is ad’olan rol’eta ehn^ in Mando’a. "Execute order sixty-six" becomes "Ke narir haar’ke’gyce rol’eta resol".
To turn a numeral into an ordinal (1 to 1st or 10 to 10th), add the descriptor suffix -yc. Theoretically this should also work with the suffix -la, but -yc is the one explicitly acknowledged in the KT dictionary. The last (singles) place numeral receives the descriptor suffix. E.g. she’olan sol'yc (501st) or cur’etayc (40th)
Other Useful Words
Soletar, verb, "to count" Sosol ti, phrase, "equal to" Majycir, verb, "to add" Te'habir, verb "to remove or take out" aka subtract
There's no ready answer for "multiply" or "divide", though creative use of tatugir "to repeat" could work in some cases. Fractions might be verbally represented as solus be ta'raysh "1 of 10" or some other prepositional combo that can also represent division. "Mathematics" also doesn't have a dedicated word, but "to calculate" is mirdir.
"But do Mandalorian space-barbarians really need to know math--" Yes. Ballistics. Logistics. Counting pay. Math is everywhere, it is inescapable. Inevitable. Evil Essential.
Words without source symbols are from officially published works by Karen Traviss, namely the Republic Commando novels. Reference this index to see the book & page number.
Asterik* words are from the lexicon Karen Traviss published digitally, which is hosted as-is on Mandoa.org without alterations (or corrections).
Carat^ words are derivations from the canon words' established patterns. As such, if you want to go with a different interpretation, have fun! These are suggestions and I ain't a cop. We'll answer follow-up questions on how they're derived, but we're not interested in arguing merits of one interpretation over another.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
Portland police can ticket and arrest homeless Portlanders who reject a shelter offer as of July 1.
In its latest attempt to dust off a practice deployed by the city for decades, Portland City Council prohibited public sleeping under threat of criminal and civil penalties May 8. Homeless service providers and legal experts said the ordinance and its enforcement system are counterproductive if the city wants to end homelessness and poverty.
“These problems will get worse with local and state politicians continuing to choose police and jails over real solutions,” Sandy Chung, ACLU of Oregon executive director, said. “Portland’s electeds are choosing to impose public sleeping bans and fines instead of creating more temporary shelters and affordable housing.”
Those found in violation of the ordinance are subject to seven days in jail and a $100 fine. While there are no lawsuits against the city for the new ordinance as of July 1, it’s likely to face its day in court eventually as legal advocates gather information about enforcement.
Offering shelter prior to arrest or citation is an attempt to stay in the good graces of state law, which requires all local ordinances governing survival activities — like sitting, lying or sleeping — to be objectively reasonable. The state law featured prominently in a successful legal challenge to a similar 2023 ban. ORS 195.530 essentially codified Martin v. Boise. The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruling found it’s unconstitutional for municipalities with inadequate available shelter space to level civil and criminal penalties against homeless people for sleeping in public.
Shelter space is scant in Portland.
There are 2,692 county- and city-funded shelter beds, according to the county, and at least 11,153 people experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County. Despite county- and city-funded shelters being 92.5% full each night on average in March, almost half of the homeless population — 5,398 — remain unsheltered.
The current lack of shelter for those seeking it out makes service providers bristle at a particular facet of enforcement that may actually reduce broader shelter availability.
“We have an ongoing agreement with our County partners that sets aside congregate shelter beds for the Mayor Wheeler's Street Services Coordination Center team to utilize during outreach,” a city FAQ on the ordinance says.
It’s unclear the exact number of shelter beds reserved for enforcement, but Portland Commissioner Carmen Rubio said the county holds 100 beds vacant for the SSCC. The Joint Office of Homeless Services did not answer questions at the time of publication.
The city and county holding beds open for the purpose of enforcement makes little sense to Katie O’Brien, Rose Haven executive director.
“It isn't solving anything,” O’Brien said. “It may be breaking up camps that are disruptive, and that they have a desire to break up, which may be valid, it may not be. But by doing that, they're just taking a bed away from somebody else.”
O’Brien said clientele at Rose Haven, a daytime service provider for women, children and gender-diverse people, often lack shelter access despite their best efforts.
“It’s going to create a greater shortage for people like Rose Haven serves, who’ve been seeking and desiring this shelter and would be more successful in the shelter,” O’Brien said. “They want (shelter). They’ve chosen this. They’re looking for this, as opposed to people who are mandated to go in, and they’re not gonna stay.”
Lauren Armony, Sisters of the Road systemic change program director, told Street Roots holding beds open for emergency situations is an existing practice, but holding beds open to enforce the ordinance is counterproductive.
“It’s a bad practice,” Armony said. “I don't think we can count it as available shelter if it is being withheld from people who already want it. You'll be turned away if you wait in line, but if you talk to a cop, maybe they'll take you there?”
Involving police to coerce people into accepting shelter offers hints at elected officials buying into a particular myth Armony and O’Brien encounter — that of the “service-resistant” homeless Portlander. The concept banks on the idea that a significant number of homeless Portlanders choose unsheltered homelessness over available services.
“It’s not what we’re seeing here at Rose Haven,” O’Brien said. “We’re seeing thousands of people a year, hundreds of people a day, who are coming to us not being able to find the necessary shelter for themselves. So that doesn’t align with the people that we know and work with every day. And it isn't to say there isn't a population of people who may not want shelter. But I think that that portion of people is very small compared to the amount of people that we see who can't get in anywhere.”
Armony said most “service-resistant” people who don’t pursue emergency overnight shelter are actually holding out hope for a more permanent solution or have previously felt betrayed by authority. Armony described “service resistance” as a “myth.”
“Most people are like, ‘I’ll just wait until I get housing,’” Armony said. “But then they just don’t know how to go out and get housing. That’s the issue. It just seems really uninformed and paternalistic to assume that people don't know what's best for them or what they want.
“Most people want housing.”
Bowman said the city will determine what’s “reasonable alternate shelter” based on individual circumstances.
The city positioning its workers and police officers as the arbiters of what’s reasonable for an individual makes service providers uneasy.
O’Brien said what may seem reasonable on paper may be entirely unreasonable to an individual, such as people with trauma who may not feel safe in a congregate shelter, which is the only type of bed the county holds open for the SSCC.
Armony said the total instability of congregate shelters, which only offer a bed for one night and typically require homeless Portlanders to leave all but a couple of bags behind, often makes them unreasonable for the individual.
“People are like, ‘OK, I’m getting this offer of shelter, but that means I generally need to give up most of my possessions or have to limit my number of possessions to get one night in the shelter or two nights in the shelter,’” Armony said. “It’s not an ongoing shelter. It’s not guaranteed, whereas their tent may be a better guarantee of actual shelter and stability.”
3 July 2024
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Les chiffres
The numbers from zero to twenty are written as individual digits (-ze comes from the Latin decem; e.g. 14 - quattuordecim in Latin: 4-10)
The numbers from twenty-one to sixty-nine are written as a combination of the number twenty and a unit digit (e.g. quarante-sept - 47, trente-trois - 33)
The numbers from seventy to ninety-nine are written as a combination of the number seventy and a unit digit (e.g. quatre-vingt-dix-neuf - 99)
The system becomes funky over 70 as a consequence of the invasion of the Celtic people who used a vicesimal system (based on 20: 10, 20, 20-10, 2x20, 2x20+10, etc.) followed by the invasion of the Romans who used a decimal system. During the 17th century, the newly founded French Academy was asked to set rules and decided on a cohabitation of both numeral systems.
20 and 100 are pluralised when they end the number (deux-cents VS cent-deux)
Numbers and figures are all masculine (e.g. Tu as eu un zéro - You got an F)
Since 1990, dashes are expected between each digit
Ordinal numbers are typically built by adding the suffix -ième to the cardinal number and removing the final -e when there's one (Cinquième, Douzième), the exception being First: Premier, Première
De 0 à 9:
Zéro, from the Arabic sifr - zero
Un, from the Old French un/the Latin ünus - one
Deux, from the Latin duo - two
Trois, from the Latin tres - three
Quatre, from the Latin quattuor - four
Cinq, from the Latin quinque - five
Six, from the Old French sis/the Latin sex - six
Sept, from the Latin septem - seven
Huit, from the Old French uit/the Latin octo - eight
Neuf, from the Old French novef/the Latin novem - nine
De 10 à 19:
Dix, from the Latin decem - ten
Onze, from the Latin undecim - eleven
Douze, from the Latin duodecim - twelve
Treize, from the Latin tredecim - thirteen
Quatorze, from the Latin quattuordecim - fourteen
Quinze, from the Latin quindecim - fifteen
Seize, from the Latin sedecim - sixteen
Dix-sept - seventeen
Dix-huit - eighteen
Dix-neuf - nineteen
Les dizaines:
Vingt, from the Latin viginti - twenty
Trente, from the Latin triginta - thirty
Quarante, from the Latin quadraginta - fourty
Cinquante, from the Latin quinquaginta - fifty
Soixante, from the Latin sexaginta - sixty
Soixante-dix - Sixty ten
(e.g. Soixante-treize - 73)
Quatre-vingts - Four twenty (-s is a 80 exception)
Quatre-vingt-dix - Four twenty ten
N.B. 1: 21, 31, 41, 51, 61 have an -et- in between (e.g. quarante-et-un - 41). The same thing happens for the number 1001 (e.g. Mille-et-une nuits).
N.B. 2: In Belgium and Switzerland, 70, 80 and 90 are called septante, huitante and nonante.
Les gros chiffres:
Cent, from the Latin centum - hundred
Mille, from the Latin millia - thousand
(e.g. Mille-neuf-cent-trente-huit - 1938)
Million, from the Italian milione (mille + one) - million
(e.g. Huit-millions-quatre-cent-trente-six-mille-neuf-cent-vingt-deux - 8436922)
Milliard, from the Old French miliard, derived from million - billion
N.B. If there's only one hundred or thousand, there is no need to specify (e.g. cent-trois, not un-cent-trois - 103)
Resources - spelling out numbers
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Hi there, really informative and interesting blog, big thanks for the work :) How would you say a weird ordinal number like 49257th? I read your post on ordinals and found scant more searching the interweb. Cheers! - Planetarywalker
I believe it would be: cuarenta y nueve milésimo/a ducentésimo/a quincuagésimo/a séptimo/a
In general, people don't like to use the ordinal numbers after 10
And they definitely don't like to use them after 100; because EVERYTHING has to be adjusted for gender
...The reason for that is when you do ordinal numbers like this, every "benchmark" number has one of the -ésimo words... the numbers in the thousandth, hundredth, tenth and the last number are all specialized which makes it very tedious
In your example: cuarenta y nueve milésimo/a is "49 thousandth", then ducentésimo "two hundredth", then quincuagésimo/a "fiftieth" + séptimo/a "seventh"
Whether it's all masculine or feminine depends on the gender of the thing
...The ordinal numbers primarily past 20 are combined; so vigésimo/a primero/a is "twenty-first", so that's why 57 is combined like that; you have the number in the tenth position + the ordinal number 1-9
To make it worse, primero/a can be primer in front of masculine nouns, and tercero/a for "third" is tercer in front of masculine nouns so it would be even more annoying
You are very rarely going to have to say el vigésimo primer libro "the 21st book"
Typically, if a native speaker saw this they'd probably say something like... cliente número 49257 [cuarenta y nueve mil, doscientos cincuenta y siete]
Even centuries are listed in cardinal numbers instead
el siglo XVIII is "the 18th century", literally "century 18"
No one has time to say el vigésimo siglo instead of siglo veinte for the 20th century
And monarchs will get ordinal numbers between 1-10, like Alfonso X (décimo), but you'll see Luis XIV [catorce] instead for "Louis the 14th"
Again; native speakers have no time and patience for ordinal numbers and they will avoid them as much as possible and God help you if you give them a number that isn't even 100, 200, 300... give them 207th and they'll probably just say doscientos/doscientas nueve instead
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Norwegian possessive pronouns
ok this is probably incorrect usage but for the purposes of this post by "subject" I mean subject who owns the "object" not the actual subject of the sentence.
Possessive pronouns in Norwegian depend on the subject and object, specifically the ordinal number person (1/2/3) the count of the subject (singular/plural) and the count of the object (singular/plural) and the gender of the object (masc/fem/not). In most cases the possessive pronoun is the same as the reflexive, except for third person. Where the reflexive does not depend on the subject's gender(masc/fem), but the regular possessive one does.
the difference between reflexive and not is
A looks at A's shoes -> reflexive (she looks at her shoes -> hun ser på skoene sine)
A looks at B's shoes -> not (she looks at his shoes -> hun ser på skoene hans)
(one exception shown below) (I believe that's right but I'm not 100% cause no sources mentioned it but I'm a bookworm & native speaker)
Possessive pronouns are usually after the noun. You can generally write it before I think, but it often sounds odd. You can use it to emphasize who possesses the object though "det er min bok, ikke din!!" -> "it's my book, not yours!!'. But if you write the possessive pronoun before you have to make the noun "undefined" ("boken min" -> "min bok") Norwegian "ubestemt form".
ok so the format is: subject: singular masc object / singular fem object / singular non-gender object / plural object
1. person singular subject: min / mi / mitt / mine
2 person singular subject: din / di / ditt / dine
3 person singular subject reflexive: sin / si / sitt / sine
3 person singular subject masculine: hans
3 person singular subject feminine: hennes (booknorwegian)
3 person singular subject feminine: hennar (newnorwegian)
(it seems "den" og "det" subjects can't own anything) (I'd use "dets" or "dens" though, or the "[noun]s" using "genetiv s" if you want to search it up)
1 person plural subject: vår / vår / vårt / våre
2 person plural subject: dere / dere / deres / deres (booknorwegian)
2 person plural subject: dykkar or dokkar
3 person plural subject: dere / dere / deres / deres (booknorwegian)
3 person plural subject: deira (newnorwegian)
3 person plural subject reflexive: sin / si / sitt / sine
my ref for details: gramatikk.no pronomen (booknorwegian) , gramatikk.no nynorsk, wikipedia nynorsk for determinativ
examples (booknorwegian):
Hatten min er blå -> My hat is blue / Hat my is blue. (hatt=masc defined singular).
Han kjenner til bøkene hennes -> He knows of her books / He (knows to) ((the books) (her)). (hennes is not affected by what is being owned)
Kortet er mitt -> The card is mine. (kort=non-gender defined singular).
Vi lever våre egne liv -> We live our own lives (same word order)
Bøkenes deres ligger i hattene våre -> Their books are in our hats.
Ikke rør teppet mitt -> Don't touch my blanket / Don't touch my carpet.
Teppet deres er blått -> Their carpet is blue. (teppet=defined, non-gender, singular)(blått=non-gender)(deres=2nd or 3rd person, nongender or plural).
Alle vet det er min bok -> Everyone knows it's my book (same word order)
Idk what's up here, but the whole reflexive thing is complex:
Han vet at kortet hannes ligger på bordet -> He knows his card is on the table / He knows that the (card his) (lies on the table). (note two verbs)
Han ser kortet sitt på bordet -> He sees his card on the table / He sees card his on the table. (note one verb)
examples (newnorwegian):
Det er deira fortelling -> It's their story. (plural they).
Boka hennar ligg på bordet -> Her book is lying on the table / Book her lies on the table (Norwegian word order) / Her book is on the table. -> Boka hennes ligger på bordet (Booklanguage)
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ashleyrowanthewriter · 2 months
Friday with Old Moonwingian - Counting
Today in my fairy conlang lesson we'll take a look at the counting systems. Yes, plural! There are three different sets of numbers you use for different purposes.
This system is used for counting people and overall sentient beings. If the stuff you count can communicate using language, then you use the personal system.
The system mixes decimal and vigesimal, but also throws in a bit of quinary.
Self-explanatory. You use this system when counting anything that doesn't fall under the personal system.
It's a similar mix of decimal, vigesimal and quinary as personal, but also is the only one with its own word for a dozen.
This is a special system used only for casting spells. It serves as a case of whatever the opposite of avoidance speech might be as it is used specifically to strength the spells. The fairies living on Moonwing Islands believe that these numbers have special powers inside them and as such help with magic.
It's completely decimal.
Now let's compare the three systems. On the left there will be the personal system, in the middle the non-personal and on the right there will be magical
0 - Mem / Mem / Kafe
1 - Lam / Olin / San
2 - Tem / Tim / Son
3 - Sem / Sem / Ken
4 - Pin / Pom / Kim
5 - Kin / Sä / Šin
6 - Lan / Li / Kalin
7 - Ten / Ti / Pim
8 - Sen / Se / Pakin
9 - Pen / Tom / Takin
10 - Telen / Tin / Sin
11 - Telen lam / Tin olin / Sin san
12 - Telen tem / Täsen / Sin son
13 - Telen sem / Tin sem / Sin ken
15 - Sem kin / Sem sä / Sin šin
20 - Tälen / Tolen / Son sin
30 - Tälen telen / Tolen tin / Ken sin
35 - Tälen sem kin / Tolen sem sä / Ken sin šin
40 - Tem tälen / Tim tolen / Kim sin
100 - Hilen / Halen / Šam
10000 - Sänte / Säka / Šäkke
86239 - Sen sänte sem tälen tem hilen tälen telen pen / Se säka sem tolen tim halen tolen tin tom / Pakin šäkke kalin sin son šam ken sin takin
The difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers is placement in the sentence. Place it before the thing you count and it's cardinal. After the thing you count and it's ordinal.
That will be all for today!
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
CULVER CITY, Calif. — A new anti-camping ordinance aimed at clearing out homeless encampments has been met with fierce criticism from leaders and residents who say it will displace the most vulnerable to make way for gentrification in this rapidly changing city.
Council members in Culver City, where a new 4.5-acre Apple campus has been proposed and where the median price of a home is just shy of $1 million, voted earlier this week to ban tents and makeshift structures in public spaces, a step other nearby cities have tried only to be stopped by legal challenges.
With more than 170,000 people living in tents and cars and sleeping outdoors on sidewalks and under highway overpasses, California is the epicenter of the nation’s homeless crisis, yet few, if any, communities have been able to make a significant dent in the number of unsheltered residents living within their borders.
A 2018 federal court decision stemming from an Idaho ordinance found that criminalizing homelessness, including prohibiting sleeping in public, violates the U.S. Constitution and amounts to "cruel and unusual punishment" if no shelter beds are available.
Proponents of the Culver City ordinance say the city must stay in lockstep with surrounding communities to prevent more unhoused people from taking up residence on its streets.
But opponents say the ordinance has been rushed and will criminalize already marginalized people, especially Black and Latino residents who are more likely to experience homelessness.
They also point out that where Los Angeles’ ordinance is specific to areas near schools and day care centers, Culver City’s applies to the entire city, which could prompt legal challenges.
"I am very disappointed," said Culver City council member Yasmin-Imani McMorrin, who was one of two dissenting votes on the six-member council. "I feel this is an incredibly harmful policy that doesn’t add anything other than punitive measures."
Several homeless people who would be affected by the ordinance say they prefer living outdoors than in a shelter, and that they won't go voluntarily.
On a recent windy afternoon, Roscoe Billy Ray Bradley Jr. swept the sidewalk he has called home for more than a decade. When asked if he was aware of the new ordinance, he shook his head. When asked if he would voluntarily relocate, he bristled.
“They can’t take my tent. That’s my personal property,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Nearby, Walter Lindsey cleared debris from his encampment under a busy freeway overpass. He moved to Culver City from downtown Los Angeles two weeks ago and said he prefers the area's “relaxed” environment to the “depressing” scenes of skid row.
He now lives behind a makeshift wall of plastic tarps and cardboard boxes near Bradley’s encampment. The two have tasked themselves with sweeping the sidewalk daily to allow for foot traffic and to deter police from complaining about their belongings.
Like Bradley, Lindsey was not aware of the new ordinance and does not have a backup plan should he be asked to relocate.
“I guess I gotta prepare them,” he said of his unhoused neighbors.
“As long as the weather is fine, I’d rather be outside than cooped up inside a shelter,” he said. “It’s too depressing.”
During a heated city council meeting Monday night, officials said the ban would not be enforced until the city meets key goals, including opening a designated camping site where unhoused residents can set up their tents and the conversion of 73 hotel and motel units into permanent and interim housing.
Combined, the two programs would add roughly 100 beds for unhoused people. According to the 2022 homeless count, some 350 people live on the streets of Culver City.
“Continuing to criminalize people for being in poverty, for struggling, has never gotten anyone out of poverty and never will,” said Bryan “Bubba” Fish, who sits on the city’s homeless advisory committee. “And yet, we continue down the same path.”
There is no clear time line for when the housing units would become available, according to the city, and officials have not determined who would be tasked with clearing out the encampments and what enforcement measures, such as fines and arrests, would be used if people refuse to relocate.
“We are putting the cart before the horse,” said Culver City Council member Freddy Puza, who voted against the ordinance. “I’m not trying to be intentionally vague — I just don’t know what the next steps are.”
In neighboring Los Angeles, Mayor Karen Bass has spent much of her first two months in office issuing emergency orders aimed at quelling the ongoing homeless crisis.
Bass told NBC’s “Meet the Press” in December that her plan to move homeless people into rooms immediately will not “address everybody, but it is going to address, hopefully, a significant number.” She said people would not be forced to move, but sanitation crews would stand by to clean up areas after people have left.
Bass declared a state of emergency on homelessness on her first day as mayor and said she intends to move more than 17,000 homeless people into interim and permanent housing during her first year in office.
Since then, she has issued emergency directives to free up surplus and unused properties for housing, clear encampments under the city's Inside Safe program and pushed for a $50 million emergency fund that would pay for homeless initiatives.
According to the 2022 homeless count, more than 69,000 people were unhoused on any given night in Los Angeles County, a 4.1% increase from 2020. About 42,000 were within the city of Los Angeles, where public frustration grew as tents proliferated on sidewalks, in parks and under freeway overpasses during the pandemic.
Bass' emergency declarations appear to have created a domino effect in neighboring cities, like Santa Monica and Culver City, which have started to issue their own proclamations in recent weeks.
But the push to clean up the most obvious signs of homelessness has not addressed what many experts say is the root cause of the crisis: a shortage of affordable housing.
"Nobody should have illusions that all of a sudden encampments are going to come down," said John Maceri, CEO of The People Concern, a service provider. "It’s going to take a minute. This is 50 years in the making."
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deliasamed · 6 months
Numeral Exercises
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In English grammar, numerals function as a part of speech to represent numbers, quantify nouns, and express numerical relationships. There are two main types of numerals in English: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals. Cardinal Numerals: Cardinal numerals represent specific quantities or numbers. They answer the question how many? and are used to count objects or denote a precise quantity. Examples: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, etc. One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, etc.   Ordinal Numerals: Ordinal numerals denote the order or rank of items in a sequence. They answer the question in what order? and are used to indicate the position of something in a series. Examples: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth Twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth Hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth, etc.   Numerals can function as determiners when they directly modify nouns, indicating the quantity or position of the noun. For example: Cardinal Numeral as Determiner: Three apples fell from the tree. Ordinal Numeral as Determiner: The first prize goes to the winner.   Numerals can also function as adjectives when they modify nouns but do not directly specify quantity or order.  For example: Cardinal Numeral as Adjective: She bought two pairs of shoes. Ordinal Numeral as Adjective: He is in his third year of university.   Additionally, numerals can function as nouns themselves, particularly when referring to numbers as concepts or entities. For example: The number eight is considered lucky in some cultures. She divided the class into groups of four.       Instructions: Please, do the exercises without seeing the Answers. If you are unable to find an answer, you can check the answers provided below after attempting all the blanks.       Exercise: Numerals   Instructions: Use the correct words for (numbers in brackets). Write ordinal or cardinal number forms into the gaps:     - My sister is in the ------------ grade (2). - I have ------------ fingers (10) on my hands. - There are ------------ days (7) in a week. - We need ------------ eggs (6) to make pancakes. - Today is the ------------ day (1) of the month. - The puppy is the ------------ pet (1) in our family. - I have ------------ brothers (2) and ------------ sisters (1). - There are ------------ months (12) in a year. - She won the race and got the ------------ prize (1). - My birthday is on the ------------ of July (4).                   Correct Answers:   - second - ten - seven - six - first - first - two, one - twelve - first - fourth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numbers in words:   - 75 - 1000000 - 50 - 3 - 12 - 20 - 18 - 45 - 90 - 600 - 0.5 -  0.7 - 0.25 - 0.01 - 2.5 - 0 - 50% - 25% -  10% - 100% - 1/2 - 3/4 - 1/4 - 1/10                        Correct Answers:   - Seventy-five - One million - Fifty - Three - Twelve - Twenty - Eighteen - Forty-five - Ninety - Six hundred - Zero point five - Zero point seventy-five - Zero point twenty-five - Zero point zero one - Two point five - Zero - Fifty percent - Twenty-five percent - Ten percent - One hundred percent - One half - Three quarters - One quarter - One tenth               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the numerals in numbers:   - Seventy-two - Ninety-nine - One hundred twenty-five - Six hundred thirty-seven - Four thousand five hundred eighteen - Seven thousand six hundred twenty-three - Fifty-three thousand two hundred forty-nine - One hundred thousand - Six hundred seventy-five thousand three hundred twenty-four - Eight million nine hundred seventy-six thousand five hundred twelve - Two hundred fifty-three - Three thousand seven hundred eighty-six - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-nine -  One million two hundred fifty thousand - Six billion seven hundred eighty-nine million four hundred fifty-six thousand two hundred thirty-one                       Correct Answers:   - 72 - 99 - 125 - 637 - 4518 - 7623 - 53249 - 100000 - 675324 - 8976512 - 253 - 3786 - 12349 - 1250000 - 6789456231               Exercise: Write the Time in English   Instructions: Write the given Time in English:   - 9:15 AM - 1:30 PM - 6:45 AM - 3:20 PM - 10:00 AM - 5:55 PM - 12:10 PM - 8:40 AM - 4:15 PM - 11:50 AM                    Correct Answers:   - 9:15 - Fifteen minutes past nine - 1:30 - Half past one - 6:45 - Quarter to seven - 3:20 - Twenty past three - 10:00 - Ten o'clock - 5:55 - Five minutes to six - 12:10 - Ten past twelve - 8:40 - Twenty to nine - 4:15 - Quarter past four - 11:50 - Ten minutes to twelve               Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write in words   - 500 - 3000 - 400000 - 10000000 - 100000000 - 200 - 1001 - 2005 - 1250 - 2006 - 100 students - 1000 books -  200000 people                          Correct Answers:   - Five hundred - Three thousand - Four hundred thousand - Ten million - One hundred million - Two hundred - One thousand and one - Two thousand and five - One thousand two hundred fifty - Two thousand and six - One hundred students - One thousand books - Two hundred thousand people               Exercise: Numerals in Sums Instructions: Write the following Sums in words:   - 25 + 13 - 42 + 57 - 100 + 25 - 76 + 89 - 345 + 210 - 500 + 600 - 1234 + 5678 - 999 + 111 - 8765 + 4321 - 9876 + 5432                           Correct Answers:   - Twenty-five plus thirteen - Forty-two plus fifty-seven - One hundred plus twenty-five - Seventy-six plus eighty-nine - Three hundred forty-five plus two hundred ten - Five hundred plus six hundred - One thousand two hundred thirty-four plus five thousand six hundred seventy-eight - Nine hundred ninety-nine plus one hundred eleven - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five plus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six plus five thousand four hundred thirty-two                 Exercise: Numerals in Subtractions Instructions: Write the following subtractions in words:   - 50 - 25 - 100 - 67 - 150 - 89 - 500 - 238 - 1000 - 475 - 2500 - 1234 - 8765 - 4321 - 9876 - 5432 - 12345 - 6789 - 99999 - 88888                             Correct Answers:   - Fifty minus twenty-five - One hundred minus sixty-seven - One hundred fifty minus eighty-nine - Five hundred minus two hundred thirty-eight - One thousand minus four hundred seventy-five - Two thousand five hundred minus one thousand two hundred thirty-four - Eight thousand seven hundred sixty-five minus four thousand three hundred twenty-one - Nine thousand eight hundred seventy-six minus five thousand four hundred thirty-two - Twelve thousand three hundred forty-five minus six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine - Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine minus eighty-eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight                 Exercise: Numerals in Multiplications Instructions: Write the following multiplications in words:   - 5 * 3 - 10 * 4 - 12 * 6 - 20 * 8 - 25 * 5 - 50 * 7 - 100 * 9 - 123 * 4 - 500 * 2 - 1000 * 3                           Correct Answers:   - Five times three - Ten times four - Twelve times six - Twenty times eight - Twenty-five times five - Fifty times seven - One hundred times nine - One hundred twenty-three times four - Five hundred times two - One thousand times three               Exercise: Numerals in Divisions Instructions: Write the following divisions in words:   - 15 ÷ 3 - 20 ÷ 4 - 36 ÷ 6 - 45 ÷ 9 - 64 ÷ 8 - 81 ÷ 9 - 100 ÷ 5 - 200 ÷ 10 - 500 ÷ 25 -  1000 ÷ 50                   Correct Answers:   - Fifteen divided by three - Twenty divided by four - Thirty-six divided by six - Forty-five divided by nine - Sixty-four divided by eight - Eighty-one divided by nine - One hundred divided by five - Two hundred divided by ten - Five hundred divided by twenty-five - One thousand divided by fifty                 Exercise: Writing Monetary Amounts Instructions: Write the following monetary amounts in words:   - £5 - 10 shillings - 26 pence - $1 - £20 - 15 shillings - 50 pence - $5 - £100 -  5 shillings                          Correct Answers:   - Five pounds - Ten shillings - Twenty-six pence - One dollar - Twenty pounds - Fifteen shillings - Fifty pence - Five dollars - One hundred pounds - Five shillings                   Exercise: Numerals in Phone Numbers Instructions: Write Telephone Numbers in digits:   Telephone Numbers: - 555-1234 - 867-5309 - 123-456-7890 - 800-555-1212 - 202-333-4567 - 555-6767-890 - 777-222-1010 - 123-456-7878                           Correct Answers:   - Five five five, dash, one two three four - Eight six seven, dash, five three zero nine - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight nine zero - Eight hundred, dash, five five five, dash, one two one two - Two zero two, dash, three three three, dash, four five six seven - Five five five, dash, six seven six seven, dash, eight nine zero - Seven seven seven, dash, two two two, dash, one zero one zero - One two three, dash, four five six, dash, seven eight seven eight                 Exercise: Numerals Instructions: Write the appropriate numerals for chapters of books, the numbers of buses, houses, taxis, and the sizes of clothes and shoes in words:   - Open page 10, please. - He lives in apartment 18. - I usually take tram No. 5. - The meeting starts at 9 o'clock. - There are 20 students in the classroom. - She has 3 cats and 2 dogs. - We need to buy 10 kilograms of rice. - The marathon is 26.2 miles long. - The speed limit is 55 miles per hour. - He scored 15 points in the game.                             Correct Answers:   - Open page ten, please. - He lives in apartment eighteen. - I usually take tram Number five. - The meeting starts at nine o'clock. - There are twenty students in the classroom. - She has three cats and two dogs. - We need to buy ten kilograms of rice. - The marathon is twenty-six point two miles long. - The speed limit is fifty-five miles per hour. - He scored fifteen points in the game. Read the full article
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amorelray · 1 year
#1. Sword Art Online⚔
I have words upon words upon words upon words that I could say about this show, but I will try my best to keep it fairly concise.✍🏻
The biggest reason that I've been attached to this show is because of the main character, Kirito. In the beginning of this show, he's young and lost. He reminded me quite a bit of myself & who I was growing up. I will be sharing ❗spoilers❗ from here on out. So, if you'd like to watch the show (& haven't yet) - all I'm going to say is that it's worth it.
Starting with his survivor's guilt that he has over his fallen guild, I too have held myself responsible for things that I thought, "if I had just shared this info," or "told them that one thing," I could have changed fate. I've held responsibility in my hands over things not quite as heavy as watching a group of friends die, but on things that weighed on my heart too. Just like Kirito, I find myself taking the blame and burden for things around me - even when it's outside of my control. He had no idea that his guildmate would fall for the trap and he desperately tried to stop them before it happened; he also fought tooth and nail just to make it out of there alive. He was 14 at the time; he did what he could, but he blamed himself anyways...and honestly, I would have done the same.
The next thing that I immediately gravitated towards with him was the fact that he cut himself off from everyone because he was afraid to hurt anyone else. To say that I've done that would be sugar coating it🙃. When I was younger (& even still some today), I shoved people away - people that I loved at the time, because I felt like I was a monster, a burden. He felt that with being a "Beater" (Beta Tester/Cheater), he put others' lives in danger and instead of risking it ever again - he was the lone, black swordsman. I felt that loneliness with him. I understand what it feels like to imagine that the world would be better off if you were just a person passing by - not causing any troubles. It's lonely, but you think you're doing everyone else a favor by not getting in the way. You're sad when you go to sleep at night, but you desperately try to tell yourself that you're "doing the right thing" in order not to fall asleep in tears.
As he grows and gains friends (that sometimes he had 0 intent to have), I also feel that emotion with him. Over the years, I've allowed myself to open up a bit more and allow others into my life; just like he did. I also watch him time and time again put his life on the line for those friends - people he deems worthy to keep on living. I resonate with that idea and that passions because I would also put my neck out for those who I loved and saw as "family."
Over and over, he's thrown new situations and dilemmas that he has to do his best to adapt to. I, as well, have had to deal with the curveballs of that life has thrown my way and take it in stride. Kirito and I both do our best to act like we're 100% okay on the outside and push aside our emotions, but deep down - we're both broken and very emotional human beings. He bottles it all up, just like I do. We're the same in many, many ways.
I'm really putting my heart on the line with this post, but if you ever want to "get to know me" better, watch Sword Art Online and realize that Kirito is a lot of my bad, but also a lot of my good. We're both human and really think along the same lines of what we'd do for ourselves and those around us. There's a big reason why he's stayed my number 1 for 8 years (about the amount of time I've been watching Anime as well😅).
This guy really deserves to smile after the years of agony that he's been through - & so do I. 🖤
I love this show so much that I've seen every season at least twice through (Season 1 more like 6-8 times) & I've seen/own the movie (Ordinal Scale). It is by far my favorite and easily my comfort show. So, if you watch it, I hope you enjoy it too!
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zhangsanhzgb · 15 days
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3
Fractal Bitcoin announced on the evening of September 6 that it will airdrop tokens to eligible UniSat and OKX wallet users, with a total of 1 million FB, accounting for 0.47% of the total token supply. Among them, UniSat and OKX wallets will each be allocated 500,000. The airdrop will automatically reach the user's address after the mainnet is launched.
**Project Background and Token Economics**
Fractal Bitcoin is a Bitcoin-based expansion solution that aims to increase transaction capacity by creating a recursive expansion layer on BTC while maintaining compatibility with the Bitcoin ecosystem. The project developed by UniSat has received investments from Binance, OKX Ventures, and others.
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3-The total number of tokens is 210 million, of which 80% is allocated to the community and 20% to the team and contributors. The specific allocation is:
- POW mining: 50%
- Ecosystem Treasury: 15%
- Pre-sale: 5%
- Consultant: 5%
- Community funding: 10%
- Core Contributors: 15%
As can be seen from these allocations, Fractal has not reserved tokens specifically for airdrops, which may come from the ecosystem treasury or the community funding portion.
The airdrop rules are different for UniSat and OKX users:
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3- **OKX users**: Need to hold more than 100 USD equivalent of BTC on September 1 and have traded Ordinals, Runes, Atomicals assets in the past 6 months, or be ranked in the top 5,000 in the OKX Web3 wallet BTC ecosystem activity. Eligible users will receive 6.6 basic FB rewards and 30 additional rewards.
- **UniSat users**: Based on the past 90 days of activity, including transaction volume, card holdings, and ranking, rewards range from 5 to 15 FB. The airdrop conditions are more complicated, including UniSat OG card, Prime card holders, and active testnet users.
**Community Feedback**
The number and conditions of the airdrops sparked some discontent:
CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3- The airdrop represented a low percentage of total supply (0.47%), which some community members considered to be too small an allocation.
- The rewards for loyal users and early testnet users are similar to those for regular users, causing dissatisfaction.
- High threshold requirements exclude new testnet users.
Currently, the price of FB in OTC trading is between $5-8, with a total market value of over $1 billion. Even though there are some complaints in the community, the price expectations for FB after it goes online are high. The airdrop rewards are concentrated between 10-40 coins, and at the current price, users may receive $60-240 in benefits.
Fractal's airdrop strategy seems to be to allow more real users to experience its mainnet ecosystem, rather than simply distributing "pig trotters". This also reminds participants to pay attention to market trends after the mainnet is launched, avoid blindly following the trend, and ensure effective participation in ecosystem construction.
How to Buy FB
How to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange
Investing in FB has never been easier! Registering on an exchange, verifying your account, and paying by bank transfer, debit or credit card, with a secure cryptocurrency wallet, is the most widely accepted method of acquiring cryptocurrencies. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to buy cryptocurrency on an exchange.
Step 1: Register CoinMapAi - An All-round One-stop Service Platform for Web3
You can register by email or phone number, then set a password and complete the verification to pass the registration.
Step 2: Identity verification - Submit KYC information to verify your identity
Please verify your identity to ensure full compliance and enhance your experience with full identity verification. You can go to the identity verification page, fill in your country, upload your ID, and submit your selfie. You will receive a notification once your ID has been successfully verified, bind your bank card or credit card and start transactions.
How to exchange USDT with a credit card and then convert it to FB
Step 1: Click Buy Coins, first select your country , then click Card
Step 2: Click My Profile in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner and select a credit card that is suitable for you to fill in the information and bind, such as Wise, Visa, etc.
Step 4: Click P2P transaction again, select the corresponding payment method and choose the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.
Step 5: After the transaction is completed, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a stable currency of US dollar, pegged at 1:1 with US dollar) and stored in your account. Click on the transaction, search for FB , and buy its tokens.
How to buy USDT with a savings card and then convert it to FB
Step 1: Click Buy Coins, click P2P
Step 2: Select My Profile in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select Add Payment Method in the lower right corner, and select the savings card that applies to you to fill in the information and bind it, such as: Payeer, ABA bank, TowerBank, etc.
Step 4: Click P2P transaction again, select the corresponding payment method and choose the appropriate merchant to complete the transaction.
Step 5: After the transaction is completed, your amount will be converted into USDT (USDT is a stable currency of US dollar, pegged at 1:1 with US dollar) and stored in your account. Click on the transaction, search for FB , and buy its tokens.
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thelonesgroup · 3 months
Three Real Estate Formulas You Need to Know
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I don't know how much you remember about high school math, but I can assure you that I have never once used the quadratic formula in my day-to-day life or as a real estate agent. I haven't had to find the cosine of an angle or determine the slope of a hyperbolic graph. However, there are some formulas that I use on a very regular basis.
Even though anyone can use Google to find a calculator that can quickly calculate what you need, understanding these three simple formulas and how to calculate them will allow you to determine the information you need so you can easily do these on the fly and out in the field.
Appreciation / Depreciation
This is an easy one that trips up people all the time because they don't know what number gets divided into which number. One easy way to remember is that if you want to know how things have appreciated, or depreciated, you are going to divide the newest number by the oldest number. So just start with new. Here is the formula:
New Number / Old Number = x -1 and then convert to a percentage
You Need: The two sales prices you are comparing
Let's say that we want to determine how prices have changed in the last year. This last May, the median sales price was $550,000 whereas last May, it was $525,000.
$550,000 / $525,000 = 1.048 – 1 = 0.048 = 4.8%
You can actually use this formula for any change that you are trying to measure. Days on Market? Number of Sales? Inventory? As long as you have a new number and an old number, you can do the math!
Future Appreciation
Likewise, you can also determine what a future value may be if it increases at a certain percentage. This one is super-easy! Here is the formula:
Current Value x Percentage = Future Value
You Need: Current value and the percentage of increase. The challenge with this one is you need to convert the percentage as follows because it is retaining 100% of the current value and then increasing from there. For example, if you are going to see what a 5% increase looks like, you need to convert that multiply your current value by 1.05. A 10% increase converts to 1.10. A 20% increase is 1.20.
For our example, let's see what a 3% increase on $100,000 looks like:
$100,000 x 1.03 = $103,000
This is easy, but the conversion from a percentage to a decimal is what trips people up.
Converting Circumference to Diameter (or Radius)
There is a lot of attention being paid to trees. In some areas, some homeowners are suddenly finding that trees on their property may be protected due to their girth. For example, here in Bellingham, an emergency tree ordinance just passed which automatically protects trees of a certain size, in this case, those with 36" diameter or greater at 4.5 feet off the ground. This will affect the developability of lots. For example, a tree of 36" diameter in the backyard may impact the development of an ADU. In Bellingham, the formula for determining the protected area, the diameter of the trunk at 4.5 feet high, in inches, will then become the radius of the protected area in feet.
For example, a tree that has a diameter of 40 inches will have a protected area with a diameter of 80 feet. And it is not just trees on the subject lot that can impact buildability. Like a wetland or critical area, these buffers extend past property boundaries.
You may have similar rules in your area, so as a real estate broker representing a buyer, it is important to identify trees that may reduce the buildable area of a lot. Get your flexible tape measure because you are going to need it!
You need: Circumference of a tree.
Let's say we have a big tree. Here in Bellingham, such trees have a protected area around them that limits what can be done on that land. To do this we need to know the diameter of the tree in inches. That diameter then becomes the radius around the tree in protected feet. How do we do that?
Take a tape measure and measure around the trunk. That is the circumference. Our tree has a 150-inch circumference.
Divide the measured circumference by Pi. Pi is equal to roughly 3.14159. So, 150 inches divided by 3.14159 = 47.75 inches. That is the width of our tree, its diameter. In other words, how thick the tree is if we drew a line straight through it.
That diameter becomes the radius of the protected area in feet. Now we know that any land within 47.75 FEET of our tree is protected. Wow, that could really change what can be done on this property lot and how a potential home buyer might value it.
If you ever need the radius of something, that's the distance from its center to its outer edge, just divide your diameter by 2!
Don't be afraid of math. Having a few formulas at the ready will empower you just as much as knowing facts like how an acre equals 43,560 square feet. You've got this!
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By Denise Lones CSP, CMP, M.I.R.M. The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones has over three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development and more, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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elsaspeak · 4 months
Cách phân biệt số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh
Hầu hết mọi người thường bị nhầm lẫn giữa số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh. Trong bài viết này, ELSA Speak giúp bạn phân biệt số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh cũng như cách dùng chi tiết.
Số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh là gì?
Số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh là Ordinal number, được dùng để biểu thị vị trí hay thứ hạng của một người, một vật như: thứ nhất (First), thứ hai (Second), thứ ba (Third),…
Kiểm tra phát âm với bài tập sau:
This summer I will visit a new country with two of my best friends
Click to start recording!
Ví dụ: Five students participated in a contest. Out of them, three top winners were given medals and were ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
→ Có năm học sinh tham gia cuộc thi. Trong số đó, ba học sinh đứng đầu đã được trao huy chương và xếp hạng 1, 2 và 3.
Phân biệt số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh
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Nếu số thứ tự dùng để biểu thị vị trí, thứ hạng của con người, sự vật thì số đếm trong tiếng Anh được sử dụng để diễn tả số lượng của con người hay một sự vật nào đó.
Cách đọc và viết số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh
Khi viết số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh, bạn cần phân chia thành hai nhóm sau:
1. Nhóm số thứ tự bất quy tắc: First (1st), Second (2nd), Third (3rd). Ở nhóm này, có 3 trường hợp bạn cần nắm vững:
Những số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 1 được thêm “first” vào cuối số đếm. Ví dụ: 1st (First), 21st (Twenty-first), 31st (Thirty-first), 41st (Forty-first),… Trong đó “st” là cách viết tắt của 2 ký tự cuối trong từ “first”
Những số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 2 được thêm “second” vào cuối số đếm. Ví dụ: 2nd (Second), 22nd (Twenty-second), 32nd (Thirty-second), 42nd (Forty-second),… Trong đó “nd” là cách viết tắt của 2 ký tự cuối trong từ “second”. Ngoại trừ số thứ tự 12th sẽ được viết là “twelfth”.
Những số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 3 được thêm “third” và cuối số đếm. Ví dụ: 3rd (Third), 23rd (Twenty-third), 33rd (Thirty-third),… Riêng số thứ tự 13 được viết “thirteenth”.
2. Nhóm số thứ tự theo quy tắc sẽ thêm “th” vào cuối số đếm: 4th (Fourth), 6th (Sixth), 7th (Seventh),…
3. Những số tròn chục kết thúc bằng “ty” khi chuyển sang số thứ tự sẽ bỏ “y”, thay bằng “ie” và thêm “th”. Ví dụ: 20th (Twentieth), 30th (Thirtieth), 40th (Fortieth)
Bên cạnh cách viết, để đọc số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh chuẩn xác hơn, bạn nên học thêm cách phát âm “th”. Phiên âm cụ thể số thứ tự như sau:
1st (First) /fɜːst/
2nd (Second) /ˈsekənd/
3rd (Third) /θɜːd/
4th (Fourth) /fɔːθ/
5th (Fifth) /fɪfθ/
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>>> Xem thêm:
Cách học phát âm tiếng Anh chuẩn như người bản xứ
Mẫu câu tiếng Anh giao tiếp theo chủ đề
Cách dùng số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh
Dưới đây là những trường hợp cần sử dụng số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh:
Biểu thị vị trí và thứ hạng của sự vật
Bạn có thể sử dụng số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh để biểu thị vị trí hay thứ hạng của con người, sự vật trong một tình huống cụ thể.
Ví dụ: You are the first one to know my real name.
→ Bạn là người đầu tiên biết tên thật của tôi.
Diễn đạt thời gian trong tiếng Anh
Số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh cũng được dùng để chỉ ngày trên lịch, được viết theo trình tự tháng/ngày/năm (mm/dd/yy) hoặc ngày/tháng/năm (dd/mm/yy).
Ví dụ: 
Ngày 21 tháng 3 năm 2024 sẽ được viết theo 2 cách:
21st, March, 2024
March, 21st, 2024
>>> Tìm hiểu thêm cách đọc ngày tháng trong tiếng Anh chuẩn xác nhất
Diễn tả mẫu số trong phân số
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Khi đọc phân số bằng tiếng Anh, bạn đọc tử số theo cách của số đếm và mẫu số theo cách của số thứ tự. Ví dụ như: 1/3 = one third, 2/3 = two thirds, 1/100 = one one hundredth. 
Lưu ý: Mẫu số luôn ở dạng số nhiều nếu tử số lớn hơn 1.
Tuy nhiên, cách đọc phân số cũng có một số trường hợp đặc biệt sau đây:
• 1/2 = one half, (không viết “one second”)
• 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 = one quarter, two quarters, three quarters (cách đọc “one fourth”, “two fourths” or “three fourths” vẫn được chấp nhận).
>>> Đọc thêm cách viết, đọc số phần trăm trong tiếng Anh đơn giản dễ nhớ
Mô tả vị trí của một tòa nhà
Bạn có thể sử dụng số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh để mô tả vị trí của một tòa nhà.
Ví dụ: Although living on the 7th floor, I usually choose the stairs instead of the elevator.
→ Mặc dù tôi sống ở tầng 7 nhưng tôi thường xuyên lựa chọn đi thang bộ thay vì thang máy.
Thể hiện sự ưu tiên của một vấn đề
Trong tiếng Anh, cụ thể là viết email bằng tiếng Anh, số thứ tự được sử dụng để trình bày sự ưu tiên của một vấn đề, miêu tả trình tự các sự việc hay ý tưởng. Cách sử dụng này giúp bạn diễn đạt các ý trong bài chặt chẽ và logic hơn.
Ví dụ: One of the reasons why your mood becomes stressful. First, you work too much but don’t take time to rest. Second, you do not exercise regularly.
→ Một trong những lý do khiến tâm trạng của bạn trở nên căng thẳng hơn. Thứ nhất, bạn làm việc quá nhiều những không dành thời gian nghỉ ngơi. Thứ hai, bạn không thường xuyên luyện tập thể dục.
Trên đây là toàn bộ kiến thức liên quan đến số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh cũng như cách để bạn có thể phân biệt giữa hai đối tượng này. Hy vọng bài viết này sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong quá trình chinh phục tiếng Anh, nhất là kỹ năng đọc, viết. Ngoài ra, để nắm chắc kiến thức liên quan đến từ vựng và vận dụng thực tế trong giao tiếp, bạn có thể ôn luyện thông qua ứng dụng học tiếng Anh ELSA Speak. Với giao diện bắt mắt cùng nhiều bài học thông minh, đây chắc chắn là trợ thủ học ngoại ngữ lý tưởng dành cho bạn!
Phân biệt số thứ tự và số đếm trong tiếng Anh
Trong tiếng Anh, số thứ tự (Ordinal number) dùng để biểu thị vị trí, thứ hạng của sự vật/con người còn số đếm được dùng để diễn tả số lượng của một sự vật/con người.
Cách viết số thứ tự trong tiếng Anh
Nhóm số thứ tự bất quy tắc: – Thêm “first” hay “st” vào cuối số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 1 – Thêm “second” hay “nd” vào cuối số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 2 – Thêm “third” hay “rd” vào cuối số thứ tự kết thúc bằng số 3. Nhóm số thứ tự theo quy tắc: Thêm “th” vào sau số đếm. Nhóm số tròn chục kết thúc bằng “ty”: Thay “y” thành “ie” và thêm “th”.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
A potential shift has recently been proposed within the Bitcoin Ordinals, a project spearheaded by its creator and primary coder, Casey Rodarmor. At the core of this proposal lies a pivotal component of the protocol: the inscription numbering system. Launched earlier this year in January, Bitcoin Ordinals are inscriptions (digital artifacts or non-fungible tokens) supported by satoshis (sats) — a way to denominate small amounts of Bitcoin. This type of digital asset has steadily carved its niche in the blockchain world.  Each non-fungible token (NFT) created via the Ordinals protocol receives a distinct inscription, much like a unique serial number. This element has played a vital role, especially in the domain of digital art generated through this protocol. However, Casey Rodarmor states this inscription number system is set to undergo a revamp. Rationale Behind The Proposed Change Casey Rodarmor, a notable force behind Bitcoin Ordinals, has proposed altering the project’s inscription numbering mechanism. According to the proposal, the primary motivation is to streamline the project’s codebase. While these inscription numbers have been foundational since the project’s inception, Rodarmor opines that maintaining their stability has inadvertently caused complications. Such an unyielding approach to inscription numbers has, in Rodarmor’s view, resulted in less-than-optimal coding and hindered potential development progress. I guess the cat is out of the bag! In short, I think that the effort to keep inscription numbers stable hasn’t been worth it, and has led to ugly code and stalled development, since new changes need to be extremely and often awkardly careful not to change the numbers of old… — Casey (@rodarmor) September 19, 2023 By introducing the concept of “permanently unstable” inscription numbers, Rodarmor suggests a departure from the existing practice. This decision entails deprioritizing the system for allocating unique inscription numbers within the Bitcoin network. Rodarmor assures that the numbers would undergo modification, not complete elimination. In practical terms, new inscription numbers could be near their predecessors but might display a variance of approximately 1%. Community Responses And Implications This proposition has stirred mixed reactions within the Bitcoin Ordinals community. Some members endorse the proposed change, emphasizing that inscription numbers embedded within the protocol are “unnecessary or not beneficial.” And then further suggesting alternative solutions, such as utilizing external tools or platforms to index or track these numbers for individuals or entities that might still find value in these inscription numbers. Concerns about having invested considerably to obtain NFTs with specific inscription numbers have also been voiced. An X user commented on this proposal: “Imagine paying a ton of money for inscriptions like 100, 69, 420, 1000, etc., just for it to be reorganized.” In response, a segment of the community points out that if numbering remains a priority for certain users, they can always organize their collectibles using timestamps, ensuring the essence of uniqueness remains intact. Bitcoin (BTC) price is moving sideways on the 4-hour chart. Source: BTC/USDT on TradingView.com Source
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intro to Norwegian numbers!
So numbers in Norwegian are much like in english. They're not like Danish ("halvtress") or French ("quatre vingt quinze"), they follow a similar pattern to english.
This will be a glossary post.
number = booknorwegian = newnorwegian
number = booknorwegian and newnorwegian
(ei is a diphtong, use Google translate or YouTube or such for the pronunciation)
double consonant means the vowel before is short
I'll probably find a pronunciation guide for every Norwegian letter, but it follows rules pretty well. this exist idk how helpful it is: link NAOB. NAOB also always had the phonetic alphabet version of all booklanguage dictionary words.
For pronunciation you could also watch basic math videos such as basic multiplication.
1 = en = ein
2 = to
3 = tre
4 = fire
5 = fem
6 = seks
7 = syv (nb) = sju (nb&nn)
8 = åtte
9 = ni
10 = ti
11 = elleve
12 = tolv
13 = tretten
14 = fjorten
15 = femten
16 = seksten
17 = sytten
18 = atten
19 = nitten
(basically the number plus -ten, with maybe some old versions of the number often from Norse according to the dictionaries)
for 23 and 57 etc that's just tjuesyv etc.
20 = tjue
30 = tretti
40 = førti
50 = femti
60 = seksti
70 = sytti
80 = åtti
90 = nitti
for 100+ you say [[ett] hundrede] og [number under 100]. (ett = ordinal 1, hundrede≈hundred, og=and, førtisyv=47)
100 = hundre
every hundred after is just [cipher]-hundre
200 =to hundre
1000 = tusen
similar to hundred that's just [ordinal] tusen [[ordinal] hundred] og [any number under 100]. or just [[ordinal] tusen]
English million = million
English billion = milliard
English trillion = billion
English quadrillion= billiard
I don't know about everything above that, but at some point it changes to the regular system.
Jeg har ett tusen og tjuefire kroner -> I have a thousand and twenty four crowns. (literal)
(kronen (masc noun) is the Norwegian currency, known as NOK, other countries also call their currency that such as Denmark, it comes from the word crown)
Han er tretti år gammel -> he is twenty years old (literal)
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ashleyrowanthewriter · 2 months
Sunday with West Moonwingian - Counting
Let's begin with a funny thing about evolution. No more separate personal and non-personal systems! Now you only use the system that used to be non-personal. And it evolved into a mix of decimal and vigesimal, completely dropping the quinary bits.
Of course if you cast spells then you still use the magical system. And it's still decimal.
Now let's compare. On the left there will be the default system and on the right the magical system.
0 - Mem / Kaf
1 - Olin / San
2 - Tim / Son
3 - Sem / Ken
4 - Pom / Kim
5 - Sā / Šin
6 - Li / Kalin
7 - Ti / Pim
8 - Se / Pakin
9 - Tom / Takin
10 - Tin / Sin
11 - Tin olin / Sin san
12 - Tin tim / Sin son
13 - Tin sem / Sin ken
15 - Tin sā / Sin šin
20 - Toln / Son sin
30 - Toln tin / Ken sin
35 - Toln sem sā / Ken sin šin
40 - Tim toln / Kim sin
100 - Haln / Šam
10000 - Sāka / Šāk
22223 - Tim sāka toln tim haln toln sem / Son šāk son sin son šam son sin ken
To create the ordinal numbers you add the -āk suffix to basically turn the number into an adjective.
And here's some more words for today that are remnants of the old systems.
Tāsn - (noun/numeral) Dozen
Nom. - Tāsn (sing.), Tāsenjā (plur.)
Pos. - Tāsin (sing.), Tāsinjā (plur.)
Obj. - Tāsn (sing.), Tāsenjā (plur.)
Inst. - Tāsen (sing.), Tāsnenjā (plur.)
Trans. - Mtāsn (sing.), Emtāsenjā (plur.)
Voc. - Tāsenu (sing.), Tāsnujā (plur.)
Tem - (noun) Couple
Nom. - Tem (sing.), Temjā (plur.)
Pos. - Tim (sing.), Timjā (plur.)
Obj. - Tem (sing.), Temjā (plur.)
Inst. - Temen (sing.), Temenjā (plur.)
Trans. - Emtem (sing.), Emtemjā (plur.)
Voc. - Temu (sing.), Temujā (plur.)
Temāk - (adjective) Romantic (used on its own can mean a romantic partner)
Olintemāk - (adjective) Homosexual (slang)
Jātemāk - (adjective) Polyromantic (falling out of use)
Jātem - (noun) Adulterer (slang, vulgar, pejorative)
Nom. - Jātem (sing.), Jātemjā (plur.)
Pos. - Jātim (sing.), Jātimjā (plur.)
Obj. - Jātem (sing.), Jātemjā (plur.)
Inst. - Jātemen (sing.), Jātemenjā (plur.)
Trans. - Emjātem (sing.), Emjātemjā (plur.)
Voc. - Jātemu (sing.), Jātemujā (plur)
And if you're interested how polyamory is doing with adultery claiming its word...
Poliamo - (noun) Polyamory
Nom. - Poliamo (sing.), Poliamojā (plur.)
Pos. - Poliami (sing.), Poliamīā (plur.)
Obj. - Poliam (sing.), Poliamejā (plur.)
Inst. - Poliamon (sing.), Poliamoenjā (plur.)
Trans. - Empoliamo (sing.), Empoliamojā (plur.)
Voc. - Poliamou (sing.), Poliamoujā (plur.)
That will be all for today!
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