#organ and tissue transplant in India
transplants-india · 3 months
Honoring Heroes: Odisha CM Recognizes Organ Donors with State Honors
Organ donation is a massive problem in India. There are hundreds of thousands of people who need organ transplants in Mumbai to stay alive. But there are way more people who need transplants than there are organ donors. So many people are stuck waiting, hoping an organ becomes available in time. The biggest need is for kidney transplants - that's what most people are waiting for an organ donor.
Overcoming Barriers: Education and Financial Support There are a few reasons why there aren't enough organ donors in India. Many people don't understand its importance or have misconceptions about it because of cultural/religious beliefs. The cost of transplant surgeries is also really expensive for many families. Some organizations are already working on this. A transplant organization in India provides money, counseling, and other support to transplant patients and their families. The MOHAN Foundation is a non-profit organization that spreads awareness about organ donation and helps set up transplants across India.
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Odisha's Pioneering Initiative In the middle of all this, the state of Odisha in India has done something remarkable to honor organ donors. The Chief Minister there, Naveen Patnaik, made it so that organ donors get treated with special honors - like really important or famous people. This includes things like a 21-gun salute, having their body wrapped in the Indian flag and other ceremonies. The families of organ donors also get financial help for kidney transplants in India and are recognized yearly on World Organ Donation Day. It's a big way to show how much organ donation is appreciated.
A Powerful Message and Ripple Effect Odisha's new policy for honoring organ donors is a compelling statement. It says that organ and tissue transplantation in India is an incredibly heroic and respectable thing to do. By giving donors the same types of honors as famous or important people, the government recognizes their selfless sacrifice and how their decision saved lives. This doesn't just honor the donors and their families. It could also inspire more people to become donors themselves. If it motivates others, it could lead to a lot more organ funding for liver transplants in India over time.
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Transplant Facilities in Mumbai There are some good places to go for people in Mumbai who need information about organ transplants or are considering becoming organ donors. The Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre has programs for liver and kidney transplants. Global Hospitals Parel can do transplants for different organs, too. There's also an organization called Jeevan Aarogya that is run by the Maharashtra State Government. Their goal is to educate people about organ donation in Mumbai and get more donors signed up. They do a lot to spread awareness about this important cause.
A Step Towards a Brighter Future Odisha's giving state honors to organ donors is a huge deal that could really increase organ donation across India. By honoring the amazing sacrifices donors make and supporting their families, the government is helping create a future where more lives are saved through organ donation. With the massive shortage of organs in India, this pioneering approach from Odisha gives people hope.
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she-is-ovarit · 7 months
Data spanning from 1995 to 2021 in India revealed a striking gender imbalance in organ transplants, with four men getting organ transplants for every woman. A total of 36,640 transplants took place in this period, out of which 29,000 were for men and 6,945 for women.
This substantial difference is attributed to a complex interplay of economic responsibilities, societal pressures, and deeply ingrained preferences. 
Dr Anil Kumar, director of the government-run National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) highlighted this significant aspect of the organ donation landscape.
While more men contribute as cadaver donors, a staggering 93 per cent of total organ donations in the country come from living donors, he told the Times of India newspaper. This hints at a trend: a majority of living organ donors are women.  Socio-economic factors a driving force for women donors? A study published in the Experimental and Clinical Transplantation Journal in 2021 delved into the intricacies of living organ transplantation in India. The findings showed that 80 per cent of living organ donors are women, predominantly wives or mothers. The socio-economic pressure on women to assume caregiving roles within the family emerges as a primary factor, compelling them to step forward as donors. Men's reluctance in surgery In many cases, men, often the primary breadwinners, hesitate to undergo surgery, contributing to the gender gap in organ recipients. The study highlights that when the recipient is a male breadwinner, family members, especially wives or parents, feel a heightened responsibility to donate organs. Emotional dynamics The emotional dynamics surrounding organ donation are intricate. Women recipients, in particular, may experience guilt when their family members, especially wives or mothers, become donors. This reluctance leads to a scenario where women recipients may find themselves on waiting lists.  Notably, Karnataka has topped the charts in organ donation in the past decade. The number of donations have risen from 102 in 2013 to 765 in the first 10 months of 2023. 
A user on Ovarit added this helpful context:
"Just a little more context to this: men produce male-specific proteins (on the Y chromosome) which often get rejected by women's bodies. Since males have an X chromosome, their bodies recognize proteins from female donors. This makes it more difficult for women to receive male tissue/organs, while still being acceptable candidates for donating to men. Even still, these ratios are very disproportionate".
"As women we absolutely need to be aware of our vulnerability of being used as spare parts in a man's world. Especially when we are being socialized into believing that we need to sacrifice our bodies and lives for others- and society has developed a sense of entitlement to this sacrifice, while downplaying the suffering of women."
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indizombie · 6 months
Director of National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) Dr Anil Kumar said more men are cadaver donors but more women are living donors. "Of the total organ donations in the country, 93% were living donors. This by itself is a statement that many organ donors in the country are women donors," he said. A paper published in Experimental and Clinical Transplantation Journal in 2021 found a huge gender disparity in the country. The data analysed organ transplants in 2019 and found that 80% of the living organ donors are women, mainly the wife or the mother, while 80% of the recipients are men.
Steffy Thevar, ‘4 of 5 living organ donors in India are women, 4 of 5 recipients men: Study’, Times of India
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Osteoporosis: What is It? How To Prevent It?
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Our complete skeleton is made up of bone. From giving us a structural framework for our body to protect our internal organs, our bones have taken up a lot many jobs. We should also take care of them if we know in detail about the diseases that can affect bones, how to prevent them, what are treatments available, and many more. In this blog, we will discuss the same with our eminent bone disorder specialist in India. So keep reading!
What is Osteoporosis?
Bone is a living tissue that breaks down(resorption) and forms(formation) on a regular basis. When the formation of new bone does not compensate for the loss of old bone, osteoporosis develops.
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle and a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture.
How can we help in the treatment?
If you are searching for a bone marrow transplant hospital in India, we will serve as your guide throughout your treatment and will be physically present with you even before your treatment begins. The following will be provided to you:
Opinions of expert physicians and surgeons
Transparent communication
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Assistance in hospital formalities
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Arrangement for travel
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We are dedicated to offering the highest quality health care to our patients. We have a team of highly qualified and devoted health professionals that will be by your side from the beginning of your journey.
Conclusion-By simply packing their medical journey to India, hip replacement in India can substantially benefit the patient with their orthopedic-related therapies. We also offer a comprehensive range of physiotherapy and surgical therapies to international patients during their post-discharge recuperation vacations.
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ghnservices · 1 year
Multiple Myeloma Treatment in India
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Multiple myeloma is a Blood disorder disease usually called Blood Cancer. Multiple myeloma can be treated by the Bone marrow transplant process.
In the initial stages of multiple myeloma, there are no symptoms but as the disease progresses, it may show some symptoms –
•          Bone Fractures
•          Bone pain
•          Tiredness/fatigue
•          Appetite loss/ weight loss
•          Kidney function problems
What is Multiple myeloma?
Basically, Multiple myeloma releases chemicals that create an imbalance in bone destruction and bone formation. This may cause a hole in bones or bone thinning. 
Multiple myeloma generally occurs in men than women. It is gradually increasing in urban India.
What causes multiple myeloma?
There is a condition known as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Where there is an excess of protein molecules, called immunoglobins, in your blood.
Black people are more likely to develop multiple myeloma than other people.
Family history of multiple myeloma
Multiple myeloma diagnosed in the mid 60’s.
Procedure to diagnose of Multiple myeloma
Test and procedure to diagnose multiple myeloma –
Blood Test – In this test, it may reveal M Proteins produced by myeloma cells.
Urine Test – Anaylsis of your urine test may show M proteins
Imaging Test – This test may be recommended to check bone problems associated with multiple myeloma. It may include X-Ray, CT Scan, MRI
Treatment of Multiple myeloma
Different types of doctors work together to create a patient’s overall treatment plan that combines different types of treatment.
Treatment plan may include different phases –
Induction therapy – for rapid control of cancer and to help relieve symptoms.
Chemotherapy or Bone marrow transplant/ Stem cell transplant
Maintenance therapy – over a long period of time to prevent cancer occurrence.
Types of medications used for multiple myeloma –
Chemotherapy - a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill fast growing cells in your body.
Targeted Therapy - a type of cancer treatment, that uses drugs to target specific genes and protiens that help cancer cells survive and grow.
Steriods - An anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.
Immunotherapy - a type of cancer treatment that increases immune system to fight cancer. It helps your body fight against infections.
Bone-modifying drugs
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplantation is a treatment choice for individuals with multiple myeloma. There are three general kinds of transplantation  :-
● Autologous transplantation - The Stem cells are gotten  from your own blood or bone marrow. This is the kind of transplantation that is generally ordinarily suggested for treating multiple myeloma.
● Allogeneic transplantation - The Stem cells or bone marrow are gotten from a donor  with a tissue type matching yours. This kind of transplantation conveys exceptionally high risk and isn't suggested for the vast majority with numerous myeloma.
● Syngeneic transplantation - The stem cells or bone marrow are obtained from an identical twin. This is the ideal type of transplantation, albeit barely any individuals with different myeloma have an indistinguishable twin who can act as a donor.
Transplantation, when effective, prompts a reduction and drags out endurance; seldom, allogeneic transplantation fixes different myeloma. Notwithstanding, transplantation has a few limits. The high-portion chemotherapy given before transplantation generally neglects to kill all of the plasma cells, permitting the condition to backslide after transplantation. Such treatment likewise expands your gamble of serious contaminations and dying, which can be deadly.
Autologous foundational microorganism transplantation — Autologous stem cell organism transplantation alludes to transplantation with your own undeveloped cells. During this system, stem organisms are gathered and frozen for sometimes in the future. High-portion chemotherapy is then given to kill however many plasma cells as could be expected under the circumstances, and the stem organisms are defrosted and gotten back to your body. Foundational microorganisms can be acquired from the blood or the bone marrow; for this situation, getting them from the blood is liked, on the grounds that blood undeveloped cells move to tissues all the more rapidly and are less inclined to be tainted with malignant plasma cells.
As of now, autologous stem cell transplantation is appropriate for up to 50 percent of individuals with multiple myeloma. Autologous undeveloped cell transplantation isn't suggested for individuals with seething multiple myeloma (individuals with multiple myeloma who have no side effects).
Who treats multiple myeloma?
Orthopedic Surgeon, a doctor who uses surgery to treat diseases of  bones.
Radiation oncology, a doctor who treats cancer with radiation therapy.
Medical oncologist, a doctor who treats cancer with medicines such as chemotherapy or targeted therapy.
Bone marrow transplant Specialist, a doctor who specializes in performing bone marrow transplants.
For any enquiry regarding Best Multiple Myeloma hospitals & doctors or multiple myeloma treatment in India, Connect with us via HELPLINE: +91 9818857545 for immediate assistance & support.
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twnenglish · 12 days
A Comprehensive Guide to the Organ Donation Process in India
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Exploring the Organ Donation Process in India: Key Steps and Considerations
Organ donation is a life-saving process where organs are retrieved from willing donors, either living or deceased, and transplanted into individuals suffering from organ failure. Over the past few decades, advancements in surgery, organ donation practices, and transplantation medicine have significantly improved the success rates of these procedures.
Recognizing the critical need for organ donation, India established a legal framework, the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act (THOTA) of 1994. The government has also implemented nationwide campaigns and educational programs to dispel myths surrounding organ donation, raise public awareness about the organ shortage, and clarify the donation process.
As organ donation rates in India continue to rise, this guide provides a comprehensive overview for anyone interested in becoming a donor.
Eligibility for Organ Donation in India: A Comprehensive Look
The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act (THOTA) of 1994 lays the legal foundation for organ donation in India. Thankfully, the law promotes inclusivity, allowing anyone to register as a potential donor irrespective of age, caste, religion, or community. However, a potential donor's overall health takes precedence over age when determining suitability for donation.
This section delves deeper into the eligibility criteria for both living and deceased donors in India, incorporating the latest information and real-world examples.
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indiamedicaltourism · 14 days
Kidney Cancer Treatment in India for Foreigners
Kidney cancer is known as renal cell cancer. Nowadays kidney cancer is most common in India. It starts inside the kidney, where blood is filtered. Kidney cancer is a harmful disease that attacks the healthy cells of the kidneys. It can be dangerous in the last stages. Our kidneys are two bean-shaped organs. Cancerous cells start to grow uncontrollably and form tumors in the kidneys. This tumor can extend beyond the kidney. Some cells can detach and spread to other parts of the body. In adults, renal cell carcinoma is a very common type of kidney cancer. Other less common types of kidney cancer can happen. Surgery is the most preferable treatment for different kidney diseases. A kidney cancer patient may have these symptoms, a lump can be felt in the abdomen, fatigue and unexplained weight loss, anemia, passing of blood in urine, unexplained fever for lasts weeks, etc. There are many types of kidney cancer.
Renal cell carcinoma - renal cell carcinoma has three main types clear cell, renal cell cancers, and papillary chromophobe 
Urothelial carcinoma - this type is used to be called transitional cell cancer (TCC) of the kidney or ureter. It can change shape and stretch. The renal pelvis is the place of the kidney where urine collects. 
Sarcoma - This is a rare type of soft tissue sarcoma of the kidney. This means the cancer started in the connective tissue muscles, nerves, fat, blood vessels, and fibrous tissue of the kidney. 
Wilms tumor - this is a type of kidney cancer that can affect children. It is different from kidney cancer in adults.
This type of kidney cancer can develop in both kidneys. In rare cases, kidney lymphoma can start as a tumor in the kidney.
The cancer spreads outside the kidney, to distant parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, or bones.
Kidney Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Kidney cancer treatment costs in India are much lower than in other countries. The accurate cost is based on the diagnostic test, cost-affecting factors are doctor experience, selected hospital, accommodation, post-surgery care, etc. The average cost of kidney cancer treatment in India starts from 3600 USD and goes up to 7500 USD.
Best Kidney Cancer Treatment Doctors in India
Finding the best doctor for kidney cancer treatment can be crucial but India has several kidney cancer treatment surgeons. These doctors have years of experience in medical technology and work in reputable hospitals. They offer cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care, giving hope to numerous patients. Some best doctor's names are include:
Dr VineetGovinda Gupta (DM Medical Oncology–Gold Medalist, renal cancer specialist)
Dr.ArunHalankar (Nephrologist, MBBS, MD, Fellowship, USA)
Dr. Raghunath S.K (consultant and director of the uro-oncology and robotic surgery department)
Dr Pradeep Bansal (Kidney Transplant & Cancer Specialist)
Dr. Deepak Dubey (HOD & Chairman of Urology Department and Renal Transplantation)
Dr.SureshAdvani (Memberships of (ISO) Padma Shri and Padma Bhushan winner 
Top Kidney Cancer Treatment Hospitals in India
 India has many best hospitals for kidney cancer treatment. Now India is known globally for advanced medical technology of kidney cancer treatment. They provide radiofrequency ablation (RFA), cryoablation, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy as per the stage of cancer and the patient's overall health. Some of the best kidney cancer treatment hospitals' names are given below:
Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai)
Devasya Hospital (Ahmedabad )
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) (New Delhi)
Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI) (Gurugram)
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre (New Delhi)
Apollo Hospitals (Chennai)
Medanta- The Medicity (Gurgaon)
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seemabhatnagar · 18 days
"Ensuring Fairness: High Court Directs Reconsideration of Transplant Decision"
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J. Rajkumar v. The Authorization Committee Transplantation
W.P. 13642/2024 & WMP 14806 & 14807 / 2024
Before the High Court of Madras
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Justice G R Swaminathan J
Order: The High Court allowed the Writ Petition of the Petitioner also set aside the rejection order of the Authorization Committee Transplantation The Committee / first respondent was directed to re-consider and pass an appropriate order within three weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of the order.
Judgment pronounced on 31.05.2024
Writ Petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India was filed for the calling of the records of the 1st respondent whereby the authorization committee rejected the petitioner's application for transplantation of Human Organ and to quash the rejection order and direct the 1st respondent to approve the petitioner's application/grant/approval/NOC to the petitioner for his kidney transplantation.
1.      The Petitioner aged about 30 years was suffering from chronic kidney disease and a nephrologist had advised him for a kidney transplant. His wife wanted to donate her kidney but because of medical incompatibility transplantation couldn’t happen. Offers were made by other relatives as well but due to incompatibility factors transplantation couldn’t take place.
2.      A known of the family Mrs. Radhika offered to donate her kidney and it was found compatible however, the Authorization Committee Transplant rejected her offer as she was not a relative of the Petitioner.
Contention of the petitioner & the donor
1.      The kidney is offered out of love and affection and for the well-being of the petitioner’s family and there is no economic consideration to it.
Contention of the Government Counsel
1.      The Court shouldn’t interfere in the rejection order of the Authorization Committee Transplantation as the petitioner has the remedy of Appeal as provided under Section 17 of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994.
Observation of the Court
1.      The refusal by hospitals in the State of Tamil Nadu to perform transplants concerning unrelated donors is illegal.
2.      The transplants from non-near relative donors is contemplated under Section 9(3) of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994, and Rules 14 and 19 of the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014 prescribing the procedure
3.      The Form 11 application submitted by the petitioner and the prospective donor was rejected by assigning the following reason “photo evidence and statement are grossly contradictory.”
4.      The opportunity for a personal hearing must be given. If an adverse order is passed, the rights of the patient is at stake. That is why, it is necessary to comply with the principles of natural justice. If any doubt occurs in the minds of the committee members, the applicants must be put on notice and allowed to explain.
5.      The petitioner was not given any opportunity to explain the contradiction noticed by the committee. There has been a gross violation of the principles of natural justice.
6.      The statement made by the prospective donor that he/she is coming forward to donate the organ out of altruism cannot be questioned unless there is definite material to show the passing of consideration. In this case, the minutes do not indicate the existence of commercial dealings between the parties.
Seema Bhatnagar
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gastro-delhi · 20 days
Cancer Treatment in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Cancer Treatment in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Cancer remains one of the most frightening health challenges worldwide, with millions of lives affected by its impact every year. Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. Understanding cancer, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies is essential for everyone.
In this article, we’ll cover all aspects of cancer to provide you with the necessary information.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth of cells that invade and destroy surrounding tissues. These abnormal cells can form tumors, impair the functioning of vital organs, and spread to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis.
How Many Types of Cancer Are There?
There are over 100 different types of cancer, each with its own set of characteristics and treatment approaches.
Common types of cancer include:
Liver cancer
Lung cancer
Breast cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Food pipe cancer
Prostate cancer
Colorectal cancer
Skin cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Bladder cancer
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
What Can Cause Cancer?
The precise cause of cancer is often complex and multifactorial. While genetic factors play a role in some cases, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and exposure to carcinogens also contribute to the development of cancer.
Common risk factors include:
Tobacco use
Excessive alcohol consumption
Unhealthy diet
Physical inactivity
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
Certain infections
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
What Are the Common Symptoms of Cancer?
The symptoms of cancer vary depending on the type and location of the disease. However, some common signs and symptoms of cancer include:
Persistent fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Persistent cough or hoarseness
Changes in bowel or bladder habits
Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
Changes in moles or skin growths
Persistent pain that doesn’t improve with treatment
Difficulty swallowing
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Changes in the appearance of a wart or mole
Persistent headaches or vision changes
Persistent fevers or night sweats
Unexplained bruising or bleeding
Presence of lumps or swelling
How Do I Get Cancer Diagnosed?
Getting a cancer diagnosis typically involves a combination of:
Medical history and physical examination
Diagnostic tests:
Blood tests
Imaging tests, like X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Specialized tests:
Genetic testing
What Are the Different Treatment Options for Cancer?
Treatment options for cancer vary depending on the type and stage of cancer, as well as individual factors such as overall health and personal preferences.
Common treatment modalities include:
Radiation therapy
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Targeted therapy
Hormone therapy
Stem cell transplantation
Precision medicine
Treatment plans are often personalized based on the individual’s cancer type, stage, overall health, and treatment goals. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, and others, collaborates to develop the most effective treatment plan for each patient. The goal of treatment is to eradicate cancer cells, shrink tumors, lessen symptoms, and improve quality of life.
How do I Prevent Cancer?
While not all cancers are preventable, adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding known risk factors can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Strategies for cancer prevention include:
Maintaining a healthy weight
Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Staying physically active
Avoiding tobacco
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Limiting alcohol consumption
Protecting against sun exposure
Getting regular cancer screenings done
Getting vaccinated
What Are the Key Aspects of Cancer Treatment in India?
Advanced technology: Indian hospitals boast advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment for accurate diagnosis and precise treatment delivery.
Experienced oncologists: The country is home to some of the world’s most renowned oncologists, who specialize in various cancer types and treatment modalities.
Multidisciplinary care: Cancer treatment in India follows a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration among oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and other specialists.
Affordable treatment: Despite offering world-class facilities, cancer treatment in India is significantly more affordable compared to many western countries, making it accessible to a wider population.
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Holistic support: Indian hospitals prioritize holistic support for cancer patients, providing psychological counseling, nutritional guidance, pain management, and palliative care services.
Final Words from Dr. Neeraj Goel
Cancer is a complex and challenging disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, treatment, and support. By understanding the nature of cancer, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies, individuals can make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
Cancer treatment in India has evolved significantly with its blend of advanced technology, experienced oncologists, multidisciplinary care, and affordable treatment options. Whether it’s access to innovative therapies, personalized care, or holistic support services, patients can find comprehensive solutions for their cancer treatment in India.
Dr. Neeraj Goel, renowned as the best Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, offers unparalleled expertise in cancer treatment. With vast experience and advanced techniques, he provides personalized care, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients. Trust Dr. Neeraj Goel for the best cancer treatment in Delhi, tailored to your individual needs.
FAQs on Cancer Treatment in India
What types of cancer treatments are available in India?
India offers a wide range of cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and stem cell transplants.
How experienced are oncologists in India?
India has highly experienced oncologists who have received training from prestigious institutions worldwide and are renowned for their expertise in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Are cancer treatments in India affordable?
Yes, compared to many western countries, cancer treatments in India are often more affordable.
What is the success rate of cancer treatment in India?
The success rate of cancer treatment in India varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, the patient’s overall health, and the chosen treatment approach. However, many patients achieve positive outcomes and improved quality of life with appropriate treatment.
What should I expect during cancer treatment?
Treatment plans are personalized based on cancer type, stage, and individual health factors, often involving a combination of therapies to target cancer cells while minimizing side effects.
To schedule an appointment With Dr. Neeraj Goel for Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, please contact: Name: Dr. Neeraj Goel (Cancer Surgeon in Delhi) Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033 Phone: +91–9667365169, +91–9599294453 Website: www.gastrodelhi.com
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Global Biopreservation Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth & Industry 2032
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Global Biopreservation market size was USD 3.11 billion in 2023 and the market is projected to touch USD 23.73 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 25.33 % during the forecast period. Biopreservation refers to keeping alive of biological samples, cells, tissues and organs in a state of stability through cooling or freezing them so as to prolong their shelf life and retain their quality for use in future. It is very important to different sectors such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals and R&D where there is need for such materials to be kept for conducting tests or treatments or even transplanting an organ. Biopreservation market is made up of various types of products and services aimed at making this process easier including specialized storage devices, chemicals used for preventing spoilage known as cryoprotectants together with solutions which keep them alive known as preservation media among others which fall under sample management aspects or transport in different ways or even departments in specific institutions.
Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in the global biopreservation market owing to a number of different factors. Demand for specific drugs and treatments coupled with regenerative surgeries that necessitate personal data storage on life supporting materials is one primary force creating an impact on this trend. Moreover, there is growing rates of chronic illnesses development along with rising counts of organ transplant procedures which has led to the demand for efficient biopreservation methods. However, obstacles like regulations, ethics, and expensive storage facilities seem to be preventing the market from growing. The global biopreservation market is projected to grow in the future as research into improving biopreservation techniques continues and their application area broadens, this will provide an opportunity for those concerned in healthcare industries.
Global Biopreservation report scope and segmentation.
Report Attribute
Base Year
Forecast Years
Estimated Market Value (2023)
USD 3.11 Billion
Projected Market Value (2032)
USD 23.73 Billion
Segments Covered
By Product, By Application Area, By End User, & By Region.
Forecast Units
Value (USD Million or Billion)
Quantitative Units
Revenue in USD million/billion and CAGR from 2024 to 2032.
Regions Covered
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Countries Covered
U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, GCC Countries, and South Africa, among others.
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Global Biopreservation dynamics
There are several key factors driving the biopreservation market, one of which is increase in the demand for personalized medicine and regenerative therapies. This results in the necessity to preserve individualized biologic samples. This means that as more precise treatments are being designed for specific patients, there is an urgent need for proven biopreservation techniques to keep these samples. Furthermore, numerous other factors account for the expanding market for biopreservation solutions which is promoted by the increasing number of patients with chronic conditions as well as growing organ transplantations globally. Many people are now in need of long-term treatment such as regular medical care, then this implies a rise in the use of conserved living things for scientific study, detection, and treatment.
Similarly, biotechnology and cell therapy research can change the biopreservation market. Furthermore, given that stem cell therapy and gene editing present new opportunities, protecting biological samples is given much attention to aid in continuous research and development efforts. The world is driven by the need for new biopreservation technologies and services designed to preserve various biological materials alive and functioning. Moreover, these collaborations among academia, industry and government have played a significant role in enhancing knowledge sharing, resource availability, funds provision among others in order to support research on biopreservation.
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Global Biopreservation drivers
Rise in Personalized Medicine
Biopreservation market gains a lot due to the strong spike in favour of personalized medicine a medical trend that involves tailoring treatments to the individual patient’s genetic composition. This form of medicine calls for storing bodily fluids taken from a patient for future use during diagnosis or research. The rise in awareness about genetic factors determining disease susceptibility and response to treatments leads to a growing need for biopreservation solutions to hold these examples. This phenomenon does not only encourage the utilization of biopreservation techniques in health care, but also brings together biobanks with research organizations and pharmaceutical firms in order to create targeted treatments.
Advancements in Biotechnology
The demand for innovative biopreservation solutions is driven by continuous advancements in biotechnology especially in cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering areas. Maintaining the viability and functionality of live cells and tissues used for new therapeutic modalities being explored in the research community requires specific approaches in their preservation. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have revolutionized research into effective therapies. They need precise cryopreservation procedures, however, for the cell to remain intact when stored or defrosted. In view of the above, biopreservation industry stakeholders should anticipate an upward trajectory as biology burgeons and advanced therapeutics demand top of the range conservation methods.
Regulatory Constraints
Regulatory compliance is indeed a challenge that the market of biopreservation is facing more so regarding the storage and transportation of biological samples. As a result of these regulations and guidelines put in place, preserved specimens have to be handled, labelled and documented in accordance with stringent measures which in turn make operations in biopreservation expensive and complex. Observing international standards such as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is key but can pose a challenge to smaller players or players operating in multiple jurisdictions.
High Cost of Specialized Equipment
The expensive characteristic of specified biopreservation equipment like ultra-low temperature freezers, automated storage systems and cryopreservation tanks have been an enormous obstacle to market expansion. It requires a lot of funds to establish and keep running biobanks or biorepositories that have latest facilities for preservation purposes. Additionally, the present operational costs like energy consumption and maintenance increases the cost hence limiting access to advanced solutions for biopreservation especially in low-resource contexts.
Expansion of Biobanking Initiatives
The increasing focus on personalized medicine and biomolecular exploration will provide opportunities for expanding global biobanking endeavours. Biobanks are essential in scientific studies, particularly in sample preservation which boosts the need for bio-preservation solutions. By creating complete biobanking networks, it will allow biopreservation providers to offer their services and technologies which have been facilitated by collaborative efforts among academic institutions, healthcare organizations and government agencies.
Segment Overview
By product, the biopreservation market is segmented into Equipment, and Biopreservation Media. Equipment includes a range of devices used for the storage and preservation of biological samples, such as ultra-low temperature freezers, liquid nitrogen tanks, and automated storage systems. These products create environments that are carefully controlled which help maintain the condition of cells, tissues, and organs for extended periods. Also, biopreservation media refers to solutions or mixtures created specifically for safeguarding biological matter from various agents while still allowing storage or shipment. Usually within them are found anti-freezes as well as anti-oxidants together with other preservatives used in order to reduce injury imposed by such process as low temperature maintenance on living cells.
By application, the biopreservation market is segmented into drug discovery, biobanking, regenerative medicine, and other application areas. In drug discovery, biopreservation plays a crucial role in preserving cell lines, tissues, and biological samples used in screening assays, pharmacokinetic studies, and toxicity testing. Biobanking includes the collection, storage and distribution of biological specimens for research, clinical trials or diagnostic objectives, thus leading to an overwhelming demand for dependable biopreservation solutions which can preserve the integrity of samples. In regenerative medicine the conservation of stem cells, tissues and organs is a prerequisite for the production of new therapies to replace damaged tissues in patients. Biopreservation, besides, is also utilized in agriculture, veterinary medicine and environmental research where there is a demand for keeping samples for a long duration period to aid in scientific study as well as other works.
Global Biopreservation Overview by Region
With its well-established healthcare facilities, extensive research and development projects, as well as huge investments into biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, North America is the leading market in the world. Biobanks, academic institutions and industry counterparts in collaboration have led to cutting edge innovations in biopreservation technologies and service delivery in this area. Initiatives promoting personalized medicine, regenerative therapies and biobanking networks as well as stringent regulatory standards has made Europe to follow closely in order to ensure the quality and safety of biopreserved samples which in turn fosters trust among stakeholders. The Asia Pacific region can undergo a swift expansion, arising from an upsurge of healthcare expenditure in this fast-growing industry, development of biopharmaceuticals and increased attention to preservation of living organisms in medicine. China, Japan, India, among others are putting up facilities for storing samples and studying preserved organisms in order to keep pace with rising needs of the developing countries. Furthermore, emerging economies in Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are witnessing rising investments in healthcare infrastructure and research capabilities, presenting untapped opportunities for market expansion.
Global Biopreservation market competitive landscape
The competitive landscape of the biopreservation market is identified by the presence of several key players, including Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Merck KGaA, GE Healthcare, BioLife Solutions Inc., and Avantor Inc. These companies dominate the market through their extensive product portfolios, strong distribution networks, and strategic partnerships. They focus on innovation to develop advanced biopreservation solutions that meet the evolving needs of healthcare, pharmaceutical, and research industries. Additionally, mergers and acquisitions play a significant role in influencing the competitive factors, enabling companies to expand their market presence and enhance their capabilities in biopreservation technologies and services. In addition, the biopreservation domain is being penetrated by small companies and new market participants who offer narrow specialized products for certain uses or market segments. This increases competition and prompts larger corporations that wish to remain competitive to spend more on R&D activities.
Global Biopreservation Recent Developments
November 2023, BioLife Solutions announced a fundraising of USD 10.4 million through a private placement by Casdin Capital. The funds are intended to support ongoing operations related to biopreservation media and other offerings.
October 2022, Azenta, Inc. completed the acquisition of B Medical Systems S.á r.l and its subsidiaries. B Medical Systems is renowned for providing temperature-controlled storage and transportation solutions crucial for delivering life-saving treatments worldwide.
July 2022, the inauguration of Cellutions BioStorage took place in Chennai, India. As a research-to-launch Cryopreservation Bank, Cellutions BioStorage offers comprehensive biomaterial storage and logistics services. It caters to biopharmaceutical firms seeking to outsource supply chain management throughout a product’s life cycle. The newly opened facility spans 25,000 square feet and boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure.
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transplants-india · 5 months
Organ Donation and You: Addressing the Organ Shortage Crisis
The scarcity of organs for transplantation is a critical issue worldwide, and nowhere is this more pronounced than in bustling metropolises like Mumbai. However, amidst this crisis, there lies an opportunity for every individual to make a profound impact through organ donation. In Mumbai and across the globe, transplant organizations dedicated to liver transplants play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge.
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The Organ Shortage Dilemma: A Global Concern
The demand for organs far exceeds the available supply, creating a dire shortage that affects individuals awaiting life-saving transplants. The reasons are manifold - from misconceptions about organ donation to legal and logistical challenges. As a result, countless lives are in limbo, with the hope of a transplant hanging in the balance.
The Role of Transplant Organizations in Mumbai: Bridging the Gap
Transplant organizations in Mumbai are at the forefront of efforts to bridge the organ shortage gap. These organizations work tirelessly to educate the public about organ donation, dispelling myths and encouraging individuals to register as donors. They also play a crucial role in coordinating the complex process of organ procurement, ensuring that organs are safely and swiftly transported from donors to recipients.
Organ Donation: A Gift of Life
Organ donation is an act of unparalleled generosity, a gift of life that can transform the narrative for someone grappling with organ failure. Whether it's the donation of a kidney, liver, heart, or other organs, each contribution has the potential to be a lifeline for those in desperate need. In Mumbai, where the pulse of life beats vibrantly, the gift of an organ can mean the difference between life and death.
The Role of NGOs in Facilitating Liver Transplants: A Holistic Approach
Explicitly focusing on liver transplants, NGOs play a critical role in Mumbai and beyond. These organizations often go beyond just facilitating transplants; they provide comprehensive support to patients and their families. From financial assistance to emotional counseling, NGOs create a holistic ecosystem that addresses the multifaceted challenges associated with organ transplantation.
Breaking Stigmas: Education and Awareness
A significant barrier to organ donation is the prevalence of myths and misconceptions. Transplant organizations and supporting NGOs conduct extensive awareness campaigns to debunk these myths. They educate the public about organ donation's ethical, legal, and medical aspects, fostering a culture where donation is viewed as a noble and socially responsible act.
Your Role in Mitigating the Crisis: Register as an Organ Donor
The crux of addressing the organ shortage crisis lies in individual choices. Anyone can be a hero by registering as an organ donor. In Mumbai and globally, the impact of a single registration can reverberate through communities. Transplant organizations work with NGOs to simplify registration, making it accessible to all.
Supporting NGOs: A Catalyst for Change
Supporting NGOs involved in liver transplants and organ donation is instrumental in effecting lasting change. These organizations provide financial aid and create a network of support for patients and their families. By contributing to these NGOs, individuals can actively participate in the collective effort to alleviate the organ shortage crisis.
The organ shortage crisis demands a collective response. In Mumbai, where the heartbeat of a vibrant city mirrors the pulse of life, the need for organs is acute. Transplant organizations and NGOs work tirelessly, but their efforts are amplified when individuals join the cause. Registering as an organ donor, dispelling myths, and supporting NGOs can collectively transform the organ shortage narrative. Each person has the power to be a beacon of hope, contributing to a future where organs are available to all who need them.
Crowdfunding for Organ Transplant
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mymedtrips · 1 month
Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India
The supple, fatty tissue found inside your bones is called bone marrow. The cells that make blood and platelets are found in bone marrow, which also produces billions of new blood cells daily.
A bone marrow transplant (BMT) includes using healthy blood-forming stem cells to replace the patients' diseased or damaged bone marrow. This is a complicated and highly specialized method used to treat blood and marrow diseases as well as specific blood tumors including leukemia and lymphoma.
Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in India
 For an allogeneic transplant, the average Bone Marrow transplant cost in India is between 20,25,000 INR and 30,37,500 INR. For a Haplo transplant, the average Bone Marrow transplant price in India ranges from 29,76,330 to 41,33,792 INR. Every cost of Bone Marrow transplant in India varies in India because of patient condition and hospital fees, which is another major factor. Everything relies on your medical needs and financial capacity. You have to check price of Bone Marrow transplant in India according to hospitals.
Best Bone Marrow Transplant Hospitals in India
Fortis Memorial Research Institute
Address: Gurgaon, Opposite HUDA City Centre, Sector 44, Gurugram, Haryana – 122002.
Fortis Memorial Research's Institute of Blood Disorders and Bone Marrow Transplant is the Best Doctors for Bone Marrow transplant in India that efficiently treats patients in need of hematopoietic stem cell transplants.
The center provides autologous or allogeneic bone marrow transplant to adults, newborns, kids, and teenagers with malignant or non-malignant blood-related disorders.
Medanta – The Medicity, Gurgaon
Address: CH Baktawar Singh Road, Sector 38, Gurugram, Haryana – 122001
A multi-super specialty and the best hospital for Bone Marrow transplant in India with worldwide accreditation, Medanta provides a variety of medical services and amenities. Medanta's Bone Marrow Transplant Program is one of the top hospitals in India that provides the best BMT care for patients with blood disorders.
3. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi
Address: Sarita Vihar, Delhi Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110076.
A notable healthcare organization around the world is Apollo Hospitals. Because it offers reputable and cost-effective BMT therapy in India, the facility is a popular choice of location for many overseas patients.
With a high record of success, the blood and bone marrow transplantation facility at Apollo Hospitals provides comprehensive, well-coordinated, and patient services for the treatment of blood problems in both adults and children.
Best Bone Marrow transplant Doctor in India
Dr. Rahul Bhargav, a well-known and the Best Bone Marrow transplant doctors in India in the bone marrow transplant industry, is the department's leader and one of the greatest bone marrow transplant physicians in India. He did more than 800 bone marrow transplants.
The hospital is dedicated to one of the most well-known pediatric BMT programs in the nation, which includes experts like Dr. Satya Prakash Yadav, a renowned pediatric hematologist with years of experience. Under this initiative, hundreds of transplants are carried out on kids, including several with half-matched donors.
Notable figures like Dr. Shishir Seth are part of the BMT team at Indraprastha Apollo. Apollo Hospitals has performed more than 1500 transplants. The Apollo BMT center works hard to offer the greatest resources for the treatment and management of benign and malignant hematological illnesses with first-rate hematological laboratory and blood transfusion services.
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Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/10/bone-marrow-transplant-in-india.html
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worldnewsbd · 1 month
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes in South Africa
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Introduction to Diabetes
Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose levels resulting from either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body's cells not properly responding to the insulin produced. There are two main types of diabetes - type 1 diabetes (T1D) results from the pancreas failing to produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes (T2D) occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn't produce enough to maintain normal glucose levels.
Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide and places an enormous burden on individuals and healthcare systems. South Africa in particular has one of the highest rates of diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa, with up to 5.5 million people living with diabetes. Both T1D and T2D are increasing in prevalence in South Africa, driven by factors such as population growth, aging, urbanization, obesity, and physical inactivity. Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes, but interventions exist to help manage blood glucose levels and prevent associated complications. Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising new treatment approach for diabetes.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into many specialized cell types with characteristics of certain tissues or organs. There are two main types of stem cells relevant to diabetes research and therapy - embryonic stem cells (ESC) and adult stem cells. ESCs are derived from embryos and have the unique ability to differentiate into any cell type, while adult stem cells are found in small numbers in adult tissues like bone marrow, blood, and muscle and differentiate into a smaller range of cell types.
Stem cell therapy involves harvesting and processing patient-specific stem cells, which are then infused back into the body to regenerate damaged tissues and organs. For diabetes, the goal is for stem cells to repair or replace insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas that have been destroyed by the autoimmune response in T1D or whose function has deteriorated in T2D. Two main cell sources are used in diabetes stem cell therapy research - pancreatic islet cells containing beta cells, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from adult tissues like bone marrow or fat. MSCs have immunomodulatory properties and the ability to differentiate and are being explored as a treatment approach for both T1D and T2D.
Stem Cell Therapy Clinical Trials for Diabetes
Numerous clinical trials are exploring the potential of stem cell therapy to treat diabetes. Some notable trials include:
Diabetes UK Stem Cell Trial (DISC Trial): A phase I/II trial in the UK investigating the safety and efficacy of implanting pancreatic islet cells derived from cadaveric donor pancreases into individuals with T1D. The study has shown insulin independence for over a year in some patients.
Clinical Islets Transplantation (CIT) Consortium Trials: A series of trials at multiple centers in the U.S. and Canada investigating islet transplantation from both living and deceased donor pancreases into individuals with T1D. The trials have demonstrated insulin independence for varying periods along with improvements in HbA1c and overall quality of life.
VIACELL Trial: A phase I study in India that transplanted allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells derived from the bone marrow of healthy volunteers subcutaneously into patients with T2D. Improvements in HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, and insulin sensitivity were reported.
Stem Cell Transplantation in Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes (T1Dell) Trial: A phase I/II randomized controlled trial at Harvard University investigating intravenous infusion of autologous cord blood stem cells in children newly diagnosed with T1D. Results showed preserved C-peptide production and insulin independence in some children.
While larger and longer-term clinical trials are still needed, these representative studies show promise for stem cell therapy to help manage diabetes or potentially reverse its course.
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes in South Africa
South Africa is actively conducting research on stem cell therapy for diabetes and other conditions. A prominent center is R3 Stem Cell International located in Cape Town, which provides treatment for diabetes using adult stem cells derived from adipose tissue (fat). Some key points:
R3 uses a patient's own adipose-derived stem cells which are processed and concentrated using their proprietary Stem Cell Isolation Technology (SCITTM). This concentration process significantly multiplies the number of stem cells.
The stem cells are administered through intravenous infusion back into the patient for systemic distribution. Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results.
Positive outcomes reported by R3 include stabilization and partial reversal of diabetes based on reductions in HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, insulin requirements, and diabetes medication needs. Some patients experience complete remission.
Treatments are generally safe and well-tolerated with no serious side effects reported. Patients are monitored with regular follow-up consultations and testing.
While clinical trials are needed to substantiate claims, anecdotal reports and available research suggest stem cell therapy may offer promise as a complementary or alternative treatment for diabetes in South Africa and other nations. Larger, rigorous clinical trials will help establish safety and efficacy.
Diabetes represents an enormous and growing public health challenge in South Africa and globally. Promising research in stem cell therapy, especially with MSCs and pancreatic islet cell transplants, offers renewed hope for reversing the burden of this prevalent metabolic disease. Clinical trials in South Africa and other countries continue investigating stem cell therapy approaches and establishing proof of efficacy. The ultimate goals of inducing stable insulin independence without the need for medication or immunomodulation hold tremendous scientific and clinical significance. Outcomes from these ongoing studies will determine how readily available, effective, and safe stem cell therapy could become for people living with diabetes in South Africa. Continued progress in this regenerative medicine avenue holds promise to help manage the diabetes epidemic.
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aliaparker3 · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Kidney Transplant in India
India has become a key global destination for medical treatments, including kidney transplants, thanks to its advanced healthcare facilities, skilled surgeons, and cost-effectiveness. For those considering a kidney transplant, understanding the process, benefits, and how to navigate the healthcare landscape in India is crucial. This guide provides detailed insights into the journey of a kidney transplant in India, making your decision and planning process easier.
Why Choose India for a Kidney Transplant?
India's reputation in the field of nephrology and transplant surgery is well-established. The country boasts state-of-the-art hospitals equipped with the latest technology and highly qualified healthcare professionals who are adept in handling complex transplant procedures. Here are some reasons why India is a preferred destination for kidney transplants:
1. Advanced Medical Technology
Indian medical institutions are equipped with sophisticated technology that is on par with what is found in Western countries. This technology supports highly intricate transplant procedures, ensuring high success rates.
2. Experienced Surgeons
India has a large pool of skilled and experienced transplant surgeons. Many of these professionals have trained internationally and are well-versed in the latest transplant techniques and procedures.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
The cost of medical procedures in India, including kidney transplants, is significantly lower compared to the United States, Europe, and many other parts of the world. This cost difference does not compromise the quality of care, making it a financially viable option for many.
4. Minimal Waiting Times
One of the major advantages of undergoing a kidney transplant in India is the relatively shorter waiting time. Due to a combination of efficient organ donation regulations and availability, patients can undergo surgery sooner than in many other countries.
5. English-speaking Healthcare Staff
The language barrier is minimal as English is widely spoken in the medical community in India, ensuring that international patients can communicate effectively with doctors and medical staff.
Understanding the Kidney Transplant Process in India
The process of getting a kidney transplant in India involves several steps, including initial consultations, compatibility testing, the transplant surgery itself, and post-operative care. It is important for patients to choose accredited hospitals that specialize in nephrology and transplant surgery for the best outcomes.
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an initial consultation, either remotely or in person, to assess the patient’s medical history and current health status. During this phase, patients should discuss all their concerns and understand the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.
Compatibility Testing
Before the transplant, detailed compatibility testing is carried out. This includes blood type testing, tissue typing, and crossmatch tests to ensure that the donor organ will be a good match for the recipient.
The Surgery
Kidney transplant surgery in India is performed under general anesthesia and typically lasts three to five hours. Post-surgery, patients are required to stay in the hospital for monitoring and to manage any immediate post-operative complications.
Post-operative Care
After the surgery, patients receive comprehensive post-operative care to monitor their recovery and ensure the body accepts the new organ. This phase is critical and involves regular check-ups and medication to prevent organ rejection.
Resources and Support Systems
Patients considering a kidney transplant in India can find additional support and resources through various platforms. One such helpful resource is Kidney Patient Support, an online portal that offers guidance, support, and information to kidney patients. This site can be an invaluable tool for those seeking to understand more about kidney health, the transplant process, and patient stories.
Opting for a kidney transplant in India can be a life-changing decision for those suffering from severe kidney ailments. With its blend of advanced medical infrastructure, skilled professionals, and cost-effectiveness, India continues to be a beacon of hope for many around the world. By making an informed decision and utilizing resources like Kidney Patient Support, patients can successfully navigate their transplant journey and improve their quality of life.
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daniamedicare · 2 months
Liver Transplant Cost In India
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Liver transplant in India is presently in their golden phase. There has been a steady increase in the number of liver transplants over a decade. Though the development was not very smooth in the early days, there has been an upswing in the transplant performance with the introduction of new programs.
With this phenomenal increase in liver transplantation activity in the country, there is a good prospect of facilitating programs with the other nations of the world.
Typically, a liver transplant is a surgery where the ill liver gets replaced completely by a partially or whole healthy liver. This new healthy, transplanted liver belongs to another person who donates it. Dania Medical services take care of the whole treatment of patients undergoing a liver transplant in India.
Apart from this, liver transplant in India is also carried out by live donation of the liver. However, not everyone is eligible to become a liver transplant donor. The living liver donor can be a family member or an outsider. The blood test reports of the liver donor should match with the receiving patient.
With the remaining portion of their liver, the organ donor can still lead a healthy life. The liver is that single organ of the human body that can regenerate injured or failed tissues. After the liver transplant surgery, the receiving part of the new liver will grow up within some weeks into its natural size.
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transplantcounseller · 2 months
Bone Marrow / Stem Cell Transplantation In India | Transplant Counsellor
Bone marrow is the soft, sponge-like material found inside bones. It contains immature cells called stem cells that produce blood cells. There are three types of blood cells: white blood cells, which fight infection; red blood cells, which carry oxygen to and remove waste products from organs and tissues; and platelets, Transplant Counsellor dedicatedly providing best bone marrow transplantation services and surgeries in Delhi-NCR, India. The stem cell has a prominent role to play in the human body and thus in case of damage, the transplant is the best option. Stem cell transplant is basically the plantation of a new stem cell in the site body collecting it from the donor. 
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Bone Marrow Transplantation -Transplant Counsellor
Source Url: https://www.transplantcounsellor.com/bone-marrow-transplantation.html
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