#funding for kidney transplant
transplants-india · 3 months
Honoring Heroes: Odisha CM Recognizes Organ Donors with State Honors
Organ donation is a massive problem in India. There are hundreds of thousands of people who need organ transplants in Mumbai to stay alive. But there are way more people who need transplants than there are organ donors. So many people are stuck waiting, hoping an organ becomes available in time. The biggest need is for kidney transplants - that's what most people are waiting for an organ donor.
Overcoming Barriers: Education and Financial Support There are a few reasons why there aren't enough organ donors in India. Many people don't understand its importance or have misconceptions about it because of cultural/religious beliefs. The cost of transplant surgeries is also really expensive for many families. Some organizations are already working on this. A transplant organization in India provides money, counseling, and other support to transplant patients and their families. The MOHAN Foundation is a non-profit organization that spreads awareness about organ donation and helps set up transplants across India.
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Odisha's Pioneering Initiative In the middle of all this, the state of Odisha in India has done something remarkable to honor organ donors. The Chief Minister there, Naveen Patnaik, made it so that organ donors get treated with special honors - like really important or famous people. This includes things like a 21-gun salute, having their body wrapped in the Indian flag and other ceremonies. The families of organ donors also get financial help for kidney transplants in India and are recognized yearly on World Organ Donation Day. It's a big way to show how much organ donation is appreciated.
A Powerful Message and Ripple Effect Odisha's new policy for honoring organ donors is a compelling statement. It says that organ and tissue transplantation in India is an incredibly heroic and respectable thing to do. By giving donors the same types of honors as famous or important people, the government recognizes their selfless sacrifice and how their decision saved lives. This doesn't just honor the donors and their families. It could also inspire more people to become donors themselves. If it motivates others, it could lead to a lot more organ funding for liver transplants in India over time.
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Transplant Facilities in Mumbai There are some good places to go for people in Mumbai who need information about organ transplants or are considering becoming organ donors. The Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre has programs for liver and kidney transplants. Global Hospitals Parel can do transplants for different organs, too. There's also an organization called Jeevan Aarogya that is run by the Maharashtra State Government. Their goal is to educate people about organ donation in Mumbai and get more donors signed up. They do a lot to spread awareness about this important cause.
A Step Towards a Brighter Future Odisha's giving state honors to organ donors is a huge deal that could really increase organ donation across India. By honoring the amazing sacrifices donors make and supporting their families, the government is helping create a future where more lives are saved through organ donation. With the massive shortage of organs in India, this pioneering approach from Odisha gives people hope.
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palipunk · 2 months
Some verified Gaza GFMs on Tumblr!
These gfms belong to organizers who have reached out to me and all of them are nowhere near their goals, there are a few more I'm going through right now but these are all verified. Please share and donate to help these families.
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@ahmadturk00 is a verified gfm! Mohammed Skaik is raising funds for his cousin and their family to evacuate Gaza - Ahmad Al Turk's family is made up of seven people and are currently living in a tent - they are a newer gfm and need urgent support. (€1,332/ €70,000 - 4/30/2024)
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@hlabarka is also a newer GFM but has been completely verified, she is raising the funds to evacuate with her three-year-old daughter and her husband from Gaza and into Egypt, she and her family have been forced to relocate in Gaza seven times. ($1,112/ $50,000 - 4/30/2024)
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@maisonhijazi is organizing for Hamdi, a father in Gaza who is trying to evacuate his children to safety - they just had a baby girl while displaced in Gaza. Please help him get the funds he needs to evacuate his family to Egypt. ($6,852/$25,000 - 4/30/2024)
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@mohammedfamily87  Tareq Abu Obaid is organizing for his friend Mohammad Mousa, Mohammed is trying to evacuate his three children and his wife - his house was airstriked back in October, and has lost several members of his family already. (€170/€80,000 - 4/30/2024)
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@ahmednabubaker is organizing for Yusuf, an eight-year-old boy who is being threatened with kidney failure, and Yusuf's family - this campaign is for Yusuf and his family to be evacuated to Egypt so Yusuf can be treated and receive a kidney transplant. This is extremely urgent. (€1,489/€85,000 - 4/30/2023)
For a longer list of GFMs that have been individually verified, @el-shab-hussein has a huge masterlist of GFMs to check out and support
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theblackseachelle · 11 months
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hashtagonlyingotham · 2 years
#OnlyInGotham will Catwoman wholly fund your cat's kidney transplant and break into your apartment and give you a statuette of Bastet for good luck. (Also #OnlyInGotham will the Wayne Foundation give you free legal representation when the police try to make you return all the money because Catwoman gave it to you.)
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aww-fuhrmanizer · 25 days
🇵🇸 For months now, we have seen an indescribable massacre of the Palestinian population and we cannot remain silent in the face of injustice, which is why I decided to share funds in order to help the people there.
I was assigned to share a gofundme.
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In the image you see Walid who suffers from hypertension and kidney failure. Due to the lack of care his illness becomes more and more unbearable and he now suffers from side effects.
Walid also explains that before the massacre he had a beautiful house. He has 4 children; 3 sons and 1 daughter.
And more and more hope is dying in Palestine, today Walid risks dying at any moment due to the incessant bombings.
Please make a donation for Walid. Help him leave Gaza so he can receive a kidney transplant.
Walid could be my father, he could be my uncle or a neighbor, but above all Walid is a human being who just wants to live.
With Father's Day approaching, let's show our humanity to Walid ❤️
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communistchilchuck · 2 months
Ahmed reached out to me to help spread his fundraiser for his nephew Yusuf, an 8 year old boy from Gaza struggling with kidney failure. He is urgently raising money to help Yusuf and his family evacuate Gaza to Egypt and to help with Yusuf's medical treatment and kidney transplant. His fundraiser has been vetted as legitimate, and he has only made €1,194 out of his €85,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
Ahmed's Tumblr account: @ahmednabubaker
From Ahmed's GFM:
Yusuf, a mere 8-year-old boy from the Gaza Strip, is fighting for his life in an intensive care unit bed in Kamal Al-Adwan Governmental Hospital, a victim of relentless kidney failure. As war engulfs the strip, threatening Yusuf and his family's lives, we implore you to lend a helping hand to save them!
Yusuf is not alone; he belongs to a family of five brothers ,sisters and their parents. The family lives under the shadow of war, fearing for their lives, while Yusuf's condition worsens, with his only hope for recovery in traveling abroad for treatment.
Yusuf is more than just a patient; he is a child brimming with life and hope. He loves playing with his sisters and dreams of a bright future. But the harsh reality of the Gaza war threatens to shatter all his dreams.
You can help Yusuf urgently :
Donate: Every amount given, no matter how small, contributes to saving Yusuf's life.
Share the story: Help spread Yusuf and his family's story far and wide, so that as many people as possible can contribute to their aid.
Pray: Pray to God Almighty to heal Yusuf and bring happiness to his family.
Together, we can save Yusuf and his family's live
Together, we can save Yusuf and his family's lives!
Imagine little Yusuf lying in a hospital bed, weak and frail, yet his eyes still sparkling with hope. Imagine his family's fear and worry for his future.
With your help, You can turn this hope into reality. You can give Yusuf a chance to heal and live a normal life. You can help his family escape the nightmare of war and build a better future.
Donate today! Share the story! Pray for Yusuf!
The crossing currently requires a fee of €5,000 per person and €2500 for every child under 16. This is the only way for Yusuf and his Family to go out Gaza war
The funds received will be used as follows:
Yusuf : €2500
Huda Yusuf's mother : €5000
Awni Yusuf's father : €5000
Hala Yusuf's sister 14 years : €2500
Moeen Yusuf's brother 13 years : €2500
Mohammed Yusuf's brother 10 years : €2500
Ayman Yusuf's brother 5years : €2500
Tala Yusuf's sister 2 years : €2500
€25,000 for Coordination fees, Hala Company, Rafah land crossing.
€10,000 in expenses during Yusuf and his family stay in Egypt.
€50,000 It is spent on a kidney transplant and treating Youssef
Total :€85,000
Every moment is precious, so don't hesitate to contribute!
Thank you for your support.
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tdciago · 7 months
My Fargo Thoughts
Originally posted to Reddit and removed by moderators. Posting here for my own records.
Viewers probably think that Dot looks at the Bisquick boxes and breakfast ads at the Gas 'n Go with only Scotty in mind, but I think there's something more. We will flash back to Dot's kidnapping, to show what happened after she was cornered. She will further injure Donald Ireland, and Munch will give his monologue about kings and his early life, culminating with his request for pancakes. This will have a profound effect on Dot. Her vigorous stirring of batter also creates a little tornado-like whirlpool effect in the mixing bowl, a reference to Dorothy Gale. Let's remember that Liberal, Kansas (the setting for *East/West*) is both the pancake hub of the universe and the self-proclaimed home of Dorothy Gale.
Scotty "the cross-dresser" is the most obvious example here, choosing a suit over a dress, liking ninjas instead of dolls, etc. But the preview shows that Dot and Munch are also going to start dressing like each other. Dot will don a long green coat and become more ferocious, and Munch will wear what looks like a woman's coat with a fur collar and windowpane plaid, mimicking Dot's appearance. These two have a connection of some kind. They are kindred spirits. Also, from the very start of the story, Dot wears pants and Munch wears a kilt. Noah Hawley has said that this season will examine our perception of gender roles.
We've already had a couple of zombie references, and brains are their food of choice. Donald Ireland, demonstrating his thematic connection to the Scarecrow from *The Wizard of Oz*, moans that he needs his brain when Dot suggests that his facial burns could lead to brain infection. Dot also tells Wayne to call Scotty for dinner before her brain turns to mush from watching cartoons, and she mentions some story about a man going to the hospital for a kidney transplant, but ending up with someone else's brain.
All the zombie/brain discussion leads me to suspect that someone will be decapitated on Halloween. We see an inflatable pumpkinheaded figure holding a skull outside the Lyon home, and Witt tells the convenience store clerk to get down before he loses his head.
Dot reads a story about pirates to Scotty, and previews show that she will try to buy a gun from a salesman dressed as a pirate at Gun World. That salesman has an eye patch over his right eye, like Danish Graves, perhaps suggesting that Danish is himself a pirate in some way. I think he knows more than he lets on about Dot's origins.
I've posted before about a possible "mirror universe" theme in season 5, as Noah Hawley has used that term to describe the internet vs. the real world, and how we see enemies in the mirror, when it's actually just a distorted image of ourselves.
With that in mind, we have the mirror-image leopard wallpaper in Dot's bathroom; Munch looking in a mirror and Dot appearing from behind to attack him; Munch seeing the cop car in his rear-view mirror; and Gator noticing his murdered companion in the side-view mirror. The previews also show Dot and Munch mirroring each other's clothing.
There are also mirrored themes in both Donald Ireland and Josh Hunk suffering burns, when both are Scarecrow substitites. And both Roy and Lorraine believe that Dot owes them something via her marriage vows.
I've talked about these references for months, and now we begin to see them play out.
The name Dorothy Lyon is an obvious nod to Dorothy Gale and the Cowardly Lion. It's clear that Wayne represents the Cowardly Lion, who will find his courage in the end.
The surname Tillman sounds like Tin Man. Roy is a self-proclaimed "hard man for hard times." He ironically lounges in a hot tub, with a steam pipe reminiscent of the Tin Man's hat, and he mentions a "rainy day fund." Water is the Tin Man's enemy, as it causes him to rust. What does this foreshadow? Like the Tin Man, Roy is heartless.
See https://imgur.com/a/t5aWVTi
The name Munch is (among other things) a reference to the Munchkins.
The name Donald (meaning *world leader*) Ireland (*the Emerald Isle*) points to the Scarecrow, who was made ruler of the Emerald City until the return of Princess Ozma. Donald ireland reinforces this connection by lamenting the potential loss of his brain, and being set on fire, the Scarecrow's greatest fear. In *The Wizard of Oz*, Dorothy throws water on the Scarecrow to put out the flames. Here, Dot uses ice (frozen water) to hit Donald Ireland and cause him to die by striking the porcelain toilet, which also contains water.
Josh and Lenore Hunk bear the name of the Kansas farmhand who becomes the Scarecrow in Oz. Josh Hunk will also suffer burns when Roy throws hot coffee in his face.
Lorraine Lyon, for now, is playing the villainous role of the Wicked Witch of the West, as well as the role of Mombi, the witch who had Princess Ozma kidnapped and turned into a boy named Tip to hide her as the rightful ruler of Oz. *Mom* Lorraine frequently wears black, and has artwork in her office that depicts women's legs, bringing to mind the legs of the Wicked Witch of the East, sticking out from under Dorothy's house.
See https://imgur.com/a/Xg5L5x0
The Wicked Witch of the West controlled both the Winkie guards and the flying monkeys through the power of a golden cap. Not only does Lorraine seem to love gold everything, but her non-entity husband is named Wink.
The word *grave* in Danish means *dig*, and the Wizard's real name was Oscar *Diggs*. This suggests that Danish Graves may be a Wizard figure. For now, he is certainly Lorraine's flying monkey.
Dot's bloody feet are the ruby slippers. Her many yellow sweaters represent the Yellow Brick Road. She will also be seen wearing a rainbow-striped sweater, another clear reference to Dorothy.
The title of this short story has come to mean an unsolvable problem. Dot fills both the role of the lady and the tiger at once, and we are presented with the seemingly unsolvable problem of how she got home to Scandia, MN from Beulah, ND, over 500 miles away, on foot, with no shoes.
Indira Olmstead is shown dealing with her own unsolvable problem of financial debt. As she reviews her bills, we see two art pieces behind her on the wall, depicting a lady on one side, and a tiger on the other.
Episode 4 is titled *Insolubilia*, which literally refers to an unsolvable problem.
(Continued in reblog)
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I read that Victoria had to wait before being allowed to marry Daniel, is that true and if it is why did she have to wait?
Hello :) People say that the King didn’t approve of Daniel but there’s absolutely nothing to back that up. Victoria herself said they needed that time. When you marry the heir to a throne you basically marry the nation, and that’s a lot to take on if you’ve only known each other for two years. Victoria said:
“These years (of dating) have been important, for many reasons. Partly because we have such a good foundation to stand on for the future, but also because it has been such a big change for you Daniel. Such a sacrifice. You have had to leave the companies you have built, the work that you loved, to go into this which is a new challenge. A marriage to me means marrying everything around me. If you, as we both know today, are going to do something good for Sweden, you have to be able to give a lot of yourself.”
I do think that 2010 was a deliberate practical choice though. The court put aside funds for a wedding as early as 2008 but Daniel was seriously ill and got a kidney transplant in 2009 so they probably wanted that out of the way, and Victoria finished her education in 2009 as well and so was free to focus on helping Daniel adjust, having kids etc. So we’ll never know but I think they probably knew in 2007 or 2008 that they wanted to marry and they just chose 2010 as it was more practical.
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ot3 · 1 year
no love for edgar evernever's rocket?
that was literally so out of left field i didnt even know what to begin saying about it. the fact that they do a complete heel turn from him being like this suave new agey dude to him literally dressing up as evil evel knievel and trying to blast the fuck off in a home made rocket ship that he funded by harvesting and selling the organs of his cult members is just like. i just dont know what to say about it. what do you say about that? it's incredible is what it is obviously but they truly just do not give a shit. does the organ harvesting not have anything to do with whatever is up with evelyn. presumably some of those organs were going into her. but did it start out with him stealing organs for his child bride and then they branched out into selling or did she happen to need an organ transplant after their kidneys-for-rockets scheme got off the ground, and, hey, wouldn't you know about that, we're set! plus also why does she keep calling him her dad even after the jig is up and everyone present knows she's actually his wife. what a show. what a show.
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lboogie1906 · 15 hours
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Jesse Clark White (June 23, 1934) is an educator, politician, and former track and field athlete from the state of Illinois. He is a Democrat and the 37th Illinois Secretary of State (1999-2023). He is the longest-serving Secretary of State in Illinois history and the first African American to hold the office. He served as Cook County Clerk of the Register of Deeds (1993-99) and as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives (1975-93).
He was born in Alton, Illinois. He attended Alabama State University where he played baseball and basketball and graduated with a BA. He served in the 101st Airborne Division of the Army. He founded the Jesse White Tumbling Team.
He promised to restore integrity and eliminate all forms of misconduct. Key actions included: establishing a code of conduct for employees, setting strict fundraising guidelines prohibiting employee donations, strengthening the Office of the Inspector General, and passing legislation giving the Inspector General position broad powers to root out corruption.
He introduced a teen safety bill that gave Illinois one of the best Graduated Driver Licensing programs in the country. He diverted federal funds from the Illinois State Library so that local libraries in Illinois could continue to receive revenue from the state despite its fiscal crisis.
The kidney transplant of his sister contributed to his advocacy of organ donation, he expanded the state’s organ and tissue donation program. He initiated legislation to create the Registry of Organ and Tissue Donation with First Consent.
He was inducted into the Southwestern Athletic Conference Hall of Fame, the League Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame, and the Alabama State University Sports Hall of Fame. He was inducted into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame. He received the Jane Addams Award for Distinction in Social Service from the Chicago History Museum. He has one daughter. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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transplants-india · 10 months
Navigating the Maze of Funding for Liver Transplant in India
Organ transplantation, particularly liver transplants, are intricate medical procedure with substantial costs, encompassing transplant assessments, surgical expenses, hospitalization, and post-operative medications. These expenses of organ and tissue transplantation in India can be overwhelming for financially challenged individuals, making the dream of a new lease on life seem unattainable.
Navigating the Funding Maze
For patients and their families, navigating the funding maze for liver transplants in India can be overwhelming. However, it becomes an achievable feat with the guidance of organizations such as Transplants-Help the Poor Foundation and other supportive entities. Here are some essential resources and assistance available to aid individuals in their journey
Financial Assistance Programs: Transplants – Help the Poor Foundation offers tailored financial aid to eligible patients, helping them cover the costs associated with liver transplants. Their eligibility criteria ensure that the assistance reaches those who need it most, giving them a chance at a better life.
Government Schemes and Insurance: India’s government has introduced various health insurance schemes and initiatives to support those needing critical medical interventions, including organ transplants. Patients and their families should explore these options to determine whether they qualify for financial support.
Crowdfunding Platforms: In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for raising funds for medical treatments. Online platforms allow individuals to create campaigns, share their stories, and seek financial assistance from a global community of donors.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: Several corporations prioritize CSR activities, including supporting healthcare and medical needs. Patients may find additional funding sources for their liver transplants by reaching out to such organizations.
Hospital-Based Financial Assistance Many hospitals and medical institutions have financial assistance programs or tie-ups with charitable organizations. Patients can inquire about these options during their consultation process.
Awareness Programs: The foundation’s focus on raising awareness about organ donation is crucial in building a solid donor pool. By increasing public awareness and understanding of the importance of organ donation, more potential donors may come forward, further easing the transplant funding challenge.
The Role of Transplants-Help the Poor Foundation
In the philanthropy and healthcare world, Transplants-Help the Poor Foundation in organ transplants in Mumbai has emerged as a ray of hope for those seeking life-saving organ and tissue transplantation in India. Driven by the mission to provide financial assistance, this organisation empowers impoverished patients to access the critical treatment they need. Through their diligent efforts, they have touched the lives of over 1,000 poor individuals, enabling 239 patients to undergo liver, kidney, and heart transplants.
For Transplants-Help the Poor Foundation, the mission to provide financial aid to impoverished individuals needing life-saving organ transplants in Mumbai is a beacon of hope. In India, where the demand for organ transplants is rising, the challenge of funding such critical medical procedures can seem like an impossible maze for those in dire need. However, amidst this complexity, resources, and assistance are available to guide patients through this journey, ensuring that the life-saving option of a liver transplant becomes accessible to those who need it most.
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lets-donate-a-kidney · 6 months
If I can't donate a kidney, are there other ways I can help?
Yes there are! You can still help more people get kidneys, even if living donation isn't right for you. Here are some possibilities:
Donate blood or plasma. Hospitals need it for many purposes - including to help kidney donors and recipients recover from surgery, if the patients lose a lot of blood.
Become a postmortem organ donor. Your body won't be affected at all while you're alive, and your organs could potentially save up to eight people!
Donate time. A prospective kidney donor might need someone to drive them to the hospital, babysit their kids, or help out around the house while they're recovering from surgery. A person waiting for a kidney may need similar support for dialysis. A kidney-related charity in your area may need volunteers, too.
Donate money to the National Kidney Foundation, American Kidney Fund or other kidney-related charities.
Offer moral support. Kidney donors and recipients often need people to talk to as they navigate the medical system, deal with dialysis and prepare for surgery. I know I wouldn't have been able to donate one without people who believed in me.
Raise awareness. Many people don’t realize that they can donate a kidney, even without an intended recipient. Or they might believe it’s more dangerous or debilitating than it actually is. By giving people educational resources about kidney donation, you can increase the likelihood of more patients getting kidneys.
Help a specific person find a transplant. Many folks have a hard time asking for a kidney, or getting the word out about their need. With the person's permission, you could ask people you know, boost the person's posts about it on social media, or even help them make a webpage to raise awareness. The more people hear about it, the more likely a donor will be found.
Take care of your own health. If you would only feel comfortable donating a kidney to a loved one, keeping yourself healthy increases the odds they'll be able to receive a transplant from you if it's ever needed. Besides, you deserve a long and healthy life, too!
Donating a kidney is awesome, but the donor is only one piece of the puzzle. Many people are involved in making a transplant possible. If you want to be part of this process, there's definitely a part you can play.
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pikidotexe-ask · 4 months
Dear English fans,
Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki are NOT siblings!
Here’s what I mean:
(I just discovered this misinformation spread because of an old talkloid shitpost on YouTube and I’m responding to this from the perspective of the Japanese fandom. These two are not well known overseas but on Nico Nico Douga, 9 times out of 10, they’re often shipped together. Gobou-P and Mahiruno-P are great examples. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with it; it’s a cute headcannon for them to be brother and sister, but it’s typically unusual. Allow me to explain for the sake of my talkloid series and in general.)
Yes, Utatane Piko and SF-A2 Miki were owned initially by the same company called HEARTFAST back in 2008-2009. This company went bankrupt and the site no longer exists. That much is true.
Miku and Luka are siblings in the sense that they’re both from Crypton and were also originally meant to be counterparts, but those two are completely different and are not “blood related”.
Miki’s quality took a hit from the lack of funding hence her infamous pitching (ta, wa, etc.) and volume issues (soft a, i, loud o, e), even though at the time she had a wider range than Miku and was among one of the most realistic banks. I think Miki tuners should take pride; because if you can tune her, then it’s very worth it and it makes using newer banks feel like cakewalk.
Piko got luckier with quality but he also suffers some phoneme clipping issues, like the N\ squeak or his dampened “da” and “ga”.
It was an awful shame they got split up and overshadowed by other releases. I don’t know if we could petition AHS to purchase Piko from Sony today but we could try. His provider is still active and well, and survived a kidney transplant thanks to his mother.
The Voice Providers:
Miki Furukawa from the band Supercar and later LAMA is from Hachinohe in Aomori Prefecture. (That’s in northern Japan just under the shores of Hokkaido.) She was born February 19th, 1979. Her signature bass guitar is the rare Yamaha SBV-800MF (SB-5a/7a and SBV-550) in blue.
Piko, on the other hand, is from Kobe, in the Kansai region just south of Tokyo (yes, he has the accent!). He was born March 11th, 1988. His start to fame was covering classic vocaloid songs since supecell’s “Love is War” on Nico Nico Douga and the amazing fact that he could sing as both genders with his best friend Sekihan (who has his own band). He’s physically very attractive and is still mistaken for a girl in short glimpses (to his amusement), but he has made it clear he is not gay and likes women (in fact, he’s very quick to remove a heavy wig). If he does “drag” then I’ve noticed it’s usually in a funny trolling sense or as a talent.
I’ve been listening these two practically my whole life along with Yuri Masada and Fukase from Sekai no Owari, because I’m a music junky, and they’re absolutely worth looking into.
Piko and Miki are almost a decade and half a nation apart, they were only under the same music label Ki/oon Records for a while. They’ve most likely never even met.
If they have met, I’ve rarely if ever heard Piko speak of his bank, let alone Miki. I know he has a copy of his own bank, and he's made music with Miku, Gumi, Rin and Len before (Chuutoro-P). Piko is still doing music work, streams, and YouTube now. Miki’s getting her SynthV release in December 2024 and she is doing quiet live shows and fashion work.
(In my series I decided to make them 1 year apart similar to their release dates.)
Their Designs:
While they are counterparts, no part of them is essentially “blood related”.
Piko’s iconic hair is the same as his mother’s to honour her, Utatane’s cowlick is just to differentiate.
Vocaloid Miki was about to have the similar short hair as in real life. I know this because I bought her artbook with KYMG’s concept designs. Supercar made a lot of laid back rock and almost meditative, space-like/romantic songs you could groove out/fall asleep to, hence her space theme. Furukawa has a cover of Saihate so you could tell she enjoyed Miku’s kz/Livetune era with songs like “Light Song” and “Packaged” (2008).
Piko’s entire design is specifically based on the discontinued (sigh) Yamaha RGX-A2 electric guitar in aircraft grey (other colours red, black, and dark blue), the aux jack to usb tail on the hem of his outfit falls with the computer instrument metaphor. It makes sense the two would be guitar and bass, since Miki is primarily a bassist who can sing and use a keyboard.
These two also have the same robotic joint markings, Piko’s are just harder to see because of his black sleeves and because his legs are covered, but people forget the elbow areas on the sleeves are actually transparent.
In conclusion:
Yamaha (I believe) wanted to launch an “Artist Edition” series at the time based on real musicians. The voices were Miki (Furukawa), Piko, Gakupo Kamui (Gakt), and Lily (Yuri Masada). If there were others, I don’t remember, but the “development code” thing was likely Heartfast’s idea pertaining to this theme by giving the two prototype sci-fi joints.
If the western fandom’s definition of “siblings” is by same company umbrella, then I accept that. Otherwise, I personally ship them very hard here because they’re totally unrelated and my goal is to give them the love they deserved and spread the word.
I hope this rant was educational.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
London — A senior Nigerian politician, along with his wife and another man, were found guilty by a U.K. court Thursday of attempted organ trafficking. Ike Ekweremadu, 60, a former deputy president of Nigeria's senate, his wife Beatrice and Dr. Obinna Obeta were convicted of "exploiting a vulnerable victim for illegal organ harvesting" after bringing a 21-year-old man to the U.K. from Lagos, according to the U.K.'s Crown Prosecution Service.
The Criminal Court in London heard the kidney was intended for the Nigerian couple's 25-year-old daughter Sonia, who was cleared of the charge of organ trafficking Thursday, the BBC reported.
Sonia Ekweremadu had suffered from "deteriorating kidneys" and required "regular dialysis," according to prosecutors. Authorities "found evidence that her parents, Ike and Beatrice Ekeweremadu, conspired with Dr. Obeta to identify individuals in Nigeria whose kidneys might be harvested for Sonia's benefit."
In February 2022, the victim, a street trader, was trafficked to London and "was kept under the direction and financial control of the defendants… The conspirators' plan was for the victim to provide a kidney to Sonia Ekweremadu in exchange for the suggested amount of either £2,400 or £7,000 and the promise of work in the U.K.," the prosecutor said in the statement.
The court heard the defendants had attempted to convince doctors at London's Royal Free Hospital that the victim and Sonia Ekweremadu were cousins in a bid to justify the victim's temporary travel visa to the U.K.
The victim had undergone a kidney screening, but a consultant doctor had concluded the donor was unsuitable after learning he'd been given no counselling or advice about the risks of the surgery and lacked funds for the lifelong care he would need afterward.
Authorities were made aware of the case when the victim entered a local police station in West London and said he had been trafficked from Nigeria and that someone was trying to transplant his kidney.
Joanne Jakymec, the chief prosecutor in the case, called it a "horrific plot to exploit a vulnerable victim by trafficking him to the U.K. for the purpose of transplanting his kidney."
"The convicted defendants showed utter disregard for the victim's welfare, health and well-being and used their considerable influence to a high degree of control throughout, with the victim having limited understanding of what was really going on here," Jakymec said.
A report by Interpol in 2021 found a wide network of people are often involved in organ trafficking in North and West Africa, with connections to the medical sector in countries from the region. Techniques used for illegal organ trafficking are often used for other types of human trafficking, such as promises of job opportunities abroad, as well as the use of threats and violence, the report said.
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envihellbender · 10 months
TMA Repo AU? :3
Characters: Annabelle Cane, Nikola Orsinov, Elias Bouchard, Michael Shelley, Jared Hopworth, Agnes Montague, Hezekiah Wakely, Mary Keay, Gerard Keay
Verse: The Magnus Archives, Repo! The Genetic Opera AU
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GeneCo is owned by Annabelle Cane, the owner and CEO, thus the most powerful woman in the world. Her Repo men are always accompanied by spiders, that stitch up the victims after the debt has been taken. Corpses are found sewn up with web or in giant cocoons of white silk. Spider web is everywhere, the more powerful she gets, the higher her stock prices, the more there are, and spiders covering desks in GeneCo’s headquarters is a common sight. Spiders are nature’s healers, Annabelle says, you can’t have a safe, healthy surgery without them. They are needed to stitch on your new face, and they crawl inside your body to investigate where the issues are. Spiders. The health of the future.
Nikola Orsinov has adjustments made to her body every week, adoring fashion shows with her nutcracker chic. She runs the theatre, performing the most intricate plays anyone has ever seen. Her actors are extraordinary, critics say it’s almost as if they are her puppets, pouring out their anguish onto the stage. She is addicted to the surgeries given by her dear friend Annabelle Cane, and her body is more web than skin.
Elias Bouchard has an exciting new tech venture funded by GeneCo, one that has caused it’s products to fly off the shelves faster than you can say ‘human rights violation!’ Small chips that are surgically transplanted into your mind, connecting to the televisions, computers, and other electronics around you. You can simply think questions and the answer will appear before your eyes. Please ignore the fine print that says we can see your every move, and your organs now belong to GeneCo.
Michael Shelley was once such a sweet, lovely young man. He won a GeneCo scholarship to study at the most prestigious private school, where he was taught by the greatest minds the world had to offer. He was always more fascinated by art, so often turned down any internships that were thrown at him regarding GeneCo. He felt as if they were trying to push him or study things he was not interested in, until Annabelle Cane gave him the offer of a lifetime. She wanted Michael to design new body parts, and this piece of information explains everything you need to know about Michael’s appearance. He designs his own limbs and organs before they are created and placed inside him. That is why his hands and fingers are terrifyingly elongated, why his smile is far too wide for his face, and why his skin seems to shine different colours and sometimes turn into random colours like a glitching television screen.
Jared Hopworth is the most enthusiastic and bloodthirsty repo-man there is. He is proud of his work, wearing his uniform constantly and showing off about his talents to anyone that will listen. He is also the best at his job, the only issue is that if he is coming to take just that kidney back. It’s also very possible he’ll take your liver, a couple of ribs, your tibia, and a few finger bones. For his collection you understand. Don’t worry, you won’t be alive/conscious to witness him forcing them into his own body.
Agnes Montague, the beautiful, most stunning musician of our time. She is the headliner of every single one of Nikola Orsinov’s shows, and sings to sold out tours several times a year. She is Annabelle Cane’s poster child for her surgical endeavours. When Agnes was a child, she was horrifically burned from head to toe, but thanks to GenCo, her body is beautiful and perfectly functioning. She had clear skin, beautiful wide eyes, and organs that are even better than the natural kind! Please ignore the sad look in her face, that one of longing to escape, to be normal, real, to be far away from the endless tours and being praised for something she had no choice over.
Hezekiah Wakely is a name everyone knows, a rather strange man who dresses as if it were two centuries ago and speaks in the same way. He wears iconography for a church that no longer exists, and is often carrying a bottle of wine. You can however find him in the cemetery. He digs out the bodies and with what he finds he can sell a few valuables, some black market organs, and most important create his very own Zydrate. That is precisely why so many seek him out, whilst the wretch may be a drunk, sleeping in an open grave, he is remarkably talented and takes great care at brewing and selling his remarkable supply of Zydrate.
Mary Keay is a occult and esoteric historian, one who can tell you in great detail about where Annabelle Cane’s (or rather GeneCo’s) work originates from. You see a century ago there was a man named Jonah Magnus, who’s spectacular work in human biology granted him a Nobel prize before he was thirty. However, his attempt to constantly upgrade his body with new, younger organs was not something that he succeeded with. Scientists did continue in his vein, particularly Jurgen Leitner, who collected enough information from Jonah Magnus’s secret library to figure out more about the biology of the entire world (and how it connected to the supernatural of course) than GeneCo will ever allow us to believe. Or so the story goes. Some people say Leitner was a crackpot, one who’s theories were based on a bored rich boy’s fantasies. Some say that Annabelle Cane is deliberately keeping the truth from her citizens. Mary Keay is dedicated to Leitner and Magnus, and is determined to learn everything she can using her very own son as a Guinea pig.
Gerard Keay is kept in his bedroom by his long suffering mother. He’s not under the impression that he’s sick or weak, he simply knows he needs to be restrained to his bed for his mothers, many, many experiments. Any illness or injury he has is almost certainly as a result of his mother’s intervention. It is unclear to Gerard if she’s a Repo-man herself, or simply on good terms with one. However, the silk scars all over his skin, and ink that creates strange patterns show that many, many of his organs have been changed and ‘upgraded’ through out the years. If any part of his body is still his, he doesn’t know what it is. And according to his mother he spends all of his time shut up in his room, and definitely does not sneak out at every single change that he can get.
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rebelcourtesan · 1 year
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