#organic amba
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Una escena del nuevo capitulo de mi fanfic, ambas Karai, una enseñandole a la otra sobre sus poderes.
A scene from the new chapter of my fanfic, both Karai, one teaching the other about her powers.
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valekualkiera-blog · 8 months
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Hola!!!! Estoy traduciendo la nueva historia de @inadaze22 y @jaxxartbox "Kingdom Come " en Wattpad y AO3✨📚💖
La autora de Measure of a Man trae un libro completamente distinto a su obra más famosa.Lleno de fantasia, acción y pasión ❤️‍🔥 Kingdom Come sorprenderá a los lectores.
Links de ambas plataformas ⬇️
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iolanthe-crybaby · 3 months
⸺ Revelación.
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En retrospectiva, la ha pasado peor. Se ha quemado la piel bajo el implacable sol del yermo, bebió los orines de animales a razón de falta de agua potable, perdió y recuperó un dedo, y no olvida, porque es lo más difícil de hacer cuando su mente crea escenarios fantasiosos y lúgubres para llenar los espacios vacíos de «porqués», que su papá, su brújula moral, la persona a la que admiraba como el modelo a ser, es un genocida. Así que sí, la ha pasado muy muy muy peor. Tener medio cuerpo atascado en una pared no debería ser una gran fatalidad, sin embargo, lo es. Especialmente cuando Ghoul se ríe a carcajadas. Sabe que de verlo estaría sacudiéndose, doblándose por la cintura por la fuerza de su risa estruendosa y seca, el sonido tintineante de su munición le da una buena pista.  
En cambio, lo que ve es el alijo de chapas. La bendita cosa por la que se acercó a la casa en ruinas, a sabiendas que la mínima ventisca en dirección equivocada echaría abajo las estructuras. Ghoul había sido muy enfático en ese hecho. La esperanza de comprar suministros de higiene básica en el asentamiento más próximo fue lo que la hizo ignorar su lógica e ir tras él. Un objeto inanimado no debería lucir pretencioso como lo hace el alijo, pero es la única forma en que lo describiría.   Lucy se traga la vergüenza, amaga una sonrisa, ignora el nudo en su garganta y se empuja afuera. Sólo para terminar resbalando, ambas rodillas golpeando con un chasquido la dura superficie del suelo. Aulló del dolor. Oye la tos de Ghoul remplazar a la risa, y el ruido de las espuelas la advierte de su proximidad. Casi podría jurar que fue apresurado, pues su aliento suena jadeante. Lucy estaría dispuesta en abandonar su recién descubierta vena terca para pedirle ayuda, si tan sólo no tuviera una viga presionando su costado, justo donde su exesposo Monty le dejó un recuerdo. Cada segundo es más difícil respirar, las palabras de auxilio muriendo en su garganta sin ser articuladas.
Tal vez Ghoul presiente la urgencia, porque sólo se permite regodearse un instante y soltar una broma antes de socorrerla.    “Cariño, si fueras así de callada más a menudo, con esa bonita cara que pones ahora, créeme, congeniaríamos mejor”. Lucy flexiona una pierna, dispuesta a darle una patada. Ghoul la detiene a medio camino. Esa mano asciende por la extremidad, llega a la cintura. No hay nada obsceno en el gesto, pero hace que se remueva incomoda. Inquieta más allá de la razón. Ninguno de los dos tiene la piel expuesta, él con su gastada gabardina y sus guantes de cuero, y ella con los enmugrecidos restos del mono de Vault, y aun así el calor es insoportable. Debe ser por la radiación. La otra mano de Ghoul no tarda en llegar al otro extremo de su cintura. Puede ver tan claro en su cabeza la imagen que hacen y ya desea que la viga le hubiera caído en la cabeza. “Quieta, linda, quieta. No querrás terminar como ternero después de una estampida”. Finalmente las manos se cuelan en la pared y empujan los escombros. Lucy siente que respira, y tose polvo y residuos de madera mientras sale. Las piernas le fallan. Ghoul la detiene rodeando con un brazo su cintura antes de que se desplome. Siente más de lo que ve a la mano limpiarle el rostro, y empujarle los cabellos rebeldes fuera de la frente. A su vista hay dos Ghoul, y no hay ninguna posibilidad de que alguno de los dos luzca preocupado, así que cierra con fuerza los ojos, parpadeando repetidas veces hasta que la imagen se fusione. “Lento, linda. Cierra la boca y respira lento por la nariz. Eso, así, justo así”.    En todo momento el necrófago la arrulló, tratando de silenciar sus gimoteos adoloridos con su siseo constante. Pero es hasta ahora que entiende lo que significan las palabras. Sigue su consejo, hasta que deja de escuchar el propio latido de su corazón desbocado. Ghoul le sonríe, de medio lado y con dientes más blancos que los que usualmente se ven en los de su especie. Lucy, medio atemorizada por casi morir aplastada y medio aliviada por su socorro, le imita. Él resopla, antes de dejarla caer. Ignora su grito indignado, y va por el alijo de chapas al que Lucy se aferró hasta las últimas consecuencias.
Él silba impresionado. Hay suficientes chapas para pagarse dos semanas de suministros, tres si regatean bien. Lucy ve un brillo en sus ojos, y le dice todo lo que su boca está a punto de decir. No le da oportunidad y se abalanza contra él. “¡Son mis chapas!". Ghoul chasquea la lengua, aún con el buen humor escrito en su demacrado rostro. Una de sus botas la regresa al suelo con un empujón. Ni hace falta más esfuerzo como una patada para tumbarla de espaldas. De nueva cuenta la parta posterior blanda de su cabeza sufre, y ella se hace ovillo mientras se tantea con la esperanza de menguar el dolor. Él se acerca, se sienta en cuclillas y le habla de frente.   “Y ahora son mi pago por salvarte el culo". Aquel buen genio, toda su diversión a costa de la estupidez de la mujer desaparece pronto de sus facciones, endureciéndose por completo. El agujero en lo que solía estar su nariz se abre y se cierra, como bestia embravecida. Lucy deja de respirar, mitad aterrada y mitad otra cosa que no se atreve a nombrar.   "Piensa en esto cuando hagas otra estupidez como meterte a una muerte segura. La próxima vez no tendrás chapas y tendré que cobrarte en especie”.
El aire vuelve a faltarle a Lucy, pero esta vez no hay viga ni caída con la cual justificarse. Su único pensamiento es él, ella y el oficio más antiguo del mundo como un trato justo entre los dos.
Ghoul vuelve a sonreír, casi como si leyera sus pensamientos y quisiera cumplirle cada uno de ellos.
“Un pulgar extra nunca está de más”.
Lucy palidece al instante, el violento rubor de su rostro volviéndose una cosa del pasado.
Ghoul se ríe a su costa, marchándose sin dar vuelta atrás. Albóndiga tan leal como siempre le sigue los pasos. Ambos felices e inconscientes de la revelación de Lucy, de la decepción que pesa como toneladas en su vientre.
“Apresúrate, Vaultie, no vamos a desperdiciar más luz del día por tus tonterías".
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mariacallous · 10 months
if you're in FiDi or Tribeca, go to Nish Nush. Mediterranean/Levantine/Israeli vegetarian and vegan food. Really affordable and huge portions.
OMG Platter (VEGAN) $14 Sautéed Onions, Mushrooms & Greens on a Bed of Hummus. Vegan.
Sabich Sandwich $11 Hummus, Organic Boiled Egg, Eggplant, Israeli Salad, Pickles, Amba & Tahini & Tirshi.
Falafel (GF-VEGAN) $6
And, currently, the homemade sufganiyot (one sufganiyah for $4)
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franpatchy · 2 months
Dejar de Amarte Chapter 73: Compañía
No fue mi intención... 
Papá está preocupado, pero no le gusta la idea de que esté sola en casa
.... ....
¿Y si me quedo contigo?
¿Harías eso por mí? 
Lo que sea por no escuchar a Bob quejarse de su trabajo. No te estaría haciendo un favor, es un ganar-ganar para ambas ¿Qué dices? 
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Operación Espadas de Hierro
Tras el ataque de Hamás en el sur de Israel esta mañana, Israel lanzó la Operación Espadas de Hierro, que implicó el lanzamiento de entre 2.000 y 5.000 cohetes.
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En el centro del debate sobre el fósforo blanco y las armas incendiarias se encuentra un imperativo humanitario. (Foto AP) Bajo el nombre secreto Operación Espada de Hierro, las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel respondieron al nefasto ataque de Hamas en el sur de Israel esta mañana lanzando entre 2.000 y 5.000 cohetes en un esfuerzo por tomar el control de los territorios en toda la Franja de Gaza.
Como ocurrió un asalto similar en 1973 durante la Guerra de Yom Kippur, la historia se ha repetido. La búsqueda de los palestinos de un punto débil en la respuesta israelí a su ataque sorpresa habría sido influenciada significativamente por el hecho de que los judíos estuvieran en sábado.
El conflicto político y territorial de larga data entre israelíes y palestinos se conoce como conflicto Israel-Palestina. La Franja de Gaza sigue siendo uno de los lugares más divisivos del conflicto, a pesar de que involucra una variedad de temas y lugares. Es crucial comprender el significado de esta batalla en un contexto histórico.
Contexto histórico
Dominio otomano y británico: El Imperio Otomano gobernó el área que ahora se conoce como Israel y Palestina durante muchos años. Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, una Liga de Naciones ordenó a los británicos que asumieran el poder.
Plan de partición de la ONU de 1947: La ONU sugirió la división del Mandato Británico de Palestina en estados judíos y árabes. Los líderes árabes rechazaron el plan, pero los líderes judíos sí lo hicieron. El resultado fue la guerra árabe-israelí de 1948.
Guerra y armisticio de 1948-1949: Cuando Israel proclamó su independencia en 1948, numerosas naciones árabes lanzaron ataques. Una vez que cesó el combate, se estableció una línea de armisticio y las fuerzas egipcias tomaron el control de Gaza. Es importante recordar que en ese momento no existía un Estado palestino formal.
Guerra de los Seis Días (1967): Israel atacó a sus vecinos en represalia tras anticipar un asalto. Israel tomó el control de Cisjordania, Jerusalén Este, los Altos del Golán, la Península del Sinaí y la Franja de Gaza en sólo seis días después de derrotar a varios países árabes.
Tratado de paz entre Israel y Egipto de 1979: Israel controló la Franja de Gaza pero devolvió la península del Sinaí a Egipto.
Tratado de paz entre Israel y Jordania
El acuerdo fue ratificado el 26 de octubre de 1994. El pacto también resolvió conflictos territoriales y hídricos, permitió una amplia cooperación turística y comercial y comprometió a ambas naciones a prohibir que el territorio de la otra fuera utilizado como zona de preparación para operaciones militares. Después de Egipto, Jordania fue la segunda nación árabe en firmar un tratado de paz con Israel.
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores israelí, Shimon Peres, y el rey Hussein hicieron intentos encubiertos de negociar un tratado de paz en el que Israel daría a Jordania el control de Cisjordania en 1987. El primer ministro israelí, Yitzhak Shamir, se opuso, impidiendo que el plan se llevara a cabo. Jordania renunció a su reclamo sobre Cisjordania al año siguiente a favor de un acuerdo amistoso entre Israel y la OLP. La ceremonia de firma se llevó a cabo en el cruce fronterizo sur de Arabá. El acuerdo también garantizaba una distribución justa del agua de los ríos Yarmouk y Jordán, así como la restitución de los 380 kilómetros cuadrados de territorio capturado por Jordania.
Iniciativa de paz entre Israel y el Reino de Arabia Saudita (KSA) Después de 20 años de desacuerdo, Israel y Arabia Saudita resolvieron dejar de lado sus desacuerdos y considerar sus intereses comunes para promover la paz y la prosperidad en la zona.
Amenaza iraní: Ambas naciones ven a Irán como un rival en la región. Les preocupa su influencia en la región, en particular su programa nuclear y su respaldo a organizaciones armadas en Siria, Yemen, Irak y Líbano. La mejora significativa de las relaciones entre Israel y Arabia Saudita es el resultado de esta preocupación común.
Oportunidades económicas: Israel es conocido por sus avances tecnológicos, particularmente en los campos de la gestión del agua, la ciberseguridad y la agricultura. Este conocimiento podría ser útil para Arabia Saudita mientras trabaja para diversificar su economía más allá de la industria petrolera como parte de su agenda Visión 2030.
Estabilidad regional: Ambas naciones tienen interés en un Medio Oriente seguro. Al fomentar una mayor cooperación y comunicación, esperan crear un entorno regional más estable.
La importancia de Gaza
La Franja de Gaza, una pequeña zona de territorio en la costa mediterránea entre Israel y Egipto, es crucial para el conflicto palestino-israelí desde un punto de vista estratégico, simbólico y humanitario:
Importancia estratégica: Gaza es un actor geopolítico crucial ya que es un enclave costero que limita con Egipto. Debido a su ubicación, históricamente ha servido como una importante fuente de conflicto entre muchas potencias.
Crisis de refugiados: Durante los conflictos de 1948 y 1967, un gran número de palestinos huyeron o fueron expulsados de sus hogares en lo que hoy es Israel. Actualmente se encuentran en la Franja de Gaza, frecuentemente en campos de refugiados, junto con sus descendientes. Un punto crucial en la disputa es la capacidad de los refugiados de regresar a sus hogares.
Hamás: Hamás es un grupo político y armado islamista que se estableció en 1987. Después de un altercado con la rama Fatah de la Autoridad Palestina, ha tenido el control de facto de Gaza desde 2007. Israel y Israel consideran a Hamás una organización terrorista. muchas otras naciones.
Hamás es una organización que Israel ha designado como entidad terrorista y está detrás de la nueva Guerra de Gaza en 2023 tras el lanzamiento de la Operación Inundación de Al-Aqsa.
Bloqueos y conflictos: Israel y Egipto han impuesto bloqueos a Gaza, limitando el flujo de personas y bienes, debido a preocupaciones sobre la seguridad y Hamás. Como resultado de ello se ha producido una crisis humanitaria. La escalada periódica entre Israel y Hamas ha llevado a guerras y operaciones militares masivas, que han dañado significativamente la infraestructura y han matado a muchos civiles.
Importancia humanitaria: Hay una grave catástrofe humanitaria en Gaza como resultado del embargo y las hostilidades en curso. Se requiere más agua potable, electricidad y servicios básicos. Grupos internacionales han expresado alarma por la situación en numerosas ocasiones.
Importancia simbólica: Gaza representa la lucha contra la ocupación israelí para muchos palestinos. Debido a los ataques con cohetes y a los túneles, representa un riesgo para la seguridad de muchos ciudadanos israelíes.
El historiador militar ruso y director del Museo de las Fuerzas de Defensa Aérea, Yuri Knutov, dijo que el ataque de Hamás reveló la ineficiencia de la Cúpula de Hierro.
En conclusión, la Franja de Gaza sirve como un microcosmos del conflicto más amplio entre Israel y Palestina, iluminando sus agravios históricos, su importancia religiosa, sus implicaciones geopolíticas y sus cuestiones humanitarias.
Desarrollos clave
Diplomacia detrás de escena: Ha habido pocas señales visibles de cooperación, pero ha habido varios rumores de conversaciones privadas entre funcionarios sauditas e israelíes.
Acuerdos de Abraham: La normalización de los vínculos de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Bahréin, Sudán y Marruecos con Israel en 2020 ha cambiado la dinámica en la región. Arabia Saudita no ha ratificado los Acuerdos de Abraham, pero al permitir que aviones israelíes sobrevolen su espacio aéreo, ha dado a entender que los apoya.
Comentarios públicos: Los funcionarios sauditas han hecho comentarios en varios casos que parecen presagiar la posibilidad de una futura normalización. En un evento de 2020, el príncipe Turki al-Faisal, exjefe de la inteligencia saudí, habló junto a un representante de Israel, algo inimaginable apenas unos años antes.
Presunta visita de Netanyahu: Rumores no confirmados afirmaban que Benjamín Netanyahu, el primer ministro israelí en ese momento, viajó en secreto a Arabia Saudita y se reunió con el príncipe heredero Mohammed bin Salman en noviembre de 2020. Los funcionarios israelíes no cuestionaron esto, pero los funcionarios saudíes sí.
Desafíos y perspectivas de futuro
A pesar de los intereses comunes y las interacciones encubiertas, ambas naciones aún necesitan superar una serie de obstáculos.
Cuestión palestina: La causa palestina ha sido apoyada durante mucho tiempo por Arabia Saudita. Los saudíes siguen simpatizando con los palestinos en la opinión pública. Los dirigentes saudíes pueden encontrar delicada la normalización formal en su país si no hay mejoras en el proceso de paz palestino-israelí.
Dinámica regional: El ritmo y la dirección de cualquier intento de normalización pueden verse afectados por el juego geopolítico más amplio, particularmente con Irán, Qatar y Turquía.
Dinámica interna: Ambas naciones tienen sus propias dinámicas políticas internas y factores que pueden afectar la forma en que se hacen los juicios sobre las relaciones internacionales.
Papel de Estados Unidos: Estados Unidos, Arabia Saudita e Israel han sido durante mucho tiempo aliados cercanos de Estados Unidos. La probabilidad de normalización dependerá de la dinámica de la relación de cada nación con Estados Unidos, especialmente a la luz de los cambiantes objetivos e intereses de Estados Unidos en Medio Oriente.
Paz con los palestinos
Surgirá un Medio Oriente completamente nuevo si Israel y Arabia Saudita logran alcanzar la paz. Según el primer ministro israelí, el círculo de paz puede ampliarse y conducir a una “paz genuina” con los palestinos sobre una base inquebrantable. Sin embargo, hay una condición: el presidente palestino Mahmoud Abbas y la Autoridad Palestina “deben dejar de apoyar y glorificar a los terroristas” y “deben dejar de difundir las horribles conspiraciones antisemitas” contra el pueblo judío.
El factor Irán
Existe una “mosca en el ungüento”, y los locos a cargo de Irán harían todo lo que esté en su poder para echar por tierra este acuerdo histórico, había advertido el primer ministro israelí. Condenó a Irán por su participación en el terrorismo.
Sucesos recientes en Gaza
La Franja de Gaza sigue viviendo una situación difícil. La relativa tranquilidad se ha visto ocasionalmente interrumpida por escaladas y altos el fuego. Entre Israel y Hamás estalló una gran lucha en 2021, que dejó Gaza devastada y con muchas pérdidas civiles.
Ha habido dificultades con los esfuerzos de paz más amplios entre israelíes y palestinos, así como con los intentos de reconciliación entre Fatah y Hamas. A pesar de los continuos esfuerzos internacionales para entregar ayuda y promover la rehabilitación, la situación humanitaria en Gaza sigue siendo alarmante.
La Dra. Isabella Ginor y Gideon Remez, asociados del Instituto Truman de la Universidad Hebrea, sostienen que la Guerra de Yom Kippur fue planeada por los rusos.
Diferencias internas israelíes sobre la política gubernamental Como muchas otras democracias, Israel tiene un panorama político diversificado que está definido por una serie de partidos, movimientos y figuras públicas con puntos de vista opuestos sobre una variedad de cuestiones políticas. Dado el distinto entorno histórico, teológico y geopolítico de Israel, estas diferencias pueden ser particularmente obvias.
Seguridad y Defensa
Posición halcón. Tradicionalmente, grupos de derecha como Likud, Yamina y otros han adoptado una postura más dura en cuestiones de seguridad y defensa, enfatizando una fuerte reacción militar ante las amenazas y un escepticismo hacia las conversaciones de paz.
Postura moderada: Los sindicatos y otras organizaciones de izquierda instan a una estrategia más acomodaticia que enfatice la diplomacia, la negociación y los compromisos de paz.
La unidad de élite de Hamás engañó a la inteligencia israelí haciéndoles pensar que los dirigentes de Hamás estaban más preocupados por la restauración de la economía de Gaza que por la escalada de hostilidades.
Los asentamientos y los territorios palestinos
Pro-Asentamientos: Numerosas organizaciones religiosas y de derecha se oponen a la creación de un Estado palestino y favorecen el crecimiento de los asentamientos israelíes en Cisjordania.
Solución a favor de dos Estados: La mayoría de los grupos centristas y de izquierda quieren una solución de dos Estados, en la que coexistan Israel y un Estado palestino reconocido. Esto podría implicar concesiones de tierras o el desalojo de algunos enclaves.
Política económica
Libre mercado y desregulación: Los partidos de derecha como el Likud han abogado constantemente por la desregulación, la privatización y las reformas de libre mercado.
Bienestar social y regulación Los partidos de izquierda suelen defender los derechos de los trabajadores, leyes para combatir la desigualdad económica y un Estado de bienestar social más fuerte.
Religión y Estado
Influencia religiosa: Organizaciones religiosas como Shas (sefardí haredi) y Judaísmo Unido de la Torá (askenazi haredi) apoyan leyes que se adhieren a la ley judía (halajá) y con frecuencia se oponen a los intentos de secularizar facetas particulares de la vida pública.
Secularismo: partidos seculares como Yesh Atid, Israel Beiteinu y otros trabajan para disminuir el impacto de las instituciones religiosas en los asuntos públicos. Están a favor de leyes como las que permiten las uniones civiles y el transporte público en Shabat.
Derechos de las minorías
Etnoestado judío: Los partidos de derecha que ponen un fuerte énfasis en la identidad judía de Israel pueden ser menos tolerantes con las demandas y los derechos de las comunidades minoritarias, especialmente los árabes israelíes.
Pluralismo e Igualdad: Los partidos árabes y de izquierda como la Lista Conjunta enfatizan la importancia de la igualdad de derechos para todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su raza o religión.
Poder judicial y estado de derecho
Reforma Judicial. Individuos y organizaciones de derecha han pedido cambios para limitar la autoridad del poder judicial porque consideran que la Corte Suprema de Israel es demasiado intervencionista.
Su objetivo es mantener la independencia judicial. Las facciones de izquierda y de centro suelen oponerse a los intentos de limitar la autoridad del poder judicial porque lo ven como un baluarte contra posibles abusos por parte de los poderes ejecutivo o legislativo.
Las coaliciones frecuentemente abarcan varias posturas políticas como resultado del sistema de votación de representación proporcional, lo que requiere compromiso y flexibilidad por parte de los partidos. Además, las opiniones del público israelí sobre estos problemas son variadas y complejas, frecuentemente influenciadas por preocupaciones sobre la seguridad, el estado de la economía, convicciones religiosas y experiencias personales.
Los iraníes y sus agentes palestinos habrían estado siguiendo atentamente estos acontecimientos para emprender tal ataque.
Las FDI han respondido rápidamente y seguirán haciéndolo en las zonas ocupadas por los palestinos en Gaza. Los dirigentes palestinos concentrarán sus esfuerzos en los ciudadanos de las FDI capturados y su rescate.
Es demasiado pronto para hablar de que la sólida red de inteligencia de Israel está fallando. A pesar de la ventaja tecnológica de Israel, algo salió mal. El destino del mundo árabe estará determinado por cómo reaccionen en las próximas horas.
Las acciones chinas en la zona y su impacto en el régimen iraní deben ser monitoreadas constantemente, ya que serán esenciales para las jugadas más importantes en el tablero regional.
Finalmente, siendo la India una sociedad multirreligiosa, multicultural y multiétnica, debemos observarlos y aprender de los errores de los demás. Israel y la India son amigos cercanos y oramos por la seguridad de sus ciudadanos.
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what’s your fav quote
Where to start! I am assuming you mean in general, but honestly I am one of those individuals that cannot truly land on a favorite one. So I will sprinkle a few of my favorites! Starting more generally, my L1 language is Spanish and one of my favorite authors is Gabriel García Márquez.
En última instancia la literatura no es más que carpintería. Con ambas trabajas con la realidad, un material tan duro como la madera.
I honestly wish that translating this quote did it justice, but as always with translation, some of the original intent and power gets lost. But it goes like this:
At it’s core, literature is nothing more than carpentry. In both of them you work with reality, a material as hard as wood. (That’s my translation trying to maintain the original meaning because other translations are so bland).
Then we have Good Omens, one of my absolute favorite books. The first time I read this and actually every time I get to this point in the book, I get teary eyed because it is a reminder that everything I was indoctrinated to believe at such a young age in Catholic school, does not really define my worth as a person.
He couldn’t see why people made such a fuss about people eating their silly old fruit anyway, but life would be a lot less fun if they didn’t. And there was never an apple, in Adam’s opinion, that wasn’t worth the trouble you got into for eating it.
From my other favorite book, The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt:
[a]s we rise from the organic and sink back ignominiously into the organic, it is a glory and a privilege to love what Death doesn't touch.
And because I do not want for this to become an agglomeration of all my favorite quotes, I’ll end with my comfort lyric written by Bernie Taupin, performed by Elton John:
Hold me closer tiny dancer.
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veteran-fanperson · 2 years
Hello, here is my late entry for the Celebrrration event organized by the lovely @celebrrration. Day 3 - Jealousy.
Not beta-read.
Read on AO3 here.
Rama was furious. The moonlight coming in through Bheema’s window, the soft breeze wafting in from the forest, the hypnotic chirping of the crickets outside, all conspired to make his rage greater than ever. The village had long since gone to bed, and Bheem was nowhere to be seen. Not since he had been surrounded by a gaggle of admirers from surrounding villages, all passing through the Gond village for the district cattle fair. The village had been accommodating passing strangers and cattle for the past days, sending the local children into a tizzy. 
Ever since Bheema had returned with Malli a year ago, the Gond influence had spread. Tales of Bheema’s incredible deeds had spread, and almost weekly they were visited by eager people all intent on training, on resisting the tyranny of the officers. Rama had come bearing more arms two months ago, arms that Bheema and his men would discreetly train potential recruits with, distributing them slowly through the countryside. They were selective with the weapons, because British spies were plenty. Two weeks ago Bheema had insisted on packing all of them up and hiding them deep in some caves near the waterfall, telling Rama that they could retrieve them after the fair. It would not do for so many strangers to witness what they had hoarded. 
Today’s visitors had clearly heard of Bheema though. The children clung to him, asking him for stories about how he had defeated the English Rakshasas. Rama had been amused, listening to Bheema’s tales of Delhi and its wonders until he spotted some of the glances the young women cast at Bheema. Rama’s own deeds never came up because his status as an ex-police officer still made people nervous and hostile, so he had plenty of time to brood and seethe as a couple of Bheema’s bolder admirers sat right by him, with bright eyes and braided hair, flowers in their napes and kajal in their eyes. Bheema had looked surprised but pleased when one of them made so bold as to stroke his arm, Rama choking on the paan that Malli’s mother had handed him. 
They had insisted that Bheema help with accommodating the animals for the night safely and Bheema had agreed. An hour ago. How long did it take to tie up twelve cows? He continued to pace, watching the door like a hawk. How uncaring were these parents that they just let their unmarried girls frolic in the middle of the night unchaperoned? He wished he had never come. What Bheema and he had was special, at least Rama thought so. It was something that they could not reveal to anyone outside of their closest compatriots for fear of the English and their ridiculous laws. His steps slowed as he sat on their bed, staring at his feet. He felt ill and tired. Perhaps Bheema had begun to regret tying himself to someone like Rama? Perhaps he wanted an ordinary man’s life, one filled with home and wife and children?
A jaunty whistle broke the silence as familiar steps approached and Rama felt anger flare back to life as Bheema came bouncing along, his spear in his hand. His upper cloth was missing, water dripping from his thick hair onto his chest. This was not the time to take a bath. He gritted his teeth as Bheema picked up the marichembu to wash his feet, taking a drink at the same time. 
“Rama?” The other man called as he entered, “Why are you still awake?” 
“Where were you?” he hissed at Bheema, pushing past him and slamming the door shut. “Why are you wet?” 
“I needed to go past the river.” Bheema answered him easily. 
“At this hour?” 
“One of Sarojini’s cows, Amba, was feeling uneasy. I went to the Peddayya’s grove to retrieve a herb.”
“And did Sarojini come with you? Did you have a lovely moonlight stroll and bathe?” Rama hissed, pouncing forward and gripping Bheema’s arm very hard. 
“What? No - why would she -”
“You belong to me.” Rama spat, pulling Bheema into a hard, bruising kiss, pushing Bheema into the wall. “Not to silly little giggling girls for whom you ignored me all evening.” 
“My Rama, why on earth would you think that I -”
“Hush.” He attacked Bheema’s mouth again, pushing his tongue roughly inside, relishing the spicy taste of betel nut. Bheema mumbled into the kiss, attempting to push at Rama’s bare chest, but Rama ignored him, tearing at Bheema’s dhoti, feeling grimly satisfied when it ripped.  
“Rama,” Bheema groaned, “Rama.” Rama kissed him harder, his fingers finding Bheema’s nipples, twisting them. He felt Bheema grow and thicken rapidly between his legs, his musky scent filling the small hut. Rama bit hard at the other’s lower lip, one of his hands now in Bheema’s curly hair. The other ripped his own dhoti off, freeing him to press up against Bheema, making the other man moan. This man, this infuriating, beautiful man belonged to Rama. His very soul was part of Rama’s, there was no existence possible for Rama without Bheema. 
Bheema’s skin was cool from the river, but it did nothing to quench the fire burning under Rama’s skin. His skin tasted of camphor and khus, its scent overpowering Rama as he bit at Bheema’s neck. The younger man made a high keening sound at this, his arms engulfing Rama and squeezing even tighter, groaning as their lengths slipped against each other. He sucked at Bheema’s neck, making the other man stagger. A resounding crash made them break away slightly as the clothes horse clanged to the ground. Rama made an impatient noise as he dragged Bheema back against the wall, sucking anew at the mark he had already made on the other man’s neck.   
Bheema moved uncomplainingly, panting as Rama raked his fingers over the other man’s back, leaving deep scratches. He continued kissing and sucking down Bheema’s shoulder, lavishing special care over the latter’s tattoos. 
“Ramaaaaa,” Bheema whined, shoving his knee between the older man’s legs, pushing hard against him. Rama shoved his hand between them, a difficult task because there was barely enough space to slide a coin through. He grabbed both their lengths together, stroking them roughly. Bheema pulled hard at Rama’s hair, forcing his head up to thrust his tongue into Rama’s mouth, his other arm wound tight around the older man’s waist. Rama hissed in pain as Bheema sucked on his tongue, thrusting wildly against Bheema. He felt Bheema shudder and pulled away, wanting to watch, wanting to witness Bheema reach orgasm. He felt a wild thrill of pride as Bheema spurted into his hands, at the wide pupilled, out of control look in the other man’s eyes. He did this. He was the only one who had the right to touch the younger man, the right to watch him get undone. Rama felt his own eyes water as he followed him moments later, Bheema capturing his lips in a passionate kiss as he went over the edge. 
The cot creaked noisily as they stumbled back together, unwilling to let go of each other for even a moment. Rama hummed contentedly as he lay in the other man’s arms, the breeze cooling their skin. He sighed in pleasure as Bheema’s fingers raked through his hair, the touch gentle. 
“Mine.” He whispered again, as their heart rates returned to normal. 
Bheema laughed sweetly, lifting Rama’s fingers to his mouth for a kiss. “Yours, Rama. All yours.”
The next day Rama had the pleasure of watching the disappointed look in Sarojini’s eyes as she spotted the large bite on Bheema’s neck that the upper cloth did little to conceal. Bheema looked red, embarassed as he met his fellow villagers’ amused gaze as Rama sat innocently by with a book. He felt no real anxiety, knowing that the Gonds would never betray Bheema. There was a little further pleasure when he saw Bheema’s dark eyes smoulder with posessive heat when one of Sarojini’s friends sat by him, talking about the book in his hands. 
It was going to be another busy night.  
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tae-ffxiv · 1 year
CW: barely-mentions of sex?
This was supposed to be a simple conversation
“... Do you ever think about sex?” Dayir speaks the question into the comfortable silence that often settles over them before they fall asleep. It’s taken him weeks to get it out. 
There’s a brief delay before the reply comes. “How do you mean?”
Dayir rolls his head in Amba’s direction. He’s laying on his back, eyes directed at the ceiling, but his face is angled ever-so-slightly in Dayir’s direction.
How do you think? 
It’s the first response that pops into Dayir’s head, but he purses his lips to avoid speaking it, unhelpful as it would be. 
“I mean, is there any part of you that wants to have sex with me?”
Another pause. Amba rolls onto his side to look him in the eye, brow creased with a frown. “Is that… something that you want?”
“Yes. It is.”
“I see.” 
There’s a finality to the statement, and Dayir wonders if he ought to push the subject. But before he can, Ambaghai sits up. He expects him to leave, but he doesn’t - instead only crossing his legs and leaning forward to rest his elbows on them. His brow is furrowed, lips pursed, clearly searching for words. Dayir watches him, and waits.
“I don’t -” Amba starts, leaning forward a touch more, “I mean - I just -” The words are punctuated by a frustrated growl.
Dayir feels a forced smile twitch onto his lips without even thinking about it. He drags himself up into a sitting position next to Amba.
“It’s okay. You can say no. I won’t be upset.” The words strike a dissonant chord with the sinking feeling in his stomach. Hurt. Disappointment.
Amba shakes his head, a muscle twitching in his jaw. He keeps his face angled away. “That’s not - I mean, it isn’t - I don’t - I just, I -” another shake of the head, and a frustrated huff of breath.
Dayir rests a hand on his forearm, and he sees Amba’s eyes shift over to it. “Take a breath. I can wait.”
The barest of nods from Amba, and he takes a long breath, eyes fixed on Dayir’s hand. 
A silence falls over them. Amba barely moves as he tries to organize his thoughts. Minutes pass slowly. The tension doesn’t disappear from Amba’s shoulders, but some degree of clarity does seem to make its way onto his face. 
Eventually he speaks into the silence, words low and hesitant. 
“I just… sometimes feel that you don’t… want me.” The words send a shock of guilt through him. Dayir tries not to react - to just listen - but he can’t help that his fingers tighten on Amba’s forearm as he continues.
“Or that you don’t want me to love you. Or touch you. Or even care about you any more.”
Any response he could muster is frozen in his throat as Amba crumples in on himself, pressing the heels of his hands to his forehead. 
He shakes his head. “Nevermind. I should just -”
And now he does make to leave, twisting his body to slide off the bed. Dayir slides forward at the same time, wrapping his arms about his middle and dragging him back down to the mattress. He presses his forehead into his back, head habitually angled so he won’t stab him with his horns.
Amba’s hand drops to one of Dayir’s wrists, tugging at it as though to pry him off, though the attempt is half-hearted at best. 
Dayir has no words - what is he supposed to say to that? No words to deny or to erase the pain that he had caused. But silence will only hurt more.
He fights the tightness in his throat to force something out. Anything.
“Please.” That’s all he gets out, at first.
What the fuck was that? Inadequate. 
“I’m sorry.” He continues. “I just - I have some shit…”
Amba’s other hand rests over his. He doesn’t make to get away this time.
“Am I wrong?” Ambaghai asks.
Dayir can only respond with silence. Not willing to speak the lie, not willing to confirm the truth. 
It’s nearly a minute before Ambaghai shifts, and Dayir loosens his grip. No point forcing him to stay. But Amba doesn’t leave. He turns to sit sideways on the edge of the bed, his gaze flicking over Dayir’s face briefly before averting it. There’s a pained twist to his brow that he seems determined to ignore.
“I have thought about it. A bit.” He states.
Dayir blinks. “What?”
It takes him a moment to remember the initial topic of the conversation. What he’d intended to be a simple question. And now he searches Ambaghai’s face as he waits for the answer.
One of Amba’s brows twitches. He purses his lips, angling his jaw in thought, as though trying to decide whether to say what’s in his brain.
Dayir waits.
Eventually Ambaghai lets out a reluctant sigh. 
“I -” he shakes his head. “Half the time I kiss you more than a few seconds, you pull away and look…” he shrugs, the gesture extending to his hands, lifting them slightly from his lap to join in the motion before he drops them back to his lap. “I don’t know. Like you regret it?” He shakes his head again. “I don’t know what to do with that.”
Dayir’s mouth twitches into the shadow of a wry smile. “Yeah. I could stand to work on that.” he says on a huff of breath. Then reprimands himself internally. He can’t play this off with humor. He nods in understanding. “You know it’s nothing to do with you, right?”
“That doesn’t change it.”
Dayir bows his head, staring at his hands and he fidgets with the fabric of the covers. “Yeah.”
There’s a long silence, and Ambaghai shifts to prop his back against the headboard. He stares at the far wall while Dayir is lost in thought.
I just… sometimes feel that you don’t… want me.
The words replay in Dayir’s head, along with the strain in Amba’s voice as he’d said it.
“I do want you.” he whispers into the silence.
But who is he to have what he wants? Dayir screws his eyes shut, bowing his head down to bury his face in his palms and hide the tears that abruptly escape him.
And who is he to hurt his own husband because of what he thinks he’s deserving of? Amba, at least, deserves better.
He takes a shuddered breath. 
A warm hand rests on his shoulder. Then another on his waist, tugging at him. He’s hit by the urge to pull away. To deny any comfort - to sit alone in his guilt and remorse. But he can’t do that. Not without disregarding the entire conversation.
He freezes, then forces himself into motion against what he seems to instinctively want to do. He wipes at his eyes and looks up at Amba. 
“Amba, I think I’m truly fucked.” He lets out an uneven, shuddered laugh as he allows Amba to pull him in close.
“You are.” Amba confirms as Dayir settles in against him, head resting on his shoulder.
There’s a stretch of silence, punctuated by the odd sniffle from Dayir.
He almost misses the barely-spoken statement from Ambaghai.
“Not the way you want to be.”
Dayir chokes on a breath. He straightens to look at Amba.
“Did you just…?” 
Make a sex joke?
Amba keeps his gaze on the far wall, stone-faced. Almost. His mouth gives a slight humorous twitch.
Dayir gives him an incredulous look, and feels a smile start to twist his expression away from the more complicated emotions. Laughter begins to bubble up from his chest, sounding almost manic as it mixes in with continued sobs.
“You can’t just -” his words are cut off as they’re drowned in sobbed laughter.
Ambaghai shifts. “I didn’t - are you -”
Dayir looks up at Ambaghai, and the sheer panic in his face only makes Dayir dissolve further into laughter.
“I’m fine, I’m - fine. I - I promise.” He manages to force out.
It takes him a few long seconds, but the manic laughter subsides as he manages to get control over it. He gives Ambaghai a long look.
Ambaghai returns the look. “It wasn’t that funny.” He says.
Dayir offers a much smaller, much more controlled laugh as he wipes at his eyes. “No, but you caught me at a weird time.”
Amba’s eyes slide off to one side, then the other.
“Is that something I need to apologize for?”
“No.” Dayir settles back into his earlier position against Amba. “You don’t have to apologize at all.”
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hayleymedbil · 2 days
Optimize Your Revenue: The Benefits of Medical Insurance Billing Services
Title: Maximize Your Revenue: The ⁢Benefits of​ Medical Insurance Billing Services
Meta Title: Discover the⁢ Benefits ‌of Medical Insurance‌ Billing Services | Maximize Revenue
Meta Description: Learn how medical insurance billing services ⁣can help streamline your revenue flow and maximize profits. ​Explore⁣ the benefits, practical tips, and real-life case studies in this comprehensive guide.
Introduction: Managing⁢ the revenue cycle in a medical ⁣practice can be a challenging and complex task. From verifying patient ⁣insurance eligibility to submitting claims and following up‌ on ⁤unpaid bills, there are numerous steps involved in⁣ the medical billing process. This is where ‌medical insurance billing services come in. By outsourcing your medical billing tasks to‌ a professional service provider, you can streamline your revenue flow, reduce billing errors, and maximize your profits. In this article, we will explore the benefits ⁤of medical insurance billing services and ‌provide practical tips for choosing the right service provider.
Benefits of Medical Insurance Billing Services:
1. Increased Revenue: By outsourcing your ⁣medical billing tasks to a specialized service provider, you can ensure timely submission of ​claims, faster payment processing, and reduction of billing errors. This can result in increased revenue for your practice.
2. Cost Savings: Hiring and training in-house billing staff can ‌be expensive. Outsourcing your⁤ medical billing tasks‌ can help you save on recruitment, training, and payroll costs. Additionally, most medical billing services operate on a fee-for-service basis, which means you only⁣ pay for the​ services you use.
3. Improved Cash Flow: Medical insurance billing services can help you accelerate the payment process ⁣by ‍submitting clean claims, following up on unpaid bills, and resolving billing disputes promptly. This can result in improved cash flow for your practice.
4. Compliance with ⁢Regulations: ⁤Medical billing regulations are constantly ⁢changing, and it can be challenging to stay ‍updated with the latest requirements. By outsourcing your billing tasks to a specialized service ⁤provider, you can ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements, reducing ⁤the⁣ risk of audits and penalties.
5. Focus on Patient Care: By⁤ delegating‍ your billing tasks to a professional service provider, you can free up time and resources to focus on providing quality ​patient care. This can ‍lead to higher patient satisfaction and retention ‍rates.
Practical Tips for Choosing a Medical Insurance Billing Service:
1. Consider the Service Provider’s Experience: ⁢When choosing a medical insurance billing service, look for a provider with extensive experience in the healthcare industry. A reputable service provider will have a track record of success and ‌a deep understanding of medical billing regulations.
2. Verify Credentials: Before hiring ⁣a medical billing service, make sure to verify their credentials, certifications, ⁢and references. Look for service providers that are accredited by industry organizations such as the American Medical Billing Association (AMBA) or the Healthcare Billing and Management Association (HBMA).
3. Evaluate Technology and Software: Choose a medical billing service that uses advanced technology and software tools to streamline the billing process. Look for service providers that offer real-time billing updates, secure data transmission, and online reporting capabilities.
4. Consider Pricing Structure: Compare pricing structures among ⁣different medical billing services to find one that fits your budget ‌and offers transparent pricing. Avoid service providers that charge hidden fees or require ⁤long-term ⁢contracts.
5. Communication and Support: Choose a ⁣medical billing service that offers excellent​ customer support and communication channels. Look for service providers that provide regular updates on the status of your claims, respond to your inquiries promptly,⁣ and offer personalized support.
Case Study: Real-Life Experience with a⁤ Medical Billing⁣ Service
Dr. Smith, a family physician in a busy medical practice, was struggling to manage his billing tasks ⁢effectively. He ⁣decided to outsource his medical billing to a professional service provider, and the results were remarkable. Within a few months, Dr. Smith experienced a significant increase in revenue, reduced billing errors, and improved cash flow. He was able to focus ‌more on patient ⁤care and saw an ‍improvement ⁣in patient satisfaction ratings. Dr. Smith highly recommends medical insurance billing services to his colleagues in the healthcare industry.
Conclusion: Medical insurance billing services offer numerous benefits to medical practices, including increased revenue, cost‌ savings, improved cash flow, compliance⁣ with ⁤regulations, and focus on patient care. By‍ outsourcing your billing tasks to a professional service provider, you can⁤ streamline your revenue flow, reduce billing errors, and maximize your profits. When choosing a medical billing service, consider⁤ factors such as experience, credentials, technology, pricing structure, and communication and support. Real-life case studies demonstrate the positive impact of medical insurance billing services on medical practices. Consider outsourcing your medical billing tasks today ​to optimize your revenue and enhance your practice’s efficiency.
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amymedbiller · 10 days
Demystifying Medical Billing: A Deep Dive with the American Medical Billing Association
**Title: Demystifying Medical Billing: A Deep Dive with the American Medical Billing Association**
**Introduction:** Medical billing can be a complex⁢ and confusing process⁤ for healthcare providers and ‌patients⁣ alike. However, with the right knowledge‌ and resources, it doesn’t have to​ be a ‍daunting⁢ task. ‍In this article, we⁤ will take a closer look at medical billing, including its importance, challenges, and how the American‌ Medical Billing Association (AMBA) can help healthcare professionals navigate this ever-evolving⁣ landscape.
**Understanding Medical Billing:** Medical billing is the process of submitting ‍and following up on claims with⁣ health insurance ‌companies in order to ⁤receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. It involves coding diagnoses, ‍procedures, and ‌services, as⁤ well as handling patient billing and collection.
**Challenges in Medical Billing:** There are several challenges in the medical billing process that healthcare providers may encounter, including:
1. Coding errors: Inaccurate⁤ coding can lead to ‍claim denials and delayed payments. 2. Insurance reimbursement issues: Different insurance companies ⁣have varying policies ⁣and payment ⁣schedules. 3. Compliance⁤ regulations: Providers must adhere to strict regulations such as HIPAA and ⁣CMS guidelines. 4. Billing software complications: Using outdated or inefficient billing software can result in billing errors and inefficiencies.
**Benefits of‍ Joining the American Medical Billing Association:** The American Medical Billing Association⁣ (AMBA) is a professional association dedicated ⁣to supporting and⁣ educating medical billing professionals. By⁤ becoming a⁣ member of the AMBA, ​healthcare providers can benefit from:
1. Industry knowledge‍ and updates: Stay informed about ‌the latest trends and ⁣changes in the medical billing field. 2.​ Networking opportunities: Connect with‌ other medical billing professionals for support⁣ and collaboration. 3. Continuing education: Access to training programs and ‌resources to enhance billing⁢ proficiency. 4. Certification opportunities: Become a Certified Medical Reimbursement ‌Specialist (CMRS) to demonstrate expertise in medical​ billing.
**Practical ‌Tips for Efficient Medical Billing:** To streamline the medical billing process‍ and reduce errors, ⁤healthcare providers can ‌follow these practical tips:
1. Invest in training: Ensure staff are well-trained in medical billing practices and regulations. 2. Use efficient billing software: Choose a billing⁣ system that is‍ up-to-date⁤ and user-friendly. 3. Double-check ⁢claims: ⁤Review claims for accuracy ​before submission to avoid rejections. 4. Follow up on unpaid ⁣claims: ⁢Stay on top of outstanding claims to ensure timely reimbursement.
**Case Study:** Dr. ⁢Smith,⁢ a family physician, was experiencing a ⁤high rate of claim denials and delays in payments due to coding errors. After joining⁤ the AMBA and undergoing training, Dr. Smith’s practice saw a significant improvement⁣ in claim acceptance rates and revenue.
**First-Hand Experience:** “I⁣ joined the AMBA to enhance my ⁣medical billing​ skills, and it has been a game-changer for my practice. The resources and support provided by the association have helped ​me navigate‍ the complex world of medical billing with confidence.” – Jane, Medical Billing Specialist
**Conclusion:** Medical billing ‍is ⁤a critical ‌component of the healthcare industry​ that ⁤requires expertise and diligence.​ By leveraging the resources ​and support​ of organizations like the American Medical Billing Association, healthcare professionals ‍can improve their billing efficiency and financial outcomes. With the ‌right knowledge and tools, medical billing doesn’t have to be a mystery​ anymore.
By demystifying medical billing and fostering continuous learning and improvement,​ healthcare providers can⁤ enhance patient care and financial⁣ sustainability in today’s evolving‌ healthcare landscape.
Remember, understanding the nuances ‍of medical‌ billing is crucial for the success of your practice. Stay informed,⁤ stay connected, and stay efficient with the help of organizations ⁤like the American Medical Billing Association.
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ginadirane · 27 days
Software Development and Web Development Services - eTraverse
eTraverse is a global partner in digital transformation, headquartered in India (founding year 2018) and its subsidiary company, eTraverse Pty Ltd, an education technology consulting company focused on the African digital landscape, with office in South Africa (founding year 2020). The company operates globally with its partner offices in London, Netherland, Dubai, South Africa. We cater our services into Software Development, Web & Mobile Development, Digital Marketing, Blockchain and Learning Management System to our clientele base out of Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Our Vision is to lead the era of Digital Transformation across the Globe by providing tailored solutions that enhance client's experience, add value to their business and create jobs for talented minds.
We are globally recognized by NewChip Accelerator, USA; AMBA, London, and Global Startup Awards, Africa 2023. Its leadership has been recognized Finalist - Young Leader of the Year by Women in IT Awards Asia in 2019; nominated for the Kindness and Leadership Award by Woman of Future, United Kingdom; Diversity Role Model of The Year in 2023. The subsidiary is recognized by ENCA (South African News Channel) and VentureBurn, African news. We are a highly people-centric organization that rewards efforts as well as results. Come, be a part of it and witness the growth.
SERVICES - i) Custom Software development, ii) Website development, iii) Web Application development iv) Mobile Application development, v) Software consulting, maintenance and support, vi) Quality assurance and testing, vii) Server maintenance, viii) IT outsourcing, ix) Staff Augmentation Services x) IT onshore recruitment - Europe, USA xi) Blockchain xii) Digital Marketing
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msinsights · 29 days
Asia Pacific Baby Food and Infant Formula Market Size, Share, Development Trends, Top Companies, Competitive Analysis and Forecast by 2031
The Asia Pacific Baby Food and Infant Formula Market, as analyzed by Metastat Insight, is a dynamic and vibrant sector that plays a crucial role in meeting the nutritional needs of infants and young children across the region. With its diverse population and rapidly growing economies, the Asia Pacific region presents both opportunities and challenges for manufacturers and stakeholders operating in the baby food and infant formula market. 
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/request-sample/2742
Top Companies
Abbott Laboratories, Arla Foods Amba, Bellamy's Organic, Danone, Early Foods Private Limited, FrieslandCampina, Glico, HiPP, Holle.
One of the key drivers of growth in the Asia Pacific Baby Food and Infant Formula market is the rising awareness among parents regarding the importance of nutrition in early childhood development. As more parents become informed about the nutritional requirements of infants and the benefits of breastfeeding, they are also increasingly turning to baby food and infant formula products to supplement their child's diet. This growing awareness is fueling demand for a wide range of baby food and infant formula products, including powdered formula, ready-to-feed formula, cereals, snacks, and purees. 
Another factor contributing to the growth of the Asia Pacific Baby Food and Infant Formula market is urbanization and changing lifestyles across the region. As urbanization accelerates and more families move to cities, there is a growing demand for convenient and ready-to-use baby food and infant formula products. Busy parents, especially those with dual incomes, often rely on packaged baby food and formula as a convenient and time-saving solution to meet their child's nutritional needs. 
Browse Complete Report @ https://www.metastatinsight.com/report/asia-pacific-baby-food-and-infant-formula-market
Moreover, economic development and rising disposable incomes in many countries across the Asia Pacific region are also driving growth in the baby food and infant formula market. As incomes rise, parents are increasingly willing to spend more on premium and high-quality baby food and infant formula products for their children. This trend is particularly pronounced in countries such as China, India, and Indonesia, where a burgeoning middle class is driving demand for premium and imported baby food and infant formula brands.
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A Guide to Getting an MBA in the UK
The UK has stood out as a valuable source of global education for a long, and its Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses are no different. With distinguished institutions, comprehensive curriculums, and a global business perspective, the pursuit of an MBA in the UK can be a life-changing experience for budding business leaders. This guide will take you through all the essential points of getting the MBA of your dreams in the UK, starting with the program selection, and ending with the project-like academic life at the new place.
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Why Choose the UK for Your MBA?
The UK provides various strong grounds for MBA aspirants from all around the globe to their studies in this country:
1. World-Wide Acknowledgment: The United Kingdom has MBA schools that are recognized internationally. The MBA Institutions are some of the best and highest-ranked globally.
2. Cultural Diversity: The UK's multicultural environment is great for connections and learning about different business cultures.
3. Shorter Duration: Most UK MBA programs can be finished in 12-18 months, whereas it usually takes two years in other countries.
4. Career Opportunities: The UK is globally linked and thereby the internships and post-study work opportunities are very good. This can be a good point to mention in a cover letter.
Choosing the Best MBA Program
Choosing an MBA program from the wide range of possibilities that the schools offer you might be a difficult task. Following are the key things that you should bear in mind:
1. Accreditation: You have to go for the programs that are sold loose [sic] and that are acknowledged by bodies like AMBA, EQUIS, or AACSB.
2. Specializations: Not only a few but most UK MBA programs insist on having specializations in areas like finance, marketing, or entrepreneurship. Select the one that matches your career goals.
3. Rankings: Although they are not the only ones, rank lists of organizations such as the Financial Times or QS are useful tools to carry out the process.
4. Location: Do you like a crowded city such as London, or the pacific atmosphere of Edinburgh or Cambridge?
5. Cost: Tuition fees for MBA programs in the UK can rise up to £90,000, whereas some education costs could be as low as £20,000. Consider the cost of living, if any.
Application Process and Requirements
The emplacement is too hard for the students since they have to pass the Mab Test and fill out the following list:
1. BSc degree from a first-class university or an equivalent with a minimum of 2:1 honors
2. GMAT or GRE scores (vary by institution)
3. English language proficiency test (IELTS, TOEFL, or other)
4. Work experience (usually 3-5 years, though some programs accept fresh graduates)
5. Letters of recommendation
6. Personal statement or essays
Key Statistics:
- During the year 2019/2020, the Higher Education Statistics Agency reported that there were a total of 126,955 overseas students studying in the UK pursuing master's degrees.
- Top UK programs usually have a GMAT score of between 650 and 700.
- National statistics from reputable data sources reveal that a good employment rate in schools is 90% at the most within three months of graduation.
Financing Your MBA
MBA is a great deal of money to invest. So, here are some ways how to make it feasible for you:
Scholarships are the awards that many UK universities give to their MBA students based on their merits. The student loan is the financial aid that can be availed by both the local and the international students in the UK. It becomes important to the fact that the international student can work only up to 20 hours per week during the term to their part-time job. The employee schools students who pass the MBA such as an MBA school or business school.  
Let me know my view about this.
Life as an MBA Student in the UK is the following text that you can get and read. An MBA in the UK is a tough and very worthwhile challenge. Here is what you should expect to face the moment you walk in the door:
1. A faculty that demands the students to take part in the class and the assignments that take them out of the class.
2. Classmates interaction and networking: You might find mingling with like-minded people at various social events and getting to know professional experts through visiting lecturers and dinners for alumni.
3. Career aid: Schools usually offer services of job search, curriculum lines, mock interviews, and job fairs.
4. Get good grades: Spend your leisure time visiting various sites with historical relevance and engaging in intercultural experiences in the UK.
Post-MBA Opportunities
If you go for an MBA from the UK Industry, you might be exposed to a variety of prospects like:
1. Being promoted to higher positions: Majority of MBA graduates take up the role of a manager in their fields of choice.
2. Starting your enterprise: with the startup ecosystem in the UK being very strong, there are various areas in which entrepreneurs can create new business ventures.
3. Training: High institutions in the UK are the main source of management consulting hires by the consultants.
4. Working abroad: An MBA in the UK can open a career world door to you.
85% of the respondents from the 2021 survey on The Association of MBS affirmed the value of of MBA by showing that it was helpful to 85% of them in achieving their career goals.
Challenges and Considerations
Although studying an MBA in the UK is beneficial in many ways, the difficulties that may arise as a result of it must be known:
1. High costs: Both tuition fees and living costs can be quite large.
2. Intense competition: Enrollment in the best programs is being really restricted.
3. Cultural adjustment: It might be the case that foreign students would need some time to get used to the UK education and social norms.
4. Post-study work visa: With the newly introduced two-year post-study work visa, the UK is now open to foreign students.
Accommodation: Your Home Away from Home
Choosing a good accommodation is mandatory to have a great MBA experience. There are many universities that have on-campus housing, however, private student accommodation providers like Uninist give the students the chance to find other potential places. Uninist offers modern, up-to-date student apartments in the most sought-after areas in the UK and these apartments are specifically designed to accommodate postgraduate and MBA students. Uninist is well known for some amenities such as the LEED green building certificate, internet high-speed, and networking opportunities. Consequently, Uninist Accommodation strives to be an extension of your MBA experience by providing you comfortable and study-conducive living space.
As a result, the decision to pursue an MBA in the UK is a life-changing experience that not only earns you the best education but also offers you the opportunity to create a global network and launch you to success in your career field. By investigating your options, making sure you are well prepared for the application process, and being open to the difficulties and silver linings of your journey, you are able to benefit from this changing experience to the fullest. Apart from this, providers like Uninist with the best facilities and comfortable living conditions can provide you with a peaceful space to achieve success in your job.
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The Divine Benefits of Desi Cows: A Comprehensive Guide
In the rich tapestry of Indian culture, the cow holds a place of reverence and spiritual significance. Particularly, the Desi cow, native to India, is celebrated not just for its divine status but also for the multitude of benefits it offers to humans, animals, and the environment. This article delves into the profound advantages of Desi cows, contrasting them with exotic foreign breeds, and emphasizes why these gentle beings are integral to a healthy and prosperous life.
The Distinctive Features of Desi Cows
Outer Appearance and Sound Desi cows are easily recognizable by the distinctive hump on their backs, a trait absent in exotic foreign breeds. This hump is not just a physical feature but is believed to be a conduit of divine energy. Additionally, Desi cows possess a feathery, hanging neck and produce a sound that resonates with the sacred vibrations of “OM” and “Amba,” which are names of the divine. In stark contrast, foreign cows lack these features and are said to produce a harsh, unholy sound.
The Health Benefits of Desi Cow Products
A2 Milk: A Source of Vitality One of the most celebrated attributes of Desi cows is their A2 category milk, known for its superior health benefits. Unlike the A1 milk produced by foreign breeds, which has been linked to various health issues including cancer, Desi cow milk is a powerhouse of nutrition. It boosts immunity, sharpens the brain, and is a key ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. Products derived from this milk, such as curd, buttermilk, and ghee, are revered for their medicinal and nutritional values, aiding in the fight against diabetes and other chronic ailments.
The Magic of Gobar (Cow Dung) and Gaumutra (Cow Urine) Desi cow dung and urine are not merely byproducts but are considered sacred substances with exceptional medicinal properties. Cow dung is rich in minerals and is used to create organic fertilizers that enhance soil fertility and productivity. It is also known to cure liver damage and other ailments. Gaumutra, on the other hand, is hailed as a super medicine with anti-cancerous properties, playing a crucial role in organic farming as a natural pesticide and fertilizer.
Emotional and Spiritual Significance
The Emotional Bond of Desi Cows Desi cows are known for their deep emotional connections, especially with their calves. If a calf dies, a Desi cow may stop producing milk and refuse to eat or drink, showcasing its profound sensitivity. This emotional depth is believed to be transferred to those who consume its milk, fostering loyalty, respect, and duty towards elders and teachers. In contrast, foreign cows, which continue to produce milk even after the loss of a calf, are considered emotionally detached, and their milk is thought to impart similar traits to its consumers.
Spiritual Benefits and Eternal Bliss One of the many names of Lord Krishna is Gopal, meaning “one who cares for cows.” This connection highlights the spiritual importance of serving Gaumata (Mother Cow). Serving and caring for Desi cows is believed to bring health, wealth, prosperity, and eternal bliss. The sacred products of Desi cows, especially the Panchagavya (a blend of milk, curd, ghee, gobar, and gaumutra), are used in religious rituals and Yagyas (sacrificial rituals), believed to appease the 33 crore deities residing within the cow.
Environmental and Agricultural Benefits
Sustaining the Environment Desi cows play a pivotal role in maintaining environmental balance. Unlike other animals, they are said to inhale and exhale oxygen, purifying the air around them. Their dung and urine further contribute to environmental health by enriching the soil and promoting organic farming, which is crucial in an age dominated by chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
A Pillar of Organic Farming Desi cows are the backbone of sustainable agriculture. The organic fertilizers made from their dung and urine not only improve soil health but also ensure that the food produced is free from harmful chemicals. This approach is essential for building a strong, healthy nation.
The Healing Power of Cow Cuddling
Therapeutic Benefits In addition to their physical and spiritual offerings, Desi cows also provide emotional and psychological healing. Practices such as cow cuddling, which involves touching, hugging, and breathing alongside a cow, have been found to alleviate respiratory diseases, lower blood pressure, relieve spinal pain, and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. This ancient practice, once embraced by Lord Krishna himself, offers a natural remedy for the stresses of modern life.
Desi cows are not just animals; they are divine beings that contribute to the well-being of all creation. From their nourishing A2 milk to their emotionally rich nature, from their role in organic farming to their ability to heal and purify, Desi cows are an indispensable part of our lives. By recognizing and embracing the myriad benefits they offer, we can lead healthier, more prosperous lives and achieve a deeper connection with the divine.
Let us honor and protect these sacred creatures, as their well-being directly influences the well-being of humanity and the planet.
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visual-sculptors · 1 month
Designing Flyers for Success: Key Elements for Captivating Audience Attention
1.How to write a good flyer?
 When designing a flyer for your business or event, it is crucial to carefully consider the key elements that will make it successful in capturing the attention of your target audience. Begin by clearly defining your objectives and identifying the specific demographic you are trying to reach. This will inform the content and design choices you make throughout the creation process. Use a compelling headline that succinctly conveys the main message of the flyer and entices the reader to learn more. Keep the information concise and easy to digest, utilizing bullet points or short paragraphs to convey important details effectively. Incorporating visually appealing graphics or images can further enhance the overall aesthetic and engagement of the flyer. Moreover, include a clear and compelling call to action that prompts the reader to take the desired next step, whether it is visiting a website, making a phone call, or attending an event. By providing a clear direction for your audience, you increase the likelihood of them following through on the intended action. Remember that the purpose of a flyer is to inform, engage, and ultimately drive a response from the recipient, so it is essential to structure the content and design in a way that effectively achieves these goals. By adhering to these principles and focusing on creating a professional and impactful flyer, you can effectively convey your message and attract the attention of your target audience.
2. What size is a poster flyer?
  A poster flyer is an essential marketing tool that serves as a visual representation of your brand or event. The standard size for a poster flyer is typically 11 inches by 17 inches, although customization options are available to suit specific design needs. This size provides ample space to include key information and captivating graphics that will attract the attention of passersby. When crafting a poster flyer, it is crucial to carefully consider the layout and design elements to effectively convey your message to the target audience. By utilizing a professional design approach and opting for high-quality printing services, you can ensure that your poster flyer stands out and effectively communicates the intended message. Creating a visually appealing poster flyer involves a strategic balance of content and design elements. From choosing the right color scheme and fonts to organizing information in a clear and engaging manner, every detail plays a crucial role in the overall impact of your promotional material. Investing in professional graphic design services can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your poster flyer and help you achieve your marketing goals. By prioritizing quality in both design and printing, you can create a poster flyer that not only grabs attention but also leaves a lasting impression on viewers, ultimately driving the desired response from your target audience.
3. Which paper for flyer?
When it comes to choosing the most suitable paper for a flyer, the content and presentation of the information being communicated play a pivotal role. The weight and finish of the paper can significantly influence the overall aesthetics and impact of the flyer. Opting for a heavier weight paper with a glossy or matte finish can elevate the flyer's appearance, lending it a more professional and refined look. Not only does this enhance the visual appeal of the flyer, but it also conveys a sense of quality and meticulous attention to detail. By selecting a paper that aligns with your printer and design software, you can streamline the printing process and ensure a seamless execution of your flyer design. Ultimately, the choice of paper for your flyer holds immense importance in leaving a lasting impression on your target audience and effectively conveying your message.
Moreover, the right paper selection can serve as a silent ambassador for your brand, speaking volumes about the level of sophistication and professionalism associated with your organization. A carefully chosen paper can enhance the tactile experience of the flyer, leaving a memorable impression on recipients and reinforcing the credibility of the information being shared. By investing in a high-quality paper that complements the design elements and message of the flyer, you can create a cohesive and impactful marketing tool that effectively captivates and engages your audience. Thus, the process of selecting the appropriate paper for your flyer should be approached with deliberation and consideration, as it plays a crucial role in shaping the overall perception of your brand and the success of your marketing efforts.
4. How to prepare a flyer?
Crafting a well-designed flyer is an essential step in executing a successful marketing strategy. The process begins by identifying the specific target audience and defining the key message that needs to be communicated effectively. It is crucial to select a design that not only catches the eye but also aligns with the brand's identity and values. The content should be concise, engaging, and persuasive, focusing on highlighting the unique benefits and features of the product or service being promoted. Utilizing high-quality images and graphics can further enhance the visual appeal and help in capturing the attention of the audience. Furthermore, meticulous proofreading is paramount to ensure that the content is error-free and delivers a clear and impactful message. Once the flyer is ready, distributing it strategically becomes crucial to reach the desired target audience effectively. By carefully planning the distribution channels and locations, businesses can optimize the reach and impact of their marketing efforts, ultimately driving success and achieving the desired objectives. 
5. What is a flyer layout?
Crafting a compelling flyer layout involves meticulous attention to detail and strategic design choices. The arrangement of text and images must not only be visually appealing but also purposeful in guiding the reader's engagement with the content. By thoughtfully placing headlines, body copy, visuals, and contact details, a flyer layout can effectively communicate key messages and captivate the target audience. The hierarchy of information plays a critical role in directing attention to essential details and prompting desired actions, such as making a purchase or attending an event. A well-executed flyer layout should embody clarity, organization, and readability to ensure that the intended message resonates with the audience. In the realm of marketing and communication, the significance of a thoughtfully crafted flyer layout cannot be overstated. It serves as a powerful tool for conveying information concisely and persuasively, ultimately influencing the audience's perception and decision-making. A professionally designed flyer layout not only enhances brand visibility but also establishes credibility and trust with the recipients. By understanding the principles of visual hierarchy, typography, and composition, designers can create layouts that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly effective in achieving the desired communication goals. In essence, a well-designed flyer layout is a cornerstone of successful marketing campaigns, driving engagement and fostering meaningful connections with the target audience. 
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