#original pikmin type
stylus99 · 1 year
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here is my take on a piksona. it is based very very loosely off of a venus fly trap
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umbrasdoodles · 1 year
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I still have a couple Pikmin doodles left in me. Have a random cursed idea I had:  Corn Pikmin. They're the most a-maize-ing kind of Pikmin. Can you tell I'm from Ohio?
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ixtaek · 1 year
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matchesarelit · 4 months
Pikmin! (Spencer Agnew x Gn!Reader)
A video game themed bar was exactly what you needed, maybe even a little more...
Smosh Masterlist
Requested: Sort of... 'reader meets him at a bar and than they go home together and have a fun nerdy time at his place' -anon
A/N: Sorry anon they don't make it home, also hope you like video games, I thought it was a safe bet for a Spencer fan, Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Mentions of fighting (mortal combat game play, smash bros)
W.C: ~2.1k
You'd been eager to try this place since your 'for you' page had all but taunted you with it while you were sick in bed with the flu. So crossing the threshold, the outlook of a dive type bar decked out in gaming memorabilia was both overwhelming and exactly what the doctor ordered.
LEDs behind the bar were mesmerising as they throbbed and changed, it was only after you'd straddled a stool that your eyes floated up past the assortment of alcohol, to the large collection of consoles and plug-ins suspended above.
Eagerly seeking out your favourites, you simply nodded when an approaching figure inquired after the stool to your left. Snaking your gaze down the shelving, your stare fell low enough to catch the figure of the bartender on the other side of the bar. The older woman was watching you with an amused smirk, clearly your enraptured state was not a rare one among first time visitors. Casting a glance to her headwear, you noted the Mrs Pacman sitting on her headband as you considered your drink order. Opting for a familiar brand you retrieved your phone from your pocket to pay, the case making it difficult as usual, as the bartender produced a bottle and left with a smile.
As you sipped your beverage you let your focus flit around the bar, There were a few larger screens with small groups of people crowding controllers and consoles, there were more displays and shelves chocked full of all sorts of gaming nostalgia and a few retrofitted old computers playing arcade gameplay.
Finding yourself watching more than a few rounds of mortal combat on an old box TV, your attention only shifted as a rather larger group of spectators erupted in cheers on the other side of the space. Noting some other set ups around the bar, ones much less crowded that that one, you stood from your chair, drink long since drank in many an unconscious sip as you'd watched the fights.
There was a couple duelling in some newer game you couldn't recognise, a group of older people screaming their encouragement alongside a woman playing pinball and lucky as ever, right at the back in a little alcove, there was an empty GameCube setup. Although a few other familiar titles lined the small area, the screen was already displaying your game of choice; Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.
After frying your own console years before you'd been itching to get your hands on this game for a while. Yet as if it was only yesterday you found yourself navigating the menu with ease, selecting a map you felt you might recognise, the name sounding somewhat familiar, possibly one you'd sold your soul to over fifteen years before.
Admittedly, navigating the menu came easier than recollecting the controls, but after a few minutes you were finding your groove well enough to hit a couple special moves and terrorise a few pedestrians.
Concluding your first level you'd indulged in the character select menu, although finding the original Tony Hawk much too nostalgic, you continued on all the same.
Before continuing, you took a brief glance around your little station, cautious someone else might be wanting a go.
Satisfied by the empty space around your chair, and the empty one by your side, you continued on to the next location. Finding yourself revisiting some favourite tricks and areas from years before, you felt yourself relax into the game, it was only when as you sat back in the chair and the stats for the completed level popped up that you noted the presence of someone talking by your side.
'-still can't believe you stuck with Tony, Demoness all the way'
Turning towards the voice you caught sight of a man around your age, sipping some colourful concoction, as he shifted his gaze from the screen to you.
Although, you noted to yourself, the mess of curls adorning his head surely meant his sight was solidly obstructed, so how he managed to notice which character you'd chosen was a mystery.
He was nonchalant as he plopped into the chair by your side, and you felt yourself of similar affect as you responded,
'Well, I must admit my old favourite was the Eye Guy as I knew him, but its been so long i wanted that Vanilla playthrough effect ya know, nostalgia and all that.'
'Oh I'm very familiar. Do you mind if I have a go?'
Hand gripping the back of your chair you go to move,
'Of course I'll just-'
'You don't need to leave, I'll only probably play the one level, I was never the best at Pro Skater,' His words were said softly vet with a surety that left no room for argument,
'Are you able to hold this?' He seemed hesitant to ask as he continued scouring the space despite holding his drink out in your direction.
'Keep me here just to hold your drink did you?' your tone was light enough that despite the flush on his cheeks he still held it out when he saw you nodding.
You took it into your hands, holding the glass in your lap atop crossed legs as you watched him grasp the controller and navigate the menu just as you had done.
As he began to play you let your eyes drift from the menu to the assortment of games along the wall, spotting a couple of old favourites you made a note to try them if you got the chance later.
Returning your attention to the screen you sat in the relative silence of the little alcove, enjoying the small sounds and voice lines from the game you'd long forgotten the AI were capable of, until the man by your side spoke up.
'How do you do the... The double flip? I'm completely blanking' He looked momentarily back to you as his character drifted about the landscape,
'Oh its just the same button as flip, just twice,' your voice was soft, hoping not to come off as patronising with the simplicity of your answer.
'Oh yeah, simple eh?' He laughed it off easily as he turned back to the screen, watching him go on to try, and nail, the trick, you smiled to yourself.
Concluding a second level you'd urged him to play, he handed the controller back to you as you returned his drink.
'Did you want to play another level? I'm thinking of changing the game,' letting your mind drift once again to the cases along the wall, you considered your options.
'Nah I'm good, what're you thinking?'
'Ooh, im not sur- OH' You cut yourself off as a certain title caught your eye.
Tugging it free of its sleeve you held your choice aloft, being careful of the disk surface of course,
'Luigi's Mansion? Good choice...' his words although genuine came with a familiar hesitance.
'I know right I've-' Your excited reminiscence was cut short as he cut in,
'...Fair warning; their copy doesn't work'
'Oh damn...' you slid the disc back into its place
'Agreed, I felt exactly the same when I tried booting it up last week.' He watched your movements before scooting his chair back a bit and starting up again, 'They do have the third one on a switch over there,' he pointed his drink in the direction of the largest crowd in the room, the chalkboard wait list filled to the brim in progressively smaller and smaller writing desperate to be fit in. 'But you'll probably be waiting a while.'
Your lips sucked into a defeated line, you moved your gaze back onto the man by your side. His own focus set on the glass beneath him as he seemingly attempted to skewer the floating lime on his straw. You noted that just as you'd thought before, his hair had clouded the space between his eyes and the drink.
'Do you have any suggestion then? Any that work?' You pondered with a laugh as you flipped through the cases, the sound drew his attention back to you, not that you noticed as he remained silent, stare caught on the back of your head.
A few moments of silence later and upon finding nothing you turned back to him, a brow raised as you sat awaiting his response.
'Oh um, there's always Smash?'
Nodding slightly you put the controller on the tabletop and began to search for the disc, 'I never really played it, you'll have to show me how...' Unsure where the confidence came from for that request, you stalled slightly in taking the game out, and replacing the other with it before sitting back down.
Letting your peripherals catch what you refused to look directly at, you watched as he nodded, his lips pursed for few too many moments before parting with a soft utterance, 'uh-yeah of- of course'.
Holding your hand out for his drink you held out the controller with the other, and as you felt the weight of the glass in your hand you studied the screen as he began a match.
'So with this one you have all the regular moves, which use the regular buttons but, for example, Falco's Phantasm you need to use- '
His explanations were comprehensive and before long, you were playing and winning matches on your own, well mostly on your own. The man beside you seemed unable to stop himself from leaning closer and pointing out special attacks you could manage at any given time. By the time you'd won your second stage his shoulder was knocking your own, his face inches from yours.
Sitting back in your chair once again, all but pooped from the adrenaline rush of such a victory as your character filled the screen almost as happy with themself as you were, you felt the warmth of his closeness fade as he followed your lead, slumping in his own seat.
Your short reprieve was cut short however as a voice, much harsher than that of the man at your side, crackled from behind you,
'Sorry, Are y'all done with this console?'
Sharing a brief look with him you shrugged and glanced to the bar, a small nod was enough for you as you turned and addressed the newcomers, 'Yeah, we are. Go for it'
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Stepping out of the alcove you moved no more than a metre, before turning back to check for him. Part of you expected him to leave for another spot in the bar, another console, but a bigger part of you was sure he wouldn't, at least not yet.
Sitting up on a stool you grabbed your phone to pay for a drink yet as you waited you addressed the man once again by your side.
'Well that was great fun! Little bit of nostalgia is good for the soul, ain't it?'
'Definitely. Although... Are you sure you haven't played Smash before?'
'Weeelllll... I admit I have played some of the newer ones at parties and such, but I really thought it'd be completely different on such an older console.'
Your cheeks were hot at the reveal, it wasn't as if you'd lied, but the suggestion you'd done so to get him to help you was an interesting one.
A small smile on his lips, he fixed you with a playful glare, the crinkling of his nose a dead giveaway. Never the less you played along, dropping your phone to the bar top and raising your hands in the air as if to profess your innocence.
'I promise. Next time though, I'll have to get your help on something else, something have no idea about, maybe Pikmin? I assure you I have absolutely no clue about that game.' Your face as stoic as you could manage, not very stoic at all, you watched as his smile splurged into a wide grin as his eyes looked between you and the phone discarded on the between you on the bench.
The device was hugged by a bright red silicone case with a telling red stem that ended in a single green leaf dangling off the top end.
You continued, 'What even is a Pikmin?' Getting the question past your lips without laughing between syllables was a struggle, but a worthy one as he soon broke into giggles at your sincerity.
'Well, you seem completely cluel-' He was interrupted as your phone rung out a hearty Pikmin!
'... Completely clueless... and that's okay, I'm happy to help.'
'You're too kind...' You trailed off realising you still didn't know his name.
'OH... I'm Spencer by the way,' Nodding, you failed to supress the smile that had spread across your lips as you spoke,
'Well, Spencer, I really need your help. So how about nex-'
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seandwalsh · 7 hours
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Who lays the nectar eggs found in the Pikmin games? It might seem like a silly question, but for a series with such extensive lore surrounding its creatures it is surprising that it remains a mystery. Nectar eggs are a mysterious item found in Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4. The eggs themselves are rarely acknowledged by the leaders and can contain a wide array of different things.
When broken, nectar eggs usually release a form of nectar or raw material. Curiously, there are also several creatures associated with these eggs, but it’s never been explicitly stated which actually produces them. Let’s look at the candidates:
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Firstly, there are the Honeywisps. Honeywisps sometimes carry nectar eggs as they float through the air back to their nests. However, they don’t seem to be producing these eggs themselves, as in Pikmin 1 they can be seen carrying pure nectar collected from flowers.
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Given they intend to feed the nectar from the nectar eggs they carry to their young, it seems more likely that they sometimes just steal nectar eggs from their nests of origin instead of collecting nectar from flowers.
“This timid creature flies around collecting nectar from flowers.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 1, December 2001]
“This creature collects nectar for the larvae waiting in its nest.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 1, December 2001]
“This cutie swims though the air with a heavy-looking nectar egg dangling below its translucent body on its way back to its nest where its offspring await lunch.”
[Source: Dalmo, Sozorian Animal Enthusiast and researcher, Non-Player Character in Pikmin 4, July 2023]
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The next creatures are the Mitites. Mities are a type of insect that occasionally hatch from broken nectar eggs in great numbers and produce nectar when defeated, which initially makes them seem like good candidates for the producers of these eggs. However, the nectar eggs notably don’t resemble insect eggs - and for good reason! The Mitites are actually parasites that lay their eggs within the eggs of a “particular species”, with their larvae feeding on the nectar the eggs provide.
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“These parasitic insects feed on eggs. Upon reaching maturity, they excrete a special pheromone that attracts females of particular species, enticing these females to swallow the mitites whole. (Pikmin, however, seem to dislike the scent.) After entering the host female's body, the mitites lay their own eggs inside the host's eggs just prior to the host spawning.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 2, August 2004]
“The cheeky Mitite lays its eggs inside the eggs of other creatures to provide its offspring with an easy first meal.”
[Source: Dalmo, Sozorian Animal Enthusiast and researcher, Non-Player Character in Pikmin 4, July 2023]
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Similarly, the egg-like Sunsquishes can also be found within nectar eggs. These are explicitly “other creatures’ eggs”, making them a species that parasitises on the eggs like the Mitites.
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“A type of primitive organism called a protochordate. In its juvenile state, it has a skeleton-like structure called a notochord. It flaps its finned tail to move and lives within other creatures' eggs as it grows.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 4, July 2023]
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That leaves us with the Burrowing Snagrets. In Pikmin 4, Downy Snagrets, the infant form of the Burrowing Snagret, occasionally hatch from nectar eggs. These seem to be the most likely candidates for the actual producers of nectar eggs.
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As established in a previous post, almost all extant life on PNF-404 is made up of nectar, which would extend to the nutrients in the egg yolk.
“Nectar is a vital source of nutrition that most life on this planet depends on. Whether it's in the form of an egg yolk, sap, or honey, I leave up to your imagination!”
[Source: Dalmo, Sozorian Animal Enthusiast and researcher, Non-Player Character in Pikmin 4, July 2023]
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Nectar eggs also strongly resemble bird eggs and Burrowing Snagrets are certainly large enough to produce them. They’re also large enough to swallow Mitites whole and are even said to eat insects in the Piklopedia.
“The majority of snagret species lie in wait to ambush and capture prey, with a body type perfectly adapted to such sudden strikes. It violently attacks small, surface-dwelling insects.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 2, August 2004]
What’s more is that Snagret has the widest distribution of a species after the Bulborb, which explains why nectar eggs can be found all over the world across the Pikmin games.
“Distributed across a relatively wide range, subspecies of snagret suited to the varying soil conditions have emerged, making the snagret the most geographically represented species besides the bulborb.”
[Source: Captain Olimar, Employee of Hocotate Freight and Captain of the S.S. Dolphin, Playable Character in Pikmin 2, August 2004]
So in short, female Burrowing Snagrets lay their eggs. Those that are fertilised will produce Downy Snagrets, while unfertilised eggs will produce nectar. Sometimes, a female Burrowing Snagret will eat a Mitite, resulting in Mitite larvae hatching within and feeding on the eggs laid by the Burrowing Snagret. The larval Sunsquish also finds its way into these eggs, while Honeywisps occasionally steal the eggs to feed the nectar within then to their own larvae.
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sillypikmin · 1 year
have you heard of my friend's blog, @descenacre? it has a lot of cool original pikmin ideas (of the pikmin types variety, enemy variety, and more) and i think more people should know about it
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the stuff on their blog is absolutely amazing and really inspiring, i love it all so much ... i tried my best to draw their thorn, candy and lily pikmin, they're just such wonderful designs :D
(everyone go check their stuff out!)
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hana-bobo-finch · 17 days
teleports in here for ask game purposes. asking this one again bc I like this question
🌼 what's your favorite thing about your oc !! any of them! whichever one(s) you wanna talk about 🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥
OOOOOO HELLO!!! That’s a tough question I got no idea 🦅🦅💥💥 I love everything about my ocs but I will attempt to answer!!!
I have a ton of ocs a majority of which I have never and may never post about so I’ll try to stick to the ones that I have shown to the world (though I’ll briefly summarize those too because i doubt anyone remembers them) but I might sprinkle in some of my Super Scary Secret Ones as well
• OC NUMBER ONE!!! TERRI (the dumbass pikmin oc with the moth I posted about yesterday I think? Was it yesterday? I must admit I have been completely out of it this week and I have lost any concept of time but REGARDLESS)
I HAVE NOT DONE MUCH WITH HER SO THERE IS NOTHING TRULY DEEP TO HER CHARACTER. BUUUT I like how she was my first real oc based on a preexisting franchise. for a loooong time I was in the horribly toxic mindset of “heheheh oc? that’s so cringe hehehe” so a few months ago I made her as a big middle finger to that previous mindset. YES I made a pikmin oc YES she’s the sibling of a preexisting character YES I posted it on tumblr and NO I do NOT give a damn!!!
Or if you want a more basic answer I like how I made it so her hair kinda looks like butterfly wings cause it looks really goofy but she probably thinks it is So Awesome heeheehee
• OC NUMBER TWO!!! PUTTERS AND GAF (counting them as one)
I just think they are very silly. If I had to choose a favorite aspect it’d be how they influence other characters, like the pure, blinding jealousy and rage that Putters brings upon her owner’s husband. You either love putters and gaf or you want to see them dead and there is no in between
actually in my original post bout her I didn’t fully mention some of her personality traits. I was focused more on her relation to the Turtlemeister but there’s more to her. Not a whole lot more admittedly but yea. If I had to pick my favorite though I’d sayyyy her brashness. I feel like I didn’t get that across well in the original post but she is intense. She will speed down the road at speeds way over the limit (and in this universe driving is already a taboo unless you have good reason for it) while blaring music, she tried to start the “sequel to the ice bucket challenge” (the boiling water challenge, it did not go well) and has zero filter. She’s not completely insane (I think if she was constantly like that it’d be way too much) but those aspects are definitely my favorite
fear not if you have no idea who this is! You aren’t simply forgetting or weren’t around for me mentioning her, I have just never mentioned her existence! She’s putter’s owner. I could go wayyyy into her but then we’d be here all day and I’ve already been typing this out for way too long soooo. It’s incredibly hard to pick one favorite aspect soooo I’ll just go with:
she’s prooooobably the most emotionally intelligent of the ocs in this universe…….not to say she’s a complete saint by any means, hell she’s kinda the catalyst for a LOT of problems with some Really Bad Decisions but she actually owns her fuck ups (except for the time she accidentally killed someone and was too horrified to tell anyone so she staged an accident and lived with the guilt the rest of her life but shhhhh) and tries to improve. Which by the end she does! Yippee (SHE IS NOT OK BY THE END) (SHE WON BUT AT WHAT COST)
She’s also just one of the nicest characters, you wouldn’t get that from my brief description but she actually is. She’s forgiving to a fault, like she got back with her ex husband MULTIPLE times on and off despite the fundamental disagreement that caused them to break up in the first place never being resolved, and tries to be the best parent possible (uhhh she might’ve failed with her…fish daughter….crap I haven’t mentioned the fish people….uh BUT SHE TRIED HER BEST AND WORKED THINGS OUT WITH SAID FISH DAUGHTER AND THEY ARE A HAPPY FAMILY NOW YAYYYY)
once again you are not crazy I have just never mentioned her before. And yes her name is French for “two mice” you will see why that is. Brief summary, she’s French (shocking) and joined the police force at a young age and was on path to be an incredibly successful and talented officer (much to the chagrin of her…grandmother I think? Yeah it’s her grandmother, who attempted to do the same as her but failed miserably and ended up being a lifelong traffic cop in a region where there is like. No traffic) but then!!! Had to go on a rescue mission and ended up getting. Extremely traumatized in the process! But she rescued the fellas she had to (said fellas losing their eyesight in the process uhhhh don’t ask) and got all sorts of medals for her bravery but she was like. Nah screw this I’m quitting (again to the chagrin of her grandmother, HOW COULD YOU THROW AWAY YOUR CAREER LIKE THIS I WORKED SO HARD AND I NEVER EVEN—) and spent the rest of her life in a group called the “two blind mice and one seeing eye mouse” with the people she rescued where she was the, well, seeing eye mouse! She didn’t actually have to do much work guiding them because the other “mice” in the group were incredibly adaptive and could pretty much function independently immediately but she stuck around anyway. Let’s pretend the story ends there heehee she had a happily ever after mmmhm nothing bad happened after that ahahaha. Um way too much exposition for a simple point but! My favorite thing about her! She carries a soundboard everywhere so she can make goofy sound effects for certain situations. She also plays the horn. Like a car horn. She will make music with car horns. She does a very good job at it surprisingly
I could yap so so so much more but I will restrain myself. Final oc who I am obligated to mention but I will be So Vague about: i won’t say his actual name but. Some call him pumpkin daddy. He has been haunting my thoughts for over 2 years now. He is not even an oc. He is not original. He is someone else’s old oc but when I mentioned he was my favorite part of his original universe, the original creator randomly gave me full ownership of him. So technically he is mine now I suppose. I changed him beyond belief, the only remnants of his old life being his name and appearance. I’m speaking of him like a cryptid lmao my favorite thing about pumpkin daddy is everything. That is all
I am still awaiting the shadowban lifting but pretend that I sent in an ask to you asking the same question!!! @starlightswordfight What’s your favorite part of your ocs!!!
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lucent-nargacuga · 9 days
newly rewritten pikmin wraith headcanons because one theory being confirmed completely destroyed what I had
obligatory disclaimer that this is not canon nor a theory, this is my interpretation and also my pikmin au (but everyone is welcome to use my headcanons 👍)
note that the following are ocs: thermo wraith, the mudwraiths, the ghoulid classification, phantoms, and (technically) the revenant
wraith types
there are two types of wraiths: wraiths without a core and wraiths with a core. (as all wraiths are liquid, each type has two subtypes, cold wraiths and hot wraiths. this only has to do with what a wraith's body is made of. both the waterwraith and plasm wraith are cold wraiths.) coreless wraiths originate from beyond pnf-404 in meteorites, while wraiths with cores originate from pnf-404 itself.
what are wraiths?
all wraiths are souls of sapient beings trapped inside liquids. these souls can never move on to the afterlife as being trapped inside a liquid for hundreds of years corroded them beyond recognition.
wraiths with cores are specifically human souls, and the core is the soul itself as well as the memories from its past life. there are two notable artificial wraiths with cores, those being the plasm wraith and the thermo wraith.
coreless wraiths are souls from alien races that are not humans.
wait, artificial wraiths? how is that possible?
pnf-404, once known as earth, became a living being countless years in the past. the resident humans did not leave the planet for about a hundred years after this apocalyptic incident occurred until the planet was too unstable to be fit for living. this gave human scientists a long time to experiment with the new lifeforms and new laws of nature.
why there are multiple waterwraiths (and mudwraiths)
a giant meteor containing countless trapped souls due to a bizarre mining accident broke up near pnf-404 and the pieces fell to the planet's surface, one by one. as the meteor was full of water, all those souls became multiple waterwraiths.
upon landing, the waterwraiths were significantly weaker than the ones seen ingame, only having a physical form that is easy to destroy. some of these wraiths had their bodies destroyed and were able to go to the afterlife- but due to their souls being corroded they were swiftly rejected and were sent back to the mortal realm, where they gained an odd, invulnerable form. however, they are not entirely stable and gravitational waves will make them temporarily revert to their former form. interestingly, when this body is destroyed too, the cycle will only continue.
mudwraiths are waterwraiths that landed recently enough to have not experienced having their body destroyed (or they may have landed longer ago but got very lucky and avoided danger). they cover themselves in mud or another substance as armour of sorts for protection. interestingly, they outnumber the "reborn" waterwraiths by a vast amount, yet they are seldom seen as they are anxious, shy, and nocturnal.
do ghoulids still exist?
yes! this is just a classification given to all creatures that are not organic/biological (with the exception of glow pikmin and the mechanical creatures, such as man-at-legs).
what about the phantoms?
phantoms are the supernatural equivalent of convergent evolution. they are almost the same as they were (before my headcanons had to change) and have no connection to wraiths, other than being coincidentally similar to wraiths with cores.
phantoms originate from another dimension. they are not trapped souls, but some theorize they may be reincarnations of otherworldly beings. nobody has a single clue as to why they can be found on pnf-404 in the first place, and the phantoms themselves don't seem to know either.
what about the revenant?
pnf-404 will still be considered the revenant until there's more canon information revealed.
wraith cores and "wraithstuff"
wraiths with cores are notably stronger than coreless wraiths due to their ability to regenerate; their bodies are impossible to destroy. the core, while being the soul and memories of the wraith, constantly generates a substance known as "wraithstuff". this substance is an extension of the core and is bound to the liquid that makes up the wraith's body.
in coreless wraiths, "wraithstuff" is the soul itself.
glow pikmin, glow sap, and what they have to do with wraiths
glow pikmin are extremely similar to wraiths. their bodies consist of glow sap with a pikmin soul within, yet they retain some features of still-living pikmin such as eyes and a stem. they are able to fuse their bodies together into an amorphous ball to perform a powerful attack known as a glowmob. however, despite the similarities, glow pikmin are not wraiths.
glow sap affects wraiths differently than organic beings. while it is still unknown what exactly happens, being touched by glow sap makes all wraiths react as if it causes them physical pain. wraiths avoid glow sap whenever possible due to this.
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the-starkindler · 1 year
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I have been thinking about Rock Pikmin for a while since discovering that their rocks are actually just shells the actual 'min are encased in. So I thought it would be a boatload of fun to draw Rock Pikmin covered in different types of rocks that might vary depending upon their environment. I want to make more but my tablet is dying and my hand is cramping, so that'll have to come later. The Celestine example is based on an actual specimen in my own rock/mineral collection. I just thought a bit of the lil face peeking through the gap in the geode was really cute. I don't think I did a very good job making the coquina look... coquina enough lol, but an attempt was made. The original Rock 'min looks most like Bituminous Coal, which is what actually inspired this whole thing in the first place.
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whisperluck · 1 year
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Alright, who wants to hear me talk about the Pikmin. ( I really wanted to give them all different types of flowers, but I love the original flowers too much )
Small Headcannon:
All Pikmin types are Intersexual. ( meaning they are both male and female ) These are found in the flower part of a Pikmin’s body. However they can be call be any pronoun or whatever they pick out.
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descenacre · 1 year
Star Pikmin
originally, I also had a 4th type called Star Pikmin: the ghosts of Pikmin left behind at night, or lost in battle, that would help defend your ship before they rose into the heavens and became stars...
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Then Glow Pikmin happened so they felt too similar to that LMFAOOOOO--
If I were to include them into the current version of the lore I'd want to reiterate them mechanically first
They were monochrome, white and black, to complete the color wheel (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Blue, Magenta, White+Black)I still like their design but I might have to change their design mechanically a little so I feel more like they're distinct
Since white is a combination of all colors, they were immune to each of the three elemental hazards: Fire, Water and Wind.
They wield bolts of pure starlight that they throw at enemies from afar (nocturnal enemies are weak to light)
(I should mention real quick that I consider Yellow Pikmin to be Wind-Element, rather than Electricity based; in my version of the lore, Electricity is a danger to all Pikmin types--but it only exists in violent, explosive bolts of lightning)
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arkus-rhapsode · 3 months
Video Game Hot Take of The Day: Metroid Other M would've actually been more warmly received if it had nothing to do with Metroid.
Nintendo is one of those rare companies where they've got such appealing characters and worlds for a general market, that they can take a lot of their existing franchises and expand them out into other genres to get players to try. Nervous about buying a tennis game? Well don't worry we have Mario in it. Wanna play a rhythm game? Well we got theses Bongos with that Donkey Kong plays along to. However, a lot of these are still general and broad appealing genres. What about more diverse styles of gameplay?
This is certainly more of a gamble. Sure Mario and Zelda transitioned in big 3D worlds fine. They're basically the same core mechanics but in a different dimension. Metroid Prime is still a search adventure style game but they move it into an FPS perspective and make it more about gathering info. But in terms of massive genre shift you get all the Mario RPG series, something that almost completely ditches the gameplay of Mario and becomes a completely different experience. Now Mario and Luigi and Paper Mario are generally well liked and for some the only RPGs they'll play, but then you get something like Star Fox Adventures, a game that wasn't intended to be a star fox game and has very little things sections that have original star fox gameplay. Now Adventures has its fans, people who would say they'd never try a Star Fox game due to the fact its a flight sim, but others will argue it strays too far from the series identity. So it often makes you wonder what it be like if Dinosaur Planet did come out instead. Would it still be considered a Ocarina of Time clone? Or would it be see as standing on its own merits?
And what about something like Pikmin? Some of Pikmin's earliest prototyping phases had it as a Mario game. But it was ultimately made into its own franchise with its own identity. But what if it was just other Mario game. Mario isn't some small man needing to flee this foreign world on a time limit before he dies, he's just be leading a bunch of goombas or koopas or something collecting mushrooms. Would it be as fondly remembered? Would it be consistently released across Nintendo consoles?
Now of course we can debate on the merits on what direction to take a franchise in or if we can balance releases of a franchise with two distinct types of gameplay like 2D and 3D Mario plus its various spin offs. But in the case of Metroid Other M, a lot of the hostility is often due to the story. A game that seemed to both contradict lore and ruin the mystique of a beloved character. However, the actual gameplay was done by, of all people, Team Ninja. A group known for character action games. The actual exploring and arena combat in Other M is actually pretty fine. Yes it was the Wii so there was Wii Remote shenanigans, but in terms of the actual combos and supernovas you could do, it was pretty alright. Its no DMC, but I could see it being something that would get people into DMC.
Its also important to remember at the time, Nintendo didn't really have their own unique character action game. Meanwhile, Sony was just cleaning up with stuff like God of War. Now of course Nintendo has Bayonetta and they even have a franchise they own that's also a character action game in the form of Astral Chain. But that leaves me wondering what could've been had Metroid Other M just had nothing to do with Metroid? What if it really was just some different sci-fi story about a moody girl with a chip on her shoulder as she smashes up aliens and robots? Not having at all to worry about an existing canon or timeline?
Honestly, I have no real answer. People could've still acted the story, the wii was still mostly known as a general entertainment system so maybe it would've do too well. Its would just be speculation on my part and I highly doubt at this point we'd see Other M 2. But I do at least think as an actual gaming experience, Other M isn't that bad. But it absolutely is a bad Metroid game.
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sleepsentry · 2 months
Please tell me you plan getting into the book of Bill. I think you'll be quite pleased lol.
I have it preordered but it'll take a bit to arrive because I live in Switzerland
I haven't thought about gf in a couple of months but that's kind of a good thing?
I was worried I'd be too ashamed of my own enjoyment to let myself read it.
Since gravity falls isn't my main fixation for now I'll have an easier time reading it.
'I've been suspecting I have OCD for a year or two now. I think it explains a lot about my deeply tiring relationship to my own interests.
You can skip my attempt at an explanation of that problem below 👇
For the past few years I've had an awful time letting myself enjoy my interests once I pass a certain point of investment.
As if I'm being disrespectful to the original work for having interpretations of my own.
I've never had easy access to merchandise like stickers so all of my exposure to and expression of my interests is the original source material, fan works, and my own fan works. (I have zero merch for any of my interests besides gf so I have no other means of expression offline besides my own art)
It gets especially bad if I have unpopular opinions and see a more popular one everywhere despite my efforts to block and filter.
It's very difficult to filter something popular and it leaves me feeling tired and bitter. When otherwise I wouldn't care at all.
But it's another point towards this "you're doing it wrong" feeling
I haven't fully re-read my journal 3 or lost legends books since I first got them (around 2017? And 2018 respectively) despite really wanting to.
I'll flip through once every couple years for reference that I couldn't find faster online but that's overselling how much I even let myself look up reference online (basically never I'm too ashamed)
I have trouble saying characters names out loud in conversation (text or in person) wich is why I use nicknames a lot
The more I like a character the harder it is for me to look at images of them for reference out of shame for 'messing them up' with my own interpretation
It's happening with some of my current interests like pikmin and ff7 (just typing ff7 made me feel shame that's how bad it is)
It's less bad with pikmin because of how simple an accessible it is.
It's really bad with ff7 because of how much of a legacy it has with nerdy men in their 30s and 40s
(I got smugly mocked in a comment section for saying I didn't like a character getting slapped cause I thought it wasn't deserved. I know it shouldn't matter but I think about it whenever I think of ff7 and the fact that I'm letting some smug dick ruin a thing for me makes me upset and ect ect ect spiral spiral spiral)
The more I like the thing, the more I avoid the thing out of shame for my enjoyment of it.
It's exhausting yes.
It has damaged my art and relation to the things I enjoy.
At least it feels good to type all this out and get it off my chest.
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visforvictini13 · 2 months
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Name: Olimar
Trainer Card Number: 682
Gender: Male
Series of Origin: Pikmin
Type Specialty: Psychic
Wurmple: A reference to the red Pikmin, which is the first he encounters in the story and may have taken one with him (to the Smash tournament)
Comfey: A reference to how Olimar is literally 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) tall, and Comfey is the smallest fully evolved pokemon at 0.1m (4 inches) tall.
Alakazam: The man is really smart and it's shown in his vocabulary
Metagross: He's very technologically inclined and even invented some tech in the series
Beheeyem: He's literally an alien space traveler, who's to say he hasn't seen one before
Palafin: His ship is called the S.S. Dolphin.....get it
Please tell me what you think of the trainer cards with the background, I want to do something new and interesting so I have no clue if this is something you guys like. Ibuki, Jin Qui and Olimar really are the test subjects for this new style
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everydayarsonist · 11 months
EverydayArsonist’s Pikmin Headcanons: Part One: The Pikmin
•Pikmin onions have an odd life cycle. They are formed from seeds deep underground, and if they get enough nutrients, they will become an Onion. If not, they will become a Candypop Bud and either stay underground or burrow up to the surface. If they form into an Onion they will stay underground or burrow up depending on their type. Red, Yellow, Blue, Rock, Winged, and Ice burrow up while White and Purple stay underground. Onions then propagate Pikmin with the help of a leader (supposed to be a Mamuta) and grow and spread seeds. Onions will naturally seek out other Onions over time and fuse with them. Once an Onion has fused with at least two others, it searches for the highest point it can find and lands there, anchoring its roots to the ground and preventing Pikmin from being produced. It uses all the nutrients and energy of the Pikmin within it to create seeds that it showers onto the landscape. For every four seeds that bury themselves and become Onions or Candypop buds, one is a Lumiknoll Seed. Lumiknolls produce Glow Sap out of impurities in the soil around them, making it safe for Pellet Posies to bloom. Lumiknolls lure in enemies with the same electromagnetic signals that Onions use to communicate with Pikmin. The natural energy of a Lumiknoll disintegrates corpses, Turing them into Glow Pellets. Once a Lumiknoll has survived its first night, it creates crystals around it that allow Onions to land and leaves behind a core that activates every subsequent night.
•Pikmin have a hivemind-esque intelligence where they act independently but communicate and share their experiences with their Onion, allowing the species to become smarter over time.
•Pikmin have a very simplistic language known as Pikkish with a few main phrases;
-Howa- Carry
-Whaoh- Fight (Includes digging)
-Wie- Multiply (also used to refer to the Onion)
-Toka- Eaten (used synonymously with “death” as a whole)
-Danor- Time (associated with sunset, sunrise, and optimization)
-Orima- Leader (phrase only used after Olimar’s original crash)
•Glow Pikmin do not act like regular Pikmin or speak their language. Instead, they use a separate language known only as “Nightspeak”;
-Ehu- Grow (meaning carrying pellets back to Lumiknolls or Tricknolls)
-Heuho- Hunt (specifically going out towards enemies)
-Huohe- Protect (specifically protecting a Lumiknoll or Tricknoll. Nobody knows why there is a distinction between Heuho and Huohe.)
-Yiiiii- Glowmob (a command towards the other glow pikmin to form a glowmob)
-Rehoho- Strategy (Tricknoll, or the coming of sunrise.)
•Glow Pikmin do not have a word for “Lumiknoll”
•Pikmin were developed a decade before humanity was wiped out in order to fight the effects of climate change by growing plants across the world. They followed humans around as they walked, planting seeds as they did so. In the final days of humanity, the Onions were developed alongside the Mamutas and placed in the Svalbard Seed Vault. 90% of humans left Earth while the remaining ones were wiped out.
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planeteaterrr · 6 months
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This one is for all of my pikmin fans! I made this when I was deep in my pikmin hyperfix. Honestly I wanna remake this painting someday so it can be what I originally had in mind but honestly idk bc this drawing was my first time painting grass and I’m proud (PSST…! Yeah I know the white pikmin in the foreground looks off I had my own headcanon designs for every pikmin type. Sue me /j)
(Original completion date: 10/12/23)
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