#orihara izaya imagines
soultiio · 5 months
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my god my god why have you forsaken me
wasn't I good to you?
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slavhew · 5 months
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coughing and hacking
Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave /
...well, better than the alternative /
Outliars and Hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples /
Love, Me Normally
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bigcheesefan · 4 days
What kinda stoner do you think izaya is…a gummy guy or a doobie guy LMAO
Omg!! HARDCORE gummy guy, edibles are more low-key and I feel like that would really suit Izaya a lot more than smoking it (In this very far fetched head-canon lol). And also I like to think about him underestimating the power of an edible because he TOTALLY WOULD LMAO
Which I drew for you because… uh I’m too invested in this for some reason
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izaya (who canonically watches kids' shows) would see barbie and shizuo (who's canonically very philosophical) would see oppenheimer. you agree. reblog
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tiaragqueen · 1 year
The Sleeping Horror
Yandere! Izaya Orihara x Female! Reader
Hello! It’s been years, hasn’t it? Idk if you guys missed me, but I do miss writing for other fandom beside genshin and twst. I was planning to make a whole new account, but I was too lazy so here I am! Let’s start with something ‘soft’ and fantastical, shall we? Inspired by the line in the Wikipedia page of his relationship with Shizuo: “Izaya also holds the belief that only humans possess the ability to slay monsters.” And Sleeping Beauty story (would you believe me if I told you I rewrote this three times?).
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Admittedly, marriage wasn’t something Izaya really had in mind.
Not because he was a player, but because he was still young. Still adventurous. Still mischievous. He wanted to see more people, more kingdoms, more chaos. His position as a prince allowed him that much, but it also came with many responsibilities. And one of them was an arranged marriage.
Until now, Izaya wasn’t sure how to react when he found out he was already betrothed since birth. On one hand, he was somewhat irritated with the fate his father had oh-so-kindly lay out in front of him. Even as a child, he should at least have some freedom to choose his own suitor, right? It wasn’t as if he was a particularly naïve kid who thought suitors were equal to playmates. He’d always been intelligent, albeit quieter and more distant.
But on the other hand, you sounded quite… interesting. Yes, sounded, because he’d never seen you. There wasn’t even a painting of you somewhere in your castle. It was either you vanished or you only existed in people’s imagination. Then, his father, Shirou, disproved of the latter because he recounted a story that happened during your christening. Apparently, your father had enraged a wicked fairy by excluding her from the event and she promptly avenged her wounded ego by cursing you to prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before the sun set on your sixteenth birthday and die. One of the pixie fairies whom your father did invite, used her blessing to weaken the curse so that instead of dying, you’d fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love’s kiss. Because, apparently, her magic wasn’t strong enough to undo the curse. So, your father ordered all spinning wheels throughout the kingdom be burned and the remains were hidden in the dungeon.
It certainly explained why Izaya heard a few peasants grumbling about the lack of spinning wheels when he occasionally visited your kingdom. But, alas, Shirou didn’t seem to know about your whereabouts. It didn’t help that he forbade him from mentioning the incident to your own father too, despite the fact that Izaya had a right to know as your fiancé.
So, using the intelligence he’d built up after years of scheming and illicit dealings, Izaya managed to pinpoint your location. It was a humble cottage in the middle of the forest, secluded enough to avoid the wicked fairy’s eyes but not enough for his. Izaya smirked as if he’d won a high-staking gamble, and with the leverage he had on your father, it could be described as one. Shirou wasn’t a fool, but his job as a king did prevent him from knowing the full extent of Izaya’s secret occupation and hobby.
And thus, Izaya set out to find his cursed fiancée. As expected, you were every bit of a country bumpkin; naïve and improper. It was clear that you’d never seen a stranger beyond your three bumbling fairy ‘aunts’, judging by how you openly gaped at his sudden appearance when you were singing to your animal friends. And yet, Izaya allowed your curiosity shine through, anyway, if not because of how pathetically cute you looked right now. Like a dog, or a kitten, that he could easily pick up and bring somewhere else because you were just so defenseless.
Did your aunts even teach you not to trust a stranger, whoever it was?
Apparently, no. Because there was a limit to how ‘human’ they could pretend to be, and you wouldn’t have known any better because they were all you had growing up. Even now, a good parent shouldn’t let their daughter play too long in the forest where anything and everything could happen to her, especially when she didn’t possess any self-defense skills.
Especially when she was you, a princess in hiding.
Perhaps you were lucky that he was the one who met you. Izaya couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was that wicked fairy instead?
… Or he could! There was no limit for possibilities in his mind. That was how he could stay entertained despite so many of his plans veering off their tracks.
Truly, it’d be a shame if you were to get caught, right?
Well, it would, but he wouldn’t do that. He wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t intervene in the course of your life. Would it end happily ever after like Shirou hoped? Or would it become a nightmare for you and your kingdom instead? So far, you were the most interesting woman he’d ever met despite your obvious flaws, which some lessons in table manners and etiquette could rectify. And perhaps Izaya would bestow more of his ‘love for humanity’ in keeping you by his side regardless, even if the latter were to befall you.
Was this what the power of bias felt like? It wasn’t that bad, and it might’ve made him feel a bit closer to being a human, but Izaya wanted to know more about your feelings when you found out that he pitied you. Would you be offended? Touched? Upset?
Ah, the possibilities were truly endless, weren’t they?
Apparently, you’d fallen for him at first meeting, and were excited to tell your aunts about him when they revealed your true status as a betrothed princess. You could never meet ‘him’ again, they said. It was somewhat foolish of them to not allow you to tell them about him, but then again, Izaya doubted they’d known him let alone see his face. It was enough that they neglected you most of the time, albeit accidentally. How could he trust them to remember who he was?
Then, the fated thing happened.
The wicked fairy found out about you.
After the fairies brought you to your father’s castle in disguise, they let you grieve over your broken heart in your new room. But the wicked fairy used your sadness to entrance you and led you to an abandoned tower. All this time, Izaya watched from the shadows without anyone’s knowledge, not even your own father. His fingers twitched with an unexplainable urge to help you when you were forced to touch the conjured spinning wheel, while his brain – the more dominant part of him – convinced him to watch a little longer. It wasn’t as if he could challenge the fairy head-on, and he didn’t have any magic to do so despite his yearning heart.
Eventually, you succumbed to the curse, and the wicked fairy gloated over it to your belated aunts.
While waking you up with a kiss sounded ideal, it was more tempting to kill the wicked fairy first of all, if not to feel the rush of adrenaline and victory in his hands. Maybe you’d be grateful for it too, and thus, strengthening your love for him and salvaging your broken heart. But since he didn’t have the appropriate weapon to defeat her, Izaya was left to approach the pixies.
“Excuse me. You three look quite flustered. Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, my! You surprised me there, young man.” the pink one gasped, holding her tiny chest. “A-and no, we’re fine. Thank you for asking.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, still with the amiable smile that took him years of etiquette lessons and scheming to perfect. “You see, I have a fiancée, and I was told that I’d be seeing her today.”
They exchanged quizzical glances at each other.
“My name is Izaya Orihara.” He took a medal from his pocket as a proof of his own identity. “I’m betrothed to the princess of this kingdom. But, unfortunately, I was never able to see her. It upsets me terribly to postpone another meeting with her, when we should’ve been together since the very first start.”
Izaya languished at them through a sad friends as he clutched the medal desperately. Almost all too easily, the fairies fell to his trap with a sympathetic ‘aw’. They didn’t even question why he had the medal in his pocket rather than in his person as a prince should be. But, at least, he wasn’t lying.
“It is against our nature to be in the way of fate, especially a fated love.” said the green one. “A wicked fairy has cursed your fiancée to sleep forever unless awaken by a true love’s kiss, and she’s currently sleeping in this tower right now.”
“Ah, how terrible.” Izaya moaned sadly. “I wish I could do something to that fairy for daring to hurt my precious fiancée.”
Once again, they looked at each other.
“Let us help you with a bit of our magic, Child.” The blue one declared. “Hopefully, with these, you can end the wicked fairy’s reign of darkness once and for all.”
They armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, which they stated to be weapons of righteousness that would triumph over evil, and Izaya felt more powerful than ever. He wondered if he could even beat them with these, but they might prove their usefulness again in the future. That, and it’d be easier to manipulate you with them seeing as they were practically a ‘family’ to you.
And so, the group traveled to the mountain where the wicked fairy lived and began the most exhilarating battle he’d ever had. Cornered, the fairy transformed into a fire-breathing dragon. Another wrench to his plan, but Izaya wasn’t too worried because his agility saved their lives at the end of the day. He managed to stab her through her chest with great effort and watched her fall from the cliff.
Truly, only humans had the ability to slay monsters.
“That was wonderful, Child!” the blue fairy gushed, while the others clapped and nodded in agreement.
Izaya feigned a humble chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly do that without your help, either, so please don’t give me all the credits.”
Flattered as they were, they hadn’t forgotten their second priority: waking you up with a true love’s kiss.
But, shockingly enough, Izaya’s kiss did nothing to your sleeping self.
“H-how could this be?!” the pink one shrieked. “Prince Izaya is supposed to be her fiancé, so why doesn’t it work?!”
While they proceeded to question each other, Izaya took the time to observe you. Your forehead was wrinkled as if suffering from a nightmare, your lips parted slightly as if wanting to say something, and your hands grasped the red roses as if trying to protect yourself with it.
It was far from the peaceful sight he’d expected to see, and the realization brought a mocking, almost humorless laugh from his throat.
“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?’
“No, it’s nothing. Pardon my unseemly reaction.” said he, wiping his teary eye with his gloved hand. “May I ask you to bring her father here?”
“The King? What can you possibly need from him?”
“You said that only a true love’s kiss can wake her up, right? Well, he’s the one who asked you to protect her. Isn’t that what a ‘true love’ is? The feeling of wanting to protect someone?”
And such feeling wasn’t strong enough within him, or rather, he merely allowed it to wash over him. Otherwise, he would’ve stopped the wicked fairy from bewitching you earlier. Besides, Izaya was too logical to ever fall for someone at first meeting, no matter how interesting they were, and the curse said nothing about needing both parties to love each other for it to be broken.
While the fairies were occupied in bringing your father, Izaya approached one of the maids that happened to pass by.
“Bring me the dragon’s head from the cliff in the wicked fairy’s mountain.”
“Is it her own head?”
He merely smiled, and the spy nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once you woke up, but it didn’t hurt to have another ‘decoration’ inside his room. Then, he returned to the tower where your father was already standing at the bedside.
“P-Prince Izaya?!” he stammered. “Since when have you been here? Shouldn’t you notify me beforehand? Why are you dressing so... casually?”
“Now, now, that part isn’t as important as our dear princess is. And I must say, I’m quite hurt to know that you neglected to tell me that she’s been cursed all along.”
Your father flinched and looked down guiltily.
“I didn’t want it to become an international problem.”
“But there were many guests at that time, no? Don’t you think I deserve to know, as her fiancé?” Despite the feelings that Izaya didn’t quite absorb and understand, and your flaws that he mocked and used, a hint of bitterness managed to slip through his tongue. He waved his hand dismissively, both to your father and to his own emotions. “Regardless, you have the duty to save your daughter from the curse. So, go ahead. Don’t worry about the wicked fairy. I’ve slayed her, and her body is at the bottom of the cliff in her own abode. I’ll bring her head if you don’t believe me.”
The fairies gasped, while your father merely gaped, shocked at his callousness. The king glanced at the pixies, and they nodded hesitantly, confirming the part of the battle.
“I… I believe you.”
Slowly, he hovered over your face for a moment before he leaned down to press a deep kiss onto your forehead. Your troubled face relaxed little by little, and Izaya almost felt jealous when you fluttered your eyes open.
“She’s awake!” one of the pixies enthused.
Your father heaved a sigh of relief and smiled almost shakily. And yet, when your eyes landed on Izaya, they immediately widened in fear.
“No, I refuse to marry him!”
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herculean(drrr x f!reader) - chapter 1
chapter 1 - Warm Welcome
synopsis: (Y/N) Brigall. An aspiring fashion student far from home, visiting the rousing Ikebukuro to study the distinguished styles that the city has to offer. It's clear to those around her that she most definitely came to the wrong place. 
But unbeknownst to even herself, she's exactly where she's meant to be.
word count: 4,158
A/N: hello! this is actually a story that i have on ao3 under chickensoup4mysoul, i wanted to transfer it to this blog :) i’ll be posting individual/lumped chapters here, but you can find the rest over there!
warnings: minor violence, attempted kidnapping
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"i got a taste of the good life, i was feelin' alright and i was in the backseat, it was a long day i was in a taxi on the cross island parkway,, good life - sammy rae & the friends
Despite it being well into the night, the subway was still pretty full. Many men and women returning from a tiring day at work, some preparing for a grueling night shift, others getting ready for a night on the town. Your grip on the pole tightens as everything suddenly skids to a stop, the doors of the small space opening. You are one of the first to leave, itching to free yourself from the tight confines of the train car. After all, you had been crammed into nothing but tight spaces for the past numerous hours; a plane, taxi, busses, and a couple of subway stations. While there had to be a quicker way to complete the journey to Ikebukuro, you didn't mind gaining experience in traveling. If you were going to be living here for a year, you needed to know how to get around!
        On the other hand, the presence of just as many people in the station didn't give you much more room to breathe. You know what? You'll get used to it. This is a city! An excited buzz seemed to overtake you at the reminder of where exactly you were. 
Ikebukuro. A big city as city-like as cities could get, yet still so underrated where you were from. You had only been familiar with the exact location for a short while before you actually moved there. 
        Weaving through the labyrinth of individuals, you became increasingly aware of how everyone seemed to blend together. A blur of beige skin tones varying in darkness and lightness, arrays of wardrobes combined into a muted color scheme. You briefly wondered how much you, a visitor, stood out. Perhaps your choice of dress didn't do much to help.
        Your platform sandals clicked against the tile of the subway station as you made a beeline for the exit. Of course, comfort was important when traveling, but not at the expense of style. A pair of striped culottes and an adorably lettuce-trimmed tank-top did the trick. A classic juxtaposition of a simply styled intricate pattern and an intricately styled, solid color. With some cute chunky jewelry as accessories, you had put together quite the ensemble for your first night in the bustling city.
        Despite the independent course of study you had taken, you couldn't doubt that you had quite the knack for fashion. A knack that you were sure could lead to a wonderful career. The plan was to attend university, solidify your studies, and gain some connections that would kickstart your profession as perhaps a consultant? Designer? However, you decided that before that, you should take a gap year to expand your horizons. After all, you had only explored the world of fashion available at your fingertips through magazines and the internet. Even with your affluence, your father had never found much use in petty vacationing.
Ah, father.
A smile of adoration overtook your face. Your beloved father. A wealthy man who took you under his wing when you were an infant and raised you singlehandedly. Even though his scientific studies greatly pre-occupied him, he always ensured that you were well-taken care of. Even now, as you are so far away, he's providing abundant financial support for your pursuit of your dreams. 
So loving, so generous. Your heart swells at the thought.
A pleasant chill racks your body as your skin meets the cool night air. Now this was the feeling that you were looking forward to. While still crowded with life, you now had the beautiful night sky, accentuated by the towering skyline. 
The journey to your apartment was a bit of a walk from the subway station. However, you'd be damned if you were going to run straight inside after being couped up for so many hours. Looking at the directions on your phone, you walk away from where it instructs, opting to follow the cluster of light that you hoped was some sort of shopping center.
In terms of cities that never sleep, Ikebukuro gave New York a run for its money. The plaza buzzed with the chatter of numerous conversations. Unlike the subway station, there was thankfully a bit more space as people passed you in different directions. You treat yourself to a short walk, figuring you deserved it. Peeking at different storefronts as you pass, you take note of the places that interest you. A cute bakery, a pet store, a gift shop, and--oooo you would definitely need to explore that clothing store!! 
You catch a glimpse of one of the mannequins and your heart has been won. You can already picture a million ways to style those pieces. Although, your wardrobe was extensive enough and you shouldn't waste father's funds...
Aw, what the heck. It was for your studies after all!
You are face to face with what feels like a wall of stone, scarcely cushioned by draping fabric.
"E-excuse me, I'm sorry!" You back up from the wall, looking up to profusely apologize to your victim.
"Is no problem! Place is full of people, best to watch where you are going." He smiles down at you. Far, far down.
Even with such a friendly disposition, there is an obvious aura of power surrounding him. However, any fear you would feel towards him is stifled by his adorable accent. Seems like you weren't the only foreigner after all.
"Of course, you're right. May I ask, would you happen to have been...er... born somewhere else?"
The dark-skinned man beams, seeming proud to answer such an awkward question. "Yes! I come from Russia. You are new face. Not from here either, I am correct?"
You laugh bashfully, discomforted by how seemingly obvious it was. "You caught me! This is my first time in Japan and I'm checking out the area."
"Ah, could not tell! Your Japanese, it is very good. Better than mine."
A sense of pride and relief washes over you. As part of the preparation process to move here, you obviously had to pick up some Japanese lessons. Luckily, you were assigned a great teacher that helped you understand the language. It was one of your main anxieties that you wouldn't be able to communicate with people, but it seems like you're doing better than you had anticipated! You beam gratefully at the man.
He catches you eyeing the flyers he's holding and immediately pushes one into your face. You take it from him, immediately taking note of the words "Russia's Sushi" written crudely in Japanese.
"You are by yourself, yes? I can assure that Russia's Sushi is the best place in town! Good when you are hungry, or when you need help with anything," his demeanor suddenly shifts, his gaze sobering in a matter of seconds, "Anything at all."
"O-oh, thank you! I will definitely visit the next time I'm in the area." You're put off by the abrupt change in atmosphere. 
"Soon, da?" Uuuuh, you feel threatened.
"Da! Soon, very soon!" You begin walking, deciding now was the time to continue on your way. "It was nice meeting you!"
It was only after you turned away from his kind smile and wave that you realized you didn't get his name, nor did you give him yours. You shrug it off, deciding not to worry about it. He's always gonna be at the sushi place, isn't he? You could find him later, no problem. 
Just a couple more minutes, you promise yourself, as you walk past one last strip of storefronts. As you approach the window of a comic book store, you're startled when the door swings open. Two walking stacks of manga emerge in front of you.
Wait, not manga. Their faces are obscured, but you can identify a woman in a long black dress and a man in a blue hoodie. They each seem to have put too many eggs in one basket, teetering back and forth to handle the weight of towers of books. 
"You sure this is all of them, Erika? We had to search every aisle of this place!" the presumed male asks.
"Of course, Yumacchi! All 50 copies of Super Tragic High School Life. Can't believe they tried to hide them."
You feel faintly guilty for eavesdropping on their conversation, but they're walking just ahead of you as you all head in the same direction. As they continue their chatter--sounded like there was some sort of special edition hidden in this series of books and they were deadset on finding it--you notice that their loads are becoming gradually harder to carry, swaying and tilting. Suddenly, the boy moves too sharply, upsetting the balance and causing his stack to tumble over.
Only a few steps behind, you scurry ahead to his side, reaching up and pushing the stack back into place before the damage is done. 
"Woah, thanks! That was a close one." The boy's face is still obscured as the he expresses his gratitude.
"No problem, it'd be painful to see so many books in mint-condition be ruined-woah!" You push back another unsteady book with your fingertips, barely reacting in time to catch it. "You wouldn't need help carrying those by any chance, would you?"
Even with their faces covered, the pair turn to each other and seem to engage in some sort of silent communication. After a moment, they turn back to you.
You follow them through the streets of Ikebukuro, having lightened a third of each of their loads. It was a wonder how they were able to find their way around; even with you helping, the stacks still reached the top of their heads.
"Took you guys long enough! And what are you doing with all that crap?" 
The presence of a new voice startles you. It was laidback and reminded you of a teenager's, not too different from the youthfulness of your companions'. You must have reached your destination. As Erika(?) explains how hard their escapade was, you hear the sound of a trunk opening before your stack is suddenly taken out of your hands. It was the man (Yumacchi?), who placed it next to the other two stacks they had stored in the back of a van.
Without any books in the way, you see that the man is blonde. It's hard to place how old he really is, his face carrying a youthful gleam, but not completely absent of mischief. His eyes are slanted and there seems to be a mystery as to what color they really are. 
"Wha-? Woah!!" As he turned back to face you, his face seemed to light up in surprise.
Nevermind, they are a lovely shade of amber. In a flash, you are face-to-face with the energetic duo. The girl, you notice, wore a black cap over dark, braided hair. Her dark eyes shined with the same excitement as her partner's. They were both cuties, you did admit, but you were more occupied with the invasion of your personal space.
"You're a foreigner!" they exclaim in unison. WOW OKAY was it THAT big of a deal?
"Hey hey, Yumacch! Doesn't she totally give off Michiko vibes?"
"You're absolutely right, Erika! Definitely the same exotic, fashionable vibe..."
You're not sure how you feel about being called "exotic", nor do you have any idea who this "Michiko" character is. Unsure of how to respond to their aggressive advances, you smile bashfully. Their faces are suddenly pulled away from you, a pair of heavy hands yanking them back by the shoulders.
"Hey, knock it off! Quit scarin' people with your crazy talk." Another new voice joins the fray. Gravelly and masculine, and honestly making you feel some type of way.
Your savior is a taller, tan-skinned man. He's dressed unobtrusively, his dark green jacket and jeans doing very little to catch the eye. A beanie cuts off some of his face, but you can still make out intense, dark eyes and a stern expression. Erika immediately whines at him for being no fun. Your ears perk at the name "Dotachin" and you wonder if it's some sort of nickname. A small distance behind him is another man, possibly the owner of the teenager's voice. His brown hair is long in length and he dons a swanky vest on top of a button-up. You muster up a sort of appreciation for his rustic sense of style.
"Sorry about those two. Judging from their pestering, doesn't seem like you’re a friend of theirs." 
“Nope! Just a random stranger off of the streets,” you jest, and relish in his apparent amusement at the statement, “I’m (Y/N)! If it hasn’t been made clear, I am visiting from out-of-town. Just arrived in Ikebukuro tonight. You’re...Dotachin, right?”
You are proud of yourself for not bursting out into laughter at the way his face contorts in a matter of seconds. The others do not extend the same courtesy, snickering at his annoyance. You can’t help but notice the glare that he sends Erika.
“Uh...no. Please. Never call me that. Kyohei‘s fine.” His eye seems to twitch for a moment and you feel a little bad. A little. “The two idiots are Walker and Erika. Guy over there is Saburo.”
Ah, so Yumacchi was a nickname as well. The two offenders are currently flipping through the manga, obviously too impatient to hold off their search. Sparing a glance at the blonde, you ponder the Western nature of his name. Erika, seeming to have calmed down, addresses you with a smile.
“So, it’s your first night here, huh? You’ve gotta be crazy to be walking around by yourself,” Erika comments, oblivious to the offensive implication of her words. You shrug, not really blaming her.
“I mean, it’s a big city, so I understand some risks but surely nothing could be any worse than what we deal with back home!” You intend to laugh it off, but the others don’t seem to share the same sentiment.
“You got color gangs back home? Kidnappings down the street?” Saburo remarks from his place against the van.
“A vicious slasher?” Erika chimes in.
“Full-out brawls in the plaza? Oooo, how about a headless rider?” Walker.
Nothing strikes you more than pure bewilderment. Of course, there was a fair share of activity where you grew up, but you were admittedly sheltered from all of it. Seems like there was a lot more to this city than you had initially thought.
“You seem like the kind of person that avoids trouble.” You feel a strong, warm hand on your shoulder and realize that it’s Kyohei’s. He seems to pull it away upon eye contact and you miss it immediately. “As long as you’re smart, you can probably steer clear of all of that.”
You smile and thank him, inwardly relieved that you had found people to tell you all of this.
“Well, I guess I should head home in that case. Wouldn’t wanna run into anything!”
“Where are you staying?” Kyohei asks. You unlock your phone to pull up the location of your apartment. However, you curse at the realization that you had gone very far off-route. Erika and Kyohei peek over your shoulder and notice your dilemma.
“We’ll give you a ride back!” Erika wasn’t offering, but outward stating. Kyohei nodded in agreement and Saburo was already starting the van up again, seemingly unbothered by the task. Welp, no reason to refuse at this point. Not like you were eager to trek back on your own, either.
“Let’s go then, and get out of this damn cold.” Kyohei gestures to the corduroy jacket you had tucked under your arm, “Don’t understand how you can just walk around carrying that jacket like an accessory. How are you not freezing your ass off?”
Compared to the van gang(that’s what you're calling them now, you’ve decided) you’re definitely more scarcely covered in your tank top and sandals. The weather had no bearing on you though, and whatever excruciating cold Kyohei was talking about was just a pleasant chill to you. 
Walker and Erika squeeze into the back, reaching back from their seats to search through more copies of the manga. You squeeze in with them, right behind Saburo in the driver's seat. The two otakus are preoccupied, leaving you to engage in small talk with the men in the front.
Kyohei is polite, asking you simple questions about how your traveling went, if you had made any other friends (You hide your grin at the word "other"), and what had brought you to Ikebukuro. You appreciate the effort, answering accordingly and avoiding oversharing. Saburo and Kyohei chuckle at the mention of a really burly, dark-skinned Russian man who, despite his open demeanor, couldn't help but be intimidating.
"Sounds like Simon, alright," Saburo comments.
"No need to worry about him. Dude hates violence. If anything, you'll want him on your side," Kyohei explains.
You hum, fiddling with the folded flier in your pocket. "Is the sushi any good?"
A huff. Probably his attempt at stifling a laugh, whatever it was, you're kind of charmed by it. "It's...good for what you pay for it."
Not exactly the most promising answer, but you'll take it. Price isn't necessarily something you need to worry about, but it seems like the place holds sentimental value. You decide that you would visit, especially if this group seems to frequent the place.
You continue giving Kyohei your life story, explaining your passion for fashion and how you came to Ikebukuro to explore the bold, nuanced styles of the city. You notice Kyohei quirk a brow at this and he even glances back at you.
"'Nuanced', huh? Why not somewhere cozier, like France? That's, like, a capital, right?"
A simper overtakes your lips at his attempt at understanding the topic. "France is overrated. I wanted somewhere where the fashion wasn't necessarily for the sake of fashion, y'know? Like, Saburo didn't wake up this morning and say: 'I'm gonna wear this snazzy vest today, because that's what Sedgwick would have wanted.' He probably just wore it because it was the first thing he spotted in his closet--and that's candid, and that's valid." 
"And that's what makes Ikebukuro such a fashion hotspot!!"
Your rant doesn't stop there, but Kyohei respectfully listens. It's nothing he hasn't experienced with Erika and Walker's manga obsessions or Saburo's Ruri Hijiribe fixation. Still, there was something about your sense of wonder, the many things you seemed to be looking forward to--in Ikebukuro, of all places--that rubbed him the wrong way.
"You seem smart, you can probably steer clear of all that." Kyohei grimaces at Erika's embarrassing attempt at an imitation of his voice. 
"How macho of you, Kyohei! Sounds like something the wounded warrior hero says to the girl that he secretly harbors feelings for, but doesn’t reveal them to keep her safe!” Even in the small space, Walker still finds a way to gesture in excitement, definitely almost hitting Erika in the face.
“Right?? Dotachin saw a lovely young damsel in distress and knew he had to protect her!”
“Shut up, willya?” 
As they drove away from (Y/N)’s dropoff point, the new visitor was still a topic of conversation. Mainly, how “macho hero” Kyohei was towards her. Granted, it wasn't unusual behavior for the man, but the pair of Otakus would not just ignore his acts of chivalry, towards a young woman, no less.
“Hey, Saburo.”
The driver hums, joining Kyohei in blatantly ignoring the foolishness occurring in the seats behind them.
“I’ve heard a lot of things about Ikebukuro, but nothing about it being a fashion hotspot.”
“Yeah, me neither. Sounds like bullshit to me.”
Kyohei stares at the rapidly moving passerby, deep in thought. Whatever this girl was here for, she certainly did not come to the right place. The idea of people so naive walking straight into the ticking time bomb that is Ikebukuro troubled him, and that wasn’t just regarding (Y/N).
He heaved a sigh, dismissing the unnecessarily convoluted thoughts about someone he had just met. It would be fine, he decided. It was just another random citizen, one who didn’t seem like the type to get wrapped up in the sort of trouble that plagues the city.
What’s the worst a fashion student could get sucked into?
Besides being stylish, your platform sandals were also the perfect level of comfort for a long day of travel. Even when you were walking for such a long time through the plaza, not once were you complaining about your feet being sore or tired.
Yeah, walking was great! Running? Not so much.
That was the main thought spiraling through your head as you all but sprinted through different alleyways.
You thanked your new friends one last time before sliding out of the vehicle. After they drove off, you turned to look up at your apartment building. However, you immediately noticed something strange. 
The structure in front of you was not nearly tall enough to be any sort of apartment. You checked the GPS on your phone and realized that you had gotten off on the wrong side of the street. Looking closer, you could catch a glimpse of a much taller building, a small distance behind the building in front of you. You heave a sigh as you realize how long it would take to reach it.
As you walk down the sidewalk, you notice an opening between two of the buildings. It turns out to be an alleyway, most likely leading to the other side of the street. You turn without hesitation or second-thought, distracted by the c onvenience of the shortcut. 
You quickly realize that the alley isn't a straight shoot to the other side and have to turn in a different direction. In an attempt to return to your intended route you turn again. And again. and again. 
So it turns out it wasn't just one building standing between you and sweet, sweet relaxation, but actually 2 or 3. Frustration begins to build as you only seem to get more and more lost. 
"This is ridiculous, I should be in bed by now! Just how late is it?" You think to yourself, taking a quick break to check the time on your phone.
"Not very smart to be wandering this late at night, is it, young lady?"
It was a wonder how you were able to dodge the bat that was swung in your direction. After that lucky break, you immediately tumbled in another direction, desperate to avoid your assailant. However, as soon as you thought you could shake him off, another man appeared in pursuit of you as well.
"Dammit, she's fast!" You hear from behind you, and you realize that a third has joined the fray.
Your sandals aren't comfortable, no, but they don't deter your speed. The different walls and turns become a blur to you as you sprint past, desperately trying to find a way out of the apparent labyrinth you've walked into. 
As you round another corner, you collide with someone else; one of the men that were chasing you. He crumbles to the ground as you stagger backwards, nursing the sting of your forehead. Your back comes in contact with another, small body and a pair of weak arms wrap around you.
"H-Here! She's here!"
The third musketeer appears and your victim, a stout, unkempt man, sluggishly picks himself up from the ground. They are all terribly out of breath, and its pretty obvious that they're out of shape. A tall, lanky man with glasses approaches you, the bat in his hand indicates that he was the one who threw the first blow.
He's seething, infuriated by the chase, his teeth grinding and eyes on fire. He raises the bat and your breath is caught in your throat. The weapon remains suspended in the air, ready to deal damage. After a moment, he deflates, a sinister chuckle seeming to rise from the deepest parts of him.
"You've caused us a lot of trouble, you know that?" The bat falls to his side, he holds out his other hand to the chubby man beside him. You twitch, noticing the quivering frailness of the arms that were locking you in place. The boy holding you couldn't have been much older than you were, of college age.
"Unluckily for you, we're not gonna end it for you so easily." He's been handed a cloth. After watching his friend douse it in liquid from a bottle, you don't want it anywhere near you. "With where you're going? You're gonna wish you'd died here..."
It's so dark now, you can't imagine how late it's gotten. All you can see now are the glints in his glasses, and the cloth descending upon you.
The glints of glasses. The feeling of helplessness. Shrinking under the eyes of someone who has no sympathy for you. Whatever happened to you, it didn't matter to them.
The corner of your mouth twitches. It feels familiar.
That's funny.
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icestar-74 · 1 year
Shizaya Week 2023
Day 3 Body Swap
"This is literally the worst! Look at me! I look like I haven't seen the sun a day in my life. My hair is too soft and... is that concealer under my eyes!?" Shizuo shouted in the mirror at his face, Izaya's face. "How the fuck did this happen?!"
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"Don't be hateful. You should be thanking your lucky stars that you get to be in my beautiful body. Look at me! I've gone back SEVERAL stages in evolution!" Izaya shouted, in Shizuo's body.
Shizuo, in Izaya's body turned on him. "The fuck you say!?"
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"Actually..." Izaya, in Shizuo's body looked at his hands. "This might not be so bad. Think of what I can do with this strength."
"Oh hell no!" Shizuo growled.
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"How are you going to stop me? I have the upper hand now." Izaya grinned, in Shizuo's body. "I have your strength. With this, and my connections I'm unstoppable."
Shizuo, in Izaya's body, surged forward. "Oh I'll stop you. I'll choke your fucking neck till you pass out and then I'll figure out how to reverse this." He wrapped his hands around the neck of his own body. It felt very weird.
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Izaya only cackled. "So that's what this feels like! It tickles." He then grabbed Shizuo and lifted him up. "Alley oop!" He slammed him backwards in the tub.
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"Ahahahaha! I'm unstoppable!" Izaya cried out. "+The world is mine! All of my enemies will shake with fear. I have become a true God! I-"
Izaya was shouting and rambling about his future plans for world domination when a needle peirced his neck.
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"W-wah ungh..." Izaya fell to the floor. "Fuck..."
Shizuo looked up in the tub to see Celty. "Celty...?" The room began to spin with darkness around the edges of his vision.
"Sorry, Shinra told me he was trying some kind of body swap on you guys. I came here as fast as I could after he gave me the antidote. Thankfully I only have to hit one of you with it. Sorry for the sore neck." Celty held her phone up.
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"Shinra....bastard." Shizuo said before things went black and he woke up in the floor.
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Izaya, now back in his own body groaned and crawled from the tub. "What happened?"
Celty showed him a new explanation on her phone.
Shizuo, in his own body again rolled over and looked at her from the floor. "Hey Celty, tell Shinra next time he wants to experiment, I'll experiment with my foot in his ass."
"Agreed." Izaya groaned.
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tickles-tea · 8 months
Would you ever pay a voice actor to do a special message with your fav characters voice?
god, yeah, absolutely
Kamiya Hiroshi I am looking directly at you 👀
I don’t think it’d be a special message for me, necessarily but probably a line I’d like Izaya to say ^^ Fun fact that probably no one cares about but a long time ago cries the drrr voice cast did a live event where each va submitted lines that they’d like to hear other characters say and Ono Daisuke (Shizuo’s va) requested a line to be read by Izaya 🥰
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
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oh of course izaya is an oscar wilde fan. he would definitely use this as his bio for his private discord/twitter account
pulls out the importance of being earnest and the picture of dorian gray. time to analyze these from the psychological/literary perspective of izaya lets go baby (he has his own category)
edit check tags and rbs for some actual analysis stuff lmAOo
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Izaya's dad coming to Ikebukuro would've made for such an interesting episode.
Shirou Orihara from what he know about him is the most generic man to ever exist. Imagine seeing a simple businessman just wandering about craziness that is Ikebukuro.
He'd stick out like a sore thumb already and than add on he's Izaya's dad.
It would be something if his reappearance managed to rattle Izaya.
Izaya wears a perfect mask, he is the most feared man in Ikebukuro and the guy everyone knows not to go near.
But does anyway.
He has the most off the wall schemes and calculations. He makes it sound like he knows everything and you believe he does.
His dad showing up out of the blue, something he could never have predicted because his dad's been gone for years.
Would piss him off.
Terrifying image, because while we've seen Izaya get annoyed we rarely see him genuinely get angry.
I'd imagine he can reel it in, put up his usual bullshit but in a way that everyone can see that something is off.
Even Shizuo pauses for a moment like what's up with him?
Izaya's antagonistic, he pokes the metaphorical and literal bear with a stick just to see what happens.
He plays mind games and has fun causing problems, but this isn't like that. And not even he can find enjoyment out it.
Which annoys him even more.
It isn't just him who's effected either, Mairu and Kururi are also in the equation.
They know less about their dad than Izaya does, and Izaya doesn't know much at all.
Also something that pisses him off, given how much he prides himself on knowing more than everyone else.
He is the best at his job afterall.
I think they'd be curious but ultimately want him away from them.
They're free spirits who love to do as they please, having someone show up and tell them what to do, ain't gonna sit well with them.
Also he definitely doesn't approve of how close they are,
I think they'd be interested in him showing up but they'd not know how to deal with it.
There's also the fact Shirou knows nothing about them.
He knows nothing about his kids, he thinks Izaya is a financial planner.
Hell he thinks Izaya's hasn't gotten into a fight since high-school.
Which, even the most casual of Durarara fan can tell you is bullshit.
This man probably doesn't even know who Shizuo is.
Imagine all 3 Orihara siblings making a truce and scheming on how to get their dad to leave.
With the usual bullshit going on in this city.
While everyone else is immediately sus of their dad, because he may seem normal he's still Izaya's dad.
And he also refers to humans like his son does, albeit less insane.
It's just a rough time for everyone.
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gearchronicle · 4 months
izashin is a hysterical ship for many reasons but first and foremost imagine you're celty and you get cucked not by another dullahan not even by another woman but by izaya orihara
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plegg-culture-is · 9 months
Fannish plegg carton culture, specifically protogenic-endogenic plegg culture that later finds itself to be full of permanent resident soulbonds is —
In very very early childhood:
*Projections literally playing H.O.R.S.E or whatever that basketball game is. Of course the main fronter never played, because they are too short.*
"Huh!! Well I mean those barbecue sauce was spicy before but it's 0.05 seconds later and I feel completely different as a person and also this barbecue sauce is no longer spicy. Oh well. The teacher called me a liar over barbecue sauce so I'm gonna be a shithead to them and have a meltdown"
In middle school:
"What would Gohan do if he was in this world???"
"What would Jayfeather do if he were in this world??"
*Has full-ass slow changing "see through my eyes" quasi-ceremonies based solely on vibes since we didn't have innerworld completely built yet*
*Chasing each other in hallways and all people saw was a small autistic child running for no reason lol*
"Why the fuck can I never feel my face when something horrible happens to us me? Also I relate too much to Silver from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver"
In high school:
"Yep just Gon and Killua from Hunter×Hunter chillin' over there. Nobody can see 'em and these feel pretty distinct from hallucinations considering I can't literally see them. Eh. Maybe just imagination."
*Checking out a pro-endogenic blog in 2015* "Yup I am just a curious singlet"
*Still chasing ourselves through hallways just less or more hidden because people are stupid.* Why the fuck am I so angry all of the time. Why the fuck do I feel like there should be more to all of this.
"Hhhh Illumi Zoldyck from Hunter×Hunter patting my head is completely normal. So is pretending I am Ethan from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver I'M NOT PRETENDING ThOUGH??? I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS all I know is I am definitely Ethan, , not Ethan? And Illumi Zoldyck is petting my head and we are working at a McDonald's right now. What the fuck is happening" *Proceeds to ignore this and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
"My vitriol for Hisoka Morrow of Hunter×Hunter has three sides to it. I hate him and his canon. I have no clue how to explain the other two sides to this and I cannot stand my friend obsessing over this character" *Proceeds to also ignore this one too, and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
In university:
"Hey 30 year old Gladion idk if you're actually a figment of my imagination anymore but yeah sure your sister Lily and her daughter Mei can chill in here in this brain for awhile. Does this mean I'm genderfluid lol?" (Narrator: this is, in fact, NOT what genderfluidity is supposed to feel like.)
"Oh well I guess Itonai from Assassination Classroom is just decided to sleep in the bed tonight. Get the fuck off of my bed ya lazy bum. Noooo it's just wei — get back in our head you freak (//lovingly, platonic)"
*Just feeling fucking uncomfortable around sysmedicalists but especially the sysmedicalists who were anti-endogenic as well (yes there are pro-endogenic sysmeds!! Uhm but definitely not plural, nope)*
"I am now talking to these projections while brushing my teeth. Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer has literally crash-landed into our brain along with Emilia Justina. Wtf?"
*Discovers the word endogenic yet again and gets the weird euphoria again*
*Maybe our late second year at university, at fucking 11PM, after anime club finishes — Kusuo Saki just fucking chilling on top of the table via projection* "Heeey so remember that one time in high school where you had weird daydreams about that pink-haired psychic boy and the blonde with drills? Welp, Mami Tomoe picked me up on the way here —" *Queue freakout of the main fronter at this point*
SO ANYWAYS that is. Uh. Some Stuff(tm) yaaay, anyways the good thing about this is we don't think our queer shit would ever, ever be as fucking weird as our plurality shit in the context of the societal context and chronological context we, Rusanya, live in, so figuring out we're aceplex (since we found the plurality first and asexuality is more of a veil) was mostly just an "AHA okay then lol" and we just kind of slap every label on the planet onto us that we like that we think applies, both on an individual and collective level. :D
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creepercraftguy · 1 year
OMORI - Voice Actor Headcanons.
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While I haven’t exactly finished this game yet, I am close enough to the end and have met basically all the characters, so I think it’s time I got around to doing my good ol’ series of VA headcanons for a game that either doesn’t have one, or doesn’t have an English Dub.
This time we’re doing Omori, a game I started playing at the beginning of this year and have fallen in love with very very quickly. I’ve been through a very painful time of my life recently and this game helped me work through it letting me know that it doesn’t matter how I grieve, just that any way I can is correct. 
And the way the characters work together in the game is also incredible, and I was eagerly awaiting to get to the point that I’m at so I could do a VA headcanons section for this. So before we get started, let me once again go two things.
This is NOT CANON. These are HEADCANONS and are unofficial. It’s just a hypothetical situation. If the characters were voiced, this is who I imagine would voice them.
Every major character in the games is included here, so there are HEAVY SPOILERS for the game’s main storylines. DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME OR DON’T WANT TO BE SPOILED.
Without further ado, let’s get into this.
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Omori/Sunny - MILES LUNA
Also Voiced:
Jeane Arc (RWBY)
Migas Garza (gen:LOCK)
David (Camp Camp)
Cliffjumper (Transformers: War for Cybertron)
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Also Voiced:
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Izaya Orihara (Durarara)
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Also Voiced:
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Tinker Bell (Tinker Bell series)
Yuffie Kisaragi (Kingdom Hearts)
Batgirl (DC Super Hero Girls)
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Also Voiced:
Son Gohan (Dragon Ball)
Fatgum (My Hero Academia)
Kaito Momota (Danganronpa V3)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
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Also Voiced:
Izuku Midoriya/Deku (My Hero Academia)
Ryota Mitarai (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy)
Clanne (Fire Emblem Engage)
Alfonso San Valiante (Garo)
Mikaela Hyakuya (Seraph of the End)
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Also Voiced:
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Magnolia Arch (Bravely Second: End Layer)
Yoshino Haruzawa (Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill HD Collection)
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Also Voiced: 
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Celica (Fire Emblem)
Milady (Soul Hackers 2)
Cheelai (Dragon Ball)
Jessie (Final Fantasy 7 Remake)
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Also Voiced:
Beat (The World Ends With You)
Jet (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sagi (Baten Kaitos Original)
Robin/Dick Grayson (Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
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Also Voiced:
Tartaglia/Childe (Genshin Impact)
Cyril (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Kaito Kid (Detective Conan)
Doppio (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind)
Muichiro Tokito (Demon Slayer)
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Mikal/Mikhael/The Maverick - ARIN HANSON
Also Voiced:
Snaggleback (The Owl House)
X (Omega Strikers)
Scott (Monster Prom)
Gateux (Mighty Magiswords)
Mancubus Bloodtooth (Borderlands 3)
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Also Voiced:
Layla (Genshin Impact)
Minato Shishiuchi (PuraOre! Pride of Orange)
Amy (Project “Gemini”)
Juliet (The Nutty Boy)
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Captain Spaceboy - YURI LOWENTHAL
Also Voiced: 
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
Suzaku Kururugi (Code Geass)
Marth (Fire Emblem)
Peter Parker/Spider-Man (multiple)
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Pluto - PATRICK SEITZ (who else?)
Also Voiced:
Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Franky (One Piece)
Endeavour (My Hero Academia)
Ragna the Bloodegdge (Blazblue series)
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Also Voiced:
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Stealth Elf (Skylanders)
Sabrina Spellman (Sabrina: The Teenage Witch)
Camille Leon (Kim Possible)
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Also Voiced:
Kage (Ousama Ranking)
Tesso (Lost Judgement)
Vaseraga (Granblue Fantasy Versus)
Mustard (Pokemon: Twilight Wings)
Holst Sigeswald Goneril (Fire Emblem: Three Hopes)
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Hungry Humphrey - IAN SINCLAIR
Also Voiced:
Brook (One Piece)
Whis (Dragon Ball)
Dandy (Space Dandy)
Yomotsu Hirasaka (Future Diary)
Mezo Shoji/Tentacole (My Hero Academia)
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Also Voiced:
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa 2)
Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Yamada (New Game!)
Elizabetta X (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun)
Eru Aharen (Aharen is Indecipherable)
Also Voiced: 
Yachiru Kusajishi (Bleach)
Diona (Genshin Impact)
Ara (Elsword)
Ayame Oguni (Rurouni Kenshin)
Carbine (Biker Mice from Mars)
Also Voiced:
Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
Marianne Von Edmund (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Ui Hirasawa (K-On)
Hanayo Koizumi (Love Live)
Kanon Tachibana (NEO: The World Ends With You)
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Also Voiced:
Flame Princess (Adventure Time)
Lynn Loud/Lucy Loud (The Loud House)
Giffany (Gravity Falls)
Turner (Craig of the Creek)
Yukika Saegusa (Fate/Stay Night)
Also Voiced: 
Mirio Togata/Lemillion (My Hero Academia)
Daryun (The Heroic Legend of Arslan)
Kyosuke Munakata (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy)
Leon Luis (Garo)
Fu (Dragon Ball)
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we shizaya enjoyers typically talk of izaya harboring secret feelings for shizuo, but what about the other way round??
like. itd definetley be different than izaya's manifestatiom of it, but imagine!! shizuo having a complicated mix of feelings for izaya because, yeah, he's smart, cute, charming, impressively dexterous, can be funny when he's not being an asshole, and isn't scared of him...
but god, why does izaya have to be like that?! why does he have to be so... himself about it?? WHY does izaya have to constantly make shizuo's life hell? why is he so INFURIATING?? why does he feel the need to curse shizuo with the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, if izaya wasn't so... IZAYA... shizuo might've found his perfect match??
it keeps shizuo up at night, the thought of a reality where izaya could be trusted to not use his feelings against him at the first oppurtunity. of a reality where it could work, where izaya was... different.
and then he feels guilty because what kind of person loves someone but seeks to change what makes them them?
but god, shizuo feels a flutter in his chest whenever he fights with izaya, whenever izaya gives him that damn smirk or says something that would've been funny if shizuo wasn't so damn mad about the whole situation.
and it's easier to identify that flutter as hate.
because anger is easy, and loving izaya orihara is not.
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fantastic-rambles · 1 year
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Fandom: Durarara!!
Characters: Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima
Warnings: Explicit, Phone Sex, Masturbation, Canon-Typical Violence and Insults, Blackmail
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: When Shizuo and Izaya swap bodies, they're both convinced that the other has somehow caused it. And to keep the other one out of their business, they find other ways to keep each other occupied. [Written for Shizaya Week 2023 | Day 3: Hands/Body Swap AU/(YMMV: monster, but affectionate) @shizayasweek]
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He’s surprisingly comfortable when he wakes up.
It’s not his room. It’s too big, too bright… too sterile. White walls, gleaming chrome, clear glass, and a bed big enough to drown in. With the sun shining in, it’s nearly blinding.
He doesn’t remember how he got here, either. A kidnapping? He doesn’t know how that’s possible, though: he’s got a high resistance to drugs, and not only because it’s hard for a needle to even get into his skin. Hell, half the time Shinra does a checkup on him, his friend gives up on his arm and decides to jab him under the tongue for the blood draws. That, combined with the fact that Shizuo is more durable than most people, is the reason he tries to avoid visiting Shinra for health problems unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Besides, what sort of kidnappers would stick him in a room with floor-to-ceiling windows? It doesn’t matter where he is: he just has to smash them, and then he can leave. As comfortable as the bed is, he can’t stay in it forever, so he rolls out of it with a groan to start to investigate his surroundings. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a flash of black hair, and he reacts on instinct, turning toward it while pulling his arm back for a punch.
“I-za-yaaaa!” he snarls, the pieces starting to fall into place. Familiar, slitted red eyes glare back at him, the flea surprisingly making no move to dodge, but instead acting as though he’s going to hit Shizuo back, and Shizuo’s fist makes solid contact with a pale cheek.
And Izaya’s image fractures, a spiderweb of cracks spreading out from where Shizuo punched him. But more than that, his hand hurts, and he stares down at it in bewilderment.
His hand isn’t his hand, either. It’s pale and thin, looking like little more than a bit of flesh and skin over bone. It’s not his hand, but he does recognize it, even with the reddening knuckles. If nothing else, the silver rings give it away—the hell, does Izaya sleep with them on?—and as he flexes his fingers, these ones move, pressing against a small palm before unfolding again.
This can’t be possible. Absolutely not.
But as he looks up into the glass again, wide red eyes stare back at him from the mirror. They look startled, and it’s an expression that’s entirely foreign on the sneaky parasite’s face. Carefully, he reaches up to touch his cheek, watching the slim hand press against his skin as he feels the warmth and pressure of a gentle finger.
Why this? Why him? Of all the fucked-up things Izaya has done, this has to be the worst of them. Because there’s no doubt in Shizuo’s mind that this is somehow the flea’s fault, like everything else that happens around here. He has no idea how he could have possibly pulled this off, but it’s not like he can imagine half of the bullshit that Izaya manages to do.
If he’s somehow in Izaya’s body… does that mean that Izaya is in his?
It’s an unsettling thought, interrupted by a ringtone. Whirling around, he finds half a dozen cellphones scattered on the little table next to the bed, and it takes another moment to find the one that’s ringing. The caller ID just says “Shizu-chan,” and he snatches it up, answering with a snarl that doesn’t sound half as intimidating as it would in his usual voice.
“Don’t you ‘tch’ me! What the fuck have you done? Give me my body back!”
“Give you your body back? Why don’t you give me back mine first? What is this, something that you and Celty dreamed up? I have more important things to do than play along with your silly games.”
Huh. Izaya sounds a lot different when he’s complaining in Shizuo’s voice. Is this how Shizuo sounds normally? He’s not scared of the louse by any stretch of the imagination, but there’s something about the growl in his voice that makes him understand how others can be scared of him, especially when he's pissed off.
It also makes Izaya far less convincing than usual. As it is, Shizuo doesn't trust him anywhere near as far as he can throw him, but Izaya's glib tongue and inability to shut up have tricked plenty of other people. With him like this, though, it just makes Shizuo want to laugh.
"Like this doesn't have 'you' written all over it. C'mon, Izaya, just admit that I saw through you this time."
"Why the hell would I want to live in some cramped, dingy little apartment? My closet is bigger than this place."
That's probably true, if this is Izaya's place. And it would be a reasonable argument… if it wasn't Izaya making it. After all, nobody understood how he thought or why he did the things he did. Sometimes Shizuo thinks that even the louse doesn't know, himself.
"Or I can take more drastic measures until you undo this."
Drastic measures? What the fuck is he talking about now?
But before Shizuo can even ask, the phone dings again, and he checks the screen, finding a notification for a text. Morbid curiosity draws him to open it, only to nearly drop the phone when he finds an image of himself, naked, with one hand holding his phone to take the picture and the other wrapped around his cock. As it is, he fumbles the phone, and when he checks the screen again, it looks like he's dropped the call.
Instantly, he hits the redial button, listening to it try to connect.
"Answer… answer, damn you," he mutters under his breath, but just as it's about to go to voicemail, there's a click.
"Do I have your attention now? Or should I send that to your contacts? 'Boss, Celty, Flea’—I’m going to change that one, by the way—‘Kasuka, Shinra, Tom-san, Vorona…' You don’t have very many of them, do you? I suppose I could always post it to the DOLLARS message board afterwards…"
No. Anything but that. Especially not Kasuka… his brother is fairly easygoing, and Shizuo doesn't think he'll ever say anything about it even if Izaya does send the photo to him. But he's already a failure of an older brother, making Kasuka worry about him. It feels like the only thing he can do for his brother is stay out of his way, so to send something like that… even if Kasuka isn’t embarrassed by him, Shizuo would still feel humiliated.
"Don't. Please, Izaya. I'm really not behind this. I don't know what happened. I can't fix it. But I’ll do whatever else I can," he babbles, trying to figure out what to say to stop the other man. If he was in front of him, Shizuo wouldn't hesitate to tear his phone away, and fuck whatever happened to Izaya, but he's not, and all of his usual, violent solutions to his problems can't be applied here.
"Don't grovel with my voice. That's disgusting."
Instantly, Shizuo shuts up, his heart racing in his chest as he listens to the silence on the other end of the line. Izaya isn't sending the photo out, is he? He has to realize how important this is to Shizuo, how he can use it to force him to do whatever he wants… but it would also be just like Izaya to do it anyways, just because it is important. Still, the silence drags on, and Shizuo takes a slow, shaky breath.
He’s answered by a sigh.
“Well, I suppose it’s a unique opportunity. Far be it for me to waste it.”
There’s the familiar creak of his bed in the background, and he hears Izaya sigh again. Longer, this time, echoed by another creak in Shizuo’s—Izaya’s?—hand as he grips the phone tightly, the plastic protesting its treatment. Maybe it’s a good thing that he’s not himself, or it might have turned to dust… but then again, if they weren’t in this situation, it wouldn’t be a problem in the first place.
“Izaya? What are you doing?”
“Mmmm… having fun.”
Because that’s fucking reassuring. There’s more rustling and creaking sounds, and then Izaya groans low in his throat, the sound making Shizuo’s own throat tighten. He couldn’t… there’s no way…
“Join me,” Izaya growls.
“Join… you?” Shizuo stammers, desperately trying to convince himself that the faint thwapping noise isn’t what he thinks it is. It’s better than Izaya sending the picture to Kasuka, but not by much.
“Mm-hmm. Go ahead. Play with my body. Figure out what feels good. Maybe it’ll help you—ah!—improve your technique in bed.”
Shizuo stares down at his slender, pale body. It looks so different from what he’s used to when he’s seeing it through Izaya’s eyes. Less fragile, the skin nearly unmarked even though they often spend an afternoon literally bouncing off the walls of the city. He doesn’t see the need to “improve his technique in bed,” but he has to admit that if the flea is occupied with this, it’ll at least keep him from getting into more trouble when he’s in Shizuo’s body, so it’s probably better to play along.
“What are you doing?”
Izaya’s voice in his ear startles him back to reality, and Shizuo clears his throat as he sits down on the edge of the bed, hesitantly wrapping his hand around Izaya’s cock. It twitches, and he nearly drops it, too, before he coughs again, his cheeks burning.
“I’m… uh… touching you. Your… um… you know.”
There’s a rough laugh on the other end of the line that ends in a small gasp.
“You’re still such a child, Shizu-chan. You can’t expect me to believe that you’ve never masturbated before.”
He has, but fuck if he's going to admit it to the louse. Taking a deep breath, he spits into his hand before grabbing Izaya's cock again, more firmly, and starts to jerk off the way he usually does, quick and rough.
It's not the same as usual, though. Izaya's fingers are smaller, unable to cover up quite as much, and his silver rings make things feel pretty different, too. They're cold and hard… but that's actually kinda nice. Shizuo rolls his hips a little, letting them rub against the underside of his hardening cock, and groans himself, hearing Izaya's shitty laugh on the other side of the line.
"See? It's good, right?" he purrs. "And you're so tight, Shizu-chan. Are you still a virgin? I can help you out next time: it might be fun fucking a monster."
"Oi! What are you—"
"Feeling good," Izaya laughs with a small hitch in his voice. "Imagine it, won't you? That cock you're holding, shoving deep into your body. Pounding you into the sheets, like you always do to me. You've never been curious?"
Hell no. Just the thought makes Shizuo tense up, even though he feels a small twinge of guilt. Maybe it's not fair that he's always the one fucking Izaya. Does the flea want to fuck someone, too? But if so, he has to have plenty of other fuckbuddies that would be happy to let him do that, right? Even in high school, he was always surrounded by girls, and some other creeps, too. That doesn't seem to have changed, even now. So it's not like he needs Shizuo or anything.
"Thinking again? You should stop. You're no good at that."
"Shut up!"
He knows that. He's never been smart. The only thing he's ever had is this ridiculous strength, and even then, he usually ended up hurting the people he most wanted to protect.
But at least he’s still better than Izaya, who could do good things if he wasn’t so determined to do bad ones. He’s smart, persuasive, and understands people. That’s what pisses Shizuo off the most about the flea, beneath his instinctive dislike of him: that he tries so hard to be good, but Izaya, who absolutely could be good, isn’t. Of course, he can’t control anyone else’s life or tell them how to live—the deadbeats he has to deal with every day are proof of that—but it’s frustrating.
Izaya’s cry derails his train of thought, and his toes curl slightly. Whatever the louse is doing to his body, it does sound like he's "feeling good," so Shizuo forces himself back on track, his own breath catching as the pleasure builds. His fingers twist around the tip of his cock, and he shivers as cool metal rubs against sensitive, burning skin.
“What… what are you doing… Shizu-chan?” the louse pants, and Shizuo wonders if he ever stops talking. Even when they’re having sex, Izaya always has to be saying something. And more than half the time, it’s stupid shit like “You know, the last time I saw Shinra, he had new glasses. Did you break his old ones?” The only time he does shut up is when Shizuo shoves his face into a pillow, but he’s pretty sure that the flea is still talking: he just can’t hear him.
“Jerking off, right? Like you told me to.”
“But how are you doing it? Do you… ah!… like the way my fingers feel? I like to squeeze them… as I move up my shaft. The part right under the… the… tip… is really sensitive.”
How the fuck is someone supposed to concentrate like this? Still, Shizuo’s hand follows Izaya’s instructions, and it does feel good.
“And when you’re… going down… let my thumbnail… scrape the underside.”
Shizuo’s hips thrust into his fingers when he obeys, and he’s panting into the phone, too, as he starts fucking his fist, tightening his grip while he ruts against warming metal and soft flesh.
“That’s right, Shizu-chan. Just let go. Fuck me… like the monster you are," Izaya purrs, and even though his words make Shizuo snarl, he can't stop himself anymore. Not when Izaya's hand feels so good, and when he can hear the louse's voice breaking. As the pleasure begins to overwhelm him, he cries out too, coming in long, sticky streams before collapsing back down onto the bed. The sound of harsh breathing comes from the phone beside him as he struggles to catch his own breath. Then, finally, Izaya speaks up again.
"Don't you dare go anywhere. I'm on my way over."
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herculean (drrr x f!reader)
Chapter 8 - Love and Care
synopsis: slasher attacks are occurring more and more around ikebukuro, and when anri gets caught in the crosshairs, you commit yourself to keeping your friends safe. that is, until its not just your friends that need protecting.
word count: 3,554
warnings: canon-typical violence, saika stuff, knives etc.
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"and i pour my heart a new foundation but it don't set hard, it just stays shaking and i scratch my name, i scratch my name in but it don't set hard, it gets mixed back in,,
o my heart - mother mother
Anri was never very quick to answer your texts. You didn't hold it against her, assuming that she was just the type of person that didn't check her phone very often. Right now, though, you wished she had checked it all the time, took less than a minute to respond. As your vision of the phone screen blurs, you realize that your hands are trembling. For the love of god, please answer, Anri!!
Kanra: Did you guys hear? Rumor has it, some first years at Raira were attacked by the slasher!
You and Setton both left hastily before Kanra could explain more. The pounding of your heart could practically be heard in your ears as you quickly texted your younger friend. Was she okay?? Were the boys okay?? The girl had yet to get back to you and every minute that passed was excruciating. After a while, you decided that calling could be better. Pressing the phone to your ear, you chewed your lip anxiously. It rang...and rang.... and rang.... and rang...
"Hello?" You could cry.
"Anri!! I'm so glad that you're okay!! I just heard about the slashing that happened and I got so worried about you and the boys! None of you were involved, were you? No one got hurt?"
There's a brief silence and your heart drops. "...Masaomi and Mikado are fine, they had nothing to do with it. I'm fine too, I promise...but I was there during the attack."
"What!? Where are you right now??" You try to keep your voice level to avoid stressing her out further, but it takes a lot of effort.
"I'm at the police station. Mikado and Masaomi are about to walk me home."
That was good, there was someone there to comfort her. You sigh, happy to have at least slightly calmed your nerves. "Okay, well I'd hate to get you worked up after all of that. Hope you get home alright, and sleep well!" You wish you could see her right now. Hopefully, surrounded by her friends, she could smile and find it in herself to recover. "Oh, and Anri?"
"Wait for me the next time school let's out, okay? I'm going to walk you home."
"E-Excuse me, miss!!"
A tall, disheveled man with kind eyes stands before you. He's almost apologetic, as if he had to muster up the courage to approach you. "Yes, can I help you?" You were currently out running errands. Part of the independent life also came with the maintenance of your entire apartment. A lightbulb needed to be replaced, you needed a new filter for your air conditioning, and you accidentally broke one of the vases holding your favorite houseplant. Amidst all the chaos, the domestic task was definitely therapeutic. However, you guess that a day can't go by where something interesting doesn't happen. "Would you happen to be (Y/N) Brigall?"
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers. Who was this man--a stalker? Was he here to hurt you? You were in broad daylight, surrounded by people. Surely no one would be foolish enough to try such a thing! "I-I'm sorry... have we met? How do you know me?" you ask, carefully inching away from the man. He seems to panic at this, holding up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "Please don't be alarmed! It was a guess, I was searching for a young, fashionably-dressed foreign woman." He reads this from a notepad he had pulled from the pocket of his trench coat. "Embarrassingly enough, it did take me a couple of tries to find you, but I'm so glad I did!"
To your relief, he explains that he is Shuuji Niekawa, a reporter for a tabloid called Tokyo Warrior. So he was in journalism, how exciting!! He gains more confidence from your positive response. It was most certainly the kindest response he had gotten to that introduction. Maybe he should have turned to more women after-all. "I'm working on a new column and I am on the hunt for the strongest guy-- er, person in Ikebukuro and I was wondering if you'd be open to helping me out?" You light up at the idea of being in a magazine. Granted, Tokyo Disaster may be different from all of the fashion tabloids you read, but it was something!
"Hm, who do I think is the strongest person in Ikebukuro? Well, I'm sure you've heard over and over about Shizuo Heiwajima, but I know this one guy, he's super underrated! His name is Ky--!"
"Oh, no! Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear enough." He stops you. You quirk an eyebrow at him in confusion. How else were you supposed to help? "I wanted to hear from you as a candidate! As the woman who won in a fight with the Shizuo Heiwajima!" What?? Sorry, what did you do?? You don't realize that you've burst into laughter, garnering the attention of many passerby. Regaining your composure, you apologize to the man.
"Sorry--Mr. Niekawa? It seems that we've been caught up in a bit of a misunderstanding."
"What? No, it can't be! I have several eyewitness accounts of you taking a direct hit from Shizuo Heiwajima and coming out victorious!"
"See, that's not true-- I had to see a doctor afterwards! I didn't even land a hit on the guy, how does that count as winning a fight?" The man's face drops, his kind eyes now pleading. It breaks your heart,  how desperate he seems.
"W-well, if these people seemed to think so, then anyone reading the column would think so! Not everything in every column is completely true. Please, give me something."
"I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable lying to so many people. I wish you the best with finishing your column!" You speed away from him, avoiding his disappointed gaze. That poor guy, he must really need this column to work out. You had meant it, hopefully he gets the best interview in the world and the column becomes world famous.
Now, you had a houseplant to find!
The guilt of snubbing that guy from earlier was still getting to you. Maybe if you could help him in another way, you'd feel better!
Sora:  Have you guys heard of this tabloid called Tokyo Warrior ? Taro Tanaka: That action magazine? Are you into that kind of thing, Sora? Setton: I think I've heard of what you're talking about, Sora. Sora: I haven't exactly read it before, but I've heard there's a new column coming out! Sora: "The Strongest Man in Ikebukuro."  Sounds cool, doesn't it? I'll definitely be giving it a look when it comes out! Kanra: I dunno if you'll ever get to, Sora. Sora: What? What do you mean? Kanra: Haven't you guys heard? The Slasher took its next victim! Kanra: Shuuji Niekawa--a reporter for that magazine. Kanra: Wasn't he the one writing that column??
It feels as though your heart is in your throat. The feeling that overcomes you is hard to describe, but nausea wouldn't be far off. Your fingers are frozen, unable to type any of the questions swirling around in your head. Luckily, Setton expresses your exact thoughts.
Setton: Is he okay!? Taro Tanaka: Setton, do you know him? Setton: No... Setton: Now that I've heard his name, I remember that I really like his articles. Taro Tanaka: Really scary, though. Taro Tanaka: Sora, are you okay? Sounds like you were a fan.
You wish you could meet Taro. He seemed like such a cool guy, always looking out for others. Setton was the same. Kanra was... a character. If you all planned to meet one day, you guess she'd have to be invited too...
Sora: Yes, no worries!! I just hope that, whoever is behind this, they get caught soon. Setton: Yeah, I hope the cops catch him.
Saika has entered the chat.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Not this person again. She(?) had joined the chat before, but all she did was spam a bunch of creepy jargon--stuff about 'loving' and 'cutting'. It was very unsettling. You thought that Kanra had blocked her or something.
Kanra: SHE'S BACK!!!! џ(ºДºџ) Saika: Cut. Today. Kanra: I'm the one that wants to cut YOU. Saika: But not yet. Someone strong. Setton: Saika, how are you? Kanra: No point talking to it, it won't respond! Saika: Sure that I have to cut. Taro Tanaka: This is creepy. Sora: I might have nightmares about this... Taro Tanaka: Yeah, with all this cutting talk, maybe SHE'S the Slasher! Kanra: Not a chance! Saika: Someone strong. Saika: Need to love them. It is my goal. Saika: Yes, my goal to love.
God, what sort of messed up person was behind this? Perhaps it was a bot or some sort of virus. Honestly, nothing real would talk so openly about stuff so ridiculous. It was some sort of comfort to know it was all probably some silly prank. You're pulled from your thoughts by Saika's continued rambling. The appearance of a certain name makes your heart stop.
Saika: Shizuo. Setton: Huh? Sora: What!? Saika: Shizuo Heiwajima. Taro Tanaka: Saika, are you a friend of Shizuo Heiwajima? Saika: Heiwajima. Saika: Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima.Heiwajima. Saika: Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo.
Your blood runs cold at the sight of your friend's name over and over. Just by looking at the text, you could see that Saika was in a frenzy, rabid over the idea of Shizuo. Something like that--it couldn't be a bot. It couldn't get any worse.
Saika:  But i need more. More strength. Saika: Someone strong. Someone Stronger Saika: (Y/N). Setton: WHAT!? Taro Tanaka: How do you know (Y/N)??? Saika: (Y/N) Brigall. Saika: Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Brigall Saika: (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N). Saika: Love Shizuo. Cut (Y/N). Saika: Mother's wish. Love. Brigall. Cut. Heiwajima. Heiwajima. Saika: Shizuo. Mother's wish. (Y/N) and I. Shizuo and (Y/N). Love Love Love.
You left the chat, not bothering to say goodbye. A cold sweat overtook your body, drenching you in a matter of seconds. Why...? What had you done? Shizuo had most likely garnered all sorts of enemies, what with his profession, but you...? You had never spited anyone, you thought. Who would want to cut you... to target you like this??
That night, you slept with the covers over your head. You put on a funny podcast to fall asleep to in hopes of warding off any nightmares. The last thing you needed was another scare to psyche you out. After all, you need to walk your friends home from school tomorrow.
Many would find Masaomi's excessive energy to be annoying, but today, you were especially thankful for the distraction. However, not even that could distract you from how strange Anri was acting. While the girl was always quiet, there was an odd look in her eyes--she was definitely preoccupied. As Masaomi gladly filled the silence, you locked eyes with Mikado. Seemed that he noticed as well. Once the four of you reached a point where it was time to go separate ways, you decided to go with Anri.
"W-wait!" Mikado exclaims just as the two of you prepare to leave, "Maybe I should go with you!" You laugh, assuming that he's worried about Anri. However, you notice his gaze flitting between the both of you, occasionally lingering in your direction. Confused by his attention on you, you smile at him in reassurance.
"Don't be ridiculous. All that walking back and forth would be such a hassle, and it's late! Anri's house is on the way to mine, so this is just easiest. You two should definitely be safe, though." You're already taking Anri's hand and leading her away before the boy can protest anymore. Afterall, it had been a long week for the girl and she needed her rest.
Once the two of you were at a safe distance you released the girl's hand, walking at a relaxed pace beside her. "You've been quiet, Anri. I mean--you're always quiet, but I can tell something's up. Something on your mind?" Her face flushes lightly at your question. "Oh...sorry to worry you. It's nothing, I promise." It's obviously not nothing. You don't want to pry though, so you let it go. It had been a while since you had walked to Anri's place, so you let her take the lead. However, the walk goes on for way longer than you expected--maybe the walk home from the school was just longer? You don't remember having to pass a police station, though.
"Ladies, it's very late. I would encourage you both to head back home," an officer approaches the two of you, his partner in tow.
"Thank you, officer. We were just heading home."
The men kindly offered to escort the two of you. Honestly, with recent events, you weren't too opposed to the idea. However, they got a call and had to leave. You wondered if you should just wait at the box and take their offer, but Anri has already continued walking. Well, guess that idea was out of the question.
"Wonder what that fight was about? Think it was another gang?" You try to make light conversation to ease both your and her nerves. She's entertaining your sad attempts at conversation, giving short, detached answers. Well, she was probably tired. You were just glad to be here to keep her safe. However, as the thought crossed your mind, you couldn't help but wonder: what would you do if something went wrong? You weren't the best fighter and you certainly weren't that strong. The most training you had was all of those self defense videos you had binged on the internet. You reviewed them in your head--what do you do if someone came at you with a sharp weapon?? Control the distance, watch the hands, run if you can--
Your phone vibrates in your pocket. Who could be texting you at this hour? Trying not to be rude, you discreetly check it. You struggle to hold in your own gasp as you read Kyohei's text.
KYOHEI Hey. We just passed you on the road and there's this guy following you. I don't know what he could be trying to do, but it doesn't look good. Be careful.
Zeroing in on the silent night, you can hear it. Another set of footsteps trailing behind you. They were slow, but steady, in a hot pursuit. You apologize to Anri, claiming that it was an important message.
ME Thanks for looking out. If I get my friend to a safe place, anyway you can help me?
His response is immediate. You could always trust Kyohei to have your back.
KYOHEI Of course. Circling back now.
As you try to collect yourself--you were most likely in danger, but you had to keep it together for your friend's sake--you notice that Anri has stopped walking again. The two of you stood at a crosswalk, a flickering streetlamp serving as the only light. A feeling of panic overtakes you. It takes every bone in your body not to take a look at the surely approaching form behind the two of you. "A-anri, I know it's been a bit of long walk, but I'm sure there's not much longer to go! Let's keep moving," you urge her subtly, gently taking her wrist and attempting to pull her ahead. All you had to do was get her a little further, to the nearest road where the van gang could pull up. However, she didn't move much, instead shaking her head as if recovering from some sort of daze. "What am I doing...?" she mutters, eyes glued to the wall before the two of you.
The sound of heavy footfalls instantly grabs your attention, and Anri's as well. You both turn to see a man, but not just any man. It was the same disheveled man with the kind eyes that you had talked to the day prior. However, his eyes were certainly not kind now. No, now they were shining bright red, empty of any feeling. The other glaring difference about him was that he donned a glittering butcher knife, pointed at the two of you--intent to kill. Anri whimpers from beside you, no doubtedly frozen in her spot. You couldn't say you were much better. Then, you hear it. The sound of burning tires that only one angry driver could make, accompanied by the growing intensity of a white light. You pull Anri back against the wall with you, trying to increase the space between the two of you and the man, who was steadily approaching, eyes shining and knife raised above his head.
The panicked ringing in your head is almost louder than the collision of body and van. The man goes flying as the van skids to a stop, already doing it's damage. He crashes into a nearby wall, collapsing to the floor and dropping the knife. Anri breathes a sigh of relief at the same time that you do. You wrap an arm around her shoulders, thankful that the two of you were okay. Walker yells at Kyohei from a distance--something about a 'peaceful life'. You internally hope that the man was still alive. Well, as Kyohei said, it was self defense. Still, you couldn't stop the aching in your heart. He had seemed so kind when you were speaking to him.
However, the way he was up now, laughing maniacally, knife swinging in a frenzy, was anything but kind. The van gang scattered away from him, avoiding his blade. Through the space, you see his eyes lock on you and Anri. In a flash, he's speeding towards you with increasing ferocity. Everything you had tried to remember about defense against a knife was not coming in handy now. Maintain a distance? There was a wall behind you! Watch the hands? Oh, you could see them alright, and man were they fast!
"(Y/N)! Run!" It was Kyohei's voice. You turned to Anri, hands on her shoulders as you tried to push the small girl away. If she booked it to the side, he couldn't get both of you. She wouldn't budge, and though you never thought you could get mad at the girl, your frustration was steadily increasing. All she could do was stare at you with wide saucer eyes. "Anri, you have to run!" you finally yell. She shakes her head, lip trembling.
"B-but, (Y/N)...!" Her eyes switch between you and something behind you and you finally notice it. An overwhelming presence behind you, heaving uneven breaths and grunting--and a pressure in your lower back. It was uncomfortable, like someone using a singular finger to poke you uncomfortably hard. You try to see what it was, but all you see are piercing red eyes and a sick, empty smile. It's almost like you're in a movie and someone has pressed pause--how he only stares at you and you are suddenly frozen in place. However, the moment is broken when his smile drops, as if realizing something. Then he snarls at you and the pressure increases.
The sound of tires, skidding across concrete roads was loud to you ears. This skidding was not anything you had heard before. It was high pitched and weirdly reminded you of a horses whinny. Something dark flies over you, slamming into the man's face and knocking him into the same wall he had hit only moments before. Two figures land in front of you, weirdly enough, both with yellow heads.
"Sh-Shizuo?? Celty!!" you realize. Shizuo's eyes widen upon seeing you, muttering your name in astonishment. You hear Kyohei mention a 'Headless Rider' and your mind reels with so many thoughts. However, Erika shrieks, signaling that the Slasher--no way this wasn't the slasher--was up again. However, he's not as feral now, standing in place and staring you all down creepily.
"So many loves in one place...you're Shizuo Heiwajima....I've been looking for you...!" He's reeling again, swinging the knife too and fro, but he continues to ramble. "But who do I go for first...? I love you, Shizuo!! So, so, so, so, much!! But Brigall needs love too! Love, love, love Heiwajima! Love (Y/N)!"
You had been on edge all day and it had affected you physically. Trembling, sweating, throat running dry.... but the way he had said your name, how everyone's eyes darted to you--everything stopped, time stopped. It was how Saika talked... so it really had been the Slasher. As Shizuo stood there, cool as a cucumber, it was obvious just how different the two of you were. That thing was after him too, but all he did was smile one of his signature smiles, coolly saunter up to Saburo's van and... rip the door off. You could already hear Saburo's cries.
If getting hit by a van, and then a motorcycle didn't thoroughly incapacitate that man, Shizuo driving him straight into the wall with an entire van door had to. Your entire body winced at the sound of crushed bones. It was no harder than crushing a bug to him. That was one way to stop him, you guess.
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