#orlando lasso
turangalila · 10 months
Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) Prolongati sunt dies mei. [Cantiones sacrae 6 vocum. (Graz: Georg Widmanstetter, 1594.)]
Prolongati sunt dies mei in servitio tuo, Domine, et utraque tibi fortuna servientem probasti me ac in sudore vultus mei cognovisti labores et fidelitatem meam. Inveterata sunt ossa mea, in dies expectant dolores mortis ut rationem reddam villicationis meae ante conspectum Redemptoris qui pro nobis passus peccata nostra luit in crucis patibulo. Si ergo fas dicere, nunc dimitte servum tuum in pace, quia viderunt oculi mei te salvum in regno tuo et victorem bellorum omnium, cum felici gloria in qua vives in aeternum ante faciem populorum.
_ Cantiones Sacrae. Sex Vocum – Roland de Lassus. Collegium Vocale Gent. Philippe Herreweghe. (2008, Harmonia Mundi – HMC 901984)
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cuties-in-codices · 9 months
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plunging down the page
illuminated page in a musical manuscript (orlando di lasso: 4 sacred songs), bavaria, c. 1565
source: Munich, BSB, Mus.ms. A I(1, p. 123
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loubagoob · 9 months
I know this is old, but it was mentioned in a Ted Lasso fanfic I was reading—All the Difference by greyathena on AO3–and after seeing it I had to post it again!!!
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usunezukoinezu · 11 months
Orlando di Lasso - Gloria della 'Missa dixit Joseph'
Hopkinson Smith & Paul O'Dette - lute
Duetti Italiani
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Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) - Psalmus Primus Poenitentialis: "Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me" ·
Philippe Herreweghe · Collegium Vocale Gent
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famousdeaths · 3 months
Orlando di Lasso was a composer of the late Renaissance. The chief representative of the mature polyphonic style in the Franco-Flemish school, Lassus stands wit...
Link: Orlando di Lasso
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mrbacf · 1 year
Veja "Orlande de Lassus - Psalmi poenitentialis" no YouTube
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mapsontheweb · 11 months
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Europe's most famous composers.
by u/One_Perspective_8761
Armenia - Aram Khachaturian
Austria - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Azerbaijan - Üzeyir Hajibeyov
Belgium - Orlando di Lasso
Bulgaria - Pancho Vladigerov
Croatia - Ivan Zajc
Czech Republic - Antonín Dvořák
Denmark - Carl Nielsen
Estonia - Arvo Pärt
Finland - Jean Sibelius
France - Claude Debussy
Greece - Iannis Xenakis
Georgia - Gia Kancheli
Spain - Pablo Sarasate
Netherlands - Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
Ireland - John Field
Iceland - Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson
Lithuania - Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
Latvia - Pēteris Vasks
Germany - Johann Sebastian Bach
Norway - Edvard Grieg
Poland - Fryderyk Chopin
Portugal - José Vianna da Motta
Russia - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Romania - George Enescu
Serbia - Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac
Slovakia - Ján Cikker
Slovenia - Davorin Jenko
Switzerland - Émile Jaques-Dalcroze
Sweden - Hugo Alfvén
Ukraine - Mykola Lysenko
Hungary - Franz Liszt
United Kingdom - Gustav Holst
Italy - Antonio Vivaldi
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Lilac - Jamie Tartt x F!OFC
Lilac (Syringa) - Meaning: First Love, Reminiscence
Summary: Jamie Tartt and Katie Archer were childhood best friends and had planned their futures together, but what happens when childhood ends and it's time to face reality?
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!OFC Katie Archer (NO physical description other than a name)
Word Count: 1371
Warnings: Language, takes place mostly pre-show, childhood idealism gets shattered, Jamie's anxious/angry reaction is slightly violent (NOT against reader), mention of Jamie's dad being a crap parent, enduring childhood love
Day 3 of the In Bloom Writing Challenge! I originally wanted this to be a whole series, but couldn't find the right way into it so I condensed it into a short fic. Also, this is my first ever Ted Lasso fic! That show is pure dopamine, I swear. Perhaps a teammate or coach of Jamie's will appear in his own fic later this month? Who knows? Oh wait, I do :D
In Bloom Masterlist
Comments, Likes, Reblogs are always appreciated! Thanks for reading! <3
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9 May, 2009
Jamie Tartt and Katie Archer’s Unbreakable Life Plan To Remain Friends Forever
Become pro footballers (in the same city but not on rival teams or they’ll make us stop being friends)
Marry the fittest people we know (models, actors, or royalty ONELY)
Have neighboring houses with a pool that goes across both our backyards and a football pitch
Katie can have as many cats and dogs as she wants and Jamie can’t say anything
Jamie can wear whatever he likes and Katie can’t make fun of him
Our partners have to be best friends too
Our mums will live in our pool houses when they get old
And, the most important rule of all!!!! 
8. Any changes to this life plan MUST be discussed with your best friend, OR ELSE!!!
Jamie Tartt 
Emily Archer
21 March, 2014
“Who is this? And what has she done to kick Renaldo off the wall?” Katie asked, holding the corners of the poster while Jamie taped them. 
“This,” he said, rolling the poster down to reveal the blonde girl holding two footballs in front of her bare chest, “is me future wife, Keely Jones.” 
“But I thought you were going to marry Heidi Klum and I would marry Orlando Bloom? That way we’d be the Klum-and-Blooms,” she joked, referring to their life plan since they were eleven. 
“‘Course I remember, babes, but I think Keely here is more of a sure thing. ‘Sides, she’s closer to our age.” He taped the bottom corners to the wall and stood back, admiring the poster while Katie flopped onto his bed. 
“As long as you’re sure,” she shrugged, opening her maths book. 
A football materialized and Jamie started dribbling, “Wanna go kick the ball ‘round?” 
“No, big test tomorrow, remember?” 
“Dunno why you’re bothering with that,” Jamie fell on his back on his bed next to her, “Don’t need school if you’re gonna be a footballer, yeah?” 
“Even if I played half as well as you, we both know I’d get less than half what you’d make as a footballer,” she said, rolling her eyes at the injustice of unequal pay. 
He rolled over and flipped around so they were parallel to each other and threw his arm over her shoulders, “Don’t worry, babes, I’ll loan ya cash if ya need it.” 
She giggled and shoved him off her, “Well how will you know how much I end up owing you if you won’t study your maths?”
“Fine! Five minutes to study, then we go work on your football skills. Maybe you’ll get so good you can play for a men’s team and get paid what you’re worth.” He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes at him. He was too charming for his own good sometimes. 
5 August 2016 
Jamie perched on the edge of her mattress, absolutely gobsmacked at the news she just shared. “You’re fuckin with me, right? You…you’re just messing with me.” 
“No, ‘m not. I’m going to university,” she confessed, squeezing his hand that she held in both of hers to try and comfort him.
Instead, Jamie looked at her like she’d just confessed to being Jack the Ripper. “But, we were…what about the scouts from City?”
“I turned them down.” 
Jamie exploded then, yanking his hand out of hers, shooting up from where he sat next to her and began pacing. He crossed and uncrossed his arms, ran a hand through his hair, pulled at the strings of his hoodie. His limbs felt like they were too full of electricity.
“So what, all these years, all the plans we made, just fuckin’...don’t matter to ya anymore?” 
“You mean the completely unrealistic plans we made when we were kids? Become top footballers, marry some fit fuckin’ models, have adjoining houses with a pool going across both backyards? Come on!” 
That was the twist of the knife. 
“Fuck you, ya know that? I’ve wanted that all this time, believed in it! It’s all I’ve been workin’ toward since we came up with it! And you just go and fuck up your half…how’m I gonna do it without ya?” 
She reached out for him again but he backed as far away as he could in her small bedroom. “You’re incredible, Jamie, you’re so talented and you’re gonna go far. But it’s not for me.” 
“You mean I’m not for you.” 
“What? Jamie, you’re my best friend!”
“That’s not…we were…fucking FUCK!” Jamie’s brain felt like it was full of fire ants and his stomach lurched. He kicked a hole in the drywall before slamming her bedroom door on his way out.
The very fabric of their friendship had torn and there was no going back. If she didn’t care about him the way he cared about her, then fuck it. He didn’t need her, he would be the best fuckin’ footballer Man City had ever seen and she’d have to watch from wherever it was she ended up, hopefully somewhere miserable. 
He didn’t speak to her for the rest of their break. He didn’t see her off when she moved her things into the dorms. He never responded to her ‘Congratulations!’ text after his first game with Man City. 
The only response she ever got were three dots, appearing and disappearing. 
And then, nothing.
August 5, 2021
Slipping off his jersey, Jamie couldn’t help but think about her. After all this time, he still remembered why he’d chosen 9 as his number. It was hers, her lucky number, her birthday in November, only 20 days after his. 
They’d grown up together, their mums having met at work and becoming best friends. He sometimes heard about Katie’s life on his phone calls with his mum but he hadn’t really listened to any since Katie had decided to give up on their friendship, on their life plan — the one they had come up with together when they were eleven so they’d never have to be apart.
Katie had seen how difficult it was for him to deal with his dad’s frequent appearances and disappearances and wanted him to know she would always be there for him. At the time Jamie had only gone along with it because she insisted that he could have whatever he liked in their future — it wasn’t until she’d announced that she was going to Uni that he realized the only thing he truly wanted from that list was their future. 
He didn’t care much what it looked like, as long as it was theirs. As long as she was there at the end of every day. Which is why it devastated him when she left. Why he’d thrown himself into training and took his new life as a football star for granted as much as he had. 
Now that he was back at Richmond and apologized for his behavior, she’d been on his mind more and more.
Did he pop into her mind ever? Had she been following his career? Seen him embarrass himself on that stupid fucking dating show? 
It had only been five years but if he ran into her now, would they even recognize each other? 
It was a sad thought to have about someone he was once so close to — someone he, deep down, knew he had loved, and even deeper down, knew he still loved. It wasn’t like the love he had for Keely, his only long-term relationship amongst the revolving door of fit women he’d dated.
He wished he could describe it better than ‘a love I grew up with,’ or ‘love I didn’t even know was love at the time,’ but alas, Jaime Tartt was no poet.
He finished his post-training routine and made his way out into the summer night. On a whim, he decided to walk home. He needed time to think. About a block away from his house, he pulled out his phone and let his finger hover over ‘Contacts’ but he thought better of it and tucked his phone away. 
Only to pull it out again a few steps later and press her contact before he could chicken out. 
“Here goes nothin',” he said to himself as the phone rang.
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takiki16 · 6 months
if jamie tartt is like david beckham .... [white man, english, huge following, big name] which mls team will he join and where will he base his eventual ownership team and which talented star will be buy to headline the whole thing
Jack Grealish you have been dethroned by the Becks and his unbeatable smoove aura...he stole your Ted Lassona are you just gonna sit there and take it...
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I am taking a flying stab at this and begging any actual EPL fans plus anyone who's followed MLS for more than a year to forgive me. I also need SOMEONE ELSE to chart Jamie's likely career trajectory WITHIN the EPL...whether Roy actually manages to win the league with Richmond, how they cope with Champions League drama, etc etc. But ALL THAT ASIDE, here we go - Jamie Tartt's grand soft-retirement in the MLS!
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Ted absolutely BEGS Jamie to choose Sporting KC. Its like...three hours and change from Wichita to Kansas City, but that is NOTHING to the Big Peppy Energy of a single midwestern dad who was unfortunately forced away from his club of adopted sons by the bad choices of certain writers' rooms. Ted sends texts. He sends emails. He sends hand-written letters. He starts a very enthusiastic one-man campaign on twitter (#tarttkc4lyfe!) and even gets the KC mascot, Blue the Dog, to shout out Earl Greyhound on Instagram in a bid to get Jamie to come. In a truly below-the-belt move, Ted takes a picture of Henry in a Sporting KC #10 jersey that has "Tartt" on the back and sends it to Jamie. Henry is wearing his Very Saddest Face. Roy and Beard both separately text Ted to call out dirty tactics, but Ted cannot be shamed on this front. The stakes are too high.
Of course, Jamie does NOT go to Sporting KC, even for Ted (maybe. He thinks about it. A little. A lot). When Euro stars soft-retire in the US, they make their choices based on which large, attractive global city they want to live in. I know, I know - financially speaking, all cities with ownership groups big enough to have an MLS franchise are "global cities," not just the coastal powerhouses. However, it is extremely funny to me personally to assume that the Grealish-Tartt link is strong and that Jamie doesn't recognize an unlabelled map of England, much less the US. If a city hasn't been regularly on the news or doesn't have a clock featuring its local time behind the hotel reception desk, Jamie probably doesn't know much about it. Realistically, Jamie is likely going to choose from among LA, New York, Miami, and maybe Chicago. Mayyyyybe Orlando, depending on how long Bumbercatch has to convince him that Disney is actually horribly evil and Jamie should not be swayed by the glittering lights of the Magic Kingdom or the steady stream of talented U22 Brazilian players feeding to Orlando City SC.
Assuming Messi is still in MLS at this point in the Ted Lasso universe, Miami IS GOING to be Jamie's first choice. I know that Jamie was futzing around with the false 9 role and sitting in the enganche pocket behind Dani and Colin in 3x07, but IN MY HEART Jamie is a true no.9 and what striker doesn't love goals on a plate! MIAMI HAS THE GREATEST PLAYMAKER IN THE WORLD currently playing for them, and all the stupid Zava problems would melt away once Jamie starts scoring hattricks off of three or four of those perfect eye of the needle assists per game. Keeley gets a bunch of sexy beachwear, Jamie gets sunburnt to hell on the sand somewhere, Roy blissfully fistfights someone in a Publix where no one knows who he is, the DREAM LIVES ON.
HOWEVER, Miami also doesn't have any more Designated Player slots, and Jamie (1) isn't an old Barcelona buddy who will come for peanuts GAM money and (2) is a big enough name in his own right that he can demand a star DP slot at another club. Miami is probably off the table. The ACTUAL most realistic possibilities are LA and New York, with NY being slightly in the lead just based on vibes. Assuming AGAIN that the Grealish-Tartt link is strong, Jamie might end up at NYCFC. They are low to mid-table, sporting-wise, but they are owned by City Group and are considered Manchester City's sister club in New York. Lampard, Pirlo, and Villa were their first DPs in their debut season in 2015. If Jamie forgets that relegation isn't a thing in MLS and wants to be in a club that semi-regularly makes the playoffs, the NY Red Bulls are nearby...ish. Hey, if New Jersey is good enough for the WORLD CUP it's good enough for Baby Tartt!
If Jamie goes full Beckham and ends up in LA, he probably goes to the Galaxy. LAFC is the stronger team and prides itself on a loud, noisy supporters' culture - Gareth Bale spent a year there before the WC in 2022 - but I just cannot resist the Beckham vibes. And honestly, Jamie Tartt getting to live the Zava storyline from the other side and coming to the second-worst Western conference team of 2023 to lift them out of their slump is probably its own comedy spinoff. Also, imagining Jamie playing the Rose Bowl during El Trafico on the Fourth of July in front of a bunch of random actors is hilarious.
AND. FINALLY. If Jamie Tartt gets the Beckham/Messi retirement package and gets to purchase ownership stakes in a new MLS franchise upon retirement???
Ted starts begging for Jamie to come to Wichita again, but this time as a TEAM OWNER. He offers to coach for free. He offers to PAY to coach. He offers to BUY SHARES HIMSELF with all that gotdam EPL money that Rebecca was paying him during the show. However, sadly, Kansas City beat Wichita to the punch. I...have got NO CLUE where Jamie opens his MLS team tbh, bc as of right now MLS's business model is to muscle in on cities with their own existing USL football culture, buy out the franchise, and turn all of the club's history into soulless corporate marketing dreck. San Diego, I am so, so sorry.
Actually you know what, in THIS UNIVERSE, Jamie somehow finds a way to turn his retirement benefits into an investment into San Diego Loyal and helping them bid to join MLS. This prevents that extremely disappointing San Diego FC badge from ever becoming a reality.
I also have no idea what big-name star Jamie would invite to be his first DP - most of the Greyhounds were either Jamie's age or older, which means that as Jamie is retiring they are also retiring. IT would have to be like...a younger player that Jamie had some kind of relationship with when he was still in the EPL - NAME YOUR FAVORITE YOUNGSTER HERE!!!! After they have had a brilliant European career and are ready to soft-retire, of course!
(baby tartt if you could help MY hometown club in [redacted] to get its shit together and put in an MLS bid before Messi leaves...)
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miscellaneous-art · 1 year
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Orlando di Lasso (1532-94), composer; Jean Pollet (XVI century), manuscript illuminations, ''SEPTEM PSALMI / POENITENTIALES (…)'' [4 sacred songs], 1565. © Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
The Renaissance wide-ranging and prolific composer Orlando di Lasso set these four penitential Psalms to music - Psalmus VI ''Domine Ne In Furore'', Psalmus XXXI ''Beati Quorum Remissae'', Psalmus XXXVII ''Domine Ne In Furore … Quoniam'', Psalmus L ''Miserere Mei, Deus'' - in this manuscript profusely illuminated with text initials, ornamental sets, allegorically scenes from the Old and New Testaments and ancient mythology.
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turangalila · 1 year
Orlandus Lassus (1532-1594). Media vita in morte sumus (à 6) [Patrocinium musices cantionem prima pars (Munich: Adam Berg, 1573)]
Media vita in morte sumus quem quaerimus adjutorem nisi te, Domine, qui pro peccatis nostris juste irasceris? // Sancte Deus, sancte fortis, sancte et misericors Salvator: amarae morti ne tradas nos.
_ Biber Requiem – A Requiem for Biber. Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh. (2004, Archiv Produktion – 00289 474 7142)
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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dragon attack
in a musical manuscript (orlando di lasso: 4 sacred songs), ca. 1565
source: Munich, BSB, Mus.ms. A I(1, p. 85
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lamptracker · 1 year
This, and going to Orlando and coming home with sunburn and tennis elbow, is what I've been doing instead of writing. (Also there's a new Stray Kids album out. So.)
Anyway, we love handsome and goofy British dudes here, as if my DOZENS of Tom Holland fics didn't prove that. I love Ted Lasso and I love Phil Dunster. And I LOVE how worked up he gets over grammar.
I also was thrown by his real accent, not the super-thick Mancunian accent he uses for Jamie Tartt.
The point is this: Hi. Still alive. Not actively writing much right now. Got some stuff in the works though. And watch Ted Lasso. I'm halfway through s3 right now and I love it so much.
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annebrontesrequiem · 1 year
Musica Dei donum optimi trahit homines, trahit deos; Musica truces mollit animos tristesque mentes erigit. Musica vel ipsas arbores et horridas movet feras. cunctisque solatia prestans.
Music, the gift of the supreme God, draws men, draws gods; Music makes savage souls gentle and uplifts sad minds. Music moves the very trees and wild beasts. Affording solace to all
Musica Dei Donum a 6; Orlando di Lasso
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Melchior Franck (c. 1579 - 1639) - Tristis est anima mea à 7 ·
Orlando di Lasso Ensemble, Detlef Bratschke
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