bentostudy · 6 years
for the adorable asks: 6,8,12 😌🌸
6. Are you an optimist, realist, opportunist, or pessimist? 
I used to have quite a bleak outlook on life, but I think I’ve become quite optimistic recently!
8. Do you own stickers, an stationary?
Yeah! I bought a pack of food stickers recently and I love them sm
12. Does time go by fast or slow to you? 
At the moment it’s going slowly because I’m just waiting for university to start
Thank you for asking!!
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studyharmony-blog · 6 years
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coffee, rosemary-salt bagel, and annotating for my ethics of public policy class. productive saturday morning!
one of my first attempts at original content, hope to do more as the semester continues✨
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mimstudies · 6 years
⭐️ studyblr tag ⭐️
saw @orostudies do this and liked that the questions were really study-oriented. plus, when has ya girl ever turned down an about post? 
1. WHAT’S YOUR DEGREE/ FAVORITE SUBJECT? I’m studying sociology with a minor in art history, and they're my favorite fields by far. I also love history, psychology, environmental science, and creative writing i’m a hoe for many other subjects let’s be real
3. WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO STUDY? Honestly? Anxiety, perfectionism, and a desire to not disappoint adults because of the potential displayed early on. But also, a love of learning and education and an undying curiosity about everything.
4. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF? I love my creativity, even if it is often hard to access in practice. I also love my empathy and sense of compassion, my knack at choosing really amazing drama-free friends, and the skin tag on my upper lip.
5. WHAT TIME DO YOU DO YOUR BEST STUDYING? It completely depends on what I’m working on, what my schedule looks like, and how bad my insomnia is. Normally from 1-3 PM or 12-3 AM
6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? Evenly split between Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Sense8. But I have a lot of runner ups  cough cough The Fosters
7. BEST SELF CARE TIP FOR EXAM SEASON? Remind yourself that some degree of the future is out of your control, that you know what you’re doing, and that you are fucking amazing. Constantly.
8. DO YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC WHEN YOU STUDY? I can’t really study with music. Sometimes I’ll try classical or ambient noise but it hasn’t really gone well. I listened to rainymood a lot in high school and for some reason spent a good year listening to les mis while studying.
9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
10. WHERE DO YOU DO YOUR BEST STUDYING? It’s changed over time. Right now, on my living room couch or at a particular table in a giant building on campus.
11. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ON OFTEN? my writing, my maturity, my academic achievement
12. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN THE FUTURE? in the same city but maybe on a farm instead of the house I’m in now
13. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ACTIVE ON YOUR STUDYBLR? three years as of last month
14. FAVORITE WAY TO SPEND STUDY BREAKS? watching one (1) youtube video
if you see this and want to do it, feel free to tag me!
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sapling-girls · 6 years
⭐️ studyblr tag ⭐️
ahh sorry it’s been so long but thanks to @pavlovienne​ and @rivkahstudies​ for tagging me!
the rules are just to answer these 15 questions (if you want to!), then tag 10 more people to answer them
1. WHAT’S YOUR DEGREE/ FAVORITE SUBJECT? my degree is in creative writing (prose) and theatre making/costume design! i like a lot more things also but i can’t fit them all into my schedule haha.
3. WHAT MOTIVATES YOU TO STUDY? combination of genuine enjoyment/desire to learn and terror at the idea of letting my teachers down lol
4. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF? i can see myself growing in lots of good ways and i try very hard to be a positive force in people’s lives!
5. WHAT TIME DO YOU DO YOUR BEST STUDYING? mmmm late morning/early afternoon probably
6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? ah i’m not much of a tv person but i love love love anne with an e... probably in part bc i was a huge anne of green gables fan as a kid.
7. BEST SELF CARE TIP FOR EXAM SEASON? not worrying too much about sticking to plan! i tend to beat myself up if i do things a little behind schedule, so i try to make a schedule with lots of breathing room for inevitable things that come up.
8. DO YOU LISTEN TO MUSIC WHEN YOU STUDY? most of the time yeah! usually lowkey indie vibe music
9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK? NOT an acceptable question... i like too many.... i’m taking this as ‘what book are you reading now’ instead and the answer is war and peace by tolstoy
10. WHERE DO YOU DO YOUR BEST STUDYING? not sure,,, i can’t study anywhere but i study most in my room so there’s my answer :>
11. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ON OFTEN? hmmmm usually my clothes or my hair haha? 
12. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN THE FUTURE? everywhereeeee i honestly don’t know i want to move around a lot.
13. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN ACTIVE ON YOUR STUDYBLR? pretty much one full year, since i started out right before my freshman year!
14. FAVORITE WAY TO SPEND STUDY BREAKS? taking quick walks out in the sun or walking around my dorm talking to friends for a few mins really re-energizes me!!
i’m tagging @alliegstudies​, @gostudydarling​, @orostudies and @praneeta-studies and i know that’s not 10 people but anyone else who wants to do it is welcome to as well!
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