#osomatsu san head cannons
sugar-champagne · 5 months
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Just some of my head cannons
High school swim class redesign
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hellototty · 3 years
Head cannon/Scenario #1
(Prompt sent in by bunniesugarie, prompt being: wanting to surprise boyfriend with kiss but accidently kissing one of the other NEETs instead)
(Y/n) just won big at Pachinko and so being a good partner they decided to share the money with their pervert boyfriend, Osomatsu
When they got there they had knocked on the door three times but seeing as no one responded they decided to just go in
When (Y/n) entered they decided to head to the living room, half because they felt their boyfriend would be too distracted reading his p*rnos to answer the door and half because they wanted to sneak kiss him
When they came into the room they saw that the Matsuno's got a new green sofa and they also saw their "boyfriend" sitting on it with his face looking down
Suddenly however he looked up upon hearing them entering the room and that was when they decided to strike
And so they kissed their "boyfriend"
They heard a voice from behind them and immediately recognized it as being Osomatsu’s
But wait if Oso is behind them then who's...?
They immediately pulled away and noticed that they had accidently kissed Choromatsu, and that Choromatsu was surprisingly redder that the pine on their boyfriend's sweater
"Ah, sorry Choro-ppi. Shoulda noticed the lack of cowlicks."
However he was too shocked to answer back
Osomatsu went up to his brother and put his arm around his brother neck
"Yeah, but it's okay that you didn't notice, (Y/n). Anyway I gotta go make Fappymatsu into Fappydeadtsu."
And with that he carried Choro out of the room.
(Y/n) had started to take guitar lessons from their “cool” boyfriend, Karamatsu
And so they walked up to their door and knocked on it five times
On the fifth knock (Y/n) decided to enter by themself and came to the thought that maybe he was waiting on the roof to serenade them when they came but simply didn't see them
Well they simply couldn't have this; I mean he already did a lot for them, they felt
So instead (Y/n) decided to go to the roof and surprise him instead
When they got to the roof as they expected they saw their “boyfriend” sitting there
Yet going to the roof maybe wasn't their smartest plan, as due to their fear of heights they started to stager around
And that's when they accidently fell on him in turn smashing their lips together
'Well not exactly the way I wanted to surprise him but I guess this works.' (Y/n) thought actually being half right as they certainly did surprise their gray and blue clad boyfriend
They heard the distinctive deep voice of their boyfriend behind them, and with that they immediately pounced off of the brother they accidently kissed, very cat like
However that wasn't the only thing that was very cat like as the guy they kissed turned out to be Jyushimatsu who had his trademark cat eyes
"My little Jyushimatsu, what were you and MY belle Karamatsu darling doing?"
He asked with a bit of a possessive voice, before sighing
"No, that came out wrong, just (Y/n) what were you doing on the roof, if you missed me then that's okay, just don't do something reckless, okay my Karamatsu bunny, I just don't want you to be hurt. And bruzzah, we'll talk about this later."
(Y/n) had just bought tickets to Nyaa-Chans newest concert, and while they were alright on the singer they knew Hashimoto was a particular favourite of their otaku boyfriend, Choromatsu
They just arrived after the purchase of said tickets, '6000 yen just for some tickets?! If only Choro-ppi's interests were less expensive!'
They knocked on the door of their house four times, before deciding to just enter and get swarmed by the brothers
However when they entered, there was nothing of the sort
This somewhat relieved (Y/n) as at least they wouldn't have to deal with their tomfoolery like usual
And so they decided to head to their bedroom/personal living room and wait there for them to come back
However when they did go there instead of a bare room like they expected, they did actually see that one of the boys was still home
(Y/n) assumed that it would've been their boyfriend as he wasn't the most sociable and they knew that he had just recently bought a new issue of OPM, so he may have decided to stay home to read that instead
And (Y/n) really liked seeing his adorable embarrassed blushing face so what better way to be privy to that look than surprise kiss him?
So they did just that but they must have been too distracted by kissing their "boyfriend" to notice the loud bang of two doors opening, one being the house door, and the other being the bedroom door
"Jeez, what an asshole! He really lit my ass hair on- (Y/n)-Chan?"
(Y/n)'s ears immediately picked up on the annoyed but cute voice of their boyfriend coming from behind them and so they shot up like a rocket and looked rather bashful and ashamed of their mistake
"Ichimatsu… anyway wanna go to the pub, (Y/n)-Chan? Akatsuka knows I could do with a drink."
This immediately brightened their mood and soon after they went out of the house to go to the aforementioned pub, while Ichimatsu passed out from excessive blood loss
'I miss Ichinyah!' (Y/n) thought whining, as they had not seen their boyfriend since Monday (provided Monday was yesterday)
(Y/n) was on their usual walk when they looked to the left of their and saw an alley way
Now in the alley way, they saw someone with a bowl haircut and a hoodie on feeding some adorable little stray cats
However, the alley was much too dark to pick up on anything else apart from that
So with those distinctive clues they decided that it must have been their anti-social boyfriend, Ichimatsu
'Ichinyah? Ichinyah!' They thought as they ran up to their "boyfriend", loomed over him, and planted a kiss on his lips
They heard Ichimatsu's dreary voice from behind them say, causing them to turn around and say happily, "Yes?"
However immediately after that they realized that if Ichimatsu was behind them then who did they just kiss?!
"Karamatsu?" They said looking at the man's face and immediately noticing the shades that only he would wear in a dark alley
"Akatsuka-damnit, Shittymatsu! First you steal cats from me and now this?!"
Ichimatsu shouted more than peeved off, and this was (Y/n) knew they had to say something before this escalated like it usually does
"Wait it was my fault! I accidently kissed Kara-Kun!" (Y/n) said and Ichimatsu's face immediately softened
"Oh… Well, what were you even doing here? I thought you preferred dogs." Ichimatsu asked with a raised eyebrow
"Ichinyah, just cause I prefer dogs doesn't mean that I don't like cats, I mean that's like me saying that just cause I prefer you as my boyfriend means that I don't like your brothers as friends." This caused Ichimatsu to blush as he was happy to know you preferred him over his brothers
(Y/n) decided to take their dog out for a walk and decided to go to the park, as they hoped they would be able to run (most likely literally) into their happy-go-lucky boyfriend, Jyushimatsu
After taking a walk around the park maybe six times, they decided to go find a bench to sit down, when to their surprise and joy they saw their "boyfriend"
'Huh, weird that he isn't wearing his usual training gear but maybe he decided to go to the park for some other reason.' (Y/n) thought but they was certain it must've been Jyushi as they never knew any of the other brothers to enjoy the park
And so they went to walk over to him but last minute decided that a fun way to say hi to him was to surprise him with a kiss
And so before they sat down next to him they closed their eyes, puckered their lips, and went in for the smooch
They heard a voice from behind their shout as it came closer and closer, they knew that voice to be Jyushi's, but if that was Jyushi then…
"Huh, Totty? (Y/n)-Chan why did you just kiss Todomatsu? Well… I guess it's okay cause we do look similar from behind! Especially when we're wearing the same colour!"
(Y/n) was really happy that due to the adorable naivety of their boyfriend he just saw it as a mistake which, in fairness, it was
"Ah, Kiiro don't jump on him I thought I told you about this."
(Y/n) was currently in a Sanrio shop as they had a love of all things cute just like their devious boyfriend, Todomatsu
That was when they passed by the Hello Kitty section and saw a boy who looked exactly like their boyfriend
And so (Y/n) walked over to him and decided to wait until he turned around to around to surprise him with a kiss
Now, they figured that this wouldn't be a problem as Totty was never the type to mind PDA, in fact he enjoyed it and was happy to have a person as attractive as them show publicly display their love
Well let's just say today was different…
Anyway, as their "boyfriend" turned around they smashed their lips together
They heard Totty's catty voice from behind and with hearing that they immediately pulled away from the person they just kissed, and saw it to be Osomatsu
"Oso? I'm sorry about that."
(Y/n) apologized while Osomatsu's face became smug and flirty
"Oh please, if you can do that again it would make my day."
He said causing the youngest to shoot a death glare at the oldest
"Hehe, you're soooo funny Nii-San anyway, what are you even doing here?"
He asked with a scowl and raised eyebrow, well that was before (Y/n) turned to face him and his face immediately went to his usual expression
On the other hand Oso was nervous about explaining the reason why he was their in the first place
"Uh… Well, I guess there's no point hiding it, I'm a huge fan of Hello Kitty."
However instead of the deriving laughter he expected he instead got a smile from (Y/n) and a shrug from Totty
(Whelp, there you are my first ever scenario thing, I tried to make (Y/n) as gender neutral as I possibly could, and I would again like to thank bunniesugarie for sending the prompt in, but I would also like to thank you for reading it, well until next time feel free to request away, and Imma start working on memes)
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fulfillingbineeds · 2 years
Another Karamatsu HC:
He’s a Katy Perry stan
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oddly-casual · 2 years
I am a firm believer that Osomatsu is Aromantic, and I have evidence that I’ll maybe post later
but that is to say that despite my hc I will forever appreciate all Osomatsu x OC and Osomatsu x self inserts
Like y’all really carrying my mental right now I really appreciate you, you all know who you are
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ehh-is-the-name · 3 years
Since I've not had enough of myself spouting basically incoherent nonsense, here ya go.
Late Night Osomatsu ASMRist Headcanons
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In depth is under the cut 'cause I wrote quite a bit.
Numero Uno: He'd definitely do those kinda "Beating you to sleep ASMR" videos interchanged with some half jokey ones where he'd try to do it seriously but like scream from the top of his lungs in the middle of it either because he messed up or just felt he was being a bit cringe.
Karaboy™: I feel like for his debut he wouldn't get the memo that he's supposed to be quiet. Like he'd stumble into like one of the others doing it and join in but end up being just way too loud without fully realising it. Though I think it'd work in his favour since I feel that fans would eat it up pretty quick; saying he'd be great with practice. After a while, on his own he'd do like talking and probably like light RP stuff after learning about it more.
The Coomer: I feel like he'd actively denounce it. Saying it's weird thing to watch anddo but would secretly enjoy doing it since I feel like he'd be like the only one to actually experience the ASMR tingles and like it. No doubt in my mind he'd be a faceless ASMRist. Same'd go for Ichi. I think he'd be very good at it too. Simple but nice. Choro might even specialise in the like no talking ones. If anyone of the brothers found out though he'd stop immediately. Even if he also knows they're doing it too.
Ichimacchan: Something tells me he'd be one of those like Anime ASMRist, but not like Yagami Yato tho. He'd be making things like the relatively small channel, 1 still 480p jpeg of an anime boy, with a semi-shitty mic, types of videos. He'd do it like this to specifically not show his identity in any way but his voice but I think he'd also like the simplicity of it. I don't think he'd like editing all that much.
MadLad 2.0: He'd be all over the place, jumping through genres like crazy. You'd get a baka collab then kinniku out of nowhere. From Jokey loud to soft-spoken mic brushing from video to video. A constant theme being one of those unpredictable videos like Marno's or Dong's but without editing since how would Jyushi learn to edit? He'd leave long time viewers constantly wondering if he actually knows how to do ASMR or not since when he'd be doing a bakamatsu vid it'd genuinely seem like he's never done ASMR before. There'd be many debates in the comments of every video.
Menace <3: Totty would absolutely do like the classic ASMR stuff, not because he really likes it though, mostly because he heard he could make a lot of money from whispering and tapping on random crap. But really though, he'd have like a setup and learn how to do simple but good green screen effects from his friends. I imagine his setup to be a cross between a budget ASMR Zeitgeist and like any clickbaity, in your face ASMR video you could find. Like looking up "ASMR" on youtube would show his video in the catalogue and it would be like indistinguishable from other ones. All his thumbnails would look kinda samey when you'd go to the "Videos" section of his channel.
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midnightserenaderp · 7 years
Osomatsu-san Head Canons:
Good Charlotte’s The Anthem (fits Osomatsu or at I thought of him while listening to the song).
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chockmatsu · 2 years
Hello Chockie! Do you have a head cannon that seems outlandish to many, but you 100% believe in and have made an extended essay to prove?
hello anon! i don't know if this is outlandish to many, but as some may be aware, i am one of the champions of the karamatsu assner movement and the brand ambassador of karamatsu's ass. my credentials are that you can google "karamatsu ass" and me and my art are consistently one of the top recurring results. this all stems from my steadfast belief that karamatsu has a delightfully fat ass, and my headcanon is that he (and the staff of osomatsu-san) make a very deliberate effort to cultivate its fatness. allow me to explain.
it's true all of the matsus get naked pretty frequently in the show for laughs, and several of them have shown their ass up front and center in detail, such as ichimatsu (ESP kitty) and todomatsu (hide and seek). however, none of them have consistently had as much ass screentime as karamatsu in all three seasons and the movie, whose ass when it appears as the central focal point of a shot is always drawn with great care and detail.
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fig. 1: [1:06:54] karamatsu pulling his pants down to expose his ass in briefs. eiga no osomatsu-san (2019)
an addendum point to this is that his outfits almost always serve to emphasize his fine buttocks. the mt. takao outfit from season 3 as seen in fig. 2 demonstrates a common sight in karamatsu's outfits- booty shorts, which frame his ass flatteringly and draws even more attention to it.
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fig. 2: [13:23] karamatsu shaking his ass. osomatsu-san S3E08 - mt. takao (2020)
this particular instance doubles as an example of both this deliberate ass-highlighting design as well as proof of the detail the staff have painstakingly put into drawing it. for example, you can even see a hint of his bulge nestled between his cheeks and the Y-shaped shading under his tailbone to indicate the distinct cheeks, which were completely unecessary yet is included nonetheless, a testament to their efforts. additionally, please note the soft shine and reflective sparkle which give extra depth, softness, plushness, and roundness to what would otherwise be a cute, but fairly unassuming ass.
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fig. 3: [14:31] karamatsu playing hide and seek. osomatsu-san S3E22 - hide and seek (2021)
fig. 3 is another example of great ass detail that was technically unecessary yet still included by the staff to emphasize how fat karamatsu's ass is, again using a soft airbrush and highlights to indicate soft plumpness. though some may argue that karamatsu's sweatpants are not clothing designed to emphasize the ass, he clearly picked tight-fitting enough ones to showcase a pantyline, showing a deliberate attempt on his part to cultivate his ass fatness.
as a final major example showcasing his fat assness, i would like to do a frame-by-frame breakdown of this scene demonstrated in fig. 4a - 4f from the skit "voice function", from season 3, episode 7 of osomatsu-san (2020). this scene in particular was in fact the source of the great karamatsu ass twitter discourse of 2020 [1], an event which in fact formed the basis of the karamatsu assner movement. i include this example because i believe it represents the crux of this headcanon's existence as "outlandish"- there were many instances of users who refused to believe that karamatsu's ass was just that fat. using the media player mpv, which allows users to scrub frame by frame on a standard 24fps basis, we can look at the exact frames at the center of the great karamatsu ass discourse controversy.
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fig. 4a: we can see here already that the cheeks are very clearly defined as round. 
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fig. 4b: this is where the point of contention begins. detractors of karamatsu’s fat ass claimed that rather than him getting up ass first, then his back folding up along with it to stand up, that he was in fact facing forwards, and what we see as his ass in fig. 4c through fig. 4f is in fact one of his legs held up and bent. however, in this frame, we can see going off the curves of the silhouette visible that there is no way for this to be him facing forwards as we already know his ass is definitively curvy and round from fig. 4a. 
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fig. 4c: here we can see the natural progression from the previous frame as he stands up. if this is, as the counterargument suggests, him facing forward with his leg rather than his ass, then it would make no anatomical sense for his heda to be thrust so far back from his shoulders like this. 
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fig. 4d - 4f: it is in these 3 frames that we see karamatsu’s ass so fat it is jutting out at 90 degrees like a shelf. with this frame by frame analysis we have definitively proved that there is absolutely no way anatomically that karamatsu could have pivoted himself in the span of 4 frames (less than a sixth of a second) to be lifting his leg, rather than sticking his ass out, from the previous frames. QED.
i would lastly like to address two common counterargument to my claim: the depiction of his ass in some scenes that make it seem less fat than it appears. one counter example that may be raised is in season 2, episode 5, summer kamen (2017). now, this counterargument can already be disregarded from the get-go as there is no conclusive confirmation that summer kamen is related to, or indeed is karamatsu, as he is in fact a “mysterious entity” with no attributed name (osmt fandom wiki, n.d). however, even supposing that the hypothetical and unproven notion summer kamen is karamatsu is true, we can still dispel this counterargument. there are several shots in which summer kamen can be seen from a distance with a less than impressive ass that looks flat, as in fig. 5a and 5b. 
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fig. 5a: summer kamen in the middle of his walk cycle, legs together, from behind
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fig. 5b: summer kamen standing from the side, full body. 
these can be disproved as simply stances that are unflattering to the size of one’s ass, as in fig. 6a and fig. 6b which are only a few frames after fig. 5b, demonstrates the roundness of his ass relative to the rest of his body, especially the size of his thighs. 
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fig. 6a: summer kamen posing.
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fig. 6b: the same summer kamen pose, but from a skewed 3/4s angle showing the plump shape of his ass even more clearly.
the other common counterargument i would like to address is that occasionally karamatsu’s ass can be seen with jagged lines drawn in the cheeks, making the ass look bony and sunken in- the opposite of plump and fat ass.
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fig. 7: summer kamen as seen in season 2, episode 5 (2017), with the ass lines.
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fig. 8: karamatsu as seen in season 3, episode 8 (2020), with the ass lines visible through his shorts. 
however, on the contrary, i believe that this is in itself further proof of not only karamatsu’s ass fatness, but his deliberate efforts to cultivate it further. given the copious previous examples of how fat and soft it is much more often than it is shown as “bony”, it would make no sense for this to be his default state of ass. the much more likely explanation is that, as in the cases of fig. 7 and fig. 8, these are instances of karamatsu tightening and flexing his glutes for a dramatic pose, instead of being bony. furthermore, the fact that he can flex them so hard and create such definition that it is visible through his shorts is proof that he surely must do ample ass-exercise such as squats to tone the muscle that much- in other words, he has worked hard to cultivate dat ass, and this is proof.
in conclusion, karamatsu ass fat yum yum eat-a-dakimasu thank you for coming to my ted talk
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seiraistormchasers · 3 years
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
writing requests
(writing requests)
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hello tumblr!!! I am new to the whole writing fanfics/x readers/etc especially on tumblr but please feel free to send requests and i’ll do my best!
there aren't really any rules! I'm alright with writing almost anything, but I'm not good at writing sexual scenes (though I'll try my best if you want me to!?!?)
please submit the character(s) you would like me to write about! (ex; hanako x reader / hanako x yashiro etc.) also tell me if you would like head cannons or a short story.
obv if a request makes me uncomfy I will not do it, but not many things make me feel that way. still think about what you're asking before requesting though.
I will write for;
(I will write for;)
- Genshin Impact (any character)
- Jibaku Shonen Hanako-Kun (any character)
- Pokemon (any character)
- Omori (any character?)
- Osomatsu-san
if something is not listed, still feel free to request! if I know the source ill do my best.
thank you for reading this far!! I hope I can do you a request :]
~sincerely, moki
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tojisveryown · 3 years
hii may i have a jjk matchup pls and thank u <3
          🂱 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 • i love exclamation marks!! though i’m not a loud person when u first meet me. i can come off as rude bc i’m monotone and very sarcastic but when i’m comfortable enough around new ppl i’m really nice n love to spoil them. i hyperfixate on dumb things and i talk a lot, i can be super narcissistic sometimes but that just makes me cuter tbh. my attention is always split between different projects bc it’s hard for me to focus on just one thing at a time
          🂱 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 • i’m a taurus
          🂱 𝐀 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • observant
          🂱 𝐀𝐧 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • 🦷
          🂱 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬 • i’m a bit of a film buff, i like cooking and baking because i enjoy the validation i get when ppl tell me they like my food. i play bass and have a crippling caffeine addiction so i love trying new roasts and cafes
          🂱 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 • umm maybe michiko to hatchin or osomatsu san
          🂱 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚 • gangsta or berserk
          🂱 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 • ino most definitely with mei mei as a close runner up
          🂱 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 • currently, its either it could be sweet by portishead or gucci by bree runway
          🂱 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥) • i’m 5’7, i have chin length hair that’s split dyed one half is dark green and the other half is black. i have big dark brown eyes and brown skin. i also have a scar on my forehead thats cross shaped
          🂱 𝐖𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 • i’m bi so anyone is fine
          🂱 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚/𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐩 • yes
I match you up with...
𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢
↳ I matched you up with Megumi because I can imagine you two meeting for the first time and finding comfort in each others presence especially since at first it’s a quiet one, and once you two start to get to know each other you two become heavily sarcastic to the point where others start to think you two actually hate each other 
↳ I head cannon that you would attempt to teach Megumi how to play the bass and he’d some how end up breaking one of your strings and as an apology he brings you coffee beans that he knows you haven’t yet tried along with new guitar strings. The next time he sees you practice he just sits quietly on the side and makes sure that he never gets near that thing because he’d rather not risk breaking it again 
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franstastic-ideas · 5 years
We have confirmation that UT Sans is the older brother in the Japanese version. UT Papyrus calls him "niichan", which is an immature way to refer to an older brother. Do you head cannon Chara or Asriel being the older sibling?
Interestingly enough, ‘niichan’ could also be used if the two were twins! I don’t think they are, personally, but the Japanese are still rather particular about which one is born first and in which order if there’s more than two to a set. Osomatsu-san taught me that.
I do think that Chara is older than Asriel, maybe by a year. A year and a half at most. The same goes for Frisk, sort of - I picture her as still being older than him if we take out the gap of time that Asriel spent dead/as a flower.
I... kind of have a headcanon that Asriel has a thing for slightly older women.
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ethercatia · 5 years
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The one on the left is Karamatsu from osomatsu-san but with him being blind in one eye and with loads of piercings for some reason. I head-cannon him being covered in scars from all the times he got hurt. Made with colored pencils.
The one on the right is a shy underswap sans singing on a stage, the song is 6/10 by Dodie. Made with watercolor.
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comfortmatsus · 7 years
AHHH another imagines blog!!! Tbh I'm not even sure if this is how you ask since I'm on mobile and I don't even know what to ask so about Matsu fluff head cannons ????👀👀👀
considering i got your ask, id say you did it right!osomatsu- good at holding his liquor! but seo, we see him drunk a lot! yea thats cuz he has no fuckin restraint, the utter fool. the chibita tab is huge for a reason and its not just cuz theres six of em- loves his lil brothers so, so much. he treats them like shit a lot n fights with them, but deep down, he’d just die if anything happened to any of them.- most cuddly, hes gonna hug a brother and never let go, much to certain brother’s chagrins. a cuddlebug at heart! most susceptible to nicknames too, like his ichimacchan onekaramatsu- the most emotive. jyushimatsu is too, but karamatsu... karamatsu is so easily seen sad, anxious, happy. he cant hide his emotions, nor does he specifically feel any need to. though there are times where he hides... (such as the no incident.)- SUCH. A. BAD. LIAR. he can lie, he can do it, but god hes gonna crack. and with certain things, you can just tell hes lying. his brothers dont see this though. they all think hes a liar, he thinks theyre liars, this whole family thinks—- likes to be with osomatsu. why wouldnt he? hes not the baby brother to anyone except osomatsu-nii-san. so, he loves to chill and hang out with osomatsu, which leads to occasional babying. these are the sides of the anikis that you dont get to see, really.choromatsu- the most silent. youd often find him alone in the house, reading a book or checking out a magazine. maybe even watching tv, but funny or interesting shows do make him break the silence.- the most trusted with todomatsu’s phone, though its still not safe in his hands. he also has a laptop, which he keeps very hidden.- tries to be nice to everyone. offers his umbrella in the rain, though if it’s a cute girl he sometimes gets flustered and runs away, leaving her there. in the rain.ichimatsu- actually? likes dogs. bigger dogs scare him, but smaller dogs he likes. if theyre the yappy kind, he gets annoyed after a while. but a cat sized dog that doesnt bark too much, resting gently in his lap... 👌🏻- sunbathes, in a sense. just like a cat, he gravitates to where the sun is shining be it the floor, couch, window... he’ll just sit or lay there comfortably, doing his own thing- likes hanging with choromatsu! just doesnt know how to... get it out there. none of the brothers are particularly ideal to spend time with for various reasons, but choromatsu is easy to hang with. even if the energy is awkward because they are, unfortunately, not alone often.jyushimatsu- is the one who brings the big ass dogs that scare ichimatsu. of course, he doesnt mean it, thats just how it happens.- is the most sincere. he can lie, we’ve seen him do it, but if it overloads him or genuinely hurts somebody else... he cant keep it down and he has to tell them.- KARAMATSU!!! loves him. loves hanging with him. they’re so similar. karamatsu is who pitches the balls for jyushimatsu. jyushimatsu stands on the roof and listens to karamatsu play guitar. he sings sometimes, too, but he’s not really that good at it. karamatsu supports him thotodomatsu- lets his brothers use his phone, if they need to. he’s always hesitant and always changes his phone passwords afterward. he also keeps an eagle eye on them so they don’t text anyone he knows- still works at sutabaa, though its really on and off/part time now. he needs to pay his phone bill somehow! (mom and dad have to help sometimes though, with his wacky schedule;;;)- the most giggly. scrolling through his twitter feed, he finds a lot of stuff funny. doesnt boisterously laugh like osomatsu, just softly snickers and giggles, sometimes under his breath and sometimes covering his mouth.
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No NSFW for now… I’ll try to get comfortable with writing it but for now it’s a no. Kissing/kinda sort making out is okay!
You can request any character as long as they are apart of HTF. I will do human! HTF as well as the regular version (please say which version you would like in your ask).
Yes I will do HTF characters with other HTF characters! For example: Flaky X Flippy, Pop X Disco Bear, Lumpy X Russel, Lammy X Mr. Pickles, Lifty X Shifty (I’ll just find a way to make them unrelated and then it will be fine :3), Giggles X Petunia, etc. I don’t really care which ones are together :) What ever you guys like, I will write it!
Edit: I will now be writing for the following fandoms as well as HTF: Diabolik Lovers, Death Note, We Bare Bears, and Osomatsu-san!
I hope adding these fandoms will help me become more active and maybe receive a few more asks please? ^^; Other than this, all rules stay the same! I will write for girls and boys in all the fandoms!  
Imagines, would includes, and head cannons.
I will make a masterlist for everything I write so that it can be easier to find.
Please be nice 😭 and don’t bully others for what they requested.
(Be aware that I will be changing these rules as I go along so…)
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franstastic-ideas · 5 years
I'm the one who suggested the head cannon for Rosalyn's appearance. It's pretty much a Ganguro Girl, which is a popular Japanese fashion from the 90s
Ooh, I can remember Ganguro Girl styles.
Although, whenever I hear it, I always think of Jyushiko from the Girlymatsu segments of Osomatsu-san.
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