#osomatsu san rice balls
charliesinfern0 · 1 year
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i dont like them
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tinpani · 11 days
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polun8ter · 9 months
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Figured I could post art here too. would anyone who doesn't follow me on Twitter be interested in this? who knows.
I drew these because I had an idea of making the Ai twins as velvet and veneer from trolls. And instead of taking talent to sing, they take essence from the sextuplets to get better at comedy. Because the boys understand "human comedy" or something and robots don't. They put osomatsu in a giant vape or something
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 6 months
is it a hot take if i say s3 sucked and their addition was a huge contribution to why it sucked
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brofightiscancelled · 5 months
mr rice can u please share your thoughts on ososan s1 and 2 vs s3 differences , like the direction they went that was less meta referencing the reboot nature of the show, and more on the mundanity and sisyphean nature of being directionless young adults (who are also virgins). Personally the bits focused more on the mundane were rlly good I think. U dont wanna see the matsus do chores? Play hide and seek? i personally enjoyed it. also, your omusubi thoughts if u have any?
i could probably write a thesis paper on this, and idk how having watched all 3 seasons back to back in the year of our lord 2024 affects my opinions, but ill try to keep it brief (1029 word stream of consciousness )
tldr: S3 lost sight of The Bit
dont get it twisted i LOVE slice of life stuff. i like characters. season 3 had some of my all-time favorite segments (pizza, the way home, mt takao). however to me what felt off about the season was moreso like… the Ratios. the Overall Season Balance, Ebb and Flow, it was all wrong. s3's skits were as a whole longer, fewer, and less funny. i did tier lists of every single segment from each season and i was shocked how fewer segments s3 had compared to s1. theyre too freaking long. and not even funny!!!
i didn't realize how.. idk stale? s3 was getting until cosplaymatsu and then i was fucking gulping for fresh air like FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING OUT-OF-CONTINUITY BITS!!!!!!!!!!! 
the thing is to me i think the Bit should trump all. s1 finale took this very literally, trampling all over the emotional cliffhanger for the Bit, but i think s2 finale also valued the bit of "well s2 is over so all that's left to do is die" while also retaining the emotional flow of facing mortality. i think s2 had the best finale for this reason btw. but ask me aboit that separately
to me osomatsu-san's Core Bit, at least that it started out with in s1, is "-kun is about these sextuplets being identical, so it's funny that they're all different as adults". the differences between them was in and of itself a punchline!! six same face!! to me as soon as you lose sight of this you lose my interest. no -kun flashback for s3e1 was a death keel. also, fuck you inumatsu
s2 took this core bit and ran with it a little further, now a little more confident in their characterizations they used the differing personalities as new comedy material. it's probably the platonic ideal of how ososan can combine its identities of "60's anime remake" and "jyushimatsu cordyceps"
i think s3's bit is, if there is one, at best, "there is no joke. we deadass just haven't done anything of value". which i just don't think is a good bit. it's one note, it's not versatile, and it gets dangerously close to being at the audience's expense- i think you can convey the lethargy and sisyphean existence without also making the audience feel like they wasted their time (i.e. the absolute worst sin a piece of media could commit). So the bit isn't good and they're not even dedicated to it in a way that matters. 
"does there have to be a bit" well yes! I think so. it's a gag anime. i guess that's the crux of my argument. if you dont have the balls to commit to character development you MUST commit to the bit. i think s3 fell flat for me bc it couldnt commit to anything
i watched osomatsu-san with a dear friend of mine who, bless their heart, still can't tell the sextuplets apart 3 seasons 2 mini serieses every bonus episode and 4 movies later. but they could still enjoy s1 and s2 because the matsus and their personalities were vehicles for the punchline- not the focus. as soon as they started writing about the matsus themselves and losing sight of the Bigger Picture (the bit) they got very lost. and im aware theyre an outliar viewer but i don't think it's unrelated. 
i think mt takao is a good summary of this issue. there's no bit- we're just slice of life moments with the brothers. but then tbey feel like they need to make a joke, lest people start expecting them to actually let these boys find happiness, so they just do a "and then we all died, jk, we can't actually accomplish anything of value" punchline at the end. it's a disservice to people who are invested in the characters, and for people who aren't, it's just not funny!
omusubi thoughts: theyre cutes. i could tell watching them that they were probably quite disliked for derailing the season so i immediately became like, fans in a hater way. lol 
i think their core bit is good: showa anime meets modern robots who don't Get It. but their storyline doesn't tie into their Bit, and its attempted tie-ins with the sextuplets never emotionally resonated. episode 12 was, affectionately, a huge waste of time (though the sheeh payoff made me woop and holler) considering i couldnt even get over my suspension of disbelief that the sextuplets would actually give a shit enough about them as People to bust their asses saving them (which, after their self actualization, they clearly still were treating them like machines. so it's like yeah i knew that shit was fake)
but like yeah after that they weren't their Bit anymore. they just became characters. maybe that's the summary of my issue w s3? no one is their Bit anymore. everyone's so attached to the Characters now that no one values the Bit anymore. we've gone so far into gap moe that ichimatsu isnt even scary anymore. if rental girlfriends had happened in s3 it'd be totty with the tiger cage 
but anyways. omusubi are interesting to me because i said earlier how s3 doesnt want to commit to anything, but it does seem like they wanted to commit to telling full character arcs, but had trapped the sextuplets into a Popularity-Induced Personality Prison where they've become too popular to meaningfully change, so they tried to do it with new characters and side charas (nyaa single mother arc peak). so like… i enjoyed the omusubi character arc bc it was at least something solid to grasp onto in this season with writing more fleeting than sand 
(but again, it still got invalidated and didn't matter in the end!)
in the end it is hard to cheer for characters if you know fucking nothing will matter in the end (very similar to my aggretsuko review i wrote in my head and didn't post anywhere), so if they're not at least funny about it i'm like What's the point.
a faustian tale, etc  
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aoifereal · 6 months
I love the rice balls in osomatsu San so much
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yushimatsu · 4 years
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juznienam · 3 years
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📍★¦ウ メ SHeEh!
I love OsoSan IA's 😳👉👈💕✨🌸
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lunarpanda · 3 years
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It’s OK Todomatsu, the dark is pretty scary. I feel ya.
Uh oh.
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famoustreepieslime · 4 years
Good for them...
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I never thought I would love these things but here I am simping over for them 🤣🤣
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Practice drawings ‘cuz apparently I forgot how to draw them this way SJHDILSBFALFB
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hekatekun · 4 years
The metanarrative’s grand narrative: Osomatsu-san’s characterization throughout the franchise
The growing cynicism throughout the entire Osomatsu-san franchise shows itself in season 3 with more prominence than anything prior. I think that’s pretty common amongst any “long-running” gag comedy - replacing a plot with spiteful commentary that’s admittedly pretty hit or miss at times. However, it invariably creates a negative but pretty funny character growth, and I love the way the show (I’m including the movie too as “canon” material considering season 3 has referenced it way too many times for me to disregard) has set up this metanarrative across seasons. Long post ahead.
Obviously, Osomatsu-san is self-aware and has a casual relationship with itself. No linear plot (though S3 seems to be trying it out and I’ve enjoyed it - I love that they’re willing to experiment), rather a collection of unrelated skits; and so it points out its own metanarrative because of this “lack of consequences.” With comedy comes impermancy and Ososan AND -kun will always bounce back from that week’s insanity. From the Oxford Dictionary, a metanarrative is “a narrative account that experiments with or explores the idea of storytelling, often by drawing attention to its own artificiality.” Basically: a story about stories.
On top of this, is what I’m calling the “grand narrative,” which is often used interchangeably with metanarrative, but here I’m making a distinction to make it less confusing. Of course, Ososan is a story about stories, but with that comes a story it’s not directly telling, which is where most of the (little) character development is taking place. This is what I’m going to call the grand narrative of a show whose premise is being a meta-aware comedy. I’ll admit I’m by no means an expert on these subjects, but storytelling methods are something I enjoy trying to analyze. As a media format, Ososan really utilizes the fact that it’s a tv show.
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Right off the bat S1E1 makes it clear what to expect: Nothing. Not a damn thing. But, the show had already been cleared for this first season, so it has to be produced. This same episode’s preview is done by Osomatsu, which I’m just gonna quote instead screenshot because there’s too many.
“...we plan on properly starting the anime the next episode.” “...you ended up with an extra minute, so you need me to do something to fill it?! Actually, is this anime going to be okay with episode one being like this? I’m getting worried about how the rest of this is going to be...” “There, I used up a minute! [EPISODE ENDS]”
Episode one is not only batshit referential, but downright mocking the state of anime in 2015. Which, truthfully, I don’t have much to comment on in that regard, as I’m not an avid anime fan. However, it does this under the premise of being indecisive about what kind of anime they wanted the Osokun reboot to be. 
They’ll do just about anything to stay popular and relevant considering that is, quite literally, all they have going for them as characters in the series and just being characters in general. They may be pieces of shit, but they’re likeable pieces of shit. The dynamics they’ve built upon to be entertaining is encouraged, and they’re basically just roleplaying different skits and fucking around.
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All the AUs! All the skits! They’re just playing! They’re just fuckin’ around!! They couldn’t come up with any interesting plot nor could they “graduate” from being anime protagonists and join the real world, so they just fuck around and make a gag anime!
Even if we follow both as the audience, the show makes a difference between the what’s them in their “normal life” (crazy begets crazy, no?) and what’s their “show.” But, really, that’s just one way to look at it, as they don’t really follow any rules as a show. I could say the Joshimatsus are separate characters from the sextuplets, and it’d be a “correct” interpretation. It doesn’t really matter - I’m choosing to examine it all as being the six of them just running around and playing, because being entertaining and having fun is all they know as characters. Besides, having it blended together beyond recognition reinforces how it prioritizes entertaining us, the audience, above logic. Storytelling doesn’t need to make absolute spatial-temporal sense for it to be enjoyable to fans.
In any case, that mentality really seems to be what pushes their character development negative, as they look to reinforce habits and rituals despite them being really detrimental for them in the long run. They know they’re popular characters as is, and with really everyone from staff to fans encouraging this behavior further, so they see no point in fixing what isn’t really broken.
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I found this 4 year old article from Manga.Tokyo discussing the Ososan phenomenon in Japan because while the craze died off pretty quickly in American anime circles (which deserves a whole other post), Japanese fans went fuckin’ nuts.
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This portion caught my attention, as it makes sense that entitled and enabled asshole children would grow up to be entitled and enabled asshole adults. The article also goes on to compare them to idols (even beyond the F6 spoof) and that they are rooted in being comfort characters above all else. 
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It’s worth a read, especially because Japanese fan response is what drives majority of the content post-S1, and, inevitably, ties into their character development. 
They know that they’re Characters, particularly Protagonists. You know what happens to protagonists? Everything works out. Just about every single story created has stuff working out for protagonists. In fact, we have a whole genre made that separates stories with bad tragic endings from our Normal Stories. Ososan is a comedy, not a tragedy, so surely there’s gonna be some payoff somewhere along the road, especially as the seasons and other content are still being pumped out. To a self-aware, entitled, enabled protagonist, assuming everything is just gonna work out for you isn’t that far off from your narrative truth.
However, Ososan is a gag anime, and a lot of gag content (like 4koma mangas) is dropped for other projects before any emotional cathartic ending is provided for characters and fans alike. So, three seasons and a movie later, nothing has happened. It’s a great idol cash cow with a Family Guy filter, and the characters (and writers) don’t even bother to hide it anymore. And I know I’m being hypocritical concerning my definition of “canon material” but I think this portion from one of the drama cds “Choroplex” basically summarizes my point:
CHOROMATSU: Wait, don’t make this into a gag! You don’t even care about becoming employed, right? KARAMATSU: There’s no way that could happen... CHOROMATSU: What kind of future are you imagining? Is it nothing but this? [HUGE PAUSE BEFORE THEY MOVE ONTO SOMETHING ELSE]
They’re parodies of themselves and are running out of ideas. Stagnation and decay is normal, if not unavoidable, at this point in time for them. They’re just 20 somethings who’ve hit a wall but they’re too scared and insecure to bring about permanent positive change. It’s easier for them to fall back into normal patterns and joke off the rest.
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They have an antagonistic relationship with expectations. They can’t handle a single iota of expectations, or responsibilities. They’ve never needed to worry before, so why bother now? Once the biggest hits on the block, now they’re just guppies in the ocean, and there’s nothing they believe themselves to be able to accomplish to keep up with this big brave new world. This is epitomized in S3E15, where old man Osomatsu tells a bastardized version of the Tortoise and the Hare, blatantly projecting his feelings onto it. Again, too many screenshots so let me pull more quotes (bolding for my own reference):
“The place that the tortoise thought was the goal was not actually the goal. His journey down the road of life still continued on. The tortoise was quite tired, but he continued running anyway.” “No one actually knew who was in front anymore. There are too many people above you.” “After the tortoise found out how society worked, he thought, ‘So this is the difference in talent? No amount of hard work is going to fix this. All right. I’m done competing with others.’”
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S3 has left more questionable endings than its counterparts. The last 2 skits I referenced don’t even a gag to them, and the marriage skit doesn’t play music for the entire second half of S3E5. There’s more involved too. I haven’t even brought up the rice ball twins becoming actual entertainers in their universe, or how they introduced this whole AI subplot only to reject it because All Six Of Them aren’t interested in expanding their little corner of the world. Here’s a transcript of the ending preview from S3E1:
“Hey, hey, Osomatsu here. I thought we were saved from being replaced, but I guess we get new characters next week. Man, we’re busy. New encounters, changing surroundings... We’re NEETs to begin with because all that is a pain. I guess a lot can happen after three seasons. [EPISODE ENDS]”
The sextuplets’ mindsets are extremely self-centered, which is also an environmental thing (the parents don’t even really care that they’re NEETs, for one) and an understanding of what they ought to be (epic successful protagonists). They also have a very black and white mentality, all or nothing. They’re extremely sheltered, and once they realized where they stood in society at large, they just gave up. To them the world is divided between winners and losers, and somehow, “inexplicably,” they found themselves to have fallen from grace. But they’re protagonists, that has to count for something! Everything’s gonna end up okay, right? Well... what this show has told them: No, not at all. They are consistently compared and warned of Iyami, and are perfectly aware of this fact, and have come to internalize it as a truth rather than a reversible self-fulfilling prophecy.
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Too many screencaps, taken from the S3S5 marriage discussion:
JYUSHIMATSU: I wonder if we’re gonna get married someday, too. CHOROMATSU: Well, I mean... probably? I’m not exactly sure, but... TODOMATSU: What? You’re gonna get married, Choromatsu-niisan? CHOROMATSU: Huh? Well, yeah... someday.
Surprise! They have commitment issues! The same group that couldn’t commit to a fucking plot! Though their personality issues have several factors involved, I can’t overlook the theater motifs abound. Life’s a stage, and they’re performing entirely unscripted and it shows.
Do I think all of this is 100% intentional on the writers’ part? No, probably not. There’s also an extra layer here regarding contemporary Japanese commentary that I’m not familiar with, so I just ended up focusing on the characters. I can’t be in the writers’ heads, but whatever decisions are being made by executives regarding censorship and “compliance” are reflected in these character changes that result in being significantly more bitter and defeatist.
In the all or nothing, winner-take-all mentality, the only way to save face at this point, in their minds, is to own up to it - act like it’s what they wanted all along. And, hey, it’s funny to watch, right?
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“Why is Osomatsu all my examples”, you might be asking. Well, he’s the damn blueprint for it all. The leader of the bunch, the first personality to grab your attention, has had all his issues projected and ricocheted in their echo chamber.
Ultimately, my point here is that you could think their “canon characterizations” (though canon means nothing in a show like this) as being intertwined with the nature of their self-aware existence. They’ve shown you all their tricks, the smoke and mirrors are getting boring, and they’re stalling long enough the story seems to be moving on without them - in spite of them. And when something genuinely threatens their way of life, they don’t know how to respond.
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You can play it all straight, of course. Remove the meta jokes and all the same plot points can be hit, but, as a slapstick comedy, it’s able to easily add this additional layer in that I appreciate. I’ve said it in my last post and I’ll probably say it in more, but with comedy comes sincerity - the caveat of all the cartoon violence is that, on some level somewhere, this is how they really feel.
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gageterspalt · 4 years
(English translation) Osomatsu san hesokuri wars: Princess Matsu story AU (Kuzney castle) Chapter 1
"Episode 1-Apple and princess"
Osomatsu: Oh~, what kind of person is my ideal prince?
Osomatsu: It's perfect for me who is pretty, and has charisma ... (Saku! Shori Shori)
Osomatsu: Hmm! this apple is fresh, sweet and sour, and delicious!
Osomatsu: It's like me! What!
Osomatsu: Hmm ... delicious *** Gu.
(Ton ton ton)
Osomatsu: Gu *** (Juru) Fuga!? Ntsu, already rice!?
(Ton ton ton) *** Hey! Osohime!
Osomatsu: What, not everyone? ..* Who? * "way ..! A suspicious apple seller with a dead voice?
Osomatsu: What should I do! If I was forced to buy a box again, I would get fat! The maiden's crisis.
(Ton, ton. pork cutlet)***
Karamatsu: (Gacha)
Karamatsu: * ! Hey! What a cool thing? you can see it
Osomatsu: *.. ! .. no * Don't look.
Karamatsu: I don't want to see you again. It's harder than that
Osomatsu: what? Was it used too much again? No, it's too bad. *eat?
Karamatsu: It's noisy. No! (... Shari!) this apple is delicious.
Osomatsu: Yeah, It's good for you so what was it for?
Karamatsu: Mugu,* Oh yeah! It seems that there will be a ball tonight! It's a chance for a ball!
Osomatsu: Hey.
Karamatsu: Yeah ~~ !? reaction, light!
Osomatsu: Eh ~. After all, people who come to that kind of place aren't scared of being rugged!
Osomatsu: Go inside that kind of thing *. Somehow, it's diffirent.
Karamatsu: What are you talking about? It's true that you're originally a princess, and you can see that it's not rugged.
Osomatsu: that's right.
Karamatsu: Isn't your parents banned? Is it okay for you to live now?
Karamatsu: If you get married and become a princess outside, your original life, or even more, will be. Can you do it?
Osomatsu: That's true isn't it? this house is also confortable and not incovenient. Even if you don't go out, various sellers will come.
Karamatsu: Eh ~ !? you almost never go out? Almost almost neat?
Osomatsu: You see, I'm bringing free samples to my underwear!? I've been sick recently and haven't worm it.
Karamatsu: Oh, It's not a nice corset (Saku! Shori Shori) Mogumogu. If you don't wear it, please.
Osomatsu: Well, I'll give you it because you can wear it. Please wear it for a moment.
Karamatsu: (Goso, Goso) Oh, this comb isn't nice. Did you come to sell this too?
Osomatsu: Oh yeah, I've never used it. I'll give you if you use it. you see, on your hair, like this
Osomatsu: * Are you still eating apples?
Karamatsu: It's deliscious! Please give me another one. (Crispy!) Mugu, tighten the corset.
Osomatsu: I'll tighten it. seno! (Gyuuu!)
Karamatsu: Gya !! Do it more gently !?
Osomatsu: Don't be afraid! (Bash) You're stupid.
Karamatsu: Giya !! Hey! don't hit your head !? I got a comb !?
Osomatsu: Put an apple on it, it's bad manners.
Karamatsu: Wait, I'll finish eating now! (crispy! Mugumugu) Isn't it bitter? (Goku-kun)
Osomatsu: didn't it even contain insects?
Karamatsu: Oh! Cute little people !! Before you know it!?
Osomatsu: Eh? Nobody By the way, I haven't seen It recently. I used to see It from time to time.
Osomatsu: ... is it okay?
Karamatsu: Wait a minute !? The place whereb the comb on my head stuck is kind of throbbing t
Karamatsu: Gya ah ah !!...
Osomatsu: above all, It's an exaggration. That's why I can't go to the ball. *** A little?
Karamatsu: (Bat)
Osomatsu: ***.
Karamatsu: ***.
Osomatsu: hey !?
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mysterygreentea · 7 years
Also “You can’t keep eating Cheetos and marshmallows. It’s not good for you.” with Ichimatsu and Osomatsu
This one was a little shorter than intended, but I hope you like it!
“You can’t keep eating Cheetos and marshmallows. It’s not good for you.”
“Ah, c’mon, Ichi, it’s not that bad.” As if to prove his fact Osomatsu reached into the bag of Cheetos he’d been chowing down on and stuffed another handful into his mouth. “At least it’s food, and it’s good food.”
“It’s not good, it’s nothing but sugar and fat,” Ichimatsu deadpanned. “Don’t you think you ought to eat some real food?”
“But this is real food.” Osomatsu flipped the bag over and started reading the ingredients label on the back, squinting at the fine print. “It’s made with…uh…corn-something, so that’s means it counts as a vegetable, right? And cheese…stuff, which is calcium.”
Ichimatsu shook his head reproachfully. “It’s amazing you’re not dead yet. You need to eat better.”
Osomatsu shrugged, popping another chip in his mouth and then wiping the cheese dust off on his jeans. “Nah, that’d mean I have to cook. And Mom banned me from the kitchen after that last incident, remember?”
“You mean, the pancake incident?” Ichimatsu asked.
“Yeah, it took days to get that smoky smell out of the house,” Osomatsu recalled, and chuckled. “And we still can’t get that one pancake off of the ceiling.”
“It’s not funny for someone your age to be so inept at cooking.” Ichimatsu’s tone was no-nonsense. “Are you just going to let your future wife–” God bless her soul, he couldn’t help but think “–do all of the cooking for you while you just sit on the couch and stuff your face?”
“No, of course not.” Osomatsu crunched on another Cheeto. “That’s why takeout exists.”
Ichimatsu rolled his eyes, seeing this was getting him nowhere, then marched forward and snatched the crumpled chip bag from Osomatsu’s grip.
“Hey, I wasn’t done with those!” Osomatsu protested, jumping up from the couch and lunging toward Ichimatsu.
Ichimatsu merely yanked the bag in the other direction, causing Osomatsu to fumble and fall flat on his face on the carpet. “Yes, you are. I’m making an executive decision here.”
“Aww, c’mon,” Osomatsu whined pathetically, rolling onto his back and gazing plaintively up at Ichimatsu. “Don’t be so mean to Nii-san. I just want my Cheetos.”
“Nope, you’re done,” Ichimatsu declared, backing out of the room and heading toward the kitchen. Osomatsu scrambled to his feet and traipsed after him, watching in dismay as he promptly deposited the near-empty bag into the garbage can.
Ichimatsu noticed out of the corner of his eye as Osomatsu cast a longing, forlorn gaze at the bag in the garbage. He didn’t like the look of temptation that flashed across his face and felt the need to say, “Don’t even think about pulling that bag from the garbage and eating from it now.”
“I wasn’t!” Osomatsu insisted, but the note of guilt and embarrassment that seeped into his voice announced otherwise.
Tch. Idiot.
“You’re going to make yourself sick if you eat nothing but junk all the time,” Ichimatsu condescended, opening the fridge door and removing a plastic-wrapped plate. “Your insides are already a mess as it is, it’s incredible that you still function.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Osomatsu rolled his eyes and flopped into a chair at the kitchen table. “Sheesh, we should start calling you Mommy-matsu.”
Mmmhmm, so clever. What a dumbass.
“Just looking out for you,” Ichimatsu mumbled, taking out a foil-covered bowl from the fridge as well, “since you won’t bother.”
“Hmm?” Osomatsu glanced over at Ichimatsu curiously. “What are you making, anyway?”
“Just leftovers.” Ichimatsu peeled off the wrappings from the dishes of food. “Some of the rice balls I made yesterday, and salad from dinner. If you’re so hungry, you should really eat some real food. Cheetos aren’t gonna fill you up.”
“Oh.” Osomatsu watched as Ichimatsu placed a rice ball on a plate and added a serving of salad next to it. “You didn’t have to make me food, I could’ve gotten it myself…”
“But you wouldn’t have,” Ichimatsu said flatly, bringing the plate over to the table and setting it down in front of Osomatsu. “Seriously, Oso, you always go on about how you’re looking out for us, but what’s the point if you don’t take care of yourself, too?”
Osomatsu faltered, surprised by Ichimatsu’s words. “I take care of myself…well, mostly…huh, I guess I never really thought about it that much.”
“Exactly. So…start taking care of yourself.” Ducking his head, Ichimatsu mumbled to himself, “Because believe it or not, we care about you, too.”
“Eh? What’s that, Ichimatsu?” Osomatsu already had a mouthful of rice, and he shot Ichimatsu an inquisitive look.
“Nothing.” Ichimatsu brushed it off quickly, his passive tone returning. “Just eat, and don’t forget to wash your plate when you’re done, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.” Osomatsu shoved another bite of rice into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, then smiled appreciatively at Ichimatsu. “And thanks, Ichi. You’re a great little bro, even if you’re kind of…y’know, scary sometimes.”
“Whatever.” Ichimatsu shrugged it off. “Anyway, see you later.”
He shuffled out of the kitchen as Osomatsu was still scarfing down his snack, heading toward the living room. Secretly he was satisfied that he’d been able to take care of his older brother, but he still felt somewhat unsettled, and he sighed to himself.
Osomatsu, you need to start taking care of your needs better on your own. Otherwise, how else are you going to make it in the world?
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yushimatsu · 4 years
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i love the new riceball persona
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