capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
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The air felt like melting ice. Damp, warm enough to cause a shiver, and promising brighter things. Chandlers began to liquefy, windows dripped pure waters in rolling cascades as the floor hollowed beneath the panicked steps of the young noble's feet. Something was wrong. The dream felt far away, thin. It seemed to have snapped. No. Not snapped. It felt stuck, as if one wrong move would tear it asunder, as if it were strained.
Yuri held his head, oblivious to the waves of heat rolling off him. He was trapped. He was stuck. He was in pain. He was everything he'd never felt before, and it was terrifying. Somewhere in the back of his head an image formed. A slight smile, warm as the autumn rays. It seemed to say it would be okay, Yuri only needed to wait. Victor would be back soon. He would know what to do. He would know why Yuri was in pain.
Yuri was going to find out what caused this unpleasantness. Then he was going to bury its bits across the Courts with painstaking cruelty. He was going to break it down to its parts and use them to build a monument. He would title it 'Why It Is Never a Good Idea to Fuck With Yuri.' He'd mount their heads on pikes outside the Shimmering Cascade as a warning to all who were and would be. He just needed to stop this agony.
The pain became worse. He could feel the fraying. It was like a thousand cold iron needles being dragged along his skin, embedding themselves into his veins. Every drop of gold drawn in bloody savagery his only protection from the deeper agony of feeling something being taken away, ripped from his existence. Willing to let itself die, if it meant he would live. It sacrificed, quiet and waiting, leaving an unfillable gap in Yuri's armored soul. It was like his enchantments were shivering, one by one. All so he could survive.
No. Not him. Not Yuri. Victor. All so Victor could survive.
Eyes the color of freshly turned earth, fertile and strong, healthy, ready for growth and the challenges of living flashed before his eyes. Yuri dropped to his knees, nails sharp as any animals biting into his chest. His eyes leaked, misery and torment accepted as if it were an every day way of being. The pain grew, and flourished, a dark gem of congealed longing seemed to burst in his throat.
His scream sent golden blazes of fiery light arching thrugh the grounds of the Palace of Seasons. Shimmering Cascade began to wash away, arctic winds failing under the onslaught of such grief.
The Winter King stepped into the wreckage of the ball room, his every movement freezing the waters as he tried to reach the small form collapsing to the ground in slow motion. Sliding on his knees, an arch of frozen splash crystalline in his wake, Victor caught his cousin as his eyes closed, unable to bear the suffering.
Lifting the bird like bones, Victor turned, surveying the damage. Closing his eyes, he began to feel the particles of wet, the clinging, sticky coyness of water as it dripped onto tapestries, threatening to turn untouched snow into sheets of cold traps formed of ice. Victor carried his cousin to the hall. Many courtiers had fled in the wake of Yuri's wrath. Victor's eyes scanned the faces of trembling fey. Lilia, that blessed matron of propriety, said nothing as she motioned for the Summer Guard to take hold of the limp form, releasing Victor from the dreadful sensation of cold burning fire.
As Yuri was swept away to recover, Victor turned to his ruined palace. With a rise of his hands, his feet in refined repose, he began the dance of reforming. His feet slid across the ground, the ice reforming, the wet climbing, drips stopping mid plop, racing back to there designated place. Icicles became etched, carved into wondrous beauty. Windows frosted over, leaving artful patterns of crystalized enticement, glittering with possibility.
Victor spun, his arms reaching, his back arching as he kicked himself up into a move that sent him closer to the ceiling than anyone had the right to reach. His landing was perfect, the roof once again whole. People moved instinctual out of his way as he danced the broken edges, using them to add grace and beauty to his creation, until finally, he rested on the throne of Ice, head pressed against his hand.
He was the Winter King. To him, this was nothing. The happy smiles of his court, the wonder in there deathless eyes, smiles full of joy, could not be reflected in his own. Correcting the damage of Summer was child's play. What had to be done next was not. How was he going explain to Yuri the most impossible thing? He thought his pain was deep, but before he could contemplate how to broach anthers agony Lord Giacometti pranced into the room smelling of rose blooms and something tawdry.
"Who was it!"
Victor looked at Christophe with a raised brow.
"I felt it. We all did. Well, all us of Spring. Herregud, hjärtesorgen!!" He said, bursting out a wave of feeling that sent near by courtiers swooning, delicate tears carefully dabbed into embroidered handkerchiefs. "It was like something was sundered in two!"
Christophe. Christophe was a spring fey. He knew how to handle delicate things. He understood emotion. Victor rose, motioning for Christophe to follow, and Christophe did.
part 1
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vityakinnie · 2 years
Yuri on Ice characters as songs from Taylor Swifts midnights
Yuuri - Sweet nothings/Labyrinth
Viktor - Mastermind/Labyrinth
Yuri(o) - Vigilante Shit
Chris - Bejeweled
Pichit - Lavender Haze
Mila - Maroon
Sala - Snow on the beach
Grigory - Anti-hero
Otabeck - You’re on your own kid
JJ - Question..?
Yakov - Karma
This is just my opinion based on how I see the characters and how they present themselves outwardly to the other characters. Let me know if you would change anything🥰
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kayeet73 · 6 years
Shiro, Otabeck, and Soren are all related and y’all can fight me on that
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kurokaniko · 7 years
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canned-salmon · 7 years
Viktor: Yuriooo I know how you feel about Otabek
Yurio: w-what? I hate him *blushes*
Viktor: *sighs*
Viktor: *hums welcome to the madness*
Yurio: ...*leaves*
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jixiswrites · 7 years
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Otabeck concerned like "yura why your head so big?"
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imprincesspotato · 7 years
Viktor: you're too young to skate to a song about sexual love Yurio: *strips while skating to a rock song*
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yoiamino-blog · 7 years
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Look at my boy yuri . He is adorable and amazing. And don't even get me started on the way Otabeck is looking at him .
Awesome art work was done by Cri On Ice
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bikinibrattoms · 7 years
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rosasappho · 3 years
i also just. i love yoi but the fans. Can I Take The Risk Of Seeming Like That
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bunnyboy39 · 7 years
Otabeck Altin
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capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
I am heavily medicated today, laying about waiting for drs and shit. This lets my mind contemplate the bigger issues and implications of very important boys-on-ice shit. Imma make it your problem.
So, we know Otabek's friends are miscevious. Do you think that includes JJ and Leo as well?
Like... dose JJ call Yuri 'princess' not just because he has that build, but because Otabek's name reduces down to a title? (Duke)
Like, 'go get your princess, your grace' - which triples as a mock on Otabek's lower flexibility, teasing him about his title/name, as well as how long Otabek has been in love with/admiring Yuri- and low key accepts Yuri into said friend group in an honored position all at once with what is supposed to be gentle/friendly ribbing?
(leRoy - name means king. Otabek [reduces down to] Duke. Leo de la Iglesia means lion of the church, so like a paladin or knight or something [leo <lion> some times is referred to as a 'king of the jungle' - I will rant about how they don't live in jungles and all that later. They are on a lot of heraldry, tho]. So Yuri obviously needs a title too. [JJ would call Isabell 'my queen' or 'regina' or something.] Female [based onJJ's mind set most likely making pairs in that dichotomy, as that's how it works for him personally] cats are queens (also following a theme, if they are one team [in one friend group], there can be only one queen and king, making Otabek the next highest rank in the friend group - but he's put Yuri on such a high peddistool that he should rank a little higher, and also podium family king Victor is basically Yuri's big brother as far as JJ is concerned, so there is that to consider), combined with Otabek meeting Yuri in juniors would auto translate to 'princess'.)
Is JJ being a little shit, trying to get Otabek and Yuri chatting because he wants for his friend what he has with Isabella? Did he know Otabek was coming and, seeing Yuri right there, thought he could play match maker with some well intentioned ribbing, getting his friend to talk to Yuri if only to explain (and make a new friend himself)?
Are JJ and Leo in a mock 'no, I'm his best friend' contest? Match maker credit can really get you that better/Best friend status, which is a security blanket JJ seems to need.
Is that why Otabek was paused? Irritation at JJ for pissing off the person he’s been waiting years for, damned well knowing what he's up to, but when he was thinking of exsplaning/apologizing to Yuri, Yuri screamed at him, so Otabek peaced out because exsplaning would not help in that moment?
Bet it informed just how much Otabek told Yuri on that bridge.
I wonder if Leo and JJ - when Otabek has Yuri in a very peaceful mood - are going to tease Otabek about that slow burn, seeing if Yuri catches on because Otabek is So FrIkIn Old FaSoNeD (quiet, stoic, & romantic) that they dispared for their friend EVER having a love life do to his being focused on (pachent and pinning for) the only person who moved him like that?
(If Victor and Yuuri are soulmates as stated official, this is officially a soulmates AU, which means Otabek being so observant would know. Those eyes speak deeply to him. You do not use lines about what are referred to as the windows to the soul in a soulmates AU casually, my dudes. The way when Yuri takes the time to actually look at Otabek and something starts to click, combined with the sudden recognition & respect Yuri gives when he finally watches Otabek skate? That's a patented pending your-Russan-is-in-love look. (We see it on Victor too.) *chef's kiss* I love it. In this PowerPoint I will...)
Otabek is infinitesimally pachent, and his friends want him happy but are little shits, is what I'm saying.
I mean, JJ comes off like a bag of dicks, but I think it may just be that his off-ice timing and sence of humor suffer from 'can't read the room' syndrome... Leo must be the one who counters that... but if Otabek considers him a friend, and his friends are mischievous...
Also, Otabek's friends are frikin chess pieces/off ice nobles (even if only in name/their community).
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It's not done but I've come so far bless!!!
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Guys, we need to get something straight....
I'm sorry guys, but what kind of ship name is Otayuri? I know you're  all probably hating me right now, but there's something better than Otayuri. Yuribeck people, Yuribeck. That should be the ultimate shipname of what is most definitely becoming canon in the next season guys, it has to. Like look at this:
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kurokaniko · 7 years
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canned-salmon · 7 years
Viktor and Yurio Texting
Viktor: Hi!!
Read on 7/01/17
Viktor: If you don't answer me I'll...
Yurio: What will you do?
Viktor: Be sad (; - ;)
Read on 7/12/17
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