#other interests i've put into my writing are bowling and music
wolverinedoctorwho · 2 years
writers of tumblr: what's one interest/knowledge base you have in your personal life that you've put into your writing (especially to the point of putting way too much detail into it) and what's one interest/knowledge base you've learned about because you had to research it to write about it?
mine are probably cooking and stuff about dna/telomeres lol
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soft-bugs · 4 months
Stress Relief/Calming Distraction/etc. Ideas for Regressors (based on my own experiences and things I've learned from others)
• Take some deep breaths. I know that's like listening to a broken record and obvs doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try!
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• Drink some water and put some comfy clothes on and/or wrap your favorite blankie around yourself!
• Put on some soft lighting, if available. Especially if you're overstimulated!
• If you gotta/wanna bodily/vocally stim, DO IT!!! I also like to use stim toys and touch/hug soft things like a blanket, stuffie or pillow.
• If you have a pet, give 'em a cuddle or some pets! (a stuffie is also very comforting!) Or if you have one that can't/doesn't like to be handled/touched, you can just sit and watch them move around (feeding them if needed, can also be fun to watch!) (I love watching my fish swim around/eat sometimes 😹)
• If you're feeling anxious; dip your face in a bowl of cold/ice water, eat something sour or spicy like Warheads sour spray, Sour Patch Kids, Takis or jalapeños, hold something cold like an ice pack against your chest/stomach, try to relax your jaw and shoulders, use stim toys/stress balls
• If you're feeling angry; you can crumple/tear up pieces of paper or an old notebook. Writing down your feelings and/or scribbling rapidly before doing this is good too! You can also punch a pillow or anything soft enough to where you won't hurt yourself. Ik it can be wasteful, but snapping wooden pencils into lil bits was very therapeutic for me for a while! If you happen to have balloons for whatever reason, you can tie one to a rubber band(/string?) and bounce it against your fist like onea these babies:
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• From the one above, write out your feelings! Even if it's just "I am feeling _ because _". If you have a hard time finding the words, here's some cool emotion wheels I like to use!:
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• If you are on your period, take some painkillers (Midol is a lifesaver!), try to avoid caffeine & nicotine if you smoke, use a heating pad/heated blanket if available, take a hot bath or shower, if possible exercise/walking or certain stretches can help with cramping, and I'm gonna be completely honest here free-bl33ding on the toilet just helps sometimes idk 😂
• If possible, go for a walk or ride your bike around the block!
• If possible, try to talk to/call or text someone you trust, like a friend or family member. You can talk about anything, it doesn't have to be about what's causing your stress/anxiety/etc.
• Watch TV, YouTube, stim GIFs/videos, etc. Whatever helps you relax or laugh!
• Play a calming video game (I like to play Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama, Night In The Woods, Webkinz and No Man's Sky on creative mode!)
• Be creative! Even if you think you're "bad" at it bc it doesn't matter if it looks "pretty," you don't have to show anyone or post it anywhere. All that matters is if it makes you feel better! Drawing/doodling and coloring have always been a very great emotional outlet for me! Other fun stuff you could do: Splatter/abstract paint, make a collage or start a scrapbook, make a DIY craft with stuff around your house, SCRIBBLE!!, play around with an instrument or music program/app, design a character on Picrew or some sort of character creator, print out/make paper dolls and their clothes, stickerbomb something, film a music video featuring ur pets/stuffies/toys!
• Continuing the creativity one, make a mood/stim/agere board for yourself, an OC, your fave/comfort characters(s), etc.!
• Do word/number puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, sudoku, acrostic puzzles, cryptograms, framework/fill-in puzzles, etc.
• If you like making lists (like me), write out a list! (Ideas: Your comfort characters/movies/shows, your favorite board/video games, favorite places or cool places you've been, interesting animals, favorite bands/musical artists, current favorite songs, etc.)
• If you're like me, you can play some music and write down your favorite lyrics from each song that plays! (And doodle/scribble around the paper borders in between hehe) And/or make a playlist! Maybe make a playlist of songs that make you feel better in that moment, so you can look for it whenever ur stressed/upset!
• If possible, take a hot bath (you can add bubbles, bath bombs and/or toys!) Or a quick shower. Oh, and speaking of, I have a tip for people who struggle with brushing your teeth/remembering to do so! Try brushing your teeth when you shower!
These aren't the only things I do/know about, just ones I can remember at the moment, and they may not all work for everyone of course, but hopefully this is helpful to someone. 🥺 Feel free to add more in the replies/tags/reblogs!
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Movie Nights with Bradley Bradshaw
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: Headcanon in which you have popcorn movie nights once a week with your aviator friends.
CW: None, just a bit of fluff
A/N: I feel like I haven't posted Rooster content in a while so I thought I'd share this idea with y'all even though it obviously isn't fully formed. Let me know if you're interested in other half-baked ideas and headcanons 😅
Also, the season of scary movies is upon us, so I thought this might be fitting. Enjoy!
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Week 1: Bradley likes you so he sits as far away from you as humanly possible. You take the centre of the couch, flanked by Phoenix and Bob. Bradley takes the floor.
Week 2: Bradley offers to grab your drink (and everybody else’s so it doesn’t appear suspicious). He sits on the same couch as you this time, but he’s in the corner. When Phoenix stands to use the bathroom and there’s a gap between you and him, he gives you a small smile and you offer him some popcorn. He takes a handful from your bowl, so you shift closer to share. When Phoenix returns, she’s wearing a smug smirk.
Week 3: You plop down onto the couch beside Bradley, completely unaware of how alarmed he is at the idea of sitting beside you throughout the entire evening. He's very still for the majority of the time, although you do end up occasionally rubbing shoulders and, by the end of the night, Bradley is both elated and extremely frustrated.
Week 4: Bradley sits down next to you, handing you your favorite drink. He gives you a sheepish grin when both Phoenix and Bob decide to join you on the same couch, squeezing you and Bradley into the corner. It’s a scary movie, so you end up gripping Bradley’s arm for the better part of the evening, hiding your face behind his shoulder a few times.
"You're missing the best part," he says with a massive grin.
"Tell me when the best part is over," you whimper.
He rubs your back with his hand, chuckling into your hair as you squeal. Anytime the film becomes too frightening and you press your body into his side is the best part in his books.
You're watching the screen with an anxious expression and the moment the music swells, you turn away frantically, burying your face into Bradley's neck.
He holds still, afraid that any movement on his part might scare you off – more even than the slasher flick. When he feels your body tense up against his at the sound of the screams coming from the television, he puts his hand over yours on your lap, squeezing it gently in his grasp. "You're okay," he mutters, his mouth right over your forehead.
You clutch his hand as his thumb sweeps lightly over your knuckles, and he weaves his fingers through yours, trying to relax your grip. You murmur something incoherent into the crook of his neck and Bradley closes his eyes, his embrace tightening around your shoulders. "Just so you know," you say in a soft voice. "You're not allowed to leave me alone tonight."
Bradley lets out a slow breath over your face. "Wouldn't dream of it," he responds.
A/N: I dunno guys, this concept has been bouncing around in my head and I wanted to get it down so I wouldn't be tempted to write a whole story around it haha Hope you liked it!
Rooster Tag List:
The rest of the list is in the comments. Sorry if I've missed you!
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dreaminghour · 11 months
WIP Whenever - QuiAni Modern AU
story context: Anakin a college student who develops a little bit of a crush on the tattooed self-defense instructor he meets at a workshop — so he signs up for his karate class and declares his interest by giving Qui-Gon a link to his OnlyFans. Cue the angst and fluff.
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author's backstory: so I've been working on a modern AU for these two for a couple months now, I wasn't satisfied with the one-shot I had written... and maybe a week or so ago I figured out out it needs a chapter two and started writing it 🤣 Keeper can tell you that this has been plaguing me for a while so I'm glad about this development.
oh and here's an excuse I have to share this edit I made ages ago 🥰
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600~ words of texting (possible flirting) after Anakin is dropped off as rain interrupts their 'friend date' getting coffee. scene break after the jump.
As soon as he was through his front door, Anakin pulled off the damp sweater he was wearing and took his phone from his pants before those came off as well. He hung both sweater and jeans on the towel warmer in the bathroom and quickly sent off a text.
Let me know when you get home :)
It was another twenty minutes, while he was deep in focus editing photos from the night before, when his phone chimed with the reply.
Safe and sound! Just need to dry off before Bishop will let me near him.
Bishop? Anakin texted back.
My cat, was Qui-Gon's reply.
You have a cat??? Anakin shot back, but his phone remained stubbornly quiet. After a moment he went back to editing.
It wasn't until he was done queuing up his posts for the week that he finally got his answer: a photo from Qui-Gon showing a little Siamese cat curled up in his lap, fast asleep. He melted a little, not only because of how small the cat looked in Qui-Gon's lap, but just thinking about the entire scenario. Did Qui-Gon take the picture just for him? Was the photo from another day? He put the phone aside until his heart stopped hammering, tried to focus on pulling up his schoolwork instead.
He lasted five minutes before he finally sent: So pretty! Does he like meeting new people?
I think he'd like meeting you :), Qui-Gon replied.
Anakin nearly combusted.
Qui-Gon sat down on one of the benches on the other side of the room from where his friend was testing a guitar, and pulled out his phone. He soon found himself rereading his texts with Anakin. He flicked open Anakin's 'family friendly' gallery and began to scroll before he stopped himself and flicked back to his text messages.
Do you have any pets? he asked.
He put his phone away.
It was a while later, as he was packing a refurbished bass guitar into his trunk, that his phone buzzed again.
Not at the moment, but I grew up with this three-legged mutt.
And attached was a photo of a much younger Anakin (he assumed) with a blonde bowl-cut holding a sleek looking dog who was trying to lick his face off. Qui-Gon chuckled and thought a moment before replying.
He didn't check his phone again until he'd dropped [friend] off, unloaded his equipment, and was back in the car.
You can't just say things like that!
You made me blush in front of my classmates
Now they're teasing me
Truth be told, the thought of Anakin blushing just because Qui-Gon had said a childhood photo of himself was adorable made heat rise to Qui-Gon's cheeks as well.
I'm sure you can handle it, Qui-Gon replied.
The afternoon was a blur, getting himself changed for class, heading to the dojo, so he didn't have time to check his messages until after class had ended and he'd helped wrap a students sprained ankle. Once student and parent were out, and Jango was setting up for his class, Qui-Gon pulled his phone from his locker.
No new notifications.
He opened his messages with Anakin and asked: Busy day?
He didn't get a reply until he was just zipping up his jacket and waving goodbye to Jango.
Yeah, been in the robotics lab all afternoon working on a project
Qui-Gon replied: Went to the music store with a friend and then had classes, nothing unusual.
He walked to his car and then added: Now I'm on a tight schedule though because Bishop won't stand for a late dinner.
Oh so HE'S in charge, I see, was Anakin's near immediate reply.
Are you surprised? Qui-Gon asked.
No, just making note of who's good graces I need to be in
Qui-Gon laughed out loud at that, and the entire drive home he imagined what Anakin's robotics lab must look like.
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Reviewing non-Marvel Loki Things (That I've Been Exposed to)
I am certain there's more, but these are all the non-Marvel Loki-related media I could think of that I've consumed. Maybe I'll do a part 2 if I think of some other things I've read/seen. These aren't really full reviews, just basic reactions of what I remember of these pieces of media.
The Gospel of Loki, by Joanne M. Harris
I...did not finish this. It was kind of interesting, I remember. But I'll be honest, one of the lines I remember most clearly is from the beginning where Loki says something like "For some reason on Asgard, I'm not allowed to fuck beasts or men and no one can tell me why." And then he just kind of, goes with it? Like first of all, why, if you can live forever, would you not only limit yourself to one gender (I'm okay with leaving the bestiality alone, but you could probably make a case for this, too, if they can consent), but force everyone else to, also? And anyway, even if Odin is a Puritan prick for some reason, the least believable thing about all this is that Loki stands for it???!!! Why is this the one thing about which he's like 'Welp, guess Odin knows best'? Frankly, it broke my suspension of disbelief for the whole thing. (You know how I was like Kid Loki saying "I killed Thor" made me go 'Oh, okay, the Loki writers don't have a clue who Loki is fundamentally'? Yeah, this is the line that made me do that with Harris.) I didn't even get far enough to maybe (probably) read my favorite myth (Sigyn catching the venom in her bowl).
Norse Mythology, by Neil Gaiman
So much better, holy shit! Leaps and bounds better!!! This is one of my favorite books. I've talked about it a little on here, but he's such a great writer, and I laughed out loud so many times for the way he portrays Thor and Loki especially (it helped that I first read this listening to him read the audiobook). I just love how he portrays Loki as only smart in comparison to the other gods, who are truly dumb as bricks, with Loki only slightly more clever by comparison. But I was still so attached to Loki that when he causes his own downfall in the end (like he does in the myths) I think I genuinely cried. This is one of those books I read at least once a year.
The Bifrost Incident, by The Mechanisms
I'll be real with you, I mostly only listened to the tracks I knew Loki (and Sigyn) were on. But I did also read the synopsis on the wiki, so I know the gist of the musical. And what I'll say of it is this: I discovered the album four days prior to writing this, and I've listened to at least the Loki track at least twice a day since. I'm a little grateful it's just (as far as I know) an album, because if there was a recorded performance somewhere, I could not watch it (even though I obviously would because I like to let myself suffer). Loki's arc is just too fucking painful (which is honestly saying something, given some of the shit he gets put through in other media).
Ragnarok, Netflix
I watched the first episode. I felt like it ended stupidly and way too dramatically for even the pilot. I know it's called Ragnarok, but it's a modern retelling, and Thor and Loki are kids, so it doesn't have to go so hard from the word Go. And Laurits did not make a good first impression on me either. Can't remember exact reasons why, though. I watched this a long time ago.
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backup-baby-backup · 1 year
Mine and Cory Monteith
A common theory about Mine, one that's almost as old as the song itself, is that it's about Cory Monteith. There's an article from Yahoo! Music that came out a week before the album dropped that namechecks Cory as a possible inspiration for Mine. Of course, there isn't smoke without fire: by the time Mine came out she had broken up with John Mayer, and she had been papped bowling with Cory in March, making everybody think that they were dating.
Evidence for:
1. That Instagram story:
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I've seen a number of people talking about this but never the actual picture, so here you go. This was posted on his mother's public account and is currently still in its highlights. (The picture was taken at a Nick Jonas afterparty, by the way, and is the first time Taylor and Cory met.)
Also, Taylor mentioned that the guy she wrote the song about emailed her after she released the song, so if Mine is about Cory then he would know-- and I'm thinking so would his mother.
2. Timing
Taylor and Cory first met on January 28th, and were last seen together bowling in March. She also said the song was about "a guy that I just barely knew". If Mine is about Cory Monteith, it would have been written around February.
On the other hand, this article from Billboard mentions that Taylor wrote Innocent "between February and June 2010" after she played Mine to Scott Borschetta, which dates the writing of Mine in February.
The dates match up...
3. Glee
Evidence against:
Mine is one of the only two Taylor Swift songs to have ever been covered on Glee, which might be surprising given that the Speak Now era is widely looked upon as a less commercially successful era, and that Glee ran until the 1989 era. (The other song is Mean, which could honestly have well been tailor-made for an anti-bullying PSA segment in Glee.) Interesting how Glee didn't cover any of Taylor's songs from her more impactful eras.*
1. The song lyrics
"You were in college working part-time, waiting tables". We don't know if Cory Monteith ever waited tables, but we do know he didn't go to college.*
But we have a potential defence here!
"It actually is a confession of some sort," [Taylor] responded, "because this is a situation where a guy that I just barely knew put his arm around me by the water, and I saw the entire relationship flash before my eyes, almost like some weird science-fiction movie. After I wrote the song, things sort of fell apart, as things so often do."
So although Taylor did say Mine was based on an actual person, there are some elements to it that are fictionalized! Maybe this was also the made-up lore that she wrote up, like the line about having bills to pay? Of course, it does make more sense that only everything after "flash forward" would be fictional, so this hedge isn't waterproof.
Ultimately, there isn't really strong evidence either way. End of post.
Time for my unwarranted RAMPANT SPECULATION: Taylor Swift and John Mayer were last seen together on 26 January 2010 when she went to his performance in Nashville (her mom was there as well, interestingly). I think things went downhill quickly after that and they had all but broken up by the time the Grammys rolled around. She had apparently broken up by February 13th according to her Lover Journal entry, so that checks out. So Taylor feels that she can start seeing other people (remember how much she hates cheating?), meets Cory, hangs out for a bit, but decides she isn't ready yet and it fizzles out. (I don't think they actually dated, though probably she had a bit of a crush on him.) On one of their hangouts, he wrapped his arm around her and she had a flash forward where they were taking on the world together, and we get Mine.
*It's rumoured that Glee was going to cover I Knew You Were Trouble on "Guilty Pleasures", but ended up cutting it. (This wasn't the same episode Taylor got a false lead on, by the way.)
**When I was researching for this I found this tidbit, which is... something.
Bonus fun fact! Taylor has never managed to sing Mine, the lead single of Speak Now, correctly live since 2013.
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devitalise · 1 year
💗 IMO 💗 in addition to the usual reading round-up + next month's itinerary, would you also care to share your Succession thoughts as a longtime/big time fan witnessing it come to an end🎤
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oh this is sooo perfectly timed i just watched episode 6, but first let's get into the
april book wrap up
let it come down by paul bowles
this kick started a themed reading moment of exploring Tangier through several different books, namely during and post the formation and dissolution of the International Zone. this reminded me of the man who watched the trains go by by georges simenon, the slow unravelling of a persons psyche as they grow more and more paranoid. i found some of the perspectives a bit lacking, sentences a touch too long to lose momentum, but i will pick up another book by Bowles. also discovered this book from reading checkout 19 in january (that book is rife with recommendations the author and the main character are obsessed with reading (and i like looking into books that are mentioned in others))
links in march wrap up
in tangier by mohamed choukri
i think my goodreads review still stands up on how i feel about this book. really glad that my research led me to this book, and Choukri as an invidual. teaching yourself how to read and write in your 20s and then getting to meet and befriend authors you revere could only really happen in the late 60s. the writing landscape felt so small and interconnected in this book, and the juicy gossip like nature was so frank and i think lended a real humanity to people who can sometimes just be names now that everyone involved is dead. similar to let it come down, Tangier is a main character in its own right, and i appreciated Choukri discussing his struggles with the white men around him yearning for a time that's long gone instead of appreciating what the city offered at what was present day. super engaging read.
music: in tangier
naked lunch by william burroughs
was expecting this to round out and also complete my Tangier setting reading. first dnf of the year! i was so, so confused, to the point i thought i'd picked up sci-fi that wasn't going to build the world at all. now that i'm reading older books, it's so interesting to see the threads of what has inspired authors that came after. has brett easton ellis read this book? i can't be entirely sure, but the disjointed, surreal and out of this world ramblings of heroin hallucinations is something i can see influencing the prose of american psycho. only made it around 60 pages in, put down purely because there's no overarching plot, and all the sexual violence was gory for the sake of it i felt. william burroughs as an individual is interesting (mentioned in in tangier, though briefly)
music: naked lunch soundtrack (i might watch the movie, though!)
good intentions by kasim ali
this book inspired an 8 minute voicenote to jaye. sometimes disliking a book can feel so freeing to me personally, i love loving books but getting jolted back to something that i don't like can definitely bring out more eloquent thoughts or critiques of the book for myself i've found. went into this in the best faith, and wasn't rewarded at all. such a missed opportunity for the book to just to refuse to acknowledge antiblack racism amongst nonblack communities, and i'm sure it's done in a way to mirror the naivety of the main character, but to be so close to making a point and then continue to circle around it is lazy. the big aha! moment of this is the love interest having to admit that her being a Black woman is actually a problem and the reason the relationship isn't working. just disappointing, really. interesting threads on faith and Islam, and conforming to parental expectations, but still quite surface level. trying to be too many things, not good in any of them.
music: groovy mix (man, the niche mixes on spotify are good)
may reading
i'm currently reading in cold blood by truman capote. he was mentioned quite a bit in In Tangier, and after reading swan song by kelleigh greenburg-jephcott in 2021, he came to the forefront of my mind. after that i'll probably pick up the third in elena ferrante's neapolitan quartet: those who leave and those who stay.
now... succession thoughts
i'm really enjoying the season so far. i think we're seeing all of the kids at the rise before the fall, and maybe (kendall and rome, especially) are just about to start falling. still unsure how i feel about shiv pregnancy i think if it wasn't leading to tomshiv resolution i'd be able to appreciate it more for what it represents to shiv as someone who has rejected motherhood and other ideas expected of her as a woman. but i hate tom, so i just think it's a bit lazy. greg has outstayed his welcome to me, he serves absolutely no purpose
kendall roy is still my babygirl :)
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doublegoblin · 1 year
9 people tag
Thanks again @gummybugg for the tag!
I'm going to do something a little different, as I've already answered this kind of thing before and I am a dull bitch who does not often change. I am going to answer for an OC from a WIP!
As for who I tag, I'll leave this mostly open for anyone but I'll specifically tag @asterhaze (I know I just tagged ya, but I'll do it again because like an elderly family member you have displayed an interest in something therefore I will hyperfocus on it to bring joy!) @tisiphonewolfe and @tailoroffates but other than that anyone can have fun!
I"ll be answering these for Rico from Abnormal Analytics, because he is an imaginary man who makes me smile.
[Hey thanks for reaching out to the Ric-meister! Despite being newer I appreciate the courage to try and get to know your coworkers lol! Now I'd hold off sending this to D or T, sticks in the muds they are lol! Maybe send this to V next? She's quite the social butterfly ( no pun intended) and well...between us, the other guys aren't the most chatty or personable or approachable or even the nicest!
Thanks again - Rico]
LAST SONG: So I was having a case of the Mondays, you know how it goes! So I had to put on the soundtrack to Tarzan, or should I say Phil Collins' greatest music video! He hasn't made much since the fire though...
Anyway! I was chair dancing in my little office to Stranger Like Me.
LAST MOVIE: I just introduced V to the wonders of Wes Anderson! Her and I sat down in the conference room (yes all signed out and everything it was great!) and watch Fantastic Mr.Fox. She had a hard time grasping the stop motion but I think next week I'll show her Nightmare Before Christmas.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: My life slowly trickle away like the grains in an hourglass...kidding! I'm actually in the process of processing and exporting the latest recovered data for [REDACTED]. In the debriefing/transcription circulation keep an eye out for when the [REDACTED]! Sooooo wild, shame about all the {REDACTED] though.
CURRENTLY READING: It's a bit of a comfort thing, but, as a grown adult man I am going back through the Goosebump books. You know they still hold up! I just finished this one where the boy turns into a dog. Maybe skip that one...
CURRENTLY CRAVING: My mother's cooking! It has been ages since I last had a bowl of her Broccoli Cheddar soup. If I can get in touch with her I'll see if she can't make extra for the crew. I swear once you taste her stuff you will NEVER buy from [EXPUNGED] again!
LAST THING YOU SEARCHED FOR WRITING PURPOSES: The life cycle of Varesus. Had to know if they really have this parental instinct or if that is still just a "theory" amongst biologists. I learned quite a lot about them! Did you know that [REDACTED]? Spine tingling!
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #179
Do you eat or drink as soon as you wake up, or do you wait a while? I get water immediately, and then 30 minutes after I take my thyroid medication, I eat breakfast and may get a drink that isn't water.
Tell me about some of your interests. I love animals and learning about/interacting with them, being artistic (writing, drawing, photography, etc.), exploring nature (at least I will again once my legs are 100%), watching YouTube, various social accounts, listening to music, playing video/computer games...
What's your favourite kind of Oreo? Double stuffed ones. I actually checked what there were, and I can basically guarantee my favorite would probably be mega stuffed, but I don't thiiink I've tried those. My favorite Oreo product are the Oreo Cakesters though, I used to be FUCKING OBSESSED with them and would still snatch them up real quick if I wanted something Oreo-based.
Do you play any games on your phone? If so, tell me about one. I only play Pokemon GO, it's all I have space for. I already have to clean out my phone before trying to update the game.
Do you have more male or female coworkers? I'm unemployed.
What's the longest stretch of time you've spent completely alone? Over a month, maybe closer to two, when my mom went up to New York in her mom's twilight weeks.
Do you use Instagram? If so, what's your current profile pic? Yes. My personal one is my favorite pic of me when I had red hair.
What are your thoughts on kids being given iPads to keep them entertained? I think it's fine to a degree. I do support limiting screen time; I would never want a kid to grow up as reliant on technology as I am; I do think it's important that we humans know how to stay in the current moment with what's in front of us, and computers and the like definitely do not do that.
[TW: SUICIDE] Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? Well, considering I tried to kill myself,
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? I've never seen a single full movie, and I have exactly zero intent on watching a single one because I will not in ANY sort of way support the work of a hateful, haughty as actual fuck terf, her work can rot in history for all I care.
Do you still have both of your parents? Yes technically, but my dad plays an astronomically smaller part in my life than Mom. I barely see him. I love him regardless of that, though, but I know he's not a grade-A parent.
Do you play video games? I do, but nowhere near as much as I used to, and I've found that I tend to have more fun with them when playing with others, when I used to prefer single-player stuff. Ironically, the only game I regularly play nowadays is WoW, and in THAT game, I very much prefer doing things by myself, despite it being an MMO.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? No, hers are brown and mine are grayish blue.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? Yeah, twice.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Not one that was even remotely realistic; we hadn't had full-on sex but my period was missing so I was freaking out over how foreplay stuff might make me an extremely small statistic of getting pregnant without proper sex. Safe to say, I wasn't pregnant haha.
When was the last time you went bowling? Ha, I haven't been bowling since Girt and I tried dating the first time, in like... 2017, I think that was. I'm kinda thinking maybe we should do it again, this time on our second anniversary; I think that'd be cute and fun.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? I know a handful of trans people.
When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Months ago when I got my tattoo finished.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No, I sleep with a real cat. I wouldn't judge someone for that at all, I did it too before I got Roman. I like hugging stuff in my sleep, nowadays I very often fall asleep kinda like hugging myself.
Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? I definitely wear whatever the hell I want. I'm more so conscious of how others see my body, so I never do anything more revealing than a tank top. I don't have that sort of confidence.
What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? It's really just beige-ish with white doors and window outlines. We didn't pick any of the colors in this house.
Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and where? Yeah, I have a vertical labret in my bottom lip. I want way more, it's just that they're far from my priority right now.
What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? I don't give a shit, I've definitely done it. All the leggings I've seen really aren't revealing if they're appropriately sized????
Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? Girt, still in love with him.
Do you have a secret life? I wouldn't call it a secret "life," that makes it seem like a bigger, more important part of my general existence than it is, but I very much keep the fact I enjoy feral animal forum RPs an extremely strict secret because I feel so awkward and judged about it. Barely anyone in my real life knows; just my mom, my boyfriend, and maybe Nicole. Possibly Dad, but I'm very doubtful he remembers that. It's insane, I feel like I anticipate WAY more "omg that's weird you're weird" judgment than it would actually get, but seriously, I can't even talk in person about it to anyone, like even my own mother barely knows the details. I'll cry and feel like puking and I also get VERY snappy and like, innately defensive. My embarrassment response is so goddamn strong that it majorly affects my life, not just in this topic, even.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yeah, that's socially acceptable for a dude anyway.
Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? Oh definitely not.
Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Chocolate!
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? Right nostril redone. It'd be like... the third time lmao.
The last time you held a baby: Not since my three-year-old niece was an infant.
Does your mom eat meat? Yes.
What would be your reaction if one of your parents said they were having another kid? My mom's entire reproductive system is out lol, not to mention she's way past menopause. I'd be very shocked if Dad said that; it's extremely unlikely his wife hasn't gone through menopause too, sooo I'd like to know who the hell the mom was.
What fish scares you the most? Probably stonefish, they're hard to see and extremely venomous.
How do you feel about snails? I think they're VERY cute, but I don't really wanna touch them; slimy is a texture I absolutely despise, and to this day I have a fear response to slugs because of being slimy and way less cute than snails lmao.
If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? I would honestly be very relieved lol, protection wouldn't be a big deal then but more importantly, I never have to really decide if I want to have a baby; so, I can't make the wrong choice/have no chance of fucking a kid up. I personally am very disinterested in adoption, I'd need the kid to be mine and/or my partner's to bond to it properly, I think.
Are you physically affectionate with your friends? With hugs, yes, absolutely. I don't go beyond hugging my friends though, maybe a kiss on the forehead if they're crying or something.
Do you kill spiders when you see them? No.
What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? I know almost nothing of any, save for Jeffree Star's seeing as I like him as a person and respect his work being purely vegan/cruelty-free. He as a person has evolved more than probably any other celebrity I've seen. I've never actually used a product of his though, that is NOT money I have lmao.
What fictional creature would you like as a pet? A faerie dragon from World of Warcraft. They're the cutest goddamn things I've ever seen in fantasy, and I was ECSTATIC when they finally became tameable pets for the hunter class, esp because I regularly play the class, and of course I keep mine in my pet party always lol.
Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? Yeah, Highway Diner.
How do you feel about TikTok? No opinion, I've never even opened the site once.
Any current trends you dislike? Crocs. They're hideous and always will be hideous.
If you had three daughters, what would you name them? Miquella (me-kell-uh) Lynn is the one I'd really like IF Girt and I ever do have a kid, then Alessandra (not sure of middle name), then I guess probably Cheyenne, just in respect to his heritage. Or Justine, another feminine name I adore. Three kids is absolutely not happening, though; I doubt even one will, it's smarter for both of us.
Would you ever adopt a child? The one and only case I can imagine myself doing this is if I got in the very unlikely situation of marrying a person who already has a child and the other parent isn't involved. But me dating someone already with a kid is very unlikely, it's absolutely not my preference.
Do you like your name's meaning? lol no, it's literally just "of Britain," and a bitch ain't ever set foot in Britain.
Do you and your mom look like sisters? Not really; that's the case with her first child though, Katie, like to the point it's kinda scary lol. You look at pictures or literally see them together, and you KNOW immediately that they're mother and daughter; hell, you probably WOULD guess sisters if Mom was younger, the age gap is clear by now.
Are you the same height as your mom? Apparently she's like, half an inch taller than me.
Do you know anyone named Travis? I knew a Travis, but I haven't known anything about him since high school.
[TW: DOMESTIC ABUSE] Did your parents abuse you? No. My dad used to scare me as a kid, but he was never literally abusive. I think.
What is something you've learned to never take for granted? My mom being alive and an incredible parent that keeps me safe and cared for.
Tell me about something significant that happened to you in the past week. This isn't REALLY "significant," but after two fuckin years I've finally set foot in my boyfriend's room, lmao. It's always been messy and he's just never wanted me to see it, so in an incredible act of love for me he tidied it up apparently lol. I thought his room was actually pretty cozy.
What subjects do you like to read about? Meerkats and their behaviors. Rammstein history/their stories together.
What is the name of the last book you bought? Darkstalker by Tui T. Sutherland, I believe. I got all the mainline WoF books that are currently out last Christmas, but Darkstalker is like a side-story of a major character. Best book in the series so far, to me.
If you could change one thing about your home, and money was no issue, what would it be? Wood floors, probably. Our carpet is like this dirty pink color and it's honestly hideous; Mom especially hates it.
Are there any (obviously fictional) villains you can't help but love? Stiiiiill Darkiplier, please his story makes me cry. Very much like the whole else of the WoW fanbase too, I love Arthas Menethil/the Lich King, but if you know anything about the franchise, you saw that answer coming lol, it's common knowledge. Alessa Gillespie from Silent Hill can also be considered a villain, and she is Everything
Can you name a villain who you could kind of side with? ^ Alessa haha
What color eyes does your significant other (or crush) have? (If applicable.) Brown.
Does anything around your home need repairing? Yes, specifically one of the beams holding the front porch up; it's very weathered and almost looks termite-eaten, but thank god that's apparently not the cause. I can't remember what is.
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3s0t3ric · 2 years
Beauty in Show Shoes
There aren’t too many places where people are united in love anymore. In the popularized book “Bowling Alone” from the early 2000’s author Robert Putnam introduces the idea of “third places” stressing that as a community, there is a special purpose these places outside of work and home serve in creating social circles and relaxation. 
Talking to friends, I have always been the, “oh she knows everyone” girl. An interesting comment to hear again and again, but interpreting the writing of Putnam has helped reword what I have always experienced. Needing that third place. In my own life, these third places look like churches, college clubs, and community service organizations, where I had met this "everyone" so to speak. I dont say this in an aim for accolades, I say this to highlight the importance of consistently being in a certain place (either physical or in cyber space). 
In the past year since COVID regulations have been lifted I have found myself wanting to make up for lost time. Concerts have rescheduled their dates, and I am somehow the friend that everyone calls when they’d like to see a show, but need a partner. 
Concerts are the only place where people are still united in love, love of that artist and that genre of music.
As the type of artists I listen to expands, I’ve noticed distinct differences in the type of people that are attracted to each show I attend. Some shows better than others at fostering a sense of community. (I'm looking at you rap concerts). Listening to the reactions to the artists conversation between each song gave context as to who was in the pit with you under those blinding lights. 
Some of the cooler crowds I have been in were the smaller venues, with the artists with a couple of bigger features and a dream.
The best crowd i've found are the alternative/ punk genre. People who were just kids at Warped Tour, now attending a show after their desk jobs. Crowd surfing, mosh pits and random conversations about the music that brought everyone together. 
At the last punk show I attended I noticed the lead singer was giving some pretty introspective background to the context of each song before he preformed them. It's like the music version of a metal plaque next to sculpture.  It’s an easy way to make everyone feel more connected and unify the people who support you most. 
I took a few notes on the words that stuck out to me during these speeches (yes I had my notes app open at a concert, sue me) 
 “Some people came into my dreams to tell me something I needed to know, until I realized that person was me”
: As somebody who has studied psychology, my thoughts dart to the works of Freud and dream analysis. His big picture was that your dreams are an avenue for your subconcious mind to communicate ideas/ stress/ solutions to your conscious mind. With this quote, I realized all of which are still of me. 
“The sound of realization is most conspicuous by its absence”
: This is just one of those quote where you have to read it over and over to fully break it down. This quote was used in the context of a song about somebody who had passed. You never truly know what you have until it’s gone, and to realize this, you need the absence of said thing. 
“Hold tight to what hurts”
: A close friend said it a little rougher around the edges, “embrace the suck”. Feelings are made to help you navigate. They are a tool. The artist described before this song that he had tried to put off the grieving of a friend lost to an overdose, because the pain was too much to bare. He later went on to explain that starting the grieving process and running from what he truly wanted did nothing but hurt him further. 
All of these insightful conversations in-between sounds I’ve heard driving home in my free time made me realize. 
Concerts are my favorite third place. 
People jumping with joy, dressing in their favorite clothing, with their favorite people, listening to their favorite music. With those one pair of shoes that has stuck through it all like a punk rock version of a baby blanket. THAT is my favorite. 
After the lights come back up and everyone floods to the entrances I am always amazed by the unity among strangers in just a few short hours. Everyone drenched the energy that was poured into the venue. How beautiful it is to experience a love like the unconditional love of everyone under one roof celebrating the thoughts of the same person. Together singing the songs of heartbreak, love, loss and joy as one. The people around you just get it. 
There is power in being understood in your third places.
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ooh 1 2 7 and 10 for a fic of your choice!!
Hi Cato! Gonna talk about my Corries No Order 66 AU because it's so beloved.
1. How long have you been working on the WIP?
It's been rattling around in my brain for a while, but it really started to coalesce into its own AU, distinct from the other vague no o66 AUs I write, when I wrote Over This By Now at the end of November. So quite a while considering I've yet to post any of it lsakdgjklg
2. What tropes or fandom headcanons are you involving? Are you challenging any tropes or headcanons?
Well, it’s me, so it’s going to be whump and hurt/comfort. Also, No Order 66 is in itself a Star Wars fandom trope. I suppose you could say I’m challenging it as well as using it, because everything is definitely not sunshine and rainbows in the aftermath. I think there are a lot of interesting social and political issues to be poked at with the clones and the Jedi and I do so love to poke. [author’s note: though I love to poke (verb: to point at or jab), I do not love poke (noun: dish involving vegetables and raw seafood). I do not like poke bowls. Please do not feed them to me.]
I’ve got a lot of Coruscant Guard headcanons that I’ll be using in this fic, but the major one, which is a subplot, isn’t one I’ve shared yet!
It’s more of a plot point than a headcanon, but essentially, Fox catches pneumonia some time during the second year of the war. He never quite manages to kick it, and it lingers for a few months, sometimes flaring up (and traumatizing poor Thire as seen in Over This By Now). He doesn’t fully recover from it until shortly after the war’s official end, which in this fic happens in 21 BBY. 
Note: I don’t know the term for pneumonia that lingers like what I’m describing. From what I can tell, it’s not exactly walking pneumonia, which seems to refer to less severe rather than lingering pneumonia. I know it’s something that happens, though, because it happened to a hockey teammate of mine a few years back. As always, I’m not a doctor, I just play one on AO3.
7. Do you listen to music while writing your WIP? If so, what? Do you have a playlist?
It depends! I don’t have a playlist for this particular fic, and I don’t usually like listening to music with lyrics while writing. I find it distracting. Most of the time, if I listen to anything, I listen to lofi. Star Wars Lofi Hip Hop is a classic and a fave, as are Monterey Bay Aquarium’s many hits on Krill Waves Radio.
10. Is your WIP an AU or canon-compliant? Either way, talk about any research you had to do, lore you had to make, or timelines you had to screw with to make it work. Talk about what makes your universe tick!
Well, it’s definitely an AU. It’s maybe The Most AU I have going right now without straying out of Star Wars all together. I’m still working on how exactly the war ended (I know, I know, that’s the important part), but I can say it wasn’t through anything like the typical fandom trope of “something’s wrong with the Guard and people find out” (though I do like that trope and there is absolutely something wrong with the GAR). I’m thinking of putting my Thrawn hat on and bringing my favorite Unknown Regions Blue Bastards into it but ssshhh I’m not sure about that yet.
This question is making me realize that I need to write things down or else they get lost in my head BUT ANYWAYS
A big part of the universe is the development of clone trooper culture beyond Kamino and the war, and considering what it means to start truly living in the middle of your life. I want to experiment (and have the characters experiment) with different living arrangements and jobs and ways of doing things and relating to the world, so I’m brushing off a bit of my psychiatry and psychology research to think about what would be a good way to live for a group of people like the Guard. I’m also spending a lot of time thinking about what they’d want, how they’d want to go about making new lives for themselves.
I didn’t really have to play around with the timeline, because I’m just cutting the war short in the middle, and it’s not a lore-heavy story so far, so I’m going to leave off here. Thank you for the questions!
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melodyhardin · 2 years
Virtual Textbook 2
The Principles of Design:
Unity and Variety
Unity - When everything is in complete similarity and likeness to eachother. 
Variety - When personalization and uniqueness are the subject. 
      2.   Balance - When all forces are in harmony and equal eachother out. 
      3.  Emphasis and Subordination
Emphasis - The point the viewer’s attention is being drawn to (in the design). 
Subordination - The (usually background) blurred focus points in which the viewer’s  attention is not being drawn to. 
      4. Directional Forces - Imaginary or real linear shapes that provide a guideline for the eye to see around. 
      5. Repetition and Rhythm 
Repetition - The process in which something appears multiple times and provides harmony to the design. 
Rhythm - The pattern or routine of several subjects bringing a steady melody to the piece. 
      6.  Scale and Proportions 
Scale - The relativity in dimensions of one subject to the other. 
Proportions - The measurement-based connection of segments to their undivided original.
Where I see these principles in my life: 
I see unity in my community of dance and theater, especially, when we put on an intricate production. I see variety in the unique difference of stories told in all of the books in a bookstore. 
I see balance in my life when I make time for physical, mental, and spiritual health. 
Is see emphasis in my life when I look someone in the eyes, my focus is brought onto their iris. I see subordination in my life when I think of all of the small creatures in the ocean that the human eye can’t possibly see, but they make a significant difference. 
I see directional forces in my life when I am in my car and I see all the different signs and lanes. 
I see repetition in my life through my daily routines, such as my skincare routines and workout or stretching routines. I see rhythm in my life when I practice piano and can feel the balance between the notes. 
I see a scale in my life when I see the difference between my toy-breed dog and his 7-foot bean bag bed. I see proportion in my life as I can watch my little brother grow from a baby to the ten-year-old he is now.
Writing and Looking
Fransico Goya, Bullfight: The Agility and Daring of Juanito Apinani. Page 76.
This etched artwork contains several series of horizontal lines, shadowing in immense proportions, opposing angles, a double focus point, an illusion of the impossible, a rhythm between horizontal lines and background characters, and a bold black border.
Connecting Art to Your World
The color blue has intricately affected my life in many ways. When I was younger a wine cabinet fell on my leg and I had to wear a cast. I remember at one point my cast was light blue and it went all the way up to my knee. I remember I was having a hard day and my dad took me to the movies (just the two of us), and ever since I've always remembered that blue cast. Blue is also the color of my eyes, which everyone went crazy over when I was younger. My eyes have always been one of my favorite features, and the natural beauty of the color blue just adds to the effect. The value and beauty behind blue are very meaningful to me, which is why, if my life were a color scheme I would be blue.
Artist's Choice
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The music notes in this piece symbolize my name "Melody!"
Group 3 - Photography 
Portraiture -
Unfortunately, (after research) I am unaware of who the model is. However, the amazing photographer who took this portrait is Alessio Albi. The meaning behind this portrait is to capture the brave essence of this young woman. The portrait is focusing on the young face of the girl. As well as the interesting, young, and adventurous blue eyes.
Landscape -
This was taken by Mike Mezeul at Half-Dome in Yosemite, California (USA). 
Still Life - 
This is a still life by Garreth Paul, with the subject of the photo being: oranges in a unique blue fruit bowl. The oranges are included in this photograph to being a sense of light and shape to the photo. This photo was taken in specific lighting making the oranges bring a pop of unique color to the photo. The message of this photo is to make the viewer appreciate the appearance and beauty of the ordinary orange in a new way. 
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omni-scient-pan-da · 3 years
People I talk about in my original posts
Theater Boy (he/him): Made me a Trollhunter sign out of engraved wood, gets very hyped about musical
Murphy (he/him): An absolute cinnamon role, legitimately started talking about bunk beds when asked about top vs bottom a few years back, also in musical, in a throuple with him and Mystic
Genevieve (they/them): My gay awakening who I was madly in love with for like 7 months before confessing, we're still good friends and we talk like every day
Michelle (she/her): Had a crush on Genevieve the same time I did but agreed not to let a girl get between our friendship and basically were each other's wingman until we both confessed and got rejected, we now have a secret code to avoid any confusion about whether or not we actually like each other romantically considering pre-covid we said and did a lot of romantic-y things, might also be my roommate at college?? 👀👀
Mystic (they/them): The asshole (affectionate) that decided they had to hunt down my Tumblr in order to find my wesper fic 🙄, also in a throuple with them and Murphy (@/mysticalninjaearthquake)
Bisexual Girl (she/her): A girl in musical that I low-key thought had a crush on me but was probably making it up in my head
Tall Boy (he/him): Golden Retriever personality that started being friendly to me and it did not compute because of how little interaction I have with the opposite binary gender
May (they/them): Basically me but in a slightly different font, went through a pining arc with them that lasted from February 2023 to July 2023 after I wrote them a letter a day to read while they were on an overseas vacation and included a confession in the last one and then was politely but officially rejected a few days after they returned to the States
Mona (she/her): On the bowling team with me for two years, literally everyone talks about her behind her back, and is too full of herself
Hetty (she/her): Mildly better than Mona, also on the bowling team, still annoying though and gets on my nerves
Florence (she/her): Says she's cishetallo but is the most aroace coded person I have ever met until she's around Mia, in which she then becomes the most lesbian coded person I've ever met. Known her and been friends for almost seven years now, surprised I haven't blogged about her sooner
Mia (she/her): Florence's counterpart that makes her act way more gay, they're always in a package, literally any time we invite Florence and Mia out together they disappear together with no explanation as to where they're going
Beatrice (she/her): My first ever college friend!! Or, at the very least the college friend I'm closest to, she was willing to watch Bungo Stray Dogs with me and listen to my rambling about my gay blorbos and still put up with me which is how you know she's a real one
Phoenix (any pronouns): My ex partner, I've known them since fall of 2015 but it took us til October of 2023 to actually truly interact, and then from there took a month to hit situationship(?) status and then forewent my six step plan in favor of talking about my feelings and officially got together towards the end of December 2023 and broke up in late April 2024 because I don't think we ever would have worked as an actual relationship
Ryn (they/them): College friend I met my first semester of college through the musical I did, and then gradually got closer to as we neared the end of the semester and now they're like my closest friend in college and is also way too cool to be friends with me but they don't seem to realize this so uhh no one tells them
Bella (she/her): Michelle's ex-girlfriend, she went to high school with me and Michelle and was one of the sweetest people I had ever known until I witnessed her and Michelle's breakup and now she's uh.... Interesting to say the least
Thea (she/her): College friend that's currently in a homoerotic friendship with Michelle
Annie (she/any): Directing the musical I'm writing! Dating Raine, a friend from college, one of the kindest most outgoing people I've ever met
Raine (she/her): Assistant directing/art directing the musical I'm writing! Dating Annie, a friend from college, I know her tumblr @ but she doesn't know mine, also obsessed with Scum Villain and is my favorite person to bounce fanfic ideas off of
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christineeej94 · 4 years
Neighbors ❤
Arón Piper x Reader
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a/n: I appreciate all the likes i got for my first attempt and now I want to write another one, a little bit longer and more interesting. I hope you guys gonna like it and I wait for your requests. Kisses 🌻
Content: The reader is moving to Spain, she meets Aron by chance because they live in the same block. They are starting to see each other very often and after a few weeks they become a couple.
Warnings: bad writing and some inappropriate language. 
Word count: 1732 
When I decided that I want to move to Spain I don't know what was on my mind. It was a radical decision and now I'm in new apartment who has a beautiful view of Madrid's streets. I like to seat here, drink a cup of coffee, read a book or just admire the breathtaking view.
  I admit that this city is so mesmerizing and full of life, but I'm alone, I live my family in Italy and come here to find something. I leaved everything, my home, my family and my job at the gallery to find something now, an adventure. I'm looking for inspiration for my paintings and I think here I can find it. Today I want to spend my time on streets with my camera and take pictures of people, animals or whatever I consider that deserve to be painted. I dressed with a colorful dress and some sandals. I pinned my hair in a pony tail and I take anything I need for this walk. I locked my apartment and I start going down the stairs. When I went outside the bright sun blinded me for a few seconds so I put some sunglasses and start walking to nowhere. Today is a great day to get some inspiration and the locals are already on streets and at the local markets. I photographed some kids eating ice cream, an old couple reading a newspaper on a bench and a lady at the flower shop. Walking down to the historical center I seen three guys at a table and they were drinking a coffee. I wanted to photograph this state but the sunlight blocked my view.  They look so handsome and very masculine. I took courage and come closer to them table.
A blonde guy, a boy with black hair and another one with brown curly hair are looking curiously at me when I got in front of them.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) and I'm a professional photographer and also a painter. May I take some photos of you?" “I promise it will be quick” They are looking at me like I am a crazy lady. Maybe I’m but that’s another story.
They smiled at me and starting to talk to each other in Spanish. I didn't understand a word and now I realize that maybe they didn't understand me in the first place.
“First, I’m Miguel” the blonde one present himself. “He is Itzan and he is Arón” Miguel pointed first the black hair guy who smiled at me, then the curly boy who looks so good.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Can I start?"
They approve and I ask them if they can be natural like I was not there. The boys are really born to be models because the final result was amazing. After I finished i give them my contact data if they want the photos. Miguel and Itzan were very excited and I talked with they a little. They explained me that they are actors and it is very regular for them to be photographed.   That beautiful guy, Arón, didn't talk at all and he was already gone after a we finished. I was happy that I met these nice guys and I ensured them that if they need something, they can call me. 
When I have arrived home, it was already dark outside. I made a bowl of instant noodles and I stayed on my balcony, watching the light and enjoying my diner.  I googled for the three boys I met today and I’m surprised and shock because they are famous. All of them are acting in this series called “ ÉLITE”. I start watching the first episode when load voices and extremely load music are coming from my neighbor above me. It’s half past the midnight so it’s late for a party, especially in the middle of the week. I put a hoodie on my summary pajamas and I walked up the stairs to my neighbor’s door. I hit hard the black door and after a few minutes a tall boy with curly black hair was sitting in front of me with a beer in his hand, smirking at me.
“Can I help you, princesa?” I don’t say anything because I didn’t understand what he’s saying.
“You are shy? Come in, the party is already started” He speaks in English this time and he drags me inside. “I’m Jorge by the way”
“I’m your neighbor, (Y/N)” I finally speak and we enter in a room full of people who are dancing and drinking. “Sweetheart, I don’t live here, I’m just a guest” he explains and I want to leave, I’m not welcome here and I don’t know who own this apartment.
“Hey, Jorge, who is she” a familiar voice is heard from behind I turn around. Miguel is sitting in front of me with people I don’t know, but I recognize some faces from the “ÉLITE” first episode. Miguel looks surprised to see me there. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” He is happy to see me and I’m also happy to see him. He hugged me and present me to the group. “But seriously, what are you doing here?” “I live in the apartment below.” “I didn’t know you are living here, Miguel, I apologize for the inconvenience” He looks confused for a second. “I’m not living here, Arón is” he explained. “Stay, we are gonna have so much fun.” I looked down to myself and I've seen a very messy outfit which is not appropriate for this kind of party.
“Hey, is that the girl from the coffee shop?” “¡Ai, que hermosa!” Arón screams from the terrace and he’s walking like a zombie to us.
“I apologize for him, he was drinking too much, you know, he got his heart broke.” Miguel support Aron and the curly head boy is sending me kisses. “Maybe I should go home, is pretty late.” “Nice too meet you guys.” I greeted the group of people and I go home.  
All night I couldn't sleep, I only see Arón face in my mind and I can´t stop thinking of him. His beautiful eyes and his smile are so stunning. I don't know him at all but he seems a nice person and I would like to know him. But he is a star and I'm just an ordinary girl. I started my day terribly, I'm tired and I don't feel like getting out of bed too soon. Yesterday I received an email about a job at a fashion magazine and today I’ve to be there at 12 p.m. At half past 11 I was sitting in front of elevator. When I entered Arón was inside looking in his pone. First he didn’t notice me so I decide to greet him.
“Hey.” my voice sound like a strangled cat. “Oh, hey there, (Y/N) right?” I approve and I’m looking in other direction.  He intimidates me with his presence. “I’m sorry for last night, I wasn’t myself.” “It’s alright, I’m used with parties and load people” I said and we get out of elevator. “Where are you going now?” “I'm going to an interview for a job at Cosmopolitan Spain and I am pretty late.”
“Let me drop you, it’s on my way.” I accepted because I was late. In the car he asks me so much questions and we figured out that we have many things in common. “Come with me at a barbeque this weekend, it will be fun and I gonna present you to my friends” He said when he dropped me at the Cosmopolitan offices. “Sure, why not.” I blushed when he winked and smirked at me. "See ya, hermosa." "And good luck."
After two hours I was already home. I slept all day and I woke up when my phone started ringing.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” “I’m calling you from Cosmopolitan offices, congratulations, you got the job, you can start on Monday.”
I was excited when I heard the news. I can’t believe I got the job. I spend the rest of the night dancing and watching my new favorite show.
  After 3 weeks
  I open the door to let my best friend to come in. Arón puts the chips and the beers on the coffee table and sits comfortable on the couch. It's Friday so it's the "Euphoria night". We started together this series and he loves it. I don't like it that much but I adore to spend time with him. Arón it was a good friend for me from the beginning. He is teaching me Spanish and I made a lot of friends here thanks to him. We start know each other very well, but he doesn't know that I like him so bad. We flirt a lot but it’s more like a joke.
“I don’t like that guy, Nate” I commented and he laughed. “It’s a bad guy, (Y/N), you don’t like bad guys?” He smirks at me and I rolled my eyes. “I like you” He takes it like a joke and start laughing. “Pero soy un mal cabrón” he looks at me inappropriately and he smiles suggestively. I love when he is talking in Spanish. “You are such a playboy.” “Of course, that’s my middle name” He shows me his middle finger and I hit him softly in his left arm.
After a few hours we are sitting on my balcony admiring the sunset. I start to love Spain so much and I love the boy next to me who is smoking the fourth cigarette in the past 30 minutes.  He observes that I stare at him and he smiles. “I know I’m beautiful, stop looking at me like that.” “Sorry.”
 “But I don’t outdo you” he takes me in his arms and start singing his lyrics from ‘Vicio’. “What are you doing?” I laugh and he giggles. “I’m singing for my future girlfriend” He answers and I blush. My heart stops beating for a couple of seconds. “What?” I mumbling. He stopped and raised my face. “You are the most beautiful person I ever seen, you are kind and you are so talented” “And I like you like a crazy man” I can’t stop smiling after his declaration. “Do you want to be my crazy woman?” “Of course, mi amor” I answer and we kiss softly.
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prehistoricalcats · 4 years
June 16th:
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(Again there are no gifs, but please take this amazing art of Persi by @platothefluffbutt and this stillframe of "Baby Griz" which is basically what Hildebriar looks like)
For this one I'll be forcing myself to alter the format and removing the "favorite version" "favorite actress" and "favorite moment in he musical" questions because they simply don't apply here
I don't think I can do all my OC queens, but I wanna do at least Persi and Hildebriar, who I haven't yet discussed in detail or released a bio for yet, but she's important and I don't want to leave her out.
OC bio here, jelliclequeens submission here
What do you love about this queen?
She's a badass bitch that doesn't take shit from anyone. She's fierce, proud, strong, and fearless. But then she also has a soft side, and I love writing her in softer moments where her affection and/or concern for her friends bleeds through the tough outer shell
That being said, I equally love writing moments where she kicks ass and takes names, or where she's otherwise in intense serious business mode which is a phrase I've used to describe her in three separate posts now but it describes her so well 💙
What is your wlw ship with this queen?
I could see her hooking up with Cass. They're both tough strong and proud, they're both fighters, and both have a "lol fuck you" sort of attitude. Persi radiates "don't try me, you will fucking die" vibes that nicely compliment Cass's "try me, I fucking dare you" vibes. I think they would appreciate each other. And they would certainly appreciate each other, if you know what I mean ;)
I could also see her being attracted to Demeter, but I don't think Demeter would return the feelings. She's too angry and aggressive for Demeter's tastes, but I think Persi would be attracted to Demeter's kindness and courage, as well as everything else because dayum girl it's Demeter
But then Persi may be a bitch, but she ain't that kinda bitch. Once it was clear Demeter wasn't interested, she'd shrug off the attraction and move on. She ain't about to go chasing some queen that ain't interested
In short, Hildebriar is the queen that plays Grizabella when the Jellicles (performers in my hc) put on their play about That One Particular Jellicle Ball™
Everyone else plays "a caricature of themselves" for most of the show, but Hildebriar only plays "herself" right at the very beginning (Baby Griz)
When I finally post her bio, I'll link it here
What do you love about this queen?
She's like that one teacher in every high school who absolutely does not tolerate bullshit and no one wants to misbehave in her class because they know she means business, but that most students love anyway because she treats everyone with respect and will work with you if you need help and be patient and chill about it instead of criticizing you, and she always has like a bowl of snacks or something on fridays just make sure you clean up after yourself or you won't get any next week
She's like that, but not a teacher. Just a caring, helpful authority figure in the tribe. She's stern and has a very no-nonsense demeanor, but she's secretly very sweet and caring. Which is awesome 💙
What is your wlw ship with this queen?
Oof idk. I've considered shipping her with Griz, but I've also considered making them sisters. And also considered that as strong a connection as that would make her playing Griz in the show kinda weird, so also considering the "good friends" route. Idk
Other than that I don't think I have any ships for her atm. She definitely isn't with Jenny or Jelly, because it simply wouldn't make sense with certain things that go down in my headcanon. Maybe in an AU?
Hmm maybe she had a lover (or several) that went with Abraxas when the tribe split up? Hmmmm… 🤔
I love coming up with new hcs right in the middle of writing these ^ ^
So anyway I think that's all of my own OCs I'm gonna do right now. May do more later in the month. Let me know if you want me to do one of yours!
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
| Taehyung x Ravenclaw! Reader (fluff) :00 can't | | Wait for the HMC au bby💜 |
Taehyungxravenclaw! Reader pt. 1/?
A/N- You got it! Sorry it took so long I was adjusting to my new school schedule before I started writing again. And SAME! It's my motivation to keep improving, as I don't want to write/post a HMC au I wouldn't want to read. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to tag you or not,so just let me know for the next parts. Anyways, hope you enjoy sorry if it's absolute garbage :[ I'm going to go back and check it one more time tomorrow to look for any typos I missed, but until then please ignore them.
The halls were buzzing with excitement all over the castle. You couldn't walk 15 feet without hearing the news about the rumored new students. From what your ears had gathered from students rushed conversations while walking to and from your lessons and the occasional accidental (read: deliberate) snooping, they were international students coming from somewhere in Asia. You were quite uninterested to say the least. (Or so you tried to tell yourself). If anything, you were confused and even a little irked at the news. As rumors tend to lack factual evidence, there's is no telling how many new students you'll be getting, how old they are, when exactly they'll be arriving and last but not least WHY they are coming to hogwarts on the cusp of the first exam season of the year. How inconvenient for the new students and the teachers, to be plopped into a class and then taking an exam on it days later, in a foreign language as you can only assume English isn't their first language. You became so invested in the news however, that you just HAD to solve it. You had to figure out all the answers. You saw it as a challenge: a riddle if you will. This always happens when new rumors surface. You try to convince yourself that you just don't care, that you remain unbothered at all times. But your Ravenclaw spirit sees this as a brain game. You just love the rush of sneaking around and discovering the truth before everyone else. You never share what you discover though, it's just a personal accomplishment that you record in your journal. Sometimes you've gotten into a couple sticky situations but nothing terrible or detention worthy. Just a "Miss L/N, why are you pretending to be a gargoyle above the gardens?" Or a "Can you please stop smelling people's closets, we assure you we will find whoever is taking our gillyweed on our own. " You were so close to solving the last one too. Your money is on one of the Weasley kids. You could've sworn that they left a trail of fallen wet Dill leaves that they used to replace the gillyweed that led all the way back to the Gryffindor common room.
Your steps are quick as you make the last turn to the doors of the great Hall for breakfast, and your quick pace is kept all the way until you're seated at the nearly empty Ravenclaw table. Usually the table is bustling with students shoving food down their throat, chatting up a storm to their friends whose heavy heads are playing a sleepy game of tag with the table or their cereal bowl. This morning, however, you decided to arrive to breakfast as early as possible, for the sole purpose of gathering more information on the new students -but don't get it wrong, you aren't interested in them: no. Your mission to gather information on them stems from the fact that you need to know what to prepare yourself for. More trouble makers? Dear God, you can barely handle the ones you have. Pompous students that strut down the hallways and expect those around them to worship the ground they walk on? Ugh we don't need anymore of those. Snobs? Bullies? Sweet innocent small children? Not likely. But there's so many possibilities. As a Ravenclaw, you prefer to stay on top of things and be prepared for whatever is thrown your way. Your grades are important to you and the last thing you need is trouble right before your exams- ESPECIALLY care for magical creatures .... It is the only class you struggle with and just can't seem to bring your grade up to the same score as all your other classes no matter how hard to try. Hagrid pities you, he really does but you can only lose your projects so many times before he has to subtract it from your grade.
"It's not MY fault the projects can run away on their own" you mutter to yourself before pouring a cup of pumpkin juice standing up to examine the other foods available. Your eyes scan the contents presented on the table over the rim of your goblet as you sip from it. After the second wizarding war in Hogwarts, they partnered with other wizarding schools to help send students all over the world to the school of their choice for different opportunities. As a result of all the different cultures and traditions, the kitchen started loading the table with more diverse food choices at every meal. Clicking your tongue at the delicious looking Ethiopian breakfast dish, you decide to go for something you've had before so you don't upset your stomach before your school day.
By the time you're putting the last bit of scrambled eggs on your plate a few more students have shuffled in for breakfast. You quickly sit and begin to eat keeping your ears open for any news of the supposed newcomers. Again, you really aren't that interested in them you swear.....
However minutes pass of you listening to a young Gryffindor complain about the girl she likes not noticing her, suddenly a conversation that carried over from the Hufflepuff table caught your attention.
"Seven?!" A voice exclaimed.
"keep your voice down!"
You turned your attention to two girls, one Hufflepuff and one Gryffindor. You recognized the first voice to be Kim Yong Sun, and the second as Moonbyul Yi; the both of them seventh year transfers from South Korea during their second year.
"Sorry. But how do you know? There hasn't been any confirmation of them arriving let alone how many there are. " Yongsun eyed Moonbyul skeptically and you can hear the click of her chopsticks being set down from where you're sitting you're listening so closely. You slightly nod in agreement to the conversation you aren't a part of. She's right. There hasn't been any confirmation or factual evidence of transfer students. Yet here you are, sitting in the breakfast hall at 6:05 am on a Friday morning listening to fourth year romance drama and the yawns of a few other students like you're life depends on it. Maybe this is stupid, you should just go back up to bed and let it go. You aren't one for caring about new students or rumors anyways. Maybe you were just looking for something to distract you from the upcoming exams: Yeah, that was probably it. You sigh picking up one last piece of toast making up your mind to take it upstairs with you. Putting the piece of toast in your mouth you place your hands on the table to stabilize you as you swing one leg off of the bench to get up.
"I know one of them." Moonbyul responds quietly. You bite your toast out of surprise causing the rest of it to fall from your mouth as you plop down to straddle the bench with a loud thud while playing hot potato with your toast attempting to save it before it hit the floor. You glace around to see if anyone noticed, but thankfully those there are much too tired to care. You swing your leg back into your seat and continuee to listen to their conversation. Everyone needs a little distraction every now and then right? A hobby? Can snooping be considered a hobby....? I guess you're really doing this again.
"You know them? Really? So they're from South Korea too?" Yongsun asked while beginning to eat again.
"Yep. But I only know one of them pretty well, his name is Kim Seokjin and he's in my year. The rest of them I've only met a few times through him. "
Yongsun pondered what was said before speaking .
"Wait- seven of them..... Are they those loud boys from the music club you were in back home? Some of them are a little young don't you think?"
Moonbyul laughed. "Yep that's them! And no- the youngest of them should be a fourth year right about now."
You figured you had heard enough information to go on and decided to actually go back to your dorm this time. You left your spot at the table and began to make your way back to your room for a quick nap before school began. Your walk back was filled with thoughts of the new kids. "Loud boys? Great." You said bitterly turning down a hall. " What does it have to do with me? From what I heard they are different ages, which will separate them a bit. Maybe none of them will even be in my house, and I won't see them. After all, there's only seven of them and a whole school of other students. I probably won't even notice them. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ •~•~•~• ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A fork clinked gently against a goblet, and McGonagall rose to her feet. "May I have your attention please."
The loud dinner chatter quieted down almost immediately and all heads turned to the teacher's table.
"Thank you." She placed her goblet down before returning her gaze to the students. "As many of you have heard, there are rumors going around that Hogwarts will be accepting some new students. It is my pleasure to finally put these rumors to rest- "
A chorus of disappointed sighs and groans rang through the hall, looks like they weren't getting new students after all. You almost let out a disappointed sigh but caught yourself. You didn't want new students, they were a distraction and a nuisance. Right? I mean... It was a little bit of a disappointment considering all the hard work and snooping you had been doing recently. Your friend group doesn't spread rumors much, so everything you knew had been from eaves dropping and hiding, like the gargoyle incident. You guess you sat up there for 45 minutes all for nothing.
"-excuse me please quiet down." The students all shut their mouths quickly, afraid of angering her. "As I was saying, I am happy to finally introduce to you our new students from South Korea." The hall erupted into excited chatter, girls and boys alike fawning over whether or not the newcomers were attractive, nice, mean or any other possibility, like you have been for weeks ever since you overheard the students chatting about it outside the potions cupboard you were in when the rumors first started.
Clearing her throat the headmaster gave a sharp warning look to all the students, again silencing them. "As you know, usually transfer students come on the first day of school with the first years to get sorted. However, there was a couple issues regarding the ministry during their application process, so they arrived later than usual. I have no doubts that you will all make them feel very welcome here." She waved her hand as a signal to Filtch, who scampered out of the Great Hall, returning only a few moments later with a trail of students behind him.
Seven. There was seven of them just like you'd heard about this morning. You feel your chest swell with pride. You did good for a half assed Snoop mission. They were all male, and most looked to be around your age, and you'd be lying if you said they weren't in the least bit attractive. You scowled internally knowing that their looks would be all you'd hear about during your study sessions in the common room.
The sorting hat was brought in and the sorting began. McGonagall unrolled a small piece of parchment and read off the first name "Jung Hoseok", and you held your breath as the first boy made his way up.
He looked rather pleasant. His bright face was framed with medium length brown hair, and his smile was wide. He was practically glowing as he sat on the stool. There was a few moments of silence before the hat shouted out a loud "Hufflepuff!" And the hall clapped while McGonagall lead him to the proper table.
Slowly one by one each of the other boys went up. There was another Hufflepuff, his name was Park Jimin, and a Gryffindor whose name was Jungkook. 'So far so good' you think to yourself.
The next boy to go was called Kim Namjoon. He was tall and had a pair of square modern glasses perched on his nose, the legs of the glasses covered by his messy silvery gray hair. He's a bit taller than most of the others so the stool looked comically small beneath his long legs which he had stretched out for his feet to rest on the heels of his shoes. He radiated nerves with his hands rubbing up and down his black pants and his cheek pulled in slightly as he chewed on it. You were too lost in thought to realize it had been almost an entire minute of silence when the hat announced a very loud "RAVENCLAW!"
You felt your face scrunch up a bit but clapped anyway. I mean, it's only one of them and he looks rather pleasant; not too loud or obnoxious. He looks put together-maybe a little clumsily- but still respectable. You watched him take a seat and shake hands with other students. Yeah, he seems pretty ok. Instead of paying attention you continued to study the boy. After all, there's only a small chance one of the last three would be a Ravenclaw. The next name which you recognized as the boy Moonbyul knew, Kim Seokjin but blocked it out after that.
Namjoon seemed to be getting along nicely with the other students at the table. His smile was friendly and welcoming and his demeanor calm and assured.
You clapped absent mindedly as you continued to watch Namjoon become much less nervous than he had been up on the stool. His eyes gleaming and his honey skin shining in the great Hall lights giving off a faint golden glow. He literally held the presence of a god. You were beginning to doubt what Yongsun had said about them being loud as you watched the next boy climb up to the stool, and you looked around at the other new students and noticed they all were pretty quiet and calm, aside from Jungkook whose cheeks had flushed pink as Seokjin had an arm thrown over his shoulders supposedly boasting about what you heard to be his "handsome face", and his "baby boy kookie" . You really did seem to have nothing to worry about, it was just your anxiety that made you so scared of newcomers.
Again you applauded without thinking before you froze. You looked back up to the stool and watched a boy about as tall as Namjoon bounce excitedly over to Namjoon and plop down right next him with a loud "Namjoon-hyung!" Followed by a box shaped smile and a joyful giggle. His eyes were dark to match his fluffy long ish hair that looked unsually soft. He was much louder than his friend Namjoon, you could hear his introductions and laugh travel down to your seat of the table, enabling you to hear his name: Kim Taehyung. You glared lightly at him sizing him up when suddenly your glare was met with bright cheerful eyes. 'Dont blush you're not interested, dont' You felt your face contort into a look of shock and heat slowly rise to your face before Taehyung sent you a wide boxy smile that caused his eyes to crinkle into small crescents, a sight that made you flush even more - you couldn't deny he was attractive. 'no no no no no-' At the sight of your blush you heard him laugh out a loud "cute", turning your face to an even darker shade of red than you had even thought possible. Those near him followed his gaze and laughed a little bit at your red face and a few "awww Y/N"'s and "oooh get it girl" were sent your way. You quickly tore your eyes away from his and shoveled the food down your throat causing you to choke on it, your hands grasped for your drink which a panicked seatmate handed you. You chugged half of it down before sputtering out a few coughs.
"Are you okay Y/N?" The same seatmate asked with a concerned look.
You nodded noticing that most of your table had now focused their attention on you. Embarrassment now completely took over your body as you shot up from your seat so fast you hit your knee off of the table and knocked your drink over to spill all over your robes. You let out a sound of frustration but you didn't let it stop you from your mission: to get out of the great Hall and to hide under your covers until morning. You turned and walked out as fast as you could ignoring the calls and stares you felt from the table. You made it outside of the great Hall and began to sprint down the halls all the way to the common room door.
Gasping out the password you don't even wait for the door to open all the way before you push inside the common room and up the steps to your dorm room. You slam the door shut and fall on the floor, the only sound in the room being your loud labored breathing and your wild heartbeat. After a few moments your breathing calmed down and it finally hit you what you had just done.
"oh my God I'm such an idiot! Why couldn't I just let this one go? " You stood up and stomped your way to your dresser and ripped out some night clothes. "Was your life really this boring? You could've just ignored the new students. You could've just not given a damn but no. " You slammed the drawer shut and went into the bathroom to begin changing. Aggressively taking off your sticky pumpkin juice covered robes with a grunt "You just HAD to get involved in the rumors. You KNOW you can't let something go once you commit to it. You shouldn't have even committed to it. Hell, you should've stopped after you were caught snooping around the class attendance lists" You slid on your night clothes and picked up your robes to take a closer look at them with a sigh.
"now I have to wash my robes tomorrow because YOU have no self control and can't stop being nosy." You glared at yourself in the mirror, sticking your tongue out at the reflection.
Exiting the bathroom you ball up your robes and place them in your hamper. You have calmed down significantly, the steam and anger from the embarassing moment in the hall finally wearing off. With a inhuman groan you dragged your hands down the sides of your face. "He's just a boy. All he did was smile at me... And call me cute...." Your thoughts drifted off to his cute box smile, and twinkling brown eyes. You abruptly sat up with a determined look. "No. No no no no. You don't have time for crushes, you only have one more week till exams and you aren't letting your grades slip just because a cute boy happens to join your house. Just ignore him. It's easy as that. " You pull your covers down and flop into bed.
A couple hours had passed, and you pretended to sleep when all your dormmates came up to bed one by one. Eventually after some tossing and turning you sigh. Your mind is full of that stupid boy, and the way he called you cute. So much for not even noticing the new kids.
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