#other results were positive (follower) and negative (leader)
walmart-miku · 8 months
I just had the most experience today.
So it's like 4 pm I'm at panera meeting up with friends and when I get to the booth there's this kid there talking to my friends so naturally I show up and I'm like
Me: who's the kid?
Everyone: that's Mr. President
Me: ok
Mr. President: Hello would you like to participate in a social experiment?
Me: yeah sure
Mr. President: *proceeds to have me take a quiz verbally it's very similar to uquizzes*
Mr. President: ok so according to your answers you are degenerative.
Me: ok? What's that mean?
Mr. President: *proceeds to accurately assess my entire personality and life*
Me: huh
Mr. President: *leaves to go eat dinner with his parents because we are in a panera bread*
Me: what the fuck just happened
Friend: I told you that's Mr. President. He shows up every Tuesday and Thursday and asks people questions.
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clarebear-0925 · 6 months
The Holy Trinity of Fear-Entity Based Media
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HELLO! i am returning to elaborate on this subject because i've been thinking about it for literal WEEKS ever since i made the connection while starting TMA.
So, let's explore this venn diagram in more depth, shall we?
(Apologies for the length of this post but I have MANY thoughts. I know it's long, but please hear me out lol)
First, I want to talk about the world-building similarities since they're what I first noticed and spurred this entire thing.
Imagine the following explanation in terms of the venn diagram above.
A Japanese action/horror manga
A universe where fear-based entities (called "devils") exist. Each devil correlates to the fear of a specific concept (with infinite possibilities ranging from tomatoes to the future). They are the embodiment of the fear their name represents.
Each devil thus has its own special abilities and 'theming' associated with its name.
The existences and power levels of the devils fluctuate based on what the the populace is afraid of at the time and how scared they are. They survive and feed off of human's fear.
The devils exist in another 'place' (Hell) that is separate but linked to the our world. However, they can manifest in the real world to attack and spread further fear (and if they die there, they are sent back to Hell in a weakened state). It is currently unknown as to how devils cross over from Hell.
However, the devils CAN in fact permanently die- if they are forgotten entirely by humanity (and thus run out of fear to exist/feed on)
There are a few special types of devils: 1. Primal fears, which embody ancient instinctual fears (darkness, falling) and 2. the Four Horsemen: (Control/manipulation, war, famine, and death), the most powerful of the devils.
There are also many ways that humans can serve, be linked to, and be embodiments of these devils. Beings known as "fiends" (corpses possessed by devils), cases of devil transformations (humans who make contracts with devils and are transformed into monsters to do their bidding) and "hybrids" (humans and devils fused). However each way results in great personal cost/change, like the loss of humanity.
The existence of these devils is a common, well-known fact of society, and one of the main causes of death in this world.
There is a governmental agency tasked with combating devil attacks. The main leader we interact with is a character who manipulates the protagonist throughout the entire series to help them achieve their vision for the world. They are revealed to secretly be one of the devils the characters were supposed to be fighting, and is heavily associated with eye imagery.
Ordem Paranormal
A Brazilian live-streamed horror TTRPG (table-top roleplaying game)
(Disclaimer: for this one, I have only had the chance to watch OPQ and Cellbit's onstream explanations of the lore, so I tried to supplement with the wiki as best I could without getting too spoiled. If I got anything wrong or you think I missed anything, please tell me! I'd love to get your guy's insight on this)
A universe where there are 5 elements (Death, Energy/Chaos, Blood, Knowledge, and Fear) that exist in a place separate but linked to our world known as "the Other Side."
Each element is associated with different monsters, abilities, and general characteristics. Death is associated with distortions in the passage of time, spirals, and an ultimate end. Blood is the element of intense emotions, both positive and negative. Knowledge is the element of discovering, knowing, recording. It wants to preserve balance between the elements since it likes reality as it is. Energy/Chaos is unpredictability, unreality, and transformation. It mostly serves its own entertainment. Fear is the most mysterious- it is the source of all paranormal and has existed since the dawn of humanity- it is of the unknown and the infinite.
Individuals can connect to and form pacts with each of these entities (except for Fear). They gain different supernatural abilities depending on which, but all result in great personal cost and change- usually becoming less and less human in a variety of ways.
The barrier between the two worlds can be weakened through fear. Cultists take advantage of this and attempt to perform rituals that would break the membrane and bring these entities over to our world.
These elements can also just manifest into our world in a variety of different ways, like monsters, paintings, artifacts, etc.
Tthere are independent organizations around the globe who work to prevent these rituals and maintain order. However, the existence of this "other side" and the entities is not known by the wider public.
The organization we follow is headed by an elderly character who has dedicated every single aspect of their life to fighting these elements, stopping these rituals, and maintaining the balance. However he is willing to form connections with those around him, and violence isn't always his first option.
The Magnus Archives
A British horror/tragedy podcast
A universe where entities known as "the fears" or "the dread powers" exist next to our world (separate but linked). Each entity is the embodiment of a different fear that the humans (and animals) of earth feel.
The fears are typically broad (covering multiple specific fears under a wider category) and when manifesting can blend into one another. A good analogy to explain it is the color wheel.
The single entity known as fear has been around since the beginning of the world. However, as humanity developed more complex thought, they split off into different aspects (though they are still in some ways linked).
At the time of the series there are 15 entities (a full list here). The existences and power levels of the entities fluctuate based on what the the populace is afraid of at the time and how scared they are. They survive and feed off of human's fear.
The entities can permanently die, but only if the organisms of the world did too, as there would be no more fear left for them to consume.
These fears can manifest in our world as a number of different paranormal happenings, from monsters to books. They manifest in order to cause fear to feed themselves.
Most of the entities are near mindless- they simply operate to feed, with little to no future planning (with the exception of The Spider, the fear of control and manipulation, whose entire thing is future planning.)
Individuals can connect to and form pacts with each of these entities to become individuals known as Avatars. They gain different supernatural abilities depending on which fear they connect too, but all result in great personal cost, change, and the overall loss of humanity.
Followers of the same fear often gather to form cults. When a fear gains enough power, its avatars usually attempt to perform various rituals that would manifest their entity in our world. This would result in our world transforming into a hellscape of fear for that entity to gorge itself on. (There are also two fears that do not attempt rituals as they prefer reality the way it is. )
We follow an independent organization tasked with recording and categorizing the encounters of individuals with these paranormal events. The two leaders we interact with the most are
A Character who manipulates the protagonist throughout the entire series to help them achieve their vision for the world. They are revealed to secretly be one of the Avatars the characters were supposed to be fighting, and is heavily associated with eye imagery.
An elderly character who has dedicated every single aspect of their life to fighting these entities, stopping these rituals, and maintaining the balance. (However she is unwilling to become attached to those around her, and will ruthlessly do whatever it takes to accomplish her goals.)
Ok, so if you read through these explanations you can hopefully see many of the connections that I drew. The TLDR is: these three pieces of media all feature fear-powered entities that exist in a world separate but connected to our own, but can manifest here in a variety of ways and each have their own unique theming/powers. People can form pacts and become connected to these entities and gain supernatural abilities, but that often results in the loss of their humanity. Rituals are performed by the people connected to these entities in order to manifest them more into our world. Finally, all three stories are centered around the members of an organization tasked with dealing with these entities in some way.
(Also, if you combine the world-building of CSM and OP, it basically results in the world-building of TMA, which is that thought that originally inspired this post)
However, these are just baseline world-building connections. When I first posted about the idea of this venn diagram, I got some tags from @wasabi-ribs proposing a connection between the very themes of these shows in a way I hadn't even thought about.
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While I don't feel as though I can accurately speak to the themes of Ordem as much as the other two, I was doing some research (*cough* scrolling tumblr) and saw this post from @just-an-enby-lemon.
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And honestly, that sounds pretty damn similar to what I consider to be the main themes of CSM and TMA, aka:
Love and connection alone can't save you, but that doesn't mean they are unimportant, especially in a world full of so much fear, trauma and loss of control and perhaps even your humanity.
Also, the general questioning of what exactly it means to be human, and my age old favorite of the indomitable human spirit even in the face of unfathomnable horror and tragedy.
What is the conclusion or point of this post? I'm not entirely sure. But I wanted to acknowledge the beauty in how such different mediums can be used by people of three completely different cultures to discuss eerily similar themes of humanity and connection (and also very spooky fear entities).
Thank you so much for reading this far and please feel free to add onto this post with anything you think I missed or got wrong. I love talking about the connections between my favorite pieces of media with people! :)
(Also, apologies if this came across as incoherent or rambly in any way, turns out it’s a lot harder to explain this in a console way in writing than to just have the thoughts floating around in your head lol)
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nyoxt · 14 days
8, 13, 50 for Mutt and 9, 16, 36 for Belrod :D 💛
Mutt: [8] How open they are about their true feelings, both positive and negative?  She's more open with negative ones- if she's annoyed or angry-you will know about it, if not verbally than with body language/expressions. With positive feelings she's pretty much very closed. You'll need to pull those out of her with the tongs. While trying to not get shot or kicked.
[13] What kind of sense of humor do they have, if any? Mutt has little sense of humor and it's mostly dark/sarcastic. If she jokes she does it with the straightest face and blunt/dry delivery. Surprisingly her most usual “jokes” are pranks- and those used to be quite sadistic/bullying in her younger years- like shooting someone in the foot and laughing at the resulted suffering, but later became less violent. I mean, it's still got a violent flail to it, but it's more of a force of a habit than realized intention. But when her pranks are actually funny- Coyote might bestow upon her some small boons, like a good luck for a short time or a magic buff. [50] What are they really good and really bad at? Mutt is very good with guns, inflicting violence, following orders, decent at planning combat encounters. Can be a pretty good leader, but not enthusiastically. She’s rather bad with magic. She’s been awakened since her teen age, but never seriously worked on her abilities or connected with it much, thinking that guns/rifles are a more reliable way to fight. Aaaand she's especially bad at forming healthy connections with other people- because for the majority of her life she used to stick to the meanest strongest groups she could get into, with strongly reinforced hierarchies on top of that - so forming new relationships which are not grounded within strength or combat experience- is h a r d. And it’s also made harder because Mutt can’t exactly realize the roots of this problem, doesn’t know what help to ask for, and doesn’t want to ask for help because it is something awkward and being awkward is a sign of weakness and being weak will get you to the bottom of the food chain-> the cycle continues Belrod: [9] What is their love language?  Gifts- he looooves to bring people his favorite ppl things they want/like; actions of service; words of affection. Many many words of affection. Screams of affections even- if he befriends you he might scream from the rooftops how awesome and cool you are and how much he loves you. Literally, like, climbing on some roof and screaming. [16] Do they easily rely on others to help them out, or prefer doing everything themselves? Bel was always a perfect team player, he’s very good at finding his place and use in a team. And growing up with a rather big family+a huge extended family and in a tightly knit community- he knows when and how and who to ask for help and how to rely on others! His challenge during Origins+Awakening was actually in learning to do things alone sometimes and make important decisions by himself. [36] Do they own items that have sentimental value? -The boots his mother made him. He couldn't walk in them for the long travels because they were a bit too tight, but they were always in his backpack. Bel gifted them to Morrigan when she said she likes the embroidery on the boots. Because he thinks that things are the happiest when used for their purpose, and will bring more luck this way than when buried in the bag.
-his mother's tiny knife. It's not very useful in serious combat, but it's easy to conceal and is great for surprise stabbings. He hates when people insult its size/usefulness, and threatens to “put it in your eye and see how funny this “toothpick” will look up close”.
-Alistair's rose. Bel keeps it dried between the pages of his journal.
-"Fang" dagger. Bel finds blade's shape hard to get used to, but it belonged to his mother, so he loves and cherishes it. 
As you can see- he loves his mom a lot.
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thommi-tomate · 4 months
Interview with Lee PT.2
By: GQ Deutschland
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You lived in Manchester for a long time. What differences do you see in terms of public and media reactions between Germany and England?
In both countries, there are media - and people - who like to pigeonhole others. That's certainly not the majority, but you have to accept it. In England, however, people find it easier to compliment you on an outfit. I do the same myself. If I like what a person is wearing, I tell them that - even if I don't know them at all.
You have been living in Germany again since 2020. How have you developed since your return?
I get a bit more attention here than I did in England - and that can be both positive and negative. In England, I was considered a talent and was just one of many players at Manchester City, so everything was a bit more relaxed for me there. Here I'm a German international. On the whole, though, I'm very happy with how everything has developed.
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The public mood towards the national team has not been particularly good in recent years. With the test match victories against France and Belgium, this has changed completely. How are you looking forward to the tournament?
Especially now with the successes in preparation, my mood is good and the anticipation is great. That has a lot to do with the fact that it's a home European Championship. You can only take part in something like this once in your football career, if at all. In sport, everything happens very quickly. If you lose, everything is bad, if you win, everything is great. We can put that into perspective. National coach Julian Nagelsmann always makes sure that the mood in the team is good and that we get on better and better with each other on the pitch. That's how the European Championship can take on a very special dynamic with the fans and those around us and take us a long way - hopefully all the way to the title.
Unfortunately, you yourself were suspended for the games against France and the Netherlands. Were you still able to get involved?
Definitely. It was very important for me to be with the boys again. The atmosphere within the team was already good beforehand and the coach always managed to ensure that we were relaxed and extremely focused at the same time. I'm very pleased that this has been reflected in the results and that we now have new momentum. This will hopefully carry us through the entire preparation period and well into the European Championships.
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Especially at such a big tournament, it is important for success that the structure in the dressing room is right. At the age of 28, you are no longer one of the young guns. What does that mean for your position within the team?
As you get older and more experienced, you look at how you can help and support the young players. Especially in my position as an attacking midfielder, there are lots of opportunities. I'm certainly not the one who always speaks up. But I try to be a leader on the pitch - a player who brings momentum and who the others can follow. We have a very good mix of experienced and young players, from which both sides can benefit.
One big change is that Toni Kroos has returned to the national team. His qualities on the pitch are well known, but how important can he be for the team in the dressing room?
In the dressing room, he is someone that all the other players look up to. He has achieved so much that his successes give him a special status. He's incredible on the pitch, he doesn't let anything get him down. Even when things aren't going well, he's always focused. You just look at him and you know you don't have to worry. He shows us that we always have it in our own hands to turn a game around. What's more, he can really intimidate the opposition with his presence. He helps us a lot and is just incredibly good for the team.
You mentioned that you yourself are more of a quiet type. You can also see that on the pitch and it's something that critics sometimes accuse you of. Is that something you're working on?
It's in my nature to focus on myself first. But now I try to show more often that I always give my all. As an attacking player, I have less of an overview of the pitch than someone in defensive midfield. As a result, I can hardly intervene in an orderly fashion. But I can lead the way and get the others involved.
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What do you expect from the European Championships?
Just being able to take part in a European Championship and represent your country is an extraordinary experience. The fact that it is taking place in your home country only makes the whole thing even greater. It's a good opportunity to be carried away and pushed by the euphoria. Of course, there is a risk that the pressure will be particularly high, but I'm just really looking forward to the tournament. I have great expectations of myself, of the team, and of course the greatest thing would be to win this title with the national team in my own country.
This euphoria can inspire a team, but a setback can quickly turn the whole thing on its head
We shouldn't start worrying now about what will happen if we are eliminated. In the past, we've seen that the fans were euphoric and grateful even when the national team was eliminated in the semi-finals - because the players always gave their best.
That was the case at the "summer fairytale", the World Cup in 2006, which also took place in Germany. You were ten years old at the time and played for Schalke 04's youth team. What memories do you have of the tournament?
I can still remember it very well. No matter where you were, people would gather and watch the games. When Germany played, the streets were empty because everyone was cheering in front of the screen or in the stadium. As a young boy, I dreamed of being on the pitch when something like that happened. So I'm in the process of fulfilling a big dream. And of course my - our - biggest goal is to give people another great summer like this.
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zodiactalks · 6 months
The BEST Things about each ZODIAC Sign
It seems like, nowadays, people tend to focus too closely on the negative aspects of someone's personality than on the positives.
While we can't fault a cautious approach, we think it's also important to take the good things into consideration when meeting a new person; After all, the human experience is a mix of good and bad things.
Today, we're covering the best things about each zodiac sign!
Fearless, independent, and stubborn, those born under Aries are natural warriors who aren't afraid to pursue their goals, no matter how out-there they might be.
They can come off as aggressive or intimidating; and while they're always ready for a fight, Arians prefer to use their energy in constructive ways whenever possible.
Patient, reliable, and persistent, there's no doubt that those born under Taurus can achieve anything they set their mind to, no matter how difficult or time-consuming.
They have a reputation for being stubborn, but if they use that headstrongness towards productive causes, there's nothing that can stand in their way.
Team-players, communicative, and open, those born under Gemini tend to be well-liked and popular, as well as adaptable enough to fit just about any environment.
Though they're known for changing their mind a lot, they can actually be great leaders, as they're known to inspire trust and loyalty amongst everyone they meet.
Loyal, caring, and dedicated, Cancers are well-known for being nurturing individuals capable of cracking even the tougher of exteriors.
Cancers tend to avoid conflict whenever possible, but they'll protect those they love no matter the odds.
Full of energy and confidence, Leos tend to be domineering and ambitious, but in an inspiring way that makes you want to follow them to the end of the world.
They inspire loyalty almost instantaneously, and they often return that loyalty in spades.
Always willing to help, to the point that they can be quite pushy about it, Virgos are observant and meticulous, which makes them excellent strategists and planners.
Though they can be overbearing at times, there's no denying the love and care they feel for their friends and family, which drives them to be even better for their benefit.
A peacekeeper by nature, Libras try to find the common ground in any conflict, which makes them excellent mediators and advisors.
If you're ever on the fence about something, talking to a Libra will help you make up your mind.
Energetic, resourceful, and ambitious, Scorpios know exactly what they want and they're not afraid to do what it needs to be done to get it.
This drive and pragmatism also extend to the protection of their loved ones. There's nothing Scorpio won't do to keep their loved ones safe.
Fearless, adventurous, and full of whimsy, Sagittarians are some of the most honest and carefree individuals you'll ever meet.
If you've ever met a person that inspired you to live life to the fullest, chances are they were a Sagittarius.
Planners by excellence, this goal-oriented sign is capable of turning even the most menial task into art, making them one of the most reliable signs in the Zodiac.
If you want something well done, ask a Capricorn to do it.
An inspiring sign that's always looking towards a better future, Aquarius mixes the best things about ambition and humanitarianism, resulting in a clever individual that's always looking forward to improving the world.
If you've ever met someone with dreams so big you know they'll change the world eventually, chances are they were an Aquarius.
Compassionate and sensitive, Pisces are very nurturing people who are eager to help others in any way they can.
They're very intuitive and capable of reading others, which makes them great listeners as well.
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gloriousncss · 5 months
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{jeanine mason, thirty three, cis woman, she/her} We are so glad to see you safe, PRINCESS MARIA ORTIZ of SPAIN! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are PROUD and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your BRUTALITY bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU ARE ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE ANTI-MONARCHISTS IN SPAIN.
Name: Maria Esmeralda Ortiz Title: Crown Princess of Spain Age: 33 Birthday: January 25th (Aquarius) Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Unbetrothed Positive Traits: Proud, adaptable, creative, loyal, decisive Negative Traits: Violent, short-tempered, bold, cunning, vengeful. Hobbies: Painting, fencing, swimming Family: Pirate Esmeralda (birth mother), Duchy of Barcelona (adopted parents, deceased), King of Spain (adopted brother), Queen of Spain (sibling-in-law), Prince Joaquim (adopted brother), Prince/Princess/Royals of Spain (adopted siblings).
Physical Attributes:
Height: 5'5" Hair Color: Black Hair Length: Just past the shoulders, but mostly worn up anyway Hair texture: Thick and wavy Eye Color: Dark Brown Markings/Tattoos: a bull on her left shoulder blade, two crossed daggers on her right shoulder, a wave on her left wrist, a rose on her left ankle, two swimming coy fish yin and yang style on her right ankle Accent: Spanish Languages Spoken: Spanish, English Skin Texture: Course, rough, calloused
Prologue: (murder tw)
She was born from the waves, or at least that's the poetic metaphor her parents came up with to explain how she came into their lives. The brutal truth was that she came from a shipwreck with absolutely no memory of any previous life at the tender age of 5 years old. The only evidence of her old life was a medallion with the name "Esmeralda" engraved on the back. It was lucky that the Duchys of Barcelona came across her and claimed her as their second child, calling her "Maria", as they found her in the water. Maria was a difficult, yet devoted child. Having younger siblings, as she grew older, only made it easier for her to sprinkle her bad influence all over them, taking them out to bars, going out with sailors, and getting into all sorts of trouble. But the more time she spent with the locals and villagers outside of the palace walls, the more she heard stories of how oppressive and terrible the other countries in Europe were to those who had no choice but to steal for themselves. It motivated her, studying politics and seeking justice for the serf class. However, the one thing she could not shake was how she could do nothing from her little chateau. When the Bonaparte's were discovered having stolen money from her family, she was furious that those in power were far too selfish and greedy. Becoming a princess in their place made it no better. All she saw was corrupt power replacing more corrupt power. Soon, the family she adored would also, soon, be just as bad as the Bonaparte's. Helplessness was no friend to Maria, and so she stole away at the age of 27 and was never to be seen again. For nearly five years, Maria wore a hood over her face and commanded her own crew of bandits and pirates, even recruiting another defiant royal just like herself as her right hand. She was known as "Esmeralda", the name she assumed would be her birth mother's. She stole from those who were more fortunate, gave to those who were less fortunate, and kept a sum of the prophet to herself. It was a seemingly perfect life until a battle against another crew resulted in the deaths of her men, all but her right hand woman. The hurt of those losses took her nowhere else but back home to Spain. It was the only solution; go back to Madrid, mend the bond with her family, and dismantle the monarchy from the inside.
Chapter 1: Lal Qila
Maria was practically dragged to Lal Qila. She made promises to do better for her family and the king and queen made her follow through on it by tasking her with finding a husband to prove her loyalty to the Spanish crown. Be that as it may, she made no effort in the slightest to do that. Instead, she proceeded with her work in stealing from all of the royals in the palace and giving the valuables to the poor in the village. Hardly anyone noticed their possessions were gone at all. It was just for the benefit of the people, not thinking twice about what could happen to the revolutionaries and the abolitionists, what they might do. Her interest in sparking the rebellion began again when she encountered an old friend, a revolutionary, whom she met on her travels. Suddenly, the walls of Lal Qila were penetrated and lives were lost on that fateful day in the name of the anti-monarchists. She knew a life without the crown would be better for everyone, but she didn't want so man lives to be lost, so many families to be torn apart. The point of her mission was to free families from the crown, not destroy them. She couldn't help but feel the sting of guilt and used the first strike of chaos to run away back to Spain.
After The Reckoning:
In her guilt, Maria stayed hidden in the palace for some time, turning her attentions to finding out who the real Esmeralda was. After turning up with nothing for two months, she could hardly stand being within the palace any longer, and she set out back into the villages. It felt like her real home, sitting in the village pubs with nothing on her head but a hood, ditching her fairytale princess dress for trousers and a sword, singing songs of freedom and justice with the pub singers. There was still hope without destruction, if only Maria could take hold of the reigns and lead. She pledged herself, Maria Esmeralda Ortiz, to the Revolutionaries in Spain under secrecy (and threat of exposure if they revealed her identity). She started by having her revolutionaries spread propaganda all across the country, and even reaching out to rebels in bordering nations so that the whole continent will sing of freedom and justice too. The Bonaparte family is threatening to rise to power, which will throw Maria off her seat of power to properly control and lead this rebellion. A Bonaparte on the throne will only set Spain back miles behind her plan, and so she is here to stop this uprising. Though she claims the Ortiz family is the rightful family for the throne, she only means to secure her power so she can burn it in hopes of saving all royal families from tearing themselves apart for something as useless as a crown.
TLDR: She doesn't know it, but she is the child of a pirate queen called Esmeralda, and her birth siblings is out there trying to find her. Her mother died in a heated battle between pirate crews. She was washed up on shore with no memory of the raid and the Spanish Duchy of Barcelona adopted her as their second child. She loves her family but also has a fierce sense of justice, which is what took her away from home for 5 years. She met a bestie and had her own crew of outlaws, but that all went awry when another crew killed them all save for Maria and her right hand woman. Maria came home and wanted to set things right with the intent of dismantling the monarchy, but she had to get engaged to make up for it. Thankfully, the reckoning got her out of it and, instead, she spent the last year spreading abolitionist propaganda and is also searching for her birth mother.
Similar Characters: Tulio (El Dorado), Mama Imelda (Coco), Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Ember Lumen (Elemental), Tzipporah (Prince of Egypt), Angelica (Pirates of the Carribbean), Anya (Anastasia), Chani (Dune)
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mahayanapilgrim · 7 months
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Cause and Effect in
Theravada Buddhism - 01
During the time of the Buddha, there were other sectarian religious leaders in India who were teaching their own philosophy. Among them, there were six religious leaders with vast numbers of followers namely; Purana Kassapa, Makkhali Gosala, Ajita Kesakambala, Pakuda Kacchayana, Sanjaya Bellattiputta and Nigantha Nathaputta. They had formulated their own belief systems with regard to human experiences. Three main belief systems that were prevalent can be described as follows;
What happens to us now is always due to our actions in the past - kammic determinism (pubbekatahetu).
What happens to us now is due to the wish or the command of a Supreme Creator or some other divine authority - theistic determinism (Issaranimmanahetu).
What happens to us now is not due to any cause, but by mere chance or accident (ahetuappaccaya).
In contrast to the above beliefs, the Buddha presented the natural law of cause and effect which explains that our experiences at the present time, whether negative or positive, do not happen either by chance or under the command of any higher being or divine authority. They happen as a result of unwholesome and wholesome volitional actions either in the past or the present but, how they manifest depends on several other conditions including our own free will. The concept of cause and effect which is the central basis of the Buddha's thinking can be described as a universal law underlying all mental and physical phenomena in the whole of the universe.
According to the universal law of cause and effect, every action is followed by a reaction that is; every cause will result in an effect when the conditions are right and every effect is the result of a certain action. Whether we know the cause or not, as per the law of cause and eftect, one phenomenon will act as the cause or the condition for another phenomenon to appear as the effect and it is possible for the effect then to act as the cause for yet another phenomenon to appear as the result. A particular cause may give rise to an effect immediately or it may take a long time for the effect to appear.
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fetabathwater · 1 year
hi el ummm
4 from general, 7 from story, and 5 from romance for amma please and thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :3c
prompts here!
rubbing my hands together huehue - THIS GOT SO LONG...
4. What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
Amma likes to think that she's hard to win over but you could literally read a letter and she'll be like 👀 ➕! Very much into the history of locations, loses her marbles in the Grymforge (whether or not its to do with the blatant murderous and slaving vibes, or the lava, as well is another thing, don't ask). When it comes to decision making, though, her responses are kind of all over the place - sure, she'd like to see Barcus taken down from the windmill nicely and has a slight preference for the tieflings to not be harmed in the grove, but she doesn't mind seeing you either opening the Zhentarim chest for shits and gigs, fawning over the devils that you've all attracted, or saying 'BAA' to redcaps. She also highly approves of taking moments to pray at gravestones, or with insight checks, learning about any statues erected for the gods. Finding the blood of Lathander is a huge boost for her, too.
Lowering her approval can happen quite easily, even if it is just slight offhand comments. Before all the learnings and revelations of her own person, she is sensitive to dismissal of the faith some people put in their gods, as she doesn't quite appreciate Shadowheart's faith and devotion being put down, and whilst she may joke about Mystra, telling her anything remotely negative actually annoys her (leaning more on saying that gods are stupid, than actually saying something like Mystra's treatment of Gale was wrong, etc. Context is key). She may not strike you as someone religious, and she would argue that she technically isn't, she just argues she has a respect and understanding of divine beings - no matter who they are.
When it is revealed she is a Bhaalspawn, however, some things can add up - and Amma is quite easily able to be swayed. Encouraging her to retake the leadership of the Bhaalists, or to refuse, is one thing, which will leave her either ecstatic or despondent for several long rests and unable to be spoken to. Alternatively, one may decide to cut their losses and leave her to Orin's whim, resulting in a different bhaalspawn to join them.
Following the decision, Amma's approval shoots up for more of the violent options, putting them at odds with other companions like Wyll, who is unsure that you should have encouraged Amma to regain her memories and place as the Bhaalist leader and serial killer (as he remembers a time when Amma's actions haunted Baldurs Gate), and even Karlach, as when it is revealed how Amma orchestrated the Absolute alongside Gortash - when Gortash reveals those connections as well... it doesn't go over nicely at all, as many blame her for the position they're in. Halsin will, despite how Ketheric and the shadow curse may have been handled, appears a little more platonic at any revelations about Amma's involvement, and they may flag a few conversations while on the road following. At this point, no one else will leave, but it inflames a lot of the conversations regarding her.
Alternatively, if she refuses, depending on other companion states of minds, most will see it is as a chance to redeem herself. Some, like Shadowheart, can either be happy for her as being in much the same position if she leaves Shar, or can make snide remarks about Amma being too weak for the trial she was given. Astarion similarly can also comment if he has ascended or not, either approving of Amma taking her own place and appreciating you talking her out of taking the power offered, or he can comment it was a shame that a useful ally she would have been was wasted, if he had ascended. Gale, depending on what his thoughts were on the Crown of Karsus, could also comment on how he had seen it coming with how Amma had spoken of the gods, assuming he has been given the confidence of himself, or seemingly regrets an immediate inroads to the Crown, or even the designs that were drawn up with Amma and Gortash previously.
If one was to hand her over instead to Orin and the Bhaalists, removing her permanently, Minthara would have a comment or two regarding that, with her own experiences with Orin leaving much to be desired.
Also fun bits of approval and disapproval can include giving her the noblestalk and talking about the memory (response from yourself obviously possibly having it go either way, but she will always immediately disapprove if you push for her to tell you about it), and casting a lvl6 healing spell on her, which patches up her brain just fine, but gives her access to other memories... same sort of thing as the noblestalk.
7. What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
At the tiefling party, Amma can be found idling around the broken tower area towards the back, near where Mol is usually found. She's managed to negotiate getting access 'to the good stuff' with Mol, and is quite drunk, but happy. Especially when she regales the details of the fight in the temple, reminiscing on how there was something so beautiful and poetic about it. Also, if you did poison the wine at the goblin camp, she will slip in a comment about how she checked hers isn't poisoned... and make a poorly timed joke about how she can't comment on everyone else's.
At the goblin party, Amma is in the same place, but sober and somber. As opposed to some of the other companions, who drink to forget the screams of terror, leave you altogether, or wish to no longer discuss the attack on the Grove, Amma is quite methodical in discussing how it was, ultimately, the more simplistic choice. You can't tell if she approves or not, as she points out the faults in the Grove's protection, and how they should never have let them in, after all. It made it far too easy. You realise, however, that she's smiling, and she does approve, especially if you sabotaged the Grove from the inside.
5. Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
So prior to the act 3 revelations, Amma's romance travels along pretty well. You get some cutesy lines and she's a wee bit of a horndog during this time, until...
Absolutely branching paths!
Amma who takes back the Bhaalist title ultimately has no need for you, and can introduce you to a lot of the realities of being a Bhaalspawn... and a Bhaalspawn consort. They don't normally live long lives, historically. Or they get dragged into some weirder shit than usual - unless that's your thing! But like, probably don't expect to change her mind. And that's not trying to be like funny about this either, like hitting all new levels of the technical Bhaal-incarnate here. After all, the end goal is to eventually kill everything and everyone, including herself. But again, if that's your thing, love and support your work, murder ever after and all that. You may die the first night, you may survive several years, but that moral horizon was crossed, and perhaps you are a little to blame. Self-fulfilling prophecy. But at least, maybe, it'll be a fun way to go.
Amma who rejects her blood and father does get a fun experimentation in death and rebirth, which does a number on her psyche and sense of identity. She's a little bit tender, especially with the momentary living in the fugue state, and kind of doesn't know what to do with herself now. A large part of her actually doesn't want to stay in Baldur's Gate, with bonus comments about her regaining some memories from the noblestalk and/or healing spell, because her fantasy of not having been a local serial killer has been shattered. Whilst she does actually approve of you saying that you still want to be with her, or want to support her, don't be alarmed if she tells you off, snaps, gets incredibly angry as well. She's a slinky of emotional turmoil. The reality is that she would stay beside you, or come back to you, if you encourage her to go out and explore Faerun. Amma is very ride or die, she just has some shit she needs to work out.
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
More somewhat scattered thoughts about my beloved samurai family - In general, they are a reflection of the Straw Hat crew of sorts, one who lost their Luffy. Though they held strong in spite of the overwhelming odds they faced and were able to regroup for the sake of liberating Wano from Kaido.
Each of them have been in a leadership role or top position, in some way or another, at some point in their lives.
Kin'emon - Founding member of the alliance and Momo's father figure.
Denjiro - Boss of the Yakuza and of a district in the Flower Capital. One of Hiyori's father figures.
Izo - Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. Took care of Kiku on his own for a time, when the two were very young.
Kiku - Does teahouse poster girl count as a top position? I didn't see anyone else doing it. The most beautiful woman at heart. Also guided groups around Wano to where they needed to be during Acts One and Two.
Raizo - One of Wano’s best ninja.
Ashura Doji - Leader of the Atamayama mountain bandits.
Inu & Neko - Ruled Zou and are founding members of the alliance.
Kawamatsu - Holds/held the title of Yokozuna, the top sumo wrestler in Wano. One of Hiyori's father figures.
More detailed thoughts:
Kin'emon & Kiku - Attempting to reverse engineer some of their scenes. Kin'emon allowed Shinobu to escape from Onigashima with Momo, Shinobu showing she understands what Usopp would say to Kin and Kiku in chapter 1036. Kin then lived and motivated himself to find help for Kiku. I think they both needed to be hurt/in a position where they would ask Usopp to leave them, for the sake his big moment of calling out a negative part of the samurai mindset that had them being too eager to give up on life.
For Kin specifically - In a flashback near the end of the arc, Kin said. "To disregard a woman's decision that she gathered all of her courage to make does nothing but shame her." I think both he and Kiku knew what the result of re-matching the traitor would be, but they are both samurai who are very very stubborn. A bad situation all around and again, that’s why what Usopp shouted to them in 1036 is so important.
For Kiku specifically - She is forced to confront her sentimentality, the fact that the past can not be returned to, and that if she continues following the way of the samurai, being a way that is very in conflict with some of her own desires, it will only continue to harm her.
Izo - So stylish, so cool. Went with Marco to return a favor to his homeland, and to his first found family. Kiku is his younger sister, of course he would do anything he could to ensure she lives, especially after losing a younger sibling during the Marineford war. I see CP0 during the Onigashima war as being almost representative of the WG, just on a smaller scale. Izo killing one of the agents represents a step towards the WG's downfall, while it's unfortunately not so easy, the dominos have begun falling, in large part thanks to Izo. Post-Wano is the Straw Hat’s and friend’s time to continue what he started.
Denjiro - A classic One Piece badass with a goofy side, also blue. I like his story being mostly separate from the Straw Hats. Forcing every major character to interact with the main cast when it’s not needed could easily lead to awkward storytelling. Same can be said of the stories of other Wano characters as well, mainly Hiyori, Kawamatsu, and Ashura, to varying degrees.
Raizo - Extinguishing the flames of the castle is his way of not allowing a repeat of Oden Castle burning, and of repaying the Mink's for protecting him during Zou.
Ashura Doji - Most reliable of the group when it comes down to it. Easily able to see past any nonsense and recognize situations for what they really are. His joining Oden is one of my favorite recruitments of the group.
Inu - Fought Jack not out of revenge, but to keep him from creating more victims. Which I like for how it suggests he doesn't see the harm he and Zou underwent protecting a comrade as a defeat. Because they did protect Raizo.
Neko - Did fight Perospero for the sake of getting revenge. Independently of anything to do with the Kozuki clan, the Big Mom Pirates caused a lot of grief to the Minks in years past, during Whole Cake, and to Wanda and Carrot soon before Neko arrived. I like revenge being the motivation for Neko in this case.
Kawamatsu - Best Kappa. I would have liked to see him get a bit more individual spotlight and scenes with Hiyori, though the Beast Pirates who ran Udon Prison were his main tormentors, so seeing him beat them up a bunch was very cathartic. I absolutely adore his scenes with Onimaru and him being best Kappa dad to Hiyori.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
On the evening of July 2, officers from the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division found an unknown substance inside a vestibule leading to the lobby area of the West Executive Avenue entrance to the White House. 
The substance was located inside a receptacle used to temporarily store electronic and personal devices prior to entering the West Wing. 
Following the discovery, safety closures were implemented around the White House. This response was designed to ensure that the found substance was not a chemical or radiological material that threatened the security of the White House. As such, the substance was field tested and preliminarily determined to not be a hazardous compound. 
Testing conducted by the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department indicated that the found powder tested preliminarily positive for the presence of cocaine. The substance and packaging were treated as evidence and sent to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, which analyzed the item for any biothreats. Tests conducted at this facility came back negative and gave formal confirmation that the substance was not biological in nature. 
The substance and packaging underwent further forensic testing. The substance was analyzed for its chemical composition. The packaging was subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis. Both of these analyses were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's crime laboratory given their expertise in this area and independence from the investigation. 
While awaiting the FBl's results, the Secret Service investigation into how this item entered the White House continued. The investigation included a methodical review of security systems and protocols. This review included a backwards examination that spanned several days prior to the discovery of the substance and developed an index of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area where the substance was found. The focal point of these actions developed a pool of known persons for comparison of forensic evidence gleaned from the FBI’s analysis of the substance's packaging. 
On July 12, the Secret Service received the FBI’s laboratory results, which did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons.   Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals. The FBl's evaluation of the substance also confirmed that it was cocaine. 
There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area. Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service's investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence. 
The U.S. Secret Service takes its mission to protect U.S. leaders, facilities, and events seriously and we are constantly adapting to meet the needs of the current and future security environment. 
Blah blah blah blahdy blah blah. Have you ever caught your child doing something wrong and their alabi goes on and on. The longer they talk the guiltier they sound. That would be the best analogy of what we just got from the DOJ. We all know who's coke this is. If it were anyone else's they would have already forced him to do a very public perp walk. We'd be listening to interviews with their third grade teachers. Every inch of the White House is under CCTV 24/7. Hunter has a long history of getting fucked up and forgetting what he did with things.
Our inability to ever get the truth out of this administration is both alarming and disgusting.
Good Job democrats.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The June 29 Supreme Court decision on affirmative action effectively ends race-conscious admissions practices in higher education and erodes 40 years of precedent. In a 6-3 ruling, the majority used the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment—which was created to rectify the inequality faced by Black Americans—to disband the practice of race-conscious admissions. This decision in favor of neutrality denies the nation’s history of racial injustice, and as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson stated in her dissent, “condemns our society to never escape the past that explains how and why race matters to the very concept of who ‘merits’ admission.”
The decision will most likely result in declines in racial diversity among many public and private postsecondary institutions, which means that some of the most talented students of color will have to pursue a postsecondary degree elsewhere. Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) can help fill this gap. HBCUs have developed talent that other institutions turn a blind eye to, and in the face of the Court’s decision, society will demand that these schools educate even more students. But for HBCUs to meet that demand, these systematically devalued institutions must receive greater investment.
Ending affirmative action erodes racial equity in higher education
The case before the Supreme Court began in 2014, when a group called Students for Fair Admissions filed lawsuits against Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, claiming that the universities practice discriminatory quota systems that unfairly penalize Asian American and white students. Harvard and UNC argued that they were exercising their constitutional and moral right to set diversity goals and consider race in admissions decisions in order to reach them. But today’s ruling establishes that among the many factors that go into admissions decisions, the use of race “must comply with strict scrutiny, may never use race as a stereotype or negative, and must—at some point—end.”
Previous state-level affirmative action bans have shown that race-neutral admissions policies are ineffective at improving racial equity in higher education. One study found an immediate 1.6-percentage-point decrease in Black enrollment in the most selective schools after such state-level bans. School leaders in some of these states filed amicus briefs to the Supreme Court in support of affirmative action, stating that their schools’ Black enrollment has dropped and remained lower than pre-ban levels after more than a decade. And now, minority enrollment is predicted to decrease by as much as 10% in highly selective colleges following the elimination of race-conscious admissions nationwide.
The end of affirmative action is, as colleges and universities have warned, a major blow to their ability to tap into the full spectrum of student talent. Systemic barriers such as underfunded schools, housing discrimination, and income inequality can prevent even the most talented students from attaining higher education. Without affirmative action to help students from underrepresented groups overcome these systemic barriers, fewer Americans will be able to maximize their participation in the economy and democracy.
HBCUs are positioned to fill the gap
Students of color have been in this situation before. For most of American history, postsecondary institutions have been exclusive. Harvard—the nation’s oldest higher education institution, founded in 1636—did not admit a Black student for over 200 years, and admitted Black female undergraduates only after the Supreme Court legalized affirmative action in 1978. The University of North Carolina did not even accept Black applicants until the 1950s, and has yet to see its Black enrollment reach the same share as the state’s Black population, which is 22.3%.
With the Court’s decision likely to lead to Black enrollment declines at selective, predominately white institutions, HBCUs are positioned to step in. Although HBCUs represent only 3% of all four-year institutions, they account for 10% of all matriculating Black students, and awarded 17% of all bachelor’s degrees and 24% of all STEM-related bachelor’s degrees to Black students in 2019. HBCUs also enroll more than twice as many Pell Grant-eligible students as non-HBCUs. And while HBCUs saw their enrollment numbers increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, this upsurge may prove challenging as Black institutions—like Black people—are under-resourced due to past and present discrimination.
Recently, HBCUs have been working to correct those injustices. In 2021, Maryland paid $577 million to the state’s four HBCUs to settle a 15-year-old lawsuit alleging a discriminatory funding system that favored traditionally white schools. A similar situation is currently unfolding at Tennessee State University. And last year, HBCU students in Florida filed a lawsuit against the state claiming that public predominately white institutions were replicating HBCU programs without accountability, luring away funding and students.
We must invest more in HBCUs to help students succeed
In a previous report, we found that in 2020, the 10 largest HBCU endowments were 100 times smaller than the 10 largest endowments for predominantly white institutions. Even the combined total of every HBCU endowment in the country—roughly $3.9 billion in 2019 —was less than New York University alone ($4.2 billion). Figure 1 shows how Harvard and UNC’s endowments also dwarf the top HBCU endowments.
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Additionally, less than 1% of federal research and development grants are awarded to HBCUs. This lack of investment translates into fewer resources for students and faculty. With demand for HBCUs poised to jump in the wake of the Supreme Court decision, states, corporations, philanthropies, and individuals need to reprioritize investment in these institutions.
Brookings Metro previously discussed this need in the aforementioned report, A call to action for HBCU investment. We stated that while philanthropic and corporate pledges for Black scholarship are welcome, they are not sufficient given systemic devaluation and past discrimination, which also results in a lack of access to capital markets. As we wrote in the report, “HBCUs need routine access to investment capital from a range of sources, including traditional banks, community development financial institutions (CDFIs), philanthropy, and other trusted, mission-driven partners that will enable long-term planning for institutional development and expansion.”
To scale their impact, HBCUs must receive revenue from community and economic development activities that are external to the institution. Returns from these external investments can bolster HBCUs’ bottom lines and strengthen the surrounding communities. For example, revenue from land and property acquisition as well as the commercialization of research, patents, and entrepreneurial activity can boost endowments, and also be reinvested into students and faculty.
The Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action has pushed higher education into a new paradigm, potentially leaving students of color sidelined. HBCUs can fill the gap, but only if society invests in them in ways that recognize these institutions’ value in advancing democratic ideals and human potential.
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thedivineart · 2 years
Hii , this is for your ask
Initials: S.G
Sun sign: Capricorn
My two chosen topics : who were you in your past life.
does your past life partner is will be your partner at the present time
The thing I like about you and your blog : Personally I think you are a very peaceful and positive person . Your most of your readings have resonated with me.
Thank you ❤️❤️
✶ ⭒ . ⁺ ℘ast life reading
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— who were you in your past life.
cards: queen of swords, the devil, the chariot rvx, knight of cups
in your past life you were a woman, a feminine, she is a mature, intelligent and also independent woman of her time. she is naturally classy but someone who force to be like one, she doesn't tolerate nonsense behavior and thoughts in her way, she is more interested in other people right than her actual self and oh she also like people who were under a spotlight and makes the person feel anxious and feel being research about. if you think she is bad, yup she is. she often wants to be in the top so she can feel the real comfortable of life, even though she got negative sides she is someone who is educated, she believes in social justice and fight for honourable causes. she is good at convincing and she do well in politics matter and people cannot resist her because of her brilliant sense of humor and irresistible charm. she able to acquire high aims and variety experiences in life and she is more smarter than most of the people in her past time. she was strict and organized, and wants to be often professional whether in personal and occupational matters. however she got some problem of expressing herself and her emotions or feelings towards the other people. she is the type of mother who was strict to her offsprings and this offsprings needs to follow some rules and regulations in her motherly time, she wants her children to appear good and influence to people cause she got high expectations and standards to her offsprings. in her home, you cannot see any dusk and trash inside of her house, she wants it to be tidy, clean, and orderly inside of it and this home isn't a place to have fun with or play with. she is educated and she also wants her children to be educated too, as well learning the etiquette and formality in ways of presenting herself and her own family, reason is she came from aristocrat family so she used to appear and act like that. she is charismatic and highly sexual woman however in negative side she tends to be domineering and controlling towards people and more likely to her partner and kids, she is often prone to anxiety, being negative/ pessimism, stress and depression when she doesn't focus on her being and health. also she tends to be arrogant cause she have something to flaunt too, as well stubborn and doesn't listen to other people advice to her, it seems she doesn't understand the values of others and push others to push to agree with her.
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— does your past life partner will be your partner this present time.
cards: 3 of pentacles, page of pentacles, queen of pentacles
wow you got strong yes here. atm your partner is still busy studying, is educated as well intelligent, they were dedicated in everything they do in life cause they are someone who is results and future oriented, they love their work and they have this great talents and gifts, often a great excellent team leader. they are great at communication skills and as well delivering speech in anyway and probably what people want. this person have potential to help people to unleashed their potential by motivating these certain individuals, often prepare to fight for what they believe in and is a great problem solver. they are down to earth, responsible, and hard working however this time they might be lacking some experience due to younger age but as they grow their maturity in everything are adding up. naturally loving, nurturing, caring and loving to people around them, their will provide a good, stable and secure home life, they know how to handle money and left some for essentials and emergency matters, they will love to nourish their partner and their children as well a great role model in and probably well liked by their community. they can be successful and got strong work etchics, they may come to high status family or they will build it by themself, they will likes to share to their offsprings what are the good morals and principles you might do in daily basis of life. lastly, will be a excellent spouse, good parent to their offsprings and to their friends.
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© thedivineart — i speak with myself alone that this is the only copy, original work and was answered by thedivineart for the participant who was join in recent game of this account user. leaving feedback is highly appreciated, Thank You♡
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yaenas · 1 year
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Name: Yaena (Madeleine) Boyle Age / D.O.B.: 34 / October 30 (1988) Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: female, she/her, straight. Hometown (place of birth): Wisconsin Affiliation: Law enforcement — not corrupt. Job position: Criminal Profiler Education: Obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology & an MS in Crime Scene Investigation at the University of Virginia / then attended The FBI Academy Relationship status: Single Children: 0 Positive traits: Passionate, Individualistic, Dependable, Persistent, Idealistic, Daring. Negative traits: Manipulative, Temperamental, Closed-off, Stubborn, Extravagant, Obsessive, Unpredictable
 a study in  :    living  in  your  parents'  shadows,  obsession,   finding   your   own   place  in  the   world.
A character that draws inspiration from Yennefer of Vengerberg (a modern version of her) Camille Preaker from the novel Sharp Objects & Leanne Greyson from The Servant.
Yaenna (also called Yen or Maddie from her middle name) is quarter French (mom) and American (dad & mom side). She was born in Wisconsin to parents who belonged to an obscure religious cult known as the Church of the Reclaimed that traveled and moved all over the country since the moment she was brought into this world. She was forced to move from state to state for years and years on end, was home-schooled by a pair of strict yet uncaring parents whose entire relationship with their daughter revolved around making sure she would strictly and wholly embrace and follow their religious beliefs; she lived on a boat for a long while, sheltered and away from the real world– stability was neither provided nor ever anything she understood as a child.
Her mother was particularly strict and cold: completely devoted to her faith and The Way (the set of rules forced upon them by their leader) she was hard on Yaena since she was little, punishing her cruelly and always denying her the simple joys of life - she also blamed Yaena's sinful behaviors (such as wanting to play with dolls and/or with other kids and eat sweets) and plagued her with guilt over how her negligence & wickedness resulted in the death of her younger sister who passed away when Yen was 11. Her father was an apathetic, cynical man who despite his own fate in the way of the Reclaimed, ignored her Mother at such extents that her rage and anger became a weapon she used against her children.
Eventually, when she was 15, her parents were unexpectedly killed in a fire when the cult's boat was deliberately set on fire by a former member trying to escape its clutches; Yaena and her sister survived and were soon sent to live with her grandmother (mom's side.)
There, she was able to settle down for the first time in her life; unlike her parents who never really cared about either of their children (she has a younger sister), her grandmother, despite her coldness and detachment, was protective; maybe to a fault. A lavishly rich, refined, elegant and well traveled woman ( a southern belle who thought herself above all others) who would soon prove to harbor her own dark secrets. Obsessed with not letting anything happen to her granddaughters, she was a little too protective, too controlling, too judgmental, and even though she would provide Yen and her sister with the chance to settle down and make something of themselves, her borderline narcissistic behavior would soon, too, take its harsh toll on both of them.
Yen, despite her rough beginnings, despite struggling with herself for months and months, a rebel, fighting against everything she had ever known and becoming erratic, wild, unhinged and feral in everything that she would do (often self harming to deal with the pain & over-indulging herself in everything that she had been denied so far, then often punishing herself for it until her grandmother sought help for her in the form of a therapist who would inspire her to follow her later studies). Furthermore, despite failing her first attempt to enroll in college, she went on (the following year) to graduate high school with remarkably high grades and move on to attend college to become a psychologist.
( And yet during those years from the time her parents died, to her moving away to study and find herself, make something out of what she had been given and give her life a meaning, former members of the Reclaimed were ever hot on her trail: watching; trying to lure her back in, terrorizing her, particularly during her teenage years - this played a huge reason why she chose to pursue a path in Law Enforcement; not wanting to ever be scared of anything again; an idealist, reformed, trying to save people in any capacity that she could. )
at the age of 22 she moved to Virginia to complete her studies. Throwing herself into her work, Yen worked hard for years and years on end, earning her MS in Criminal Pathology and moving on to study at the FBI Academy.
She has been completely devoted to her work for the entirety of her life
— GENERAL (a list of facts / a work in progress as more will be added in the future)
She has moved around and lived with uncles and friends of her parents or members of their religious, nomadic cult in a short amount of time and that’s where she gets the crippling fear of being unlovable and the overwhelming desire to start a stable family of her own. Her coldness and the fact that she has never truly, wholly addressed her own issues, keeps her away from finding just that: emotional stability and healthy patterns in relationships.
Yaena loves passionately and selfishly; she is impulsive and stubborn; selfish and cold hearted and decisive; she is extremely smart and creative and hardworking but she can also be extremely distant, closed off and difficult to understand. 
She is adventurous and loves to travel and learn new things; she is not afraid to take risks and she is not afraid to do everything on her own. 
Yen has been living and working in New York for the best part of the last five years.
She is particularly extravagant and prone to allow herself to indulge in guilty pleasures; detached and rather mysterious, she embodies her coldness and elegance in a perfect way and portrays herself as completely poised and rather refined, never allowing her emotions to take over, masking her feelings from everyone around her; she does not trust easy, to say the least.
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poisonouspastels · 2 years
May i get some...mc lore tidbits of yours. Or all of it. Go wild
god there is actually so much lore but its so funny bc almost none of it directly impacts the main 4 players in the present day (up until a point) outside of them kinda just existing because of everything that went down. BUT because of that I finally get to talk about THIS BITCH in the AU and why she's there and how she fucked up Literally Everything
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Groda time lets fucking go.
So, to kind of give a starting point and a large simplification of history, Groda was the descendant of monarchs that ruled a vast kingdom (which is more comparable to a massive expanse of land) that existed a handful of thousands of years ago. These people, known as the ancients, had the elites of society that were well versed in magic, remainders of which we see through enchanting tables and recovered books to this day. Those who practiced magic with a high set of skill would eventually develop black eyes through their connections with the arts, while those who aren't well versed tend to end up with pupilless eyes and the black forming as scaring on the face instead. Exact dates aren't really important so you can really just put it as far back as you want. What IS important though is that she would eventually end up inheriting the kingdom. And she was a TERRIBLE leader. Groda thought of her role as a leader as more of a title to brag about than a position to take seriously, and because of that she pretty much put herself above anyone else in EVERY regard. Those who would question her authority or rebel against the throne were pretty much always killed with no exception if caught. It was essentially considered blasphemy to refer to her in any negative light. Revolts started en mass due to her tyranny, though it'd eventually be the case that she'd rather live on a throne built upon corpses than die fighting for it. Thus, she turned to the beast in the painting to do her dirty work for her, as she moved all her few dedicated followers underground alongside her to avoid the resulting destruction. And destruction it was. Survivors fled in different directions to even have a chance at outlasting the decay. Some went underground much like Groda herself did, some groups rumored to have even found ways to a previously undiscovered dimension... Others found themselves in an already documented dimension known as the Nether, ironically enough housing the same materials that were made to create the beast. Portals were made to be fled through just as quickly as they were destroyed. They did survive for a time, but ultimately seemed to succumb to the harsh environment. Humanity on the overworld was all but eradicated after a while, and countless wildlife species went extinct alongside it, Sniffer being a notable example. Even those that did survive had a hurting population, over time even evolving the intersex traits we see within them in the modern time to upkeep populations. No one knows what happened to the beast when its destruction had withered away enough of the land to be satisfied. Its fate is uncertain.
Time would pass underground, and Groda's remaining group of the ancients, while making do at first and even creating a new city, would slowly come to dwindle in population due to a myriad of factors. Humans were not made to live their entire lives underground. Knowing that her reign would be short lived unless she acted quickly, she began to turn to her studies in magic to seek answers. Shutting herself away from the rest of the underground world, she sought the answers to eternal life. Her experiments only caused more pain for those around her. Reanimating the dead was one of the many unintended side affects of her practices, and only lead to locking herself away further as people died even faster. It was much like a disease, spreading to corpses in any stage of decay. Interestingly, the living dead that were slain near a type of glowing moss found in the caves that they started to inhabit would have their bodies quickly consumed by the spreading plant. This would be inspiration for one of her later, more obedient projects.
She did eventually find the answers she sought, but at what cost? The only kingdom left to rule was rotted flesh and bones in barren caves and a desolate surface. But even then, she could never admit that to herself. No, she won. She got to live in place of everyone who died, everyone who defied her, and she won. She still roams even now, thousands upon thousands of years later, telling herself the same lie. Looking for something, or someone new to put her judgement upon. --- In the present day, Herobrine has found himself shut away from society by his own choice to try and figure out the mystery of what happened to the ancient civilization he's found remnants from. Little bits and pieces of a bigger picture. Old abandoned mineshafts, mysterious structures, and books and artwork with pages and pictures torn out imply something sinister happened, and he wants to know what. Through his isolation with the rest of the world, he's started to lose a bit of his own sense of humanity. He's started writing his journals in Galactic, the same language the ancients used that he's studied, because he's forgotten the common writing for most words. His life has mostly been sustained from eating rotten flesh and drinking cave water, none of which is healthy for him, of course. He replaces the unraveling clothes he wears every now and then in exchange for the only slightly less tattered clothing off the backs of slain zombies. Despite his dwindling health, and likely dwindling sanity, he believes he's close to a breakthrough. Approaching a long forgotten city, he finds the walls decorated with old murals. They depict a woman with red hair and white robes, seemingly a person of high status. Drawn almost as if she was some sort of saint. Some of the other murals are scribbled out. Maybe he'll find out why inside. His expedition is cut short by the sound of distant noises, something that could only be compared to shrieks, and a soon to follow rumble from the depths of the city. That can't be good.
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sa7abnews · 1 month
The Precarious Online Lives of Young Men
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/the-precarious-online-lives-of-young-men/
The Precarious Online Lives of Young Men
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As the new school year is upon us, parents are worried about their children’s mental health—and they should be. The latest CDC data from the largest ongoing study on youth well-being finds high rates of helplessness, suicidal ideas, bullying, among other forms of violence. For girls, the rates are often higher. But boys are far less likely to seek help when they need it, and are more likely to take out their problems on others.
In recent years, lots of young men feel adrift—and as a result, oftentimes find solace in misogynist and anti-democratic spaces online. That’s the alarm being raised by experts, including the U.S. Surgeon General, who recently called for warning labels on social media platforms.
The crisis among young men is real. Equimundo (the organization one of us, Gary Barker, leads) carried out a 2023 national study of 18 to 45-year-old men in the United States, which found that two out of three 18-23 year olds said “No one really knows me well.” In addition, 30% of the youngest men said they see no one outside their home on a weekly basis. And about 40% thought about suicide in the past two weeks.
Read More: Why America’s Fathers Aren’t Living Up to Expectations
As leaders of two organizations concerned about young men’s mental health and working to prevent violence online and off, these findings gave us pause. In the study, nearly half of men said their online lives are more interesting than their offline lives. Forty five percent of the youngest men said they trust one of the many angry, racist, misogynist, anti-democratic voices online. More trust Andrew Tate than the President. How do we hold a democracy together in light of that?
We recently shared these statistics with a group of high school boys of various ethnicities and income groups from the Washington, DC area. In response, the boys shared fears, doubts, frustrations about adults who judge and don’t understand, confusion about what it is to be a man, and concerns for despondent peers. They also told us about their search for friends, deeper relationships, and intimate partners—for just about everything—online.
In 2024, we followed up on that survey with a six-month long study of young men’s online lives, including an AI-assisted analysis of over 40 hours of Twitch streams, over 1.5 million lines of chat logs and 36,963 lines of Discord chat logs, and spent more than 100 hours observing the six largest male-dominated digital channels. And the results were striking: What we found was that, for young men, there is little distinction between “in real life” (IRL) and “online life.” Our review of young men’s online world confirms that their online communities dwarf their real-life spaces by a factor of at least a thousand. YouTube, the mothership of online platforms for young men, has about 2.49 billion monthly active users, between 55%-65% of which are men. Fantasy Football has 75 million users, more than two-thirds men. By contrast, 750,000 young men belong to U.S. fraternities and more than 1.1 million are in Scouting America. The upshot is that young men’s largest gathering spaces are online and much of their lives are spent in virtual meeting spaces. This means that we have to pay attention to what’s happening there—the positive, the harmful, and the in between.
Despite what we often think of the “manosphere,” YouTube, Reddit, Fantasy Football, and other sites popular with young men lean more positive than negative. Queries like this one, posted by a young man on Reddit, speak volumes: “Hey other dudes. How many of you are dealing with the existential dread of not being able to afford it like our fathers and grandfathers were able to?” Thousands posted “likes” to that question in agreement and solidarity. From economic stress to gaming, being loveless to being a “lookmaxxer” seeking to improve physical appearance, young men feel that the internet gets them and their deepest fears.
In reality, the absence of real-life connections in the manosphere often becomes a space where misogyny and conspiracy theories feed real-life violence or self-harm. The pathway from clicking on or following the dark sides of the web—and engaging in violence or self-harm because of it— is, of course, complex. And while the majority of visitors in even the most misogynist spaces don’t carry out harm, frequent internet use has been associated with loneliness, poor communication with family, and depression. These unhealthy online spaces don’t just mirror those feelings—they often exacerbate them.
How can parents, educators, and media content makers help? First, we need to trust the boys. Young men (and young women) can be critical consumers and citizens in their online worlds. Start with a belief that young men’s engagement with dubious content online is not an automatic pathway to self-harm and violence.
Second, talk to young men. Researchers at the University of Liverpool developed a “Men for Change” curriculum that engages young men in conversations about what they consume online and were able to measure important attitude shifts. Parents, business leaders, and organizations have to get in the conversation, too. Vodafone’s AI “aggro-rithms” campaign, for instance, raises awareness about how harmful AI algorithms target Britain’s boys and included a toolkit that supports parents in having online safety conversations with their children.
Read More: Parents Need to Talk to Their Sons About Care
Third, build on the many influencers and spaces that already connect positively with young men. Such influencers are out there and can be engaged—we need to turn up the traffic to those spaces, as the men’s health group Movember has done.
Finally, guide young men to safer spaces—in real life— particularly when they are on the cusp of going down the rabbit hole to one of the angry, dark spaces, and are on the verge of causing harm to themselves or others. The group Diverting Hate, for instance, uses redirection campaigns—essentially buying ads linking to healthy manhood messages. Their results show that about 50% of users on platforms with harmful content looked at the ads, and in one setting they measured an increase in interest in positive off-line spaces for men.
Our work tells us that harmed young men, cut off from others, too often harm themselves or others. But if we engage them, care for them, listen to them, understand what they consume online, they both live better lives and they become better allies for others—for women’s rights, for racial justice, for our democracy—they will find their way. Let’s stay in the room for the difficult talks. Engage. Listen more. Don’t panic.
0 notes
douxlen · 1 month
The Precarious Online Lives of Young Men
New Post has been published on https://douxle.com/2024/08/14/the-precarious-online-lives-of-young-men/
The Precarious Online Lives of Young Men
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As the new school year is upon us, parents are worried about their children’s mental health—and they should be. The latest CDC data from the largest ongoing study on youth well-being finds high rates of helplessness, suicidal ideas, bullying, among other forms of violence. For girls, the rates are often higher. But boys are far less likely to seek help when they need it, and are more likely to take out their problems on others.
In recent years, lots of young men feel adrift—and as a result, oftentimes find solace in misogynist and anti-democratic spaces online. That’s the alarm being raised by experts, including the U.S. Surgeon General, who recently called for warning labels on social media platforms.
The crisis among young men is real. Equimundo (the organization one of us, Gary Barker, leads) carried out a 2023 national study of 18 to 45-year-old men in the United States, which found that two out of three 18-23 year olds said “No one really knows me well.” In addition, 30% of the youngest men said they see no one outside their home on a weekly basis. And about 40% thought about suicide in the past two weeks.
Read More: Why America’s Fathers Aren’t Living Up to Expectations
As leaders of two organizations concerned about young men’s mental health and working to prevent violence online and off, these findings gave us pause. In the study, nearly half of men said their online lives are more interesting than their offline lives. Forty five percent of the youngest men said they trust one of the many angry, racist, misogynist, anti-democratic voices online. More trust Andrew Tate than the President. How do we hold a democracy together in light of that?
We recently shared these statistics with a group of high school boys of various ethnicities and income groups from the Washington, DC area. In response, the boys shared fears, doubts, frustrations about adults who judge and don’t understand, confusion about what it is to be a man, and concerns for despondent peers. They also told us about their search for friends, deeper relationships, and intimate partners—for just about everything—online.
In 2024, we followed up on that survey with a six-month long study of young men’s online lives, including an AI-assisted analysis of over 40 hours of Twitch streams, over 1.5 million lines of chat logs and 36,963 lines of Discord chat logs, and spent more than 100 hours observing the six largest male-dominated digital channels. And the results were striking: What we found was that, for young men, there is little distinction between “in real life” (IRL) and “online life.” Our review of young men’s online world confirms that their online communities dwarf their real-life spaces by a factor of at least a thousand. YouTube, the mothership of online platforms for young men, has about 2.49 billion monthly active users, between 55%-65% of which are men. Fantasy Football has 75 million users, more than two-thirds men. By contrast, 750,000 young men belong to U.S. fraternities and more than 1.1 million are in Scouting America. The upshot is that young men’s largest gathering spaces are online and much of their lives are spent in virtual meeting spaces. This means that we have to pay attention to what’s happening there—the positive, the harmful, and the in between.
Despite what we often think of the “manosphere,” YouTube, Reddit, Fantasy Football, and other sites popular with young men lean more positive than negative. Queries like this one, posted by a young man on Reddit, speak volumes: “Hey other dudes. How many of you are dealing with the existential dread of not being able to afford it like our fathers and grandfathers were able to?” Thousands posted “likes” to that question in agreement and solidarity. From economic stress to gaming, being loveless to being a “lookmaxxer” seeking to improve physical appearance, young men feel that the internet gets them and their deepest fears.
In reality, the absence of real-life connections in the manosphere often becomes a space where misogyny and conspiracy theories feed real-life violence or self-harm. The pathway from clicking on or following the dark sides of the web—and engaging in violence or self-harm because of it— is, of course, complex. And while the majority of visitors in even the most misogynist spaces don’t carry out harm, frequent internet use has been associated with loneliness, poor communication with family, and depression. These unhealthy online spaces don’t just mirror those feelings—they often exacerbate them.
How can parents, educators, and media content makers help? First, we need to trust the boys. Young men (and young women) can be critical consumers and citizens in their online worlds. Start with a belief that young men’s engagement with dubious content online is not an automatic pathway to self-harm and violence.
Second, talk to young men. Researchers at the University of Liverpool developed a “Men for Change” curriculum that engages young men in conversations about what they consume online and were able to measure important attitude shifts. Parents, business leaders, and organizations have to get in the conversation, too. Vodafone’s AI “aggro-rithms” campaign, for instance, raises awareness about how harmful AI algorithms target Britain’s boys and included a toolkit that supports parents in having online safety conversations with their children.
Read More: Parents Need to Talk to Their Sons About Care
Third, build on the many influencers and spaces that already connect positively with young men. Such influencers are out there and can be engaged—we need to turn up the traffic to those spaces, as the men’s health group Movember has done.
Finally, guide young men to safer spaces—in real life— particularly when they are on the cusp of going down the rabbit hole to one of the angry, dark spaces, and are on the verge of causing harm to themselves or others. The group Diverting Hate, for instance, uses redirection campaigns—essentially buying ads linking to healthy manhood messages. Their results show that about 50% of users on platforms with harmful content looked at the ads, and in one setting they measured an increase in interest in positive off-line spaces for men.
Our work tells us that harmed young men, cut off from others, too often harm themselves or others. But if we engage them, care for them, listen to them, understand what they consume online, they both live better lives and they become better allies for others—for women’s rights, for racial justice, for our democracy—they will find their way. Let’s stay in the room for the difficult talks. Engage. Listen more. Don’t panic.
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