#other times it's simply that they're feelin cute
byanyan · 10 months
if byan has your phone number, you will find yourself receiving way more selfies than you want
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Party Games
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: Underaged drinking (but c'mon guys, they're like, highschoolers sooo)
Summary- [Y/N] plans a small get- together and forgets to tell Peter, but when he comes over to do homework and then stays for the party, she finds out just how fun Peter Parker can really be. Also Peter drinks for the first time haha
Bonus: Funny drunk Peter
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"Okay!," you said to yourself, rubbing your hands together while looking around your room. "We got chips, dip, LED lights, playing cards, uno, cards against humanity, music and..."
You looked around the room again, letting your arms fall to your sides. "Crap, what else?..."
You were throwing a party.
Well, actually just a small get-together.
...but everyone knows that basically means a party.
And this small get-together/party needed to be PERFECT.
"Alright... chips, dip, music, playing cards, LED lights, uno, cards against humanity, and..." you trailed off again. Why did it seem so empty? What were you missing?
"Drinks..," you quietly said to yourself, a small smile playing on your lips. "No party is complete without alcohol."
This par-..uh, small get-together was going to be a blast!
You quickly turned your head to the clock when you heard a knock at your door. It was only four o'clock. The party started at five. What frickin' grandma-time-moving person was at your door a whole hour early?
You opened while simultaneously rolling your eyes. "You're, like, an hour early.."
"No I'm not," a voice responded.
You looked up to see Peter Parker there in front of you. His eyebrows were scrunched up as he titled his head. He carried a small backpack.
"I always come around this time," he said, checking his watch. "D-do you need me to come back later o-or-?"
Realizing what he was talking about, you slapped your forehead. "Oh yeah! The homework!"
"I-I mean it's totally cool if you already did it!," he rushed. "Like, really cool! Cuz y'know, progress is, GREAT, y'know! And, um, you're really smart and stuff. Ha, I'll just go home and do mine and-"
He was so cute when he rambled, something he did the second anything went the smallest bit wrong.
"Pete, chill," you giggled. "I haven't done my homework yet."
"S-sorry," he stuttered. "So, do you still wanna go do that now or-?"
"Sure," you said. "But you gotta say you'll help me out, first."
"Yeah of course!," he smirked before tilting his head again. "Wait, with what?"
You laughed. "Just come in," you said, taking his arm and pulling him into the house.
After a bit of homework (mainly Peter breezing through it all while you copy his work), you and Peter picked up where you left off, setting up for the party.
"I didn't know you knew how to pick locks," Peter chuckled in awe as you used a hair pin to get into your parents liquor cabinet.
You giggled softly, rolling your eyes. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Pete. Hey, you like Hennessy?"
The clueless boy stared back at you. "Uh, I wouldn't-"
"You ever been drunk before, Peter?," you asked, a small smile playing on your face.
"U-um. No," Peter responded, a little embarrassed. Given all the opportunities he had to, even with his Aunt May actually handing him some alcohol to try, Peter Parker had never tasted a drink. Not even beer or wine.
"Too cute," you snickered, shaking your head, unknowingly causing Peter to blush a bit. "Grab a few bottles, will you?"
"So is all of this," Peter said once you were back in your room. "For something special like a sleepover or something?"
You turned your head around the face him. "Wait, didn't I invite you?"
Peter shook his head quickly. "No." He wouldn't admit it, but when he walked in to see that you'd been setting up for some sort of event, he couldn't help but feel a little left out.
"Oh. Well you're invited," you said simply. "It's just a small get-together with friends from school."
"O-okay." He smiled. "I just gotta call May," he said. When you nodded, he turned away and pulled out his phone.
Immediately, he dialed Happy's number.
"Hey Happy," he greeted. "Can I ask for a quick favor?"
"Depends on what it is, kid," Happy replied.
"I need someone to cover for me tonight."
"On patrol," Peter clarified. "I need someone to cover for me. Just for tonight. I have something to go to-"
"Who is she?," Happy asked, failing to hide the amusement in his voice.
Peter looked back at you sitting on your bed. You were so cute. "W-what?"
"You never skip patrol for anybody, Peter," Happy said. "The only thing I can think of is you've picked up Tony's old habits of dropping duties for special girls."
Hearing that, Peter quickly looked away from you, as if Happy was somewhere hidden and he didn't want to be caught proving his words to be true. "What?! No, it's nothing like that! I just-"
"I'm just kidding buddy. Go on, I got you covered. Go kiss your girl."
"We're not gonna kiss!," Peter whisper-shouted.
"Hey, stay hopeful, kid. You got this!"
"Happy, we're not gonna-" CLICK. "Happy! Ugh.."
Hearing only a muffled fraction of the commotion, you squinted your eyes. "Everything okay over there, Peter?"
"Uh, yeah!" He said, turning around and putting his phone back into his pocket.
Both you and Peter looked up to the sound, and then to each other.
"It's starting!," you smiled, excitedly wriggling. "Alright!" You clapped your hands together then walked up to Peter. "We did everything, right?"
Peter nodded. "Yeah, I think so."
You gave a nervous smile. "This is gonna be awesome, right?"
Peter nodded again, giving your arms a reassuring shake. "This is gonna be awesome, [Y/N]. Now c'mon, we don't wanna leave them at the door."
MJ was the first to show.
"Hey MJ!," you yelled, pulling her in for a tight hug.
"[Y/N]," she blandly said, though with a small, lopsided smile. She looked to the side, a smile still on her face. "Peter."
"Hi," he smiled softly, his hands awkwardly in his pocket.
Ned was next.
"Hey [Y/N]. This thing's gonna be awesome!," he said walking in. "Pete!!!," he then said, practically slamming into Peter to give him a big brotherly hug.
Then Betty.
"Hey guys!"
Then Cindy.
"What's up?!"
Then Brad.
Then there was Flash.
"Hey Flash!," you greeted, pulling him in for a hug, and even giving him a friendly high-five.
You were the only one that tolerated, or dare anyone even say, liked him(not in the interesting way of course). Sure he was annoying, but you didn't get the big problem everyone, especially Peter, had with Flash.
...Or maybe you kinda did. It was just funny to watch Peter squirm.
He nearly tackled him to the ground and doing his arm around his neck. "Hey, your balls dropped yet? Haha!"
Peter gave you a quick 'why would you do this to me?!' glare before lowly muttering, "Hey Flash..."
Spin The Bottle~
"C'mon c'mon, lemme spin it!," Flash yelled. "I'm feelin' lucky!"
"Lucky?," Betty asked. "Who're you trying to get?"
"More like which one of you lucky ladies will get me?!"
"Get over yourself, dude," MJ scolded.
"Hey Pete! Why're you all the way over there?," you asked Peter, who was sitting on your bed watching the game from afar.
"I-I'm fine not kissing anyone..."
"PRUDE!," Flash yelled, pointing to the blushing boy in the corner.
Never Have I Ever~
"Okay," you started, looking around the circle. "Never have I ever...Oh! Here's a good one. Spoken to Spiderman."
Peter, MJ, Ned, and Flash put their fingers down.
"Oh wow, guys! Not fair! When'd you all get to talk to him?!," you playfully whined.
"Said hey to me on the street once," MJ said with a shrug.
"Saved us in Europe," Peter added.
"Gave me a high-five while he was swinging," Ned noted with a smile.
"Told me to watch out when something was gonna fall on me," Flash said, eyes sparkling as if he could actually see his hero in front of him.
"I mean, they don't call him the friendly neighborhood Spiderman for nothing, right?"
"Alright guys," you said, running your hands together. "For the chaotic energy of this game to work, get by the person you think is the most annoying." When everyone just sat and stared at you, you rolled your eyes and clarified. "C'mon guys, I already know who just merely tolerates who, don't make me have to tell you where to sit."
Slowly and awkwardly, everyone sat next to someone they didn't prefer.
MJ sat next to Betty who sat next to Brad who sat next to Ned who sat next to Cindy who sat next to Flash who sat next to Peter.
"Oh, really?," Betty snickered next to MJ. "I'm definitely learning some things."
MJ rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "I don't hate you, Betty. I just like everyone else more."
Flash looked to the people on the side of him. Cindy and Peter. "...yeah I'm not surprised."
"I love you all the same," you giggled. "So I'm just gonna sit anywhere," you said as you sat next to Peter.
"So the way this one works is the person to the right of you is gonna whisper a question to you and you have to answer it out loud to everyone else in the circle. And here comes the fun part next..." you looked to Peter, your most easily embarrassed friend, to watch his reaction. "You get to decide whether or not you want to tell everybody what the question was. And if you don't, you take a shot."
Peter's eyes widened. "O-of what?"
Brad laughed. "What else, Peter? Alcohol."
"You guys cool with that?," you said, looking around the circle.
"Heck yeah!"
"Sure! Sounds fun!"
"T-that's fine!"
"Oooookay," you said. "Um, Pete! You can go first."
You were on his left.
The circle watched as he leaned into your ear. Immediately you laughed. Once you stopped you answered. "It's been good."
"What was the question?" MJ raised her eyebrow.
"He asked me how my day was."
Flash laughed. Ned shook his head. MJ rolled her eyes. "That was the lamest-"
"I-I was put on the spot, okay?!," Peter defended.
"Well, you've got a whole round to come up with another one," you laughed. "An interesting one."
Peter nodded, racking his mind with more questions to ask you.
It couldn't be anything embarrassing like, "whose your crush?" (Though he secretly wished it would be him)
It needed to be cool. It needed to be sensible. But fun.
Peter's eyes flicked up upon hearing his name being said by MJ.
She was staring at him. "What was the question?," he asked.
You and MJ looked to each other, smiling after coming to a silent agreement of mischief.
"Nah, I think I'm gonna let you suffer," MJ told Peter.
Peter stared, his mouth agape. "Then drink up," you giggled while MJ took her shot.
"W-wait wait wait, no, you can't do that," Peter objected.
"Actually she can, Pete." You smiled a wide shit-eating grin, obviously enjoying Peter's torment. "And now you'll never know what I asked to provoke her to say your name."
Cindy laughed. "Feeling paranoid, Peter?"
"Yeah, y'know just a little bit!" Peter's voice cracked as he felt a blush creep onto his cheeks.
Okay, well now he had to get back at you.
He stared at you intently, as the game continued. You were cute as an angel, but as mischievous as Loki himself sometimes, and usually to his expense.
But what could he say? He liked you.
He really liked you.
Before he knew it, it was Flash's turn.
He must've been really out of it if the whole circle had already gone through one round.
"Alright I got a good one, Parker."
Flash leaned in and whispered, "Do you wanna bang [Y/N]?"
Peter yanked his neck back immediately. "Whoa! Uh-um..n-no! Of course not! I so don't!"
"Calm down, dude!" Ned laughed.
"What type of question made you get like that?," Brad asked, almost killing himself with laughter.
"Then again, it doesn't take much for him to get like this," MJ pointed out. "Anyway, what was it, Peter?"
Peter looked to everyone in the circle. No way were they gonna hear what Flash asked him. He looked down at the shot glass in front of him. Everyone laughed and 'ooooh'ed as he quickly threw it back, coughing and hacking immediately after.
"Awwww! Baby boy Peter finally tasted his first drink!," you teased, poking out your bottom lip and wiping a fake tear. "They grow up so fast!"
"Okay, your turn, Peter," Brad said.
He'd thought so much about the fact that he needed to ask you a crazy question to the point that he'd never actually thought of what the crazy question was going to be!
"Well, c'mon hurry up," you urged.
"Better not be lame," MJ warned.
Taking a quick breath, Peter whispered the first thing that came to mind.
"...Are you a virgin?"
Finally, it was your time to stammer. "U-uh, y-yeah.."
Immediately embarrassed, Peter slapped his forehead. "Dude, I-I'm sorry, [Y/N]. Please don't say the question."
Ned smirked. "Now I really wanna know what it is."
"I'm just gonna...," you trailed off before downing the shot, blushing profusely.
The night rolled on and the questions got weirder. As expected.
But one thing surprised you.
Whatever Flash had been asking Peter the last couple of rounds must've been really crazy stuff because your bashful friend was downing shot after shot. Of everyone in the circle now, he was in the worst shape.
Face beet red. Constantly going into laughing fits. Almost totally abandoning his sense of embarrassment. Shamelessly burping (with Ned more than ready to congratulate him for a "good one" each time). And no sense of personal space. When he asked you a question, he was practically kissing your ear.
The best part was that his questions started to get weirder and weirder.
"You and someone else in this circle have to be surgically bound to someone for the rest of your life. Who?"
"Who's most likely to commit manslaughter?"
"If Darth Sidious walked in here right now and ordered for you to kill someone, who would you kill?"
Most of his questions you told the rest of the circle, because they were just that hilarious.
The game was over now. Betty and Cindy went home. Ned was sleeping on the floor. Brad and Flash were quietly drunkenly chatting. MJ drew pictures of the boys drunk out of their minds.
"I didn't realize Peter was such a weird drunk," MJ laughed as Peter began to loudly hum Star Wars melodies.
Flash let out a big burp, laying on the floor. "I think drunk Parker is better than regular Parker!"
"Totally," Brad agreed.
Peter was laying on your bed, mumbling towards the ceiling.
You, also a bit drunk, walked over to him. "Hey Pete, you okay?"
He didn't turn his head but moved his eyes to look at you. "Wow. I'm drunk." He moved over, leaving room for you on the bed. "And my head really hurts."
You hit his stomach. "Well, yeah dummy! That's what happens when you take so many shots!" You rolled your eyes, laying down so that you were laying down beside him, both of you staring up at the ceiling. "Why did you do so many anyway? What type of stuff was Flash asking?"
"Don't worry about it," he mumbled rather quickly. "I'm so tired right now. This bed is so comfortable. Can I sleep with you, [Y/N]?"
You paused. Of course he didn't mean it like that but still, Peter was asking to sleep with you. And he was too drunk to be embarrassed about it.
OF COURSE he could.
"Yeah, sure," you said, like it was no big deal even though this was literally the guy you crushed on for the longest time. "No problem."
Later, MJ, Ned, and the other boys left.
It was just you and Peter now.
He had been done ranting about Star Wars hours ago and was now just staring at the wall. He finally broke the silence as he said, "I don't think I like alcohol very much..."
"You say that," you said. "But I can almost guarantee that you'll be getting drunk again someday." You blew out a tired breath. "And I'll be there to watch you act a straight up fool when you do," you chuckled.
It was fun to see this side of Peter. This carefree, nothing to lose side. You knew that you wouldn't see it often. It's not like you could keep him drunk 24/7.
"Can I hug you?"
You turned around to see Peter staring at you with big puppy-dog eyes. "W-what?"
"Hug- can I hug you?," he asked. "Please?"
"Uh, sure," you replied.
Slowly and clumsily, Peter wrapped his arms around you. "You're so soft and squishy," he giggled with a short hiccup at the end, making it fifteen times cuter.
Of course he'd freak out the second he'd wake up to find himself practically spooning you. And you'd deal with his stuttering and stammering later. But for now, you could definitely enjoy a drunk Peter snoring into your ear.
"G'night, Pete," you whispered, laughing quietly as he mumbled his own goodnight into your ear...
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danandthereader · 6 years
Hi! I firstly wanted to say that I absolutely love your fics! Second, I have a request... what if the reader was playing video games with Dan and he kept trying to distract them by calling them cute names and acting all lovey-dovey? Bonus points if they're recording for the grumps channel!
A/N: His there, lovely ! Thank you so much for the compliment; I’m glad that you like the fics. Can I just say that this is a totally cute prompt and I am so happy to finally be able to fill it ? ♡ I love getting to write Dan as Not So Grump, if that makes sense, especially when he’s being ultra lovey-dovey. Thank you so much for sending it in, and an even bigger thanks for your patience on me filling it. I hope you love it as much as I loved getting to fill it; heart you !
To say that the Grumps recording room was comfortable was giving it just a bit too much credit. Honestly, the placed with sort of packed, one wall entirely covered in shelves that housed their extensive videogame collection and the rest of the room dedicated to recording equipment and various systems to play them. Yet in this room, with its worn couch and shoddy A/C and shoulder-to-shoulder atmosphere, you couldn’t help but feel welcome. It was just you in the room - Dan and Arin were both taking five just outside - but you stayed to take in the silence, only broken up by the laptops humming.It wasn’t often that you got to really take in the fact that you were part of this now - not like the boys were, of course, but you always got to help out with something, from editing to queuing up and posting videos - mostly because your days always flew by in a blur. Now, though, just for a moment, you could really appreciate it.
Just then, the door opened, revealing the two stars of the show, looking ready to go, followed suit by Ryan. “So, we’ve got a couple different ways to spend the rest of the afternoon,” the editor began. “We can bag a few episodes of Zelda, Monopoly for Versus, let’s see…” He was listing things off the top of his head. “Oh! There’s also Sonic…” You let out a tiny huff of amusement, that current series having particularly entertained you each time you’ve watched it. It seemed to remind everyone that you were there, and Dan turned to you. “What do you think?” Sweet of him to include you in the conversation; you smiled a bit. “Sonic’s always a big hit,” you replied easily. “Or… Hm…” You were lost in thought as well. “Can you guys afford to start something new?” That caught all of their attention. “Like?” prompted Arin, curious at the prospect. You thought for another moment. “Do you have a Spongebob game?” That made him laugh out loud.“What about Snipperclips?” Dan asked, perking up just a bit. “Yeah! I loved getting to see you two play that,” you agreed, beaming. Looking to Arin, the smile that was on his face was more smug than anything. “Oh, he doesn’t wanna play with me,” he added, giving his best friend major side-eye. It was then that the two looked to you, and you got it. “Wh- Me?” You’d never been on Grumps before, and even if you had been dating Danny for the past three or so months, you hadn’t expected things to cross over quite like this. “I’ll set up the mics.” All three of them were moving then, going to rig things up, leaving you all together confused of what just transpired.All at once it hit you - You were going to be on an episode of Game Grumps. This was definitely not how you thought the day was going to go, but when working in a place like this, was anything ever set in stone?
Following suit, you took a seat on the couch next to Dan, bringing your legs up and crossing them over one another. As Arin finished adjusting the mics and levels, and Ryan dug out the Switch controllers and game, you felt a gentle bump against your shoulder. Knowing who it was, you smiled a bit and bumped right back. “How ya feelin’?” the curly-haired one asked, voice kept low to stay between the two of you. “Thoroughly confused,” you replied, equally soft and smiling more. “Why am I doing this with you again?” He chuckled. “Because you’re great. ” That seemed enough of a reason for him; you playfully rolled your eyes. “If at any point you don’t feel comfortable, just tell me, and we’ll pause, and we’ll tag you out, all right?” Your eyebrows furrowed; that had never happened in any Grumps episode. “The audience won’t mind, I promise.”Getting a thumbs-up, the capture was started, the timer began, and Dan introduced the two of you.“Been a while since we’ve played this. Hey everyone!” His on-screen voice wasn’t all that different than his off-screen one, all chipper tones and musical cadence. “We have a very special, new guest me playing this very adorable game…” You smiled a bit as you leaned in. “Hey there,” you greeted simply, hoping you came off confident. “You ready to play some Snipperclips, lovely?” The nickname made you blink, but reply, “Let’s get to it!”Breezing through the first few stages, you two came to a point where you couldn’t quite pass. “What are we supposed to be doing here?” Dan wondered aloud, running back and forth across the screen with his little yellow character. “I think we’re supposed to get the little orbs into their pockets?” Dumb answer; you cringed. “Well, yeah, of course that,” he replied, chuckling. “But how?” As you mimicked him - taking your little pink character and running them back and forth across the stage - you studied the layout. “Well, maybe if we do this, and th- Hey!” He had hit the button that clipped you, cutting a piece from your character with the little thing going oh!. You now had a very pointed half and a rounded-out, untouched half. “Rude!” He was laughing. “But you look so cute now! Like a pink punk rocker,” he insisted as you chased him around the screen. “Not quite as cute as you look in real-life right now, though.” You turned pink at the sudden compliment, stopping the chase and hitting the button to reset your character. “Don’t think this is over,” you muttered, mostly into the mic for the audience to hear.
Eventually you did get past the level, working your way to an underwater mission that required you to cut each other into certain shapes. “Okay, this’ll be easy!” Your voice radiated enthusiasm, comfort having settled in at this point, Dan’s reassuring words from earlier keeping your butterflies down. “Okay, Danny, c’mere.” You used a humorous voice for the next bit, channeling Arin. “I gotta cut ’cha!” His little character came to yours. “All right, baby. Cut me up.” His voice took on a tone, too, his much more sultry than yours. “Do want you want to me. I’m yours.” You couldn’t help but laugh, the pink darkening. “Okay, lover boy, calm down…” Trailing off, you began snipping away, the silence broken up by his over-the-top, overtly sexual noises. He was playing it way up for humor, but you were sort of afraid it might not be usable. “Look, I’ll fuck you when we get home, okay?” you finally blurted, voice raised with exasperation and amusement. “Ooo, that a promise?”With a huff, you finished slipping the last bit of him. “All right, your turn. Do me.” Both of you paused and looked at each other, him finally catching the flush in your cheeks and grinning from ear-to-ear. “Okay, wait-!” He cracked up. “That’s not what I meant!” He did begin snipping at you in-game as well, through the laughter, keeping the game going. “You know I’ll do you right, baby girl.” Jesus. You let go of the controller and moment and put your face in your hand. “Oh no, I’ve broken you!” He hadn’t stopped the game though. “I’ve actually broken her. I’m so sorry.” His laughter had diminished to chuckles. “Hold on, let’s at least finish this level, and we’ll call it, yeah?” You looked up from your hands, noting that he had finished. “Sounds good,” you breathed, gentle laughter punctuating your sentence.Picking up the controller, you rotated your character, hopped on top of him, and the level cleared with the usual confetti and cheering. “We did it!” he accounted happily. “We’re such a good team.” He leaned over, setting his head on your shoulder and looking up at you with bright hazel eyes. “God, I hate you,” you muttered, knowing the mic had picked it up and knowing you hadn’t meant it at all. “Aw, no you don’t,” he replied, letting your mic pick him up as well. “You looove me.” The teasing tone made you sigh. “Much to my opposition,” you amended, laughing gently. “How about a ‘Next time on Game Grumps’ for the outro?” You turned to the mic. “Next time on Game Grumps... Something else!” The two of you laughed together. “Perfect. See you later, lovelies!” Lifting himself from your shoulder, he stopped the recording, then the capture, and turned to you.“We did it!” You shoved him lightly, grinning and shaking your head, no malice in the movement but getting him to widen his eyes. “What?” He was playing dumb, which made you shove him again. He took it, but rebounded quick, leaning in and kissing you lovingly.
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spreadplaylist · 7 years
This month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight is a dear friend of mine, Tina Mathieu. Let's get a closer look at her life and her music!
Tina: Hey there.. My name is Tina Mathieu. I’m a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. I moved out here by way of NYC, where I spent roughly 15 years writing and playing acoustic soul music. Within the past few months, I released my first indie r&b single and ran my very first official trail run... uphill - So i’m kinda feelin’ myself. ; )
Dan: Haha hi Tina! Those are definitely things to be proud of. I'm so excited you're our SPREAD featured artist this month! Diving right into your life and career a little more, how long have you been a songwriter/artist?
Tina: I started writing my own music after I stepped away from musical theater back in 2003. I was 22 with a broken heart and a cheap classical guitar. Typical story. I’d been writing poetry since I was a child - and somehow the ability to turn my words into melodies just clicked.
Dan: And when it clicks it's the best feeling ever. Since you have been writing for a while I am sure you have some sort of routine. Describe the place that makes you feel the most inspired creatively.
Tina: The mountains and the shower… recently I began trail running through the Santa Monica mountains. Moving through the open air, surrounded by 360’ of a world reminding me how small I am gives me major perspective - I become elevated in every way. I usually record voice memos while I hike and continue playing with those ideas once I’m home... washing all the dirt the off. The shower makes me feel like I can sing anything.
Dan: More power to you on trail running. I don't think that's something I could ever have the endurance to do! But if we're talking singing in the shower, I definitely feel like Beyoncé the moment I step in, even though I definitely don't sound like her...
Quickly moving on to get that image out of everyone's head...I know you are a very motivated and driven person. Do you have a personal mantra that helps you get through each day? If so, what is it?
Tina: These days when I feel like so much is out of my control, I like to stick with “One day at a time” and the serenity prayer... Accept the things I cannot change - the courage to change the things I can - and the wisdom to know the difference. Oh wisdom…
Dan: I've never actually heard that prayer. That's something I may have to adopt. I definitely use the day-at-a-time mantra or I tend to get overwhelmed.
So, now that you have released a new single, I know you are trying to get out and perform in LA a little more. Coming from experience I know that's a blessing and a curse. What do you think is a misconception people have about performing?
Tina: That bigger notes mean better singer. This is especially true in musical theater or televised singing competitions. I’ve had lots of internal struggles with this misconception. After dealing with vocal nodes, I had to start letting the strengths within my tone, emotion and storytelling depict my artistry - rather than belting my life away.
Dan: To be honest I think reality singing tv shows have done some hurt to singers because everyone watches them and then expects everyone to have a huge, belting voice. But we have to make room for the soothing, sultry vocals too. ;)
If you can pick, what song of yours are u most proud of? Why?
Tina: I’m super proud of two songs. ‘Downward Spiral’, my first single that I released, was a long time coming. I wrote it about 2 ½ years ago in NYC after dealing with some family turmoil. I’m proud of it because I actually followed through with it. I’ve written tons of songs and always found excuses to not finish them. When I released ‘Downward Spiral’ I felt ready. I had no excuses left.
I’m also very proud of the next song i’ll be releasing in October, ‘Ring Off’. Reliving the discovery of an affair is probably the most raw i’ve been in songwriting yet. It still hurts when i sing it and i think it makes people uncomfortable… which means I did my job.
Dan: I've heard both and I have to say they are both chilling. I don't even know if I could pick a favorite. And again, congrats on the new single!
I know that this journey is hard to follow through with sometimes, and its easy to get caught up. So throughout your years as a songwriter, who is one person in your life that has influenced and pushed you to be where you are now?
Tina: Influenced and pushed are two different things for me. I’ve had several artist and musician friends that have inspired me immensely. My family has always supported and believed in me. But as for pushing me to where I am now... I did that. Lots of people gave me advice and thought I was wasting my talent by not following through for so long, but I couldn’t do anything until I was ready - from the inside - an inner push that was long overdue.
Dan: I'm so happy to see that push now, because you're amazing! It's crazy how we can hear kind words and support from so many different people but we equally have to hear us say it to ourselves, too. With this unstoppable Tina, describe a typical day in your life. What are you doing? What do u enjoy the most about it?
Tina: I’m a mom - so everyday starts the same... I have to wake up way earlier than I prefer to blindly pour apple juice for a 4 year old dude. I also work in tv production so I’m often juggling a freelance lifestyle which allows me the opportunity to make music. I try to hike or trail run whenever I can squeeze it in. Also, Target. I’m mostly at Target.
Dan: Target always saves the day. Also, you are my hero. Now that we've seen a glimpse into your grind, and that you are not holding back in your music making any longer, what do u think is the biggest misconception people have about working in the music industry?
Tina: That you get discovered and industry people figure everything out for you and you just get to sing and make money. EASY. It couldn’t be more of the opposite. Being an artist is running a small business - the financial investment, the self promotion, understanding the convoluted money splits on the back end of a song... I mean you really have to love the ‘making music’ part of it.
Dan: You have to love it almost more than anything else. There's so much more behind the scenes that people do not think about. Being where you are today, and having just released an awesome single, if you could go back in time to the Tina Mathieu who just started out as a songwriter and artist, what is a piece of advice you would give her?
Tina: Be nice to yourself. It’s ok to tell people that you are a songwriter. You’re not a phony. And you don’t have to hide behind other people’s success… you deserve your own.
Dan: Preach, girl. Also discussing your day-to-day life, how do u manage a busy schedule and stress? How do you recharge when u need to?
Tina: I try to stay as organized as possible - Google docs run my life. Hiking and weed are my stress relievers. Often paired together. :)
Dan: We definitely need those stress relievers to get us through the business. Breaks away from the madness are so important.
A part of this business also includes of failed attempts or let-downs. I feel like they are so common you can easily lose track. Tell us about a time that you feel like you failed musically. How did u overcome this?
Tina: When I found out I was pregnant, I felt like I completely failed musically. I had yet to put out a single, yet to release an EP… and to be honest, I thought that being a mom meant that I had run out of time. I wrote a depressing song that day (that no one has ever heard) and decided to accept my failure as an artist. Luckily, being a songwriter is simply a part of me that won’t go away. It took a few years to start finding my way again - but I’m actually better than I was before and now I have someone very special to impress.
Dan: You are a natural songwriter. I don't think it could go away if you tried to make it! I am really touched by your answer, and I can't help but be grateful for all the badass moms we see in the industry that are killing it. Ya know, Pink, Beyoncé, Adele to name a few... It gives me hope that other moms will be inspired to keep going; that they're not done after having a kid. And I'll be the one to say I am SO glad you didn't give up. We desperately need your music in the world. Also...your kid is ridiculously cute I can't handle it. He'll always be your number one fan!
What is a defining moment of your career and how has it affected your life since?
Tina: Releasing ‘Downward Spiral’ is the most defining moment so far. When I teamed up with the Los Angeles Songwriters Collective for their 2nd EP, I committed to myself that it was time follow through. The past few months have been non-stop songwriting, studio time, gigs, co-write sessions, networking and supporting new artist friends. Making that one commitment changed everything for me.
Dan: I have such a big smile on my face. The gears are turning and there's no stopping now!
Looking to your inspiratioins, tell us about an artist/songwriter who inspires u. What would you like to emulate in your own artistry?
Tina: Erykah Badu is my all time favorite artist. Unique in every way. Her voice, words, melodic decisions, storytelling... honest & confident.
“She’s Clever.”
John Mayer is my favorite lyricist - I try to learn a lot from the honesty and details in his poetry. I may or may not have a lyric tattooed around my wrist. (Shhh.. I’m a fangirl!)
I’m not looking to emulate them but rather let what I love in these artists innately come through me - kinda like osmosis.
Dan: You said something SO important right there. I think up and coming artists struggle a lot when they're first releasing music. They listen to their favorite artists and then try to sound like them, but the key is letting what you love about them show in your own way! Ah, I could scream! Nail on the damn head.
So what artist/album/song have u had on repeat lately?
Tina: 90’s male R&B slow jam Playlist - Ginuwine, Dru Hill, 112, etc..
Julia Michaels - She is an effortless genius.
Kehlani - Obsessed with her.
Fiona Apple, Tidal - because her words never go out of style (and I still need a dictionary to get through some songs...)
Dan: What a good ass mix! If people reading this have not checked those artists out, GO! Some of them have been featured on SPREAD before... ;)
Laaaaaast but not least at all, how can we check out ur music and stay up to date with ur releases/posts? Anything we should especially be on the lookout for? ;)
Tina: I’m mostly active on Instagram - @tinamathieumusic. You can listen to ‘Downward Spiral’ on SPREAD CH. 4 - Feels and also stream or download it anywhere music exists. I have a few LA gigs lined up for Sept / Oct, which I’ll be announcing soon - and my newest single, ‘Ring Off’ will be available this fall.
Dan: Y'all heard it from Tina herself! If u haven't already, go check out her new single, 'Downward Spiral' on SPREAD CH.4 and go follow her! LA people, make sure u go see her live to because her music and her voice slays. Thanks again, Tina, for being SPREAD CH.4's featured artist. I'm super excited to see where this next year takes u! :)
Thank you everyone for joining us for this month's SPREAD Artist Spotlight! I hope you have let out all the FEELS u can before Friday because a whole new playlist is coming! And it's gonna end with a bang 🎊
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