quartzpills · 6 years
Sanses: All of you are brilliant and great in more ways than one even if you don't see it! You're puns are amazing and never fail to make others laugh or smile!
Papyruses: Hey, you are all the best and most amazing brothers and i love you so much! you always see the good in everyone and everything
Frisks: You always seemed to strive to do what was right, whether it was for others or yourself! you were a great friend to all!
Charas: Even if you did some not so good things, you've grown from your mistakes and i’m sure that you are a better person now!
Toriels: My favourite pun-buddy and the best mom ever!! you’re always so kind and caring and motherly towards everyone you meet! You’re super amazing!
Asgores: You waged a war on human kind because of what they did to your children. Sure, it might’ve not been the best decision but it made sense! You’re very caring as well, and a big, fluffy gentle giant!
Alphyses: A super cool reptile!! No matter what happened in the past with the experiments, you were trying to help monsterkind! and that’s a very brave thing of you to do!
Undynes: You’re super brave and extremely heroic!! Even though you’re impulsive you always tried to keep everyone safe from any and all dangers that made themselves present. You’re very selfless and so many monster looked up to you!!
Mettatons: All of you are absolutely fabulous with big hearts! You were always loyal to you’re friends and i respect you!!
Napstablooks: You’re all super talented musicians!! Even if you think you’re a bother, keep on pushing through!! You’ve got this!
Asriels: Don’t let what happened in the past bring you down! You are super amazing and valuable and you deserved to be saved!
And to everyone else who i didn’t mention or who is noncannon: I love you all!! You’re so grand and valid as heck! And even if you’re obscure, that doesn’t mean that anybody’s forgotten you or nobody cares, because we all do!!
Everyone deserves love and positivity, no matter who you were!! -Your Local Sans/Asriel
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all-kin-haven · 7 years
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[ Feathered Dragon Kinboard for @s3nnr3nn ! 
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otherkin-affection · 8 years
I don't know if pice done this before but angel kin positivity?
Even if it has been done before, you have different needs than everyone else. You can come back time and time again.
I don’t really know what you need to hear. “Angelkin” is kind of vague, honestly, and I don’t really know what’s going on with you, so I guess I’ll try.
Angels, and other winged, celestial beings have been admired by humanity for thousands of years. Angels are seen as divine messengers, and appear to people in dreams, and sometimes in everyday life. Biblical angels have been able to choose who they appear to, when, and have been able to cause serious damage, and even death. That’s some pretty impressive power.
Angels are often seen as benevolent and pure, assuming that their moral compass is aligned with their deity. But I assume since you didn’t specify “fallen angel,” that would be true. Having a lineage like that might seem like a heavy burden, but it may be more a point of pride for you.
I hope whatever’s going on with you clears up soon. You’ll be ok. You can do it.
- Koshek
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valkyri-anna · 10 years
A Pokemon game where instead of Pokemon you catch and battle people with different otherkin identities 
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all-kin-haven · 7 years
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[ Sinister Grey Dragon Kinboard for @cottoncandyspiderwebs ]
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all-kin-haven · 7 years
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[ Central American Coyote Kinboard for @ashen-the-birb + Warm Colors! ]
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