#otherwise I'll go crazy
transgender-catboy · 2 months
Thought about him again...
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golden-masquerade · 1 year
Villain: Tell me what I want to know, or I'll make you wish that you've never been born.
Me: Buddy, I do that every day when I wake up in the morning. Try again.
Villain: .....are you okay?
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purrvaire · 28 days
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black sails + tumblr text posts I have on my phone
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just-null-cult · 7 months
the way you drew kokichi .. i think im ascending to the heavens .. i see the light .. chest collapsing .. heartbeat flatlining ..
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oho, a Kokichi enjoyer!! tysm!! it was my first time drawing him at the time so im glad i didnt fail him. i dont want to fail any of the kyoto group. i love them all!! even w my clear favoritism
he's nice too, a bit more expressive than Noritoshi so i can finally draw something that isnt :| or >:( even if it isnt by much- i like him too
I like how he's both a dick but also kinda sweet. He's a different flavor of tsun... i can use this. my knowledge on him is limited but FROM WHAT I SAW IN THE WIKI OH MY GOD???????? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! KOKICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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buckttommy · 12 days
not to be full speed ahead on the "tommy is staying" train and run the risk of hurting my own feelings if it doesn't happen, but i was thinking about 911 in the shower, as one does, and it's like... if 7x9 was his last episode, i would have been like "ok he's definitely not coming back in s8" because that would be a good way to wrap up his (short-lived) arc. like. he started out expressing his desire to be part of the 118 > he gets awarded for his bravery with helping them / he mentions not having himself figured out under gerrard in 7x5 (paraphrasing) > he has a nice little "fuck you" moment in 7x9 and, like. that would be it. but. but. 👀 we've seen evidence of him filming for 7x10 and those are going to be bobby/eddie centric episodes which means that the time to neatly wrap up his arc/bucktommy arc this season would have passed without being acted upon....👀 so.👀 soooo..... 👀👀👀
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thesoupisburning · 4 months
every day i think about the thorn and i think about how FUCKING cool she would be if she were a scorpion. god i wish i had the capacity to draw such a thing......................... its the scorpion and the frog guys. the thorn.. the stab...........hgh
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Okay so we all know by now why Inuyasha fell for Kagome — it’s fairly obvious, because she’s amazing, who wouldn’t? But why do you think Kagome fell in love with Inuyasha? At the beginning of their journey she couldn’t stand his rash and abrasive attitude and was always saying how a guy the complete opposite of him would be her type, so what made her grow from just viewing him as a friend who she would need to teach to bring out of his shell, into a viable romantic interest?
I’m sure we can all pinpoint the time when Kagome really started developing feelings was her seeing Inuyasha’s human night for the first time and when he was laying in her lap and saying how good she smelled, being honest with his true feelings for once. What was it about that moment that caused Kagome to start to see Inu in a new light? Was she attracted to his vulnerability? When she saw that combined with his always protecting her was that enough to stir her heart? What’s your take on what it was about Inuyasha that made made Kagome fall in love?
So I think it’s obvious by now why Inuyasha fell for Kagome, but what exactly was it about Inuyasha that made Kagome fall for him? How did she go from dislike to tolerance to seeing him as a friend she could teach and learn to open up to the world into a viable romantic interest? She says it herself early on, Inuyasha was the exact opposite of her type, so what exactly was it about him that attracted her to him that he couldn’t already give her at the friend level?
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I'm guessing you asked @born-for-eachother this very same question a while ago? And her answer was as insightful as ever, so I'm not sure what else can I say to expand on her already brilliant take, but I'll give it my best try.
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This is Kagome's reply when her friends asked what her type is. Mind you, she's only fifteen. Kagome might think that she knows what she wants, but she most definitely doesn't know yet what she needs. And that's an important distinction.
Also, please notice that Kagome's lying to herself, because there's only one person in the series that fit her criteria perfectly: Hojo. Even still, she had no romantic interest in him whatsoever despite the statement above.
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And the scene's whole point wasn't to stabilish the kind of guy Kagome would fall for, but to show us that, when asked about what her type was, Inuyasha crosses her mind, even if it was in a "negative" light.
If it was the case, it would have made way more sense for her to simply describe a type and define Hojo as the yardstick against which all potential boyfriends would be measured, but instead she made the entire thing about Inuyasha, subconsciously drawing a correlation between him and romantic interest.
And of course, Inuyasha actually does have at least half of the qualities Kagome was listing. She just didn't have the opportunity to realize that at the time, since their first impression of each other was disastrous and Inuyasha was keeping his guard up. She didn't know the real him yet.
That's why she couldn’t stand his rash and abrasive attitude at the beginning of their journey. Kagome thought he was being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk and, for his part, Inuyasha was constantly proving her misconceptions right.
It takes a little time for her to figure him out, which is to be expected because, at first, he made his life's mission to push Kagome away and she have never met someone like him before, but eventually, she manages to see right through him.
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His selfishness was a facade. He had to think of himself first because he learned that if he didn't, no one else would. However, he did care for others, no matter how good he was at pretending otherwise. And he might complain about it the whole time, but he always does the right thing in the end.
Especially when it comes to Kagome. There were many occasions in which he resigned himself with letting her go, be it because he feared for her own safety, be it because he knew it wasn't fair of him to ask her to stay even though the thing he wanted the most was to have her by his side. When push comes to shove, he prioritizes Kagome's well being over his own feelings every time. This is the opposite of selfish.
Inuyasha isn't malicious, he's just a impulsive boy who had little to none social interactions growing up. He doesn't really mean a lot of what comes out of his mouth, or at least he doesn't always mean it in a rude way. When he does mean it, it's often a defense mechanism to keep people away, a form of hurt them before they could hurt him. It's only natural for Inuyasha to act the way he does at first. And it was even more natural for Kagome to pick up on that eventually:
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He is kind. You can tell by how he puts his life on the line even for those who judge him a monster. He has been wronged in so many ways, by so many people and he still forgave and forgot most of it, showing them the compassion he was denied of. You can also see it in the detais: the way he treats children — slapstick comedy aside —women or any person who can't stand up for themselves, how he provides for and takes care of his friends, the relationship he had with his mother, the gentle way in which he touches Kagome, gives her his robe when she's cold and nurses her back to health when she's sick. I could go on and on.
Granted, he is violent. But for the longest time, violence was all he knew. And it was this very violence that more often than not kept Kagome and their friends alive. He is short tempered. But then again so is she. And he might be the farthest thing from obedient, but I highly doubt Kagome would have fallen so hard and so deep for him if he wasn't.
Futhermore, I think you nailed it on the head when you said Kagome started developing real feelings for Inuyasha after their first New Moon together.
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This is when she finally starts to truly understand him. For once, there was no walls up, no bullshit, no covering their connection with hostility. Only vulnerability, brutal honesty and the shy beginning of one of the most important themes in their relationship: trust. Here, Kagome realizes that there is more to him than meets the eyes, that there's an opening for her to come in. Which she does. And the more she gets to know him, the more she notices that he can be selfless, good and kind.
I'd also like to point out that Kagome had already showed signs of physical attraction to Inuyasha way before that.
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Obviously, you can admire your friend's appearance in a non romantic way, but her reaction to his looks at the time and the reminiscing of how heroic he looked back then cannot be interpreted as platonic.
But more than that, the thing that really attracted her to Inuyasha, what he couldn’t already give her in a friendship level, was plain and simple the way he made her feel.
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Although it was mostly Inuyasha starting the romantic moves, Kagome has always responded to them. His actions awakened in her sentiments she had never had to deal with before. It's new. It's exciting. It's terrifying. It makes her feel alive. And no one else has ever done it for her. Not even close.
Inuyasha turned her world upside down. Being the beautiful, smart and popular girl that she was, love was something that has always came easily to Kagome. She was pretty used to people liking her gratuitously. Her relationship with family and friends was simple enough, but with Inuyasha, she had to work for it, to build it with him from scratch. It was trial and error. It required patience, acceptance, trust, effort and sacrifice from both parts.
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Most importantly: Inuyasha challenged her, turned her life into an adventure. He toughed her up, encouraged her to improve and become the very best version of herself, added a gray area to the black and white perspective she had on things, brought her out of her comfort zone. And she enjoyed rising up to the occasion. I think that anything different would bore her very quickly.
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Then there's the easiness in which they fit into each other's world: her little brother worships the ground Inuyasha walks on, her grandpa appreciates Inuyasha's help at the shrine, her mother is treated by Inuyasha with nothing but ultimate kindness and respext. Even her friends approve of him. This brings forth the unshakeable feeling that they have always been together, that their meeting was no coincidence.
Plus, Inuyasha actually cares about her. Not her beauty, not her popularity, not her powers: her. Kagome turned the head of many guys during the series, but none of them know her down to the core like Inuyasha does. Her fears and insecurities, her friends and family, her quirks and believes, likes and dislikes, qualities and flaws: Inuyasha knows them all. He sees her beyond of what she looks like. He loves her for who she is rather than an idealized version of herself that does not exist.
It doesn't matter to him if she's wearing her best clothes or covered in demon goo. He had seen her crying, sweating, bloodied, dirty, sick, in extreme need of a bath and his opinion of her never lowered. If anything, I'd say Inuyasha wanted to be with her even more. Kagome didn't have to try too hard, didn't have to be anyone else for him to like her. All he ever expected of her was her company. And that's gotta be refreshing.
At last, I personally believe that wanting what you "can't" have also plays an important factor here. Inuyasha came straight out of a fairy tale, only to get her happily ever after, Kagome had to overcome lunatic villains, Inuyasha's traumas, her own insecurities, the fact that they belonged to different eras, miscommunications, heartbreaks, the stigma that a relationship between a priestess and a half demon carries, three years of separation and lastly time-space itself. Every obstacle only seemed to make her want him more.
Kagome's life could have been a lot easier if she had decided to let it go. She could have pursued an uncomplicated relationship with one of the male characters practically throwing themselfes at her feet — one of which, in theory, checks all of her boxes —, but she didn't. Which makes sense because, to quote Taylor Swift: nothing safe it's worth the drive.
And it all comes full circle, because her desires and necessities have finally aligned. Inuyasha might not have been what she wanted for herself at first, but he has always been exactly what she needed. And after she realized that, I can't imagine Kagome ever wanting anything — or anyone — else.
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kqluckity · 11 months
okay guys but what if the federation wants qforever to be president and that is why it seems like they're facilitating his and qcellbit's plan? obviously they also hate qcellbit and want him dead, but they are looking for someone who is "fit" to be president and (most likely) has enough attachments to the island they're going to want to keep staying there, and who seems to want to stay? who has worked on destroying a whole desert to create an artificial ocean and is making a beautiful beach? who is working on infrastructures to make it so everyone can move around everywhere with little problems? who worked tirelessly to make sure all the eggs are safe and sound?
because yes, obviously the Federation sees the islanders as experiments, and is obviously trying to create discord between them, but I don't exactly think they're trying to tear them apart. To me at least, it seems like every time something that could actually break them apart happens, the federation indirectly facilitates a reconciliation (the code attack during the insaneduo divorce brought everyone back together, for example, even though people were starting to lose trust in each other, but also just all the code attacks in general. even though it doesn't seem to work /with/ the federation, it attacking the eggs to go against the big bad guys™ helped making the islanders closer, you know?) in some way. so maybe they're not trying to break them apart, maybe they're trying to see how far they can go and how long the residents can resist?
and what would help keeping them together more than making qforever, the guy who is physically incapable of not making friends with everyone, president?
I'm not sure, however, if they're underestimating how smart he is or they simply don't care because they still plan to play nice for a little longer
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bunnihearted · 3 months
god i just wish all my neighbors would drop dead
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chasani · 4 months
me omw to study how to draw feet (I need to make sure all the doors are locked and all the windows are closed)
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dawnthefluffyduck · 4 months
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For this Valentine's Day, I've chosen to show appreciation to the local viruses for the week
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demigodofhoolemere · 8 months
Oh, ScreenRant, do not make me do this again…
You’ve got to be kidding me.
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Um… we know the reason. Thanos sent him.
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… narrative gaps? The only gaps we’re dealing with are the ones where they’ve refused to elaborate on him being used by Thanos. They set it up and did nothing with it. That’s the only gap.
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Huh??? The reason is in the movie. Literally just watch the movie. He is clearly acting under orders.
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*trying not to explode*
A) That is MASSIVELY simplified, and barely true. He was mad at Odin, sure. He was jealous of Thor but all of his motivations in the previous movie that continued into The Avengers were about Odin. He wasn’t exactly angry with Thor, he hadn’t done anything to merit it. He was made to feel as if he hated him thanks to the scepter, but they were a magical exaggeration of his real feelings. And I’m not sure where holding NYC hostage is coming from. An attack and a hostage situation are not the same thing.
B) Even if Loki (or the Loki of this series, at least) sees the events this way, that doesn’t mean it’s accurate and should be taken as a complete explanation. There’s a difference between what a person may think and what really happened as objective fact. Again, I find it darkly amusing that whenever he tells the truth, it’s taken as a lie, and whenever he’s lying or at least just being an unreliable narrator, it’s taken as the truth, because it’s nice and simple to believe that any good things regarding him are questionable and anything that sounds bad must obviously be legit and doesn’t need critical thinking.
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… he didn’t make a deal with Thanos. Need I remind what Tom once said about what happened to Loki between the first two movies? He said that in the void Loki ended up in a sort of seventh circle of hell where there were the worst sorts of villains and evil in the universe and that he had to navigate surviving that. We see clearly in The Avengers that he’s ended up having no choice but to do this for Thanos if he wants to survive. What he was thinking about was living.
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A) THEORIES? Marvel confirmed on their own dang website that there was a level of influence from the scepter. The first Avengers actively shows Loki being forced to report to The Other who in turn reports to Thanos. In Infinity War they literally had Bruce say out loud that Thanos sent Loki to New York. There’s no “theories” about it.
B) Again, I wouldn’t call that teaming up with him…
C) Sure, emotions were certainly involved. He had understandable problems with his family. More than that I’d say a desire to live was the predominant emotion. But to say that he did it just because he let his emotions get the better of him? That he more or less threw a tantrum? No. Go watch Phase 1 again. When you do I think you’ll find that the inconsistencies in his character are in the recent projects.
@ Marvel and ScreenRant:
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salsflore · 10 months
goodnight ♡ i’m planning on Not going crazy tomorrow everyone wish me luck
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drysauce · 11 months
fuck this shit i'm NOT working this summer
#the initial plan was to work august september#but it turned out i'll be going to vienna at the beginning of september so i was planning to work for almost the whole august instead#so i messaged a buddy of mine who's been already working in a few shops#to ask which ones would be most eagar to hire me for a month#he didn't tell me and instead went 'lmao only for a month?' and it somehow pissed me off so much#i don't need money at the moment because i have a shit ton of savings so i was planning to work mostly so i wouldn't sit bored at home#but everyone around me seems to think that all people my age should definitely work for the whole summer#that at this age that's how ot should be because adults should work instead of staying at home for weeks#well fuck you all the same thing was going on when i said i wouldn't make a diving license ans that's why im already considered a#disappointment to society#i was grinding the schoolwork like crazy this year and ended up with maxed grades from the majority of the subject meaning i will most#definitely get a scholarship that is like 500-800zl a month for a year#which is FAR MORE than I'd make working in some clothes store for 2 months#i was working so hard at school i believe i deserve a break during holidays because guess what? IM TIRED#and a perspective of resigning from a trip with friends to tire myself more at work isn't amusing to me#'but your cousin didn't go on a vacation and is working this summer'#well during the schoolyear she and her girlfriend were making cosplays amd visiting places (good for them) so she's probably not as fed up#with everything and doesn't mind working because she doesn't feel that much of a need for a break#but i do and im so damn mad at everyone who tells me otherwise#fuck off i already worked my ass off for last 9 months to get that damn scholarship so these holidays im resting#next two semesters i'll tone down om schoolwork and getting 5s only and then work during summer but not this year#AGHH i hate it here
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smallboyonherbike · 2 years
guys i'm gonna see my college best friend for the first time since 2019 for her and her fiancée's joint bachelorette weekend tomorrow!!!!!! and then in a month they get married and i'm maid of honor!! i can't wait to cry my eyes out!!!!! and constantly take credit bc i introduced them sophomore year by convincing her to join rugby with me and fiancée was already on the team with me lol
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shinypocketknives2 · 24 days
i need to make a useless list
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