#Blinky firefly
house-of-slayterr · 1 year
The Party is Just Starting:
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Cw: Mentions of drug use
Macy’s POV:
Blinky had been asleep on my lap for about half an hour now. It was funny how still they were when they slept. They were always figuring with something when they were awake. But when they slept, it was almost like they were dead. Even their breaths we so slight, if my hand wasn’t resting on their neck I’d think they didn’t have a pulse.
There was a knock on the door, but the person entered before I could answer. What was the point of knocking of you were just gonna come in anyways?
“Blink mama’s getting upset your seat is cold-“
She paused in the doorway.
“Oh, they’re sleeping… huh- now how’d you manage that Newby? You a damn wizard pr something.”
The one they called “baby” asked. I couldn’t help but let out a soft snort.
“We’ll be down in a minute, I’ll wake them.” I have a soft smile.
Baby frowned, which by the looks of it wasn’t an expression she wore often. Her facial lines all went in the other direction, indicating an almost permanent smile of sorts. She seemed to be debating something in her head.
“I’ll tell mama there sleeping- you hungry?” She asked me.
She left out a short laugh that seemed much more characteristic.
“I’ve just never seen them sleep that still before, you sure they’re breathing?” She asked stepping closer.
There was an edge in her tone, almost as if to come off as a threat, Incase Blinky wasn’t actually breathing.
“Relax, they’re fine, just took the edge off” my eyes darted to the ashtray on the night stand.
She giggled slightly. Her mood swings were worse than Hoyt’s.
“Look at you miss bad influence- corrupting my little sibling.” She joked.
I rolled my eyes.
“Oh yeah, they were a real Angel before I got here I’m sure-“ I joked back.
I felt Blinky stir slightly in my lap.
“Look who’s finally awake-“ Baby greeted.
Blinky groaned, lifting their head and turned to glare at her.
“Mama made dinner and it’s getting cold-“
The shot up, practically scrambling off the bed. I stared after them for a second.
“Hoyt really threw your no swearing rule out the window didn’t he?” I laughed.
They turned to look at me confused for a second, before just accepting defeat and repeating the word in a defeated tone.
“Was stupid anyways-“
They walked back over to the bed, grabbing my hand and dragging down the stairs after Baby. The room was vivid with noise you could hear from the hallway. They were certainly a rowdy bunch, where Hoyt was usually the loudest person back home. Blinky kept their head down as they dragged me to the kitchen. I quickly noticed there were only two seats left. Leaving one for Baby, and one for Blinky. I was about to mention something to them but they cut me off.
“Sit.” They muttered, pushing me down into the seat beside a girl with long brown hair.
It would be cruel to say no to them when they weren’t feeling well, so I sat. I half expected them to disappear into another room to produce another chair, but was pleasantly surprised when they just sat on my lap. I raised my eyebrow as I looked down at them, but they just shrugged.
“Dinner smell delicious mama, sorry I was late, I was napin’” they said sleepily.
I could tell they were playing it up for effect, that Sly bitch. I bet Blinky could get anything they wanted from anyone if they just looked at them the right way. Their big eyes were easy to get lost in. I imagine it was half the reason they avoided eye contact so heavily. People don’t hear much of what you’re saying when they’re looking right through you.
“Thank you for allowing me to join you Mrs. Firefly” I said.
“No problem sugar, any friend of Blinky’s is a friend of ours.” She smiled at me.
She was much lest hostile than my mother, but I doubt any less protective. She had a slightly more intimidating presence, which she overcomplicated for with this bimbo-esque persona. Armour it seemed all the women in this house wore in their own way.
“Who the hell is this?” A gruff voice asked.
“Otis-“ Mrs. Firefly warned.
I trained my eyes on him, observing his body language. He was the one I needed to impress tonight, or at the very least get the approval of. It was important to Blinky that he liked me. I looked down to Blinky for guidance, not sure if I should speak or not. But someone beat us to it.
“Blinky’s got a girly-friend!” Baby said in a sing-song voice.
I heard someone choke up a cough at the end of the table, and a little gasp from beside them. But my eyes were still trained on this Otis, Blinky’s father for all intensive purposes. Blinky was squirming slightly on my lap, clearly uncomfortable that all eyes were now on the two of us. I snaked my right arm around her waist to pull her closer to me and apply light pressure. It always calmed them down.
“Blinky?” Her father asked.
“ie tad?” They asked, not looking up from where they were fidgeting with the table cloth.
If it were up to me I’d just pick them up and take them back upstairs right now. But I knew that would only make the situation worse. I gently squeezed their side for comfort. Otis rolled his eyes.
Blinky took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry-“ they said.
“Blinky, dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. Otis is just being Otis.” The woman beside me said.
She went to place a hand on Blinky’s shoulder, I’m sure as a gesture of comfort. But I pulled Blinky closer, cutting off the action. Blinky May trust them, but I didn’t know these people yet. Sure I had to past their silly little test of character, but they were subject to mine as well. Blink, as much as I love them, isn’t exactly the best judge of character.
“The hells that s’posed to mean?” He glared at her.
“It’s means hear the child out Boy!” the man Blinky called ‘Cap’ earlier spoke.
He grumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes, but didn’t say another word.
“Whenever you’re ready Blink” the woman beside us spoke up.
Blinky took a deep breath before lifting their head to speak.
“Um, this is my girlfriend Macy-“
“Girlfriend?” The man sat beside the girl with long white hair spoke.
“Let the girl speak RJ!” Mama demanded.
It seems they took their family dynamic very seriously. Much more traditional roles then in my own family. Despite mine being built by blood, and there’s by strays. It was interesting to observe. Their need for structure, yet desire for total chaos. Blinky oddly fit in quite well with the group.
“Umm, she’s like us so you don’t have to worry about her saying anything. I trust Macy and you aren’t allowed to hurt her…”
She looked directly to her father.
“Ok Otis?”
Despite not being able to see their face, I knew exactly what look they were giving him right now. It was a look few people could resist. Blinky calls them her sad clown eyes. I was surprised by how long he dared to stare back into her eyes. Even I was strong enough to look into them that long.
He narrowed his eyes at them, and Blinky leaned forward toward the table, almost like a silent dare. After about another minuet he backed off.
“You said she’s like us?” The woman beside us asked.
“Mhhmm, Macy’s family is… special. They understand us. That’s where I was when my mo- that woman came into our home. Macy keeps me safe.”
Blinky leaned back into me, and the tension in the room eased slightly.
“You can eat Macy, they won’t try anything.” She said calmly.
“Yes, please, dig in, you must be starving dear!” Mama said.
I had to admit, the food smelt mouthwatering. I’m sure they all had questions, but everyone seemed to be more interested in the food again, which I was happy about.
“I’m Manon, but Blinky and everyone call me Doe Eyes.” The black haired girl introduced herself.
“that’s Spaulding, RJ, Ghost, Baby, Otis and Mama. I’m sure you’ll meet Tony later, he usually eats downstairs in his room. If you ever need anything, I’m just down the hall from Blink’s room.” She smiled at me before going back to eating.
I hummed in response, enjoying the taste of the food. I knew Blinky was mostly out of it right now, but I still wanted them to try and eat. I ripped off a small piece of bread and held it in front of their mouth. The turned their head to the side and groaned, attempting to push my hand away. Manon looked down at her concerned.
“You feeling alright little clown?” She asked.
“They’re fine, just tired.” I said.
“I don’t believe she asked you.” Otis spoke up.
I turned my head to him raising my eyebrow. Blinky just groaned again and turned their head into my chest. The lights clearly being to bright for them. I broke eye contact with the older man and turned my attention back to my partner who was clearly showing signs of regression. I wanted to avoid them having a meltdown so I leaned down to whisper in their ear.
“Why don’t you hide down under the table, away from the scary lights?” I asked softly.
They nodded quickly and I let them go. Nobody really questioned Blinky crawling under the table, clearly used to this behaviour by now. But if they knew the lights were overstimulating, why did they even have them on in the first place? I’d have to talk to Blinky about this later. I’ll be pissed if they knew this was a trigger but didn’t care.
I tried once more to get them to eat by handing the bread under the table. I was pleasantly surprised when they took it. We continued the rest of the meal this way. The family occasionally asking me a few questions. Me asking a few of my own. It seemed everyone was warming up to me, besides Otis. Despite knowing they had no blood relations, it was funny to observe how Blinky was just as stubborn as him.
“So what’s your family like?” The one named RJ asked.
“Um, I have my mama and my brother, they’re pretty good. I love Tommy to death, but then there’s Monty and Hoyt. Not sure if I want to consider them family. Even Blinky hates them, well mostly Hoyt. She tried to bite him.”
A few people around the table started laughing at that.
“I swear Blinky is like a little puppy sometimes.” Baby said.
I chuckled because it was a pretty apt description, despite their fear of dogs. You had to remind them to eat, when to sleep, take them outside for walks or they get antsy. They hide in small spaces when scared. And their biting problem.
“Blink, how you doing down there.” Manon asked.
There was a slight rustle of the table cloth before we all saw a thumb stick up past the table. I couldn’t help but smile at how silly this whole situation was.
“So when Blinky says your family is like ours, what do they mean by that?” Otis asked, not nearly as spiteful as last time.
My grin only grew wider. I suppose there was no point in hiding it. Everyone at this table could be written off as clinically insane. And Blinky seemed confident they wouldn’t care.
“We eat people.” I said flatly.
I swear I almost heard the one they called ghost, choke on her water. A small gasp escaped from Manon’s lips, and baby was laughing as always.
“Wow, your real hilarious kid.” He said sarcastically.
Suddenly, Blinky popped up from under the table and turned to look at him. It seemed their voice was coming back to them.
“They aren’t lying.”
They climbed back onto my lap and sat down.
“Tommy showed me how he does it.”
Everyone was just looking at the two of us, like a third head had suddenly sprouted and merged us together.
“I’m sorry, Blinky you’re dating a cannibal?”
Blinky giggled a little, the high part of the weed finally setting in. It was odd she got tried first, then they’d have a sudden burst of energy.
“And she’s dating a killer, I don’t partially see how one is worse than the other. The people are dead anyways-“
They shrugged, leaning into me and playing with the ends of my hair. Baby giggled gleefully at this as well.
“How much did you smoke Blink, should have known you’d come home and go straight for my Stash.”
Blinky giggled into my shoulder. Manon gave a slightly disapproving look, but didn’t say anything. And Otis was still glaring at me.
“It’s been a long week” the mumbled between giggles. “Did you guys know I love you? Cause I love you!” They said in a sing song tone.
“What do you fucking lace your weed with LSD Baby? The fuck is wrong with them?”
Baby just shrugs before laughing at Blinky.
“Awww we love you too killer clown.”
I suspected Baby had smoked earlier that day too. What a train wreck of a meal this was. Spaulding wordlessly got up from the table and disappeared into the kitchen. I was going to ignore it but he came back with some orange juice and an aspirin. He set them down in front of me, and I assumed they were for Blinky.
“That’ll help”
“Kids a lightweight- but at least they’re happy when they’re high, it’s just the come down ain’t as… pleasant. You can’t get them to take it later, won’t work.”
I gave the older man a thankful nod.
“Not that I’m not worried about those two-“ ghost points to Blinky and her aunt, “but, do you really, genuinely eat people?”
I was trying to get Blinky to take her medicine but they wouldn’t stop squirming, it was like their skin itself was jittery. I frowned.
“Yes, been helping mama in the kitchen since I was little. But we didn’t switch to our meat alternative until uncle Hoyt moved in with us. Once you get a taste for it, you just kinda get fixed-“
I supposed that how Blinky felt about their weed. They were both addictions in their own right. If someone told me I could never eat human again, I’m not sure if I could at this point. And I don’t know if that should worry me or not.
“I don’t mean to be rude, or cut this short. I’m not going anywhere until this one is feeling better. So you can ask your questions later. But I’m gonna take Blink upstairs. If you want Mrs Firefly, I could come back down and do our dishes later. Their eyes are too sensitive to the lights right now, and I’m sure they’re gonna wanna be somewhere quiet soon.”
“I feel like I can see god…” the whispered.
“Nonsense, you go take care of my grandbaby. And as for you-“ she looked pointedly at Baby, “don’t leave your other drugs around the kid. The hell were you thinking Vera?”
I took that as my cue to leave. Of course I noticed a certain ghost follow behind us. It seemed she was quite shy. I set Blinky back down on her bed and told them to stay. Ghost was waiting by the door.
“Will they be ok?”
“They’ll be fine. I’ll just have a long night of partner-sitting ahead of me, but nothing I can’t handle. They might get a little sick in the morning, but I’ll make sure they have breakfast.” I smiled up at her reassuringly.
The girl turned to leave but stopped in the door way.
“Hey Macy-“
“You hurt them, everyone at that table will subject you to the worst pains you’ve ever known.”
I took her warning for what it was. It seemed like a nice gesture. But I’d be foolish to assume it wasn’t a pointed threat. She meant it entirely. I’d have to work harder to get Otis to like me then. These people were good for Blinky, their actual family. And it was clear that they needed her just as much as she needed them.
Blinky was worth the extra effort. She always will be. I’d do anything for them. I turned back around to find Blinky staring up at the ceiling.
“I wish you could see the stars inside” they said.
I chuckled slightly, crawling into bed beside them and looking where they were looking.
“Just close your eyes my little astronaut, maybe when you wake up I’ll bring the stars inside.”
Im sure they still sold those silly little glow in the dark stars somewhere in town. Manon seemed like the safest bet to get to know. Im sure she’d help me look for some in the morning. Blinky will probably be sleeping most of the day. I want to show them just how important their youngest was to me.
“Goodnight little clownbug, I hope you have silly dreams.”
It was cheesy, but maybe we were allowed to be cheesy sometimes. A few moments of Normalcy in our cursed, wretched lives. Even the worst of the worst deserved to have love, and joy, right?
An: ahhh, finally finished it. I don’t know why writing this chapter was like pulling teeth. But I probably won’t start writing again soon until after I move. But once I’m settled I should have more free time again.
Tag: @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @queer-and-utter-chaos
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myers-meadow · 2 years
House of 1000 Corpses AU ch. 6.1: Initiation
Title: chapter 6 Initiation
Summary: Doe Eyes' initiation into the darker part of the family. Shared AU with @immortal-velociraptor and @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, who Blinky and Selena belong to, respectively.
Wordcount: 2278
Warnings: canon-typical stuff. Gore, blood, grossness, psychological torture, cigarettes. Also: some fluff.
Trying to make chapters smaller so it's less daunting for me to write, so I cut the current chapter I'm working on in two (the thing is already longer than 5k words and I'm still going). Quite a large chunk of this was written weeks ago. Hope you enjoy <3
Divider by firefly-graphics as always.
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“What you wanna do with him, princess?” Otis asked, as I finished my braid, leaving the end untied for now. It was greasy enough for it to stay decently enough. His hand that first pet my head, now warmed my thigh. “Take his fingers? His hand? Baby’d wanna scalp him, we can do that too. It’d be fitting.”
“Do you want to use him for a project?” I asked, keeping my voice quiet. The excitement was practically buzzing from Otis as he thought of the numerous ways he could torture poor Neil, but he kept his attention on me.
He hummed. “Don’t think this one’s inspiring me much. So, tell me, what’s your idea? I can tell you have some in that big brain of yours.”
“What you do with him is not up to me, you do as you like anyway.”
Glancing at panicked yet tired Neil did not give me any hope for him. His fate was sealed the moment he set foot in this house.
Otis barked out a laugh. “You’re part of this, whether you like it or not. May as well have some fun with it. Come on, Doe Eyes.”
“Okay, fine, but outside,” I said, playing with the charm on my earring.  
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After telling him my idea in hushed voices in the hallway, Otis could not contain his grin – and I felt like a true part of the Firefly family, however strange that sounded. Not wanting to see or hear whatever he got up to until it was time for my part in it, I wandered the house to look for chores to do.
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“Doe Eyes! There you are,” it was Blinky, who rounded the corner, rushing to get to the attic.
“Blink! What are you up to?”
“Selena said that RJ was trying to catch raccoons, but that will hurt them, so we need to save the them.”
“Ah, I’ll come with. He put traps in the attic?”
After gathering the traps, and making sure neither of us got hurt in the process, we sat in their room with a bowl of sugary cereal.
“I don’t think there’s really any raccoons,” I tried, to make sure they wouldn’t worry, “or we would’ve seen traces of them up there.”
“After all that crawling around, we have to do something fun,” they said, head already somewhere else. Resolutely they set the bowl down on the nightstand. “Baby went through her old make-up, wanna try something out?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be your canvas if you like.”
Blinky chatted as they did my make-up, something colourful, in pink and blue. I wasn’t allowed to talk or I’d move my face too much. At the end, they held a mirror up like they would at the hairdresser’s. “What do you think?”
“It’s so pretty, thank you. My turn next? I have an idea.”
“Oh, exciting!” They sat down, kicking their feet since they were short enough for them not to touch the floor.
“Sit still,” I warned, although that was just a formality, a habit. It didn’t matter if it takes a little longer. Dipping the brush into yellow first. I wasn’t practiced like Blinky was, but I used to paint kid’s faces sometimes, on special days at the end of the school year – colourful things.
“There, all done,” I said, trying to hide that I was proud of how good it came out. A yellow-brown butterfly, the one with many gorgeous eyes on its wings. I held the mirror up to show them. “Mein schöner Augenfalter. Do you like it?”
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After dinner, it was time to do my part of the idea I had – wanted to give Neil the advantage of darkness. Nerves made my hands tremble and my heart race. I went up the stairs, feeling like each step made terrible noise from how uncoordinated my body felt, then crept in Otis’ dark room, only lit by a strip from the door that I left open to hear if anyone was coming. Neil’s chair was in the middle of the room, his back to me. The knife still stuck in the arm rest of the chair where Neil was sitting. He looked pretty beaten up, cuts all over, some even on his face and I cringed just looking at him. But now was to moment to prove my worth, my place in this family – so I kneeled down in front of the chair and pried the knife from the wood.
“Hey Neil,” I whispered. He was awake, and tried saying something through the rag in his mouth. I held my finger in front of my lips. “You gotta be very silent, okay?”
Pulling the gag down, he coughed and licked his dry lips, trying to croak out words, I shook my head.
“Quiet, or they’ll hear you.”
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? They’re all downstairs in the living room, except Tiny, he’s in the basement. Can you remember that?” With the knife out of the way, I untied the ropes binding his wrists and torso.
“You’re all going to jail for this,” he managed to get out.
I halted my movements, raising my eyebrows at him. “Do you prefer me to leave you here?”
Neil’s eyes widened as he realised he messed up again. “I mean, you’re with them, aren’t you?”
I shook my head. “I was like you not too long ago,” and I pushed up my sleeve enough for him to see one of the scars, “but it’s fine. Even if I go to jail, it’s fine. Please just get help.”
Neil, impatient, bend down to help me undo the ropes around his ankles. He looked at me then, only nodded.
“There’s a set of car keys by the door or in one of the coat pockets. They have a dog tied outside somewhere. I’m gonna go back downstairs and try to keep everyone there for a bit – wait until I’m down, yeah? Yeah.”
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And so it began. I trailed back downstairs, where I made tea with hands that shook so bad I only dared fill the cup halfway. The danger of what I did felt terrible. What if Neil really got away? What if he really went to the police and- the thought of it was too much, making my heart beat a terrible rhythm. Blinky in jail- no, never, that should never happen. Even if Blinky was safe, and Selena too, on reasonable grounds of having been imprisoned, the thought of the rest of the family torn apart and imprisoned like common criminals was a horrifying thought. They had it coming, according to some, perhaps. But no, this family was more than just- than just criminals. They were a family. It felt like they were well and truly above the law, like nothing of the morals and values of the world outside of this house applied to them. And by now, I’m part of this. I’m part of this family. I pulled the tea bag from the mug and left it for later on the counter; time to go to the living room and hope for the best.
Mrs. Firefly, Baby and Blinky occupied the couch; RJ and Ghost must be in RJ’s room. Or walking the dog. Once I reached the living, Otis pulled me to sit with him in the armchair.
“Careful with the tea,” I said, which he ignored. I sat down on the matching ottoman in front of him. Our knees bumped into each other, which only further frayed my nerves.
He leaned forward. “You’re nervous.”
I hummed as I took a first sip of the tea that was still too hot, but I needed the comfort.
“Let’s have smoke,” he said as he stood up, expecting me to follow.
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The cold January wind bit my face as soon as we stepped outside. Otis got the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, let me take one first.
He chuckled as he lit it for me and I took a first, big drag.
“Shut up,” I said, before he even opened his mouth.
“Don’t you love a good hunt?” he said, choosing to ignore me. He breathed in deep. “Can already smell the fear.”
“That’s just me.”
He put his smokes away – did he take me outside just so I could smoke?
“Princess, what are you afraid of? It’s not your hide on the line.” His voice was smoother as he talked, pleasant to the ears. As I toyed with the cigarette and looked anywhere but him, he trailed his finger up my arm, teasingly. He steadied my hand, raising it to his face so he could take a drag for himself.
“You’re in a good mood and it’s making me even more nervous,” I mumbled, messing with my earrings. His hand found a spot at the back of my head, underneath the braid, and he pulled it lightly so I’d look up at him as I exhaled the smoke. His unusual amber eyes searched my face, and as he pulled at my hair, that specific spot, it was like a switch flipped. His hold was not tight, but I felt like a puppet, easy for him to manipulate, easy for him to overpower – cruel hands so tender then, so sure of their hold on me. It was an almost a primal, base feeling, something ingrained, something I couldn’t stop. With a soft gasp, my eyes flickered shut as arousal stabbed my gut unexpectedly with each small tug.
“That’s a sweet sound, princess,” he chuckled darkly. “Be patient, I’ll spoil you after I’m done with the Scot.” His breath was hot on my face, and I felt caged by his presence alone. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as he looked to mine. “You can be good and wait for me tonight, yeah?” Then he let go of my hair, and the spell was broken. Shakily, I took a last drag, staring at my boots in the mud.
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As soon as I caught a glimpse of Neil’s auburn hair, I retreated to brush my teeth, even though it was rather early. In the bathroom, I stared at myself for a long while, before washing my make-up off. I looked normal. Fine. Just like any other day. It felt like I should be going grey from stress by now, but no, no such thing. A dangerous mood to be alone in, but I didn’t want to worry Blinky, and Baby would just tease me about Otis. I was already halfway down the stairs to the basement, before I realised that it was Tiny I headed to. I knocked and he opened the heavy basement door.
“Hi, Tiny, how are you? Can I stay here for a little bit? You can kick me out any time.”
His movements slow, he stepped aside to let me enter, and nodded to let me know he understood me. He handed me the book on his nightstand, even though Mrs. Firefly said he couldn’t hear well, and gestured me to sit down on his bed and read to him. The story was a simple adventure story, and halfway through, tiny laid down with his head in my lap. Not long after that, his eyes fell closed, and I replaced my thigh with the pillow, hoping he’d continue his sleep.
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Immediately as I closed the basement door behind me, being careful with the noise even though Tiny wouldn’t hear, the dread and jitters were back. Right. Neil.
Up the stairs, on my way to brush my teeth a second time – just to stall, I passed Otis’ open door. He noticed me walk by, and went over to pull me inside, a knife in his hand, blood dripping on the floor.
“Nice of you to join us,” he said, grinning smugly. “All thanks to you, Neil and I had a nice time getting to know each other, didn’t we, Neil? Why don’t you say ‘thank you’ to sweet Doe Eyes for setting you free?”
Otis pulled down the gag and Neil spit out a string of profanities so vile, I flinched. “You betrayed me, you fucking cunt-”
Otis, who noticed my discomfort, shoved the gag back in his mouth, but the grin remained on his face. I’d truly done my part, and my stomach twisted itself into knots.
“Oh, Doe Eyes, come over here for a second, yeah, come ‘ere,” Otis opened his arms for me, and feeling lost and sick, I walked around Neil’s chair and right into them. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, then rubbed my back. “You did well, real well. Couldn’t have thought of a better gift.”
“Gift?” I echoed, swallowing the bile in my throat. He released me, turning his attention back to poor Neil.
Otis chuckled. “If you wanna give the knife a try, he’s all yours.”
“No,” I said, voice firm for the first time that day.
Otis shrugged and twirled the knife in his hand. The handle was slippery with blood. “No matter.”
“I’m gonna try to sleep,” I said. “Do you know if Baby still has hers? If not, I can sleep with her if it’s quieter.”
He shook his head. “She’s gonna stretch ‘em out for a while – had a crush on the short one.” With the confidence of a jaguar, he walked around the tied man, seizing me up like he once seized Neil up. His eyes caught mine and it felt like a stab in my gut. “Don’t forget my promise, we’ll play too, tonight. I won’t be long.”
“You know Spaulding will complain if you don’t keep it down; don’t make it too late.”
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Tomorrow morning, if God wills, you will wake once again.
Characters: Selena, Blinky, Otis, Baby
Words: 1463
Content warnings: Racism, really racist and outdated talk about people of colour, Christianity, negative stereotypes against people with albinism
divider by friefly-graphics
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The door flew open and the white-haired man entered, eyes seemingly burning with anger. “So, are you a racist bitch like your ‘Sisters’ as well?” 
“Race- racist?”, I repeated unsure. “What... what does that mean?” 
An expression of disbelief replaced the obvious anger, but it was still there, I could basically feel it in the air. “You sayin’ you don’t know what racism is?” 
I squirmed in my seat, feeling both embarrassed and scared. “I- I’m not sure? It has to do with race?” 
“Listen here, missy-”, he snapped, taking a step towards me, and I instinctively lowered my head, trying to curl in on myself as much as the ropes would allow me to. 
“Otis, wait!”, the woman who’d introduced herself as “Baby” called and grabbed his arm. 
She rolled her eyes. “Just gimme a second.” 
Then, she turned to me. “So, what do ya know about race?” 
“I... the Sisters said that there are different human races, separated by appearance, intelligence, and how civilised they are. Like, white people are superior to black people because they were found living in the wilderness in Africa, not wearing any clothes, no proper homes, barely capable of language, so the white people gave them work and taught them how to be more civilised. But that there still are differences like the skull being shaped differently, affecting the brain size, so that no amount of teaching could ever bring them to the same level of intelligence that white people have. And that they still need guidance because if left to their own devices, they’d regress to their savage animal-like behaviour.”, I repeated what I’d learned at the convent. Judging from the man’s expression, he didn’t like it, but he didn’t react aside from clenching and unclenching his fists. 
The woman looked at me intently, almost like she was trying to figure out some puzzle. It made me slightly uncomfortable; I what she was looking for, and if she’d like what she found. “And what do you think?” 
“...me?”, I said, staring at her in confusion.  
“Yeah. You were just talking to Blinky, right? What do you think of them?” 
I wanted to say that I didn’t think of them any less than of other people I’d met, that I didn’t believe judging people depending on looks or the colour of their skin was right – but then there were my own looks, my own skin. My curse. It had brought us into this situation, brought misfortune onto me and the Sisters. So, there had to be some truth to their teachings, right?  
“I... don’t know?”, I admitted truthfully. 
This answer was apparently wrong, cause the man came over, almost shoving Baby out of the way, and roughly grabbed my jaw. “The fuck do ya mean ‘you don’t know’? You believe all that bullshit, just say so, but don’t play dumb.” 
I winced and fought the urge to close my eyes. That had never served me well in the past. 
“I’m not. I just. I don’t know. I don’t-”, my voice broke and I took a shaky breath. “The sister said that white people are superior and black people like animals. But then, Mary-Anne's friend seemed just like everyone else and not stupid or savage at all-” 
“God-fucking-dammit!”, he yelled, pushing himself off the chair, and I flinched. “Have you ever had on original thought in your life or are you only ever parroting whatever others tell you? No one ever ask you for your opinion before or what?” 
“I... no. No one’s ever cared for my opinion. I was not to have one”, I muttered, eyes fixed onto the floor so they wouldn’t see the tears welling up. 
I could feel them staring at me. After a moment, the man spoke again. “...What?” 
“My family always told me that I am not to speak unless spoken to, which hardly ever happened. At the convent I was to strictly adhere to the bible and not to trust my own thoughts for the devil will use them to lie and manipulate me, trying to use me as a tool to lead others into temptation. My words are not to be trusted unless I am quoting the bible or speaking prayer for there is no guarantee that they actually are my words. I am cursed, wicked, corrupted. Damned from birth. There is no salvation.”, I managed to choke out, trying – and failing – to cover the roughness of my voice with a cough. 
The man chuckled. “Yeah, right. What is all that religious bullshit about anyway? All that talk about curses and demons, those nuns wouldn’t shut up about it. What makes you so ‘wicked’?” 
Finally, I felt tears starting to spill, a sob threatening to escape my throat. Yet, I calmed my voice and repeated the lines that had been drilled into me since childhood: “These are the words of most esteemed Reverend Lael: ‘This is how you shall recognise the one’s touched by evil, those who’s souls are forfeit and who will try to corrupt you too: Their skin will be pale, translucent, like the skin of the dead or diseased. They will avoid the day because the sun – the Lord’s holy light – burns their skin and blinds their eyes. Their irises will vary in shade, from reddish like the Devil himself had touched them over light pink or purple hues, to pale grey and blues, looking more dead than alive. Some will appear with common eyes – in this way, they can be deceiving. Still, if you look closely, you will find the spark of life, the warmth of a soul, missing. And be particularly cautious of the really dark eyed ones, those whose irises can’t be told from the pupil, resembling bottomless holes as empty and void of love as their hearts. The Lord created man in his image, so deviance from ordinary man is an implication of wickedness. Do not fall for a baby’s seemingly innocent smile or desperate wails, a child’s sweet voice apologising, promising, begging – you must remain resolute and strong. They may not realise the evil inside of them, but we cannot let their obliviousness poison this community.’” 
The man and the woman just stared at me in silence, and it was only now that I saw the small one, Blinky, peeking around the doorframe. Baby shook her head and exchanged a look with the man. 
“And you believe that shit?” 
“It’s the only thing I know.”, I responded, almost inaudible. “While my brothers and sisters were read stories, I was taught Reverend Lael’s words. I had to stand facing the wall, someone would come in and recite the words once, then I was to repeat them. Every mistake earned me a strike with the belt. Sometimes, they made me kneel and pray for forgiveness afterward.” 
Blinky stepped into the room, even though Otis tried to step them. “Why would they make you face the wall?” 
“To protect themselves from the evil eye.”, I said matter-of-factly. “So, I wouldn’t curse them with my gaze.” 
They furrowed their brows in confusion. “But those women that were with you didn’t seem worried about it.” 
“Children have less control over these things.”, I explained. “And I have gone through many spiritual cleansings, prayed for forgiveness and salvation, recited bible verses and whole passages for hours on end. Also, the Sisters faith is stronger than regular peoples’ faith, and they are protected by God even more than others. It’s why I was sent to the convent in the first place, to keep the people around me safe.” 
Otis huffed. “And what did they do before that, lock you up in a room out of everyone’s sight?” 
Again, everyone just stared at me in silence and I wondered if I had said something wrong. 
Blinky was the one to break the silence. “But how did you go to school then?” 
“I didn’t.”, I said with a sad smile. “Some of my older siblings taught me to read and write in secret. Then, some of the others at the convent helped me with basic maths. Still... I am not very good. Most would consider me stupid I suppose.” 
I felt someone’s eyes on me and looked over to see Baby watch me, a thoughtful expression on her face. She exchanged a look with Blinky before both of them turned to Otis. Some kind of exchange seemed to take place between them, even though I didn’t understand. It ended with Otis scoffing and shaking his head. 
“Fuck this, I’m out.”, he said, throwing his arms up in defeat. “Do what you want, but she’s your responsibility now. Don’t come running to me when something goes wrong.” 
With that, he left the room and slammed the door close behind him.
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@myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor IT IS DONE. FINALLY.
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doybyke · 4 months
all american massacre, texas chainsaw masacre, or house of 1000 corpses pls.. you choose
...y not all 3?! :P
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all american massacre
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texas chainsaw massacre
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house of 1000 corpses free 2 use !! reqs open !!
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chapel-8 · 4 months
─ ⊹ ⊱ firefly ⊰ ⊹ ─
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。・゚゚ “Fireflies are such magical creatures, aren't they? They may throw themselves at a flame or suddenly grow old, but every night before that, they will shine brighter than the stars."・゜゜・.
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cardinalphlox · 1 month
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big ol' gifs for everyone :333 can I count them as stamps?
why the fuck are they so grainy? idk they aren't supposed to be but shrug
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cowboy-heart · 10 days
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'Driving Home at Dusk in June'
inspired by a sweet post by a beloved mutual!
(ID in read more)
[ID: an original poem titled 'Driving Home at Dusk in June'. Both pages have images/drawings of fireflies and wheatfields. The poem begins:
the air hangs heavy and stiff with its sweet film over the air, the sun has set and with the day’s closing act, the fireflies make their debut. thousands float as if unbound by our own petty rules and I think of all the wonderful words we give them. I pull over to partake in the evening performance, applauding them with every name I can recall: lightning bug glow fly fire devil moon bug big dipper blinkie minna-minni, and even make up some of my own in their honour: fancy flier moon dancer sun fly fairy bug night angel. and in their bliss they do not even notice me, I think of how sometimes we become so used to our daily lives that we take for granted our beautiful mundanity.
the wheatfields sway in a breeze’s respite and I watch some of the fairy bugs be carried off. I gently cup one of the little things, an angel in my grip, and watch my hands glow red with my humanity. I count to five and make a promise before letting it go. as I do, I forget why I was so downtrodden in the first place as is often the way with Summer mourning.
the air turned black and as I climbed back into the driver’s seat, I recited my oath: to not take myself for granted and if I feel tempted to do so to revisit the dusk of this simple June.
end of poem. in the bottom right, the writer is signed as "Ren H.". end ID].
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elamorsys · 3 months
its funny a lot of our sys loves designing things, but we all like designing different stuff lynette makes templates
salomon makes layouts
vanitas makes frame graphics
i make rentrys
elise is working on making icon masks
abigail is learning how to make blinkies
rémi is learning how to make pixel gifs
korie is learning how to work carrd
firefly is trying to figure out how to make templates on notion (she know how to work notion just not turn it into a template)
robin is trying to learn how to make stamps
basil is learning to to make user boxes
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cottoncandyabc · 4 months
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Hello! Welcome to my blog! You can call me Pixel, Nick, or Nicky 💖
Blog is meant to be a space for my age regression (and sometimes pet regression), which I do because of stress and past trauma. It is entirely NON s*xual, personally. (Please don't fetishize me or my posts, thank you!)
I mostly post ponies but you'll see plenty of my other hyperfixations here too, along with whatever things I like and decide to reblog! :3
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Requests are almost always open! I'll do DNI banners, icons, and stimboards :3 If asks are off, requests are closed, but if they're on then usually they're open!
💖 DNI Banner Masterlist 💖
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I no longer try to reblog from sources that are 100% SFW, as I realized agere me loves stuff I loved when I was actually a kid (such as NCIS and certain horror media) and enjoying that stuff helps me regress more, so I'll just be reblogging stuff I really like from wherever. So just be careful when checking into any blog I reblog from! (Every post and reblog on this blog will still be completely SFW though)
My main is @fruitypieq if you'd like to follow it, but it is not an agere blog. Typically nothing s*xual but its still not always child safe, so keep that in mind! 💖
Petre blogs: @kittyrikanipaaah & @ponycuddless
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Other credits ;; For things not made by me, anything uncredited is either by me or credited in the original post where its used
Dividers: firefly-graphics || Blinkies: littletism
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
The Gangs All Here:
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Tag: @oceansrose2002 @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow-selfship @queer-and-utter-chaos
Blinky’s POV:
I sadly bid goodbye to Tommy, but promised I’d come visit soon. His mother made it clear I was welcome anytime, despite her original hostility. And I told Monty I’d attempt to fix the wall next time and bring my good supplies. I had pretty much zoned out the whole day, my autism being particularly annoying today. Every little thing was making my skin crawl and my head pound. But I was trying my best to remain calm and in control.
Macy pulled up to our usual spot and parked.
“Wanna get some lunch before we head back to your place?”
I nodded. She frowned, lifting my chin with her finger.
“You feeling ok pretty girl?”
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen when I walk through that door Macy. I ran away, yes I told them I was going but still, I was a coward, I left.”
“I’m sure they won’t hold that against ya puddin’ how could anyone stay mad at you?”
She missed my nose and I giggled.
“Want me to go in with you?”
My eyes widened as I looked at her.
“It’s not like I don’t know.”
“I know that you know. But they don’t- know… you know, you know?”
“You’re cute when you don’t think before you speak.” She jeered.
I rolled my eyes.
“I just, I don’t want them to freak out. What if someone tries to hurt you? That would kill me inside.”
“You’re worried about me getting hurt? May I remind you I beat Thomas in our little wrestling contest last night?”
“Yeah you did” I smiled dreamily.
“There’s that smile I love so much! Come on let’s get you some proper food, I’m buying.”
Macy was too tall to put her arm on my shoulder, so she just put it on my head and I playfully glared up at her. I don’t know how she does it. Macy isn’t the happiest of people, at least not on the outside. Most people would probably find her scary or intimidating. Yet she always managed to make me smile, from that first day we met all those months ago.
Miss G greeted Macy and I Happily. As we sat in our spot she set down our coffees, leaving the pot at the table.
“You know you two are my favourite right?” She said.
Macy smiled at her. “Your boss makes the only edible food in this town” Macy joked, “it’s good to see you again.”
“You two deary, you know what you want to order yet? I know this one wants a pastry.” She laughed.
“Yes please!”
“Give us a moment to think, take your time with the other customers.”
Miss G gave us a kind smile and left us to look at the menus.
“Ugh, why can’t that woman be my mother.” Macy quipped.
“I know right. But Luda ain’t all that bad. She’ll get better.” I said, placing my hand in hers.
“I’ve never seen her yell at Hoyt like that before Blinky, I think you starred a wildfire.” She laughed.
“Good, your family needed to get in gear. I swear y’all didn’t say two words to each other that weren’t about me. Do you guys even talk?” I asked.
“Just me and Tommy. Nobody wants to hear what Hoyt or Monty have to say. And Ma, she has her kind moments but we mostly just stick to ourselves. I don’t mind it that much, means I don’t have anyone up my ass when I disappear from time to time.”
“And where would you be right now, if you weren’t with me?” I asked, curious.
“The Glenwood Cemetery in Huston. The place is huge! Everytime I go I read a few new graves and I like to think about the lives they may have had. Oldest grave I’ve found so far was 1871.”
I smiled fondly. Macy had strange interests but I always let her talk about them. I loved hearing her voice when she was happy. It had this little hum, when her tongue moves to fast and hit the top of her mouth. It sounded like little bees in my ears. She had the slightest lisp that she tried really hard to hide, but I thought it added to her charm.
My voice whistled too, ever since I lost that tooth. Sometimes my tongue would poke out from behind it and make a weird little sound. We looked over the menu, I knew it was really important to her that I ate something “healthy” so I put a pause on the could so I could focus. But that didn’t last long when I caught her staring.
“Yes?” I asked.
I squinted my eyes at her.
“Did you know you stick your tongue out when your focused?” She asked smugly.
“Pftt, I dont-“ I looked down, “oh. What’s that doing there?” I said.
She laughed airily, loud enough that some of the other patrons looked out way. But Macy was not one to be shy. Sure, she was stand offish, but that was because she didn’t like people. But she was never shy.
“I don’t know how you do it Blink, but I swear you get cuter each day.”
I blushed heavily.
“Hush, I’m trying to focus.”
She held her hands up in mock surrender. Seemingly she already knew what she was going to order.
“What about this? That’s got protein right?”
I pointed to it on her menu.
“A Falafel burger, sure, tons. You sure you’re up for trying it?”
“Mmm, it’s been a good day. I think I can handle a new food.”
“You two ready?”
“Umm yes, can we have one Falafel burger, fries on a different plate please. And I’ll take two of your lunch burritos and a salad for us to split.”
“You kids are hungry today, coming right up. Oh, Blinky the pastry of the day is apple fritters.” She addressed me.
“Apples!” I said, my eyes glowing.
She leaned in to whisper.
“I’ll put a few aside for you in a take out box.”
“You’re the best!” I smiled.
“Anything else to drink? Or just coffee today?”
I turned to Macy, “milkshake?” She grinned wide, “a strawberry milkshake with two straws please.”
“Coming right up. I’ll put extra whipped cream and a Cherry for each of you.”
“You’re a god send.” Macy complimented.
The woman blushed and hurried off to the kitchen.
“You’re only getting a milkshake cause you’ve been so good today. I’m proud of you for how you handled my family. They’re enough to drive anyone crazy”
I pouted.
“I’m always good.”
She rolled her eyes.
“Sure you are Blink, you’re like a little hurricane that sneaks up on people.”
I frowned.
“Oh come on Blink. You know you can’t have all this sugar all the time. You said you were studying medicine, you should know this.”
“Yeah yeah, so it could thicken my heart muscles. Fine, I’ll cut back on my sugar.”
“Wait really, that’s what happens?”
“Mmm, it increases your insulin and it has nowhere else to go.” I shrugged.
“And you still eat the way that you do? Doesn’t that scare you?”
“Not before you, no. And I didn’t have much of a choice. America is stupid, the things that are the worst for you are the cheapest and most readily available. I could buy a watermelon for $3.50 or I could get two boxes of cereal that will feed me for a week.”
“You mean for breakfast right?”
“Breakfast, lunch, dinner… it doesn’t matter, I used to ration one meal a day so I’m not really used to this whole, normal diet thing.”
Macy cringed.
“God Blinky, no wonder you’re so tiny. Your body never had anything to help it grow. The foods not going anywhere ok? You can eat as much as you want.”
“I know that, it’s just hard I guess. Old habits right?”
“So, tell me more about this cemetery.” I tried to pivot the conversation on me.
I knew she wouldn’t judge, but I didn’t like conversations focused on my flaws. It made me uneasy.
“Oh my god, you would love it there. It’s so quiet and the grounds keeper is really nice. There’s actually this crypt there a family and build in the early 1900s. They’re son had been missing for years and they thought he was dead, then he just showed up out of nowhere with no memories. Since he was alive, it never got used. He lets me go in there and write sometimes.”
“Wow, that does sound nice. Maybe I could read some of you writing sometime.”
“You gonna show me that drawing you did of me?”
“Then you have your answer.”
I rolled my eyes. Touché. The food came and Macy looked likes she had never seen food in her entire life. It was always funny to me how she could eat like there wasn’t enough food in the world. Miss G set the milkshake in the middle of the table.
“You two let me know if you need anything else.”
“Of course, thank you!” I said politely.
I stared at my food for a second, dissecting it with my eyes. Macy has already taken a bit out of one of her burritos. But she waited until her mouth wasn’t full to speak again. She slid some silverware across the table to me.
“Take off the top bun, it will be easier to cut.” She said.
I took the silverware and followed her instructions. I cut it into 6 neat pieces. And separated them on my plate.
“Ketchup?” I asked.
“Try a bite first.” She answered.
I nodded, slowly bringing the food to my mouth. The texture wasn’t what I was expecting, but it wasn’t bad. The flavour was nice, and I smiled into the bite. She looked at me expectantly and I gave her a thumbs up.
“Ketchup.” I concluded.
She let out a little snort from her nose, which made me scrunch mine in return. It was a adorable. I ate about half of it before I reached for the milkshake. It was much better. It was sweet, and cold and it felt nice on my tongue. Macy had mostly been drinking her coffee, and I had a sneaking suspicion she was trying to save most of it for me.
“You can have some you know, we did order to share.”
“You first.” She said.
“You know full well I’ll drink this whole thing by myself if you don’t stop me.” I teased.
“Ok, sassy. Fine I’ll have some.”
She moved the cup between us and sipped from her straw. It was like one of those classic scenes from those 50s movies. To top it off, she scooped up some whipped cream in her finger and put it on my nose. I pulled back, alarmed.
“You did not just-“
“I did, what are you gonna do about it?”
I took a French fry and threw it at her head, but she caught it in her mouth. I glared at her and she just laughed.
“Face it Blinky, you’re even sweeter than this milkshake.” She said.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I know.”
I moved my plate out of the way, and stabbed my fork into the salad. We got it with no dressing cause I hate dressing. It made the veggies also soggy. Gross. The crispy cucumbers were my favourite part. I was surprised to see Macy was already onto her second burrito. I think it had eggs and meat and cheese, I looked at it in disgust. I didn’t mean to show it on my face, but sometimes I couldn’t help it. Macy rolled her eyes.
“You enjoying the salad.”
“Very fresh.” I said.
She took a break from her monstrosity of a lunch to eat some of the salad with me. I had no idea how she wasn’t full already. I sipped my coffee, the contrast between it and the Milkshake were a little jarring. But it wasn’t bad. The caffeine would help. I’d been sober for almost a week now, and I wasn’t feeling the best. But Macy didn’t need to know about that. I recently learned her middle name was Josephine cause Tommy’s sign name for her was MJ.
He made mine “cute” but signed with a B for my name. How could I argue against it when he himself looked cute signing it. I didn’t want to break his heart, so I gladly excepted the name. It was easier than spelling out Blinky. Tiny’s name already had a sign, so he didn’t need a special one. Miss G came back and she down one pasty for each of us, while sliding the take out box into my backpack with a wink. I smiled at her as she was called away to help someone else.
“Hey M?”
“Yes?” She asked.
“What if I- no it’s stupid.”
“Nothing you can say is stupid Blinky. I say the same thing to Tommy all the time. You both need to be a little more confident.” She said.
“What if I worked here?” I asked.
“Here? It’s not that far from your house I don’t think. Not that I’ve been there yet.” She put emphasis on the last part, “it’s a bit of a walk though isn’t it?” She pointed out.
I hummed.
“But you’d look cute in the uniform.” She smirked.
Of course that’s what she would focus on. The only think more ferocious then her appetite, was her sex drive. And I had unknowingly unleashed that can of worms. Oops.
“I’d have to ask of course. But like, beats working at the gas station. And it’s small enough that even full it wouldn’t be too loud, not that it ever gets too full.”
“Can you handle a job?” She cringed, “I’m sorry that came out wrong.”
“No, no it’s fine. I’ve had plenty before. I think my family will be more lenient on chores if I’m bringing in more money. Plus there’s tips. Only tip we get at the gas station is a middle finger.” I laughed.
“Then go for it. I could come visit you at work.” She smiled.
“And you wouldn’t have to worry so much about me when you’re back home. Now we know they have something healthy I can eat.”
“That is very true.”
When we finished our meal I only had two pieces of my burger left, but I didn’t think it would heat up well. I looked at Macy.
“It’s ok little bug, you did good. I’m proud of you.”
I smiled, glad I was able to please her. I was surprised when she put a whole $20 on the table for tip. I raised a brow at her.
“Made some extra fixing up an old bike and a few days before you called. I’ve got some cash to spend, and she deserves it.”
“Don’t leave it on the table, sticky fingers around here.” I suggested.
We walked up to the counter and slid the money to Miss G.
“Aww thank you cuties, you didn’t half to.”
“Please for all you do for us, I did have a question though.”
“Shoot kid!”
“Are you guys hiring? I’d have to ask my dad but-“
“I would love to have you working here, you’d bring some smiles to this place. Let me go get the paperwork and you can think on it.”
“Thank you.”
We waited by the counter for a second, but that’s when a three boys walked in. Roughly around our age, maybe a little older than me. But they were the rowdy type, that much was evident from the laughter disturbing the peace. I tensed slightly but Macy rubbed her hand up my arm.
The came beside us to sit at the counter, and started hollering for some service. I rolled my eyes.
“Ain’t anybody working here or is it self service?” On of them called.
I grit my teeth, if I was gonna work here I’d have to deal with idiots like this. But they were no worse than the gas station idiots. But when she came back out to hand me my papers and one of the boys said something under his breath, o was beyond irritated. She didn’t deserve that.
“When you’re done serving that fine piece of ass over there, could you help a brother out?” One of the older looking boys said.
I saw his eyes on Macy and I was shaking. She wasn’t very pleased about it either. I said my thank you to Miss G and gave her a look of pity as she walked over to them. What I wasn’t expecting was for one of them to come over while his friends were order.
“You from around here sweetheart?” He asked Macy.
She rolled her eyes turning around.
“No, but my girlfriend is” she put emphasis on the girlfriend part.
I smiled smuggly.
“Why looking for something to do, afraid there’s not much. Why dont you and you’re friend check out Captain Spaulding’s Museum of Monsters and Madmen, if you’re up for a good scare.”
Macy gave me a look, recognising all the months ago when I told her to stay far away. She grinned.
“Yeah, if you’re man enough.” Macy teased him.
“Oh I’m man enough, we’ll check it out for sure. You two hotties gonna be there”
“You bet!” I sent a fake wink. “See you around handsome.”
Macy and I burst out laughing when we got outside.
“So do I finally get to see your Gruncle’s cabinet of curiosities?”
“We wouldn’t miss that for the world.” I grinned.
They deserved it for being rude or Miss G, and Ogling my girls ass.
“You ready for this?”
“As I’ll ever be I guess. Don’t take it to personally if they don’t like you at first. Otis hates everyone.”
She chuckled, “sounds a lot like Hoyt”
I froze, turning to look at her.
“He is nothing like that man.” I said coldly, I hadn’t meant to.
And I know she didn’t mean to insult him. But Otis was nothing like that Vile man Macy shared blood ties with.
“Sorry, that was meant to be a joke. Won’t happen again.”
“No, I’m- I’m sorry Macy I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’m just a little on edge right now.”
“Blinky you don’t have to apologise for having emotions. You love your dad, and I love that you do.”
I smiled at her, getting onto her bike as usual as we rode back to the house. As we pulled up, I’m sure it was loud enough in the house no one had heard us. I grabbed Macy’s hand and lead her to the garden.
“Where are we going?”
“I gotta check on something first.” I said.
I dragged her around the side of the house, and sure enough there was some fresh dirt. We both stopped and looked down at it.
“Is that?”
“My mother, yeah. Rest in pieces I guess.”
Macy snorted and flipped off the pile of dirt. I couldn’t help but laugh along with her.
“Good, good to know that part of my life is over. I never want to think about her again if I can help it.”
I knelt down and started picking some of the lilies I’d planted a while ago.
“What are you doing Blink?” Macy asked curiously.
I held the flowers up to her.
“Gives these to Mama, than at the very least she’ll like you. If Mama likes you, no one is gonna dare disobey her. Not unless they got hit over the head a few to many times, so maybe don’t talk to RJ.” I joked, “that was a joke btw.”
“You’re cute.”
“So you keep saying.”
“It’s true though. And I’ll keep saying it because it makes you blush every time.”
“You’re evil, you know that woman? Total scum bag.” I said.
“Mmm, and do evil women get a kiss from their partner?” She mused.
“I don’t know, are you gonna be nice when we go inside?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Then I’ll think about it.”
She rolled her eyes, setting the flowers down on the ledge near the house and picked me up, spinning me around. I couldn’t help but giggle, and when she finally stopped she pulled me in to a kiss. I melted into it, feeling all the stress leave my body.
“I’ll behave” she whispered, leaning down so her forehead was on mine.
“And I’ll protect you if anyone tries anything.”
“Aww, my little guard dog.”
I glared up at her.
“Come on, let’s get inside. I’m sure they’re worried about you. I would be too if you suddenly disappeared for 5 days.”
I cringed. Yeah not my best move. But I was glad none the less that Otis let me leave. It was nice to be away from the house for a while. I didn’t need to knock cause I had the house key. I pushed the door open and was immediately greeted by the chaotic sounds of my family. Baby was blasting music in the living room, I could hear Mama and Spaulding chatting in the kitchen, and I have no idea what the hell the others were doing at the back of the house but I could hear it from here.
I grabbed Macy’s hand and dragged her into the kitchen. Spaulding was the first to look up. One thing about him, he never forgot a face.
“Don’t I know you?” He addressed Macy.
“We met a whole back, at that farmers market. Blinky here sold me some of your chicken. Which was really good by the way.”
Smart move, Spaulding loved compliments. Especially about his cooking. He, Mama and Otis cooked the most in the house. Manon specialised more in dinner, and Selena sometimes helped with the prep work.
“These are for you Mrs. Firefly.” Macy held out the flowers and Mama gladly took them.
“Oh how sweet, we’re glad to have you Back Blinky. Why don’t you introduce us to your friend here?”
Mama was always hospitable. Which is why I went to her first.
“Mama, Cap, this is actually my girlfriend. Macy. I stayed with her while I was away.”
“Girlfriend?” Spaulding asked amused.
“Mhhhm, she knows about us.” I clarified so they wouldn’t have to lecturing about keeping someone around being dangerous. “She would never tell anyone.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes sir. My family participated in a similar… hobby.” She explained.
Sure saying you’re a killer is one thing, but I don’t blame her for not wanting to tell them right away.
“When did this happen?” Mama asked, ushering us both to sit.
“Since the Framers Market.”
“All that time and you kept ‘er a secret? Not sure how Otis is gonna feel about this.” Spaulding worried.
“That’s why I came to you both first.”
“You staying for dinner sweetheart?”
“If you’ll have me.”
“Of course Sugar, why don’t you go introduce her to the others. Make yourself at home little miss Macy.”
“Thank you Mrs. Firefly.”
“Please call me Mama.”
I gave Mama a quick hug, and kissed Spaulding on the top of his head.
“Can we talk later?” I asked.
“Sure kid, you know where to find me.”
Macy followed me into the living room where I turned down Baby’s music. Not off, just down a little. My head felt like it was buzzing from all the electric guitars. Baby turned to look at me, but her eyes quickly met Macy’s.
“Who’d ya bring for us Blink?” She asked.
I chuckled.
“She’s not for that, Baby, this is my girlfriend, Macy. Macy this is my- aunt? I don’t know we never really defined that.” I laughed awkwardly.
“Aunt, sister, all the same to me. Love this kid no matter what.” She said, holding her hand out to shake Macy’s.
“Can’t say I blame ya, they’re easy to love aren’t they?”
Baby smiled wildly, already approving of the new company.
“We miss ya Blink, it was no fun without ya.” Baby said, wrapping me in a tight hug.
“I’m sure you managed just fine, looks like you were having plenty fun before I interrupted.”
“Mhhhm, RJ got me a new CD!”
“What is he Santa Claus now? Why the sudden interest in gifts?” She shrugged. “You know where the others are?”
“Umm, Ghostie and RJ are watching a movie in his room. And Doe Eyes and Otis-“
“Doe Eyes and Otis what?” I asked suspiciously.
“They’re busy. I’ll let him know you’re home and he’ll come find you later yeah?”
I squinted my eyes suspiciously.
“She staying for dinenr?”
“Your Ma said I could, that cool with you?”
“Totally cool! You’ll have to tell me where you got the jacket Macy!”
Before they could chat more I was dragging her upstairs to my room, and Baby was blasting her music again. I didn’t want to bother RJ, and there was something suspicious about Baby not telling me what my dad was up to. But we’d see everyone down at dinner so there was no rush. I closed the door and threw myself face down onto the bed, groaning into my pillow.
“I’d say it’s going pretty well Bumble Bee, you had nothing to worry about.”
“It’s not those three I’m worried about?” I said, looking up at her.
“I live with Hoyt, I can handle anything they throw at me. Promise.”
“Pinky?” I asked.
She held out her pinky and locked it with mine, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You feeling ok Darlin’ you’re getting a little shaky there.”
“Yeah yeah, I’m cool… cool cool.”
“That sounds like something someone who is not cool would say.”
I sighed, crawling across my bed to lay my head on her lap.
“Why did she have to come here?” I asked.
Macy looked down at me, playing with one of my bouncy curls.
“I don’t know Blink.” She said sadly.
“It’s like everything was going good, great even. I was happy. So fucking happy!” I said.
“Did you just say fuck?” She raised a brow at me amused.
“Oh, right!” I said popping up and shoving a few bills in my sweat jar, “gotta pay up for what I said to Hoyt too. Even if he did deserve it.”
Macy chuckled.
“You say that like someone’s making you have the swear jar Blinky. Swearing ain’t that bad, I do it all the fucking time.” She smiled.
“Yeah yeah. I know there’s ways you can do it that aren’t mean, I just, I don’t like they way it sounds coming out of my mouth. Besides, a few more slip ups and I can get you something nice.” I smiled.
“You swearing on purpose to get something pretty for your girlfriend?” She asked.
“I’m just being lazy on purpose, the swearing is still an accident.” I laughed.
“I’m sorry your mom tried to ruin this for you, that wasn’t very nice of her.”
“No, it wasn’t.”
I sat back down on the bed next to her.
“Hey Macy?”
“Yes Blinky?”
I know she sometimes got amused when I said her name, even though we were already in the middle of the conversation. But I couldn’t help it. I liked the way her name felt on my tongue. Short and sweet, the exact opposite of her.
“Do you smoke? Like, smoke smoke?” I asked.
She seemed a little taken aback, but smiled anyway.
“I have before yes… why?”
“Do you want to?” I asked.
Now she was grinning from ear to ear.
“Why you got some?” I nodded.
“Honestly don’t think I can go back down there without it. Everything’s too much right now.”
She ran her hand along my arms again.
“Oh, and we should tell Spaulding that he’ll have some special guest at his showing after dinner tonight. Sure if you ask nicely he’ll let you help.” I said.
“You just wanna see me in action.” She mused.
“I will neither confirm or deny” I said, as I reached over in my drawer where some of my pre rolled joints were.
I made some mini ones, just to tell calm my mind on a regular basis. I didn’t want to be high everyday, but my sensory issues were not getting easier and it was the only thing that seemed to help. But I found a regular sized one jammed in the back. I grabbed a lighter from my nightstand and crawled back over to wear Macy sat. She laid down on her back, and I put my head on her stomach, laying perpendicular to her.
“Your family lets you smoke?”
“They know I do sometimes. Baby smokes too. Doe Eyes and Otis have regular cigs if you want one. I could snag a few for you.”
“My little thief” she ruffled my hair.
I was going to need to be actually stoned to survive family dinner. My nerves where getting the better of me. I mean I knew she was dead, we saw the evidence. So why did I still feel so heavy? So lost? Why the hell was I so scared? I didn’t notice tears start to slip until Macy’s big hands were on my face.
“Hey little bug, talk to me.”
I shook my head. Words were suddenly very hard.
“Hey, it’s ok, you’re ok. You’re safe.” She reassured me.
I gave her a pity smile. She reached over, grabbing the joint from my hand and lit it, holding it out to me. I weakly took a puff and laid back down, screwing my eyes shut. She took a hit herself, I couldn’t blame her if she was a little nervous. Anyone would be meeting my family. I know she tried to play strong and tough, but she was human like the rest of us.
She let my hair and held it out for me again. After a little while had passed and half the joint was gone, she spoke again.
“Feeling any better?”
I gave her a slow nod, signing a little.
“Are you non verbal right now Blinky?” She asked.
I was ashamed to say it, and I knew she’d figure it out eventually even if I didn’t tell her. I wasn’t very good about hiding what was wrong with me. And I didn’t want to have to hide it from her. I just wish it wasn’t there in the first place. That I wasn’t so broken and life wasn’t so much harder for me for no reason.
“That’s ok baby, you’re ok. Do you want me to tell them you aren’t feeling well and will skip dinner?”
I shook my head and sighed “Bad idea. You need food”
She playful glared at the irony of my comment.
“Yeah, you’re right. How about I do most of the talking tonight then? I think I can handle ‘em”
“Ok” I signed.
“And Blinky, it’s ok you didn’t tell me. But you don’t have to hide your autism from me ok? I’m actually pretty sure Tommy is on the spectrum too.”
I gave her a look that said “really?”
“Mhmm. But when you’re feeling better, you have to promise to talk to me more ok? I can’t read your mind, and you don’t have to suffer alone anymore ok? Everyone in this house right now wants what’s best for you, ok? I’m not gonna judge you Blinky, I love you.”
That was the first time she’d said it. I mean of course I knew it, and I felt it, and I hope she felt it too. But neither of us had said it seriously before.
“You love me?” I sighed.
“More than anyone I’ve ever known.”
I was able to stutter out a weak “I love you” before I felt too tired to speak again.
I swear it almost looked like she was about to smile too. She kissed the back of my hand, respecting that I was way too overstimulated right now.
“Just relax Darlin’ why don’t you try to nap and I’ll wake you when they say dinners ready?”
I nodded, closing my eyes and snuggling up to her. Weed dreams were always the strangest.
An: the ketchup thing is so funny to me cause I’m allergic 😭 damn my tomato allergy ruining everything! Will write the others meeting her next, this chapter was just getting kinda long lol.
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myers-meadow · 2 years
This is the first piece of writing for my House of 1000 Corpses OC Meadow "Doe Eyes", this is her meeting with Blinky (@immortal-velociraptor s OC) and how she became part of the family!
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The hand of the artist is gentle with its creation.
“We don’t often keep ones like you around,” grinned Otis, tugging at the ropes binding my torso to the chair. Saying anything would be futile thanks to the rag in my mouth – so instead I stared at him with all the fierceness I could manage. The stretch in the corners of my mouth was growing from annoying to outright uncomfortable. Otis leaned forward again, his long hair brushing the ticklish inner part of my arm and I jolted from the sensation.
Suddenly, a chipper voice from behind. “Otis, did you take my Black Sabbath cd?” It was Baby.
At that, the man pulled the gag down – no consideration for my soreness, and stepped around me to address Baby.
“I ain’t have it, can’t you see I’m busy?”
“Busy doin’ what?” Baby retorted. I could envision her clearly, hands on her hips, staring him down. I stretched my cheek muscles and wet my cracked lips.
“I think he’s gonna kill me,” I spoke up, mouth dry, “but then you won’t be able to play with me anymore, Baby.”
A hand fell onto my head, she walked around me and having her attention on me felt like balancing on a tightrope. She pet my hair, then pouted before she spoke. “And we wouldn’t like that, would we? What a sweetheart, to consider my feelings. Unlike you, you brute!”
Otis, moving around the room now, twisted the knife in his hand. They shared a look that made me shift in my restraints. I was on outsider in this interaction, only a by-thought in whatever schemes the family came up with. The only thing worse than one of them, was both of them, so the way Baby twirled a lock of loose hair around her finger made my heart beat in my throat.
Then she said: “I do like you, sweet thing, but I also like Otis. And I think I like him more.”
Otis’ grin was all teeth. “Hear that sugar? Looks like we’re gonna have lotta fun, you ‘n me.”
“I’ll leave you to it then. I’ll go ask Tiny if he’s seen the cd.” With that, Baby left the room, shutting the door behind her.
“Why the long face? With me at least you’ll keep all your fingers.” Turning to the radio on a dresser, he turned it on. “Don’t worry, I know how to treat a nice little lady like you,” and he laughed something nasty. He didn’t like the music that played, so he turned it off again and sat down to leaf through his cd collection. After a while – I struggled in the ropes until my wrists were too sore to continue – he left the room without another word. Perhaps that was the worst of it – being ignored so casually. As if the presence they demand by keeping me around bored them after just a couple minutes.
When Otis returned, he found another member of the family sitting on his bed, kicking their legs, a palette of face paint next to them. It was Blinky who found me in his absence. The brush that painted a little tear by my eye was cold. They had painted my entire face already, these were just the finishing touches.
“Otis,” they said, hopping off the bed, when they spotted him standing in the doorway. “Look!”
With a wild gesture, they pointed to me, and Otis walked around the chair. His eyebrows were raised.
“I like her, she has pretty doe eyes. Perhaps we can keep ‘er a little longer?”
Otis groaned, then stared down at Blinky, and the rest of their conversation was unspoken. He shrugged, and left the room, mumbling unfriendly things.
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When it's too late, you'll see, just wait
Selena's point of view of these happenings + I think she has some issues
Characters: Ghost, Blinky, Doe Eyes, Otis, RJ
Words: 2847
Content warnings: Racism, Christianity (negative, I'm also just making up a lot of stuff as I go), allusions to torture and murder
dividers by firefly-graphics
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The day had been calm and quiet so far, almost unsettlingly so. Manon and I were busy with chores, Spaulding was at the gas station, Otis was working on some art project, and RJ had taken Mama and Baby shopping – I pitied him a little. What Blinky was up to was anyone’s guess, I hadn’t seen them at breakfast and couldn’t recall having ran into them since then either. I had just gone downstairs to take off the curtains for cleaning when there was a knock on the door. I froze. Manon was still working somewhere around, and neither Manon nor Blinky where anywhere in sight. 
They hadn’t left me alone with a stranger since I had gotten here and I considered just waiting, when a female, oddly off-putting voice called: “Hello? I know someone is in there, I saw you move! Answer the door right now!” 
I flinched, immediately thrown back to my time at the convent. Without even thinking about it, I went to door and opened it. “Hello? How can I help you?”  
My voice sounded strange in my head, unfamiliar, like it wasn’t actually mine. 
The woman practically shoved a photograph in my face and I had to step back a little to make out anything. It was a picture of the woman with a young man. Her son? 
“I’m looking for this boy, have you seen him?” 
My eyes settled back on her though I was hardly able to focus on her features. With a sigh, I replied: “No ma’am, I have not. Let me go ask the others, they might be able to help you.” 
The woman, visibly displeased with my response, snapped at me. “Other people live here?”  
I nodded, torn between wanting to run and my conditioning to just be quiet and bear whatever treatment was about to befall me. Just then, I saw movement in the corner of my eye and the tell-tale sound of Manon’s heels on the floor. Instinctively, I stepped aside to make space for her. 
“Can I help you?” she asked, voice even and calming as always. The woman made no move to respond, so I spoke up: “This woman is looking for someone.” 
Manon seemed to be contemplating her next action for a moment, which made sense given that neither of us had been involved in any of the family’s activities so far. “I’m not sure how much help I will be then. Perhaps Otis knows where this boy has gone.” 
“Does anyone here know anything or do you only have those heads to look pretty?” the woman hissed and I flinched at the hostility. When I went to shoot Manon a questioning look, I noticed Otis already standing behind me and jumped a little. 
The woman, seemingly startled as well, took a step back, when something above us seemed to suddenly catch her attention. 
“There you are you little brat!” she yelled, and just when I realised that she mut have seen Blinky, they already landed on the ground between the woman and us. Blinky said something I didn’t understand, and before I had time to grasp what was happening, the woman had grabbed Blinky’s arm, saying something about “mother” and “daughter” and “son”. I felt myself zoning out and even though I knew that it would probably be best to remain focused in the present situation, I just couldn’t find it in myself to care. 
Manon’s voice was still calm, always the rational one, while the woman kept yelling. Then there was Spaulding’s voice and I wondered how he had gotten here. It was so bright outside, even just looking out the door was beginning to strain my eye, so I was glad when everyone went inside. 
“Where. Is. My. Son?” the woman's voice pierced through the fog in my head, the sharpness of her voice along with the way it seemed much louder in a closed room forcing me back into reality. She was holding Blinky’s arm, who looked terrified, but Otis just laughed. 
“You think this is funny?” the woman hissed but with everyone else here it wasn’t as scary anymore. 
Otis just grinned, a cruel grin, and even though I didn’t know what had happened, it was obvious that it hadn’t been good. “Considering your sons fertilising our garden, yeah, it’s a little funny.” 
I could feel my lips stretch into a smile, even though I rationally knew that this kind of stuff shouldn’t make a person laugh. Spaulding, who I now saw was holding a gun, seemed tense, and when I glanced over to Manon I noticed her clenching her fists. Strangely enough, I didn’t feel worried. Not because I didn’t care about Blinky – I just... felt like everything would be alright. 
“You wanna know what I did to him?” Otis continues, slowly moving towards them. “I first started with cutting out his tongue, and watching him struggle not to choke on his own blood.” 
The woman stared at him with absolute horror, her grip starting to loosen, yet I couldn’t really focus on them. I was almost entranced by Otis words. “And then I started breaking his bones, hearing his gurgled pleas as he begged me to stop. Only after I skinned him alive did I grant him the mercy of death.” 
I found myself trying to imagine the whole scenario, how it would’ve been to witness it, and almost missed when the woman tried to attack Otis. Manon rushed over to Blinky and only now I realised that they were shaking and crying. They were clutching Manon like she was the only thing keeping them standing, and I cautiously walked up behind them, rubbing their back in a somewhat helpless gesture of comfort. 
Spaulding managed to knock the woman out and they brought her away, Blinky requesting for her not to be killed right away, while Manon checked them for injuries. They said they were fine, yet winced when Manon touched their arm, and my heart broke a little. However, their next words caused an emotion I had not felt before, not to that extent at least. “She’s done worse, I’m fine.” 
Never before in my life, not even in the time I had been here, had I wanted to hurt someone. I didn’t mind what the family did and ultimately was glad that they had killed the Sisters, but I hadn’t felt any regret that I hadn’t been the one to do it. 
But now, after hearing those words, the uncharacteristical coldness of Blinky’s voice, and remembering their tears and the fear in their eyes while their mother used them as a means to put pressure on us, I wanted to make her suffer. Not just watch, I wanted, needed, to do it myself. This anger inside of me was almost overwhelming and made me feel hot all over, like I was burning. People could have told me it was the fire of the devil running through my blood and I wouldn’t have cared. I couldn’t make sure that woman would go to hell after her death, but we could make her real-world experience as similar as possible. 
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Despite my better judgement, I followed Blinky to where their mother had been put, and listened in on their conversation. Everything I heard only added fuel to the fire that was my rage, the things that vile woman said, Blinky’s talk about what their father had done, and how even now it was all about the dead son. 
When Blinky caught me in the hallway and scolded me I did feel bad, however. I hadn’t meant for them to catch me, but then again, I wouldn’t have wanted to keep secrets from them either. I just hadn’t meant to upset them even further. 
Before I could stop myself, the question had slipped past my lips: “What did your father do to you?” 
Like I didn’t know. Like I had never heard of the things clergymen do with children, what men do to women. In that sense, my looks protected me. No one had wanted to touch me, but other girls in the convent hadn’t been that lucky. 
“What didn’t he do to me?” Blinky replied, and their voice was filled with such a deep-seated sadness and grief it felt almost tangible. I wished it had been, I wished I could have just taken it from them and replaced it with something good. 
“We’re gonna fix this.” I said thoughtlessly, repeating empty phrases I had heard others use. 
They just shook their head at that. “I appreciate the gesture Selena, but there’s no fixing this. There’s no changing the past. What’s done is done, you move on, you get stronger. That’s the way these things work I’m afraid.” 
With that, they left, and all I could do was watch. I didn’t know how to comfort people, and besides, they were right. There was no changing the past. I knew that better than anyone else. I just wished Blinky hadn’t had to go through that, that there hadn’t been the need for them to be strong. Children should be protected. They deserved to feel safe and loved and valued. 
Yet it seemed like Blinky didn’t get that. Neither did I. Or many others I knew. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and a lump threatening to form in my throat. It was too much, the memories, the things I knew but hadn’t been aware of-  
I quietly entered the room, a set of two differently coloured eyes fixed on what didn’t even deserve to be labelled a person anymore. 
“And who are you supposed to be little girl?” she snapped, voice shaking with anger that was really only trying to cover her fear. It didn’t bother me. 
“My name is Ghost,” I said calmly, not allowing any emotion to tint my voice. “And I am here to teach you about sin and punishment.” 
“You know, they used to just stone or burn people. You will not be granted such mercy. So, as the wife – or widow – of a priest, you certainly know about the cardinal sins, right?” 
She scoffed. “You cannot scare me, girlie. I’ve been through worse.” 
“Let’s see,” I continued, unbothered by her words. “Vanity or Pride – you certainly are a proud woman, aren’t you? Seeing yourself as better than others, better than people of colour – you said it yourself, how you were embarrassed about having to raise them.” 
“Greed - again, Blinky said how they had to buy everything for themself because you apparently couldn’t be bothered to spend even a penny on them. You kept everything for yourself and your wanted children.” 
“You wouldn’t understand what it’s like to live like that,” she said. “You don’t understand how people stare, how they judge you, just because your child is the wrong colour.” 
“Just as you can’t understand what it is like to be the actual subject of that judgement and hatred,” I commented. “To be ostracised for your looks. Anyway, to continue: Lust. You cheated on your husband, right?” 
She didn’t respond, but I hadn’t expected her to. 
“Aside from the fact that in the Old Testament adultery was punished with death, I would say that it does fall under the category of lust. After all, you were evidently so controlled by your desires that you weren’t even capable of remaining faithful to your husband.” 
“And what about him?” she interrupted me. “He was even worse, the things the horny fucker did to those kids, and then the coward had the audacity to kill himself.” 
“He’s dead, there’s nothing to be done about it,” I replied. 
“Hmm... I’ll have to skip over Envy and Gluttony, I suppose. Wrath, however, is simple, you’ve shown enough of it just in the short time you have been here,” I stated. “And according to Blinky, you’ve done worse in the past.” 
“Finally, we have Sloth. I Do not know if you work or not, but you certainly failed to care for your own child, and not due to a lack of ability but simply not wanting to. Isn’t it funny how much of these could have been prevented if only you had done what you should have and been an actual mother?” 
She looked at me, eyes filled with hatred, but also fear. 
“Oh, you really think you are so smart, don’t you?” she said, with a fake laugh that was probably supposed to sound unfazed, but the obvious hatred and glimmer of fear in her eyes betrayed her. “Do you really think you, basically a child, can teach me anything? You don’t know what you are talking about.”  
I returned her gaze unwavering. “I lived in a convent for fifteen years; from the time I turned nine. And even before that, all I was told were bible stories and prayers and psalms. I was never to speak anything else. I’m still not good at finding my own words, but I do know the bible.” 
“And whyever would you as a child have been sent to a convent?” she said. 
“They thought me evil, possessed, a witch or demon,” I said, walking over to a shelf that had all kinds of tools on it.  
“Fortunately for you, Otis does seem really into the whole breaking bones thing, and I don’t think he’d appreciate me damaging his toy too much, however,” I said, grabbing a blowtorch from the shelf, “I don’t think he’ll get upset about a little bit of burning, don’t you think?” 
She stared at me wide –eyed, seemingly having believed that I had intended to merely talk, try to scare her. Her efforts to free herself had died down while I had been talking, but she did start to squirm and fight again now. I smiled. 
“I’ll be right back with you, just gotta grab the electric kettle RJ got me. I like to drink tea, you know? Don’t go anywhere.” 
I hurried over to RJ’s room, knocking because I wasn’t if he was back yet, and upon hearing his “come in” I opened the door. “Hey, I just wanted to grab the kettle and my old rosary.” 
He raised a brow. “That’s... an interesting combination. You good?” 
I nodded, digging through my back to find the box with all the religious stuff I still kept. “Yeah, I just don’t particularly like our guest.” 
He didn’t comment but did look at me with curiosity. “Anything else you need?” 
“Ice cubes, maybe? It's not that important though,” I said, and my fingers finally found the beads of the cursed rosary I had been gifted for my first communion – the only gift I had ever been given. 
The string was uncharacteristically long, and I could basically still see the blood on the beads from when I had been lashed with it. The metal crucifix glinted dauntingly, threatening to burn or cut me. 
“Hey, Ghostie,” RJ’s voice pulled me from my thoughts, and he gently put his hand on my shoulder. “You sure that whatever it is you wanna do is a good idea? You’ve been staring at that thing like it’s the devil or something.” 
I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly, subconsciously reaching for his hand and squeezing it. “Yeah, it’s okay. It can’t hurt me anymore, there’s no one to use it on me. But I can use it, apply what I have learned through personal experience. Allow that woman to get more intimate with the religion her family and her used to hurt others.” 
“Alright, if you say so,” RJ replied, helping me to stand up. “Just... don’t overdo it, okay? Don’t want you having some kind of breakdown or relapse back to your old thought patterns.” 
“I’ll be careful,” I said, giving him a genuine smile, before turning to leave, but then I had a thought. “Actually, there is one more thing I could need your help for.” 
It seemed like the woman had tired herself out to some degree, beads of sweat collecting on her forehead and panting. I put the kettle down and switched it on, before turning to RJ. “Could you maybe just help me to... guide her into a kneeling position? And make sure she cannot run; I know she wouldn’t get far but I really don’t wanna piss off Otis.” 
He just huffed and shook his head at my request, but easily managed to do as I asked. “You want me to stay around? Just in case she tries anything.” 
I looked up at him in surprise, not having expected an offer like this. “I mean, I you don’t have anything better to do...” 
“Go for it, girl. Let’s see the furious, violent Ghost underneath all that ‘demure’ and ‘modest’ behaviour.” 
I snorted, turning on the blowtorch to carefully heat up the metal of the crucifix. “Where’d you learn those words?” 
“Why, sounding too smart for you?” he replied, openly teasing me, which didn’t happen often outside the privacy of his room. 
“Just not sounding like you,” I corrected. “Anyhow, let’s get this party started.” 
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@myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor
me: I'm gonna write something softer
also me: or you could make it at least twice as angsty as necessary :)
though the ending is kinda soft and wholesome, right?
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flooferbutt · 3 days
Meet my system members!
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here i will be introducing y'all to my headmates :3
w lil blinkies i made with blinkies.cafe
note: i also get shifts of my headmates cos they are nonhuman!
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Bayun : black Manx cat with red eyes! they are sweet and curious most of the time but they bite! they're also Russian; possible demon kin?
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Brazier : Big orange and white and black floof (the unofficial name for my original species, they're basically cats with short horns and sheep ears); Brazier is scottish and grumpy and sturdy, a blacksmith, and he's got a twisted hind leg which needs a brace to be kept straight
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Firefly "Nexus" : dark blue floof with bioluminescent yellow dapples, also part of my species, they are a pet floof and wear a collar; they're mischievous and curious, always getting into stuff
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Grayling : A grayscale floof with layered marks, countershaded; they wear a hufflepuff scarf and they're shy and quiet, they prefer books rather than people and carry their trusty brown teddy bear. They fit most into the harry potter universe and have shown themself to be London British
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Hemstitch : A round black-gray floof with dark green buttons for eyes; they're from the coraline universe tbh, and they're timid and gentle with a fear of sharp things. They live in your attic /j
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James : a ginger and cream floof with darker overcoat markings, lots of layers in his pelt coloring, with brown freckles like pumpkin spice on a latte :3 He has bright sky blue eyes and wears round wire rimmed glasses; he's polite and clever and loves books, generally a college student and autumn boi. He likes to wear oversized sweaters, and fingerless mitts for his mitts; he's got the posh kind of British thing going on
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Flame "Lordie" : a black floof with red and orange, jagged horns and fiery swirl eyes, he's been my oc for the longest time, and finally he joins me in my system :D He has some fire powers, is confident and decisive, tho he can be aggressive (not an "evil alter" guys, he just bites a lil)
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Sweetie : A brown/gray tabby cat with olive eyes, they're a cerebellar hypoplasia / wobbly cat! Like some of the others they were an oc before kin and headmate; they're just a cheerful boi and they jus kinda love their life :D
that's everyone so far ❤
I'll be updating if anyone else shows up, thank you for reading!
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Love from the floof collective!
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starless-planet · 3 months
Hey… don’t be sad… firefly blinky blinky on your hand okay?
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intosnarkness · 3 months
questions I think would be fun to be asked
20. favourite things about the night?
25. fave season and why?
Thanks for the ask!
20: Im not a night person, really. Too much trauma around things that happened to me when I was a kid. But I do have a deep, romantic attachment to fireflies and the way they light up the trees in the summer. Nat calls them “my boys” because he didn’t grow up here and does not have the same association with tiny blinky bugs that I do. I also love frog song, the kind you only get at dusk.
25: fall, for the way it smells. The thing I miss most about working in higher ed is the way the campuses looked when the trees were turning. It was a new semester, and everything felt a little new in the middle of the dying leaves and wilting grass. But there’s always a day, on the cusp on summer and fall, when the earthy smell of leaves and bark and woodsmoke starts to take over and that is my favorite day of the year.
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catfang12 · 5 months
We stopped at the bookstore and Sam got me a new book and a new friend Blinky 😋 they're a firefly 🌸 so soft I love their wings🌈 I saw so many books I wanted 📚maybe next time I go I'll get a few🩵
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