#otis milburn oneshot
fluffyximagines · 4 years
A Little Jealous
(Sex Education) Otis Milburn x Reader
Word Count: 2008
Summary: When your boyfriend starts acting weird you go to Otis for help and he is there to comfort you when you find out what's been going on.
“I need to talk to you” You approached your boyfriend, Jackson, as he was standing at his locker.
“I have swimming practice.” Jackson shut his locker and tried to step around you.
“No.” You stepped in front of him, blocking his way.
“Y/N I don’t have time for this” Jackson snapped, his voice rising slightly, as he tried to shove you out of the way.
“Of course you don’t” You sneered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jackson turned around to face you, raising his eyebrows.
“I don’t know” You shrugged, “Just seems like you never have time for me anymore.”
“Can we just talk about this later” Jackson shook his head, “maybe somewhere a little more private.”
“That would require you to actually speak to me” You scoffed. But Jackson just ignored what you said and continued walking away from you.
Your boyfriend had barely spoken to you in weeks, constantly avoiding making plans with you and never replying to your texts. He kept telling you that he was just busy and didn’t check his phone much but then whenever you did see him, he couldn’t look away from his phone for 10 seconds just to talk to you. You didn’t know what to think anymore. Of course the first thing that crossed your mind was that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, but you didn’t understand why he wouldn’t just break up with you if that was the case. Your friends kept trying to convince you that he must have something personal going on, of course you knew that his mums had issues, but this was a common thing and you didn’t think that would be his reason for pushing you away. 
You didn’t know what to do anymore. You felt as though you were out of options. You didn’t want to get anyone else involved in your relationship with Jackson but you had tried to speak with him so many times and he wouldn’t let you, so maybe the only way to find out what was going on was to get some help. You decided you knew just the right person to help you with the problems going on within your relationship.
“Hey Otis, can I talk to you for a minute?” You whispered, as the rest of your class began to leave the room, heading for lunch.
“Yeah of course, what’s up?” Otis replied, placing his book back on the desk.
“Umm” You hesitated, looking shyly around the room to make sure no one would over hear you. “I heard people were paying you to help with their relationships and stuff.”
“Yeah, Maeve and I are running sort of like a sex clinic” Otis answered, nodding his head.
“Well I was hoping you could help me with something” You smiled shyly.
“Yeah of course, what is it?” Otis asked, looking at you with a concerned look.
“Well I guess you know that I have been dating Jackson for a few months now?” You began explaining your situation to Otis.
“Yeah I heard something about that” Otis nodded.
“Well the past few weeks he has been acting really weird” You continued, “It seems like he’s avoiding me. I have no idea what I did or why he doesn’t want to hang out all of a sudden but every time I try and make plans he has some sort of excuse.”
“I’m not sure that I’ll be able to fix anything” Otis responded, “but I can definitely have a chat to him and see if I can figure out what’s going on.”
“Thank you so much Otis” You smiled, “I know it’s not exactly what you normally do but I really appreciate it. I just want to understand.”
Otis gently placed his hand on your shoulder for comfort. “Y/N I’m always happy to help, you’re a good friend.”
You thanked Otis before turning and heading towards the door of the classroom.
“Hey Y/N” Otis called, turning you to turn back around and face him, “I really hope it all turns out alright.”
“Yeah me too” You gave Otis a smile before exiting into the hallway and heading for lunch.
You had known Otis for as long as you could remember. The two of you had always been best friends, inseparable. Otis was there for you through everything, your first crush, first kiss, everything. But when you got your first boyfriend, things started to change between the two of you. You never meant for it to happen, it just did. You and Otis had never been popular, in fact Otis and Eric had been the only friends you really had. But once you started dating someone on the football team, things started to change. You tried to remain friends with Otis and Eric, but slowly you began hanging out with the popular kids more and more. Before long it became difficult to maintain your friendships and you began to drift apart from Otis and Eric. That was the beginning of 9th grade, you were now half way through 10th grade and the the two of you had barely spoken in a year. You had to admit, you always kind of missed Otis and the friendship that the two of you shared, but you were to stubborn to ever admit that. So here you were, friends with a bunch of people who barely knew you, and a boyfriend who wouldn’t even talk to you. 
You were laying in your bed thinking about everything that had been happening recently, and soon tears had begun to form in your eyes. You picked up your phone, deciding to try one last time to talk to Jackson. It had been almost a week since you had last spoken, maybe now that you had given him some space he would be ready to talk.
You: This is getting ridiculous, can we talk?
You: Please?
You put your phone next to you on your bed, deciding to read a book to take your mind off things. After about half an hour you heard your phone ding, you quickly picked it up checking who it was from.
Otis: Hey Y/N, Sorry I haven’t gotten back to you but can I talk to you at school tomorrow?
You: Did you find something?
You: Please just tell me.
Otis: I don’t think this is something I should say over text.
You: What are you doing right now?
Otis: Nothing. Why?
You: Feel like coming over?
Otis: Be there soon.
About 5 minutes later you heard a knock on your door.
“Wow that was qui-” You began before suddenly stopping when you saw who was standing on your door step.
“Hey” Jackson sighed, giving you a small smile.
“Hey? You barely speak to me for weeks and now you just show up here and say hey! What the fuck is going on Jackson” You yelled at him, blocking the doorway so that he couldn’t enter your house.
“Can I come in” Jackson mumbled, barely looking you in the eye.
“Fine” You agreed, stepping aside, “but you have some explaining to do.”
“I know” He nodded, entering your house.
“So, what’s going on?” You asked once you and Jackson had reached your room at the top of the stairs. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“I want to start by saying I’m really sorry.” Jackson took a seat on your bed, placing his head in his hands. “I know I haven’t been treating you right recently. I’ve just been trying to figure out how to tell you.”
“Tell me what?” You were even confused now than when Jackson had arrived. He genuinely look worried by whatever it was that he had to tell you.
“Y/N I care about you so much” Jackson continued to explain.
But before Jackson could say any more he was interrupted by the sound of your door bell.
“I’ll be back” You quickly said to Jackson before running down the stairs towards the front door. “Come in” You smiled as you opened the door and there Otis was on your doorstep.
“Sorry I got a little bit lost” Otis apologised as he entered your house, taking his helmet off. “Guess it’s been a while since I’ve been here.”
“Yeah” You frowned, suddenly feeling bad for what had happened between you and Otis last year.
“No no” Otis suddenly realised how that sounded. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
“So what did you need to tell me?” You changed the subject, wondering what was so important that Otis couldn’t tell you over text.
“So I mentioned to Maeve that you had asked for my help” Otis began to explain, “Y/N I’m really sorry, but she told me that her and Jackson hooked up at a party a couple of weeks ago. I don’t think she realised that the two of you were together but she feels horrible. Anyway, I guess that’s why he has been avoiding you recently. I’m really sorry this is the way you had to find out.”
Tears started to form in your eyes as Otis explained what he had discovered. You looked up as you heard a creak on the stairs, seeing Jackson slowly walking down.
“Y/N” Jackson began, a distressed look on his face.
“Don’t” You shook your head, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I can explain.” He reached out to try and take your hand but you quickly snatched it away. “It was a mistake. I know it’s not an excuse but I was really drunk and I didn’t realise what I was doing. I don’t want to lose you Y/N, I care about you so much.”
“I don’t want to hear it Jackson” You couldn’t even look at him, your eyes were fixed firmly on the ground below you. “Just leave.”
Jackson quietly walked past you and Otis, who was awkwardly standing next to you with a surprised look on his face. He opened the front door and left after apologising again.
“I’m so sorry Y/N I didn’t realise he was here” Otis apologised, giving you a concerned look.
“What is wrong with me?” You cried, sitting down on the bottom step and sobbing into your hands.
“There is nothing wrong with you” Otis comforted you, taking a seat next to you on the step.
“Obviously there is. All the guys I like either don’t like me back or they lose interest and cheat on me.” You sobbed.
“Well obviously they are idiots” Otis wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him so that you were crying into his chest. “If you were my girlfriend, I would never make you feel like you aren’t good enough.”
“You don’t mean that” You shook your head, trying to wipe your tears away.
“Of course I do” Otis smiled slightly as he helped you wipe some tears off of your cheeks.
“Otis I’m really sorry for what I did.” You raised your head so you were now looking into his eyes. “I should have been a better friend.”
“Its not your fault Y/N.” Otis brushed away the hair that was stuck to your face. “I guess I sort of pushed you away too. I didn’t realise it at the time but I think I was a bit jealous.”
“Of me?” You smiled giving him a confused look.
“Yes of you” He gave a small laugh, as he played with his fingers nervously.
You slowly leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Otis’ lips. When you pulled away he was staring at you, his mouth slightly open with surprise.
“I know this is terrible timing but would you maybe like to get something to eat.” You offered, reaching out to take his hand as you stood from where you were sitting.
“I’d love that.” Otis took your hand as he raised himself from where he had been sitting.
The two of you had gotten ice cream and just talked for hours. You had to admit, it was the best you had felt for a long time.
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megahologram · 4 years
Started: 2020-05-05
Total Works: 12
The Walking Dead
Hunting | Daryl Dixon
Present | Daryl Dixon
Protective | Rick Grimes
Tom Holland (& brothers)
Kidnapped | Tom Holland
Please don’t leave | Tom Holland
Ignore | Harry Holland
Lecture | Harry Holland
Cheating | Harrison Osterfield ft. Tom Holland
Sex Education
Awkward | Otis Milburn
Not Ready | Otis Milburn
Stranger Things
Creature of the Night | Steve Harrington
To All The Boys I Loved Before
Jealousy | John Ambrose
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onthepageoftears · 6 years
Clueless (Otis Milburn x Reader)//Sex Education
A/N: Another Valentine’s special! It’s kind of similar to the Lily one, but with a different twist I guess? Anyway, I hope you all have a great week!
Summary: When you invited Otis over for your routine movie nights, you did not expect the flowers and the suit. Not at all.
Warnings: awkward otis, fluffffffff, language?
Words: 947
Please Don’t Plagiarize My Work!
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You were in your pajamas when the bell rang. You jumped from the couch, nearly tripping over your feet to answer it. You invited Otis over for a movie night, which wasn’t abnormal for you two. Whenever you would talk about your favorite movies, Eric would roll his eyes and walk away; which, of course, was why you never invited him. It was always just the two of you, eating snacks and commenting of the movies you loved, hated, and didn’t know anything about. It was almost a tradition by now, and you felt yourself become giddy whenever Otis rang the bell.
It was safe to say that you did not expect what was at the door. You opened it up, the smile on your face turning immediately to a confused frown.
“Hey, Y/N.” Otis coughed, looking down at your pajamas with a replica of your own frown. But to you, it wasn’t your outfit that was strange; it was his. He was wearing his classic brown suit, the one he wore to special occasions, and in his left hand he was holding a bouquet of roses.
“Otis?” You blushed, watching his hand reach behind his head in his routine anxious scratch.
“Shoot.” He said, blush now mimicking your own. “I think I read this wrong.”
You blinked. “What?”
With a sigh, Otis let the bouquet fall to his side. “You invited me over.”
“It’s Valentine’s Day.”
“…Oh.” Shit. You didn’t even realize. And now, looking at the boy in front of you, your stomach dropped. “Oh.”
“I’ll leave-“
“No!“ You stepped forward, feeling yourself reach out for the flowers. “No. I mean, you’re right. It’s Valentine’s Day.” Otis silently handed the flowers to you, pretending not to be totally embarrassed at the situation. You couldn’t imagine how he felt in this moment: doubting his feelings, kicking himself at the assumptions he had made. But when you took the flowers and raised them to your face, taking in a deep breath and smiling at the boy in front of you, both of your hearts shifted.
“They’re beautiful,” you said, stepping into your house and calling behind you: ”Come on in!”
Otis hesitated. If he had to endure a whole movie night with an awkward tension, he might as well call it a day. But the inviting smile you sent him from the kitchen as he walked in the living room let him take a deep breath.
“New pajamas?” He said once came back from the kitchen, gesturing to your matching sponge bob shirt and pants.
“Yeah.” You did a twirl, a serious look on your face. “It’s my formal attire.”
“Of course.”
After the two of you pretended everything was normal and put in your first movie of the night (totally coincidentally, you chose Clueless), the air in the room changed. You felt yourself inching towards Otis: you scooted over when you reached for the popcorn, ended up a seat cushion closer to him when you changed the movies. Eventually, you decided to stop lying to yourself and gained the confidence to make a move; it was clear Otis wouldn't, and if this boy that you had been crushing on for years wasn't going to at least hold your hand…well, you would have to do it first.
So, as you pretended to focus on the movie in front of you, your hand slid over the couch cushions to wear Otis’ was. Your heart hammered in your chest, and the fear of it being louder than the movie almost made you aport your mission. But you stayed strong, and blindly searched for Otis’ hand in the darkness.
Once you found it, you heard a gasp, making you rip your hand away.
“What?” You held your hand to your chest like it had burned him.
“Nothing, I-“
“Sorry, I just thought-“
“No, it’s okay, I just didn’t realize you would-“ He gestured to the two of you, and you could see his wide eyes despite the darkness.
“Is that not okay?”
“It is!” He said finally, swallowing a mass of saliva before slowly reaching for your hand. “It is.”
“Okay.” You watched his hand take yours tentatively, smiling at the sudden warmth that filled your whole body. Otis cleared his throat and watched you with a similar smile. The butterflies in your stomach pushed against their barrier as you sat back into the couch, pushing yourself closer to Otis.
After a few minutes of sitting in content silence, Otis cleared his throat again. “Do you…want to go on an actual date sometime?”
You turned your head towards him with a quirked brow. “You mean one where I’m not in my pajamas?”
He laughed, and you could feel his body relax into the couch. “I thought that was your ‘formal attire’?.”
“Right.” You leaned your head on the back of the couch, still watching Otis with a smile. He looked back at you, his blue orbs flicking over your face in the tv-illuminated room. “I would love to go on a date with you, Otis Milburn.”
“Good. I’ll dress more formal for it.”
You jolted your head up and grinned with squinted eyes. “More formal?”
“I have some snazzy Scooby Doo pajamas, I’ll have you know.”
You laughed wholeheartedly and let your head fall back onto the couch. When you gained your breath back, you nudged him in the shoulder. “Do you really?”
Otis was a little more embarrassed now. He blushed and turned back to the movie with a small smirk. “…yeah.”
You snorted and lolled your head onto Otis’ shoulder, letting your intertwined hands fall in the small space between you two. “Fantastic.”
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envision-fandom · 4 years
Updated Masterlist
Teen Wolf fanfics:
Isaac Lahey-
Evolve pt2
Evolve pt3
Asa Butterfield fanfics:
Otis Milburn-
More than meets the eye
Harry Potter fanfics:
Teddy Lupin-
(One shot)
Tom Riddle-
Sacrifices pt2
Oliver Wood-
He’s a Keeper
He’s a Keeper Pt2
He’s a Keeper Pt3
He’s a Keeper Pt4
Newt Scamander-
Framed Attraction
Framed Attraction Pt2
Framed Attraction Pt3
Framed Attraction Pt4
Framed Attraction Pt5
Draco Malfoy-
Boy with a thorn in his side
(One shot)
Tough Love
Tough Love Pt2
Tough Love Pt3
Tough Love Pt4
Tough Love Pt5
Tough Love Pt6
Darkest Desire
Fred Weasley-
Counter attack
(One shot)
(One shot)
Red Is the Warmest colour
Red Is the Warmest colour Pt2
Red is the Warmest colour Pt3
Soul Keeper Pt1
Soul Keeper Pt2
Soul Keeper Pt3
Soul Keeper Pt4
Soul Keeper Pt5
Double Trouble
(One shot)
A Special Kind of Magic pt1
A Special Kind of Magic pt2
A Special Kind of Magic pt3
A Special Kind of Magic pt4
A Special Kind of Magic pt5
A Special Kind of Magic pt6
A Special Kind of Magic pt7
A Special Kind of Magic pt8
A Special Kind of Magic pt9
George Weasley-
Counter Attack
(One shot)
Opposites Attract pt1
Opposites Attract pt2
Opposites Attract pt3
Double Trouble
(One shot)
Thomas Brodie Sangster fanfics:
Christmas suprise
Jojen Reed (Game of Thrones)-
Bring me to life
Whitey Winn (Godless)-
Deputy pt2
Deputy pt3
The vow
The vow pt2
The Hunt
The Hunt pt2
The Hunt pt3
Newt (The Maze Runner) -
The Secrets we Keep (one-shot)
The Maze Lover
The Maze Lover pt2
The Maze Lover pt3
The Maze Lover pt4
The Maze Lover pt5
The Maze Lover pt6
The Maze Lover pt7
The Maze Lover pt8
Trapped pt2
Trapped pt3
Trapped pt4
Trapped pt5
Trapped pt6
Trapped pt7
Trapped pt8
Trapped pt9
Trapped pt10
Trapped pt11
Trapped pt12
Trapped pt13
Trapped pt14
Once Upon a Time fanfics:
Peter Pan-
Conquest pt.2
Conquest pt.3
(One shot)
Reputation pt2
Reputation pt3
Reputation pt4
Paradox Pt2
Paradox Pt3
Pan pt2
Pan pt3
Pan pt4
Pan pt5
Pan pt6
Pan pt7
Pan pt8
Pan pt9
Pan pt10
Pan pt11
Pan pt12
Pan pt13
Pan pt14
End Game
End game Pt2
End game Pt3
End game Pt4
End game Pt5
End game pt6
End game pt7
End game pt8
End game pt9
End game pt10
End game pt11
End game pt12
End game pt13
End game pt14
End game pt15
End game pt16
Dark Prince pt1
Dark Prince pt2
Dark Prince pt3
Dark Prince pt4
Dark Prince pt5
Dark Prince pt6
Dark Prince pt7
Dark Prince pt8
Dark Prince pt9
Dark Prince pt10
Dark Prince pt11
Dark Prince pt12
Dark Prince pt13
Dark Prince pt14
Dark Prince pt15
Dark Prince pt16
Dark Prince pt17
Dark Prince pt18
Dark Prince pt19
Dark Prince pt 20
Dark Prince pt21
Dark Prince pt22
Dark Prince pt23
Dark Prince pt24
Dark Prince pt25
Paradox Pt2
Paradox Pt3
Tom Holland fanfics:
Spidey Senses
(One Shot)
39 notes · View notes
envision-fandom · 7 years
Teen Wolf fanfics: 
Isaac Lahey-
Asa Butterfield fanfics: 
Otis Milburn- 
More than meets the eye
Harry Potter fanfics:
Teddy Lupin-
(One shot)
Tom Riddle- 
Sacrifices pt2
Oliver Wood-
He’s a Keeper
He’s a Keeper Pt2
He’s a Keeper Pt3
He’s a Keeper Pt4
Newt Scamander-
Framed Attraction
Framed Attraction Pt2
Framed Attraction Pt3
Framed Attraction Pt4
Framed Attraction Pt5
Draco Malfoy-
Boy with a thorn in his side
(One shot)
Tough Love
Tough Love Pt2
Tough Love Pt3
Tough Love Pt4
Tough Love Pt5
Tough Love Pt6
Darkest Desire
Fred Weasley-
Counter attack
(One shot)
(One shot)
Red Is the Warmest colour
Red Is the Warmest colour Pt2
Red is the Warmest colour Pt3
Soul Keeper Pt1
Soul Keeper Pt2
Soul Keeper Pt3
Soul Keeper Pt4
Soul Keeper Pt5
Double Trouble
(One shot)
A Special Kind of Magic pt1
A Special Kind of Magic pt2
A Special Kind of Magic pt3
A Special Kind of Magic pt4
A Special Kind of Magic pt5
A Special Kind of Magic pt6
A Special Kind of Magic pt7
A Special Kind of Magic pt8
A Special Kind of Magic pt9 
George Weasley-
Counter Attack
(One shot)
 Opposites Attract pt1
Opposites Attract pt2
Opposites Attract pt3
Double Trouble
(One shot)
Thomas Brodie Sangster fanfics:
Christmas suprise
Jojen Reed (Game of Thrones)-
Bring me to life
Whitey Winn (Godless)-
Deputy pt2
Deputy pt3
The vow
The vow pt2
The Hunt
The Hunt pt2
The Hunt pt3
Newt (The Maze Runner) -
The Secrets we Keep (one-shot)
The Maze Lover 
The Maze Lover pt2
The Maze Lover pt3
The Maze Lover pt4
The Maze Lover pt5
The Maze Lover pt6
The Maze Lover pt7
The Maze Lover pt8
Trapped pt2
Trapped pt3
Trapped pt4
Trapped pt5
Trapped pt6
Trapped pt7
Trapped pt8
Trapped pt9
Trapped pt10
Trapped pt11
Trapped pt12
Trapped pt13
Trapped pt14
Once Upon a Time fanfics:
Peter Pan-
Conquest pt.2
Conquest pt.3
(One shot)
Reputation pt2
Reputation pt3
Reputation pt4
Paradox Pt2
Paradox Pt3
Pan pt2
Pan pt3
Pan pt4
Pan pt5
Pan pt6
Pan pt7
Pan pt8
Pan pt9
Pan pt10
Pan pt11
Pan pt12
Pan pt13
Pan pt14
End Game 
End game Pt2
End game Pt3
End game Pt4
End game Pt5
End game pt6
End game pt7
End game pt8
End game pt9
End game pt10
End game pt11
End game pt12
End game pt13
End game pt14
End game pt15
End game pt16
Dark Prince pt1
Dark Prince pt2
Dark Prince pt3
Dark Prince pt4
Dark Prince pt5
Dark Prince pt6
Dark Prince pt7
Dark Prince pt8
Dark Prince pt9
Dark Prince pt10
Dark Prince pt11
Dark Prince pt12
Dark Prince pt13
Dark Prince pt14
Dark Prince pt15
Dark Prince pt16
Dark Prince pt17
Dark Prince pt18
Dark Prince pt19
Dark Prince pt 20
Dark Prince pt21
Dark Prince pt22
Dark Prince pt23
Dark Prince pt24
Dark Prince pt25
Paradox Pt2
Paradox Pt3
Tom Holland fanfics: 
Spidey Senses
(One Shot)
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