ardynzunia · 8 months
"Here, eat your fill of that - I'll take what's left."
"This gruel is probably the best thing I ever ate, but you don't have to sacrifice your bowl. You’re doing all the hard work now we are out of Avernus," He laughed. "Besides, I think I'll do good to finish one. I don't think I've ever eaten this much."
He pushes the extra food back into Karlach's hands. He's not lying, just the one bowl has left him feeling very full. Besides, they might not be in the hells anymore, but he's still going to protect her. She's safer raging with a full belly, he knows.
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butterflynoemi · 6 months
ostatni otka preztalam sie kontrolowac, widze ze tyhe w chuj i pewnie waze juz z 53 kg jakues kurwa nawwt nie mams kly na to wszystko nie chce jszc nie cchce kurwa zyc nic nie. chche mam dosc czemu nie moge byc chuda ja pierodle zabije sie kurwa
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pszeudoertelmisegi · 1 year
Nincs valami tudományos tinder? Ha matcheltek a tudományos cv és a kutatási témák alapján (akár többen is), akkor pályázhattok közösen OTKA-ra?
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mtahooligans · 2 years
Palkovicstalanítás. Mondjuk az OTKA-t még mindig nem írták ki.
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year
BG3 playthrough: still stuck in the Tiefling camp, and an amazing roleplay experience
First some quick notes, but then I want to talk about how this game is really making me get into *actual* roleplaying in a way I’ve never had a game do to me before. (I’m not sure why my phone keeps capitalizing Tiefling and I’m too lazy to correct it)
First of all: I am never going to leave this Tiefling camp, there’s too much to do and too many people to talk to. The Absolute is going to overrun Faerûn and I am going to still be sitting here having gruel with Otka and playing my violin for the kids.
What am I going to do if I run across another area that makes me this emotionally invested?? It is going to take me years to finish this game at this rate!!! (Well, this week I’ve had a bit less time to play though, which has also really slowed the progress down)
Hey a quick note: there was a little glitch for me with the Auntie Ethel conversation. I introduced myself to her as my tav, and got Astarion’s approval when I told her about our tadpoles, because he thinks it’s delightful how demented she seems. Then I talked to her again using a different character, got the same conversation, and got a SECOND Astarion approval. (Didn’t work again with subsequent tries) Someone told me you can do something similar when you pet scratch. Nice little bonus.
Ok anyways the main thing I wanted to talk about was the crazy fact that I am actually roleplaying in this game, getting emotionally involved, and legitimately able to make what feels like natural and realistic decisions based on what my character would actually do, rather than… you know… interacting with the game feeling very much like a player. Oh ok, here’s the conversation, here’s the normal dialogue option, here’s the smart dialogue option if my talk stats are good, and here’s the evil option, which is always bad to choose because it messes up your game. And I know, because I am a player playing a game, I should pick the normal option. This is how games always go.
Me and my friend were talking about our extremely different reactions we had to the Druids in the Emerald grove, and why.
So the Druids have been letting the Tiefling refugees stay there, but the welcome is wearing thin. Supplies are running low and goblins keep trying to attack. Now with the old leader of the Druids missing, the next highest in command wants to finally kick these Tieflings out. The current leader is creepy and militant, but mostly the other Druids range from “following orders” to “ok-ish”.
You have been told Nettie the healer might be able to help remove your tadpoles. She’s being a little evasive at first, but it’s because mindflayer infection is serious business and she wants to protect her people. After she realizes you are not going to be a threat, she confesses that unfortunately she actually doesn’t have a way to heal you. Their absent leader might though. She gives you a vial of poison and says she needs you to swear to take the poison if you start to change into a mindflayer, because if you transform in the middle of this grove you are going to kill everyone. You must swear: if you don’t directly swear it to her, she will become hostile and start a fight.
My friend who is playing is terrified of transforming into a mindflayer, and he likes Nettie, so he took the poison and promised sincerely.
In a normal game this would be the “good” route and the one I would normally take, because I am a computer game player playing a computer game and the goal of the computer game is to make the good numbers go up. Right?
My experience of the grove though has been very different from my friend’s. I am playing as a dark urge seldarine drow who is trying to be a nice guy. The Druids have been rude and racist to my character, which I’m sure he’s used to, but the contrast between that and how the Tieflings are friendly and welcoming to me is very noticeable. I had a conversation with the pickpocket kids about how people say lies and racist stuff about Tieflings too, just like they do with the drow. My character has been spending so much time getting to know the Tieflings in the grove, mediating arguments, playing with all the naughty Tiefling children, doing sleight of hand tricks for them, watching them pet Wyll’s cat familiar. (I need to be really clear, I’m not simply imaging that these activities are happening, this is flavour that is actually programmed into the game, ie the kids do literally follow around my cat and make comments about it)
So I get farther into the grove and find some frantic Tiefling parents being held back by Druid guards. Their daughter has been taken away because she stole something, (which she only stole because she thought it would prevent the Tieflings from getting kicked out of the grove, and anyway, it’s since been returned.) and they won’t let them see her. The Druid guards are, as always, being rude and racist to me, and my tav is getting angry at the way the Druids are treating his new friends.
So he goes to talk to the Druid leader, and is absolutely shocked to find she is threatening a Tiefling child with a venomous snake. Yes the kid stole something but I have to say again: she stole it because they are going to die on the road if they get kicked out, and the damned item was returned anyways. The leader is a real nasty piece of work, and when she saw me she even said that she feels this must be a good omen, having a blessed child of lolth visit their grove!!! First of all, yikes lady, but also: Lolth-sworn drow are different from seldarine, my kind rebels against the more brutal and merciless lolth-sworn, this was NOT a good comment to make to my character. By this point in time, my tav is absolutely fucking done with these fucking Druids. Yes, objectively speaking, most of the Druids are not terrible and I can see their point, but I felt like my tav in this specific situation would be feeling quite angry and hostile at this point.
So then we get to Nettie. The very first words out of her mouth to me are that the last time she saw a drow, it tried to cut open her belly, and did I have any plans of doing the same? She brings us into the back and there is a goddamned dead drow laid out on her table. I guess it attacked them and they’re studying it because it also had a tadpole infection but goddamn.
She is being evasive and asking a ton of questions. She confesses that if she decided she didn’t like us, she was going to poison us with this little thorn branch she was holding. Then she holds out the poison and demands that I swear to take it.
As a player, I know the best option is to swear, just to get her to shut up. It makes the good numbers go up, and that’s what it’s all about, right?
But my tav in that moment - I felt like he would have absolutely lost his goddamned temper. I’m doing a dark urge run and he’s trying his hardest to not hurt people horribly, but this has pushed him over the edge of his patience. The Druids have been shit to him, shit to the people he’s come to like so much, they’re dissecting another goddamned drow over in the corner, and this woman is sticking poison in his face and telling him to swear to her that he’ll kill himself. He told her fine he’ll take it, but she says that’s not enough, you need to SWEAR to me. You know what? No, he’s not! He refused, she started a fight and attacked us first, and I switched to non-lethal damage and I knocked her out.
This wasn’t just me making a fun decision on my own, like, oh: I have decided on my own, because there’s no game dialogue for this, that my stardew valley farmer is lonesome and feels like an outsider which is why she gets along with Elliott. This is like. Actual things happening within the game that are provoking a legitimate emotional response from me, and I am able to respond to it in a realistic way. When Kagha called me a blessed child of lolth, I had dialogue options to be offended by it.
I am, once again, just absolutely blown away. My friend and me were talking about how we’re both playing “good” characters but how our game experiences still have been so different that we had completely different reactions.
I think that’s absolutely amazing. I can’t remember any game I have ever played ever where I was able to actually get into the roleplaying aspect as much as this, and feel like I was making choices totally based on what my character would do, because this situation was utterly unique to the experience of my friend who is playing the exact same game.
I’ve only really scratched the surface of act 1 here. What the heck else is going to happen by the end?
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from the Russian Wikipedia article on Plants, transliterated with Latrus, excluding the letter "Ë"
Aktura Akty Aminät Amiä Aniä Anym Anäm Aplorga Apoväzii Ariohrok Arnyh Arnymi Arsta Avßij Azovak Azuüt Azuütsä...
Castaniä Caüt Caütsä Caüßih Chlor Coplok Cycaüßaä Dinskom Disly Docnoj Dorofnyj Dorosno Dovanyh Dovkimyh Druwu Druü Dvikot Dviroj Dyvaütsä Ekoj Ekom Ekov Ekovivuh Endi Endiki Endinti Epity Etor Etornym Etosok Etoät Euka Eukal Fiki Flois Fornij Fospor Fotno Fotomami Fovo Frastom Fruxany Funa Funiä Gami Gamörd Ganikist Ganit Gato Gazryto Gicasny Glasnogo Glücani Gnoj Godom Grazli Grodnyj Hanih Harazla Harovaä Himym Hlov Hocast Hodnoj Hoxaßij Hoxnyj Hvozduka Imbioty Inarah Irugo Islo Izami Izbytoät Izii Iziä Izkiv Iznobaä Izov Izrugih Izvo Kali Kannyh Kanäm Karotro Kaäms Kaütst Klastyh Kliä Klogovym Klorovyh Klovaniä Klüdana Klüqiki Kolonogo Kormami Kotli Kotsä Kovatnym Kovsko Koväzii Krazdu Krazna Kruü Kuli Kuoli Kupora Lago Lilo Lögkaz Lönyj Mast Mastrotu Mativnym Mawnoj Mhim Mhisah Mnoj Mnov Mnyh Mogo Momi Morov Mosä Movlä Moxuütsä Möbolä Nacaüt Nada Nahari Nahma Naku Nasifit Nazy Naäm Nihsä Nikih Nikol Nogatomi Nomi Novnyj Nuto Nuüt Obaznyh Obny Obnyh Obol Obolost Oborgi Odah Odal Odino Odkazm Odnaukaä Odnyj Odnymi Odov Odovo Odyvaüt Odywaf Odät Oknulina Oniqy Oniä Oobytomi Ophyta Ophytami Ophytko Opyl Orgi Ormi Orminogo Orofnogo Orosov Oryh Osit Oslom Osovym Ostrosy Ostvol Ostvoßaä Osty Otaä Otiviti Otivyh Otka Otki Otku Otli Otnii Otnika Otnikom Otno Otnoj Otnyh Otorga Otoät Otrat Otsä Otut Ovaä Padahimi Padyvaüt Paliny Pastik Pigo Pinä Pitah Pißno Pißuüt Planno Plasta Plauktoj Plirugla Plormi Plov Pläüt Pocnyh Podkory Podnyh Podnymi Podqarst Podäßaä Pohol Pokoj Pokonny Polnoj Polorov Pomyw Ponerom Porga Pormi Pornyj Pornäm Porofnoj Porosnom Pory Posil Posill Posly Posno Posnostv Posnov Posnyh Post Postak Postam Postami Potli Poäßij Pridniü Prii Prinkami Priono Prissa Prist Pristv Prisä Privanii Priä Prodnimi Profotv Proidno Proj Prok Promi Prostvös Protsä Proumu Provalsä Provlöno Prozy Prämi Präminät Pterii Puss Pännuü Qarii Qati Qiämi Rabxa Rabxanim Ranii Raniä Rannyh Rasti Rasty Ravakol Razaßaä Razirod Razli Razniämi Razoizno Razonii Razy Raßaä Rine Rionii Rofny Rosnyh Rotolis Rotvom Rupol Sadyval Sahmaüt Sami Silovnym Simi Sina Sinaä Sinki Sino Sinodu Sisäcast Skinabaz Skiva Slotnii Sloßnym Snogo Sobotv Socvaüt Sodiaqiä Sodnyh Sodät Sogodkaä Sokaqiä Sokaty Soki Sokruü Solnimb Solovat Solyj Soniä Soobu Soqii Sostipoe Sovyj Sozoj Spocnyh Spok Spol Spoloki Spost Spovika Spovyh Staktoät Stal Stavami Stniäh Stniü Stny Stnym Stormi Stovat Subst Sutsä Svoj Svoßaä Svätoj Sväza Sväzit Taniü Tati Tatmotra Tiva Tklaukih Tkovkih Tocno Torga Totli Trov Trämi Tuny Tuüsä Tuüßi Tvuü Ucanyh Ucasta Udnaä Ugannyh Ugla Uliroist Uniü Unka Vanabaä Vidinät Vidiä Vinaraz Viqy Vixnoj Vodanno Vodit Vodnäm Vogo Vovaütsä Vozy Vozyvat Vpovoj Vstänny Vtofil Vycaütsä Vymi Vystaniä Vytostv Wimi Winym Winymi Wiroto Xgut Xirovil Xivami Xivaniü Xivat Xivno Xivnyh Xivnym Xivysov Xizmnyj Xizna Xizvlä Zaqiolo Zaralo Zaroduki Zoizul Zuüt Ädkonah Äjskomi Üxnät
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Otka: Hey coral,truth or dare?
Coral: you've been KIDNAPPED.
Coral: dare.
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wintro · 2 years
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Kamu F&B Business Owner dan ingin bikin bisnismu "naik kelas" lewat social media? Pas banget, kamu wajib datang kesini👉🏻 Yuk hadir di acara kolaborasi Opaper bersama UKM Bolo Dewe: "Singgah di TatapMuka Coffee, Maksimalkan Social Media Marketing Untuk Upselling Bisnis Kuliner". Kosongkan jadwalmu, mari singgah bersama👇🏼 ✨ Agung Otka (Certified Digital Marketer & Founder @otkadigital.id) ✨ Helen Novy (Merchant Acquisition Specialist of Opaper) 📆 Jumat, 17 Maret 2023 🕘 18.00 WIB - selesai 📍 Tatap Muka Coffee & Eatery, Jalan Cinde Barat Raya No.14, Semarang ⚡ Free Acrylics for new users of Opaper (at Tatap Muka) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpod31-SEqC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alsyed150 · 2 years
food an foods.Best dinner for with otka. Liver. Olive and dinner family ...
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timegearremix · 4 years
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you get the feeling something...
No... Some one....
Is watching you.
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vége a nyárnak, megint esik
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binaryblogger · 6 years
Facebook To Buy A Cybersecurity Company? Who Could It Be?
Facebook To Buy A Cybersecurity Company? Who Could It Be?
Facebook announced that they are looking to acquire a cybersecurity firm by the end of the year. The news reports are connecting this move as a result from the ‘breach’ Facebook suffered this year and the privacy fiasco from last year. I am not aligned with that connection. Companies have security problems all the time and the follow-up from a breach is to make investments in security solutions,…
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zeroz2ro · 2 years
Dr. Radics Kornélia
Radics Kornélia Nagykanizsán született 1973. június 29-én. A középiskola elvégzése után az ELTE Meteorológus Szakán folytatta tanulmányait. 1997-ben meteorológus, 1999-ben csillagász oklevelet szerzett. Már az első diploma kézhezvétele után jelentkezett az ELTE Földtudományi Doktori Iskolájának Földrajz-Meteorológia doktori programjára. PhD fokozatát 2004-ben "A szélenergia hasznosításának lehetőségei Magyarországon: hazánk szélklímája, a rendelkezésre álló szélenergia becslése és modellezése" témájú doktori dolgozatával szerezte meg.
2001-től a Magyar Honvédség Meteorológiai Szolgálat Információtechnikai és Koordinációs Osztályán 2007-től az MH Geoinformációs Szolgálat, Időjárás Előrejelző és Szakkiképzési Osztályán töltötte be a meteorológus főtiszti, majd osztályvezető-helyettesi pozíciót.
1997-ben kezdte oktatói pályafutását a tanulmányai mellett. Az ELTE Meteorológiai Tanszékén Klimatológia, Válogatott fejezetek a matematikából, Bevezezés a meteorológiába, Katonai meteorológia, Repülésmeteorológia tárgyakat oktatta, s részt vett különböző szaktanfolyamok oktatási tevékenységében az Alkalmazott meteorológia, Általános meteorológia, Klimatológia tárgyak ismereteinek átadásával.
Egyetemi évei alatt számos hazai és külföldi ösztöndíjat nyert. 1995-ben a Soros Alapítvány Ösztöndíjával az International Conference of Physics Students rendezvényén vett részt Koppenhágában; 1995-ben IAESTE ösztöndíjjal 3 hónapot Brazíliában a sao paulo-i egyetemen; 1998-ban egy hónapot az European Science Foundation ösztöndíjával Svédorszában, Bornö-ben; az European Research Course on Atmospheres keretében pedig 1 hónapot a franciaországi Grenoble-ban töltött. 1999-ben kétszer 3 hónapot töltött a University of Uppsalan, Svédországban ERASMUS ösztöndíjjal, illetve egy posztgraduális kurzus keretében, majd 1 hónapot Spanyolországban, Palma de Mallorcan European Science Foundation ösztöndíjjal. 2002-ben NATO ösztöndíjjal Párizsban, majd Nagy-Britanniában, Manchesterben vett részt nemzetközi konferenciákon.
Kiváló tanulmányi eredményeit, kutatómunkáját, a szakmai feladatok színvonalas ellátását díjak, elismerések, ösztöndíjak tükrözik. A Magyar Meteorológiai Társaság 1996-ben Hille Alfréd Díjjal, 2005-ben Róna Zsigmond Ifjúsági Díjjal tüntette ki. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Pro Scientia Aranyérmét 1997-ben kapta meg, majd elnyerte az MTA Bolyai János Kutatási Ösztöndíját a 2005 és 2011 közötti időszakra.
A Honvédelmi Minisztérium Honvéd Vezérkar főnökétől 2005-ben kapott Emlékplakettet, 2007-ben a Szolgálati Érdemjel bronz fokozatát, 2011-ben a Tiszti Szolgálati Jel III. fokozatát, 2012-ben a Szolgálati Érdemjel ezüst fokozatát kapta.
Szakmai munkája elismeréseként 2013-ban a vidékfejlesztési miniszter Pro Meteorologia Emlékplakettet adományozott számára.
1995-től 12 kutatási projekt munkájában vett részt (OTKA, COST, EU). A legfontosabb kutatási témák ezeken belül: szélklíma, klímaváltozás, szélenergia, megújuló energiaforrások, levegőkörnyezeti elemzések. 2013 novemberében nevezték ki az Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat elnökének. A Meteorológiai Világszervezet VI. régiója (Európa, Közel-Kelet és Kaukázus térsége, WMO RA VI) a 2021–2025-ös időszakra elnökének választotta. 2022. augusztus 22-én Palkovics miniszter kirúgta mert az előrejelzések ellenére nem esett az eső Budapesten augusztus 20-án este.
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matetikus · 2 years
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Coral: I spat in your glasses,as you know,my spit is pure acid and venom. If you drink it-
Otka: YOLO
Coral: wait WHAT-
Akino: WHAT-
Otka,in the ER: worth...
Coral: I wish that poison and acid went straight to your arteries.
Akino: I thought you two were - whatever. I hate gay people.
Coral: what?
Akino: I said I love gay people.
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avengers-rule103 · 3 years
i have it set in my phone that when i type "Otka" my phone automatically corrects it to Otkazat’sya because i knew i'd never remember how to spell it 😂
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