#otp: leia and han
milquetoast-on-acid · 2 years
I love that Joyce and Hopper's romance is completely ass backwards. Acting married without actually being married. Mom and dad to a kid they didn't have. A couple who hasn't gone on their first date. Living together with their kids without having actually dated.
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This pic is art!
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fabuloustrash05 · 10 months
My favorite trio trope is “the main character who is also the 3rd wheel”
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geonij31 · 10 months
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Han has a rap sheet that could wrap around the Death Star twice- Leia is only just becoming bc familiar with the arm of the “law”
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I just realized I never posted this here I only posted it on Instagram what is wrong with me.
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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Imperial High Prince Skywalker and Darth Amidala
Another early draft of cover art that caro and I have been working on since we finished posting ‘warrior’. <3 These two are only one part of the final cover, so I wanted to share a higher-quality version.
(Sidenote: I’m absolutely in love with the way Phil Noto draws these two. For reference, here are links to both originals.) 
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This popped into my head last night and now I can't shake it. Anyone else here think there is something so oddly familiar about an enemies to friends to lovers relationship between a scoundrel who flits from one job to the next in a vintage starship with an alien companion he's extremely close to (surviving on 70% luck and 30% skill) and a warrior princess with a bitchy attitude who lost her planet and is leading a rebellion against the Empire? No? Just me, huh.
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bethanyactually · 10 months
this is the kind of hug I would like for all my ships:
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No recent brushes with death, they're both just happy to be with the person they love (and saving the galaxy) and wanted to hug about it.
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alexa-santi-author · 2 months
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Happy May the Fourth, everyone.
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otterandterrier · 5 months
💕 14 Days of Scoundress 2024 💕
Welcome to this insane thing I decided to do like three days ago! Every day until Valentine's Day I'm going to post a mystery Han/Leia thing. This is the masterlist post, and I'm going to update it with a link as each day is revealed, so you can't reblog this until the end. I hope you guys enjoy it, and more importantly, I hope I can make it!
ETA: It's complete!! Happy Valentine's Day!
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otterandterrier’s fics: bedroom hymns
A thematic self-rec list.
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Ignite my circuits and start a flame Anthology of shorts based on prompts, going from before ESB to after RotJ (not all are smutty). [wc 9,587, E, 2019]
What it takes to come alive Pre-ESB - Han and Leia decide to take a last chance while trapped and surrounded by hungry monsters. [wc 4,884, E, 2020]
keep with me forward (all through the night) Pre-ESB - After kissing during an undercover mission, Han and Leia struggle to ignore their feelings as they infiltrate a masquerade gala [wc 19,716, E, 2019]
All work and no play Pre-ESB - Secretly showering together in the communal 'fresher on base. [wc 2,924, E, 2021]
Night at the Grand Regent Hotel Sex pollen fic, set during the comic "Rebels and Rogues". [wc 7,854, E, 2022]
A lesson ESB - Leia shows Han what she likes on the trip to Bespin. (this fic is outdated to what I think today, but it was a big deal to me at the time) [wc 710, M, 2017]
Not quite dirty talk ESB - During the trip to Bespin, Leia accidentally shuts Han out. Luckily, he knows how to draw her out of her shell again. [wc 2,354, E, 2023]
Dreamscape ESB - Last night together in Cloud City. [wc 986, M, 2018]
the static of your arms, it is the catalyst RotJ - Reunion sex and feelings after Han is released from the medcenter [wc 3,995, E, 2020]
Alone time Post-RotJ - Han and Leia find some alone time in a ‘fresher (again) [wc 1,792, E, 2018]
Something's electric in your blood Post-RotJ - A walk on the beach is interrupted by a storm, and Han and Leia wait it out in a cave. [wc 3,529, E, 2017]
The best right in a million wrongs Smutty follow-up to the book “Last Shot”. [wc 4,479, E, 2022]
Leather and lace Post-RotJ - While Han rambles on about the Millennium Falcon, Leia decides to let him know how much he turns her on. [wc 1,885, E, 2019]
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venoooo · 3 months
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vivan los novios ♡
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milquetoast-on-acid · 2 years
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I love the fact that both Joyce and Hopper got pretty for each other. Joyce did her makeup and curled her hair. That Hopper refused to let Dimitri hit him in the face because he knew he was going to see Joyce. Dimitri calls him out on this because every other time he told him to hit him in the face.
But listen! All of this is made better by the fact that when they do finally hook-up they had just crawled through miles of shit tunnel. They are dirty, they stink, Joyce's hair has completely uncurled. But none of that shit actually matters when it comes down to it. They were going to bone like there's no tomorrow no matter what they looked like.
🔥🥹 That's true love baby!
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walkawaytall · 11 months
Han Solo wasn't invited to join in a game of Bounty Hunter -- not that he cares. But everything changes when a certain princess asks for aid during the final hours of the game.
Vague Hoth time period when people aren't yelling at each other.
Written for @yearoftheotpevent - August prompt: “You’re The Only One I Could Turn To For Help”.
Han’s expression soured. “You didn’t think I might want a say in who’s helpin’ with a run?” he asked.
“I did, which is why I said you should be allowed to play,” Leia said, tapping her fingers on her thigh gently. “I was going to abstain from playing. It didn’t seem…” She shrugged. “Fair, I suppose. But when I suggested you have a chance to choose who goes with you if you won, the Rogues threw a fit. Accused me of wanting to include you because they are convinced you’d choose me to go with you. They said I wanted you in the game because it was the only chance I had to get off-planet since there was no way I’d win on my own.” Leia paused. She seemed a bit embarrassed, but quickly slid into her prim persona, smoothing out a wrinkle at the knee of her snowsuit delicately. “So, now I have to destroy them.”
Han laughed despite himself. She said it as if it were the only obvious conclusion — though for Leia, it easily might be. Still, he was annoyed that the consequences of this game were going to affect him without his input.
“Still don’t like that I’m not gettin’ to even veto,” he said, the irritation clear in his tone. “What if Janson won, huh? We’d go on the run, wouldn’t even make it halfway there probly, I’d come back with no supplies, Janson’s dead, now I’m wanted for murder—”
Leia snorted and sipped her caf again, eyes crinkling mischievously. “That wouldn’t have happened,” she assured him. “Wes never stood a chance.” At Han’s incredulous look, she added, “I am very good at Bounty Hunter. I have years of experience.”
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soloorganaas · 8 months
happy birthday to our beloved space mom 💗 carrie is truly the only reason I was able to accept, learn to cope with and eventually embrace being bipolar. when I get scared about where my illness might take me I think of her and her strength, and it’s like a rock to cling to in a stormy sea
being bipolar is so intrinsic to who she is it shines through in her portrayal of leia in a way that is so unique and beautiful and sometimes terrifying. there’s no character in the world like leia and I love exploring how the shades of manic depression we see in her shape how extraordinary she is. so on carrie’s birthday I’m re-sharing this fic about how bipolar leia, han and the rebellion all collide together
It set them off on some runaway train of desire, and if Leia was riding a high then Han was being dragged along with her. But he would always dive in, headfirst, where she was concerned.
He knew, in the back of his mind, he knew it wasn’t going to last. The ever-present cloud hanging over them all reminded him of that. The terrifying threat of the Empire blurred into the increasing bounty on his head which somehow hid the fear that was actually keeping Han up at night.
He simply couldn’t believe Leia would be like this with him forever.
That was a fear so heart-breaking he could barely acknowledge even inside his own head. The worry that her feelings, as sincere as they were, were intensified by the high she was on – that she was letting herself lose control, release some tension. That at some point they would simply burn out, and she wouldn’t need him anymore.
(Han didn’t realise how badly he wanted her to need him, and not just his help for the Rebellion, until she had curled up contentedly on his chest that first night in the Falcon.)
Nothing was permanent, though – not in the Rebellion, not with Leia. Han knew by now that at some point she would crash, almost into herself, as if every ounce of light had been drained from her. Suddenly she would be listless, withdrawn, barely interested in talking, and… he didn’t know what he’d do if he woke up one day to indifference from her.
read the rest here
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geonij31 · 11 months
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The Lovers 💫
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myfandomistingling · 2 years
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