#otp: the song an the howl
partiallypearl · 4 days
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happy birthday @ceruleanmusings! you are such an amazing human,, and i adore you so much. hope today was full of simple plan songs, all the anime references and you getting to boss your sisters around. love you!!
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ceruleanmusings · 3 days
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nocandnc · 2 months
Waiter waiter! 27, 9 ,8 ,7,6 for kafmina please!😉
Yes!!! Thank you for the Kafka x Mina love, and sorry for the long wait - I didn't want to rush through it >.<;;;
OTP Questions for KafMina, order up!!
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Kafka takes pictures of Mina sleeping, and Mina takes pictures of Bakko sleeping. Not that Kafka's jealous or anything—
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
In a normal setting, Mina is the one to confess first. They're not even doing anything particularly romantic. She just looks over at him on some peaceful afternoon and the words slip out like an afterthought.
"I love you" she breathes. Kafka jerks his head towards her, thinking he must be hearing things. "What?" Mina quickly returns to her lunch or book or whatever mundane task she'd been attending to seconds prior. "Nothing." "No, no, you totally just said...!" After a stretch of silence, the woman peeks at him again. "Just said...?" "I..." Kafka shifts awkwardly but holds her gaze. "'I love you'..." "Oh, well - I love you too, Kafka." The man puts both hands to his burning face, a muffled 'no fair' floating through the air along with Mina's laughter.
When things aren't peaceful - when it's bloody and chaotic and gone completely to hell - that's when Kafka says it first. He tries to tell Mina to run, to protect herself. That she can't be risking it all here when he cannot handle it himself.
Mina turns to him, eyes burning. "What give you the right to make that call!?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!" The declaration takes the form of a howl in his current form, words vibrating through the throat of Kaiju No. 8 with a dangerous amount of force. Captain Mina Ashiro stumbles slightly, ears ringing from the unexpected blast of sound aimed in her direction. The man-turned-kaiju puts a clawed hand to vicious teeth, shocked by his own lack of control on multiple levels. Mina finds her footing. "And I love you" she shoots back, gun already reloaded. "So don't act like you're the only one who gets a say in this."
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Kafka loves to see Mina wearing his clothes, her lithe form all but swallowed in an access of fabric with his name on it - and Mina loves wearing them - though it's a shame they can never quite get the kaiju smell out.
Kafka never takes Mina's shirts of course, but he has stolen her fuzzy kitty socks on occasion.
"What!?" he challenges her incredulous stare. "They're one-size-fits-all!!"
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Mina wakes him up after her nightmares pile up for too many nights. Her body is cold and and clammy with sweat, but Kafka wraps his warm arms around her without hesitation. He tells her about the cool dream he was having moments ago - one where everyone is happy and safe, because together they can make that happen - to lull her back to sleep.
It's Kafka's singing that wakes her back up in the morning - off-key notes seeping through the walls of their bathroom as he belts out a cheesy 80's song in the shower.
27) Who orders take out at two in the morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
They both eat at unusual hours given the nature of their work, but Kafka is the only one ordering takeout. Try as she might to deter him, Mina can't deny that there's a comfort to eating junk-food now and then. Indulging in things they shouldn't eat at an hour they shouldn't be awake, laughing and sharing stories about their day... it almost feels like they're kids again.
They settle into bed a few hours later, sleeping contently...
...Or so Mina thinks, only to be roused by a nudge to the shoulder. She has to come with him to get a glass of water, Kafka insists, because going to get a glass of water means walking past Bakko on the stairs - and in classic feline fashion, they never fail to take a swipe at him if Mina isn't close behind.
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scotty-scott of howl fame
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ah yes, my icon. my muse. my silly rabbit.
favorite thing about them - his tits on a meta level, i think what i appreciate most about scott is that it feels as though he was bio-engineered in a lab to be specifically catered to me. hairy, bearded, muscular, jockish, funny, kind, endlessly optimistic, stupid as hell, AND has canonically committed multiple atrocities as a big, sexy werewolf? be still, my beating heart. i feel like the monster prom creators stalked my social media circa 2017-2018 and collectively agreed that they were gonna make a dating sim ro that would make this one specific gayboy so, SO happy.
least favorite thing about them - also on a meta level. look. im not a nasty little hater (except when i am), but i have to admit that the writers are CONSTANTLY shoving him to the side in favor of the rest of the cast. even in his own game, Monster Roadtrip, a majority of the events tend to lean on polly being the center-focus with scott acting as her sidekick. this was esp apparent in the End of the Road ending where Polly was basically the main character while Scott was also There (sort of). ill admit i partially understand this since polly is generally a more active character while scott is more reactive, but still, id love to see my boy get his kudos
favorite line - there's so many good ones but im just gonna with one based on a recent screenshot i took: "I really like macaroni, but I'm not allowed to boil water by myself, so I just eat the noodles raw."
brOTP - DA PRANK MASTERZ BABEY!!! Scott is my fav MP character and Polly is my second fav, so you it's only natural that I'd be obsessed with their dynamic. canonically bimbo and himbo besties.
OTP - Scott howl x ME!! i like him and brian a lot, i think they're cute. im a sucker for jock x jock and golden retriever x constantly tired so the two of them manage to hit a sweet spot for me.
nOTP - the game keeps trying to push scott x vicky or scott x amira and like, im sorry, but trying to get me to ship Bara Icon Scott Howl with women? im calling homophobia. besides im more of a vicky x vera and amira x damien guy so on all fronts those ships just dont really appeal to me
random headcanon - for reasons i cant disclose this has been canonically refuted but i always pictured scott's grandma as one of those very classic horror movie werewolves- all fangs, all carnage, very little sexy (unless you're into that sort of thing, in which case, hey. you do you). she used to be the alpha of the pack back in her day and was an absolute menace to monster society, until she got a little older and settled down. still, she secretly craves the old days when monsters could be monsters, and keeps trying to convince scott to embrace his more animalistic side, even though he keeps telling her that murder isnt actually really mean and you probably shouldn't do it.
unpopular opinion - the monster prom fandom doesnt really have that much discourse so i dont know whats an unpopular opinion vs what isnt. uuuh i think scott should have won that popularity poll back when monster prom was still getting updates and gotten the new secret ending instead of damien's "punch the sun" ending
song i associate with them - this was on a scott howl playlist and i like it so uh. through and through by khai dreams
favorite picture of them - obv my pfp pic is one of my favs but here are a collection of Certified Scott Images
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and some fav outfits:
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elrondhalfelven · 5 months
Adam Warlock!
1. favorite thing about them
he’s so fuckin weird man doesn’t even attempt to be coherent to the twerps around him sorry in advance adam is the king of comedy to me
2. least favorite thing about them
again. he’s so fuckin weird man doesn’t even attempt to be coherent to the twerps around him
3. favorite line
literally anything he said in the eidos game had me howling. why does he rhyme? idk man he’s just committed to the bit.
1. brOTP
the infinity watch pals for ever and ever and ever <3 he needs people who aren’t intimidated by him to realise what a loser he actually is
5. OTP
don’t really have one! as I’ve said I love him and gamora together. thanos x adam shippers have a point. he’s just a bit (very) fucked up <3
6. nOTP
i don’t have one i don’t think!
7. random headcanon
he has an odd smell. almost metallic. you can taste it in that weird way if you’re stood very close to him. you can also feel the heat coming from him.
8. unpopular opinion
i think adam should show up in more low-stakes stories. it’d be interesting! i feel like nowadays he’s so associated with thanos and the stones writers don’t wanna bring him out when the guardians go to their latest Planet of the Week. but i think him dealing with mundane shit is very funny
9. song I associate with him
unfortunately due to a running gag it is Toxic by Britney Spears
10. favorite picture of them
curly haired greek god adam is everything to me
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dahlia-noire · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me in this @theeaesthete 🥰💮
1. Favorite color(s)
Blush pink, lilac, mauve, dark foresty greens, mint
2. Any piercings?
I have 2 nose piercings & 8 ear piercings I actually wear
3. Any tattoos?
I have 4 of them
4. Favorite TV show
Hard choice, but ATLA will always be a fave
5. Favorite movie
I can't choose just one actually 😭
Lion King, Prince of Egypt, Howl's Moving Castle, and Man on Fire.
6. Celebrity crush
Don't have one tbh
7. Favorite musical artist(s)
Jhené Aiko ♡ Doja Cat ♡ UMI ♡ Raveena ♡ Baby Rose ♡ Orion Sun ♡ SZA ♡ Kid Cudi
8. Height
9. Favorite thing to do
Gaming 🎮
10. Introvert or Extrovert?
1000% introvert lol
11. Favorite book?
I really enjoyed the Red Queen Series
12. Last fanfic you've read?
Haven't read any
13. Favorite thing to drink
Water, cranberry juice, tea, and fruit smoothies
14. Favorite food
Pizza, sushi, pasta, anything my mom makes lol
15. Favorite OTP
Idk tbh
16. Favorite actor/actresses
Viola Davis ♡ Angela Bassett ♡ Donald Glover ♡ Keith David ♡ Giancarlo Esposito ♡ Pedro Pascal ♡ Queen Latifah
17. Favorite song
It's impossible for me to pick one. But I did have Stay Tru by Mereba on repeat for like a week and a half
18. Currently watching (TV)
Predators (the docu with the big cats) on Netflix
19. Last thing you googled
King Nails & Spa
20. Last song listened to
Shinkokyuu by Super Beaver
21. If you had a super power, what would it be?
I've always wanted huge angel wings, cuz I've just always loved the idea of flying and being in the clouds
I'm tagging:
@ahh-marrr-reeee @saintsilence @brattykenzx2 @khalilccrawford @narcobarbies @xscapia @rxverrieee @la-malqueridaa
(No pressure to do this btw 🤞🏽 it's for whoever wants to participate 😊✨️)
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mcalhenwrites · 1 year
Cal's original fiction writing list
Rascal Rascal With a stressful job as the breadwinner of the household, Hazel unwinds at home by surrendering control to his trustworthy partner, Ferdinand. The youngest "Raston Rascal" is under pressure to follow in his father's footsteps. It includes everything from his job to his hobbies to his lifestyle choices. But when there's a new airship being built, one that the Rastons have invested in, Hazel finds a growing interest in the vessel for all the wrong reasons. Rascal Short Stories: Ravish Him Hazel Raston might have been a little drunk when he first spotted Ferdinand Aletto standing by the nearest exit of the dormitory common room. So drunk, in fact, that he snagged Sinclair’s sleeve and hissed much too loudly in his ear, “Who is he? I want to ravish him.” Specifically, Hazel wanted to rip the stranger’s buttons off his shirt with his teeth and lick his chest down to his navel until he had his cock in his mouth. Ungrateful Little Princeling The first time Hazel is ever called an Ungrateful Little Princeling. The insult follows him into adulthood, as do the unpleasant memories. Eda, Darling After her lawyers contact Willie, Edith Anne goes home to face her future ex-husband. Woeful Spring Colds Ferdinand can always count on Hazel to take care of him when he has a cold. In turn, Hazel can count on Ferdinand to paint his ass red whenever they're no longer sick. A year spent together, as always Ferdinand and Hazel are content to spend a lifetime together - even other lifetimes, if permitted. A collection of monthly prompt oneshots from Year of the OTP. all to see you smile Hazel/Ferdinand consensual whipping boy AU. Seasons Seasons Howie Liddell and his siblings are born from wishes their father made during different seasons. But as the years pass, and Howie realizes no one in his family is aging, questions arise. It has been almost two centuries since Howie was born from the first fallen leaf of autumn. His fathers continue to raise Howie and his brothers as if they were small children. When a strange woman starts to appear, mysteries about their past begin coming to light. Seasons Short Stories: Summer in Snow The cruel words and treatment chase Shannon away from home, but the person who mistreats him is the one to bring him back when he runs. Stolen Summer Songs Human babies aren't usually born from cicada shells, but this child isn't human. There are no guides for how to parent a Season, and the fathers are left to wonder exactly how to keep their child alive. The Unfinished Gift We know about the rattan cane. We’ve seen it several times. He’s threatened us numerous times with it, fetching it on occasion to send it whooshing down through air. Something to give us a sense of the impact it would have on our hides were it to land. It is always returned to the umbrella stand afterward. I don’t think he plans to wag it around as a warning this time. Summer's Storm Despair sweeps through me like howling wind. My arms ache as if fighting against the gale, and only then do I realize it’s not an emotion but a physical sensation against my skin. My magic has responded to my grief. Above me, storm clouds brew. The village boys glance up, appalled by the sudden change in the weather. They yell at one another. I can’t make out their words. Only their sense of panic. How to Love When he's little, his parents mean the world to him.But he doesn't mean the world to them.
Geckos, Automata Short Stories: Dancing Bones A glimpse into Julian's growing relationship with necromancy in his youth. Don't Julian's pleas are always silent, but one day, a stranger speaks up for him and says the words he can't. Stand-alone Short Stories: Umbrella Spider A spider with umbrellas for legs helps the local humans stay dry in bad weather, but they aren't always so kind to him. Train Cats A city with a unique tourist attraction: giant cats roam freely, and the citizens accommodate them. The Sky Market A grandmother falls in love with the woman selling crafts. Sanctuary A group of werewolves takes in and raises an abused little girl. Mish's Dolls Every doll Mish crochets and adds a heart to comes alive. Bridge of Affinity Two young girls - one a monster and the other a human - bond over their shared love of stationary and cats. Audra Grief can be consuming, but it helps when you're visited by a cat who can heal people's hearts.
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moonlit-orchid · 7 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better <3
Tagged by @itsana004, thanks bestie <3
1- Three ships
I don't have much really shippy ships XD so these might actually be my only genuine ships. Highsidershipping (Placido/Yusei qpr), Korokara (Korosensei/Karasuma), and I'm gonna have Don Thousand/Ena as the third (I hc them as Astral's parents). I'm also going to add Rio/Trey because I think that's the only other OTP I have XD
2- First ever ship
I have no idea, my ships have always been rare. I feel like maybe Danger Mouse/Penfold but then again I didn't really ship them (aside from platonically)
3-Last Song
I've had enough by Melina KB 😆 (and then immediately before that are a bunch of theme tunes from 2000s cartoons because I was playing them to annoy my mum and sister and for nostalgia)
4-Last Movie
The fact that I don't remember tells me I need to actually watch movies more often XD. Either it was Legally Blonde (I love that movie) or it was Howl's Moving Castle (I love that even more)
5- Currently reading
Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (trying to annotate it- half the annotations are me calling the characters gay BECAUSE THEY ARE OH MY GOD-) and Death Note (I have a copy of the first four volumes in one). I also have an abandoned read of Jane Eyre I should finish XD
6- Currently watching
Ohhh boyyy. Black Clover, The Apothecary Diaries, Naruto, My Hero Academia, Star Trek the Original Series, technically Yugioh Duel Monsters, and that's all I remember.
7- Currently consuming
Everything BUT the shows I'm watching /j. Okay YouTube videos of either reaction YouTubers like AugusttheDuck, or currently deep dives of frutiger aero, weirdcore, dreamcore,liminal spaces, ect.
8- Currently craving
Not at the moment but I'm sure at some point tonight I'll crave ramen as usual. I just had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup 😋
9 people to tag
@lavenderr-starrs, @kcuf-ad, @thundermarisol @pinkprimrose05 and I'm not sure who else to tag that hasn't already been tagged by this point 😅 Anyone feel free to join please!
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evilponds · 6 months
song poem challenge
tagged by @omgkalyppso !
“Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. Then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of!” soooo here we go
i'm watching from my window the curtain coming down fingers moving in a certain pattern walking up to me expecting yeah, i'm a midnight rider the berth surrounding my body, crushing every bit of bone aren't you tired of fighting? of all the money that e'er i had remember when our songs were just like praying? if you want me to stay, i'll stay darkness falls at night
i'm on my way by rhiannon giddens; redwood tree by jamie drake; dance yrself clean by ms mr; nightflyer by allison russell; bottom of the deep blue sea by missio; howl by kaye; the parting glass by hozier; the stable song by gregory alan isakov; i'm your dog by mackandgold; and moonrise by anne buckle
this felt a little incoherent tbh! but the more i look at it i think id say.. solveig probably.
shmanyways i tag @bastardwordsmith @areax @astrovagrant @moominminded @themoonshoes And You Also.
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its-hai-time · 11 months
klavier :3
ofc the man.
Favorite Thing About Him: probably the way he talks, I love how weird and slightly formal his speech is, like he's really trying to sell the whole German thing. There's also the fact that he uses 'achtung' completely incorrectly. I looooove his depth as a character but I specifically love writing his dialogue.
Least Favorite Thing: His hair is genuinely Iconic but I could NOT take it seriously my first time playing. I called him Beedrill #2 (#1 was unfortunately Kristoph)
Favorite Line: willing myself to not reread all of aa4 for this, but the "There isn't nearly enough 'tee hee!' in the world anyway." is one I think about a lot. The line where he asks Kristoph if he's spiraling out of his own control or his is also a banger.
brOTP: Klavier and Ema may rarely hang out outside of work but he genuinely tries to befriend her I think. Then she insults his hair and he considers calling her a wench for a moment. They're worsties but they're drinking buddies (only when Klavier is paying though).
OTP: obvious Klapollo. Klavier is the dramatic one who ends up breaking up with Apollo sometimes and they're both a wreck until Klavier calls him like a week later. They've done this at least twice.
nOTP: I actually don't think him and Daryan fucked. At least I'd like to think Klavier's standards are higher than that.
Random Headcanon: sir sleeps on an insane expensive mattress with a silk eyemask and a fuckton of feather down pillows with insane threadcount sheets. He sleeps like a motherfucking emperor.
Unpopular Opinion: I've said this before but I think his edges are super sanded down in the fanon. I think he's super defensive and prickly when someone insults his music career or his hair, and when things go wrong he fucking storms the place to find who's responsible. Yes he has an extremely charming persona but anger is like the one thing that gets through it.
Song I Associate With Him: RISK, RISK, RISK! by Jhariah.
Favorite image of him:
this one this one this one this one
Klavier just makes such a phenomenal Howl this post changed my brain chemistry permanently.
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tough-n-dumb · 4 months
first off, i feel like this combination of emojis writes a fic in itself lmao
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
oh man this is where having a kaz playlist and an inej playlist but no kanej playlist bites me in the ass lol i am torn between two—one tender and one messy
the tender: such great heights (iron & wine cover), the messy: howl by florence + the machine
🤷‍♀️ What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
i'm not sure if i would say this one necessarily took off, but it was more popular than i expected. so, though it isn't my most read/kudos'd fic, i'm gonna choose a kiss upon my violence (but i'm glad it got some attention because i loved writing it!)
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
hmmmm probably a sick!fic. though i guess i have kind of written them before. but like more sick. deathly ill maybe. or some kind of life or death scenario (that ends in comfort because i will happily put characters through hell but i don't think i could ever kill one without it wrecking me lol)
thank you so so much for sending these!
fanfic writer emoji asks💟
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
2, 4, 6, 8 for Mel and Isaac for the otp asks
otp asks
2. Who wants to hold the hug longer?
Isaac. Partially because it took him a while to get used to someone touching him without it ending in pain and partially because of his deep worry that something will happen and he'll lose her sooner than he's ready for and he doesn't want to forget what it feels like to hold her. (Yes he's that sappy about her, no he won't ever admit it no matter how much she pokes and prods.)
4. Who loses their keys/wallet?
Mel for sure. She has so much going on in her head and she's always on the go that it's very easy for her to put it down somewhere, get distracted by something, and end up really far away from it suddenly wondering where they are because they were just in her hand weren't they?
6. Who tried to hide the relationship from their parents?
Technically both for different reasons. Considering Isaac's parents are dead he somewhat tried to hide the relationship from Scott. Not because of disapproval or anything of the sort but because he knows if Scott knows then Melissa would know and if the sex talk was awkward with his abusive father he's so sure it's gonna be worse from a registered nurse who has his best interest at heart. Mel never hid her feelings towards Isaac from her parents but that didn't mean she was in a rush to tell them because she just knew they'd gloat with a round of "I told you so"s when she caught on that her feelings had changed. Who likes having to admit that their parents just actually might know them better than they think?
8. Who needs/gets more sleep?
Isaac does only because it takes a long time for him to stop having nightmares. Getting to sleep is the easy part for him; he's almost perpetually stuck in a cycle of staying up and being tired and then falling asleep only to stay up again when a nightmare comes around. It's the staying asleep part he has trouble with. It takes some time but after a few sessions with his therapist he can learn how to catch up. Having Mel's soothing voice quite literally put him to sleep whenever he (reluctantly) asks doesn't hurt either.
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novelmonger · 2 months
For the Random Asks Game: 3, 4, 8-10, 12, 14, 20, 22, and 23, please?
Wheeeee, lots of questions! 8D
3. traveling by train or by plane?
Train, if at all possible. I've been in far too many planes for my taste, and trains tend to be more comfortable. You don't even have to wear a seatbelt! It stays level, it's reasonably safe because it's not like there's tons of chaotic traffic every which-way, and depending on the train, there might even be a dining car! Sleeping in a train isn't much better than trying to sleep in a plane, even if you get a sleeper car, but pretty much everything else is superior other than the travel time.
4. have a scenario: you have to break someone out of prison, and you are allowed a squad of four people. they can be real or fictional. who are you picking?
Hmm...Yelena Belova, Victor Sullivan, Eilonwy, and Edward Elric. Because they all have experience related to getting someone out of prison, and because I think it would be hilarious to see them all interacting XD Eilonwy and Ed would be bickering the whole time, Sully would keep trying to hit on Yelena, and she would be the one reminding them all they have a job to do, while throwing plenty of shade herself.
8. themes and/or character dynamics in media that you are a sucker for?
BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS BROTHERS. But you know this already! Brothers who are also best friends, best friends who are basically brothers, brothers who would die for each other, especially when they say something along the lines of "we're all we've got..." ooof, I'm gone! x.x
I'm also a sucker for father-son relationships, and older brother-younger sister relationships, which for some reason are much rarer to see.
9. favorite ship? doesn’t have to be specific, could just be favorite kind of water/spacecraft.
I have zero opinions about water/spacecraft, sorry.
But for characters, my OTP is and has always been Royai <3
10. name a song with impeccable vibes.
(Okay, just to narrow it down, I'm going to have to go with the classical definition of "song" as one with words. That...doesn't narrow it down terribly well, but whatever.)
Ohhhh, there are so many to pick from, but one that just popped into my head and made me gasp just to think about it is "Kaze no Machi he" from Tsubasa Chronicle. When the music picks up around 2:30 and the other voices join in...chills. Every time.
12. favorite book sequel?
As I said with movie sequels, the best book sequels are the ones that I like even better than the first installment. And there are several of those I can think of, but one that comes to mind is Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones. Everybody talks about Howl's Moving Castle, and rightly so; it's amazing. But my favorite is the second book, not least because it does such a good job of capturing that Middle Eastern, Arabian Nights/Aladdin feel that I so love.
14. describe your current dream house.
I'd want the outside to be blue or brick. Bonus if there's ivy or other vines climbing up. Pretty flowers, maybe some fruit trees, outside. There will be mourning doves roosting in the trees. Preferably a tower room, or at least a window seat. The inside will have interesting colors on the walls, not just white or that drab neutral beige/tan everybody paints new houses these days. There won't be any major issues with plumbing or mold or vermin. I'd have my own room with purple walls, and there would also be a wood-paneled library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases, maybe with those sliding ladders even? Comfy chairs and a chaise lounge for reading, and one bookcase doubles as a door to a secret room - either for the extra-special library, or maybe that's where the video games would be. The other thing I would love would be for the house to not be...regular, exactly. There would be all these steps going up and down and weird little hallways, so you never know quite how far off the ground you are at any given time unless you look out a window. (Basically, if you've ever read a description of Bleak House, I want a modernized version of that.)
20. if you had to pick a country to live in outside of your own, which would it be?
There's a range of countries I feel reasonably confident I could learn to live in without too much trouble if I had enough of a reason to move there. There's all the English-speaking countries, of course, like Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand.... I also feel like I could live in [redacted country I grew up in], Belgium, or Japan. There would be a bigger adjustment, and again I'd want to have, like...a job in place ahead of time before moving there, and the culture shock would probably be more severe, but I think I could do it.
But if I have to pick just one? Canada, where I will be getting a house to live with @rainintheevening - at least until she meets her cowboy in shining armor truck :D
22. favorite ice cream flavor?
Bride's Cake. The only brand I know that has it is Blue Bell, and they don't always have it in the stores, so I always pounce on it when I do see it. It's vanilla ice cream with chunks of white cake, and it all has this angelfood flavoring that elevates it even beyond the various chocolate flavors I like.
23. say you are taking a trip to the zoo, which exhibit do you visit first?
Realistically, I start with whatever's closest. But I always like watching the primates. I don't believe that we're descended from apes, but it's easy to see why some people do, because monkeys look so much like people, a little to the left.
Random Ask Game
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vexic929 · 6 months
B, C, L, O, X?
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
ColdFlash, it wasn't my cup of tea initially but I have a lot of ColdFlash mutuals and y'all got me into it real fast lol
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
Barry x Caitlin or Cisco x Caitlin, like I see the potential! I just see their relationships as more platonic than anything else, Caitlin has big sister energy <3333
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
oh man I mean recently I've been really obsessively into HartThawne (Hartley x Eddie) so probably something cute with them
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
I shuffled my biggest playlist and got
it immediately gives me OC ship vibes for Eoland x Savi lol for canon characters maybe Frost x Caitlin
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
I'm gonna unfortunately say that Arrowverse/DC in general is one fandom to make it harder on myself lol
Titans Polycule
Sophie x Howl from Howl's Moving Castle
Mai x TyLee from Avatar
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jacobsneed · 1 year
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Thank you sm lovelies @8bitpizzacoupons @josephseedismyfather and @poisonedtruth for the tags! 💙 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
PHEW! So I actually have some stuff to post! ( ´ ▿ ` ) Still having a hard time coping with my health declining, but the best serotonin boost is always drawing your OCs, so here's another doodle of my New Vegas courier, Joey! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝ one day I'll reinstall fnv and figure out how to mod it jsdjskfhkj Still also doing a bunch of quizzes and picrews, might make new character+ship/otp banners too :P
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND, the last line of my rewrite of the gtaiv mission, 'that special someone'
The question festered in Niko's marrow: "Because of what?!" Their two beings shared damnation, intertwined like tortured seraphim. The grim shadow of falsehood spat on Niko's visage in response: "Because of shit!" A bitter song demanding acknowledgement from the unforgiving heavens, "Lies! Fucking lies!" Darko continued to howl, now turning and spitting in Roman's face, who defensively raised his hands while taking a few paces back from the crazed man. Outrage surged through Niko like an inferno untamed, "So that makes it okay?!" desperately seeking sense in Darko's perfidy. In pitiful and feeble bewilderment, "To stab your friends in the back?!" Darko sighed out a nihilistic proclamation: "When everything you believe is shown to be shit, you make strange choices, I guess." Anguish-laden curses escaped Niko's lips as futility gnawed at his sanity like a starving beast. "Fuck you!"
Taglist (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ | @socially-awkward-skeleton@cassietrn@inafieldofdaisies@voidika@afarcry5fromstraight@vampireninjabunnies-blog@captastra@v0idbuggy@derelictheretic@poisonedtruth@florbelles@detectivelokis@beeutifulllov3r@fly-amanitaa@oreo-orca (Like this post to be added to the taglist! 💙 )
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Rules: post 10 of your favourite comfort movies then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by my bestie @hairstevington
Bestie thank you for the tag but also this is so hard!! I've procrastinating making this cause I always rewatch the same 3 movies for comfort lmao
Howl's Moving Castle - this is THE movie for me. I watch it when I'm sick, when I'm lonely, when I'm happy, when I miss it, just UGH best movie ever??? Also the reason why I'm single is cause Howl does not exist irl
Pride and Prejudice - bestie up there had to watch it with me cause it's such an iconic movie she had to see it. I know this movie by heart and yet every time I finish watching it I wanna put it back on again.
Mamma Mia - I'm a sucker for musicals and I don't know if it's my favorite but it's the one I rewatch the most for sure!!
Mulan - I would put a lot of the Disney classics in this list honestly, but Mulan has the perfect combo of amazing songs + badass main character + funny/upbeat moments
You've Got Mail - my mum raised me with 90s romcoms, This is the one we've rewatched the most so it has a special place in my heart, but anything from When Harry Met Sally to Pretty Woman could be on this list
Ruby Red - Okay this is a guilty pleasure. Listen, I don't have my hopes up when there's a European movie (German in this case), especially a fantasy one. Usually, they don't have a big budget and it's okay but... this trilogy?? it's actually pretty good. And I love it. Leave me alone.
Your Name - This movie has my favorite soundtrack EVER! Just listening to Sparkle gives me internal peace. I cannot recommend this enough.
The Empire Strikes Back - my favorite Star Wars movie. I do the rewatch just to get to this one. My OTP saying one of the most iconic love confessions ever? sign me uuuup
The Proposal - remember what I said about being raised with 90s romcoms? the shift to 2000s romcoms was just natural. Had to happen. Also, I love Sandra Bullock.
Spy Kids - honestly I'm running out of ideas but I love Spy kids and I know it's probably very fun and silly to rewatch it as an adult.
There's probably movies I missed and I will remember 5 minutes after posting this. I just watch too many movies, and have a shitty memory <3
I'll tag people but feel free to ignore if you don't wanna do it, and I you see this and you wanna do it but I didn't tag you, please do it anyways!!
@robbie-verse @palmviolet @stevesnailbat @stevesbipanic @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @gatergirl @grtwdsmwhr @corrodedbisexual @chaoskieee @scoops-stevie
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