#otp: warm alive vibrant
umbralaether · 2 years
“How am I supposed to focus when you’re looking at me like that?” from random otp prompts list 👀
Do not perceive me okay suggestive content below
When the early morning sun shone through the window, Eisha woke to a room glittering with a new kind of beauty.
Reflecting against the walls, vibrant blue hues bounced and painted the pale walls like stained glass. A shirtless G'raha was seated with his back to her, leafing through several different tomes at the same time, completely enraptured in the text. She could not help but stare at the sight of him, how unique the crystal encasing his body was— though it was not translucent by any means, it refracted light just the same. It shimmered and gleamed around them, faint rainbows hidden within the blues, and she could not help but be reminded of the way light hit water.
It was mesmerizing.
She lay there as the sun rose further, watching as the light gleamed in deeper blues and splashed against the white pages of the tomes. Her mind wanders to touching that crystal, of running her hands along his frame and kissing where it met flesh and reveling in the blush left behind. Thoughts of running fingertips against every part of him that had been starved of touch ran rampant against her skull. Would he once again shiver in delight as she whispered sweet things against his love-bitten skin? A sight she was sure she'd never grow tired of. Oh the things I would do to witness that again…
He flicks an ear, then looks over his shoulder, "Well, how am I to focus if you're looking at me like that, hm?"
She's caught red handed but it only makes her grin devilishly, "I suppose you'll have to shift your focus, then."
She sits up and scoots forward to hug him from behind. Slowly, meticulously, she runs her hands down his chest, the smooth crystal just as warm as the rest of him, and carefully makes her way down along his hips and then along his inner thighs.
He shivers and it makes her grin victoriously.
"You're so beautiful, G'raha. I just can't help but stare at you." She murmurs against his back.
A small whine of protest when she pulls herself away. She leans back on her elbows, and he doesn't have to see her to know exactly how smug she looks.
He shuts the books in front of him, sliding them to the end of the bed to be forgotten, then turns and all but crashes his lips against hers. The intensity behind his kisses send sparks along her nerves, twinkling against her eyelids like the room around her. Each gasp of breath and drawn out moan she draws forth from him only ignites them further, and she thanks the Twelve and every other deity there is for keeping her alive long enough to experience a something she had long given up hope for.
A reunion, one that burns hotter than a forge.
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hurrems · 6 years
This is my second piece for the @blueseyzine from last year (I posted the soulmate au just before this) Enjoy!
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impalialarmy · 4 years
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Full name: Ash Michael Langford
Nickname: Just Ash
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 5′8
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: he/him/his
Temperament: Sanguine
Zodiac: Pisces
Family: Rebecca Langford (mother), Aaron Langford (father)
Birthplace: Wayhaven
Job: Detective with the Wayhaven PD & human liaison to “The Agency”
Phobias: Seeing his own blood makes him nauseous after the incident with Murphy.
Guilty Pleasures: Sour Candies in particular, he’s always got some on him.
Hobbies: Reading; both fiction and nonfiction (probably scientific journals he and Verda pick apart together). He’s got his own vegetable patch in his little garden. Enjoys trying to cultivate and breed different plant species. Learning new languages is also a favourite way to pass time.
Languages: English, Spanish, French and Latin. Total Polyglot.
Morality Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Pride/Wrath <– Something Adam likes to bring out
Virtues: Justice/Charity
T H I S  O R  T H A T
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
OTP: Adam/Ash
BroTP: Ash/Felix
Raven haired and hazel eyed, Ash Langford tends to leave an impression.
A vibrant man who’s openly friendly and very perceptive to other peoples emotions. He’s warm and easy going but he’s also got a shrewdness to him which is why his career as a detective took off so quickly. Curiosity shapes many parts of Ash’s life as he always finds some new topic to bury his nose in; from languages to botany to medieval pottery.
At university he studied organic chemistry, but despite his degree he still went into law enforcement when it was suggested to him. Even though he always dreamed of leaving Wayhaven he couldn’t help but be drawn back to the town and it’s people; as well as the career that took his fathers life. Perhaps he stayed to become a detective to add some meaning to his fathers death.  
Despite his intelligence, there’s certainly a scatterbrained aspect to him, his office is so completely disorganised Tina gets headaches when she sits in there for too long.
His first encounter with Unit Bravo was a mixed bag to say the least.
Eventually he ended up building solid relationships with the entirety of the team. Nate and Felix both get along great with him. Ash’s mischievous temperament rises to the challenge whenever Felix has some wacky idea; and Nate’s sincerity is greatly appreciated by Ash, and they often find their ideals lining up exceptionally well.
Mason didn’t leave much of an impression on Ash at first, other than his incessant smoking in his damn office. After working together for a few months as a team, Ash came to realise the importance of Mason working in the team. How he fought without hesitation for his teammates against Murphy, even when the chance of coming out alive was so low.
Mason also came to appreciate the way Ash never backed down from conflict, how he’d always throw a punch back whenever someone tried to step on him.
Speaking of conflict, his first meeting with Adam did not go well at all, he quickly learned that the other man brings out the fiery side in him. Ash couldn’t stand Commander Du Mortain at first; horrified by his arrogance and bull-headed personality. Adams open hostility led to a number of blow out fights between the two, since Ash would certainly not let this man talk down to him in such condescending a way. Especially not at his precinct.
However, eventually Ash saw the better side of Adam; the one thats loyal and deeply devoted to those he cares about. As they found common ground they began getting along, finding mutual appreciation in each others perseverance and skill. Their vastly different personalities actually balanced the other out, making them mesh incredibly well when they actually listened to each other.
Ash also enjoys teasing Adam, trying to push his buttons and see what kind of reaction he can get. However, he has far too much pride to openly flirt with him, that would mean defeat in this battle of wits. Adam seemingly takes joy in riling up the other man from time to time as well; throwing little jibes just to see the way Ash’s eyes narrow and how his nose crinkles.
Even after their relationship had become a positive one, they still have genuine, heated arguments frequently enough that it strains Ash. The secretive and controlling side of Adam is something that bothers him more than he cares to admit.  
Deep down Ash knows just how much Adam cares for him; and how much he himself reciprocates those feelings. It’s something he would never bring up from fear of Adams reaction. Not that he would ever admit that.
Also, yes he dated Bobby in college, and no he doesn’t know why he did it either.
F U N   F A C T S
1.       After Ash’s penultimate fight with Bobby that led to the latter finally getting kicked out; Ash set fire to his £400 cashmere blazer while standing on the balcony as Bobby watched in horror. He still doesn’t feel bad.
2.       Ash and Verda once got so incredibly hammered while peer reviewing someone’s scientific paper on forensic toxicology, that they ended their review by calling the authors a bunch of half brained pillocks who wouldn’t know the difference between NADH and NADPH if it swung a bat in their face. Verda is currently barred from writing anything for the Journal of Forensic Science.
3.       Ash is extremely allergic to any type of nut. A first date with a very handsome lawyer ended with Ash viciously throwing up over the dinner table after two mouthfuls of contaminated food. The lawyer still ended up sleeping with him.
4.       During a fight with Adam, Ash once got so angry that he burst a blood vessel in his eye. Adam immediately tried to call the Agency paramedics, which just started another fight.
5.       Once while driving he accidentally hit a woodpecker that flew into his front window. He was late to work that day because cried for 30 minutes in his car on the side of the road. At the station when Tina asked him what was wrong, he told her that Douglas had given him a PB&J sandwich.
6. Ash has Adam listed in his phone as COMMANDER ANGST in all caps.
7.       After finding out that Adam hated puns, Ash made it his personal mission to find the most obnoxiously lame puns known to man. He and Felix have competitions who can make the most in the shortest amount of time. Once Ash made a pun so bad Adam accidentally punched a hole in the wall of his office.
8.       When Tane hit on him during his first meeting with Unit Alpha, Ash was 1000% into it. He did not appreciate Adams cock-blocking.
9.       Felix loves asking Ash about random topics and listening to him waffle on for ages about the most obscure aspects of human history and culture. While Adam pretends it annoying, he secretly loves listening to them as well.
10.   Ash did in fact attack Mason with a fire extinguisher after he lit a cigarette in his office one too many times.  
Template by @lavellanpls
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essythewolf · 5 years
16 please~ thihihi Doesnt have to be long. I don't want to keep you from the other project for too long :D
16. “Is that my shirt?”
OTP Prompt list here.
Warnings: Some suggestive themes. Nothing full on.
Jespar woke to an empty bed. Not for the first time, especially with a person who constantly woke in fits during the night, but something stirred in his gut to get him up. He fumbled in the dark for clothes, only to shimmy into some pants and fruitlessly come short of his shirt. Not that he wasn’t comfortable in his own skin but the other house guests have voiced their opinions about him half-naked in the house before. But a missing Prophetess and a missing shirt had to be somewhere.
He exited the bedroom and into the hall. The house was quiet except for the occasional creak of wood his footsteps would make. No one else appeared to be awake or, at least, roaming the halls. Good. He descended the steps and took a left down another hall. He had a hunch on where Leanara and his shirt would be. If she couldn’t sleep, then she usually worked on her potion skills. Honorable, he supposed, but handy. In many of their jaunts she always had a health or stamina potion on hand for him. Sure enough, he beheld her in the ‘workroom’ by an alchemy workstation.
Lea was bent over the still, yellow eyes narrowed as she ground a bitter smelling herb into a mortar. Jespar could see that the still was a mess of phials, herbs and jars. Whatever it was, it completely consumed her attention. Since she hadn’t heard him, he took this time to let his eyes wander.
As expected, she indeed took his shirt, even if it was bit baggy over her petite frame. The sleeves hung from the crook of her elbows and the front reached just above the knees. The shirt opened slightly in the front allowing the neckline to hang low over one shoulder. It also hiked up just enough in the back to cover her rear. Jespar decided it looked fetching on her.
A sudden curse and a flash of more herbs brought his attention back to the task at hand.
“Is that my shirt?”
She started, dropping her mortar and pestle on the still. She cursed, picked it up again and picked up the crushed bits from the table.
“Blazes! No- I mean yes- I mean-” Lea sighed and put the mortar and pestle down. Then she tried to adjust the shirt to fit on her shoulders, only for it to slip down the other arm.
He chuckled and sauntered to her side. Though she kept her back to him, he didn’t miss the flicker of yellow orbs side eye his form.
“Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head. Even now, the nightmares continued to plague her. They did get better…The screaming stopped but the whimpers and tossing did not. Either way, she always got up.
Jespar leaned in close and made sure to brush against her shoulder to take a better peek at the messy work space. He couldn’t make sense of the grey paste in the mortar or the strewn mountain flowers with their petals plucked. Lea inhaled sharply and tipped her head back against his chest.
“Are you okay?” He asked. Gently, he put his hands on her upper arms; felt them tremble just slightly beneath the fabric.
“Never better,” her voice cracked.
He put his head atop hers, pulling her close so her back touched his chest.
“Mhm…and you’re making a mess up here.”
“You haven’t complained before.”
“No. I just make sure to stand ten paces away before something catches fire.”
She laughed weakly and leaned back against him. He felt her weight and the tremble down her entire body. He reached beneath the long sleeves to feel her skin. Warm but stiff. Taught like her bowstring ready to snap. He rubbed them, slowly at first and squeezed. Her breathing came in measured and deep. A tangy mix of sweat and juniper berries mingled with the bitter herbs. After a few moments, she relaxed and he let go.
“Thanks…” She turned to him and braced her hands against the still. Admittedly, it gave him more to look at. The expanse of olive skin across her neck, collar and shoulder. The messy bed hair of honey locks framing her face. The dark circles beneath her eyes. The way she favored her left side against her right with the right leg bent more than the other.
“How is it?” Jespar reached for her right hip then paused.
Lea shrugged but gave one nod of permission. Carefully, he reached beneath the shirt; pulling it up just enough to reveal her small clothes and the binding of bandages circling her waist.
Jespar remembered the Steel Dragon. When she screamed for them to keep going. Her body sailing through the air when the dragon’s claws caught her side, blood misting the air. Keeper doing her best to keep Lea alive as she bled out in the Starling Observatory. Blood, so much blood on his hands…
“-ar? Vyn to Jespar?”
He started, “What? Oh, sorry.”
Both hands were on her waist now and he came so close that she practically sat on the still with him between her legs.
“You spaced out there for a second, treasure hunter,” Lea touched his face. Warm, slightly calloused fingers graced his own scars.
Still here. Still here right in front of you.
Jespar kissed her, earning a surprised squeak. Both hands took his face and she kissed back. She hummed as they parted and yellow danced to gold as she gazed up at him.
“Should I be worried about you this time?”
He shook his head.
“I’m fine. But if you want…”
Jespar leaned down and nuzzled her neck. Hands skated up her sides and slid the fabric up completely to pool at her waist. He pressed himself to her, warmth spreading through his chest and down past his navel. She clung to him, hands grasping at his shoulders as she suppressed a shiver.
“There’s no door,” she hissed, “what if someone comes in…”
“At this point,” he pulled back just enough to lock eyes, “it doesn’t really matter. Not even the bedroom was safe last time.”
Lea leaned further away from him, “Take me upstairs?”
The stubborn set of her jaw and vibrant eyes made him both impatient and compliant. Then, he smirked, kissed her soundly and picked her up.
“Very well, fair lady,” he squeezed her thighs as he carried her back to the bedroom, “in exchange, I’ll have my shirt back…”
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cydraulics · 6 years
The OTP Quotes challenge! Megarod for 'you’re very warm… It’s nice.'
They’d arranged themselves sitting side by side in the far corner of the cave, close to but not touching the crystalline wall. Despite his warnings Rodimus had leaned against it, promptly losing the tip of a spoiler which had turned brittle and crumbled as easily as a silicone wafer.
Four cycles down, four more to go.
“You’re very warm… It’s nice.”
Megatron grunted.
“What have you got under the hood, anyway?” Rodimus shivered, pointed shoulder scraping unpleasantly against Megatron’s arm. “I’ve burned through half my tank just keeping my fuel lines from freezing, and you’re still chugging along just fine.”
“I’m not just chugging along. I’m keeping both of us alive,” he snapped. “Show a little gratitude.”
“It’s your fault we’re stuck here so…” Whatever uncharitable thing Rodimus muttered was lost to the howling wind.
Megatron gritted his teeth.
“Standard energon combustion engine, miner class. Rated for crude. Low efficiency, high output.”
Rodimus glanced up, giving him what he supposed was a sympathetic look. “Well. At least you have a ginormous fuel tank.”
Arrogant racer types. Megatron rolled his optics and considered moving away out of spite. “My main engine is supplemented by a twin fusion core. I activated it as soon as we made landfall.”
When he crashed the Rodpod on a frozen gasball, to be precise.
Rodimus’s mouth dropped open with a creak and stayed that way. It was a supremely unattractive expression on a face that, in spite of himself, Megatron had grown fond of beholding.
“No slagging way. You modded your power system?”
Megatron’s optics rolled again, threatening to unmoor themselves from their optics. “No Rodimus, because the responsible thing to do as Decepticon commander was to embrace the limitations of my constructed frame.”
“You could’ve died,” Rodimus said hotly. “Hooking in a second engine is too risky. I knew a racer who tried it, as a performance enhancement thing. Blew out his primary too. He never raced again.”
In the early days of the war, the Autobots had by and large maintained control of the energon supply. Any energon the Decepticons captured went straight to the front lines. He himself had existed in a perpetually half-starved state prior to the modification. Risk hadn’t been much of a consideration at all.
Had it been concern in Rodimus’s voice? He wished to press; he didn’t dare. Discussing the past with Rodimus was a minefield he did not currently have the resources to navigate. Megatron shook his head.
“Perhaps more dangerous for a forged mech.” A fair counterpoint yet not a concession. Unlike Rodimus’s complex, finely-wrought internals his own makings were crude, the tolerances loose and components interchangeable. “In any case, what’s done is done.”
They lapsed into a silence that wasn’t quite peaceful, punctuated as it was by armor-scouring blasts of wind and Rodimus’s chattering teeth, his miserable little sniffles.
There came times in every commander’s life when he would be called upon to make difficult decisions for the greater good. He wrapped an arm around Rodimus’s huddled form and lifted him onto his lap.
Rodimus didn’t have the grace to appear even slightly ashamed at being handled as easily as a sparkling. He sighed and uncurled immediately within the cage of Megatron’s limbs. He gingerly rotated his wrists, wincing as they creaked in protest. Megatron took Rodimus’s hands and sent a surge of power through his own digits, thawing frozen circuits and joints.
Rodimus moaned loudly. The sound reverberated within Megatron’s spark chamber and traveled straight down to his reactor core. His thermal output jumped another 5% of its own volition.
“Oh thank Primus,“ Rodimus was babbling. Cold fingers scrabbled to find purchase in the seams of his abdominal plating, using them as leverage to turn so they were pressed chest to chest. “Wow you’re so hot, feels so nice. Love you Megs. I’ve been wanting to do this for vorns.”
He pointed out that it had been five-point-six cycles since they crashed.
There was no reply. Rodimus was silent except for the soft purr of his engines, operating within acceptable parameters once again. Rodimus’s nose had taken up residence in his neck cables.
Following suit, he offlined his optics and audials. It made it easier to commit to deep memory all of his other sensory inputs clamoring to report novel data including—
Rodimus’s precise weight and shape. The surprising location of his center of mass. The pulse frequency of his vibrant, living spark beating a tattoo against Megatron’s chest plate, an affectionate greeting that his own spark amplified and returned at a lower harmonic.
The force of gravity tethering them both to the rocky ground felt weaker now than it had moments ago. Megatron lowered his head till his chin rested against the top of Rodimus’s helm.
“By the way, it’s still your fault that we’re stuck here,” Rodimus murmured, after a time. “Just wanted to get that on the record for the debrief.”
Feeling too content to rise to the bait, Megatron nevertheless reset his vocalizer to speak. “Noted. Unfortunately, my barometric sensors indicate it will be another four cycles until the ion storm breaks.“
Rodimus sighed and impossibly, burrowed in deeper. “Good. Let them wait.” 
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shi-daisy · 6 years
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Alas, we've arrived at the end of Ulquihime Week. I'm sad that it's over, but very proud of our fandom! Ulquihime was my first otp and one of the many reasons I became a writer, seeing everyone here sharing their creations and reasons for loving this pair it's very touching. Thanks to everyone who's participated in this event and to our amazing hosts that made this possible! Can't wait to see ya next year! 😉
Ok, so now onto the story. It's basically what I wish would've happened at the ending of canon Bleach (two years and I'm still salty) and for those who wonder, Orihime is wearing the wedding dress from the gree cards. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week: Prompt 7- Confession
"Another one." Orihime grumbled holding up her glass.
"Ya sure about that doll face? You look drunk enough to me." The bartender told her.
Orihime rolled her eyes at the white haired girl. "I'm not drunk, just angry."
"That much is certain. It's not everyday you see a girl walk in wearing a wedding dress."
Orihime chuckled blandly. Her feet were killing her from walking so much, even if she lost her shoes halfway through the trek.
"Here, this one is on me." The bartender told her as she handed her another glass of white wine.
"Thank you."
Orihime swallowed it down in one glup, after already having had three the burn wasn't as strong and she didn't even feel tipsy.
She would have recognized that voice anywhere, for a second she thought the booze was making her hear things, but her eyes never lied.
Ulquiorra was standing beside her, he looked a little different than before, his skin was no longer paper white but had a little bit of color, his hollow hole and mask were nowhere to be found, and somehow his eyes seemed more alive.
"Ulquiorra? Is it really you?"
She reached out to touch him, fearing he'd turn into ash under her fingers again. He didn't.
Orihime smiled and gave him a hug. "It is you!I can't believe it! How did you survive?Are you human now?Do the Espada know?"
"Woman, you need to pause in order to breathe." He told her.
"Sorry. It's just...I can't believe you're here, it's been almost six years since that day. Come sit here with me, let's catch up!"
"Time has indeed passed. To answer your question I didn't survive per se, after turning to ash I awoke as a human back in Las Noches. It appears that the some of the other Espada had a defense mechanism that turned us human upon our deaths. We been living here in Naruki city ever since the war ended."
She was so happy to hear that, to know that he had been living healthy this whole time. Still, she felt a little disappointed.
"Ulquiorra, Why didn't you try to contact me? I would have been happy to see you again."
He looked down. "I wanted to, truly, but after some consideration well.... I thought you'd be better off without seeing me again. After all I did."
"I never resented you for it." She smiled at him. "I must confess, you never truly left my mind." She showed him her left arm, over her glove she was wearing the bracelet he'd given her before taking her to Hueco Mundo.
"You still have it..." Ulquiorra muttered with surprise.
"It was the only reminder I had left of you, along with the Arrancar dress, but that one shrunk in the wash." She giggled. "Sorry."
Ulquiorra smiled. "It's comforting to know that you thought about me. Although I do suspect that this wasn't the reason fate brought here today." He looked at her directly this time, she knew what he would ask but still dreaded it. "Orihime, why are you here in your wedding dress?"
Ulquiorra using her name threw her off balance for a second. She sighed and began her story. "For the past year I been dating Ichigo. He proposed last month and I said yes, we were just mere hours away from getting married..." Orihime's voice cracked but she kept going. "I overheard him talking to Kuchiki-San, they were fighting. She was telling him that they both had made their choices, and that now had to go through with them... Then he kissed her.
I don't know what happened later, after that I ran off. Figured the only thing I could do was disappear and drink away the sorrows."
Once she finished the tears kept coming, and would not stop. Ulquiorra hugged her, letting her cry on his shoulder.
'He's warm.' Back then, his skin was as cold as his gaze. Still, she didn't mind it, no matter the difference this was still the Ulquiorra Schiffer she knew.
Finally she pulled away. "I'm sorry, we were supposed to be catching up and all I've done is cry."
"It's only natural to be upset"
"I'm just so mad that I was about to waste my life with somebody who never loved me...I loved him, did everything I could to make him happy, gave up on everything I wanted just be by his side, just so that he could string me along. Screw him!"
Ulquiorra chuckled. "Forgive me, I just thought I'd never see the day when you'd hate Kurosaki Ichigo."
That made her laugh as well. "If you want to blow his chest up again I will not stop you."
"I'd rather stay with you, it's a better use of my time."
"Thank you, It's nice to know someone thinks so."
The previous empty bar was now being filled with costumers, it was then when Orihime realized that night had fallen.
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"No, I don't want to go back to Karakura tonight." She closed her eyes. There was no home left to return to, a while ago she had sold her old apparment and going back to the Kurosaki house hold was out of the question.
"Then, would you want to stay with me?"
"It wouldn't be the first time." She joked.
'You're a fool.' He told himself, over and over as he drove. Orihime had fallen asleep on the passenger seat. Her face calm and her cheeks red from all the crying.
'You better I pray never see you again, Kurosaki Ichigo. Because I will rip off your throat without mercy.'
Finally they arrived. Ulquiorra carefully picked Orihime up and got her out the car. He placed her on the couch before going upstairs to change. When he came back she was waking up.
"Hey. I'm sorry I fell asleep."
"It's fine, you were tired. Do you want a bath or maybe you'd like to sleep."
Orihime shook her head. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep."
Ulquiorra nodded, he was desperately trying to think of something. "Perhaps it would be nice if we put that dress to good use."
"Eh? What do you mean?"
He turned on her old radio near the fireplace, to his luck it landed on a soft music station. Ulquiorra walked over to her and bowed offering her his hand.
"May I have this dance?"
Orihime chuckled and nodded. "Yes you may."
Her hand went up to his shoulder, and the other to his arm, he wrapped his free arm around her waist. Soon they were both slowly swaying with the music. She didn't look like herself, her eyes weren't vibrant or defiant, but rather an empty mirror of his own emerald orbs. 'She hasn't been truly happy in a while.'
"I should have contacted you sooner, had I know this would happen." He said without thinking.
"It's okay, I'm happy to be here with you now. I've missed you very much, there wasn't a day I wouldn't think of you."
"Likewise." He spun her around, it was clear Orihime had been practicing. "It's been lonely, not having you around, hearing your stories about random things, or simply your voice calling my name."
"Heh. Funny, I always thought you hated babysitting me in Hueco Mundo. Sometimes I felt you had built walls to keep me away, but in the end I felt close to you."
"The walls you speak of...they do not exist anymore, I'm willing to open up to you, if you'd do the same."
"Sure, spending time with you was one of the few worthwhile memories I had of my time in Hueco Mundo."
"I'm flattered. I always assumed your best memory would have been another."
It was clear she knew who he meant, her gaze was filled with both regret and sadness, but somehow she didn't look too bothered.
"Now that I given it some thought. Even when I was with him, I felt alone. We lived in the same house, slept on the same bed, but he wouldn't even hold me as we slept. We didn't touch each other either. And I had stupidly believed it was love. How naive."
"You don't need to worry about that tonight. Forget it all. Kurosaki, the wedding, the time. All that matters it's that you're free."
Orihime smiled as he dipped her in the dance. "Free...I hadn't thought about before. Yes, now I'm free, and in good company."
The lasts notes faded out, they both stood still in front of the fireplace. Their foreheads were touching, and in a mere moment it seemed like all of the negative emotions had disappeared.
Tonight they wouldn't worry, about the past or about the future. Tonight they were just two old friends that had coincidentally met again, immensely happy to be reunited.
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sweetprettygeek · 6 years
Ten Tunes For the Soul - Favorite Songs Meme!
List 10 songs you currently love and tag 10 followers to do the same! Tagged by @dogbearinggifts (who writes amazing Coco fanfiction; go check them out!)
Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude (Franz Liszt, Claudio Arrau): Gorgeous piano piece. I first found it after reading the manga Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning, where it serves as a plot device. The title translates, more or less, as “The Blessing of God to those in solitude”. I love that idea; that even when you’re alone, there is still a spark of something divine within you, filling you up and protecting you. This song is great for relaxation or inspiration during a creative session. The music just flows through you and builds to an awe-inspiring climax.
Don’t Stop Belivin’ (Journey): A classic! This song is my ultimate karaoke jam. Whenever it comes on at work or on the radio, I have to sing along. And when I say “sing”, what I mean is “BELT IT OUT!” I can’t help myself; it’s just so upbeat and infectious and fun! And those air-guitar moments are to die for.
How Does a Moment Last Forever (Nicolas Dorian): A beautiful cover of the song from Disney’s 2017 adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. Nicolas’s voice is like audible hot chocolate: warm, smooth, rich, and comforting. The affectionate lyrics encompass so many different kinds of love: familial, romantic, platonic, etc. Not gonna lie, I love the idea of Sirius Black singing this song to Harry Potter.
Iris (Goo Goo Dolls): This song really spoke to me in my high school days, and I still feel a deep connection to it. The contradiction of being scared to open up and let people see the real you, but also forever searching for someone who will understand and accept you—I really relate to that. And just...this verse: And you can’t fight the tears that ain’t coming / Or the moment of truth in your lies / When everything feels like the movies / Yeah, you bleed just to know you’re alive.
I Will Be There (Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt): One of the greatest romance themes ever written. Ever since I first heard it at the English premiere of Frank Wildhorn’s adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo, it’s never failed to send shivers up my spine. The orchestration is so sweeping and grand, and the lyrics are a pledge of two lovers who will always find a way back to each other, no matter how circumstances conspire to separate them. This is the ultimate OTP song (especially for Imector).
Little Wonders (Rob Thomas): I first heard this song in Meet the Robinsons. I was so inspired by the message of overcoming obstacles, appreciating the world around you, and finding the “little wonders” in your life. When we read Tuesdays With Morrie in my junior-year English class, we were asked to pick a song we would like to be played at our “living funeral”. This was the song I chose. It reminds me of the life I want to live and be remembered for: full of love and gratitude and little precious moments.
Nagisa: Saka no Shita no Wakare Warm Piano Arrange (Jun Maeda): Another exquisite piano piece. This one comes from Clannad ~After Story~, one of my top three favorite animes. This song features prominantly in the final episode, and I have so many emotions tied to that moment. There’s something so gentle and euphoric about the music: like a precious first love that you will never forget—a bond that is strong enough to transcend time itself.
Once Upon a Dream (Mary Costa, Bill Shirley): As a child, Sleeping Beauty was my favorite Disney movie. In particular, I loved the scene where the two leads meet. The whole dancing sequence with Aurora and Phillip in front of the lake is so breathtaking and beautiful and romantic, and Mary Costa’s voice is to die for. This song fills me with childhood nostalgia and brings out my inner princess!
Remember Me (Reunion) (Anthony Gonzalez, Ana Ofelia Murguía): Confession time: Coco was the first time I openly sobbed in a movie theater. I was doing okay, a few tears here and there, but then this song did me in. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s before she died, but even when her memories had faded, I could still feel the strong love radiating from within her. People die and memories fade away, but I don’t believe that a legacy of love can ever really disappear. As someone who treasures their family ties and is fascinated by geneological work, I’m so excited that Coco and its wonderful music has ignited that spark in other people, and has them sharing their family stories and wanting to learn where they come from.
Zenzenzense (Radwimps): Last but not least, a song from Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name). What really impresses me about Radwimps is that they sing both the Japanese and English versions of their songs in the film, which gives the dub a really authentic feel. The Japanese version is the one I heard first and the one I love most. The music is really vibrant and passionate: it really captures the feeling of a young and heartfelt love, and the sensation of searching for that one person you’ve never met, but are meant to find and be with.
Tagging: @xaandiir @chubyuuri @beealexageek @theadamantdaughter @honxrable @moonlessdusk @my-justanamelessnobody @asti26 @ltfoxgirl @fandomblitch
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sonderlivra · 6 years
Adsdadassa idk if you're ok with it, but how do you feel about Eren confessing to goth!Mikasa?
I am TOTES ok with it, and I am so, so sorry for such a delayed response! As I mentioned, I’ve had several WIPs and a new OTP and shitty worklife to balance, and unfortunately, I’ve had to put this on hold. Thanks so much for the ask, though!
Anyhow, here goes, Highschool AU Eremika being slightly OOC. Warning for swearing, because of course.
Eren Jaeger had a problem.
It was as important as it was difficult, and try as he might, no amount of analysing, planning, or worrying got him any closer to resolving it.
He trudged through the empty halls of his school, having stayed late to practise for his basketball team. He had been recruited as a junior and had quickly moved up the ranks of players, placing himself as one of the team’s favourites. His hard work had paid off, his way to college seemed brighter with more opportunities, his parents were proud. Still, his Very Important Problem persisted. And with his final year of school fast coming to a close, his problem got that much bigger and more important.
He waved a cheeky goodbye at the janitor, who simply grunted at him. Years ago, he had gotten the innocent janitor involved in a scandal of sorts, but they had moved past that. Now, the janitor had already given notice and was due to leave in two weeks, having formed a booming business of his cleaning products. Eren wished his life was as simple and as comfortable as that. No hard choices, no indeterminate future, no heartache.
He turned into the main corridor and froze suddenly, colour draining from his face.
“M-Mikasa?” He stammered.
She looked up from her book and stood up. “Hey.”
“Hey,” he muttered, focusing on the tiled floor; the blood was rushing back into his cheeks and he didn’t want her to see. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s Thursday,” she reminded him, stuffing her book in her bag and matching her pace with his.
Eren still didn’t look up. “Yeah, but you said you were busy.”
“Well, now I’m not.”
Something in her voice made him look at her. She was one of his oldest friends, and so he wasn’t surprised to see a small frown line between her eyebrows -a sure sign that she was upset.
“What happened?” When she didn’t answer, he said jokingly, “Do I have beat someone up for you?”
She didn’t smile. “I can handle it.”
Mikasa never had been a cheerful sort. An early tragedy had transformed her into a stoic girl. She was her most emotional around Eren and their other best friend, Armin, but even then, she had mostly been quiet and unassuming, until she her fourteenth birthday, when she discovered goth literature. It had appealed to her dark and melodramatic sides and for the first time in years, was unapologetically evocative about her interests.
Her black lips were now pursed in a thin line, her throat bobbing beneath her antichrist choker as she swallowed whatever she meant to say.
“Gonna cast a curse or something?” He asked, continuing in his joking vein when she stopped abruptly.
“Are you laughing at me?”
“What?” He yelped. “No, of course not! Why would I… Miks I would never-”
She huffed and began to walk again. “Come on. We’re lagging behind in history.”
He rushed to catch up with her. “Hey, look. Stop. What’s wrong?”
“It’s not important, Eren.”
“Of course it is.”
She glared at him, and he glared back.  Moments like this had become rare, moments where they were just best friends together and Eren’s all-consuming crush didn’t dampen the mood.
“You tell me everything,” he said quietly.
“Unlike you,” she snapped, and Eren stumbled. “What?”
She jabbed a black fingernail in his chest. “You heard me. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“What? N-no, I-”
“Everyone is avoiding me. Armin’s busy studying. The lacrosse finals are over and no one wants to talk. Eric-” her voice faltered, “Eric stands me up. And the only time you bother to even acknowledge me is when we have to do our study sessions!”
Eren’s heart was thudding. “I don't…” He couldn’t deny it, he really couldn’t, not to her. Then he latched onto one part of her rant. “Eric stood you up?”
She waved her hands in a frustrated gesture and began to walk away again. Eren reached forward and grabbed her hand. “Wait a sec-”
He should have seen it coming. But Mikasa moved at the speed of light, and he was flipped on his back and on the floor with her knee on his chest before he knew what was happening. “Don’t touch me,” she growled and eased up.
He stood up shakily. “Mikasa, look, I’m sorry…” He stopped, aghast, when he realised that her arms were not crossed on her chest in anger and that a lone tear was coursing down her cheek.
“You don’t even…” She whispered, then cleared her throat and continued more strongly, “Look, I don’t care about the team. They’re not my friends. And Eric -can go fuck himself, I mean he’s hipster trash anyway. But you, you’re my best friend.” She blinked and another tear slipped down. “Why won’t you talk to me?”
His hands were shaking. “Mikasa, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“Is it all this?” She waved a vague hand over her outfit, a black lacy top with a long, heavy black skirt and heavy black leather boots. “Does this annoy you? Because I can tone down on the Anne Rice and Twilight was a mistake and I’ll stop ranting about Mary Shelley and Carmilla-”
“I’ll even listen to Deep Purple, I’ve heard they’re good-”
“And I was lying, I do like Metallica-”
“I love it.” Eren interrupted loudly, stopping her. “I love all of it, I love that you think Mary Shelley invented science fiction, because of course she did, I love that you love gay and lesbian vampires because of course they are, and I love that you wear black all the time ‘cause you look fucking amazing and I love… I love-” He paused abruptly, taking in the shocked glimmer of her wide grey eyes. Then he thought fuck it, and went on, “I love everything you do and everything about you and I love- you. A lot. A whole fucking lot. And hate that I do now because school is done and we’re gonna be adults and shit and we’ll probably say goodbye soon and- I’m sorry,” he finished anti-climatically.
Her eyes were wider than he had ever seen them.
“You… love… me?” She whispered.
“A whole fucking lot,” he repeated, his eyes trained on the ground again.
“And you didn’t want to tell me because we're​ going to leave soon?”
“No! I mean, yes. I mean,” Eren groaned with frustration and ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think you’d want that. Me. Not right now.”
“But you didn’t think to ask me? You didn’t think I’d want to know?” Her voice was dangerously calm, and when he glanced up at her, she was frowning ominously. He looked away quickly, and when she spoke again, her voice was harsher.
“Because why would I care? Of course I’m shallow enough to think end of school is end of everything, and my type is some pale, constipated, imaginary immortal being, right? You didn’t think I might love you too, you idiot?”
Time froze. Everything froze, including Eren’s heart in his chest and his breath in his lungs. Only Mikasa remained moving and alive, vibrant in her monotone, eyes radiating warm fury. “For weeks I’ve been silent, for weeks you’ve made me think something was wrong with me, that I’ve done something wrong, driven people away-”
He clasped her face in his hands and kissed her. Slowly, gently, for a long, thundering moment, and then stepped back. “I’m sorry,” he told her firmly. “You’re right, I am an idiot. A colossal idiot.” He paused, his hand gently nudging her slack one. “Now you see why I didn’t think you’d want me?”
She snorted delicately, her face still deadpan. “Idiot,” she murmured again.
They were silent for a long moment. Then Eren, always the intrepid one, asked quietly, “So you really…?”
“Yes,” she said immediately. She blinked at him, her face still serious. “If we have to say goodbye, will it matter to you?”
“Not if it doesn’t to you.”
“I already said it doesn’t.”
“Then it doesn’t matter to me,” he said softly, taking her hand, feeling his face burn when she didn’t pull it away. Instead, she laced her fingers through his, and, always the stronger one, pulled him closer.
It was several minutes later, when they were walking home hand in hand, when Mikasa said quietly, “I really do like Metallica. Linkin Park, too.”
Eren squeezed her hand. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“I really like Evanescence.”
Her face brightened and she gasped. “I knew it! You coward!”
Laughing, he pulled her in for another quick kiss. “I love you.”
“Me too,” she smiled affectionately. “Idiot.”
A/N: Is this what goth kids are into these days? I am so out of touch, I’m dreadfully sorry if goth!Mikasa should be different. Also, teenage angst is the best angst and super fun to write! Teenage me is flipping me off rn.
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hurrems · 6 years
So this is a soulmate au where everything your soulmate writers or draws on their own body appears on yours. I wrote this last year for the @blueseyzine but completely forgot to post it until now so... enjoy, I guess?
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hurrems · 7 years
two kids with curious hearts, not afraid to break
written for @lirapheus for the Halloween exchange we hosted over at @blueseyzine The prompt was: Bluesey AU set in the 80s or 90s in which Blue has a part-time job at the Henrietta Public Library. As a librarian, she is responsible for answering the phone and helping people with research questions—and Gansey happens to have lots of questions about the supernatural, a subject Blue is obviously familiar with.
I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope you enjoy!
“Blue!” The shout catches her off-guard and Blue jumps, banging her head, hard, against the bookshelf she’s inspecting. She presses her hand against the aching spot with a wince, barely stopping a nasty curse from escaping her mouth – only because it would look bad in front of the customer standing next to her. But when Cialina appears, looking for her, she can’t quite hold back the bite from her tone as she asks, “What?”
“It’s Gansey,” Cialina says, as if that would explain everything. It only makes Blue squint in suspicion.
“And he wants you.”
This is not the first time Gansey specifically requests her when she’s not the one to pick up the phone so Blue knows what she means. Having grown up in a house full of psychics, Blue is perhaps the only one who doesn’t treat Gansey with condescension for all the questions he has about otherworldly things. She has her own experiences, which she has occasionally shared with him, and she supposes that makes her fascinating in his eyes. It’s not surprising he would ask for her, rather than be stuck talking to Cialina about topics she doesn’t even believe in.
But the way Cialina says that, waggling her eyebrows knowingly, makes the double meaning to her words painfully obvious. “And he wants you.” As if. Cialina is so sure there’s something going on between them, no matter how much Blue insists on the contrary, and she seizes every opportunity to tease Blue about it.
Blue seethes silently. It’s a ridiculous notion. She’s never even met Gansey. All he is to her is a voice on the telephone – albeit, a nice voice, but just a voice. In fact, it took her a while to even warm up to this voice on the telephone (he had made a horrible first impression, truth be told) and she’s sure she wouldn’t have bothered with him if it wasn’t her job to answer the phone and be pleasant to customers. It’s a work relationship – if it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be a relationship in the first place.
Annoyed by Cialina’s suggestion, Blue tries to weasel her way out of this conversation. “I’m helping this lady find The Great Gatsby. I think it was misplaced again.”
It’s not going to work, of course, but it’s the principle of the matter.
Cialina, as expected, shakes her head. “Doesn’t matter, I’ll find it. Go and talk to him.”
Blue knows why it doesn’t matter. Gansey’s father, Richard Gansey the Second, is a generous donator to Henrietta Public Library, and likely rich enough to buy the whole town if he so wishes, thus whatever Gansey wants, Gansey gets. And Gansey wants a lot.
He wants to know about ghosts and how to communicate with them. He wants to know about ley lines and where to find them. He wants to know about some forest called Cabeswater that Blue can’t find any information on. He wants to know about dreamers and magicians and people who can do extraordinary magical things. Above all, he wants to know where Owen Glendower is buried, but that, she can’t help him with.
She wonders what he wants to know today.
Head hurting from its collision with the bookshelf, pissed at Cialina for her improper suggestion, and a little annoyed with Gansey for being so rich that no one would say no to him, she goes back to the front desk to pick up the phone.
As she answers, she thinks, ‘this is really not what I imagined I’d be doing when I took this job two months ago’, but it’s not necessarily a resentful thought.
“Henrietta Public Library, how may I help you?”
“Jane!” Gansey greets her with the constant enthusiasm she’s used to. “How are you? I trust things are going well.”
“I’m working,” Blue deadpans. That should really tell him everything.
“Oh, I know, that is why I called, after all.”
“Right, right.” Even though she’s grown to enjoy her talks with Gansey sometimes, – it’s refreshing to know someone who doesn’t immediately scoff when she tells them what her mother does for a living – she appreciates him getting straight to business. “What is it you need today?”
“Your company on Saturday and, perhaps, your address.”
Whatever she’s been expecting, it’s not this.
“Or not your address but a neutral location where I can pick you up,” he adds in a haste. “It could be the library, if that’s what works for you. I’m not a creep, I swear.”
“Again, what?”
“Allow me to explain.”
Yes, that would be great, Blue thinks but doesn’t say.
“My friends and I are visiting Cabeswater this weekend.” Ah, yes, the infamous Cabeswater. “We’re planning to explore it a bit more, perhaps delve into some of its caves, see what we can find. And we – well, I was thinking you’d might like to come with.”
Blue is at a loss. She likes to think not many things can render her speechless but Richard Gansey the Third inviting her along on one of his many adventures with his friends apparently falls into that category.
“Would you?” Gansey asks when she doesn’t immediately answer.
Blue takes a moment to gather her thoughts and perhaps stop gaping like a fish, then clears her throat. “This is about Glendower, yes?”
“Why?” she asks, not quite sure why Gansey would want her to come. Should she trust it? Is he pranking her? Is he being genuine? What does he want with her?
“Oh…” It’s his turn to clear his throat, and when he continues, Blue can detect a hint of nervousness in his voice. Nervous Gansey is not a Gansey she’s familiar with and it shocks her. She’s never known him to be anything but utterly, annoyingly self-confident. “You’ve been a huge help, Jane, truly. I’d like to thank you somehow. Preferably in person.”
Still, her suspicions are not entirely quelled. Gansey sounds harmless but it’s not like she’s ever met him.
“I’m only doing my job.”
“Well, I know but I appreciate it nonetheless.” There’s a pause, a clanking sound in the background, then Gansey’s voice, distant and authoritative. “Chainsaw, no, don’t – Damn it.”
He also swears. What a day, Blue thinks.
A few moments pass while Blue waits for Gansey to sort out whatever mess he has to, listening to his voice coming from too far away to be able to make out words, then he speaks into the receiver again. “Sorry, that was my roommate’s raven. A bit of a troublemaker. Where was I? Oh, right. There’s no pressure, Jane. If you don’t want to come… that’s okay.”
But she can tell, by the tone of his voice, that he’s really hoping she wants to go.
And she doesn’t have to. She could say no. This is, in no way, part of her job description. Answering a couple of harmless questions over the phone, yes. Going on some mysterious, possibly dangerous, adventure with a boy (boys) she’s never met, no. And God knows, he could probably use the rejection.
But Blue does like an adventure. That alone almost has her blurting out an affirmative answer – she bites her lip to keep it in.
“Can I think about it?”
“Oh, yes. Yes, sure.” He sounds relieved, like he expected her to outright refuse him. The surprise in his voice almost makes her laugh. “I’ll call tomorrow. Is tomorrow good?”
“Magnificent. Until tomorrow, Jane.”
“Bye, Gansey.”
She hangs up and blinks a few times, half tempted to pinch herself to make sure that really happened. It feels crazy. She should probably say no. It would be the sensible thing to say no.
But stupidly, she remembers the nerves in Gansey’s voice, and the way he sounded cussing at a pet raven of all things, and thinks she wouldn’t mind seeing more of that Gansey.
Inevitably, Blue says yes. She’s not successful in making up her mind before the phone call, successively coming to a decision then changing her mind about it throughout the whole day. There are pros and cons, and one minute the pros seem to outweigh the cons, the next it’s the other way around.
Then Gansey calls and she has to decide, and in that moment, she listens to her instincts, blurting out the first thing that comes to her mind.
Surprisingly, she doesn’t regret it immediately, or after they hang up, or even when Gansey shows up in a shockingly bright orange car on Saturday morning, dead on time.
She may not be psychic but she’s the daughter of one and she knows when to listen to her instincts.
Gansey takes her to Cabeswater and the forest is pretty much what she was expecting from his tales, except better. Magic hangs in the air like a tangible force she could touch, and she holds out her hand, feeling the energy course through her fingers down to her feet. The seasons shift around them at random, the fish change their colors, and the trees talk. Latin, which she doesn’t understand, but they talk all the same.
Gansey’s friends seem used to this, attached to the forest but no longer dazzled by its quirks, but Gansey watches her reactions to the landscape around them and looks as awed as Blue every time she gasps or marvels at some new discovery.
“It’s like exploring Cabeswater all over again,” he admits, scratching his neck, when Blue questions him about it. She smiles at him.
Gansey looks just like she’s pictured him: immaculate in an aquamarine colored polo shirt, khakis, and boat shoes, the poster child of the rich and white and privileged. Handsome and hazel-eyed and dimpled when he smiles (ridiculous, Blue huffs to herself, thinking how unfair it is that he’s both wealthy and looks like a damn Disney prince.)
He seems in his element exploring magical talking forests, like he was born for this, and she feels strangely touched to be accepted among this group of misfits he’s assembled. He says stupid things, like he always does, but she’s more used to that than she’d like to be, and really, she enjoys his company, and Adam’s and Noah’s, too. (Ronan is a different story but Gansey assures her he’s a good guy so Blue rolls her eyes and resorts to mostly ignoring him.)
That’s how the first few hours pass, listening to Gansey’s stories, sharing laughs with Noah, bonding with Adam over not coming from money like the rest of them, and sometimes, when he thinks she’s not looking, she catches Gansey looking at her weirdly out of the corner of her eye, on the verge of saying something before thinking better of it.
She’s unsure what to make of it, and the fifth time it happens, she grows impatient. “What?”
He hesitates, running a hand through his hair while he tries to decide how to answer, then he smiles sheepishly. “I’m glad you decided to come, Jane.”
“Yeah, well… this,” she gestures around, “was worth it.”
“I hope it’s not the only thing that was worth it.”
“Oh, no, driving around in that monstrous deathtrap of yours that you call a car was definitely worth it too,” she says, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
His lips lift into an amused smile. “That’s okay, you’ll get used to the Pig.”
“Will I now?”
“She has her charms, you’ll see.”
“Hmpf,” she says simply, then lifts a stick from the ground and playfully pokes his arm with it. He looks at her, walking side by side, and there it is again, that look. He holds her gaze, and upon closer inspection, it almost seems like he’s admiring her. “What?” she repeats, a bit thrown off by this revelation.
He stares at her for a few seconds before answering. “You will come next time as well, won’t you?”
“Oh, there’s no way you can keep me away from this place.”
“Good.” Though her words were teasing, he’s completely serious as he looks at her. “Because it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
And it’s not the words themselves that give her pause, it’s something in the way he says it. She never thought a boy like him would have any reason to be interested in someone like her but she’s not stupid and it’s impossible to miss – the twinkle of affection in his eyes, the fondness of his voice, the hope on his face.
Oh my god. Was Cialina right? Does he – Blue cringes thinking the words – want her? Is this a date?
She looks around wonderingly. Noah has disappeared off to somewhere, (she questioned it but no one seemed alarmed) but Ronan and Adam are walking a few steps ahead, not paying attention to the two of them but present nonetheless. It can’t be a date. His friends are here.
But if it was a date, would she mind it so much?
Blue lets the question hang in her mind for the rest of the day until it’s just the two of them in the Pig, parked in front of her house, the other boys having left Cabeswater in Ronan’s car earlier. She turns to Gansey, fiddles with her hands, then, before she could chicken out, takes out a pen and paper from her bag and writes something on it. She hands it to Gansey.
“This is my home number,” she says, trying to gauge his reaction as he inspects the paper. “So that you can reach me outside of the library in case you want to know things not related to Glendower. Like how much does a reading from my mother cost or some advice on your terrible fashion choices or,” she pauses, shrugs her shoulders, and gives him a playful look, “when I’m free to hang out.”
Gansey smiles brightly – not that charming but fake smile she’s seen him don multiple times today, but a real one that sort of, maybe, makes her heart stutter – and tucks the slip of paper in his pocket.
“I’ll be sure to call soon, Jane,” he promises and continues to smile as she slips out of his car and gives him a wave. She’s almost at the front door when he calls after her.
“Wait,” he shouts and she turns, finding a confused look on his face as he leans out the window. “What do you mean ‘terrible fashion choices’?”
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hurrems · 7 years
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did you know that this is one of my absolutely favorite moments in the raven cycle
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hurrems · 7 years
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“Hello, Jane,” he said, and his voice was as bright and intense as his eyes. It was hard not to be captured by this Gansey; he was both powerful and worrisome in his tension.
Don’t stare – too late.
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hurrems · 7 years
nothing safe is worth the drive (and i would follow you home)
A preview for one of the fics I’ve written for the @blueseyzine, this one is (as you can probably tell) a Soulmate AU. The zine is gonna be awesome, everyone’s really talented, so be sure to check it out if you can!
Of course, eventually, that dreaded topic had to come up, too. That topic. The soulmate topic.
That day was apparently today. When Blue went to join their table after the end of her shift, Gansey was in the middle of saying:
“ – and it’s statistically proven that people who found their soulmates are not only happier, but also live longer, sometimes by decades,” he pressed the word and Blue could practically see the exclamation mark at the end, “than those who have not.”
“Ugh.” Blue threw herself into the seat next to Gansey. “Are we really talking about soulmates?”
“Blue!” Gansey’s face lit up and he angled his body towards her. “Perfect timing. Isn’t your mother a match finder?”
She was, indeed, which only meant that she interviewed a bunch of naïve romantics about their hobbies and hopes, then assigned them to the most compatible match she could find. It didn’t even pay well. The Sargent family business couldn’t compete with the big corporate companies who had websites and shops and algorithms to help people find their soulmates. Maura only had her psychic intuition, but no matter how many customers they kept losing to the multinational companies, she was never willing to give up the shop. It had been the family business for too long, she’d say. Blue didn’t understand the fuss, but then again, she never really fit in.
“She is. Doesn’t mean it’s not bullshit.”
“Match finders or soulmates?”
“Both. Clearly.”
The table went uncomfortably silent. Gansey cast a quick glance at Ronan and Adam, then began studying his own hands. Noah started fidgeting nervously. Blue looked around helplessly.
“Uhm, what?”
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hurrems · 7 years
in my end, you're my beginning
And here’s my other fic for the @blueseyzine​, which is, as I like to call it, a Reaper AU. I had a lot of fun working on both and I can’t wait for you guys to see the finished zine!
Gansey hovered, reaching a tentative hand out towards her. He seemed unbothered by her silence.
“Your wings are beautiful.”
“Don’t touch it,” she hissed and tucked it against her back.
He withdrew his hand and looked at her expectantly. “Well?”
“Can you fly?”
Blue frowned, eyeing him in disbelief. “Is that really what you want to know?”
“Oh, I suppose I should ask you who – or what – you are but I think I already know.”
Blue crossed her arms skeptically. He seemed far too calm and collected for a man who just found a winged woman sleeping in his bed.
“Do you?”
He nodded like it was obvious. “You were there both times I almost died in the past two weeks. It was your face I saw, I’m sure of it now. It’s not hard to guess.”
“What am I then?”
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hurrems · 7 years
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friendly reminder that blue and gansey finishing each other's sentences is canon
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hurrems · 7 years
♝: Reading a book together (this one for bluesey too cos why not)
Blue was not being as subtle as she thought she was. Even as she tried to concentrate on the knitting in her hand, Gansey could see her eyes darting towards his book again and again. He pretended not to notice because he wanted to see how long it would take for her to give up and put aside her knitting, but Blue was nothing if not stubborn. He loved that about her.
Gansey sighed and chanced a look at Blue, snuggled cozily against his arm, but she looked away as soon as he turned. Not soon enough, though. A small smirk played on Gansey’s lips.
“Do you want to read it with me?”
Blue turned to look up at him, breaking into a pseudo-amused smile. “No, thanks. I have a reputation to uphold that doesn’t involve reading your silly Glendower books.”
Gansey raised his eyebrows at her curiously, but as she turned away again, he decided not to press her. At least, not with words.
So he went back to his book, feigning complete obliviousness to the world. When he sensed Blue’s eyes inevitably wandering back to the pages, he waited a few seconds, just long enough for her to be in the middle of a sentence, then turned the page abruptly. 
“Hey!” Blue exclaimed like he’d expected her to, but she realized her mistake as soon as she said it, and her lips turned down in a scowl. When she saw Gansey’s delighted grin, her face turned murderous.
“Are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?” he asked her innocently.
The force of Blue’s glare didn’t let up but she was already huffing in defeat.
“Alright, Mr. Smarty Pants, you win. But, -” she raised her voice, cutting Gansey off as he was about to lean in to kiss her, “ -  if you tell anyone about this, I’ll end you.”
Gansey was still grinning as she waggled a finger at him. He found her threats adorable but he had enough common sense not to mention that to her. 
“So, -” he kissed her cheek, “ - dangerous.” 
He kissed her lips, too, partly as a peace offering, and he knew it worked when Blue continued to stare at his mouth after he broke away. She quickly leaned into kiss him again, longer this time, and Gansey was glad her stubbornness didn’t usually extend to him.
“Come here,” he said when they broke apart, putting an arm around her shoulder and pulling her against his body.
She curled up against him the same way they were before, but with her head resting on his shoulder, and her knitted scarf abandoned. Gansey pressed a kiss to her forehead, and with one hand, he picked up his book, with the other, he played with her hair, gently rubbing her scalp. She gave a happy sigh, her body warm against his as they both dived into the pages, and Gansey knew they weren’t going to move for a long time.
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